y!j"r' fTT"',J' r irw&r "HV'f'l'ilsp "y ip?T" "SWW1" tTP"" -"-"-'(! TJk"JjF W PMjB'f -" HVFP - fprrtfviw. 'WP!SBBIII!Wiwf,'uiJWl--WyWWW STO47, MONDAY March 1, 1915 icuenm " - - ' . .- . I . II t I I? A TRIP TO ELKTON, WHERE THE BRIDES COME FROM, IS RECORDED BY A STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER i .1 - f JUST OFF THK 9 O'CLOCK Z A QUARTET ON MATRIMONY BENT f ijRn THB ?PATHETK?K IS rm. a ' , , . F faPEGVT , VW$ 7 When facing an ordeal, it always makes things oasier to find there aro others in A frjSY t, j ,, m Wnr The first thing to do on arriving at the S3TJ A tho same fix. Hero are two couples who have discovered they have a common l Ho, h.n? fc J.3 W n2, 2 Maryland Gretna Green, of course, is to NV purposo and are smiling upon each other encouragingly as they start for Cupid's altar. j J and " la. tno. Zu. aLS bargain with a chauffeur or cabby. J jL y - v-v T to obtain tho document. j . " ELKTON, THE WORD THAT MARKS THE JOURNEY'S END That sign on the station building doubtless has caused an extra thump in tho tremulous hearts of many a pros pective bride and bridegroom. Too lata to back out now, though parental wrath bo waiting back homo. ONE OF THE MATRIMONIAL MOTORCARS If there aro two of you and If you are young and If you look slightly lost, you do not have to Bay where you want to go the chauffeur knows. "Stop right inside, please." " - -li - - i . - - -. ... -""" IWI '" ' ! ..I..I I ..., "' I .1 ! I .11 !- ! ..I "' ! .111.1 .HI - Photo by Htnrti A Bwlns, BRYAN RECEIVES THREE-MILE PEACE PETITION FROM CHILDREN Seheol pupils from 45 States of the Union to the number of 860,000 signed the petition addressed to the rulers of km warring Powers which was presented to the Secretary of State by 12 little girls from the Washington public Mfcools, TEa name3 attachsd measured almost three milea in length. With Secretary Bryan in the picture is Senor R. 8. Kaon, Ambassador from the Argentine Republic . 80? ATTEN OPENING PAY AT THE PANAMA-PACIF?oVxVos?TION "" """ One of the greatest throngs that ever gathered in one nlace in the TInitP,! 3t0 ,i a ViT .. of the Exposition until President Wilson pressed 'button 'TwMhTnrtoS rdfLffi ?, !he enranco, i68 Fountain of Energy, shown above, and formally "tarting f A'