!' nximtmTmm t. 1IELP WANIW ADS BOON TO POOR Sc6 6f Wage Earners Obtain Employment Through Newspaper Publicity. Jtaat St tiersona have procured employ tnttnt within the past 10 dnya through th -ftie Advertising columns: conducted by lha Evbnino Lnoa-ii nhd runuo L-KOctEA, for the aid of men, women and children who are lnvolun.tn.rilr out of Work. Of these 84 persons, the majority e.r the heads or members of families to Whojn starvation hits boen n dally men ace. The number of relatives who are dependent upon those SI successful Job er?ekera la approximately 400 'Carpenters, cooks, bakers and brlok iwer In mot, workers of nil degrees of b1:1U were out of employment for months. This latsk was due rather to a genera! industrial depression than to their own shortcomings. After trying every ordinary means of obtaining work ana foiling entirely they communicated with the Emergency Aid Committee, the Juvcnllo Workers' Bureau or the So ciety for Organising- Charity. jmiou or these organizations, in turn, communicated with the advertising de partment of the JOvbnino Ledcieii and POBMO LBDonn. Wthout cost to them selves, these destltuto people were then enabled to advertise for Jobs. The results thus far have been remarkable. Sixty persons whoso names were registered wtlh the Kmergcncy Committee, obtained positions through this medium, whllo 20 whoee cases were In charge of the So ciety for Organizing Charity were suc cessful In their search for employment. The wife of a. Fhlladelphlan who Is serv ing1 In the war as a French reservist was placed In destltuto circumstances by the dental of her only means of support. After other efforts at obtaining employment had yielded no results she asked the Emerg ency Aid Committee to help her. Tho lat ter organization, acting ns her agent, Inserted a free advertisement in tho Evening) Ledger and Public LEDonn. In consequence, sho procured work as a weaver nt satisfactory wages. A Polish laborer and his 15 -year-old son obtained work after three months of Idleness. They can now buy medicine for the mother of the family, who Is suffering from consumption. In another case o mother died and tho father was cruel to his children. The oldest child, a "16-ycar-ofd girl, and her 14-year-old brother keep tho family together without tho aid of tho father. Sister and brother have Jobs, ob tained through tho "want ad." columns. Theso are only specific Instances of what Is being accomplished each day through tho Joint efforts of tho Evening; LEDomt, Public Ledger and the three philan thropic organizations. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STYLE TYPE (or llko this) One Insertion . ISO per lino Three Insertions In a week.... 12e per lino Seven consecutive Insertions... 10c per lino Situations wanted, threo Inser tions In a week 10c per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classifications except Help nnd Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per. jsonals, Boarding and Itooma. One Insertion 20o per line Three" Inacrtiono In a week l"Mc per line Seven consecutive Insertions... 15c per line All rates are based on agate measurement. 14 agaio lines to tne incn. DEATH NOTICES-elthcr paper 10 lines one tlmo BOc Three Insertions Jt.00 DAILY ONLY In Effect December 1, Mi COMBINATION RATE far Insertion In both tho morning and evening papers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) i EVENING LEDGER (EVENINO) Add four cents per line net to rates given above. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER MAY BC INSERTED IN THE EVENING LEDGER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CICVRGE. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. , HELP WANTED FEMALE COOK WANTED German or Swedish pre ferred; must be experienced and come well recommended or will not be considered, 4322 Spruce at. COOK, experienced, wanted; assist with wash. Ing; must have references. Telephone Chest nut Hill. :T. EDUCATED WOMEN of refinement, over SL with forceful personality, ambitions to earn giHil salary: exceptional opportunity to travel; established buslneas; reference re nulred. Address H gg. Ledger Office, GOVERNESS, middle ged, who can speak French and German, to attend two girls. O and 11; tettled and refined, with references. L 343. Ledger Central. MATL'RE WOMAN of tact wanted from n to 4 dally; experience not necetnry; references required. Address C 10. Ledger Office. OFFICE MANAGER, with knowledge of book keeping: 3 other clerks In office; state exne rience. refa.. wagea exrected. C 7. Led. Off. KELIAULE -woman for cooking and general housework. 1432 Wolf st. STENOGRAPHER The following essentials are required; Intelligence, graduate ot collego or high school, good operator of typewriter, with especial reference to orderly arrange ment in the preparation ot statements and re ports; one linvfng been employed In a law office Is preferred: the salary to commence will be $13 per week. F 030. Ledger Central. WANTED, working houwekeeper or gen 'horoetrork girl, good rook: no washing: general )rlenee required. Call on Wednesday, 510 Grove ave Noble. Pa. HELP WANTED MALE BUYER WANTED Educated young man of good business and executive ability; must be clean, of high character, alert and active, with good Judgment; quick and accurate at figures, with some knowledge ot In duatrlal engineering, by a large com pany, manufacturing drug and grocery specialties, L M0, Ledger Central. FOREMAN (finisher) Wonted. experienced fore, man. capable of superintending flnliblng of Interior metal work; one accustomed to handling a large force of men. Write, statins- experience, references and fullest par ticulars. U SH, Ledger Central. NO. 54 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE rmS, 0OX OF A TOT1. JUST ADDRESS IT rHe WAV TO A VNOMANS HSArVT s fTirZ S X I y --- "17 candy wicc to Miss Simpson through a box of candy! miss IHese s ; v 9 anp vwdio , A 3-l. W COST YOU ANPSND1TAT J SIMPSON WU- NOW Tea M& VAHAT I CANPICS If NO - ( I J YOU OAY TriS I V STew.l JggTjSn ? 1 "" "" ' ' 'lllll Ill I II i i i ' ?. J I 111 Ji lis HUI I Ml II '- - - i jiii m ii .. i -i - - - in i ' 'J' UiT ',Mr - . . , ------lS.lt , . ---J-..---l-Ja--.' S.Ml lili .1 I . I 1.1 ,.. ,f7T, HMQIWl r HEM? 'WANTBD-MAltB MACHINE weed Barters wanted! nrart b e perlncd on I-ochnmn carving msohlnea; rnisicM amIntlon required. Apply Vletor J,kl5f .Machine Company, Application Ot- -- 1 fLr5j ! caraaan, rt. J. nRrrtESENTATIVE--Mill supply saUaman to handle cotton wiping-, wutf, pollening cloths, te , In connection with present lines on commission baa!, I 83T, tedger Central. BALRSMAM Wanted, experienced atecX sales man for n high-clan stock proposition! the Ut8t reference required. P. O. Box IDeo, . Washington, DC. BTBNqartAPHBn AND CtiRnK Toting man ror ofllcei state nge. experience, it any, al ary desired. 021, ledger Dranch, 6th ana Cumberland t. STENOOHAiPHEn an.t typewriter, exp.j op portunity ror Intetlltent. hard worter: good "mfirai nwtB mil panic. 13 7C , ea. cent xhb ntAKTOniANS We can use a high grade Bute organiser to sell fraternal In surance la DEtAWArtE. To a goed huitler who can command respect, snd who would not be epolled by a Wit income, tto can otter special Inducements, whereby a larxe salary can he made. We will advance ex- Jenats It necessary. Address Oeo. Taylor, ,lanacr New England Statea. P. O. r.ox . loan. Providence. A. I. WANTJ5D Two healthy, level-headed men, not over -10, strong- physically and right morally, to take care of Invalid young man under di rection of physician; special training not ea aentla.li reasonable warca. with excellent board and home In refined, healthful sur roundings. Addrees for Interview, gtvlnr age, qualifications, etc. C ft. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAXE CHAMBERMAID and waltroae-Competent girl; y w.ir fgirnnco. x-none t'opiar ouwu v. CIIAMDERMAID and waltreas or gerorel work """wt wmiiinB;; ooiorpq. tKJO, Lieu, uinco. CHAMnatWOHK and sewing; exp. young white girl; 2 yenia' refa. L (101, Led. Office. CHAMBEItWORK and waiting! present em ployer wlshea position for her maid, rhono . Chestnut Hill 1003 D. CHAMBKRWORK and waiting; ynuntf, exp. . German girl; good refa. 3P hlavls st. CI jILDNUIRSE Young Gorman woman, reli able excellent reference, deslrea position In Well-to-do family! can also leach children German. L 044. Ledger Central. CIULDNUnsC Yomg, nngllsh Protestant, . capable nnd best city ret. M 633. Led, Off. CLDANINO In hotel or office building, capa. ble whlto woman. M B32. Ledger Otllco. COLORED OIRL will take charge of Infant; 1711 N. Alder st. COMPANION Refined woman, experienced traveler and practical nurse. M BSU, Lcdeer C??iiTFlr8tLCIaiS1' colorod pastry cook, expert . house'. 'a'i'i'iVlVgerV0.",.'" C'Ub " UrU,nS C?P,jF50.Ior5'1 woman, reliable, wants place 202u V. tam,ly- 1,i09 Christian. Dlckmson C?0.!hr Co.173petent Qerman-Amerlcnn woman .....g bhiwi mm c-uok. zo.n cnristian at. i.i?iii?. ani1 downstnlrs work; German . I'roteatant woman. L 0U2, Ledger Office. U52S?JAi55n, "f Now York desires ongag'ta; " "weM'tui i'n. wninut iiiuj XV m wJ'ilSP-.S'.'l".. :?y. day or "' imuubh: ucat rcr. l; iitj. ijti.nrr. Kfi:NC?D co'orcl Klrl desires cooking or BcneraljyorkMfapjeJa'ojLJi' G5n'.Aii.'"-rB!ry Boveniess. young, wishes situation; lelercnco. 1010 Christian i Ulit: I'0!lh. wants housework; speaks Eng- llsh;plaln cook. 1003 Junlnta st Nice town. GOVERNESS. German, EnTrTroflTicdrKcT knowledge of music, wants pos? 121' hEutJT I2,V?CKJE,'BH' stewardess (w'k'g) hotel. Ins.' mako menus; exp. Ponlar U31 D. in? s S HOUSEKBEPINO-Lady would llko position housekeeper for gentleman or private f am lly. 'Apply a03S Dauphin at. """' "" LrtJ'S.MAD S.r seamstress, or caro for chil Ortlcc. r 3; IJorU O"1""1' C03A, Ledger MAN AND WIFE (four rmml..i c- lady s, maid, nursery Kovornrns wont tm.i. tlonsjbe-fef.-. 1210' N" oil "sL Ken. 1?? NU.Sc'ci .SJ't. "S.m1 ?'. !'." . .w... av, .v.vitiivc. liwi, icagcr 'unice. I1Srfi5bJftr''f chambermaid wishes position. ...-,..? mW uw rtvt?.. .ruinore. HKLIA1JLE colored woman wnnta day's work . ....., ... ,,,,,. mm. 4,,,( .ix, WOOUStOCK STENOGRAPHER, neat and dependable, would JJfSSoI m.?,Uc.r?,t0 aa'afy "th opporturiltiea. reference. 'B 231. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, experienced! moderate aal ary. 1,11 Chestnut. Phone. Spruce 0332. STENOGRAPHER, exp ana competent; socretnry. F 440, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER-Ncat. rapid, accurate, In- telllgent; refa.: mod. sal. F 40, Ixd. 6ont. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires posi tion; best references. F (HI, Ledger Central. WAIllltss. exp., wishes pos. or chamber- "wt u wttmiis. rtppiy- Mii wayno ave. IVOJfAN, colored, wants cooking, downstairs work; adults. Phone Dickinson 3450 W. YOUNO WOMAN. Protestant, wants cooking or any kind of day work; Onk Lane or Mel roao preferred, 4. Ledger Dr., Sth & Oak lnno. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE ACCOUNTANT Keep, open, close books; bpb clal reports. P. O. Box 3M. Philadelphia. ASST. STEWARD, storeroom man. exp. re celer and buyer of supplies; print menu; nccJ uuuiu. miuuuu itUill. CHAUFFEUR or gardener, experienced white man; Ist-clats rets. M 327. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, experltncod, deflres position In private family; dextrous orlver, absolutely competent and reliable; most willing and .juiikiiik; rcierrncp ti.y peal. L. 1H.I, t.eu. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, while, young mnn, careful driver, good mechanic, enter, obliging and trustworthy, wk-hes steady position: 'best private reftrence. C JJ8, Ledcer Office. CHAUFFEUR-MEClIAfSKP-Dcnionstrator best makes: Al references; reasonable. R. N. S.. .u.iu ricmoerger st. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes rmsltlnn. nrl. vate family or garage N. Camac. beit reference. 1434 CLERK, paymaster, experienced, knowledge of bookkeeping, age 21, total abstainer, desires steady employ, and advance. F 137. Led, ('en COMPOS1 TOR Ten years' experience In flrst claea job shop. F 342. Ledger Central. COOK, Japanese, wants position in prlioto family: good reerence. F Si. Ledger Office, JAPANESE couple want positions In small family as cook and butler will take entire charge: references, "Willing," 30s N. 18th. JAPANESE, houiework, w-ilter, wants posU" tlon: good references. Tnlra, .'IPS N. IRth. OFFICE .MAN Clerical position or contlden tlal secretary and companion to retired bul ness man: years' experience as clerk, teacher and magistrate In up-State city; well-fitted for -eal estate office: Al references: mod erate salary; wants to be near children in Philadelphia. M 224. Ledger Office, OFFICE MAN, Pelrco S-hool graduate, III, 11 years here, desires position commercial con cern as assistant bookkeeper or Spanish, Ens llsh translntor. Raymond. 1323 Arch st. WANTED Men's wear woolen accounts; sell direst. C 122. Ledger Office. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, experienced In ad vertUIng, collecting, sales, shltpinr, whole, sale drugs. Ph. W, W. D Woodland 1B02 L. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. NICHOLLS, 1020 Balnbrldge St. Compe tent help, butlers, houremen, Japs, experi enced cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, French, Oerman. English ladlcB' maids and governesses, young German and other cou. pies, laundresses kttchenmalds, housemaids, etc.; well recommended. Phone Locust 2 1 SO. BAYLOR'S Employment Agency, 4010 Ludlow vt. Male and femalo help. Preston 6118. ETMllSrG LEBGEB PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH WORK NEEDED qttlGKMr , As a partial contribution to tho work which la being ea ably .carried on by tbe Emergency Aid committee, Forlety for Cfrganlied Charity and Juvenile Workera' l)urean. in securing em- torment for needy, deserving men and women, lie I'cnt.to lisnoiER and nvr.viso Lznosa open these columns to the FHRB USE of the Km ployment Dranchca ot.trtese organisations. Here you will nndjlsted from day to. day oner stones toi epecine cass inat nave nren Investigated by them and found to be worthy investigated ny mem ana rou nnd particularly urgent one Hated are out of employment of their own, Application fi ones, -ins persons cnt through no fault 16 frnm drlnWt-a anil Ineomne tank or untrustworthy- Individual nre not recommended by. the organisations, but are provided for by the Immediate Iteltef Division. Employers seeking reliable, experienced men and women can. therefor, employ the men .and women lifted with the neauranoe that they are helping deserving, workera who only aaK for a cnaneo to help themselves. Thev do not want charity. Thev want and mut navo ImmeritntA employment. Will you create a job for a few of these .who can nt Into your onmnlzatlon? it rou win uo f you will do your share, this great problem Till UJ in dm mucKir eolve'j. JlKFnf. TO CASES BT LETTEnS CASCft BT t-ETTEna AMD THOSE MAntCBD "EA" FORWAltD OPPKR TO THE. BMERUIiNCY AID COMMITTEE, LINCOLN. UUIt,DINO. "8. O. C." TO TIIH BOCIETT FOR ORGAN. IZ1NO CHARITT. AND J. W. H." TO THE JUVENILf! WORK ERS' BUREAU, 1B07 ARCH BTRKI7T. jtAi.n ALIAROUND BOY. 15 YBAns OLD, WILL take any kind of work ho enn get to help support hla family. S. O, C, 734 (Northweet Plat, B2 W. Chelten avo., Oln.). AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER, Si YUARS OLD! f:ood references! out of work practically all nteri has two small children, B. O. c No. 041), (Krankford Ulst.. IM4 Unity at.) BAKER BRBAD BAIC13R, 40 YEARS OLD, whoro last employee says he was thoroughly honest and reliable. and In two years was never lata one day, Ho baa been out or work 3 montha. Has 0 children oldest 13. yrnral youngest 2 J cars. H. (). C. sail. (Northern Elatrict, B. u. t;, 1431) North Marahall street.) BAKERIS YEARS OLD. WHO HAS WORK ed for threo years in cne nlar and previously for flvo yenra In another place; very good ret crrnrest has been out of work now for four mrntln. M. O. C. 0J7. (Northeast Diet.. 23 Id N. Hnwfrrt st BAKER-HERD IS A.MAN WITH A CLEAN record, who li strictly temperate and can do flret'Class work. Has 'I children nnd la des pcrately In need. E, A., 2iil. BLACKSMITH'S IIELPEIt AND THREE sona who can do laboring work! will inks nn thing the can get to do; nil four of them hao excellent references, thcro am seven chil dren of school ago In this family. H. o. a. No, CIS. (Woodland Dlst., 1232 8. 47th st.) BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT EX- collent workman! former employer saya he la a very good workman and Is sorry thnt he can. not emulov him. but has no work for him to Oo. . He has a largo family and they are prac- tlcally destltuto. i. i.. A. 203. BLACKSMITH A GERMAN. 33 YEARS OLD; hnB been out of work fix months has a wlto and one small child dependent on hfm. (Eastern Ulat., 8. O. C. 021. !I33 3. Lawrenco st.) BLACKSMITH'S HELPER. 43, GOOD REF erencoH; has had no steady work for IS months, haa a wlfo and children dependent on htm. S. O. C. 733. (Spring Garden District S. O. C, 1832 Urandywlno st;) BLACKSMITH'S HELPER 23 YEARS WITH ono firm, which recommcndi him highly: In vestigation shoua man to be badly In need ot help. K. A.. 103, BOILERMAKER AND MACHINIST. WITH good refcrencca, has been out of work for 14 rconthsj has a wfo and 4 children dependent on him. S. O. C, 73S (Eastern District, S. O. C. 338 S. Lawrenco st.) BOILERMAKER AMERICAN, 40 YEARS old, with good roforencta. this man Is n widower who Is trying to take care ot hla 0 small children. S O. C. 030. (Germantown Dist.. 32 w. Chelten avo.) JKtILERMAKER'S HELPER MAN OF 40. with 0 small children dependent upun him, will take any kind ot work ho can get. Ona ot tho children Is 111 In tho hospital and tho baby Is 111 at home. Excellent references. S. O. C. 3SB (Northern District, S. O. C, 1431) North Marshall street.) . BOOKKEEPER THOROUGHLY EXPERl"- enced man, with excellent references from last employer, who laid him oft owing to lack of business. Is a sober and steady worker. E. A. 200. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER Youn man, university graduate, has ab solutely tho best possible reference as to char acter and ability; ho has been out ot nork for some time and is willing to do anything. E. A., 20S. BOY 10-YEAR-OLD BOY. WITH EXCEL lent referenced: has been out of work all win ter: he la tho only wago earner In a family of children; the youngest a baby, a month old; he wants a r hanco to help support hla brothers nnd sisters and his ciandmother, who lives with them. S. O. C, (L (Powelton Dirt., 401s Powelton ave.) BOY, 10 YEARS, STRONG, HEALTHY American boy, will do any kind of work to help support an aged grandfather; parents are dead and he and sls:cr (20 years) out of work some month9, has worked on lco wagon. J. W. B.. 804. BOY. 13 YEARS OLD IS THE ONLY Sup port of a widowed mother, 4 brothers and sisters. Ho has worked In a ropo factory, but will take any kind of work ho can get. S. O. C.. 003. (Frankford District, S. O. C, 1511 Unity afreet.) BOY, 10, PARENTS DEAD, LIVING WITH grandmother SO years of age and child of 0; only one in family working and he only on part time; In Immediate need ot coal, groceries and one month's rent; tery deserving. J. W. B.. 800. BOY, IB, WHO HAS ATTENDED SOUTHERN Manual Training School and has been forced to leave Dchool to help support parents; would make good at any kind of olllce work. J. W. P.. 80u. . BOY, 10 YEARS. JEWISH, WISHES WORK of any kind: driving team or doing anything that will help his home; father la tuberculous and no one In family ot four working. J. W. If.. 874 BOY, 14 YEARS, WANTS WORK; ERRANDS or helper around store; family very poor; father out of work three montha; no one work Ing hut ono girl out of family of nine. J, BOY, 14, WANTS WORK IN OPTICAL trade; father has worked for opticians for number of years, but on account of 111 health cannot work steadily, family ery poor; this Is very urgent. J. W. B.. 801. BOY. COLORED. 13 YEARS OLD. STRONG and willing, wants any kind of work to help his widowed mother Bunport 4 other children: mother earns S3 a week, not enough to teed and clotr-o the whole famllv. J W. n. 871. BOY, 15; FATHERTESER1 ED 3 OTHElt children In family depending upon the mother for support; large and liusky; willing to do any kind of work; likes driving. J. W. li., sul. HOY, WHITE. AMERICAN, 13 YEARS, WILL do any kind of work, father deserted, mother and sister out ot work; mother will do any kind of housework. No 81,0, J. W. B. ' HOY, 15 YEARS. WANTS WORK: ERRANDS; can make himself useful about store; parents dead; no one working In a family of live; baby 111. J. W. H 802. HOY. 10, WITH EXPERIENCE IN CANDY factory and roofing work, family In des. perate straits; nearly disrupted through lack of work; ny deserving. J. W. It. 000. BOY. 13. VERY MUCH ATTACHED TO automoblhs und blcyclta, -wonts work In that line; large famllt; bis help is needed badly; cun furnisn excellent references. J. W. 11. IK13. 1K.Y. 15, FATHER JKSERTED 5 OTHER children In family depending upon the mother for aurport; large and husky; willing to do any kind of work: likes driving. J. W. II., 009. BOY. WHITE, POLISH. 14 YEARS rands, store or factory; father dead; other children; one working; Income H. pt7, J. W. B. BR four No. BOY. 15. HAS WORKED IN SHOE FACN tory: father very old. Family In destitute circumstances. Willing to do any kind ot work. J. W. B 880. BOY, IS. WOULD LIKE WORK. ASSISTJKO In draughting: has had some experience; would like to continue study In evenings, J, W. B.,803; BOY.' 17-HAS WOttKlSD" IN SHIPPING room of candy factory; haa been out ot work for 3 months; very urgent case, parents dead, J. W. It.. U01. VILLAGE QUEEN--Y0U WORK NEEDED QtJIOKIiY At tho heoinninp o this ttattlftcalltm an fTplanatto of Key NurAbera l riven and hew thett needy tniflHawals car b reached quickly MAT.B BOT, J, WOUI,D.MKJ! WORK ASSISTINa In. draughtlngi has had aome experience! would llko to contlnuo study In evening J. W. B.. no. , nor. li, very nnioirr itauan. . np- sldin In Southwest Philadelphia, would like Work of errand boy. J. W. ., 89 1XV, 14, VK11V BRIOIIT ITAMAN, HB8ID tag In south-went Philadelphia, would Ilka k or errand boy J, W. li., 009. nor, m. Has had experiencr as driver: mother Is widow family needs help very badly. J. W. B., 805. . BOr, JEWISH, 15, . OUT, OP WORK 3 months! will do any. kind of work to support mother and 2 other children. J. W. V.t 889. BOY, 10, WANTS WORK OF ANY tUNDj mother widow, working In mill only on part time. J, W. B., 890. BOY, IS YEARS, WANTS WORK OF ANY kind; father deserted, four younger brothers; mother has to support six on ii. J. W. B., 870. BOY, IB, HAS OOOD WORK RECORD IN grocery store; will take any kind of work. J. W. I).. 897. , BOY, IB, SOME EXPERIENCE IN BARBER shop; mother Is dead. J, W, II., 898. BRAKEMAN MAN. AND WIFE HAVE been helped with coal. and groceries: neer. work badly; back In rent, E. A.. 200. BRASS POLISHER-WIFE AND 2 CHIL dren In destitute clrcumslnncea and needs work badly; haa excellent refcrencca from for- mer employer. C, A., 231 X. BRICKLAYER Oil l'LAHTEUEIt-OS, ANT3 hla son, .'ISt hato been out of work several months. Both have good references and were formerly In business for themselvea; can also do plumbing work. S. O, C No, 073. (Pow- ellon DUIrlct, 401H Powelton avc) BRICKLAVLI I WITH GOOD REFERENCES; nos nccn out or worK en winter except lor an occasional day Job! win lake any work he can get to support his wlto and baby. S. O. C, No. 07(1. (Powelton District, 4018 Powelton avenue.) IJKICK MAKER TIIOIIODUIILY HKll.l.KI) In his lino and has excellent references. E. A. 212 X. UUlt'HElt-rA, GERMAN, CO YEARS OLD, . will take any work that la ottered. His wlfo Is bedridden with paralysis, and the famllv ot four has been dependent on tho earnings of an lH-year-oid on. S. O. C. BS3. (NIcetown and Tlogn District, S O. C Clarissa street and Hunting Park nvenuo.) CABINETMAKER LXPEltlENCEU .MAN, whoso referencca havo been found trust wor thy and satisfactory by Investigators ot the Emergency Aid Committee, wants work badly: his wlfo la too 111 to sew one their two Hmall children lack nourishing foou. E. A., 211. CAR INSPECTORLEFT POSITION WHICH his employers say he filled with highest eat infliction (or ono paying more. On wrong sldo of labor question and was dropped. Han wlfo and child. Family in utmost distress, E. A.,- 173, . CARPENTER HUNGARIAN, &KILL.ED AND experienced enrptnter, out of work Btnce fall, is on the list of applicants ot the So ciety for Organizing Charity. He haa a wife, and three children, and an Infant Lorn since ha inat liU Inh. to. anxious to Bet anything that will mako his family Independent. Reg istered at the Eastern District Office, 33U boutli Lawrenco Btreet. Flip H. O. C, BUtt. CATlPENTER AN AMERICAN, 40 YEAila old, with excellent references! has boen out ot work alx months, will tako any kind of work ho can get to Rupport a wlfo and four chit drcn, S. O. C, No. 1101. (NIcetown and Tioga Llst., Hunting i'&ik aye, ana jinngaa huj CARPENTER A MAN WHO CAN DO, ALL kinds of carpentering work, especially laying of floors: has been out of work several months: wiio and three children urgently In need ot help: will i,oon be evicted for non-payment of rent. J W. II.. h3. . CARl'ENTLR MAN. 33 YEARS OLD. IS seeking work so that he can take oaro of hla sick wlfo ond 4 children: tho youngest Is a bahv a month old. S. O. C. 042. (Powelton Dlst . s. O. c. 4018 Powelton nve.) CARPENTER-33 YEARS OLD, WITH Ex cellent references; haa been out ot work for four months; has wife and three children. H. O C, No. 0S7. (Northwest District, 82 W. Chelten ave.. Germantown.) CAiKPI'JNTER WITH GOOD REFtjRENCCS; lias been out of work several months; Is seek Ing work to support his wlfo nnd two children. H. O. a. No. W0. (Southwest District, 1310 S.td st.) CARPJ3NTER-THIS MAN HAS THE BEST of references and Is a steady and Intelligent workman. Can you use him, If only for a couplo of days? E. A. 207. CARPET' DESIGNER -AN AMERICAN. 3'J cats old. Is out of work bocautto thero has fesn no market for carpet for scleral months. He has tried without success to secure other work. Unemployment and tho prolonged Ill ness of his wife havo exhausted their savings and this man must have work nt once. Thero are 7 children, tho oldest 12 cars old and tho jounccst 1 jear. S. O. C. (ill). (Germantown Ulttrlrt. s. O. c. 32 West Chelten avenue.) CARPET WEAVER HAS WORKED FOR ono firm for 20 years and tor two months has been out of work and ills savings nro ex. 'misled. Ims a wlfo and 0 small children. S 0. C 03S. tNortheast Dlst.. 2340 N. How- aru sr. j CARPET WFAVER. WITH GOOD REFER. ences. out of work 0 months; has a wlfo and 8 children dependent on him. S. O. ('., 73(1 (Southeast District, s. O. C, 530 Wharton St.) CAULKER AND CHIPPER MAN HAS been out of work 3 months and half. For last 1, ears has worked In one plate. Ills 10- car-old boy. who has worked In the mill, la ulao out ot work. S. O. C, 603. Northeast District. S. O. C, 2310 North Howard street CEMENT WORKER AND CONCRETE FIjS Ishor wants position en building operation or elsewhere; has very good knowledge of the trade, has been out of work a long time and fa-nlly Is absolutely In want and facing evic tion. E. A. 2TU. LUMUXT WORKER COLORED MAN, 40 jcais old; excellent references Has bIx smill children. His wife has been doing washing 10 help support tho family. S. O. C, No. 010. (Woodland Dlst.. 12.12 S. 47th Bt.) CHAUFFEUR-TRUCK DRIVER, 30 YEARS old, out of work 4 months: has a sick wife nnd 7 children tho youngest 1 year old de pendent upon him. R. O. C, 501. Woodland District. S. O. C 1232 South 47th street. CHAUFFEUR GOOD ALL-ROUND MAN wants a position with family, whero his wlfo can do housework or cooking; has cx- "lent References for sobriety and honesty. CIIAlTFjrun, COLORED: HAS GOOD REF- L anything he can rri-ncs out or work all winter, wl I tako e can eel to Kllnnnrt bin vfn nnd uiu ciiuiircn. ci 1310 8. 22d St.) flvo children, s. 6. C. 722 (Southwest Elst.. CHIPPER AND CAULKER WITH LAST employer 12 yearH, employer says ho Is a very good workman; out of work 5 months. S. O. C. 745. (Northeast District, S. O. C 2340 N. IlnwnrdHtJ CLERK AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN. 20 years old, graduate of grammar school, and has attended Tcmplo College Ipr two years, haa also been a machine operator; will tako any rk that Is offered him. S. O. c. No. mm (NIcetown and Tioga Diet., Hunting Park ate. and Clarissa st.) CLERK, SALES OR OFFKTE-FORMETlLY employed in largo department store; Is n good salesman and held responsible place until trade be-amn slack. His widowed mother do iwnds on him for support, and unless ho gets a. Job soon they will bo up against It hard L. A. 72. CLERK 33 YEARS Ol.D, WITH VERY good references. Is seeking work so that he can support hla aged mother, who Is dependent on 1dm Has been out of work four month'. 8. O. C. No. 083. (Eastern DUtrlct. 3JS S. Lnwrcrce Bt.) ' CLERK-MAN WHO HAS AN EXCELLENT knowledge of business methoda and Is able to drive a motorcar, haa been laid off owing to the present buslneas depression, Former employer gives him an excellent character. I1., A. ..pa. CLERK A YOUNO MAN WHO IS EXPERI. enecd and Is behind with his board wants work ot any kind. His clothing Is worn out and dlrtv and he needs Immediate employment to get flxedunto take a -ermqnent loh B. A. 258 CLERK 30 YEARS OLD, WITH GOO'd work references, Is seeking work so that ha can support his wife, who has been III for some time. 8. O. C, No. 070. (Spring Oarden Dlalt't. 1S32 Drandywlne st.) " "ura" CLERIC WORKED AT LAST PLACE EIGHT years; Is supporting bis aged mother and Will I'S. 2-M ,?") ' S" Sou'wt Ol'trlct, COULDN'T BLAME "STEW" PIDD IF HE DIDSOMETHING RASH AFTER THIS!!!! WOIIK; NEEDED QTJI0KI.Y Al the heoinnlno of th cfaMcot on erplanotlon o Kev Humbert U jrit-eit anrt hew thett needy ndM4unt ean be reached Qulckty. MAI.R CLERK - A FORMER FnEIOHT TRAN3- portatlon clerk, age w. married! wife now getting sowing! sober, with gopd references. E. A.. 207. - CLERK, ANY KIND pr STORE. M.TJ?Afi2 old and has wlfa and 2 children and la willing lo do anything. E, A., 230 - CLOTIIma PRE8SER-OOO0 BEFKnENCES from laat employer, who laid him off onlr on account of slack work. .Itaa fl small children and faces eviction. P. A.. V31, COIltlLER AND SIIOmiAKElt, 34 YEARS old, with excellent references! has been out of work slnco December; ha a wife f""'0"' children. S. O. C, 732. (Frankford District, S. O. a, l(H4 Unity st.) COLORED BOY, 17 YEARS OLD! NO ONB working In family of 4t xjould like to work with a pliyslclanl can furnlali very good reeom. menclatlons. J, W. B., IX). . COLORED MAN, WITH WIFE AND TWO children, ona sIcV. mother sios 111! has worked on moving van and Is willing to do anything. Can' ttomeone glyehlm work? E A., 224. COMPOSITOR, 3.1 YEARS OLD, 80BER AND Industrious, with nood.nowspaper references, has had only flvo eeks work In five months; has 4 children under 13 years. S. O. C. 20 (Woodland Diet., 1232 B, jtthjtj CONCRETE WORKER-COLORED MAN. 32 eara old, who Is nlao accustomed to long. -i.V" ....!.. ... .f ..Art, fhrnn tnnntll. hSfl 8ood rorerencesi has a wlfo and 2 small cnii S, To, C., 035. (Spring Gardon Dlit., lMj tirnnaywino et.; DAY LABOttER COLORED, MAN. WITH good references, who has, .worked W years In tho Street Department, will take .anything he can do. he has 4 chl dreni tho oldest 10 and thoyounsest't months. S O.C.. nil. U'owel. ton Ola".? S. O. CMuy.8Jloweltonnye.) DRIVER-YOUNG AND ENERGETICS HAS been entirely satisfactory at the places where lie has been employed In the past. Has tried Very hard mr soeiol weeks to secure sleudy work, but has been, unsuccessful. A wife and baby 2 years old depend on him. B. O. '. , No COO- (Eighth and Uth Wards District, 1J30 Cuthbcrt st,) . DRIVER-HERB IS A MAN WITH A REC ord hard to beat: with ono firm of stono con- tractors for 20 years, nna wueii u iwmjr ,,. ployers went o&t of buslneas he loet out. He has nine children to support nnd ought to make a good man for tomo one, requiring a drlvcron heavy ttork. 1.. A., -i4. DRIVER. 10 YEARS OLD. WITH GOOD references, has been out of work for sevon montha: his crippled father and mother and sister arc dependent 011 him. S. a C 7J0. (Spring Garden District, 8. O. C, 1832 Bran dyvtlno st.) , DRIVER - MAN, 40 YEARS OLD, WITH good references, haa been out of work all winter! ho will tako any kind of work he can get to support hla wife and four children. S. u No. COS. (Southwest Dlit., 1310 S. 22d St.) DRIVER. WITH WIFE AND SMALL CHILD, thoroughly tamlllar with city, needs work quickly; willing to do nnj thing; former em plojer (largepaper house) says will bo glad to employ when business Is I etler, E. A.. 218. niiivi.:lltcl YEARS OLD. HIGHLY REC ommended by former employer: is seeking work so that he cun troMdo (or his wlfo and child. S. O. C No. (0. (Northwest District, 32 W. Chelten nve., JGonnantown.) DIUVER-GO'OD MAN, WITH EXPERIENCE In handling horses, single or doublo teams; knows the city thoroughly, honest und BOberi has a lurge family and would mako some jlrm u very good employe. E. A. 273. DRIVER MAN. THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR with horses; has boen out of work all winter except for a few odd jobs! has very good ref erences. S. O. C. 012. (Powelton District, S. O. C. 4018 Powelton avenue.) DRILLER. WITH EXCELLI3NT HUFEH- enccs; worked In tost place 0 yinra; out of work for fi months; has a wife and 2 small children. S. O. C. 743. (Northeast District, 8. O. C, 2310 North Hotvard st.) DRIVER AND MECHANIC MAN, 4 MONl'Hg' out of work, has a wife nnd two small chil dren dependent upon him. 8. O. c, 003. Southwest District, S. O. C, 1310 South 2Jd street. DRIVI-1R. 31 YEARS OLD. UNDERSTANDS horses thoroughly; good rcfcrcncot; will tako any kind of work: haB a wife and two chil dren, f. O. C. 715 (Powelton Dlst.. 40IS I'OWCIWH aye,. DRIVER WILL DO ANYTHING, AS AN AD." dltlon to his already large family 1b daily expected; sober, honest nnd willing, has doc tor'n bill nnd rent paBt due E. A., 210. DRIVER, WITH GOOD RErERENCESrffAS had expcrlenco In milk dairies, has a wlfo ami 3 children. &. O. C 711 (Powelton Dlst., 4018 Powelton nvcj " DRIVER. "WITH THREE HUNGRY CHIL- drcn depending on his support, desires an Immediate nosltlon: can nrfnr trnml rttremf and la cobcr and Industrious. E.A., 280. JMVU A.NU -ilACillWISl-a HELPER, 30 jeara old: will take anything ho can get to do, has good references, s. O. C, No. 030. (Frankford Dlst.. 1SI4 Unity at.) DRIVE!! S3 YEARS OLD. WITH GOOD rofoicnrc. will take any work that hn enn get 8. O. C. No. CS1. (Eastern District, 338 ill l-wmu" t.) DRIVER. WITH GOOD INFERENCES; who has had only part-time work all win ter, Is seeking n steady Job. 8. O, C. 700 (Powelton t'lst., 4018 Powelton avo.). DRIM:R-HAS BEEN WITH A COA--FIRM 11 number ot jeara nnd 1b careful, sober, hon. est and obliging, has Urgo family. E. A., 273. DRY CLEANER THOROUGHLY EXI'ERI- diced, willing to do any kind of work: hla family unu no iace eviction; we are doing our utmost to old his family, but he needs work most L'. A. 243 X. DYE MIXER, GOOD REFERENCES. OUT Of work since Christmas; "does not want char ity." but work; has two children. S. O. C. ..... u.n irrBiiHiorn 'jm.. lp-u unity at.) Dli;il AND CLEANER-HAS HAD A LONG experten'-e with local establishment; Is u quick nnd willing worker and Is sober and h-.n-st, has a large family to support and I J dcrperuto from want of food and worry. E. A.. 2,0. EltlH rEEN-YEAR-OI-D BOY; WHO HAS worked In mills, will tnku any kind of work ho can get; has had no work for two months; Ij one of a large family, s. O. C. 723 (North west Dlst.. 52 W. Chelten uve.. Gtn.). 1U"" JiLDKRLY MAX HIGHLY ItCUMMENULj .Is skilled In all kinds of packing nnd can do the work properly so as to prevent losses. , A,, 2,0. ELrCTJtlC CRANE RLNNKR MAN UF 33 years, lias been out ot work 2 months; has a young child and a dellcato wlfo. 8 O. C. 6'jO (Woodland District, S. O. C, 1232 South 47tii street.) ELECTRICIAN AND SUB LETTER CAR: rlcr. 33 years old; will tako on j thing he can get to do; has four children, tho youngest a small baby; one of tho children Is tubeicular S O. C. No. 017. (Woodland Dlst.. 12.12 3 t7th st.) ELECTRICIAN - A "YOUNG, AMBITIOUS nnd Industrious mun, whoso aged mother 1b depending absolutely on his support; roferencu from hla last employ er are the best. E. A., 217. ELECTRICIAN-HERE IS A GOOD MAN who nctds work badly and Is experienced In every branch of the work; sober and trust worthy Is the recommendation of his former employer. E. A 277. ELECTROTYPE!! THE MAN HAS WollKl cu lur v tia ill unu iiiaco. iius u wile and 5 children, the oldest !, voungeat 8 montha. One of the children Is paralyzed and has to be taken to the hospital three times a week for treatment. S. O. C, 37U. Southeast District. H. O. C. 530 Wharton street. h ELEVATOR OPERATOR - A 10-YEAR.OLD boy desliea a poaltlon as clevutor operator, but is willing to take anything. He Is one of a family now on the Hits or the Society for Organizing Charity. With a brother. 21 years oil. has been supporting a widowed mother and a young brother, but 2 months ago lost his position. Elder brother, a longshoreman, haa been out ot work since fall. Society deslrea work for this latter also. Case proved thor oughly deserving. Registered at the Wood, land District Office. 1232 houth 47th street. File S O C. 570 ERRAND BOY. COLORED. 10 YEAR& OLD. will take work of any kind to help mother and an aunt support a famllv consisting of 10 ctlldren and 0 adultB: adults Include sev eral aged women unable to work: uld urgent: bov will do anything., J W.H, 8M. ERRAND BOY-COLORED BOY," 13 YEARS? wants work to support himself and mother; mother also seeks hqusework or laundry work. J, W. II, 8S0. " 1. 10,16. WORK NEEDED QVltamiTt thett needy Cndlt-ldBoW mil bt reacaed quicMv. mAlk BXPBRT DRY CLEANER The Society for ..pl.n"expertdyc...nVr"tormIny-ySf., has K. .5! rk for the last year. He says FARMWORK YOUNO COUPLE, ACCUS timed to farmwork. would like Jo return to the country. They have .2 email children. S. O. C. 011 (Powelton District, 8. O. C, 4018 1'owelton avenue.) FATHER AND SON, HAVE WORKED IN factory, out of work 13 weeks; 0 In family. No one working. Must havo work quickly. J. W. B.. 88Bj . FIREMAN - DISCHARGED. (HONORABLY) In January Irom r.avy at the samo occupa. Hon! has excellent record; Is married and wife Is III: willing to do anything. K. X. A 241 FIREMAN, MARRIED WITH SEVEN CH1L. drcn, has been out of work and the Aid Com mittee ask for Immediate assistance. L A.. 207. FinEMAN BOY, 10. HAS GOOD REFER . ences aa fireman on a boat, whero he was last employed, s. O. C. 713 (Southeast Dlst., MO Wharton st.), . FLOOR PLANER AND 8CRAPER - WITH wife and 0 children: needs work badly: has excellent references, v.. A.2S. FURNITURE POLISHER - SOCIETY FOR Organising Charity .has among Its appli cants an American, 41 years old. strong and energetic, with 20 years' experience as a floor polisher. Ho wants work to support himself nnd a wife and child. Spent tho 20 years with one firm, and lost. position through change of organisation, llenlstored at the Southeastern :itrlct Office,- 630 Whnrlon street. Fllo S. O. C , sos, GARDENER AND CHAUFFEUR - YOUNG Irishman! 4 months out of work, with ono-month-old child! has had expcrlenco and can turn I s h reft fences, J. W. B., 883. GARDENER. WITH GOOD REFERENCES, ,m tjin nnv kind nt work ha can set S. O C, 7 Oil (Powelton l)lst...4pi8owcltnnave. ). GARDENER, OR ANY , LIGHT WORK around country placo: this man was In- iuted about 14 yearB ago and Is unabio to do eavy work! hla last employer was perfectly sntlsllod with him, saying ho Is sober, honest nnd very careful. E. A., -SU. GARDENER AND COOK German. 07 jeflrs old, would like position as gardener, or will tako a placo whero his wlfo could nlSJ bo employed aa cool-. Both haxe very gool references. S. O. C. No. COI. (Eastern Dis trict. ,:.ti . iiwrenco st.i GROCERY CLERK A HUSTLER, WHO HAS excellent refcrenco from former employer and knows the business thoroughly. Is trying to get a Job so he can pay his rent and keep his llttlo faintly together. E.A. 271. HARDWOOD FINISHER-MAN, 3S YEARS old, laid off with 200 others: haa excellent work rclercnccs; U small children are dependent on him S. O. C, ;'-'(). (Northern Dlst., S. O. C. 143U N. Marshall). HARDWOOD FINISHER. WITH GOOD REF erencos, has been out ot work two months. Has three children, tho oldest ono Is tubercu lar. S. O. C No. 013. (Northeast Dlst., 2340 N. Howard Bt.) HATTER THIS MAN HAS WORKED TFT ona place for 23 ears. Ho gavo up his work to start In business for himself, but failed because of the unusual Industrial and financial situation In tho country thin )cnr. (NIcetown and Tioga District, S. O. C. 018, Hunting Park avenuo and Clarissa street.) HOHSESHOER WELL RECOMMENDED BY last emnloycr. with whom ho worked 2 years E. A. 108. HOSEMAN FORMERLY IN TIRE DEPART ment and with department store; has excel lent references and needs the work badly. E. A,. 220. HOSIERY MACHINE ERECTOR THOR. ougly experienced man needs work badly. Last employer compelled to let him go owing to lack of work after employing him several tears. E.A.. 237 X. HOUSEJIAN, PORTER. JANITOR-SOBER, Industrious, with tho best recommendation, speaks German nnd English. E. A., 201. HOUSE PAINTER-ITALIAN. SOBER. IN dustrloua and efficient, wants work to sup port a wire and 8 children. Ho has been out of employment for 0 months, and Is registered at tl'o Society for Organizing Charity. South, eastern Dlstrltt Office. fi"0 Wharton street. Case fully Investigated bv tho Society and found worthy Fllo S. O. c. 507. HOl'SK PAINTER-THROWN OUT OF EM ployment 4 months ago. a hoiteu painter with experience atul excellent references, wants work of any kind to support his wlfo and I) children, nil under 11 sears. Ho Is registered bv tho Society for Organizing Charity, at tho Woodland District Ortlre. 1232 South 47th street rile 8. O. C. 303, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER-MAN HAS been out ot work three months; he has a wife and four children, the oldoat 0 years old; the youngest 1 year: very good references. (Woodland Dlst., S. O. C, 581, 12J2 S. 47th street.)' HUCKSTER OR DRIVER. WITH SPLENDID rifcrrncca: has a wire and four small chil dren. 8. O. C. 710 (Powelton Dlst.. 4018 I'oiv clton ave.). INSIDE PAINTER AND DECORATOR MAN has been out of work since tho 1st of Au gust, has never before been out of work for any length of time. Very good work refer ence'!. S. O, C, 577. Eighth nnd 0th Wards District, a. O. C. 1733 Cuthbert street. IRON STRUCTURAL PAINTER. 30 YEARb old; splendid references; out of work six weeks; invalid wife nnd threo children de pendent on him. S. O. C 031. (German- town Dlst., 32W .Chelten ave.) IRONWORKER YOUNO, FNtiRGKTIC MAN, haa worked 18 )cars In one place, and has never had but ono employer. Lost his work when tho mill where he was employed closed down. Has bLen out of work now 5 months, lias u vvlte and 2 small children, 3 years and 4 month of age, dependent on him. S. O. c. 602. (Northeast District, S. O. C, 23(0 North Huwnrd street.) IRON WORKER WITH LiOOU REFER." encts; will take anything ho can gut to do; has been out of work siiverul months; wife and live children. 3. O. c. No. 700. (Southwest District, 1310 8. 22d at. - ' IRON WORKER. WITH GOOD REFER- ences: has teen out of work ull winter, haa n w'fo and 4 rhlldreu S. O. C. 710 (South- vvwt llltt . 1310 S.22il St.), IRON PAINTER", WITH GOOD REFER" ences: has been out of work eovcrnl months, BO. C. 72.1 tfcoutliwest Dlst., 1.110 8. '-".'d st.). IRONWORKER, 40 years old; good reference out of work two months, wife and thrcd children dependent on him. S. O. C, No, o5J, (tiermantown Dlst, 52 W. Chelten ave.) ITALIAN LABORER - ITALIAN, WITH SIX children, tho oldest 12 and the youngest--twins 2 tears old. has been out of work S months. He Is a willing worker and will take unj thing he can get to do, S. O. C, 5!iu. Southeast District, S. O. C. 530 Wharton st. JAK1TOR MAN. 40 YDARS flF Afit- TAK. aires rosltlon as Janitor or will take any kind of laboring work. Ho lias been out of work slncu Inst August aa the result ot an accident. Ills wife has tuberculosis. There are 3 small children dependent upon him. (Ucrmuntovvn District, S. 0. C. 017, 52 West Chelten avenue.) JANITOR 10; WORKED" IN HIS LAST placo for five years; Is seeking work, He has excellent references and lost his work a month ago. when the firm he was with went out of burlnxss Can do odd Jobs of all kinds. H. O. C, No. 074. (Powelton District. 4018 Powelton ave.) JANITOR, EMPLOYED IN A LARGE TRUST company, and hla employers say he was sober and honeat, leaving to tako a better poal. t on. E. A.. 2'JO. JANITOR OH WATCHMAN; HAS EXCEL lent references; out ot work a long time and needs a chance Immediately E .A.. 231. JANITOR-OOOD, STEADY MAN WISHES oiiu kind of position; experienced; alto fal'llar with stable work. E. A. 244 X. J. A-iaif lVfA-vr uvrnn- jn 'kind of light' work: would WANTS ANY Tlreff-r nntftlri -work; not strong; has six children and wlto oepenaing upon mm. j. vv. ., mi LABORER-AN UNUSUALLY INDUSTRIOUS man, this Is what his last employer says of him. He was employed bv mo for several months, he was sober alwayiK and very punctual, I have known for a fact that laat summer liu walked more than nve miles to be at hla work at 7 o'clock, which I consider very much to the man's credit. He Is In urgent need at the present. E. A., 204. hi Is willing to clean, anything to support wife' and tw3 llttlo. children ''"? ?5K Istered at Woodland District Office, 1232 Bouts 47th street. File B. O. c.A op. . work Deeded quiokiJ Af fi irtsntno e IMa ctatttitt explanation vfXey ftnmbert ItVltAJ mess nrrap inaiviauais may 00 reaches 4ftJ MA LB LABOHER - COLonnD LABORER, "S wife nd two children snd 2 vii?. Jll (m. nlilMeatl ViftVA III ,,. . 1 ii.".,T -.;. 1 r. itti ". j LABORER - ITALIAN, WITH SIX RWj children, has been out of Work all nnu, eept a day now and then. )I has && .":lTf n (lfietrit: company and hu ., -.'."" encea. One of hla children Is a. cr pp) ffS C.i 000. Southeast District, a. 0 o WhartonjtrecL ' ,IJ LAl)Oni3R-FATHEIJ AND SON, It) THtSl oin, out i ,,"""' " very rood V'l erences end are trilling to take anytfinr i&l can. get to do; three young children ar'l pendent on them, for support. (NlcetoSif SfM Tioga Diet., 8, O, C, 020, Htintlnt pfiS .?J and Clarissa st.) "' jl LABORER MAN, WITH VERT GOOD inh erences; has been eut of work a monthT?l has a wife and 8, children, the nuSt.L 'H months old. Ho wllltake any kind et 0f? J caaget. h. ". ww. taoutneast Dljtrir, VJ o. OT, r,30 Wharton street.) """V.aJ LABORER. COLORET) MAN OUT OF WmsS ..n.01Aobi'if:',l,flw"h'nlor.anj Jml.O small children: family tfTKSB, M molt dostltuto circumstances In on. 21 room. J ffi .. 878.. LAllORIitt - 33 YEARS OLD, rTALliwi witii excellent refereneent ha h. ifANA work fle months; has flvo small children'? pendent on Mm. ' S. O. C.. No. 6S3. J?K52 ?.'i'.l-" "mi ' " --" T., i.ltlliacit LABORER AN ITALIAN. WITH GOonl references. will inao any Kinn of work.V. n wife nnd 4 children, tli?MoS.'4 enn gri, ny "- "l"" V.,!,,u"n' "'0 yon: est a smnl iMby. S, O. C. 710 (Powelton DlrfB 4018 Powelton ave.). "J can get! his t.Aiintinu hoy. 18. out of wnntf m ".... ,,II1 nt... n hi.,1.1.... .... . J IllOIIinn. ,,iii lunv wiji hik jiq can gSlltft do 10 hslp support his widowed mother aril three brothers and slitors. s o. c. No. eg. l-fl'lCrn IJInlllH ''n H. IjrHTIJL-il.aj B LAUOllCn-vA YOUNO MAN WITH A Wrrg1 and small child, was employed for more V5- ono ear and his former emplover highly ttci ommends him, only owing to tho depreailon r.Annrtrcn . family in ortrTAT the children need clothing; temporary riuJ In tho way ot rood nnd clothing has bw glcfc" II, 'A" 213. " " ""jj LABORER-MAN. 30 YEARS OLD.WltJI excellent relcreneoa; will tnko anytntr.itni can get to do to support hi' tlcllcuto wrs $ 2 thlli'ren. H. O. C. 040. (Powelton Dlst., jj 1 uuimn o, LA-OltEK MAN. 30 YEARS OLD, iuj bee 1 out of work nine months; has excellent reivicucv-, ., .u mi. wnc niij .mug ,10 can nl H. u. 1;., n."j. ittnaierii uist., Lawrence St.) Q. V. V.,, jjs HJ ci 'r n .. LABORER-POLISH, ,. WITH EXCELLENT! work references: wl 1 take nnvthlnr t .l get to do to support his wlfo and children.- 8, w. i... ,iu. 3U. iuaiuiu isiiiv:l, O.KI & Lawrenco at.) j LABORER (COLORED) . YOUNG. ENErS getto man wnn goou rcrcrences; nas workel In boarding houses; out of work one month lms a wlfo and baby to support. S. O Cii! (1'owelton Dlst.. 40)8 Powelton ave.), rift LABORER MAN. TOL1SII. OUT OH" tvrii . threo months; wlfa tubcrculosls;.stx chJr- boy of 15 will do any kind ot work to ttL' also girl of 1U years. Very urgent. No. tW j. vv. u. 'fl-a LAIIORER RUSSIAN, 27 YEARS 6lt with very good references: lias had nowut for n year: ban a wife and two children bd pendent on him. S. O. C. 730. (Eastern DM trlct, . O. C, 338 South Lawrence st.) '4t LABORER, WITH GOOD RBFERENOJI' out of work 0 months! will take anvthlnr enn get to do to support his wlfo nnd 0 cblM urcn. a. u. l;., iocv tsoutnern District, aMW .t .iu ,imrioii Bt.i LAUORER. 10 YEARS WITH ONE KM Plover: excellent references' nn wnrlr fn- months; has a wlfo and 4 children. S. 0, (jjt it. i,.ui iiivutfL iairici, a, vs. u., Miti (fs.1 iiuwara BL.' LABORER"; WITH GOOD REFERENCK: uui ul wuriv t iiiunciisi nut, u wue ana o clBh dren dependent on him. 8. O. C. 753. (8oa! ruyt uisirict. n. u. C 530 Wharton nt.) 5 LABORER. WITH WIFE AND CHItfvf ic.iuv ,,ii iviij- iviiiu u. lauur iu nccu ills IRIflil uv iimcincr. ion Duma ono supDiy mm triis oven ic-npornrv vvorKf . a.. iu. LAIIORER WAS A COAL PASSER IN THB' United States Navv: has had no work ilnn hla enlistment exclred. S. O. C. 718 ISouti.l west Dlst.. 1310 S. 22d BJT.L A-S LABORER, NONUNION MAN, WITH WHJ anci xour cnuurcn, ma jnat ompioyer apeiu ot rum us u, urst'ciuss man, noncst ana socer, l'J A,, !.. LABORER MAN WILL DO ANY KINDtCTi work: wife nnd seven children to euDMrt.1 has not worked for throe months. J. Yv&ufl -1 LAUORER AN ITALIAN. WITH O00D, references, has been out of work 0 montiw 8. O. C. 701 (Southeast Diet., 630 Whirun street). LABORER COLORED, WITH OOOD REPS i-ii-ul;i:b, tviii iuad uiijriiiuii iii can get test: i.j Aui'iNjrt nit luur cnuurcn. a. u. c, pto. (Southivcst District, 13111 8. 22d st.) LABORER, 43 YEARS OF AGE, FOUR CHlU drcn. employed for 13 veam with ona o7 rem. who states ho does not drink and l ( llUBtlcr XJ. a., i.i. LABORER THIS MAN IS INDUSTRIOUS ntiil tiiitr nnrl vninta mi-h-- "ran vmi ti "Ma-' F" A .-221. '- ""ait. LAIIORER, ITALIAN. OUT OF WORK -SIX months: wife and Bcven children, sUlalll iiourmncn. ,io. rw, a. vv. n. LATHER HAS GOOD HEFEn.EICKS: FQlii mer einDloyer would ctvn him work If h ri It for him: lias been out of work all wlntirfl hns a wlro and two small children. S, 0.'Cl Tin ,11.-.ln .l VMn..i. tt r r Ann a ...iIH it,, iiiwvumnu iaiiiLv. U. Vrf,, 6 J O. 1IIAI St.) - LATHER. 34 YEARS OLD. WITH VEKTJ goou reierences; ompioyer says lie has im n.iiiBiuc-cury in every way; nas Deen omi;. work threo rronths. S. O. C, 74L (WoodlaaJ lairicc. ft. u v., J..l a. illti St.) LATHER, 30 YEARS OLD, VERY GOOD workman; out of work four months: hui' wlfo and seven small children dependentlW him. R. O. C. 742. (Woodland District S. Oi Houtn itn st.) 5 LICENSED ELEVATOR ill-nn ATflh.:ilJ good references for character und work. j( I? the ery man for the Job you have o( . A., 278, LIGHT WORK FOR TUnEIICrrr-V'lIS MAN, Fiither oi a famllv of wife and 8 cblldtsSM la 111 with tuberculosis, but family's con.t-B tlon Is to desprrato that he will attemot lliMB work' ninthcr unable to leave home beciBttW1 of an Infant. 0 months old- will do laun-.rfJB Mmi ni i-uiiiu, viucai liqv, ii yenrn Ota, m work as n helper on a vvnaon. J. W. It. fUWI LINEMAN AND BLECTRIClAN YCTS and energetlo man, who has been out of vrcrl for 3 tnnntba. la wllllnc. n h1a onult-lnrlll can get to do. He has 3 amall children, isi wnna ne nas oeen out or vvork hla wlra,t vone out in wurK oy ine aay. ane is nowic S O. C. BS4. (NIcetown and Tioga District u. ij., Clarissa street ana Hunting rarx tr HUH LONGSHOREMAN OR LABORER H. worked In tannery and aoan factory, snerrtt! Polish man; will take anything he can getUt, do to support his wife and 3 children 1 his wlf nas neen aoing wasninsr to try to earn tns uv; ing. m. u. c, (ai.itioumeaat District, B. Oivi iiju tviiuriuit bv.i LONOSHOREMAN, OR LABORER. WJT3I good reforunceB; family of 12 havo been' pendent on earnlnxs of 10-year-old boy;'Mf( neauii is iiuw uruKtn irom overworK! iei man will takft snvthlnir ha ran ml tn Atnl support his .family. H. o, C. 713 (SoathtM Ulst.. i-i iirniii ai.i. l.oNaslIQltEMAN AND DRIVER-MAN U1 been out of work 4 months and wilt Uijl anything ha can get to do. Haa a wife amait taDy dependent upon mm. S. O. C oau eastern uiairici, o. w, , is boutn xwra street. Mi) LONa8HOREMAN-28, POUSH, WITH GOOUj references; will take anything he can StH do tq support hla wife and four amall chfldreStl B O. C.. No. 07T, (Southeaat District, Ml vv nurioii o.i nwu work, his w fe hag gone cut by tkr Sff support family. 6., O. C fiSI S.i.'V IffictJ.S.OiCua3l8 feujiifi, ,,r"oj LABORER-ITALIAN, 30 YEARS OLD. nrn gool references; lias been out of work months: ha has a wife and 0 amall cniliJ,, 2 ot whom are III. S. O. C, U28. (SJiffSl O St., S. O. C. MS S. Lawrence st.) "MMJ