Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 01, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Fake Telegram Jteld Ne
gro Champion' in Cuba.
Curley Expected' to
Make Startling Revela
tions. EI PASO, March 1. Promoters of the
Jack Johnson-Jess Wlllard fight ore de
termined that tho star bout shall take
place. Jack Curley la expected to make
startling revelations when he reaches
Havana Tuesday morning.
Developments hero Bhow that a trick
telegram, savins' the. fight waa off, held
the negro pugilist In Havana after ho
had boarded ship for a Mexican port
Tho trick. It Is said, was performed by a.
bunch of crooks. Johnson was lured to
remain In Havana.
l, Lawrence Weber, the Now York
theatrical mngnato, who la at tho head
W tho syndicate, which Is financing the
world's ring battle, originally scheduled
for Juarez, March 6, Is not easily out
witted. Jack Curley was Immediately
dispatched for Havana by tho speediest
train and steamship. "Bring Johnson
back with you, no matter what It costs.
Hire a special boat Land him at tho
Mexican port where you know protection
awaits him."
This was the final admonition Riven Curley
as he stepped aboard the train. A norm
delayed the steamsbln between Now Orleans
and Key went, but Curley la duo to arrive In
Havana, on Tuesday. Then tha world will
know whether the methods ot disappointed
promoter who did not Ret a finger Into tho
pi or tho alma ot reputable business men
will triumph
El Paso merchants backed uo bv tho Wnber
syndicate. Tom Jones, Jack Curley and Wil
ls rd himself, say the battle will tako olaco
across the Itlo Grande Klcr. The stakes aro
In Bob Vernon's, hands. Johnson has already
received $2000 adanco money, which Is In
lieu of the S30.000 purse, and they aver no
clique n( disgruntled pugilistic manaitors or
promoters will foil their efforts.
Ono of tho most InRcnuous arcumonts ever
conceited will xet Johnson Into Juarez. Part
ot the Journey embraces a ftO-mllo ride In tho
saddle. This, It Is expected, will help his
tralnlnc. It la sure to lessen waist Rlrth.
Quarters are In readiness for him to complete
his training elccre. Juarez wants the bout, and.
If tits plans of the EI Paso Chnmber of
Cominerco and the promoters aro carried out
within the next 10 dnye. rlnR history Is likely
to be ra&do there. Knoblauch's ranch, nestling;
in the mo Grand Valley at Val ilea Plnos,
lias been tha scene of Rreat activity during tha
last fortnlxht. No boxer tralnlnc for a world's
battle waa ever eurroundod with such com
fort an! up-to-date appliances as WHIard's.
Best on Thursday and Trlday had whetted hlfl
appetite tor work: Saturday, and yesterday
when IlKht tralnlnr wao resumed now. mind
jou, Tom Jonea and "Tex" O Rourke, who
are in chsrxe ot the camp, accentuated "IlKht
work" hero Is what Wlllard did:
Hoad work for ono hour: pulley weights,
punchlnR tho baa and six rounds In turn with
Jack Ilcrrole. Jim a;aca and Walter Mono
'han. all heavyweights, rounded out an after
noon ot "IlKht training "
Wblgnst Must Heat Arm
CADILUAC. Mich.. March 1. Ad Wolcast.
former llirhtweiftht champion, has been ordered
by his physician not to engage In n motlng
match during the next six months. Wolgast's
weak right srm was examined throuKh an
X-ray. Tho physician said the bones wero In
tact, but tha arm was weak because Wol
cast bad not allowed an old fracture to thor
oughly heal.
Yalo Crew Anxious Over Non-appearance
of Coach.
NEW" HAVEN. Conn.. March 1. With snrtnir
training for the Yale Unltcrslty crews due to
begin today. Captain Denegre. or tho -varsity
eight, was anxious becauso ha had received
Co word from Guy lMlckalls. tha English
coach, who was to have sailed from London
r on February 22.
The sailing of the ateamshtn on which Nick
alls had engaged passage was odstponed for
a month Sever ll cablegrams wero sent to him
at London to learn his plana, but no replies
have been received. Nlckalls expected to bring
with him a nrw English shell tor the varsity
and Ensltsh-made oars.
A Basketball Thriller
The Intercollegiate basketball race Is
m. thriller. Princeton and Tale aro tied
for first place, Columbia and Cornell are
deadlocked for second honors. It now
teems Impossible for either Columbia or
Cornell to push Into the lead, while the
odds favor Tale for final triumph In one
, of the best seasons the sport has had.
Wild Bill Donovan, upon leaving for
the Yankee's training camp at Savannah,
On... refused to predict that his pets would
win the American League pennant. The
medal, la his.
It Can't Be Done
Federal League magnates have drawn
a. contract which, it Is said, will be far
more binding on the players than the
form Issued at flr8t,"iwhen "Inducements"
were necessary to win the balltossers
from organlred ranks. At the same time,
U Is said, the contract will be entirely
agreeable to the players. It can't be
Swimming as a graduation credit is
being taken up by a number of Institu
tions of the country Lawrence College,
"Wisconsin, la the latest to enter the realm
of the elect. Dr. Samuel Plantr, president
of Lawrence, thinks the students need a
water education. He Is right.
, Beat the Majors at That
What might be termed a baseball record
was established last year by the Port
Hops, Mich.. County Baseball League. It
cleaned up J51 for the year. Huron County
boasts ot this slickest baseball league,
arid thera are seven clubs In the "circuit "
Ope of the clubs lost 135 on the season,
but the. league) Is so rich that the deficit
vtas paid out of league funds.
Homer Baker Reconsiders'
Homer Baker, who was declared out of all
MiKaiitmenU during the Indoor atbletto season,
ha reeonsldered i.ls decision, but In a
limited measure Harold Dlbblee. who Is the
leaitlnB spirit of athletics in tha Tlst Ileirt
nisut. i authority far the statement that the
haU-mUe champion will represent tha regl
rant In the Military A thief lo league eham
jlonhip. It Is thouxht that lUker will not
have to. train to any extent to carry off the
liongie at bit favorite distance.
Billiard Match Tonight
A Uv-Hlqt powsi-suusra aw-iu
t AiluuWa Aeadtmy tonight biw;
faa&ter solid's thiviiploaa Cdwaaa tall
HBEtitewii. N 1 . ana WlllUro JTW
A Bv-ibt pvsKsi-bllllsrd nmttfe wlji begin
L. pfWCtS u
naiBO. oi
si Pittsburgh, ''' match scheduled to take
ulr: Ui ibl ell" jam a a result of a
ssuut Mid in Tn-ntoa last , In whlab
net eae J ear hit lu m gw-wuu w4-
eakr claimed that tb contest waa
ruHi snouab duration to decide which
Ml" nUirn and Immediately afUr
Th bu heilsAaad bis ylebr to tLe rt-
mam. v-Mvh nmaaioDU. devotees win
9B&pfHBly 91 WIi31llE
Demsre Defeats Catton
Ki iCKl'OKD III March 1 Palvla Demareat
s)N(ta VJ OtttMi W w W, lu i Bll
Sst I Jfllr ISU4, match Saturday nigh!
Rii- rum Jd avewgt 14, U H-31. 31,
BOW Trim Cvp
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Braves' Peppery Captain Predicts
Another Boston Victory.
CAMDEN, fl. C, March 1. Johnny
Ever, star second encker of tho World's
Champion Boston Braves, threatens to
becorno a newspaper man. Ho says so
himself. Tho peppery ox-Cub and en
thusiastic admirer of Charles M. Murphy
declares he will -play baseball about
threo years longer, then will break Into
the newspaper game. He alwajs has
had n hankering after that sort of life
and now ho Is determined to rerulio his
Kvers. with his wife and eon. Is here re
cuperating from a severe attack of pneumo
nia, rrom all outward appearances, he Is a
well man, and according to his own mate
ment today weighs inoro bow than he ever
has. He expects to bo In prime condition when
he reports at the training camp of the "raves
at Macon, Oh., early next week. Eeri takes
strenuous exercise at golf almost dally, lis
Is so delighted with the cllmnln that he Is
making plana to spend next winter here
The Braves will repeat in the champlonehlp
race In the big league this year, according to
Star Pitcher Storm Ccntro of Fight,
Says Gilmore.
Clark Griffith Is going to hno n fight on his
hands to keep Walter Johnson from the
clutches of tho Federal I.enguo. 1'lghtlng Jim
ailmoro, who has caused Messrs, llan John
eon, Herrmann and Tener many sleepless
nights, declarea that AValter Johnson will
nlthrr nlav with his "outlaw" organization
or go bock to his farm In Coffeyvllle.
"If we can't hold Johnson, no can't hold a
slnglo player wo hnvo under contract," Oil
mote says. "I don't care to discuss tho case
any further, though, until nfter Judgo Lnndls
renders his decision In our anti-trust suit."
Nassau Has Number of Good
Men in Events New Coach
ing Exceeds Expectations.'
Princeton bcllovcs her track prospects
aro brighter than In several years. In
tho sprints the team Is especially strong.
Madden, Snowden and Moore If he does
not run In the 220 will tako care of the
100-yard daBh, together with Fleming.
Shanley and others who have been
working regularly. For tho 220. Madden,
Snowden, a 23-sccond man, and possibly
Moore or Richardson, are tho candidates,
whllo Itlchardson, Mooro and Dannen
haucr will prove strongest In the quar
ter mile.
In tho distance runs. Hacs, " minutes 2 2-5
seconds, and Captain Mackenzlo can bo de
pended on to scoro In tho lialf-mtle, and Mac
ken: lo in tho mile, which he lias donu In
4 21 1-5, whllo Morrison Is regarded as certain
to count In tho two-mile Beside these, Cooley,
Atha, and Doty havo been doing well. Among
tho hurdlers there Is good material Stewart,
Church. Decker, Tredorlcks, Crawford and
Watt have been showing up well, especially
Stewart, who is one of tho best hurdlers In the
The field events will bo well supported Davy,
In the high Jump, Kellet, Hurpor and Hanson.
In the broad Jump, Baker, Ilurford and
Schmcrtx. In tho polo vault, should all be point
winners. The v. eight events will bo well taken
care of by Nourso, Larscn, Longstreth, Gen
nert, Heynlger and Morris. Tho outdoor work
of tho candidates last fall waa pronounced by
tho coaches to have been tho most successful
ever held. Tho new coaching system, whereby
a graduate or university track man took
charge of the candidates in each eve.' t, far
exceeded expectatlona In the beneficial results
which were accomplished.
Kiviat 111 After Race
KANSAS C'TY, Mo , Starch 1. The match
race at a mile and a half between Abol R.
Kiviat, of tho Irish-American A. C. of New
York, and Joe Hay. of tho Illinois Athletic
Club, was called oft Biturdas night at the
Indoor games of the Kansas City Athletic
Club. Kiviat, after winning the 1000-yard
handicap run, became 111.
Joe Loomls. ot the Chicago A. A., lowered
tho world's Indoor mark ot 0 1-5 seconds for
the 50-j aril low hurdles. It was said, by
covering tho distance In 0 flat, but tho mark
will not stand, as there were but three timers,
Instead of five, as reaidred by the A. A. U.
nay won the mile scratoh In 4:20.
Charley Grande and Johnny
Howard Will Be Feature, in
Windup Boxing Notes.
Both Sailor Charley Grande and Johnny
Howard, who are scheduled to exchange
punches In the wind-up at the Olympla
A. A. tonight, are tough, aggressive and
hard-hitting fighters. They should put up
an Interesting slugfest. Grande made a
big hit last week against Noah Brusso
here, while Howard gave George Chip
a hard battle In his last match.
Theiprogrnm follows:
Tirst bout Joe IlefTernan, IVest Philadel
phia, vs. Terry Martin. Southwark.
Second bout Joe Sfooney, New York, vs.
Sammy Decker. West Philadelphia.
Third bout Andy Cortex. New York, vs. Ed
die McAndrews, Manayunk.
pemltlnal l'ackey Hoiamey, New York,vs.
Johnny Mao, Southwark,
Wind-up Johnny Howard, Bayonne, va Sail
or Charlie Urande, Vallejo, Cal.
Itay Campbell, ot Seattle, Wash . caught a
tartar In 1'at Bradley, ot this city. In the
final fray at the National A. C. Saturday
night, and at the conclusion ot the limited
half dozen rounds the local entry was an
easy winner. Campbell la a clever nnd classy
boxer, but ha waa unable to fathom Urad
lay's style of fighting.
In the best bout ot the evening. Lew Stinger
and Eddie Wagend. both ot Little Italy, wal
loped each other to a standstill. The latter
piled up an early lead, but Stinger's rally in
the latter rounds earned him a draw, drover
Hayes, the veteran, shaded Young Fulton.
Henry Hauber defeated Johnny Weber and
Charley Doyle teat Tommy Jamison In one
Tonight at Pittsburgh Carl Morris will meet
Tom MolUhon. milr SIcCarney Is managing
tho former. They will be In this city next
w sek.
Post-season Games May Be
Necessary to Decide Cham
pionship The BehoJastlc Basketball League cham
pionship may not be decided after the
final samea on the sehedule tomorrow aft
ernooii, when Central High Sehool plays
Southern High School In the West Phila
delphia High Sehool cage, and the Bpeed
boy mwt Northeast High Sehool at the
Germantown Boys' Club. Northeast and
Control are tie far first place. In the
event pf a victory for each of the leaders,
a series 'of post-season matches will be
necessary to decide which of the schools
should get the Dutch trophy
However If Southern High pulls the unex
pected again and tiliua Central High as the
downtowner did en two urevious aecastoni,
and KertaaMt Btife la defeated by ti West
(PtJlUcs. iftta tSe UUar quintet wtll also get
bus 'h tie. film wis naaa thre-eertier4
asrlw at iant rsauwn gaas.
TkrM otfter baskftbU mum are aio on tap
ii.-jr (jsaettaw afttrmmn Laas4owu HUE
pwal atH A1 Hlb feswol, Cm
i,.,i syak Sk-booJ will be taa teat tA Uuiewi
Mtx-h fe a mat KUfttliton Hlh Sbnul will
t tiM "-- a wavtii ?".i& La sij. ul-
Jl ALL TlCKT5! j
J2l-l The VM"JO",i,riFi.ir5& I
Jack Robinson, Ex-Phila-delphian,
Writes of
Moves for Greatest Sta
dium in World Ameri
can Heads Sports Club.
Havana, Cuba, Is to become a pugilistic
Mecca. A letter from John R. (Jack)
Robinson, a former Philadelphia news
paper man and now manager of Battling
Nelson, former lightweight champion, to
Freddy Sears, ot this city, states that
boxing will nourish In the capital of
Robinson Is secretary to "Dick" Klegln,
who has planned boxing shows at two of
the biggest theatres In the heart of
Havana. The promoter also expects to
erect the greatest stadium In the world
for boxing. Klegln lr originally from
Terre Haute, Ind., and Scare saVB It
waB he who Introduced boxing in Europe
nine years ago.
Klegln then went to Australia, nhere he
waa Interested in the tittle game, before
returning to America with Dae btnlth, the
A ml pod o middleweight champion After a
short stay hero Klegln returned to Europe,
and lust after the war started ht signed up
Jack Johnson for a light with Sam llcVey
In Havana, then left for tho West Indies to
complete preparations for the match.
In Hoblnaon's letter to Sears, the latter Is
appointed Klegln's '1'hlladelphta representative.
Fred has tlnlsbed negotiations 'for a match
In Havana for Charley Thomas, the local
lightweight, to be staged vrobably the latter
part of March.
Iloblnson'a letter follows
Dear Freddie Tho boxing game here Is
bound to boom. We have two promoters
Just now. They are iiradt and Klegln. The
former has a stadium about two miles from
the centre of the city, while Klegln has
long-term leatex on two theatres In tho heart
of the town. One, for popular priced shows,
holds 5300 people The other, for big shows,
holds 3500. Ileslde, Klegln has a four-year
lease on a plot of ground dead In tha heart
of tho city, facing the 1'Iaza, ot public square,
around which all thea Latln-Amcrlcan cities
are built It Is two city blocks square, and
he Is about to start the erection ot a stadium
which will be the greatest on the continent.
His site compares with llroad and Chestnut
Jtreets In Philadelphia,
"Klegln will not stage a fight In his out
door arena Until May, using Ws two theatres
In tho heart of the town. You, know a
theatre holding 3500 people, at prices from
II to J5. which are standard here, will result
In a house big enough to satisfy any boxer
"'("have been appointed eecretar) of Klegln's
club, which Is the National Sporting Club ot
Cuba Our presldsnt will be C'aptsln Cush
man A. Rice, the most popular American on
the Island, a financier and plantation owner,
and one grand sport. He is a mllllonslre
several times over. He Is my pal here, and
I have induced him to accept the presidency,
Klegln has oeked me to appoint a few Amer
ican representatives, and I see no reason
why you cannot handle our affairs In Phila
delphia I will want you to send me a few
tough, young fellows, wbo -will slug their
way Into public favor.
I want to your boy Thoroaa (Charlsy
Thomas) against a good featherweight In
March, so have him ready. Most of the tight
era ou will send can rome alone, and on
guarantees. Also, they will be fuinlshed with
round-trip tickets before leaving and given the
very best of treatment while here. Arrange
before you come with Thomas to have at least
four lightweights and welters ready to hop In
at a minute' notice. Two lights to right oaah
other, two welters against each other
Thls Is our appointment aa Philadelphia
renreatntattte of the National Sporting Club
It rut a, and any one doing business with us
must do It through you Just one eeptlon
I hate talked to Jack McOulgan regarding Mo
Carron here-also Houck so must do business
with Jeek direct
'We'll hand Thomas a good match about tb
third or fourth week In Marsh.
Hot regard to the gang as ever
'"" "JOHN R. HOniNSON."
Captain Cushmtn A nice, of Ha ana, tb
Cuban sportsman, who will became. prl4nt
of tb sew National Sporting Club of Cuba, It
In Kw York at th present time.
Dartmouth Jle-engages Coach
HANOVHR K H , March l.-Frank W
Cavanauab has signed a new contract for
tbrsa years as bead roach of. th Dartmouth
football team. Faul W Loudon will a. t as
auJttant uiacb while- W J Randall of
Chelsea will serve as a second assistant coaerj
and scout P W Loudon has also been r
aasagfct to coach tb varsity basketball team.
Pittfeda Off to Camp
FirjBBVROU. March I .-"Rebel B. J
, n.kM swtiw CiotaVi JMward Keuuchy
I and two ufayra feisa! tie WW jU A Is
Ptttstiu-ab Federal League basrtwll elub wklcte
i li-ft Hire faat stent for tb iratotii urn
-C -., t' t s s S S S X S y -iaiini - --7
OV ' jft
Tournament at Union League to Last
Two Weeks.
E or thing Is in readiness ?or the opening
ot the billiard tourncment for the class A
amateur 18 S-balkllno championship of the
United States, which starts at tho union
Lrague tonight nnd will be In progress for
two weeks. There will bo 21 games played
Joseph Mayer, of this city, fcrmer champion,
will open the tourney, opposed to Robert M
Lord, of Chicago. The pairings for the re
maining game hae not been decided upon
and will not bo until the finish of each day's
There aro seven of America's premier ama
teur bllllnrdlsts here for the toume). They
an- Hdward W. Gardner, of New York, the
present champion; J. Ferdinand Poppenburg,
of New York: Joseph Mayer, of Philadelphia,
Charles Heddon, of Donaglac, Mich.; Corwln
Huston, of Detroit; Kugeno I,, Mllburn, of
Chicago, and Robert M Lord, also ot Chi
After Playing Penn Here Will
Stage Games on Its Own
Tale University seems to have whatever
slight advantage Is to be found In the
Intercollegiate Basketball League raco.
After Its game with Pennsylvania here
next Saturday the Ells have the advan
tage of playing on their own home court.
The Yale team is just finding Itself and
should have little trouble. Princeton
winds up Us season with a game against
Columbia on the Tiger court.
MoNlchol, of Pennsylvania, still shows
the way In the Individual scoring, and
Brown, of Cornell, Is second, but dropped
back a trifle last week. Benson, of Colum
bia, and Arnold, of Yale, both made
rapid strides, and It would not be sur
prising If the Yale man In thU three
remaining games should go to the top,
McNIchol's total Is 105 and Is the first to
pass the century mark.
The standing of the first 10 men follow:
Games, for, agt gls. pts,
McNlchol, Penn. If., lg... u 11 II W luS
Jlrown. 6ornell, rf. 8 23 13 7
Renson. Columbia, lg.. rg. 8 13 13 e .
Arnold. Yale. lg..rg J 11 14 81 T3
Wlnshlp, Dart., rf.,lg . rg. T 10 18 41 til
Paulson. Princeton, rg... H 4 5 3 41
Calder, Columbia, c If... 8 IT U 6 30
Jlaaa. Princeton. If., lg... T IT 8 3 R8
Kinney. Yale, rf T IT 0 .. .11
Staekpol, Yale, If., rf...! 7 14 JO 4 32
Pts. Pts.
(James. W, L. P,C. for. agt.
Prlnceton , 1 8 - .U 15i iw
Yale . ..... To2 .T14 IK! IBS
Columbia 8 fl .1 ,82.1 IBS 1IS0
Cornell ... I 8 R 3 B23 181 171
Vehnsylvaiifa .. 3 B ,f3 lot 218
Dartmouth T 0 7 000 188 IDS
Reid Brings Dozen Cases of Clubs
From Other Side.
When Wilfrid Reld, wbo has been engaged
by the Eeavlew Oolf Club, arrived from Eng
land the otbee day he brought with him a
do jen cases of golf clubs. Presumably he did
not do It for fun. Yet it lead to tb thought
that ere long w shall hear golfers discussing
among themselves again the merits of this
manufacture, that make, tha other style, and
It merely meana ono inoro brand to talk aoout.
It may be aald, however, that Reld is on
of the most popular professionals wbo have
come her from th other side In recent
j ears.
The variety of report going around these
day about llrttlsb professionals and the possi
bility of their coming to America In Jun for
the open championship suggests to tlw
Imaginative mind tha katydids, with their
nelsy repart. As a matter of fact, no one
actually knows whether there will be many
Britisher her or not
First came rumor of Harry Vardon coming
ovsr to teach Indoor golf, but It was super
seded by word of bis coining for tb champion
ship. Last week this was denied by Ales II
Medley, who arranged Vardon's tour with
Ray two aeaeons ago. George Duncan may
com over, but ther has been nothing definite.
Of course, the professional do not ala
find such men of spending proclivities as Lord
NorthJIff. who paid tb way for Vardon and
Ray Thsy are likely to b scarcer these
days, and In this way It becomes necessary
for tbe proftaslenale themselves to foot the
gutesa year I a long tun to be a pro
fewliMis! getter for one club, but that 1 the
rtaxd (if AUo CanjoWU. tb Nipper, with tha
Country Club, BrookUA. Mas. Campbell ba
UL aogageil by t SaiUawre Country crab
rer bt yar, and in tUi tMmJtjnUvet t&ot
M. B. Tyter (os te ulda IM
3ntmUw of dse.,lsos.i it. J 1 Ihtwk WU ant
Athletic Squad From New
York Will Be Here
March 13 Jennings, De
vanney, Gianokopolis,
Kolehmainen and Others
Mlllrose Athletio Club, of New York
city. Is the first track and field squad to
enter the annual Indoor games of the
Meadow brook Club, to be held at Con
vention Hull, Broad street and Allegheny
avenue, March 13.
Tho Mlllrose Club has come to the front In
New York during the last year and now ranks
with tho New York and Irish-American Ath
letic Clubs. There Is great rivalry between the
Mlllrose Club and the Meadowbrook Club ath
letes. Their annual relay races are features of
tho meets of the two clubs The New Yorker
lnarlably win In New York and the Philadel
phia team generally wins here. The Mlllrose
Club entered 18 Individual athletes and two
relay teams In the games and are being trained
by Melvln gheppard.
Included In the list of entries ot the Mlllrose
Club are the names of Eugene Jennings, a
high Jumper good for more than 8 feet; Mike
Do annoy, one ot the best one-mile runners In
tho world, Nick Qlanokopolts, hero of -W
races and one of the best distance runners In
America; Matty Gets, a 2-mlnute half-mller;
Fred Haforowle. Vlllcr Kyron, who won tho
five-mile championship In September In Balti
more, and Winnie Gough, junior American
champion at the quarter mile. Other New
Yorkers entered In the gamea thus far are
llannea Kolehmainen, the hero ot the 1V13
Olympics and the greatest distance runner In
tho world, and Abel Kiviat, one-mile American
champion Kolehmainen will compete In the
10-mlle street run and Kiviat In the one-mile
handlcup and CUO-yard special race, Joe
Schwartz, of tbe Mercury Club, the best dis
tance runner In the city, has entered the street
run, which Is a handicap affair, and with
Kolehmainen running the limit will be about
nine minutes. It Is expected that at last -uo
runners will start In this event.
Tourney Ends This Week
GL0UCE8TKn CITY. N. J.. March 1. The
pocket billiard tournament which started at
tho headquarters ot the Monmouth Club, a
month ago, and In which there aro nearly CO
participants, will end this week. Tormer
Councilman William Moffltt will carry oft the
honor In the first class by winning all but one
gamo out ot ten. Roscoe West will be the
winner In the second class, ho having won 10
games hwlle John Morgan, with an equal
number will ho the winner of the third class.
Announce Lehigh Tennis Dates
BOUTII 'nETHLEHEM. Pa,. March 1. Can
lain and Manager Powers, ot the Lehigh Uni
versity tennis team, has announced tbe Hat of
meets scheduled for the coming season. The
May 1, Johns Hopkins morning; Navy after
noon away; May 8 Lafayette aviav; May
8. Columbia University, here: May IS Penn
Btate, here, May 10. Lafayette, here: May 21,
New York University, here.
Result of Game Will Hnve No
Bearing On Present Eastern
League Standing,
W U PC. W, I,. PC.
Reading ... i IS .$4T Do Nerl. ... 10 JO .444
Camden 33 IS .020 Jasper , . . 14 20 ,412
Trenton IT IS -i&a Oreyetock .. 13 St .37.1
Jasper vs. Trenton, at Trenton.
Do Nert S3; Trenton. 23.
Reading, 41; Jasper, SO.
Neither Trenton nor Jasper can lra
prove Ha standing or lose Its present
place iu the Eastern League race in the
game tonight, scheduled In the former's
cage. Both teams were beaten In their
last matches, Pe Nerl trimming the New
Jersey combination at Musical Fund Hall
Saturday night, 32-23, and the Jasper five
going down to defeat In Us game at Read
ing by a score of U to SO,
Tonight's game will be the start of
the final leg In the Eastern campaign.
Present Indications point t a close battle
for the charapionahip between the Read
ing ed Camden fives. WWhs Camden.
Vis Idle Reading broke the; tie with th
former and iow loads the race with a
its.i cf rxalf a game
nMrmii vn m;mir,Ans
KUUIUIiO txau uuU..-"
Notes From tho Spring Training
rt n...lU MMs-l Weflflta
unmps, oo"" ""
.,t,tvi-riwvn.LT!. Va. Mh 1. r;
teen ffiiSnU ,Jkl V& SB1? iOT?"..
of bed early toiay In the OTP'nrrt practice of
?.nkn.nVg'rktt SuYo'naW niW
MACON. a-rAccoS,lSfet?t?tde1l",n: Wwiln
the champion, Drae. have startea ou
luck. Ilcfore wvlne nm nom. . rlJ,
" T'l J0,er iCSnn moVb luck Twae shown when
BliWmldTnecWly boarded tho
special at Baltimore.
flAN ANTONIO, Te .-he $. 'ffijtng
IIUI - Y t
OULFPOnT. M.-Und" sk es in -ened
rain, Mnnsger 'nnlngs lea jw JctcB
nnrf a few roeuldrs out for their "'UIIU qaer
today. Marslialed by Jim oiu.
Jtot into camp from Datrolt lait nlgbt,
MRLIN. Tex.-Tho full sjttjjj J.flS'ft
numbering about TO. tdm.mSlng Mathewson,
ln?..B 0,.0.tn"nu'on and tne rest, arrived
nero'lnst" night to lolnjhe rookie..
....... vi,..- M.hrr nill Donoyan nnd his
been boiling out at HotSprings, r.
, nniir.p.H. Cal.-Followlne Invasions
anaT9flre.pS?f..veT, Whit. B6x re
mimed operations hero today.
i ji v ---. .- -z. i v. sua rnnniHin
TAltPA. Fla rull of eorynefj ana pcd. i"
KSR,i,USav,.habeein,r-.mo,n1gr S5? rec.ntfon com-
mtttes yesterday.
Athletics, Phillies, Brooklyn
Nationals, Cubs and Slouf eds
at Training Place.
rnoi a STAry conitEBroNDENT.
TAfMrc.rvMVTl,L,13. Fla.. March 1. Flvo
baseball clubs wero represented In Jack
sonville today whon tho steamer pai.o
docked. Bosldes tho Athletics. Phillies,
Brooklyn Nationals and Hmmernian of
tho cuds, an oi wnuiu ....w- -.. ---boat,
tho St. Louis Federals were In tho
city en route to Hnvana, Cuba.
Tho Apache arrived at 9 o clock, this
morning. A number of tho players and
'" ' ,1i, ... in nttar the rough
camp luuuwcio ,i-. ... - -- ,.,fc
voyage last night from Charleston The
Athletics wero raci uj u...... .."--.-,
Barry, Oldrlng, Mclnnls. Shawkcy, Bi ish
and Jimmy Ganz. This party, which also
Included Mrs. McGllllcuddy, arrived hero
last night. Shortly after noon tho Phil
lies leave by rail for St. Petersburg and
:,rr t, ,.i.. t..h win icavn this after-
tno xjruuiwji, v.u "... ---- .
noon for Daytona. Tho weather today Is
raw and cola, ana u is uiuioi "
.-i.,.,t.- -..Ill n mnrn than cet trielr
uniforms arranged In tho clubhouso at
Sunset Park.
Tho St. Louis Federals will go from here
by rail to Key "West, then tako a steamer
for Havana. Thereiaro 13 players In tho
"outlaw" party. Eddlo Plank Is already
In Havana with several other members of
his club.
Odds On That He Will Be at Third
for Athletics. ,
TRAPPE, Md.. March 1. Home-run Frank
Baker Is keeping In shape by practicing with
the Trappe High School nine "Mr. Maker,"
as his neighbors call him since he won big
league fame and incidentally world's series
dollars, had a clean record at the bat. He
stood at the plate twice as a trembling pitcher
burled tho sphere. Baker hit the ball, where
upon taxpayers wept, for each time he knocked
out a pane of glass In the schoolhouso.
Friends of Baker nay that he Is wavering
nnd that he meets the mall train each morn
ing to scan the sporting pages. They are bel
ting odds he will be back at 21st and Lehigh
avenue when the American League season
A Dream of Far-OlT Lands
n Far-Off Lands today toners lost paths
A little boy looks up into God's sky
Through apple blossoms, swaying In the
That drift as spring's first South wtnds
whisper by; s
And as he looks, upon his face there
The light that only fame's great dream
can yield
To him who hears far off the roll of
The silver bugle caltfnp- to the field.
In Far-Off Lands I see Mm take the path
With outstretched hands that reach
forth for Ms dream,
Unmindful of the night, the tempest's
But on by Mil and hollow, vale and
Through all the bitterness and stress of
That may not turn h(m oaofc tior dim
Ms faith;
Unknowing, as he looks through tender
He follows but the pnanfom of a wraith,
I watch him leave the happy fields he
The waving grasses and the wide, kind
The harvest song that winds and echoes
Lost summer days of sunlight drifting
The paths of faith ana honesty and
To follow through the mire of hate and
And fano-Ied ways that lead so far from
That sent him forth to where Ms dreams
might lead.
From Far-Off Lands that hold their place)
I tee Mm take the gray trail of the
Struggling and stumbling, weary, sick at
Groping In blindness through the night of
With outstretched hands that reaoh forth
for Ms trean
That lures and leads and beokons, yet
still keeps '
Dim in the darkness, as a light that
Beyond dim vale toners endless dark
ness creeps
Nearer and nearer, from the throng apart,
I see Aim struggling blindly in the fray.
With mighty pity surging through my
That one should be so far fren off the
Eo far Jrom that dim dream youth left
With none to ahou the proper road to
I'Ktil tettk suddtn start, I woks ta jltuf
ii-- whom S ftoiiwl tilting in mu tkatr
Bender, Plank, Collins al
Baker Must Be ReplarJ
Magee's, LobertjS
"'""" " -'"uiaiv
Places Are Yet Unfilll
Philadelphia's two baseball ehlafalfa
week begin tho most difficult taak Bj
navo iacca in several seasons. CtmS
Afnrk mtlat riAVfllnn n titffet..M ..-
the Athlotlcs. rat Moran must huirffiS
nn Infield for tho Phillies. Both UanW
are with their aggregations of vetS
mm uuiJtuuia in mu ouuin, rcaay XOMKi1!
coureo uhlch In h larae mensur wm'.'il
termlno tho makeup of tho teams tot tip
championship raco of 1915. jtt
In the snrlnir of 1914. Mannacr if.fi.TH
virtually no problems. Manager Booing)
tho Phillies, had tho remnants of t i
llant team, which had more than a epotw
tnir chance to become champions ofitrr
of both clubs nro more nnd greater. 'Si
Tho Athlotlcs havo lost Bender, Pltnlc Kji
llns nnd Baker. The Phillies In two T'tiS
have lost Lobert, Mageo, Knabe and ttaliYt
Others, of course, havo departed wltWaMC
Inst to years, but In considering the elS
ns baseball machines each has lost four S
that nro yot to be replaced. The vscttrii
made by Knnbe and Doolnn still exlet, si 1 12
sMison certainly know. The defection of jfl J
lies, os Dooln's pitching was easll up to Si
elandnrd. Now that Inn Rlucalnr Mar. -TI
th? speedy Lobert lave been disposed ofiti.
Phillies mill rcqulro added batting strensuiVu
.well as an Infield. The lose also ot chsriS
Oooln will bo felt. His hand In guiding rm!i
pitchers, together with his ability is a biS
stop, "111 be missed. However, the Phlliw
catching department still ranks anions' thh
in the league. , jajja
Tho outstanding rccult of the Phillies' wt57
ago Is the riddled Infield, which has but Led
frun left of a onco strong defense Kru-I
Doi.lan and Lobert eonol what will Moraai
to reniaro momv nsgi
NleholT, tho Cincinnati acquisition. IsTaT
generally credltod as n second-sacker, but
Is understood that Is his natural position, sell
he Is boomed as a comer. With Martin, timt
uroth tiiiu 4,jruie, ,u44imHi;r i.iuruil JMItSM
material to work upon. The outflold mtyk
or Htrong on the dofonso as In 10li3u
siagoos net is missing, rne pucninj'sK
catching should equal that of last year. AW.
andcr Is without superiors, and this should hi
ft rood year for Krsklno Mayer. fsug
Tho Mack Infield is virtually decided vjff
J I.e. u iuu ,ci .. hi, ua.u cj. 4, ,44 14 1V1U VSMH
the rreat I100.0OO quartet of loot seasoLyiW
tho Mack infield has not been wrecked n-W
tho Phillies'. Lnjolo nnd Kopf may not.lt
ColllnBcs nnd Bakers, but the Athletics' lt
defense work this 3 car will not be their wet
point. s
The pitching staff of tho "White HepbMk
nono too etrong last season, Is robbe4 ef U
backbone In the loss of Bender ond TlanUlt
Vina nr.t a 'Alnran fnnnla XTolr'at hMuk
tho deelopment of'6hawkey, Wyckoff, Bar.'
Bressler nnd Pennock and to pick ojtitn
or two youngsters. Tho records Bhow that rh
"wlso man of baseball" has been able to rcii
emerginclcs In the past, nnd tho fni,hN
not lost confidence In him. They beliefs i,
rnn mhnlM pvpn Ihn nvrMltncA munhl hv tu
loss of Baker. Collins, Bender and nn.lss
Pat Moran Is an unknown factor as a raw
agcr. with a rree hand, however, thers m
few who do not bcllevo ho can plug ths teg i
ana givo tne t'nuuea a winner.
Lawlcr Establishes Record '
LOWKLL. Mass . March 1. John C. Uile.
of tho Irish-American A. C. was the only etc)
testant to ostnbllsh a new record at the'Kie
Knglnnd A A. A. U. Indoor champlctueJi
mootinc held here Saturday nlrht. Laslw
nut the 10-pound shot 47 feet 2 Inches, bettr.j
Ing the old distance of 45 feet 7 Inches, mat
also oy nimseif.
Guilford at Pinehurst
PINEHTJnST. N. C. March l.-PIay rWI
I lltvtlH nir In ennt! anttln val r fAilenaie1 frte 1
I Indulged In yoaterday. with Walter J. Trstlli
find Jpflsn P Guilford, the "lonreat driver SI
the world." claiming uie lion snanj
Plan Golf Course Changes
ATLANTIC CITT, N, J. March l.-ExtenWi
cnanges win uo miiao on ilia cuuibo ufc.i,..'
vlnw nnrlv this snrtnr. It was learnedlTU-l
terday. Donald noes will supervise th Ujf
provemenc on nis roiurn irom i-iucjiuisu .".i
fiid Held Is expected at Scavlow this weeb
Wisconsin Five Winner
MintHnv. Wia.. March 1. Tho Unlierktr
ot Wisconsin baskotball team Saturday nlils
defeated the University of Minnesota, al.taj,'
in u 4 esicrii 4.uiiiaruiiuo kuiiiv.
Krank Haker has revised the old xw
to read "Standing with raluctantffw
where the bat and plowshare meet
As for Connie Mack losing hlsf'W
they said the same thfntr when Hirrf
Davis and Danny Murohy startedsWS
ping and both Lave and Monte Ovaj
began to recede. When this old 1:
cracked and blew tho only people QK
nle could find to take their places jW
lucmnis, Collins, Harry and Baker;
Same Old Stuff
A perusal of Buenos Ayres papers S
Jack Johnson still around with ths
old stuff. While there lie became ens&JNl
in a public brawl, attempted to beatwl
an actor known as Scnor Ducasjlftw
was piomptly arrested and haulediWS
court. s
Yes, Johnson's a lino typo for a cbSJ
pion. ira only a matter or timei";
tore iney will navo to step up and D&
a jau around mm where he lands.
The fact that an Irishman. Mike FW
gan, Joined the Giants' camp at Mf
was considered an important news ltj
and because he was an Irishman,!
as Cicero used to say: "0 temporia
mores," Twenty years ago the ImporfHJS
news Item was to the effect thatlta
player wasn't nil Irishman, pH
One writer says tho Irish havefli;
v-iuiyucu out oy otper nationalities, jf
out-but up, What nationality is 5tl
front, leading the others? McOrawJi
Gllllcuddy, Donovan. Carrluan. MM
Hugglns, Bresnahan-flgure It outlW
Tho Kfr-rnnl Trlnnrrlo
It has not been officially decIdedlP
Which tWO nf 111 A ntai-nal T.'lHn Vf
angle will meet next It may ba BhM:
rue vs. wnue, or Shugrue vs. wen
Whl,. .... CJU. "-
To vary the Insipid monotony Ju
II 1MB. air, YGLSn win laxfi on IT
nitnhlA nvf- thn 1A.mim mutn hU
will be only in the nature) of a reces
There are a number of ways of nffi
tbe rapid march of old Doo Time.
Dovle has marked one of them by
serving that among McQraw'a 1915.B
cnases is -a prominent young
Bowlers Attentioi
Bingham Hotel, Tuesday, Mare
AT a P. M.
To Porm CMv nrcanlxation Oil
Atlantic Coast Bowling Asspciiyj
U... M I .. ' " SX
OLYMPIA A. A. '. SgriSBf
TOK,HT. At 8 19 8Hl
SalUr ,ChriIs r,rn4 w 3 juiw J
AIia.!Se. al Bus Wc i.sem1
d -