Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 01, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Ing on the Rpenklng stage. 8. Costello
will bo seen sdon In now releases, t
Crano 'Wilbur Is with LUblw'd. 5. NO.
Ton can visit Lubln's nlant hv nnnlv-
Ing to Lawrence McCloskoy or Colonel
- 2SS5t-w " .-' ATr s.
&Zitmr- sr5s i- ' jrv r i- i j&- T-s 8
Bs - fife
Tho Horolno of "The Trail of the
Lonesomo Pino"
"The Misleading Lady"
at the Broad Tonight
(Tlin MISLEADING LADY-iBy Charles flood
ard and Paul Dickey. Opening lit tlio 'Broad
Jack Cralgon Paul Dickey
John V. Canncll Thomas P. Tracey
Henry Tracey Stewart Jlobblns
Sidney rarlter Albert Sarkctt
Htcphen Woathorbco Henry Stockbrldgo
Keen Fltxpatrlck Walter ttcsan
Honey I'rnnk Sylvester
Tim McMahon Albert Backett
mil Pagan Henry Thompson
"Paho" Merrill Ucorxe Abbott
"Spider" .....Frederick Wallace
Helon Steele Franclno Uirrlmore
Mrs. John W. Cannell Allco Wilson
Jano Wentwortlt Grace Harbour
Amy Foster Allleon Skinner
.Grace Buchanan Daisy Adamy
Act 1. country nomo or jonn t-nnncii on the
tipper Hudson. Act II. Cralsen's lodgo In tho
Adlrondacks. Act III. Game.
Even In Brooklyn "Tho Misleading
Lady" la entertaining; may "'c not ex
pect as much In Phlladolphlr, In spite
of a racing wind and sky that beckoned
critics to healthier and kindlier oxorclso
tho sociological farce which comes to tho
Broad tonight made at least one dramatic
Itlll-Joy regret the trouncing that ho knew
ho ought to give tho authors. Fun, ex
citement, a llttlo thought, and tho only
lovable lunatic tho stage over saw what
more do you want7
"Drink deep or touch not" maybe
that's tho answer. It's these days of
votes for women that make men wrlto
farces about sex attraction and the cave
man; and It's these tamo days that make
us reprove them for not writing a drama
Instead. The smart set If It weren't so
smart would call "Tho Misleading Lady"
"Schoponauer In tho Movies, scenario by
Kipling, with John Bunny."
For "The Misleading Lady" Is a three
round match between a cavo man nnd a
woman who doubtless prefers "influence"
to a vote. The lady extracts a proposal
from one of theso explorer-traveler
"strong men" In order to prove that she
can play the part of tho siren In some-
body-or-other'a new play. Tho strong
man tutns philosophic when ho learns
about- the Jolto and oxplalns that women's
clothes are not designed for utility or
self-effacement.. "Women are consumers
of human energy, and tho best of them
nro "good" only technically. So on the
supposition that tho modern woman who
keeps to her "sphere," plays for tho
physical Bldo of man out of pure Innate
cussedness and not because she hasn't
any other way of earning tho necessary
husband, he Indulges In a little forco
wjilch ho says Is no more brutal than
liors. Ho chucks his coat over her head,
filings her Into his car and finally lands
her on the end of the watchdog's chain
In his Adirondack camp. Ho completes
the proof that a gentleman Is only a
shirt nnd a shave and a shine with tho
caveman Inside by marrying this under
dressed ninny when she adds a declara
tion of love to her previous attractions.
But not till we have had a lot of fun
out of chaining her up, and seeing her
try to shoot him. Not till her fiance haB
arrived behind a gun and been beaten at
(Ms own game of strong man. Not till
TBio. girl has laid out her captor with tho
Telephone nnd walked miles after a doctor.
Not thank heaven I till wo have mot
"Boney" Is an escaped lunatic who Im
agines himself Napoleon, when all the
time he la a great big cogwheel In tho
machine of farce and excitement. But
Ktutllsh family, ,...,.....,8:13
ERQAr-"Tba Misleading Lady," A "socio-
logical- rarce 01 a gentleman from rata
gonla, who kidnaps and tames a flirtatious
young ornament of good society. Alio enter
i-Napoleon." Opening night. See review, ,8.13
OARniCK The Ban Carlos Opera Company In
"Alda." for further announcement and re
views w tba muslo department ..,.8:15
UTTLD "Rich Man. Toor Man," with tho
resident company. a comedy by I'orter
Emerson Urown, which shows the 5th ave
nue Is Just as out ot It In Vermont as a
chorus girl In Sth avenue. Ingenious and
ingenuous .,, ,.,,,,, 8:15
iVYIUC "Dancing Around." with Al Jolson.
A1w.,n,.er,Yara?n now wh a hussar hero
who is looking for a beauty spot and rinds a
whole ballroomful, Al Joloon convulsively
ruins the plot ,,: ' :15
JIVALNUT "The i Trail of lh Lonesome Pine.1'
Eugene Walter's effective dramatltatlon of
John Vox. Jr 's tale ot the Cumberland Gap.
Last week .,,... , ,..8:10
JCEITH'S Joan Sawyer: Claudo ailllngjwater
in "Wives of tho Rich"; Fannls Uric. Frank
rwarty,. "The Dublin MlnstrS": 11. A.
llolte's "Colonial Days"; CoaJdey. Hanvey
and Dunlovy, blackface comedians: lleau
monte and Arnold In "Tha Uoctorlne";
Schooler and Dickinson, and Hearst-Sells:
motion pictures.
NIXON'S ORANJ-The Bight Royal Dragoons
singers und Instrumentalists; John P. Wade
In "Marsj Shelby's, Chicken Dinner": Joe
Cook's "One Man Vaudeville Show": Cole
Itutseli and Davis In "Walters Wanted":
the Dohcrtys In "Nutty Nonsense" : Julia
Uontales on the trapeze, and comedy motion
0S0IJPr"A,,v,n'urs on the Hoof ot the
garth," rntvlng pictures In the Alps: George
Felix and the Ifcrry Olrle, Harry Breen In
monologue Clayton Kenney and Martin
Roony in ''The Happy jfedlum" Bddlo
.t'Pi 53a F1?fJnA Clark In "Marooned",
!.. 'ladders Alf flrant and Master Hoag lii
IRpi1 ,PBNNTh.8 Vlv Naval Cadsts;
Lth.t 8,VC0"'i ,1'arf, McMahon, Diamond
gd Chaplow la ' The ecareerow": pivo JVr
on. roonologlat, and Soretty and Antol-
&riKEXS. """JSt" ' esk)-o Shea
'"Tlio Village cabaret". Brown DelmS
lriiSw?. J V? theDoek"! Wl aid
Iglst: Da
roieers in
-- " ujiiiuusium
Tut, M?rck 2. 8 P. M.
Crayons. Play, Soays. Music.
Military Spectacle,
XUktU 7ft Utnn MU
moro limn that, ho Is a beautiful piece of
acting, Thoro nro somo Very he-it "bits"
In "The Misleading Lady." Franclne
Larrlmore-nillle Burke, half scale-Is
the perfect Imago of woman's "Influence."
And 1'nul Dlckcv nart nuthnr nlnva th
1 caveman with a simple nnttirnlncsi that
makes him ntoro than plausible. But It
s Frank Sylvester who carries oft the
honors wllh "Honey." Stamping nbuut
Willi his boots and his rnbro and nhotit-
1 Ing "Victory' the Emperor Is hcrel "Well'
I Ington must not reach Quntre-Hrns," he
strikes that cuilotia note of stolid violence
'In the Insane, whllo with tho next In
stant he itIvcs to some pathetic softness or
wiiiinsli'Mlty-t a piteous weakness Just as
true. "Honey" Is a comic Interruption
tho only stage-lunatic at which men and
women of feeling over latiulied; but ho Is
mtre. lie Is piteous, lovable, human,
And that's why wo can laugh at him
Without the Insult that wounds us oven as
It Is turned by tho armor of tho mad.
Another Prize Loser
Horo Is one moro of the letters that
camo to Wlnthrop Ames In the prlzo
competition from which "Children of
Earth" emerged a victor:
"having noticed your Add, Post Standard
nm ready to deal with you In regard to
Somo Plays, Operas and Songs I nm try
ing to finish up to bo Sent on for Insncc-tlon-nt
the Panama oxposltlon nt San
franclsco fr. In 19.16 Havo not decided on
anything yet thoy are ovory lino my own
composing first clas In every leaped. My
prlco Is fifteen thousand dollars Stage or
Sell them ns your own If you wish, glvo
thorn any tltlo you wish
thoro aro 4 plays, two operas and 6
Songs one Opera on wine vorry exciting
one comic Opera
ono tragedy Original
thrco or 4 Short lines.
Havo not decided on titles one
Spng I will cal this world la a
Stngo will glvo tho first verso of each Song
this lovoly world, Is ono vast Stngo
Its favors do Impart
from tho cradle to tho grave
each ono donth act his part
this of IB verses could be divided can be
nppllcdto any place In tho united States.
turn to right
turn turn young man before to lato
Your rearing hells wide open gate
Where raging dovlls writhing Stand
with hissing Serpents In their hands
turn to tho right (Spoken.)
Ah cruel man what hast thou dono
ruined fnthcr husband Son
A blacker henrt than those oppressed
Still bents beneath your wine pressed vest
thlB Should bo the first verse
My Cottago home
the llttlo brook, two Short Songs god save
the king was wrltcn Just beforo King
cdward died then ndded one moro verso
God Save tho King
Ive longod to see the King, bedecked In
with vested power nnd wealth untold
with diamonds gleaming from his breast
and a warm heart beating beneath his vest
the chlkedeo
como down from that tree, my Chlkedeo
I am longing for your) Sweet company
tho blrdllngs nre at rest, In their cosy
llttlo nest
como down my chtckedco
Corus. Chlckcdce, Chlckedee, Chlckcdee
de do
this Is n, very good pelce. If handled right
you aro Supposed to bo Singing to u bird
In tho tree When you como to the corus
Chlckedee, then In a llttlo louder and
moro plaintive voice
Chlckcdoo, chlckedco, chlckedee, do do
News Notes
Augustui MacHugh, who mado ono of
those farce successes with "Officer WO,"
which have never repeated. Is to dra
matize "Blister JoneB," from John Talntor
Foote's utorles.
One of the "Chicago shows," which
rnado a great reputation west of Cumber
land Gap once upon a time, to wit, "A
Modern Eve," Is going to have an Eastern
tryout In Boston, Mnrch 8.
Georgo V. Hobart Is going to try to
transfer to New York tho Bort of Intel
ligent travesty which "The Follies" Zclg
fcld barred used to do In London. He's
got ono necessity any way, a small the
atre, the Comedy.
Blanolto Ring, who Is all tho moro bril
liant by contrast with her unending fail
ures, is going to try It In "straight"
Hollls Street Theatre
FIst Metropolitan Production
Boston Advertisement of the Garrlck's
lato lamented.
Mrs. Sarah J. Atwood, president of the
Immigration Guide and Transfer Com
pany of Now York, will deliver a lecture,
"Work nnd Charity," In the Clover Hoom
at the Bellevue-Stratford, at 8 o'clock to
night, under the auspices of the Woman
Suffrage Centra Mrs. J. D. Thomas will
preside and Introduce tho speaker.
Mrs. Atwood has for many years con
ducted an employment agency. She las
mado a study of Charitable and aid so
cieties. Two Golden Weddings Celebrated
Golden weddings were celebrated In
two Philadelphia families yesterday.
Eight children and four grandchildren
attended a reception In honor of Mr. nnd
Mrs, Jacob De Wolfe, at their home. 2616
North 18th street. Mr. nnd Mrs, Moyer
Goldstein, 275 South Sth street, enter
tained friends nt their home. Mr. Gold
stein Is one of the founders., of the Bnal
Jacob Snyagogue and the Zhltomar Syn
agogue. Converts Mourn Missionary
Several hundred men and women, con
verted through the Influence of John C,
Williamson, who died on February 14, at
his home, 1M1 Hamilton street. Joined In
a tribute to his memory yesterday at the
Wayside Mission, 28 North 8th street.
Mr. Williamson devoted his spare time
to mission work In this city for 22 years.
BoyB Visit Fine Arts Academy
Boys from the College Settlement at 3d
and Christian atreets were interested vis
itors at the Academy of (he Fne Arts
yesterday. They weie In charge of Dr.
Horace Carncross, who has a large ranch
in Wyoming, and who Is visiting Wilson
Eyre In this city.
Real Estate Activity Increases
Building permits totaling t8,674,7S0 Indl
oatn the Increase in rcl estate activity
In this city, according to figures com-.
puea ay ciuuauuaii ,,..., .,.MUf w
tho Bureau of Building Inspection, who
pointed out today that thla record was
the. best for February since 1909. An In
crease of more than fLWO.QOO over tho
preceding month la also announced.
The nawest steps of the Modem Dances
taught by oetsoetant and experienced Instruc
tors datjy from 10 A M to 1Q V- M.
private clAaaxa nvsHYwamsa
ltfptviDUAi. i-eaaona
JaSryltjbw! rUhert 40T.
we CHXfrsttirs wr. '&, Locmt aiiw.
!5asSs:S arJKM'AN soprano . fMSSkwW ,
MME. CAROLINA ZAWNER ss 111P lltllii& '
Whllo grand opera companies In tho
United Statm arc, as a rule, assembled
In Now York, tho principals of tho or
ganizations aro recruited from nil over
tho world. Tho great fountalnhcnds of
music-Berlin, Tnrls, Milan, Floronce,
Moscow, Buenos Aires, New York nnd
others of equal Importance) aro drawn
upon, nnd from year to year each con
tributes a famous songbird or two to tho
opera world. Tho San Carlo Grnnd Opera
Company, which comes to tho Onrrlck
for a repertoire of eight operas tonight,
Is unusually cosmopolitan In its make
up this season. Of course, tho complica
tions of the European war zone had
much to do with this situation.
Upon tho roster of principals of tho
organization Is Mme. Carolina Zawncr,
tho eminent Busslan mezzo soprano,
who, at tho outbreak of tho war In her
Questions and Answers
The Photoplay Editor of tho Evbn
ino LKDonn, will bo pleased to answer
questions relating to his department.
Queries will not bo answored by let
ter. All letters must bo addressed to
Photoplay Editor, Evenino LBDQEn.
Before the most representative and dis
tinguished audience which ever viewed
n photoplay In this city, "The Eternal
City" was Bhown last night nt the ChcBt
nut Street Opera House, for tho first
time anywhere on nny stnge. It was a
private view, by Invitation only.
Daniel Frohman, presiding genius of
the Famous Players, spoke briefly of the
new film, calling attention to tho great
strides the art of the photoplay had made
In rccont yeara days, would bo more
accurate. He recalled tho days when he
had produced current speaking plays In
tho opera house here and declared that
he was not ashamed to have his name
associated with such a film aa "Tho
Eternal City."
A full review of tho play, together with
character sketches by Louis Hanlon, of
the Eveninci I.kdokh staff, will appear
In this column tomorrow. This will bo
the first time, so far as Is known, that
a photoplay has been subjected to the
deft touches of the artist's pencils.
In the Photoplay World
In order that they might see at first
hand the making of motion pictures and,
incidentally, discuss with tho men and
women who wrlto, make and act them,
the educational trend of the photoplay of j
today, a party or prominent Philadelphia
educators visited the Lubln plant recently
and spent an Interesting day, during
which they saw a half-dozen different
comedies nnd dramas being made In the
studio, Inspected all thq mechanical de
partments, and In the prlvato projecting
room watched some of the big Lubln plays
that havo not been released as yet.
In the party were Captain John B. Pep
per. William T. Tllden, William Shoe
maker, a member of the Bonrd of View
ers; J, Horace Cook, superintendent ot
school buildings; George Wheeler and
Oliver P. Cornman, assistant superin
tendent of schools; John C. Fraznr,
director of vocational education; Louis
Nusbaum, Chnrles 13. Hrelsford, Milton C.
Cooper, Samuel L. Chew, district superin
tendents of schools; Henry J. Gideon,
chief of the bureau of compulsory educa
tion; George D. Gideon, William L, Sayre,
late principal of manual training schools;
Dr. E. S. Baylor, eyo specialist; George 55.
Long and William K. dorham,
So Interested were the educators In
watching the Inner workings of the bis
Lubln plant and discussing photoplays
with the various Lublnltes they met that
they unanimously accepted Mr, Lubln's
Invitation to visit his ranch at Betzwood,
Pa., and Inspect the studios and mechan
ical departments there and see the mak
ing of some big, spectacular out-of-door
"Hearts In Exile" Staged
James Young Is engaged In putting the
finishing touches to th photoplay called
"Hearts In Exile," In which Clara Kim
ball Young will be seen, on the World
Film Corporation schedule, April 6. The
locale of the picture Is Ilussla, and a re
cent snowfall made It easy to take a
majority of the scenes In and near Fort
Lee, but there are many scenes yet to be
taken, and on that account it haB been
arranged that the company, under Mr,
Uomt of World's Greatest Photoplay
AFTERNOONB 10 to :Sg lOo. 16c. 250.
EVENINGS TiSO to 10:30 10c. 25c, 60c
rtsssrved Seats Selling One Week In Advance
TWICE DA1LV 2:30 and 8:30 V. M
Preceded by Keystone Comedies
yftila.'t fiaft 4 crulv Photvtkxu Thfatrt.
Capacity iWOO Mallow 2 SO Eve ff Ad
mission, matins and sveslnr, 10c. CbUdrtn.
aallnes Uy. Sc jVll orcWUa, -
The Utik Angel of Caayoa Creak
: ,
nNar.isii diiamatic soprano.
country, was singing nt the Imperial
Opera House, Moscow.
Mme. Marie Kaestnor, the German
prima donna, had not yet been upon
Ameilcan shores, and was singing In
Vienna when the trouble came.
Mme. Annette Chnbot. one of tho moz
zo soprnnos of the San Carlo forces,
was singing In Paris, hor nattvo city.
Mmo. Sophto Charlebols, a lyric so
prano, although possessed of a French
Young's guidance, shall go to Snranac
Lake, Now York, to get tho winter scenes
that remain. Special scenery and cos
tumes have been supplied for this pro
duction, nnd It Is tho largest yet maae by
Mr. Young for Clara Kimball Young un
der tho World Film auspices.
Society Leader Joins Lubin's
Edith Ritchie, who in private life Is
Mrs. Stephen Morris, and who has tho
sympathetic part of Ruth Hunter In tho
elaborate production of Clyde Fitch's
"Tho Climbers," now In preparation at
the Lubln studio. Is n newcomer In the
motion picture field whose natural dra
matic talent has won almost Immediate
After a brief apprenticeship at tho
Lubln studio In tho early summer of last
year, In "atmosphere" and In minor parts,
she was given nn opportunity to show her
mettle as Miss Carpenter, In "The For
tune Hunter." Her bucccss with William
Elliott In this exacting character part
won for her the role of Mrs. Dallzell, the
chaperon. In "Tho Collego Widow.'' She
Who is Mrs. Stephen Morris, n
well-known society leader, play
ing leads in Lubin's Company.
I 1 I
oSd St. and
Lsnidowne Ave.
KenslnEton anil
Allegheny Aves.
SOtll lielofT
Daupliln St.
list St. and
Lancaster Ave.
BHd St. and
HaTerford Ave.
German town Are
& Tulpchockcn fit
Market Street
nrrroantown Ave,
bel, Grater's Unt
7th anil
Dickinson Bts.
JBth St. und
Snyder Ave.
61th St. and
Woodland Are.
SM St. and
CI ren uy Ave.
71st fit. and
Woodland Ate.
KtntlnKton Vsa.
llth and
yalrraonnt At.
South 7th 81.
SUi uut
stago name. Is Norwegian and English
by birth, her father having been a Lon
doner who inter becamo ono of tho
orlglnnl "forty-niners" of California.
Italy, tho neutral of tho nntlons, Is
represented by Mme. Edvlge Vaccarl,
tho thrilling coloratura soprano of the or
ganizations All theso prima donnas have
brothers, sweethearts, fnthers or other
relatives lighting In tho trendies, while
thoy aro entertaining American audiences,
drawing large salaries and sending a
goodly portion of tho amounts to Europe
to relievo tho sufferings and allay tho
distress that prevails there.
has also some good work to her credit
In tho nil-star cast of "Tho Evangelist,"
In which Gladys Hanson had the lending
Brady in N. Y. Hippodrome Plan
Following tho announcement thnt the
Shubcrts contemplate turning the Now
York Hippodrome Into a motlon-plcturo
houso this summer, it was learned yes
terday that if tho plan Is adopted pic
tures manufactured by tho World Film
Corporation will bo shown.
It Is also understood 'that William A.
Brady will be associated with tho new
enterprise In his capacity as head of tho
Brady movlng-plcturo Interests.
Ono of tho things which led the Shu
borts to consider n moving-plcturo policy
for the Hippodrome Is to avoid tho tre
mendous expenso Involved In staging
such spectacles as the recent "Wars of
tho World." By putting In pictures a
financial rst can bo taken, with tho al
ternative of returning nt any time to the
old Hippodrome policy If conditions war
rant. Where Scenarios Are Wanted
STREET, NEW YORK Aro consider
ing one nnd two reol dramas and
comedies COO feet In length. They will
nlso buy suitable comedy dramas. Sub
mit your photoplay worked out In
scenario form. They demand original
ity, with a real story.
101 RANCH, BLISS, OKLA. Tills com
pany will only uso Western stories re
quiring Indians nnd cowboys. They will
not start producing their pictures until
LOS ANGELES. CAL. Want storios
with now twists In tho plots and strong
situations. Also like chnractcr studies
along with tho strong nlotu. and If pos
sible n lesson taught or a big thought
presontod. If submitting only tho
synopsis, mnko It not too Jong, but suf
ficiently explanatory to mttke tho situa
tion clear.
Aro in tho market for any and all
classes of sconarlos. social Western
dramas, comedy and historical subjoctn.
Prefer Bynopsls and Bcene action laid
out Bceno by scene.
Answers to Correspondents
CHARLES B. 1. None that wo know
of. 2. None other than you mention. 3.
Mary Plckford Is 20 and Is reputed to re
celvo $2000 n week.
C. MYERS There Is no way of ascer
taining the largest stock company; play
ers aro shifted so frequently that It Is
Ulfllcult to decide. Watch advertisements
nnd photoplay Baedeckor In Monday
Evenino Lbdqcrs for releases. Apply
to Lawrence McCloskey.
HELEN M. M.-Mlss Plckford has no
children; she has been married only a
few months. Yes.
MOVIE PAN 1. Yes. 2. Bunny Is nct-
uhhino in THE BLUE MOUSE
$20,000,000 MYSTERY
THE $20,000,000 MYSTERY
No. 11 Message From the Heart
No. 11 Message From the Heart
No. 11 Message From the Heart
No. 11 -Message From the Heart
No. 1 Mystery of Spotted Collar
famous l'lsjrers' Film Ittmpanr'a photo
sictacls ot Hall Calnos great nutei and ilay,
"The Eternal Ulty," will uegln an erigH&umcni
at tho Uieatnili ytreet Opera House this after
noon, with this attraction a new policy will
be Inaugurated at the Opera Itouse, whereby
all loner Hour and balcony teats will be re
served with prices ot 'JO nnd 50 cent In the
evening and 1A and 25 cems In tho nttcinooii.
Iwo performances a day will be given, com
mencing at 1h0 and 7MO p. In. litis photo
May will ue ptesentid fortne tlrst llmo in the
woild In i-himulpnln. The picture tvaa pro
duced in dome und England under the dl
lectlon of Ldwln 8. i oner, producing man
ager uf the famous l'laycrs' film company,
and Hugh Ford, formcri) general singe uircc
tor for iieLcr A Co.
HIANLMiT Kor tho first tlmo on any screen,
Wallaco Ludingvr will bo shown at tho B.anley
Thentie the lust thrt uays of the current
ck In A Ucntloimin of Leisure, a laugh
able society cotmuy. it Is hllej with thn luvst
iiiikxpvctiu toinplunllonc, und laugh lollops
laugh In raplu suc.pisiun. Intrrwoten with tho
hutnorouH Inclilen.s Is a lovi' story or most MP
lalltig romantic In.cfcsi On inuison. Ill
day unci Baturoay the ortcrlng Is "Itulo (I.
'llio picture Is anulted with cagirncss by pic
ture crltlt-M bccniiMi uf Us bold niiglnaiitl.
Among tho wondcrfull) rcallstlr- scenca arc the
wrecking nf the lint rliikluiuse Willi n wild
tnglnc nnd tho nnnow rstape of iho occupants
of the building, shop uendcnts involving a
Journnl lntho nnd a BI-ton slf.imliiiiiir.i6i, tho
demolition at a creasing of tho wagon con
taining ii farmer and his wife, tho siving of
two patsenger trains by tho automatic action
of tho blui k signal, the Might of Myrn on
the lineman s spwder nnd the pursuit by tho
men on tho liaiulcnr, who have n iloso can
for their llfs. tho mob. ncone. In which
hundreds of men aro half drowned and drucn
out of tho g.iics by lour onnmintii ":
Ing n locomotlvo In a way that Is thr lllng and
marvolous to behold, nnd tho tcrrllto bare
handed HkIh btlwijcn Ned and Spike
1'ALACf: TIIEATHB-Th vaudeville num
bers for the nrst three dns Include Tho
., ,ij- t, -,.!,. t..htla. lllll IQ-
I'ermott and Heter Wallaco. Armstrong and
Ford and Freddie Janice. In connection with
this bill, there will bo pp-Bcuted llaby I'eslya
In her orlglnnl and exiluMvc lr l'l,,?
stage. "Her Triumph." The second half of
the week will see the nppcaronco of J IHlanj
O-Cl.ire nnd his Five Phnmrock Olrls, lf,9ard
nnd Arnold, the Cnrbroy Brothers, Walter
Drowcr. and ciui-ran nnd Nenall. Tho mm
ofTrrlng will he John Hmcrson In a four-part
dim adaptation of Martha Morton's play, Tho
Ilachelor's Hamnnce " ... ii
VtrTOItIA THBATRn Tho , Mtbln studio
never tunud nut n pliotnnlny with moro nrt"
llc nr pretentious Intrrcit than "Tlio Bagle J
NVst" which will be shown for thy nrst
time or. nnv r-rrccn nt tho Victoria Tlicitre
throughout thin week It la n dim story from
the nfrendv v,.rM-fnmed plnv bv i:''wlniJTiin
and In the Mm Mr. Ardcn tokos tho lending
rolo. thnt or Jirk Trail. Hnmnlne Fielding.
In addition to directing tho picture, tjortrnvs
tho chnmrter of Hnhort lllasedan Tho en
gagement Is positively limited to one wcok
and will be shown In cnnlnnctlnn with tlio
usual bill of nualllv vaudeville offered nt the
theatre, Notwithstanding this out-n'-tne-ordl-nnrv
attraction, there will bo no Increnso in
prlco of nilmls-lon . ..
OVnimilOO K Monday, 'exploits of
nialne." Vo s. TrenaurcH nf Anntnlc. ' "Tak
ing Her Measure". Tuwdiiv. "Tho I'll" "New
Dress." "3nvd liy n Shower"' Wcd"osi'ny
"Tlio Idler" "Avenging Dentist." "t'nknown
Itrother". Thursday "Muster Key." "Xvatrr
Cure", Friday, Alice Uradv In "As Jo Sow. '
8moldcrlng Fins" "A tilt of Heaven";
Saturdav. "Hccollcd." "Such Is Life."
U:aDT:ii Mondav "C. O D.": Tnirsdav,
"Allis Jlmniv Valentine" Wcdnesdny, Bcntrlz
MIchclrni In 'Mlrnon" Thur-dav llettv Nnn
aen In "Tho Celebrated fteindal": Frldny. "Er
ulnltB nf ninlne": Saturday "The Hllcnt l'le.i."
Olil'HRtTM All week. "Tho Christian. "
JFFrnnsoN' All week "The Christian."
TIII.rKHDCKKN Monday. Eugene Walter's
"Piild In Full". Tuesday. Charles Chaorn In
"His Now Job". Wednesday "Tho eluded
Fool"- Thursdiv "Tlii Key to Yestcnlsj"" :
Friday. "Ihe Hoosler Bchoolmas'.cr". Satur
day. "Tho Master Key."
TIOOA Monday nnd Tucsdov "Llttlo Angel
of Canyon Creek". Wednesday. "A Woman
of Impulso". Thursday. "Runaway Juno':
Friday. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"; Siturt'ay.
"Threo Weeks."
STIIt Mondnv. "Blue Mouso"; Tuesday.
"Children r.t tho fihetto": Wednesday. "Ex
ploits of ETalne." No. r,: Thursday. "Acquit
ted". Friday, "Truth Wagon"; Saturday. Bpe
clal fcaturo. not announced
HELVIDIinn Monday. "Zudora": Tuesday,
"Lure of tho Yukon". Wednesday. "Elaine":
Thursdi-y. "fcalomy Jane": Friday, "Kit. the
Arkansas Traveler"; Saturday. Invitation"
and "Attack."
HEQKNT Monday and Tuesday. "Threo
Wecka". Wednesday and Thursday. "Tho Gooyo
Tlrl", Friday. "A Wnmnn's Triumph': S.it
unlav. Uctty Nanscn In "A Celebrated Scan
dal." litis Mondav. "Master Kov," No. 13, "Thir
teen Down": Tuesday. "Elaine." No. 1: Wed
nesday. "Elaine." No. 2. Thursday, "Run
away June." No. C: Friday. "Queen Mar
garet." hnnd-coloicd films: Saturday. "Old
Cross Roads "
Syncopated Drag Is Here
Lent hns no effect on the dance artists.
The syncopated dras comes fresh from
the hands, or rather the feet, of the
terpelchorcan specialists today. In the
Sunday hush yesterday this latest evolu
tion was unobtrusively tinkered Into
ahnpe by tho Philadelphia Association of
Teachers of Dnncln-- who eot tosother
nt 1520 Chestnut street. The new step
troes to fox trot music and Is a combina
tion of four of the most popular dances
In voguo nt the present time. Technically
It la explained as a combination of the
nekln walk, side drair, frotte. the roll
and tho Chicago. Wide popularity Is pre
dicted for the new dance.
Theatre Benefit for Nursery
Society la expected to turn out In force
for the performance of "Peg o' My
Heart." at the Adelphia Theatre, this
ovenlng. The proceeds of the offering are
to be devoted to the San Crlstoforro Duy
Nursery, nt 2G07 Grays Ferry road. Among
the women interested In the charity uro
Mrs. John C. Clark, Miss Paulino D.
Bowie, Miss Katharine Brtnley, Miss
Florence Johnson, Sirs. Alfred Stengel,
Miss Charlotte BIddle Williams, Miss El
sie B. Slnkler, Miss Elsie Stewart, Mrs.
James F. Sullivan and Mrs. George W.
Biggest, Livest, Freshest
News from
Southern Ball Camps
Every day the complete diamond doings
hot from Florida training grounds. With
a staff man as a fixture on the edge of the
Athletics' diamond and another right out
on the field with the Phillies, you get
every item of daily news direct from
Jacksonville and St. Petersburg. And as
for photos, a Ledger camera man is "oh
the job" in both camps. You'll see 'em
fighting for positions, on the ground and
off, at ease and at work. Follow the big
leaguers by picture and story every day
in the
"' -W'i ii.iiwwwjpppi"pBNwp
Fine, Modern Structure Added
to the Facilities of German
town Institution.
The nevr $50,000 maternity butldlnn of
tho Ocrmnntown Hospital, Penh near
Chew street, was opened for patients to
day, Tho biilldlnr; ts the Rift ot I'M
ward J. Jloorc, of E. 3. Moore & Co ,
bankers, a member of the Board of Man
nRcrs of tho Ocrmnntown Hospital. It Is
dedicated to Mrs. Marlon Hardy Moore,
Mr. Moore's mother, who died It 1806. The
building, consisting of ono story and
basement, will accommodate 16 patients.
It Is connected with the main hoiplta.1
btilhlliip by a covered passageway, and
fronts on Pcnn street.
Tho wnlls of the now building- nro ot
brick, trimmed with terra cotta, And
throughout tho most careful attention to
fireproof construction has boon observed.
A tablet bearing the memorial to Mrs,
Mooro has been placed on the wall of
the main floor near the connecting corri
dor, Tho Penn street end of the bulldlnr t
taken up by a largo room extending tho
full width of the building. This room,
with Its three windows on three sides,
will be need for the caro of six "ward
A nursery, opposite- tho operating rooms,
hns boon Installed for the accommodation
of the new arrivals at the hospital.
Tho entlro maternity building has been
equipped with linen by tho Board of Lady
Visitors of the hospital. What Is re
garded ns an Important step nnd one
which will bo of use In tho maternity
building Is the Institution by the hos
pital of a Bervlce In oral surgery for
treating diseases of the mouth. The oral
surgery servico has been created so that
all ward patients may have tho benoflt of
tho latest scientific knowledgo relating to
tho care of the mouth and teeth, so that
they can bo gunrded against post-opcra-tlvo
Infections from tho mouth. The oral
surgeon nnd his assistants will co-oper-ato
with the medical nnd surgical staffs
of tho hospital In the care or all ward
patients In the now maternity building
and tho main hospttnl.
Tho hospital Board ot Managers which
will have supervUlon of the new mater
nity building Is made up as follows: Wil
liam H. Ilnlnes. Francis Stokes, Alex
ander W. Wlstcr, AVllllam H. Scott,
Edgar II. Butler, William J. Montgom
ery, James O. Lelper, T. II. Dougherty,
C. Stevenson Ncwhnll, Edward J. Moore,
Thomas Evans, Livingston E. Jones,
William O. Warden, Francis It. Straw
brldgo nnd Joseph II. Haines.
rians for the organisation of a freo
speech club by students of the University
of Pennsylvania will bo considered at a,
mass-mcctlng of undergraduates which
has been called for Friday afternoon In
Houston Hall. The meotlng Is the result
of tho refusal of Provost Edgar F. Smith
to permit Samuel Gompers, president of
tho American Federation of Labor, to ad
dress tho University Extension Club dur
ing the convention of the federation here
last November. Mr. Gompers has been
Invited to address the students on Friday
afternoon at Knights of Columbus Hall,
3Sth and Market streets.
University trustees and professors arr
non-committal In regards to the proposed
freo speech club. Its formation Is botng
engineered by members of the Civic Club
ot tho University which Is composed of
a number of students of the Wharton
School of Finance nnd Commerce.
Dartmouth Wins Glee Club Cup
Hundreds of University of Pennsylvania
undergraduates, reporting for classes to
day, were disappointed to learn thnt
Dartmouth had won tho silver cup at the
Intercollegiate Glee Club meet In Car
neglo Hall. New York. Saturday night,
The contributions of Pennsylvania and
Hnrvnrd were highly praised. The Judges
wore Dr. Horatio Parker, Arthur Mess
and Arthur D. Woodruff.
l'urlm bell. Ueth Israel Cnncrfcallon. Msr
cantilo Hall. S o'clock
Dance and "500" In aid ot Gorman Hospital.
ilcllc-ue-Mratfnnl: K o'clock.
War debate. Dr Hanns H. Ewars vs. Cecil
Chesterton Academy of Music: 8 o'clock.
Chester Avenue Improvement Association,
KlnnseflJlng Centre. 8 o'clock,
Svmpoluin on work nnd charity, nonaii
euffrago centre. Hellevue-Stratford; 8 o clock,
Lecture. "Field I'hotoeranhy," Ernest A.
Rued (Jermnrtovvn Y. SI. C. A.: o'clock. Free
Northwest Uuslness Men's Association, ZMtt
Columbia avenue: 8 o'clock. Free
Pusrvunk Avenue nusinesi Men's Asso n
tlou. rassvunk avenuo and Mooro Blreet 8
o'clo k Freo
Lec'tu'ro on "Cotton Plantations." by Frank
D. naujther. Vernon Park Ubrary, German
town. 8 o'clock. Free.
BHJ ff