MMun EVENING LKDGEB-PHILADBLPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 193 5. n W SLAV OFFENSIVE HONG POLAND FRONT, ADMITTED BY BERLIN ioe Appears Suddenly and in Force at strategic Pm'nts Teuton Retreat at Przasnysz Asserted by Petrograd. VITAS ls Jooiuuuiuuu mm Wadly Damaged by Shells of German Mortars, While (goissons Also Suffered, Re- ftport French. i, niisslana aro nttcmpttng a now neral offcnslvo in Poland. Tlieir ?.. in -vuBt numbers, liavo sud- ily appeared west of Lomza, west of gjbdno and soutn 01 l'rzaanysz, louays M.ii lmlletin admits. They have S&ned an attack on the German forces Stdtig tho Sltrova Itlver. At Kolno J109 Biavti ; .,.,." ....... geen mado at Wyszogrod, north of the 'Vistula, and bombardment of Ossowltz iTmalntalncd vigorously. KFar from conceding Berlin's claim of Rho fall of Przasnysz with tho capturo t 10,000 defenders, tho Russian war K.. i.. it Intnnt ntntemont nsscrts iiyiucu ,, " flhat the Germans liavo been forced to JTetrcat tlor.g a 25-mIlo rront in tins important strategic zone, whero a re- ierso mw o . .uu a rjjntlre Vistula-Niemon lino. Petro f,rf further reports driving two Ifdlvlslons of tho foo back to tho west fcanK oi mo ixiumuii. " uu.- . 3 . p n.Dnwtt In nrlmlttnd. nsi lBaraiuciii. Vo....- - . fi. i heavy Austrian offcnslvo In East ilGallcIa, whero rocapturo of Lombcrg, P",.. .M.ntni ,,fHnr- nf Hlnv llnnn of Llflia jnWUtllU.1 OUWV...O w- .mmiinleatlon. Is tho objective. fesombardment of Arras and Solssons, iwn hn French havo concentrated fc. f.M of troons. bv tho big Ger- fern mortars ls announced in dis- Tjatches from Paris today, i'art or St. i i. fMtna ng thn creat cutis aro ryuiuo w ... ....", w doing terrldc damage Belgians nro sholllng tho German positions near Ostend with heavy "pins loaned them by tho French. Throughout FlnndorS artillery duels rSVn In Drocress. Ifepnrlq also reports German losses in Efie Mouse Valley whero all attacks KThn French troons in tho Champagno gave been attacking tho German posi tions near Perthes for tho past seven m without success, reports tho Ber lin War Odlcc, and tho Crown Prince's army ls engaged In an offcnslvo move- feent north of Verdun. MUSCOVITES MASS IN NEW OFFENSIVE, BERLIN ADMITS attlea Rago at Lomza, Grodno, Przasnysz and Ossowitz. TTTT TXT TT1 T XEJlUlt x-uu. -I. New Itusslan forces have appeared alone tho Przasnysz-Lomza-Augustowo tattle front in Poland and havo begun bL general offensive movement against vnn Tllnrtorhiircr'a nrmlcfl. It was officially ... - namuicu ioaay. Northwest of Lomza tho Slavs hi great numbers havo begun a series of violent attacks along tho Sltrova Itlvcr. South tt Kolno tho Germans havo repulsed several onslaughts and liavo taken 1100 "prisoners, but tho enemy continues des perate charges against tho German In itrenchments around tho town. Northwest of Grodno another largo Cody of Russians ls battling with the Germans In the swamps 10 miles cast of fAusustowo. The enemy is also on tho Ipnensivo in tno i'rzasnysz region. SWIth their advance to AVyszogrod, on lle right bank of the Vistula, tho Ger mans havo efrccted a marked gain In their efforts to throw a circle of steel about Warsaw. Tho recently assumed Russian Offensive southwest of Warsaw, at Mogh- iy, is taken nero to no an attempt to force tho withdrawal of German troops from noith or thn VlHtnln. IjkThe Russians who succeeded In cross IIn(r tho Bobr River early in tho week have been driven back to tho left bank land Ossowltz, which guards the cross- ins Between Grodno and Lomza, is being bombarded by German artillery. Two Kof the four fortH on thn rlcht bnnk of the Bobr aro reported to havo been AiMiroyea. GERMAN RETREAT FORCED AT PRZASNYSZ, SLAVS SAY !oe's Onrush Halted Along 25-mile Front. L PETROGRAD, Feb. 27. iTbe Russians have broken the onrush mgj, the Germans In the region of Przas Syaa, a point of much strategic Import- ance. nhnilt fift mdoa tinrth nf Wnpfinw. ft Mofllclally stated, and the Invaders are HlttirlnE aloncr the S5-mllo front In that Cjctlon, abandoning, as last night's ofllcial mifpwi says, "prisoners, cannon, maciune SCUnx and fnvnmtnalat (iPrzaGiiysL la the town 60 miles north M5, Warsaw and about IS miles south of M East Prussian frontier, which has fftn the scene of heavy fighting recently and which Berlin declared Thursday had been captured by German troops, with a guaslan loss of lO.OOO- men In prisoners.) M- P0UT 0F PHILADELPHIA B Vessels Arriving Today coir. Columbian, Hllo, Honolulu, sugar, W, m'JK &n & Co. ouJt i a layea''' MD'a ' copennagen. lleOsir! iu, tiicctjtauuiae, u, s te.. Grecian, llojton, panaengeri and mer gjnt. Merchant and Miners' Transportation Steamships to Arrive'n fiSSSv... -Frp.m. Sailed. ilKiS?r Copenliagen ....Jan. U r:'"o ....... .i.eiiii Jan. la u5 Btanger Jan. S3 uir;", " "?; Uik72J w- ' " fttnienno ...Jan. ou iffi'J Naplea Feb. fi2rtl?y.k notterdam Fb. 8 KSfUr por5 Itanchtatcr ...Feb, 0 bSK1 Bblelda Feb. 10 S?f?4 , Narvik , Feb. 10 'ffiWlfolnt London Feb. 11 fc5T; , Newport l-eu. n KaJ Uothenbure ....Feb. 1 IMS Rotterdam Feb. 11 m!,. tuiooa eo. jo $iglfx nng Fowey Feb. IB ta.r"4 . . ...onteisa vvu, xi W . . ....Calcutta Feb. 18 Meoqi Agua Amarga..Feb. u -BgJJrt ....inaon yK2o Wmtt? Excbaoge Mttncheter ....Feb. 20 M Mefet .""Sbitlda . '. " '. '.'. Feb! SI . .run AQiunio . .reo-i Steamships to Leave rRBJUllT. Fur Pt- CopeBlMgaa Mar a . . . Kottw dam i'ab. SI ETfllnt ..i,lMiw war o CORNERSTONE OF HIGH SCHOOL LAID TODAY Prominent Persons and Edu cators Attend Ceremonies in Frankford. Educators and representative men of other walks of life today nttended tho ceremonies In connection with the laying or tno cornerstone of tno new Frankford iilgh School, at Oxford I'lko and Harrison ml1, Tho lntlttlon, when completed, win be- one of tho nnest educational struc oJrc,sin,t.1.0 country. The stone waa laid at 3:30 this afternoon. Tho entto program tor tho ceromonlcs was under tho direction of Fathers' Association. Tho principal part of tho exercises were held In the pariah house of St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church, Frnnkford avenue and Sellers street. The Rev. J. B. Harding, rector of St. Marks, delivered tho opening prayer. Othor speakers Were William T. Tlldcn and Franklin Spencer Edmonds. Rev. J. R, Laird, D.D., pastor of tho Frankford Presbyterian Church, pre sented a flag from the Mothers' Associa tion. Prof. Goorgo Alvln Smoot, prin cipal of tho now school, accepted the flag. Frankford'a new high Bchool will con tain many now Improvements. Tho school will nccommodato girls and boys. The laying of tho corncrstono and tho erection of tho building Is tho rosult of a long campaign waged by residents of tho Frnnkford section for n now high school. Tho school will bo equipped with admin istration suites, gymnasiums, shower baths, study halls, locker rooms and also open-air gymnasiums. On ono of the floors thcro will be a largo lecturo room for tho uso of girls nnd boyB. Tho com bined seating cipaclty of tho lecturo room will be 1200. Tho cornerstone committee Is composed of Charles Stchlc, chairman, nnd tho fol lowing: II. Jl. Antrim William F. Klllhour Paul v. DlattcnbcraerArthur Kerr D. Clayton Cannon Tlio Rev. John B. Charles Cornell Laird Robert T. Coraon C. Oram I,ucaa Thomas Crelxhton Samuel Moss Tctor Cvstello J, W. Powell F. I StKenor. Jr. 13, C. Patterson Daniel n. Greenwood William v. norer Jamos Franco John H. Ridebotham JoneDh I Harrison J. irorrv Schumackcr John Haalam Ilobcrt U Shenpard Tho nev. John B, Franklin Bmodley Harrtlne Oeoreo Alvln Snook Oconto w. Henry John Taylor Ilenlamtn HeDnorth William H. Thomas Vincent Ilelnlo T. Worchestcr Worrell Tho contents of tho leaden box which was placed In tho cornerstone was col lected by a commlttoo of prominent men, of which Thomna Crclghton woo chair man. After It had been sealed by Arnold Clifton It was given in charge of a number of students, who carried It to tho now building site. Tho approximate cost of tho structure will bo f650.000. CARGOES FOR CRUISER KARLSRUHE PROBED Persons Here Connected With Vessels Loaded With Sup plies Face Indictment. Indictments for conspiracy to dgfraud tho United States Government faces thoso who had nnythlng to do with tho arrange ments for tho steamships From and Som merstnd to lcavo this port in September with cargoes of coal and food supplies for German warships operating in South At lantic waterB. The penalty upon convic tion is Imprisonment for not moro than two years and a fine not to exceed $10,000. The Ktposuro of the suspicious nature of tho cargoes of the Fram and Sommer stad by tho Evening LEDacn led to an Investigation which resulted In tho mas tors of tho vessels confessing to tho Nor wegian consul that their ultimate desti nation was tho German warship Karls ruhn and not tho South American ports ns stated In their clearanco papers. Both vessels fly tho Norwegian flag. After tho confession of tho captains tho cargoes wero discharged back on the piers. Tho coal was lightered In tho river and tho steamships left port. A sweeping Investigation, which also Includes tho steamships Berwlnd and Lo renzo, out of New York, Is being mado boforo the Federal Grand Jury in New York, under tho direction of H. Snowden Marshall, United States District Attor ney. Sir Courtenay Walter Bennett, Brit ish Consul General, appears as tho com plainant. Captain Grlndley, master of tho Fram, and Ralph J. M. Bullowa, a New York attorney, wero examined yestcrda. Mr. J3ulIowa produced an alleged agreement between tho Hamburg-American Line and owners of the two Norwegian steamships showing the Illegality of their voyages. It developed that tho masters of tho ves sels Wore called upon only to operate tho vessels. A supercargo said to be a German naval officer, attended to the loading of the cargo and directed its de livery. ALLIES BALK AT U. S. PLAN TO STOP STARVATION WAR England's Attitude Causes Pessimis tic Feeling in Washington. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. While Administration oftlclals today still cloaked their European diplomatic nego tiations with extreme secrecy, some ad mitted that published English advices did not lend optimism to the situation. Secretary of State Bryan and other authorities maintained today that they were not advised fully of the English and German sentiment toward America's lat est proposals In the death zone and hunger war problems. Newspaper reports Indicated to them, however, that while Germany Is amenable to most of the American suggestions. Great Britain and Its allies are determined to wage unre lenting war on Germany, The Administration Is now convinced that mines constitute an even greatHr danger to American commerce than Ger many's submarines. England, It was admitted, has little If anything to gain by granting conceislons. Prospective forcing of the Dardanelles and release of vast food stores. It was believed, would leavo the British In a position to press Us hunger war still moro vigorously by declaring food con traband. Ambassadors Page and Gerard wero said to have reported Informally upon America's recent Inquiries as to prelim inary negotiations In Berlin and London, CZAR BEATS FOE BACK TO WEST BANK OF NIESIEN Ossowitz Bombardment Ineffective, Petrograd Iteports. PETROGRAD, Feb. 27. German forces have succeeded In train ing their heavy artillery on the fortress of Osiowiu, tt is officially admitted. .While this U a pivotal point In the Rus sian line of defence. War Offlc attaches profess to have no anxiety over the sit uation there. To the northeast of Ossowiu, alon. tie Niemen River, desperate fighting ls pro ceeding In the swamp district where the Germans suffered such severe losses In their first Invasion of Russian territory At some points by the sacrifice of great number of mep the Germans have suc eed4d In gaining temporary advantages, only to be driven from their posltloos by concentrated. Itusslan attacks. They threw pontoon bridges across the Niemen, north of Grodno, mnd two divisions i.ro4Md upon these to tas east bank. AIRCRAFT PATROLS DIRECT GERMANY'S UNDER SEA BLOWS French Destroyer Rushed From Dieppe to Assist British Ship Damaged by Submarine's Attack in English Channel. LONDON, Feb, 27. German strategy has devised a new use for aircraft. To nld the submarines In tholr attacks upon British mcrchantmont and wnr craft the Germans havo ordered taubes and hydroaeroplanes to patrol English coast water and hunt out enemy vessels. This fact was learned today, when two German aviators wero found clinging to tho wreckage of a hydroaeroplane off Lowestoft, a Suffolk Count) icnport, 110 miles northeast of London. When they regained consciousness they declared thoy hnd bcon Bent from tho Belgian coast, with Instruction to watch for British ships In tho North Sea and signal their presence to a Bquadron of submarines. Other aviators. It Is known, nro per forming a similar service In tho English Channel. Their work has bocn so ef fective that submarines have been kept In close touch with tho movements of vessels In Channel waters, HAVRE, Franco, Feb. 27. A British merchant ship was torpedoed In the English Channel early today by a German submarlno oft Snlnt Valory-Sur-Sommo, according to reports received here at noon. Those stated thnt the steamship had been nbto to keep afloat and had called for asslstnnco from Dloppo. A French destroyer was sent to her help. WAR SPEECH CHEERED BY ITALIAN DEPUTIES Cries of "Hurrah for Trent and Trieste" Follow Declaration of Premier Salandra. ROStE, Feb. 27. Ao remarkable patriotic demonstration Indicating that Italy Is rapidly drifting toward war with Austria took placo Inst night at tho end of tho session of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. It began when Slgnor Turati, a socialist, mado a speech of protest against the decree pro hibiting anti-war nnd pro-war demonstra tions. Tho Deputy declared that he felt suro that tho people wero opposed to war and would refuse to support hostilities, but before he could say more his volco was drowned In the chorus of cries which greeted his remarks. Premier Salandra then took tho floor and defended the decree, saying: "Whilo I do not know whether or not Italy will Intervene, yet I am suro that, when tho hour comes, every citizen with out party distinction will answer tho call of his King and country." At these words every deputy arose and started to cheer for tho King. Tho women In the galleries Joined the dem onstration by waving tholr handker chiefs The whole concourse then Joined In singing tho national anthem. Cheer ing again broke out which lasted four minutes. There wero cries of "Hurrah for Trent and Trieste!" The Socialists tried to effect a counter demonstration against war, but they wore howled down. Thero ls not tho slightest prospect thnt Italy will enter tho war, at least for tho present, according to General Cador na, chief of the General Staff, who said that tho extensive military operations which his country Is now conducting wero easily explained by the principle, "If you wish for peaco prepare for war." Italy wlBhes to be In a position to make her Influcnco felt at the critical moment. If necessary. NEW LUMBER VESSEL LAUNCHED ON DELAWARE Miss Alice O'Brien Christens Latest Addition to Merchant Marine. Delaware River shipyards added to their honors today when tho New York Shipbuilding Company launched tho lumber-carrying steamship William O'Brien. The vessel Is tho biggest and best of Its kind afloat. A large delega tion was on hand to witness the vessel's initial plunge Into tho water. The cheers of thousands of workmen and the shrieks of tho elrens of neighbor ing manufacturing plants and river craft greeted tho latest addition to the Amer ican merchant marine as she gracefully slipped down tho ways. Tho din was so great that It almost drowned out the christening words pronounced by Miss Alice O'Brien, daughter of one of tho principal owners of the vessel. She shattered the ribbon-bedecked bottle of wipe against the O'Brien's prow In splen did stylo. Following tho launching lunch eon was served. Among thoso present wero Mr. and Mrs. S J. Carpenter, of Jacksonville. Fla.i Sir. and Mrs. C, O. Shepherd, of New York city: Mr. and Jlrs. William O'Brien, of St. Paul. Minn. I John O'Brien, of St. Paul, Minn.; R. L. Gilchrist, of Laurel, Miss.; A. J. Lamman, of St. Paul. Minn.; T. M. ...n... f ct T'nnl Minn Edward F. Hough, of San Francisco; Edward D. Egbert, of ban rancisco; jir. ana in. Samuel M. Knox, H. A. McGown and James Swan. The new ship is 376 feet 9 Inches In length, 61 feet beam. 27 feet In depth and has a tonnage of 6535. It has a speed of ., i.Aa n. tinny nrwl will narrv between .AMiwt .....I inYienn hnnrrl fet nf lumber. It w'lll saiyjetw'een New York and Jack- THREE HURT BY ELEVATOR -tinman, anntt n Nitnprlntendent for the Albro-Clem Elevator Construction Com pany, and two assistants were uamy nun today when a heavy elevator on which .!.., ... mnkliKr renalrs drODned two floors to the basement nt the Roman Building, whlcn is usea uy tno oron Auto Company, 203-05 .North Broad .... . t. tvhn lives at Willow Grove' and met with his flrst accident In 40 years, was oaoiy uruiocu, mm Richard Larch, of 3008 North Percy street, and Carroll Fleming, colored, of 2122 Godfrey street, wera cut and lac- The men were taken to the Hahnemann tt i.i in an nntn flra engine from the Are house at Juniper and Race streets. The elevator wnicu " ..-.-Is used for lifting touring cars, and the men had a remarkable escape from death. James Gordon Bennett Robbed PARIS1. Teb. St. James Gordon Bennett, owner of the New York Herald, has been tho victim of a robbery. Jewels of the value of about JS0O0 were stolen from his villa at Braulleu on Tuesday night while Mr. Bennett was asleep there. The police suspect some of the servants. MEARS & BROWN CITY AND BUBCBBAK; STATS rrpUes JUttWd-;RU Oollt4 luiumci a4 MerU PtC44 en pplkitlou 202 South 18th Street ZEPPELIN AND CREW LOST IN ADRIATIC Gale Blows Airship Out to Sea. Was Making Trial Flight Off Pola. ROME, Feb, 27.-A Zeppelin airship was caught In a galo nt Tola, tho Austrian naval baso In tho Adriatic, Thursday and blown out to sen, according to dispatches received hero today. Tho airship was lost nnd all of her crew of 23 men were drowned. The aircraft was making a trial flight preparatory to salting for an attack upon the Stontenegrln port of Antlvarl when tho disaster occurred. TARIS, Feb. 27. Three German military aeroplnnca of the Taubo type were shot down by French gunners on Friday, one In tho north of France nnd two on the eastern frontier near Belfort. The three pilots and three observers were taken prisoners. GERMANS BOMBARD ARRAS; MOST OF CITY IN RUINS Soissona Also Under Fire of Big Mortars, Admits Paris. PARIS, Feb. 27. Tho Germans are again bombarding Arras and Solssons ns tho result of tno French troop concentrations in thoso cities, according to dispatches received In Paris today. Tho big German mortaro havo done tcrrino havoc at Arras and a great part of tho city Is In ruins. Despite rainy, foggy weather In West Flanders, artillery duelling Is Htlll In progress, though a considerable amount of French artillery has been placed at'tho disposal of tho Belgians, who aro shelling the German lines near Ostend. Infantry lighting In tho forest north of Verdun has cost tho Germans heavily. In tho Bols Forges peasants have been work ing for two days burying tho dead and still many bodies remain upon tho ground. Further to tho south, In tho Meuse valley near St. Sllhlel, tho French havo -repulBcd with heavy losses tho attempts of the Germans to retake some of tho ground they lost. FUNERAL OF JAMES W. KING Prominent members of tho Phllndcl ..nin Bar attended the funeral services this morning of James W. King, a widely known lawyer nnd nttorncy, whoso body was found sevcrnl days ago In the Potomac River. Solemn High Requiem Mass wob celebrated at St. John's Cath ollo Church, 13th street above Chestnut. Tho honorary pallbearers Included Georgo C. Boldt, John B. Townsend, Rob ert Brnnnnn, John M, Campbell, D. Web ster Dougherty, John M. Patterson, Cornollus Hnggarty, Jr., Robert von Mosohzlsker, John C. Bell, J. Hamp ton Moore, Charles B. Joy, Norrls S. Barratt, James B. Sheehan, Harvey M. Watts, Ernest L. Tustln. William Findlay Brown and Edwnrd Dooner. Funeral of Mrs. II. M. Frazicr The funeral of Mrs. Harriet Morgan Frozler, wife of W. W. Frazler, who died Wednesday at her homo, 250 South 18th street, wns held at noon today at tho Fra zler home. Tho Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tom kins officiated, assisted by the Rev. G. G. Bartlott. Only friends of the Frnzlcr fam lly were present. Tho Interment was in tho churchyard of St. James the Less, at Falls of tho Schuylkill. OBITUARIES PETER B. LIEBERT DIES Founder of Brewing Firm Had Been 111 Since Last Summer. Peter B, Llebert, founder of the brew ing Arm of Llebert & Obert, died this morning nt his home, Mnnajunk avenue and Green lane, Roxborough. Death wns duo to a paralytic stroke, which ren dered him helpless since last summer, whon ho was stricken at Ocean City. His death Is tho third In the family In three months, Mrs. Louis Foster, his eldest daughter, having died In December, nnd his brother In January. Sir. Llebert founded tho brewery at Carson nnd Conarroo streetB In 1S72. In 1873 he organized a coal business, and a short time later the Wlssahlckon Klectrlc Light Compnny, now leased by the Phila delphia Electric Company. The Mana yunk, Roxborough nnd Wlssahlckon Electric Railway was one or his under takings. Ho was director of the Manayunk Trust Company, Manayunk Theatre Company, St. Timothy's Hospital, Manayunk Na tional Bank and other Institutions. The funeral will be held on Wednesday morn ing. The Rev. Henry Gasklrt, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, will officiate nt Solemn Requiem Mass, and Interment will be at AVestmlnster Cemetery. Miss Emily Hinds Miss Emily Hinds, 82 years old, whose father was tho late Rev. William Pres cott Hinds, died yesterday at her home, 2000 Spruce street. She had been In 111 health for many years, having long re tired from active social and charitable work. Miss Hinds Is survived by on' sister, Mrs. Charles Corbln, of London, Eng., and several nephews and nieces, with whom she made her home. The funeral services will be held Monday morning at 11:30 o'clock. In the Church of St. James the Less, Falls of Schuyl kill, with Interment In the churchyard. Jamea Newton James Newton, 67 years old, a manu facturer of tapestry In Frankford, died last night at hla home, 1703 Wakeling avenue, after a brief illness of pneu monia. He resided In the northeastern section of the city for the last 30 years, and was a member of several fraternal organizations. The funeral will be held from hla late residence Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, with Interment in Fernwood Cemetery. Henry Pincus Henry Pincus, who died at Houston, Texas, Thursday, was for many years manager of the old Winter Circus, a theatre located at Broad and Cherry streets, the present site of the Lyrlo Theatre. Of late years Mr. Pincus was engaged In the advertising business. The body will be brought to this city, where the funeral will be held from the home of his brother, Walter Pincus, 1334 North 16th street. Death Notices on Page 14 17 T? 17 17 ATLANTIC Jr Jv Ej Mj gasoline TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Every cash purchaser of Ten (10) Dollars' worth of I Supplies or Tires will receive a coupon good for S gallons Atlantic Gasoline or the qula lent In merchandise. , , t-.- A FEATURE OF OUR PROFIT-SHARING FOLIC Prices always lowest Quality alwayi best Our 191S Tire Price LUt mailed on request JAWER'S 604 N. Broad St. FIERCE BATTLE REPORTED IN PROGRESS AT MONTEREY 20,000 Carrnnzi8tft8 Attack City De fended by 14,000 Villistas. LAREDO, Tex., Feb. 27. Twenty thou sand Carranzlsta troops, under command of General Pablo Gonzales, opened a general attack on the city of Monterey at dawn today, according to advices re ceived at Neuvo Laredo. One of the greatest battles of the revolution Is said to be raging. The Villa forces In Monterey number 14,000 men. They are well equipped with artillery, which has been mounted on buildings In tho outskirts of the city. Before opening his attack, General Gonzales demanded tho surrender of General Angeles, Vllllsta, but the de mand was rejected. Garrison nt Naco Arrested NACO, Ariz., Feb. 27. The entlro Mexican garrison nt Nnco, Sonora, hns been arrested and sent to tho Mnytorenn camp at San Jose for engaging In drink ing boutf), Lieutenant Colonel Alfredo Fragoca was executed today. GERMANS IN BELGIUM FAIR, SAYS AMERICAN Declares Invaders Are Honestly Aiding in Distribution of U. S. Supplies. LONDON, Feb. 27. German soldiers nrc honestly assisting In the distribution of American food to Belgian sufferers. This assertion was mado today by James M. Bennett, of Roanoke, Vn., who has Just returned from a motor trip through Belgium, on which ho was accompanied by Colonel Ltstoc, the American Consul General at Rotterdam. Mr. Bennett dented charges made by English newspapers that part of tho food contributed by Americans for the Bel gians had been stolen by German troops. On his tour he visited Mnltncs, Brussels, Dlnant, Namur, Llego and Louvaln. "Tho work of tho American Commis sion Is wonderful," said Mr. Bennett. "I didn't dream anything Uko It would bo dono In so short a time. "Wherever I went I saw a long lino waiting for bread. Somo of thoso In It wero well dressed. Yet In their faces was a look of utter hopelessness. They did not know how long tho commission could continue to keep up the supplies, I saw Cardinal Mercler In Mallncs, nnd he put Into wordH whnt I saw In the faces of tho people. At Louvaln, Monslg nor De Brccker, head of tho American College, said: 'Unless wo get more wo shall surely die." "We flew a little American flag on our motor and hundreds of women came up and kissed It. Little children Angered it lovingly. I saw box after box, con taining thousands of letters, waiting to go to American children, all of them quaintly pathetic expressions of thanks from Belgian girls and boys for tho Christmas presents sent In the Jason." MARRIED 25 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Antrim to Be Honored by Friends Tonight. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarcnco D. Antrim, of 1947 N. 13th street, who nio celebrating their 25th wedding nnnlversnry today will be given a reception tonight by a largo number of their friends. Mr. Antrim has been identified with In dependent political movements for 30 years, and since 1003 has been tho Wash ington Party City Committeeman from tho 52d Ward. In 1D14. he received tho Washington Party nomination for Re ceiver of Taxes but withdrew In favor of Daniel Wade, tho Democratic nominee In order that fusion might be effected. He was a member of Select Council from 1007 until 1010 and led the fight nlone for the slx-for-a-quarter strip tickets, which were sold at one tlmG oy the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. He Is also widely known In tho Metho dist Episcopal Church In this city. He Is president of tho Men's Bible ClasF at the Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church and of the Philadelphlt Conference Missionary Society. Before her marriage to Mr. Antrim, In their home on 13th street 25 years ago, Mrs. Antrim was Miss Ray Ring, daugh ter of David Ring, a widely known manu facturer of this city. Mr. and Mrs, An trim have one son, Howard Taylor An trim, a student at tho Medlco-Chirurglcal College. PRINCE nENRY TO HEAD FLEET Kaiser Removes Admiral von In genohl From Supreme Command. BERLIN. Feb. 27. Prince Henry of Prussia, the Kaiser's brother, Is expected to be appointed com mander of the German high seas fleet In place of Admiral von Ingenohl, who has been removed from that post. Admiral von Ingenohl Is said to have disagreed with the "wearing-down" plan advocated by the German Minister of Marine, Admiral von Tlrpltz, and to have urged at the beginning of the war that the German warships be sent out on the high seas to raid British commerce, Leg Broken in Chase for Ball A chase for a baseball thrown across the street led 8-year-old Nello Ctaaletl, of 744 South Uth street, blindly Into the rear wheel of an automobile truck ot the American Express Company this af ternoon. Ho fell and the wheel passed over his right leg, breaking It at the ankle. R. J. O'Nell, of 1539 Ringgold street, the driver, picked up the boy and took him In the automobile to the Howard Hospital. TOO LATB TO. CLASSIFY KKENAN, On February 20, 1015. CARRIE c widow of Thomas K. Ktenan, and mother oTMr" K. J. Campbell. Mr.. J. Park. Jtor J MoCann and Thomas J. Ketnan, and sitter of Bitter Oertnide. ot Immaculate conception Convent, JenUintown. and of Mother Catha rine. of'Holy Croes Convent, Mt, Airy, Fa., " si. T, V, Murphy and Itev. J. V, o"BtlVn, C?M..'St.' Joph College. Princeton N. J. neverend Clergy, relative, and ffienda. and all aocletiet of which aha waa a "raber, aro Invited to attend funeral on SleJday morning at 8 30 o'clock, from her litS residence. 43SO Oermantown avenue, itolamn T Requiem Mass at St. Stephen's chu"h atlO o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery The Pension Fund In placo of the regular concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra there will bo given this week two concerts, tho pro ceeds of which will go to the Tension Fund of th Orchestra. The Initial con tribution to tho fund Was made by Mme. Olga Samaroff, An tho name Indicates, the purpose of tho fund Is to provldo for tho members of tho Orchestra aftor they have devoted their efforts and their tal ents to tho Orchestra's advancement. Other cities supporting orchestras have such endowments, nnd most of them, It seems, nro supported by precisely such special concerts ns thoso to bo conduct ed by Mr. Stokowskl this week. Tho concerts nro In themselves of vast Interest. On Thursday night Mendels sohn's symphonic cantata, "Lobgcsang," will bo given, with Florence Illnkle, Kmma Roberts nnd John F. Braun ns Vfltllnl... nAtnl.t. n Mil n nlmrilfl Of 800 voices. Tho orchestra will bo augmented to 100. Friday afternoon will bring a special Wagner concert, with excerpts from "Tnnnhauser," "Lohengrin" nnd "Tristan und Isolde." Mmc. Johanna Gadskl will sing tho nrlas. The Opera Although no announcement of concerts, npart from thoso of tho Orchestra, havo como to this office, tho coming week has Its own full calendar, chiefly by reason of the eight performances of grand opera which will bo given at tho Garrlck The atro by the Son Carlo Grand Opera Company. This company, now the only competitor of the Metropolitan (artisti cally, too, It Is said), has recruited Its singers from the wide musical world. Tho outbreak of war has put at Its dis posal tho services of many singers who might otherwise bo heard In Moscow or Vienna or Berlin. Most of tho critical notices which this company has had aro favorable. In some tho comparisons aro with tho highest Each performance will, of course, be reviewed, and some data for Judgment will thus be available aftor Tuesday for tho guidance of opcragocrs. Meantime, what Is important is that no ono should fancy that because this opcrn Is playing In a theatre, at thcatro prices. It ls necessarily inferior to the grand opera scale offering. The price nnd tho trappings of grand opera, as It is com monly cultivated, are lt3 vices, not Its virtues. . , , This ls tho San Carlo repertoire. Monday i'Vuclft" Tuesday , "Faust" Wednesday matinee . ...... "ir.ViilPaB'llaccl" tSSSSS?' "8- ' '' ..'""':: Prw" r. .::::::::::. ?.arnn8:: Saturday matinee "ii'Trovatoro" Saturday cenlnR Il Troatore The Orchestra There wns one moro novelty at the con cert of tho Philadelphia Orchestra yes terday than appeared on tho program. Scheduled wero the first playing" of tho symphony by Mrs. II. II. A. Beach and tho first playing of Paganlnl s concerto In D major. Unscheduled and unexpected was the insurpassablo Interpretation of tho "Tod und Verklaerung," which Mr. Stokowskl and his men gave at tho end ot the program. The Symphony It is customary In consideration of modern symphonic works to say that the simplicity nnd beauty of them should not .blind us to their larger values. Mrs. 'Beach's symphony Is blessedly freo of those larger values, which usually consist of tonal extravagances and riotous or-i chcstratlon, designed to concenl limited imaginations. Tho Dcauty und simplicity of tills symphony are its own alues, and for tho large part they are rich enough. For deftness of orchestration Mrs. Beach has a sure Instinct; tho second movement, with its treatment of oboe and horns, ls especially notable, and the recurrence of phrases and melodies throughout the work In definable yet Infinitely varied forms Is a pure delight. It Is In the second move ment that the lino of beauty is fullest In sweep nnd most alluring In Its sinuous way. But the whole symphony has its composite splendor, its freely expanding emotion nnd the bright, clean air of health. Tho ballad ot the third movement Is tho only weakness, although a charm ing one, and tho second theme ot the finale Is tho only profundity of the work. Among the experiments tried this year by Asheville, "The Land of The Lenten Season is the ideal time to spend tn that wonderful health region of Western North Carolina, where, amid the grandest of mountain and lake scenery, the visitor will find the finest and most modem of hotels, country club, golf courses and every facility for out of door life, at a time when the North is ice and storm bound. It's hardly more than an over night's trip from Philadelphia. Couthern Premier Carner S. K. HimCISSS, Division hZH (Jhrelnut atreer, Take advantage of the biggest offer ever made by any news paper In America fifty free tripB to the Panama-Pacific and San Diego Expositions with every item of expense paid by the Public Ledger-Evening Ledger. You can win the trip in your sparo time. Start now, Fill in this coupon and mail today. ... ... Bend me UP&vripnuii Mr. Stokowskl, this 1 th one In which tho highest eatlsfactlon has been found. The Soloist Thaddeus Rich, concerlmasler of the orchestra, wns the assisting artist of tho eonccrt. He choso the Infinitely difficult concerto In D major of Paganlnl, and It wns remarkable, In the end, that he ex tracted so much beauty from lt InvolveS mid showy technicalities. It needed no such experiment to persuade his hearers that tho concertmasler of the orchestra was equal to nil difficulties; but It was good to bo so abundantly assured. Irt the highest treblo of his Instrument Mr, Rich found a firm nnd pervasive tone: In Its O string he was glftod with amplo volume and rich coloring. And he was happy In having an orchestra which faltered hot nor delayed. The "Transfiguration" It Is not yet generally conceded that In tho works of Richard Strauss wo meet tho profoundest and tho richest expres sion of the modern spirit; nor will the present bo made an occasion for uphold ing that view. It Is a significant fact that this man alono has been ablo to en dow with muslo tho "Also Sprach Za rothustra" of NlcUschc, himself the most portentlous phenomenon of the age w'dch has Just passed. In Strauss the deepest omotlon, tho highest thinking nnd the most fertile orchestral Imagination has been combined. Tho demands lie makes upon orchestra and conductor are with, out exception tho highest. Yesterday they wero met Nothing this year could havo Justified tho expectation of such perfection from tho orchestra. It has played well, It has played badly and It has played Indiffer ently. In tho "Tasso" It achieved a re makablo degree of tonal perfection. In other works the skill of tho conductor has brought forth new benutles. But here, for tho first lime, and significantly In a work of the highest order, tho or chestra and tho conductor surpassed the achievement of any other orchestra which It haB been tho writer's pleasure to hear. Perhaps only those who have attempted to conduct nn orchestra are competent to decide how much of this ls due to Mr. Stokowskl. Tho critic feels at liberty to hold tho conductor responsible for each slightest fault In tone, for the least falling oft In spirit, for tho vaguest dis satisfaction which ho may feel. Con versely, then, to Mr. Stokowskl goes the honor for this really extraordinary work, Tho searching out of nuance, the work ing up of climax, the accent and empha sis ot each particular moment, were mat ters of perfection. And the splendor of tho finale, with Its sacramental nnd glor ious hymn of triumphant faith, was so great that It seemed to transflguro the world Itself. "Co war koloss'al!" FRENCH IN SEVEN-DAY ' ATTACK IN CHAMPAGNE Berlin Reports Army of Crown Prince in Battle Near Verdun. BERLIN, Feb. 27. The French continued to attack the German trenches near Perthes In the Champagne region, but have been re- pulsed, tho Wnr Ofllco reports. Tho at tacks havo continued for soven days, but have been without result. Xorth of Verdun tho nrmy under tho Crown Prince ls assaulting the French positions which form part of the outer rlnK of defenses, continues the report, which falls to state the success or fail ure of tho movement. ItKSOHTS OLD TOINT COMrORT. VA. HOTEL CHAMBERLItf 5? Booklets at (ASK Mr. T1 (foster. Chestnut and 12th Sts.) Raymond & Whltcorab Co., 1003 Chestnut St. : Thos. Cook & Son. 1S7 S. Broad St.; Hayes Dickinson, 010 N. 13th St.; Alt house Tours Co., 1.1.10 Walnut St.. or address Geo F. Adams. Mer Fortress Monroe. Va. Atlantic Cltr, N. J. Leadlne high-class, moderate-rate hotel. A I RPMARI F Virginia Ave., near Bch. ALDEmIl-i; Cap, 330. steam heat, ele ator, sun parlors, prl. baths, etc.: excel, table, evg. dinners, orchestra. Special 110 up wkly. ; 12 up dly. Booklet. J. P. COPB. Htol VnrV Urlck Hot and cold running Otei I OIK. water N.w Yorlt Ave- f. neh. BltOWN'B-MII.I-lN-TUE-riNEg. N. J. Tun INN For health, pleasure and reere- 1 nc ""' otlon. Favorite resort for tourists. Under .OTuBDEnS. and the Sky Direct Route to fin TCvnnaltlana at San Itan- rlsco and San Illeso, Califor nia. .,' Six trains dally from Philadel phia to South ern cities and resorts. Wrlfa n, nhnn. for Information and for our Il lustrated litera ture. Railway of the South. PaMeuger Asent l-niinueipiiin. jEl See Picturesque California. and the Expositions without cost Contestant's Entry Blank in.... Public Ledger Evening Ledger Independence Squire, Philadelphia Please enter my name as a contestant tor the Panama-Pacific Exposition Tour. M.lftl.(,ti .............. all the necessary Information utui pMimn, r ill 1' i mri Yrf'&3i!r