Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 27, 1915, Sports Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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b ft BlN, W wffliMmik
Antarctic explorer and nuthor of
the remarkable book, "The Homo
of tho Blizzard." (Lippincott.)
A Belgian on
Belgium's Fate
"How Belgium Saved Europe" (J. B.
XJpplneott, Philadelphia) Is tho heart
broken talc of the destruction of his
country, written by Dr. Charles Sniolea,
tt native Belgian, and nlnco ltfll Belgian
Consul General In Edinburgh. Tho trans
formation of an Industrious, prosperous
people In a living nation to a floelns, no
madic tribe, leaving a devastated and arid
homeland, has been told In the newspaper
reports and the formal report of the
Belgian State Commission, which Investi
gated tho alleged atrocities ot the Ger
mans, but In all of these there Is lacking
what In fiction Is called the "heart inter
est," tho "cry of angulBh" which la found
In every page of Doctor Sarolea's narra
tive. It Is In this regard, and in that it
Is the first real contribution to literature
on the Belgian sacrifice, that tho book's
chief value lies.
Two thoughts stand out boyond overy
other. The first Is the pathetic and dis
appointed, but withal forgiving, charge
that France and Great Britain made the
Physical ruin of Belgium possible. The
little support needed at the three crucial
moments Liege, Namur and Antwerp
by the meagre and wornout Belgian army
was not forthcoming, although It had
been many times assured. Each time the
excuse -was made that the strategy of tho
General campaign made It impossiblo to
Bend troops to Belgium's aid. Belgium
was Isolated. But with each town de
atroytd the spirit and glory of Belgium
crew, says the writer.
The other point Is political and eco
nomic. For half a century. Doctor Saro
lea says. Belgium has grown through Ger
man initiative and German capital. It
had. In effect, become almost a German
"If peaceful relations were maintained
it was almost Inevitable that Belgium
should become an economic 'dependency.
And now that fabrlo (tho Indus
trial life of Belgium) will have to be
built mainly with British materials,
whereas In the past It was built mainly
with German material. It is mainly with
the assistance of British capital that Bel
glanlndustrles will bo reconstructed. Bel
glum will afford a splendid field for Brit
ish enterprise. The economic motive will
combine with the patriotic motlvo to send
British capital to Flanders
"Belgium has lost everything, but she
has saved her soul, and sho has saved
the liberties of Europe," concludes tho
Darkest Russia Again
The darkest part of Russian civilization
or lack of civilization Is again uncov
ered to us by one who clearly under
stands It. This time It Is not a transla
tion from Tolstoy, Turgenleff or Dos
toievsky, but the original thoughts and
observations of an alien. Georgo Kcnnan
writes 10 short stories, "A Russian Com
edy of Errors'' (Century Company, Now
Tork), to show what a terrible state tho
vast nusslan Empire Is In.
Ho dwells particularly upon the dangers
and cruelties to tho free-thinkers, the Ni
hilists and the Revolutionists; he shows
with whe.t injustice and blindness offend
ers against the Czar and the Government
aro given hearings, and depicts vividly
the terrible physical sufferings which
isuch prisoners are made to undergo for
their beliefs.
Mr. Kennan knows whereof ho speaks,
and we may be sure of this If we compare
his stories with those told by Dostoteffsky
in his "Prison Life in Siberia," as well as
with those tales of maltreatment which
have moved Gorky and other Revolution
ists to leave Russia, and to tell their ex
periences to the world. We no longer seek
the truth or falsehood in such stories,
but Tfe shudder that such things can ex
ist and do exist, and even an Anglo-Saxon
interpretation of Slavic conditions fires us
wU righteous indignation and fury. Mr.
Kennan has thrust another lighted torch
in the face of thoso who lgnpre Russian
despotism with complacency,
"The Great Mirage"
Newspaper work and newspaper work
ers form the theme of James E. Ford's
latest story, "The Great Mirage'' (Harper
& Bros., New Tork), but tew news
paper men will admit that the scenes
and characters portrayed are typical.
Undoubtedly there are some "shops,"
Where office politics are played every
minute of every working hour. Mr. Ford
should know whereof he speaks, for he
has had long experience In Metropoli
tan Journalism, Nevertheless, it would
be a pity if the laymen should be led to
assume that newspaper workers generally
isra s. set of self-seeking, sycophantlo
schemers. That would be a regrettable
misrepresentation of the craft, yet it Is
, fair deduction from what Mr. Ford puts
into tbl story of a young woman's trials,
tribulation and eventual triumphs in
J-fawe Tork journalism.
Vila narrative 1 entertainingly told, al
though admirer of 'The Literary Shop,"
hi' tfio same author, will miss the clever
epferaais that savored that charming
toe& 'Those In the new story are neither
f numerous nop so keen.
The Climbers' Progress
Anyone with social aspirations should
rn4 ewxmragement in "The Ladder"
Harpr &, Bros , New York), a story
y Philip Curtis which tells of one of
th it social climbs in all literature.
ViaL yojuw man who performs this as
rerr, usually to laborious and often so
yertlets doM t ay one would a joy ride
mu4 without any n;ore effort than if ha
w niMjUi opposite direction,
Ci&iMmliUS m 'Urujidi take the pHce
mUfaMwt Beginning; as a farm boy,
i. wwM nfuUy the rung of
IWt WWtK faetory worker,, private
HKt lwltr ffltey Berat-profss-!
&ttJirc netpapar mr, and
aartfe, pr MMtntiSB wtth a handle
l fcf rfw li, i alt itnwtnifig even
- ii&',bta tTsjtt Miaeb n t, sa.nl
, c .,ujr fagUp wkt tuAtj kii
v -iU tMfBMbtWife.
Montessori From
a New Angle
The old-fashioned educators, who claim
that the Montessori methods neglect real
training by their "lnlssea-falre" methods,
will doubtlessly bo convinced to tho con
trary If thoy read Carolyn Sherwln
Bailey's "Montessori Children" (Henry
Holt & Co., New York), Or at least they
will probably hope that they may llo
long enough to see these wonderful
children mature, for they will want to
have evidence that this training system
which Dr. Montessori had developed,
really makes Infants Into efficient and
useful Individuals In tho community.
Miss Bailey prosents her points or
rather the leading points In the Montes
sori method In a vory novel way. Each
chapter takes one of tho little Italian
tots who work In tho "children houses,"
through tho state of rebellion and distor
tion to tho state of Improvement nnd con
trot. It Is marvelous how each case con
vinces us more emphatically of the sys
tem of "leadership" which Dr. Montessori
prnctlces, and makes us doubt more nnd
inoro tho old-fashioned system of com
mands, "don'ts," and physical chastise
ment. One youngster comos In selfish and
uncontrolled, example and gentle leader
ship bring him to tho place where he
learns to be considerate nnd efficient.
Similarly there are Illustrations of spir
itual training, physical development and
repose, helpfulness nnd sensa-tratmng,
reading, writing and tho development of
a social conscience. And though prob
ably no two cases In nny child nro tho
atne, Btlll nny educator would find the
little volume a reference book for any
puzzling questions a book of valuablo
sugesttons, If not of specific help.
Sword of Youth
A story of love nnd war In Kentucky,
by Jnmes Lane Allen that. In brief, Is
"The Sword of Youth" (Tho Century
Company). The love clement is twofold
the love of man and maid av the love of
mother nnd son. The wnr element also Is
twofold-the fighting of the Civil War by
tho people who had to stay at home in
divided Kentucky and the conflict of tho
In another respect tho brief description
of tho book requires enlargement. The
author writes In tho characteristic stylo
which Is one of his chief distinctions.
There le the old refinement of style, but
none of the over-refinement of "Tho Hero
ine In Bronze" and some of his other
work. There Is metaphor nnd simile In
abundance, but not of tho unnatural and
strained port. It does not overlay tho
story to confuso and hide It. The forest la
visible through the trees.
It Is altogether a delightful story, very
simply nnd directly told, and very human.
Wo have a gllmpso of Lincoln and a
glimpse of General Lee, but tho threo
principal characters are Joseph Sumner.
a. Kentucky farm lnd; Mt mother, and
Lucy Morehead, his Bweethenrt. Each Is
clearly and distinctly drawn and moves
through the pages of the book In natural
human fashion. Joseph starts out an un
dersized boy of 17. For threo years, slnco
that night when his father and brothers
rode off to Join the Confcdcrato army, ho
haa taken caro of his mother and done
tho work which formerly had been that
of the slaves. She can see nothing heroic
in the little stay-at-home, nothing glori
ous In his performance of duty on the des
olated Kentucky farm. Her only horoes
are her husband and tho other sons, now
In goldlers' graves. Nothing is to bo ex
pected of Joseph: he doesn't count. It Is
a splendid piece of psychological analysis
by which the author accounts for this
But at 17 Joseph goes to war. Only Lucy
consecrates his going. Just before the
battle of Five Forks Joseph receives two
letters, one from Lucy, one from his
mother, who Is on her deathbed, and begs
Joseph to come before she dies. Joseph,
knowing he will be counted a deserter, re
turns to his mother, too late. Yet the
reconciliation has been made. Joseph hur
ries back to Virginia and to General Lee.
Instead of sentence of death ho receives
a handclasp. Then Appomattox. Then
the six-foot soldier goes home to Ken
tucky. Mr. Allen has written nothing
much better than
"The Sword of Youth."
Book Gossip
The Riverside Press, at Cambridge,
Mass., printers for the house of Hough-ton-Mlfflln
Company, did a record piece
of work In getting out C. "W. Barran's
"The Audacious War," whloh was pub
lished the 21th of the month. Within 4S
working hours of the time tho copy was
received by the printers It had been set
up in type, proof read, electrotyped,
printed, bound and Jacketed.
E. P, Dutton & Co. announce the fol
lowing: "Practical Mysticism," by
Evelyn Underhlll; "Prlnco and Heretic,"
by Marjorle Bowen; "Lovers In Exile,"
by the Baroness von Heyklng; "King
Jack," by Kelghley Snowden: "Jesus and
Politics," by Harold B. Shepheard; "The
Archbishop's Test," by E. M. Green, and
"A Freo Lance In Kashmir," by Lieu
tenant Colonel O, F. MacMunn, D. S. O,
"A Beluctant Adam," a novel by Sid
ney "Williams, literary editor of the Bos
ton Herald, will be published by Houghton-Mifflin
Company February 27. Other
books to be published by this house on
the same date are "The Early Church,"
by George Hodges, D. D.; "Are "We
Ready?" by H, D, Wheeler: a trade edi
tion of Bret Harte's "Stories and Poems
and Other Uncollected Writings." of
which a limited edition appeared last
year, and "Prescriptions," a compilation
made by Edith Motter Lamb from Doctor
Cabot'a "What -Men Live By," Advance
orders for Henry Sydnor Harrison's new
novel, "Angela's Business," have already
called for a Becond printing of the book.
The Btory will be published In March.
George A. Birmingham, the delightful
author of "From Dublin to Chicago,"
"Spanish Gold." "General John Regan,"
etc., I coming to America to lecture, ac
cording to cable advices Just received
from Ireland. He came to America in
1913 for the rehearsals of "General John
Regan," in play form, and while hero lec
tured at Princeton and Yale, Smith and
Barnard, and a number of American
cities, a IrJp he has wittily described in
"From Dublin to Chicago," To the aub
jects which he made so popular on his
first tour, namely "The Stage Irishman,"
"The Irishman in EnglUh Fiction," "The
Literary Revival," "The Economic Re
vival," Birmingham haa added two
highly timely new subjects, "Ireland anrt
the War" and "The Irish Volunteers,"
which takes up the entire Ulster and
home rule situations which Birmingham
has already treated in three novels, "The
Red Hand of Ulster." "The Seething Pot"
and "Hyacinth."
The old books stilt hold on. Harper &
Brothers announce that they are putting
to press this week for reprinttngs not only
"The Lone Star Banger," by Zane Grey
the second time since its publication on
January 7 but "Monologues," by May
laatetl Fist, and "Tom Bawcr Abroad,
"Houghing It," "Pudd'nheaa Wilson,"
"Life On the Mississippi." "Joan of Arc,"
'Innocent Abroad," "The Adventures of
H-ickiebsrry Finn," "The Man that Cor
rupted Haaieyburg, ' "Following the
SQuator." and "A Connecticut Yankee, at
the fowrt f Ktay Arthur," in the Au rntn Club of PhUadelgfcJapaJ mi Stan
jJssu'a iatloai Wtw o Hart JwaSa, jaer gueet.
M f "v i
JtHl Mi Xuit
Julian Street nnd Wallace Mor
gan snnpped by James Mont
gomery Flagg for "Judge."
Mr. Street explains: "Wallace Morgan
and I crossed tho Unltod Btates together,
saw a lot of Interesting pooplo nnd places,
had n fine time and have mado a big,
fat, red-covered book out of our adven
tures. I like Morgan's GO pictures, ho likes
my 40 chapters, and ws both llko tho
way tho Century Compnny brought tho
volume out. I think thoy might havo got
W a copy for It Instead of 2.50, but even
at J2.G0 I prefer It to any other book of
mine, becauso tho royalty is larger."
Simple Annals of
a Peasant Heroine
The short and comparatively simple an
nals of a peasant herolno nro set forth
with sharp Insight and loving sympathy
by Mary J. II. Skrlno In "Bllllo'3 Mother"
(Century Company, New York), a brief
and touching novel. Tho author, remem
bered for her "Bedesman 4" and "A Step
son of tho Soil," demonstrated In those
books her power in creating situations,
her cdeptnoss In delineating character
with adroit nnd believable differentiation,
and her lntlmato knowledge of English
life, both gentlo and simple; her latest
work affirms her skill and address as
A profound study of character rather
than fiction of built-up cllmnxos, cumul
ative details and suspended interest,
"Bllllo's iMothcr" is engrossing for the
subtle characterization of tho central
ilgure and her growth In fineness
and firmness, but it Is not deficient In
plot. For her history Is suffused with tho
red stain of blood the blood of a former
mistress shed by the no'or-do-well, whom
she has married. An Impostor, of easy
grace, charm nnd morals, ho weds, out
of his class, the peasant maid of nn In
alld relative, to gain whoBO fortuno ho
is plotting. Tho girl Blllie's Mother
turned woman by discovery of his selfish
ness and designs, staunchly faces the fu
ture for tho sake of tho boy. with the
forthright uncomplex realization ot the
primal relations of life, that is a trait
of her class and breeding, nnd oven at
tho end when his crime, committed ycais
slnco in Australia, flnda him out. Is faith
ful to tho eternal bond which Is tho mean
ing of wedlock to her.
BHIle Is a delightful laddie, who would
Illumine any talo; but tho story In this
one-unfortunatcly named, wo think la
tho analysis of character evolution and
mother lovo In the titular figure, a wom
an who proves that simple faith and ad
hesion to Ideals transcend the claims
of caste. "Blllie's Mother" points a moral
In an era of quick and easy divorce
The New Books
A Hit of books received for reilew.
itore extentive comment will be made on
thote whose Importance warrants further
",n-,, A 8.tory of r,v" "War time? SeallS?
with the estrangement of a mother and ion.
Adams. SI 13,
"J ork.
,t.J'.B.i ni"usU?I" "J. John Wolcott
.-c.Lury company.
story of ij Peniayfvanla G?mT" llrt and
mond R Fosdlck Europeal functions and
uw Company: "New VStJT"'- "a0- Ccnt"
ILLIE'H MrvrjiRn T;; ... ....
a ciorr ot tlia
WiBllali oountiea. with n
reawint woman going tl-roush traced v tn
flnv. Now Ynrlr
ill I'AVWll, . liy Philip Curtla.
?,5WU w ' 3 pAmoI tiff c-Y Am "r
Ne" Tork 37 """ $1"3n- rper iro",
I?rt?rdmar yT-,h9 auth01" t "Th
ii. "fir0,!? ".' an Empraaa" A novel of
llfo In Russian court circles and French
elteauv-"by ona who knows "362 pages
norv or a cammi man i.r.iu : . .-- '
"rtfn! '-ixUrn SiWnrn"."" ?
M15 AMEmirTATNT nTTIT. .fir.-'
Ann Morgan.
Soroo mijgeatlois from tho Ylau
nn,n,i. ii: 3 ".T,. """ "T. ot tna
.n,.,-L.. . ..-
l .l....t "" ji girt a aui
.....iuiii.i Z.r P Bn.o.wiuwn nn. rn.
raru BO cei
yiiauiiuiiss, rBcrnaiion ana future. tin
"CDr urea.. New York.
A. naw reallatlo nBl"ht.u,h."0,!.Dhe
j. ...mi
of "Tha Journal of a Nagleetar'wTre." S8a
?.8nr Sli?,.A.WHd amount of the
HNawrk.8 "' "
" - viaisuoiuo chock man Dick,
on. A mw o!urae In tho Eerychlld'a
Sn&nrSor!" """ iM
WAR JirtlbES. Hy Marion Crajjr Wentworth
The tense Utile antl-war piiyTln wnlcli All
Na.lmova will eoon appear at Keith's? U
Vwk"' C"nU- c,n"W Company. Ww
Vance A slrl-runawsy on a trans-Atlantlo
steamer with a stolen Jewel In her Bosses
lon, and the usual Vance tale or mrtrr
and excitement .Illustrated toy J Jf iRiJ?
BostSn6"" lM' L'""' B"mn Company.
H'"" K'a Man'at'-. The story of a llttlS
alum.drudier and how art and ambition
IlOMEllUrtp MBMOItlES. By decree Fitch
All the life ot the small town In tie richly
l,u8l,oreu? ,.v.?ln 1 Mr.F1tch, so- pJies,
$1 25. LlttIe. Brown Company. Boston
TION: nd Other Address.Vand Kay?, "jfc
Henry Cebot Lodge. Eleven ewaya and
addresses on many Uilrgs, from the Con
tltutlon to letters. , Jf pages si in
Srrlbner'a 6ons, New York. "" 1B('
THE MAN OF- IRON. By Itlehard Dehan
A story of 1ST0. with an iHih war cqS2:
potident bb hero, and w th Bismarck In the
NawKrS P,WL l-3s- fito'"!
sy-y aT. anna Won. A popular de
cription and analysis of the new medlral
,JJ??5ry' r 8T? J",J5W '"""rated. tl.W.
Mcnrlde. Nast A Co . New York. ""
SiL."?".!-. '. ? Matthew
th. PWJadelpfita t.ty oTU Mi" Lit"
ters. 82paires, BO cents.
vvwv?-.. f'i ui a. vuver nan ratrtrm
The mtnrv nf an irtam uti ...l. .
ea. H
&nWMtmm.,UB,on3.lftl,,e- SS- "
"ZVl- ci f t0Pr ,?', murder and mystery,
which ShtrloL'k Holmes and AmexicsTflgt
v9Vf- A story or. murder and myter. m
ineriOL-a Holmes and America, lfrur
320 Tz.l s 3S rirtPaH itZ
Vt.rk ' T " "'"
DOOTOR SYN. By Rusiell T Hortldyke.
the' mvsUrloua visit of the Demon gliders
nnd Jaelc & Lanterns. 301 pages, ills.
Doubleday. Pass. Garden Cltvi3 v
iuu,iiir ,i? w ma rigmni atarsti,
T.RT,: S,r-lI,,fn ,""; Another novel
of the Pennsylvania Dutch country by the
s-uthsr of .VTlJlle, the Mennoalie Maid Sis
WJM. J-3' Doubleday. Page, Garden
New Yorker In answer to Questions of actual
llJUtrUd. It
Jacobs Gueat o Schoolmen's; CJub
Dr Wlliiatn C. Jacobs, suparlntetiderit
of the Board of Education, was the eucat
of honor last night at a reception given
hv rnnr then WWJ m.mh.i'a of thft Kohftal
Leonard Tavernake btfriendt Beatrice Frank
Ivn, an Amsrican plrl In rf(fr In London.
lie prevent her from committing tnloldt, and
glvet Htr n petition an housekeeper to Mm,
Thev pretend to be brother and Utter. Short!
aten Mr. Wenham Gardner, Beatrice' titter,
trlet to male Tavernake tett inhere Beatrice ,
but he refutes, Mr). Gardner I an adven
ttrett, who hat (rinrHed a rich man and I
keeping him prltener In o detotatt part of
Knoland. She otfert to finance Tavernake In
a real ettat speculation,
Beatrice pelt a position In a nutlcal eomedv.
After the flrtt night Tavcrnake Me her or
the flrtt time. He It rouMi at the thousht
that he kitted her fceoauni) of her resmMait0
to her beautiful -itttr, Elisabeth, (Urt.
Gardner). .,
An American detcctlye, rrltchsrd, tell Tay
ernk that Mrs. Gardner f aetocUtltig with
number of crooks. Tavernaka tolls nar tnls,
in an effort to vim her. 8h aska his help.
LaUr Tavcrnake propones to Beatrice, who haa
fled from him, and la refuted.
cirAPTan xvir.
At 6 e'olock that ovenlng, Tavernake
rane up the Milan Court and Inquired for
Elizabeth. Thero was a moment or two's
delay and then he heard her reply. Kven
over tho telephono wires, even though
ho stood, crnmped and uncomfortable, In
that stuffy llttlo telephono booth, ho felt
tho quick Btart of pleasure, tho thrill of
somothlng different In life, which camo
to him always at the sound of her voice,
at the slightest suggestion of her
"Well, roy friend, what fortuno?" sno
asked him.
"None," he answered. "I havo done
iny beat. Boatrlce will not llston to me."
"She will not como and see me?"
"She will not."
Elizabeth was silent for a moment.
Vhon nho spoke again, thero was a
chnngo in her tone.
"You have failed, then."
"I did everything" that could bo done,"
Tavernako Insisted eagerly. "I am quite
suro that nothing anybody could say
would movo Beatrice. She Is very de
cided Indeed."
"I have another Idea," Elizabeth re
marked, after a brief pause. "Sho will
not como to mo; vory well, I muBt go to
her. You must take mo thero."
"I cannot do that," Tavernako an
swered. "Why not?"
"Beatrico has refused absolutely to per
mit mo to tell you or any ono clso of her
whereabouts," he declared. "Without
her permission I cannot do it."
"Do you mean that?" sho asked.
"Of course," ho answered uncomfort
Thero was nnother silence. When she
epoko again, her voice had changed for
the second time. Tavernake felt his heart
sink as ho listened.
"Very well," sho said. "I thought that
you were my friend, thnt you wished to
help me."
"I do," ho replied, "but you would not
havo mo break my word?"
"You nro breaking your word with me,"
she told him.
"It Is a different thing," ho Insisted.
"You will not take me thero?" sho said
onco mare.
"I ennnot," Tavernake answered.
"Very well, good-byel"
"Don't go," ho begged. "Can't I see
you somewhero for a few minutes this
"I am afraid not," Elizabeth replied
"Are you going out?" he persisted.
"I am going to the Duko of York's
Theatro with some friends." sho an
swered. "I am sorry. You havo disap
pointed mo."
It was still some time before the ter
mination of the performance. As the slow
minutes dragged by, ho grew to hate
himself, to hato this new thing In his llfo
which had torn down his everyday stand
ards, which had carried him off his
feet In this strange and detestable fash-
Ion. It was n dormant sense, without a
doubt, which Elizabeth had stirred Into
life tho sense of sex, quiescent In him
so long, chiefly through his perfect physi
cal sanity; perhaps, too, In somo measure,
from his half-starved Imagination. It was
significant, though, that once aroused It
burned with surprising and unwavering
fidelity. Tho wholo world of women now
were different creatures to him, but they
left him as utterly unmoved as In his
unawakened days. It was Elizabeth only
ho wnnted, craved for fiercely, with all
this late-born passion of mingled senti
ment and desire. lie felt himself, as ho
hung round there upon tho pavement,
rubbing shoulders with the liveried serv
anlfl, the loafers, and tho passers-by, a
thing to be despised. He was like a
whipped dog fawning back to his master.
Ho watched the thin stream of peo
ple who left before tho play was
over, suburbanites mostly, In a hurry for
their trains. Very soon the whole au
dience followed, commlsslonaries were
busy with their whistles, tho servants
eagerly looking right nnd left for their
masters. And then Elizabeth! She came
out In the midst of half-a-dozen othere,
brilliant In a wonderful cloak and dress
of turquoise blue, laughing with her
friends, to all appearance the gayest of
the party. Tavernako stepped quickly
forward, but at that moment thero was a
crush and he could not advance. She
passed within a yard of him, escorted by
a couple of men, and for a moment their
eyes met. She raised her eyebrows, as
though In surprise, and her recognition
was of the nllghtest. She passed on and
entered a waiting motorcnr, accompanied
by the two men, Tavernako stood and
loole:: after It. Bhe did not oven glance
round. Except for that little gesture -I
cold surprise, she had Ignored him,
Tavernake, scarcely knowing what he did,
turned slowly toward the Strand,
He came to a standstill outside the en
trance to the Milan Court, and retraced
his steps. The thought of Beatrice had
brought something Boothlng with it. He
felt that ho must see her, see her at once.
He walked back along the Strand nnd
entered the restaurant where Beatrice and
he had had their memorable supper.
From the vestibule he could Just see
Grler'a back as he stood talking to a
waiter by the side of a round table In
the middle of the room. Tavernake
slowly withdrew and made his way up
stairs. Thero were one or two little
tables there lit the balcony, hidden from
the lower part ot the room. He seated
himself at one., handing- his coat and hat
mechanically to tho waiter who came
hurrying up.
"But, Monsieur," the man explained,
with a deprecating gesture, "these tables
are all taken."
Tavernake, who kept an account book
In which he registered even his car fares,
put Ave shillings In the roan's hand.
"This one I will have," he said firmly,
and sat down.
The man looked at.hlm and turned aside
to speak to the head waiter. They con
versed together in whispers, Tavernake
took no notice. His Jaw was set, Him
self urjseen, he was gazing: steadfastly
at the table below. The head waiter
shrugged his. shoulders and departed his
other clients mutt be mollified. There
wa$ a finality which was unanswerable
about Tayernake's methods.
Tavernake ate and drank what they
brought to him. ate and drank and suf
fered. Everything was as it hit been
that other night the popping of corks
the soft music the laughter of women,
the pleasant, luxurious enaa of warmth
Lady attendant l'yrehae tirTtmrr tn
Htm fro the fsto " FuAVEluL'S
A Tale of Love, Mystery and Intrigue
nnd gaiety pervading Iho wholo place.
It was nil Just tho same, but this time ho
eat outsldo nnd looked on, Beatrice was
seated next drier, nnd on her other side
wns a young man of Iho type which
Tavornake detested, partly becauso It
Inspired him with a reluctant but Insist
ent senso of Inferiority. Tho young man
wns handsome, tall, and thin. His even
ing clothes fitted him perfectly, IiIb studs
and links were of tho latest mode, his
whlto tie arranged ns though by tho
fingers of nn artist. And yet ho was no
tailor's model, A gentleman, beyond a
doubt, Tavernako decided, watching
grudgingly tho courteous movement of his
head, listening aomctlmes to his well-brod
but rather languid voice. Beatrice
laughed often Into his faco. Sho admired
him, of course. How could sho help Itl
Grler sat at her other side. He, too,
talked to her whenver hn had tho chanco.
It wns a new fever which Tavernako was
tasting, a new fever bunting In his blood.
Ho wns Jealous; ho hated tho wholo party
below. In Imagination ho saw Liizauotn
with her friends, supping most likely In
that other, moro resplendent restaurant,
only a fow yards away. Ho Imagined her
tho centre of every attention. Without
a doubt, sho wns looking at her neighbor
as sho had looked at htm. Tnvomako
bit his lip, frowning.
An altercation by his stdo distracted
him. Again thero was the head waller
nnd a protesting guest. Tavcrnake looked
up and recognized Professor Franklin.
With hli broad-brlmmcd hat in his hand,
tho professor, In fluent phraseology and
a Btrong Amcrlcnn accent, wns making
himself decidedly disagreeable.
"You hnd better send for your manager
right awny, young man," ho declared.
"On Tuesday night ho brought mo hero
himself and I engaged this table for tho
week. No, I tell you I won't havo any
otherl I guess my order wns good
enough. You send for Lulgl right here.
You know who I am? Professor Frank
lin's my name, from Now York, and If I
sny I mean to hnvo a thing, I expect to
got it."
For tho first time ho recognized Taver
nake, and paused for a moment in his
"Havo I got your tabic, Professor?"
Tavornako asked, slowly.
"You have, sir," tho profewsor answered.
"I did not recognize you when I camo In
or I would hnvo addressed you personally.
I havo particular reasonB for occupying
a front table here every night this week."
Tho thoughts began to crowd In upon
Tavernako's brain. He hesitated.
"Why not sit down with mo?" he sug
gested. Tho professor acquiesced without a
word. Tho head waiter, with a sigh of
relief, took his hat and overcoat nnd ac
cented his order. Tavernako leaned
across tho table.
'Trofcssor," ho said, "why do you Insist
upon sitting up hero?"
Tho professor moved his head slowly
"My young friend, I speak to you In
"In confidence," Tavcrnnko repeated.
"I come here secretly," tho professor
continued, "becauso It it tho only chanco
I havo of seeing n very dear relative of
mine. I am obliged to keep away from
her Just now, but from hero I can watch,
I can seo that sho Is well."
"You mean your daughter Beatrice,"
Tavernako said, calmly.
Tho professor trembled nil over.
"You know!" ho muttered.
"Yea. I know," Tavcrnake answered.
"I havo been able to be of somo slight
assistance to your daughter Beatrice."
Tho professor grasped his hand.
"Yes, yes," he said, "Elizabeth is very
nngry with you becauso you will riot tell
her whero to find tho llttlo girl. You nro
right, Mr. Tavernake. You must never
tell her."
"I don't Intend It," Tavernako declared.
"Say, this Is a great evening for mo!"
the professor went on, eagerly. "I
found out by accident myself. I was at
tho bar and I saw her como In with a lot
of others."
"Why don't you go and speak to her?"
Tavernako asked.
The professor shivered. ,
"Thero bos been a disagreement," ho ex
plained. "Beatrico and Elizabeth have
quarreled. Mind you, Beatrico was
"Then why don't you go to her Instead
of staying with Elizabeth?" Tavernake
demanded, bluntly.
The professor temporarily collapsed. He
drank heavily of the whisky and soda
by his side, and answered gloomily.
"My young friend," ho said, "Beatrice,
when she left us, was penniless. Mind
you. Elizabeth Is tho ono with brains.
It Is Elizabeth who has tho money. She
has a strong will, too. She keeps me
there whether I will or not, eho makes
me do many things many things, surely
which I hate. But Elizabeth has her
way. If I had gone with Beatrice, if I
were to go to her now, I should bo only
a burden upon her."
"You have no money, then?" Tavernake
Tho professor Bhook his head sadly,
"Speculations, my young friend," ho re
plied, "speculations, undertaken, solely
with tho object of making a fortune for
my children. I have had money and lost
"Can't you earn any?" Tavernake asked.
"Beatrice doesn't seem extravagant."
The professor regarded this outspoken
young man with an air of hurt dignity.
"If you will forgive me," he said, "t
think that we will choose another subject
of conversation."
"At any rate," Tavernake declared,
"you must be fond of your daughter or
you would not come here night after
night Just to look ot her."
The professor shook out a handkerchief
from his pocket and dabbed his eyes.
"Beatrico waa always my favorite." ho
announced solemnly, "but Elizabeth well,
you can't get away from Elizabeth," he
added, leaning across the table. "To tell
you the truth. Mr. Tavernake, Elizabeth
terrifies me sometimes, she Is so bold,
I am afraid where her scheming may
land us. I would be happier with Beatrice
Origins and Destiny
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If only she had tho means to satisfy my
trifling wants."
Ho turned to tho waller hnd ordered a
pint of champagne.
"Veuvo Clicquot W ho Instructed tho
man. "At mv nee." ho remarked, with
a sigh, "ono has to be oref ul about these
llttlo matters. Tho wrong brpnd of cham
pagno means a sleepless night."
Tavernako looked at him In a puzzled
way. Tho professor was a riddle to him.
Ho represented no typo which had como
within tho orbit of his experience. "With
tho arrival of tho champagne tho profes
sor becamo almost eloquent. He leaned
forward, gazing Btealthlly down at tho
round tablo.
"If I could tell you of that girl's
mothor, Mr. Tavernake," ho sold, "If I
could tell you what her history, our his
tory, has been, It would Beem to you so
strange that you would probably regard
mo ns a romancer. No, wo havo to carry
our secrets with us."
"By-thc-bye," Tavernako asked, "what
nro you a professor of?"
"Of tho hidden sciences, sir," was tho
Immedlato reply. "Phrenology was my
earliest lovo. Slnco then I havo studied
In tho East; I havo spent many years In
a monastery In China. I havo gratified
In overy way my natural lovo of tho
ocoult. I represent today thoso people of
advanced thought who havo traveled,
ovon In Bplrlt, for ever such a llttlo dis
tance across tho lino which divides tho
seen from tho unseen, tho known from tho
Ho took a long draught of champagne.
Tavernako gazed at him In blank amaze
ment. "I don't know much about science," ho
said. "It Is only lately that I havo
begun to reallzo how Ignorant I really am.
Your daughter has helped to teach mc."
Tho professor sighed heavily.
"A young woman of attainments, sir,"
ho remarked, "of character, too. Look nt
tho way sho carries her head. That was
a. trick of her mother's."
"Don't you mean to speak to her at
nil?" Tavernako asked.
"I daro not," tho professor tended.
"I nm naturally of a truthful disposition,
and If Elizabeth wero to nsk me If I had
spoken to her sister, I should glvo my
self away at once. No, I look on and
that Is nil.'
Tavernako drummed with his fingers
upon tho tablecloth. Something In tho
merriment of that llttlo party downstairs
had filled him with a very bitter feeling.
"You ought to go and claim her, pro
fessor," ho declared. "Look down nt
them now. Is that the best llfo for a
girl? Tho men aro almost strangers to
her, nnd tho girls nro not fit for her to
associate with. Sho has no friends, no
relatives. Your daughter Elizabeth can
do without you very well. Sho Is strong
enough to tnko enro of herself."
"But my dear sir." tho professor ob
jected. "Beatrice could not sunnort mo."
Tavernake paid his bill without another
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Tho Northern Pacific, tho finest and
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ter; Benjamin IC Raleigh and Captain J.
W. Mowatt. Captain Louis B. Tllton was
In command.
Tho tests will requlro about four days.
There will bo tho high-speed test, staitd-
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11,00 Net
7n:L,iai?!rl?"" !" haTbJ
wero already unon Hi!,, tt una W
"Good-night. Drofessnrl" 1, ..u .. 's
going to see tho last of Beatrice froJ ,H?I
top of tho stairs." eac from thfl
Tho professor followed hlm-they .(n
thero nnd ivn(M,,t t. . "BY tooi
Annlo Lcgnrde.
Tho two
Into a taxlcab
L. , L "y":KU lOBcinor, nnd Tw3
nako breathed a sle-h nt Liiii v.fc
for which ho was wholly unable to iSS
count, when ho saw that Qrler m,,?S
effort to follow ii,-m. a. "' mad "1
taxi hnd rolled away, they descend th!
passed Into tho i-V nn.- ??dcd an
sor suddenly changed his to,,c P -'i
iir. iuvernnne," lie ga d, "I know wki
you aro thinking about me auS
old man who drinks too much and Sr
wn t born altogether hones, V?A
glvo up anything. I'd be happier. r.J
.mppicr, on a crust with Beatrice bu. V
daren't, I simply daren't try It i"U
tho flesh pots with Elizabeth ijrt5
Mr. Tavernako. but listen" m9 yfll
Th i.f- Tavcak0 Interjected.
rna professor's flnp... , .1 .
, "You've known Bcatr. log or-yol
don't know Elizabeth verv win ST
Jt ".J0"'!1!!: " I- a v
about character. I know something nho",!!
thoso hidden powers whw. 5 "M
'v(au,Ml U 11 HUM. UtlntM - i. i jM
women poetess-strange powers which M
ono can uni1m.onn,i ..,..-- . . V "."' 1J
a man to a womn .' ,'r ZK?.I
him shiver .. .,"'"'." '.sn !
in n crowd. You see, these things at. 3
science with mo, Mr. Tavcrnakf buMi
don't Dretend tn t,rtr.ii :..?' ?.UM1
,hi. kU0V( ,8 ,!hat E"Iftbeth OnHI
thoso people who can Just do what tail
likes with men. I am her fall or na 1
rather bo with Beatrice;' ana I TM
powerless to go as though I wero bn,ml
with chains. You aro a youngTEnorantl
ma,, Mr. Tavernake, you T know Vm3
of life, nnd I will give you a word off
""v "y iium over tncie. sH
Ho raised ouo hand and pointed acrosjl
S 'eft1 WS..?,.'ta CourtfSSa
... -.... .. ,. ,uro gripped Tawr.1
Why sho should t.iim n. ,...v,. ...
to epenk with vou for n Ttin,., . j '
know," tho profecsor continued,' "but shT
rlnl Tfr line. e.l..J t . ."Ut 0U.
my dautrhlor. tn u. t.i
no heart, no pity. I saw her smueTti
you. I am sorry always for the man ibel
Tavcrnake!" """.""" "-nWit, JM
Tho professor crossed the street. Tave3
5? watched: him until ho was out afl
sight. Then ho felt an arm thrust throujhj
"WhV. thin 1.1 nrSnf T II ..-i ...
famlllnr voice exclaimed. "Mr. Taver3
for" J man J wa3 looWnil
Slz?it,2n tcst' It,w-Peca, four-hour speia
ti.r.i , V .aV "'" le'urn on Tuesday.'!
;; " A,4UiL -J "r Han Fran
"""' uui:i:ii towas, Ti years old. era
2725 North 12th strpot vn .... v.. .11
trolloy car last night at 11th and Silver!
streets, and died of her inim-i,, .. '
hours later In tho Samaritan Hospital!
xno crew or tno car was arrested, ThsJ
um woman, wno matte Her home with hcrif
niece, mary jviorrow, was crossing Wl
street, and either failed to seo thn ml
coming or else was unable to get acrosi"
ino iraciis oeroro it reached her. Meiwjj
Skull and law we.rn fmntllrod.
: , m
iWAoioos timm
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- ... jiiwoiiu ner to tnlk with
you-why i can't Imagine-only If I S
you I would get away while thorn l. .3
time. Sho is
. s i2-