Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 27, 1915, Sports Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Wewt Bull, Organizer of
the Board ot Poultry
Trade, Fills a Mysterious
Order in a Manner Justly
styled Superb.
Jld Zcdekiah Calls Up "Infor
Rjnallon" and Is so Scanda
lously Answered That Ho
i. Tears the Telephone Out by
ttthc Roots.
fecial Correspondence Evening Ledger.
PINE NOTCH, N. J., Feb. 27. Newton
Roll had lilted the mysterious order for
lio dozen boneless eggs, notwithstand
ing the protestation 01 nis nrotners, tho
SEW and, nbovo all things, prldo them
tTrfes on their old-fashioned business
fStegrlty. It had taken them years to
kSli Up an honored specialty In dill
JjlckUs, and ono of t'ne lmmutabto rules
lEiy followed was "ixever nil an order
nrtV you aro not posltlve-gosh-darn-cer-
fntn about."
fcl reckon you rokerlect, Newt," said
Rob Bull, "how wo turned down an or
.' rT a tinrret o' hurrtnback dills from
tfut Trenton dellcatcsseher. Ho offered
us 10 per cent, over tho market for' hum
Wkn. but ns neither mo nor Bob was
fecrtaln uro whether a humpback dill
'called for ono or two humps wo turned
She order down cold."
irt don't sco where that (Its Into this
w case." Newt Bull shot back. "I'd
', t,m snma If T irnt nn order for humn-
tack eggs. This order o' mlno calls for
boneless eggs, an' Its a special hurry
up order by parcel post or express. To
the best o' my knowledge an' belief I
lent that feller two dozen boneless eggs
nd marked 'cm 'boneless specials' with
my new throe-alphabets self-adjustn'
niMlM- stamD."
S"Dut you been ndmlltln' straight
. ., t n-w T...U Kll.n, .nt.
iln't got the deffynltlon o' n boneless
egg; that you never heard o' a boneless
egg beroro, an mat mere nin c a. vov-
..... knllAHntv rt t.nflitnr- BAttlti ftnwn
'official an keyrect Jest what a boneless
nr i-"
We'll fix thnt pat an 'final at tho spe
cial meeting of the Pino Notch Board of
Poultry Trade." Newt Bull returned. "I
fwHt Into tho by-laws or tho organization
rcytclf that tho premier purpose o' the
OOaru IS lo scum ucunuiu UitUQ lUUBllUlia
relaUn to stananras an graacs 01 eggs
WTi, nnlrv. Ar rlinlrmnn nf ihn hnrrt
questions commlttco o' tho board, I'll take
that matter up and put it through so that
there won't never bo no doubt hereafter
Fegardln' Jest what a boneless egg Is."
K"Well, what Is It?" cried tho Bull
twins In eager chorus.
j.'That'll bo for tho majority members of
the board to vote on, came tne cagey
answer. I got tnree pariwerier aeiy
nltlons o' boneless eggs for tho board to
voto on to."
fV3ut supposln' they don't vote on tho
!e?j-.j)Hoii thnt covers the eggs you
tent out In such an all-fired reckless
hurryj" asked Bob Bull. "That'll put
you Into a mean hole so far as business
hemesty Is consarned, an' business hon
esty's been a family notion o' the Bulls
erer since great-granper settled Into Pine
Notch, The fam'ly will disown you
fulcker'n scat If wo ketch you Into one
'Althonest act. Yourpoor ol' dad Is all
roke up over this thing ever since you
telephoned to him about this order. He
lent us down to Interview you nn' wo cot
to' take him back a ntratght answer re
strain tno eggs you snipped out.
Kent Bull shrugged his shoulders, dug
Into the pockot of his overalls and pro
duced a telegram, which he handed to the
twins.. Bob read It first while Bob echoed
each word, as follows:
i Newton Bull, Esquire. Boneless eggs
received. A superb shipment.
s Bala. Pa.
ttTVliat's he menn liv sunprh?" finked
Bob Bull, susnlelntmlv.
k'Better ask father," snorted Newt Bull,
turning away and going down the hill to
Ills duck run.
Old Zedeklah Bull -was pacing up nnd
ouwn tno nig Kitchen of the old Bull
homestead when the twins nrrlveil with
the telecram. Ifft linH yn.ctni1 them nn
Ihour earlier nnd the peppery old gentle
man was a trine .more fretful than usual.
Ho snatched the telegram from Bob 'Bull
.Ind spelled It out slowly and carefully, in
iiHmnlnii. nl. TT .. l .. a... I
n-- xviuuiuua YUWV. X1U I CUU Jt UVCT IWIUO
tMfpre the twins dared break In on his
femotions. Then they asked timidly: .
5'What's Jie mean by a s-u-p-e-r-b shlp
llnent, dad? Newt wouldn't tell us. but
nia as you'd know Jest what It meant an'
that U'd be a complete an' satisfactory
fpawer rcgardln tho fam'ly honor In
'Course I know what It means," quav
!Id the old gentleman, pounding tho floor
jjihi nts cane, "an1 ir you twins had got
the worth o' the money I was taxed for
out o your gchoolin' you'd know ekal an"
S". A (reading from the telegram)
tu-P-e-r-b shipment o' eggs means a
r""P-e-r-b shipment o' eggs an' nothln'
tise. You boys kin go home now and sort
n your pickle need. Your brother Newt
JJ got a dern eight more gumption nor
gat I give him credit for."
Ehe twins had hardly closed the door
WWnd them when old Zedeklah Bull
wiped across tho kitchen to the tele
Pgone and called up the edltoIal rooms
jLtne Pine Notch Fortnightly Bulletin.
Jm Corlnne Pemple, the editor, was
i?!ht ,nBre n the other end of the phone
f'Thls the editor o' the BulletlnT" asked
ftI'he editor, nwfi.p nnd nilhllihfir.
grackled back over the wire.
-rn jvm, answer luennons consarmn aic
iSry wordsT"
'"they ain't fool questions, yea."
tVll. What T UliintAi. Imnn la n. f. n .
Sgf toe vyord a-u-p-nT-b mean when It's
iK n connection with a shipment o
less eggs;"
BOown, went Miss Pemple's receiver with.
ptans. But Zedeklah Bull was not to
o telephone for an hour, got her again,
"HlYed hl teeth in mnkn nr nrhlisr.
XUlatlOn. find hn ,l.,tH ntt sin a nau
sk, - -
llftVa you cot flnvfhlnp Intn vnilt nf
fS" that gives the official key-rect specy-
S"w 01 -wnat is a eoneiesa eggi Tna
It4eklah Bull an" I ain't fnnnln'- 1
S your leanln'a toward female rights
Ilall that nflnnna nn T crnt n mnrt.
$t onto your father's farm an' I know
a?. .l'1M yvr Pleverer nor any or
v ral' tver dared to be. Rid you
Max tell on a boneless egg?"
i nave, Mr. Bull." came the alow
t ior a brleT pauae, "but the bone-
gS ltn't thn IHn that utllrlii. tn
ihouldera tn thA man nlV nf TJlnA
J It's the other way round all
iuc u over and if you don't get
box mustard foot bath. If you'll
Your xtlliMf.rJnttf. In fh. Vnrt.
t Bulletin and read tny suffrage
fc-jjil, " uui to iibip a toe in um
amizL " or dobcv xnavw bs
- I
X .A.4....
ii ,. ""J
"V" W3
n tar 5C4S Bull
BasasasasasasasasasaSfic & jr. 1 1 ibbbef adfbbmHLk jLmLLuLibbHmk WHiLiLH.BBLBlB.MiaH va .P vjff K HALRAn?. t-1 ' 3 i
Isatatatatatatlav f ft JsaatsaKiEvSp .asaHHSiaislaBaVH lflaaiasaHHatasaiesaHaW .wSwM.!3'yK.aBgtvyc aVHR s- J. v
The rumor that tho ladies will also wear 'cm this season seems hereby confirmed. Bonwit & Teller, who constructed the new model, describe
it as a rambler skirt. Barbed wire fences and high street car steps have now lost their terrors. Tho picture was made by nn Evening Ledger
staff photographer.
was concerned. When old Doc Smother
got to the house he found tho venerable
Mr. Bull recumbent In his grandfather's
wing chair, rather n bit all In nftcr hav
ing torn out his telephone by tho roots.
In his rngo ho had forgotten the simple
elementary principles of electricity,
wherefore ho had ocqulred a severe shock
that had hurled him through the sitting
room door In such a manner, according
to the cook, that he had turned two com
plete somersaults before landing neatly
Into tho chair In which he sat, foaming a
little at the lips and mumbling incoher
ently the old nursery rhyme:
Tiffgy-tlggy-touchwoocl, my black hen.
Hhe lays egga for gentlemen,
Sometimes rlne ami pometlmcs ten.
Tlggy-tlEity-toucliwood, n,r M-k hen.
Old Doc Smother worked over Zedeklah
Bull for two hours before he brought him
round and got htm to bed, and out of re
spect for his father's Indisposition Newt
Bull has been compelled to postpono the
second regular meeting of the Pine Notch
Board of Poultry Trade for several days.
When It does meet, however, big things
aro looked for.
Diseases of Lungs and Throat Re
sponsible for 172.
Diseases of the lungs nnd throat wore
responsible for 172 of the 547 deaths in
Philadelphia during the last seven days.
Tuberculosis of the lungs caused 63
deaths; diphtheria and croup, 13; pneu
monia, 37; broncho-pneumonia, 33; acute
bronchitis, 9; influenza, 4, and other dis
eases of tho respiratory system, 11.
There were 140 fewer deaths In Phila
delphia this week than during the corre
sponding week of 1914. although nn In
crease of 14 is recorded over tho number
of deaths last week.
The list of deaths follows:
Tjphotd fever 1 Diarrhea and cn-
Dlphthcrla and tcrltls 3
croup IS AppeiiilicltU and
Influenza 4 typhlitis 0
Hpldcmle illocaies.. S Hernia. Intestinal
Tuberculosis ot the obstruction 0
lungs C5 Cirrhosis of the
Tuberculous menln- liver T
gIMs uacuio nepiirius ana
orms ot tuuerru
nrlaht's disease.. GO
n Noncanerous tumors 5
SO Puerperal eeptlce-
a mla 3
4 Jldents of prog.
15 t ncy
Debility and malfor-
Simple meningitis..
Apoplexy and soft
ening of brain,..
Diseases of tno
hpnrt 7f! mntlons 34
Acute bronchitis... OOld age ,0
Chronic bronchitis.. 1 Violent deaths 14
Pneumonia ........ 3T Suicide 7
Ilronchopneumonla. 33 All other diseases., GO
Diseases of resplra- Coroner's cases
tory system 11 pending -
Diseases of the ... 77?
stomach 10 Total 517
Former Brakeman Amuses Himself
Flagging Trolley Cars.
"When Ben PlnUon Isn't In a hospital
or a police station ho spends his spare
time flagging trolley cars with a red
lantern. Ben, for many years, was
brakeman. He likes to remember the old
days, and his memory was so vivid to
day that he got a read lantern and
wandered out to the car tracks at 20th
street and Susquehanna avenue. Several
motormen Baw the light swinging, and
stopped their ears. When they made In
quiry, Ben replied by singing, "I've Been
Working on the nallroad."
He was singing this refrain when
Policeman O'Neill arrested him. Then
It was found that the prisoner compared
in description with a man who escaped
from three hospitals last night, and Ben
admitted that he was the patient. Ills'
record for the evening follows:
9:30 admitted to the Samaritan Hospi
talsprained ankle.
11:30 admitted to the German Hospi
talsprained ankle.
3:30 a. m. admitted to the Women's
Homeppathlc HospltaMspralned ankle.
He went to the last mentioned Institu
tion before he began flagging the trol
leys. When Policeman O'Neill took Ben
to the 26th and York Btreeta station It
was found that the Injury to his ankle
was purely psychological. He was ex
amined by a physician and sent to the
Philadelphia Hospital ta be straightened
Catholic Fund for Belgians
Figures In regard to the collections for
the Cathollo Diocese of Pennsylvania, to
be apportioned, between the diocese and
the Belgians, show that the war sufferers
will receive about twice the amount the
diocese receives. The totals are as fol
lows: For diocesan uses, t7287.23; for
the Belgians, 111.021.10.
To Represent Health Department
Miss Alice O'Halloran, chief nurse in
the State Department of Publlo Health,
has been. assigned to look after the de
partment's exhibit In the Pennsylvania
Building at the Panama-Pacino Exposi
tion at San Francisco. Miss O'Halloran
will leave lor the exposition city on
Monday to assume her duties.
Son Born to the Hon. Mrs. Ward
liONDOtf. Feb. SI -A son wa born to
dfcy to f0 Hon Mrs Jtw V41d daugh
ter , 'h "t . wii-iMW Bw.
Creators of New Form of Dress
Contend It Will Facilitate
It looks as though the girls simply will
have them despite what their fond
mammas have to say, and so what re
mains for tho poor fnshlomnakers to do
but to produco them? Which they are
doing. Trousers galore frilly, lacy ones
for evening wear and substantial durable
ones for tho cold light of day.
Practically every advanced stylo skirt
In tho shops shows an Irrepressible ten
dency toward trousers. Maybe It's only tho
Insatiable longing which every woman
nourishes 111 her breast to "wear tho
pants" that's responsible, but nt any rato
tho fact remains that trousers for women
are here.
This docs not mean that the damsel
who wishes to be a la mode must mako
of herself a replica edition of Dr. Mary
Walker, tho pioneer advocate of trousers
for women. Fur from It. As a last
concession to modesty nnd tho prudes the
style arbiters have declatcd that the
greater portion of the femlnino "panties"
shall be shielded from tho vulgar gaze by
a skirt, whoso length shall bo not quite
so unvlrtuous as a ballet dancer's, nor
yet so lengthy as the nvcrage Mapper's.
Rather shall it bo of that half-concealing,
hnlf-reveullng longth, which la midway
between tho knee and the ankle.
From the hem two regulation trouscr
legs depend. They uie exactly like a
man's, even to tho nent way In which
they aro cuffed. If those In the Illustra
tion seem a bit wider than tho ones
usually worn by father or brother,
Madnmo who sells them hastens to rc
nssuro you that they have not been made
wide cxpresuly for woman.
"All trousers aro going to be wldo like
that this spring, even tho men's. That is
merely a prophecy, not a concession, to
The argument which the "pantle" en
thusiasts are advancing in favor of tho
mode Is that It will do away forever with
tho hated petticoat and that furthermore
it will facilitate walking. And as for
the argument that they are unwomanly
nnd Immodest, it Is disposed of with a
"No women are more modest than tho
Turkish women," say tho enthusiasts, "or
than the Chinese women, nnd yet the
women of both of these nations 'nave
boen wearing trousers from time imme
morial. Why not we?"
Affair Proves Great Financial and
Moral Success.
The Keystone State Bazaar, held during
tho last two days at the New Century
Drawing Booms under the auspices of a
number of suffrage societies of the State
and city, came to a-cloeo last night. About
J2000 hus been realized thus far. This
sum, however, Is only part of the receipts.
A greater amount will bo turned over Into
the suffragists' treasury tfday.
The bazaar was closed with tho pre
sentation of one-act plays by the Plays
and Players' Club. "Tho Voices," "The
Sisters" and Shaw's "How He Lied to
Her Husband" were presented.
Only Two Philadelphia Couples Visit
Maryland's Gretna Green.
EIJCTON, Md., Feb. 27.-Tlie "honey
nyion express" from Philadelphia brought
efght couples here this morning. They
were) wed na follows:
Frank T, Dougherty and Alice Taylor,
and Harry E. Boo and Blanche Steven
son, Philadelphia: J. Edgar Adams, Lees
port, Pa., and Helen M. Livingston, Fhlla-
delphla; John R. Fisher and Floyd Irene
Moore, Reading; John K Smith and Mar
garet A. News, Chester; Raymond 8.
Williams, Columbia, and Mao Kellar,
Wrlghtsvllle; George Gibson and Emma
Goodman, Mortonviile, and Fred Gran
and Anna Bine. Chester.
Oscar Kent, 5313 I-udlow t., and Margaret
J. Ueattle. IIS N. Ijimbert t.
6amuel llettcrman, 2317 Kalrmouut ave.. n4
Florence Uukaenbaum. SHI Falrmount ave.
"William Crawford. 'SM N. 15lh t.. and
CUra V. Vllllamon, otU N Slh it.
Dat Id Kan. 70S K. 7th it., and Ida Btelabcrc
2423 8. 7lh it.
William II Bator, 8WN. lKa it, and
Antonio Dllalla. Jones at., Weit Manayunk, and
Mary Camlllo. Jones t., Wt Manayunk.
Aloms IWVUWVU, uwi nnwwaiwt, BUQ
Sidle M HajM. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Jumen Worth. 1033 Thonipion it , and Nora.
Urtce. StSS Mt Vernon it.
Pavtd Suuauan, Baal St LouJI. 111., and
Berth Cvftin. (BO PrrUto
Dr Jacob S UoldaULa, 333 lUtoer it . and
jnoreoc Qulduar. 1715 8 Oth It
Ulciu.l Mellon, 2bOB Wilder it , and llalta
1 Kins. 72 Earn it
uiorse BuhlUwcr VMS heainut at . and
Fbbu'b liperiUl( JUT 8 gib it
m . T J Kruuir v n .. ' Py and kth-
Professor Forrcro Will Discuss Prob
lem in Public Ledger.
What will happen If Germany wins?
Will she bo satisfied to remain on the
other side of the wnter? What If the
Kaiser succeeds In holding the Iron mines
of France and the deep, rich coal mines
of Belgium? These nro some of tho
questions which nro on every tongue In
Europe and which aro also discussed
hero freclv. Theso aro questions raised
by Prof. Gugllelmo Ferrcro, tho eminent
Italian hlstorlnn. Not only Is Fcrrero
ono of tho most distinguished historians'
of the day, but, being closely In touch
with tho forces nnd diplomats Htrlving
to preserve Italy's neutrality, his views
aro taken unquestionably as of one who
A direct reply to the nbovo questions
Is mnde by Professor Ferrero In a series
of articles addressed In particular to
Americans and Italians. Each instalment
will givo new light on the different
angles ot tho world's most gigantic war.
Tho first article appears Sunday, Febru
ary 28, exclusively In tho Public IEDann.
Philadelphians Will Attend Dinner in
Now York Tonight.
Sons of Pennsylvania comprising tho
alumni of thnt university In New York
city will gather tonight nt the Hotel i
Alpln for their 47th annual dinner. It
Is expected a number of Phlladelphlans
will make a special trip to New York
to attend the dinner.
Mayor John Purroy MItchel, of New
York city, bus been Invited to speak about
tho "Collego Stan In Municipal Affairs";
George W. Wlckersham will talk of the
now "Constitutional Convention," to
which he is a delegate; Vice Provost
Joslnh H. Penniman will tell about the
"Collego Department nnd Graduate
School"; Frederick C. Tanner, chairman
of the Republican State Committee, will
speak on the "Collego Man In Political
Wfe"; Dr. Alexander C. Abbott will dis
cuss "The New IdoaB In Medical and
Dental Education"; "Athletics" will be
the subject of another speech by Dr. R,
Talt Mackenzie. Severo Mallet-Prevost
will bo the toastmaster.
Do Unger Will Organize Aeronautic
Corps for Government.
Two aeronautic corps will be orgamzeJ
by Albert De Unger, of Camden, com
mander of the Id Battalion, New Jersey
Naval Reserves, Ho received orders yes
terday from the Government to train two
corps consisting of two officers and six
men to handlo two aeroplanes which will
be shipped to Camden In the near future.
This is one of the first steps taken by
the Government to odd strength to the
force of airmen, according to Commander
Do Unger. He was among the first to
bo notified that naval reserves wero to hi
provided with aircraft.
Philadelphians Who Sail Today
Phlladelphlans who will salt for Liver
pool from New York today on the St.
Paul are F. A. Lackey, Mrs. S. T. Per
kins, Miss M. Sntvely and Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert M. Weaver, T, II, Overton Is
the only Philadelphia)) on the passenger
list of the Cymric, of the White Star
line, which sails today, Mrs. Nellie
Beaky, Manager Charles A. O'Hearn, Dr.
J. H, Rleva, Louis Halle, Miss Anna R.
Welsshaer, Mrs. Mary Welsahaer and
Victor Rltschard will sail on the Red
Star liner Finland from New York for
Naples. Ethelbert Watts, of Philadel
phia, American Consul General to Bel
glum, will sail today on the Holland
American liner Rotterdam from New
Philadelphia)) Accuses Show Man
Harry C, Lewis ran Into a fugitive war
rant in New York today, after making his
way to the metropolis after the comic
opera company playing "A Trip to Paris"
disbanded in Charlotte, S. C. The warrant
was Issued by Charles Hlrsch. J533 Gratz
street, this city, who says Lewis spoke In
such glowing terms of the popularity ot
the show that he put up $1000 real money
lo back tho enterprise. Today he charged
Lewis with obtaining money under false
Will Preaent Flag to Church
Interesting ceremonies will mark the
presentation of a flag1 to- the Memorial
Methodist Episcopal Church, 8th and
Cumberland streets, by the Daughters
of Liberty tonight. The presentation will
be made by Mrs. Louis Horner, president
of the society. The flag U the gift of
Miss Alice Bchuler, an pfflcer of the
Daughters of Liberty.
Special School Shoe
Oniiinf Ooodylar Wild
Matt-Kid topi, Vexed with Fallot
uiuer vf uwrucM imwh.
tnza oa aiati iin
Pile 1.0 . Il-W
All IRsrtea LadlW. CHlldrta.
I ) 1
1 1
aCk. .
Committed Eight Robberies
and Were Preparing to Hide
Booty in Cave.
Four boys who wero armed with a
loaded revolver, Jimmies nnd n. hatchet,
confessed last night to fight robberies
In West Philadelphia, the police say. The
lads nro Harold Clayton, 10 years old, 22
North BOth Ftrect; Charles Fox, 10 years,
121 South 60th street; Hdward Murray, 11
years. 117 North Hobart street, and
Charles Truckses, 13 years, 5723 Chestnut
street They wero taken to tho House of
Detention nnd will be arraigned next
Tno tobbcries wero committed the last
few weeks. Tho boys wen preparing a
cavo In Cobb's Creek Park, In which to
hide their booty In tho style of the cheap
detectivo novels they read together, tho
police as.scit. The four youths were sent
to the House of Detention to await fur
ther hearing.
The last of tho robberies admitted by
the boys Involved nn nttempt to smash
a safe In tho Robinson & Crawford
store, 5Sth and Raco streets. They used
a 2S-pound sledge hammer, taken from
a schoolhotiHP, and employed nil thelt
strength In pounding on tho door. They
only succeeded In damaging the combi
nation lock and gave up the attempt.
Other robberies aro said to Include the
theft of (23 from n cash register In .a
snloon at COtli and Arch streets. ?3 taken
from a residence at 113 North Milllck
street, clothing stolen from a store at
5945 Market street and merchandise from
four other stores near COth nnd Market
The lads' parents, all of whom nre
in comfortable circumstances, refuse to
bcllevo tho story of the police, and de
claro more boys are In tho gang.
Rev. W. R. Wood Marries Camden
GirLin Wilkes-Barre.
A weddlngf much Interest to resl
dent of this city nnd Camden was solemn
ized In Wllkes-Barre, at noon today, when
Mlsa Cornelia Hlllman Thomas, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. P. Thomas, of Cani
dem, beenme the bride of the Rev. W. R.
Wood, rector of St. Wilfred's Episcopal
Church. Tho ceremony was performed by
the Rev. G, Talbott Ward, of St. Clem
ent's Church, Wllkes-Barre,
Mr. Wood Is a graduate of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania and tho Philadelphia
Divinity School. Miss Thomas studied
musla In this country and abroad and
graduated from the Wyoming Musical
Conseravtory. After March 1, Mr. and
Mrs, Wood will reside In Camden.
Smokes Cigarette In Car, Fined $7.50
it cost Frank Powers, of 1912 East Som
erset street. JT.60 today because he smoked
a clirarettn In a T.nhfph avahiia trnii..,. ..
According to the conductor. William An-
uica, riraera iignieu ine cigarette inside
the car apd became abusive when re
quested to stop smoking. Special Police
man Field, who happened to be riding on
the car. subdued Powers and took him to
the Belgrade and Clearfield Btreets sta
tion. He was fined by Magistrate Glenn.
Boy Run Over by Coal Wagon
Six-year-old George Dickie, of 242S
Christian street, is In the Children's Hos
Pltal. seriously injured by being run over
by an empty coal wagon on which he
had been stealing a ride. Oeorge hopped
on the tongue of the empty wagon, which
was being huuled by another driven by
Andrew Moore, 2113 Latona street, laat
night, und was Jolted off. The wagon
passed oyer his body, He has several
factured ribs and possible internal In
juries. The driver was arrested.
"Marrying Parson" Indicted
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Feb. 2T. - The
Rev. James Morrison Darnell, "marry
ing parson," of Kenosha, this afternoon
was indicted by the Federal Grand Jurv
on a charge of violating the Mann white
slave act.
vAiiicosK-, vkins. lacuna
Corliss Laced Stocking
SANITARY, as they may be
oaihad or ballad,
NO ELASTIC 1 adjuitabli: laeia
like a lecclng-i light and durable.
ECONOMICAL. Colt 11.50 lach.
or two for the lama limb, ft.59,
Joatpald. Call and be moaaurta
re, or writ for tli-mtaur-mtnt
ttlaak No. S. Ulcar Suf
ferers treated by our critical
methoda. Hour B to 5 daily.
Pcuna. Corliss Limb Specialty Co
Jiutt. SI?, Lafayette Bid.,
Magistrate Suspects Motlvos, as Both
Hnvo Black Eyes.
Tearful plcndlngs wero made by Chris
nnd Mary Hogatt In tho Germantown
police Matlon today for possession of n
mallet. It was of tho bung-driver de
sign nnd bore nUmrom cracks nnd dents.
As Mr. nnd Mrs, Hognn carried black
cy.es nnd bruised faces, Magistrate Pen
no'ck, who heard their pleas, had his own
When ho was nbout to give tho mallet
to Mary, Chris urged tho "Jtidgo" with
pathetic Voice lo give It to "him. This
was vigorously opposed by Mrs. Hognn.
To settle matters tho .unBlstrnte decided
to remain neutral nnd the mnllct was
hung on tho wall of the police station,
The Hognns were arrested on tho chargo
of attacking each other alternately nil
week at their home, 131 Hnrtwell ave
nue. Ilogan was found asleep with the
mnllct under his arm. Tho couplo were
John H. Baisley to Benefit Under Will
Which Was Contested.
The will of Elizabeth A. Bnlztey, mother
of Common Councilman John II. Ualzlcy,
of tho 39th Ward, was admitted to pro
bate today, following tho withdrawal
of 11 caveat tiled several weeks ago to
prevent the probating of tho document.
Mrs. Balzley died December 5, 1914, leav
ing her $19,000 cstnte principally to 'iter
sons, John H. and Rudolph R. Balzley,
nnd to a daughter-in-law, Helen Balzley.
Tho will named Robert Brlggs executor,
and by tho withdrawal of tho envcat
filed by Rudolph It. Balzley, letters tes
tamentary were granted to Brlggs today..
The caveat alleged undue Influence In"
the execution of tho will, nnd ono hear
ing was held beforo the Register of
Mary Rushton, widow of Robert Rush
ton, ex-presldcnt of the Fourt'n Street
Nntlonnl Bank, who died at Atlantic City
February 13, left her $135,000 estate in
trust for her son. George Cnstner Rush
ton, nnd nt his death the trust Is to bo
continued for his wlfo and n grand
daughter, Mary Rushton. At tho death
of tho granddnughtcr the estate Is to
rfo to her children. If t'nere bo no sur
Wvlng children the principal Is to revert
to tho Children's Homo for Incurables,
4Sth street and Gray's Ferry road. The
will, admitted to probate today, names
the Glrard Trust Company executor.
Mrs, Rushton had been given authority
In tho will of her husband to make tes
tamentary disposition of his residuary
estate. She bequeathes In 'ner will one
linlf the amount In trust for the grand
daughter and If no children survive tho
granddaughter tho principal is to revert
to tho Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania. The remaining hnlf Is to
bo held In trust for relatives and friends
named as beneflclnries from the Income.
At tho death of t'ne last annuitant the
principal goes In cuual shares to tho
University Hospltnl and to the Children'.
Home for Incurables.
Sllmon O, Chase, of 3165 Chestnut street,
left his $112,000 cstnte to his widow. Avis
A. Chas; his mother, Delilah F. Chase,
and to brothers, sisters and other rel
atives. William T. Gummcy, of 329 Pelhnm
road, Germantown. Who died February 1!)
at Atlantic City, left nn estate estimated
In excess of $100,000 to his widow, Con-btancr-
M. ttummey, and to their children.
Other 'vllls prooatcu today include thoso
of John W. Stewart. 2318 North 13th street, tor of the church, spoke on "God's
who left nn cstnte of $27,000: Gottlob 1 Gates." Ho urged tho children to at
Hnrtranft, ,".S36 North Sydenham street, tend church services regularly.
$14,000; Jane McNnmara, 211 North Juniper J "We do not go to church for our
street, $10,125; Kate Fajans, 1601 North 1 selves chiefly," said Doctor Jeffreys
17th street, $9000.
Speeds After "Joy Party" in Com
mandeered Machine.
The use of a taxlcab enabled Policeman
Reehle to capture two membors of a 'Joy
riding" party today who defied the speed
laws. Reehle saw nn nuto with no lights
speeding down 12th street, and it passed
him like a Hash. An order to stop
brought a loud laugh from the riders.
A few seconds later a taxlcab passed.
The policeman hailed It and ordered tho
driver to follow tho auto with all possi
ble speed. After a chase of several
blocks, tho motor of tho automobile be
came disabled and tho car was brought
to n standstill at 12th and Buttonwood
streets. Two of the "Joy riders" escaped,
but Reehle captured two others who wero
about to desert tho car. They wero taken
to the 10th and Buttonwood streets sta
tion and gave their names as Edward
Kraut, Willow Grove, and David Mc
Nally, Glcnslde. They wero held In $S00
ball each by Magistrate Belcher.
The prisoners wero employed by Fred
G. Press, of Glcnslde, and used one of his
cars for their party.
NORRISTOWN, Pa., Feb. 27. The
first remonstrnnce against a Montgomery
County hotel was filed today. It was
that of the hotel at Eagleville, for which
Darius Klein was the applicant. The
court took the license away last License
Court because the place was badly con
ducted by Charles Whitby, Next Mon
day Is the last day for filing remon
strances. License Court convenes the
third Monday In March,
When the crew of the police boat King
were grappling 'for a body today they
JirougYit to the surface ot the Delaware
River near South street wharf the body
of Frank T, Bradley, who has been miss
ing from his home at 603 South Hancock
street for two months. The body wna
Identified at the Morgue by a brother-in-law
ot the dead man through a tax re
ceipt found In tho coat. Bradley was 45
years old and a former prize fighter.
Doctor Neff 61 Today
Dr. George 8. Neff. former Director of I
Publlo Health and Charities, is being re
membered by his friends on his 61st
birthday today, He is In Augusta, Ga.
A large number of congratulatory tele
grams were sent from here by political
associates as well as personal friends.
Dr. Neff had not been In good health
this winter and left for Georgia last
A Hanover Special
Sunday Dinner $1.00
Bring the family! Everything Is here
for their comfort and convenience.
Quick, unobtrusive service; delightful
muslo; refined patronage; well-aelwcud
12 M. to 8 P. M.
Rev. W. A. Warnci Blames
Economic Injustice on Men
Who Do Not Think.
Men who do not think wore held re
sponsible by the Rev. W. Arthur Warner
In his noonday Lenten sermon today at
St. Stephen's Church, lOtho street above
Chestnut, for housing evils of Phlladel
phla "that first make children fight for
life and then provide the environment
that Is a trap to ensfiara the soul." He
said that economic Injustice enslaves too
"They nro bound," he said, "not only
to their poverty, but to despair. To
believe thnt Christian men 'willed' to have
It so would be a hurt to our faith in the
Gospel. Is it not rather that men fall
to think?
'There uro those who tell us that Iho
slums of Philadelphia aro among the
worst in the world. Children In Insani
tary buildings nre fighting for life, nnd
when the fight Is won for the body, the
trap is already set In degrading environ
ment to ensnare the soul. The repeat of
tho housing act that has to do with tho
dwellings of tho poor Is urged upon our
Legislature, nnd nny very great and pow
erful opposition to this repeal has not as
yet appeared.
"We point with pride to the City of
Brotherly Love as a stronghold of the
Christian Church, and yet so vital a mat
ter falls In popular Interest fnr behind
the trnctlon question. 'Billy' Sunday and
speculation as to who will probably be
nominated for .Mayor. It does not mean
thai wo nro heartless, nor does It mean
that our Christian faith Is a hollow mock
ery. 'The Impulses to sclf-lndulgcnco are the
strongest, nnd with minds too Intent on
this wo have qulto naturally fallen Into
the habit of thinking too little about the
Father Huntington on Attainment of
Christian Ideals.
Lovo of self must bo subordinated to
the lovo of God for the attainment of
truo Christian Ideals, said the Rev. J.
O. S. Huntington, O. H. C. of Wesi
Park, Now York, In a noonday Lenten
sermon delivered today In tho Garrlck
This was tho last of a series of serv
ices conducted by Father Huntington
In the theatre. A congregation of several
hundred) persons, tho majority of them
business men and woman, attended,
Father Huntington expressed the feat
that this principle of Christian doctrine
was sometimes neglected by church
members, who believed themselves to
bo sincerely religious. Various other
phases of tho question of personal
Christianity wero considered by the
Doctor Jeffreys Addresses Congrega
tion of Littlo Ones.
Moro than COO little girls and boys,
many of whom were nccompnnied by
their parents, today attended tho noon
day Lenten services In St. Poter's Epis
copal Church, Third nnd Pine streets.
Tho Rev. Dr. FMwnrfl r, TnffAUa -
"fc,very person should attend services
regularly. We do not attend church to
ho edified, helped or to get credit, but
chiefly to praise God, to thank" Him and
also to glorify Him.
Doctor Burlc Preaches Lenten Sermon
in Old St. Paul's.
"Faith" was tho subject of tho noon
Lenten sermon preached by the Bev. Dr.
Edmund Burk, assistant rector of Holy
Trinity Church. In Old St. Paul's Epis
copal Church, 3d street below Walnut
street, today. Doctor Durk drew a les
son from tho life of Job nnd the text
"Hey me, yet will I trust In Him."
"Faith," said Doctor Byrk. "nas the
effect upon men of enabling them to
meet reverses with courage and rise
above them. Wo see how Job, persist
ing in faith through all 1.1s hardships,
was able to triumph at the end. Faith
and tenacity to our Ideals will enable us
to meet and surmount all obstacles."
Erroneous Quotation on Wheat Causes
Flurry at the Bourse.
Joy reigned supreme In the Commer
cial Exchange, Bourse Building, this
morning among local grain brokers,
when Chicago May wheat showed a
sharp and sudden rise from tryi open
ing price of 150, three-quarters of K
point over yesterday's cloao, to 15514,
Brokers crowded around tho black
board to make sure of the figures and
Instantly flew for telephones in a frantic
effort to sell. But their Joy was short
lived, for the Chicago operator had wired
an erroneous quotation it was really
15014. Peace was restored when the
error was explained.
Will Address Easton Socialists
Joseph Shaplen.of the Hvknino Ledger
staff, will address a mass-meeting; In
Easton, Pn., tomorrow, under auspices
of the Easton branch of the Socialist
party, Mr. Bhaplen will speak on "So
cialism nnd the Labor Movement) the
Hope of tho AVorld."
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