Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 27, 1915, Sports Extra, Image 16
wsa a, STRAj, iliwiimiiMMWwto SATURDAY February 27, 1915 4 l&twtt Cttrwtra IT i iiiiiiiiniiiiiwiiiiMinii'ii nun nil miri -nun iiniiu n rum 1 1 i in i w . j....i mm f & ., T a? 3fyJ?A?k"t'V?i5 wCfC "tHI Wk COT'S SIGHTS AND STREETS FROM ANGLES AND VIEWPOINTS TO WHICH fHE CITIZEN SELDOM ATT AM IfE m'Ziy' tJ "JOT" A TRIANGLE OP GARGOYLE-TIPPED SPIKES Jjh 1 , K 3S&.' 'y ' " ' - 'W$-k$?r ' V ' 'J WKVXR-"!.- n n It has a foreign-looking flavor, but it's tho corner of 18th and Diamond streets, 11 ffl GUe&isisitSCiSt " 'J?&. S&dNJ ,WCf-';'lWv?l'4? loo&nE over the roof 'a odgo of tho Church of tho Advocate. Jjf It; t lifeSlr A CHINESE TEMPLE EFFECT If bo wa" of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, enlarged at tb tottom b$ te camera tens peculiar ois- teeltaR bjct riow by as femparea with tho more dis-- WHERE SKYSCRAPERS ALMOST MEET Looking up between, th old and new Land Titla Bujldingt. To gfc the of looming hafght, boy (h jSctt w bfftd and yaw at th ORDINARILY THE CITY'S BUSIEST AND MOST CROWDED CORNER TA?.l?tttir1' -o Sro,ttd ani Chwtnnt atreqts. It appeared to ba thronged at the time, but thf camera !S5,SLffi-2SS?lf & P1 flptrw with mucl tpnee between, Tience the inmresfton of eddy- .t,i.Ti itT PJr J 5"s hm effect la produc to tfe ihadftw ot tfta ciow-Wf of th tout jm fa to foMgrowuL JJw( a it dsm exactly aft top at m rail e tin t?