Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 27, 1915, Sports Extra, Image 15
EVEtflNG LBBOER-PHXLABKLPHTA, SATTTK-DAY, FEBBXJABY 27, 1015. wnttK NEEDED QUICKLY raft'lae tetflnt'off fit M cUtttlfieatlon an IKuiiaHafl of "ty iviimoer a plprn nnd Joio Kfii' . iniflLlrfudl can be reached o,ifl.r Mhtf "" : 1ZZ fc &? (Nlcetown and Tioga Gletrlct, Hunt Ki'rarkave n1 Clarissa it.) cXwim with , aooi) references; KtiS hit out of .work since October! lias wlfo LiDi inrca email children depend nl on him, one IsVSSSi very delicate, H. o.tC, No. nw. pS,S,Voi?n and Tioga District, ituntlng Park tvrq.l Clarissa el.) , ;frrErt-MAN, 34 yeahb old; out op wark : two month"!., worked In his last plae) a wl..a half anrt haa a-AAil .nrt-aiaa hi Sim and three ohllilrcit. 8 o, c No 5o. 'gprlnfOtrden Plat.. 1832 BrandywInaBt.) . Tiifniua and oup jousvouno. ener. Vitiw lam, ,w oia. wun very good ret- Ear ao that. he can provide tor.lila wlfo and Kcr sSiafl children. (Eastern Plat., 8. O. a, 1V m 8 Lawrence at, nranilANOEK-WILLIKu TO UO ANY. sihlnf In nis power to Keep iub wne ana bfttltt't Item want: good mechanic; excellent references. H. Ai M8 X KTTrsiUAN'B HF.LPBR-COLOREO BOY, Id a. tears old, honest mid reliable, wants work , a physician's helper to support himself; (Married, a children, 8-4-3 years ot age, and .illing to do anything to keep a roof over their head. E. A 249 X. iuli: Ml MjTjjU3LR AND., BTEAMF1TTER-MAN OP ! a Spaniel. War veteran, haa beon out of s.-f. mnnthl. ilia last employer anaatta Kithir of him. . He haa a wife and. 2 chlldr.n, Ehn ate delicate, dependent upon him. He la 'in rtn anything to provide for hla ram. ir .- -. ir --. .. -. - ..- .-v :". uerniaiunwn iisirici, a, J, i avenue.) it,' W West Cheltcn Lumber's iiB"r.i MnXiiiBr.n'B HKiPEh .ykaks oHD. Tur.r. '..i ,aalf nafarAnKaai ulll latia an.iLi.. hS can get to aupport hla wife and ,four email "bWren. He ha- teen out of work for oyer a. year. "t v..'". v,,;. 'ii"a vjniuaii hitirict, ltaa uranaywine i.) KLUXIUEIl'a HBL.PEH-a4 YnAlt8 OUDj HAS Kgnod referencca: out o'work n, momha; l.n. 4 Wife ana ammi .jii,u,u p. w, ikH, (fir'nji Harden Plat.. 1M3 Drnndywlno at.) ' PRINTER MAW, TO ILiAIUl UL.U. WITH lB-'.-'j -j.naa, haa h,.ati nut nf ., a imSntha. lle haa 2 children and a nick wife f Ol C, COS. (I-Jiitern Platrlot, 8. O. C. !)J8 paliti Lawrence atreet.) pniNTEH. FOnMKnt.Y WITH ONIS Or Till) llrieat printing houtea In Philadelphia, who 111" nlUl Htl C.pii-iii i-Jicivi vm. t, rt . j.a.0. WIINTEH HA8 VVJFB AND 0 CHILDREN; """.V - r nan v " ' B-iia prnmuviiLi'iii umuiv. nuuiir. nnnT cap6.ie.J'i. ." niDlNCl INBTRUCTOn-CAPADt.B HOI18I:- rcin, 23 yenra old, with honorablo dlschargo from u. S. caval-y, wlehfa employment plvlng rldlnar leaeona or In tlio care of hornea. u. A., J8i STJiorn AND BLOCK ANfl Tir'KI.n maker need, u Job hadly; ha n children and 19 willing iu uu n,tiui,a, ,, wwm lor very iah, waapa to set a etart. P. A.. 22(1. Sbventeen-yeah-olp uois vitii a i mother and younser brothers and elnteru do wndent upon lilm, haa been out or work alt i Inter; one of tlio chlldron Is HI In tho hos pital at the present time; ho will tako any work he car. get. (Southeast Plat., 8. O, C. (.. MO Wharton at,) SnVnNTEEN'-YI3AH-OI.P BOY. WHO HAS .-aorbed In a shoo factory, will tAke nnv kin.t of worl; he can net, haa flood roferonces. s. 0. C. 714 (Southeast Dlst.. MO Whrton at.). iifa'PER. aou 32, wipe an"d one ciiir.PT i ulll do anything, Inat employer atitei ho la tonest and worthy; laid oft duo to alack bust as. E. A.. gQO. EHOEMAKEH-CAN'T SOME niJSY IlEPAHt, fiahnn BlVA thla Tnnll iivpn Irmmrnpv ifnnlnv rroentT A ds.ervliig caao, E A. '."12. 8IQN PAINTER ANP HAKEH'S HEL,PEn ; 21 years old; ha eexcellent refcrenrca Wanta woric io auiiport nia wne ana two cnuaren. S. O. C. No. 033. (Eastern Dlmrlct, 338 S. L renco st.) DRILLED FtfUMtiUR AND nOOFER MAN l dulled aa plumber and roofer must hmo pciltlon at once for aupport ot ulfo and throo roanc children. Will accept any kind of work. Family aro living In a email room, tho rtnt of hlch Islong overdue During tho last month thj family have been fed by nelghbora. Land lord and others ouch for applicant's eobrlety end Industry. Most urgent case. E. A.. 777. SKILLED MECHANIC MAN WITH GOOD jwork record, can furnish references; haa been out or work Hoveral months; wifo and two llt tle children facing destitution. J w. B.. 871 STATIONARY ENGINEER. WITH i:vnpr lent references: has I) children, thn nunt(.af K) months old S O. C. 701 taouthcast JDTst., KSd Wharton eL). STEEL WORKER MAN. a.. WHO J IAS teen employed In atoel worK and also for- mttlj in diehouse, Is soeKIng work. Ho has ijery sood refeiences For nlno weeka ho haa iooa roieienceo ror nino weeKa no naa nafliiJa litanf nnA haa. w, .... m. oJ,,no;"i"".iqent-nna iiaan vriro.nna-lour ir.al children lennndent on him S. O. C, o 1119. (Erankford Plitrlct 1B44 Unity &. LTRVnrtuP A IWIITIWrt itirtt.iVtnr. " tTitmi IRAHTUVWt.u & IIIUUIIIU MUIJbU VV11J1 good references, has been out of work all ivimcr. tilt wire is nellcato, his oldest boy has tuberculosis, and there are .'I other cnll 4rn. the youngest 3 years old. 8. O. C, BOS Southeaet District. 8 O. C. 030 Wharton at. 81X)CKfi?5TlOARP"BR-LA3TrfVaYEATi!3 In the same place; out of work two montln. Has a wife and elx small children, thn iminf.. est a baby D monthe old, 8 O. C, No. 015. LNortheast Plat.. 2Md N llnivnrrl at.t STONE MAPOV. ClARDENEIfS-IIEnpiTli; with excellent reforencea: will take nnytlilng me can get to do to aupport his wlfo and .1 ftnall children; lho nnnirnar la d niAnllia nlrt. m. O. C. 703 (Bouthcaat Dlst., S30 Wharton urecw. TAILflR 1VAT.IAM? (t nlllfVuilMV. or.nl.-jT 1, II and youngest a year und half. All ot Witt summer his work was ry alack and ho his, not had any work since tlio 1st of Sep ember. Ho vlll tsko any kind of work he n get. h. u. u., r.is, aoutnwest District, 3 O. C, 1310 South !2d street. TAILOR LITHUANIAN. WITH OOOO REF erencee. Ha hna been out of work for a num. Mr of months, haa wlfo and several children. S 0. C, No. 030. (Southeast Plstrlct. SJU TMiarton st.) TAILOR, WITH OOOD REFERENCIW, OUT cut work, several montho, haa a wlfo and 2 lljren. 8. O. C. 720 (faouthweet Dlat.. 1310 g aju gi. fTBAMRTLR MAN, WITH, WIFE AND 3 5oang children, the youngest a 3-months-ol I MDV. In on th anr.ll.nnfa liar rt Iha Unnlnlt. or breanljlng Charity, Was a flrtt-class tcam- w uiiiii io ycara ago, wnen no contractea tuberculosis. Family was cared for by tho ioelsty In tho meanwhile. Man pronounced cured last fall, but haa been unable to llnd oplp)ment. wants a chanco to mnko hla taMiu), uiueurnoem again, iiegisicrea at tioutn WCatarn niafpllt nffln Itlll OAull. ,- .,... fni a. org.. 8aa.w " ""' B4-.AaA,(h. iiiiu uoti r iti ruuii iyeire, haa heen out of work two months. Has wlfo and four children. B. o. c. OH. ,-,. ....gofc -.,ai.. u .. tiqwitrq BUI 1-BAMSTER WITH QOOD REFEItnNCE3! Us been out of work nil winter; will tako nythlng he can get to do. a. O. d. No. 007. .-eutnwest'Dlatrlct. 1310 3. KM at.) TRAMBTER FORMER EMPLOYER BAYS u- uprignt. inauatnous anil trust worthy; I very Rood m'n with horses n A. "3t. nmHK PEOPL.H INSAMir'PXMILYQUT a na.-Bin is an iianan laborer, ana win . , Lfi.ny !!'nrt Pf. wrlc ho eun get. Ho has ."". and 3 children 13, J2 and 5 yeara of !f. The 18-) ear-old slrl has been helping by K!.Veni ""npioyment. Tha rr .' wlfo haa ti no na was-ninsr Ann ua ne whan aha ?..3 Bct ,' -Sh'i 8',i. would Ilka moro ifhJSXlorb., 'u3o"wit.-rton"',t?eet'.""" "" TlMjTopFER AND IIEATER MAN-HAS i,.,.ief"inr,"t ' had no work all winter; ?if..It."e ni tw children, 8. O. C. No. t)0, jgouthwest District. 131(1 B, aid aL) 'r ir tA..' ..irrz-: . . r ' .. fi,r .'.,u1 UV,1 UX WORKTWO BOYS IN the same fnmllv lT nn.l la. .rAa. n n. nH. e2tl ? M0rk',.,.vey wm aha cnythlng thay can "llo (Nlcetown and Tioga Dlst. B. a L-i.Wlg- Iluntlng Pork nve. and Clarissa at.) vwrst.. coWnivlTii6orrKBFE ft" ia. ill' 4 ot worlc "I1168 thB aummer; aav fSInav? t!enaelhllutet hY ho aeyero illneae 'LSSS 'ahJ?. ,mB -hlhlren. 8. O. C. 7B1 - - niai ijiml. 1.III1 -'-n I.I. Bgea man ulh mil. nn4 n t.itA..I a... Ha.rja.at- .. j "w Hliu a. i-ltlluiTi, B,J hint a, A "He ""'" willing to ao any erv di.j;n1. '"! J1- WKRi. "". "a? aainvlhl.. '. ' ". .a'r. ao. 119 la iviiiinir io ua fcaUhmah.WT'1Aniam.an "cclkD, ."1"- or iSfR , MARTToJ VtlAllS OLD: HAB Co3l ?fi RR wJn, h.'lP ' 'heir, a trier ' B r. A fi, Y-.y.- uun- irriiutioro UU' mhA- ' r . 1SH Unity treet iyiDOW'8 It SONB riTiT nie rvrrnvZ T I tiJSrt 'r!? O'tlWrea wa deoendent on be? Bna h..,21,. 5?w.they are all out pf work" Kni"l,l?,ki?,, ln.lqcomotlo iorka and the ralu rial?..""'"1" neateia and ranges: la en- KSrr.,S-fnTcL IjXh-BAW-SpKffA: TO ut..v!.li.,w,-Jowr JV"h 2 email lya. ,Ytroodlgl.d.DlUict, B. O. CT. I'M BylffM ITALIAN lr AN uifl'irlfiTvwTiiff ffiSfi,.,'f!m"- Nfit out of fW."j!vN 2i VsaSS. CRIPPLE: wut ,!', JM1 "' niMBw-I. factory. i - - .,.... . fn-n pasniu. J w B. df P ..l7AIAlTiTRONa-yNl5 Bi? nmi.i. tiiTKrt and repairer-who ia in AB; ";' . hlmarlr anil has haI vim .!Z it"lto il lnUr Can do any kind of repair 1 .1? .fne family or seven , la dependent on the Knottier ana isiner otg, na just En driven from hauls of relatives through rtment. J. Wi B, 882. FriT -nrtrtltrl AKTn W.IIMnttll Aflirn on lvATCimmMTN7 61 YEARS 'OLb. OP ii? iS h": wfth a wlfa and 2 children who Lat-l?m5l5,r,rat PVd .ll.'f" position as kitcJmwnoriaetaljerE. A. 108. atciiman or "tmisiiXv- utDfiiak: fVfnJI AfVE AN APPJ.IOATJON FOR ANY li Sf.?0tk 'fm S1 fornier member of the ouns".nri !l" J1?' .5. ebUdren. ? yeffa and ii.i.h.!f5rrlor? D,trlc, B- c- "ia lUHlNP,..&JANilAS.-WORKED AS'jrtitK islMi,?JP.'ir,it";.,n arat-Usa bat factory: Wt ZSSJft ' "'"' " monlha. hU paint inlivt-St' "! tort"d Mi trtn.t-jr for Ml l - PE '-nrRifN-A-c-Afi -uf-ii . . r ',llp ' - K hit R,.itur a . lV'.f-t-f - J"- i-J- i-UV Vt-IK rtHll- Rtfinfllal Titn.flW WORK WEEDED QUICKLY At thb beginning of Mi elrtiyicifln an rxplaaollon o Key Numbtr trtven oad hoto Inese iterdi; Inrflpldfiola tan be reached oulcWv. MALtt VMia MEN.VO. SOLE SUPPORT dP dllion 5 vi f d ' rBm',y ln deatltuto con- ire 'L UL'i,j,.alhtT ' nvalld nnd that Sn? i h" children younger than he whj are nkfordjilatrlct .1611 t'nlty at.) huSfe 1,5Y7: oULi 8tfpi6f CV St hl'Ll"1 t1"1 ny Kind nt work he: enn twv en)?a? W0fktd In a bakery and In a lac &? .N1odr.r,'.a?nV,r.:.'TOj' KS". 1, 0..Fj slmlt Cl.) ,a . .-..a u. , ,, iw .1, ...n.- FEJIAI.n "tcS,? V.ni$THN0L,a WOMAN, 43, WITH Slmlct' 1.1. I'y47ig.g- - " WoodlanJ fch?.,?i3i!XIi. LU' COLORED woman! lr?nHhSi.n1Jd, f'foncea. B. O. C. No. 083. matito Iwn.) " We,t Cn,l,cn RVe" a,r fiSFlii J'M81t, womanTwiio "iiAB iaN?iJJ .hf lu"lfa In one of tho largo ho. work ihVf i.'iyf' w.lll,), R5 klnl ' cleaning alt ni..' lsS?0,r.Ti?' s- - & No- ML (South ftst Plat.. 630 Wharton street 1 Ov.aoiwrh'j oilb" want anV ifiNb'oP of iJh,.,2!Srorkor.awln(.l no nno I" family of elylu work ntimnlha. , j. w, b., SOO. ainiSnf,r1hl",CR?ilb,t'',,ouh3 Hue work to help IStffl'.yji" tmv.L "h? h0 brothers anS ii, ,n j.ir,2.h'r.MAnCh,".onlyjP" tlmi work KrS,n,iiK95jN"!,,r"n soLe sunpoitT rf..n ai.J.nv.al111 hyo"'"! nnd three email chll 2!Vir,wan,,r Wi?rK. ot. Bny kind, preferably ai!!..?' Her huiband, a laborer, was Injured is" B0 a ad hl8 '" mi"tl' " A. HA,NuSUiif5T,VL"OVV WOULD LIKE WORK iJ? ft," .f,l,ab,.,,tnmf or. ,n orititle fnmlllea; JfJ, 'SBK?nortn "" daughter, who la In dell-Jfi!fn-i,raiu,li ".. '.,a'i No 6R"' 'Nlcetown end Tloaa, iluntlng Park (vo. and Clarissa at.) MIDDLD-AOEP ITALIAN UOMAN7V"Kn7 poor; competent dressmaker on children's case J "v II l!b87 ni thl" " "" ursent Mtmil M.ni.t ii'nl. . .. E N T Hi 13 I. Y aUa- . .'. IWA.. la 1"! 11 l.lJ 1 aa.ui.D, aniB iv no iiionaing or uarning, can go out h the day or week, very deserving, . very much In need, K. a., bob. MILL .WOHKEh-OtRL. 20 YEARS OLI) i..w,h0. P"" been looper In a hosiery mill. U 111 tako any work aho can get' to holn sun port her mother, email brother nnd slaters, wnn are dependent on her. Has been out of i?. ' . ':vl ""ininB una nasgoori rciercnces irom her last emplnyir. 8. o. CV. No. orii. (EaBtern IMstilct. .Tit p. Lawrenco it) MOTHER ANP TWO DAUGHTERS WANT work: father of family recently deaert'd. leaving the mother with 8 children: all aro Blrls, the jounRoH II months old mother and two eldest dnughtera. 10 and 11 years old. want any kind of work nt once: a homelesa youtic woman, 20 years old. being cared for In thla ramllv, also seeks employment, allico desertion, mother haa been doing laundry worlc at -homo, hiit la no longer ablo to get It. al i V e 13 1 Hlls OPDHATOn, EXPERT ON SHIRTS AND shirtwaists; a young woman who has been out of work several weeka is very urgently In need of help, she haa boon aupportlng a cousin who la too III to work and their caao la most pathetic; they have been living In a boarding houso whero the people hae been most con siderate, but now they must hae help, sewing iithomowlll be acceptable J W. R.. 871 SEAMSTRESS WOMAN 18 BEBKLNQ HOME sowing so that aha can aupport her threo email children. 3. O. C. 708 (Powelton Dis trict, 101S Powelton nve.) SEWINO" WOMAN WITH 4 CHILDREN wants to do aewlng to suppor the family until her husband, who has oeen unemployed for scverol weeka, geta work, they arc abso lutely without funda; the Investigator reporta that they aro very respectable and have a neat hone: the 16-year-old daughter also wants any Kina or worK. u. a., 'in. SEWING A GERMAN WOMAN DESIRES plain sewing. She la the aole support ot an Imalld husband and four children ranging from 4 months to 1) years ot age. The hus band la a Inngshoroman who has been 111 for moiitha Buffering from rheumatism and lack of proper nourishment. E A., Ilia. WEAVER-FRENCH WOMAN, WIFE OF reservist, with good references, la trying to support her 3-year-old child her husband It serving In tho French war S O C . No. Or.'. (Frankfnrd Dirt.. 1M4 Unity at ) WIDOW. DdSPEFfPINO E.VTIRELY UPON her own reaources haa been out of work oer a month; would like aewlng by the da or will sew at homo; ery urgent case. J. W. h., b'jw. WINDER IN MILL -THIS WOMAN HAS had to become he hrcnd-wlnner on account of her husband's Illness with tuberculosis. She Is trlng to support her 3 small children. Tor II months ahe has not been ablo to get any work. S O C. COB (Northeast District, S. O. c, y;nu norm -lowaro pireei.i 'WOMAN, JEWISH, MUST HAVE WORK TO support family of 5 children. Husband la seriously III. When Investigator called he wn shown u box of stale bread, which was put In the oven to soften. Hers la a woman who must have work. J. W. 13., 888. "WOMAN. WlIOHETTtfS"nAND HTTlNAnTTE to work because of 111 health, wanta place to cook. Husband could do light gardening. Will ing and very anxtoua to work. Almost without rooa. K. A. ."Ml. WOMAN, PKBERTED BY HUSBAND. WTfll 7 email children and Infant In arms nnd aged mother to surport. wants day's work of any Iklnd Pitiful situation ' E. A. 302 WOMAN. WITH 3 SMALL CHILrRIXNTTN valld husband, wants day's work, laundo, cleaning or plain sawing1. Destitute clrcum Btnncca; pleads for work. E, A 200. vYOMANrWJTJI SMALL , I'HILDIIEnT 1JUS" band In hospital with brokm leg, wonts da) 'a work of unv kind Urgent case; erge ot Btarvatlon. !E. A. 301. Tv"ii.T v witTi k finr.riRE.v to Riippnin wants any kind of work by thn day, house work, cleaning or laundry work E A. .100. WOMAN. WITH 4 CHILDREN'tO HUP- rort, wanta housework or sewing. Worthy of assistance. E A. SOO. WOMAN. WHOSE HU8ANp IS" A llETJ1- lean Invalid, wanta to do plain sowing In her home P. A. 304. lUYi3All-5T.I OHIL IS TRYINOTtO HEIP her widowed mother nrnvldi; for her ounger hrothua and sister She wll take any work alio can get to do Her mother Is doing wash ing to help support the family 8 O. C., No. CIO (I-rnnkford District 1314 Unlly sU ATJT0M0DILEB l'or Exchange WILL EXCHANGE real estate enjulty for leading make touring car; give full partlct lars. L Ml. Ledger Office. ATJTO LIVEHY and garaqes to linua Packard Limousine and Touring Cars Ry hour, day. week or month at reasonable rates. PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1111-13 Locust at. Phones Spruce 3140. Race ai3 EIBEHTY Taxlcab Service Limousine, ta. "aba touring cure. Call Pop. n25Ts Race 3871. AUTO PAINTING AUTO OWNERS. , . M The right place to havo your car painted. Ford cars aa low at t!0. John Uuulton, 3015 Cambridge at. Phone Preaton feT'.'. B'LDINQ MATKRXALS BEPAIB3 MINERAL FLCORlHo-A UUS1NKB3 ASSET You wouldn't light your atore, mill or factory with kerosene lamps, would you? Of course not. You know the economic- aluo of modern farllltlea. Then why burden your nature ac count with the coat ot wear and tear on jour old wooden flooring 7 Mineral Mooring la rractlcally Indestructible cost comparatively lhlla and we lay It without Inconveniencing your buslneas. .... , . Let ua tell you mora about Ua (saving fta- ,UTm&rfeH0AUL FLOORING CO, 6832-84 BUMMER BT. , BUSINESS NOTICES PRtVATK LQCk MAIL iJOXiS TOfiENT: rlNi:flT IlTTHB CITY. 88 N. BROAD BT, - ' ' 'i-:1' -..- - - -,. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES otfSl'Bh and eating house Must b sold at Once; will eacrlnca for 1260; oslablUhed, it) yeara ago by present occupant; In compute running order; immediate possession; cheap rent; excellent chance for right party. Cl on premise and laestlgata thoroughly, IUJ South tilth aL , IHVRB OPPSRTUNITYToFiUb roan-For sale Seen 17) set nrodel wpolin spinning plant In Philadelphia, owner will take half alu of machinery n atock ol company If formed. David s. Urown ft. Bon. OOtli and H&xrford ivV, Philadelphia. MANUFACTtntlNa CONCBRlTwant IJOCOTo take ara of increased national and export business, will pay 8 per cent interest; amply soured Address M 434, Ledger Olflce. OVEK STOCKED cigar, atatiouery and confec tionery storo. desirable location, will sell at a aacrlflc Cor Rldga and Olenwood UOAR. CANDY, STATIONERY. TOYS, too. nine 0 weekly. Walah. ma N SJd. RldtfltESTXllftAjW 20 'nd Sic. ilWLS. far aale, IB0 1S31 Jackton. OVATfiR CAP15, fully equlp.d, In rtrst-clasi uiidltlon In every reepaat. can b bought reasonaDie. i.n . a )m OjlOCEHY ANb CANflY STORE FOR SAJ-E; price 230. 2WT N. IHh at. fctk-dlQAIt CANDY, tSTATtONERY Rent reasonable. Call 111 N nth CLEAN INQ AND DYEINO OsiTRICH "FEATliEha CLEANED DYEO MAI a rffi '"teANttlEIa MAIUIOT JSlObajtout roa sale V1VKST trorfl furniture -4 deMa, t nta- huu ,u Sftiwi, uti, MM &! HEATINtt LET ME estlmalo nnd surprise yon how tea ennahle, 1430 Ridge ave. Cunningham. INSTRUCTION TlEFtNED " oman teacher of drawing or mftnunl training. F gso, Ledger Central, PRINTING 1'IUNTJNO TR0UIILE8 ubRRriCTEP JaSIF.B S. BATES COMPANY 144 North 12lh a.. STORAGE WEST Monarch Btornge Co Auto and pack l'HILA. Ing and shipping. 8870 Lancaster nt. WANTED P.IifN.TlJRH Antiques, planoe, etc., pari IUIWllUW.of tnUrt houae bouaht. Kens, yurnuure co , ana Kensington Ave. oliriT'ri'CABT - Ol?P CLof IllNG illghcst prices paid. Blnger.030 W. Qlrard ate. Postal, OLD GOLD BOUGHT. SOLD DIAMONDS EXCHANQBP, WlNPOLPH, APPHAI8EP, 2S X. 12TH BT. ROOMS -FOR RENT DARING BT,, 3218 Two first-floor rooms; ault dentlit or doctor or apartments. The Chll. ton, Mrs. Belle McClaln, manager. BROAD, N., 820-Furnlahed rooms for tight housektplng; steam hent, hot water. BROAD. S.. 331-PUP.NtSHEP OR LN rUKNIBUUUj ALfJ PRUrhSyiONAL OF . PICE, ELECTRICITY 1IROAD, B., 010 New management; fur rveif. , meaii, sifHrn us at; oatna, very reaaonanie. CATHARINE, S028-Prlvato family will rent . front room, furn. or unfurn. Locust 2027 W CEDAR AVE., 4003 Dcslrablo turn. 2d-lloor room, refined neighborhood. Woodland 4787 VV. Pholo displayed at Ledger t cnlral, CHEftTItM: T;,oTorr"sT.cliiia" rooWiTd". atory lront, furnlabed or unfurnl'hoj, 1; gentleman or business womanjrefeient.es. CHESTNUT, I722-3d-floor front. nfcclyfuHi7 and very warm; near lath CHESTNUT, 8240 Exceptional rooms and lo- umion, single or en auite, an convenient ea CUMBERLAND, E., 2,10- Nicely turn, room for gentleman I homelike. Ph. Kens. '.'HO.' A LOOUS1', 1003 AttractUe suite, furnished or . unfurnished; adjoining Lathi low rent. MONTGOMERY AVE., 2221-Nlcelv furnlshrrl rooms, modern cenv., excellent table board . PARK AVE., N., 1735-Comm. & alngle rmsT,' running water, lat-claM loard, Diamond .Tina w Photo dlaplayed at Ledger Central PARK AVE.. N 1923 Largo unfurnished sit- ""r. ...... m.... .na.tw..., ,uj. uu.tu, pi.w.tu 1'INE. 802 Nicely Itirnlthed, large front rni7 nanrth halh nun. irnh.., Aihn w niig rin., uiner VRcauciesi gooa noaruj pnono. POWELTON AVE., 3110-Excel accom'na for those who appreciate coma, and cleanllnoa. Paring 71S2 L. 1'ho.o displayed at Led. Cent POWELTON 'AVE., 3503-Prlvato famllyhaa ''-.j a..... ..m., a... ...w ami ,,.,,i,.,, , yiiu.ioi nWVl.TnM 'IfiPQ 'I . 1 .an.. .Inal. a. .. POWEL'ION, 38082 or 3 rooms, single or en aulte, prKnto bath: nice home, rvasonable, bl'ltt'C'E, 2022 Dcslrablo suite, with private bath; oiien flta, phone; owner SPnifafc, 402l Very nttractlTo vacs, for thoan desiring home comforts. Preston 833 SPRUCE, lS08-Very attracts o single & double furn. acancles: nil convs. Walnut 7133 W. VENANGO 1412-Prlvale family will rent mrso wen-turn, parlor, poaru opposite. WALLACE, 1821 Nicely turn , well heated. hot water, excellent table, con. a., phone WALNUT, 5032 Large, attractively furn"5rr- alnry front room; hot-wator heat; phunc I1TH, N, 035 laflrgc. attrac furn. rooms In comf., mod, houae. conva.; moderate ratrs 11TII, S , 104 Ilorookeeplng upta of 2 rnomsT i iirnian.q, running water single rooms i2TH, N.. 1702-Well-rurnlehcd Sd-floor front, otner accommodationa. Kenalngton liiio. LIT II, 8, 2'17-CO.MKORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMfl, ALSO pnOFfcSaiONAl OFFICE I3TH. N., 1820 Furnished rooms, with private bath, alngle or cnaulte, gentlemen, risfercnie. liiTIt, N..100.v-Second front, nl0 room, adjoin- Ing lintli. ?10 monthly, phone 1UVII, N . 17ni"tT(inifortn'Fly furnfshcil room on 2d (lonr, bnanl nptlonal. Diamond 5418 W. ItiTll. 8., TF-io-Comrortablo furnished 'roonT; ndjolnlng bath, also attic room KITH. H.. t.'l Nicely furnished rooms, reason- ahln home comforta. Locust (inn W 17TH. N , 3335 Pur room In prhate famll" genllcman, photo at Ledser t entral 2(iTII. "SI- Two communicating front rooms. furn or unfurn nlao lnglo rooms nhnne 52D, N., 410 Nlcoly furnished rooms In prUate family, conv. to city Belmont 1473 p 52d"and Bansom Furnished rooms; men only: meals, WEST BRANCH shower baths, near L, nil the Y. M. C. A. comforts of home. Phone Uel- mont 4081, Key.. West 380 PRIVATE FAMILY, Mclnlty of 17th nnd Lo cum, desires to rent front room, furnished or iinfiirnl"lied L 5i2, Ledger Ccntiul BACHELOR APT, 1 or 2 beautifully furn.; bath; exclus sec. W Phlla.: rrceton 2201 D. El.l GANTLY furn. 2-room iheertul apartment, with private bath. 1703 Mount Vernon st NEATLY furnished room In refined nelgtiimr hood of Ovorhrook. board opt. Belmont 4 . 0 Suburban APHLEY. Vlfl Large 2d-utorv front room for refined gentlemen; alngle beda. BOARDING BROAO, S, 1U32-DE8IRAUL1 VACANCIES, TAlllaU UOAIIU,l HONE. CHESTNUT, V043 Wcll-furnlehed 2d-floor room; excellent table, phone l-otuat 'I2HI HAZEL AVE., 5122-2d atory front, adjafning bath, excellent tnblo; convenient; phone MT. AlhY Attrac furn. rooms. aptB , retlu private homo; choice location C II 1001 H POWELTON, 4037 Quhft "family, with bright front room, wish rellncd lady to toard, mod Sl'ttUca 1224-20 i Krlemonde) Ku rii.Hhedrms. ." alngle. en suite, private hatha, tablojioaid SPRUCp;, 1210 Sullo of rooms, private-bath. 3d Poor front, table board WALNUT, 6010 Attractive and comfortablo front room, southern exnoinire. all conveu- lences: splendid table: price reaa Helm. 081 WALNUT. SOOS Warm, pleasant rooms: beau- tlful neighborhood: excep, table Prea 6I21A. WALNUT ST.. 40(jO Nicely fuinlshod rooms; poara opt.: renneo locnt. : com en., pnone WALNUT ST., 4322 Largo lid-door, sunny room; moaern nougo: ooara optional. S5 1 H, N . 302 Third-floor room, with boarJ gooa location, an conveniences CSTH, S., 108 Handaomely fur, room ; cor, house; excop. table; private family, phone, 418T, N , - Nicely furnished roc-ma board optional, innvenlent to "I."; Preston 2180. 43D. 8 . 411 -Nicely furn. rocms; home com forts , conven to city, board optional; phone Suburban OERMANTOIVN, 233 W. Rlttenhouso et.. be. tvveen Wayne end Oreene Desirable rooms, tullh h-n..t 0hhrlA nin 1 tT.l V tvveen vvayno enu ureene tieeir with board Phono Otn. 1073 X, Table Hoard CHESTNUT. 4048 Oood table, nlca neighbor hood: convenient to city. Preston C324 D, Photo displayed at Ledger Central APARTMENTS Bt'nlNd GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 different houses; tome funi'd: kitchenettes. WALLACE, 1831 Two unfurn. apts.; 2 rooms,' one with private bath: Poplar 1430. WALNUT. 14.W-31-1 to 4 rooma, with bafhaT furnished or unfurnished! excellent service and location; some housekeeping; 423 per mo, UP. Phono Locust 3308. Inquire of Janitor. WALNUT. 4S0a-Llght. airy. B or 4 room apt., houaekpg. privileges; also alngle room, phone. OVERBROOk 3 room, "prlvata porch, sitting room, bath: refined gentleman. Overbk. 1688 D. rfTit," 'it.! i4i-kDNuTui. 4.portsrAprr WITH PRIVATE BATH. POP. B9SD. CHILTON APARTMENTS 8218 JIARlJ'a BT. . Two first. door rooma wllh pilv, bath: sulu. ble dentist or doctor or apmti. Mrs Belle McClaln, Mgr. Bell phone. Preston 03D7. BEAUTIFUL bachelor apta ; suit, for coup) t: marble shower bath; kitchenette; unusually light; south expos ; rent 115. 1501 Maater st. I IfM'Q HPAn Handsomely furnished nun o ncftu pl,. lsls.iti ;, WEST I'lltlaAIirS-al'HIA PASADENA . Apartment for rent, furnlehej or unfurnished, m and $10. For Information apply to Janitor, on yremlsee, B W. dSth and pnico. FURNISHED APARTMENTS WILNt'T. 1222-24 fKenupod) Peilrabla yac-. Ingle or eu aulte: nrlv?. batht will lurnlTi to ault te"nfit.. n;o4n.u rent Walput sfsl ELBaANTLY furn. J-rboiu cheerful ipartraenT? Wlin pnvatw pain iiviiwwiiin - iawi ai WEST PULADELPUA WBLlirFURNI8IED a room a pertinent. Tha Clermont. 4401 Walnut Applyto janltof. DRESSMAKING .AND MILLINERY PliEaSMAKIN'Q taught, short, prac courae, McDowell. 8Q7 Deckla Bldg . llthjt Market. ADVANbii lyl Io dmmaklug. ?fi and Sard 2 B. Idth t. Plcklnwa 3148 W GOWNS for all oicasionj, remudaluig luoder gte price 1530 Walnut Lckubi 077 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS filin- JKiePfcavSON BT -Second floor i rooni and Iw-th, icotiat heat plant, reasouatil. t- tVai.(lV. B-VS aiaK W9mWl? VV1 GiUJKif- USl HOUSEKEEPING APVRTMENTB rjoanuAnY lo. 1015. THE PUBLIC LEPGER BROAD AND CHESTNUT BTG., PHILADELPHIA, PA. tlcntlcmen Having had n housekeeping Apartment and hu'lneas offlco cant for tour (4) months, wo yesterday aulhorltcd you to Insert an adver- xiaemeni in your morning nnn evening impeia fir throe (3) dn In nuccesslon. Tlie ndver tlsemcnt appeared thla morning tor tho first time, and by 12 '10 p m. we had obtained a satisfactory tenant who haa Men living within ops block nf our orfloe. We ton-lder Iho re aiill obtained through thla advertisement as remarkable . . . Kindly discontinue, the) advertisement from una date, ana oouge Youm wry truly. JAM E.S V COLPITTS. LE NO.X, .,.,, a .r-a ntmeTntl k IfW , III 111 JLLJ l.lir.-'illll a, jltnifiv nil ttNFtlllNmilED run.N HOUSEKEEriNO AI'AUTMtW JH Pen Janitor or phono Woodland 2QHD. MONTBVISTA APARTMENTS" (lid and Oxford t ( Overbrook rirsl floor housekeenlng ariartmenl ..Unfur- --' ."--"": r. " - : .aj;i.ia. nlshod, 3 rowrna and bath. Apply janitor, 'JS1 Tho CHESTNUT, 4822-Thlrd floor, JlBhThousekeep. Ing, tinfur., $18! furn., $20. 2d floor, unfurn,, nsrii turn., 38. Superior bedding: phone. TIOOA-Ontarto, at 2(VO. , tho Lauref-New nparlment; large lawn: prlvata porches; Jen- Itnr Q't premlsea: moderate Erlce D1aMo.NI), STlO-Apply 2112; nw"atrracTlve apnrtmenta. 0 outside rooma, $13. 8AI?rJivr.TnE. 4350-SubTeThakpg. anti, 2d O rm.,balh,porch, heat v hot w. Jlarlng SNJS8W. HAMlivroN, al5-Furror unlurn., rrooma and bathi private family; id floor: rhone, t'OR VACANCiBs and romp.ete Information of nil npArtments FREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Bpruee ata, Phone Walnut 080. or wtlte for March "Apartment Director)'." . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 000 COLUMBIA AVE. Three stories. 8 rooms. 805 Columbia ave. 11 rooms; new. lull, Columbia ave.- 12 rooma; lot 18x100. 1311 N. 12th et.-IO roomsi lot 18x1(0 12.' N. 16th st.-fl rooms; dt-slrable Will be sold nl bargain prjeea. M. s VARDLEY, lilt Cllrard aye 2108 VfMrc 14 rooma; newly papered and painted. Inquire 1028 Mt. Vernon at. oVv'NnR of four 3-etory7M-oom Teielllng hear Front and Lettish will sacrlOce same for a quick sale rent 12 per month tfceh, assessed at I4(0 each, water rent, $0 earh, first mort gage $louo each: are underdralned bath toilets, ranges, gaa, etc, and aro In first class condition. Address P 502, ledger Olllco , FOR BALE Look! Bargain! 1103 Brown, 8 mom. MKNNB, 28.10 Columbia ave West Philadelphia I'ltlVATI) party iias handfnme apartment house on Unlnut st., West. Philadelphia, pay ing 10 per cent., greatly reduced on account or settling an estote, also 4 modern cotuge nt Ventnor. N J . to sell cheap, rnnglng from 0 to 20 rooms L 840, Ledger Central. C.ERMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY ANP CHESTNUT II1LI. rROPFRTIES Pethini Trust Co. 0710 Oermantown nvo. BEND FOR CHOICE LIST " OP OERMAIs1"- tovvn properties Stale price and aire. TllOS. II. EVOY, 4537 Waync Ave. SEVERAL large tracts of Improved land on high ground, wide etreeta and with unexcelled trolley and trnln service for Bale on ground rent. Address 1. 311. Ledger Office. l.nnsdale. Pa 150 BUILDING IX) rs on Broad at. nnd Inter secting etreets, botween 8th nnd tnth sla ; high ground; wide strccta nnd dcslrablo sur roundings. Mtiltahle for n building operation ddresB L :i.!0. Ledger Office Ambler, l'n. WE bPECIALIZE In suburban property along the P. nnd It, Bethlehem and Doylestown brnnchea; we offer euburban homea, farm.. Improved rountry placea and building altea; wo can satisfy nnv reasonable purchaser. H .1 PAGER Inc., Ambler. Pa Ueillown. Pa. FIVE AClirH. fV-'OO. P4 miles station good biilldlnas land, fruit, great bargain A P. H BALD. West Chester. I'cnna NKW JERSEY llnildonflelil. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL PINE PROPERTIES at baigaln prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, fill Federal at , Comdcn National Park. N. J. !-."tt11 n.tnnFlimltV lots 25x130; near trollen clloin. Camnbeh floup .. 0. overlooking Del: adjoin. Campbeh floup -0. development Greater N .1 Co . 3.1 8 lath. Wnnilliury Heights. N. J, Bt'.vrilAL deslrablo humAa and Improved bide, lot at renynntble prices John Mavhser PENNSYLVANIA l'ARMH II" ACRES. 10-room Blone dwelling, 2 stone hnrns, nil necessary outbulldlriRs, 20 acres In llnu mundovv . good spring nnd stream. ', mllf from trolie; 14 mllo from train, near .i large town on n, alono road, prlco $14,000, M,dwi,o"r.r.rccoM.uM 1314 Walnut St., Philadelphia. "l)on I'oritetjho Number." fl5 ACItHS, 22 inllca from "Philadelphia .1-story stono house. Mone nnd frame him. orrhard, wnnU, :t mlputea" walk finm the alntlon, 211 trnln i a day. best dnlryhu and grain farm In tho market, price riduccd to J-7.,00. II. B. McCOLl.CM 1311 Walnut st Philadelphia. "Uon't Forget the Number." 100 ACRES Location land, bulldlngi. water 11AI flk'fc... , .lll,lA .11 a... .1... l..a ttnO niinmu lai-iiuiv. mi. ,.i vtn.. i,. evcrytn n tlint goes Io mako a good farm; suvcrol stock farina cheap. 150. 200 and 230 ariea: tho verv best of land and cheap, state four wanta JONATHAN O. HARE, West Chester. Pa !TACRKS, mile to vlllsge, 3 miles slstlnn with 5-ioom frame mttage frame barn, Llihkcu house, plgsl). en all In Rood nnn dlilon. varlet) fruit, good water special bar gain nt n. half cash Iluneberger'a Farm Agency. Green Lnne, Pa liiu ACRI'S, DELAWARE CO, "special. 18 miles io Philadelphia J. II. Thompson. West cheater. Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE CAN Bell or exchango your fnrni, whetnji largo or amall, wllh or without stock, etc. Olvo full particulars In first letter, or. bet ter still, cull and sea us. Both phones, '.RTHtTlt All-no' ivvj.u, iia i iiwinm i. HAVE two clients for houses on 12thor T3tff it. near Glrard ave. Wnldman. 1110 Ulrard REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN A HOME Houses $1800 to $0250, small llrst payment and $17 to $50 per month. H h REED. 717 Chestnut Bt " REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City, N. J. HOTELtj. cotugm, apartments, etc. to ! changu for Philadelphia properties. ChaJ r" Fell 33 8 Penna ave Atlantlo City. REAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY ItUIGE AVE, 2010 ll-room store and dwell ing, men order (.heap rent. Key next door. Llebrlch. j2SJ0nidseave. , aEstTBMKPLEY ST, (10th and TIpiajBi rooms; IKircelahi bathi range; yard; $11. OWNER wishing fo retain sitting room will runt balan-o of houso to rel able tenant; well ndnpted ror rhyelclan; location, 14JJ N 17th; I till II PITCH HJ .,,............ t-d-18M N. (ITU. U rooms, modern plumbing. Key Lumber Office, next door Rental Lists B11.10 NORTH BROM), Btore and upper floora, 707.700 Arch et , Btoro and basement. 722 Chestnut t , store and basement. 02(1 Cheetnut et., store and basement. 4H: Wulnut at., giound-floor ofOccs, 214 N Delaware uve store. Apply CEOliOE H LEA, 700 Bansom at. Tioga P. B. 1STH A.VD tToTTa Desirably located, modern, 6-room housekeep Ing apartments, steam heat; janitor; con enlent to truina and Irolleys. flAMUHL T. FOX i CO , S. Ii DTH AND CALLOWHILL OWICKSantHIINKSS HOOMB. ETC, "1223 CHESTNUT STREET Entire second floor. 000 square, feet. Very tight. Steam heal. Electric light. Freight elevator. Trlvata entrance fron Chestnut it MEARS & BROWN "" FOR RENT Part of office, aeeond floor front! alt conveniences. 711 Walnut it Professional OtTlces. LOCUST, 1W3 2d" noqr front office: laraej brbt. suitable for, dentist or pbjsUUni i, BPRt'CE, lt7-ProfisloniI tfflMa. spites with baths Mingle room j'Utce Walnut 7$IQ W. vt est 1'iiiiaucfpHiis CHESTER AVE.. 5402 18 rooms, modern In every way. " baths: nice, cheap rent, Craven, 1810 ftoulU ESth at. Atlantic City, N. J. HOTELBj 8. tunrdtOE houses, cottages, eta. DEAN & MOQIIB 40 a. ylorloa ave. FOR RENT PURNISHED HOTELS. BOARDlNiJ IIOUSES. VILLA8, COTTAOES. AJ'AItTMEKTJ, any iejon. all lovaivluns, AUanUc Clu. Cheiaca.. Ventaort aUtuauiWti.' seritJ. i. u "aiuiw s in. tiirtuu uiog. IIARRia & CO. MORTGAGESl "WIG'5 DIARY t FEB. 27 1011. t (A TRU13 IAY OV A 00V) -.. AT Z O'CLOCK OOlt P3A9a weT DOOJM vr4D "JOKED T THE IMffWJ J.VOO DALC SCHOOL POUMPA-rttJrO. J-S?'5-cJ?.,rVH. Afiouwo half ?i.R.9Jr.c -.j ."l it atrr SO HBAUY IT CRASHED D0UJU eiyTjjioSa1 O'CLOCK. I lyOfikJT OvgR AND.fJOT JUT AN&THBAe VWA.3 NOTHlMtS To Od JO WE. VUALKfSD UPTO A CHICK6N PAHM DCCAUJG. HBVWAfNlTeD TO. ITWAi. A HOT 1AAV AND AiUL THtS 5MOIA MOUTtSD, AJOLL APTGR QtTTIWiS T3ACK UJE PLAVQO RlUd Tbii , TJBT IO RleJfi - StniUJtfS I'va Gorm.io wow, Iondon Mall. "I am very proud of you, Harry, but promise me one thins: do see thnt th sheets are propirly aired before going to bed ench nlitht," OIT to the TrcncheB frL "lMK 3tEVit$w) 11 AVHEN ALL YOUR FRIENDS TURN DOCTOR sP 2jf (1) When our wife telli you you're off our feed and that you must atop eating; all pnstry nnd desserts (3) And Jim Jones says he never saw any one o run down und that ,pu oughtn't to eat (my vegetables (B) And Ham Smith say that If you don't stop eating all cereals, eggs, biead and dairy products you're a dead man GRANDMA, THE DEMON CHAPEKONE, OUGHT TO BE ON SOME SCRAPPLE ii ni i r i i i -i ill - ' - - - - THE PADDED CELL TR0AtPAAG VOOR j PARTWE-R'S TRCK . MOJ Usteu,aoePs4 AVi - WHAT'S TH USE', ) ( - V CCT A .?TOAlflUt I 1 eoot ." X VlACkPTa' , ( MSHTy t " ? 9 i i rri Air immbL-L 'x n' vm i 11:45 P. M. "MIsr Ethel," Ald Chollle Btaylate, "If I should tell you I was goln? away to morrow wou d you feel uorry?" Tomor row," ahe aniwered, Blnnclng at the clock, "Yc, I ihould feel sorry I thought you might go Rway tonight." Boaton Transcript. (?) And 3111 Brown taya you look awful and that you must cut out eat Ins meat (4) And Bob Black says the reason 5 on don't look better Is because you Insist on eating eoup (6) What In the world are you going to eat anyhow? t i s" V . . C,UirA WllAUOt, ' Subtle Manner "That man thlnka I am poiltlvcly uglyl" "Why, I did not hoar him .ay anything that could possibly be comtrued that way." "Didn't you hear him eay that I would need the very beat lawyer that money could possibly employ?"--Houiton Poit. The Refugee Punch. "Bobby, dear, can't you get Marcella to play with you sometimes?" "I do try, but she doesn't neem to care about it she's alwayo knitting. I think, mother, perhaps It might be bet ter If, for the next war, we had a boy." Matty, the Immortal Before we know 1L spring will be Upon us, bright and natty; Again we'll rub our eyes to see The "comeback" stunt by Matty. H. S. H In New York Sun. Lampoon. "Do you stop at the St, Dellovue, Conductor?" "No, ma'am; I can't afford to." The New Politics ''I don't think your speech was as full of ginger as some of your former ef forts." ".Maybe It wasn't," replied Sen ator Sorghum. "The way a man has to tick to a topic In these filibustering day makes him Inclined to dispense with gin gar and look for glue." Washington Hlar. MILITARY STRATEGY BOARD iaaiaa s '?' vJ ? Set m m a 51 m II it ., i II M