EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1915. EDDINGS S3 rHKrai 9 I KIciONAly H jt JSki. IK? ! W Ki - 1 s3'&j ., mmm- KKIMmmMim. UM Miwnir, imnnlu iti niA4iil. a S Vl luncheon on Tuesday, March 2, In honor of Ijlh. Howard Wood. Mrs. Wood, bforq her Smirrlaso In tho fall, will bo remembered aa fjHM Plioebo Wllmcr. ' Mrs. Morgan entertained Informally at luncii- I'eon yesterday. Mr. and Mr, Lnngdon 3. (Mitchell, of 2320 Do X,aneey place, will entertain at dinner tonight Sin honor 01 mt. ana itiro. nenry .iiiumpaon, ui IWllmlnKton, Del. ... llw 11Mn1. fl,,!. n m nhi.tnilt i Mr. "" "" AO.X.W. W..V..I, ., V.I ..Ul... AYCDUO, linesinm iiili, iitivo loiuniea irum pllalre, Fla., where thoy spent neveral weeks ts the guests of Mrs. Grant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stcclman Dlsston, who havo a jiouae tliero. Mrs. Grant, It will bo remembered, s Miss Mario Steelman Dlsston. Fllles Llla T. Fisher, of Torresdalc, Is visiting r3at(ves In Washington. R- JIIss Paulino Davis Bowlo, of 281 South 4th street, gave a tea yesterday afternon to meet Mrs. Allan Johnstono Henry, who was Miss 0xn Devcreaux Ogden, of New York. Among lE'those who received with ansa Bowie were Mrs. Frederick Fraloy, Mrs. Claronco Clark Zant- Ulngef, JIrfl- Jolln Mu'r Mrs- James Largo, Mrs. Harrison Taylor, airs, cusnman Newnaii, subs Oertrude Ely and Miss Isabel Wurtz Pago. Mrs. Edward F. Dealo has her daughter, Mrs. jLrthur Morton Wilson, as her guest for sev- Vat weeks. Sirs. Wilson will assist Mrs. ueaie In receiving on Monday at her home, 120 soutn Bd street. Invitations havo been Issued by the Plays ana a Players to tho active mombero, associate Iplayera and their guests for an Informal tea on rsiiuday afternoon, February 28, ai o ciuwv. "Peg- o1 My Heart" and "A uiri or Toaay- companies aro Invited and a special musical Iprogram has been arranged. Mrs. William W. Arnett, Miss Eleanor Arnett land Miss Alva Sargent loft on Wednesday for EBrown's Mills, whero thoy will spend a week. k Mrs. Allan Pondleton Turner, of New York, Hformerly of Scranton, Is now tho gueBt of hor leister, Mrs. J. Dallas Smith, of Logan, on BBunday she will bo Joined by Mr. Turner, who 1m been taking a Southern trip, and together ftheY will return to New York. Mrs. Roderick Provost, 417 East Mt. Airy fvenue, has gono to Now York to remain 10 W I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Roberts and T. Williams Roberts have taken a oue at Lake Placid, In tho Adirondacks, for eeveral weeks. ,"Mr. Charles Walton, of St. David's, who is Wine tho Lenten season in Palm Beach, 'will be Jolntd tomorrow by her daughter, Miss Ufirthat Walton, and her young - eon, Joseph Walton. They will not return until April 1. "Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brown, of Oak road, Germantown, havo closed their 'nouse ana fiU, spend tho remainder of the winter with Mrs. Joshua Levering at Huston, Md. Slrs. Arthur Blddle has gone to Hot Springs, ,Va., for a stay of several weeks. GERMANTOWN Mrs. Gcorgo Rose Green, of 418 West School- house lane, will havo as her guest In a lew days Miss Ellen La Mont Patterson, of George town, Del. Franklin Stevens, of 423 East Tulpohocken street, has gone for a short stay in Now York. , Wlr. and Mrs. E. It. Clark, of East Walnut line, will leave Bhortly for a two months' vtett In the South. K, W. Roop, of 5481 Germantown avenue, left this week for Pasadena, Cal. John E. Nolan, of 433 West Woodlawn ave- mie, left yesterday for Washington, D. C, Rhero he will remain for two or three months. PjA. W. Potter, of the Graystone, West School- bouso lane. Is spending soma tlmo at Island Htlghte. N, J. Hills Hannah Hoffman, of 2874 Indian Queen Ittiie, has gone to Bermuda for a short stay. Mtss Susan II. Kitchen, of 222 Greene street. lis spending the Lenten season at the Chal gone, Atlantic City. Dr. and Mrs. J. Edmund Bronson, of 40 West IChelten avenuo, who spent the week-end In Atlantic City, returned to their homo today. SMtss Marlon Connolly, of 110 Pastorlua IjUtst, has left for a two weeks' visit to At lUatlo Cljy, Plr, and Mrs, David Penrose, of Denver, Col., are the guests of Mr. apd Mrs. J,F, Pen foie, of Pastorlua street. Many entertainments we, been arranged In their honor. ALONG THE READING Jbe Jenklntown Choral will give Its second Ejjuslcal tea of the season on Monday after Ejm, March 1, at 3:30 o'clock, at tho Jenkln- jjnrv Auditorium on York road. These affairs, nra several times during the season between f regular concerts, havo become very popu- 14 and a large number of the members and fl friends are expected to attend. Mrs. K"l Kills Slaugh Is the director, and the pts will he Arih'.r Jackson, of the 2aus Club and Holy Trinity choir, and ISSriisey Mattox, who will play a violin solo. Recepvion Committee Includes Mrs. John Jayley, chairman; Mrs. Louis B Fortner RoDert Carnwath, Mrs. Jpscph B, Dixon John Purner. P Udlea who will pour tea are Mrs. E. I. fi, Mrs Urlnton Luekens', Mrs. Joseph I , Jr Mrs. Le Roy Fetter, Mrs. Frank D. ami, jtfrs. -waiter A. Bailey, bin, Charles Bemhauer and Mrs. James Marshall. The I Concert of the tttinml will tab nlap at KM. jenklntown Auditorium the early part of John Butler and Miss Georglne Butler. EOT havii ha.n k. .. a tu a ?-- -t vv imv aaia ui 4a. well fc. pBBB, of West aveu. lenklntpwn, for a wrned to their home in Wilkes-Barre 5T .'Mkj ksii.i ,.. . j i f Eugeae Csrlw. of Mathw: uvenue, Jtaktn. lown, has been opendlng several days no tho guest of Miss Grace Walker, of Ambler. Miss Carlln will return today. Morris Herkness, of Wyncote, who was In jured In a fall following the hounds with the members of tho Huntingdon Valley Hunt Club on Washington's Birthday, Is rapidly recover ing, and Is spending several days as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hollopeter, of Morion. Mr. Herkness' engagement to Miss Marguerite Hollopeter was announced last fall. Miss Marlon Tyre, of 6710 North 8th street, Oak Lnne, and Miss June Harmcr will spend the week-end as the guests of Miss Ethe Bon ham and Miss Evelyn Clavey, of Wilmington, Del. There will be a dance given for them at tho Hotel duPont Friday evening and a matinee box party Saturday afternoon. WEST PHILADELPHIA Invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. George Nox McCain for tho marriage of their daughter, Miss Marv Virginia Lockwood Mo Caln, to Stanley Gladding Wilcox on Thursday evening, March 4, In the Walnut Street Pres byterian Church. The ceromony will bo per formed by the Rev. Dr. J. A. MacCallum, pas tor of the chjrch, at 7:30 o'clock, and will be followed by a reception at tho home of tho bride's sister, Mrs. William Campbell, Jr., 4003 Pino street. Miss McCain will be attended by her sister, Mrs. William Campbell, Jr., as matron of honor, nnd her bridesmaids will be MIbs Brenda Cleveland, of Boston; Miss Marguerite Shelley, of Quakcrtown, and Miss Florence Smith, of this city. Nox McCain Kchew, a ncphow of tho bride, will bo tho ring-bearer, and the Httlo flower girl will be her niece. Miss Julia Anno Kchew, both of Pittsburgh. Herbort Bennett, of Boston, will act an best man, nnd Mr, Wilcox will havo Donald R. McCain, brother of tho brldo, Frederick B. Jaekcl nnd William Campbell, Jr., as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Honry F. Mlchell have re turned to their home, 3013 Chestnut street, after a month spent at Bellalro, Fla., returning by wny of Atken, S. C, where they stopped for part of the golfing season. They will spend Easter at Chelsea. Invitations havo been Issued by Mrs. John Grcenwctl, of 4517 Spruce street, for a tea on Friday, March 12, to meet her daughter, Miss Mary Foulds Grcenwell. Tho receiving party will Include Mrs. William Ingram, Mrs. William Laycock, Mrs. Louis Sclgel, Mrs. William J. Coane, Mrs. Warren Moss, Miss Harriet E. Scott, Miss Lucille Elliot Morris, Miss Esther Mulford, Miss Elizabeth Jessie Bernard, Miss Ncsslo Halg and Miss Eva R. Hartlng. Bridge will follow In the evening for tho receiving party. Miss Elizabeth Christian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addison A. Christian, of 4512 Walnut Btreet, who Is at boarding school, will spend the coming week-end with her parents. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The College Settlement Mandolin and Guitar Club, 5th and Christian streets, gave n musical recital at the Lombard Street Settlement House, Lombard and Front streets, last night. Pro fessor Johan Grolle talked on technical musical subjects. The recital was given under the direction of MIbs Helen Kalmback. Miss Blanche Lane entertained the members of her Bewlng circle yesterday at her home In tho Glrard Estate, 2527 South 18th street. After this week tho circle, which has proved so popu lar, will meot on Wednesday mornings Instead of Thursdays. The members are Mrs. Charles A. Davis, Mrs. Raymond S. Keyeo, Airs. Ralph L. Shepard, Mrs. Guy a. BIssett, Mrs. Manning II. Phllbrlck, Miss Blanche Lane and Mrs, Ar thur T. Barney. A party of South Phlladelphlans, who went to Atlantic City to play basketball on Young's pier for St. Rita's Club, and who have Just re turned. Include the following: John Love, Charles O'Neill, James Scanlon, Richard Ward, Gus Doudero, Harry O'Nell and Philip Miller. Mrs. Oeorge deBcnnevllle Kelm, of 2335 South 2lBt street, sailed from New York yesterday morning on the steamship Panama, en route to Cristobal, Panama, where she will be the guest 'of Mrs. Dlsmukes for almost a month. Mrs. Dlsmukes Is the wife of Captain Dlsmukes, U. S. N one of the two naval officers on the staff of Colonel Goethals. A progressive supper, followed by dancing, will be given this evening In the Glrard Es tate by several naval officers and their wives. The various courses of the supper wJH be served at the homes of different members of the party In the following order: Mr, and Mrs. Charles S. Davis, Miss Blanche Lane and Paymaster Parsons, U, S, N.i Lieutenant Commander Ray mond S. Keyes, U, S. N., and Mrs. ICeyes, Lieu tenant Rulph L. Shepard, U, S. M. C, and Mrs. Shepard, Lieutenant Qharles A. Lutz, U, S, M. d and Mrs. Luti, and Paymaster Manning H. Phllbrlck, U. S. N., and Mrs. Phllbrlck. The dance which will follow the supper will be at the home of Paymaster and Mrs. Phllbrlck. ROXBOROUGH The Wednesday Night Sewing Circle held their weekly meeting last Wednesday night at the homo of Mrs, John C, Smith, of 4358 Mitchell street. Among those present were Mrs Louts JJalman, Mrs. Joseph Andrews, Mrs. Charles Honuller, Mrs. Walter Glne, Mrs. James Hen. pessy, ' Mrs. John Smith and Mrs James Qoulden. Mrs. Paxson James, of 8029 Ridge avenue, gave a card party yesterday afternoon at her home, which was attended by many of her friends. Among those present ewre Mrs. Will iam R. Haggart, MUs Edith Rlghter, Mrs. William Ames, Mrs. A. L. Adams, Mrs, Harry H. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Mott, Mrs. George Holland, Mrs.' John A. Struse. Mrs. WJlHaro W. Wilson and Mrs. Benjamin F, Hendren, Mlsa Myra Wartroan, of 30Q Rochelle avenue, Wlssahlekon, left last Sunday for a trio through th South. She Intends to visit South. Carolina and other Southern States. Rev. Edwin B. Calverly, Vt Arabia, Is vUltln hto brother, Benjamin F- Calverly. who n sldta at RboraflLand Ffate f-veau, jsw-stvv- vniv w vjM&ssNfciwsaKsTyt. MISS VIOLA LEE Photograph by Marccau. Miss Leo Is a popular member of society in tho southern section of tho city. CLUB DANCE Huntingdon Valley Country Club Danco Will Take Place Tonight. Tho regular dance of tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club will be held tonight In tho club house. A number of dinners will precede tho dance. , Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Martin nnd Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bock, Jr., will entertain Jointly. The guesta who will be members of the house parties be ing entertained over the week-end by Mrs. Col lins, Mrs. Martin nnd Mrs. Beck are mostly from New York, and will number about 21. Mr. and Mrs. James P. McFarland, of Hill top, Ogontz, will give a dinner for four guests. Mrs. S. Crozer Robinson will entertain at dinner before the dance. Covers will be laid for 12 guests, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buck will also give a dinner, when their guests will number 21. Mr. and Mrs. John B. S. Rex, of Ogontz, will give a dinner before the dance. VIOLIN CONCERT AT NARBERTH Henry Sue widely known locally as a 'con cert violinist, will glvo a recital tonight at Elm Hall, Narberth, under auspices of tho Narberth Civic Association. The patronesses Include the following: Mrs. Georgo A. Abele, Mrs. Robert L. Bcatty, Mrs. C. R. Blackall, Mrs. John A. Caldwell, Mrs. W. Arthur Cole, Mrs. C. P. Cook, Mrs. Edwin P. Dold, Mrs. Carroll Downes, Mrs. Henry C. Gara, Mrs. Edward S. Havs, Mrs. George M. Henry, Mrs. Romaino C. Hott man, Mrs. William S. Horner, Mrs. Augustus J. Loos, Mrs, Edward A. Muschamp, Mrs. Robert E. Pattlson, Jr., Mrs. A. Perry Redlfer, Mrs. Frederick Rose, Mrs. S. A. Rudolph, 2d, Mrs. William Solfrldge, Mrs. James C. Simpson, Mrs. William D. Smedley, Mrs. O. J. Snyder, Mrs. Fletcher W. Stltes, Mrs. John B. Williams and Mrs. James Wilson. TIOGA Mrs. Frederick T. Jennings, of 3532 North 18th street, will glvo a tea with readings and music this afternoon. Mrs. Burt Gamble and Mrs. William Franco will nsslst In receiving. Mrs. Jacob Sallada, who will preside at the tea table, will be assisted by the daughter of tho hostess, Miss Bessie Jennings, An attractive program of readings and Impersonations will be glvon by Miss Emma Campbell and Inter spersod with piano solos by Mies Alice Green. Among those who will be present are Mrs. Ira Bertolet, Mrs. Edward Maddock, Mrs. Monroe P. Llnd, Mrs. Clara S. Ogden, Mrs. Emma Jackson, Mrs. Herman Sonneborn, Mrs. W. Wledner, Mrs. Albert Green, Miss Elizabeth Odenatt, Mrs. William MacDonald, Mies Flor ence MacDonald, Mrs. C. H. Campbell, Mrs. Thomas Bird, Mrs. A. H. Moore, Mrs. W. Ogden, Mlsa Carolina Callahan, Miss Ralph Gibbon, Mrs. John Haller, Mrs. Oeorge White and Mrs. William Grimm. Miss Edna Soull, Miss Emma Lawrence, Miss Mildred Heist, Miss Adallne Froellch, Miss Hazel Crawford, Miss Florence MacMorrts, MJss Violet Carson, Miss Beatrice Rottner, Miss Marian Jones, Miss Florence Gelkler, Miss Alice McFudden and Miss Charlotte Fleming, of Tioga, were entertained at 500 yesterday after noon by Miss Dorothy Greaves, of Mount Airy Mrs, John G. Holmes, of 1523 West Erie ave nue, was hostess to the members of the Ladles Quaker City Motor Club at cards yesterday afternoon at the St James. Mrs. B. Kahnweller is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry M. Meyers, of 3251 North 17th street, PRANKFORD Miss Gamlln will address the girls of tbr Olney Grammar and High School grades and working girls tomorrow afternoon at 2;15 o'clock. She will bo assisted by Mrs. Stover, who will lead the singing with the cornet, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew MqCllntock, of Decatur street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Mrs. E. Headley McCracken, of Wast Scran ton, formerly of Cedar Grqve, is home on a visit, Headley MeOrocken has left for the West, and Mrs. McCracken will Join him after a several weeks stay here. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. Seymour J. Egan, formerly of S04 Chambers avenue, are now living la Wash ington, D. C, where. Mr. Egan la in the Govern ment aervlce. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Rone. Miss Bone, Miss. Eleanor Rone and Jack Kobe have returned to this, their native town, Afte several jrars' roiUeace in West PbUtdsIphia. LENTEN CLASSES Tho Various Sowing Societies Which Havo Been Formed This Year Meet Today. This morning society, with Its knitting, Its sewing and Its embroidering, wended Its way to ,tlio various classes. The class that meets In the home of Mrs. J. Bortram LIpplncott, of 1712 Spruco street, has arrangod for prominent people to glvo talks on current and other In teresting events. Today Professor William J. Hudson, of Wisconsin University, ono of the leaders of tho peace movement of the country, gave a most Interesting talk. The Fnrmlngton Society meets on Friday mornings at the homo of Mrs. AVIlllam W. Arnett, of 2116 Pine street. Mrs. Henry Earn shaw Is chairman of tho circle. Mrs. Arthur W. Sowall, vice president. Miss Virginia LIp plncott treasurer and Mrs, Howard Butcher, Jr., secretary. Tho members Ino'.ude Mrs. Isaac W. Roberts, Mrs. John Kearsley Mitchell, Miss Eleanor S. Gamble, Miss Frances W, Gamble, Mrs. Louis R. Lemolne, Miss Henrietta Ely, Miss Lucia A. Warden, Miss Mary Thompson, Mrs. Henry B. Thompson, Mrs. Walter L. Foulke, Mrs. Edwin N. Benson. Mrs. John Strawbrldgo, Mrs. Francis M. Brooke and Miss Katharlno Thompson. A class organized by Mrs. William W. Porter, of 1804 South Rlttenhouse square, to discuss current events, also met this morning. Tho members Include Mrs. Samuel K. Reeves, Mrs. de Forrest Wlllard, Mrs. T. Hudson Rich, Mrs. William M. McCawley, Mrs. Matthew Semple, MIbs Helen Semple, Mrs. John W. Townsend. Mrs. Richard Norrls, Mrs. John Norrls, Mrs. Wllllom J. Clothier, Mrs. William B. Church man, Mrs. Robert N. AVIIllnms, Miss Louisa Rodgers, Miss Alice Smith, Miss Mary Schott, Mrs. AVIlllam E. Littleton and Miss Harriet Blnnchard. LANSDOWNE Those who will take part in tho play which tho senior class of the High School will give March 6 In the Twentieth Century Club nre Miss Mary Gallagher, Miss Mary Wilkinson, Miss Ruth Cotton, Miss Mary Zelgler, Miss Mar garet Willis. Miss Mary Galbratth, Miss Har riet Grelner, Miss Olive AVhltehorn, Miss Laura Willis, Miss Caroline Vetkoskoy, Miss Myrtlo Craig, Mlsa Agnes Hoffman, Mls3 Helen Reld, MJss Isabella Jackson, Miss Miriam Pancoast, Edward Martin, Richard AVare, Harrison A. Matslnger, AVIlllam A. Dewnr, Roy S. Lyster, Havllnnd Wright, AVendell Osborne, Jr., James F. Breen, Eugene Baker, Frederick H. Lewis and R. Louis MoLean. The play Is being coached by Miss Miriam AVhlto Hlnes, of the English department of the High School. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Loughney, of La Crosse avenue, have returned from a visit to Atlantic City. Mrs. William Worrell, of 62 East Greenwood avenue, will entertain the Mothers In Council at her home this afternoon. Addresses will be made by Mrs. Isaao II. Rhoada and Mrs. Nel son O. Lyster. Miss Margaret Underbill, of Owen avenue, has as her guest Miss Arena Hubbard, of Atlantic City. ..ffirorar-ygsswKwariafrrfflir iwumwk iltgwsaa Phpto(Tpb by Marceau, MRS. CHRISTOPHER WETHERILL Mrs. WetheriU is one pf this city's most popular hostesses. She entertained at luncheon recently in honor of hr d&uskter, Ulm Virginia Wethriit A NNOUNCEMENT In made of the marriage of jCXMIss Frances Amnnda Palmer, of AVIlmlng ton, nnd Herbert Alleh alenn, of this city, which took plnco Wednesday night nt 7 o'clock nt tho homo of tlio brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. AVIlllam E. Linton, 2120 AVnshlngton street, AVllmlngton. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev. F, F, Carpenter, pastor of Brandy wine Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Pal mer was given In marrlago by her father, and she was attended by Miss Arietta Phillips as bridesmaid. The best man was AVIlllam E. Hewcs. About 100 guests were present, many of whom were from Philadelphia. The bride was charmingly gowned In white satin char meuso with trimmings of rose point lace and pearls, and she carried a bouquet of bride roses nnd lilies of the volley. A reception fol lowed the ceremony. After n wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn will bo at homo after April 15 at 1430 North C8th street, Philadelphia, Frankcndcld Schneider An Interesting wedding took place yesterda) In tho Lohlgh Baptist Church, Lehigh avenue NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Peter Dally, of Los Angeles, Cal., wife of tho ccntreflolder of tho New York American bnsoball team, will arrive In this city next week to remain hero during tho baseball sea son. While In Philadelphia sho will be tho guest of Mrs. Jack Lapp, of 2319 Lehigh ave nuo. Mrs, Harry Bartle, of 1727 North 17th street, gave n farewell luncheon and bridge In honor of her sister, Mrs. Clarence AVebster, who will return to her homo In Buffalo, N. Y., today, nfter a visit of six weeks. Among those present were Mrs. AVIlllam B. Ogram, Mrs. Frank Conly, Miss Frances Ogram, Miss Cecil Riley and Mrs. Arthur Clark. Alfred AVnlker. of Covington, Is visiting nt the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. AVIlllam AValkor, of 1620 French street. Tho working stnff of the Court Aid Society gaVo a tea yesterday afternoon to Miss Mnry H. Gillette, who will soon take charge of tho Travelers' Aid Society In this city. Tho tea was held In the headquarters of the Court Aid Society, 1707 Summer otreot. After March 1 Bliss Gillette will take active charge of tho Travelers' Aid, and will re organize that society, making It a national or ganization. Miss Bertha L. Freeman will take Miss Gillette's placo In tho court work. Miss Anno E. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Jones, of 202G West Atlantla street, nnd Henry E. Romlg, of the same ad dress, will bo married Saturday afternoon, Fob ruary 27, at 4 o'clock, at the Union Methodist Eplscopnl Church, 20th and Diamond streets. Tho ceremony will bo performed by tho pastor, the Rev. Dr. George AVllson, In the presence of tho Immediate family of the bride. After a honeymoon in the South the couple will llvo at Ontario and Bouvler streets. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De Wolfe will celebrate their noth wedding anniversary on Sunday aft ernoon, February 28, and will bo pleased to see their friends at their residence, 2616 North 18th street, from 3 to 0 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. De AVolfe's children are Mr. and Mrs. Chapman De AVolfe. of San Fran cisco; Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. De AVolfe, of New Orleans; Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell Do AVolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Do Wolfo, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Do AVolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Hoff man, Miss Sally De AA'olfe and Sophye De AVolfe. Their grand children, Joseph Hoffman, Frances Beatrice and Estelle D. AVolfe, will help celebrate the golden anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Do AVolfe were born in England but came to America as children. Mr. De Wolfe Is 75 years of age, and Mrs. Do Wolfe Is 70. They were married In. Philadelphia. Mr. De AVolfo was formerly a prominent clothing merchant of AVllmlngton, Del., and has been retired for many years. A delightfully appointed luncheon of 12 covers wao given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Charles H. Ringgold nt her home, 2011 North Broad street Jonquils and pussywillows formed the table decorations. The guests were Mrs. Edward B, Ryan, Mrs. Charles II. Mullen, Mrs. James II. Pickett,' Mrs. Frederick G. Sutton, Kirs. James Lennon, Mrs. J. R. McDowell, Miss Emma Hehl, Miss Mary Hehl, Miss Christine Hehl, Miss Sara Kolb and Miss Emma Kolb. AMUSEMENTS POPULAR OPERA MUBICALE8 mTHERSPooK Faulkner-Oberndorf er IN RECITAL FORM WITH PIANO AND 8TERE0PTIC0N ILLUSTRATION HK.lS'.iiuft The Nibelungen Ring Monday Evenlnr, Povoifol March 1. at 8:15 itllDUdl Friday A..F,b. rp Nibelungen Ring (Special for Children) SEATS SBo TO II. NOW. AT LEDGER CENTRAL ACADEMY TONIGHT 8 : 15 and OP MUSIC TOMORROW 2;80 ELMENDOEF 4BTSr AND KACOHTBVR AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN JMYPT HOLY LAND CONSTANTINOPLE . t-NAPLES RIVIERA, ETC. Prlcei 2Bo to II. HEfPE'S. 1118 Che.lnut. Academy of Music JJ Ey, The War Who Made it? A DEBATE IN THE INTERESTS QP PEACE Cecil Chesterton England Hanns Heinz EAvers Germany SEATS NOW AT HETPE'B 60o to 11.80 RRICKLast2Evgs.T,bAM8oTR ANN MURDOCK ,nG&ov Nttt pecli'lrInd- o&rWent"4 Pat ban GRAND OPERA g& 100 People- SO Famoda Opera Star. Beats Now. t -it T T H TONIQUT XT 8:18. " Ll X AV X K MATINEE TOMORROW. 3:18 DANCING AROUND WTH AL JOLSON ONLT MU8ICA.L SHOW IN TOWN ACADEMY Bts t Utvpe'a, 1119 Cheitnvit. ORCHESTRA soWm: thaddbus ttH.-H. VHWlBIpt PAfllMfJ THBATRS, Mutae To4. Jfcwea WlQAJTlU Loiilij aju al Uu t:fat. and 12th street, when Miss Alice 8chneMef, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Sohnelder, of 101S West Erie avenue, -was wedded to C, lL Frankenfleld, of 2912 North 12th street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr, David Spencer, pastor of tho church. Tho bride wa given In marriage by her father. Miss Julia Schneider, a sister, was maid of honor. Mr, Frankenfleld was attended by Walter It, Yoager as best man, ushers being Frederick Reuter and Abraham Haokman. A dinner followed the reception at the home of the bride's parents, and after a wedding trip to tho coast resorts of Florida Mr. and Mrs. Frankenfleld will be at horns after April 1 at 915 Butler street Goodwin Bergcr The marriage of Miss Ida Berger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Berger, of 23$ Queen lane, Germantown, to Ralph A. Goodwin, of 929 Clinton street, took place quietly at noon yesterday In Germantown. Mr. nnd Mrs. Goodwin, will bo at horrie after May IE at C302 Chew street, Gormantown. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Corqner William It. Knight, Jr., will enter. tain at dlnnor at tho United Itepubllcan Club, Frankford and Allegheny avenues, tomorrow. Tho dinner will bo an ctaborato one nnd tho banqueting room will be tastefully decorntod. A vaudevlllo show will bo stagod during dinner. Mrs. Henry M. Dubbs entertained nt luncheon and cards nt her home, 3317 North Sth street, 'Wednesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. DIkbIc, Mrs. Charles DImon, Mrs, Albert Beld ler, of Wenonah, N. J,; Mrs. Frank Rice, Mrs. Wlnflcld Applcton nnd Miss Luclllo Dlggle. Tho members of tho Phil Kearney Social hold their first annual banquet at tho Washington Hotel, Germantown avenue and Dauphin street, last night A delightful surprise party was given to Miss Ethel Blackburn at her homo In East Tork street, which was attended by CO guests. The St. John's Quintette entertained tho guests with a number of vocal selections. Tho following were present: Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlackburn, Mr, and Mrs. Klnkley, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Louis Schaefor, Ferdinand Schaefer, Bruce MncFor lane, Mies Elsie Burgess, the Mls3es Torrance, of Catasauqua; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Roy Boyer, Frederick Christine, Miss Etta Clay, Miss Nettle Knox, Miss Gertrudo Knox, Mlsa Ellen Stewart, Miss Graco Klnkley, Miss Bess Klnkley, William Reckcrts, of Merchantvllle, N,. J,; George Braum, Daniel Pierce, Walter Surut, Harry Spellbrlnk, William Beti, Harry Barbln, John Bums and Mrs. Katherlna Schraum. AMUSEMENTS, CHESTNUT STREET gggS Home o World's Qrcalctt Photoplays 4rTimoo riail-ir AFTS., 1 and 31 bo end 15a limes Udliy evob., 7 and 0 lOc, i5c, sta ANNETTE KELLERMANN "THE PERFECT WOMAN," In "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" BEGINNING MON. AFT., MAR. 1 THE WONDER OF THE WORLD HALL CAINE'S "THE ETERNAL CITY" Produced by Famous Playara' Film Co. RESERVED SEATS NOW SELLING PPTPTTQ AFTERNOONS, 10c, lBo, 24o JrJtVlOIlO EVENINGS ....10o. 25e. BOo FORREST Next Week "!& Xlshts at 8:18. Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 2:10. UAiNiujj v. aktuuh tTeaenti MARIE RICHARD CAHILL CARLE In the New Musical Comedy "90 IN THE SHADE" Beat Cant Ever. lJevy of Beautiful Olrla. -J Q NEW MUSICAL 1 fl MODERN DANCE J.O NUMBERS J-" NUMBERS Popular Price Wedneaday Matinee. Beat Seata 11.80. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE DAZZLING ARRAY OF HITS! mrs. LESLIE CARTER fa "Zaza" BICltEL, & WATSON: WEE QEOIiOIE WOODl OICAUE JAPS; LYONS 4 YOSCO; ED. MORTON AND OTHERS NEXT WEEK MISS JOAN SAWYER ' PEERLESS QUEEN OF DANCE I AND A TREMENDOUS SHOW MARKET BTREET AND JUNIPER Continuous Vaufiavlll 11:S0 A. M. to 11:30 P. IL. GLOBE Tim McMahon nnd Edythe Chnpolle; Others ADDED ATTRACTION COLORED SCENIC "ADVENTURES ON THE ROOF OF THE EARTH" Pholopropfced fm Frid SurHngham. Oreat peril acenes laid around the Matterhorn. Mount Blanq and the Junjfrau. DON'T MIBS THIS PICTURE. . BROAD Last2Evgs. Mrs. Patrick Campbell BtoWSSSL PYGMALION 6nai m "0"T WEEK SEATS SELLINO THE MISLEADING LADY With PAUL DICKEr V T P T n T? T A NINTH AND MARKET VlUlUlVlA PRICES 10c, 20o CONTINUOUS 10 A, M. TO 11 P, M. "yT "THREE WEEKS" In Addition to Special Vaudeville Features NEXT WEEK w"kBt1?.wl Uf LUBIN'S MASTERPIECE Edwin Arden and Romalne Flildlni- In "EAGLE'S NEST" ONE WEEK ONLTf A TVn'T TOUT TONIOHT AT 8:18. AUiLil 111 MATINEE TOMORROW, S (IB OLIVER NOROSCO Preeents PEG 0' MY HEART The Play You Have BeenJWaltlnjt For " a. m." tqTi p. m. VAUDEVILLE A li A V LI ,ttI Lavondrei Other 1214 Market PHOTOPLAY 10cd20c. xioD&ri uoewortn In 'Ul-CKSHOT JOHN" CROSS 8 MUSICAL CO-EDS -rrxrivG Franetuca lleddlo 4b Co.. Olo.ra Ivlli X p PrOKtam Chanced Mon and Thur. THEATRE jm 10cPv1oNt?g3t MARKET BT. ABOVE 16TU PICTURES 11 A IS. TO 41:16 J", M. Wntjrjd Klnaalon ta LOVE ROUTE THE Stanley Ncwwa fTRAND "Tha F a auM ll ,.. a McMahon. DJutnond ft blubls Devln wui!a Merexon 4 Uwldawortb Mma, RialtiACu. WJterWecaaa Today a :1B. T and P "BILLY BOMB-DAT IN JBRSBY EMPIRE POPULAR" MATINSM Dlll.I Alia3 Jimroy Vfusnttr UroowterQ gUA jprtp I ia Jli 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers