STRA,, I- FRIDAY February 26, 1915 samrara tan meaner ) fy ... !.. ,i. ii im w 1 1 urn B THE BASEBALL CURTAIN GOES UP FOR 1915 AS PHILADELPHIA'S TWO TEAMS LEAVE FOR SOUTH TOdM I . """V rMf , ' H SUCCESSORS TO MACK'S FAMOUS $100,000 INFIELD HOW WILL THEY SHOW UP IN COMPARISON WITH THE OLD QUARTET? In order here, from left to right, are Mclnnls, at first base; Kopf, at third base; Lajaie, at second base, and Barry, at shortstop. It will be their difficult task to measure to the etnnH-rd of wriat was conceded to bo the greatest infield in the business, ilfl tha Mack infiplH. with C.n inn ntirf Rnlmy nrocnnt timo ootitnnfo1 V i41i tmnnnn ,l,0f u. ,.!,, m i, ...uv. -ii: i tji i- l; .ti . . b" . " " " .... , .. .. r.ww..w, uu -'"' u nvitu Vauu,uuv, iu iuo ninjr us null uuuiuo uim iianci Kuuc i u question mat presents many angles. 1tB nnnnd jutrr iiiTnntivr m mi nintiMiBtn nmtrran ., . v . , J, ,, AU,aIfl uc iXTl "sv"1"'m jrwMMji&o, wnu UWttFANS HOPE WILL FORM THE NUQIEUS OV A PlflHTlMr miMnw I tljL 'Tot0 itMUtt, tt new mani
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers