Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 26, 1915, Sports Final, Page 15, Image 15
16' rf BYKKlKGr LEDftER-PHILADELIHIA, FBTT)AY, FEBRUARY 26, 1915 WORK NEEDED QUICKLY 'i.i&m M Key Wum&crs J irltrjn odd fcoti) " ?'tjjfai can be reocned aulefclu. W w '" " : MAtE SSntKn "WITH WIFH AND .CHILD. B9?tVr ny Kind of labor to K;o his lam wf&Str. Can someone aunply him with tfffiSSSm isartl -.A?. FfrstSSt-'WAS A COAL- PASSER IN TUB ABgfE aWes Navy: KU had no work since lni-Tiitment exi'trea, a.,u. u. tib (south- IrtJUkUia-SiLSiii TirttlEB -i.AN t ."'aiuaw. WITH GOOD 3kwl.M t been out of work 0 months. nl?jf1 W I (Soutbeaat Diet, 630 Wharton ItSBcoijOnKD. wmi oood iiep. l52ii will take anything- he can get to do Ir.inn, hit four cnuuren, d. u, -., ,iu. uuo. fa fo.gfft District. 1.110 B, 22d at.) FrnEHs twite or aoe. four emu IJBon"'i., .. is years with one con. ICtT-vi states he does not drink and la a M.S. A., tTitt-THIfl MAN IS INDUSTRIOUS WSJfi siid wanta work. Can you use hlmj ,. , -j wSeH. ITALIAN, OUT OP WOnK BIX 2KBi wife nnd aovon children, alP 111 TMTED ELEVATOR OPERATOR, HAS (SNSB." '- . character and work. Ho RH "in man for tha Job you have open. iTnTwohK for tuberculosis man- 'Air or a family pt wife una C children FBl-lwr V ...l...i,Ia.Ii lint fntnilv'ti rAn4l. liffap ? '"'A,.1' V. ".I.".'" h"mOR .it alin lUIIFlkUIUDI! uw ....... j Mflllll" Sr: Efi- r ninths od 7 wl "in laundry !".. iin.. fldest bov. 15 year' old. wants SJ M a helper on a waron. J. W, It. 8M. ZMit AND electrician - youno Jnergellc man. who has been out of work i - r winnths. 18 wining io IBM winning no ? tto do He has 3 small children, and &Fi hat been out of work hla. wife has li die ha been "iS: .i work bv the day. Sho la now III. KSint to worK i X.ff Mil. (Nicetown nnrt. TlOfta District, a. KWVcls'rlssa atreet and Hunting I'ark ave- iEtni hSHOnEMAN OR I,AnOHETl, WITH STrsferenceaj family of 12 have been de Sit on carnlnKB of 16-year-old boy; her ffl . in broken from overwork: this XbttW I lake anvthlna: he ran jet to do to "'"loi "tvkarlnn t.l. lit.: i-f i - - teJrtSIonEMAN AND DniVKR-MAN HAS "mm etil of work 4 monlha and will takn - .. i i. tei n hot in (. nun ie w iin unn St? baby dependent upon htm. S. O. C 807. dtera wwinwk. -.. -. ......... et. iSnBirtlV 5S. POf-lSH. V1TII ROOD Byiis;rl i take anithlne'ho can get to JVitiTuiroort his wlfo and four small children. V STNoV S77- (Southeast District, Mu nun n.i SrasaonEMAK-wiLUNa to do ant ima oj. " u "" " ...--o.- - -- .... A. O ' - ;,TA?feT--pnnxtnn TtPLOYnn SAYS: HttV Known the man many ears and hna .: rtndnrfl In IiIh nonefltv. eobrictv -Kjiieneral character. It iloes not Bcem aa It ggL A 2 JAOUNIST-MAN, 27 TEArtS OLD, HUN- ."v? .... ....,..,1,.. T-nirllnli. tils n 1 np., -nn.1 .rTb-faj-n fmm Inst emDlover Has .1 chll- asGaacpendtnt on him. S. O. C. 001, (Easte--Wpwir 3. O. Cy 3:18 South Lawrence street.) 77vinTq HUUETt MAN HAS WORK- ;Wi s lears In one pliico. While ho han boon ssLirf tniDloyment. Ills wlfo hno been sowing MrSoprort their children. S. O. C. Mil. &nIstrict S. O. C. 1130 North it nnrk since August. He has a wife m,J three chlIdren-7 years. 5 years, and baby E iflonms. . ojjfia. "t" i.,0.w. ." w -. Sj umndywlne street, a, u. u.. uiu. AOnNIST-MAN HAS WORKED 12 jBths. He will take uny kind of work he ...a. o. C. mi. (Northeast District. Cb. a. 2310 North Howard street ) irtllNTST-DMPLOYED FOR FIVE YEARS tylx traction company, who say that he Is umcrhiv reliable and competent, he Is mar- ttj'ina la In need E. A.. 20. aMCHINIST'S HELPER IlaB worked In one CISCO (' u ci ,'-:i" 1113 ciiiuju B r a atj"'ffUHnjT, Bober and lnduatrloua." A wlfo nAiRhvpn children are dtoendent on him. He'liai been out of work nearly all winter !jl as outi a Krv-L uuui ui iiinea in ma n iliirlnc that time S. O. C. No. fiR!). JNort-iirn District. 1439 N. Marahnll St.) lUCUINISrS IlBLPBIl MAN, TI-OnOUOH il7(mlllar with work about automobiles; has Toy jjod work references. Has been out of -MiM-ill winter. Six children under 13. thn MfoUBgest 4 monthfl old, are dependent upon Wta8. O. C. mo. (Powelton Dlatrlct, S. O. aalRlft Powelton avenue.) alCaiNIST'S HELPER-AN AMERICAN, U tyears old, with good references, has been Mt of work since October; his wlfo la deaj tndhls oldest child is taklni? ram nt thn satiee and her four brothers and slaters, s. p,C. No, 037. (Spring Garden Dlst., IS32 griuajwina st.i JIAOnNST-B HELPER-HAS WORKED II Wir-ln one place, and will take anything ho cut xet to fo: a family of email children Is teP'Sfi'a0 hlm- s- c- ft)X (Powelton tlt 4Q18 Pow,iton ave ) IllAS" OF WORi;. ITAT.rAV ITAa rMTn - lfen children; boy of U In fnmlly; Rood M4i, wjj ivum muhu mmfeic verv ucoMil ajjnfl a store: father ts a laborer; would be wllllgr in rtn nrv Lrtnr -f -,-1, T ttr t. ! "'" " " "- 'SU-N JEWISH, 45 YEARS OLD, OUT OF ? , m,??lh? ne boy working In family &&& W,feKl3 '" ,b.ut nas not oskei1 'or "JJMlp. Neighbors told Investigator that her few la due to worriment and lack of nour-ajtf"l- A.mqst deserInc case, J. W. P.. 80-'. SlfOLOnCD FORMER MINISTER. BUT SS ,l 'WIiler.n.P 'n'".-.l'?' S?1'i'w ""S to do whltawashlng; nnd clean Mf cellars, etc.. and do them right. E. A., 1 TJ inn r.nn.. T" -m, oio uui.f, HUUKBTKll, OUT OP ITO two months , 7 children, all under worlt- ariSXe. Tlo oldpnt linv. 1' on1 in aaii fctftrt. Family aro about to "be evicted for JSof rent. J. W. B.. 887. UfrjEWISH. TAILOR, .OUT OP WORK 2 .(KiSVk cm!,!ren,t only one of working age, JiwfB. 891 d anV ltlnd 0t "0rk' frUffiR.i'-.Sl.WITlI AWlFK AND 0 mirji "vuw.n,i uii mni, wining to uo any- rgj5yBi,jBowrjinilworthy. E, A.. 3. fSiiCUTTS"' W1TH SPLENDID-" REP: MIJJS""! M?klns. work to support his sick Ei:f.qd er'ppled daughter. SV O, C. 707 tfaweiton Pitt.. 4018 Powelton ave.) ItJK1,?.1,"1- WORKED, FOR THE LAST JC,i-h. ."Nirai win iBKe anv Kinu Ss?Jiii rnS'M1--'1 J? luOBor his wife nnd ntn.c.!.1r!,' Ue has been out f work St ?.m J".4, h.'" w,fe ,,w aewlnr as long as ? mi tJ? ""PPort the family, a? O PkjKTciarTela?8 D1StrlCt' iimmntii Tr,vr::; . - u. . SSSS m do anytiSns rTca'A ieY Vt "S? ou,1 i w"rk ""Inter. S. O. C Ll2. (Woodland D Etrlct !!' H n, .,'i SiI'w.nta,E?,mMJ?- KNTllHUir-DiSfi"-lr rl 'm.m,vla,e enance to earn a fair ?u &n7,MAN ".AS SPLENDID REFER." wS'yaJS E. AmP fff r f0r Whom be worlc" ISkviV"' , i0 "YEARS OLD." ajwtco any klrnt or wntir n, ni. ha n- nn. Ksrttvf.orn1,.h CV et to do, so that he can f Tin iT -" . tawrenco at. ) iSffii'r.HAN A.a WORKEb"iuYEARS; wirihlftr;nl.K0rJ'or five, months. There S" children, the eldest, a boy 14. and the ISSS.' vcara old. Just whan th oldest WYtr7a,5v1?b?.n able to go to work and W.tia M5ViV?,.na ."eveloped tuberculosa. Kit "Uf'S1!? Sne to Mnt Alto for treat. iafflic rac07n -c-,832 SwloM 7.rHN' TyARS OLD; WITH fffli VLl r!Sr?t?V h'1 b"n t of work CVJ.? .vcar, will take anv kind of tvnrk ha IpWsTKd'ao' " N0 W3' Soutnw"r illlT-YPArrrPLD BOY "13 THC SOLB HifeST .n S,,ww?we1 nnother, who la 111; J broth., 'i.0'.,"? toV nonths; a tuSiatni. 'S "i0 deP?Saent on h m, gMt Dlst., S. O, C, 621. 530 Whar- OBS OR 1.4 nAnun1 'Trt'Xw'rtrSW"--!-?" a bit been .. f tvyff"i..rrl L trflrl1,?. kta.f? J work he. can sett hat -Ptlto0;v w- 5 (row'lton cut., Ptaiwuut WITH GOOD HEi"ERENCE3. KTrr- -- llr two m ".hViiwwS'r t"TV.'S wn liTh.' ..n'"f"' "V f,tr.u,?' Pwfe: ,,rSTFlrYP"N:G . AND ENEdl. I.al . jbnknjtloualy looklne for work. ilrSi"",ll. to do since Chrlatma; FT Mod t3Su"B"t lo ao lnc Chrlatma; 'MmiSSfFS' J?" PYr before been out KMd hanJ.ilntn.oi UP-: baa wife and "tt, del OTa Bta Wards Dlatrlct. 1738 Cuth- Stofc? i " "East posiTioiTPOR I S lur. . Wa employer, apeak mS. VSl.6 b POber, honest and a steady T i ?f,BS a,oy during the four t marrlod and need heTp. B, A., SU'S. fca0OD ftBPERENCKS. Hi wlrJJr:nfn.b,.?..n " to do to up- fbirt.ro,KS.r"'-?' u- - ,v IfJ1AvMBAWYTinNrTO UlVi?tr TWi v r' n-i.. hir. "tf1."'1 Bna ou large jam CS ftS,i"bUt1 t00 ai clothing for -?lOPiltBIl-WH6 is' If? r wTifir?," 5" haa had very llttla EtW," "Ve? dependent on the 7w.?- U-o diUgUU S. O. C. rf0wta1t,cwnfit- Umt- WITH n EI?BlHftNf!faj" lie mts-u u dveudent ou K, o ' UrItt W HaaUaa Park i a. IWalt TI- OVoodland District, 1244 WOHK NEEDED QUICKLY At itrn hnt-- . .... ,. irT lAeaa n&3 i&i'fl' tf and now "" needy individual, mm f mM milekh. MALE PiwkHfc$l..a YEAn OLD: OUT OP rlHl Sr&5 r,9fcrMeh. I'e,tlorma(nAD.?.DD "S-VOt)NO. ENKR. r'nee. 5rtll2?.KH" 1., "Ith.very good ref let. Be? iff J' n,,Jlnlr kind of work he ran tour SmsM ii,hM.n IJIpvlde for hla wife and ilL85J?jnce.?)'tcrn PUt" S- " C" PAhi,n5J,"nA?i0.EnrJY'k"No TO. DO ANT. hi ..r. "" quiver io Keen nis wir nnrt refergneea7E.'arAntbia'x'4 ""C'llej excellent mtvair . .- Veari ild E Ji5M EJ,-c.0I'0nrcD HOT. 0 as a nhl,i.n!V nd "liable, wants work mother Tuifcnv8-.'''lDer. l r.Bort hlm'elfi been drlvin fhIr M dead- "nd.he had Just P1mPa,?rF.0Va5n,.A!!'D :ii.tJMnnn. .AOHD M, wlilhii Vn a iVT.Il VJ ?rnrs or nge, and th.rnneid.d0i,'ilhinffi0 P roof' over W PMJMBRR AND STEAMriTTER-MAN OP BrclhlJ, II, Vl" '""'.employer . sneako wU'Sree Site ,dehpVndBen,ruBpottndhrmeh,HneV C?:-f.sV-c"r!eV.n0aevern"u'e'.rn """'" B" - PI.UMimiy8 HEDPER IS YDARS OLD with good work references; will tak" ant thine D.ffi, &20hrgHdne;SU (S"r'"g ""C" PLUMBER AND STEAMPITTER - PIRST-,iS,1!e-7c.chai,,:: ou.1 f employment a lStig 'lm,and In desperate slralta: ins wife and (children and will be glad ot anything, k. a.. PLUMDER'S HCLPEn 84 YEARS OLD- HAH Knod references; nut of ofk si" months- ha? a. wife and 2 small children. 8. o. a"1 kA' ISnrlng Oarden DlVt.. 1W2 Drandrwlno ..)" i-iuiNtJin man. 30 YEARS OLD. WITH gool references: haa teen out of work n months. Ho has 2 children and a sick wife 8. O, C. H. (Eastern District? &. o. o3M South Ijtwrence street) ' PRINTER, FOUMERLY WITH ONE OP THE largeit printing houses In Philadelphia, who Rle him an excellent reference D. A 228 PRINTER-HAS WIPE AND 0 CHILDREN: aSaf.;. k''ss'x. bauiy: ,ob"' . R1DINO rNSTOtlCTnn-r'iiiAiit i. irnnnn frnnltSLyenr,'i0,t1' ?'!." honorable discharge IK!"-1"' s- cavalry, wishes employment "-in? giving in7 vowm ui i.t mo taro oi nor&es. L. A., RIOOER AND BLOCK AND TACKT.ir maker needs a Job badly; haa u children and a willing to do anything; will work for very low wages to get a start, n. A,. 220 SF.VENTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY WITH A mother and younger brothers and slstera de pendent upon him, nan been out of work all winter, one of the children Is ill in the, hoa pltal at the present time; he will take any SArttr.h,rln ?"' (Southeast Dlst.. s. O. c.. 022, fi.:o Vhartonot.) ' SE"ENTEEN-YnAR.OLD BOyTwhO HAS worked In a shoo factory, will take any kind of work he can get: has good references s O. C, 714 (Southeast Dlst.. mo Wharton at ) SHIPPER. AOE 32; WIFE AND ONE CHILD; will do anything; last employer states he la honest and worthy: laid off duo to slack buat- ness. E. A.. 200. SHIPPING CI.ERK-SUN 32 YEARS OLD, with splendid reference from last employer by whom ho was laid oft on account of alack Wn ',kl lM?lrca employment. He has a wlfo oVBV.llAd18ao?tMnB t0 keep thera SHOEMAKER CAN'T SOME BUSY REPAIR shop gle this man even temporary employ ment A dehorving case. E A. 212. SIGN PAINTER AND BAKBR'd HELPER 24 years old: ha eexcellent references Wants work to support his wiro and two children. S. O. C. No. 083. (Eastern Diwrlct, 338 S. Lawrenco st.) SKILLED PLUMBER AND ROOFER MAN skilled as plumber and roofer must hae position at once for support of wife and three young children. Will accept any kind of work, family are living In a small room, tho rent of which Is lone overdue. During the last month the family have been fed by neighbors. Land lord and others vouch for applicant's sobriety and Industry. Most urgent case, E. A 777. SKILLED MECHANIC-MAN WITH GOOD work record; can furnish references; haa been out ot work aoveial months; wlfo and two llt- tle children facing destitution. J W. 11.. 872. STATIONARY ENGINEER. WITH EXCEL lont references, has ! children, tho oungest 3 months old. S. O. C. 701 (Southeast Dlst., 510 Wharton st,). STEEL WORKER-MAN. 3r. WHO HAS been einplovod in steel works nnd also for merli In rtehouso. Is seeKIng work. Ho has crv sood rofei ences. Tor nine weeks he hna ha I no emrloyincnt and liaa a wlfo and four small children Ic pendent on hlm. s. O. C, Nil die. (FranUford Dl.mict. 1M4 Unity U-) STEVEDORE A WILLING WORKER. WITH guod references; has been out of work all winter. His wife Is delicate, lili oldest boy haa tuberculosis, and there are :t other chil dren, tho youngest 5 years old. S. O. c, 508 Southeast District, S. O. C. K10 Wharton st. STOCKINO BOARDER-LAST FIVn YEARS In tho same place, out of work two month. Has a wife and six small children, the young est a baby 0 months old. a O. C , No. 015. (Northeast Dlst.. 2.I4U N Howard st ) STONE MASON. GARDENER'S HELPER, with ecellent references; will take anything (he can get to do to support his wife and 3 small children; the joungest is 4 months old, K. o. C. 70.1 (Southeast Dlst , S50 Wharton street). TAILOR ITALIAN"; 0 CHILDREN: OLDEST 11 anct youngest a year ana pair. ju or l&tt summer his uork was ery slack and be han not had any work since tpnilMir. lln vlll tAkn nnv 1 inu any work since tne isc or aep' Ho will take any kind ot work hi can get. S. u. C. r,7s. Southwest District, So,u , nun south q street. TAIIX1R LITHUANIAN, WITH GOOD REP erences. He has been out of work for n num ber of months; has wife and several children. d O. C, No. C80. (Southeast District. 0 Wharton at.) TAILOR, WITH GOOD REFERENCES. OUT of work several months: has a wife and 2 children. H. O. C. 720 (Southwest Dlst . 1310 S 22 d tt,). TAILOR AND PRESSER. HAS PINE REO ommendattons covering venra back and needs immediate wora, u . au TEAMSTER-MAN, WITH, WIPE AND 3 oung children, the youngest a 3-montha-old baby. Is on the applicants' list of the Society for Organizing Charity. Was a first-class team ster until two vears ago. when he contracted tuberculosis. Family was cared for by tho society In tho meanwhile. Man pronounced cured last tall, but has been unable to rind emplojment. Wanta a chanco to moke his family Independent again Registered at South western District Office, 1310 South d street, rile S. O. C. MO. TEAMSTER. WITH ONE FIRM ...FOUR icars. liaa been out of work two months. Haa a wife and four children. S. O. C. 611. (Northeast Dlst., 2310 N. Howard st.) TI.'AMSTEH-WITU OOOD REFERENCES, haa been out ot work all winter; will take anything he can get to do. S. O. C, No, b'lf. (bouthwest District. 1310 8. 22d st.) TEAMSTER - FORMER EMPLOYER SAYrt he Is upright, industrious and trustworthy: a very good roan with horses. E. A, .234 THRICE PEOPLE IN SAME FAMILY OUT of work Man Is an Italian laborer, and will take any kind of work he cun get. He haa a wife and 3 chlldren-18, 12 and 3 years of age. The 18-year-old girl has been helping by doing sewing, but would like regular and per manent employment. The r..Va wlfo has been doing washing and aewlng when aha could get It, She, also, would like mora Btendy work. 8. O. C. BS0, Southeast Dls- trlct. a. o. t:.. o-'U wnarion aireei TIN ROOFER AND 1IBATBR , MAN-HAS annA -..rancHt l.nii had nn work all winter: haa wife and two children. 8. O. C, No. 608 (Southwest District, 1316 8. 22d at.) TVVQ ROYB OUT OP WORK TWO BOYS IN out of work, they will take anything they caii me same luinuy vi, i,u J e L, tr get to oo. i:icenwii aim Jiuua .' ?-, C.. Hl. Hunting I'ark ave, and Clarissa at,) S. O. WAITER. COLORED, WITH GOOD RjBFETP ences; out of work since the summer; av Inga bate been exhausted by the severo Illness of one of his 4 small chlldien. 8. O, C, 721 (Southwest Plat., 1.110 S. 22d at.). WATCHMAN-MAN, 31 YEARS OLD. OF sober habits, with a wife and 3 children who ara In desperate need, deslrea position aa watchman or caretaker. E. A. 10a. , WATCHMAN OR FIREMAN , MIDDLE- aged man with wlfo and 2 children: pretty desperate and needs work; willing to do any. thing, E. A. 236. . WE HAVE AN APPLICATION FOR ANY kind of work from a former member of the city police: ho hat 6 children: 0 years and younger and one 8 yea. a. cripple: this la a verv deserving caae and be Is willing to do anything; would make an excellent Janitor or watchman. P. A 260. !&"Si MoArk,'BSmo?U.RSIlSif.,1,Af s3i dbojrr.rwn. v& .raoro-'rW trlct, 8. V l;.. 1Q4 unity ureei.. WHA1-" UUI LDER-P-XPEHIBNCED MAN, 42 veart old, B years with Uat employer, who waa forced to let him go to cut down expentea. Ilia vtU, a children HU wife la, to have anotber child soon. Immediate help la aary as tbla family la 3 montba behind In by the landlord B A. 103, WIDOW'S 3 SONS OUT OP WORK A 3 eldest Bout, Now they are all out of work. One baa worked In locomotive works and the other 8 have been heloera on express wagona. Tbev will take any kind of work thatU offered. BO C. 687 (Northern District. S, O. C JIM North Marahall street ) WH-iJNO MAN-HAS WORKED AS HBL" er on InaUlllng heaters and raagta: la en tirely destitute and homeless and needs lo badly E A,2S2. WOODWORKER-CIRCULAR SAW OPBBA- tor. S3 years old. ha beon out ot work months He la widower with 2 small i boya. Will take any kind ot work that is offered bitn, fi. O C 801 (Woodland Dlatrlct S. O. C . W Soutb 47tb strict ) YOl NOITALlAN UAN ItA8 IIAD IS years' ssjafrtence to Urat-tlaaii hat f.'Tf: a Ihh out of wk tot nionths, h)f WnTMlf f 4p34i8g tifoa bim. J. W S.. W- WORK NEEDED QUIOltliY- At Iht beginning of ih clatHteallon an explanation of Keu Nmnoera it oivtn add now Iftes ntedy indlt'fduals con le naehei Qvicklv- (ItAI.R TOUNO ITAUAN MAN, HAS If AD 8 YEAtlS' experience as prtasmani has been out M work several months! aee what you can do. . n m., oyi. YOtlNO MAN-CAN TlUN A CAtl, BUT. 18 wllllnjt to do anything to help hla mother, will work for a very moderate salary around an office or garflRO, E. A., 283; lP-YKAH-OLD KOY. WHO HAS WOUKt') IN a rubber factory and spinning mill, will lake any work he. can get to help support , his family. Hla father la an Invalid and there are to children younger than he whq are not n'd enough to work. S o. C. No. 007. iKmnkrnnl District 1M fnltv st.) 20-YEAlt-OLD ROY - ONLY SUPPORT OP hls widowed mo'Jicr and four sisters and brothers; will take any kind ot work he can getl he has worked In a bskery and In a fac tory, ana naa tery gooa reierer C2f. (Northern DHL, 8. O. C, ah ill it ) , r- r 1440 N. Mar- rKUAMI DAY'S WORK-BNOLISH WOMAN, 45, WITH good reference, would like to go out to work by tha day. 8. O. C, (173. Woodland District. 1212 B I7lhst; . COOK, 24 YEARS OLD, COLORED, WOMAN. has splendid references. S. O. C. No. 088, (Northwest Dlst., 52 West Chcltcn nvo., Oer- mantown) ENDROETIO POLISH WOMAN, WHO HAB vtorked bb Inundress In one of the largo ho tels In this city; will do any kind of cleaning work that Is offered. H. O C., No. 081 (South cast Dlst,, 630 Wharton street.) alRLS-TWO OIRLS WANT ANT KIND OP work: homework or sawing; no one In family of eight working; mother III. J. W. P., 80U . HOUSEWORK 10-YBAR-OLD OIRL, atrong and capable, would like work to help support the family; sho haa throo brothers and sisters and her rather has only part time work as a driver. S. O, C. 631. (Powelton Dlst., 40)8 Powelton ave) . KNITTING WOMAN. THE SOLE SUPPORT of an Invalid husband and three small chil dren, wanta work of any kind, preferably knitting. Her husband, a laborer, waa Injured n. month ago and had his leg amputated. E. A. MANICURE WIDOW WOULD LIKE WORK In an establishment or In private families: has to support her daughter, who la In deli cate health S O. C, No 60.1. (Nlcetown and Tioga, Hunting Park avo. and Clarissa st.) MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. ENT1EDLT alone, wanta to do mending or darning; ran go out by the day or week: very deserving-; very much In need, E. A.. 305. MILL WORKER-GIRL. 20 YEARS OLD, who has been a looper In a hosiery mill. Will take any work sho can get to help sup port her mothor. small brother nnd sisters, who are dependent on her. Has been out of work two months and hns good references from her last employer. S. O. C. No, C0J. (Eastern District. 33S B. Ijtwrenco at.) MOTHER AND TWO DAUGHTERS WANT work: father ot family recently deserted, leaving tho mother with 8 children: all aro girls, the voungett 5 months old: mother and two eldest daughters. 10 and 14 years old. want anv kind of work at once; a homeless young woman. 20 lears old. being carod for In this ramllv. nlo seeks employment; alnco desertion, motl.cr haa been doing laundry work at horn. , but la no longer ablo to get It. J. W. B. 877. OPERATOR, EXPERT ON SHIRTS AND ehirtwnlsts; a young woman who has been out ot work several weeks Is very urgently In neod of help; she has been supporting a cousin who Is too 111 to work and their caae la moat pathetic: they have been living In a boarding house whero tho people have been most con siderate, but now they must have help, sewing at homo will bo acceptable. J. W. B . 871. SEAMSTRESS- WOMAN IS SEEKING HOME sowing so thnt she can support her three smnll children. S O. (-. 70S. (Powelton Dis trict, 4018Powelton aye.) SEWING - WOMAN WITH 4 CHILDREN wanta to do aewlng to support the family until her husband, who haa been unemployed for several weeks, gets work, they are abso lutely without funds; the Investigator reports that they are very respectably and have a neat hono: the 10-year-old daughter also wants any kind of work. B. A., 217. SEWING A GERMAN WOMAN DESIRES plain sewing. She la tho sole support of an Invalid husband and four children ranging from t months to U yeaia of age. The hus band la a longshoreman who has been 111 for months Buffering from rheumatism and lack ot proper nourlshnent. K. A., 102. WEAVER-FRENCH WOMAN, WIPB OP reservist, with good references. Is trying to support her 3-year-old child; her husband la serlng In tho French war. S O. C, No. 632, (Frankford Dlst.. 1814 Unity at ) WIDOW, DEPENDING ENTIRELY UPON her own resources, has been out of work over n month, would like sewing by tho day or win sew at home; ery urgent case. J. W. B.. 808 WINDER IN AIILL - THIS WOMAN HAS had to becomo tlio bjeud-wlnner on nccount of her husband's Illness with tuberculosis. She Is trying to Bupport her 3 small children, For 3 months she hns not been ablo to get any work. S. O C. COS 'Northeast District, S, O. C, 2340 North Howard street.) WOMAN. JEWISH, MUST HAVE WORK TO support family of 5 children. Husbnnrt Is seriously HI. When Imestlgator called he was shown a box of stale bread, which was put In the oven to soften. Here Is a woman who must have work. J. W. B 8S8. WOMAN. WHOSE HUSBAND IS UNABLE to work because of 111 health, wanta place to cook. Husband could do light gardening Will ing and very anxious to work Almost without food. E. A. 303. WOMAN. DESERTED BY HUSBAND. WITH 7 email children and Infant In arms and aged mother to support, wants day's work of any Iklnd Pitiful situation V.. A. .'IffJ WOMAN WITH 3 SMALL CHlI-rHUN. 1N alld husband, wants day's work, laundry. cleaning or plain sewing, uestnuio circum stances: pleads for work. E. A. 2W). WOMAN. WITH SMALL CHILDREN. HUS- band In hospltnl with broken leg. wunts day'n work of uny kind. Urgtnl case; erge ot starvation. E. A. 301. WOMAN. WITH 5 CHILDREN TO SUPPORT. wants anv kind of work by tho da, houso- work.cloaiilngorjaundry worklv A.H). p WOMAN. WITH 4 CHILDREN TO sup port, wants housework or Bewlng. Worthy of assistance. B A. 300. vntitv wnnsn HUSBAND IS A 1D3LP- lcs'n "invalid, wants to do plain sewing In herl Homo r-. a. qui. . H-YEATUOLI) GIRL IS TRYING TO HELP her widowed mother provide for lier lounger lirothtn and sisters She will tako any work ahe can get to do. Her mother Is doing wash ing to help aupport the family. S. O. C, No. $E iFrlrTkford District. 1344 Unity st.) ATJTOMOBI-E3 Fot Hale FOR SALE Loxler limousine: comparatively new special chassis and equipment, owner leaving city. Address L 334. Ledge.- Central. ATJTO MVEBY AND GABAOES TTtuERTY Taxlcab Service Umoualne, taxi. H"hs i touring cars Call Pop, .1253; Race 3874. BUSINESS NOTICES PltlVATB " LOOK MAIL BOXES TO RBNT; 1 "iMKST IN THE CITY. 38 N. BROAD 8T. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PIGAR CANDY. STATIONERY, TOYS, id CntnV 190 weekly. Walsh. 2732 N. 22d. 27.vk:l0AR. CANDY. STATIONERY. ' 120: junction car line, 2732 N. 22d. Rent OABPET CLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. mT: PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING nsTRlCH FEATHERS AND FANCIE3 nANBD. DYED. MA1LHOT. 1510 Chestnut. DBESSMAKING AND MILLINERY SOMBTIHNQ NEW, Oet in early. ou may be luckyt get you, nprm.lt null ua. .-..... -.j TiitESSMAkiNU taught; short, prac. course, McIwallVaOT Decckla'Bldg . llfh A Market. "ADVANCE atylea In drersmaklng; $5 and up. AKva. 2008 B. lth at. Dickinson 3113 W. FOB SALE MILLIARD, pool, combination. 24 hand bt ;oldT?LeiKecr... pitr. j bought. ave. HEATING LE3" MB estimate and surprise you how rea ionable. 1430 Ridge ave. Cunningham. INSTRUCTION YOUNO MAN, graduate civil englnetr, U. of P . wUl ooach high school & college stu. dent reasonaW B 220, Ledger Office. OLD GOLD BOUGHT. SOLD DUMONPa Agjgagg& jgysy- PRINTING PRINTINO TIlbllBLSS CORRBCTED r JAMBS S. BATBB COMPANY, f V . . t.t."To.. V, 1 VfhM -., WANTED Kl IPN1TIIRE AnUaue. plinoj. etc., tr rwWI-Ucw tnttra house bought. Kens Furniture Co.. SH3 Kenslogioa Ave. QE8rWCAf""&?P rtOTIlINa - ITfiS5t Jrt(A paid. BlBer.C6tt W Glmti av. ?- H00MS J?0tt BENT UAllINO ST., S218 Two first-floor roama: ault dentist or doctor or apartments The Ohll ton, Mra Delia McClaln, manager. CATHARINE, 2028-Prlrnto family wllVrenl front room, turn or unfurn: Locust 2627 W. OEDAR AVE., 4605 Desirable furn. 5d-floor room, refined neighborhood Woodland 4J87 . rnoio displayed at Ledger eenuai CUnsTNUT, loot Rooms, single end en eulte, steam heaLTeiephonaLocuat 73tt CHESTNUT, 4242-lleautlfut 2d and 3d front roorne; prUate family Unrlng 734S P. CU.MHERt.AND, 1, 2.102 Nicely ftirn. room forgentlemani homelike. Ph. Kens. MO'i.A. LOCUST, 1003 AttrncUve suite, furnished or uiifurnlsliedtadJolnlng bath, low rent. JIONTCIOMKilY AVE., i22l-NlceTy""iurnlshed rooms; jnodern cenv 1 excellent table board, POWSLTON AVE., 3 US-Excel, "accom'ns for those vho appreciate conva. and cleanllnev. uanng usi u. rnoio uispiayeu at i-eq. vent, FOWELTON, 3803-3 or .1 rooms, single or en suite; private bath; nice home; rraEonapje POWELTON 'AVE., 3806-Prlvate family haa im-riy iurn. room lor two gcnu'nu; irnmw. bl'KUL'E, 2022 Desirable suite, with private emm; open me; pnnne; ownr. SPRUCE. 1208 Very attractive elngle double furn. vacancies! all conva, Walnut 7133 W VnNANOO. 1412Prlvato family will rent . large well-turn, tarlor; board opposite, WALLACE, 1821 Nicely turn , well heated; hot water; excellent table, com a.; phone. 11TH, N., 00& Large, attrac turn rooms In enmf., mod, house; conta., moderate rates. 11TI1, s.. 134 Housekeeping opts or 2 rooms! furnished; running water, single rooms. i 12TII, N.. 17(12 Vell-f urnlnned ifd-ribor .front! other accommodations. Kensington 1010, 1JTH, S. 237-COMFOilTAHLY FURNISHED huu.mm; aljjo I'lttJFESSiti.'VAi. urra;ii i3TH. N., 1820 Purnlehcd rooms, with private bath, single or ensultej gentlomcn; reference. 13TH,N, 1808 Finely furn rooms; home com forts; phono; excellent location, reasonable. lUTll. N.. 1701-Comfortnbly furnished room en 2d floor: board optional. Diamond B418 . 1UTIL 07, 220 Comfortnblo furnished room, adjoining hath; nlso attic room. KITH, S 421 Nicely furnished rooma; rea- sonable; homo comforts. Locust 33WL 17TH, N., 3333 Pur. room In'prlvnte family; gentleman : pnoto nt i.euger ,rniri 20TH, S., 7203 communicating front rooms; rum, or uniurn.; niso singio rouinwj yuvuq. C2D, N.. Ill Nicely fur. rooma; horns com forts; reasonable; near "!" phone. B2D, N., 410 Nicely furnished rooma In private family, cony, to city. Belmont 1473 D. B2d nnd Ransom Furnished rooms; men only; meals; WEST BRANCH shower baths; near L all the Y. M. C. A. comforts of homo. Phono Bel- mont 4081: Key., Weat 380. PRIVATE FAMILY, ilclnlty ot 17th and Lo cuirt, desires to rent front room, furnished or unfurnished L 6.12. Ledger Central. BACHELOR APT.. 1 or 2 beautifully furn,; bath: exclus. sec. W. Phlla.; Treaton 2201 D. nr-E.OANTLY turn. 2-room thcerful apartment, with prlvnto bath. 17PO .Mount vernon ai. NBATXY furnished room In refined neighoor hood ot Overbrook; board opt. Belmont 4oSO. Suburban MT. AIRY Reflncd prlvnto home for Invalid! kind caretaker provided. C. II.. 10D1 D BOABDING CEDAR, 4002 Very desirable furnished rooma; good table: private family. Wood. 2333 D. MASTER. 1700 (S. W. cor.) Pleasant room, newly papered and paint., run, water; phone. POWELTON, 4037 Qulot family, with brTghl front room, wish refined lady to board: mod. SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Hrlemonde) Furnished rms., single, en suite; privato patna: mpio uotiru. SPRirCK. 1230 Sulto of rooms, private bath: in noor rront; tame poara. WALNUT, BOOR Warm, pleasant rooms: beau tlfulnelhborliooa! excep. table Pres. 6l'-tA. 13TH, N., 202ft Deslr. vacancies, with board; Bingio or en auiie; kooj Lamu. im. uo, .'. .Kirif, N.. 302 Thlrd-lloor room, with board: good location; all conveniences. 43D, S.. 411 Nicely furn rooms, home com forts: conven. to city: board optional; phone. Suburban GERMANTOWN, 233 W. Rltlenhouse at., be tween Wayno and Greene Desirable rooma, with board. Phono Otn. 1573 X. Tnlilo Hoard CHESTNUT. -llMh Good table, nl-o neighbor hood: convenient to city. Preston 0321 D. Photo dlsphocd at Ledger Central. APABTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 different houses, some furn'd; kitchenettes. WALLACE, 1811 Two unfurn. apts.. 2 rooms, one with prlv nto bath; Poplar 14:10 WALNUT. 1420-311 to 4 rooms, with baths, furnished or unfurnished, excellent service and location, somo housekeeping; $23 per mo. u Phono Locust 3300. Inquire of Janitor. WALNUT, 4303 Light, nlry. fTor 4 room apt., housekpg privileges, nlBo slnglerooni; phone OVEltllHOOK-S rooms7 private porch, sitting room.bathjj'eflned gentlemen. Overbk lnoOJD 17TII. N.. 1430 UNFURN. 4-IIOOM APT WITH PRIVATE HATH. TOP. 6032 D. CHILTON APARTMENTS 3218 RARING ST. Two first-floor rooms with prlv. bath; suita ble dentist or doctor or npmta. Mrs. Belle McClaln, Mgr. Bell phone, Preston 030T. BEAUTIFUL bachelor apts ; suit, for couple; marblo shower bath; kitchenette; unusually light; south expos : rent $ 15 ir.01 Master nt. I IHN'C. UCAfS Handsomely" furnished LIUiN flEA-' npts i21a.15 Locust. FUBNISHED APABTMENTS W1LNUT. 1222-24 I Kenwood) Desirable vncs., single or en suite, prlv bnths, will furnlvh to suit tenant moderate rent. Walnut 8184. ELEGANTLY turn. 2-room cheerful apartment, with privato bath. 1703 Mount Vernon st. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS CHESTNUT, 4222 Third tloor, light housekeep ing, unfurnished. $ls furnished, $20: 2d floor, utifurn., $23. furn. $.n, superlorbeddlng; ph. DIAMOND, 2110 Applv 2112: now attractive apartmentB. 0 outsldo rooms, S13 HAMILTON, 3845 hur. or unfurn. 1 roams and bath, prlvnto family 2d floor; phone. 12.10 N. 10TH ST. Parlor kit. lienetto, private bath, hot-wnter heat: $12. Waldman, 1119 Olr&rd ave. Poplar 11C8. FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments FREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruca sts. Phone Walnut 0S0. or write tor March "Apartment Directory, THREE ROOMS, first floor, housekeeping, $3: elngle room. 11. BO. Apply 1401 N. 10th BEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE CITY "inn VINE 14 rooms; newly papered and painted. Inquire 1023 Mt, Vernon st. Amhler. Pa. Wi- SPECIALIZE In aiiburban property along th P and II.. Bethlehem and Doylestoirn branchea; we offer, suburban homes, tarnu. Improved country places and building sites; we can satisfy any reasonable purchaser. II. J, PAPER. Inc. Ambler. 1's. Weettown. Pa. FIVE ACHES. r"W. 1H miles station; good buildings, land, fruit; great bargain. A- D. HDALP. Weat Chester. Penna. NKW JERSEY Hnrtilnntlcld, N. jL HAVE SEVERAL PINE PROPERTIES at bargain price.. WM. CAREY MARSHALL. 8,11 Federal at.. Camden National I'arh, N. J. YOUR ooportunlty! lots 26x150; .near troll. 1 overlooking Del.: adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. development Oreater N J Co.. 3.1 8 18th. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable hqmea and .Improved bids, lots at reasonable prices John Mayhew. PENNSYLVANIA 1"AHM8 ioo ACnS Location, (and. buildings, water and railroad taclllriea all first Jais: hai everytnlng that goes to make a sood farmt several stock farms cheap. 160 200 and Jib seres: the very best of Isml and i cheap: statt your wants. JOAlHAN g HAHH. 00 ACRES. DtlLAWSRB CO., special? 13 miles to Philadelphia. J. U, Thompson. West Chester, Pa- REAL ESTATE SALE OB RENT OWN A HOME-Housea $1800 to $6250: small nrSV P"B '"f -t -w .w -. ...w...... ... H. REED. 11T Chestnut et. REAL ESTATE TO EXOHANGB Atlautlo City, N. J. HOTKLS, cottages, apartments, eto, .o ex. chjne for Philadelphia propertlei. TChl. g. Fell 84 8 Penna ave Atlantlo City. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT or ricES, it ysiNKSg. rqometp, pon HENTParf of office, iwind floor fronii all conveniences. 711 Walnut st Atlantic City, N. J, llcyrELS. WardUiK houses, cottages, ets. '"''"lilfAN to MOOllg. 40 S. Florida- a FOR RENT FURNISHED HOTELS. BOAKDINU HOUBSS. VILLAS, TtirrrrtB't4 IPittTlWNTS nv .hum alt HdufifeS; rs.ttoaa, AtUutU CUy. Chjliui, Ventner, J H AItlUS&gOagaltt Bldg. MORTGAGES I FO Tbt'aND SDtttfiP5IrM3: " fAUVm- u i i.wrn;r tlMj nwolit st S lSCRAPPLEl J g 1 WJG5 DIARY FE26.I91I. A TgB OIARxOFADoyO WGMT Tb SOrJDNV SCHOOL. AND CHURCH WITH JUT This morning, and 4 PUT A COLLAR IM THE. PLNTG. MA OAUE ME f aUflRTER FOR TV4I3 HEROIC -eED. AFTBR. DIMMER VME WATCHED THO, 130 COOTS. TH6V WAR Pl.AYsr5M0a6LIWG OUCR THa BORDER," AT HALF PAST POOR VAC VAJftiMT TO -TVta. PAR!H HOU-& VVH-RE The k3nau corps drill. MR. LIQBV INVITBD OUT LlElT. PRAK0 AMD VAIE SHOUIED OPP A LITTLE, HE WAS PLOA-3ED IAIITH OORTRAINIMG AND HE ALSO GAVE. US A LITTLE TALK. AT DUJK . APTBR COMIMfa HOME JUT. DOG HAD A CHA AFT-f? A CAT t WE OSOT THE LAWTBRM AND TRIED T& HMD IT BUT MO SUCCC-2, Tatler. Adotn, deslrln? to see Eve safely Battled before departing; for the front, Is hero seen pondering over the ter- rlfta expense ot a flrst-clasa cellar. - "vfi0"ll rT Ijleutcnant How 1b It you've only grot one spur on? Trooper (fed up) If I get one side of the 'oss nlonff I eet tho other, don't TY " - ' 1 m '" - Lampoon. Sympnthetlc Old Lady (telling of the horrors of war) And when they brought him back ho waa Just full of bullets. Unsympathetlo Old Gentleman Poor fellow. Led astray. SOME METAPIIOR ' Tark Orator (contemptuously) The War tin' peacock gallopln' about Kurope wlv Squelched "Tho W degree for you. A chorus girl's only a matter of form anyhow!" Mistaken "And to think the lellahs told me there was no gain uround hsah'" iu zs'i 8ejyil fcga. feM u . , !! 'i ' - n - ' ' ' THE PADDED CELL iMldon AE&1L The Sergeant (to engineer recruit In play about malting cobwebB there, you aio.. H London Opinion. Lord?-Pah! Woy 'e'a lolhe a trut 'Is confounded goose stop! IP YOU THINK THOSE RATTLETRAP TAXIS CANT MAKE SPEED-- A -vr VAIT TIM YOU GIVE THE DRIVER BV MISTAKE A N TEN POAK BLL FOft, A 0MR. -1 dQBbb Jim -st -l. l i u k'rn Ti mmMm l3lHr!ll B-fe ilSHl sfrtd9rWlVlVi3i ll-l MllfflB Punch, Small Military Enthusiast Auntie, do you mind It I make the Germans win lust ona battle now and then? They're tretttna" worn out. London drisetf difficulties) Oy I Oyl If yoga Treat 49 wait till you vet tho "stand ttvrrf Tho Rlddlo of te BswJs Punch, TurkUh Camol'Where to? German Officer Egypt. Camel Guess Alain. t -JgPilsF iV -IM ' iu"riM i'rt fir'"sssar r ' ty' W&LMFJss.jr sasstTftr :)w ' ota mfi J