trt l t "i in u , COSTS CITY $11,500 " Street Holo Repairs Could Have Been Made at an Ex penditure of Small Sum. A hole In a city street, that could havo been repaired for J2.W, less than a rear ago, cost the city H,WX. A cnvo-ln a foot square and three feet deep occurred near the curb line In front of n house at 1345 South 81st street early Inat ftp ring. On the night of March 31, 1&14, 13-year-old William Donaghy, of 1334 fctouth 31st street, fell Into the hole. A Jury in the Common Pleas Court on Tuesday decided that tho tubercular con dition of the boys' hip, that doctors said was due to the fall, was worth $11,500, as nearly; as they could balance money against health. According to records of the Highway Bureau, tho depression In the street had existed for about two months prior to the accident. That Information was ob tained by the bureau from neighbors after the accident. There Is no record in the bureau to show that any report had been made of the dangerous condition of the street by the policemen oil that beat or by the high way Inspectors In that district. Tho High way Bureau records further set forth that tho fault was presumably caused by n cave-In over the location of a ditch opened by the United Gas Improvement Company. The hole has been refilled at an approximate cost of J2.E0. The delay resulted In amassing the penalty of 111,. COO. The Jury said the Injured boy should have $10,000 and that 31C00 Bhould be paid tno rattier as remuneration for physl clans' fees and other costs. Montgomery Co. "Drys" to Rally Temperance will be tho topic at Dryn Mawr tonight and again Sunday after noon at the blggesl "dry" rallies Mont gomery County haa ever seen, according to announcements. At theso meetings ex-Governor George Itodges, of Kansas, will open his campaign In this State. At tho Bryn Mawr Moving Picture Thcatro films qf Jack London's "John Barleycorn" will bo shown. President FranclB R. Taylor, head of the no-llcenso forces, will make a. short address. Then Mr. Hodges will speak. Sunday afternoon, at i o'clock, there will be a second moetlng. TV. t,. Austin will preside and lantern slides Will be shown. CLASSIFIED RATES , DAILY AND SUNDAY Tins BTTLE TYPE (or like thla) One Insertion . lBo perltna Three Insertions In a week.... 12V4o per line Seven corsecutlve Insertions... 10a per line Situations, wanted, three lnscr tlonsln a. week 10a per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In. all classifications except Help and Bltuatlcns Wanted, Lost and Found, Per sonals. Bearding and Itooms. One Insertion 20o per Una Thrae Insertions In a week.... 17Hoperllne Seven -onsecutlve Insertions... ISc per line All rates are based on aeato measurement. It agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICES-elther paper 10 lints one time soo Three Insertions j.OO DAILY ONLY In Effect December t, 1IH COMBINATION RATE fer Insertion In both the morning and evening: papers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNINO) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per line net to rate given Above. ,c.4 HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVKRTISINU IN THE PUBLIC LEDOEn MAY HE INSERTED IN THE EVENING CHAnGE. WIT,,OUT ADDITIONAL There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP "WANTED TEMALE B3K.'?!fT on.e,xi!.tJc saleswomen wanted Imme diately; solendid ODnortunltv. l r.n Si 5r5 Adresn T. KflK Tv.1va r.., , " "" J. Ledger Centml CaiiV-Av2PnI.5j;ta?r eanvas.ers wanted, Coll after edneaday, from a to 8 p. m.. B810Arch. CO?FJN2 f-nd downstairs work. 2 In family: ---- - -i ... ,. .euwer unice. ESKrE?, WMEN of refinement, over 21. XUS .i0i!SS.ful normality, ambitious to earn KfiffiW"1" opportunity to travel- ?Jf '2 ln ,? n--.1i-! Jran 're raid. Ewe . Mian Reed. Room 2TO. Publle Ledger, today. "JlSflSST XiVlD Young woman. Protestant preferred, with some experience, to take dobI tlon as second nurae: ..must have first-class Carmrfald?1 "' W Uen Une' Mu Airy" aif?i?iI!ftTiftnt"1' ""taf rae knowledge of ahoea. 4074 Lancaster ave. WANTED, a rlrat-claas walstmaker on tailored gar? Walnut st1"' X:harKe, VeTOa B"thVsT HELP WANTED MALE M . M BUYER WANTED Educated young man of good business and executive ability: must be clean, of high character, alert and active, with good judgment; Quick and accurate at figures, with some knowledge of In dustrial engineering, by a large com pany, manufacturing drug and grocery specialties. L 640. Ledger Central. CLERK wanted, set over 2S vam i city office of a manufacturing plant: must be well edpoated and with noma experience la purchasing. Addres, riving references; ge?CESLa1e?cSga5 """ COFFEE and tea salearoea to tpeolxllio ror CGUrLB (colored), man as butler, wife as cook and do general housework; most be ax. sertenced andTbavo reference. Phone Chest- In DE3IQNEH W, CfcrjAL. JETW A?ffct MMIMAN13HT ITIONl BRING PLKS. LEDOER CE: !SISA-?rwBB'LJ AND 10 VIUDA.X EROWN. WVfli,U,U "JH this peTecnve HAaiV HAA.eH06PT Of A CHANGS AOIH' HEMP WAlTOBD-ArAia DRUGS-.Wanted, competent Halstered P C. P. graduate: stere centrally located! state ate, experience, references and salary ex- rccnyi. ,t ijookw rancn, hw inperi. OFFICE MAN Unuul opportunity for accu- wie. Binuiiiouv, BKErrcesiYe, jvmna or Illuiu,"- iied .man, -perlenced In handling detail .ton.l. laa An -I. ...n..- n.... n. nn.. In. dustrlous. Intelligent, write a good hand, be of Rood address and hustle; atato age. epe rlenco and references; salary at begrlnninft 18 per week. Address U 81B, ledger Office. SALESMEN The best rnsita-lne proposition you ever had; sells on sight; blft commission; small deposit, required to cover premium. ;ippir i loom iu., Appott uutiawg. SALESMAf Wanted. nvrterlenced stock pnles- ntsn for a hlgh-clsrs stock proposition; the best nf refeience required, P. O. Box 13u, Washington, I), C. . SALESMAN to sell standard products to tho grocery and general trado) can make $200 to flOO per month; exclusive territory. F 41), LedgerContral, SAtAflMAN, living In town outside of Phlla- delphla, to sell nursery atock. L BOS, Led. Oft. STENOOnAPHKIl and typewriter, exp.l op- portutilty for Intelligent, hard workers good jddrcss; state full partle.B 782, fd. Cent, WANTKD AValer and oil rubbers; must have factory experience on flno furniture, pianos or cabinet wort. Apply Victor Talking Ma chine Co., Application Office, 25 Market st., Camden, N, J. WANTED An active young man, with aome experience. In a rurnlturo and house furnlsh Itiff business at the seashore; good chance ror advancement! reference required. 11 4111, Ledger Office. TOUNO MAN, under 28. on promottvo work; must be bright, alert, familiar with sales manihlp methods and a good correspondent! wages $18. Address, with full details as to cxpTlence, ago and qualincatlons, A. H. It,. Circulation Department, Curtis Publishing Company. EMEKOENqY HELP WANTED The Emergency Aid haa received the fol lowing offers of employment through the Led ger's "Work Needed Quickly Columns" and haa no qualified applicants on file. If you can nil one of these Jobs, cut out tho adver tisement and attach to your letter of applica tion, atatlng referenco fully, and inoloso copies of references. Address letter to Men s Work Department, Emergency Aid Committee, Lincoln Uulldlng. Philadelphia, with key num bcr of ad on the envelope. UALL-BEAItlNQ ORINDEIUI MUST BIB thoroughly experienced men in tnis line oi work and have good references. B. A. V., goa. CHAIR FACTORY WOnKEnS-LAHOE FAC tory In Philadelphia wan to experienced men In nil branches of this work. E. 'A. W.. 311. CIOARMAKERS AND STRIPPERS-LAROE factory In Philadelphia wants experioncea men In thoso lines, references. E. A. W., 309. COUNTRY INSTITUTION WANTS 2 PAINT ers who will work for a couple of months for their board and nominal wages; locatod In Chester County; references required. E. A. W., 313. . CAOlNErilAKUitS, UP11ICW1T MOULDER operators, lockman, marhlne carving opera tors; we havo an opening for aoveral In each line. E. A, V S37. OARDENER M1DDLE-AQED MAN TO look after garden, wash dishes and bo use ful at small country place; sleep in. E. A. w 312. . HOUSEMAN FOR PRIVATE HOUSE: MUST bo experienced and have good references. u. a. w., ill. SHEET METAL WORKERS ON 'AUTO BOD les; must be experienced men In this line, to go out of city. E. A. W 310. SINGLE MEN 5). WANTED TO SOLICIT1 from wagons: small wages and keep; good Job for homeless man. E. A. W., 308. STONECUTTER CAN USE A MAN USED to hand drilling, hammering and make him self generally useful In atoneyard; must bo white; permanent Job for right man. E. A. W , 307. . WEAVERS MUST BE FULLY EXPERI- enced in weaving woolen nnd worsted goods; only this kind of men aro desired. E. A. W., 2B9. . WEAVERS THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED on tapestry carpets; must have good refer ences. E. A. W., 283. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE TEBRUARY 23, 1015. My Dear Miss Dean: Commercial Dept., Ledger Central. Just a few lines to thank jou for sending mo to the Clip Bar Manufacturing Company, as I secured the position and report for duty tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. I think It will prove a very good position. Again thanking you for your kindness, I remain Very truly youra, MAY P. FRIZLEN. 480Z Farkslde aenue. BOOKKEEPER. CA8HIFR, TYPIST, THOK OUGHLY COMPETENT, EXP.. ABLE TO TAKE ENTIRE CHG. E B2. LEU. PENT. OHAMBERWORK and sewing: exper.; Swedish woman: first-class refs. M SI 1. Ledger Ofllce. CHILDNURSD Exrerlenced young white girl. at Ml. i.ejger iniice. COOK Exp. Scotch Protestant: 'competent and Tillable M B10. LedEer Office. COOK wishes situation; best reference, after 10 a m., phone Poplar 8204. Call COOK, llrst class, wishes work; prlv. fam.; city or country: refs. B 310 Ledger Office. DRESSMAKER of New York, desires engag'tB; avenlng gowns specialty. Phone Wal 4U02 W 'ENGLISH GOVERNESS desires tu form class for young children, West Philadelphia. Mies Noble. 4418 Eansom st. EXPERIENCED girl wants housework, city or country: best reference. 1418 Wllllngton at. EXPERIENCED colored girl desires cooking or gen, work; refs Phono Preston 42S1. OIRL. colored, wants chamberwork, waiting, dusting, cleaning or halt-time work; refs. Phone Dlcklison 3002 L. 1014 Carpenter. GIRL, colored, nest, soung, desires assistant housework or nursing, refs Ph. Baring 780 GIRLS about 10 years old, good reference, willing to do any kind of factory work. Ad dresa Constantino A., 7B0 8. 10th st. HOUSEKEEPER Woman, with child, wishes pos. aa housekeeper 027 E. Thompson st. HOUSEWORK Good colored Bin wants house work. West Philadelphia or city; reference; sleep In or out. Write or phone Dickinson d220 W. Blfl s. 17th st. HOUSEWORK Middle-aged woman, assist housework: adult fam.; suburbs pref. M fu. Ledger urace. MUTH-SR'H HELPER (gcod sewer) Exp.young white girl: refs Phone Belmont 5712 A. PROMINENT Mason's daughter wants to go as companion or housekeeper to California. A 1, L.eGKBr jtrunni. nil! uitti urecn. SEAMSTRESS Alteration or house sewing; 1 per day and fare. Miss Oolrlck, 2031 Bain- prioge. SETTLED woman wanta hskpg., cooking: sea alioro. suba.: refs. Baring 1028 X. 734 Union. ttTHNOSRAPHER ' Correspondent, possess executive ability, knowledge of bookkeeping; T years' experience, competent on detail work. UCSirCB PUB. WUII ,mmu. jz. f, w. v.c,lfc BTENOORAPHER. neat and dependable, would consider moderate salary with oppor- tunlttes; .rereronce. u .n. Ltuser ikiico. STENOGRAPHER, expert, experienced In llt erary and commercial work, qualified for iec reurlal position. E 237. Ledger Central. BTBNOGRAPHER and office detail girl: good at figures, banking and confidential work: reliable and exp. E 148. Ledger Cent. BTENOORAPirER. Normal and Pelrco'Behool exp.. desires secretarial work, either educa tional. eocii or cwm . . uv, ucui-r (.cuiirmt. STENOOnAPHHlH and" bookkeeper, high school grad.; some exp.; good typist: comp.. ambit.: future desired. E 940, Led. Cent, STENOGRAPHER, slight experience, desires uoattlon with opportunity for advancement; law office preferred. F 143, Ledger Cential. fiTDN'fidhAPHBR-Heesnt Pelrce Schl. grad.; tftprly wuniwiiuii'tuw. P.,nU.I.BlU, feTENOORAPirasRExpert; 10 years' experl Jnce; best refa B 840, Ledger Central. NO. 52 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE ' L - -s, srew Pi do HOM P1N6 1TH CoNrirWrTIC! ASTHAAA3NPMe00f HG 1 CAN peTeCTlONCTe WHAT EVENING LEDGEB-PmLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBBTTAKY SITTJATIOrS WANTED I-EMAI.B STENOGRAPHER EXPERT; STEADY BTENOaRAPHER-Neat. rapid, accurate. In toillgcnt; refs,, trod eal. F 49, Led, tent. STENOGRAPHER-CASHIER,' knowledge of kl'g.; ejpd.,reli accurate E 719, Led, Cent, STENOGRAPHER, exp. In Insurance ahdjpub Jlshlng work;Jtnowl bookpg. BJSlLodT Off. WASHING fnnftn tintnil tu nlnr,l . good laundress. 8310 Arch. Preston 011)8 W. WOMAN wishes day's work. Phone Poplar 8834 I). 812 N. 14th. YOUNG Norwegian woman, thoroughly exper ienced In export and Import business .denltes onice position; speaka I.ngllsh, German, Scan- dlnavfan languages. E H8, Ledger Lentrnl. VOUNO Olnti wishes position, chlldnurse or uiamoBrmaiq,' rer iiawkins, aiu uainoriup VOUNO QIRL wishes place, housework or jhlldiiureejjjotthoiM) exp. 413T Chestnut. YOONO WOIAN wishes position as mother's helper or caretaker of children; reference. . 103. Ledger Uranrli. 21H3 I-ocuut. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE 'A FinST-CLASS ACCOUNTANT and book keeper wishes a position where such services are needed; 0 jenrs with C. p. A. and highly recommended. F 42. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT Keep, open, close books! ape . clal reports. P. o. Uox S8t), Philadelphia, ACCOUNTANT OfflCft mnhfitror. ATrwrlonrpd. . executive In mfg.jlnos. E U5tf, Ledger Cent, ALL-AROUND restaurant man wishes work at once. H. Q, P.,lois Mutter at. ARCHITECT Young man, having had prae. exp., thor. and compt,, doe. pos. In architect's 0tUcoiei?L,eI,t J' ?i. tiJll2!ldKcrJOtice. AUDITOR, accountant, fully qualified, will au dit, construct system, prepare statistical re ports, booka opened, written up, balanced, closed; expert sorvlce at minimum cost. Ad- ureas Auquor, f. v, jiox Z70, 1'nlia. .BOOKKEEPER, D. E., compotent, reliable. operating typewriter, would keop accounts few nights In week. F ino,Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, whose Integrity la undoubted. B 310, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exper., quick, ae- uuratc anq reii.; excep. reta i hu, l,cq. ent. BUTLER or houaoman; exp, colored man: ca run automobile i refs. M 624, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, English. 28 years of age, de sires position with prlvnto family only: 0 years In Philadelphia; best of city references: willing to go anywhere; good wagos re quired, John Warren, 30 N loth at. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, desires position In prlvato family; dextrous drher, absolutely competent and reliable most willing and .obliging; referenco tho best. L 043, Led. Cent. CHAUr'FDUR, whlto, exp. driver, married; care for own enr: best or references; go anywnerw. u au. i.cagcr imice. CHAUFFEUR and repairman, colored, wishes pos. with respect, fam lly, E 730, Ledger Cen. CHAUFFEUR or gardener, experienced white man; ist -class rers at t . imager utnce. CHAUFFEUR, 20, refined, exp. driver, mech.; prlv. family; ref. J. Lehn, 870 N. 7th st. COOK, Japanese, wants position In private family; good reference. F B3, Ledger Office. OARDENER Single, sober man: nil kinds of atock; full care gentlemnn's place; best ref erence. B 311, Ledge r Office. GARDENER, coachman, understands care lawn, garden, etc. ; rets. D20 Olenbrook ave., B ryn Mawr, Pa . MAN AND WIFE Man gardener and house work, wife first-class cook or housework. F 163. Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE (German) In private family; man butler, houseman; wife cook; ref, last employer. E 458. Ledger Central NIOIIT WATCHMAN, fire soft or hard coal, attend engine; licensed. B 220, Ledger Office. OFFICE .MAN. Pelrco School graduate, 31, 11 years here, desires position commercial con cern as nslstnnt bookkeeper or Spanish, Eng llsh translator. Raymond, 152B Arch at. SECRETARY Exp stcnog., accountant, office mgr., energetic, Responsible. E 05B, Led. Cen. STENOGRAPHER 2 years' exp : rapid, necu rate: mod salary: age 21. E 033, Led Cen. WATCHMAN or fireman; railroad man's exp.; understands plpo fitting. 2S33 N. 2d st. YOUNG MAN, college graduate, exper ienced In engineering and ofllce work, whose one thought Is opportunity, not salary. E 044, Ledger Central. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY . As a partial contribution to the work which Is being o ably carried on by the Emergency AM Committee, Society for Organized Charity and Juvenile Workers' Bureau. In securing em ployment lor needy, deserving men and women, the LEDOEn and Evkvino LKDOEn open these columns to the TREE USE of tho Em ployment Branches of theso organizations. . More you will find listed from day to day brief stories of specific cases that have been Investigated by them and found to be worthy nnd particularly urgent ones. The persons listed are out of employment through no fault oC their own. Applications from drinkers and Incompetent or untrustworthy individuals aro not recommended by the organizations, but are provided for by ths Immediate Relief Division. Employers seeking reliable, experienced men and women con, therefore, employ the men and women listed with the assurance that they nra helping deserving workers who only ask for a chance to help themscUes. The do not want charity. They want and must nave Immediate employment. Will you create a Job for a few of these who can at Into jour organization? If you will do your share, this great problem will be quickly solved ,RF.?,?,?. TO CASES BY LETTERS AND NUMBER. THOSE MARKED "EA" FORWARD OFFER TO THE EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE. LINCOLN BUILDINO. "S. O. C." TO THE SOCIETY FOR ORGAN IZING CHARITY. AND "J. W. H" TO THE JUVENILE WORK ERS' BUREAU. 1507 ARCH STREET. MALE ALL-AROUND BOY. 15 YEARS OLD, WILL take any kind of work he can get to help aupport hla family. S. O C. 724 (Northwest Dlst., B2 W. Chelten ave.. Gtn.). AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER. 2J YEARS OLD flood references, out of work practically all nter: has two small children. 8. O. C. No. aiO. (Frankford Diet.. 1544 Unity st.) BAKER BREAD B. KEH, 40 YEARS OLD, whose laat employer says ho was thoroughly honest and reliable and In two years was never late one dav. He has been out of work 3 montliF. Has 0 children oldest 13 years; youngest 2 lears. 8 O. C. B8J,. (Northern tlstrlct. 8. O. C 1411) North Marshall street.) BAKER-33 YEAE9 OLD. WHO HAS WORK: ed for three Years In cne place and previously for five years In another mace; very good ref erences; has been out of work now for four months. 8. O. C. 037. (Northeast Diet.. 2340 j uunui'i '.' BAKER-HERE IS A.MAN WITH A CLEAN" record, who I- strictly temperate and can do first-class work. Has 3 children and la des perately In need. E. A., 201. BLACKSMITH'S HELPER AND THllEU sons who can do laboring work: will ,,ir. anything they can get to do: all four of them have excellent references; there are coven chil dren of school age lir this family, s. o. C. No 048. (WoodlandDlst., 1232 B. 47th st.) BLACKSMITH AND"WIIEELWRIGinC:EX cellent workman: former employer says he Is a very good workman and Is sorry that he can not employ him, but has no -vork for him to do. He has a large family and they are prac tlcally destitute. E, A. 283. v BLACKSMITH'S HELPER 20 YEARS WITII one firm, which recommends him highly; In vestigation shows man to be badly In need ot heln. E. A.. 168. BOILERMAKER'S HELPER MAN OF D. with 8 small children dependent upon htm. will take any kind of work he can get One of the children Is 111 In. the hospltaf and the K-.o'o" tll.?J h..m"- ESfellent references. B. o. O. 888 (Northern District, S, O. 0 1439 North Marshall street.) " liOO'K3CBEPER THOROUGHLV " taXPERI. . enced roan, with excellent references from last employer, who laid him oft owing to lack ot business. Is a sober and steady worker. VILLAGE QUEEN SIM lie INTeRDUCr WORK NEEDED QtTIOltliY At tho beginning o (Ms classlltaUon on erplanaffon of Kev Numbers It given and how theso needy Indltrtdtials can b reached quickly. MALI5 noOKBINDBR -AN EXPERIENCED MAN, SB years old, with a wifo and baby i months eld, wanta work. Investigation shows Jhat im mediate help la vital to the life of th family, whn at present are living In one, room with barely enough food to keep the baby alive. This man can furnloh the best kind of refer encejrqmjils last employer. E. A.. 109. BOOKKPUPr.U AND TIMEKEEPER It A3 had sears of experience in thla line of work and', has Iwo motherleaj children to support! Is willing to do any kind of woik to support them and keep them with him, nit absolutely de pendable man. E. A., BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER joung man, university graduate, haa ab solutely the beat posslblo reference as to char acter and ability; ho has been out of work for some llmo and Is willing to do anything. E. A., SOS, BOY. IS YEARS OLD-IB THE ONLY 81. IJ port of a widowed mother, 4 brothers and Bisters. He has worked In a rope factory, but will take any kind of work he can get. 8. O. C..O03. (Frankford District, B. O. C, 1M Unity street.) ' . BOY lfl-YEAR-OLD BOY, WITH EXCEL lent references: ha been out of work all win ter: ho Is tho only wagwearnor In a family. of i children: the youngest a baby, a month old; he wants a rhanco to help support his brothers and atstera and his grandmother, who lives with them. S. O. C 032. (Powelton Diet., 401S Powelton nve.) BOY, 10 YEARS, STRONG, HEALTHY American boy, will do any kind of work to help support an aged grandfather: parents are dead and he and sister (SO )ears) out of work some months; has worked on Ice wagon, J, W. II.. 804, BOY, 10, PARENTS DEAD, LIVING WITH grandmother 80 years of age and child of 0) only one In family working and ho only on part time: In Immediate need of coal, groceries and one month's rent: very deserving. J. W, 13., 800. BOY, IB, WHO HAS ATTENDED SOUTHERN Manual Training School and has been forced to leave school to help support parents; would make good at any kind of offlco work. J, W. B BOO. BOY, 10 YEARS. JEWISH, WISHES WORK of any kind; driving team or doing anything that wilt help his home; father Is tuberculous nnd no une in family of four working, J. W. B., 874 . BOY, 14 YEARS. WANTS WORK; ERRANDS or helper around store; family very poor; father out of work three months, no onj work ing but one girl out of family of nine. J. BOY, 14, WANTS WORK IN OPTICAL trade; father has worked for opticians for number of years, but on account of '111 health cannot work steadily, family very poor; this Is very urgent. J. W. B 81)4. . BOY. COLORED. IB YEARS OLD. STRONG and willing, wants any kind of work to heln hla widowed mother suDDort 4 other children: mother earns $5 n week, not enough to feed nnd clothe the whole family. J. W. B. 870. BOY, WHITE. AMERICAN, IB YEARS, WILL do any kind of work: rather deserted; mother and sister out of work; mother will do any kind of housework. No 81,0. J. W. B. BOY, IB YEARS, WANTS WORK; ERRANDS: enn make himself useful about store; parents dead; no one working In a family of live; baby 111. J. W. B.. 802. BOY, WHITE, POLISH, 14 YEARS, HR- lands store or factory; father dead; four other children; one working; Income ?1. No. bur, J. W. B. BOY, IB, HAS WORKED IN BHOE FAC tory; father ery old. Family In destitute circumstances. Willing to do any kind of work. J. W. B.. 880. BOY, 15; FATHER DESERTED 8 OTHER children In family depending upon the mother for support: large and husky; willing to do nny kJndofwork,lfkesdrlvlng.J. WB., 804. BOY. 10, WOULD LIKE WORK ASSISTING In drnughtlng; has had some cxperlenco: would like to continue study In evening. J. W. BOY. 17 HAS WORKED IN SHIPPING room of candy factory: has been out of work for 3 months; very Lrgent case; parents dead. J. W. B. 1)01. BOY. 14, VERY BRIGHT ITALIAN. RESID lug In southwest Philadelphia, would like work of errand boy. J. w. B , 803. BOY, 10, HAS HAD EXPERIENCE AS drler; mother Is widow; family needs help ey badly. J. W. B . 805. BOY, JEWISH, 15, OUT OF WORK 3 months; will do any kind of work to support mother and 2 other children. J. W. B., 880. BOY, 10, WANTS WORK OF ANY KIND; mother widow, working In mill only on part time. J. W. B, 800. BOY, 15 YEARS, WANTS WORK OF ANY kind: father deserted four ounger brothers; mother has to support six on $5. J. W. B., 870. BOY, 15, HAS GOOD WORK RECORD IN grocery store; will take any kind of work. J. W. B.. 807. BOY, IB, SOME EXPERIENCE IN BARBER snop; mother is dead. J. W. P.. 808. BLACKSMITH A GERMAN, 33 YEARS OLD; has been out of work eix months: has a wife and one small child dependent on hfm (Eastern Dlft., 8. O. C . (124. 338 8. Lawrence st.) BOILERMAKER AMERICAN. 40 YEARS old. with good references; this man is a widower who is trying to take care of his 0 small children S O. C. 030. tGermantown DIM.. B2 W Chelten avo.) I1RAKEMAN MAN AND WIFE HAVE been helped with coal and groceries: needs work badly: back In rent. E. A.. 200 BRASS POLISHER WIFE AND 2 CHIL- dren In destitute circumstances and needs work badly; has excellent references from for mer employer, ts. A., ish jt. BRICKLAYER OR PLASTERER 05, ArT5 his son, 'IB, lutve been out of work several months. Both have good references and were formerly In business for themselves; can also do plumbing work. 8. O. C, No. 075. (Pow- elton District, 4018 Powelton ave.j BRICKLAYER WITH GOOD HEFERENCEai has been out of work all winter except for nn occasional day Job; will tnke any work he i-uu ki'l io Buiipori nis i wife and batav. R. o. f! . No. 070. (Powelton District, 4018 Powelton avenue.) BRICK MAKER THOROUGHLY SKILLED In his line and has excellent references. E. A. 242 X. UUlCIIKR-Ai GERMAN. 00 YEARS OLD." will take anywork that Is offered. His wife Is bedridden with paralysis, and the family of four has been dependent on the earnings of an Ib-year-oid ton. 8. O. C. 3S3. (Nlcetown and Tioga District. S O. C, Clarlesa street and jlumiiiK trutn UVCHUU.J CABINETMAKER EXPERIENCED MAN, whose references have been found trustwor thy and satisfactory by Investigators of tho Emergency Aid Committee, wants work badly; his wife Is too ill to sew and their two small children lack nourishing food E. A., 211. CAR INSPECTORLEFT POSITION WHICH his employers say he filled with highest sat isfaction for one paying more. On wrong side of labor question and was dropped. Has wife And child. Family in utmost distress. E. A., 170, CARPENTER HUNGARIAN, S7CILLED AND expencucea .arpemer, oui ox worK flince fall, la on the list of applicants ot the So ciety for Organizing Charity. He has a wife, and three children, and an Infant Lorn since he lost his Job. Is anxious to get anything that will make bis family independent. Reg istered at the Eastern District Office, SJS soutn itwrence street, i'lie a. u. u.. otiu, CARPENTER AN AMERICAN. 40 YEARS old, with excellent references; has been out of work six months; will take any kind ot work he can get to aupport a wife and four chil dren, 8. O. C. No. 001, (Nlcetown and Tioga Dlst., Hunting Park aye, and Clarissa at.) CARPENTER A 31 AN WHO CAN DO ALL kinds of carpentering work, especially laying of floors : haa been out ot work several months; wife and three. children urgently In need of help; will soon be evicted for non-payment of rent. J W. B . 873. CARPENTER COLORED MHUST--R, 43 yean old. wants work as carpenter, printer or painter. Recommended as a thoroughly competent, and deserving man. Has a wife and 8 'children. Will do anything, B. A., CAnPENTLR-MAN, 38 YEARS OLD. IS seeking work ao that be can take eare of his pick wife and 4 children; the youngest Is a SS-r ,nJ?nS.1' .'A. v.c- (Powelton Dlst., s. O, C 4018 Powelton ave.) SIMPSON TOOK A LONG ( i i mt vjith the exQoistTe f am? RfiMeMseR!! 'mmi j PART:K p.STINCTION THAT t j .,,;..,.., t.iftt- -b -T A ASTHMA Om, 's auspicious I ( C5 rUNS IS JUST Mt nv L-yi0&m occasionafR3Rps!J $rlSk& PLAlN FOLKS AND V ;wm. VTOUK NEEDED QTJICKIiY At the beginning of this classification an erplanatlon of Key Number l given and how tmOCTI IS piVFT anu ...... i tnou bo reached Quickly, tnese necay isgimaiiau MALE CARPENTER-85 YEARS OLD, WITH EX , eellent references: haa been out of work for four months: has wife and three children, H. O, C, No. 087. (Northwest District, M W. vncuen live., uermaniown CAiTtPfoVTER WITH OOOD REFERENCES! , has been out of work several months. Is eTt !PB0J.K to support hIB wife nnd two cnf; i 5- ,-. C".No. 000. (Southwest District, 1310 S. 22d St.) CARPENTEIt-THIsllAN HAS THE REST of references nnd Is a steady nnd Intelligent workman, can you use him, if only for a couple of dae? E, A. 207. . OAHPET, DKS1CINER - AN AMERICAN, S sears old. Is out of work because there has been no market for carpet fur several months. He has tried without success to secure pthef work, tlnompiosment and tho. prolonged lll ness of his wlfo have exhausted their paving; and this man must havo work at once, There are 7 children, ihn nMokt 12 vents nld and tho joungest 1 ynr. S. O. C. 010 (Oermantown District, s. O. C. 62WcjMieltcn avenue.) . CARPET WEAVER HAS WORKED FOR . one firm for 20 years and for two months has been out. of work and his savlnas.aro ex hausted: has a wire and 0 small children. 8. O. C.i.0.18. (Northeast Dlst.. 2340 N. How ards t.) . CAULKER AND CHIPPER MAN HAS been out of work .1 months nnd half. For last li years has worked In one place. His 15-year-old boy, who has worked In the mill. Is also out of work. S O. C, fio.l. Northeast District, S.O;C..2340 North Howard street CEMENT WORKER'AND CONCRETE , FIN Ishcr wants position en building operation or elsowhere; has very good knowledge of the trade, has been out of work n long tlmo nnd family Is absolutely In want and facing evic tion. E. A. 270. CEMENT WORKER COLORED MAN, 40 .Joars old; excellent references, Has six smalt children. His wife has been doing washing to help support tho family. S. O. C, No. 040. iviooamna mat., isa h. 47tn at.) CHAUFFEUR TRUCK DRIVER, 00 YEARS uiu, uui u, wuru 4 monins; nas a hick who and 7 children tho youngest 1 year old do- Eendent upon him. s. o. C, BOl Woodland 'Istrlct. 8. O. C, 1232 South 47th street. CHAUFFEUR GOOD ALI.-ROUND MAS wants a position with family, where his wlfo can do housework or cooking; haa ex jylent references for sobriety and honesty. E. A. 2C0. CHAUFFEUR. COLORED; ltASGOOD-REF- rnces; out of work all winter: will take anything ho can get to support his wife and flvo children. S. D. C. 722 (Southwest Dlst., iiin p. n si.j. CHAUFFEUR, EXPERIENCED ON TAXI cabs; careful driver: strictly sober: flno ref erences from well-knonn ceb company; mar ried; wife now eewlng. E. A., 201. CLERK AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN, 20 years old, graduate of grammar school, and has attended Temple College for two years; has also been a machine operator; will take any work thit Is. offered him S O. C, No Otlu (Nlcetown and Tioga Dlst., Hunting Park ave. and Clarissa st.) CLERK. SALES OR OFFICE FORMERLY employed In largo department store; Is n good salesman and held responsible placo until trade became slack. His widowed mother de pends on him for support, nnd unless ho gets a Job coon they will bo up against It hard. E. A. 272. CLERK-25 YEARS OLDi WITH VERY good references, is seeking work bo that he can support his aged mother, who Is dependent on him Hns been out of work four months. B. O C. No. 085. (Eastern District, 338 S. Lnwrerco st ) CLERK-MAN WHO HAS ANEXCELLBNT knowledge of business methods nnd Is able to drlvo a motorcar, has been laid off owing to the present business depression. Formor employer gives him nn excellent character. CLEnK A YOUNG MAN WHO IS EXPERI enced nnd Is behind with his board wants work of snv kind. His clothing Is worn out and dlrtv and ho needs Immediate employment to get fixed, un to take a -ermanont lob E. A.. 25fl. CLERK 30 YEARS OLD, WITH GOOD work references, Is seeking work so that ho can support his wifo. who has been 111 for oome time. 8. O. C, No. 070. (Sprlnc Garden Dlstrl'-t, 1S32 Brandywlne st.) CLERK ALL-AROUND OFFICE MA'N.WITH up-to-date business methods; 05 vents of ago and married: savings exhausted, clean, refined couple, references from lartre houses; first class E. A.. 205. CLERK WORKED AT LAST PLACE EIGHT vcars: Is supporting his aged mother and "".' B.O- c-t No- W5- (Southwest District, H1U 3. 22d at.) CLERK A FORMER FREIGHT TRANS- nortatlon clerk; ago CO, married; wlfo now getting eewlng: sober, with good references. E. A.. 207. CLERK, ANY KIND OF STORE. 25 YEARS old nnd has wife and 2 children and Is willing todo anything, E A.. 230 CLOTHING PRESSER CIOOD REFERENCES from last employer, who laid him off only on account of slack work, Haa B small children and faces eviction. E. A,, 257. COLLECTOR AN Al MAN, WITH HIGH est references: with last employer 4 years; first class; also clerical; support of a large family. E, A.. 200. COLORED BOY. 17 YEARS OLD; NO ONE working In family of 4: would like to work with a physician; can furnish very good recom mendations. J. W. B.. 000. COLORED MAN, WITH WIFE AND TWO children, ono sick, mother alos HI; has worked on moving van and Is willing to do anything. Can't some oneglvo him work? E A.. 224. COMPOSITOR. 33 YEARS OLD, SOBTJR AND Industrious, with good nowBpaper references; has had only five weeks' work In flvo months: has 4 children under 13 years. S. O. C. 720 (Woodland Dlst., 1232 8. 47th Bt.). CONCRETE WORKER COLORED MAN. 82 years old. who li also accustomed to long, shoro work: out of work three month; has good references: hss a wife and 2 small chil dren . O. C. 013. (Spring Garden Dlst.. 1832 Brandywine st ) DAY LABORER COLORED MAN. WITH good references, who has worked 10 venra In tho Street Department, will take anything he can do; he has 4 children: the oldest 10 and the youngest 3 months. S O. C. 041 (Powel. ton Diet" B. O. C. 4018 Powelton ave.) DRIVER YOUNG AND ENERGETIC; HAS been entirely sawwaciory m mo piacea wnero he has been employed In the past. Has tried very hard for several vveekB In secure steady work, but has been unsuccessful. A wife and baby 2 years old depend on him. S, O. O . No. 000 (Eighth and 0th Wards District, 17J0 Cuthbert st.) DRIVER-HERD IS A MAN WITH A REC ord hard to beat; with one Arm of stone con tractors for 26 j ears, and when his former em ployers went out of business he lost out. He has nine children to aupport nnd ought to make a good man for eome one requiring a driver on heavy work. E. A., 274. DRIVER MAN, 40 YEARS OLD, WITH good references, has been out ot work all winter; he will take any kind of work he can get to support hla wife and four children, S. O. C, No. 0S8. (Southwest Dlst., 1J10 b. 22d st.) DRIVER, WITH WIFE AND SMALL CHILD, tnorougnir inuituur wjui .',?, ueeua wurK quickly; r; willing Ulnar to do anvtblnsr: former em. Ployer (large paper house) says will be glad to employ when business Is better. E. A., 218. DRIVER-40 YEARS OLD: HIGHLY REC- ommended by former employer: Is seeking work so that he can provide for his wife and child. 8. O. C., No. 089. (Northwest District, B2 WCheltenave.,Gcrmantown.) DRIVER GOOD MAN, WITH" EXPERIENCE In handling horses, single or double teams; knows the city thoroughly: honest and eober; has a large family and would make some firm a very good employe. E. A. 273. DRIVER-MAN. "THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR with horses: has been out of work all winter except for a few odd Jobaj has very good ref. erences. 8. O. C. 612. (Powelton District, S. O. C. 4018 Powelton avenue.) DR-VBR AND MECHANIC MAM. 4 MONTHS out of work, has a wife and two small chil dren dependent upon him. S. o. c, 683. Southwest District, S, O. C, 1318 South 22d street. DRIVEtR. 84 YBARa OLD. UNDERSTANDS horses thoroughly: good references: will take any kind of work: has a wife and two chll. dren. ft. O. .0, 71B (Powelton Powel to njyej DRIVE1R-WILL DO ANYTHINO. AS AN' An. dltlon to his already large family la dally expeotedl sober, honest anif willing; has doa. toro bill and rent past due. B. A. 210. CHANCE THAT THE 26, 1918. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY Af the beginning of ihli classification an explanation of Key Nnmbers is oiven ami how these needi individuals may bo reached Quickly. MALE DRIVER, WITH OOOD REFERENCES; HAS had exrerlenco In milk dairies, has a. wife and 3 children. 8..0. C. 711 (Powelton Dlst., 4011 Poweltonajo.) , m DRtVER, WITH THREE HUNORY CH1L- dren depending on his support, deslrei an Immediate positions can otter good .reference and la sober and Industrious. E. A., 280. DRIVER AND MACHINISTS HELPER. 30 years old; will take anything he can get to dot has good references. S. O, ,C, No. 03O. (Frankford Dlst.. 1644 Unity et ) DR1VER-22 YEARS OLD, WITH OOOD refeience, will take any work that ho can get B. O. C No. 084. (Eastern District, Wst S. Lawrence at.) OiRtVER, WITH OOOD REFERENCES, who has had only part-time work all win ter, l! necking n steady Job. S. O. C. 7U0 (Powelton Dlst,, 4018 Powelton aye ). DRIVER-HAS BEEN WITH A COAL FIRM a number of years nnd Is careful, sober, hon. est and obliging; has large family, E. A., 278. DRY CLEANEn-THOHOUOHLY EXPE1II enced; willing to do nny kind of work; his family nnd ho face eviction; wo are doing our utmoet to aid hla family, but ho needs work most E. A 243 X. . DYE MIXER! OOOD REFERENCES; OUT OF work since Christmas: "does not want char ity," but work; has two children. S. O. O., No. 051. (Frankford Dlst.. 1B44 Unity St.) DYER AND CLEANER HAS HAD A LONO experience with local establishment: Is a quick and willing worker and Is sober and honest; has a largo family to support and Is desperoto from want of food and worry, E. A.. 270. ; EtGHTEEiN-YEAat-OLD BOY, WHO HAS worked In mills, will take any kind of work ho can get; has had no work for two months; to one or a large rnmiiy, H. u. c. Via (Norm- west Dlst., 62 vv. Choltcn ae., Gtn.). ELDERLY MAN WANTS A JOB OF SOMn kind to keop him from starvation. Haa no tride, but Is willing and anxious to do any- thlrg, E. A,, 2B9. JILDERLY MAN HIGHLY RECOMilDNDEU ! Is skilled In all kinds of packing and can do tho work properly bo as to prevent losses. K. A 270. ELECTRIC CRANE RUNNER MAN OF !I3 voars. has been out of work 2 months; has a young child nnd a delicate wlfo S. o. C. BjO. (Woodland District, 8. o. C, 12J2 South 47tb street.) ELECTRICIAN AND SUB LETTER CAR rler, 35 years old; will take anything ho can get to do; has four children, tho youngest a small baby: one of the children la tubercular. S O. C, No. 047. (Woodland Dlst., EX12 S. 47th at.) ELECTRICIAN A YOUNG, 1AMBITIOUS and Industrtous man, whoso aged mother Is depending absolutely on his support; references from hla last employer nro the best. E. A., 2h7. ELECTRICIAN HERE IS A GOOD MAN who ncida work badly and Is experienced In everv branch of tho work; eober and trust worthy la the recommendation of his former employer. E. A.. 277 ELECTROTYPER THE MAN HAS WORK cd for 0 years In ono place. Has a wlfo and B children, the oldest 12, youngest 8 months. One of tho children Is paralyzed and has to be taken to tho hospital three times a week for treatment. 8. O. C, 570. Southeast District, e. O. C, 530 Wharton Btreet. ELEVATOR OPERATOR A 10-YEAR-OLD boy desires a position as elevator operator, butrls willing to take anything. Ho Is ono of a family now on tho lists of tho Society for Organizing Charity. With a brother. 21 years oil, has been BUcoortlne a widowed mother and a young brother, but 2 months ago lout his position. Elder brother, a longshoreman, has been out of work since fall. Society desires work for this latter also. Case provedthor oughlv deserving. Registered at tho Wood land District Office. 1232 Smith 47th street. File S o c. 071). ERRAND BOY, COLORED. 18 YEAR9 OLD. will toko work of any kind to help mothor und nn aunt support a. family consisting of 10 ctlldren and 0 adulta: adults Include sev eral aged women unable to work; aid urgent: boy will ao nnyin.nK. . vv. i. aw. ERRAND BOY-COLORED BOY. IB YEARS, wants work to support himself and mother; mother also seeks housework or laundry work. J. W. B. BSO. EXPERT DRY CLEANER Tho Society for Organizing Charity has on Its list of ap plicants a man who, after steady employment as an expert dry cleaner for many years, has been out of work for tho last jear. He says he Is willing to clean anything to support a wlfo and two little children. HefcrcnceB. Reg istered at Woodland District Office, 1232 South 47th Btreet. Fllo S. O. C, B02. FARMWORK YOUNG COUPLE. ACCUS tomed to farmwork, would like to return to tho country. They havo 2 small children. 8. O. C. 011 (Powelton District. 8. O. C, 4018 Powelton avenue.) FATHER AND SON. HAVE WORKED IN factory, out of work IB weeks; 0 In family. No one working. Must have work quickly. J. W B.. 885. FIREMAN DISCHARGED (HONORABLY) In January from r.avy at the eamo occupa tion; has oxcollcnt record: Is married and wife is HI; willing to do anything. E. A., 241 FIREMAN, MARRIED WITH SEVEN CH1L dren, has been out of work nnd tho Aid Com mittee ask for immediate assistance. E. A., 207. FIREMAN BOY. 10. enccs as fireman on a last employed. 8. O. C. 530 Wharton Bt.). has anon refer- boat, whero he was 711 (Southeast DHL. FLOOR PLANER AND SCRAPER WITII wife and 0 children' needs work badly: haa excellent references. E. A.. 258. FURNITURE POLISHER SOCIETY TOR OrgunUlng Charity has among Its nodi cants an American. 41 years old. strong and energetic, with 20 vears' experience as a floor polisher He wants work to sunnort himself and a wife and child. Spent tho 20 years with ono firm, and lost position through change of organization. Registered at the Southeastern Patriot Offlco. 010 Wharton street. Pllo S. O, CjBOS GARDENER AND CHAUFFEUR YOUNO Irishman; 4 months out of work, with one-month-old child; haa had experience and can furnish references. J. W. P.. 803. GARDENER. WITH GOOD REFERENCES, will tako nny kind of work he enn get S. O C. 7UH (Powelton Diet.. 4018 Powelton ave.). GARDENER. OR ANY LIGHT WORK around country place; this man was In lured about It years ago and Is unablo to do heavy work: hU last employer was perfectly satisfied with him. -aylng he Is sober, honest and very careful. E.A., S0. OARDENER AND COOK German. 07 years old, would like position as gardener, or will take a place where liH wife could also be employed as conk. Both have very good references. H O. C . No. 001. (Eastern Dls- tilet 33H P. Ijawrencn st ) GROCERY CLERK A HUSTLER, WHO IlXs excellent reference from former employer and knows the business thoroughly, Is trims to get a Job so ho can pay his rent and keep hlsJlttlofnmllytogether, E. A, 271. HARDWOOD FINISIIEII--MAN, S8 YEARS old, laid oft with 200 others; has excellent work references: 0 small children are dependont on htm S. O. C.. 020, (Northern Dlst., S. O, C. I4J0 N. Marshall). HARDWOOD FINISHER, WITH GOOD REF erences. haa been out of work two months. Has three children, tho eldest one Is tubercu lar. 8. O. C. No. 013. (Northeast Dlst., 23IU rv, uow-ru at. j HATTER THIS MAN HAS WORKED IN one place for 23 years. He gave un his work to start In business for himself, but failed because of the unusual Industrial and financial situation In the country thla year. (Nlcetown and Tioga District, 8. O. C. 018, Hunting Park avenue and Clarissa street.) HORSESHOER WELL RECOMMENDED BY last employer, with whom he worked 2 years. ilOSEUAN FORMERLY IN FIRE DEPART-J mtnt and with department store: has excel- n.' . "".. lent references and needs the work .'. A.. 3-U. A. HOSIERY MACHINE ERECTOR THOR. ougly experienced man needs .work badly. Lest employer compelled to let him go owing to lack ot work after employing him several years. B. A., 237 X. HOUSEMAN, PORTER, JANITOR-SOBER" Industrious, with the best recommendation, speaks German and English, E. A., 291. LANGUAGE WAS INSULTING!!! BK NEEDED QtttOEt.v"' thes, needyindiviXuats 3 1 reached i MALI3 "0,r'?.PTEn-iTALu7Tlr- of employment for S months and hi..nTS ..'' 8? v. for OrganlJtni W. '.. rijtfH J?V.c"r. OTi' .?J"Fi MO" rvhai Ji ?? found wortlir",Kll'a-UH'CTn py M Society'1 R07. HOttsE PAINTER-THROWN "ott Ployment 4 months ago. a hS,.?!?, exnerlence work of nny cniinron. ail bv tho Sort Woodland street File HOUSE OU8D AND SIGN PAlNTER-iritTt been out of work three monthsitJeV'! Ite and four children, the eldest u vA.V'l to youngest! years verv rZti " 2.V ell" ine youngest l year; (Woodland Dlst., 8. 6. streoM a; fflrrwins HUCK8TER OR DRtVEn. WM-t r3! .references; haa a wlfo and four iSJA1!! SMI- : .' a no ffowdlon SSL 4to?' elton ave.). - A99 INSIDE PAINTER AND DrxORATOrTSg na uueii oui u worK.Blnce tho iit"f sust. has never befora been n,, -J" ( M? any length of time. Very good na5:( u. c.i 077. Eighth and iiivtP'trW O. C, 1735 CuthherI?."1 District, 3, 8?5 H!HK?HSi .!!?. .aoliufS wceke! invalid wlfo and threb chlffi fy pendent on him. B. O. C. 054 mSLJB town Dlst., B2 W. Cheltcn ave.) ' ' "hJI has worked 18 years In ono place snS'ffl never had but one employer, Loit hi? Ji1 wucn inn mm wnero no was emplorM i.rl down. Has been out of work now a mSSW Ilia a wife and B email children, 3 yeSffJW1 4 months of age, dependent on lilm n1?,!'!!! B02. (Northoasl blstrict, 8. 5. c . , ilia Sf Howard street.) " J Joriij IRON WORKER WitIi i'IiA.. ..jl-H cncos: will take anything he can get i has been out of work several months? iil: .''fl live cniiuron, a. J. u., 0. 700 rHi,.k BH Ulstrlet, 1.I1C 3. 22j et. w' lBou'Hwifi IRON WORKER. WtTlT TtrtPT" ??- encesi has leen out of work all wtmnvr' a wife and 4 children. 8. O. C. 7in fSiif .,... .UWU HIT west Diet,, 1310 8. 22d St.). IRON PAINTER. WITH nrSvf, PAINTER. WITH encesj has been out ; of work saveraliSSl" IRONWORKER, 40 years pWgoodTefeiM out of work two months; wife anai&'iM children dependent on him. 8. O. c 5'?2"JH m.i-mnntnwti lll)t. (V W. Ph.l... -L " NS.VSM e t . OUUtllnVBl AJIBU. lilltf H VA .V?J ITALIAN LABORER ITALIANTuTtrir children, tho oldest 12 and the leatilelHl twins a years old; has boen out of !2VI months. Ho Is a willing worker and wiiiXi! anything ho can got to do. 8. o n ml tVll.B..- W ...HU slnco lOBt HlH Wife children dc District, 8 JANITOR-40! WOIUtED TMTTfS 1-r . Pisco for flvo years; Is seeking work. S has excellent references nnd lost his work i month ago. when the Orm he nn. ik lr 1 out of business. Can do odd jobs of all klotffJM B. O. C. No. 074. (Powelton District. 4tsi Powelton nve.) ' flB jAtNi'iuit, unrwjxuv in A LAROE TnMfJ company, and his employers say he wi" sober and honest, leaving to take a better poet..' .lAKTTnn nn tno Tvr.... lent references: out of work a long tuns iffim nerrln ft rhnncn Irr.mertlntelv. T. A vt, IkBl 'VI rSBl " . ".. m,,. JANITOR-GOOD, STEADY MAN 17131)31 num.- n...u v uva..w., cpcijencea: SU1S f...llln ,1.1,1. Dl.liln wA.1, r m. Ir ..'J ........ ...... ......... ... ... ., .,1. tt .. JEWISH MAN, ABOUT 40. WANTn llk Kind oi ngm work; would prefer outitS' work; not strong: has six children and wif. depending upon him. J w. P., 608. jA' KITCHEN MAN OR LABORER, WITH 0005 loiciuutcs, win ma, iw uu unyuunff: out Ml Tvork slnco last October; haa a wife tnd tVbl Dist:; 1832 Brandywlne st.) "- ,u""u u" LABORER AN UNUSUALLY INntlKTRini'! man, this Is what his last employer sari till him. He was employed bv me for ntinifl months, he wna sober ntnnvn an ...iT,fl punctual, I have known for a fact that IistlY summer ho walked moro than five miles talE-an uu u, iltn ,wiv h. , Wliuit WHICH 1 COUdefK very much to tho man's credit. He la In tunetf LABORER COLORED LABORER. WITH wllo and two children I and 2 years ot tin The children have been 111 and have hm good deal of care. As the man could not rtr support family, b. O. C, BS3. Boulhweit rustrlct. 8, O C. 1310 South 22d street! "g LABORER, NONUNION MAN, WlniWrlx and four children; his last employer swill . ...... nn n n,.,..1... n. n .. nn.. . ... . . I E A- 202. n LABORER MAN WILL DO ANY KIND Ofi work: wife and seven children to supMrtf-F haa not worked for three months. J, W. B9b f.01 tSM LABORER ITALIAN. WITH SIX SllAHS I cniiurvn. - uwii u ui vvura an winter a ceDt a dav now and then. He has worluA 1a- Efi an electric company and has very good rfo ences. une or ms cnuaren is a cripple. B. ai C. COO Southeast District, 3. O, Ci Kt vv narion Bireuw LA BORER FATHER AND SON, 18 ICAIta out, out oi worK: doiii nave very good rtl. erenoea and are willing to take anvthlnv lhi ran ret to do. three young children an. .! pendent on them for support. (Nlcetown ilf Tioga Dlst.. S O. C. Oil). Hunting P-rlrari ana uianssa ri.j .? LABORER MAN. WITH VERT GOO! Rlf.l erences: has been out of work 0 months. Hi: has a wire nnd 3 children, the younjtit I months old. He will take any Irlnd of iror- hi cn get. S. O. C. 000. (Southeast District, 3.1 O. a. B30 Wharton street.) i LABORER. COLORED MAN OUT OF WORK ninnta nrirl inVin nt TChlrnwfl. bins' n, nnvlhtnffl t else that will enablo him to support a W-s ana u email cnuuren: ramny is nvinx in ut most destitute circumstances In ons tmi.: room J WM. 878, . . iiAni'n or vt a na rT r, ,- ttliu I.JV.l'll.-lV ' MU ..--, Ul, I.AInnV with excellent references: hSH been out BE, work five months: has flvo small children dJI pendent on ntm. a. u. j., rvo. t-u. i.viceuni and 'Iloga District, Hunting Park ave. ui Clarissa st.) M LA RO RliR ITALIAN, 36 YEARS OLD, WITH good references; has been out of. work rtt months: ho has a wire ana u smau rnuort ot vvnom ure in. 0. w. uc i,s,uk. Dlst.. S. O. C. 3JS S. Lawrence st.) 5 LABORER AN ITALIAN, WITH O00O -ofaren-oa will Intrn nnv kind of uorx ttM can get: has a wife and 4 children. i-DMaH est a small baby.. 8, O. C. 710 (Powelton M'tli 4018 Powelton nve.). HBWT. i.inrilil'!lnnv. 1H OUT OF WORK TUBE ...t.n Will ,.1.a n,v,Mn he an rel li . "V""."V. "" ;..""'.'.'.-J"- jV -In.... .. UO to nsip BUPDuri wiu'mcu t"""B T,'Aaj threo brothers and sisters. S O. C. No. i-H", ( renstern District. .MS 8 Lawrence LABORERS YOUNQ MAN WITH A WSBl and small cntia, was empioyeu jor -'- -w one j ear and his former emploier hU-lfrtjf ommends him. only owing to the ideprcnUB, M in la 1m nut r work. El A.. 203 tu Laborer - family in great mhiIP' ,i, Children need clothing: temporary rilitlBlii In the way of food and clothing tow clven. but the man wants work; his 1J E sick. E. A.. 213. LABORER-MAN. 80 YEARS OLD. M can get to do to support his delicate Wl'e flXlftren. 8. O. C. 040. (Powelton Dlst, MIJS Pnualtnn Ri CABORER.- MAJJ.M YlriXMoU).HI references, and will take anything ae" riM 8. O. C, 620. (Eastern Dlst., S. O. C -S Lawrence st.) ,L...jH LABORER-POUSH. WITH -EJvc.'Sy -rt m An tn HUD do rt hla wlffi and chl-irfO.. ?-l uinrif rarereiicem -viii ui. iuiji- . --. O. c., No. 696. (Eastern DUtrlct bm T awreneB at. InqRER (COLORED) -YOUNO. BNgjj ceuo mail m e-v ..,..---. - ....jejir" In boarding houses: out of work one PWSWMp has o wife and baby o aupport. B. ,0 C H ( Pow elton nut.. ma rewcimi VAJpBB&.rmM7Jr , OF fit. I and excellent reference,?"' I y kind to support his ft "'"S I under 11 years I? l?!?. ,n4i I poumensE uistrici. a. u. c. am T . X,,VM, t . vr ,., vn . nrts: orf,,,x,,, ..i.uii tyt in," Arz.v bti aires position na Janitor or will take lor CSB of laboring work. Hn linn k.n ,,; .'.,n?cM ""' me result OI an tCCljBiijM hns tuberculos l. Them ."" i.......".:.l: -.",."'.'". ui WDRl'BS lcpcndont upon him. (aermint5..lM O. C 017, 52 West cheltei tS!?ffll r3l m hSE K boTo? 'n "wlTl'd-'anyTlSd of WofkJ alio girl of 10 years. Very urfent He. MB K -. W, B, 1 jtB I 3m If He hasnV founu oar BLeSCD THIN BOJrHIM. COr4.TRAFPIC TOUP H6R. AND TO LP HER HOT TO Tei-U. m wis v fair P""t,"""X Jw 9 Hm isAccewANTsi) m , -ma-r-r .-----,-.---,, -- --.--. r . .1 wM Lj mmmm -- imn i I,,,,! ,1, ., ,T -ii i ' i,-tmr.m-r- -,- , -, ,L ,-- , L ...JjjJIij1jJiijx-. flJ &$ &TrGO$? "f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers