Ids, .SHARP DROP IN ALL GRAINS AT CHICAGO MORE GOLD IMPORTS-STOCK MARKET STRONG U EVENING LEDGEB PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1915. Hi u KS STRONGER IN NEW YORK MARKET fConttaued Covering of Shorts and Little supply Uauses f Advances Throughout List. .tntC TOIIK. Fee. Z6. Tho Stock 2,rket opened strong today, and ad- nc8 were general throughout the list. ffi Hun was causca ny tno continued KrtTrinflf of shorts and by tho fact that 'it the market prices, thus causing active ujainr Among traders. There was a ffnmJerate volume of activity In tho early paint. Around midday, however, thoro win a slight reaction from tho high of ilia morning on some supply of stocks. that the downward Bwlng was not i.-.tnnA tn rnrrv nrlpna knlnw Fhi final of yesterday, or even to that Mure, and prices were, as a rule, a good i.4 fraction higher. This condition re- rhmined In force until tho close. feffaders wore disposed to consider the Kititructlon of the outer fortB of tho Dar- osfleiles as very favorable to the Allies Mid as a duii umunicni. on ino maract. Jn many quarters it wan rogaraeu as mo jttOlv cneeruiK hbwh uum u, mucit maritct Mini or view in muiiy uiijn, men, too, ii4ro was a moro optimistic fecllnc In Winy lnfluentlol quarters regarding tho BilrieBS outlook. jjFor a Unw today traders turned their sltention from the stock market to tho Bhlat market at Chicago, where there va a snarp arop in prices or nil cereals, tat principally In May wheat. Tho onnn. ng price for this month was 2H cents be low the final of yesterday, and on heavy liquidating sales tho price flagged off 8H tints to 1.'4 from the final of yestcr otr. July followed tho downward swim: tcfMsy. but tho losses In this month were (not so large. There was a recovery In the afternoon. t'The drop In wheat was n perfectly natural result of tho destruction of tho uter forts of tho Dardanelles, as this will release millions or bushels of itim. clan wheat, which has been lying In want of a market, and this will bo takon as toon as It Is placed on tho market, thus cutting down tho export demand for our itthcat. It Is reported that 10,000,000 Illinois will be sent through Immediately the Dardanelles are opened, should tho Allies bo successful In reducing and cap turing me inner rorts, ana It Is safe to say that moro wtll follow. iiAi has been generally oxDcctetl rnr some time past, In vlow of tho weakness in mo roreign exenange market, It wns tnnounced today that 13,450,000 of gold Bead been engaged for shipment from Ottawa to Now York for tho account of us Bonn 01 jsngiana. This had tho 'effect of steadying the foreign exchanirn market, but rates were Uttlo changed, 'although In somo classes of exchange ttv European countries rates were a fraction higher. New York Stock Sales AmTel&Tcl Am Tobacco ,, , Am Writ Paper, prof. Anaconda Copper ... Atchison Haldwin joco r5M tti 't . Hth. Low. Close. a i ,dM,M "' 28 28li 28 28 n oepr" "' r am r,2H Am n,.Vlp5I ';"" 3751 ?M 37H ?SH Am Brake Shoe prof .,,135 134H 134H 13i Amti? ,tMpwf 26H 2fl! 24 H KM aStL"".i 26, 2B5 25 25K Am Lncomotlra 20H 21 21 21 AmerSnulTprcf 100 mm 104M IP4' 10W 1P2M 101IJ 102W llMf IlHJi llft! 118K 22 IK 224 223f 2245 J 7888 25H 25U 2B 25 94 ".::: .?"'i '(. Ohio nii Batopilas illnlne f t'(th Sleel B4 RrcoMjn napid Transit S0J mi 60M hOH rl forn a Pot 18 I8f 18 18)f CallfornaPctpref .... 62 mi fil 51 rCTflC.i Ifi0! I57H 1B6' lfi7 Cchtral Leather pref ..10 10IM 10I)f 101 Chps-Ohlo 40 404 40 40 Chic Mil A St P RAU an q.iu BAit Chicago, It Isl A Pac. . . 21H Cont Cnnpref 02 Cuban Am Sucar 42 Den &III0O prcf .... i 10 10 10 112K 112W 112M 1125-i 20! 21H 2()'f 20 aa,"5 33S 33 Jf 173 175 173 W7I 107J 107 13B)j 130 H 130 M) 87l 04 0tf 04M f)4H Pt!( 30 28)( 30 00 00 00 Oiii 04 H C5H H H M 54M 53 M 54" i 124 21 00U 4') 124 10 00U 40 124 19K 0051 40 Detroit Kdlson,... Krie Hrlo 1st rrcf Clon Chem GcnChcm pref ... Cleneral rieclrlc . GeneralMotor kOH uenerai Aioior prcr ... U4 New York Bond Sales High. Low, iSOW Albany & Sub 3Us St .1000 Amer Agr 101M ww Amer Cot Oil 4i xooU .midi v iwii, .1111 t 4s. . 01U MiW i b.1 4s... 80k .1000 Amer Hlda Ai I. Ha '1K0O Amer Tel clt -Is... 13000 Amer Tol cvt 4V6.... U7 ivwArnDur v:o -IMS....... Ul , HVV d.V...BU., BUI l.K Ol B 13300 AtctiUon cv 4s 1S3... 1)1 ivw Aicnuon cv &g im, .mi iuw Aiian uo iine 1st -la ow uait & unto -lit,.. wow uait & un cv ihkB mWW U&O P LK&WV 4s... 80A 1fWV 1T-I.1 . -T .,..' (vuv -uaiu iiUu 1, . ,lll MOW Beth Steol rfd Da 87W VW" WUIk VAlJT iBfc J9. . . , a J.UW uwv urooKn up it as luia. w teni ijetn isi os.,.. fttfV) fn Dnlfln IUn f ' T1000 Cent Pac Ut Ifll.!!! two unea & unto cv 4Vi3. '2000 do Os .....,,,, 3)00 Chi & Alton 3Hs .1000 Chi (it WMt 4 fiSffl cm & Nwn 3H ww -nt u w joinc 48, .. "UAAJ Lfil 11 rt- LI III -IS. IMW C M & St P cv 5s w 1.10014 (1000 do cv 4a rt jomi uo . my, (OCO Chi Jl I Xr J "ill fSCOO C St P SI 4 O dob fis. 21 G0Oo Chi n ii r mm iftrtfV- i a r. .l ... . " .' r.w ,ui u oouin isc 4s..,. oo t iww ton uas crmwl -,uuu uei id Hua rfd in. W-T? fcii . ur -l-(-l.... Ol BIW0 JAtrolt United 4fis.. T2V4 B-JOWDls Becur Corp Bs.... ,115 P.W00 Pu Pont Powder 4Ws.. 8T j "vw Mia V.WI1V -IS HOr A.. WO i IW An nv Is ser D. . . . K.1V1 f gOOO flo4theit4s 100?? h 80OO An Hrl .-, a. . . 1K IjJOOnaen Elco deb Bs 102 .StJUfl llltll lnn In Ki "T1. iS& Inllana 111 4s SBl OT'il Chi it 5s : nnit MOOlnsp Con cv fls 100 SSSint"D ' 4s 7414 iTOCOInlerb II T rcf Bs.... OS '! Intem! Paper 0s loo wo ma Alcohol Bs no's LnOtx) .Inn nw rin J1' -.K J.60OO Japaneso new 4Kb.,..' 80 '!5KKan "y S S 'MOO Rh I rlh J. mil ln f ! Lorlllord Bs nn t IKS f -o1 Nsh 09 .107 :5SS2!u,.&.ah 4s ntw '((ICO Minn & fat I, 48 ...... B.W luoo Mo Pac 4s 4.V aGOD Mn Par -v Ka . J-;' IJOQO do J 110 I MCQ Morris Essex 3Ka ... 81H SlOftiNat Tube Bs OS Close. 81 81 loll'. 301V4 lOOli lOOil lOUa lutii S7. NSK 5 075 0O-4 814 lot ni;; J4 8'ti til WJjJ 101 87W 100 uyy. hi s?i 07 U0SI SI1. 01 101 01 'J 81) 101 87 100 08' 88' onvi 70?f 101 :io Gil 80 Wis 04 lOOJi 100 00 $'' 21 S".3 IU BHi 87 Oil 100-S 08 102 27W 8.V5 nn ni 74 4 100 0014 7S so 10'l 88U 8.1 nii 107 noji 5iH us . . , . OO Ml Ml I....112U lllji 111 .... 4.1U 43 45V5 .... 8lCi 81i 81 1 llSSSS i C Hu- Bs W I.HMJ4 101?4 Hf y Cly 4 low .... ong nd NJN II & II Oa ..ln2( 101 , IS J Y Itwy ret 4s 72 72 riYxi a l wt aoj as bi?i 2iS gorf & West cvt 4s.J0l 5?XSSor ,pc Pr,0r 4s.,... 8!U4 J'g Nor Pae gen 3s 02$ I4SS2 j!cino ti si .,;;::: : ova K22 U,nna 4Ub w i......-inw cjvw rra liasi ISC 4S,... IK) ll(mi f,uu"'!,iir,v N J Bs.... 88U I nXXJ Itav Cnn rnnna Aa 1AT1 IKS 801 I'nd 4s 82H IKS J?00." I'lanrt rfd 4s,... OS gJSg gt p & a V rfd 4s sta 02 IKSS i'aboard A L ad) Bs. 00 IJ252 Bh fao cv 4s:::::: so?? Imm b'iJ?... S LW tfSxS?uth Rw cn Bs .... 1)0 r "w I,x I'ao 1 t Bs . . . , OS S 3;;;:: " " o,rei as ....... ,,IW. li?i 03 OS ' w 00 21 CO KfXrti c, o. . " i.."'. Ilfflrt) Tin on Pac l."4:' ifKS! I!"!0" ''ao cv 4 ,, Jn jlwyg S V 4s ., imvr.x.wz"".'"' HW Wltha., B f " ISS2Sf,t Electrlo B ....jni" ftik-f?1" 'P4. .S1D.000, compare4 with KtUflAn, ?". thus Jar this week. .. v... iuu last wvfK, 9U.PIVUU. BANK ni:rcAmvr!Q Blflk I.M ..j... ... rssoaain "5v.. .."?" COI"ir wiin corre e -- B ".tyu ye now lot smi "2',4 80 100 0711 88 1011, ins 01H 04 82 "Mi 80 B2i W) OB'S 02t( i 8D.7K 70 102(4 ion Kir. Mi snij ai 47 BA no 2-1 20 lot BU 0015 vu 8Ufi 70)s 101 30 00 SO 05 lit 100 loon on 8SU 0IH4 72 tw mil 87 nil aiy. ioo45 08 102 27Vj 831J Oil ion 74 M'fc 100 7B Rll 1011 88t; 10 10T MM iij 4S 4BH on 84U 08 loi jl iw(? 101 fj 72 .viy. SB 81 100 H7i KVllS OT 89 loii-i 10B 111 '-4 82 iH4 112 &$ ?JI 11IS H 01 OS 8li 80 72 185 88 (13 47 & 2t 00 20 tot 04 ?4 no nooanch Co 31 mjf Ooodrlch Co prcf OOW 07 Clrcnt Northern prcf ..1'3H 1'' Great Northern Oro ... 30 3lJi Intcrboro-Mct 11U 12 Inlerhnto-Mctpref .... C5 IQH IntPump prcf Inspiration (Jons 18H lb,!i T.ehlch Valley 131 132U Loose-Wiles lilscult ... 18 18 Mackcy Co prof 05 0iM JIniuclI Motors ?3H ,-Vi Maxwell Motors 1st prof 01 Ci2i Maxwell Motor 2nd prof 24Vi VliM 37if 31 00!f ai 176 107k 130 E0 0M 31M 00'. 113f 114 30K 30)1 Hit 12 C5H r&H 7 7H 1RW ISM 132 18 18 05Ji OMi f8W 1MH 11 31 12H SO 121?i Minn & St L prcf 38 MStP&S SM 100 Mexican Petroleum .. CGK Miami Copper 10! j MoKanA Tex 10J1 Mo Kan & Tex prcf ... SOW Missouri Pacific 10H Montana Power 487? National Biscuit 118 Nat Lead pref 100 NYAIrDrako 67Jf NYNH & U 43,i NY Central 82Ja NYO&W 22K Norfolk & West 101 NoPaclflc lOOtf Pacific Mall 10H Pcnna K.T; Peoples Gas 117K 118 PittshurR Coal 2lf 20U I'lUsourg uoal pror ... D2 Tressed fiteel Car 271J Day Cons UMi I'endlnir 42 Itcadlne 1st pref SO KepubllcIron&St ... 10f Dock Island M Keck Island pref ..... ), HumelyCo pref 4 Seaboard Air Line pref. 3: 23!f 01 24K 37U 24!f 02 25H X7H 100K 10 M 10 H 07 18H 10K 31 114 40H Sears Ilocbuck tcurrn Pacific KI!S Eouthcrn Hy 13U Southern Ry pref 43 Stuilcliakcr 45 Tennessee Copper 2tlM TexasCo ........124 ThlrdAvenue 45M TolcdoStL&Wpref.. 8 Twin City It T 055 Union uas& Paper.... 5 07 184 10H 31 Mi 404 121'f 121f 1054 1054 1054 04 504 604 45!! 43' 454 834 814 824 22Jf 22U 224 100 004 094 1014 1004 101 10 10 10 1044 1044 1044 IIS 118 20 02 274 104 142 80 1U 4 14 34 32 1)24 274 304 113 80 ill 4 14 34 324 20 024 274 164 1424 80 1U H 14 34 32' 2004 2024 202 202 c24 14 43 40 274 127 48 74 054 64 1104 814 28 70 f.44 t'S 14 43 444 i74 1254 46 74 054 5 .s"! 14 43 444 274 127 474 74 054 54 1184 1104 814 814 274 274 604 70 54 544 .1014 1014 1014 1014 . 414 424 414 42 .1034 1034 1034 1034 Union Pacific 118 Union Pacific pref .... 814 Union Pnclficwar 27lf USExprcss 05 UK Ilutiber 634 US Rubber 1st pre! US fated UBBtcclnref United Clear Mfe 454 45 45 45 Utah Copper 504 514 504 514 Va-CarChem 194 204 204 204 Western Union (2 124 b2 1)24 Westinchouss Electric. 064 C04 054 054 West Maryland 104 104 104 104 Wells Farso 824 Sl'i 84 84 Wooiworth pref 1174 1174 1174 1174 Total sales today 171.C00 shares, compared with 145.746 shares yesterday; thus far this week 881. 27 shares; same period last week 802,415 shares. Quoted cx-dtvldond In New York today: (Southern l'aclllc. lVi oer cent . Oenrral ..Elec tric, 2 per cent.; Norfolk and Western, llj per cent.; Amerlcun TelcKranh and Cable. IV, per rent.: Urlo and IMttsburK Hallway. 1U uer cent.! Eastman Kodak Company of New Jer sey. 2V4 and 214 per cont. ox.. Eastman Kod.ik preferred. 1'4 per rem.; Diamond Match Com pany. 1V4 and 1 per cent, ex.; American Coal Company, i per cent. Local Bid and Asked Ii.ilr1u.ln. 28 do pref WJ4 Cambria Steel 41!3 Wectria Storage 48 General Asphalt do pref 14 02H Keystone Tel do pref T.nltA Hunerlar Corn Lehigh Nav 71j; do t 0 74',l T sHIlrh Vnllpv .. . .. I.ehlgh Valley Tr VM do pref SOK do pref 2l'J 2TJ4 20 PennsPy"yanW r,2'2 raS M Phlla Elec SJ. 2,!i -I 1015. 1014 di 55?:rfc .0S4,fll I2SBtfS.600 J5.Sf3"." 206.301,400 reji J2,l78.4 2T,ll7t.H14 310,817.5115 flO,7l.40(l 11.003.093 101ft. JM. 137,81 3 27.2aS,2iW 338.42S,77 B,VI8ir4 1S.4S1.0IW RATES FOR MONEY Time. ? .?C Zf... . . trail. wMipnja ,. 3w-a, -. : 2 ?n : s fUllL n-'Siiil w - . .....;; ZuSim 4 Si SW.Pflf,,: 3 U a months-. PMjiatl- - w 4.. i-Ut, FOnElfSN Pivrniwms i ISLWgK. Teb. 2a,-Tt9 forslgn exchangs -sh.. "T. m"""'i connnsa to sieriiiic a ss t .." .! insvciuinauy lUBner. ni vonunnti4 wre trosf. ptea toU m tm . s.ks 1 lucks bs ," ka t.SJ( S.27VI S2S2V4,54 , , rot a.n I'hlla Co do prcr .... do cum pref I'hlla It T ao 1 o .ReartlnK ... Tonopah Uel Ton Mln ... Un Trac ... u u 1 U 8 Steel , York Itwy ao pr Today's Yesterday's Did. Asked. Hid. Asked. 100 48V4 2U tctv-i 14 VJ 03!5 u 75 7.1 11511 14 s :i2 32 37 lo'4 7 Hi 0"j. .SB 8J 4TW 32 :iu ,iu O0'4 0U 42 41 i tS'i 48 20 UM . . 14W 14 CIVS -)i II 7S 74 75 74 14 1.1 Vi H Hi as :i7 .. nti in 10 ','........... 0I 10 0!J nit in iA-11 .... 3',, 4 u .... 8''l. ."., 8".. ' kl SJtl 8H1 .......... 41 42 41H .;",..,., of? 7 ou Germon Bank Statement NBW YOnK, Feb. 20. The Imperial IlanK ot Germany weekly statement shows the following changes from the previous week (In marks). Cash, Includ ing Imperial and. loan bank notes and notes of other banks In addition to coin and bullion, Increased 70,516,OQO; gold In creased SSJIP.WO; securities Increased 151, 000: discounts Increased 161.931,000: loans decrensed 3,427,000; circulation decreased 2,051,000, deposits Increased 225,578,000. Park Traction Reorganization Letters were today sent out to stock holders of the Falrmount Parkk Trans portation who assented to the. reorgan ization plan, calling for payment of the second subscription Installment of U per share by March J5, The first payment of ,! waa made when the shares were deposited. The total amount to be subscribed was fixed tentatively at first at J3-50 per share, but as more stockholders assented to the plan than anticipated, it has been sliced down to about J2-95. and the re maining 9fi cents probably will be cal!e4 by Heptembpr IB. On the 27th. 1T4 as sentlng shares the company will receive about ISQ.QOQ In subscriptions. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Paso Electrls Company, Quarter w ! It 1WWI' . T on common, pajauis rn Kl .. ahnr. ttock ot record Miroo D. Dank Currency Movement NEW YOBK. Feb. 28. -Banks recIVJ .frjm interior I3.0S8.000 nd sbjppid to l,jlK 1 IwW 'including Jj,Ke,()MrritiMl Mnk Dotii seiii to Washington for rs4raptJo9. gJa SSm tntirSV.ww &IMU10. f" ffij8ufc tfeaaury operstton rropar was .- xi ihU 'tk' uveraaot must be Ui!lu4i lft: q EMiaa a ijv. tmm umwa. t ifhsa inaku was jcelvs.; Ml INTEREST HERE IS CENTRED IN NEW YORK Dealings Principally In Arbi trage Stocks Public Service Bonds Higher. All local Interest today centred In the action of the New York market, nnd the trading, what there wns of It, was prin cipally In nrbltrngo Btocks, Distinctly local shares were stagnant, nnd there was very little deirmml. The public still docs not show a disposition to enter the mar ket. Urokers In tho Street report that there Is n better feeling throughout the financial district, but no one cares to do anything. Attention, as far as stocks are con cerned, centred In Steel common and Pennsylvania shares, both being quoted above tho final of yesterday. Their strength was duo to tho higher prices In the New York market. What little busi ness there was today was about equally divided between stocks and bonds. Trans actions wero In odd lots. The featuro of the bond division was Public Service Corporation Gs, which moved up .C0 to S8)i. whllo $1000 of Mar net Street Elevnted is lost DO cents by sell ing at 02W. City 4s of 1941 advanced B to 101 on tho sale of one $."00 bond. On tho oalo of 20 of Lehigh Coal nnd Naviga tion trUBt certificates tho prlco declined to 74H. An odd lot of tho company's stock sold at 74W. BO cents below tho last nnln. Onn lot of 10 shares of Baldwin preferred changed hands at 93W. down 60 cents. Tho light on tho Taylor transit plans continues to have very llttlo effect on tho stock of tho Rapid Transit Company and cry llttlo of It Is apparently on the market. Five Bharea changed hands nt 10 today, oft H from tho final ot yester day, Tho company's trust certificates woro not traded In. For tho first tlmo this week Philadel phia Traction appeared on tho tope n few minutes beforo tho close, 18 shares being traded In at 77, unchanged from tho last previous sale. Baldwin preferred sold oft 1 to 09. In the Now York market the stock also lost a point, whllo tho com mon. In Now York, on a fow sales broke to 2Sls, a now low, but later recovered to SO, off V, from yestorday's final. The decline in tho stock was said to be duo to unfavorable earnings. United Gas sold at 82V4. With re gard to tho rumors current In some quarters of the street that the com pany would cut a big melon ns tho re sult of the ngrcement with tho Depart ment of Justice to reorganize tho bUBl neBS of sovoral of Its small subsidiary companies, it wna pointed out that the chances of action of this sort at this tlmo Is remote, Inasmuch as It would have to be advertised two months be fore tho annual meeting of the stock holders, As tho meeting occurs very soon there would not be tlmo to advertise such action. BasRswanssBSBBBBBsHsBtft 9bbbbbi "MmSXI. wIbbbb.1 fltBMBBBURBBBW JBBBS9 iMiiSffiKiSTOJHssmi. Mi WILLIAM R. NICHOLSON President of tho Land Titlo nnd Trust Compnny. He has gone to California on his annunl recrea tion trip. Ho expects to return about April 1. Sales in Philadelphia Tee. close. 10 Am Cor & Fdy. .. 25 .mal Cop 40 Bald Loco .... tOU 40 Hnld Loco pref.. 100 05 i;rlo 1 Oon Asp oref. .. reiVj 170 Ina Co N Am. . 21 120 Key Tel Co 11 2 do pref Ol Si Lit Mro inV4 10 Lehlah Nav ... 75 20 Leh Tiav to.. 74 no Leh Vat Tran.. 14 S2 Mlnehlll ....... IB 273 I'cnna R ft ... B2H 20O I'hlla Elec .... 2.1V. 5 Phlla P.o Tr. . . . 10V4 28 Thlla Trac 77 2J1 ltiMrllnu 71 200 Tonopah Del .. 3", High. 404 r 30 l 21 lit 14 (ii 10V. v4 KFis !o' Low. Closo. 40V 40Vi noil Oil 21 jiin il 3I1V4 111) 21 in;; 21 14 0.1 un; Financial Briefs f.xr itiir MX 52', 2.15; 10 .V.0 Ton Mln n; jl'.K 71W ...mi iiia-in 011-10 Bi-i r.;.,Ls -4111 421', 41K roi'4 iiit 1!I4, 52 li 2.TH 10 77 71'm ?? loar; loo u a i 1100 U 8 Steel 10 do pref Total sales. 3002 shares, compared with ."C07 shares yesterday: thus far this week, 10,100 shares; same period last week, .10,545 shares. BONDS. Last orev.salo. HIrIi. Low, Closo. 12011 Am o ft CIS.. HSU, soil 1007 Cam Stl scp 1017 0UW Olift ouu uity 4s HHi. .. .aini? iul 3500 El & Peo Tr 4s. 7Si$ jniKj .-MarKet t Jji 48 im 4S. . Tho total fuel shipments on tho Penn sylvania lines cast of Pittsburgh In Jnn uary amounted to 5,161,420 tons, a decrease of 409,702 tons. Tho only Increase was in anthracite. The Fltchburg Railroad Is rofundlng Its $1,359,000 4 per cont, bonds, duo March 1, by nn Issue of one year coupon notes, bearing Interest nt 6 per cent. Holders of maturing bonds should communicate with Oeorgo O. Foster, treasurer of tho Fltchburg Ttallroad, or Henry B. Day, chairman of tho Flnanco Committee of tho Boston nnd Matuo Ilallroad, New York banks lost tl.416.000 to tho Subtreasury yesterday nnd since last Frl duy have lost (l,4SS,000. The Studcbakcr Corporation for tho year ended December 31 shows Burplus avalloblo for common dividend J1,572,91B, an Increase of J2,5C0,37S. At tho annual meeting of tho Southern Bi'Il Tclephono and Telegraph Company, N, C. Kingsbury was elected a director, succeeding 11. B. Thayer. Officers wero re-elected. Chicago will soon advertlso $2,500,000 bond snlo to partially reimburse Its trac tion fund for withdrawals against tax anticipation warrants for corporato ex penses. At the annual meeting of Koystono Watch Case Company held today retir ing directors were re-elected. Tho stock holders approved the sale of certain of the company's properties at 'Newark, N. J. For tho year ending December 31 the United Hallways of St. Louis reported gross earnings of $12,450,023, a decrease or $251,720; not after taxes, $3.038,3S5, de crease, $130,913; surplus after charges, $505,010; decrease, $J90,9S9. Tho following minimum price was es tablished by tho New York Stock Ex- chango Committee nt tho closo today, to take effect tomorrow: Loose-Wiles DIs- i cult second preferred, 70; National Rail road or .Mexico tirst preferred, rree. 1100 Phlla Elec Bo 1171 Phil Co scp 18...0O, ll'W Pa ret 4Ws w 1.10014 .'Kmo Pa cv :ivjs iiHn.iwi 1000 Pub Srv Crp 6a 87U 10OO ItdB Tm Bs rs. . . Total sales, $20,748, compared with $71,207 yesterday; thus far this woek, $200.8:11; same period last week. $425,0)0. SOW no 10.114 100 llill'4 85 85 1I0', 0U.j 101 101 70 70 7S(5 M HO 00 ion, io.ns, 100 100 100V4 100U Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. 1 Reading ..., 170 Ins Co N A. 20 U B Steel... 6 Phlla It T. , 4 Tcnna 3 do 1 Pcnna So do is v a I 60 U S Steel.., 10 do 7114 2 Ponna .... 21 100 U S Bteel., 41 loo Phlla niec. 10 200 Ton Bel..., 52",, 10 U G I B2' 20 U 3 Steel., B2'1( 2 Key Tel pr. 52K 100 U H Htrel.. 82 40 Baldwin .. 100 Ton Mln, . 4lS BONUS, 52,, 41 2JS 82!4 OiJ o l.-t-io Mlnehlll 55 178 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 0iU 20 do 0flt 21 Philadelphia Co scrip 1018 H) 10 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 Ptm 87 do OW, .1000 American Gas & Klectrlo 5s 85h oi) Kloetrlo & People's Tr 4s HOty roo City 4a 11)41 101 1000 Public Service Corn Bs SbJI LOCAL TRADE CONDITIONS 10:30 to 11 A. M. 100 U S Steel.... 42 10 do 42 1 Reading 71 20 U S Steel. . . . 42U 20 Leh Nav t c. 74 100 do 100 do 100 do 20 Penna 10 U Q I 42 42 42 B2U d; 02W m ...... 00 sou 83; in Reading 71 4 100 U H Steel.... 41H 100 U S Steel..., 42(1 10 do 42 100 do i-'A tf fenna 52',, BONDS. 1000 Market St El 4a 80O0 Philadelphia Electric 4s... .15 Philadelphia Co serin 1010. 750 Cambria Steel scrip 1017... 200 American CJaa & Electric 5s.. 11 to 11:30 A. M. B Penna, ,,62',, SOU O I. 0 do... , M'n 100 Reading 100 Key Tel H 101 do... 10 U H Steel pr.10.1U 40 U Q I 130 Penna 52 BONDS. 2 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 ,,. on 5000 Penna rets 4!',s w 1 ...lOITl C0OO do 103', . R2 U'iI , 82 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 100 U S Steel,,.. K WJ 8 Steel..., 41?, 100 do.,, 4tS 10 Key Tel,.,,,. 14 BUOI 82 100 Ton llln,,,,, oj; BONDS. 31 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 00H 3000 Pennsylvania conv 3!s 1018, ,,100 12 to 12:30 P. M. 20 Leh Val Tr., 18 J den Asp pr., 63K 23 Penna B2' v n BONDS. 1000 Philadelphia Electric 4s HO do 78S M Improvement in Somo Branches; Out look Brighter. According to the weekly trade review of R. G. Dun & Co. for Philadelphia thero Is very llttlo chango In business conditions In most'llncs. although somo branches of trade show Improvement, nnd th outlook gc-nernlly Is brighter. Collections in the majority of lines are reported as fair. Tho market In iron and steel Ir re ported to show alight Improvement and the general situation Is considered some what moru favorable. Railroads, how ever, contlnuo to be light buyers, and pig iron does not indicate any material changes. Mills aro operating somewhat moie extensively nnd buying of large ma chine tools Is reported Increasing. Prices aie ilrm and collections fair. It Is reported In hardwnre circlets at this time that there appears to be a slight Improvement In business. Returns for tho last week show an Increase over tho preceding week; prices still remain firm and from present Indications local merchants are Inclined to think that, gen erally speaking, business is on the In crease. In the department of collections no particular Improvement la noted at this time. Pig Iron Output Smaller The bureau of statistics, of the Ameri can Iron and Steel Institute, reports that the total production of pig Iron In the United States In 1914 was 23.332,244 tons, compared with 30,900,152 tons In 1913, a decrease of 7,633,908 tons, or 24.6 per cent. The output last year also was 6,391,691 tons below that of 1912, 317,303 tons below 1911 and 3,971,323 less than 1910. The output In the first six months of 1914 was 12,636,094 tons, or 1,739,944 tone more than In the second half, and tho production for the last half of 1913 and the first six months of 1914 combined was 27,013.793 tons, or 3,681,649 more than for the calendar year 1914. Lehigh Valley Transit Earnings The January statement of the Lehigh Valley Transit Company. ImukI lata this afternoon, showed on Increase of $0315 In operating reve nue for the month. Operating expenses were fiared down $2005 from the fame month of ast year- Tho January earnings compare with the same month ot the previous year aa follows: 1015 $150,710 80.484 .:i50 67,882 .Brt:t B7.74H rev., dcp. rea. Jan, oper, Oper. op, 'laxos ., Oper, Income . . Non-opr. Income Cross Income . . Int.. ren. & mis,,,,., so,av Net Income ,, 11,630 Decrease. 1014 Incresae. $141,174 $11,515 oi,n 8,445 Ml.hoo 0,500 01,118 62,702 8.417 4.Q1S 2,0115 0,002 (1,628 3,270 DROP AND RALLY IN GRAINS ON WAR NEWS PHILADELPHIA MARKETS i . Destruction of Outer Darda nelles Forts Responsible for Early Weakness in Chicago CHICAGO, Feb. 2C.-Ncwa of the de strtietlon of the outer forts of tho Darda nelles caused a sharp drop In all grains today nnd tho market was flooded with selling orders. At the opening May wheat showed a net loss of 2 cents nt $1.61, and the price dropped quickly to $1.46, down 7H conts from the final of resterday. July followed the downward course taken by May, but the declines were not ns largo. On supporting orders put out at the low, May gradually recovered to $1.4914 nnd July came back to $1.22?,. with the Dardanelles open, Russia would in a position to send out her large bo stock of wheat, and there would be little demand nbrond for our grain. May closed at $1.49U, off 41s conts, nnd July showed a loss of 3 conts at tho end of tho day, being quoted at $1.22ii. Other grains wero also below tho final of yesterday. With the Dardanelles open, the foreign shipping situation and compctllon for export from Argentine, traders do not look for a deflntto trend of tho market until theso tilings aro cleared up. Some reports aro current to tho effect that as much as 200,000,000 bushels of wheat have been stored In Itussla slnco the be ginning of tho war. Russia also has largo rye, oats and barley crops and these will nlso bo released, with tho corre sponding bad effects on tho markets In tho United States. Tho outlook for corn In South Africa Is excellent, and a vory largo yield Is ex pected. At least 2,000,000 bushels Is avail able for export. With general conditions In France favorable, tho Government Is assisting In the seeding of tho winter wheat crop. Tho exports of wheat from tho United Stntcs this week, according to Hrad strect's, amounted to 7,333,000 bushels; last week, 10,227,000 bushels: last year, 2, 945,000 bushels; since July 1, 271,403,000 bushels; year ago 187,307,000 bushels. Leading futures raiiRed as follown: Test a's n neat open, mmi, May l.n 1.IH July 1,2.1 1.23 GRAIN AND FLOUK MHKAT. Itecelpls, 144,480 bushels. The market Lroke 4c nnd cloted unsettled, Quo tations, Car lots. In export eleiatorNo. 2 red, spot and February, $l.SO1.63i No. 2 red Western, tl.nsal.00 No, 1 northern Du luth, Jt.Wfl 1.0.1. ' COItN. rtecelpts, 10,002 bushels. Demand wna light nnd prices were fully lc. loiter. Quotations- Cnr lots. In export elevator No. 2, spot and February, 71taJJ75t4c.i steamer, 7.14) 74c. i No, 3, 727.1c. Car lota for local trade, as to location .No. 2 yellow, 70Vj7de.: Mourner yeilo. 7nc: No. 8 vollow, 7Bc.s No. 4 yellow. 74c.i sample yellow, 03ft7.'c,t nS 22' "' 70 lbs., 7lff?Hle. . . OAT8. Receipts, 81,121) bushels. The market nns le. lower with little demand. Quotations: No. 2 white, ittusmie. : standard wn.l.,.1'..01W'02c.i No. fl whlto. Olflflrtc., IllK was dull and lower, We quote at $t.lRC1.20 per bushel, ns to quality, In export elevator and at tl.L1irl.13 for small lots of no2,rJ,y.,tr,lln In hnas . ,. l'LOf It. necelpts. 1214 bhls. nnd 01B.7B0 lbs. In oacks. timers and sellers were opart on prices nnd the nnrktt wan nominally 2.V. per bbl. lower Quotations, per llti) lbs.. .In Wood. Winter. rlp tfl ftlfflft ,?.'. rln.. strataht. td.7347. tin., mlont. S7SI7 2V Kalians, straleht. jule Backs, $0.73I?7. no., patent, Jute sacks. $i FRESH FRUITS . Trado was slow and prices generally favored buyers) under inlrly liberal offerings. Quota' Apples,- New York, per bbl,- flreenlng, orK imperial. ..',0: Klne. I9H0 7,-.- Den .Davis, tl..V)JTl.7Bi Spy, otner rrooa m lav: rutins: arl tlous: m Ilaldwln. $1.7.VS2.oO ties. tl.7,lfrV.M: medium, lltrl nil ern. per Imx, 7.v.t7LI.l; apples. Delaware and j-mnsyitania, per hamper, Mianucj lemons, i.f.lS.i'.J'''''-1"' oranges, Ilorlds, per Bo. t,,A,i",,u inngerires, i- oriaa, per O2.n0: Kraterrult. Florida, tier lo plneapplef, per crate, I'orto Itlco, 1 1 $1.75(12.1 inns' an applee. West; ; gt riorlda, $.( J, strap m$yiff: nno nico. r zemn. rrAfittrrrlfl. fnnfv lAts Vftrlstlns. per bbl., tS.nOfl4.nOj cranberries, Jersey, per wmio, xr,c.; bbl., $lfl ?.1.1c. nesrfv New York. KleRer. Per stiawberrles, Florida, per qt., IS VEGETABLES uw,. uu., laicni, IV( fr7 2B, aprine, first, clear, fo.r.ivao.ti.'l: do., trnlRhl, til.fsjjf, do., patent. t7a7.JO:, do , fmorlto brands, 7.nnnT.M, city mills, choice J1V 1,4.1 Corn (now dellverv) Mav 7U4 July 74 Oats May nn July 62t4 rjlrd Slay 10 2.1 July 10.40 Hlbs- Moy 0.8O July 10.07 fork May 17.30 July 17.57 liid. tAskcd. Low. Closo, close. 1.40 Tl'4llXi l.r.1 1.20'.i U.22U '1.25H -IV, 74 70H 71i taw oiJ m :sa nsi; ta nuoto nearby and Western. In ood, at u i per nui reit- no. We $0.i.. 10.27 10.47 P.85 10.10 17.70 10.17 10.32 0.70 10.00 10 27 10t7 10 47 110.35 P.82 0.77 '10.12 flOOS 1(1.80 fl7.25 17.22 17.00 17.22 17. 85 LONDON STOCK MARKET Buying of Speculative Issues for In vestment Decreasing. LONDON, Fob. 20. Dealings on the stock exchnngo was small today. Fixed-term Issues ahoncd the most Btrength. Buying of specu lative Issues for Investment continued l to de crease. The war loan was active. Brokers reported that two-thirds of their orders wero confined to gtlt-cdged and kindred securities. Sentiment In Americans was cheerful on more favorablo advice from Now York, but prlco changes were narrow. Foreigners wero firm because of tho progress of the Allied rleot In the destruction of tho Dardanelles forts. Home railways wero Irregular, but harder In spots. There was a fresh advance In Argen tine rails, but the amount of stock offered was not large. Mexican Issuos were flat, be cause of Carranza's levies on capital. London N.Y. close, i 'Amal Copper ... Atchison ran I'nclrio .... Chcs & Ohio .... Chi lt Woi ... Chi M & Bt Paul Denver & II Q . Urio do 1st pref . . Ill Cent Mo K & Texas , N Y Cent Norfolk & West N Y Ont & West Penna Heading Bouth I'aclfto .., Union I'aciflo ... Cx-dlvldend. eauiv Kiif. r.t , U7ij ii-ih a 102!i l.'.SlJ lk 41 304 11 10', S7'.i 84H - (s n 21 W 204i t4 34 32H 107 1(12 llltj Kl'i 80 R25J H 10J1 100 1 2JJ 21J1 t 73Vi 141 - J 81 S2i - 4J 11!1 UK'! '. Decrease. Increase. fln,1 tanrv nlpnl. vt rjvll .tr rlfv mills. ulnr grades winter, clear, $l mi.75i Brnlsht. t0.7r.t77: do., untent. J7ffl7.25. ItVn n.OUH was dull and lower. as to quality. PROVISIONS There was a fair Jobbing demand and values of some descriptions wero slightly higher. , Quo tations city beef. In sets, spioked nnd air drled. 2.MK!0c: Western beef. In sets, smoked, S5M2()e.i do., city beef, knuckles and tenders, a.noked and alr-drled. 27ift28c; do.. WMtern beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, Hl-sc.', beef hams. t31r32: pork, family, t2323.noi hams. .8. I. cured, loose. LIUttlAHci do., skinned, loose, 12Hifrl2i)Jc, : do., do,, smoked, LTWlUc.; other hams, smoked, city SH"lJ' as to brand and average. 144J14HC.: do., Wost ern cured. 14ffl4Wc, do. boiled, boneless. 2.124c, : ptcnlc shoulders. S, P. cured, looac, 10iiffllc, do., smokod. Iliffl2c.i bellies In pickle, according to average, loose, 13M.T4C.S breakfast baron, as to brand and averngo elty cured. UCrlBc. . do.. Western cured. 17M 18c; lard. Western, reflned, tierces, ll'iSfllHc.; do. do tub. llUftUUc.: do., pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces. ll'AWlltic.: dp., puro cltv, kcttlo renderod, In tubs. llWOllWc. REFINED SUGARS The market quiet, but steadily held. He flnrrs' list prices: Htandard granulated. 5.80; ?no granulated. B.7Bc; powdered. 0.85rJ con estloncrn' A. 5.05c. ; soft grades, 4.P0(5.50c. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTEIt. Fancy goods were In small supply nnd steady, but tho lower grades were Plentiful and dull. Quotations: Western, fresh, solld-packod creamory, fancy, specials, 34c. : extra, 32c, extra firsts, 31c; firsts, 20 clOc; seconds, 20028c; ladle-packed, 21S23c as to quality: nearby prlnfs, fancy, 35c; do., averago cxtrn, 31c j do., firsts, 30332c; do., seconds, 2iltf28ci special brands of prints Job bing ot 40$T42c K(?(,M wero in good demand and firm with supplies well cleaned up. Quotations; In freo (.'asps, nnnrhv. extra. 2ic. Der d02.: nearby. firsts, $7.BO per standard caae; nearby, current receipts, $7.35 per caso; Western, extra first, $7.50 per caso; do., Ilrsts, $7.35 per case; South ern, $7.20U7.35 per caae; fancy selected candled fresh eggs wero Jobbed out at 29031c. per do. CIIKK.SE. The market was less active and Ytc. lower, with moderate but ample offerings. Quotation!,: New York, full crenm, fall make, choice, 17017UC; do., do., fair to good. 1UHI l(l?ic; do., current make, 10l10V4c; do., part Bkims, 8013c. POULTRY LIVE. Demand fair for desirable stock and values gem-rally well auetalnod. Quota tions' Towls. 14iSfl5!ic; old roosters, 110 ll'ie., chickens, toft meated, 15fl0c; no., staggy. 13c; turkeys. 16ifl7c; ducks, 10IJ 17c ; geese. 12riac: guineas, an to quality, per pair, C070c; pigeons, old, per pair, 22 25c: do.. ounc per pair. 20?22o. l)rti:HSKD. The market waa quiet but steady, under light offerings of desirable stock. Quotations: Fresh-killed fowls, 12 to box, dry pleked and dry-packed, selected, heavy, 18'4c.; welching 4T5 lbs. apiece. 17iic; do.. 3V4 . lbs. nnlece. lGU17c.: do.. 3 lbs. apiece, ibuuiuc " . i as... IAMA YJimtTA Tfvsplat hi Supplies were fairly liberal, and the general market waa dull and barely pteady, Quota' tlon! .While potatoes, per bush Penn., W0 me. Maine. HflBOe.: S. Y. as tn oualltr. 4qC'4nc.i sweet potatoes. Del., pi-r hmnr Large, $; 2 medium, CO75c( wet potatoes, Knstcrn Shore, per bbl. No. 1, $24? 2...1; No. 2, ,$1.(10131.76. mveets, Jersey, per bbl. No. 1, tn.SAB.t.N); No. 2, $202,501 sweets, -."X"?"' rr haskef. 7Bcg$l onions, p4r bush,, ni)0w)c., do, choice, per 100-lb, bag, $1.15;, do., medium, per. 100-lb. bag, $1; do., sse onds. per loo-lb bog, 70o.; cabbage. Danish, fr ton, $Sffl.l! cauliflower, N, Y.. per crata. fll i5: spinach, Norfolk, per bnl,. 2ift2.25i kale. Norfolk, per bbl., POc.0$1.23; lettuce). Texas, ner huh.hnak). An rvia per basket, 1,1; beann, Fla., per bosliettan 4 2.1; peas, Fla., per bisket, $2.5004; eggplant. Fla., oer hot. $203.50, cucumbers, Fla., per '.i..Hrf.; snuasn, I'la., per nasxet, nennors. Fla.. nr r-ftrrlnr. X2f7J1.3T)i i- m pvr juu nuncnes, f lorn; tomatoes. liaskst. f.'l.fiors: souash. Fla.. Der basket. ) i Fla., per carrier-Fancy. ti.5O01.5n: eholea! rlrt. Via . n rial. it.nrit An t; beets. Fla., N,WiY. 4-lh. bail celirv. Kla rer ounrn iket. (l0a.Ctll.ii0, per a ate. 1 1. 2502: 35050c; mushrooms. do., per no., aplcco. no 1401BC Fowls, bbls , drv'-nlcked and dry-packed, Western, 4S5 Iba. -o. i,c: ao.. uo.. on iud., lunu.ui. ,1 lbs. and under, t4lRc lbs.. 13K01Oc; do., c. Old toosters, dry- r licked, I4C. Iiroiung cniCKCHS, Iivnruy, xi hs nnlece. 22021c ; da., fnlr tn good. 18020c: Western, l',402 lbs apiece. 20022c: do., fair to good, llMlHc. Chickens dry-picked and dry-pa:kcd. In boxes, milk-fed, 31 to 30 lbs. to doz.. ISc; do.. 37 to 42 lbs. to doz., 18c: do.. 43 to 47 lbs to doz., 18c; do., 48 lbs. to dot., 20c; do. 00 lbs. and over. 21c; corn-fpd. 31 to 42 lbs. to doz., 10c: do., 43 to 47 lbs to doz.. 17c ; do., 48 lbs to doz., 10c; do.. 60 lbs. and over, 20c. Chickens. dry-Picked and dry rocked, In bbls.. selected, heavy, 10c: Western, corn-fed P lbs. and over. 18c; do., do., 4 lbs . 17017'c; do., do., 3W lbs., 15i,4c; do do.', 2(403 lbs., 14015c Turkeys, dry-picked and dry-packed Fancy, nearby, 2lc; do.. Western, 21c; fair to good. 18020c: old toms, 111020c Ducks, fancy, in boxes, 17018c; do., ordinary to good, 12010c deeae, nearby, 123 14c: do., Western. 10012c Squaba. per dot., white, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per doz., $4.80 5.40: white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs per doz, $4.2e 04.70: do., do. 8 lbs per doz.. $3.6003.75: do , per doz. $202.40; dark and No. 2. OOcOJl.00. I NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKW YOHK, Feb. 20. Trailing was quiet on the Ciffee Kxchawte. Prices declined 3 to 7 points, i uturcs louow: Today's ,, , opening. March ..,45 April May 5,W0.-,.oo Juno n,nrB.(w July ......... 0.0100.03 August '0.70 September n.Sogo.S3 October 0.03 November December .... 0.0507.05 Illd. Total sales, 18,760 bags. Today's Yesterday'ai closing. closing-. n.4505.4l 5.5005.51 ."i.5505.57 r. (1.11008.02 (l.(0 11.70 0.7700.78 .4Bn.n O.UOAC01 0.0500.00 5.485.40 5.5305.B4 5.IUI05.O2 5.0305 Ofl 5. 050 5.6(1 0.730(1.75 0.820(1 tn n. 0.1)300. 00 7.027.08 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET NEW YOKK. Fob. 28, Trading In the cotton market was cry limited today, the market being entirely without feature. Call prices were 2 to .1 points lower, and the list sagged off to a net loss of 4 to E points during the first ten mlnutso of trading. The operators on each, side were restrained by the complexities of the International situation. At the) close the market was somewhat Irregular. March lost 0 points, whllo May scored an advance of 1 point. Spot waa unchanged at 8..15. March . . May July .... October . December Spot Yea. close. 8.80 8:50 8.72 0.00 0,17 . 8.85 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. ,, Bid. Ask. Jim Butler 07 .eu MacNamara , 03 .05 Midway , 00 .11 Mlzpah Extension 23 .25 Montana 45 ,48 North Star 14 .15 Tonopah Belmont S 8ti Tonopah Extension 2",, 2i Tonopah Merger SO .38 Tonopah Mining 6", S",, Rescue Hula 08 .ou West End 02 .34 QOLDFIELD BTOCKS. 'Atlanta 24 .25 Bluo Bull 03 .00 Booth 83 ,.'!.-, Bulldog 03 .05 COD 05 .07 Comb Frao 05 .07 Dlamondfleld B B 03 .05 Daisy - 00 .11." Florence B3 .58 Goldfleld Consolidated 1.50 1.5.1 Goldfleld Merger 10 .20 Jumbo nxtonslon 52 .51 Kcwanaa 13 .14 Oro 08 .(VI Sliver Pick 05 .07 MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy t .03 Klmbcrly OT .10 Nevada Hill .27 .2P Nevada Wonder 1.50 3.5 Bankers' Club Elects Cuyler T. DeWItt Cuyler has been elected n director of the Bankers' Club of America, which was Incorporated nt Albany, N. T yesterday. Other directors aro T. Cole man Du Pont, of Wilmington, and Eben B. Thomas, of Fountain Hill. Pa. MORE GOLD IMPORTS Total of ?4,-i50,000 Now Engaged for the United States. NKW YORK, Feb. 20. The Guaranty Trust Company has engaged $200,000 gold from tho Dank of England and arrangements have been Eiade for shlnmcnt nf the metal from the ank's stock at Ottawa. I.atard Frcr-s have engaged $1,250,000 gold in Ottawa for ImportB to New York. This makes a total of $.8,250,000 engaged by this nrm on picseni movement. The International Danklng Corporation Is re plying in gold troin japan. $250,000 of this hai already arrltcd T4H 10 Baldwin pf Ton Mb .. POli 10 Key Tel . 6'n 1M Too Mln 12:30 to 1 V, M. 0 Phlla KI.,. Sl JO Leh Nav., 40 do 2g 1 to 130 P. M, 25 Am Cop 62 100 U S S 41J4 BONDS. 1000 Penna reet 4 lis nr I J03ft 1:30 to 2 P. M. ...14 .. oh 2 to 230 P. M. IT Pnn BH 5UOI S2 BONDS. B3 LH Brothere. 10JJ W Am Car & F 40S4 t)l t Ullu-iViM W Vfl,. wiu. .,, 319 Cambria, Steel scrip 1P17 2:30 to 3 P. M. 10 V S Stael.... 42 SO Baldwin or.. j0 do 10 Pbtt Trae... 50 Erie 21 is rural 4rao IOC PWta Blac.. Si 15 KrU ...... SO Too Mlo.. . ett WOND8. lOisO BsadlBg Twui $a ig sew Stoe Pwfie Tr li so W!i so 11 II Bradsn .. Mr-Am T old Br-Am T new 8014 Cons . . , . rcenv Can . , La, nose NiDlsslna .... Otis Blav NEAY YORK CURB Bid. Asked. 6H ui "H 18 ft, f ' t. ,,.. 10 IBriL ,!,...... 1W, 10-lq JL a. oou (ill pi i da nref lllVer-IIeuo Sterl Oum , ,, .1 TSb Prod pref 01 VsTted ngar Btorei , SO da nref 112 tin Proj new 3 3-10 World Film , , 4K Yukon Gold. 2S I I i ,P iili.i Consolidated Qas Sells Notes BAIVTIMORB, Feb, 28. The Consolidated Gas, Bleotrlo and Power Compaoy has sold to Alexander Brown & Eons, of this city, a new lsue ot $2,5O0.0OO 9 per cent two-year convertible notes. The bankers sooa will offer the notes at public subscription at a price to yield 6 pr cent or slightly better At the Od of to years the notes ar tcnvertlbla Into cowoioa ctock of thv company at $115 per that. ' JfEW YORK METAi HABKET HliW TOBK. Feb. 2A-.Ths metal markat iJiigi"aTr wTS',2Br. lot ow, lew. m-ffPSFF g8 , if. v,' About at San KVnnM,,, nnd S75O.IKI0 la on Its way. It la explained that the movement of gold fom Japan Is to pay for purchases of sup plies, etc.. mado In this country by Japanese Government. Itussla Is understood to figure In theso transactions to a largo oxtent. Japan Is taking the occasion of selling a con siderable quantity of armaments which she has on hand to Ituesla and bujlng new material In the United States. Total gold engaged for Import from all quar ters since the beginning of the year now amounts to $14,800,000. Of thla amount $0, ,100.000 comes from Canada, $4,2ix),0O0 from the Far Dat. $1,000,000 from South America and $3OU,000 from London direct. Against this must be deducted $2.000 000 gold bars withdrawn by Larard Freres from tlio Subtreasury January 5 and deposited In Ihe First National Bank for the account of the Bank of France NEW WAR TAX STAMP ORDER Commerce Board Gives Notice Con cerning Powers of Attorney. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Powers of at torney, filed with tho Interstate Com merce Commission, must bear war-tax stamps. Notice today waa sent by tho commission to all railroads In the coun try that stamps must be furnished Im mediately for such documents, filed since December 1, 1911. Warnlnff was given that all powers of attorney, submitted to tho commission hereafter without stamps, would be re jected, RAILROAD EARNINGS WESTERN PACIFIC, 1015. Decrease. Third week February... $8l,sno .l.8i)i) From July 1 3,587.000 OSl.bOO DENVER AND JUO QBANDB. Third week February... $-131,000 $03,000 From July 1 14.541.600 1,547,100 CHICAGO AND NOnTHWESTDUN January gross ,.., $0,317,487 Jtt 1,410.845 Seven months' gross,. 4ii.8lB.4u:: Net 12,028.101 COLORADO AND SOUTHERN January gross ,,.,... . $1,101,170 Net oS',lMIl btven months' areas,.. S.SW.OM Net 3.105.012 UNION PACIFIC. ft-t..iv.:::::-.: -tSSiB BOUTHBRN RAILWAY. January uroaa $J.M.poa Vet ,. 700.744 Baven months groan 3I'i!&SIS Net 7,650.603 REAL ESTATE NEWS "to $B0.450 112,5811 1,920,324 805.115 $5fl,TIM 422, S74 56O.0ST $511,017 218.S01 3.4.11,728 722.003 $i.os5.oea 30.1,054 B..102.4M 3.513.2rj acrtase. National Banks' Resources WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 Tha T5S1 na tional banks In the United States, on De cember 31. 1BH, had total resources of M1.SST.0SS.017.6T, according to a report Is sued today by Comptroller of tho Cur rency 'Williams. Loans and discounts amounted to $8,S17,&'W.610.S7. Overdrafts, which were made the subject of special cxitletsin by the comptroller last Month, decreased from $13 797.36X38 on October 31, IHt, to $1&.7K,3U$ on Dumber 31. Fed eral reserve notes helJ by the banks totaled ?2,M3,66. Tho sale on February 23 of the property at E041 Spruce street by Edward B. Arm strong to William Armstrong, lot 20.4 by 109 feet, for $8200, calls attention to a lo cality where business has been very dull for a long period. Spruce street, from 45th street to 61st street, has the very best kind of trolley service, and all ground In largo tracts abutting on It Is held by the Drexel es tate and the estate of Ell IC Price. It wtll not be sold without the highest class of residential restrictions. The Price estate also stipulates that dwellings shall be of the three-story type, as are now built at 46th nnd Spruce streets. It Is shown by the records that on March 29, 1003, a lot on the northeast' cor ner of 50th and Spruce streets. 433 feet by 295 feet, wbb sold by James D. Schoch to ThomuB KUIough for $17,000. It contained 2.91 acres, and was sold at about $16,000 per acre. This property was In aay reach of 52d street, then developing Into a local store section, where values were rapidly Increasing. On this lot Mr. Klllough erected dwell ings, and the sales show aa follows: 1007, April 25038 Sprues at, lot 24r 101). Jlary Welsenberjrer to Sidney D, ronweh , $9,000 1(107, June 205020 Spruce at, lot 20x 100. Thomas Klllough to Ann P. Pler srn 0.250 10O7. October 10-50:17 Dprueo st lot 2IU10U. Thomas Klllough to Charlotte lletlwund 0,250 1UO-), March 225041 Spruce t., lot 20x toil. A. T, Morgan to William H. Mvera 8,000 1012. October 20-SCC4 Spruce St., lot 20tl20 , 8,000 1910, December 8-5010 Spruce St.. southeast corner 51st St.. three-story dwelling; lot 17.8x109, Bold by a T. Freeman & Co 12,000 llinti. March 30 North side ot spruce at., R20 feet west 50th St.. lot 20x100, Thomas Klllough to Hobt, Doyle.,., 0.000 In this locality property had a resting period, owing In part to the great amount of building going bn In West Philadel phia. Properties, however, were well held. On May 4, 1914, 6046 Spruce street, was advertised for sale, but firmly held at $12,000, Real estate men In the sec- MCOAI, ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS No. 1. of I'lilbidelnhU County. December Term, 1811. No. 490S, Notice Is hereby given that an application will be mads to lb above Court on Monday, March 22, 1015, at 10 o'clock a. in., under the act of April 29. 1874, and ths supplements thtreto, for charter or an Intended corpo ration to be called "MUTUAL B8NHFICIAL HMPLOYES OP THE BUREAU OF WATJJRI DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS," tb ! CHfttBVlE, KI1U UVJVl I V. HWVH . 1 1 imprUM the efficiency of the working1 forca of the Sureau of VS'ater. to develop the tntellectjunl nnd social companionship ot Its membua, ta promote their welfare, generally audi to create a fund for tha payment Of catfaln baaeflt In cases of slcknsss. Injury or Aattt of members, and for tbssa purps tsmav end pawu and enjoy all tha rights, be ntflts and privtlscsa of ths said act et AsWoibly aud Its auppltments. f Tb prpod Cbartsr ta sow ou Ilia to the OBlcf c( ths prethouotary f HfiRflBT L. WA.M18. SotUltor. tion agree that there Is very little, If any, pressure to sell, arid new building per mits are being taken out. Spruce street is solidly built up from EOth to 62d Etreet, and It will not be long before the gap to 47th Btreet Is filled. NOTES ON THE STREET. A case of more than usual Interest Is now on trial In Common Pleaa Court No. 3 before Judge Staples. The la be tween the Pennsylvania Salt Manufac turing Company and the City of Philadel phia, for damages arising' from the widening of Weccacoe avenue from 60 to 63 feet, and tho change of grade ex tending over a tract from Snyder ave nue on the north to Shunk street on the south, at which point the large plant pf the company Is situated. Mortgage money Is not In what can be called free supply. Building associa tions are supplying most ot it Rates on all loans are firmly held at 6 S-S per cent. LESSOR. Solid An investment that is based upon actual value only is SOLID. Actual minimum property worth. value means the figure that the i b intrinsically The value of such an in vestment is independent of varying trade conditions or of manipulation. It is always worth what it actually represents. It is SOLID. You should have our book let. It defines solid invest mentsj The White Investing Company WALTER WHETSTONE Philadelphia Manager Morris Building, Philadelphia Sound Investments fl We specialize in "sound investments.,' ' The element of risk oji "sound investments" is reduced to a minimum. Send for our latest circu lar. Frazier&Gx BANKERS 132 South "IStk Strefti Orn. Hljrh. Low, Close J 8.6.1 8.33 8.22 8.SM -! H.48 8.M 8.44 8.B1 Ti 8.70 8.77 8.04 8.7S 1 8.1)8 P.04 8.03 8 98 7 0.14 0.20 U.ll 0.14 ('j 4 ;1 -ifSg ;'m i JIM flBi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers