12 $? EVENING LEDGEB-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, FEBBUABY 26, 1015, II H ii. m "i IV Ji j IS fc t & ,1 I FJ1DS DETERMINED TO PLACE TEAM IN tos DETERMINED . TO PLACE TEAM IN NEWARK, N. J. If Courts Decide Against , Transfer of Kansas City I Club, Indianapolis Team May Be Shifted to New ? Jersey Town. BUFFALO. N. ., Feb. 26. There will toe a Federal League club In Newark) H. J. In 1915, no tnnttor what Is the out come of the legal battle bclnff waged by the former stockholders, of the Kansas City Federal Club to halt tho transfer of the team to the Jersey town. "If we can't do nnythlnff else wo'll transfer some other club to Newark," snld one of the leaders of tho Federal League, which Is holding Hh session hero. It was intimated that tho Indianapolis team might be tho one shifted, In case of necessity. The Federal League magnates are wor Tlcd by the Injunction proceedings of tho Kansas City folks, despite their state ments that tho matter wilt bo adjusted amicably within a short time. The legal action of tho Kansas City people today hatted the. plans of tho magnates, who planned to draft the schedule today. The magnntes met In secret session prior to the regular "get together" meet ing and the Kansas City-Newark situa tion was discussed from every angle. The magnates after the session declared 'that If a battle In the courts was forced JUpon them they could demonstrate very tnjlckly that their notion In transferring the franchise from Kansas City was Justi fied becauso of the failure of the Kan-ns City officials to live up to the league's demands. However, the magnates rfro doing every thing possible to straighten out the tangle without any delay, which -uoutd halt their 1915 plans. BASEBALL TEAMS' OFF FOR THE SOUTH Continued from Fokc One the prevailing opinion that "Bake" was past the point of being lured back to baseball. Vcn Ohl. Athletics business manager, has In his passenger list John Shlbe, Emory Tltman, Joe Ohl, Joe Bush, Bresslcr, Shawkey, Hall, PennocU, "WyckofT, Hamilton, McAvoy, Reed. Gar dener. Voltz, Gaven, McConnell, Foster, Bostlck, Sherman, Harry Davis and Davleo. John Hummeil, W. Zimmerman and Jack Karet, of rh"adclphla, are the only players In tho Brooklyn squad. The other members of the party are: Trainer Xclley, A. Yager, W. J. Granger, Sir. and Mrs. L. F. Wooster, A. Cutalar, F. F. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Underwood and two children, Dr. C. ClaBsen and Harry Classen. Tho Dodgers will train In Datona. If tho Apache Is not held up on -the Atlantic sho will arrive, nccordlng to schedule. In Charleston, S. C, on Sunday morning. Four or five liojrs will be spent there. Last spring when the Ath ' letlos made the billowy Journey they reached Charleston early In tho morning, tout were unable to leave before late In tho evening because the stevedores would not work In what they considered bitter cold weather. The thermometer showed the mercury at 65 degree. The party will visit the battery and other points of Interest In Charleston. If the vessel leaves on time, she Is due to reach Jacksonville, by way of tho St. John's River, before breakfast time on Monday morning. Tho Athletics will begin their work Immediately, The uniforms will ba dis tributed at the clubhouso of Sunset Park before noon and It Is probable that, weather permitting, they will start work ing out on Monday afternoon. Connie Mack, with Mrs. Mack, Ira Thomas, Jack Lapp, Jimmy Ganz and several others will leave Philadelphia Saturday night, going by rail to the training camp. American Socccrists Firm The "American Leasue of soccer teams de elded to stand by Its determination nf two weeks aso and not take part In the benefit iramco for the Football Association of Eastern Pennsylvania and District, whose benefit con tests will occur on Saturday. March 13, Presi dent Peter MacLaren ruled that no Karnes liy leairua teams, either In or out of the city, tn which American. League players can par , ttclpato will be played that day In deference ' to the authority of the district governing , council. Green Pilot Sold Ones Pilot. 2-05U. a trotting stallion, haa been sold to John To: )y by William C. Arm One thousand dollars la atronr. of Ardmore, the price said to have been paid for the horse, preen Pilot was aired by Greenbacks, also well known for track performances. He will he raced against Jo Boy and many others In the spring meets. McGahn, owned by Billy .Armstrong, has been shipped to Trenton to b raced by Earl Pitman thla season. The Fans Are With Y6u They're off, the frollckers of Shlbe Farlc and the Broad and Huntingdon Sreent From Monday until tha final eons in October tho eyes of random will be centred on the aggregations selected by Connie Mack and Pat Moran following 'their training; In the South. Ml that the fans ask Is that good, clean, honest base ball by teams ot pennant contenders be iurnlshed them. The fans are with you, One of Governor Tenor's last acts as a Btate Executive was to pardon a convict. Heinle ZIm and Johnny Bvers view that disposition with avowed approval. Mike Gonzales, Cincinnati backstop, has developed, so well during his winter play ing in Cuba, that Carry Herrmann to now el most sure to trade him. Nothing New to Honua Deports from Pittsburgh aro that Honus Wagner may play thhd base for tho Pirates this season, short being taken tare of by Gerber, a promlslnff youngster, fiuoh a shift would not be ea radical, !me to think about it. Wagner and alike Doolan always did play all around $ Jrt. flstd, third and second, and tWiatae. On to Petrograd Mfi. NelfcoB and Welser, of German fntiMaJoai need have no fears as to t &)r 3unt With the PhllUe to St. Peters turgv Tho Ctr of that burg U a most,. ctlmWe gentleman, aa4 if there is $a tja likes Butter than a good h toll ptayer it is more German Pfer ." f iu D IIoImb Capital, ufc. jajet i lw JU-ptayM- limit, arguing that sw ruie wm j mko ye&rs ago yeswn would uevar have been devel- pa-t. a w u uimmw ie ymat mi - .,. !., 4. . -- i mmsm ' eo. ea mwsgwa ituw sot ..ii,.r!j in i.y h lxf4 mmw that kuur, .- .. ,,, .rods Htud Umui t-i. ! it 4iS. it.r a , , v jT-tyt ls li- tl uilu ivk ;i.j. SDtCe" a. NEWS FtlOM THE MONT IN BASEBALL SKIRMISH Nfiwi from tho front. The Even ing Ledger's1 staff correspondents will nend daily dispatches from the Southern camps where the Ath letics and the Phillies will train The Evening Ledger is the only afternoon Philadelphia newspaper which will have a special corre spondent with the Athletics. Practice plays will be detailed. The development of the new mate rial will be noted and told by ex perts. The eyes of famloin are on the itew players with both squads. Watch for their pictures and the story of their plays, told in the Evening Ledger. WEST BRANCH WINS MEET WITH FRESH Penn Runners and Jumpers Tnste Defeat, G5 Points to 34, in Indoor Dual. Pennsylvania's freshman track and field team uns defeated In an Interesting Indoor meet ' nt the Went Branch V M. C. A. last night, the stiHenta losing out, 05 to 34, to the i branchers. In the rank of tho freshmen wero world's tcholastle record holders Cran. the lanky holder of tho scholastic leconl 'or the lilstl, Jumn. and Corey, world's scholaMf , 220-sanl low-lurdle record-holder, were nmonit i tho fresh sturg i Buidder, Pcnn fresh anchor man on the relay, roll nt tho llnlsli of a heat In tho 2M and Buffered a ei rained ankle. Tic will bo out of the game a number of dajs. Me. In winning the mile lat nlaht crea'el u new record when he trotted to the lie In ." 01 .l-.l. McDoii.ikM smashed tho best mark for tho tr'-'k 21) seconds flat liv Koine Ihc distance in 2-!S seconds. Martin J 11 McDnneah. of West Hrnnch V. M. C. A . won fho llrstn. Crine, of l'rnn fresh nnd Sands, Wet Branch Y. M. C A teri tied for the second honors with N points. Sands and Crane had a merrv battle In a tie on; to drtermlna the winner of second place in the smnuing high Jump S-xnds tinnllv won nftcr uiciUne n new record of 4 feet 8 Inches bcU. or West Ilranc.li won tho evrnt'wlth a 4.(1 Jumn. Director O. V. Davis, of Wei, Uranch will now point his proteges for Iho coming Y. M C A championship Summaries. 2(i-jard dash A on by McDonaah. W. 11. second. Ilohlfeld enn third. Illalov. W. B.. fourth, Wise. Penn Time 2 4-5 seconds 03-yard dash Won bv MrDonaah. W. H , s.cond, lllcley. W. II third. Holilreld Penn ourth. Schmidt. W. B. Time 0 2-.", seconds. 220-jard doih Won bv McDonnell. W H.. second. Hurley "IV. II., third. Whanon. Penn, fourth. HlKle W. U. Time. 27 2-0 seconds. SMJ-jard run-Won bv McDonagh, W 1)., second, Hnrgreaveti. Penn third Norrls Penn: fourth, llauman. W n Time. 2-17 One-mllo run Won by Ido. W B. , second. McComb. Pcnn. third. Ulster. W. J), fourth Brooks. Penn Time. 5 HI It-., Standlnt broad Jump Won by McDonagh. W. T ,,,, .rwiiu, ju.ivta, ,,. 13. WUCU. nilUX, X'Cdll, fourth. Crane, Penn. Distance, 1) feot 11 inches. Maiding hlRh Jump Won bv Selxeo. W. B : HPcono, sumis, v. u. tnira. Jnox, renn reLOiui. bands, . u. third. Crano Penn. fourth Lchrolr. W B llolaht 4 teet 8 Inches. nvnnliiR liMh Jump Won by Crane. Pcnn second, Uucholz, Penn; third. Sands, W. B. , fourth, Wlndhovel, AV. B. Height, 6 feet 8 Inches. 12-pound shot-nut Won bv Mlnahan, W. B.: second. UoURherty. Penn: third. Klnaston. W. B . fourth. Corey. Penn. Distance. 44 feet fii inches Tho Individual point scores- M J B. Mc Donagh. W. B.. 2S: H. Sands. W. B. 8, C. "rane. Penn. 8. Hlalav. W. H.. fl; Ids W. B . 5. Mlnehan. W. B.. C; V. Helxeg w. B . 3; Ilohlfeld. Pcnn O. Walter MoCombs Penn. !1: Dougherty. Penn 8. Bucholz. Penn. Si Har graves Penn. S; Hurley. W. B . 3, lllslcr. W U . 2: Klnaston. W. U 2: Xorris. Penn, 2: Wharton. Pcnn. 2: Knox. Penn. 2; WIss. Pcnn. 1: Brooks. Penn. 1: Schmidt. W. B.. 1. Cnrev. Ponn. 1. Schalrcr. W. B. 1. Wind hool. W B.. 1: Bauman. W. B . 1 Tho officials. Ttcferee Joseph Gaftney. Starfr O V. Davis Timers Charles Mende, W H Hawkins. Tom Jones and John Clarke. Judms James a. .v.cCnlllatcr. or Baltimore; C. Poyrha Thomas Burke Thomas Iluahcf, Harry Dallon and W. I Charr, fjcorer Conn D. llryson. SPRUNG FROM THE TRAPS Trap-ahootlngr adiocates will be In their glory tomorrow, aB a number of attractive events hao been arraneed. Traps will be sprung at eight places, according to the latest reports. The list follows PMlodi4phl9 electric Company Gun Club shoot, at Observatory Hill, Highland Park Country Club, at Gloucester City. Mount Morlah Gun Club, at llount Moduli. Meadow Springs Club, at ilanoa. Du Pont Tiap Shooting Club, at Wilmington Curtis Country Club, at Springfield read. Blue Itocka Gun Club, of Chester, will shoot duel with IJddystone Gun Club men at Cheater Philadelphia Shooting Academy will conduct free shoot at Wjomlng avenue and D street. PENN FIVE FAVORITE IN DARTMOUTH GAME Basketball Match on Tonight. Cornell and Columbia Tied for First Place. Intercollegiate League ' CMIB STANDING. w.Ir.a . w. l. r.c. Cornell .. Columbia Princeton , 8 2 ,T14 Penn 2 8 .250 , 4 2 .COT Dartmouth .,0 6 .000 HANOVEn, N. II Feb. 26.-The Uni versity of Pennsylvania basketbalt team nnd the Dartmouth five will clash here to night In nn Intercollegtlate league game. Tha visitors are tho favorites, an the local college's basketballers have been showing up poorly In the cage all season. While the Quakers have won but two games out of eight, Dartmouth has been defeated in every one of the six matches played to date, Cornell and Columbia are tied tnr tha lead In the race, while Princeton and Yale have the same percentage for third place. Penn la in fifth place and Dartmouth is In tho cellar position. The latter two teams in all probability are out of the race. Captain McNIchol, Penn's star forward. Is leading the circuit in Individual scor ing, with a total of ti points. Entries Close Tonight Entries ore piling in rapidly for the big In door meet of the 3d lie fment Athletlo Asio clatlon, which U to ba held on Saturday eve ning. March 6, at the annory. tJroid above Diamond street. There are 13 eentg listed In. eluding tha uaaal military features, relay races and Irask and field events open to A V U. athletes. Tha feature attraction of the meet will ba tha special Invitation medley relay race In which the University ot Pennsylvania leani will l matched against tams from Mercury Club. Vlctrlx. Club, Maadowtrook thub, ICen alngton Boys' Club and eeromntoivii Boir Club. These teams will b tnado up of iho bat athletlo talent In this aastlon. BntrieS for thaae gamta etoj tonight .vtto Major rumti F.Tueehan 1J&I Clwltout afreet and uwt be dellverad before Up la., u avoid rejection. Byberry Admitted The Bytwpr Fair Aaaoelatlon, of PhlUdel phU, was adnlttad t the Psn Mar Pair cir! Kit dlaplarBk Wlaclwatar, Va., at mtit lag of the orginlialku at Yk. Pa.. yStirl 3uHe4 by th several Mamlatlwj re as liuuiver, Be?terabrr ll to fe. tie, oepif i(9 zt JaoaaUr, September 28 to October I. York, wu etobcr 4 to 8. Ilageratown, Oetober 12 to 15. FrrfJMVW. October 19 to 21. Professional Nine Challenges 1M bBw l "S upruiia Prsfcs, all la dtatnMl. of ' r ..rc M z. . .. :; Mllal WMH Bm liU Oft B ttama ba artuuul aud paytnar a suit DnSMKood West ( uUlaasw iranceA. nni Pttiusn TTi :,nia. , v u,tt imui Mtt Ji. ,4 vr win. acvuue - "TT" T- T T -"-' Qvere ThrstH to Jump IIUIH 1' if i -' l&ij in.liyr-.jjj 'vat KM TBT W WHY HARVARD RELAY TEAM WILL RACE HERE AGAIN Champion Four Will Be En tered in Penn Relay Carnival This Spring. Harvard's champion relay team, which won the race at Franklin Field, will de fend Its title this year. From the present outlook the team Is very llkelv to repeat Its sensational victory. Threo men of last year's squad aro In college nnd the Har vurd followers have a light to foel con fident. In 1S14 Hnrvard led Pcnn's run ners to the tape In 3:22 3-5. Cornell runners weio third. Bingham and Wilcox have records of 48 4-0 seconds lor the quarter. Teschner Is good for 4(i. and Capper. Tower and Pennington aro able to do 00 seconds Snunda very much like a record running race this spring Billy Hayes, the former national 410-jard champion. Is training In an effort to get Into shape for the coming regiment games Blllv will sport the colors of the Vlctrlx Catholic Club. Two cleer athletes are working out at the Wfct ninnrh Y. M. C A. Hnrrv Rands and Lovlck llrechemln hlah Jumpers, are showing J feet 8 Inches Charles Pores, who won the Seagate Marathon receiitlv la a moat promising distance runner. He hooos to bo able to compete for this country In the Olympic race In 1010. SHOTS FOR THE BASKET Jasper Trims Reading in Close East ern League Game. STANDING OF TEAMS. W. L. P.P. 'W L. P.C. Readlne ...21 12 . Be Nerl ..18 11) .441 Camden ...22 13 .12H Jasper . ..14 10 .41 Trenton ...IT 17 .NX) Oreystock .12 21 .3tH Schedule for tonight De Nerl at Greyatock Jaaper basketball team defeated Reading. 28 to 2d. after two extra tUe-mlnute periods, last night, at Nonpareil Hall, Curlette a Held goal deciding the most exciting game ot the year on the champion's borne floor The victory was Jasper's first In the last eight games, and cut Reading's lead over Camden to halt a game KRAUSE AND NELSON WILL CLASH TONIGHT Kensington Lightweight Meets Nicetown Fighter in Final at Quaker City Club. Cleverness vs. hard hitting will predom inate In tonight's final at the Quaker City A. A., when Johnny Krause, of Nice town, endeavors to Jab his way to victory over Johnny Nelson, the tough Kensington lightweight. The latter proved his punch ing ability when he dropped Young Fulton twice with pretty right-hand wallops on the Jaw, The program follows; First bout Pat Hogan, Kensington, vs. Jack Scully. North Penn. Second bout-Charley Boots, Kensington, vs. Johnny Shea, Richmond. Third bout Johnny nose, Manayunk vs. Willie Smith. North Penn. ' Hemlwlnd-up Happy Dal, Southwark. va. I.eo Tracey, Tioga. ' Wind-up Johnny Nelson, Kensington, vs. Johnny Krause. Nicetown. Jack McOulean consented to a 20-round bout between Bam Robldeau, of this city, and Freddy Welsh, the champion, to be staged at Bridge port, Conn., where tha local lad stopped (111. twrt Gallant In four rounds. The promoter there Is now negotiating with the tltletioldeT lelatlve to the match. Jimmy Murray, tha New York bantam, will meet Johnny Smith, of Albany, at the Federal A. C, New York, tomorrow night. Jack Han Ion. of the Olyrapla club. U planning to stage a return Murray-Kid Williams match In the near future. Murray's manager, Harry Lenny, la holding out for a ffiuu guarantee or 20 per cent, of thu receipts. 5pt , XP l' I I I II I ...! . UQtfNNr mme&& NEWARK PHILADELPHIA SQUADS OFF FOR SOU T Be-uewe me iil ncvgr et j?vw3 in oio am affair LIKB TUI4 AicSaiw- oh for ASMdkCMJD A CtAMB OF KStLV with AMD DMJ i vjoudbr ojhat nopie CRBBG IS DOIMG T&MNSHT- BoujliwC or-a hot gams or FtoKSR IIL 06T TH6 i lucinr 3TIPP ftSSfr iMO'fr SOME MEN PREFER TO f-7 i Wtn TODAY'S BASKETBALL RESULTS Lansdowne High School 13 '14 27 Media High School 15 9 24 Germantown Academy 7 16 23 Germantown Friends' School 14 7 21 Swarthmore High School 10 9 19 Kennett Square 6 12 18 Wilmington Friends' School 45 22 67 Friends' Select 9 5 14 INDOOR QUADRANGULAR RESULT Central High School 50 West Philadelphia High School ... 3 OVfe Northeast High School 1 9lA Philadelphia Trade School 10 Southern High School 0 PENN FENCES NAVY TOMORROW Quaker Gym Team Entered in Tri angular Meet March 6, By International News Service. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Feb. 28. There will be a big program of sports at the United States Naval Academy tomorrow. The Columbia University athletes will meet the Navy swimmers and gymnasts. The University of Pennsylvania will send a fencing team to Annapolis and Yale will try conclusions on the wrestling mat. On March 6 a triangular gymnastlo tournament will be hold, in which Prince ton and the University of Pennsylvania will oppose the Naval Academy. On tho same date Cornell will send wrestling and swimming teams to Annapolis and Co lumbia will send its fencers. Meets C. C. Pell Tomorrow NEW YORK, Feb 20.-AS a result of yeater day's play In tho semifinals ror the national amateur racquets championship, at the Racauet and Tennla Club. Lawrence Waterbury. of thli city, will defend his national tltlo In the final matoh tomorrow agalnat C. C. Pell, of Tux edo, N. Y. The champion defeated his brother. J. c Waterbury, yesterday In three straight game.; 1S-S, 1B-1. 18-10. In the other semfilnarc. O Pell outplayed Stanley O. Mortimer, of the home club, rather easily, although the full flva games were gone through, 15-1, 9-18, 15-10 12-15 and 15-T. ' The Golfer's Requiem (By our own It. L. Stevenson.) Under the wide and starry tky Dig the grave and let me lie. Otadly I've lived and gladly die, Far from the world of strife. These be the lines you arave tor m: "Here he lies where he wants to be Here he lies by the Nineteenth Tee AYhere he's lied all through his life." We see where the State Legislature of Texas has passed a racing bill, reviving that sport In the Lone Star Common wealth. The racing game Is beginning to edge back in other directions, which shows at which queer angles the pendulum ot sport often MWlngs, Some years ago rac ing was popular and boxing was heavily under the general ban. In Tennessee, for example, no one ever thought that racing would ever be chased out or that boxing would ever be revived, Yet the State Legislature attached the can to the so-called Sport of Kings and shortly afterward legalized boxing matches. Public opinion often rolls up In waves and then recedes In equal bulk. It is hard to say Just what the esteemed pub. lis wants, for the eoteemed public too often doesn't know Itself. Hurry Call Dear Sir I see in your column where Mr. Sewell Ford and Mr. George Ade have organized the Open Ears Co.. Ltd., for golfers who desire a Willing Listener. Where can I obtain the services of one of their Uentlemanly Representatives at once 7 U If most important. Lost Monday T went out and well. I won't take up your space relating what happened, but I must havft a Willing Listener immediately, re gardless of the cost. My wife has threat ened to leave me If I mention what hap pened again, my friends are avoiding me and the. office is in open revolt I have no one left to discus that wonderful round with, and yet I can't possibly keep it in my system. So you see what a nx I am in I almply must hsve a Willing Wlear who in willing to work eight hours a day. foraJshloz both ears. Please th Company at C-ne for further .v". a. jl it itANNINCKtMMi I M MR. JASIItS I'M If n, ,. J " I Acnln Vmjne MAUiNtt II Oil MO No NO fM COLL ,11 Staia I taSHr trp- 'I stt. ' Have -y) I A lAMtT FOOT Tl " J MM&1 ciij beattt tvHUH BIB I 1 "'FtP " LJ&: j SIT ON THE BACK PENN STARS PRACTICE Berry and Creighton Begin Training for Pentathlon Event. Two members of the University of Pennsylvania track team, Berry and Creighton, began training today for the pentathlon contest which Is to feature the first day of the Quakers' two-day relay carnival. Berry Is not eligible for the varsity track team on account of the one-year residence rule. The Ave events ,on the pentathlon are the 800 meters, 1500 meters, running broad Jump, throwing tho Javelin and throw ing the discus. Berry Is best at the broad Jump and the two track events. For that reason he is devoting most of his attention to the two weight events. Creighton Is an unknown quantity, but Coach Orton thinks he will do well. Penn Pickups Coach Lon Jourdet and his Penn haaketball team left last night for Hanover, where they will meet the Dartmouth five in an Intercol legiate League same tonight. From Hanover the team will travel to Troy, N. Y., where It will engage In a cage game with tha ItenBse- IBcr i-uiyircdiucai lit a tomorrow nignt. Penn's crippled wrestllnc team -will leave for Ithaca at 8:10 tonight for the annual dual meet with the Cornell grapplera. Sir You have probably seen where Har vard Just finished cleaning up Yale at hockey. What other games do they play over at New Haven? HAnVABD, 'la (Cambridge, Mass.). Another Joy Killer ' Dick Rudolph, one of the star slabmen of the Boston Braves, has a bit of good news for the other seven clubs of the National League, "In place of slipping," says Dick. "I figure we will be about K per cent better than we were at any time last season. We have not' only added a groat hitter in Sherry Magee, but in btrand we have another fine pitcher com- IC. ,.n to "'"force the pitching staff. Outside of that we shnuM rr w. - Jot." M """ " One for Cuba vihn J-McOraw Jig picked the sun. kissed realm of Cuba as the future winter home of sport. "The time Is coming," he says, "when Cuba wU ba winter head, quarters for baseball, golf, racing, prize fighting, tennis and all the games there are. And this time Isn't far away, for Snl" Blrea.dy Proving that for those who like sport there are sufficient attrac tlons to appeal to all comers. It is easy enough to be pleasant When coining a word like "merg"t But the bloke worth while is tho one who can smile When taekling Von Uindtnberg. There may not be room for four big "i but.he P"P"lon of merging the Feds w th the Internationals in the ?l a w.U.h American Association In the West is at Hast wprth a tumble. At the rate many cities are now going It is only a matter of brief time anyway before there will be sufficient fan ma terial to arrange for two extra major league circuits. And even if it doesn't pan... 0UtrweU' th 8nral situation couldn't be muoh further South than I? i...18. ,whMe fcefdiuarurs are elng establlshea a number of dusty league below Cape Horn. "Sport of Klnaa to b vivar( vt... I preaant epldeaUe ef the Sport a! Kin as 1 subanlet bit. i PORCH CENTRAL HIGH WINS "QUAD" MEET AGAIN Crimson and Gold Scores Total of 50 Points; Six New Rec ords are Established. Central High School again won tho Indoor quadrangular meet at tho 3d Regiment Armory held this afternoon. Tho Crimson and Gold scored a total of SO points. Tho summaries follow: 60-ard dash, Hrat heat Won by Weldel. West Philadelphia High School; Kcond, K Bmalley, Centra High School, Socond hrat Won by Partridge. AVcst Philadelphia High Sohool; second. Klauder. Northeast High Buhool. Third heat-Won by noscoeri'hlladel phla Trade School. nS,"J?ridK?aB,h., ("nail Won oy Weldel. West Philadelphia High Sohool; second. E. Smallej. Central High School; third. Partridge. West Philadelphia High School: fourth. Kiaudor Northeast High School. Time, sa-5 seconds! (Nw record.) Old record. 5 4-5 eoconds. made by Ames, of West Philadelphia High School. SycJv.a"P?unSL hot-put Won by Morrison, Philadelphia Trade School; atcond, Butler. Central High School; third, Sickle, Northeast High School; fourth, Decktor, West Philadel phia High bchool. Distance, 3D ft. H In Two-mite run Won In nntnll,. VAHh,.., High School; second. Irwin, West Philadelphia High School; third, Street, West Philadelphia High School; fourth, Wlnck, Philadelphia Trade School. Time, 10.15 4-5. (New record.) Old record, 11:33 3-5, made by 'Lukens, Central High School. 20-yard dash Tie between Itodgers, North east High Sohool. and Tompkins. Philadelphia ...uo oi-jiuui; iiuru. vveiaet. went - I'nuaaoi Phla High School: fourth, Welw, Central High Sohool. Time, 25.1-Ba. Half mllo run Won by McIIale. Central High School; second. Henry, Central High School: third, Lilly, West Philadelphia High School; fourth. .Read, Northeast High School, Tlmo-t2 minutes 8 1-5 seconds (new record). Old record. 2 minutes 15 2-5 neconds, made by McIIale, Central High School, Ono mllo run Won by Harrr.er, West Phila delphia High School; second, Smith, Central High School; third, McKenzle. Central High School: fourth. Hearne, West Philadelphia High Bchool. Time 4 minutes 52 seconds (new reoord). Old record S minutes 10 1-5 seconds, made by Splcer, Central High School rifty-yard high hurdlea Won by B. Smalloy, Central High School; second, Drenlzer. West Philadelphia High School; third. Barron. Weat Philadelphia High School; fourth. Oouert, Northeast High School Time 6 3-3 aeconda (ned record) Old record, 7 seconds, made by If. Darron, AVest Philadelphia High School Standing broad Jump Won by Stocckle, Cen tral High Bchool: second, Hlley, Central High School; third, E. Bmalley. Central High School; fourth, Klauder. Northeast High School. Distance 0 feet 5 Inches (new record) Old record, 0 feet BH Inches, made by Strafford, Central High School. High Jumn Tlo between Robertson and Hampton, both of Central High School ; second, tie between Roat and Flachlls. Doth of North east. Heljrht, 6 ft. 5V4 In. New record. Old record B ft. 3 In., made by Geffelman, of Northeast. 44o.varrt run Won bv Herrv. Central HIch: second. Roger. Northeast: third. SrcHalc, Cen tral High: fourth. Harlan, West Philadelphia. Time. .15 2-S. New record. Old record, 88 l-5e., made by Alfred Bmalley. SOME FIGHT RESULTS Treddlo Welsh outboxed Charlie White In a 10-round, no-declslon boxing contest at the Auditorium. Milwaukee, Wla , laat night, ac cording to the almost unanimous opinion of sporting wrllera. Welsh appeared to have had the advantage ot five rounds, the third to seventh Inclusive. White ahaded his opponent In the ninth and tenth, and the first, second and eighth appeared to be even. The Pout oeuween -lommy uoieman. or fhlla delrhla, and Peck Miller, of Manayunk, was stopped by Referee Jersey Bellew, In the eighth round, at the Lyrlo A, C, Allentnwn. Fa., laat night. Although he had been warned repeatedly. Miller refused to do any leading, being content with clinching and stalling. Coleman did his best to make Miller light, but hla efforta wera not successful. Th battle waa tlated to go 10 rounds. hKdaie irn.eeie. or rnuaaeipma. easily flo. rated Willis Andruws. of the ICast side, In a one-siaea pcui i me iwongacre Ainietla Club, Nw York city, laat night. Dutch Brandt, of Brooklyn, and Frankie Burns, of Jersey City, aspirants to the bantamweight title, fought a fast eight-round draw at St. Louis, last night, GOLFERS' AFTERMATH TALM BIJACH, Feb 28 i-Wlth a record breaking cyrd of , V. q. Longley. Paww tucket. It, I., and Tom Kerrigan. Boston, won tha amateur and professional beat.ball four some, the preliminary to the annual open championship play for the Florida golr title. Many noted profrsslqnsls were Included In th. held, with waiter Hagen, th present United States open champion, outside of the three raonty poit.lo.n'. "e hundred ard iirty dol lars waa uiyiu ouiuug ino leading profes sional. nd. C R Van, Vlock and 13. Me. Carthy. Jacksonville, with 00, and W J liyds. New York, and Ralph Thorn?,. BlrtS: lngham. 88. completea the Flat of winners ' AIKBN, S C, Fb. ia.-neauming their sen. aatlonal atrugglo of Wednesday arthi palm! tto aolt Club, which ended all square on tha SOth green when darkness Inlervened PreaoottMeUalf and J F, Byers agreed ti decldatha U by playing three extra "olea and three, more If necessary, but 13 gnena had been traversed before Metealf could claim tha victory by capturing the 48th noli. ' CUBS GO SOUTII TODAY CHICAGO. Feb. ID. The Cubs will leav far Tampa. Fla.. their training cSmp. tonlg'bt. The following will so with Manager Roger Bresoa han and Preildent Thomas- ieabel" Williams, Cprritn. Behorr. Tyrea, Allison . Boblns Standrldge, Ilsrmve and KUilh, Breanahari will have about 30 players with him at the training camp. HUGGINS SIGNS AGAIN ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 2B. Miller Huggins. manager of the B. Louis Nationals, hi. algnad a tbrea-year contract to contlr.ua as leader; and thereby dispelling numerous ruroora thai ha would leava tha team. " ii Braves Buy Third Baseman TOIipNTO, Feb. 21-Tblrd Basaman Eddla Fitipatrlek, ot the Jktes.1 IntemattonaTtSguS team, has be sold to the Boston Brave? far SSSSh $"' rr"u,Bt Mocaffy .n- Citutrepa Harniitlu iv.. i.i 1? i"'1 ohampW 9t K55i, his faK!6 wouwlajj OL Uknpior ktiEitUF MANY SOCCER GAMES' ONTAPTOMORIM Bethlehem Will Tlo Hibernl, 1U1 "a m American by Beating Falls. iwm "Ul vwo games are seht.j ,3 W..1 1 Amerlenn League tnmnrrn '?& !,h.-!lnmS '" lhU,er "WwUuZS m ,.HBBeH. .uotinohom has an txctn&l chance to tlo tho Hibernians for th. ill in tho American League by dfMl Polls, while the Hlfa. aro Ml '""M In nil likelihood decide tl oham1 ffl "frXS'?. 2?? will play WK wuuu xweiti ijiuu, of New Jersey altt'l erford, and Merlon and aermantnllll$ Play at tho Morion Criw ul0,"jro , fUl1 scllcdue' with omclala,;! vi . - AMEMCAN LEAGUE. M dctt S,,Cann?d?n?Chnne9f.?rion'rvT'' l ALLIED LBAOUE, l9 FIRST DIVISION. 9 se.7."n!;?Y.!.' Y''lx. at D ,, 3l anWv-emio. S &,"& "want J anSleon "ff.1 tJ' 'S SDCOND DIVISION. ' M M?w"r!?otfer,?!,!rrawWll'S nrfyer,Se!'rpnVU,i.Cemen"1' Audubon, M , t FOURTH DIVISION. W Brldeeburg Rovers a. Pnvni n.n Richmond and Orthodox" .nil ,.N2.ri'.m'"t P's' R'b va. nova' cius v$fc n'egaS!0 rad and D1,a,on .Sa SPECIAL DIVISION, &fl UNITED LRAflltn sfll. -a'n..araaiXist1 Feltonvmrva?- StrS'irSK ,.,.7 june ana Wyoming avenue, iteram . n iii" .Bristol vs. Frankfort, at n?Wi.2r ' V. Hunting rark avo. Riferee. aiiKS'Sl KENSINGTON JUNIOR CHURCH LEAflt.' fit. Nathaniel, Jr.. vs. St. AmbrosT -I Provldencn v.. nn;r. I.'-. mDrose. 'J Puritan F. B. C. vs. Kensington n THIRD DIVISION. ot. iimnanioi iccservea vs. Falls T ,1 Pi' Oufn.Btr0,, nnd A,lehe"y avcSue!'nTffi CLUR GAMES. W Dlsatnn vm. Vtr.nw n n.j. H . H Alrd iiy. 1IUCTMAU oSSS? aTM. Aao,n,OTVn "' IU"'a uisston ncBervea va. Asccnsbn, at Prion? to.a.n? T,orredal avenues. Referee. taSl Vlctrlx Reserves vs. Audubon, at 68th ttt' nntt tlnvarfn.il n,n..n t ' Y "i u.,u ..H.u..v.u utuuv, iiuieree, j, xoanf, PLAYGROUNDS LEAatlE. 1 Dlsston vs. Starr Garden, at Starr putai HoTlowmpak.nd " "npPy "0lIow' a( "4 Athletic Park s. Klntrii,Inv a; kbtr alng Park. Funfleld vs. Point Breeze, at Point Bnm L aril. Juarez Races Off Today JUAREZ, Mex., Feb. 16 Racing" Su declared off here today, duo to theBij condition oi xne tracK caused by a Heal ruiniun. Havana Results .F1'?.' ora.ce'. 1f".lnff ?i-mlle-Coosler.'iWi iwiuii, - vu i, lu u, oui, won: uuirsr; Sit?p!Ln); 4 '"J5'. 1 .,0 4' out- second; 'fit 1(13 (Nolan). 25 to 1. s tn i j m i m rime, i:i(;i-o. yuienzabe. HIppocratM.'! ferno Oueen nnd AfnonMiiht. rn ran v oeconii race, purse iuo, a-year-olds ana Hf,1 selling, 8 furlonga-Naeh, 110, Taplln, 2tU 4 to 6. 2 to 3, won; Sprlngmasa, 110, Wruwd U to 1. a to 1, T to 3, becond: Wander, 111 Co'iiuliv. 13 to 5, 4 to 5, 2 to 5, third. Tin 1 in ..Ladj Jane Grey, Towton Held, Ihcj Third race, 8H furlongs, purse $301, 3-rnM olda and up, selling Fnvy 111", Hinphy, to 1.1 2 to 1. even; Spohn. 101, Saffeny, J to 1. 3 to 3, out, second; Black CWrf.-lM, Ural. 5 to 2, even, and 1 tu s, third. Olatj 1:03 4-B. May Ippa. Ijidy Mas-, Blancts LnH Bulgar. Electrician and Bamdance alio nxr-4 Fourth race, 0 furlongs, puree 400, S-jfW olda and up, handicap Colfe, 1)(I, lleblnioa, I to 1. 3 to 1. 7 to 3: won. Encore. 03. Wolilai holm. 8 to 1. a to 1. 3 to 2, second: CHS WIl iu.,, TiiJiin, u id o, j to a. l io , uuro. iinii.1 ld3 :i-3. Colonel Tom Green. A K. AkU I'rogreastve and Republican alro ran. pt, Juarez Entries ,t M Flrat race, nurse, 2- ear-olds. niiMenLlt furlonga Schulenburg, 103: Little Biota .W. Narmar, 10S; J. D. Sugg, 10S: Toast Uutri 108; Father Kelly, IDS; Carl Itoberti.i:li, Illuminator, 111: Frank Pattcreon, Htffl Second race, selling, 4-year-olds and op.' I furlongk Woods Fltignrald, 101 'OliUiWI 107; Smiling Margaret. 107: Tbe 8hrlJi, W: (Dun Garn. 10T)! Anui,m,nK liy). Antlt sieai 110; Iglo. 110; Otllo. 112: Dr S. P ta 112; Ben Lavy, 111: Native Son. It: Candle. 115: George Oxnard, 113. . "f Third race, selling. 4-ear-olds and .ua- lunongs California Jack. 107: oeorrs Kn 107, T,llnn 107. nd lira. 1041 .KUI. Off!!' 110; Jennie Crawford, 110, 'Jake Arint 1M. Senorlta Dan. 110; Elma. 110; CsptJln UfJ 112; Mike Donlon. 112: Kid Nelion, 112; Kdlta. 113! 'Unland Kimr. 113: Cordova. Pt.9 Fetfrlh race, aelllnrf. 1-year-olds and 1lfJi furlongB Miss Chaucer. 03: Minnie P...!531 Rose D'Nell. 101: 'Hafroner, 101. " 1A1 ll.ntlo r-,M.l in:l. nnna.nr 1 KV PAnRll .AT. ... 111.1. ... . 'svna llAl laney, 10.": Thistle Belle. ICO, Bob Mae, jlj oimona Aoama, ivn; urininr iaa, i-r Fifth ra-e, selling. 3.yearlda and mile Viva, 02: 'Mabel Dulweber. US, WJ Bleu, 1)8; Zangeree. 00: Asa Iferdea. 15 Yeatcrsun. 103 Moecowa, IDS, Oblutt. lllfl Sixth rare, eelllng, 4-ycar-olda S&, rurionga -i-nyina Antoineti vi,''., AntolnetUN 103. Any W , I07i Ooma. 110. 'Bar n. li2; L. H, .Wfc,S ioi ; eteua uraine, . V., 110. Praetorian, C..,n D.4...I.I. 1... BhVlly, 113; Parnell'oirl, 118; Eya WBltt, llllty, 4-u: ciweuu oam, A-w. Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather i.luwery. Track muddf. Havana Entries First race, 2 furlonge. purse, W,-yJ8j Golden List, 112: Havana. l?,vtlj0 J22 112; tP, J. Millet. 115; Vm W,. 115. WfS tMrs. Everman entry. Second race, 6 furlongs, purse. W- ' cuirj. Lvu naa ana up. wiims -wuMitw." ..tz-jsj Virginia Hlfe. 9; Eaater Boy. ." lot; idola. 101: Jluatle Mata. ivn Prince, lOdj Bulger. l(kl Beda, U0, 1131 LamDs Mail, iu. .is olds and up, selllng-ColumbUt Jg; "j xn.. irui fl.iii.nui lOfl. Skeetf, J1.1 Third race, a turiongs. p"'"' '. . i.' j -v, y. ' -.l. ......a iin Pherrv c Her, awii uni".' Metropolitan, )lr. ilPJiP1' t""" .V" ,TT. iioa a-r a,S'Vp.TeTi-VBanlo Jim 10I.P. 10di 'Fairy aoatr.W a"rL iir. nwartuiicis wi "- ! t'flJ"- ,..... mirae H00. -y and up. selling-'uaiajy.j?.. ,; DlXlll Jv, y. ."..""-tv- m t ffataiy. "" cote, 100. Utility. 102, ovsraaw."' -'rS.-.l'. i.T."I cl. 106. 1'ennuesa iw "ifl. P Chilton Tranie. JU; Bul'r. "' r' 111; SherlOok Holmes. 117 . Approntlca aUowance claimed. Weather clear: track good P K;,v. Conklin Declines Honor i Charlea F Conklin. who 'rtfi world's championship. thr-cuaw? , ment at Chicago Marcn o, fJH"ti0naa "nfon League. rbiladalphU j Trirahnor Wins Matth .f T ,! af?syn ' 43 KO BIS vy " - -'- WmOip-TONIOIITTOMOHT, Quaker uiy a. 'H'''i';, ZHAT AWJTiB SHOW TOUQHUT ".v :,.k x-raitliwWj VAT BBAnUTC ts WAV CaW; SvSwiT : jl &z VSSTeT, wu ' . - -"" ;.rB. 1 A NONPA1 NICM- ?;-- ,,jn$ Sailor S4fl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers