s TR. i! M THURSDAY February.26, 1916 Ifedgrc uenntn ..itf9 f i'ii ' - ' UllnS kB M h P Is Ri. iKi FLASHLIGHT OUTSIDE THE TRANSIT MEETING AND THE FRESHEST PICTURES FROM THE WAR ZONE .. ... . , . . - - III Ml. ! . )ftMPWMWIWWWWWWM-WMMMwi i n ""' M"'""MM","",-MW,M k llv k iBHK "" JloflEIHHHH'KNHiHbN iBB88BIBBHBIBffly'vi m .ZtjhL. & JBIbSdBHuiAd9i8HHHi9BIBHHHBHBBflR? Bt0fKttJK&MK' IUb ill flB jhh9 Justin !? HP c JE tf liBlfiSESHffKSiiEHIIB H , EMPLOYES OP BUREAU OF CITY PROPERTY GATHERED AROUND DOORS wwSffiWf OP ACADEMY AT LAST NIGHT'S TRANSIT MEETING itj V, -' '" v " "''' ' " ' - '' . " VXv"' ' ,' 't'' 'V ' ' X "y '? $t& I ElMiitpW93tMf IIKki aByiT!'fcv SCm1hP5 RusBlan artlllery"'has become famous as tho most useful and efficient branch of the Czar'a forces m the field. A gun JM&fMSL Hfe rr& -p,; . jrPJIBv -V tX45 crew nrd the horses nre Been hero Pu,,lnP their- guns through a stream at full speed. The detachment shown here, Js part 5 JlpiijiLiiWiii'ii' '" LiiiJJim I iihm"'"" ji 11 n ihii I .1111 1 I mm J . Sj 4 CHECKERBOABD AS SOLDIER'S GARMENT WMa tto buHeta sra not flying and when there is no active work to be done by the British in 1k trwb thsy wkik the time away with checkers. By means of this knitted checker. w &!&, v?Jwi tawiTi'iiJ $ni and watek two "wracks" hvinslt oat. Pboto by Vatwwooi It B4r4. CANADIAN CONTINGENT PASSING OVER ROUGH COUNTRY The picture shows come of the Canadian troops who are at present conducting themselves wUh valor at the batUefront in Franca. Twy - - i Wft shown here making a hasty march to relieve hard-presseacomradea, , ,