KjBiJB'PUPWppWW'WlW'! EVENIHG MBGKR-PniLADBLPniA, TTTEBDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 191S: in k Ifjjfc COMMISSION HOUSE SELLING CAUSES BREAK IN GRAIN FOREIGN EXCHANGE AGAIN WEAK Fi MARKET SOLD OFF ON SMALL DEMAND Foreign Exchange Rntea Again Weak Call Money uroppea to l8t Per Cent. mrW YOltK, Feb. 23.-There was ft j',. accumulation Ot sellmfr orders when Ah Stock Exchnnpto opened today, nnd the market was wean, eeiiing was mo result of uneasiness caused by the (level Jinments attending the establishment of tho rt.man war zone and tho character of the news from tho eastern war xOnc, whero the ltueslans arc reported as lmvtnB cen defeated by tho Germans. The Street did not like the composition of tho Federal Trade Commission, ana tniB was given as reason for the soiling c: Industrials. - For the most part. It was regarded that Mis principal selling camo from small holders, and there was also somo forolijn selling-, when tho smau accounts nau been cleaned out In tho early trading tho market developed a llttlo strength around "tnldday. Thoro was no show of pro nounced nctlvlty, however, and tho atti tude scemtd to bo a waiting one. Demand was very small. In tho afternoon tho markot did not hold the strength shown Just boforo nool and tho wnoio nsi wni ou. uuo icm for bearisnness was found In thn pctlon of marine Insurance companies In tro Minff their rates on securities brought from the other side. Prices In somo cases were ort as mucn an puima num mi rn of SnturdnV. E After the close of the market It was Announced by tho special committee of Sthe exchango that all restrictions had been removea rrom ooumern imuwiiy. .The minimum price on Inspiration Con solidated copper was reaucoa to id anu KUnlted Railways Company of St. Louis preferred to 20. ( The most active shares wcro Reading, Steel common nnd Amalgamated Copper, oil e-olne below Saturday's closp. Around midday supporting orders appeared nnd fethev crew somowhnt stronger. New VJlaven was a weak feature, declining to fits new minimum price of 45, which be L came effective today. Offerings of tho . stock were rather largo. American Car nnu l-ounary common reached Its new minimum or 40. uotn tno common nnd preferred stocks of tho h Baltlmoro nnd Ohio wcro weak, duo prin cipally to the poor showing made in tno earnings' statement tor January. juio common dropped 2 points to Its now Kmlnlmum, while the preferred cased off :jl point to 67. VtitiAe aniline rnm nhrnnrl. nrlnplnnllv jt'ln bonds, many Issues appearing on tho tape as "Sellers 20 flat," did not strengtn en the foreign exchange market and rates "again declined today Demand sterling, rafter opening at $4.80V4 sagged off to U9Tv Italian urea and r-v ijh .n 'ci i made new low records, tho formor at C75 md the latter at 6.4S. Manes nUo rc.tclieu a new low at, 83 The January foreign trndo statement 'showed up very favorably. Tho Imports for tho month were $123,265,ZB7, wnuo ex ports totalled $2GT,801,370. Tho excess of exports over Imports was jh&.wd.iib. Republic Iron and Steel preferred dropped four points to T24. .The new Pennsylvania Railroad VA per . . 1 1n ...I.,... t.i.A nnt.1 nt 1IVl5.i nr $i under tho price nt which they wero taken by the syndicate. ' Calj money loaned nt 19i per cent, tho lowest in several days. Financial Briefs Spot spelter sold at DV4 cents a pound, New York Stock Sales ... Laat dote, HUh. Low. Close. Aisgl-anoM Mines ,,.. 28 28 27M 27M nmj topper .....,,,, aili Am n Ptigar ,,, 37 Am Drako Shoe prof ...135 Am Can ... ,...,.. 7H Amer Car ft Fdy ...... 42 Amer Car & Fdy prof ,114 Am Cotton Oil ........ 441. Am Itldo A Leather ptef 2f!i Am Ire i.i , 24 Am Tocomotlra ....... 21K AmMoltprof 30H Am Smelting ......... nijf Am Smelting pret ICO ( Am Sugar ....... ...... 102 AmTclSTcl .IB). I18H 1171, 118 Am Tobacco pref 100)i 100 100 100 Am Woolen 18 17!f 17!f 17U Anaconda Coppor ..... 26' ?6U 2S)f 25H Atchison mu m( 0.3 ma Atchison prof 08W 07 0(1K 00U At Coast Lino 10.f 102 102 102 Hallo Ohio 07 KM 05 05 llolto A Ohio pref 08 G7M 07 07 Iteth Stcol mi M( 54 Mii Beth Steel pref 104H 103H VKM 10.1U Ilrooklyn Rapid Transit 051 mi 85K 85K llultcrlck 29 30 30 30 California Pet 18 California Pet prof .... 61 Can Pacific 1C7 Vi 51 MX 37 30 SOW 135 13 135 2W 25H ?5J 40H 40 40)$ 112 113 112 44 c4 44 25t" 25 ?5 25H 24 24). 21H 21H 2m 30 30 30 nm enjj oi 09 09 09 101K 100 100H -,i)Beekman WlnthroD was elected a dl- , lYftrr nt th T .nrlrn wn nnn Tlnllrnnd. tl Tha Tnniiait aiimlllo nt hf Third AVfl- The Central Leather Company annual 1 report shows a surplus after dividends of II.334.96il. mrnlnst S1.261.41S the preceding .ytar. Tho balance wns equal to 6.41 per ?cent. earned on tho stock, against 5.17 s'per cent. In 1913. H-l-Blds will be received until March 1 by l Wllkixi.'nnrro Tn . tnf 1 00 00(1 4W. ner cent. ,coupon city Improvement bonds. Tho Commonwealth Edison Company . - . ... -.. . .. .- i i.- 01 if rvpuris tor tno year enacu jjkkuihuvi' o u 'surplus after dividends or jm:.4uu, ngainat. 11,281,063 the previous year. The balance available for dividends was etiual to a.ii per pent, on tho stock, compared wltn 8 93 per cent, n year ago. Since Friday the New York banks have 1 lost 31,191,000 to the Subtrcnsury. jrthe highest price on record. F Readtncr first nreferred was. auoted ex 8 dividend except for cash. Thn TlnvlRlnn Pnmmlttpn of the Now t'Tork Cptton Exchango rules that: "Tho following averages of differences between erades as figured from February 20 quo tations of the nine markets. Fall River having been withdrawn, designated by J, the Secretary of Agriculture, are the dif ferences established for deliveries In the ,'v"market on March 1. Middling Jnlr, 106 f.om ntrlnt mnil mll,lttni 89 nn' lynnd X rnlddllni- fin nn: Ktrlrt mlddllnir. 27 on: . strict low mlddllnir. 45 off: low middling. ft- 99 off; strict good middling, 1.51 off, and I( cooa ordinary, 2.09 off." Emergency currency outstanding has j .been reduced to 128,000,000. i There has been placed on the regular -. Ht of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1220,000 Lehigh Coal and Navigation addl- Hon general 4Hs, being part of the Issue 1 Of Februarv 27. 1311. the 1220.000 having . been sold for cash In September and October, and the nroceeds used to DUr- chase an equal amount of the company's one-year s per cent, notes. Tnera wore outstanding of these bonds January 1, 1913. S3.906.000. nnd no mare can be Issued. i.There has also been regularly listed J700 "naiiionai American Telephone and Teie- srapn capital stock. r Manv hiiv,m nf ApriirlHpn whtph are t being offered by .foreign holders "Sellers MU nut" are Insisting on a stipulation In S.the contract they make that If anything Happens to tno vessel bringing mem over prom Europe, they cannot do neia to ine 'contract and thus will not be liable for ,ny loss. BIG TRADE BALANCE 33 41 35 10H 29 85 Central Leatfctf ChcsA Ohio ChlnoCoppor ChleClrcatW Chic Orcat W pref A Chic Mil A 8t 1' .... Chic Mil A St I prof Chic A Northw Col Fuel Alton Col A South Cont Can 47 Cont Can prof ... Corn Product ... Corn Products prof Erie Krlc 1st pref Etlo2drref Gen Chcm prof . . General Electric . General Motor 18K 17)4 17 SOU 60 50 157 155H UQH 33W 33 33H 40 "I 11 28 R't 40 34 II 2SH 81 40V ?4tf 11 2S)f 85 .124U 12.H4 12314 123K 124'f 124H 124V4 J24M 23M 23M 23 23K 25 25 25 25 15 45 45 01)4 02 02 0'2 . OH 0i( 0l 0W . 05H 65JX 05M 05 . 21! 21M I0)j 2l. . 34 ) 34 34 34 . 29 27W- 27) 27) .100H ICOJf 100f 100'. .141)1 141 140 140 . 874 80 82 81X Goodrich Co SOW 30 30 30 Great Northern pref ..114 114 113H 113M Great Northern Oro ... 20J 30 20 20 GUBCcnhclm Eiploratlon 40'4 49 48H 4SJ( III Central 105)4 10.")f 101W 103H IntllarvCorpofNJ . 03)4 92W 02 OJ Intcrboro-Mct 11X 12 1HX 11W Intcrboro-Mctprof .... 54)f .M)S 54 64 Inspiration Cons 18X 18H 18 18)i Kan City Southern pref 65U 55? 55H 55H Lthlch Valley 1205i 130V 129M 130 Loose-Wiles Biscuit ... 10 lfi)S 10 10 LoulsvANash 114H 114f 114 114 HOLIDAY INACTIVITY ON LOCAL EXCHANGE Maxwell Motors 23)4 Mairacll Motors 1st prof 5S!f Maxwell Motor 2nd pref 23) 004 23) 0-4 10)4 1854 40 110 10)4 48 22)f 58! 23 02K 10W 18U 30 10) 10)4 45W 22)i C04 23 03)4 10X 18)i 3D 10 1 10H 47 Mexican Petroleum .. 04 MoKanATcx 1054 Miami Copper 18)4 Minn A St L pref 41)4 MStPASS M 112 Missouri Pacific 11 Mnnt.nna Power 48 National Biscuit 121 Jf 121 120H lzoi NatLead 51) -Mi 48 48 Nat Lead pref '.107 100 10(1 100 NY Air Drake 68)4 67 4 57U 57 J Nevada Con 12 12)4 Jl'-I 12 NYNIIAH 47 45)4 45 45 NY Central P3W fe3 f2H 82.'X NYOAW 22h 22 22 22 Norfolk A West 101 100M 100)i 100H Ko Pacific 101)4 101 1C0)4 1C0 Ontario Silver Mln Co.. 2 2 2 2 Penna 105 10-I'f 1C4X lOUf PlttiburB Coal 19 10 18)4 10 Pittsburg Coal pref ... 01 CO 00 90. Tressed Steel Car 28 2754 27 27 Pullman Co 152 151)4 151W 151)4 RayCon 10)4 10)4 10 10 Reading 141H 1414 140)4 140)4 Readme 2d pref 82 81)4 SO 80 Republic Iron A St ... 20 20 10)4 19)4 RebubllcIronAStpref 7CM 72)4 72H 72M Rock Island Old 2174 Rock Island H H Hock Island pref M l)f RumclyCo 1)4 Uf RumclyCo pref 4 4 Seaboard Air Lino . .. . 12lf 12)4 Seaboard Air Lino pref. 30 34 Sears Roebuck 202 19S 20J J4 m 4 12)4 34 198 8254 14 45 43 43)4 25)( 20) J4 l'l Hi 4 12)4 34 108 S254 14 45 43 43)4 20!1 Southern Pacific 83! 4 83)4 Southern Ity 15 16 Southern Ry pref 45)f 45)4 Standard Milling 4454 43H Studebaker 4454 44)4 Tennessee CoDDer 27ii 27J TexasCo 12754 125)4 12451 125 Texas Pacific RR .... 124 12 12 12 Third Avenuo 4454 45 44W 4454 Twin City RT 07 07)4 00.4 O0H Underwood Typewriter 55)4 55 65 55 Lnltcd Dry Goods pref. .. CO CO CO Unlonl'aclflc 118 117)1 1104 1174 Union Pacific prof .... 80J4 81 80)4 80J4 Union Pacific nar 28M 27)4 27)4 27J4 Un Rwy Inv pref 204 20 20 20 US Rubber 1st pref ..103)4 1024 102 1024 USSteel 41M 4154 40)1 41 USStcelprer 1C4 104 10354 10354 United Clear MfB 4551 45)1 45)1 4551 Utah Copper 51 10)1 494 60 Wabash J J4 4 4 Wabash pref 151 1J1 DJ 1 Western Union 02 C2 01 (il Westlnghouso Electric. G04 00 0451 0451 WcstMaryland 18 174 10 10 Woolworth 03 91 04 04 Willys Overland 0'J 8'J 87 88 Total jalcs today 222,400 shares, compared with 125.200 shares Saturday. Henviness in Wall Strcot Is sues Failed to Cause Liquida tion of Philadelphia Stocks. New York Bond Sales $1000 Amer let dab (la, 111 W Low. Close. tuoii Amtr Hmell Bee CS....1W4 10l4 fXJOO Amer Tel clt 4s....... JW :tnno Am,, ti rvt i&..... 1171 HOOl) Amur U rll I'nn Ha.... tVl 13000 .Armour Co 4H. ...... Dl 4H 8,1 85 si44 low Atchlnon adl ,j... 8.1 tsnoci Atc.iiroii cv 4s joy,. ..,'U1V. 4S 1VW.... IM'A Holiday dulness continued to prevail on the Philadelphia market. The resumption of business today found commission houses lacking In orders and floor traders were In no mood to do business until tho foreign situation becomes clearer. Ono satisfactory feature on tho local ex change, however, was thnt whero New York Issues wero Inclined to sag, purely local shares merely remained Inert. Transactions throughout tho greater part of tho seanlon wcro confined to odd lots, and prlco changes wcro almost nil ex cept In such arbitrage shares as U. S. Steel, Reading, Pennsylvania nnd Lehigh Valley. Aftor tho annual meeting of the Le high Navigation Company, where tho management wns questioned ns to tho success of the Harwood Electric ven ture and also ns to tho relatively high operating ratio, tho stock declined a sub stnntlnl frnctlon. A Block of COO Rapid Transit sold at 10, n slight recession from Saturday's close. In the Into trading Cambria Steel weak ened to 41, ngnlnst I1T4 earlier In the day. Amerlcnn OaH nnd Electric lost over n point, but otherwise stagnation ruled and tho mnrket closed dull nnd steady. In the bond division similar stagna tion prevnllcd except for a certain nmount of buying of Canbrla Steel scrip. Elec tric nnd Peoples 4r wcro In modcrnto do mnnd nlso. Incidentally It became known that tho City Treasurer had sent letters to tho local national banks and trust con.pnnlos holding deposits of city funds, asking whether they destro to continue holding these deposits nftor March 2 and pay Interest to tho city nt tho rnto of 214 por cent, per annum. Councils re cently passed an ordlhnnco Increasing tho Interest rnte from 2 to 2A per cent., ef fective on the above date. A majority of Institutions havo icplled to tho letter, expressing willingness to keep the deposits at tha higher rate. The now rnto also npplles to tho city's three active dcDosltorlcs. tho Third, Franklin and Markot Street Nationnl Hanks, which ( now pay no Interest on city funds, ( Money rates remained practically un altered, but a slight Incrcnso In demand for funds wob noted In certain quarters, j The opinion la hold by somo thnt, with , the ond of tho mouth requirements out I of tho way, the cnll rate may be dropped 1 to 314 per cent. At present thero Is very j llttlo Inquiry for money on call, nnd brokers aro being offered plenty nt 4 por cent. OTODO Atchison cv lUmn Alchlnnl, rv K lfllT .ROW) Atlan Co Lino lt 4. lilsoo Knit A Ohio ;m flOOO lUit A- Ohln 4a tout S0..4 MP. WW t IKI S501M fluit ft Ohio rv 4Ws... MW 300M lt0 1' LKAWV 4a... f0 WOO Halt O 8wn .1H s1i T.VKI IJetti Hired rM ft Hl ISikio nrookn Tin Tr miR. wiH xinni jjrooK un Kiv lit es..jul fiUHl Cfnt flA mn An... ..101 10XJO Cent lath lt.Bs PSJ4 i-,np i;'ni rficuie ;iw ..... 0SO00 Cent rao lt 4 80: 1000 Chra A Ohio r,a lai nK) cm Alton as tvi C0OO Chi Ot West 4 OiiH 131KO Chi & Nwn gen 4s.... P2H S0OO Chi & Nwn con 6s.. Ion 1.110OO ciii ii & q joint 4s. . . . nru HHOOil CM 11 Ben 4s 00 U uw cm u & u in .His.... ,vi U1U 8.1 111' at loi't iom HI Ul. w P0 !8 Rt1 SO' RS 8S IWIVj W)l 101 latl OS ou 02'4 loll mi Rl 101 101 0;-. 1011 03tt HO 8.1 40() Chi II ft O Iowa 8S..102M 102i lOSJi TRono Ch M A SI' cv 0s w 1.W0H 10OH 100U 1 8.1U i Knn,i rhi Mil a at i sm n.1 noon Chl Mil & StT Dlv 4a. SSU rnm ( tit Mil tt SP cp Bs.lin 2030O Chl M A S P cv 4Wa. BOVi 4'ni cm il i a i' coi 4.1. . -a 3,000 do 4 100" Chl n n ,1a 71)00 Col & Pouth 1st 4a. woo col & South ret 4V4- 1000 do 6 SKOOi) fon Oaa ev (Is w I... 1000 Pel & Hud red 4a... noon ncn ft Itlo Or 4a Iiroo Dun ft nio nr rfd Si. 0000 Ills Secur Corp r.a now Hrlo conv 4a scr II... inoo Krto prior 4 l.iono T5rl 5,1 cit 4n. . . , 8noo Erlo 4th out 4.., 4lOi Griurnl Motor Hi 20on Oa car ft N tin. . 1TO0 llud Man rfd n' -nnn III Ccntrnl rfd 4a 7O0O do 4a 111.12 r.ono 111 Chl lit !W. ... TfiKt inap Cop cv On. . . 1000O Intern Mt.4H.. vpi) intern il T rr oa 112 8SH 101 00 ?o 0IIH 80 ?n OI 1OT IM1 as IHl'i R(li XI GRAIN PRICES DROP ON GENERAL SELLING May Whcnt Falls S Cents nnd July 5 Cents During Day In Chicago Pit. it2 mil 2000 Int Mer Mar 4V,a Sf.Oi) Int ft ot Nor nil .t ?i'0n tntnl Btm l'umn na,., 41000 Jap new Clrr atn 44s. r.iHi Japanese ibi h-b.. .. nt .. 81 ..100 ii ,.100't .loin .101 .. 70 ..101 ., 84U . nn ..100'4 .. 7S tlH a4 TI'Ti Ml 7ni 70 1000 Japancao 414s 801, IfMtal l.'on ftV tin RM 1HI WOO Klncs Co Elec r......tpMS liooo Luck Steel r,a 1021 .. W tnoo do r. him. . . ...... . . pk .looo Lake Sh del. 4s inn., pn 11000 Uk ft M T JP PdOfl Lorlllnrd r,i l'O 11000 Louis ft Naah 4a P2' anon do 0 ;'. X 2O0O Mo Knn ft T lat 4s.. ,9 4000 Mo Var cv Ra 41 W STrnn Mom Power r.s m lonn chat ft St I. ny . . - - -' "5J iwio N V Canal 4s !: -IS?, J 40OO N Y Canal 4a inni. ..lon'i 7ino N V Cent M C afta... noon n y c ft H :i48.....8o . nr.ioo n y c ft mid ns w i."; TT.ti in 43H iW' 02 md 81 10OU lonu iniu 101 7n nn ! f)2 7,1'!, 4.1i .121,, m5 81 HXIV, incit. mui 101 n 101 81 nnn 7llJ 745 Tl 7in( no 711 70 Rllli IK, :u Tt.'i Wl 7H'4 71 SIV, no 10.1 101 no nn; no 1l!Ji 107 70 I4V4 112 llKIJl un ion 70 80 no mil no int, 100 02 V, 107 70 44'j 02 lon'i innu liiovi 70 80 CHICAGO, Feb 2.1. Apprehension over the foreign shipping situation nnd feorn that the Dnrdnnejlea may bo opened by tho Allien, thus releasing millions of bushels of wheat, caused a general sell Ing movement by commission houses at tho opening of the grain pit this morning, driving tha prices of all grains below tho closing on Saturday. May wheat opened 2H cents down nt Jl.BS, and on succeeding sales declined to J1.&3H. or 6 cents off from Saturday. July wheat lost V,i cents on the first fow sales, dropping to $1.274, nnd then to 21.23H, down 4T cents per bushel. May closed nt Jl.CIi, off 854 conts from Saturday, while July showed a loss of C?i cents at 1.25i. Throughout tho day thero wns heavy liquidation by longs and thero was a lack of buying power. Crop reports wero morn favorable. The vlfllblo supply of whea; decreased 1,813,000 bushels last week, tho total now being 51,769,000 bushols, compared with 07.808,000 bushels for the same time last year. Tho Canadian visible decreased 918, 000 to a total of 11,717,000 bushels, com pared with 22,700,000 bushels a year ngo. Chicago stocks Increased 163,000 bushels, but today wora only little over 1,000,010 bUBhelo, or loss than one-sixth ot tho stocks held hero last year. ItcportB received In tho grain pit were tc the effect that the Allies havo mode great progress In reducing tho defenses of the Dardanelles. When It Is consid ered tint up to tho present tlmo Itussln nnd tho Dnmihlnn countries have only shipped 11,425,000 bushels of wheat this year, ngalnst t41.SO0.O0O bushels In the same period of last year. It will be seen what a tremendous bearing the opening of the Dardanelles would have on the prices ot grains, principally wheat. The Fnclllc Coast reports new crop pros poets are fair, with the acreage largely Increased. Leading futurcn minted ns fntlowa: ... . Sat'd's neat urcn. man. iot i lore, clOJ' .tiny i .i'. i.,,. Julv 1. 28 l.s.J4 (Corn, new rtemery) PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUK WHEAT. rtecelpta, 08,287 bushel;. "There n rair export inquiry, nu, ... "' ri nnd bearlili ancculatlon In all nonvi nna Liini, Kriln centres hero, declined c. on Doin aprma and winter, vnrletlf j. quotations: Car Iota. In export lcator-No. 2 -00JJ!n',til5r. ..--., i turn no, Nn. '2 r,l teptem. SI OOIf A it n2 COnN. -lUcflDta. 100,067 nuahela. Tnera 1.01 No. 1 northern puluth. llttlo tradln X una inc inarAyv ,u,.-v, .... and 2c. lower, uuotniionai y-ar iu. '" "j;"1' elcvntor-No. S,,.not and rebrusrv. TiWTTe.s atramer. 744a75t4c.: No. n, 7.1'4ftT4Ue Car in, a rnp irrni irnne. nn id locni hii ,.u. .niin... fmTHln iirAtner 1 allow. 7nlt80c.t yc ft yellow. 70f78c.i aamplo ytllow, 70374a.t new cnh. per 70 lb-.8pft82c. , OATM-necelpta, 180.020 buihals. Oulilde ndtlcea were, loner and prtces hr aympa thetlcnllr declined Mc, under, a lUht dmnd. uuomt nif : No. 2 white. (nWOcj,, standard white. (14fl(V1c.! No. whtta. n2B214c llViJ. Was quiet and ateadr. ,We ouots at $1.220124 per buah,, a . to quality. In ex port elevator! and at tl.lA01.1T for small lota of nearby grain In baga. .,. FLtlUlt. Recelpta, 200 bbla. and a34,OOT Iba. In sacks. Demand alow and valuta nom inally unchanged, Quotations, per 180 Iba., In wood! Winter, clear, 1797.23: do., straight, t7.2SJtT.60: do., patent, 7.6C"ST.I8! Kanaaa, itrninh, l,,i ...it. iT.2.ta7.no! do.. nAtent. luto aacka. tT.B01f7,7Sl spring. Prat. Clear, fO.85ST.20l do., atralght. tj.2OWT..i0J patent, ii,ouui.d: uc, H-3I CUV milia, cnoico ana milt ftiutcim. tvA.2r,i city nulla, regular grades-winter, clear. $707.2.11 do., atralght. f. 2507.60: do., patent, I7.60OT.7B, Iivn I'LOUIl. In moderate supply and atendlly held, but quiet. Wc quote nearby and Western, In wood, at tT7.25 per bbl., as to quality. PROVISIONS Tho nurket ruled steady, but trade waa oulet. Quotations: City beef. In acta, ainoked and air dried, 2.1020c, Weatern beef, In aeta. emoked, 262ec,j do., city beff, knuckles and tenders, amoked nnd alr-drled. 2728o.t do., Western beef, knuckles nnd tendera, amoked, 27t2Sojl beef hnme, t-11032: pork, family. $22.S0CM hnrns, S. P cured, fooac, 11UC13WC. : do., skinned, looae. 121V312)ic.: do., do., amoked. i:ii1Jl '5C , other name, amoKro, city curen, Ja, li ua to brand and nvcrrge, 14ffl4Hc.j ao weal- td, I4MliO.! 00., DOlieu, poneicaa, picnic ahoutdera. 8. 1". cured, looee. i. I ov. Cloae. close, I 1 .1214 M .12V, I.lnlU H 1.2.1 tl.ISH'I.WS mill Hill. Ul 'a l't T .''7? 20OWN Y City 4WS1IW... iny .- -ffi Ly i? .Tn-.--' .,7 'M ,: MH llltit.. -J 'I" ir .." nooo n y city 4v:j mot.. i""j liiou N Y ry 4Ua May Ji-I")., imfl N Y Cy 4ifi Mny nl.1fl,j irro N Y Cy 4'ls Noy 'Si.tOI 1000 N Y tlnB II ft 1' r,s..lli,l 1I1IK) N V Ont . l't 4a Sirnil N Y Uwy ndj na.. . 1IM10 N Y Ptntc 4a .trull . won N Y Tel gen 44a.. 120000 Nor 1'ac prior 4... so . r.iy, .too . iui . ui'li m mi 101 liUH iui'4 101 int livt loi 80 8(1 ;,ni nui ino loo II V, H4 snvl Mii n? wv. jns Sales in Philadelphia 2.1H Am Gna w Am jtwva . . . ;u .12 Am Ilwyao rrcf.UHni 10 naconda Mln.. .. 60 Bald Loco prcf.100 :il) Cam Iron 42 102 Cam Steel 41 Td 1R Electric Storage 48W 50 H P N J ft L. .. 2(i Ina Co N Am. . 21 78 KeV Tel nrcf... ICI 10 Lehigh Nnv ... 70' 2.1 LehlEh Nav t 0 70' 7 Lehlch Vnllcy.. 03 60 Mo Pacific 2:tl Pcnna U n 62S K Pcnna Salt Mfr M 1(1 Phlla Uleo 21U lU'i Bat. close. High. Low. Cloee. I"l?l 1("H !'' JW1 ;ir, 1001 100 4.' S.1 100 2614 100 4J .tr. lllll 2BW 11)0 12 740OO Nor I'M k;", '";, ,',... ,ov tf,n 2000 Oro Short L 1st (la JOSn vJp '?.?,? 7000 ore Cal 6- 1't m, i' 17000 l'cnna cv :i'4 1JX., '"Q,, l2,, S0O Penna 4s ins n.u n , , Ii,; 8 8S 10", iii iii 41 41 41 M jgft a 800 P II T tr ctfa 110 Heading 21 (CI 7(1 lA 86 21 10 !1 (U 70 7IH4 01 10 62 85 ?27i 1U 1 It) 711 86 2:i?i 10 ..iUi lUU'lll lll. ," ' in "ri .t ifj 10 01 r. Fo Hallway. ... IS 14tt 14W n Tonopah llol .. 3?1 3 W, 46.Tonopah Mln ...n 11-10 (W; Oil. KB 111 ir n 1 . RI 82U 82 8: 1210 U S Steel 41H 41h 401i ju:s Total aales. M41 aharcs, compared with 4.177 ahnroa Saturday. BONDS. Loit. prev. aale. man. i.ow. ciose. $.1000 Am Gaa & El Ba K6U .1S.I Cam S scrp 1017 00 OOXI Eloc & P tr 4a 78W 2i,ii lnterst Ity 4a. , . 68 2000 Leh Nv con 4Ws. 0IH4 2(XiO LVm con cp. 87 7000 Phlla El 4s 70 1000 I.eh V gen en 4a 87 ;i.1000 Fa rcta 4Ws w 1.104 2(ioo p ii & w 4a '4:i. m 70fo Phlla Elcc 4s.. 7 6000 neadlng gen 4a 02 Total sales, $03,033, compared with t45.&SS Saturday. MK 78U 60 0"U 87M, 8 87V 101i 118 01 8T.4 VI) 78 6U Wl4 87 li 78"1 87 U laiQ 08 78'i 01 8.14 1MI 78-tt 311 P0VJ H7h 78VJ 87'i 10.-IK 09 ,n4 01 Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. 73 Penna 100 U S Steel.. 2.1 Cam Iron.. 60 U 8 Steel.. 100 do 25 UO 4 Penna 10 Beading . . . 41J4 er.4 41 621 52',i 1 Exports in Jpnuary Were f 145,536,103 Larger Than Imports. WASHINGTON, "b. 28.-Imports lnJanu- ,tha Department of Commerca, totalsd 1122, r- ffr. 1B16. according to flguraa roada publlp by ,,si uenarimen. nr iromirH. idikiiu ,!. ,283,207. against tlS4,742.02d to January, 1014. -'aid tt63,0il.i3S In January. 1013. Exports In !.llhl,neu IVI. -..at- auarasat..! 9ATK11 4Tfl R i.uarir, lua year, agicrcgauau ea,.ov.,tf(v, compared with t204.06U.b03 In January of last year, and t23T.O2,li30 In January, 1013. Com- P4nng tha month's trad wltn tat low pointa touched in uxuat last. Imports havo decreaaad 17.602.623, or 6.8 jar cant, while export bY facraaned tlT 433.l76. or 142.6 per cent Iba exea of export over Imports for tha tiouth waa tl43.B3a.103. or practically three Uinta that ot January luit year and mora than .doubla (hi, nt .Inriuarv 1U13. In tha mix Jaoota alne August lait tha monthly Irads fcalanH. hm ahlf ted from n execu ol f 1M0O, - SS4 on tha Import aid to an cxctai of tll.V- ,9,104 on the export tide. xce41n: tUt r shown b any prtiloua month in tha country .vw NEW YORK CURB Bid. Aiked. Braden ....;......... J4 Urltlah-Americart Tobacco old 17$ 18 do now .................... 47i lari lloldllcld Consolidated 1W 1 IMil Greene Cananca - -,, La Itoao -7J ,' Klplaslnr ' ,Sr R'V' Otn tlevator J" do pref bS Jj niker-Hcgcman ' .' storllna liJm i ?, . Tobacco Products pref. J- u United Cigar Stores Vii 117 do pref '"i iT i it United Profit new JU'ia JJj World Film tb Yukon Gold " - BANK CLEARINGS BanK clearings today compare with corre .pondlng day laat two yw m noaton tl8.43. U0.241.S2J 123,381,031 Bank clearlnga today comparo with corre .ponding day la.two y.ar. MU -Phlladclnhla s.2.0W,l8 J22.47T.37l t32.12J.8T5 Kew Yor...2lU,0T0,B13 230.003,000 313,123,81) RATES FOli MONEY Call. Thlladelohla 4 . Now York .. Boston SmmercI.rpapVrl'a'V'Cmontha, phU, aV4tH Pr cent. Tims. 3K94. lttBfi 'faNJM :::::;.:. ?. p I'luiauei olme. eaulv. f Sift - . OI tl January Import 6Z8T tfr cant, an jra ir oi autr, gaioc m tr '"' y; 9t W14. and aas per iot la January. H ",jfa ni goia ity, gaiot Hi tr irax in jn & S per i tot la January. 1U13. "i gold ia Janiwry iai ioiJw.l,. i,J,,i in.4t.ata in January, lull. Jn.u.r war tWl.KW. acatwt M M..038 lit tri 1014 mad U. MT.tHt In PAY RUSSIAN BILLS Block of 10,000,000 Taken in London. Markfets Dull. IJJNDON, Feb. 23,-Deallng on the stock exchn wero slow today, put tha undertone waa tady. Support wa given Russian lsjue. A block" ot 10,000.000 RUasian Treaaury bill wa paid tor. Small amount ot German and AustrtaB bond changed handa at knock SSwn prt The 'American list was Ule, but Argatla rail, advanced. Amal Copper Atcblaon ,- Baltimore & QBlQ ,.. Can PaclOo Che & Ohio... Chl & Ot We Chl il 4i St P.,.... , Denver ,,........ Erie ' do lit pret III Cent ..." . Mo Kan & Tex v N Y Cent .,............ Norfolk West.. N Y Ont & Wet ;, Pennaylyanla Heading South gwy.; smith Pacific TrSlon PaelBS cctuola u " ,w lncrae. -Pwrwia. Recclver for Coal Company CIHCAQO, Pft. TA VnHS " "WT TiJr-TTTJEii 1 goal K)9tmVrBf' w i'o a4 itllti abbut dM. Ofl 78V, nn oo 324, 33 Cam Steel. 4194 6 Leh Val... 42 26 U H Steel. 41M 100 do 41 .'!() Ponna .... 41 23 do 62H 1 do 70$ BONDS. 31 Cambria Steel ecrlp W17 3000 Klestrlj ft Pcoplca' Tr 4a 123 Cambria Steel scrip 101T 32 do 10:30 to 11 A. M. M II r M I ft b 02V4 5 Penna 32'J 20 Iteadlne T0"n B " O I . ....... 82 23 Perna 0214 4 Key Tel prf.. OJ BONDS. 1000 Electric & People's Tr 4a 781', 1000 I.eh Vat gen rona 4s 87V. liiOOO Penna rta 41ta w 1....... If" 20 0 Electric & Peoples' Tr 4a 7SU 11 to 11:30 A.M. 70 10 Cam Iron..,. 42 63 10 Key Tel pr. . . (13 5211 40 Penna B2U S2(i 10, U S Steel..',. 41U BONDS. 3000 Penni rcta 414a. w I Ipnti 1000 Leh Nav cons 4W 0011 1000 do , 0014 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 100 U S Steal.... 41.. 38 do.. 100 100 do li in 100 Am das 10C 10 BONDS. 7000 Phlla Elee 4a........... T81J (12 Cumbria Steel scrip 101T .." 200CO Penna rcta 4H w I , t03 12 to 12:30 P. JI. 621. 2 do 6214 14V, 5 Ton Mln flli BONDS, 2000 Eleo & People' Tr 4a ,,...,,. TRtf 8T Cambria Steel acrlp 1U1T 00 10 Leh Nav... no Key Tel pr. 100 Penna 3 do 4114 16 U O I ,. 8214 o:t do. 1 Penna B South Rwy. 12:30 to 1 P. Jr. 17WOH Ponna 4jn w 1 lyvn. 12000 Pco & East lBt " " 7000 tiny Con Copper '", i:nnxi iieniuiiB K." .'",,. 600 llcpub Cuba . lnoi. 1OM0 Hep Ir ft S.6i lino.. 6000 Bin Or ft W clt 4a... coon Hoc'c Ialnr.d 4 2000 Bock Island rM 4a ... r.000 Hock lHland 3 a. . . . 10(Vl St I. T M ft S Olf 4". 600O St I. ft S V rfd 4s... VO0 St L & S V acn 6s.. . 2Ttroil PeabonnI A I. ad 68. Pn,,, Qntith llnll ,lfl ?:ioon South Pac rv 4;.. 76C00 do cv r i i ll(Ki do rrd 6000 South Pac Term 6a. lOOOD South Itwy gen 4s. 7non do con 6a ; 3000 Tcnn C & Ir gen os llluco Texas co cv a. . 1IUI Tot PCO & W 4S.. looo Tri-uuy . 02 !I2; 01 8.1 (1V4 on 07 02 H7'4 81 3 10.14 Otfli 84',, 03 tmii 03 0S14 4714 UO. lO'i'ii 1. in1. 10:114 103H 103 10", nuii ui; 021, KI 71 71 Kt 81 r,3ti ."' i 64 117 Oil 117 117 so'4 ?& 7814 04 III 113 I1M4 474 OlWJ 1021; M'J 07 IM !I7 6"V. 8 03', 84H 781n 01 111! 03 IWi 10: 47U 10-J 100W looii 1(KI 1(M .vion V s ltubber Oa Ki-Jn 64000 U 8 Steel 3a J00J4 2000 do reg 6a 100.4 HlOO t'nlnn 1'no lat 4.i 0314- 21000 Union Pac cv 4a 80 COOOVa.tia Brown Broa ... 34 1000 Vo, Car Chm 1st 6s... 02'i 0000 Va Uwy Ba imvi Wnlieh 4s -'I 7000 Wrst Cheater 6 Wl 2000 Weat Sid lat 4a 03 Nion West V & M cv 6a... Pl4 400O IVcst Shoro rcg 4a U)W 1O0O West Union Oa IJW .nn. fl.nnn rnnf tnn Jl. . 80 Total anlea. t2,407.0u0, compared with I.14J, 000 Saturday. P471 31 112 j 0011 a 01 ihi; n so II4'4 ft , Ti2li 0(1 27 H3 (15 1114 (Mil, 0fl4 811 Local Bid and Asked Today'H Saturday's Bid. Aakod. HII. Aaked. Daldwln SOW 32 30 JU l,nj iui r., -T 1 do nrcf Cambria Steel ... nicctrlo Storage .. General Aaphalt .. do pief Ifeystono Tel do t o do pref Lake Hup Corp.... Lehigh Nav Jo t c , Lehigh Valley ... Lehigh Valley Tr. do pret V Pennaylvanla Phlla Elco Phlla Co do pref ........ do cum pret ... Phlla It T do t c Heading Ton Hl Ton Mln Union Trac II (I I U S Steel York Kwy do pref 41 48 14 14 (1274 75 75 03 13i 20JJ 52 23? Id 10 '&:. 0" 82 40'i , 3015 42 4814 211 114 1414 141, u-114 n 7514 751? If sa 24 :i'j 2 37 1014 1014 3' n!T' 30 82'4 nv. 48K iili 14V4 CI 7374 7374 ,r.,. 27 8j 10 10 70i 82 41"i 7 31 484 2(1 II." 14T, 147. 04 0 Tim 7(J'4 ir.iw 1414 St? si" 32 37 10 14 1011 7iy 374 n on S2'l 417- 714 317-1 May Julv .... rvita M.iv .... July ... Ijtrd May .... July .. lllbi May .. , July ... Pork May .... July ... did. 514 73i 73 6I1H 6314 73H 7574 5(H1 K1'4 7014 t"8 t64 10 41 1 0.115 10.10 10 32 .... H.23 .... 18.45 tAakeil. 10.45 10.(13 10.10 10.32 18.25 18. 53 10.30 10 HO 10 4 10..V) 110 52 110(17 11.73 10.02 0.77 t!0 07 10 02 '10.32 tern cured. it,,,., it : itii'iut: niiiiu.iirrrn. n. .. luieu, lol.eiltc: dn.. amoked, llXPlSc.; belllea.. In pickle, according to average, loose, i.miim.: liieikrnst bacon, as to brand and average, city ,-ur-d. 17018e.i do., Western cured. lTOlBa.i lard, Weatern. reflnetl. tierces, 11011V4C.; do., do. tuba, 11JJ1114C. ( do., pure city, kettlo rendered. In tierces, lHJlltlc.i do., pur city, kettle rendered, In tuba, UHllUc REFINED SUGARS Trado quiet, but valuea ateadlly maintained. Iteflncra' Hat urlceai Standanl Kranulated, n.8i)c. lino grnrulated. S.T.'ct oowdcred, 6.860 : confectioners' A. 6.5c.; aoft grades. 4,t)OS5.50c. DAIRY PRODUCTS lll'TTKIl Flno gooda were In amall sup ply and firm. Lower grudea dull. Quotation: Weatern, freah, eolld-packed creamery, fancy, apiclali, 3tc.i extra. 32c: extra llrats, :11c; ilratn, aXfllOcs seconda. 2ilfl2Sc. ; ladle-pnckcd, 21ia23i'., ns to quality; nearby prlnta, fancy, :i3c. ; do., averago extra. 31c.: do.. Prats, .TOT? :i2c. , do., accomla. 2ilfr'8c; apaclal brands of prlnta Jobbing at 40U42c. EOOS 7'era unaettlcil nnd tl.60 per caao lower under Incrcaalng auppllea nnd a light clemund. Quotations: In free cna, nearby, extra, 2fic. icr doz.; nearby, flrala, t.20 per ntnndnrd caao: nearby, current recelpta. tT.03 . .. 1..,..h . .- ,1--.- f Ol, .. - nn- , do., flirts. JT.05 per caaoi Southern. tO.HOJt7.o3 rancy lTUOITWe.j 60., do., fair to good, 10!48lTc 1 do. 1 current make, lGUQlOlici "., part aklmi 8fli3c POULTRY I.lVj:. Dealratila atock was In moderats auimly nnd. ateady with trade fair. Quotations- Fowls, 14M16Mc: old rco.ter, 11 HVjO 1 chlckena, soft mealed, lMHOc.i do. atnggy, 11l4c.: ttirkeya. 164UTC : duck. 1W ITc. ; geese, 12B10C.; erulneaa. aa to OUlllfv. per pair, BOtlTOc 1 plgenna. old. per pair, 22fj 26?-l do .young, ter pair. 2022c. . ,. lihr.ssni). Market niilct and fowl tc lower, orferlng moderate, but ample Quo. fnltona, trreah. killed fowla. 12 to box. drr- pltked nnd dry-Pcked, eelecled, heavy, IPc.i weighing 4rT Iba. apiece 18e.i do...5M.i apiece, 17174e j do., S Iba. apiece. lWlfUc, a ID8, apiece, uwinc, rowiF, uh .- -7- .-- IC- ' . .- T.-..,. no,, unaer a ids, npipcr. i,iu, r uw,p, .,,, dry-picked and dry-packed. Western. 45 ibsi o,, no., e. 1714c: do., do., an ins, inuinua.1 no,( An . n lha. And tinder. 14fT16c, Old roosters, dry- picked, 14c. Broiling chlckena, penrby, ltuta ha. npleee. 224T21C t At., fair to good, 182t;.i Weatern. iMgilbs apiece. 20ff22e.i do., On to good, 14Jll8e, Chlckena, dry-picked end di7-pa:ked. In boxes, milk-fed. 81 to 30 lbs. to dot., 180.1 do., 37 to 42 Iba. to dox 18ci do., 43 to 4T Iba. to dot., I80.I do., 48 lb..to do., 20c.. do. CO Iba. and over, 21e..crri.ted, 31 to 42 Iba. to do.. 10c; do., 43 to 47 Iba to dot., 17o.! do., 48 lbs. to doi.,.10c! do.. 00 lb, and over, 20c, Chlckena. dry-picked and drr packed, In bbla., selected, heavy, 10c. I Wsatern. corn-fed. n lb, and. over, 18c. s do., do... -4 lbs" tTdlTMct do do., ty jbs., lJUe.f do., do., 2H33 lbs . 14160. Turkeys, dfy-plckej ana nry-jmuneu -- vmtmr. .-". Wettem, 22c. : fair to good, 18t: 10ft20c. Ducks, fancy. In boxca, ordinary tn good, 120ino. Oeeat ncr uu, o,w". . . io., T lbs. wr aot... 3ft3.23i do . do.. B4 lb. per aoi.j .-. ubij uu -.. , v.Wf FRESH FRUITS n-mniiil fair for choice atock and value en. erallv well sustained. Quotations:. Apple. New medium, ttL00: Bpples. tVeatem. per box. T5cRSl,?3! appiea, ueiawaro anu i-i Vnnta. per hamper, noifooc; lemons, mojW. Ann,,,. Plorlda. ner bo I Jl :..:. A...J .. L. m-n,. I tvern tnhbert nut 1T.52 17.82 '18.22 18.00 IS 00 18 07 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICKil), Kelt. 23. HOas. Recelpta, 18, 000; miirkel. 3ffl0c. higher. Mixed nml butrh era'. SO 35JKI.70: good heavy, fil.:i5B0 6(li rough heavy, JO. 1013 11.30 ; light. 5U.43'flO.SO; plg. tJ 00 (T(I75: bulk. (l.65ll.70 PATTLIi. llecolpts, 26U0: market atrong. Iicovcs, lTRS.7n: eons and lelfera. t0frT.4u; atockers nnd feeders, S4.40f0: Tctana, IVi7.10: calve. nS.OO'SlO Slir.UP. Receipt. 8000: market steady. Na tive" and Western, t4.403f7.70; lambs. t3.403i 8.73. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NI7W YOllK, Feb. 23. Tho coffee market closed steady, ruturcs advanced 2 to t points. Trading waa acme. Prlcoa fellow: Today' Today's Sat'day's Opening. Cloai-. Clone. 3.50 5ai3.52 3. 1003.43 5.5M(.n2 5.01 Sf5. 112 3.60413.SS MlWJO.rJ 0.7IW5.72 O.IKfflO.dl 0.T3 11.80 11.83 11.06 T.00 LOT March April ., May Juno July Auguat September .. October .... November . . Uicembor .. Bid. Total sales, 7:ii3.7l 5.7IHI3.7 O.TMJOTO 0.71B(V72 n.H'UMI.SI 0.80(10.81 IM1OS10.1I2 0.8S(l.fnl n.n8tt.oii n.ii3n.po 7.04A7.03 7 0107.10 7.110T.12 T.0SST.10 selected cnntlled froth eggs at 2SB30e. uer do. ClIUK.Ni: waa in moderate supply and ateady v Ith a fair export demand. Quota tions: New York, full cream, fall mako, choice, ennavU ner bor. box, tl.TM J.60: tangerlnea. Florida, per lrap, tl.602,B0s grapefruit, Klorld, Per box, tta72irlnepple;, per crate-Porto Itlco, t2.603.60: Florida, 2 2 60; cranberries, fancy late varieties, per bbu f7.60ijt4 60! cranberrlea. Jerajy. per crate, 23g T3c: pears. New Ynr'. Klelter. per bbt, tiff 2; atrawberrlea, Florida per quart, 240c VEGETABLES Th general market, quiet, with fairly liberal offerings at tho following quota tions: White potatoea. per buih Penna., OOtl 03c; Maine. 45060c.: N. Y.. a to quality 4015c.: white notatoea. Joraev. per baaket .107136c.: sweet potatoea. Del.. Per hamper Utrgo. tl.25l.T3: medium. .pOOTge.: wft rotntoca. Knatcrn ahpre. per bbl. No. 1. t2 273. No. 2. 1.60flL7r! nweeta, Jeracy, per bbl. No. 1. t3.253.no; Nn. 2, t2T2.60: awetl Jersev. per basket. TSc.lTtl: onion, per buah. 60rr,Oc.: do,, choice, per 100-lb, bag. tLIB: do. medium. tx.r 100-lb. bag. 11: do... second, per lOO.lh. bar. T5c: cabby.. Danish, per ton tSfl3; caullOower, N. Y.. per crate. tlOLTO; Ipinach. Norfolk, per bhl.. tl.7Bii72.23t kale, jTorfolk per bbl.. POcetl: lettuce. Fla per baakot, t204: beana. Fla., per basket, tl83.60; peaa. Fla.. per baakot. t2.80di4! eggplant. Fla.. per lnx. 2lM.W): rucumbera. Fla.. per -basket f3.603j squash, Fla.. per basket. t2.2S3j penpera. Fla.. per carrier. J3S4.60: beat. Fla.. per IU0 hunche. 3nB! tomatoes, 11a., per carrler-rnncy t2.60j!3.M: cho'-e. ?: celery. Fla.. per crate. tl.2S02: do., N. Y., Bar hunch. HMJTOc: muahrooms. per 4-lb. aakct. 00c.am.20. REAL ESTATE NEWS 01,000 baga. COTTON CLOSED LOWER NUW YOBK. Feb. 23. Notwithstanding the unfavorable developments over tho week-end, tho chief of which waa tho Intimation from a high official, that Great Britain might place cotton on the contraband Hat. tho cotton mar ket opened ateady today, 2 to 5 points under Saturday'a cloao. The large apnt houses offered freely, while some of tho smaller spot houses bought. N'otlcea covering about 200 bnles of March delivery were reportod, this being tho flrat notice for that month. After the call the market beenmo eomewhnt active nnd aclllng preeaure Increased, tho Hat working off to a net loas of about 8 polnta. At the -clone prices wero 20 to 20 point below tho tlnal on Satur- ooy- DUl.kiiiai., (iiriii ...s..ts s!n ...8.fll 8.00 ...8.8.1 N.75 . . .o.on n.05 ...D.2S P.SI ,...8.55 .... March . . May .... July ... October December Spot ... High. H1 8.01 8.7N II.03 :a Low. Close. 8.12 8 12 8.31 8.30 8.63 S.37 R.8I 8.811 U.OO 0.00 8.35 LEHIGH NAVIGATION MEETING 100 U B Steel.,,. 41 It Phlla Eleo.,,, 0 do,,..,..,. 41 10 Ana Mln,.,,.. 200 do....,,.., 4074 IO V S Steel.... 25 do..,,,,.,, 404 400 Phlla It T t c. 23 do ,. 40 100 do.,,,,.,,, 10 Beading; ,,,,. TOTS 100 do,..,,.,., BONDS. XOOO Electric & I'eople'a Tr 4s,,...,,,, 2374 40', 10 10 10 TSi O limbrli fltl Berln 1017 041 vv & UO Witt . Whl oca T.71 ;,4H2 . 1111 IBS ..t; :8o 8li 22 217 ', 83 3J4i 7a . B4 10BH A M uh "4 . BM 822 - 1? inn t irt- for t P d 1 to 1:30 P. M. 1 Penna 82',, 10 U 8 Steel.., 2 do 61,! 4 Ky Tel pr., 1Q Baldwin rr.10O 6 Bleo ttor... BOIJpS. 2Q0Q Beading gen 4. ,",,., , 1:?0 to 2 P. M, 10 U a 1 8274 2 Mil Nav t C in Kiv TbI prf.. Si 40 Baldwin nr. 8 Penna. Bait... 83 10 Kle Stor..,, 4SH 100 U 8 Steel.... 40 20 In Co N A'. 21 BONDS. 28 Cam Steel rcrlD 1017 DO 3000 Heading gen, 4 .....,,,. 4874 , oiu -I5W J.UU Otti HARWOOD ELECTRICS YEAR Incomo Fell Off, Although Business Increased. In tha Harwood Elcctrla Company's annual resort the nonoperatlng Incomo for 1011 nnt,A to 133.217. Of WhlCh t,308 WM dorlved from Investments. This incomo shows a decreaae ot ?!3,2T2, as compared with 1013, which I accounted for by the reduction In the dividend received on It holdings ot atock In the Harwood Coal Company and Harwood Store Corrpany. In 1014 these .dividends amounted to t30.000. a compared with f80.000 frithS prevlou year. The failure of the two latter companies 'to continue dividend; at the rate paid In 1013 -waa due to the fact that their surplus sccount had been depleted tl rough dividend disbursements In tho year 1U12 and 1013. o that It was Incumbent on both companle. to curtail fur her dividends until earning retore4 the surplus to la con dition as ot March 1, lbl2. when the atock of th. companies wis acquired. During the year J3TW.'l was carried to these urplu aocount. leaving a balance of ,23.508 et to be ac cumulated to bring the same to the required The elhklna- fund provision of tha flrat mort gage of Harwood EUctrlo Company (one of the corporation forming you r company) dated July 1. 19.1U. dua July 1. 1039. became, effective during th yar. and In accordance, herewith tho company paid to the Glrard Trust Com pany.tru.tee. the sura of t7U30. out of which tctRfc of said mortgage to the amount of 17400 vTere acquired by trustee and held a an In veatment to sinking fund. The amount expended during th year for addition and betterments i to .your , ""fany Plant and property waa t21B,lll. At the cloae '- !J- -.! u...tv. ntimLor nf nustotnera of the 'coroSanr wis WIT an Increase of 70T as "" vw"i ,. .. -J,K. at thn flnMA nf tho 2 to 2:30 P. SI. 70 Beading .,,, T0,, 82( S3 SO Ton Mln...., 1U O I....... 82 20 Mo Pacific io Am itwy. I BOND8. 60 Cambrli Steel scrip 101T-. 1000 Am Oa & Pleo Da 8"l IO DO Btl S aclno..., 1074 Steel... 41 Bel 32 81' 2;30 to 3 P, M, ,ati a alnnt . .11 RTon Bl. 10 do" 40ft 2 Mo Pactno. . IS Am Kys pref.ioovk is m bwei X D. S2U B Ton Bel... 9 Am Rwy DrL.lOO WIIOI IB Ata Rwy prf.100 TS Am Oaa lOflji ffi Ton Mln. ..... Ok B Phlla Eleo , . . Sg liSNiv..::.. TM? 01 Cambria StJ.. 41 25 Am Oat . ....100 BONDS. 2000 Pblla B i W 4 U4 M T Utteratat Rwy S,. compared with tne uumDer at unci u i"w pieilou ficl year. The demand for power rl..,.r ,n. it ,h. n1n. nt 1U14 Wa BP- " U. ..V,-.. ---r---- -," .- JO, . o,fn W TV!r eSSSa wilh the -pre-ylour yearT , Tha number ot n- ' urr"fc b.,..w during : 1011 waa 28.91T.325. an Increase of 6.838.100 K. W, H. over 1813. The income account follows: ..-nam Operating revenu 3SS2 Operating expemea r"."? Net operating revenue 1W,4I Non-operating Income, Tievenue: ... Invrtment ,- tjl.jag Mnnngement Questioned on Electric Developments. At tho Lehigh Coal nnd Nnvlfjntlon Company's nnnual meeting today William Jny Turner presided and II. F. Baiter acted ns secretary. When tho stockhold ers wero Invited to ask any questions concerning the report, GeorBO II. Stephen son naked why the operating ratio ot the company wnB higher than In other coal companies. Ho cited thnt tho ratio of operating expenses to gross receipts of tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company was about 5 per cent., whereas in tho Lohlgh nnd Wllkes-Barre Coal Company It was 75 ccr cent. President S. D. Warrlner, In reply, stated thnt tho output ot the two com panion la different, the Lehigh and Wilkes Darre hnvlng about 68 per cent, of Us total In prepared domestic sizes, for which tho higher prices aro received, while of tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation's output nhout Et Der cent. Is In prepared sires. Mr. Stephenson suggested that; the com pany's properties be leased to Increase the net Incomo per ton, nnd the president said that the present expenses include many charges that would have to bo met by the company If the mines were leased. Mr. Stephenson asked about tho condi tion of the Harwood and tho Lehigh Navigation electric companies, saying that he had been Informed the latter was not a success. President AVarrlner de clined to discuss the Harwood Electric Company. Ho said that as the Lehigh Navigation Electrlo Company has only been In operation since Inst May, It Is too early to Judge whether or not It la a success. A motion was adopted approv ing the annual report and tho acts of tho board of managers laat year. The elec tion then held, wr. warnner oeum re oierted president and ft member of the board of managers, nnd nil other mem bers ot the board were reelected. BANK SURPLUS LARGER Philadelphia Institutions Also Report Heavy Increase in. Loans. An Increase of 11,380.000 In urplua and IS.. 641 000 In loan w reported by the PblUdel ShVa bank for the wt Mat ended. P individual dpolts Mpanded, $10,T0.0O0. De tail ieiww A very Interesting phase of tho real estate market Is tho absorption by build ers and keen observers of tho trend of nrfairs In outlyinir estates which, after having been held In families for many years, havo reached a point whero they are considered ready to bo converted Into sites for homes. There are many BUch properties to bo found along tho line of Baltimore, Ches ter nnd Woodland avenues; many more In Frnnkford and Germnntown, and not a fow in the central part of the city. One by one they arc coming into the market and the trader nnd tho builder know but llttlo of what 13 going on behind tha scenes. Tho struggle for wcnlth Is the under lying reason. Those of us who only see tho transfer know llttlo of tho regret when It was felt best In tho Interest ot all to sell the old estate. We talk of tho advancing market, of the broadening of the built-up portion, and while the old homo Is absorbed, wo comment us to whether the price Is high or low. OPTIMISTS LEAD. In the United States tho optimist al ways has had the best of It In the long run, nnd those who are sanguine about the future In the real estate world havo reaped a great harvest. We aro always Inclined to be cautious nnd conservative, but oven with both ot these iualltles well In view, future profit seems to He largely In the line of pro viding homes. Wc anticipate the Increase In tho population and we know about whut future home buyers will want. METHODS CHANGED, In the old days, when building was not such a tine, nrt and there wero not the many Improvements now to be found In the most modeit dwellings, a homeir.akcr bought a lot, visited an architect and went over plans, hunted up a builder, started tho work and paid for the con struction as It progressed. Now tho buyer obtains a house which has been built to sell, for the reason that he can net more for his money than by doing his own building and taking the chance of extras growing dally from his Inexperience. These items often eat up the profits In a contract Job, whereas an experienced builder takes the greatest care to cover tho smallest detail, APARTMENT PROPOSITION, While tho comforts of an Individual homo are many, Hie apartment proposl tlon undoubtedly Is gaining In popularity, and Is likely to occupy "moro attention from now on. A few years ago apartment- wer looked on as experiments In this city, and It was questioned whethejj they would prove acceptaoie, .-iucw wont boldly ahead; the servant problem nlded tho movement. It soon was seen that tho npartment houso was duo to meet Increasing success, and building after building went up. APARTMENT HOUSE NEEDED. Tho need of a centrally located house keeping apartment house frequently has been polntod out, the rentals not to be higher than $800 to J100Q per annum. It would be sultablo for young couples to begin married life In. Finding a suitable homo In favored localities at a moderate rent always has been one ot the difficul ties of tho newly-weds, and often ends In getting a much too expensive house amt bcglnnlng life where the means of tha couples' parents would placo them, but nt on exponso not posslblo within their own Income, thereby establishing a falsa standard. Tho market Is entirety void of a propo sition such ns Just outlined, and its suc cess, from every point of view, would bo certain beforo the building was under roof. Of course, combination of Interests has some drawbacks, but the balance Is in their favor; certainly from tho standpoint of less caro and smaller oxpenso In oper ation, as far as tho family Is concerned. This Is written from a man's vlewpolrit, nnd it la a fact thoroughly well known to every woman in tho world that men know but llttlo about the dally cares and de tails of a houso, Tho number of times that a carpful housekeeper traverses the staircase, tho watchful eye lest some point In the -political economy of provid ing shall have beon missed! the Incessant questions from the servant for Instruo- ' tlons, and the numberless other trouble some details aro little realzcd by men. THE APARTMENT A BOON. In an npartment these problems ar avoided The npartment la all on one floor blessed fact! You aro virtually beyond the reach of attack from the street and every modern Idea has beer taxed to make It easy to get your aur piles to the place where they are neede Your coal bills, hldec'us phantoms, nrej thlng of the past. and In many coses your light Is furnished. If not. It la under control by a general mter ar.d a much stronger "pull" atthe gas gfflqe than an , Individual could have.' Then, too, there Is another r atter to , t.n n,M,r.d. Take It for granted that every householder Is hospitable and has .,',- ,..i Vinm,, .loen without Ihpm An apartment Is gentl&'Mr, o a. vertaln. degree, to our most ffeneroua irnjj-ijJ" said, but It aireauy ;o --. 4 -. eS.'.rn hmiaa in all Its phasidts hero- W .ty and win Play an Impyrtt part in tba eoroiort, pioou. ..- ,......,.. fffture. LESSOR. All other source 10,043 PnWuidid diti::::: t?.oto Nt Income for ft car. w V. and L,. fiscal year t?.ST t24S.Ul 1210,634 ,33,038 SECURITIES AT AUCTION At auction the following securities were sold by Samuel T. Freeman &. Co. today: 12000 Keyatos Mtnlmj A Mr-. Co.. 1st 6. lSSeVlt Us Keyton kiln ing A Mfff. Co. (lot t) 6000 11 -boom" & Shenango By. &. Light, lstoanTB. ll..:... .T..:H H Oalon panger Railway 186 BAR SILVER HEW TQHK. "- - Tb price, of cotuowr ci.l bar laTrtr tgfey wa 4trti wuic, IU Moa ttat) doU-t at 41 WU, r-an . .." Deposits (Ind.) Circulation Due from bank. . Deposit of bank Ex. CIMrlns II... Reserve held , lltrcrv required . Bvrpiu Feb. 22. 1015. Increase. .aI02.oaa.uoo (.i.sti.ooo 323,004.000 10.TO4.O0O 11,310.000 S2.IOT.O00 iS3.oie.ooo 14,383,000 0O.R14.OrtO R8,710.OO0 ai.T03.OCO February 1.ZU7. 11 ftftl 1,413,000 il, UU.WO C-4JJ a.coa. 1.826.000 1 So. 000 23. 1S14. WO. Feb- SEARS-ROEBUCK MELgN Company Declares a 50 Tor Cent. Dividend. " NEW YORK, Feb. 3.-jj'he BtoqHivld9.r of Sears, Roebuck jfo-. a special meeting today. authorUed an Increase, m the common stock from m0A0W to l, 000,000. The directors- then declared a stock dividend of BO per cent, on the common stock. payabU April I to stock of record MarchJB. XEe retiring directors and officers were reelected. i i IP " ' " '" 5IINING TOCK QUOTATIONS TQNUj'All srwas. Jim Butler MacNamars Midway Mlrpah XxtNutea Montasa Notth Star .. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NF.W YOllK, Fb. aM w" 4rl weak In H' foreign " market at the opening today. ItallanTlrea at 3.TS and Swiss check at MS eta!lhJ new low record. Demand trim djr1P'l to 4.$0. while cable 1.11 to, 4.804,. .J?" demand were quoua tat 0,23; -cb!r . ". - - . uuuacr. tu.r B44. Ayjd. E";::::;i:::;: 1 1 ""-- "TIT."? ..,. . , .. TOHueen WH y , . .IT., ,?..,.:, J TOt$ah BiiA4ci at n arfi -, - 'K'j.2 - .u aauuo - laase Hula .'... veal jassu . . w- ' ,..- unri.r nlti form ..SBiJr5fci,.w 4. lflia. ST. JiSVv '&TWn; ttS.MP.OOO. February aa, 1911, iio.SO0.2M; February , 4iW. 4.eoi sf.ooov ' .it-ArfflM L. AND N. SELLS BONDS The lAUlavtll and Nashville Rallrej4 hi tct? to J- P. Morgan, & Co. tTJsSOW' n; r?.--- Knnn- UVM ItlT llnea huftt 19V tfiS Slngton and Htrn Railway. avtuAllMf roriwratwn. into the. coal nW of lh CouU dTtttn Coat Company in tattere Katju.ky." Tin exUtlng uwrtgage on It U to be 4tU fla wtefito tti Uuo of tb new boad. nt. rnZTiVM MuMnt..! nrtmlill hdA lbter- t. tayXuer mni b the LouUvtUi. and NaS. U1 4Wf) Cvmpaay nun uuu OGD ..lanl. Shi Hull HW.U - . , PW 1 SKvei .40 .IS 'J'li-IB 8 W-18 t ! qiAJlKl.D fsWOKB, .' " - -.j.. X , , r -Vlf ..... ,.,..-.,,.-.- aBtuu&aated . .'.'. . .'... . . . . A Mfr xtxtestiaa ,a Keo men liI8CBMAN BOUa. Falrv Altec Klmbwly,,,, , No tds. Hill i tfevada, Wunilai JA? t. . .2T .as I , .OS ,01 I, . .35 JS7 I . .oa .ot I . .oa .or I . .OJ .OT I .i.k i.& 1 1 foa I 1 43 The Ideal Investment That Costs Par I f Always Worth Par The Guarantee Mortgage This Company has on hand at all times, ready or immediate Investment, mortgages and mnrtcan bonds (first liens in ampunts of 5500, $1000 and up wards, 'secured upon improved real estate in Philadelphia ana its Immediate vicinity. We own the seottritifs we offst for salt. Send for Booklet Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages 224 lVand Title Building l'lm.AIJEWUIA, Vllltn tt. Nlko,Uom r'rtBl.lcBt ItafetlMPs am
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers