EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBBtTABY 23. 1915: JLb KILBANE ACCEPTS "KID" WILLIAMS' TERMS FOR BOUT UPHILL BATTLE FOR BOUTUPTOWILUAi THEY'RE KEGGS BY NAME, BUT "PUGS" BY PROFESSION Lemon and Orange They Were Christened Because Papa Didn't Want Boys, But These Pennsylvanians Have Made a Ring Record. AS KILBANE ACCErfl Featherweieriif. fir.- wH All Terms to Bantam W CUSSed F rrrif B . P3 lemon Kegg brother of one Ofnnga Kegg, la ix pugilist nnd not what his name Bounds like. And, from all ac counts. Lemon Kegg, who nghts under the romantic ring nnme of Roger O'Mnl loy, Is one of the best featherweights In these United States. At present he's the champion, of the Northwest. Lemon who was born In Johnstown. Pu,r 22 years ngo, realized at an early ago that the ttamo of Lemon Kegs was something of a. handicap. He realized It even more when ho broke Into the ring- Kama In 1910, Just about the time when the word "lemon" wag used to de scribe Joke fighters, Joke ball players and other kinds of false alarms In the athletic world. "They calt me 'Lemon' and I nm 'Lemon,' " mused Lemon Kegg. "Thero'B HO denying that. But 1 don't think I am a 'lemon' aa a fighter. But when some pedplo yell 'lemon' nt mo and I don't get sore about It, those who don't know that my name Is 'Lemon' will think they mean that I'm a lemon fighter." . Then It was that (Lomon Kegg looked over a lot of fancy names that one could tnKe upon one's Belt for prize tin purposes, end Anally clioso the name Ttoser O'Malley. . As Tloger , O'Mally 'b'" Johnsontown. Fa., roy hus cut a wide swnth In the pugilistic world In the lait four Joars. Ilia record ! ueh that It entitles him to a Imttlo with Jptinny Kllbane, champion of the featherweight division, and Kllbanfl's manager has promised him nn early bout if ho keeps on flooring the othor osplrantB to the featherweight title aa he has In the past. O'Malley who la being managed by Johnny Creelcy, of Toledo, O., has mingled In 47 fights. He baa a punch like a mule's kick. Twenty five of his fights hae been won over the knock- FARRELL AND LUCAS . AT FAIRMOUNT TONIGHT Job Heffernan, West Philadel phia, Clashes With Jack Fink, at Norristown. IC'O. Jack Fnrrell, of the 17th Ward, will find 'Willie Lucas, of Falrmount, quite a clever exponent of the hlt-and-gct-away art In the, final fray at the Fair mount A. C. tonight. Joo Heffernan, the West Philadelphia welterweight, will en counter Jack Fink, of Camden, In the Etar bout at the Palaco Club, Norristown, tonight. , The Falrmount program follows: First bout Kid Robinson n. Jimmy Balrd. Second bout Willie Bennett. Southwark, b. Jack Kantrow, Soulhwark. Third tout Stanley Kayrls, Tenth Ward, s. Lew Gamble, KenBlngton. Fourth bout Frank Kelly, 11th Ward, vs. Eddie Kelly. Richmond. Fifth bout Johnny McAvoy, North Penn, u. Bammy Miller, Hrowerytown. Semlwlnd-up Joo Murphy. 17th Ward, vs. Harry Sul!lan. Southwark. Wind-up K. O. Jack Fnrrell. 17th Ward, vh. Willie Lucas. Falrmount. The nalace card follows: First bout Willie Masman, Ralph, vs. Jimmy Curran, Rosemont, six rounds. Second bout Jimmy Kerr. Bryn Mawr, s. Al Qulnn, Darby, six rounds. Semlwlnd-up Ty Cobb, Philadelphia, vs. Dominic Polerlne, Norristown, eight rounds. Wind-up Joe Hefternan. West Philadelphia, vs. Jack Fink, Camden, ten rounds. Another boxer from the wild and woolly has arrived In Philadelphia. He Is Gus Anderson, of Sioux Falls, S. D. Ander son did most of his boxing in California. Gub. wants to meet the best of the local lightweights. Little Frankle Conway, the local feath erweight, haB returned to this city after an absence of about a year. Ho boxed throughout the Western and Southwestern sections of the country, and also dis played hla form at Juarez, Mexico, where, he says, the game Is not what It Is cracked up to be. Conway arrived here from Pittsburgh, where he stopped off for a. fight with Young Goldle. Conway is under the management of Johnny Loftus. After a. well-deserved rest Frankle will be ready to square off at the leading "22" pounders In this Vicinity. GRANDE TRIMS BRUSSO AND MAKES BIG HIT; REMATCHED Sailor Will Meet Johnny Howard Next Week Moore and Yelle Draw. Sailor Charley Grande, the Vallejo (Cal.) fighter, made his Eastern debut by deal ing out a terrific trouncing to Noah Brus o, of Boston, In the second preliminary at the Olympla A. A. Grande made a de cided hit with his aggressive exhibition and Matchmaker Jack Hanlon rebooked the Native Son to meet Johnny Howard, of Bayonne, N, J., the star bout next Monday night. The wtndup, between Willie Moore, 137V4 pounds, and Freddy Telle, 132 pounds, did not come; up to expectations. The boys went through six rounds of unap preciated fighting' to a draw, Eddie. O'Keefe. 12IH pounds, outboxed Louisiana. 121 pounds, In an Interesting fray. Jimmy Fax, of California, and weighing- 121 pounds, made a hit with the spectators, although he was whipped by Mickey Donley, J25 pounds, Johnny rtosner, 101 pounds, shaded Young Mc Govern. Ill pounds. In a hard fight. Pirates Buy Johnston PJTXBtfUliail, Fa.. Fob. 23. The Pittsburgh National League club today closed Its deal for Wheeler It, (Doo) Johnston, of the Cleveland American League team, and the first baseman Is now the property of tha Pirates, Presi dent Barney Dreyfus received a telegram Irani Johnston, who Is at his home la Chattanooga, accepting Pittsburgh's term and expressing; his willingness to play here. Johnston will Join tho Pi rates at Dawson. Springs on March 7, S05IE FIGHT RESULTS rtXLBTO-V, Pa., Feb 83.-Jack Brejsio, of Colrln, end Rao Cartln, of IriHon, fought & jo-round draw hers Ust night. WTTSBUBOIL Feb. 35. -Buck Crouaa won ttma Qgrg Chip last nlaht In six round. tVouMi showed great cleverness and aatlly eMjt Chip's rush TAMAQIM, Pa- Feb- S3.-Tomny Carey, of rkit4lpoi, shaded Jlnj Bonner, of liaileton. i-t m JO-rsaixt bout here yesterday afternoon. . AKRON, O., Feb. 38 Johnny arlttitba, local luhtwjUfct, wan slvep a nawsMper decUlon 'tr Joe Bhusrue. of New York. hgtt im tSmM la a 12-ruuad bout, 10 which thro was 8t ecea4 ot 4itUlo. , bVWfAUO, N T, Feb. aaJIqimy Butty. 81 J1!!' ,at Harry Stone, of New Trfc thrtt m-nnma bout bare Uat nlsbt. fiaeky fas deitated tiloiie'a atabls mat. E4ift Jrf46. l&mMN. ? -Jerry Dianr. the Bn. p?ih,Jtretete, ttMpea-Jack Djoy, of New trtam. tm tt ttth round here laat nisrh JMl'MW, Teas-, fab. Sfl Jo Azse4e, of i tra, Tl ,M,i "!" JVr tTiatu 43, aC994iFK. U. U tfUEtU P.osa4 fc$tt :m&m -mss JSmm, .Fi. W.JMJt TMtBd, of ,J 4 JSff Sana m ii I UM MiWM hw et tlr fcb yeetftiity aft. oftj, s. Xt n ft iint fur &? s ,-r sriss'-s res-!? ,f,jn, .Jes put route. In almost every one of his fights he has scored at least one knockdown. O'Malley netrr hits beon knocked out and only threw times in Ida career has ho lot on decisions. , O'Malley la the type of fighter that the fana like to see In action. He goes after hla man nt the tati of the gong and he never lets up He Is a two-handed fighter, and he carries a tcrrliic wallop in either mitt. I.pmon Kegg, alias Roger O'Malley, has a brother named Orargo Kegg. He nlno la a featherweight a mighty good one. But lie's not quite so good na Ills broil er Lemon. This fellow Orange Kegs fights under hie real name. of Orange Rene, ticaus nn Orange Kegg Is not so bad an Lemon Kegg. Here is the record of Lemon Kegg, allis Roger O'Malley, since he began righting in 10W i Won by knockout ,,,,.,... 23 Won by decision (1 Won by foul 1 Drew ...... , :i No decision ,, n !-ot on decision .1 Total fight 47 'Why were you boya named after frullsJ" was Mked of Lemon Kegg, alias Roger O'Mallev. "Darned If I know." answered Lemon Kegg, "Only possible reacon I can figure out la that father or mother wanted girls at the tin e we came, and because we were boys they named me Lemon and named my brother Orange, which Is the next thing to a lemon. Frnnkle Mack, of Providence, nnd Td Lewis, Engllshmnn. will meet In u 20 round bout next Saturday nt Havnnn. Both Mack nnd Lewis displayed their mcttlo In this city. Chapplo Gorman hng announced that ho wants to match Eddlo Moy nnd Snm Robldcau to decide which la the best lightweight In Pennsylvania. TMMSjKBlOT "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat" (With Apologies.) Oilmorc was a hustler, otye without fatigue; ailmore once decided to start another Icgauc; Soon tho startled magnates cut in with 'their wail And they hollered when their stars began to cry for kale CHORUS: "Say Jim, say Jim, say Jim, you're rock ing the boat; The good old-fashioned days are gone for ever; The magnate's on the blow, He hasn't got a show, Where all the player thinks about is how to grab the dough; Say Jim, say Jim, say Jim, you're rocking the boat; H'c'ue got to pump the water out to float; So kindly lav off ralsinell While ive still have a club to sell. Say Jim, say Jim, say Jim, you're rock ing the boat." There Is also the dread possibllty that we may be forced to play a round or so ffolf under a blistering Southern sun. A tough existence? Nothing short of It. The Red vs. the White Is the Indian a better all-around, on an average, than the pale face? Jim Thorpe is certainly the best all-around athlete In baseball. And Chief Bender Isn't far away from second choice. Charles Albert, the Chippewa pitcher. Is a fine ball player, a fine trap shooter and a good golfer, In dulging In three varieties of sport to while away a drifting year. Mathewson was n football player, and is still quite a pitcher and something of a golfer. Wagner and a few others go In for basketball plus the national frolic But are there two pale faces In the game who aro as good at as many sports as Thorpe and Bender, who are out In front of the Meld? In the spring a livelier iris comes upon the gaunt White Hope; In the spring a fuller crimson spreads across the Orandolddope. ALL PHILS SIGNED UP EXCEPT CY MARSHALL Pat Moran Indifferent About Services of Twirler Banks on Cuban Shortstop. The last of the Phllly players waylteard from today. Eyery man of tht squad la now signed with the exception of Pitcher Cy 'Marshall. The contract mailed on February 1 to Marshall was returned un signed, and Pat Moran, who arrived here this morning, will not, offer him another. Not only will Marshall's demands for an Increase In salary be Ignored, but his original contract will not be mailed to him again. If he Joins the Phillies In Bt. Petersburg he will make the Journey at his own expense and then arrange to sign after he gets there, Manager Moran today expressed the hope that Selgle, the young Cuban short stop recommended by Ed Wolf, would make good. "I have never seen Belglo play,'' said Pat, "but If the reports are true that I hear he must be a good ball player, I understand that he Is as fast as lightning, and If he hit ,365 In the Cuban League he ought to do well with us. Of course, there Is a marked difference In the pitching between that league and the National, but they have some good pitching at that have not yet signed Selgle, but if be shows me In Bt Petersburg that be ia a capable man we wll) bring him back here for a. thorough tryput." A letter from Scout Neal today an nounced that the Phillies would be quar tered at ths Hotel Scool. Prom their hostelry tha Phillies will have only a 15-mlnute walk to the ball park and will bo the same distance from ths centre of the city. Neal also stated in "hla letter that tha second squad of Phillies would play tha Birmingham club at Orlando on March 19 and Jl. On these dates the reg ular squad will be playing the Havana Beds in 8t. Petersburg. There Is, accord' ing to Neal, the largest crowd of tour ists in the winter resort that has ever been known. This Is good news for the Phils. There is still doubt If foe Phillies will plsy ths Cutis mors than twb games, al though Neat is trying to arrange mora date. It appears that while the Phillies wre, waiting; for the National Commis sion's percntMion to play ths tames with ths Cuba, tho Louisville club, unknown to Breanahan. arranged with the Tamps, jioojjlt, who have tarn dales in charge, to tike tlM dlM winch wr to b &U4 by tb Ftosbs Nal fcppss to aJJujt tn otstwr within iha oXt we: PretSdMit W W Bakes arrived today fr t Bnii)0. ii 'Mf'iYBE He WAS gy; fFT--Y 3.5 rLtH,s -asss, "&$ 7&-i$V5E- ft?" THEsaw wrbckw- , TascaV y9 i ; -u--Lu, "rtU TrtHM WMV '"TSHHAP4 MS HM Ydii DBA HaNMOMC " FOOTJTEPaf!!" " IT'S ObHtft" "TfrnuSr sweETm) 2H .?.y .I?? , BUCU MVJROERbO, B0YWIHVDIDIBOBR ru i u , WMCRB VC?, liuj COM'T YoU C0M6 IM COLT) BI.OOD'." .SPEAK A -- ,. . 'YotCDecMT Y THIS .Sli.3Pew.SS HARSH JPJV ffH U -0 A L Why Golf Pro's Go InHanc 'T practiced when you told me for near ly 20 minutes and still can't play a mashla like you do." "Umpires to get spring training also." Does this Include ducking, a fusillade of pop bottles and listening to' a series of tirades In which their ancestors aro being impugned? "Booth Tarklngton. whose new novel 'The Turmoil' "begins a book review, Booth Tarklngton7 We thought Jim Gll mcre wrote that book. The Wards may figure that to raise the dough for tho player's price they must raise the price for the public's dough. "Why don't you," writes Larry Anhalt. "say something about 'Polygamy?' " We'd publicly proclaim it a great play, Larry, if we were quite sure that Colonel Harvey O'HIgglns wouldn't take offense. "If Jack Johnson loses," says an ex change, "he will Immediately go Into strict training and demand a return bat tle." Which he will get on the day ho Is C3 years old, "Wlllard has an advantage In height," reports on expert. "He Is six feet six Inches tall." Which Is rather a disad vantage. He Is that much further away from Johnson's one vulnerable spot his shins. Jncfc Spratt liked to stay in the flat; His wife was a tango wight; And so between them both you see They went out to dance each night. Texas Leaguers There is more to obtaining a right lead than there Is to raw speed. "Pitching 'em where their bats ain't" Is another angle of tho game. Like Home-Run Baker, we're not crazy about traveling four months with a ball club. But neither are we Jubilant at the thought of 12 months on a farm. CENTRAL HIGH TRACK TEAM DEFEATS EPISCOPAL, 51-21 Churchmen Athletes Are Easy for Crimson nnd Gold Stars. The Central High School track team easily defeated the Episcopal Academy athletes In the former's gymnasium this afternoon by a score of 51 to 21. The shot put event was won by Bi ley, of Central High School. His dis tance waa 37 feet 11 Inches. B. Smalley, Central High's star sprinter, was given a surprise In the 220-yard dash when Blddlc, ' of Episcopal, beat him out In 5 2-5 seconds, Tho former, however, captured the 20-yard dash, nosing out Diddle. Tho time was 2 4-5 seconds. The summaries follow; Shot put Won by IUloy, Central Ilish School; eecond, Pringle, Episcopal; third, Stoeckle, Central High School. Distance, !17 feet 11 Inches. 20-yard dash Won by R Smalley, Central Hlsh School; second. Diddle, Episcopal Acad emy; third, CJadd, Central JIUh School. Time, 2 4-3 seconds, Hilt-mllo run Won by llcllale. Central High School; second. Harper, Episcopal Academy: third, Blaney, Central High School, Time, 2 mtnuea, 10 1-0 seconds. 220-yard dash Won by Diddle. Episcopal Academy, second, K. Smalley, Central High School; third. Van Meter, Episcopal Academy, Time, 23 2-5 seconds. High Jump Tie between Robertson and Hampton, both of Central High School; third, Earp, Episcopal Academy, Height, 9 ft. S ins. One, mile run Won by Welnert, Central High School; second, McKenile, Central High School; third, Smtth Central High School, Time, 4m, OS 4-Ss. Btandlnp broad Jump Won by Stoeckle, Central High School; second, Illley, Central High School: third, Robertson, Central High School. Distance, 0 ft. 8K Ins. 440-yard dash- Won by Yan Meter, Epis copal Academy; second. Henry. Central Ugn; intra, ires. lenirBi fiign. rime, ocj, Layfleld's Injury Is Fatal BALTIMORE, Md., Feb. 23,-Bob Lay- Held, the Johns Hopkins quarterback who has made such a heroic fight for his life since his vertebrae were fractured In the game with Lehigh at South Bethlehem, Fa., October 31, Is still alive, but there Is no hope for his recovery, according to a dispatch received hers from Wilming ton, Del., this afternoon. Joekey Allen "Comes Back" BALTIMORE, Md., Peb. 23Ths calt of ths turf has proved too strong for Willie Allen, who several years ago an nounced his retirement. Allen, who Is ona pf the best steeplechase jockeys in tHe country, has come back and will ride for Colonel Rsl Parr, ths local turfman. SWARTHMQHE PLAYER JIUBT SWABTHMOHS Ri. F S3 -White, t star loi-woj-a ei owtj'iaffigfsv t&Utge ' feasxet- fcsH tju MBTtrsd a dtep jb syr him risnt durtss s sabiwMMm is k owi kj t iM sitw with alUmt& m! I-et, b this ft-rjMoe M y tttBi0 br pr Bay Urn si ia tfolnult t oi PaoslTii. feyt "N uccW t rtmam sy MOVIE OF FRIEND WIFE WAITING FOR FRIEND HUSBAND phils, mm wmm, TRAIL ROCKY ROAD IN JAUNT PENNANTWARD Lobert, Magee and Dooin Gone, Pat Moran Must Build Fast to Make Showing Even Equal to 1914 Failure. As far as the prophetic eye can reach the path ahead of the Phillies this sea Bon appears to be Btrewn with a vege tntlon that cannot be mistaken for roses. In fact, the 1915 season for the local Na tional Leaguers has a gloomy aspect, far more so than last season. The reason for the muiky outlook Is the loss of the Hana Lobert, Sherwood Magee and Charley Dooln. Opinion dif fers on the Dooln question. Many think a wle move was made when the peppery, red-haired leader was deposed; many others think that, with a free rein, Dooln would have been In tho running with his club next year. At any rate, Dooln was and Is one of the best catchers In the game, and his loss will be felt In that department, despite tho fact that Kllllfer, Hums nnd Adams form an excellent re ceiving trio. As to the disposition of Lobert and Magee, there are few fnns and friends of the Phillies who do not feel that the localB have been stung. The Phillies got, no doubt, all that these players were worth so fur ns the monetary consider ations aro concerned. But It Is harder for a club to buy good players now than It Is to make $3000 or J6000. The trade whereby the heavy-hitting Magee was transferred to the champion Braves far a sum of money and Inflelder Dugey was particularly displeasing to local bugs. They had hoped, at least, that Whltted and Tyler would come here. But neither was willing. Stnlllngs thereforo sent a man to Moran whom he would probably have released, anyway, Hans Lobert was traded to the Giants for Catcher JJack Adams, Milton Stock and Al Demaree. At best Adams will be a third-string catcher. Stock may make a utility position, but it Is hardly probable that he will land a regular berth on the Phillies Infield so long as the other on the roster remain healthy, happy and signed. Demaree will be of some assistance to the Phillies' hurling staff, but he will not offset the loss of Lobert, who was not only a consistent hitter, but n splendid lead-oft man and the fastest base runner In the world. Nlehoff, who comes from Cincinnati In tho Dooln deal, should bo able to play a capable game at second base. If he does, Byrne will be shifted to third, auto matically annullng any benefit that might have accrued by the acquisition of Stock. The pitching department will be about the same as It was last season. Alexan der will lead the parade as a matter of course. Then there are Baumgartner and Blxey, tha two southpaws. The other members of the staff aro Mayer, Tlncup, Mattlson, Jacobs and Marshall. The out field will be considerably weaker than It was last season. In the first place Beats Becker does not approach Magee in all round value". Then Qavvy Cravath will scarcely do so well this year aa he did lust. BASEBALL NUGGETS Eddta Plank, Formerly of Athletics, a Benedict. aKTTTSIlUna. Pa., Feb. 3.On the eve of his departure for the training camp of ths St Louis Federals at Havana. Eddie Plank, vet eran pitcher, formerly with the Athletics, an nounced hla marriage to Miss Anna C. Mvers. of New Oxford, on January SO. Mrs. Flank Joined her husband at New Oxford and will accompany him to his training camp, FlTTSBtmaH, Pa.. Feb. 23. The Pitts burgh National League Baseball Club an nounced late yesterday that it bad purchased W a (Doc) Johnson, first baseman, from the Cleveland American League team. CHICAGO. Feb, 23. Manager Hendricks, of the Indianapolis American Association Club. today put In his bids for two members of the Chicago Nationals, and President Thomas promised he could, have them If Manager Brssnaban would consent. Neither Hendricks nor Thomas would name the men, Ilreinshnn Is In Toledo and is expected here In a day or two, BltnEVEPOBT, La.. Feb, 23.-W. T. Craw ford, lce president of the Southern Ba&ebsll Association, who became president as a result of the sudden death of Judge W. M Kava naugh at Little Hock Sunday stated yesterday he would not serve. Captain Crawford will pall a meetlnjr of league officers soon to rhmua a permanent head, LITTLB BOCK. Ark , Feb. 23. Funeral service for tha late Judge William M. Kava nsugh. president of tha Southern Baseball Association, will be held rro-n the family rtsd dince here tomorrow afternoon. Renter Makes Great Record NEW YORK, Feb. 23 -Although Iw stt a new record for the City Hall to Coney Island course, Dick Itemer, of the Irlsii-Atnerlean A. C. was on minute short of winning the an nual open handicap nent held under the au spices of tha Wslkerw' Club yesterday. Itemer passed ISO athletea during the race and was lined In I hour 2d minutes, H seconds. Elmer Smith "Wins Race WQODBUItY. N J . Feb- 8.-."-'B " ! country run yesterday by pupil of ion High School, the iuniora defeated the other classes ..! I v Bhoer SaUth son first tUcy "tlm. nm. Valley Aula Show Opens: SOOTU B8rmilBM. Fa. Ft 33,-Tn first scnast BUtomsbM lse of Oj Labtffc nil epssitl i ils s i t& piiv i las. sight ja ti riemtjin no a socj-4 ft aM4U ife4i-,. FOOTBALL FOR 1915 GETS EARLY v START IN TWO LOCAL SCHOOLS Two local schools have started early preparations for tho 1915 football season. Mnnagcr McDonald, of Temple Univer sity, Is dickering with several major col leges for games, while Doctor Ker, coach of Southern High School, has arranged for early gridiron practice, Tho downtown school has never been represented by a good eleven. It Is Doc tor Ker's Intentions to start football prnctlco earlier than usual, with tho hope of developing n winning cloven. He made n call for boys who expected to bo candidates next season, and about 40 boy3 responded. Captain Amelia, of Gcorgo (School's base oaii team, has a aquao of 2U battery candidates working: out dally In the gimnaslum. Aa soon 52,."!0 "eather permits Amelia mil mako a can for other aspirants and will start open air practice. Episcopal Academy's tennis season mill start April 28, wllh tho Northeast High School team. Captain Casej, Kraft, Itebinann, Sanderson and Tnorlngton aro oterans on tho churchmen's team. Tho track team of St. Luke's School has been Havana Results First race. fiOO. 3-j ear-olds and up. selling. 3 furlongs Meda Lawrence, Oil, Llndsey, 0 to 1, " to 1, een. won; Mill Connor. 10S, Bauer, II to 0, 1 to 2. out. second; Idlewelss. Ill, Hlnphy, 18 to H, II to S, 3 to B, third. Time. 1.03 4-8. Kloctrlclan, General Warren, Maltlk and Flatbush also ran. Second race, purse $30O, for 3-j ear-olds and up, selling, flo furlongs Vnca, 1011, Ural. ." to -'. oen, 1 to 2, won; Calethumplon, 108, Koer ner, 4 to 1, 8 to 3, 4 to fi. second; Slciuta, 102, Hlnphy, 15 to 1, U to 1, .1 to 1. third. Time, 1:0B. May Ipps. Uulger, Black Chief, Barn Dance and J. H. Harr also ran. Third race, purse $400, for 3-year-olds and up, selling i furlongs Catharine Turner, 302, Coleman, O to 1, 2 to 1, een, won; Morigyle, 113. Connor, 20 to 1, 8 to 1, 4 to 1, second; Saturnus. 101, Dryer, 3 to 2, 7 to 0, 7 to 10, third. Time, 1.03 4-3. Virginia. Hlte, Moun tain Fearl. Lady May, Columbia Lady. Still Dy, Undo Flti, Doctor Cann, Spltnro and Kettledrum alto ran. Havana Entries First race. 0 furlongs, nurso $300. for 3-year-olds and up, selling Blanche Lewis, 100; Yorkshire Boy. 104. Idlewelss. 107: Colonel Brown. 1U1): Mr Hack, 100; Wolfs Path. 100; Calethumplan. 109; Dr. Dougherty, 112; Flea Will, 112, Detente. 112: Volthorpo. 117. 1 Second raio, 5V4 furlongs, nurse $400. for 3-year-olds and up. selling 'Galaxy, n; nustlo Maid. 100: Chi Ira. 100: 'Bordello. 101: Lura, lot: Snehn. 103: Northern Light. 105: Chilton Trance. 101: Czar Michael, 100; Skeets. 100. Bully. 109; Chilla. 112; Perth nock. 114. Third race mile, pureo 4C0. for 3-year-olds ond up. selling "Banio Jim. 103: Supreme. 100: 'Patty Began. 106; 'Sepulveda. 109: Jaw bone. 101); 'Colonel Holloway. 100: Napier. 114. Fourth race. t furlongs, special, army of ficers. Fifth race, 6 furlongs, purse $100. for 3-year-olds and up, selling Yellow Flower, 101; "AJax, 107: 'Nash, 107; 'Motsant. 108; 'In ferno Queen, 103; 'Biinlce, 108; 'Quick Start, 108; 'Cutnyhunk, 110; Gerard. 115; Runaway, 113: Transport, 11& Sixth race. U furlongs, purse $500, for 3- par-olds and up, selling 'Pierrot, 88: A. N. Akin. 3: Bamboo, uS; Honey Bee, 100; 'Ray o' Light. 10O: 'Colle, l6l; 'Joe Finn. 101; Briar Path, 103; 'Louise Paul, 100; 'Progressive, 108. Weather, clear; tiack. good. Apprentice allowances claimed, Juarez Entries FirBt race, selling. 2-year-olds, 4 furlongs Meal Ticket. ; Dmlly It.. 03: Brooks, 88; Little. Bigger, 1)8; 'Megaphone, TO: 'Illumin ator, 102; Anita It., 101: Jtmmle .Hunt, 10S; Lola. 10(i; Schulenhurr, 107: Sangallo, 100, Second race, selling, 4-year-olds and up. 8 furlongs 'Captain Druse, 107; 'Cloud Chief, 107: dtlo Brazos, 107; Dungara, 108; Amaze ment, 109: Capt. Llndtley, 112: Kid Nelson, 112: Balall, 112; Sharper Knight, 112; Con naught, 112; Tony Koch, 112; Henry Walhank, 112; Delaney, 112; Praetorian, 112; Rubicon II, Third race, selling, 3-year-olds, 8W furlongs John fipohn, tOO: Old Bob. 100; Mabel Dul weber. 103: I.enore. 103; B. A, Jones, 105; irmanr, ii juucu vayuouiu, ivoi iwaven- hall, 108; Msko Good, 108; Yestersun, 110; Langhorne, 113, Fourth race. 8-year-olds and up, handicap, mile FlJrin. W); Beulah ., W); Be, 07; Trans. act. M: Nanr.lo McDee, 100; Kiccutor, 100; Mud Still, 102: Gen. Marchmont, 103; Rash, ,11,1 1 Col. Marchmont, 113. Fifth race, selling, 4-year-olds and up, W, furlongs Imperator. 103; Thistle Belle, 108; Oaaple, 108; Theodorlta, 108; Manganese. 110; Orimar Lad, 112: Pride of Llsmore. 110. Sixth race, selling, for 3-yeer-olds and up, mile Twilight, S3; Chevron. 03; 'Paw, 05; Choctaw, 102; Andrew O'Day. 104; Waver ing, 103; Curlicue. 100; Mercurlum, 100, Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather, clear; track, fast. PENN BASEBALL TEAMS LINE UP FOR TRIAL CONTEST B. Squad Gets Away 6 to 3 in Spirited Battle. Pennsylvania's baseball men resumed practice this afternoon after a day's va cation. Coach Koy Thomas, after ths preliminaries, picked two teams and put them throuKh a stiff S-lnnlns; game. It was a nip and tuck affair, because the veterans had been evenly distributed be tween the two teams. Not until the 6th Inning could Team B get a lead, and then 3 runs turned the tide In Us favor. Coach Thomas again used two pitchers for each side. Fred Vreeland, the port Bide fUnsrer, did good work for Team A while he waa In the box Wallace, who pitched the last half of the sjame for Team 8. held his opponents down In splendid shape. JubI now Vreeland and Wallace are doing the best pitching. The teams lined up as follows: TEAM A. TEAM B. Hopkins, U. Ward, 2b. Murdock. cf Preston, rf. Uatchatt, rf. Moore, ss. Dise. 2b. Irwin. If. Mysklns. 3b. Hlnkson, cf. Kane, lb. Monroe, lb. Andrews, S3. Bchimcf, 3b. Wray, o. Johnson, c Vreeland, p. Wlsner, p, Valleat. p. Wallace, p. The score by innings: Ttara A O0300000 0-3 Team B OO3QO30O1-8 No-Hope for tayfleld WIiaflKOTON. Del.. Feb. a.-Bob laysld quirtuitatk: pa thj Joaoj ItaiiUa ijlcvan, v.La sutiM4 a.taJhMOtrtd wtfsra to a, fiwtUH Sin.e with I.iltltftl at Ij.vulh Rtthll)litu I'ii on Ot to'-.jr 31, I djiiic HI efcjrftr,.,. Pacts jtttg inna-iu-ssl last jliht 1 csvilfl ojit iv selected by Coach Clark. He has picked Grang, Admits, Jlorroll and Lewis for the relay team, Mcl'hllllni), Southern High School's star KUard, is working out with tho pitching candi dates for the Itcd and lll&ck nine. Mac showed a lot of stuff last year and ho will probably gain a berth this year. WILMINGTON. Del.. Feb. 23.-The doldey College basketball team Is preparing for two hard battles this week. On Friday night the team will line up amilnst Lewes f!kh School and on Saturday nlnht It will meet tho strong Company H team of Mllford. Salcslnnum. which surprised Iteclf on Satur day by defeating the strone Wilmington Con ference Academy team bv a score of 32 to IT, will play Dover High School in this city Frl d.iv. Tho fast Hiverton fUo will be the opponents of the IJrownson Library team Friday evening. Winners at the weekly ' spoon shoot of the J'orklvn Athletic Club on Saturday were T, C. Marshall, 23. Class A; S. it. Denncll. 0. Class 11, M. Hutchinson, S. Class C; J. Stern, 10, Olaes D. Wilmington automobile dealers havo formed n permanent orcanlzatllon. with J. H. Nixon, president: Knoeh Moore, vico president: H, N. J'arthinr.ton, secretary and treasurer, and thero offlceis with It. It. Banks and J. Frank White, directors. v Members of tho Delaware Horse Show Asso ciation ere preparing for the mntlnes races in May i A county baseball league which will Include clubs from some of the adjacent Man laud towns, as well as Delaware, may be organized. PENN BOATMEN IN TRIALS Dick Marcy Again at Post New Fresh Trackman. Six crows went on the river from tho University of Pennsylvania boathouse this afternoon for tho third day's prac tice of the seaaoru. They were tho varsity, eight, junior and third varsity crews, a freshmnn eight nnd two mixed eights, made up of the overflow. Lllck Marcy, tho regular varsity stroke, who was absent from the practice yes terday, was back today and took his place In the varsity boat.' Pennsylvania's freshman track team was boosted today by tho appearance of Elmer Peoples, who holds the strength test record for this claBS.Peoples played guard on the freshman eleven last fall, but Is a good hammer thrower nlso, and will concentrate on that event for this spring. Detroit Releases Outfielder DETnOlT. Feb. 23. - Fred Nicholson, outfielder, waB released to the San An tonio team, of tho Texas League, today by the Detroit American League club. Nicholson's release cuts the Tiger squad to 29 players. Jacobson, obtained from Chattanooga, is the only recruit out fielder still on the list and he is expected to mako good. For tho first time In years Detroit has only one first baBeman George Burns and he Is not worrying about getting nosed out. News comes from Havana that the authorities have "forced" Jack Johnson to a fight with Sam McVey In the Cuban city and that as a result the Johnson Wlllardbatt!e is postponed. Slarvellous days these, -when Governments compel prlie fights under threat of deportation I Of course, the thousands of fan- who have Journeyed or are Journeying to Jua rez are disappointed at the latest turn In events. They fully expected the battle would be staged precisely as scheduled. There Is never any hitch In pugilistic con tests. Promoters never fall to give the rlngslders Just what they promise. Up to the Golfers Are the professional golfers changing with the times or ore the times changing with the pro golferaT In the past a win ter period waa more or less a dreaded season. Now, however, all that the aver age professional has to do Is to go South, where he can play to his heart's, content There waa a time when the rigid golfing law would havo been violated If tha pror fesslonal left the shadow of his work bench. Not so now, Judging from tho number of men now on tour. "Why didn't John McOraw pick up this shortstop (Selgel) If he is such a won der? McOraw has been In Havana some time?!" TJiIs question was propounded; by a local baseball bug. We refuse to answer yet, apropos of nothing In particular; the ponies have been running In Havana, If we have been advised correctly, Ben Tlncup, who Uvea In Oklahoma, wrote to Bill 8,hettBllna asking that be be allowed to go to 6t. Petersburg with the boat party, by way cf Philadelphia, and New York, which Is about the same thins as roakinr a Journey from hero to; Pittsburgh by way of AJsaGe.LornUne. Wh? McDermott Failed The announcement that Hay nd Vsr don. will Mt visit this country to play golf ustwraH leads on to Mmugnu of HcDinQtt tiit ysunjs M!na a tii oc4er of t-.o- -ifU, ubua Var- Tho proposed Johnnv tritl,-.. .1 llams fight, which has been hahMI for moro than a month, will b Jt Ul l" ynpia A, A., this city. IrteS moter Harry D. Edwards sucmmJP treltlnc finmmv ttn-i . Jifl. bantam champion, to conetnt toTOI match. Hj This fact developed this MtttJm ..... ., .VB.m,i irom Jlrnm, s Kllbano's adviser, to the Sports figf Ol IllO JiVENINO LiBDOCn, Dunn'n mossnire wmt "Sports Editor The Evrwiw ,' 1 don't wnnt to give Williams tnr di x pS? Jeff '?J.ftrnr .SIS! nskeT Now It" I .Vve.7'.K 85 MS "(Sitmed! " .if.,S",22:. .Tni-fc lTnHlnn TJ',1n,nJ-t .." V"" yesterday afternoon that If tha oi53 Clllh r-nt thn n,nnh..l1,.J .. . "'fiW would bo staged Wednesday .S1 March 17. Hanlon on 1,1 .h.. !,t! arrangements for tho fight had bttiiSf with tho exception of tho referee. Si According to word from Dunn In oSS land, ho had agreed to the wdgtairV pounds ringside, nnd to the purse Mat with a privilege of 35 per cent, of thK& Billy Itocap to( referee Instead oWl!r club's offlclRl, Frank O'Brien. HtaS said that Dunn would have to arrtlnf O'Brlon or thero would bo no match,v However, now thnt Kllhfin' .rf has .consented to evory'Jhlng, the'nuMa of getting Harris to sign up for Wllila-J Is nil that 1s necessary to bind the mV3 Hnnlon loft for N'nw Yn-lr l,i. a.v noon. Tho purpose of his trip tWwfe)i talinnrmPrl. la in trM T-Tnrrto et--s..J. hah -- a-- - ., nifciituuic; BOUTS FOR WILMINGTON 1 NOW SEEM ASSURW Ministers to Supervise ..Ring FigM According to Bill. jt nnvrcn. ri.. vb. m pm....,.Mf Vaughan's bill legalizing 15-round prus-' iignis in Wilmington was amended m Uj TTrtiinA nnmmltton nn MnnlMna! n. - .....u, .v.iviy tlons this morning to cover only JO-rmilS, oouib. il win u reporiea iavoratM rt.A,rtiftra nnnn.lnr, It linvlnn nw.x?lJ1 permit the matter to be threshed omTW the floor. - 1,11. vuut,uii, oaiu iiu uciiuvcu luejUlfff! would appoint three ministers to ioH (.kUiiin vt hAhiti trtrtfr t auabI' 4 hntite e$ The bill stipulates the ring coiuW I minpton, and It has a strong backl on me pan ot uusmess men. IMack Has Dots on Baker J. Frank. tn Baker, tho Athletlca third fcw man will rtlav tanll with thnt tm fAfittu i next two years or ho will not t'lay at iaj nccoruinK 10 a axaifrncni ibbucq ,hu tiii&i er i hnrl nn ronsor. to bcllovo that Baker lui chansed hie mind about quitting th jttn DUt t:ai- ne issuea ine siaiemcni -in orw to quiet the r-iany rumors which are bMtr UUI'HOIIUU ill Uliictvilt, pans ui niv lwuui Breaks World's Weight ReconjM NEW YORK. Feb. 21.-0. W. Chaawiek, llltlns the lou-pound dumbbell from hlVf. to arm lengxn ai ine nnnuai ainieii? gwsi. of the Greek-Amerlcnn A. C. in the Tlst Best, munt Armorv last nleht. lie rilat&Mtot -wclfdit .10 times, 10 times more thin thidlij mark ot O. Teambrlas. of the Greek-Amtrtcu ; A. C, .who was second. '$; Several Injured in Fox Chase;fi WEST CHESTEn, Pa.. Feb. I3.-TMtrirt ; fox chase was the liveliest experienced tr at , Mather and Pickering Hunts for several iwii and several riders were thrown front Imkj mounts. Mrs. John R. Valentine, of em.1 Mawr. was rendered unconscious for urtnl! hours, and Victor Mather receive! J"! linger, while John Daldnln as conliietW bnileed from being thrown. Several foiei i ww! started, but the dogs were called off ceinH flcynard waa captuied. -i if A Alarqucttcs Earn Trophy The Morquotte Club, of this cltr, ma ftfl spcclil trophv for out-of-town clubs. corocftWll in ine nvo-mue open-io-au nwa iuu v. .-., nMn- rlirV, ITnti.A Jiv Vnrlf HtV. TUtOLl day afternoon. The' Quaker athlete stwjf SOI ooints. Marquette's athletes flnlsM4 BL JS. as. no. in ana oom posiuoiw, ,"-,,ii nestal and Rellly were the first "?ji nnlsh tor tne uuaKers. Sport Writers Entertained jf More than 25 sporting writers were toys guests or iioDDy morrow at ""i mu.a v,4 lormance ac ine xrocaueru iucai,. ."-z.i attly after the show the party, w; toe iwgl of Manager Claude Mohr at a iunclieon t lMi Hotel Hanover, - ........ tri? aon and Kay came to this eiae. '"ft In private, but given wide pybUcltM u IUY:lJMflBlliB K" jcimnw, . Jll undolne. Tho t rltlclsm which was twill nn Min.mintl' tiAnri fnr his OWD. Cnl clsm of the Britishers cauted tdSWS much mental suffering that he aimw n irli.n ..n nir If. tiAB nAV,f hEB Belf on the links slpce the onfcrtj happening and never will, ah u ",s snows mac mere is psycuoiusj nothing more. Tommy Leach, cast-off of the CulCfl been signed by Charley Herzoff wBH natl. like Opportunity, knocks at H1 uaseouu piayera aoor ui cot v"a Jnrlr RkcIInv .Should Wot Jack Skelly, one-time pugllht St boxing writer, rises to remark "(Ksf WcduUrari and JTerry Edwards W aany io oner wnat no "ij stupendous sum for the Kllban-WU match. He cites as irrounda tor arfi that neither tho National A. a vJ OlvmD a A. A. could draw a u""- larcn enttk tn nnvr the ealDCnseS. Mr. Skellya benefit we Illtwl J rise to the remark which, in t" la that there have been "", What has been can be again. AsjM is the method by which tne gardlng these facts, why shou M worry? He hasn't been mksq ; . guarantee. What the Phillies Mi A sports writer eels forth ! to begin on this year than la1 bera, probabix yes, ana tnea r be, no. But then yet agas Bherwood aiagee'8 bat a y Honus Robert was some $&, bases and a third eacker wun ; vm rep, Ths fans ars waiww w r m flowSn5jetsam Fairmouaf A. C.ST? ,v, ,. 4iVsi 1 .it -
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