EVENiya LPaER-PHT:LABEPH:TA, mONBAY, 13BRTTARY 22, 1915, 0 IT i ----- ";J S30AL r ' ' ' " ' ' TJ BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA n J - " v7ni y ft i ' i ir- . - Wj the wedding of MIbs Cordelia Bltldle and A Anftle1" Buchanan Duke, which will tako T . .-..II eo IU& mhM tt Vinnnt t 111 llfl ,S,C Oil API'I , "" - ..-..-. Mary jjh", i ......... . among the brldennmlds will be MIbs Hop Bl, MIm Mnruot Ellis Scull, MIbs Clmr , jfarillns Drown and Mlsa l'aullne Ulaaion. Commander Edwards P. helper and Jlra. IiBf will fi've a danaant this afternoon, from LTSnU1 1 o'clock, In honor of Mls Jtay Porter, lEHNeff TorK. rue cara 01 wiss wary r hjhuui Wl.. .. inrloted In th Invitations, The SJjfatlotis will be In keeping with Washlwr fflj'j Birthday, and the receiving party will In Jftjj Ml" Arabella Scott, Miss Angela ln U L 1M als Present. fb,, alumnae of the Moravian Seminary will j their annual luncheon tomorrow, at 1 FcToCkf In tne iNorui uaiuen ui ino uuuevue siritford. The speakers of tho occasion will ttuitt Imogen Oakley, Professor Drinker, of jfoljh University, and Dr. Frederick Wolle. Srt. Charles Doollttlo Is president of the nlum- r . .1, .n.. j(niiH tic. ftn& ,"fi a I f? . n I a Mst, na me umci """"" " -- Wi. Herman . voiimge, .urn. uiwani wum rhornton. Mrs. Harrison uunian; treasurer. gntJIIChael De Lone; corresponding secretary, jrijj Edna nollman; recoraing secretary, .urs. jjirld Stout. Kin. John C. Martin, of Wyncot. entertained itfMdje on Saturday In honor of her mother, Mfft. Cyrus H. K. Curtis, and Mrs. Williams, Milwaukee. i&r. Clement Reeves WaJnwrlght will give a liJticrlptlon bridgo party at her home on Cheat- &t avenue, uneainut inn, on muniiuir " Ebn, for tho benefit of tho Magdalen Society mt Phlladelpniai at zu norm -is. tircti, 2r. WIlHam H. Donner, of 204 South 19th JtrMt, ended her series of Tuesdays at the be- "nlng of Lent, and will not receive tomorrow. ?Gintavui B. Fletcher entertained today at his (5e In Hadnor at nn old-fashioned picnic. Fere the guests assisted In tho preparations ti cooking of the luncheon. The party mo torci out from town. Mrs. George A. Fletcher ui Mrs. J. Ernest Richards chaperoned tno irStsti. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Marshall, of fconuehanna road, Rydal, entertained at a mi breakfast at 12:30 o'clock today, foj- loVfnr the meet of the Huntingdon Valley Hunt Chlb. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wharton LIpIncott-iMr. Llpplncott Is fpiF. H.; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bray, Miss Ilar- irttt Deaver, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert, Mr. and Win. Dudley Levlck, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jnltord, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer K. Mulford, Mr. A Urs, George Satterthwalte, Mr. and Mrs. J. "wcer Brock, Miss Eleanor Brock, Norrls Uims, Franklin Baker, Hazeltlno Smith, Mr. M.Urs. La Rue, Mr. and airs. j. conyngnain l(reni, F. Warren Marshall, Richard Marshall, ate'anfl Mrs. Sumner II. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Btroia Heymour uross, airs. j. jvcuuuf ..- ir. Mr. and Mrs. Jocob RIdgway, Mltn Ellza- flh Taylor, Miss Rldgvay, Miss Katharlno rtfc Mr. and Mrs. William Paul O'Neill, Mr. rsi'llra. John M. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wile Herkness, Miss Marguerite Hollopeter, andMrs. Thomas E. Dunn, Theodore Glcnt- rth, Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Dlmond and urns Heruness. U has been decided by the Chestnut Hill Fort itiOy Dancing Class to hold an extra danco Iw'Monday, April 0. at the Philadelphia Cricket qub. The patronesses of this class Include Mrs. lEJWird S. Farnum, Mrs. Joseph Sill Clark, Mrs. K.'s'rton Sovni. Mru. Joaenh L-overlng. Mrs. Al- mSi Allee Jackson and Mrs. Howard Graham. S; In. John G, Carruth has Issued invitations r a luncheon to be given in the Bellevue- iBlritford on Tuesday, March 2. Auction bridgo ria fouow. IE ...... iiri. William Henry Newbold, or 4oa oouin MjJtreet, will return tomorrow from a short Kit. Jin. D. Webster Dougherty, of 2123 Spruce Wjt, will entertain Informally today at lunch Mi and bridge. Covers -will be laid for eight fcuti, H - Jtis annual meeting of tho Travelers' Aid So- ltty will take place tomorrow morning In the Jjw Century Club at 11 o'clock. (peujenant Norton, U. 8. N., and Mra. Norton, Jo hdve been visiting In Ohio, will Tetum jUUn a few days and make their homo In this r, Lieutenant Norton will be stationed hero jr,the next two years. Jdl Chesterton will address a large audience rtjjha. Beltevue-Stratford tomorrow night, un 'ir the auspices of the Ladles of Charity, for fcenent of the Summer Home for Poor Chll- VHttl St Port tfntiiwW Amnni. th women on berd of dlrectora of Port Kennedy are Mrs. Jpl p. Edwards, Mrs. Pavid OF. Rlvlnus, iy Helen Grace Bmlth. Mrs. J. M. Quennell, S Ames ReDDller. Qllsa Bmllle M. Rlvlnus, JSJ Nicholas Thouron and Mrs. James A. waiy. a farmllt.. k. it.i...uii.. . n.n.t.vl. .S3 f.lHM ui Mia U(1IV9V40 t w,w- aJCUS. ivtll vlv. - .- A t ...ll a .1m..1 l,l uynooa. Owing to the alterations noyr being "3 at the museum. ih ta will fa clven In tn Hall, Spruce B(ret below 36th street. GEItMANTOWN a the, children who attended the blrth- Hrty given for Miss Anne Williams on Sfr were Miss Corllse Earnihaw, Miss If11 Wtph, Miss Mary Pearson, MUs Ruth -, mm Eleanor Menler. Wl's Florlne t'. Ml3S Wlnlfr.fl Mlr.nl Mill Anne IJ, MUs Alleen Clinch, Miss Betty Mont. My. Uls Louisa Goodman. Jack Hovey. jr?r 0, Earnshaw, Jr., BlUy Norrls. Frank r t-auue Norrls, Payton Tattersfleld E4- 'i Pitch and FradarlaV tludlev. Jr. Th ; Uhls hd e, centrepiece of daffodils. art' 1' ""4 f.ru, i,d4en away Jn a u basket. ifnas pf tuiu n rainbow effect w SK4 to the chandeUer. Tsllow favors wr 1 o the ubiquitous kewcle was much In iota, ALONG THE IfATN LINE !n-Dri anfl tTn n,. w T.ineoln. or H Vwr avenue, will give a Uanct, followed & fUD&Ar lirj. ji . . ml irh. WW numUt about M. Mr. ifcrt Stewart, Jr-, t " WW ad potiUinft, Wt ? Blr IwW ! dllU ffiO terday for a short trip to Atlantic City for tha i benefit of Mr. Stewart, who la convalescing from nn nttivck of grip. MEItioit-Mr. and Mra. Clarence Leigh Moyer, of Berkley road, are expected home Tuesdny from a week's stay at Brown's Mllls-ln-the-Pines, N. J. Mrs. I'. A. Boyle and Miss M. E. Boyle, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. Boyle's son nnd daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oswald T. Boyle, at their home on South Highland ave nue. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. A. S. Conway left town on Saturday nnd motored to Lakewood, where she spent the week-end. Mrs. A. IColsky and her daughter, Miss Sadyo KoUky, of 6024 Chestnut street, hnvo returned from a three weeks' visit to Atlantic City. Mrs. Kolsky Is much Improved In health. Mlsa Llllle Koenlg, of Leulstown, Pa., Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Albert S. Myers, of GS25 Walnut street. Miss Carrye G. Baerncopf, formerly of 4201 Pnrkslde avenue. Is now making her home with her relatives, Mr. and Mra. Lorenz Aussprung, 157 North 60th street Mrs. M. S. Frldenberg will spend Washing ton's Birthday at the Chalfonle, Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lorenz Aussprung nnd son, for merly of Washington, D. C, have moved to 137 North 60th etreet, West Philadelphia. Miss Seta Sellg, of Lincaster, Is visiting rela tives In this city. ALONG THE READING Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Fcttcrolf, of Cloveily lane, Rydal, havo gone to Deland, Fla., where thoy will spend two weeks as tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. a. Henry Stetson, who are there for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Ervlen and Mr. and Mrs. Davis L. Lewis, all of Ogontz, formed a party which spent the week-end at Atlantic City. They are expected to return to morrow. Mr. and Mra. Walter A. Bailey, of Lenox road, Jenklntown, have gone to Ventnor, N. J., where they will stay at their cottage for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dutton, of Washington lane, Jenklntown, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter on February 6. Miss Jane Curran was hostess at a small din ner party Saturday evening at her home, GS02 Lawnton avenue, Oak Lane. Miss Julia Henglst. of Pittsburgh, Pa., who is attending school at Bccchwood, Jenklntown, has recently been the guest of her nunt, Mrs. P. C. Thornhlll, of Solly avenue, Fox Chaae. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tongue, of Logan, have recently returned from a trip to Jackson ville, St. Augustine, Palm Beach and Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Vort, of Oak Lane, will leave today for Prospect Plains, N. J., where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dudley for two weeks. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mra. Bertram J. Martin, of 1528 South Broad street, entertained at "JOO" last week to meet Mrs. James O'Toole, of Scranton, who Is visit ing Miss Qulnn, of Fine etreet. After the cards n "George Washington" luncheon was served. The guests Included Mrs. Alfred Becker, Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Joseph P. Gaffney, Mrs. Frank Lally, Mrs. John Sommers, Mrs. Richard Barry, Miss Margaret Qulnn, Miss Mayme A. Donohoo and Miss J. M. F. Donohoe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lappln, of 1720 South 15th street, will entertain at cards tonight. The decorations and favors will be In keeping with Washington's Birthday. Their guests will In clude Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. K. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Krlder, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Martin, Dr. and Mrs. It. R. Moore, (Mr. and Mrs. S. Rothwell nnd Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Garwood. James Keenan entertained Informally Satur day evening nt his home, U05 South Broad street. His guests Included Miss Marie O'Hara, Miss Beatrice Thomas, Miss Helen Alter, Mlsa Catherine Crane, Miss Marie Barrington, Miss Edna Boothby, Charles Persley, Milliard Dill more, Leo Donohue, Francis Loney, Joseph McLaughlin and Francis Heppard. Miss Catherine Btlnce and Miss Anna Stlnce, of Allentown, N. J are at present the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Van H. Potter, at their home In the Glrard Estate. They came to the city for the Military Ball this evening, and will remain for several weeks. NORTH PHILADELPHIA A farewell party was given Arthur Jones nf his home. 2623 North Bouvler street, Saturday night, on tho evo of bis departure for the West. The affair was arranged by a group of his friends. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones, Miss Mae Llnder, Miss Anna Call, Miss Florence Downs, Miss Gertrude Sehres, Mies Lydla Fox, Osorge L. Jackson. George Crowley, Richard Diamond, Frank Mc Bride and WUUa Pluck. Mr, and Mrs. Harry K. Frits have relumed from their wedding trip. Mrs. Fritz will be remembered as Mlas Edna L. Macmunn, daarfh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Macmunn. The end of this month Mr. and Mrs. Fritz will leave for Cuba, where they will remain for several weeks, after which they will go to St. Louis. Mo., where fhey wUlmske their home. FRANIfFORD Mr. and Mrs. Mathlas Enoch, of Craig street, Holrnwburg, aro entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cpijerjf. of New York city. MUsB&nlc Cartledge. of S103 Decatur street, wlU b9 the guest of MU Glady. "iddaneh, of MM ital street, N. W, Washington. . C Miss Wlddanen to tudent t the Falrmount Semi nary and very popular among the younger set in Miss Cartltdge'. honor during her visit there. Miss Wn Phrelfal). of M Ktatey re.t. yvtU b. ul of Mrs. My Dvls. of Sn,yr, Del., toe three dy a4, ifUi wrnla y . iC T -" l a ' A 1 111 'v J v &A Clt -. . X MRS. JOSEPH WHARTON LIPPINCOTT Mrs. Lippincott, who was Miss Elizabeth Mills, of New York, is one of the most popular young matrons here. She will bo one of tho guests at tho hunt breakfast given by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall today. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA A delightful suprlse birthday party wna given Miss Betty Sharpham Saturday night, at her home. 2516 Coral street. Upon a ptetoxt ' the young ludy was sent upon an errand. I'poii her urrlvnl home sho found the guests ussombled nnil the house prettily decorated. Many hand some gifts were received by Mies Sharfiham. Dancing, gamos and refreshments marked the evening. Those present were Miss Cnrrlo Hil lenbrand, Mla Mlmilo Stroubmullcr, Mlsi Helen rietcher, Mlas Laura Miller, Miss Xnri Eber steln, Miss Josephine Maxwell, Miss Catherine Dally, Miss Clara McCuen. Mlsa Jennie Uteen, MIbs Ruth McAllister, Mra. Cecilia Salome. Mr. and Mrs. John Dailey, John Dalley, Jr., John J. Dnlley, Park Forrest. Edward Stockton, William Gamble, Richard Turner, James Thomson, Wil liam Abel, John Nelson, William Fuller und 'Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister. i A christening dinner was given yesterday at tho home of Mrs. Josephine Maxwell, 1427 Frankford avenue. The guestj wero Mrs. Carrie Hellenbrand, Mlsi Claire Toplmtn, Misd Inez Daubert, Miss Clara Kelly, lilies Elizabeth Sharpham, Miss 'Mnmle McAhone. Mr. and Mrs. John Dalley, Adam Burger, Edward Nugent, Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Corcoran, Joseph Walker, William Clark. Archie McAhone, Frederick Hel lenbrand, Miss Margaret Hellenbrand, Miss Kathryn Hellenbrand and Mies Bertha Hellen brand. A successful package party was given Satur day night at HI West Glrard avenue under the auspices of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Pro gressive Association of tho 16th Ward. After the termination of the party a dance was held, which lasted Into tho midnight hours. An en thusiastic crowd attended. Mrs. Clara Ettlngcr was In charge of the Committee on Arrange ments. Tho Rev. Charles iMcCallum, pastor of tho Falrhlll Baptist Church, Falrhill street nnd Lehigh avenue, entertained the Sunday school children of tho church In a "penny concert" Each child contributed a cent as admission. There were moving pictures and songs. Pupils of the Sheridan publlo school, Ontario and G atreets, will be entertained next Friday night by John Kalstenmacher, a teacher In the school, who will give a dinner at his home, 3058 North 15th street. Joseph Jacob, formerly of Philadelphia, ha made his home In Pittsburgh permanently. gfccSCE S2(gS3S MRS. A G BQNSQU AND HER UTILE DAUGHTER Mrs. Bonsor is a popular ruomber &f solety in tlua city and Canaan. """""" '"'"" ' mmssmmm8m Jmk E jkE 33 TIOGA The members of the Saturday Evening "M0" Club gave a dinner and theatre party last week. Tlioso participating worn Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Allen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Horace Klainfe der, Mr. and Mrs. Uenjuinln Fontor, Mr. nnd Mis. Irvln Balr, Mr. and 'Mra J. Ellwood Wick, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dlttinann, Mr. and Mrs. John Stlef, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rohenhelm, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Eckhart and Mr. and Mis. Frank Barras. Miss Grace Kilwnrdn, of Tioga, is spending a week In Washington, D. C , as the guest of Mrs. James Toomcy, who will be remembered as Miss Marian Cnraher, of West Phlladelphla, Mre. Leon I,. Darling, of Judson street. Is en tertaining her niece, Miss Edna Bloom, of Jer sey City. Mrs. A. A. Green and Mra. RIchsrd Mau dalne, of Mlddletown, Del., are the guests of Mrs. C. A. Wllllama, 2322 West Venango street. ROXBOROUGH Miss Myra Wartman, of 800 Rochelts nvenue, Wlssahlekon, will leave tomorrow for the South for about eight weeks. She will spend three weeks In Orlando and the remainder of tho timo at Camden, S. C. Mrs. Mary A. Wright has announced the marriage of her daughter. Miss Sara Elizabeth Wright, fo Samuel Qulgley, on Wednesday eve ning, February 10. nt the home of the bride's aunt. Miss Elizabeth Beetham, 456 Lyceum ave nue. At the luncheon given on Saturday by Miss Florence E. Harms, of 4237 Pechln street. In honor of Miss Mary Roblnaoti, hose marriage to Ernest Harms will tako place In April, the guests were Miss Carrie Earnshaw, Miss ulao Watson, Mrs. Charles Service Taylor, Miss Eliz abeth Kennedy, Mine Myra Mitchell, Miss Caro lyn Mitchell, Miss Bertha Plckel and Miss Barras. Benjamin F. Calverley, of Roxborough ave nue. Is entertaining his brother, the Rev. Edwin E. Calverley, a missionary, who has returned from Arabia on a furlough. LANSDOWNE Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vanzant and their daugh ter, Miss Louise Vanzant, of 56 North Lans downe avenue, left for a month's stay In Flor ida. Chariest Jones, of Allentown, Is visiting Joseph Buckley, of 105 East Steward avenue. Mrs. Harry S. Young, of 33 East Stewart ave nue, Is entertaining Mrs. If. C. Hooker, of New York. The Republican Club will entertain today In the High School auditorium. Francis H. Green, of the West Chester Normal School, will make an address. Those In charge of the affair are Walter C. Powell, J. II, Odgen, Richard Shoe maker, George F. Lewis, John W. Davis and ftoger Nichols, CHESTER AND VICINITY Miss Elizabeth T. Lees has returned tq her home, on East Hth street, from Bcranton, where she spent a fortnight with relatives. Mrs. Charles R. Long, of West 9th street. Is visiting her daughter, Miss Carolyn Long, a, student at an educational Institution at Welles ley, Mass. Miss Margaret Dooley has returned to her home, at Philadelphia, after being entertained for a, week by her sister, Miss Helen D, Dooley, of Mcllvaln street. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mr ttnd Mrs. G. Wilbur Taylor, of 520 Linden street, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Gwendolyn Taylor, and George Taylor Wagandt, of Baltimore, Md. Mr. V, A. Loeb, of Atlantic City, formerly of Linden street near 5th, Is recovering from a severe Illness In the Jefferson Hospital. Dr. E. A, G. Schelllnger, of 5th and Cooper streets, ia slowly recovering front a severe at task of pneumonia. Mr. and Mr. Warren Webster, of street. af In tu South. Cooper Mint Marietta 11 cnampMH ;wm rau a paper eer tb Rlvertw Pmhtciub on F wy K. DIGEST OF THE MAGAZINES (1) Current Opinion "Credit-Making and Credit-Making." (2) Pearson's "What Ford Wages Hnvo Dona." (3) "World' Work "The Trade (join mission and Public Business." (4) New Keimbllo-"Mr. Morgan Stands Pnt." SUPERMEN BUSINESS luiB such a bronil range of meanings, from tho successful or tired business man to the nilnd-yoiir-own-busl-nesi woman, that somewheie or other busi ness enters Into almost everything. The sciences, tho professions, rharltlon nnd even the nttH nre nil being buslnesalzed these days, or nt least, they are paying morn at tention to their btinlnrMS and administrative ends, nnd with very deslrnble results. The popular magazines nre printing an In ereasltiB number of business nrtlclca sto ries of shrewd nnd spectacular business deals, of phenomenal careers, analyses of uelltni n.i nhnln-.. .... . ., i I nnd tltist legislation before the country. Not j counting tho spcclnl business publications, I thero nre 14 such nrtlclca In tho current I magazines. I The Business World Department of Cur I rent Opinion prints a delightfully human I nnd probable business story (1): One morning u man with n handful of pa , ners went Into n store and anld, turning over . his pnpeis, 'T would like to find nut how much stock juu have." Tho boss suddenly became very 1ium -ao busv he could not stop ! to mnko a calculation hut olunteored In n I very largo way. "Well, we have got about 510.000 worth of stock on our shelves." "Yes, I and how many solvent debtors hae ou7 j How much Is owing to you that you con I aider good?" "About $S000 " "Well, how ' much do jou oweV" "Don't owe anything." "oooti," snld the Inquirer. "I'll see you later." That afternoon ho returned to the store, nnd taking out his n.iDets announced. "I have come to collect jour personal property I tns." "Well," said the boss, not temember I ins him, "I suppose you want to find out wiint property I hnvo got. "Why, no, ex plained the caller, "I was hero this morning nnil you told me. We nssessed you accord ingly." Tho boss was nugry and said. "My friend, you lmven't treated me right. When j ou came In this morning I thought you wcie a Dun or Uradstieet man." In spite of the severe criticisms nnd prophecies concerning Mr. Ford, he seems to bo making a success of his quixotic wnges nnd nt the same time making a good thing out of his business. Although thero Is much more significance to Mr. Ford's ex periment, now thnt he has given It a year's tilnl, ltttlo attention has been paid to It since tho first llnsh of startled publicity died down. Allan Benson, a New York magazine writer, has Just visited tho Detroit fac tory, and describes the prosperity of both firm and emplojes In glowing terms In Pearson's (2): Mr. Ford has distributed nmong hla em ployes In 19H not the $10,000,000 he set out to give, but $12,000,000. Beginning August 1. each month he took from profits a sum which at tho end of 12 months will amount to $1S,000,000. This sum is to be rebnted pro rnta at the end of the year to buyers of Ford cars. Mr. Ford's profits In 1914 were, neverthe less, precisely what thoy wero In 1913, that Is to say, $20,000,000. Ford's force is precisely whnt It was be fore his profit-sharing plan took place. A few men have gone, n few liavo come, but the changes are Inconsequential. It is easier to get a Democratic oltlceholder to resign than It Is to get a Ford employe to quit his job. Eighty-four per cent, of his employes are on the profit-sharing roll. Twenty-eight minutes from the time the assembling of the automobile began It lias reached the end of the platform, and a workman jumps aboard and drives It under Its own power down an Inclined plnne and oft Into the next shop. Two nutomohlles are assembled every minute of a 16-hour day. The men work in eight-hour shifts. Ford's employes nre nn astounding Illus tration of tho Increased efficiency brought about by paIng worklngmen enough so tbat they hnve some heart to go about their tasks. When Ford, In 1913, pnld them ordinary wages, they made 185.419 cars. When ho began to pad their pay envelopes with bills the same number of men in 1014 made 248,307 cars. Nobody Is working so hard that he Is Inviting nervous prostration. J know, because T went through the plnnt nnd saw them at work. I know something nbout factory work. When I was 16 I worked In AMUSEMENTS GAREICK Holiday Mat. Today TUI. WkcOniy.L Bv.8. Ma&Wed and Bau ANN MURDOCK IN THE NEW AME1UCAN COMEDY A GIRL OP TODAY p..,..,. irica Wadnoday Matlnre. ileal. Keats II B0, ciilLoGRAND OPERAS 100 PEOPLE BUl'EltB CHORUS AND BALLET 1UU rnuii.!- e menlo Effect COMPLETE ORAND OPEUA OrtCllESTRA TWENTY CKLEURATEB OPERA BTAU8 Monday. M&a; Tue.day. Lucta: Wednesday Mat.. roust; EV, Cuialln-lo.l'aollaccf; Thursday, fffao. una " IMday. OlucomKi: Saturday Mat., iarfha; K?,' TrivatoV. SEATS THURSDAY. B A. M. TO 11 V. M. PALACE 1214 Market 10c and 20c VAUDEVILLE SEVEN MALVERN COMIQt'ES; OTHERS PHOTO-PLAY MARY PICKKORD In "MISTRESS NEI.I." LYRIC MATINEE TODAY 3il3 TONIGHT, HllS DANCING AROUND WIT" AL JOLSON ONLY MU81CAI, SHOW JN TOWN -rTrn TT XT T MATINEB TODAY Silll D lli Li r xl 1 tonight, sits OLIVER MOROSCO Praienta PEG 0' MY HEART Tha Play You Haw Been Waltlnr For. C A QTNO THEATRE U A O 1 ll V MATINEE TODAY SAM HOWE'S Burlesque A xNtTTH WILL INTRODUCE HER ORIENTAL A UVjllil DANCE SURROUNDED UY TEN Il MAN-EATJNQ LIONS MARKET ST ABOVE 1ST11 PICTURES 11 A M. TO 11:13 P. M. THE Stanley WM. H, CRANE la "DAVJD 1IAKUM" Addtd Attraction, Geo Washington Relics. GROSS Harry Jolson IftSS ,,,., wnvc "NXOHT IN ALPS" lvlli X O Prorram Chanted Monday & Thursday THEATRE iftVSlOc TM JUXON'B GRAND Today 2 18. T A "Tlw Lawn Party." McMahon. DUmosd Qhaple DeU Wllllama Noroross & lloldsworth Mme.nialtM.Co. Walter Weeraa FORREST NEXT WEEK MARIE JUCHAUD In tha New CAHILL CARLE .Bga,-. IT-MPTRTP "vovuuak- matinees daiux MTllXJ-f Alias Jimmy Valentip nTIMONT'S ?.yMS mswsk !MAT TOBAT. M 30s ' a factory, t knotv what speeding meariB. The Ford men are not speeding. Mi. Kord haji provided I lie pay envelop form of Incentive. Ills employes feel thnt he lias something mora than & convert llonal desire to treat them fairly. As a re milt they nre well disposed toward him and try to do their hest. Paternalism In the Kord Institution? Why. his plant Is saturated with paternalism. But slmll I cry down Ford because In a. measure) ho Is a despot? Heaven knows he Is ft good despot. As' a manufacturer of the present day he callld not well lmnmvn rnnrtltlnnai In i his own factory without resorting to pater- mnmii. j'ora nas noi mo power to ennnse economic system.. He cannot (tlve Anything lo labor as a rlpht. Ho can only give as a gift or not at nil, Allocrttlc' Reeking with It. night In principle? Absolutely not. night In prac tice? Ask Iho wife. A Legal Hurry-up Wagon Describing tho newly created Federal Trado Commission, World's Work says (J)i Tho most important provision of the Trade Commission act Is that which declares that Unfair methods of competition are unlawful. henever the commission htm reason to be lieve that any business is using unfair methods of competition, tho commission can Issue a complaint, and the offending business will have to show that the complaint is un founded or tho commission will issue nn order to stop the methods complained of. An appeal from this order can be taken to the Circuit Court of Appeals. The advan tage to business which may be expected is that the commission may promptly order men to desist from unfair practices, whereas tho courts must wait until the unfair acts nro rommltted and then punish the perpe trators, even though the unfair acts were committed In all Innocence. Tt Is even pos sible thnt combinations which might be In danger of violating the Sherman act may be submitted to the commission before they nre effected, whereas now tho only way to find out whether certain agreements are le gal Is to rlak a flno or Imprisonment. The bright white rays of the spotlight were turned for two solid weeks this month upon our princes of American finance. In "Mr. Morgan Stnnili Pat," the New Ilepub 11c (t) says of his conspicuously noncom mltal attitude: li, noughly speaking, Mr. Morgan represents n. form of private property that Is obsolete. To almost every question referring to social mntters ho replied. "I do not know" or "I havo no opinion." Questioned as to whether It was fair to refuse employment nt un skilled labor to men over 35. he replied that this was a matter of opinion: asked what was his opinion, he replied, "t haven't any." The clearest lesson of his testimony Is that Mr. Morgan lias a false conception 6f himself as a private citizen. He seems un willing or unable to grasp the fact that the house of Morgan Is one of the great facts of American life, an overshadowing public phe nomenon which no alert democracy can af ford to disregard. It Is all ry well for him to describe himself as a "banker": he is moie than a banker; he Is one of the su premo figures of the modern Industrial sys tem. AMUSEMENTS CHESTNUT STREET SSuS. Horn of World's Greatest rwjfnplais 4 Times Daily &&; l, ".' ? ANNETTE KELLERMANN THE PERFECT WOMAN," In "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" BEGINNING MON. AFT., MAR. 1 THE WONDiiR OP THE WORLD HALL CAINE'S "THE ETERNAL CITY" Produc-d by Famous Players' Film Co. SEAT SALE OPEA "' TAY PRICES ASSET- We, 1.1c. 5V 10 r,0c ACADEMY OF MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTKA LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI, Conductor Symphony Friday Ait'n'n, Feb. 26, at 3:00 Concerts Saturday Evg., Feb. 27, at 8:15 Soloist: THADDEUS RICH, Violinist PWXHtAM: Stmphony In E Minor; Op. 8S BACH Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, In D Major TAGANINt Tone Poem. "Tod und Verlelarung" BTItAUBH Beats Now on Sale at Hcppe's. Hill Chestnut "r FrKEITH'S THEATRE Another Big Town Talk Show! America's Supreme Emotional Artiste Mrs. LESLIE CARTER In Her Most Powerful Play "ZAZA" Supported by an All-Star Bill nickel & Watson; Wee Qsorjle Wood: Oltabe Jaoa; Lyons & Yosco: Ed, Morton; llaiell Cox, Moere 4 Younr. Cole ft Denahy. ACADEMY OF MUSIO Tuesday Afternoon, February 13. at 3:80 KREISLER Last Philadelphia Appearance Tickets, 75o lo IS, at -lepra', 111 ChestnuL Amphitheatre (not rcssrvedl, -Oo Mans.ement C. A, ELL18 POPULAR OPERA MUS1CALEB WIT,I,?iLLOONFaulkner-Oberndorfer iSfcSrai iiii' The Nibelungen Ring Monday Etenlns. March 1, Parsifal ""J. '.'.V"- The Nibelungen Ring ' (Special for Children) SBATB 260 TOJt,JSOWr AT LEDGER CENTRAL BROAD Holiday Mat. Today Ijist Eyenlnge. Regular Mat. Wed, and Sat. Mrs. PATRICK CAMPBELL b&S& PYGMALION Popular Price Wednesday Hatlu... Best Heat It.oO, NEXT WEEK SEATS THURSDAY THE MISLEADING LADY With PAULD1CKEY Tprnft T T A NINTH AND MARKET ltl lUAlA PH1CBH ttc, SOu CONTINUOUS JO A M. TO II P M "THREE WEEKS" "in Addition to Special YauaeWlle Feature next week wm:rM ,h' LL'BIN'B MASTERPIECE Edwin Arden and Rnmaln Fteldlnr In BAOLE'a NBST'-QKB WEEK ONLY " "" MARKET STREET" r T rT) 17 ASD Juniper It il ) h Pi Coatlnuaua Vaudeville J J V- ' J-J 1190 A M to Jl ;50 J. M. Tim McMahon und Edythe Chapelle Fletcher Norton & Nina Payne; Others COMU- NBVr WEEK APVENTIRB3 OS1HK 1UW OK ytIB EARTH MBTUOI-UUTAN OffcUA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPBR CQ . NEW TORK TOMOnitOW BVMNtt AT S FIRST PERFORMAKCE IN TJ03 CITY MADAME SANS-GENE Mmtt. Farrr. i"onU, bprW. Rlai!"MM, Mt. llnelU, Amato, Sureta, Alihu, Tfial , tanjfit, Seats H0 ChesiBut j WniuH 1W,, Riwa T. ma egcii, CHESTERTON LECTl RK fcI.Ls fH-SYApi -i