8 EVMIKft tiBDaEB-PHirABBLPHM, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1915; Sr Rtftitlttg Wtytt TtJULtC M3DGER COMPANY crfnufi H. k. cuiitis. rE.iiBT. irUi h l.Hittnirton Victrklnt. John 0. Mattfn. r'v-rsiirjr ni Trriuureri I'runp h. (.oiiin;, jonn u. Tflllfi uijamv, - , Directors. ElTani At, BOARD f Ctses It. K. CtTi, Chklrmin. r. H. wttAl.tey ,. . ExtrSfr Sdlter tmJ?C. MAIITIN... General tiutlnesa llntr PuUUtaeil dally at Fcblio LDat BulIJInt, lnacpndenc Squire, Philadelphia. luitaawt CtnTt.. .,..,.. ..Drourt and Chestnut Street AtUNfrO Crrr, rrtm-Unto DulI'llM jxk Tone. ..... ...... ..170-A. Me tropolltan Tower Cifrcund ...,... 817 Home insurance Dullillne toKoo.v 8 Waterloo riacc. fall Hll, S. TV. NKWOnfUEAlISl WiammiBiia nemo Thi rotrtat nutMtnc WiSUIKCTON tionito. The Po( UlllMlne Ifrw Von ncucitj The rim9 I'ullillng flcuMM IIcaiiD ,., ......... .00 rrielrlchtraM xlKMM UctEiO 2 I'd 1 1 Mull Kait. 8. W. pAjkia Hfotio... 32 Hue Louis la Grind sunscmrrioN temis tl tierlm. Tlktt OHM. ! cnta flw mall ttAilnaM Autfcld of Phllii1)nhliu -scent tthpre forlm nottflra C required, Diliit 6Lt, one month, twenty-five cent": jj 1aI!-t, Only, one year, three dollars All mall sub m crtptlona payable In advance ' EU,SOOO "WALNUT KCYSTOME, MAIM 3000 W A&irtts all communication to Evening Ltigtri lndtperdnc Square, Philadelphia. "' ax-intSATTiiarnfUDiu-niA rosTorrtci is aicox CLUS Ml It, IJtTTtlt, t'lllLADELriHA, MONDAY, IMinlMftY 22. 1918, ifcrt can be moved by an appeal to their courage and unselfishness as icell as by interest and fear. Find Out Where Your Councilman Stands THE great meeting of protest against tho "fako" transit ordinance will bo held In the Academy of Music Wednesday night, before then tho citizens of every ward In tlio city Bhould call on their councllmanlc representatives to declare themselves, not Wi'i generally but specifically. At that meeting ijj- should bo read tho name of every Councll- , man wno is openly for tho betrnyal or so j! .cretly for It by refusing to commit himself. SHI It Is up to tho Individual Councllmen. They i are- for Philadelphia or ngalnBt Philadelphia, for their wards or against their wards, for 1 , tho public interest or for some concealed and j !" hidden special Interest. Bring them into tho i open. Mako them stand up. Let tho city , J-know who tho men aro who back up tho betrayal and expect to assist In It. Let tho 4 roll be. read and published. Lot Philadelphia ,i ;. know what Councllmen havo their knives out tor rapid transit. Separato the friends of tho V causo from Us enemies. The people want to J know whom they havo to fight. Of Course He Opposes Fusion SENATOR PENROSE announces that ho Is In favor of a law to prevent tho fusion Of political parties. Ho believes, according J.0 his statement, that after a man has ac cepted a nomination he should not bo allowed to withdraw In the interest of another candi date on another ticket. Of courso Senator Penrose favors a law forbidding this practice. So docs every other Organization politician. If strong opposi tion to them and their system develops they can very easily nlvldo that opposition by securing tho nomln. -Jon of an "independ ent" ticket, and If the candidates on that tickst are not to bo allowed to withdraw tho machine ticket Is safe. But tho people who nre Interested in decent government bellove in n union of all tho forces, that can bo mustered to fight under one banner whether before a primary or after. The Ulishap Off Borkum ALL the known facts Indlcato that tho . sinking of tho American steamship Eve lyn off the German Island of Borkum was accidental. The sea thereabout has been strewn with mines for the protection of tho German coast. Tho Evelyn carried a careo of cotton and was bound for a German port. v The Qerman authorities were awaro that sho vaa about due. It Is inconceivable that tho ship was deliberately attacked in German Waters by Oerman submarines. And it Is also Inconceivable that British or French sub marines wero in that vicinity prepared to Wow up an American ship carrying a cargo of noncontraband goods. The shiD undnuht. edly came in contact with a floating mine. inera is no occasion for excitement, there fore, in this incident, so far as present evi dence reveals the conditions. The crew nf the ship wero caved and the shin and carrro -trera Insured. Those alarmists who havo been threatening diro things If a single Amer ican ship wero sunk may now husband their ' superlatives and pack their heated exnletlvea Jn cracked ice. Uncle Sam will keep his head u tta ytcBojii. at any iu-ib. A Job for a Patriot feTXTW would not ba superintendent of In- K YYaependence Hall? The Job Is vacant. And the Civil Service Commission Is ahmtt in ! bald an examination to test the fitness of M applicants. Tho salary is not large only JSOO i r year put tha privilege and distinction iV'M could fco made to earn a much larger sum F3rrvw,y year. M cununa uosse is iiorarian of the House Wji( Jords, but his fame does not rest on that. i mm omco is mo easy cnair in which ho ; writes. Woodrow Wilson was a college pro. ttssor at a, small salary, but he doubtless sJouW4 hl3 salary by his historical writings. iflls professorship was tho pedestal which ; yajsed him high enough to attract the atten- lm St iSPHshers to him. Likewise tho , uMperintendoncy of Independence Hall, which w$ul4 not make too great demands upon tho time and attention of Us occupant, ought to appeal to soma ambitious young man seeking n assured income while ho devotes himself ' to serious study of tho origins of American fSberty. Tb possibilities of tho olflc are too Ljrreat tor them to be wasted upon n. mere twilltical underline who Will ba content with lIPirUMs petty salary offered i uusiuus mr ma urmegroom WURMINB MARTILLA has set an exam-L-Bt to fathers, which if generally fol- ; Jawad would automatically establish a prao Ftintf wypttm Of eugenics better thar any -fbt ea jHetw by law. Qennaro Demoro iHf. Sirtd gone to the Uarrlage License Bureau' to HNiPjtui a. umilh to nuarrv the dauehtep of fap. S"h tatber objeettd, however, and In tpt wr license h lssu- until a. man iuuw Do tpouW arrlyo and aweaf -jfi wwldibs fciidegroom is a, 'jf0Qt w ioeiff aaaia Biter a, aelay of . ' the iteease was issued. t to ati-ratty t-ertain that there bavo been uw frUUam In tUU city within the past pp rJ wMete wtwid net have occurred It " U - ,t!w tt tt brW a4 insbrtod. that s,a wfe9 ar iMm XiotB AhwU wwr that ho would bo glad to have tlio man marry his Own sister. Parents should not find It difficult to estab lish this custom of; sponiorlng those who would wed their dnughlera. It is needed among tho welUtodo as much as among tho poor, for the dissolute and tho adventurer are foUnd everywhere. Where Are the WasliinRtoiis of Today? NEARLY all of the solid citizens of George Washington's day were loyalists. They wero opposed to stirring up trouble, They Insisted that the mother country was Justified In her course, or that If mistakes had been matlo in London tho colonists should possess their souls In patience until the abuses of power wero corrected. They were conservative-!, absorbed In Ihclr own nffalrs and did not want business unset tled by war. Tho Revolution was the uprising of democ racy. It was a people's rovolt. The mon who had nothing to loso but their llbortlcs wero willing to lay down their lives rather than bo deprived of their most pre cious possession. Tho rest were Indifferent to Ideals so long as their Investments wero not seriously Im paired, Washington belonged by birth and associa tion to tho loyalist class. Ho was a landed proprietor. Ho had n splendid estnto In Vir ginia. Ho could sit at his door and look over an entrancing panornma of hill and valley, with tho Bllvory Potomac winding In nnd out ns It found Its way down to tho sea. It would havo been easy for him to say that tho discontent of tho people was no con cern of his. Ho could hnvo remained on his estate, managed his slaves, rested In tho evening with a company of congenial friends on tho lawn that sloped down to tho river, and lot tho Revolution fall. But ho led tho peoplo to freedom. There Is a revolution browing In this city today. Tho Tory class Is Indifferent. It sits idly In its homes or lounges in Its club3, plainly bored by tho agitation for pop ular l-ulo. "Tho Organization docs well enough," those men Bay, "so why tako tho troublo to force It to bo decent?" They get their dividends. They havo their understanding with tho gang leadors that they aro to bo protected, and they do not caro whether the children of tho poor die In disease-breeding tenements or whether the monny that ehou'd be used for public improvements in appropriated to pay tho salaries of political workers. They do not caro whether tho working peo plo have to spend one hour or half an hour In getting to their work, or whether they have to pay eight cents fare Instead of five cents. They do not, caro whether tho rapid transit system Is developed In tho interest of tho whole city or for tho benefit of tho Rapid Transit Company and a few real estate spec ulators. ( Whero aro tho Washingtons In Philadel phia today? Whero aro the men with public Bplrlt enough to glvo their time and their energy and their money to making this city tho best governed on tbo continent, and tho most at tractive, both to working people and to largo industrial enterprises? Whore are the business men who will sur render a small temporary advantage for tho greater good of the community at large? If they are here It is time that they came Into the open so that they may be counted and weighed. Let every "big man" look into his own mir ror this nfternoon to see if ho can find in tho face reflected there any of the spirit that transformed Washington from an aristo crats Virginia planter Into the successful leader of a great popular revolt. One Man Rule The wholn purpose of democracy Is that we may hold counsel with one another, so an not to depend upon the understanding of one man, but to depend on the counsel of all. Woodrow Wilson In "The New Freedom." THIS Is what Woodrow Wilson thought beforo ho entered the White House, but ho tins learned better. When ono man Is equipped by years of study of public ques tions In the quiet of his library, and Is im bued with the belief that the British parlia mentary system Is superior to tho American system with Its division between legislative and cxecutlvo branches of the Government, that man, when put to the 'test, discovers that his theory of universal counsel preced ing action breaks down; and mora or less direct orders must be Issued, If Congress is to carry out tho program decided upon by tho elected head of his party. Mr. Wilson does not consider himself President of the United States. He Is an elected premier, commissioned with the duty of carrying out the policies which he thinks best. It Is tho Wilson Government here, as It is now the Asqulth Government In Eng land, and was tha Balfour, the Salisbury or the Gladstone Government. It is Wilson who holds Congress In Bcsslon and who decides whether the new Congress shall meet in March or In December. It Is Wilson who has forced the ship-purchase bill through the House, and who decides what measures ara to bo considered for the next two years, Wa are dependent "upon tha understanding of one man." The Queen of the Belgians has pawned her Jewels, and no one thinks any tho worse of her for it. Naturally Villa wants to meet President Wilson. Ho would not be half a man If ha were riot anxious to express his gratitude In person. Alliteration seems to be all there Is In A J Drexcl's remark that the Oerman blockade Is a' bluff. Four ships have already been sunk since Thursday by something mora effective than bluff. Tha Kaiser s setting a, good example to thoso who complain of the high cost of liv ing, by having his potatoes boiled with tho Jackets on. They say that ho eats tho Jackets, too, but that Is an example to be avoided. Samuel Gompers said that If the Federa tion of Labor paid the Danbyry Hatters' fine It would encourage more suits. Representa tive FlUgerald wanted to know why payment of the fine by Government appropriation would not also encourage such suits. And tbo matter rested right there. ' L ' ' W mil I i It may bo proper for Secretary Garrison to Insist that an army captain explain why he said In public that it would take a year tor tho United States to train an army of 1,009, 00 men, especially as Great Britain has tralaod tin army of 2.W.W Iq six eat,hs. ftueb. a dlparagram of tha abll cf tils NM4ty pniat st too sftrtfeC LAST HOPE OF THE MERCHANT MARINE Subsidies and Revision of Navigation Lawa Could Not Save It, in Opinion of Believer in Government-Built Trade Ships. By A RETIRED NAVAL OFFICER THE reason that private capital In the United States has not Invested in merchant ships under the' United States flag Is because American capital has found that It can cam larger dividends by Investing In Bhlpa flying foreign flags, Tho war In Europe, however, has made nil Investments In German and Austrian vessels a dead loss; nnd it would bo very interesting to know Just what per contags of tho stock of tho German nnd Aus trian ships now interned tn tho ports of this country Is owned by American cnpltul, for this may account for tho dcslro In fiomo quarters to havo tho United States Govern ment purchase these ships. Ah tho operation of a merchant marlno by prlvnto capital Is a mnttcr of dollars and cents, and not of sentiment or publlo policy, we may bo suro that prlvnto capital In this country will never of itself establish an American merchant marlno, unless tho Gov ernment corner tn Its assistance and pro vides a subsidy of somo kind In order that tho dlfforcnco In tho cost of operating tho ships, which is claimed, may bo made up. Foreign Advantage la Insurmountable It Is very doubtful, even after a careful ro vlslon of our navigation laws nnd antiquated steamship Inspection requirements, which Im pose unnecessary expense on owners, whother we can make it possible for prlvnto capital ever to competo with foroign ships and glvo a good, safe service without a subsidy; for, not only nrc theso ships subsidized, but In order to make larger profits, a great many foreign ships aro operated In tho cheapest and most unsafo way, with tho exception of somo of tho flrat-clas") passenger and mall lines. There Is no doubt that the manning of theso ships, nlmost without exception, could bo greatly Improved. About 20 years ago, In conversation with a friend, tho wrltor remarked that in tlmo tho Government would own and operate the rail roads of this country. The reply was to tho effect that this would bo very bad on ac count of tho amount of Federal patronage Involvod, nnd my answer was, "This Is a cholcn of ovlls tho Government had better own the railroads than have the railroads own the Government." Why Shouldn't Uncle Sam Make Money? Railroad nnd steamship transportation, the mall nnd telegraph service, aro natural mo nopolies, and as such they Bhould be owned nnd operated by the public municipality. State or nation. It Is strange that no one ever objects to tho public engaging In tho operation of necessary utilities whero there aro no profits Involved. For Instance, thero Is no voice of protest against a city main taining and operating tho sowers, which service occasions a very largo outlay, but brings no revenue to help defray tho ex pense. It la only when profits are involved that a cry Is raised against public ownership and operation. Now, In regnrd to tho shipping Industry, let us examine for a moment tho enormqus outlay that the United States Government, through the taxpayers, makes each year to benefit American shipping of all kinds. The only protest we hear Is about tho expendi tures for rivers and harbors. Notwithstand ing this, wo know that by far the greater part of this sum for rivers and harbors Is necessary, nnd Is properly expended; how ever, for tho sake of tho argument, we will assume that $25,000,000 Is expended for rivers and tho balance for Improvements to salt water harbors. Then tho annual expendi tures which may be properly charged to the nccount of the American merchant marine benefit fund stands ns follows: Harbor Improvements $26, 120.017 Lighthouse service 6.199.2SS Coast guard service 5,000.000 Coast survey 997.220 Ocean surveys, Hydrographlc Office.... 90,000 Total J3S.406.E65 Henco It surely does appear in tho casual observer that when wo consider tho slzo of our merchant marine under private capital, tho Government Is certainly put to an enor mous expense. Why not lot it go a stop further nnd Invest sufficient working capi tal In ships to get somo return for its money In the Bhapo of an efficient mall and passen ger service over tho principal trade routes of tho world? Even if this business was not run at n "profit," the additional cost com pared with tho present expenditures and the service rendered would amount to an exceed ing small percentage. One More Chance for Private Capital To do this, however, there Bhould be no partnership between the United States Gov ernment and private capital. Nor should any old ships be purchased by the Govern ment. Some might be leased for the pres ent, but If tho Government goes to buying up these old ships It will ba very apt to get some scrap Iron in some of them. Let the Government build Its own ships or have them built. By working night and day these could be turned out rapidly. There Is no logical reason why a Government Bhould not operate a merchant marina as well as a navy, and In this way a naval reserve could be established that would be valuable both tn ships and men, which would earn Its living In time of peace and ba Immediately avail able for service in time of war. Now, If this proposition offends the dem ocratic ideas of governmental functions, and it la thought best to give private capital one more chance, let the Government establish a first-class mercantile shipyard and build ships at cost for the foreign trade, sell thern to parties In that trade, revise our naviga tion laws and steamship Inspection regula tions and service, bring them up to date by removing all useless restrictions on shipping and allow the nationality of the owner to de termine the nationality pf tho ship and not tha country in which she was built; In other words, allow Americans to buy ships where they please without any restriction. It is time the Amerioan shipbuilder ceased to play tha part of tho dog in the manger, as he has dona for the last CO years to no purpose, when, as a matter of fact, the stimulation, given to trade by the plan outlined above would greatly benefit bis business. LINCOLN AND STANTON Much has been written of the dlffioultles between piA ana secretary Btanton, But here are jaalfdoUs which set the matter in a. ltej aWo to tooth, men- Homebody And Mttariy dejwuned ta- m otkr. Th? PrMat r JyQKj ftawta fsf IssiMpOfA ppyvfVF HIGH piled: "Go home, my friend, and read at tentively tho 10th verso of tho 13th chapter of Ptoverbs." The verse reads: "Accuse not a servant to his master lest he curse theo and thou bo found guilty." John Hay in his diary tells of Lincoln's death: A loolt of unspeakable peace came upon his worn features At 22 minutes after 7 lie) died. Htanton broke the sllonco by Hay ing: "Now he belongs to the ages." PLAYING AT "HAIRPINS" The New Springtime Sport Which Has Set Boston All Agog. Newton KewMrk, In the Boiton Post, THE Goat Editor, whoso desk is next to mine, thinks lie Is quite expert at this new outdoor sport, und yesterday morning ho challenged me to a gamo of hairpins. Never having played the gamo I stalled along and told him to tako tho matter up with mo again In a day or two and I would talk busi ness with him. Then, when he went out to lunch, I went out for an hour's practice at "Hairpins." This ruso of practicing the game myself beforo taking him on was deucedly clover of me, was it not? I started In on Tremont street at Winter and walked slowly toward Boylston; and as I walked along my bright llttlo eyes wero searching every foot of tho pave. I hadn't gono but a rod or two until a well-dressed gentleman stepped up to me and said, "Par don me, sir, but havo you lost something?" "No, sir, I have not," I replied curtly. "If you have not lost anything," ho resumed, "may I make so bold as to ask you what you aro looking for?" "I am looking for hairpins," I retorted. "Ah, I see!" ho ex claimed, his faco lighting up with an intelli gence that was almost human, "ah, I see your wlfo lost tho hairpins!" "My wife did NOT loso tho hairpins!" I snapped. "What would you do with a hairpin if you did Und one?" ho asked. "I would stab you with it," I hissed, stop ping and glaring at him. Thereupon ho grew slightly pale nnd drew away from mo. I heard him say to another pnsserliy, "Crazy as a loon escaped from Danvers, probably." Before I reached West street, I had found seven hairpins I was standing on tho curb with tho hair pins In my hand whein suddenly two beauti ful girls paused beforo me and one began to open her pocketbook. "Ask him If he's deaf and dumb, Mary," said one, "and then If he says 'yes,' why he isn't and we'll know he's ImpoBtor." "Clara," said the other, "you're to suspicious I'm going to give him some thing, anyhow." Then before I could protest, "Mary" dropped a quarter Into my hand, patted me on the shoulder and said with tear-filled eyes "There, poor man that will get you a sandwich and a cup of coffee, I won't take your hairpins sell them to somo ono else." Suddenly I saw a nice, new hairpin that had Just been lost, and I pounced on It. As I stood examining it a great big, beautiful doll who had -Just passed me turned and came back. "Sir," she said, pulling herself up to her full height, "If you don't glvo me back that hairpin I Just dropped, I'll have you arrested!" Pretty creature," I replied, bowing low, "pray do not talk to me In such a harsh, cruel manner. What do you wish to do spoil my whole afternoon?" "Are you going to give me my hairpin?" she demanded, "Take your choice, my dear lady," I replied, holding out my handful of hairpins." She took three of the best hairpins I had found, and deftly tucked them Into her hair. Then with a remark about what she thought of a man who was engaged tn the business of tag ging along after ladles In order to pick up whatever hairpins they dropped, she sailed on up street with her chin in. the air. You will see that my meeting with this charming woman set me back three hairpins. I hurried along until I saw another hair pin. When I stopped to pick it up somebody ran Into me from behind and I nearly qracked the pavement "with my poor bean. When I got straightened up I made another effort to pick up the hairpin, but a passerby Btepped on my fingers and nearly smashed 'em. Then I left the hairpin and proceeded on my way. By the tlmo I reached Boyliton street I had only-1 hairpins and my hour was about up. So I dropped Into a smallwares shop and purchased" a g.uarter'a worth pf hairpins with the SS cents; the kind-hearted lady bad' given me. When I returned to the office and told the Gpqt Editor I found 219 hairpins between Winter and Boy!toa streets, he got cold ttt right oJC and rfusd to Play "Hairpins" with JB TIME TO CHANGE THIS THE CHERRY TREE AND THE HATCHET The Famous Story as Mason Weems Told It The Mythical Georgo Washington, Despite the Higher Criticism, Remains a Valued Inheritance, and the Legends Are Worth Keeping. IT IS not by any means strange that George Washington bocame something of a myth to later generations of his countrymen. Pop ular imagination, mixed with gratitude and sentiment, could hardly have failed, In any' era or place, to have clothed tho national hero with mythical attributes and surrounded his namo with mythical anecdotes. It hap been so from tho dawn of history even to the present. Wo must remember, moieovet, that It was a long vlmo after Washington's death boforo America ceased to bo a pioneering country. Tho ptople wore battling with wilderness, wresting a living from the plains and prairies, from iho mountains and val leys, until well along into tho 19th contury. Tho period, with Its Intellectual simplicity and comparative lack of that literature which reflects culture and scientific Judgment, was remarkably favorable to the growth of le gends concerning the character and deeds of so great a figure as that of Georgo Wash ington. Tho highor historical criticism of re cent decades has analyzed nnd labeled these tales, without at all lessening the world's ad miration of tho noblo Amcrlcnn, and, of courso, without In any wlso ' vitiating the valuo of his memory to the people for whom ho wrought more than a hundred years ago. To the stock of fictitious stories which made of Washington, tho boy and man, a faultless demigod, tho principal contributor was the Bev. Mason L. Weems, "Rector of Mount Vernon Parish" ho called himself, but thero never was a Mount Vernon parish. Weems used tho title to convoy to his readers a suggestion of his intimacy with tho hero of his book. It rosts on the fact that Wecnn had onco preached to a congregation which Included Washington. Tho nuthor, Indeed, wns hopelessly given to overlnylng his fncts with fiction so deeply that tho facts wore woll-nlgh covered up. Ho revealed In his biography of Washington tho nlmost com pleto absenco of what Henry '"'abot Lodge has called "historical morals." Weems "Fond of a Good Story" Weems wrote the book for tho pioneers and frontiersmen, the hard-working "plain peo ple" of an ago of strenuous battle with an untamed continent. It was not Intended for the educated and cultured society of the older communities. It was written In the period of the pale didacticism of Maria Edgoworth, Hannah Mora and Jano Taylor. HIh nccount of the boyhood of Washington was mostly sheer fabrication, but ho bor rowed complete stories from Doctor Seattle's life of his son, published in England in 1709. The famous Incident of the flower bed Is a plagiarism from Seattle's book. It can be said for Weems, the Itinerant parson, hook writer and book peddler, that he wrote, not only to make money from his books, but to Instruct and eJlfy, Tha liber ties that he took with truth seem not to have troubled him. Apparently ho had no literary or historical conscience, When some body took him to task for Inventing the cherry-treo story, ha Bweetly smiled and asked, "Was It not good for the boys?" Weems was a clergyman only In the sense that in his constant wandering he sometimes preached. For tho most part he 'spent his time writing books which he Intended to ba popular and peddling them about the coun try. Perhaps the most famous of Weems' tales is the one which concerns the cherry tree Mid tha hatchet, It follows, Just as Weems wrote it: George Receives Instruction "Never did the wise Ulysses take mora pains with his beloved Telemachus, than did Mr, Washington with George, to Inspire him with an early Jove o? truth. " 'Truth, Qeorge,' said he, 'is tha loveliest quality of youth. I wquld ride 60 miles, my eon, to see the little boy whose heart Is So honest and his lips so pure, that we may de pend on every word he says, O, how lovely does such a child appear In the eyea of every body! His parents dote on him. His rela tions glory tn him. They are constantly praising him to their children, whom they be? to Imitate him. They are often sending for him to visit them, and receive him, when he comes,' with as much joy as If he were a little angel, como to set prtty examples to their children. M'Sut oal bey 0JJfr4At,Oorg, Ut tfea cut ATTITUDE with tho boy who is so given to lying that nobody can bellove a word he says I He ! looked at with aversion wherever ho goes, and parents dread to sen him como among tholr children. Oh, George! my sonl rathei than seo you como to this pass, dear as you aro to my heart, gladly would I assist to nail you up in your llttlo coffin, and follow you to your gravo. Hard, Indeed, would it ba tn mo to give up my son, whoso llttlo feet ari always so ready to run about with me, and whoso fondly looking eyes, and sweet prattH make so largo a part of my happiness. Bui still, I would glvo him up, rather than sea him a common liar.' " 'Pa,' said Georgo very seriously, Mo 1 ever tell lies?' " 'No, Georgo, I thank God you do not, mj son; and I rojolco In tho hope that you nevei will. At least, you Bhall never, from me havo cause to be guilty of so shameful a thing. Many parents, Indeed, oven compel their child run to this vilo practice, by bar. barously beating them for every little fault; hence, on the next offense, tho terrified llttl creature slips out a Ho, Just to escape th rod. But as to yourself, George, you know I have always told you, and now tell you again that whenever, by accident, you it anything wrong, which must often bo the case, as you aio but a poor llttlo boy yet, without experience or knowledge, you must never tell a falsehood to conceal It; but corns bravely up, my son, llko a little man, and tell mo of It; and, instead of beating you, George, I will but tho more lovo you for It, my dear.' "This, you'll say, wns sowing good seed. ' Yes, It wns; nnd tho crop, thank God, was, un I bellovo it ever will be, when a man nets the truo parent, that Is, tho Guar dian Angel, by his child. The Doy and His Hatchet "Tho following anecdote 1h a enso In point. It Is too valuable to bo lost, nnd too true ta bo doubted; for It wns communicated to by tho same excellent lady to whom I am In debted for the last. "When George, said ehe, was about 6 years old, ho was made the wealthy master of a hatohet, of which, like most little boys, he was Immoderately fond, and was constantly going about chopping everything that came In his way. Ono day, In tho garden, where he often amused himself hacking his mother's pea-sticks, ho unluckily tried the edge of bis hatchet on the body of a beautiful younff English cherry tree, which he barked so ter ribly that I don't believe the treo ever (jot tha better of It, The next' morning the oM gentleman, finding out what had befalls his tree, which, by the by, was a great f" vorite, came Into the house; and with much warmth naked for the mischievous author, deolarlng at the same time that he would not have taken five guineas for his tree. Nobody could tell him anything aout It, Presently George nnd his hatchet made their appear ance. 'George,' said his father, 'do you know who killed that beautiful llttlo cherry tre yonder In the garden?' "This was a tough question; and Georgo staggered under It for a moment; but quickly recovered hlmsolf; and looking at his athej with the sweet face of youth brightened with the inexpressible charm of all-conquertn truth, he bravely cried out; t "'I can't tell a He, pa; you know I c0 tell a He. I did cut It with my hatchet' " 'Bun to my arms, you dearest boy,' cried his father in transports, 'run to my rnn. glad am I, George, that you killed ny ' for you have paid me for it a thousand 'W Buch an act of heroism In my son It Wrtl more than a thousand trees, though W spmed with silver, and their fruits of P" gold.' " Buch Is the story of the hatchet and the cherry tree. Weems Intended no harm by and probably no harm has come. As to W style, the reason why It has usually been tow in other words In the reading books l lul" obvious. But with all Its faults the ttonr will always have Us place in the W''0"" traditions. Wo cannot part with It B0B" of us even regard it with a real affection. MISUNDERSTOOD Pay Um a kindly, loving heart, thw ?..--Whll nlsht la wad of cold and '" m But ofta, alter Night fca sono wa. I've found her tears upon tt m flowers , , .rf,.