Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1915, Sports Final, Page 7, Image 7

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    49 tr
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i 'aerWsVT' 'Lvdb ' " '
pfAkf-' I
i peg Tonight
at the Adelphi
rna O" MY UDAIIT." A comedy by J.
Hartley Manhers. Adelpht Theatre.
JJr Chichester ,, ,,, Lisle Lle,li
Jarvl rw.r,J?.,,tt,ii
Ethel ii.iiiiiHiiiii.. iiiii..(,a lm-u.
Alarlo . Hassard Short
Christian Dent .....Lewis BroufMon
Pee .........i.............riorence Martin
Montgomery Hawkea .. .Frank nurbcclc
Jerr ..................... .H. nroxea Smith
The Chichester family Is In difficulties.
It Is also In the Adelphi Thcntre-or will
be tonight and that accounts for the
rather unusual behavior of these English
aristocrats. "When tho news arrives of
tha loss of their Invested fortune, there
Is naturally only one thing to do depend
on tho son as financial savior. By the
standards of county life In England aa
wo meet It In tho theatre, this means an
advantageous marriage. And considering
the mental calibre of Alarlc Chichester It
Is a very fortunate, solution. It's still
more fortunate thnt Peg arrives about
this time, not only to act as the other
party to this marriage, but to supply a
living to the Chlchosters whllo they wait
For tho heroine of "Peg o' My Ilenrt" Is
a little Irish-American girl, who combines
Impetuous and raggamufdnly qualities
with ft neat llttlo Income for anybody
who shelters and educates her. And tho
Inevltablo result, as Mr. Hartley Manners
works It out, Is that the Chlchestcrs Jump
at the chanco to llvo oft Peg and then
twit her and snub her and generally mis
treat her because Bhe likes to lug an
Irish terrier and violent Irish accont
around with her.
Now, If the Chlcheaters nre of tho stage
stagey, and If tho way Peg returns good
for evil by saving the daughter from a
love affair -with a married man Is a little
moro like well-built comedy than real
life, there Ib still a great deal In this
exceedingly popular comedy to account
for Its exceeding popularity.
Tho principal thing la Peg, with her
tongUe and her dog. Tho last two ad
juncts unlto to produce many vory human
little comments on the ll'o about them.
A comparison of the white poodle-thing
In Miss Chichester's lap with the shnFgy,
dear, delightful "Mlchnel" brings out tho
observation that "thnt thing nevor iwuld
be President of tho United States," i.nd
tho explanation that "Michael" barks at
it "because ho thinks It's a rabbit."
Warm-hearted, Impetuous Peg rushes on
through the play seeing things with the
cjes of democratic youth nnd comment
ing on them with a frankness that may
be Impolite, but, at any rate, 'h human
and amusing. As Florence j artln haB
played Peg In neighboring cities and
as she will doubtless play her tonight
at tho Adelphi, sho Is the life of the play.
There arc some other pleasant features
to be recorded. One of these Is delight
ful II. Rooves Smith's delightful .Terry,
and another Is tho nay Peg wins and
ueds this friend of tho family nnd only
spot of light nnd hope In the gloom of
England's snobbery. Two other plncrs
of tho original cast spread considerable
delight In their wakes. One Is Tetcr Bas
sett, most perfect of outlets. The other
Is Hasfcard Short, who succeeds In making
Alarlc both a cad and n man. The law
jers, maids and Chichester fcmnles, who
complete the cast, nre no more to bo Ig
nored than the excellent solid wood loom
that frames them with a tasteful reality.
"Peg' has come to Philadelphia very
late In her young life, and hundreds of
reviewers have already explained Just
why this simple and unpretentious piece
should have proved so popular. For all
their sarcasms at Mr. Manners' notions
of the English urlstocincy, tho fact re
mains that the play Is wU en with skill
In dialogue, set nnd ncle" In Just the
right If.v of actualltj and mot thiough
with gleams of kindly, rpossuilng hu
manity. "Peg o' My Heart" brings the
comfortable conventionality of our older
comedies up to date.
Here in Philadelphia
This evening tho Extension Players a
name of rather startling Impoit If it
weien't for the fact that they nre under
the direction of tho University Extension
Society will present a trlplo bill at
Wltherspoon Hall. Tho novelty of the
pieces to be given lifts tho venture out of
the ordinary field of amateur acting. This
evening there will be John Kendrick
Bangs' "Proposal Under Difficulties";
'The Stepmother," a satiric comedy by
Arnold Bennett, and "Sabotage," a re
markable little piece from tho Grand.
Qulgnnl in Paris, acted for the first time
In America. Tho bill for March 12 Is as
Interesting, with George Mtddleton's "Em
bers" and Stanley Houghton's "Dear De
parted" and "Fancy Fre." Needless to
say tho Interest of the University Exten
sion Society in the event will not prevent
the acceptance of money from any one
who wants to get In.
Alia Nazlmova and "War Brides," by
Marlon Craig Wentwortb, one of the most
etartllngly successful playlets ever pre
Two Dozen Philadelphians
Bear That Name and Follow
Varied Lines of Activity.
There- are two dozen Georga WashlnB
tons In Philadelphia. It Is only fitting
that this city should have an excess of
George 'Washlngtona In view of a number
of events which happened In and around
621 Chestnut street. Thero was an Inci
dent there In 1776 with which Wellington
was closely affiliated, and ho was also
connected with affairs In Germantown
and thereabouts.
As new Idols are destroyed every day
by high-priced Investigators who fight
the truth, with flowery phrases, soma
one may eventually rise and declare that
there was no Revolution or any Wash
ington, If they do, the George Wash
ingtons sprinkled around Philadelphia
Will Hte In righteous Indignation
Patriotism didn't affect the energy of
the 2-1 aeorge. Washington's here. Twetvr
of them aro laborers, one Is a barber, an
other a. bootblack, and thero Is a mln
lster, a puddler, a, porter and a. presl
dent. It can be seen, therefore, that they
could readily establish a community of
their own Jf necessary. The laborers
could do the hard work, they could be
khaved and ehlned by the barber and the
bootblack, ha,ve dinners served by the
Walter, receive spiritual advice from th
"rgyman and lie judiciously ruled by
the president
Borne of the Georges are very versa
tile. One of them, a NegTO, who lives
Rear Wth and locust, streets, Is a white
washer and furnishes muslo for all occa
Ions. When there Is nothing doing In
Whitewashing and harmony, he Is an un
oertaker'a assistant, and also does a little
paperhanglng. which, of course, doesn't
Werfere -with his IHUe restaurant
As for George Washington Smiths and
Gsorg Washington Joneses, there Is no
4 at piera In tfro directory and they're
U ral patriots.
Appointed Court Stenographer
Edward Bt George Joyce, for nearly
tw years stenographer and clerk In
u City Solicitor's offlce. an appointment
JWoh a obtalntd a a rsult of Civil
vte wamlOTUon in wfctcn b was
Jtaa to a Ust o? nmrty 1W candWat,
town ypslnt4 by JoJe Brown
Mtravher I Vam Muntejf! Cowt-
sented In vaudeville, como to Keith's
March IB.
To nil appenrahc4, the engagement of
Elsie Ferguson at the Broad In "Out
cost" Is only deferred till "The Misleading
Lady" and her wiles ore over.
Over In New York '
After a disheartening try-out In Boston
Inet fall, where nobody was very much
Impressed by It, "The Trap" has been
revamped for Broadway consumption. Tho
consumption should occupy a very short
time, If tho coldness of tho critics Is to
be depended on. Originally a vnudovlllo
playlet by Richard Harding Davis, It has
been supplied with throe more Rets by
Jules Eckert Goodman. The Times de
scribes Its substance as 'a Yukon Past
and the Atalklng ghost of an Illegal mar
rlairc, an unpromising mine claim sud
denly converted Into enormous wealth, a
blackmailer trailing his easy victims
down from Alaska to Now York, a revol
ver fired from behind a curtain by a
woman's hand and a man taking the
btamo upon himself." An excellent cast
acts tho plcco. It InctudcA Martha Hod
man, Tully' Marshall nnd Holbrook Bllnn.
The New York Winter Garden has a
now Bhow. It In called "Maid In Amor
Icn,' and It lives up to all the Implica
tions of Its name Tho manufacturers
of "Dancing Around," stand sponsor for
It, but tho piece devotes Itself to bur
lesquo of plays rather than of plot. Tho
cast Includes Mile. Bazio, Nora Bnyes,
Stlnerva Coverdalo, Yvotte nnd her
violin, Maud Lambert. Blossom flcolov
Yancsl Dolly, Bolle Aahlyn, Marguerite
Borlzn. from tho Paris Opera, and Chnrlca
J. Ross.
Tho Washington Squaro Players have
begun their occupancy of the Punch nnd
Judy Theatre with marked success Tho
first bill presented by ntnatoUrs and at
r0-cent prices got respectful attention
from tho critics. Of tho four plecos
"Licensed," n social comedy by Basil
Lawrence; "Eugcnlcaily Speaking," a
satire liv Kdwnrd Goodman; "Interior,"
a play bv Maurice Maeterlinck, nnd "An
other Interior," de'crltfc'd as a "gastro
nomic allegory," with tho author's namo
not mentioned Mac-terlluck'B playlet 'as
distinguished by nn unusually elT ln
settl'ig In the stylo of the now ! ;e
craft, about which the TJmos wri en:
"It In snld the setting cost $:o, nhrt yet
so cleverly was it carried out nnd with
eueh discrimination was the 'ketch acted
that It became a Mnetcrllnclr'nn gem,
with the touch of that wistful other
uorldllncss that characterizes tho writ
ings of this poet preserved "
ADEI.PII1 -"Ioe o M Heirt "Willi an ex
cellon! cant Hartley Mannero popular anil
amusing tomdv of tl.s Imuetuous xounit Irish
Klrl and her conflict with a sedate Ensile
fanillv 3oe ttvlew. . N "
F.HOAIJ- I'yKinallon " with Mrs Pat CamD
tll tho dlitlinriilslieil Fnull-li actress Per
nsrd Slia turn n C'ockn- flower clrl Into
the DhMiellc eaulalent of n rluchcss A line
Imutrmnatlon In a tine comeiU . . '
ClAimiCK- - A Wrl o' Toda, !th Ann Mur
dork. I'orter Emcreon Urown'a olay deals
with i unc Klrl whosp rlcrurtfrt uwarnpn
forcets to make a will nnd loaves her In con
nienc lo the tender imrclr, or charity ami
rlutM. Opening this afternoon One week
onl .... H n
I.1T1 r-11- "lllrh Min. Poor Man ".with the
Mlilent mmnnnj. A romedv liv J'ori'r
cmmin Urownc. contrasting Urban and uh
iirbrn life. The flint production on anv siacr.
I.yiU,',;-"linncliVK Around" with" Al .lolson
A vlrter Harden Bhow with a husiir hero
win Is looklnw for a beauty spot and finds
n whole hallrooniful Al Jolson comulsljojv
Al"sfT- 'The Trail of t"ho Mnemonic Pine
ruBciie Walter's tffect ie dramatization of
iDhn l"oi ' H ' tale of lh CumberlKn'l
Han lletuinlnK for a fortnlRht'a atas. oiien
lns thin afternoon slla
KPITU'S Mrs. Leslie Carter ln."Zaxa": TVeo
iieoralu Wood, comedian: nickel and Watson
t he "weYl-known team: Okabe Japs. Evmnaits;
I'd Morion comedian, Lions and Yoaro. mil.
elans, llaiel Cox In sonars; Mooro and
Yu'r?B. doners. Colo and Denahy and
N-lX?ON'3SOHANil"willlam J Doe-toy In "Tha
iS Part"": McMahon. Diamond and Chap
i,i in "Tho Searcrow": Devlne and VIII
Sma In "he limellng Salesman arid tho
l-iUT'.u nmnimcr" Norcro-s and Holds
e,JI'h 'iiiio old cronies", Mnia Illalta and
Jnmnany In ' The Artlit's Dream" . Walter
w-S-Vn? co nedlan. and lauuhlnc pictures
rTODJ!-Tlm SIcsMahon nnd r.lin. , eiianoelle.
S and wSllams comedians. Will Morris
In Th" VaRabSnd". Teoeo and Termini.
wricitAMU'l'0llS?N-Hoy!' 'V Dream of the
8, W ;'S&'mfSrJn,? "jo'h'n
Melvin uroinrrs. .,"-
Democratic Annex Was Counting on De
ficiency Bill Benefits.
Old Guard Democratic leaders, It de
veloped yesterday, wore hit particularly
hard by the Governor's veto of the 50.000
for extra legislative employes, for which
provision' had been made in the deficiency
bill. The Democrats were to have re
ceUed from the Hepubllcan Organization
about a dozen good-paylng places In both
branches had the J50.000 Item been al
.lowed to stand.
Now the Democrats feel that they have
been "eold-brlcked." Kor they supported
the Organization In voting a return to the
old-time "slate" committee, Under the
rules of the 1913 session, tha Democrats
received automatically nPrJPottl?"a'
Share of the patronage. This time they
were told that If they supported the Or-
. -. .. Jnn!!nn M thB SlatO
gn.niEU.uuu i" f - - ,. i.
committee and also supported the de
ficiency bill, with Its 50,000 patronage
rider, they would be "taken care of as
soon as the bill had become Uw. But the
Governor vetoed the $50,000; o that not
only Organization, but aUo Democratic
followers were sorely disappointed,
More than a dozen Democrats who had
been promised places went to Harris,
burg expecting to receive the plums when
the Governor signed the bill. They spent
money for railroad fare and hotel bills
and now will have to pay their fares bacH
Philadelphians, on Disabled Ship
Two Philadelphians are among the pas
sengers on the Santa Morta, which was
recently disabled off the Virginia coast
They aro Edward Ferry, senior member
of the firm of Ferry & Co., and his Jan.
John 0. Perry. Srr. Perry Is 77 years old,
and thi members of his family fear tha
experience "Snay have an Injurious effect
on his health.
Hurricane Causes Much Damage
MADRID, Feb. 22,-Imnlense damage has
been caused by J. E '
lencia district. A mast .of the Norwegian
tnuhlD Area was broken on; in ra
S,( Valencia and ivero dams.
Son. to tltandervessela
German Ambassador &- MIco
SSwltort taday frwa Vrt fru
Questions and Answers
The Photoplay Kdltor of tho Kvev
iho Lr.oacn will be plonsod to answer
questions relating to his department.
Queries will not be answered by let
ter. All letters muit be addressed to
Photoplay Editor, ISvenino LEOOEn.
H has finally 'been definitely arranged
for the photoplay of Hall Calnt's "Eter
nal City" to begin nn extended engage
ment at tho Chestnut Street Opern
Houso beginning Monday, Mnrch 1. This
will mark Its Initial presentation nny
where In the world. The picture was
staged In Rome amid the original mir
roundlngs of the famous story. Tho
photoplay Is unusually timely In that It
shows scenes that have recently figured
in tho Italian enrthciunkes.
For this nttrnctlon a new scale of
prices will go Into effect nt the Opcln
House on account of the magnitude nnd
tho expense of the production. The even
ing prices will be 10, 21 and 50 centn and
tho afternoon prices 10, IS and 23 cents
All txcept the 10-cent scats will be re
served and performances will be given
twice daily, commencing at 1.30 an'd 7:10
p. in
Lubln Will Continue Serial Releases
"Wo most certainly shall'" was the
emphatic response of Ira M. Loury. gen
eral manager of tho Lubln Company, to
nn lmulrj as to whether his companj
would continue the rcleaso of seilal
stories. "The series and the serial have
becomo as important In tho picture busi
ness as they aro In the magazine world
and should occupy the samo relation to
other forms of releases as U borno b
Instalment stories to the other features
of good magazines. It was to meet an
obvious need nnd In compliance with n
strong domand that the Lubln Company
released, and this Information will be
Adventurer,' In 15 single-reel Instal
ments, one each. "cck. Of course, wo
hnd nn exceptionally good story pro
duced by a star cast, but the success of
the serial exceeded een our expectations,
and most omphatlcally confirmed our
theory that a serial should be released In
single-reel Instalments, and should not
be drawn out to undue length.
"I may say here that a great mnn per
sons fall to realize how vitally Important
It Is that a serial be a really good story.
Of course. It Is most desirable that every
subject, whether It bo a half-reel or five
reels, be a good story, but should It un
fortunntely happen that a house shows
one film without particular strength, nt
permanent harm Is done It is soon over
with and good stories, which have pre
ceded and will immediately follow, will
cause It to bo forgotten It Is n passing
Incident- On the other hand. If a serial
story Is poor, people will actually keep
away from the house showing It. "VV
have learned much through experience
with our two Instalment stories already
released, and this lnfoimatlon will be
applied to the advantage of the third
serial, which will Immediately follow,
'Patsy Bolivar.' But Just at this time I
do not wish to go Into details concerning
the new subject, beyond saying that it
will consist of 15 single-reel Instalments,
released at the rate of one each week,
that It will bo produced by an excep
tionally strong cast of popular players,
and that It was written by Emmett
Campbell Hall. The title of the new
eertal Is 'The Road o' Strife.' "
Miss Dorcas J. Haas la at It again,
with the third Instalment of her movie
poem, which follows:
I x klndapped by the Villain
And fores don tha bumps
Of a camel's back;
Oh, my but tho bumpal
The Hero reecued me.
And oh, what a lurprlaal
Ho nuked ms to marry hlra
Js'eit day, at Sunarlse.
My Hero was ont.
That every onct knowa
The funny man Chaplin,
Of tha picture ahowa.
I waa EieaUy amaiH
, And save a loud cream.
When all of a audden
I knew It was a dream.
And there may be more to come, for
all we know.
Answers to Correspondents
A. B. Information for whloh you ask
will be published In this column In a day
or two.
B. P. See reply above.
M, N.-Jack Plckford Is the brother of
Mary and Lottie Plckford. He Is with
the Famous Playera Company. Address
Pearl' White, Pathe Prerei, I Congress
street, Jersey City, N, J.
T. B. X Eyeton la pronounced I-ton.
Matt Moore Is the other brother. He Is
with the Universal. No, you are
F. K.-nCharlts Stine took the part of
the director In "His New Job." That
was the first picture that Charles
Chaplin appeared in for the Essanay,
motion ploture 'attraction at, bt cbtatnut
Btrcat, Opara. Houaa this waak will bet. An-
nnu K.eiiermana in "gmn wmmcr.
Durtnc tba easaieaent tour ahows a day
will be given, commenclas at 1 and 3 la
lh siteruoon and at T and a. In the eve
nine. The story Is unusually cbarmlug and
arlrplns. durtnjr the course of which Mlsa
Kellinninn Is afforded tba opportunity of
deaawatratlnsa hat wonderful Kjuatlo pow
ers, eii. enzigaa. in utarUlngly btgb cures.
Another isost ranarkable feat bo cxoiu
Pllalua la 'a ocbl under utr.
BTANLEK Ou of the . greitsst charaeUr
crtudlti ov contributed to the An'.erliria
atase. "Dvt4 Harum," aaaet4 for several
j'Bii-a by Use dlittojuUtbed atsr. VVllliam 11
Craae. tw at but boas converted m tba
Ki'LOi. Mr Crtim ffiiiij bu n rt apjiMin,ps
lit Btoikts wAetuima in. thla Qttasit Dcatrairai
nt the Stajslw ThsJtre the Vml tares days
s tt eaaent wtak, 'name.iwwg Tu
4U sad cinta to a rt4 sn4 8star4t
Hero of many n Universal Film
Wlllfred Kliiitston Is featured In "Tho I.ote
Route, u coined nrnma or loto and rail
roads. b tdward I'cple author of ' l'h
Bpllflre" and the recent aucces. A fair
of Plxen." An added feature Munda. Tues
dat Rnd W eJnrsihi) . aim a timely subject,
"III ho nn ruutnilonal icel louuflcted with
thn Ufa of licortro Washington from his
blrthnlaco in bin crate Anothor la entitled
"In rnclo Sam a AIone Shop " It Ir of ex
ceptional Instructive nnd rducatlonal talue,
taken at the United Mutes Ilureau of Kn
grntlng and Priming, directed nnd approted
or in the illretior of ih, bureau J K ltalii
PAI.CI Mundat, Tueada.t und Wednesday
ilalntj Mnry l'lcltford ttlll be preaenle.1 In
Iter marvelous and taptltatlng title role In
"Mlstnas Nell." n character In which aha
has delighted thousand upon thomatiila of
lilaygoern. In the vaudeville line there will
be atn tho seten Maltcin t omiquen tllllnoit,
mid Cahtle, Jenkins and Cotert, McMnnnis
and lion Carloa ami an up-to-date exposition
of eccentric modern dances ttlll bo Rnen by
Morton nnd MorrN "Iluckshot John.' tho
latest relriito of Roanorth, Inc., ttlll be tho
pttture drum. offering luring tht latter half
of the ttcck Hie taudctllle featitrea will
Include Mmc Qratette and Latondre. Lane,
riant and Simmon, the Seten Mischief
Makers, hlllotl and Mullen and Madge Cald
well ..OCL3T Monda), O'Oarrj of tho Itotal
Mounted." Ldith Storey arid Ned Plnley
appear In the lending roles The comod ela
ment is taken care or In a new production
entitled "The Ham nnd Sausage Tactory, '
and tho ninth eplBoda of "Tho Explolta of
Klalne" will nlso be shown Tuesday, "A
Pool There Was " Extra added feature,
ChBrlea Chaplin In hla new coined). "A
Nlghi Out " Wednesday. Thursday and Prl
day, "Allan Jimmy Valentin' " Saturday,
"A Table of the Cold lira) IJann of the
Morntnr After," "Heneath tha Sea,"
"Mother'a Rosea" nnd the Pathe news.
ALIAS JIMMY VA!.tNT!NK"-Mlllloni of
people on both aldea of tho Atlantlo know
llttlo Madge Uians, aged 8, by sight. Shu
la probably the moat pictured, moat photo
graphed, moat filmed title girl In the world.
'Typically English In appearance, thla child
has caught the tanoy of Illustrators, poatar
deelgntra. adtertislnr experts on both aldea
of the Atlantic, ami tha result la that bar
beautiful face and features are familiar by
sight tn millions. In the World Film Cor.
poratton'a nve.part photoplay, "Allaa Jimmy
Valentine," to be released today. Madge
Bvana plays a small but vital part. She Is
the little sister of Rose Fay, to whom thn
reformed Jimmy la engaged. A rieteatlve Is
after Jimmy. Tha child la accidentally locked
In a safe, he furnlshea a waiting detectlvo
with ctldence against him, and ha la In dan
ger of arreat. But love bcata the law, ajii
Jimmy goca free and the child's life la saved,
REUL TKLLOWS DINK A. hotel entertain
ment aB glten icaterduy by the Reel Pel
lows of Philadelphia, an organization formed
for tha promotion of eood fellowship In film
circles, at tha Alhambra Theatre, IVth street
and I'aesyunk avenue. An orchestra fumlahad
musle. while Eevcral leading vaudeville
artlsta entertained with sensational acta As
signed for tha occasion. The Alhambra Thea
tre was furnished through the courtesy of
Mr. Stanley Mastbaum, at tho auggestlon of
'Abo Elnateln. manager of the Stanley Pub
licity Uureau, both Of whom are Good
LRADWt TODAYThe final episode showing
the entire "Million Dollar Myatery" solved
will be thonn at the Leader Theatre, in
addition to Helen Gardner In "Underneath
the Paint." Tuesday, the "Deep Purple."
Wednesday, Wilton Lockaye in Zangwlll's
'Tbe Children of tho Ghelto" will bo fea
tured, together with Charlea Chaplin In "Ilia
fJew Job," two.part comedy.
FROLIC Monday evening "Cinderella," tha
story that thrilled the hearts of the joung.
stera r many centuries and that la faith
fully related to each aubsecjuent generation.
The , attractions for the remainder of tbe
weeti.are alto carefully selected,
JEFFERSON. "TIllle'B Punctured Romance,"
with Marie Dressier, Charlea Chaplin and
Mabel Norrtmnd. will make Its appearance
today at the Jcffereon. Tuesday Ella Wheeler
Wilcox offere the screen version of her fa
mous poem, "The Price Us Paid " Wednes
day, Olga Petrova In "Tho Tigress." Thurs
day, Frederick de Bellvllle In 1Dauahter of
the People " Friday, Ella Wheeler Wilcox n
"Are They Born or Madet" Saturday, "Zu
dors," end othara, "Tbe Christian" week of
March I.
REGENT The first local presentation of Paul
Armstrong's melodrama. "Allaa Jimmy Val
entine," will be the offering at the Regent
today, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Paul
Armstrong bed hundreds of offers for "Alias
Jimmy Valentino" before be disposed of the
motloa picture right to the World Film Cor
poration. On Wednesday and Thursday David
Belasco will present "The. Girl of tha Golden
OYERBROOK. "Tbe Spoilers," the greatest
and moot modern of recent photoplays, la to
be presented at tha Qrerbrook Tuesday and
Wednesday. To accommodate the crowds ex
pected from Qrerbrook and Merlon, matinee
will start at X and 8 o'clock every afternoon.
dERMANTOWN. "The Dancing Olrl." featur
ing Florence Reedk will be tbe leadinc attrac
tion at the Germantown Theatre for today
and Tuesday. Wednesday, "The Education or
Mr. PIP." featuring Dlgby Rail, will be the
headllner. Thursday and Friday, Macalyo
Arbuckle In "It's No Laughing Matter." will
be Ujown. and (Saturday William yinmta
Atlantic City. N. J.
Leading bJsb-class. toodsnte-rste betel
ALBEMARLE vimai, av., m asa.
rtuuumnni-i; Cs,SiM3 BMaio beat, ele
vator, sua tuners, i-rl, balti. etc. t tlccL
Ut-:. etj, aisjr. oscbesueu Bpecfel JHJ
. wkbs ; Waaffl; Bgakiet fyCftfS
Hfllel York B1- Ht biuS calii ruabM5
OMAWi un. frf m Jwk Av. Boa-
! .
nnd MnrKuerlto Vnlo, President Wlleon'a
rlcco, will in foatured In "A Ollded Pool,"
TfOOA At the cloee of a highly auccrsufu
week nt the Tioga Thetttro Mr. etnmper, the
manager, nnnouncea another program for the
coming-noek which, from all Indication, will
ecllpo anything preUoualy ahown. Monday
nnd Tuoeufty tho charming nnd ertatlle Dan
lah emotional actresa, Betty Nannen. will bo
1 atured In "Tho Celebrated Scandal " A
nox omco Attraction. Wednesday, the Pathe
rlny. flar.l from Himself." will be featured,
'ihnrxilav, "Runaway June" and itancla X.
Buohman In "The Accounting" will bo Ken.
Prlday nnd Paturda William Parnum nnd
Marguerite Vale. President. Wllaon'a niece,
will he featured In "A Ollded Pool"
OARDEN Mondaj, "Runaway June," Noa. 1
and 2. Tuesday, "Shanghaied Ilabv." Wed
nesday "Tho Scorpion's Htlng " Thursday,
Brojdua) star feature-. No. 41.1 Irlu.i,
"Hon Cissy Made Uood '' Saturday, Carlotta
T)r Fallen In "Mone '
Di:rVIDr.nE Monday. "Zudora." Tuesday.
(lame of Life." Wcdneadaj "Exploits of
Itlalna." Thursday Mary Plckford In "Teaa.
of the Storm Counirj " Hlilay, "Threo Ulack
Trumps" Saturday, Wcalcrn drama and
IRIS Slonday, "Master Ke," No. 12, nnd "la
Ocllanca of tho Law ' Tueadrt), "Heart of
Lincoln." "Homo Hretkera " Wednesday,
"I'nlnted World" TlmrHtloj, "Runaway
June," Nn r, Prldaj. "Saved from Him
self" Saturday. Carltlo Ulackwcll In "The
Kjy to catrrdn "
BTj- t Monday, Mnx Klgmnn In "The Hoocler
Schoolmaster " Tuceda, ' A Woman of Im
ytulsn," realm lug Hetty Nnnnm Wednesday
"KxploltB of Elaine, No I and "The Plum
Tree.' Other dnva to te nnnounced later
Tl M'FHOiKt-N- Mnm at -l.n Down Vour
Arms" Tuemlat, "Hushing the Siundal" nnd
'The Fallen Idol Wrdurnday. "Tie rata
Forbidden" Thursday "At tho Old Croa
roadai' Krldny. "I hockers " Saturday, Durr
Mcintosh In "Mlsroura," nnl 'Master Key,"
No 14.
Censor Prohibits Its Use in Connec
tion With Picture Film.
J. I-ouls Hieltltifrer, local moving; plcturo
censor, put tho ban today ou the use of
Elinor ni.tn's namo In connection nith
the film, "Three Weeks," which Is being
fhottn this week at tho Victoria Theatre.
This order Included the use of the name
both In the tluatre and In advertising the
Ml. HreltlnKer said In explanation of
hla action thnt the use of tho authoress'
name uas a fraud on tho public, as the
film la not a close reproduction of the
novel. Onl parts of thn book have been
dramatized for the photoplay, There Is
nothing iibjertlonnble about the film, how
ever, said Mr. DrcItlnKcr. By Issuing the
older Mi. lireltlnger said ho acted In the
Interests of the public
Their Occupnnts Thrown to the Street
nnd Machines Wrecked.
Residents In the vicinity of 25th and
Oxford streets were aroused from their
plumbers shortly after 1 o'cloclt this morn
ing when two automobiles camo together
at tho corner with a craah that could be,
heard for squares. One of the cars,
owned by V. T Taylor, with offices In
the Abbott Building, waif being driven
by C. W. Judse. The latter with three
companions was thrown to the street and
painfully hurt.
The other car contained George Davli,
and hla wife and chauffeur, who were
also badly shaken up. Officer Iselln asked
Judge and hln friends to come to the 19th
and Oxford streets station house, whero
tho latter gave their names as John Con
nelly, 1814 North 23d street; Michael Gold
rlclt, 167 South 17th street, and C. Stewart,
1541 Ontario street. They ware released
when tho ocoupant of the car whloh col
lided with theirs said the aootdent wag
unavoidable. Both machines were badly
Passenger Ship Escapes From Enemy
in English Channel.
PLYMOUTH. Kng., Feb. !!2.-The Aus
tralian mall boat Maloja, carrying 400
passengors, was fired upon Ave times by
nn unknown .armored merchantman na
she was entering tho English Channel,
eaya the Western Dally Mercury,
The Incident occurred on Saturday after
noon. Instead of stopping, as ordered,
tha Maloja put on more steam and sped
toward Plymouth.
LONDON, Feb, r.-The Berlin chief of
police has forbidden all afternoon teas
with music, recitations or lectures In ho
tels, cafes or restaurants throughout tha
capital. No reason Is assigned for this
sudden prohibition, which has been at
once enforced.
University Day dinner, Bllsvue-8tralford( 7
W VMun.
Ilanauot. Cameron Dragoons. Industrial Hall:
7 o clock
Ramjuet, Presbyterian eeciai Union, Belle-Yut-irMrora
7 q clocJc.
ttacjptlon. First Regiment, N. a. P., Broad
and Csllowhlll streets: U o clock.
Dinner, First C'ltr Troop. Armory, Md and
nanstead streets: 6.80. o'clock.
Dickens' play and old-fashioned dance. Mer
cantile Hall, 8 is, o'clock.
Banquet, JV.eype Public Safety Association.
Waynei 7 o'clock. .
Dinner, Camden Chapter, Knights of Co.
lumbus. Catholic Lyceum Building. 7 o'clock.
The C EJhvood Carpenter
Schools of Modern Dancing
Philadelphia, New York and Uuburb
Classes Everywhere
Main Studio 1123 Chestnut Street
Filbert -1107 Telephones Race C$33 A.
By Qur System
Failure Is Impossible
Twelve competent ead eaptrltnctd Instruc
tors, under the peresoei supervision e Sir
ctryr.ir eive pnveus esq was iMea a
uid dfimlzie la the very riant-eel stssa e tit
Vt-VJUfui modus ii.uic..
Tba CittUr WaJM She, I-a Kii
Tt "KtlititUa Th t-R,'
Tho opera of tomorrow evening, "tome,
llans-aene," deservea well of rhlladel"
phla for a varietr of recuons. XVo can
not have Qeraldlno Farrar too often, we
cannot have rrloquale Amato too often
for our taste. And wo cannot havo too
many new operas If we nre not lo stul
tify ourselves with eternal repetitions of
that horrlblo nightmare, tho standard
repertoire. (Because even n nightmare
becomes stupid If If can bo predicted.)
Critical opinion and popular pleasure
are somewhat at variance In New York
concerning Umberto Giordano's score for
"Mme, Bang-Oene," but there stems to
be no question concerning the adapta
tion of Rnrdou'n brilliant comedy and
no reservations concerning the Interpret
ation given to It on Monday, January 25,
1915, when it had Its premiere It would
be possible to give at this thn reports
of that first performance, wherefrom a
Judgment could be formed. But precisely
this should not bo done, because It Is
highly doslrnble that Philadelphians grow
Invotcrate In tho habit of tenting all new
operatlo things, ae well as contented
with the things which are good. Cer
tainly no one wishes to dispossess opern
of Ita glorious favoritos. Equally sure
It Is that If wo do not patrontie what
Is new, even when the new things turn
out unhappily, there will be no ndvance
for us.
The Metropolitan In lis announcements
do not liernld Giordano's opera as the
greatest of the century. They aro satis
fled with tho simple statemont that It Is
a noteworthy, work nnd affords a pleas
urable evening. ItMs for us to pass final
Judgment upon IL And by that token,
It In for tis to so hear, observe and be
come capable of Judgment.
Six Men nnd Two Girls Accused of
Stealing Picnic Suppllos
Six men and tuo girls wero having a
Jolly party In a boathouse on the Dela
wnro niver yesterdny until four special
policemen cut short the festivities by
nrrestlng them on a clinrgo of having
htolcn a barrel of beer ond a generous
supply of sandwiches. Tho men were
held under ball for court this morning
and tho girls wero given Into tho caro of
tho Court Aid Society.
The members of the party wero Ed
Kenney. IK years, of 2TS Eaat Thompson
street, .ToBeph Fnlrbum, 10 years, of JG7D
Tulip street: JIanus McFadden, 2t yearB,
of 12KID East Venango street; George
Bavane. 21 vcarr. of 3210 Tllton street:
William Curey. 21 enrs. of 312 McClellan
Btreot: Ertnnrrl Garllck, 21 years, of 29M
East Venango street, Julia Pntker. 1
ear, of 21(7 Slercer street, nnd Aniin JTc
Unde. IS .enrs, of ISO! Frnnkford avenue.
George Schmidt, of 2111 East Tioga
street, went to his boathouso nt the foot
of Venango street rslerdny morning
and found that a collection of picnic
supplies hnd 'been taken from it. Doing
n bit of detective work for himself, lie
found a group of revelers lit a neighboring
boithoUBe nnd. Informed the police of the
Belgrade and Clearfield streets Btntlon.
Mnglntrnto Glenn held four of the men
under WOO ball ench for court. Knlrburn
was held under $100 ball, with nn addi
tional charge of breaking lamps, nnd
Bavngo'a ball was fixed nt the same
figure, with the chnrge of resisting nn
ofllcer. Two hundred of the prisoners'
friends gathered in the hearing room and
wero ordered out by the Magistrate.
This Is the Quostion Puzzling Court
in Adulteration Case.
7t was agreed In Quarter Sessions
Court today thnt coffee when boiled Is a
liquid. But Is It food? This Is the puz
zling question bearing heatlly upon the
legal mind. Discussing coffee, the stnr
tllng Information was brought out thnt.
because we sip coffee with n spoon, It la
not proof that It Is not a food. It was
shown that we also sip soup ana orotn.
This argument occurred In tho ense of
John Skyrme, a restaurant proprietor, of
1214 Ridge avenue. He was indicted and
convicted of soiling adulterated coffee,
nnd his counsel, B. D. Ollcnsls, sought
for u auspcnslon of Judgment before
Judge Hall Skyrme was convicted under
tho act of May 13, 1W. Sir. "Ollcnsls
naula to know whether cofreo was wlthju
Its ncope or wns It meant to be coveted
by nn uct paaed In March of the same
j par governing thr- sale or nonalcoholic
beverages. Tho court will think the
matter over.
Samuel C, Kieel, C2 years old. super
intendent of Fotteral Square, llth and
York streets, was held under flflOO bail by
Magistrate Kmely today, on charges pre
ferred by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Traub, of
1323 North Camac street, who complained
of Kreelej'fl nctlona toward their U-year-old
daughter Ellen.
Kreely was arrested this morning by
Sergiiant Smith and Special Ofllcer Rich
ardson, of the Park and Ihlgh avenues
police station, acting on the complaint of
the Traubs and other residents of the
neighborhood who said that their children
had been annoyed.
Market Street
Home of World's Greatest Photoplay
Afternoons. 1 and 3v10c and ISc
KTcnlngs, 7 and 9 IPC. 16e,SSe
Frolic Theatre tvyniusinc ..
3d St. and
llaverford Ave.
list St. asrt
I.uncustet Ae.
Ifenslnaton and
Alle thenr Am,
Germanlown Ave.
Jt Tulivehocken bt.
.nr--nci-k1v.l StH beloiv
Jtrrtnaun liauniiin St.
BUvmtnu ails- iicai
S3d Bt. und
Lansdowns Are.
Grrmantou-n Ave,
bel. Urarer'a Luoa
8th and
Catharine 6ts.
Fifth and
Ked Eta.
New Jersey .
H-B Paint
itreete Ave.
1th uud
iltohlBton Sts.
llh 8t, and
Snyder Atre.
tttv it, Mid
Woodland At.
tfUt St and
Weajtlaaj Aire.
64 fit. aud
Oratnwity At.
Kilwt 4.
More Than 100 Members Mei4
nt Dinner and "Carnpfire in
State House.
The Lrfist Man's Club met today for Ike)1
tenth annual Waalilngton'e BlHiidr 4A
call when more than iM veterans ot the
Civil War attended the 28th annual re
union of the survivors of tbe SA Peen-
sylvanla Heavy Artillery. The meetlnc
was opened In the old State Mouse, th
and Chestnut streets. '
Tbelr ranks were thinner thari the)
were last year; here and there a face
was missing. But therein Ilea the ro
mance off tha club, for some day It will
bo a last man's olub lndoed.
Thfi rlllh Wfi fnrtnnfl 10 v&m ess be
members of the regiment, and a fond "J
watt started which will be divided among
tho last three surviving members. On
hundred and seventy-Ova became char
ter members and put (200 In a bank.
Glnco then the fund haa grown to aotne
t70fl, nnd the members there are 60 fews
of them. Xileutonant Christian F. Oram-
llch, of 4315 North 15th street. Is rtl- ,1
dent of the club.
"The laet three get the pot," cheertl?
said George W. word, secretary, today,
"And I'm going to be one of them." Ht
Is 70 years old.
"I feel pretty spry myself and I'll be
there at tho finish," asserted Cor,porit
John B. Fletcher, with the snow of 71
winters on his head.
"Tho third one will be myself," Bmll'd
Henry Stuhl. He la a youngster, having
a mere CS years to his credit The aver
age ago of the members la 74 year.
Two Northumberland County veterah,
both confident of getting the "last man'',
prlso, attended the reunion. They" are
John Montague, "0 years old, and Beth C
TlntvAra 12 vara nM hnth nt atllton.
The club's program Included a dinner 'j
at S o'clock and a "carnp nre" nt :.
At h nitfhrank of tho war tho rctrl
mont waB C500 strong. February, lti6V
61S men remained.
Jewish Society "Woman Plan Pleasinff
Entertainment for Tonight,
"Miss Betty Trotwood's Tea Party,"
nlnv written by Miss Mildred Tlly, a. ;
senior of tho William Ponn 'High School, f i
and which contains many of Dickens' tl
characters, will be given tonight at Mer- -J
cantlle Halt, Broad and Master street", .1
under the nusplces of prominent jewisn
society women. It will bo followed by a
dance. The proceeds of the piny and ''j
dance will bo devoted to'chartu. ,
In tho cnBt are Mesdames WllllaH MTf4l
son Hlrsh, Felix N. Gersoh. GnbrlU
Blum, leon aiorz. riarry . jutun. wi"
ter D. Dnlalmer. Frank A. Procter. Mor
ris B. Maser. Simon Kntz. lruaa II.
Vcndlg. Harry J. Blaslngo". Jntob Weil, 1
Charles Schoeneman, Willie r els c tJ
Max N. Anton, David Kirsciiimum, feel
B. Wolf. Philip Itosenau. Arthur Bam- J
bergcr, Ancjelo Myers, nnd the M 4ejc
Claire Bachmnn. Kutn jursennaum, m
Hosallnd Bamberger, Hazel B, Aaron ana
Dorothy M. Well.
The nerforrnors In the minuet wilt be
the Mlssos Rosalie Danncnbadm. .Mil- 1
area oinger icoe niran, vituv xw -rjjiB,,
Charlotte Feustmann. Elizabeth Bollrf.
Edith Lleberman. Ituth Stelnbaeh ahd
Homy K. Coons, Walter Itosibach, Stan
ley Snollenburg, Horace Horner, Honrr
M. iJing, M. Steppacher. H. Wlropt
helmer nnd Frank Wleder.
Thieves Ransack House
Thieves ransnokM the homo of Charlea
GeBsford. 2123 North 19th street, WiUJ
the family wns absent irom tne nouia,
The intruders oscaoed with Jewelry, rloth- i
lng and other alunbles worth about ?12X S
Tho robboty was reported to tr.e Mtn anat
York streets pollco station today, nnd J
special t'oucemen winiams ana ivicmi'ui;ot j
inaKing nn investigation. j.no rnen kuiueh,-
entmnco to the house by means or laise,.
Child Labor Body Abolished
DOVEH, Del., Feb. 22. Tho Child Labor
Commission was officially abolished todny ;
when Governor Miller Dinned three com
panion bills creating a State Commission
of Labor. This commission will regulate
employment of women and minors.
Home of World's Dreateet Photoplay
4 Times Dnilv A""- ' 3- 10c ls
Tba Perfect Woman In
Beginning Man. Aft., March 1
"The Eternal City"
Produced by Famous Players' Fllra Co.
DUir'PC AFTS., lOe, lffo, aso
rtVlCO pvOB., 10o. Joe, 80a-
PAIIo.'s Finest t Exelusiv Pltotottau Thtalr. 1
Capacity 2000. JIallnse 2:80. Bvg, d:a. A1
mission, matlnea and avenlng. lOe, Cblldrea, I
matinee only, bo. truu orennaira.
William fox Presents Deity Kansen In
"The Celebrated Scandal" il
Alias Jimmy Valentine SJ1
Exploits of Elaine SSjSpSSSr.
Final of Million Dollar Mystery
QTHEit tfoporH vnonrjOTiosa
" IN- nEEIANCE or Tirx xxsif"
Maris- nreler Cha CliapUnln
Cnmlnr. Blarth I ta B, TOE CHHthTIAM
THE $20,000,000 MYSTERY
No, 1 Mystery of SpoUea Cofttfi
No. 0 Case of MoWJntef paw
No. 7 Mystery of Lost Ship
No, 14 lU Mmmm MM..