I SSYMrffG ,LKDGTOPHIKAPELFHIA MOHDAY, FBBBTJABY 22, 1015; ( THOUSANDS ATIEND Many Who Came to City for Washington's Birthday Celo brutiori Visit Churches. Noonday Lenten services In tho Garrlck Theatre nnd In churches ot various de nominations In tho centra ot tho city wero well attended today. Thousnnds of persons In town to tnhe part in or wit ness tho vnrioUB Washington's Birthday celebrations availed themselves ot tho Opportunity for noonday worship. tent Impresses many men no moro than a casual glanco In tho mirror," said the Hev. J. J" Wheeler, who spoka today at tho noon Lenten services at the St. John's Catholic Church, 13th street above Chestnut 'flt Paul spoke of tho man who looked , )n a mirror nnd then forgot his own fen . tures. It is that way with most men to day. They profess that business Is too urgent a thought to allow n time foriLi... prayer. Wo havo gono through many gtmts and wo will como from nil of them unchanged unless tho attitude townrd ro , llglon Is altered. It' Is not becauso dc MHnn In wnrk Is thn need that mrn .aJ.. tn tn ntTm T.nnt It la tiftrnltBA IUI.UI " ."-. .- - -v.-., - they do not want to," DEAN GROTON'S ADDRESS ' i Opens Scries of Lenten Sermons on "The Uhrlstinn's Armor." "Truth In tho glrdlo of tho Christian's armor," Bald Dean William M. Oroton, of the- Episcopal Divinity School of Phila delphia, In the noonday Lenten sermon at Old St. Peter's Episcopal Church to day. This was tho flrst of a series of , i Monday noon sermons which Dean Oroton will deliver on "ino i;nnsuanH Armor. "Tho filrdlo was an essential factor of the armor of tho Roman legionary," Dcnn Oroton said. "Tho Apostle Paul selects truth as the glrdlo ot tho Christian s armor. What does ho mean by truth? i. Truth may mean tho rcnllty that lies out- SluO UL ILBCXi, Ul ftl III.. llll-UM IIUIIUUI jitss and sincerity ot character. St. Paul means truth In tho latter sense. The Idea Is that truthfulness of heart Is tho Strength of a Christian's character. "At flrst its possession means assur ance in its possessor and tho confidence of others In him. Second, possession In volves tho exercise of truo candor not merely In referonco to othors but to our- selves in confessing our sins, nnd In ref erence to God In the oxerclso of a full trust In Him. Third, Its possession ro- "veals itself In a lovo that Is helpful. Help ful lovo is not Indulgence. Indulgence betokens lack of strength of character and begets tho samo lack In others." PREACHER PLEADS FOR DEEDS ' It Is What Wo Do That Counts, Says tho Rev. I. C. Hoffman. "Our actions and not our protestations determine what wo are," said the Rev. I. Chantry Hoffman, In a Lenten sermon on "Tho Christian's Creod," nt St. John's Lutheran Church, Ttaco below Cth street, at noon today. "What ono believes," ho said, "limits his gTowth, for no man li bigger than his thoughts. Tho Christian belief 4s not only practical, but lasting and helpful becauso it Is founded In doctrine. " 'What I believe Is the lot upon which I build the houso of 'What I am' nnd of What I do,' " continued the spoakcr. "Thls was Illustrated by tho blessed Lord Himself. Ho had n creed. Ho lived It. This was the purposo of His coming Into the -world; this Ho did whllo In the world. Christ mado tho confession of His faith, not In any formulated statement, but In His teachings nnd his deeds. His creed made His mission purposeful and power ful. It sustained Him In all tho contra- dictions of sinners, in His struggle with Satan, In tho agony of Gothsemnne, In His weariness pn tho way of sorrows, and in His death on tho tree of the cross. 'We daro not confess that wo nro fig 'trees and then bring forth thorns. In other words, creeds constrain and compel consistent consecration. iThe repetition of the clean nnd comprehensive creeds of the church Is vanity If there bo no dolmr of 'what is confessed. Belief Is the basis of , brotherhood. The Christian's creed makes Wm one with God and with tho com munion of Saints." DOCTOR TOMKINS ON FAITH rEector of Holy Trinity Speaks at St. Paul's Church. Tho series of noonday Lenten sermons Oil 'TtlA Tnltli Ttfnrlorl HVldnv ' wlllpll thn R Rev, Dr. Floyd W. Tomhins will preach ( every day this week nt St. Paul's Epls- opened today with an nddress on "Tho Foundation of tho Faith," Doctor Tomklns said a thorough and t profound belief in Christ nnd His sacrl- itf flee formed tho foundation of tho true faith. Theologically tho Christian faith was founded in tho divinity of Christ, In the salvation of Christ through His blood shed on tho cross nnd in the resurrection. "Tha Study of tho Faith" -will bo Doctor Tomkln'a subject tomorrow. BOY SCOUTS PREVENT FLOOD Soy Scouts saved the Chapman store, 1th and South streets, from damage by water this morning, when they brought Into play their tool kits and tholr knowl edge ot emergency measures. Tho boys are David Goldstein, 343 South street, and .ajorris Levan, 223 South 6th street. -PMslng' the store, they saw water trick- ' IlRg from Umlt thn rtnni In nnn wnn .iibout to rnnnhlt nnd tha nntra hunt thn ? dOOr ODtn with their or. vnt tn thn M Cellar and cut off tho flow. L Loyalty to Weals' Lenten. Theme LOValtv in nrxcfu hll.AH 1..!. I all r that matters In life" was tha theme of r Ly . nnon Lenten sermon In old Christ I J1" " street above Market, delivered r mo jiev, cuirord Gray Twombiy, rec- "Of Of fit. TnrnAa' HnfnDn TllnlaiAnnl rCftnrch. Lancaster. "This loyalty to per sonal weals," said tha speaker, "was tho T laeSSERA nf nt Tfthn , rl.l.lnnu In nn L&ent daVa. nnrt It la nnA In tha Tlnnlr jjSJf Revelations as a message to mankind JfWay." Lutherans Praise Sunilav "Billy" Sunday's mmnatirn hna worked Teat ffOOd In thn T.itth.Mn .lniMhad on. ?S?lns ? thfl a'nost unanimous opinion K. . oy niiaopma ana out-Of- ; V".r,Blera nt "e weekly meeting ox i teT A . 'reet today. The campaign 'r 33 Credited with havlnt atavtoil n trvaa B Hl1?' '? reU1oua interest and church -.MUC.Bijp, Self.gacrlflce Day in Caraden iJi1? days ot tha self-sacriflce campaign jyc We unemnlnvitri nt nmn iair,t iSiJ!?p.n.,0i.lhese contributions were in lit On lraes' TJl8 Emergency Re- dait, ,,!!" "ww seyejrav nunarea SwUl be added to the fund today. fei& (5." wera "tfttte1 today y j0&n fetlitTn """' k save tiw, ana jucr bT? g- 'who contributed &. RefinedYoupgMan t oe4 pertonalttr aail wanly ", am liutrustar to Modw ". Ittog au and zffrMt. GIVES If fin ALL TO CHURCH AFTER HEARING EVAKQELIST Society Womnn Tiinia Over "Whoto Fortuno of 5d,000. 31ILTON, Pn., Feb, 22.-Hearlng a. Mr man by Mr. Nicholson, an evangelist, yes terday on "Tho Rich Toung Ruler," a leading society woman was so deeply Im pressed by tho word picture drawn by tho speaker of tho position In which tho youns ruler found himself when hd de clined td accept Christ's ultimatum to forsako all and follow him, that sho made her way to Ilia homo of the Rev. 3. J. Rrlnkcmn, 'pabtor of tho Prcsbytoriah Church, nnd placed tn his hands bonds to the Value dt moro than $50,000, her wholo fortuno. She told tha preacher of her determina tion to glvo up all for Christ. In an In terview this hfternoon Mr. Hrlnkcnta cx picssed regret that It ha.d become public, but confirmed tho truth of the report. He declined to give the nnme of tho woman. ROMANCE SHATTERED BY DOUBLE ARREST Young Man and Sweetheart Ac reused of Embezzling Moneir From Employer. Tho romnnco of Margaret Malone, a beautiful brunette, of dermantown, and Martin Rclhcr was shattered today, when both wcro held under ball accused of em bezzlement by; Magistrate Pennock. Through his Influence over the girl ha caused her, the pollco say, to steal money from her employer, Henry W. Plctcher, a grocer, of CCT0 Gcrmnntown avenue, nnd send It to him every week. Rclher was formerly a clerk at tho rietchcr store, nnd by changing tho totals of the cash register managed to steal mora than 100, .Plctcher said. When Miss Malono obtained a position as bookkeeper, sho became attracted townrd Rclher on account of his apparent honesty and seeming determination to succeed. Finally, ho told her how to follow out lila plan In defrauding her em ployer. Shortly nftcr this ho left, and every week, It Is said, tho girl forwarded hlm tho amount taken by Juggling' the llgures. Tho average amount was be tween $25 and $13. Relhcr wpnt to Atlantic City and then to Washington. There ho promoted a cure for rheumatism and expected to be como wealthy. But whllo he was ex perimenting In Washington, his former employor noticed a discrepancy in tho books nnd mado an investigation. Tho discrepancies dated back to tho timo of Itelher's employment, and ho was traded to Washington and arrested thcro by Constablo Brady and Detective Far rel. News of her sweetheart's arrest was kept from Miss Malone. Today she was summoned to Magistrate Pennock's Court and almost collapsed on seeing Relhcr. The girl disclosed Relher's plan with tears In her eyes, but appeared to have no 111 will townrd him. Relhcr was held in $2000 bnll and Miss Malono in $500 ball for a further hearing. Miss Mnlono lives nt 163 Weaver street. MEN, HURT IN WRECK' IMPROVE Philadelphians Injured When Express Train Is Derailed. Two Philadelphians, who were Injured yesterday when a Reading Railway ex press train from New York waa derailed near Hopewell, N. J are recovering at their homes. ( The right leg of William Gallagher, E332 Do Lancey street, was broken when tho coach in which he was riding overturned. Harry Schwartz, 2315 Bolton street, was bruised about the body. The train was traveling CO mlle3 an hour when tho accident occurred. Tho smoker nnd two coaches overturned. The fact that tho train was made of steel cars is believed to have saved the lives of many passengers. TRIES SUICIDE BY GAS Domlnlck Knowlan Is recovering at the Polyclinic Hospital today, after breaking up a "party" at tho home of Mrs. John TJrlscoll, 2037 Federal street, yesterday, by trying to commit sulcldo with Illuminating' gas. Knowlan was discovered when a shortage of chairs led Mrs. Drlscoll to his room an an upper floor of tho house. Knowlan was almost dead, but Dr. Charles L. Hawkins, who was summoned, applied flrst aid, and a pulmotor at the hospital subsequently brought Domlnlck back to life and consciousness. Camden Self-sacriflce Fund $4000 Nearly $50) was dropped Into tha ballot boxes which havo been plaoed all over Camden for the cltya self-sacriflce days. Contributions will bo received until tomor row night, and It Is expected that a largo sum will be realized, to be devoted to the relief of Camden's unemployed. Con tributions to tho general fund of the Citi zens' Relief Association have reached moro than MOOO. Collections were taken up In all the city churches yesterday In connection with tho movement Boy Bcouta are guarding tho contribution boxes on the streets. Churchgoers Increase In Number More, persons are going' to churches in Pennsylvania towns than ever before, ac cording to tho Rev, Dr. William Walker, of ficranton. Doctor Walker spoke today before the weekly Baptist Ministerial Conference, held at tho First Baptist Church. 17th and Sansom streets. " 'Billy Sunday Is helping a great doal to change many evils," said Doctor Walker. "After Sunday left 8cranton tho membership in my church was increased by raore than SOO Hundreds at Golden Wedding Several hundred persons attended the golden wedding1 anniversary of Mr, ana Mrs. William Halberstadt last night In Letter Carriers' Hall. 1501 Green street. Mr. Halberstadt came from Germany in im and served through the Civil War InCompany D, SSth Pennsylvania Volun teers. He met Mrs. Halberstadt through a fellow soldier, and after peace was declared started a shoe business, which he sold about years ago after amasslns a, comfortable tortune. Dr, George H. Shuman Resigns Dr. George K. Shuman has relned as asent for the prevention of diseases In thrDepartment ofJIealth and Charities, a U600 position he has held for a number of years. HUj resignation was duo to a desire to enter private practice. Ton sordlally tnvHi to WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Dinner, Eifth n'Clods 4Svaae HrUB PwtUMd Jlancto EnlertaJwats SsateiMr iwwk Prorf and $0nm inurV m,Mtmm 33. ) J?fU O . OffK IAN y CHESTNUTHILL V rJoAK LANE X . o - ' ( I ' -IliPSv t. GERMANTbWN i OLNEY ' A SfeV . 3&WfARM5 , - IIAN FRAWRD X 0 U M' f OVTBROOK- (r j &&- L K S V Ml X k , Z 2CAMDAr 6g "'r -f , ..ifcdLJ CAMDEN , VWA-rr Jst)) L V' -Jt aA M DARBY fffZ LOOP Q ?L d Ac $ darbyTT. fp i x (r This is tho comprchonsivo nnd thorough plan of Transit Director A. Merritt Taylor to provide real rapid transit for nil parts of Philadelphia. Tho plan was evolved after moro than two years of investigation and study by expert engineers. Tho plan as given out by tho Department of City Transit has received tho indorsement of Business men and engineers in every section of tho city. It provides for high-speed lines from Frankford, Darby, Roxborough, Loganvr Olney and League Island. Tho abolition of th confiscatory 8-cent exchange tickets is assured and tho establishment of a universal 5-cent fare to all parts of Philadelphia. Included in tho plan is n central business delivery loop to discharge passengers collected at 20 Broad street subway stations. The entire program is tho most comprehensive, thorough and far-reaching in its results ever sug gested in Philadelphia. J. A. DEAMLEY ESTATE WILL GO TO RELATIVES Lato Manufacturer Left $1,030,445.34. Sell Will Codicils Contested. John A. Dearnley, manufacturer and former membor of tho Board of Educa tion, who died, In January, 1013, left an estato aggregating J1,030,45.3I, according to the account of tho Fidelity Trust Com pany, executor, flled for adjudication by the Orphans' Court. There remains from tho total appraisement $009,073 21 for dis tribution among tho heirs under tho pro visions of the will. Investments Included In tho balance are tho following bonds: City of Philadel phia, S,400, duo 1031: $35,000 due 1911: Mahoning- and Shennngo Railway and Light Company, U,K0: Bergner & Engel Brewing Company, $15,000; Canadian Northern Railway Company, U,T00; Northwestern Pennsylvania Railroad Company, $15,450: Pennsylvania Central Light nnd Power Company, $10,000: Clear view Coal Company. $17,000; City of Pittsburgh, Pa., $30,000; also 203 shares Republican Trust Company, $12,160. The balance of the estato consists of 152 mort gages. Executors of tho estato of Mary L. Sell, who died a year ago at 1004 North 12th street. leaving $25,000, are re sisting an effort to have two alleged cod icils to tho decedent's will admitted to probate. . ,, The original will with three codicils was admitted to probate last April, and letters testamentary were granted to Ella S. TIel nnd William . uanugncr. The two additional codicils, which were presented recently before the Reg ister of Wills and precipitated tho con test, are brief. One is dated September 24. 1908. and bequeaths $200 to Mrs. Kate Harrison 'for her kindness." The other paper Is dated December 3, 1913, and says, 'I want Mrs. Harrison to have my little worktablo that is in ray room when I pass away." A hearinir In the oaso will ba held be fore the neglster of Wills tomorrow. In her original will Mrs. Sell left $M0O t- the Church ot tho Restoration, $500 to tho Unlversallst Publishing House, of Massa chusetts: $500 to tha Messiah Unlversallst Home for tho Old. Tork road and Rus comb streets: $300 to the Murray Grave A.,.ininn nnd 150 each to tha Sunday school. Flower Mission, Women's QuIIdJ Mission uircie aim m . "" Christian Union of tho Church of tho Restoration. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Tho Supreme Court today handed down the ir JU8TICB BTiWAIlT-. , In re coaUited election of Charles T. Cramer aiarihell. Appeal from Quarter 8eMlons Court it ytyttta County. Decree of lower court re- ertea. BY JUSTICE KiouasH Philadelphia XlMtld Tranelt Com- my. Appeal from uoraoion rjcu vvurt , , judgment afarmed. Douilae. Jr., et al, v. Convene, Common Plee! Court No. B. rhllidelohla. Judgment reversed, with a procedendo, Kelly vs. Johnson et al.. Common Pleas Court No. S. Philadelphia. Judgment re versed, with procedendo. Hall Mtate-IIall appeal. Orphans' Court, Philadelphia. Decree affirmed at ct ot ap pellant, iuuvm .-. - "s "i ;. -i.i . k. MWOmiMPUREMBiM for Infanta and Invalids HORMCK'S Jt means tbo Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, Invalids and growing children, Purenutrition.upbuildingtts wholo body. Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. More healthful than tea. or coffee, TUa no substitute. kfarH0RUCK'3 BOIiUCK'S(knMnnPureMilk kThe Toiuc A Before Breakfast fa fiffi Umtrnmmtmd " fM 5SH 9sie"w ?1" PK fc tartrate!. IsmtJtaalr aKaEVMSMfc S A REAL AND A JOKER TRANSIT MAP SUM OF ALL KNOM'LEDGE Father Huntington Says it Is Com prised in Divine Plan. "Love for God" was tho subject of a sermon delivered by tho Rev. J. O. S. Huntington, O. H. C, at tho noon Lenten services nt tho Gnrrlck Theatro today. He emphasized tho fact that Cod exists in everything and that wo cannot think or do anything that Ho does not take part in. "No matter how much wo study, learn nnd advance we ennnot know everything. Complete knowledge Is only In God," said Father Huntington. "Men cannot know the realm of truth because they cannot know truth In Ito entirety. Benuty, truth and knowledge are closely related to God, for In order to understand these subjects ono must have Infinite conception, and only God possesses this." NEW TRIAL IN BOY'S SUIT AGAINST POLO PLAYER Higher Court Holds John W. Con- verso for Runaway Horse. Justice Frazer, of the Stato Supreme Court, in an opinion handed down today, holds that polo players must have the ability to manage and prevent runaways. This decision was handed down In tho personal damage suit of John L. Douglas, 15 years old, against John W. Converse, tho widely known polo player. Five yeaj-a ago young Douglas was a (spectator at a polo game In which Mr. Converse was one of tho players. Dur ing the game, tho ball was driven In the direction of the Douglas boy's scat on tho terrace. According to testimony, Mr, Converse's pony dashed across the track, knocked young Douglas down and tram pled on him. In tho lower courts tho suit to recover damages was nonsuited. The higher court reversed the Judgment of nonsuit and or dered tho claim passed on by a Jury. Will Pay Respect to Benefactor Men whom ho saved from among1 the derelicts of society will pay their last re spects today to Isaiah M. Mewes. 70 years old, who will ba burled from -the head quarters ot the Sunday Breakfast Asso ciation. 2a North 12th street, of which he was a charter member. Mr, Mswea died Wednesday from pneumonia after a short Illness at his home, 211 Vogdes street. West Philadelphia. For 30 years ho had been one of the active workers ot tha association, having retired from busi ness to devoto all his time to the work of redeeming the unfortunates. 23 Jeweled ADJUSTED SOLID 14 Kt. Gold Gentlemen's Watches W a cannot repeal how we do It, but the fact that we actually are selllnr these famous time. pieces for Sit Instead of sis, should be enoujb tot rou, I. Press Sons Is a busy store becauso It U UEMKltVK UlY so. Ve lo val ues that justify people lu (real numbers to buy here. If you want an Inslcbt lata the "why" ,ur our enormous liulot, write r nup famous Watch and Diamond Hargato IlulIetU. It teems with, waxrelous values. LSale of Diamonds jus; pseeiT4 front Our Cuttlu- Booms !J8&: V,lv A Puis 75 Whits KolHiOrts i Carat, CIS il Carat, S Carat, S4S JH af, . WSHIS fsr.tlllCbJtt It jmFk mil f m mElSi ;.fty m rwm "" I I 3 This is the Costello "fake" plf.n which provides for no elevated to Darby, for no high-speed 'lines to tho Northwest, for no subway de livery loop. Instead, a Frankford elevated lino running three miles into farm lands undeveloped nnd unpopulated is offered, with no pro vision for the abolition of tho obnoxious 8-ccnt exchange tickets and no hopo for a universal straight 5-cent fare. Vague suggestion of spurs toward Chestnut Hill and Olney are offered. No suggestion is made as to how trains from four tracks on North Broad street will be run on two tracks on South Broad street Passengers from 26 subway stations along Broad street will bo discharged into two stations. The dotted lines indicate how vague is tho proposal. It is to bo noted that the spur extending from Front street would reach merely into a sparsely settled farming neighborhood. CARING FOR THE PENITENTS Methodist ministers Will Carry on Work Among Trail Hitters. "Neglected ponltents" will bo cared for and advised by Methodist preachers, who will open a tcnt-meotlng campaign In this city next summer to keep up the enthusiasm left In tho wako ot tho Sun day rovhal. This waa decided upon at a meeting of tho ministers today In Wesley Hall, 10th and Arch streets. Speakers emphasized tho Interest that should be taken In tho trail hitters after thoy havo been recom mended to their church by Mr, Sunday, nnd aftor hearing charges that many trail hitters wcro being neglected thoy voted on tho campaign. . "Penitent trail-hitlers," said one min ister, "have boon neglected and shown that they woro not wanted In many In stances. This la no manner In which to receive a member of tho church. Somo of the penitents woro told that hitting the trnll was not taken seriously and that they needn't mnko too much about it." Kour largo tents will bo used In the coming campaign. Theso will movo In and around the city, In the parks nnd public squares. Open-air meetings will also be held. The campaign will end with a big mass-meeting In Convention Hall, participated in by all tho Methodist Kpls copal churches in tho city. The Itev. William H. Morgan, pastor of tho Cal vary Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, was tho principal speaker at this morning's meeting.., Ills subject was "Christianity's Supremo Mossage." NEWS NUGGETS WASHINGTON. Patriotism next lo rmer eme for Oori If the highest of virtues. Speakpr Cliamu Clark declared. SDcnklne from a loial church pulpit. WASHINGTON Sutn a freo press as this nation now'hab should neer hae ben born, in the exorusaed opinion of Senator Fletcher, ot Florida. BOSTON. Msrcaret Mills, aired tumbled from the top of a four-story tenement, landed ry tenement, landed en me sinewaitc ana frurmea encenuuy at nor. rifled passeraDy. Doctors say outside of a few bruises she Is unhurt. NEW YORK. It's sadT sad news for Broad way. Hereafter a pair ot highballs, ceoktalls oiner "iwo-iora-qugnr arums will coal 0 cent: its. CALDWELI N. J. don't. tray.1 minus pe, ripped their Into strl JU1 Mew York rlrla lettlooats. nirlit ei tham Ir Into strips, formal a Ufa lino Marry Heller, who fell over a cliff. ana exvea NBW YOIUC Anneallnu from a colics court conviction, liorrls Qerstenfetd cited Shakes peare, Irvine and Holmes to prove that wir eline the thumb at the end ot the nose Is not disorderly conduct. PERIOD FURNITURE At Wholesale Prices Solid Mahogany, Colonial fourpoater Beds, Aotual Value $50,00 Our Price $22,50, A striking example of the low prices at which we sell authentic, correctly designed furniture. In dealing with us you are buying direct from the largest and most responsible manufacturers, and you are assured not only of lower prices, but of the best materials and highest grade of workmanship. Whether you are in need of a single piece or have in mind the furnishing of art entire home, we cordially invite you to pay us a visit of inspection, E. S. ELDREDGE , 10154017 Filbert Street . SHOW mOOMS Coasolidated Huntitmw Maaufaatsfi lag, - EXPECT TO REACH $ 100,000 RELIEF GOAL TODAY Washington's Birthday Hoped to Bo Incentive for Contributions. Heavy contributions aro looked for to day by thoso In chargo ot the "Eelf-sacri-flce" fund of tho Home Relief Division of the Emorgency Aid Committee, owing to tho fact that this is Washington's Birth day. It Is predicted that tho same gener ous spirit which prevailed among tho peo plo of Philadelphia on Lincoln's Birthday will prevail today. Already J8S,500 has been collected, leav ing approximately ?11.M0 yet to be raised. The morning mnll, as usual, brought In a large number of donations, while tho chutes in front ot tho committee's head quarters contained many contributions. Thousands of tho city's poor continue to beslego the headquarters, seeking nld. Many aro helped, but owing to the scarcity of supplies and work many have to bo turned away unaided. LITTLE FIItE, BIG COST City Spends $125 in Extinguishing $1.63 Blaze. Jt coit tho city 12S today to extinguish $1.63 wortli ot blaze. Tho lire was In the homo of Samuel David, of 1333 Silver street, and, after summoning the appa ratus, Policeman Golcher turned fireman himself and conquered the flames with a bucket of water. Golcher 'figured the loss out from tho flooring' and carpet which was destroyed. Numerous statisticians, who have lots of tlmo frequently figured that thefcost of n one-alarm flro reaches 1125. They Include the umount of fuel burned by each engine, the wear and tear on the apparatus, the friction on the olann sys tem and the time or tho firemen. A Live Piano Trade In that dead Flano which stands silent In your home and get a Player Flano that will be alive with melody and muslo and add many happy hours to the lives ot every member of your family. Oar offer will surprise you. BELLA 1129 CHESTNUT ST. cmr imels mm HOMAGE TO "FATHER OF OUR C0UNTRF Washington's Birthday to Be Observed in Patriotic ahd Appropriate Manner Throughout the Day and Evening. Military, patriotic, church and olhw or ganization, and ivery loyal cttltsa It ! ins somethle today to mark the c-b eerrance of tho HJd finnlverssxy of thf. birth of Oeorgo Washington, Tftthcr of Our Country" and first President of lha United States, From business bo mm, factories and private houses "Old Glory" is flying. Tho streets In tho centra of the city aro brilliant with the constant saving flags. Alt banks, brokers' of fices and publto ofllces nro closed. Many shops and Industrial establishments have given their employes a holiday. Tho principal celebration of tho anni versary was held on Saturday with parade and speeches at Independence Hall. Many patriotic societies partici pated. It was held on Saturday becauso .tore persons were able to turn out on that day, Among the principal celebrations today nro the annual military parade and din ner of the 1st City Troop. It wilt bo Jield this evening in the armory at 6.30 o'clock. Another military function will bo tho regi mental full dress parade and revioW Of tlte 1st .Regiment, Infantry, N. Q. P.t tn tho armory, Broad and Callowhlll streets. Tho Trilby String: Band will entertain tho guests of the citizen soldiers. Tho Pennsylvania Society ot tha Sons ot tho Revolution wilt hold a reception In the rooms of the Pennsylvania Hos torlcal Society, 13th and Locust streets, from 4 until :M o'clock. A Martha Wash ington supper will be given at tho Holmes burg Baptist Church. Two flag" ralslnes are to bo held, one nt Llanarch and the other at Wharton Square. WASHINGTON'S KIN HERE OBSERVE HIS BIRTHDAY Six Members of Great Man'o. Family Aro Residents of Philadelphia. George Steptoe Washington, great-Rroat-grandnephew of George Washing ton, nnd his son, William Do Hprtburn Washington, of this city, will honor the blrthduy of their distinguished ancestor today by visiting relatives in Jfew Jor eey, George Steptoe Washington, is presi dent of tho Arm of Washington & JnmcSi of 21 South Front street, whllo the tour other descendants ot Washington, who nro Philadelphia, all daughters of Georgo Fayette Washington and cousins of Georgo Stcptoo Washington, will ob serve the day quietly at their home, ZU South 43d street. West Philadelphia. Mr. Washington has a doUblo claim to relationship with the Father of IIH County, for his great-great grandfathers were Colonel Samuel Washington and the lirst President's oldest brother, Jo'on Au gustlno Washington. A marriage of third cousins brought tho two collateral lines together. The family traditions havo not been kout up a great deil during the last half century, snys Mr, Washington. He any ho does not recall a single Incident ol George Washington hlmselt vh!ch had been handed down. Colonel Samuel Washington built til estate at Harowood near what Is noiv Chariest own and Harper's Ferry, W. "Vs. The family fortunes were destroyed y the Civil "War and in 1ST! Mr, Washington came to this city to enter business. This One Week Only for Winter Overcoats at $8, $10, $12 that we sold this season at $15, $18, $20, $25! The Character and Work manshlp of these Perry Overcoats make the Real Difference! Fine, serviceable chinchlU las, some with shawl collars, some with notch lapels! Coats that have appealed to th careful dressers of Philadel phia! Swagger Balmacaans that are just the thing for the fn between season when you need a rain-proof Overcoat! 15 and $18 Coats, ipS $18, and $20 Coats, $10 $20 and $25 Coats, $12 Alterations charged for Best Choice for flrst Cqmera! Get your Coat to day and enjoy t rest of tM and all of nest two r ttrue seasons! Machinaws, $ o Dandy for car or rontigri They were $85Q & $10! Sale Ends Saimdmi iX - Il -. fI3i Chtmatm &iMj3mM