BVMIHO- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2i 11) U. i iiHnaTiiHinTMTi'&ih WOtt M8BBB155WC1 i fSrelimlWJ taW fchtssMeotlois " SJwSrtv UiuMMl ton b rwrttJ Tc'y. ( MAt.B K MIKKR" GOOD nKFErtBNr'KS: OUT OF .&$? rhrtcjn... ;,?' 2 ir' w, "rA',..jn.i inn tinti Rl.1 KSrfflTYllAJf WANTS A JOB OF, BOMB BWA.rUiEl.11. r'vCJ J , iturvtMnn linn tlrt ftffi? int H wWlng d 'anxious to do any Hr?.Lii l l '.Sffllnd i'T tUtrw M.,t. .fcirrt r.r. &. f o? T"l; Yam- . mtilrrn. the jnunkesl ft V-t Ifr HA 1" '... l l.ll.lfii ItttinnHllAl' '?. l?MK"5 047. (WoodlVnU tiiat., 123J 8. f---t ,, cnnoren m .jut..--.. ...... ...., K.SSa to the hospital three time- a week or l"i.l S a r. 8TH, Southeast District, c trtn?Ju' mS wimrion strcot. FtimrATOn OPERATOR -A 18-YKAR-OLD aWKVMlrVii a position as eletatpr operator. ILW. willing to take anything. Ho la on 6 or r. u. F"5 mil now on tn iisi. or inn nocieiy lor B'i?iiinr Charity. With a brother. Si yiars Sinj",yiVen supporting K widowed mother ft1'1.! Seung brother, but !l months ago lot twsra ."..Si.!!, v.iii.r brother, a longshoreman, BSIKJh Sue ot work since Jail Boclety desires ESSkof this latter also. Case oroved thor rA. 5es"rvlrg Reg stered at the Wood. Effi Dlilrlci office. 132 wuth 47tu street. fe. fj" f.-V i.innnrt f! family conslstlnr or W: .. .-rttnnwn tinV. 1K" TISAI1H rnnANU ui-i.'jw.ri -... t"-.v; K'.r. work 10 aunoori niinnni 01111 inuii.r, K-ihir lao eok houtework or laundry work. lyVKtl "0- - &ici;?RTDBr CL.BANB11 The Roctety (or ii" Hffitu ft man who. alter ateady employment '?aexpert dry cleaner for many yeara, haa Si i,iS out of orx ,ior inr it Jtr. urn ' VZm Y wllllnr 10 ciepn nnjuuii iu uv.fc.uifc m E.nd "wS llttlo children. Jt.rerencea.neB. Bv !' ".".. rrtionrl niatrlct Office. 1232 Sautn r Wff'Si.." i? . a: o. c. o. I T"" l-A?i. fi1 elrmwork. would like to return to Wrcounfy.: They .Wvoi mall children 8. ii?.cTou "iraVrttoi. Dtairtet. a o. c, -tois falXWCllQH ui' SjcnEiTANErso.V. HAVE WOUKKD IK rAT IEB a.u "".'. ,"',. ','V- "7r,i C ISU one -norklnff. Jfuit Iiavo ork quickly. J. II 'VTriBMAN WSCIIAItUBD (HONOIlAHrY) 'in January (rom Mvy at the eamo occupa wt: hi" excellent record: l married and Wlie lilj ivi'tiim . " " X iiflAKm LAVBR MAN. SO YBAIlf) OIjD. SSTiii rery Rood tiork reference": haa been out Kit work month". Urn h" B eniiarrn unaer is PJftra "t ate. S. O. C, cot. (1'rankford Ola. . tnct. o. " - Jitl ,"'? mrpctw ErirtOR PLANHIl AND SCRAPER WITH Eft ... ,! (i r1illi1rnr need" uork badly: has isWeiljnt reference". c. A.. 2S8. fcrDnNiTunu pow3Ier I'UL.iaiiritt ouuibi x fun arcanta n American. 41 .year" old. Btronn jind urxajuswK nercet c, witn a) years' oxDenenco na a noor ft Mlliher. He want" work lo "upoort lilmieir !f"J wife and child. Scent the So Jear with rif-i-Ofl) nrni. I1U iwl fuuivn .,.. wwi.-w - Bfetrlrt Ultlce. &30 Wharton atrcet. Filo 3. O. u 'W TDHNITUKB 8AL.ESMAX YOUNG MAN. L & iofa supDCrt of a -widowed mother, want MHiMt maker !n furniture factory, lie can sir-. .,.aii.anr rarniriiTiindnttoni from last em Sowr to reliability und jkill. With Wno- 'gaEdbner and oiiAtfi-'insuR youno trUhnuo: ! roonlhs out of work, with one-oantli-old child: haa had experience and can 'fiirnlin referenco. J. W. B.. 803 . PiURbWOOD FINISHER MAN, 38 YEARS V oli), laid off -with 20O other"! ha excellent ; irorkrolerencea: o emnn jinaren ar aepenaeni "9 nim 3. J i. ou. v..urruioi;i. riai.. a. O. f Ci . ;.rnnu; iiluimvooD finishkr, with good rep- i .r.nrM. linn iipbu aur. ui worx kd iiid uui. rvtlu three children, tho eldeat one I" tubereu- lar. S. O. C. No. OU. (Northeaat Dlat,, 2319 fr, N. Howard at.) ' lIATTKn THia MAJ HAU WOHKKU 1H Ana'nlnee for 23 r.ear". He arave un hi" ., 'vork to itart In bualnesa for hlmaelf, but tailed teciiiM of the unusual toduatrlnl and financial' f sihiatlon in tno couniry inio year. oii;bvyii i'id Tlona Dlitrlct. S. O. C.48l8. llumlng Jrk ateoue ana iiarieaa auccu; SVOIIBESHOKR WELI RECOMMENDED 1IY Ult enroiQ'.er. Willi wuoni jia huikbu w yeai. : foi t A. W. iSKIIAN FORMJCRI.Y IN I'IRB DEVART- mnt and with derMirtment atore: haa excel KGl rt.ric.lVK ll tlivu. ... i.y.rt wnw . . . ...!.a n...l mittm .Via niik.lf h. rtltr jiOSTERY MACIIINH KRECTOlt- THOR t Mtrlv vvnrli.nerl man need" work badly. Lafit employer compelled to lot lilm so owing ' te lick of work after employing him aeveral xtirty. A 237 X. UOUSB PAINTER-ITALIAN. fOBER. IN- dnttrlou" and efficient, want, work to auo- pert a .wife end 8 children. He haa bean out of employment for r months, and la reclatcred t th RnHatv fnr flriranlztnrr (harltv. houth- & eastern District Office. KO Wharton atreet. found -aorllw. File H. O. C. B87. K-HOUaH PAINTKR THROWN OUT OF EM- trJ nlnmtant A mnnlli. Barn a knllia njlnl1 With WJ (tcirttnce and excellent referencea, want. r work of any kind to aupportMile wife and t fcj children, all under It jeara. lie la rexlatered f? by the Society for Orftanlalne Charity, at tha wooaunu , uieirici uinra, o oouta fin llhimi.'. itjn FliriM pA'INTKIU-afAN ilAti (Vben out of work three montlia; he haa a. 'i f and four children, the oldeat 0 yeara old; IM yoiuixeit l- year; very Kooo ricrcncc. .(Woodland Diet,, a. 6. C. &3l, 1i3i 8. 47th gltwet) .ISSIDB PAINTER AND DBCORATOR-MAN hah k.n ..... A ..M1. !.. Um 1-. M A 1 puit: haa never before been out of work for atar jenin oc um. very aooa warn reier jeiices. g. O. C 677. i:iahlh and Dth Ward. JIarlt. R. O. f . I73S r?iitlibert Htreat. FtiROM flfnUCTUhAl. rAINTBR. tO YWAIIb .. oin; apiencm reterence.; out pt worK aix befl; invalid wife and three children de- iron-ant on mm. a. u. u. o. (uermun Itsun Wat.. B2 W. Chelten ave.) IlttOMWORTciSR YOUNO. BNBROBTfO JtAN. , hla worked 18 yeara In onu place, and haa . tcr had but one omployer. (t his work ;, bea tha mill where he wue employed cloud STn. J1k been out of work now a monthi. Hit a wife and 2 email children. A yeara and . month fit ase. dependent on him. S. Q. c. Me, (orUlel.T District, S, O, C. aid North i.iKONWORKlilt. 40 3 ears old: aood referencet.. sjujKara kireeuj V- out of work two montba; wife and threo SftrJUren dependent on him. H. O. C. No. lAJ. tuviuvaaiuwa jjiat., oj vy. Jiieqn ave.f islTALUN IiABORBR ITALIAN. WITH BIXl rt ehlldren, the oldeat 12 and tho younieat itwlna 2 yeara old: has been out of work l Srso-itiu, i. U a wtlllne worker and will take ajthlng he can cet to do. 8. O. C. OHO. S-3Uthnit Dlitrlct. S. fl n.. S.0O IVharton at. f3AilTOIl-ilAN, 40 YHAItS OFAQE. DEi E urea rpoaltlon as janitor or will take any kind p' HMJorHur wora, no naa oen out or. won ri.. . auiuh aa ilia rcvuib oa an .L7viucut, '!', wife ha. tubereuloala. Thero are 3 small juuorta aepenaent upon mm. luermaniown IpWrtet. a. O. C. 617. 83 Weal Chelten avenue.) IJJASITOR OR WATCHMAN! HAS EXCEl,- 1 '.. 4V4viuccv, DUl oi. worK i lona aiuiv uau t.m a eaance in-.meaiateiy. a .a., sai ANITOR-aOOD, STEADY MAN WISHES , ama oi position: JXperienceq; aieu limit! iMlth a.aM ufl.b Yff A "ll V EiraiBN MAN OR LABOIU3R. WITiroOOl I tritnrK. ullltn In Ha nirthlni'. nil Af ork since lut October; has a. flfe and two tB . fTO-?v. " " "" Baa' topririK uaxaen . urauQjrwine) si.j 0RER COIjOItED LAnOREfT WITH ; b-- "' .". v(iurci iiia T Of HI I liU tM M,.n tl.UA van 411 n Wa n.anait a IR,Ldt' t'. care. Aa the man could not aft KL. Jue wife haa (one out bv day to twin Sk)t!B. O. t-.. 1318 Bouth 22d aleet. EiuBoaER -" itauanTwith hix small, R tMllren, baa been out of work all winter ex. WW a day now and tbsn He haa worked for k,a electric comoanv and has very aood refer- 1 J5e of hla children la a cripple. B. O. . oouineaat uiitrict. a. o. p., wu Jrton atrett. RBOfUSItv-FATIIISR AND SON, 19 YKAIUJ Pyw. out of work: both hava ery aood ref 1 .,t.04 H "llllnr to take anything- tb.y IHSi'v t0 thteo young- children are de- m -vFly11 fiw lor auppcri. miceiown ana SW.OIIU B. O. C. 620. llunttnr Tark ave. iBORKR rxft' witti'vhrt nrvnn nRti RlHMCM,..,, D,,n ut ci W9rt 8 niontha. U VhHiil VI ."nd 8 WWren. the youngest S is?1., wt"; at win io amy aina oj worn na sftp".Ab0.- c - Southeaet DlaUlct, 0. 4 CtSO Wharton street.) fctABORER. C'OLORITIJ MAM oirT'oai wortlf tti.if.r",.A0" twhllewa.Ulna; or anything i? i1 w.lllenabla hlnj to support wl( SS.'J"0..'! chlTdrent faintly U llvlns; In the t,.v."., ..,mm..uw xvi vua JH nun.v. fMat dettltute. clrcutnBtAna ta ono am&U J w. n CIS. OREIV MATT Uftini1" a '"tr. li '- a'nr.i-ii'TT-utTir fVhTiSa-'a.V.Vft-"SM,iJ.Cir.S E ..l,111 referencea ant very rood and be P !,. ,'?)ln(' Dt work thai la offered. JlOlifiR. iTVAr.TAM fln VMAnrf nr.ti wirnf W lS9.r,IeJ'.n" " ten out of work n foe t' rS'Sv h l" .. '.' od U snuill ihlMren, rJ? "te in a u c, iza. cEasieru j2. i- ja b jwrenlce at iti ,iiiV. jiimi ,ia micjvi iiiiviii .1U WUldrea need clOLhlnari tAmtvirflrlV r&tA ltts tUfW iaoi ni clothUir ,tii been if If yne.gen u)U wo&.TilsTwire, U .kllil?t-tf . v 5 tfaii.. Tt' - YEARS OIJlJ WITH aiiZr'.l jeierenoe iZril je'erenoe. will take aoviMar H? 'o t") MPDOrt h" dellcateJwlfa a mS"-c t0 FtuoaTbi4. -... :-T : i..--r'-T laa anvixuaa; n oS S?iR5ifVi.-t a iili-ATTi jTTB 14 QUt Of Waik ulna tv.nn..a . 7L .J..I1... harm. - .. ..i . """t - -R if " :"' "'" " anyiouTij can get ue ! (tJNit rit liar i in 333 S MAN iOllSH TO) Or WORK 5W0'oji Ka i.ui)tilols.i Mli eivi.ou.tu atiWi Jluu f tvrk ta MX Vary irjHtt . w. t.. ". ui ana , at i yearg,- S'ilf. rfcn "oVof To rk 2 mo'nlhs; hS! FfWffi Kfifl ami a delicate, wile. H O c. WO. District. 8. O. u., " oomn -aim r-rnnTVPKn-TilE MAN HAS WORK IWnino Pl Han a wire and fiViftiwn and 0 edulw: adult" Includo ev ifd nwSm?n unMo to work: aid urnts (2! Jill do anytliliiK. .IWi.n.883. JW0RK WEEDED QUI0K1Y tiiLut3n,1,'Jbt ihn BMHcaMit an lie9 neeifindltMuailcmi a rrocfled utilckltf. . HM.Y. LAIJOnKR WITH WlFB AND Clllt.ti ernP0Cym.rT,nVeTrly " ,h h.. "lit't i1'6!.-.1". ".vcn children to rmpporti ha. not worked for three months. J, W, u. LAUORKn-Tmi-it AN lSINDUBrniOtm e!"a fS3U h"a WRm" tt"k. Can you u.J?nlmT LAHOrtKlI. tTAMAN,"QUTn5?oTHrHlv' month"! wire nnd seven children all m nourished. No. KW, J W' li ' " ", BATlJICIt AVOHKntt-A -.OCNO RtiSltAN ilin .'J.L'i '.,t!.vl,."n:.. """! '""""IV a III". Sm?i,.lcl.0,i V ..'.I.11' ."0 "Ptrl of hll lerommenuallona iron, hla laat emSlover h? hW&Mnrtt.wBn?u&iv.AM- 1." i. with loKSuVo-ft. W f.rtW'eSWB tion In eo i deeperale that he w II ittomut l,nt J'.k unbl0.t10 "e home r.eciuae Sf.!n. ".'!" ,mon't' oll?i w"l do laundry work a a hloer on a waonJ.W n gsi. UNKMAN AND Bt-nCTRtCIAN - YOUNO and energetic man, who ha been out of work ...j. """. wailing to inns anyin ng ne eV.iwi "i do'. "' n" ".ll children, and while h- has been out of, work hi" wife haa gone out to work by the day. Khe le now III. S O. C. iit. (Nieetown andlot. Di.triS. a O, c ClorUaa street and Hunting Park aye nut.) longshoreman and driver man has been out of work 4 months and will take, anything bo can get to de. Haa a wife and email bahy dependent tipon him. 8. O. O., 637. Eaaiern District, B. O. C 3.18 Bouth Iawrence LONOSHORF.MAN-WlLLlNa, TO DO ANT r-JP-lL work: laid oft through lack of work. B. 'A, 218 X. LOOM FIXKR-MAN, WITH 30 CHH.DRDN: Ills been out of work 7 months. One of the boys has tuberculosis; a girl Is working part time In a mill, and another boy, 21 years old, who hue .been a floor ecrsper. le out of work. They will take any kind of work they can net. S. o. C, ism. (Frankford District, 8. O, C 18)14 Unity etreet.) MACHINIST FORMDR EMPLOYER BAYS: "mic known the man many years and have the utmost confidence In hts honesty, sobrtetv nnd general rharscler. It does not seem s If he denerte. tho hard knocks that have been his lot." K. A., 222 M'ACIIINIST-MAN. 27 YEAR8 OLD. JIUN garlan, who Rpeaka Engliah: he a very good, work reference from laat employer. Hae a chil dren dependent on him. s. O. C., 601. (Eaatsrn District, g. O. c, 338 South Lawrence etreet.) MACHINISTS HELPER MAN HAS WORK- ra n years in one Place, wnue no nse nee out of employment, hie wife haa been eewln rd H years In one place. While he has been it of emnlovment. hie wire lias been pewlns: to.hflr fupport their It children. B O. C. fJKi. (Northern District. 8. O. C, 1439 North Matthall street.) MACHINIST; FOREMAN-MAN JIA8 BEEN out of work since August. He haa n wife and three children 7 years, 5 years, and baby 2 months. Spring (Jsrden District, 8. O. C, 1832 Urandywlne street. H. O. C. 870. MACHINIST MAN HAS WORKED 12 years In one piece and haa been out of wprk 4 months. Ha will take any kind of work he can get. 8. O. C. IV)7, (Northeast District, B, O. C. 2310 North Howard street.) MACHINST-B HELPER-HAS WORKED 14 jesra In one place, nnd will takn anything he can got to do: a family of mstl children Is dependent on him. S. O. C. 033. (Ponelton I'l't,. 4018 Powellon ave.) MACHINIST'S HELPER-MAN, THOROUOH ly familiar with work about automobllee; has very good work references. Haa been out of work all winter. Six children under IS, the loungest 4 months old. are dependent upon Mm. 8. O. C. CUO. (Powelton District, S. O, C. 4018 Powelton avenue.) MACHINIST'S HBLTER-AN AMERICAN. It years old, with good references, has been out of work since Octobor: his wife 1s dead and his oldest child Is taking care of the house and her four brothers snd slaters. 8. O. C. No. 0.17. (Spring Garden Diet., 1832 Urandywlne at.) MAN OF WORK. ITALIAN, HAS FAMILY ii f seven children! boy of 14 In family; good bright boy: could make himself very useful around a .tore! father la a laborer; would be willing to do any kind of work. J. W. II., 875. MAN. JEWISH, 4S YEARS OLD, OUT OF work 4 months. One boy working In family of eight. Wife I" 111. but haa not asked for any help. Neighbors' told Investigator that her lllnean Is due to worrlment and lack of nour Ishment. A most deserving case. J. W. B t02. MAN. HAS BEEN HUCKSTER, OUT OF work two months: 7 children, all under work ing ego. Two oldest boys, 12 and IS, sell papers. Family are about to be evicted for nopayment of rent. J. W. R.. 887. MAN, JEWISH, TAILOR, OUT OF WORK 3 months; 4 children, only one of working age, a- boy, -who- wlllf-alao do any kind of work, J. W. n.. 801. MARRIED MAN WITH A WIFE AND l children dependent on mm; wining to go any thing; honeat. sober and worthy. V, A.. 223. MIDDLE-AOED MAN. ENTIRELY DE3T1 -tute, wants Immediate chance to earn a folr living, r.. i.. -tv j MILLER MAN HAS SPLENDID REFER- ence from last employer, for whom be work ed 7 years. E. A.. 104. ' MOULDER MAN HAS WORKED IV YEARS; ha been out of work for five months. Thero are five children, the oldest, a boy 14, and the youngest, 4 years old. Just when the oldest boy would have been able to so to work and help tho family, he developed tuberculosis, ana haa recently gone to Mont Alto for treat ment. Spring Garden District. W. O. C. 1832 Drandywlne street. 8. O. C.. 678. MOULDER 'MAN, 9TBAlt8 OLD, WITH ery good references; has been out of work nearly n year; will take any kind of work he can get to do. S, O. C, No. 0J9, (Southwest mat., mm n. -a sw NINETEU.N-Y15AR-PLDUOY IS THE SOLH support of his widowed mother, who Is 111; he lu been out of work four months: a younger brother Is glso dependent on him, Jtloutheait Dlst., S. O. C, 0-1. 630 Whar- Bt.l PACKER OR ANY. KIND OF WORK; HAS fo and 5 children. K. A. 220. AlrtlVlL- luui.vf . Acn'.o. wishes work at painting, If possible, but will take any kind of work; parents are old and father not working for several months: the eon haa left homo each morning about 8 a. m. and has walked the streets until exhaueted. Ha Is a good workman, hardwood flnlsber. ni...n.i vfih... ,n. . v , v, ni ircana very urgent caae. o. ooo. g. v. it. FaTnWrwMan, 3. Years 6u: out ob1 work two months; worked In his last place a 3 ear and a halt and has good references; has a wife and three children. S. O. C No. M. (Spring uarflen mat.. iMjurananvinaai.j PAINTER NEEDS WORK BADLY: W1FH sick and family In destitute circumstances. A. re .'IB A. i-AlNTINO AND ODD JOUS-YOUNO. UNKR getlo man, 2D years old, with very good ref erences, will tako any kind of work he can get, so that he can provide for his wife and (our email children. (Eastern Dlst., 8. O. C, (.'P. JJQ a. iawrni-q s..a i'Al'ERHANaBR-WlLUNO TO, BO ANY; thing in his power to keen bis wife and hlmeeff from want: good mechanic; excellent references, x. -a. v. PllYSlClAN'S HELPER-COLORED HOY. 18 years old, honest and reliable, wants work aa a physician's helper to support himself; mother and father a ra dead, and he had Just feesn driven from house of relatives through 111 treatment. J. w. B. 883, Hi trgi.iii.i.. " " " PIPE Anil 1'l.umisjuit, AVilLr o. maiTled, S children, a-t-3 yeara ot age. and willing to do anything to keep a roof over rhelr nea'da B. A.. 240 X JJOTSfBER AND 8TEAMPITTER--MAN OF Sw, a Spanish War veteran, has been out of ..(. mnnihi. His last employer sneaks wrjA&.Js"LJkHfJLi 5ii?urJto do anvtblnr to provide for bl Jam- :. 5J WetChelteji. avenue.) PLUirBEll AftU uioAl(leil"fMq(- ' closs mechanic; out of employment a lons tlme and In deiperate stralis, has wife and ilhllSreu and will bo glad of anything, B. A., 23S X. rLl'MHKll'B HELPER-34 YH.UIS DLI: HAS 1 Vio" Mferences. ou of work sU months; has - eif- and 2 small children. H. O. C. ttll, f-nffl '""rt.r. Dlst . 18.1. Urandywlne st. PLUMBER AN I STEAMFITTEII. WILLINq 1 to do any kind of work; xan ; do eleetrfeal work also; nsedejemployment badly, as he ha. wife and 4 children H. A , J.7. FRlNTKIl - MAN. HO YWAitS OLD, WITH .A& references! has been out of, work u .S?hs if haa 3 children and a sick wife Wo a 6W. tEislern DUtrlct, S. O. C., 33 Bouth I.awrenc atreet ) PRINTERFORMERLY ViPff'fS TILB largest prtntlng.housea In pblladeiphls. who .K-'Viiiiin excellent B. A.. 2S8. MINTER-HAB W1F1. AND b CHILDREN Pnied "mployment Udly; sober, boaest, capable. K. VjM X., , niniNOINBTRUCTOR-CAPABLB HORSE Pin 1 years oil, with honorable tllachsrge from U. fl. wV. .wUhea employmeot f1lng Hdtnr lessong or W the car. of U A.. WfiOER AND BLOCS AND TAT KLE "IPrr'needriT lob badly, hsa 0 children and t. willing to do anything, will Mr very la willing " " ..i".... -. . -!owWwm?. togst ftMJRB low was to get a start e. & . . KrlTlENtYBATfaLDTDOrytTH A 8 mother and younger trothers and slstsni de- m9r".r.Sii him in. hen out of work all children Is III la the hos it lime; ha will take any (Southeast Dlst. S. O. C . "?. zi Xi, a.t 2?it&'wbarIon.t) j WPHtW. . c crfTpPiSri. AOB BJi WllfK au u.i viiiw; "villi do anytning; iei u..i.jji "?. r;.r lioneat and worthy: 1-J4 l-t bW'- S-Tila'tirK-MAir3r78joi2. B dlth splendid lafertoce from, list employer. 'ljH!e.k."asiw5t"" r0dui ,njtar;'iira mVuim ?u . from aiajrit j.-""- - -- 'StVFvP1! WORK HEEDED QTJIOIiXY , At tho tiffflentitr IM elaWcdt(o. tin fxIniidt(o of Ktv tfumbfrt 41 tflpert nndl noto thftejteeny ledltle'iiiile Mr renehrtt tjuleWj;. MAt.R SKILLED PLlMDER AND ROOFF.R-MAN ekllled i5 plumber and roofer must have position at once for support ot wife and threo Toting children Wilt accept any kind of work. Fsmliy eir living In a email room, the rent of which Is long overdue. During tlio last month the family have ben fed by neighbors. Land lord and others vouch for applicant's sobriety sndlndntry. Most urgent r,E A ,7t7j SKILLED M'JrltANIC-OitAN WITH GOOD ..jr01? r"!fdi can furnleh references! has been Pi'l1 "4'ersl months! wire and two lit-tjej-hUitmifsring destliutlon. J W P., 8TZ, HIEVKDOHE -A WILLING VOItKKIt, WITH good rererenceei has been Out of work, .11 winter. Ills wife Is delicate, his oldest boy has, nnd there ore a other chit tlrrn, the joungest jesrs old. 8. O C , 608. Southeast District, 8 O. C. 630 Wharton St. srocKfNiTltOAiaiRlt-tgTf jfiVri YeaRh in tho same Place, out of wotk two months, mjs n wife and six small chttdren, the young est a baby a rnontts old, 8. O C., No. OlS. (orthesst Dlst.. 23111 N Howard at.) TAiLOR-l rATTN"itrcHiLbTtJ.Si .'oLBeOT )-. n..., fuunnii. n r.r miiu 11n.11. r,j ". set summer hie work w very slsck end ho t mm youngest a year and nair. aii or rqra tt.b very sisck ena n. work since the Jet or Ben nee not hsd nnv tember, rati .... e lie will take ny kind or esn i get. b. o, t' 878, Southwest District. 8. O. c, 1310 South 22d" street. TAtl)R"'AND"'l,rtFJiEn, HAB FINE ItRJ-ommt-ndatlons covering eara back and needs inn)-ia. WOtK. K A. 233 TEAMSTER FORMER EMPLOYER BATH he is upright, Industrtoue and tmstworthyi a very- gooa mm with horeea E. A. 234. TaAJvJflTKtl-MAN. WITH. WlFB Atiff ?oung children, the youngest a S-months-old baby. Is on the applicants' list of the Bcclety for Organising Charity. Was a first-cleae team ster until two years ago. when he contracted tuterculosls. Family was cared for by the "iety. in tho meaonhlle. Man pronounced cured lest fall, but haa been unable to find employment. Wants a chance to make his fsm ly lodepindent again, Registered at South western District Office, 1313 South 22d etreet. I'll, a. li. u Nn, TEAMSTER, WITH ONIT FIRM FOUR jeers, has been out of work two months, lis. a wife and four e-Mldren. 8. O. C. Oil. INortheast Dlst., 2341 N. Howard sL) TIIRKR, PKOtLB""tNRAIE FAMILY OUT of work Msn Is an lUllan laborer, nd will take any kind nf work he can get. He haa a wile and 8 children 18, 12 and B years of ate. The 18-yeer-oid alrl lis. been helping by doing sewing, but would like regular snd per manent emplnment. The mans wife hoe been, doing washing and sewing when she could get It. She. aleo. would like mora eteady work. 8. O. C r.0. Boutheaet Dis trict. 8. O. C, M0 Wharton street. TINSMITH AND SHEET METAL WORKER. hsa 2 children and no wife with them: hs needs employment aa soon aa poaslble. K. A. 235. TttO IIOVb OUT OF WOItK-TtVO ROY'S Ijf the seme family (17 and IS years ot age) am out of work' they will tako anything they can set to do. (Nieetown and Tioga Dlst. S. O. C. OIR. Hunting I'rk ave. and Clerlesa at.) WA'ICHMAN MAN, M YEARS OLD. OF eober hshlts. with a wife and 2 children who are In desprate need, desires position as rstcnmsn or caretaKer. is. a. jus. WATCHMAN OR FIREMAN MIDDLE M aged man with wife and 2 children: pretty deeoerate and needs work; willing to do any Him, i. j . .tn. WE HAVE AN APPLICATION FOR ANY kind of work from a rormer member of th city police: he has S children: H years and younger snd one 8 yesra, a rrlpplej this Is a lerv deeerrlnc esse and he Is willing to do anything: would malm an excellent Janitor or wstenman. yj. a ci. WEAVER MAN, 34 lEAJlS OLD: HAS been out of work 0 months. His wife hsa been doing sewing tn hln support their 3 small children. 8. O. C. 600. IFrankrord Die- tnct. o. i.. i'.. ion unity street.) WEAVER SKILLED CARPET WUAVKR. years old. of eober and Industrious habits, wants work. Wire, 61 veara old. will take washing or work as houeecleaner. B. A. 188. WHARF niriLDER KX,KIENCI3D MAt 43 years old, C years with last employer, who was forced to let htm go to cut down oipenres. Has a wire, 3 children. Ills wire Is lo hai another child soon. Immediate help Is neces sary as this fumlly Is S months behind In their rent, and are In dancer of being elcted by the landlord. E A. 100. WIDOW'S 3 SONS OUT OF WORK A widow with 0 children was dependent on her 3 eldeat sons. Now they are all out of work. One hss worked In locomotive works and the other 2 havo been helpers on express wagons. Thev will tako any kind of work that is offered. 8 O C. S7. (Northern District. 8. O. C 1430 Nortn Marensu street t WOODWORKER CirtCUlAAR SAW OPERA tDr. Sft year. old. hae be.n out of work :t months, lie Is a widower with 2 small 1oys. Will take any kind of work that le offered him. B. O C. 501. (Woodland District. S. O. C. 1232 South 47th etreet.) 20-YEAR-OLD BOY ONLY SUPPORT OF his widowed mother and four sisters and brothers: will tako any kind of work he can get: he has worked In n bakery and In a fac tory, nnd has very good references. S O. C. 027. (Northern Diet.. S. O. C, 1439 N. Mar eh.ill it.) . I'KMAMS DMUROlDERY WIDOW WHO DOES BEAU tttul bend embroidery wants work for the support ot her two children, a. A,, 100. GIRL. ADO"Ut 10. MOTHER DEAD, WANTS permanent position with private Catholla family aa mother's helper, or to assist wltii housework. J. W. U 876. aiHie-VWO GIRLS WANT ANY KIND OI work; housework or sewing; no one In fsrally of eight working: mother 111. J. W. H 800 fl O U S E WGR K IS-YEAR-OLD GIRL, strong and capable, would like work to help support the family; she has threo brothers and sisters snd her father haa only part time work as a driver. S. O. C, 831. (Powelton Dlst., aujo j-qweuon eidj HOUSEWORK OR MOTHER'S HELPER 14- ear-old girl with good school record Is seek ing work to help support her mother snd live brothers and sisters. S. O. C, G30. (Powelton Diet.. 4018 Powelton avo.) iiouaewoRK womXn wants place with daughter doing some kind ot house work: they are penniless and without re sources E A.. 218. MOTHER AND TWO DAUGHTERS WANT work: father of family recently deserted, leaving the mother with 8 children: all urn girls, the youngest G months old: mother and two eldest daughters, 16 and 14 jears old. want anv kind of work at once: a homeless 7oung women. SO years old. being cared for n this family, also seeks emnlovment: since, desertion. motUr hss beeii doing laundrv work at horn.', but Is no longer able to got It. J. tv. II. ail. OPERATOR. EXPERT ON SHIRTS AND nhlrtwaists; n toung woman wno iwb uwn out ot work several waeks Is very urgently In need of help: ihe lies been eupporting a cousin who Is too 111 to work and their case Is most pathetic: they have been living In a boarding house whsro tho people have been most con siderate, but oow they must have help: sewing Ol nome win ub w;i:pyim. ... ... , p,.. SBAMSTRESS-A WTDOW OF 70 YEARS IB iin.hln in ret work to suooort herself! she Is alonii In the world: wants sowing and needs work badly; Is recommended by St. Peter" Church. E. A., 215. SEWING WOMAN WITH 4 CHILDREN wants tn do sewing to support tho family until her husband, wno has been unemployed for eeiersl weeks, gets work: they are abeo lutely without funde; tho Investigator reports that they are very re.pectablo and have, a neat home: tho 10-year-old daughter also SEWINO A GERMAN WOMAN DESIRE plain sewing. She Is the sole support of an Invalid husband and four children ranging from 4 months to u years of age. The hus band ts a longshoreman who hss been 111 for niontha suffering from rheumatlem and lack of proper nourlshricnt. II. A.. 192. UPHOLSTERY FINISHER A WIDOW, WHO has worked 20 years In one place, has lost her work through no fault of her own. A daughter with tubercular tendencies is de pendent on her, 8 O. (.'. 813. (Powelton Dls. rlct, S. O. C. 4018 roweuon avenue.) WEAVER FRENCH WOMAN, WIFB OF reservist, with good references. Is trying to support her 3-year-old child i her husband la serving In tho French war. 8. O. C, No. 832, (Frankford Diet.. 1614 Unity st.) WINDER-IN'MirtTrTHISWOMAN HAS had to become the bread-winner on account of her husband's Illness with tuberculosis. She Is trying to support her 3 small children. For 8 months she h"" not been sble to get any work. B. O. C. 08 (Northeast District, S. p. C. 28td North Howard street.) WOMAN. JEWISH, MUST HAVE WORK TO support family of 6 children. Husband Is ssriouslr Ul. When Inveatlgator called ha was shown a box ot stale bread, which was put In the oven to soften. Here le a woman who must have work. J. W. II.. 888. AUTOMOBILES For Bala CADILLAC 1910 landauleti demountable rims, tire and motor In good condition; wilt sacri fice for cash) Pierca-Arrow limousine, model 1008, 1250, bargain for quick buyer, owner must hsv cash, Jacobs Garage, Morris and Winona avts uermantown, Dell phone. Gar mantown 6881. FOR 8ALE 101S T-passsnger Packard tour. log body, complete: upholstering aa good as fiholi raw, cneap. usji awi ATJXO UVEIVJr AND O ABA-EH LIBERTY Taxlcab Seiylce Limousine, taxt caba? touring car.. Call Pop. 6263; Race 8874. BUSINESS NOTICES iiTnvATa lock ah. boxes to ubnt Flft-ST IN TUB CITY 8S N. BROAD 8T. BUSINESS OPPDBTUNITI,ai TOlwa MAN. with 83600. can learn of wst tlon paying 2 weakly. 10 per cent, inter est, tnop secured and paid bat in Instil "ent". B 842. Ledger Central. XtT-XC-FTIONAL OPPORTUNITY oIered u any on. who baa 23 or 150 to Invest. B jus. Ledger Central CiaAlt7"CAffY. STATIONIKtY. TOYS. Jui ilur t weekly Wals-JjTWJJ Sd feljClGAR. CANDY. STATIONBRT Rent 3JSi2? i '"" -" N d CLEANINCr ANDJOVEINO rkSTSIdl TIIB AND t-ANCPJ- OT, u(ir CLAt.D, D aai I DnESSMAKINO AND MII.MlSfEtt OOMETHINO N13W. Get In early, you may be loeky, ret yodi iprlrrsiiit now Diamond 6041 DllBSsMAkTNG tetrht. ehort. rao. course. MeDowell, B07 Derckla Bldg. 11th ft Marxet. ADVANCE style. In drresmaktng; B and up- -ard Siicg b. 19th M. Dickinson 3143 W. -OH BALE ntt.LIARD, pool, eomblnetlon. 2d hand bought, . sold, rented, ex'fl. Keafer. 329 Olrard ave. INSTBUCTION new Members always WBLcoMia The C'sitllllan Club studies and converses In Spanish. Business customs phraseology taught unCr native teacher. tilery evening a monin. 1500 ARCH STRBF.T OLD GOLD UOU01IT. SOLD DIAMONDS F.-tCHANOKO. WINDOLril, APPRAISED, M N. 12THBT, ANT.CiUKB. broken Jiwelryi gold7"fale teeth, Indian relics, pistols bought. 2328 Ridge ave, STORAGE iREMAKLE STORAOB. tOVING, TAOK1NO, SHIITIM1, 2040-44 N. BOTH ST. D1A. 47-47. W'KST Monarch"storsge Co Auto and pack. l'HILA. Ing and shipping. 3870 Lancaster ave, WANTED FURNITURE Anllquee, pianos, etc., part I UlUtll VJAUor en,r, nou,. bought- , Kens. Furniture Co. 8148 Kensington Ave. BOOHS POD. BEN- ARCH. ML and 6 B. Rmad at. Tho cleanest . furnished rooms; steam heat., bathe; 82 up, xiakimu, s.iB two nrsi-noor room.; suit den tist or doctor or apartments. The Cbllton, Mm Belle McClsln. Manager, BROAD. N 904-Large. attractliely futnlsbed rooms; steam heat, electrla light; southern exposure; excellent location; to mtnutee from heart of city: splendid dining room; tr.esls optional; photo dlapls)ed st Lodger Central. O.BDAR AVK, 4003-Desirable furn. 2-tloor room: refined neighborhood. Woodland 4787 w. rnoto aispiayed a t Ledger central. CHESTNUT, 11mm Roonts, single end en suits, team neat., uaiepnone Locuet 7at CHESTNUT. 20.13 ltj.1n.lant lrr ",l floor fi-oni: private bath: single accommodations. CHESTNUT. 4430 Excep. vacs, warm, chew" tul rooms; conva; board optional; phone. LOCUST, feen Attractive rooms, single or sult.sdloln. bath; fum. or unturn.; low rente. SWVBLTON AVE., t410--cel. nccom'ns for tnoso wno appreciate conva. and cleanllnesi. Raring T1S2 X. Photo displayed at Led. dent. M'llUCK. 2022 Desirable aulte. with private bath: open fire: phone: owner. WALNUT. 1025 Large, bright rooms; well lurHi.iicuisicam noat; s.i weeKiyi snci up. VKNANGO, 1412 Private family will rent largo will. furn. parlor: board opposite. W'ALNUT, 3903 Large 2d-floor front: semi- .,,.-i,ff ,i.,, i7-.ter nemL, qjcept. lauir. WALNUT. 4'lQTl Tan M-flrtnr motnn. linfurn soiithern expos.; pleasant. Preston 2720 D. Ci and sansom Furnished rooms; men oniy: meals; W30ST BRANCH shower baths; near Ui nil the T. M. C. A. comfotts of home. Phone Bel- roont 4081: Key.. West3b. 12TH, N.. i762-Well-fufnRhod 3d.noor"front; other accommodations, Kensington 101 II. 13TH, 8 , IT COMFORTABLI3 FURNISHED ROOMS; AISO PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 13TH, 8.. 323 Nicely furnished rooms: reason- oie prices: on conva.: centrally locateu. 16TH 8., 314 Coxy furnished front room, next id wui; aino professional onice. 16TH. N.. 1321 DeMrabte unfurnished rooms, with bnth; private family: steam heat, owner. 17TH. N.Snin Private family will rent well- lurnisncu roomw. -iioga u. SiD, N., 44"0 ?lcely furnished rooms In private family ,conv. toclty.Bolmont 1473 D. OOTH.'S , 137 Excellent furn. accommodations for hskpg.: conr. to i,. Bel. 4065 NEATLY furnished room In roflned nelghonr- hood of Oierbrook; board opt. Belmont 4..80, BOABDINGr CEDAR, 4002 Very desirable furnished rooms; good table; private family. Wood. 2333 D. CHESTNTtT. 4018 Good, table: nice neighbor" hood; conv. to city. Phone Preeton &124 D. MASTER. 1700 (8. W. cor.)-I'lenssnt roomT newly papered and paint.; run, water; phono. POWELTON AVE.. 4037 Sunny front roonH vnn nonro; quiet lamuy; terms moocrate, SPRIICI), 1230SUITE OF ROOMS. TRIVATE BATH: TABLE BOARD. 35TH. N.. 302 Third-floor room, with bortnl; good location: all conveniences. Subnrban GERMAN-TOWN, 233 W. Rlttenhouse t be tween Wayne and Greene Desirable rooms. With board. Phone Gin. 1573 X. APABTMENTS SPRINO GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In S different houses; some furn'di kitchenettes. OVERBROOK Two com. rooms, with prlv. porch: board optional. Th. Overbk. 1300 D. FOR VACANCIES and complete information of all upartmonta FREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts. Phono Walnut DM, or ""i mr I'euruury "Apartment IJireciory. 61BT, 8.. 1220-Handsomely furnished 2d-floor apartment; 3 rooms, bath, use of kitchen; dining room downstairs: refined neighborhood; opposite Park; convenient to csrs CHILTON APARTMENTS ;I1 HAIUZ-'O ST. Two first-floor rooms with priv. bsth; suits, ble dentist or doctor or apmts. Mrs Belle McClsln. Mgr. Bell phone. Preston 6387. BEAUTIFUL bachelor apts.: suit, for couple; marblo shower bath; kitchenette: unusually light: south, expos.; rent 816. 1801 Master st. I !ON"S HFAD Handsomely furnished -IV-1N O n-AD apt lgi3.15 loo... HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS KENT APARTMENTS K ,'. ST Housekeelng apartments. 4 rooms' and bath! 882.60 month. Janitor service. DIAMOND. 2118 Applv 2112: new. attractive apartments: all outside rooms; 123 BEAL ESTATE 0B SALE CaTT 14T1I AND SOTU WARD buyer are with SIMON 3. WALDMAN lltd WEST aiRARD AVENUR Rents collected. Prompt attention. SUn URBAN Ambler. Fa. YTi SPECIALIZE In suburban property along ihe P. and It., Bethlehem and Doylestown ranches; we offer suburban homes, farms. Improved country placss snd building sites, wa can satisfy any reasonable purchsser. H, J PAGER, Inc.. Ambler. Pa. NEW JER8EV Itaddonfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES, at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MAIISUALL. 631 Federal at.. Camden National Tarh. N. J. YOUR opportunity; lots 26x160: near trolleys overlooking Del.; adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. development Greater N, J. Co S3 B lCth. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SF.VERAI dsslrable homes and Imoroved bldg. lots at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 100 ' ACR-5S Location, land, buildings, wster and railroad laclllriss all, first class: has averytnliig that goes to make. a aood fart;: aeveral stock farm cheap. 160. 200 and 284 acres: the very best ot land and cheap! stats SSV..U. n nathan gh.y,.&., :' ACRES, 13760; 1U lulles Main Un renna., bAf 'p. IHIALD, West Chester. Tenna. iTACRKi8,' en muter' home"; abundanca b? fruit: SlwO. J. B. Thompson, W. Cluster. Pa. SEAL ESTATE TO EXOHANQB AtUntlo City, N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, eto. .to eg. Chang for Phi delphia uropertie. Chas. E Fell. 8.1 S. Penna. ave.. AtUntlo City. BEAL ESTATE BOB BENT " nVFlOEB. MDSIN-Sa HOOMS. ETO. Vor 11KNT 1 rt ot oftlce second floor front"! aU oonvenlencea. TU Walnut at. WEST r-lLADKI'MIA WEST rilHADELPHJA bousfor rent, fao tns: George' Hill, lalrmouot Park, conven ient train and trolley; rsnt reasonable Ap tly Blano'a Pharmacy, tad and Farkslila ave. Atlantlo City. . J. iiOTBLS, board; Jbousee, cottages, ate. """'dEAH eiMOOH-. 40 S. Florida! v 0B BENT BTJBinBHED vttvl'ELS. BOARDINO HOUSES, VILLAS. Rations, AtUntlo City, ctisl. Vantaor; iutomobll servlje. " II. O. HARRIS - CO.. Bartlett Bldg. MOBTGAOES fSaU FOR IftirAND KD" MftKTOAGl gAMWstt, H CBiJKNUT. MO Otituui at. iri .. -in. i, ,,n H , I,, , . - ,.. Iim Mtl , " " ' a-.-j- i .., tsafc... -i --i. 1 1 t 1 SCRAPPLE 1 ; ,- - I, i. - ir i.. ii .,, .i i. n i. ii rri i - I i - ' ' ' ' I - - .--.--. a. 1--- .... I i if ii tin. Wig's Diary PRR. UP IOII (A7AUI DIAHY OVe Oov) 1 MAO TU TeY AFTRR V-fii ML A HALFMOOIt THIS IflMOOM Atr-rr-R WHICI-A CeSMC HOME To PlND OUT. WU telC? I UUM DI.UUO vu Ar-lb CeT DoAr HiaMPIHLD LAMtl, THE COeXTlMO WAR. FAIR BOTH CM TUB 0NO AND ON TUa .-ID-WALKS tAjfi. POtiMO S HITCH DpVMN Ttr THO VLUA3. MJflCRc- we DROPPED 0PP, ALCWG CAMIS. BALCtV- CAH AND H65, TOPP-D AT LEPFaRTS. WS CUMDQO ON TMta BACK BOY VUH-M MB CAM- T HtH TO-D 0 HtS. KJAO 301N3 TC NBtU YORK AMD MADS. US 3T OF1, t BOOOHTJ (MARCH TOPUt-AR MSCHNNIC, Dizzy? "Now, on tha square. Old Chap, you ought to quit running; around go much. She Are you the perfect Harvard type? It No. You mleht try tha University You Bet She "Was Sunday School Teacher It is your duty to make at least one person hap py during: the week. Now have you done o, Ernest? Ernest 8urel I went to see my nunt, and ahe was awfully happy when I went home- I -ftJW55. sssssHilij.H.Hsw(xssssH i T (VHH s-ssssssssss-s-sflflsjr V H sSsssssssssHlB S H fHSEvK v. VJ I yKLSTaH lBHsBBB ii- Uf" H H lsilxen H 11 ll fl NEIGnBOIMOOD NEWS- Smith secured iicrmission lo darken -iils house, and thea.Ua - THE PADDED CELL SC.r4T.STS-.SAY j I ,GTABULS HAvVE. ' ,, LFE AMD "v- A ( 0M0RSTAMDAI(. f JOfAP'SA'RAHX f dUfAP 1 ACH SHE f -Lampoon. printing: office. Movement Without Progress siiftsriir. XS-t SA3sifitesBfc. "J t O KEs-?iliiTOLf t2r-.-gg TiBtyiaeJg2 . -iiii'-KSi"r5l5fJifi "Why do I so thus to and fro Upon my warhorss prancing? one side pf the glaring, ifc In front f sldib eoa JiajktAJt . .. - Mrs. You ought to feel ashamed that I discovered you told ma a story. JIf. I do. Why, I've) often m&de sood with worse ones than that. Could Learn Anything After That "Do .you think jou could learn to lotu rne, Mny-7" "I don't know, Tom, I mlgl't. I icanied Ituislan once." From John BulL I want to prove I'm ott the move (Althoush I'm not advancing;'!" (With acknowledgments to Sir John TeonlelJ She Could't Hear Then llr. A-Tou should sleep on your tisfit tfde,.der. airv lS can't. You Beo. Jack talka In hla leepina I'm a little fieajt in H. Jeft ear,. v The ExpensV Motorist (to chauffeur) Be, carefiii a&atit running; over anybody hereaboua, T. 1 a, prohibition oauHtry. and most every body baa a. Lottie In hi powkt.Atlania, CoMtltuliw. icicH LegEy "Cjtou it miiiMir; -wall, i nuts xMt. x w mm .t,i- (Hjtew,' ti Ttwlfne' K