Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1915, Sports Final, Page 11, Image 11

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f Evangelist Sunday Tells Baseball Playel-s to Watch Their
Step in Winter and They Will Not Need
Hard, Long Practice.
"If baseball players did not loaf around
n3 drink fo milch boozo during tho off-'
Miityii, thrro wouldn't ho any necessity
(or no- much training In the sprlne." Thin
, "Uillv" Sunday's opening "clouf
"'nhep naked what he thought of training
And training ttr ' " 'ju ica
of course, I don t moon to nny that
train I UK camps nto not neceRSary. Thoy
re oven moio so today than they were
Mien I was In tho same, although thcro
Isn't neatly " much boozing among the
nllntfs now as there was then," con
tMudd tho evangelist, while. "Ma" Sun-
Ji.dy. sltllng near Dllly. who was resting
a ...
Wwen rermons nodded approval
"Vou see, now baseball Is moro of an
i watt science uinn it uncu to do. a
ihapagcr of we present any, in order to
keep pace with the times, must havo a
h)g,qu.iu. xo Keep mni equuu up to mo
Standard ho must have a lot of recruits
".rh rear, find the training camps are
'valuable because thcro ho can select his
t, &" . . . ,... ,.
'The- old i. nicagu vv nuo oox was mo
. i .1..K mvh (n tnln n trln 3ntttl, (n
it lirSl liwl. .-- . .... .. ..,. .,wu., fcu
LI" i.-,u HM.n M.nta 1,1 1RSQ Tliew wnnl tr.
L .itnl "surlnus. Ark. In thoso days tho
n',nai lust took his recular team. Oe-
S1 .i.nntti vn hnd ono or two now men
fclong, but the regular players were the
ones who needed tho training then. A
lot of them had to get tho boozo boiled
i.nl of their systems beforo they could
K-Teally get down to work.
v "I don't think that .It ought to take
a player moro than two weens to get
Into good condition. In faot, It wouldn't
tako most of them any longer If they
kept thcmsclvos In condition In the win-
V 1-- .b.bi llin .,,-, S Ail tMA 1 AH rsBLS
ATnrvMPTA Tniwr.HT
B OiwuiimuiiwiHuu
Mntercity Lightweight Go
Pr?. Promises Fun for Fans.
Two Pacific Boxers Here.
Jlfi. WilHo Moore, of this city, and Freddy
Telle, tho Taunton, Mass., clever light
weight, will oppose each other In ring
conflict for tho fourth tlmo at tho Olym
pla A. A. tonight. Jimmy Fox and Sailor
Charley Grando, tho two coast boxers.
Kb.irlll mako their Uustcrn debut In pre-
JMmlnary numbers.
S The program follows:
FIrt Bout jonnny iiosner, imow lorit, v.
Tounj; McOoera. Illclnnnnd.
. Scon3 bout Sailor Charley Grando, tau
r Fiinclsco, 8. Noah IJrusso. canad.i.
TWrd bout Jimmy Fox, San Francisco, vs.
JJIckey Donley, Newark;
Kcmlwlnd-up I-oulslana, Southnark, vs. d
ll O'Keefe, Southwark.
Wind-up Freddy Yello, Taunton, ilaES., vs.
Willie .Moore, Southwark,
Jack McCirron, the Allcntown contender for
Itilddlow ijRht honors, proved In his encounter
r ' Georca Chlo. of Newcastle, that he should bo
r. tKevllpi as one of tho leading aspirants
. for the laurels held by tho Into Stanley Kctuh-
tl, ine rmuaieneiKms put up h nara tui
tcund'bout Saturday night, with McCarron
taming the decision by a sllKlit margin.
In the other bnuts Frankle llcllanua, of IIjj
ton. cave Knockout Joe O'Donnell n sclentlllc
iiKB T.irouncinK, jimrny. vocnrnn niaao Jimmy .Mur
isalm. hy ault lh the fifth round. Johnnv Mealy and
MarlTOt lo Vincent fought to a draw and Mickey
3iM OHagher easily defeated Joe Welsh.
JracTc at Exposition Too Dan
gerous and Contest Post-
v poned Grand Prix Satur
day. BAN FnANClSCO. Feb. K.-Tho Van-
Sfierbllt cup raco scheduled to havo
jfjtarted at 10 o'clock today was called oK
r 1?vn,..iiinH ... i.i,
, After testing It the drlvors entered dia
' not believe tho Dart board and nnrt as-
phalt courso -was In tit condition for
facing, following rains during last night
and early today. Tho race will now bo
fc; run March 6.
The action was taken after tho drivers
of the car had met nnd decided that It
would, be sulcldo to attempt to raco over
1 ine track in ltd prcsont condlUon.
Tho Grand Frlr. scheduler! fop next Rat.
urday, -will be run as originally planned.
Juarez Entries
first race, selling, D-yoar-olds and up. I mils
-'Wheat, Oli Air Line, 83: Avocado, HO: Flos
lie. Dll! .Pjlllnml. TanV- lft?, lln,,nla'U T,.,flr
109! KfAlIlM CnA lln MnrannA L'.lnn Itnl
fX'Ma "ul". 11-: Otllo,"jl2: Hardy, 112; Man
l un"0' 112j ney U2: L' '' Adair, 112; Ceos,
i.,???81111 r,ce. selling, 3-year-olds and up, B4
iurI6njs-Tgwer til; 'Carono Nome. 08;
Sgtolfn Ante, pfl; n:ila Oreen, 100; 'Minnie
6mH"'J..empe, lug: Jako Argent, job: Ann
PllsV ' errontt. l0i 'Ancestors, loa; Jiat
1 Vlslhle, 110; Orba Smile, 113.
.nl",lL,rc. selling, l-year-olds and up, t
RtS'een Brae. 100; Sugar Lump. 103: 'C. W.
. o. if .1 4uo ""it Mil, iij i-uay aiini, juj;
i ?S"!e. ?,ro- 103; Voladay II, 103; Lady Young,
J! Lehleh. 107; Zlnkand, 108; Ulack Male,
race, selling 4-year-olds and up, 7
Florence Itoberts. 08, Delia of Dryn
3: Charmeuse, lvu; illmorlouo, 10UJ
'"ilp -VIA
ffift ,';''' "eiung, ii-year-oios ana up, o
1 . 5Iia, I'lnack, 01); 'rajarolta. JOS; Bll-
I". Tone. 105; Ynh in, uinii.4 ma-
tr E. ?.?',.108i.Dr- Neufer, 110; Kenneth. 110
Pf.l "hlte. 110; 'Huvoollo: Uad Prospect,
",jTr... kj,JI""s. k;i: iv w insn, iu; oenaior
t"w.t 118, MarU SIf. I'8-
g'h race. selllnK. l-iear-oljs and up, mils
ps; ii.iPiS5 ime, WOi '0011 I3oy. 100i 'Can;
Mfa W; Kl.-k.' lo-.',' tiiigb Street lW;
LS?lcSa,'0U- 1M- Transparent. 103; S'lylns,
MJi Blue 'Beard. lOSi lflV.f Sfnr 115. r
I Tw,',''tlc allowcnoa claimed.
iv Weather clear. Track fast.
Havana Entries
P-hKiCi r00' Purs. 300. S-year-old and up.
i 'i..""""" 'AiniiiH, ivai riftiuuiu. iirii
?lu 111 rrcn' ,01' Pb" Connor, 108; Idle-
.sS.Snd-rac, purae, 0O, 8-yfar-oia and u
KS": 8 furlonas May tpps. 66: Sulaar, 10
Esta, 102, Ynca. IDfl: Black Chief. l(v
Ynca. 106; mack Chief. MS
Iffii VSpUo 108- i3arn Dance, 113; J, II,
s?r!S,:.uJj."ft..-sas.,ii. p.
I I?""1 8 lurlonas "Vlrirfnla Hits. 07: Monn.
1M e$- ST 'H"1 Way. 8T; Columbia lav.
liiL.1"- Day Ml Catharine Tumor, 102;
K5? ".'if!. W. Baturnua, 101; Dr. Canri. 101;
""ore, XOS Kettle Drum. USs ilortavls. 118.
n!i tV 5 urlont.slubborn. Ml Katan, lt;
riS.?fS,, ,12s 'VaUow Eyes 101: Dr.
I $nrty 107 Fred Lsvy. IO0; genulvtlda,
, JT Uchi,i, m, uncla Ben, 111; Moncrlef,
. s.?!'"! r-Le. mite ana sixteenth, purse. ItOO.
isiihTL 1 r. Pursa. hoo, H-jear-pias anaui
114: Moncrlef.
i-rmm?J!- m,,e na ltntta, purse, 100.
cS;Ji Mlnda, 1M; 'Milky Way. 101: Ulk
a loa
Ca,vu f.Jw..k-a IA,. .IT.....
jSL n,M,,lt0n 1: Duks Shelby. 1U
vffl,,l' allowance eUlmed.
"ther ilear trck good.
CINnvv.m, . .. ...
JVi "'ifmaan, of the Cincinnati,
' d V"-ed lhat Manager Cbarls Kewos
htlsh".' To'0"W t. Henos Ut to
Ck teh wher b Pid the 4al with
nlL int. l0 fet "lt0 Playing hape be
il. i wn.? '" R.00,, condition before I
Bln,rtel on the training trips.
"I know that li would be hard for
tho learns now to cut down their train
lug season vet y much. Kor Instance take
a He, club like the aiant" Thev can
or't. ,,n",keMrl lot ,oC men South n3
h. i. V " ",lorouR try-out and get
lAnni f7f" "mC'' U (or lhe rcR"Inr
!hm-M, mi t.l,. otlle.r. ,cIul,s couldn't do
that the (Jlnnl would have a big edge on
them So tho others havo to do It
So for ns training during the season
Is concerned that Is more of nn Ihdlvldtial
2t.S. Sn; f CmUJsc' n 1,n" nIny"r "'0'd
J"" fr.m n" forms of dissipation, nnd
particular y from boozo. Outside of that
and fast lines for training during the
"'""", o,"0 Players need moro work
than others to keep them In shape. Ono
man might get slalo It h trained n. hnr,i
as nnothcr. Tho senfon Is so long that
tho training of a ball player cannot be
as rigid as It Is In football and somo
other branches of athletics. Everv man
ought to know whnt Is best fo'r him
after ho has played the game awhile. I
could always tell how much work I
needed to keep In shape, and oilier play.
er.1s.hMUld .bo nblc lo d0 " nnie thing.
ell. It s only a few days. Isn't It.
until your teams here go South? Connie
has had somo crimps put In his team, but
he Is capable of building up again. He
Is a great manager and knows how to
n ,i b.CStn'c,"- ll0,11 como through
?rL I . "nUnf t,lkn this mental
trip back to tho diamond. Billy turned
M,T?"h W,ont t0,s'eeP. 'Ireamlng possl
l) y of the days when he was the "speed
khig and was beating 'em out to first
Shoemnker Strokes for Varsity
Eight in Mnrcy's Absence.
Tho University of Pennsylvania crews
had a monopoly of tho athletic activities
at tho Quaker institution today. Whllo
all the other teams toolc a holiday nnd
helped to ce'lebrato "University Day" tho
Ked nnd Ulue rowing candidates went out
on tho Schuylkill for a long spin.
Duo to the absenco of Jtarcy. stroke of
tho varsity eight, Shoemakor was moved
up from tho junior eight and set the paco
for tho varsity men. Marcy's absence Is
only temporary, as he Is In New York
with tho Pennsylvania swimming team, of
which ho Is the manager. The team
meets Columbia tonight. Odgers took
Shoemaker's place as stroke of tho Junior
eight, but otherwise tho ciows rowed
just ns they did on Saturday when they
took their first row.
Conch VIvInn Nlcknlls como to grief
when he started out In his launch to fol
low tho crews. The motor went wrong
nnd Xlckalls hnd to follow tho work of
tho oarsmen fiom a single
Within a few days tho Quakers expect
to havo teveral more crews at work
There Isn't room for all of them In the
University boathouse, but arrangements
will fhortly bo mado with several of the
..., ii.ci .iiiuB id pui up cue surplus
candidates until Conch N'lckalls can de
termine Just what men he wish"? ,, iin
This afternoon's ipractlco consisted of a
paddlo two miles up the river nnd back
again. Coach Xlckalls isn't bothering
much with teaching tho stroke, but trying
to gel his men In good physical condition.
Richmond Club Gets Southpaw
DAI.TIMOKB. I'ob. 22 lack Dunn annminr..
fl today that he hnd signed Lefty DunSanT a
twlrler, for his lUchmond (VlrRlnla) team of
tho International Leagve. Duncan lant Vriir
pitched for. tho 1,'Hlrondello tiTm. local .JSE
Giants Advance Guard in Camp
MATtLLV SPrtlNGS Tex. Peb. SS.-The ad
lanco KUdrd of tho Sew Vork dlanta arrhed
today for the sprlnir training Koafon. T'w first
?Jtrl?4? ""0, lllck Klnsella an.) a .quad of
10. Thev will bu folnlwed by the mnln body
of the team, probably by tho last of tho
k. Active work I'ill begin March 1.
The Team of Other Days
(A reverlo by Colonel Cornelius JIc-
Gilllcuddy in collaboration with Colonel
Itudyard Kipling.)
Beneath the arawl stand's drifting ahado
When htts 1coln to flu,
I ait me down to watch, alasl
Another hall game die;
"With Hood-red eyes I see the score
Against tho sunset's ha:c
Ealnted Diana! Olve me tack
The Team of Other Days,
Ah! shades of Collins and The Chief,
Of Coombs and Vddle Plank,
Of Raker's smash across the field
Beyond the distant lank;
When, game by game, iia ripjied the
Along remembered xcays,
Where siege guns loomed the glory of
The Team of Other Days,
Bftt Collins' clout has vanished now
And Bender's day ts done;
No more the smash from Baker's lat
Drives in the winning run;
No' moro the hook from Eddie's curve
Atpolf iy 7ittrr.ee. call.
No Collins tears around the path
As Home-Run slams the ball.
Olare down, Fanatic, fron your perch,
And lid the Itooter roar.
While down the field we charge in vain
To meet the winning score;
But when the battle dust has cleared
Across the star-siccpl haze.
My pipe brings lack the Old Machine
The Team of Other Days,
Add famous aayipgs by Frank Baker;
"Tho pIoV Is mightier than the bat."
Not a Word
A Harvard oaraman of tho old days,
Who fairly c1ojs to such dope as
there Is, Informs us that Harvard will
more than ven up with Yale at New
I,ondon for what happened last year.
But ao mention was, made as to what
revenge Harvard. Intended to fe4 Cornel.
111 . .. l-L-LI- .....
ira i t r o i i -," .juw. . TXB wi i h i . . i
H Aft RIB ill HM-frrm IAA l r A Rlrl c
au TBrrrtrA it 7iiiirciv
10 in Ivllll1 I yU-,Tfr -TA Wfe'fMi I Ml HI III'
BJ U' Mill JT-Hfc''nHVftsksA-'V Hllf t U 1 lllll
mm I L WTtMrf- R
'J tiu 13'v J5
Leading Turfmen to Push Scheme at
Dinner March C.
The need of a racetrack In this city,
long discussed by local horsemen, will bo
ndvnnced, in tho hope that some dctlnlto
result may accrue, at the horsemen's din
ner to be held at tho llltz-Carlton on
March C. The dinner will be In honor of
William C. Wilson, master of tho Chester
valley Hunt.
Ha main object, however, will be a broad
dlBcufislon of plana to promote Interest In
linrnefl in and around I'hlladelnhla.
Many horemen from Virginia. Maryland.
New lork. Lonir Island and Maasaihuetta n
well ns practically nil local horeomen nf
prominence havo slRnlfled their Intention to
attend. Speakers of national Dromlnence. ron
resenllnK the various branches of oqulno
activity, will make addresses, and one Im
trfirt'int topic of present Interest will bo tho
breeding and development of horses for armv
purpose The question of polo and raclnn In
the United States armv wltl be advocated.
Winchester I'rep Five Wins
Tho fourth annual basketball game be
tween tho Chestnut Hill Club nnd Win
chester Preparatory School of New York
wpb played at Chestnut Hill today, and
the visitors won, 10-16. The Chestnut
IIIU second team en me through with a
victory after two extra periods. Score,
"Frank Baker would look fine on tho
Yanks," announces a New York ex
change. Baker would look fine In any
society where ho Is permitted to wear
a bat and get within reach of a fast
ono on tho Inside. Also tho outside.
Up to tho Pitching
Connlo Mack's 1915 fate Is now strict
ly up to his pitchers. For four seasons
his machine has batted Its way
through, savlner some erratic pitching
'by a fusillade of swats at the crucial
BuC unless Baker comes back and
renounces the succulent potato and the
savory 'cabbage, Mack must tighten
his pitching defensive at least 40 per
cent, to stick around the happy hunt
Ins grounds of old, Bressler, Shawkey,
Bush, Pennock and Wyckoff must
come through as James; Itudolph and
Tyler did for the Braves or there will
bo no midsummer Jubilee above the
spiked sward of Shlbe Park for some
tlmo to come
ghort Putts
Many a short missed putt wrecks
the Bood work of a lone drive.
He that controlleth his mashle Is
greater than; he that taketh a city; but
he that elnketh a lone putt Is an abom
ination In tho sight of hta opponent.
Full many a putt of purest ray serene
The dufftr makes around the nlne-
teenth hole.
Full many a pitch that lands upon the
Until tho larkeep's gathered in hi
What Wo Are .Hooting- For?
Ed Walsh to como back and stam
pede the Held again with an averago of
eight victories out of ten start-.
Hans Wagner and Nap J-aJoJe to bat
.350 and extend their lnfleld war zones
to old-fashioned distances.
Yanks nnd Reds to back away from
the soup trough, emerge from tho goo
ntj 4aisn Is tija -first dlvtstea.
-- - . i
m i I m -.'TJT'tss
Hurling Corps, Shot to
Pieces, Calls Up Reserves
for Firing Line Likely
Bunch Goes to Training
Camp Friday.
Connie Mack's most difficult problem
at Jacksonville will bo to select new
pitching1 material. At present Mack has
only flvo men upon whom he can depend
In the box, and nono of these has had
moro than two full season'B major leaguo
Mack will tako all of hla pitchers to
hie Southern training trip In the first
squad, These will include Cressler, Ten
nock, Bush, Shawkey nnd Wyckoff, all of
last years' team, plus a bunch of un
known and untried hurling material. This
latter group will be composed of Davis.
Marey Point, Va.: Iteed and Hamilton,
two scml-profcsslonals of this city;
inrdinler, Rochester, N. Y.; Myers,
Raleigh, N. C; Harper, Greensboro, N.
and VoIU, Johnsburfr. Pa.
Tha other new men to on Smith with thn
Athletics are Crane, an lnnelder. whn nlni,,l
ll. n revv Kainea here last fall; amen, a senil
nroresslonal catcher (ram Srnlnara, Minn.,
recommended liy Joo lluah; HcL'onnell, In
fielder, from the Delaware Itiver League; Fos
ter. Innelder, ftldgeley, lid., Hostlck. Palt
I.ake City Union Leasua; Hhorman, outilelder,
Irom the Massachusetts Aerlcultural College.
The other members of the Mack party will ho
Connie Mack and Rife, John Khlbe. Von Uhl.
Jo Ohl, Emory Tltman. Ira Thomas, Harry
Davis, Lapp, Sihanar, SlcAvoy, .Mclnnls, La
Jole, Kopf, Barry, oldrlnr, Strunk. Ed Mur
phy. Thompson and Onvles. Thn ndtanco cuard
of the Athletics will sail next Friday from Kuvv
York. The other members of tha squad Mill
report a week later.
Durtnr tho last two years the army of local
Soiling enthustasta has been swelled by tha art.
Itlon of a larse number of vouns men And
women. Tho rapid rise In popularity of golf
lo no mora remarkable than tha Increasing
appeal Ic la making to the ounger generi
tlon. No matter how old a man Is ha likes
to mingle with the young men and young
women, and especial. Is this ao In a game
vi hers age and experience, often has tha call on
youth and energy. Wa believe that the In.
creaalnr Interest shown by the ladles should
bo attributed to the fact that the joung girl
of today likes to test hsr skill In athletics
against that of tha opposite sex,
Fashtona and phenomena In golfing methods
ara in constant process of slow transition, re
marked a prominent golfer tha other day. Con
tlnulng. ha expressed tha opinion that wa had
at length reached tha lima when tha flat awing
bad gone completely out of vogue at any rate,
among nrst-class golfers. The flat swing may
be said lo have enjoyed Its heyday during
tha period when St. Andrews was hold to stanl
for everything good In connection with tha
game. That delightful city In Kifesblra Is
allll a shrlna hallowed by Its associations, still
a perfect lilace for tha holiday In tha sprlnr
or the autumn, but by tha golfers of a,
practical age It la considered a bit old fash
ionedand all the mora likable for that rea
son. When In tha 'DOs courses began to
appear In profusion In tha Houth. they were
made to consist of 18 holes (or half that num
ber), simply becauao St. Andrews had 18, and
Bt. Andrews, was tha model for everybody.
Noah Brusso will meet this rug
ged fighter from the coast at tha
Glympia A. A. tonight. GrorwJa
1ms whipped tha bai wi them.
Ramiro Soiglo Fast and Batted .305
Last Year.
riamlro Selsle, tho latest hope for the
Phillies' lnfleld roster. Is pronounced by
experts now In Cuba to be the most prom
isliiK now mnn In prospect. Tho young
Cuban, who played shortstop for the Ha
vana Heds last season, finished with a
battlnj; iivenico of .3GS.
Moran has never seen tho Cuban, but ho was
o highly recommcmled that Patrick was will
ing tn take a chance, nnd has ordered him to
report tc, tno Phillies' ramp In St. 1'etArn
burgh, Fla , on March 1 If the Judgment
or tho5o who havo seen Selglo work is correct.
Kv..Jl'".bo a valuable addition to tho local
iNationnl League aquad. At nny rate. It Is
Wr'ahlng to havo with tho rhlllles nn in
flrMrr who Is not a third lmrcmon
.I'M"' la slid tn bo exceptional v fast, a
good ludirp on tho begs and a Ilelder of extrnor
mnary talent That thcro Is something In tho
oungster worth looking for la shown by tha
,,5f "!"" Marians and Acoata, both with
!T',.'Lor..lSaKue. experience behind them, were
outbatted and outflcldcd by thla newly "dis
covered" plajer.
Selglo Is a brother of Oscar Selgle, secretary
of tho Cuban Legation at Washington.
Princeton Rowers Busy
Indoor crew work Is In full swing at Trlnce
Jon and moro than CO men are working It
Is hoped that the men will bo ennbled to
got out on Lake Cornicle, this week. No cut
has been mado In either tho varsity or the
freshman squads since tho Indoor winter prac
tice began.
O. Wnshlngton began his spring
training; In winter quarters. Billy Sun
day advises ball players to do likewise,
De Ncri Out of the Race
Tho De Nerl five Is out of the chaso
for the Eastern League basketball pen
nant. Earlier In tho season It nppearcd
nt one tlmo that the Musical Flinders
would bo In tho hunt throughout tho
season, but they were unablo to hold
the paco. Tho new blood Injected Into
the Camden and Heading quintets
spoiled Do Nerl'a ruin. On Saturday
night Do Nerl, In her own cage, was
played off her feet by Reading, Druggy
and Smith were sent Into the gamo to
relievo Fogwrty nnd Keenan, but tha
old punch was not thcro. The TJp-Stat-ers
won, 31 to 18,
War bulletin.' Colonel J. Franklin
Baker retired for "strategic reasons"
only, but General Cornelius M. lost ore
42-centimeter from the firing lino.
Johnny Evers on tho Job
Johnny Evers all Jn7 Well, hardly.
Hero )s word that comes from a Trpy
booster to a personal friend In Phila
delphia; "No doubt yot nava read In Borne of
tho papers about the poor condition of
Johnny Evers and how he will be un
able to play with the Braves at the beginning-
of next season. Well, that la
all bunk and Johnny will be in there
Just as usual. Ho la now nt Camden,
S. a, and will remain, there until It U
time to EO to Macon, He has fully re
covered from the attoik of pneumonia,
and when he left Troy last week wa$
heavier than he has been for several
Barring a few slipgs of unklndest for
tune, Johnny appears to be a well
favored Individual and, Jinx or no Jinx,
spring practice will see him on the job.
Penn Nine Is Lucky
The University of Pennsylvania,'.!
baaftuU team is fortunate. At present
therm tfre three men teaaWng the play.
tt-tf UiMsvt-Uijfiiatjj of the game, eah at
22, 1915;
Jess Declares at Hia Camp That He Will Be Able to Lick
..Johnson Attitude Does Not Affect Aspirant
to Heavyweight Crown.
CAMP WlLUUtD, near Yleta, Tex.,
Feb. 21 Among those who have beeji
closely wntchlngr Jess Wlllard tvork out
for his championship light with Jack
Johnson aro ltypoltto Villa, brother of
(he Kencral who liAft virtually declared
himself Provisional President of Mexico,
nnd Carlos Janrosul, the boy who liberat
ed Ooncr.il Villa from jail whon the
Mexican leader wan: sentenced to ha shot.
Janregul has become one of the
(ramblers of Juarez. But others have
watched Wlllard work. Hundreds of wom
en motor out from El Paso and Juarez to
take scats at thn rlncsldo tn his tralnlne
quarters and watch him fro through his
exercise. The entire audience on Rood
days make up nearly 1000 persons, most
of whom have become Wlllard champions,
nnd Hope ho will whip tho biff Neffro.
Tor tho time bolnir Wlllard will rely on
the present forco of young; huskies to
fight him Into shapa. Tho question of
asking ono or two of tho old-timers to
help with tho finishing touches will bo
decided later. Tho fight at 'Juarez Is
sohodulcd to go ii rounds and tho first
thing to do Is to get his wind and muscle
In tho best possible condition. A lot of
people who wltneincd the Johnson-Flvnn
and Johtison-Moran bouts believe tho Nc
Bt'o will havo a hard tlmo Kcttlnff him-
tHf In shapo for such a long go. Also
he will find Wlllard a Bomewhat different
proposition than Flynn or Moran. Wll
lard Is a very ttrlnrr man to work
For tho benefit of those who have not
been able to meet him yet, Wlllard has
been asked to publish a list of appropriate
questions that can safely be put to him.
If you ask him tho followlncr with a look
"Baldy" O'Donnell Gets an Inspiration
on tho Boxlnu Art.
Blx-foot-two-inch "Baldy" O'Donnell,
"Klnsr of Gloucester," as he Is known,
blew Into the City of Brotherly Lovo
from tho shores of Jersey lato Saturday
afternoon to seo his son. Knockout Joe,
display his mettle at tho National A. C.
After n. battle of bIx rounds, moro or loss,
with tho veteran John Barleycorn, O'Don
nell, Hr.. hud an Inspiration.
Standing at 2d nnd South streets. John
"ItahlV challwMd every passerby, declaring
that hla boy could knock the everlasting day
Hull's out of Kid Williams or Johnny Kllbano.
ro" that matter. He tired of bolng an orator
and llnnlly decllcd to display hln form as
naBlmaster at the flsllc art. lie then Degun
demonstrating his skill by connootlng, In
hooks and upiwreuts, with whoever civma within
hitting range. Thcro were about a doion
0 Then Officer Frledenberg. of the Id District,
cnnie alone;, "llnldy" was still In puslll-tlo
temrcr. lint, then, Frledonherg Is apmewhnt
of a "Pug" himself. "Baldy" ts still some
scinnrrr, oe It said, but his estimate of his
prowess underwent soma rapid revisions and
Final Preparation by Phillies for
Training Season Athletics Ready.
MannBcr Pat Moran, of the Phillies,
will arrive In Philadelphia tomorrow to
nsMut Business Manager Bill Shettsllnc
In making the flnnl arrangements for tho
Phillies' training season. Ptealdent W. F.
Bnker will also arrive from his homo In
A week nfter the Phillies reacn tneir
training headquarters In St. Petersburg,
Fla., Baker will join his men and remain
for two weeks. Scout Neal Is busily en
gaged, according to his letters, in having
the Phillies' park In Florida put in shape
for the spring work, which begins
March 2.
All of Connie Mack's arrangements for
lhe trip by water nro arranged. Von Ohl
will go to New York Thursday night to
see that the boat Is kidnaped before tha
arrival of the advance guard of tha Mack
men Friday noon. Mack himself will go to
Jacksonville by rail, accompanied by hla
wife, reaching the 'Florida metropolis tho
H.imo day that the "flotsam and Jetsam"
arrive on tho Apache,
whom Is a superman In baseball, noy
Thomas, tho regular coach of tho Red
and Blue, la rated us one of tho wisest
diamond diagnosticians that ever strode
tho turfed arena. Roy is assisted daily
by Chief Bender, the craftiest pitcher
in the gamo, and by Sherwood Magee,
ono of the game's hardest sluggers,
flack's Opinion of Baker
"I don't think that tho offer of more
money will tempt J, Franklin Baiter to
reconsider his decision to retire from
baseball, but believe that he is sincere
In hla stand, nnd Is out of the game
for good. Certainly I won t make tho
strongest effort to get him back." That
is what Connie Mack thinks of his ex
homo run monarch. Mack ought to
know something about Baker.
A Frenchman, one German nnd two
sons of Erin for General McGUUcuddy'a'
infield operations Napoleon I-aJole
Kaiser WHhelm Kopf, Barry and MctJ
Innla, Peaco dwell among you, breth
ren. '
Clark Griffith, shepherd of the Sena
torial flock, has little more to worry
him, now that Joe Boehllng is safe In
the fold.
Will History Repeat Itself?
That Is the question. Will Newark
prove another "Baltimore" to the In
ternational League? President Gtlmore,
of the Federal League, announces posi
tively that he will transfer the Kansas
City franchise to Newark. That means
another fight between the Feds and the
Internationals. In Baltimore last sea
son the Feds whipped Jack Punn's Ori
oles to a finish. In fact, they ran them
out of the city, Jack had to transfer
his club, after selling the cream of the
t.eam. to Richmond, Va, All of which
revives the. question t "Will the Feds
ever enter West Philadelphia as they
plan to do some day?"
1 Branch IUcUy, manager of the
Browns, does not believe his team wilt
win tho 1915 pennant. Vhat t&akea U
WWMflV'WH'i i
of Intonia earnestness and originality you
will be In no danger of becoming too eon
splcupus nmonir the thousands who wU
Islt here bafore March fl!
T'd ,it think you can "whip Johnson (o
"thf smoke.")? How tall aro you, nny.
wa Vhat do you walgh? Whal'ii your
reaci IJoes tho high altitude hurt your
lunifs' How did you over come to be n
flghler? Do you' think you ton hit a
hard as old John I1 Ara you hesrlnhlnir
to feel nervous?
You will rceelv the followlncr replies.
"Yes.'' "SIx-soven soekfoot." "Two thirty,
five In condition." "Mighty-four Inches."
"Not enough to worry me." "Thought i
could brin? tha title back." "Nobody
knows" "Not so you could notice It."
Before leaving bo sura to remark that
'lie's a bad coon, but If size counts,
you've got a chance."
"Wlllard Is going up agnlnpt a mnn who
la over alert, shrowd and cautious; n man
whoso one best ohnnco of winning Is to
catch the Knnsnn off his guard.
Johnson will bo In tho best possible con
dition, and when he moots Wlllartt ha tvllt
be tho samo warrior who faced Jeffries,
Durns and a score of others.
Joe Wenke, tho local fight manager, expeeta
tn treat Philadelphia .flcht fans to boter
?..hH ! dlIM ""fh y ns K. O. Bweeney,
1'hll Cross, Johnny Unrvey. Hull Anderson. KM
Graves and Italian Joe Clans. He Is Wlllla
Adams, of New York. Werke says that Adams
Is one of the beet 'two-handed fighters that
evsr pulled on a glove.
Tommy Lnnedon.
VI.1..-.K.1.. "T.. .! ."-".' """mum Hjitr
tt.B tX. Ttl.l,M.-J .!....
..A... nils,,,, nju uihq part in a
n.1 Washington. D. c. tonight.
Andy Cortex, of New York.
. win who part tn a 20-round bout
jio win meet
i,hi,iVnlr,?i' .heavyweight. Frank Moran,
,?L '" mcJ,! o bnttla Uombardler Wells
In a so-round bout at tha London Oner. u,,ll
bout at the London Optra Hous
aiorcn -0.
Penn, Meadowbrook, German
town and West Branch Make
a Splendid Showing.
rhlladelphlans covered themselves with
glory In tho annual joint Indoor games
?? irB,.h KfShuent A. A.-Johns Hop
Una University at tho tl, BeglmeSt
Armory, Baltimore, Saturday night.
PI Jan'm?- o,fh9th.0r1,?'." j0-"" eham
Southern dasslr detes?,nlrue"I "
'irffi'SdT2 ys -""
quarter and sprinted iuMh ,nh,nd a. ""
break, the tape ahead of K ! r nnno'i.Bh l?
Mt. St. Man's Colli,., ft; ?a"a?hr, of
Tod was g.iaren"a ft,fflBN? ?!".
i"?P". nn point winner" wr"fi.,tt.,D.l"T.":
polo vault from scrQtrh'vSl- ""?, third In tha
lngton and I?, Tche.i-hViIJIi?.llnAan Wash
Inchei wa fl--,? ocn'?i height 11 feet 11
Inches whsB second " appan- MopklnV'jS
MfinrinivlirnAir ....
it. i "r" ""cona.
ileadovvbrook Clut
s mepf i,ii i.
big. meet. Eldli,,?fi,.rrM-i?BP0lnt In tha
r 1. . . :; . .-"vi id buuh gin n niAt n ,
secor ' and ilia 1 ualTrf s"VnJ: hcat. '".W---S
the moat VnectacH.ir' S.Li?. Inch- u waa
nut puce. "lcm,r. former 1'enn man did
HF " ' Se'oJSagh?
by nheH'0r??m",!r,,h loui"4' handfcap7'woa
Jimmy 1'atr.Ti.nn i'gnnb .t. ...
fh,rhn.rTin1? wtf-a-rwrfs
nn uoenuai in m nrt ,, ,. . " -
ho will he mnh'i'S '" ''.'"?.' n?Hn. that
n.t t- i v. ".""
Moid on-h
in the hu-ndlid' mhVAo",,ii0.'a ,i'I"b. competed
1'creshv, Lebanon T Valley." won thi lO-Doiind
"""'-Put. He put tho sphrro i?f,Vt 10 ln?h?,
"n'hai1" a '?jrocr 1'erm runner, ran a.
ZiJit f-B,'i ."a.. Incidentally rUked up a, ao.
yard lead on his opponent In a twn.mlii ii.
fay race .Bacon r?pr?ntfl tili SalHmowC
.. --- - viuiiiii, sis virrinio
ant,ihefll1.LCr5?ni.y,S?" v'khurdl.
yards. Meadowbrook Club, ar,' R. D l'Jr-SKE!.-
?f,lMni 2f "- tho ,9H collfgliu
jUO-yard low hurdle champion, quails" In
tie heats, but wera unplaced In th final
SdlSKprblr "" n'S "nd's" lAVd-e':
Milr?!rSlTS csdemy-s four dcfeoled Enl-.
ccpal High tichnol In a mile relay race. Tha
time was :3u 2.S. w. fctebblns'aPhliadelDhU
.h.oy';u,nnlnr' !or orgetown (inlvenlly won
tho 220 coireriate race In S3S.5 eccondi. not
Ji !ir,..tSi.l.;.SlV.'iht,ot. Mrcrsburg. won in
yh"e"w,'.,0d'.J?o'na.fn'mate' a"unk.
Deciding- Match Won by Metropolitans
4 Up and 2 to Piny,
The third und deciding match of the
Intercity Indoor golf contest, between
Isaac Mackle, Fox Hllla, and Joe Jilt
chejl,. Upper Slontclalr, representing New
York, and Dave Cuthbert. Huntingdon
Valley, 'and Frank Pprosell, Philmont,
representing Philadelphia, was won by
the metropolitan , prof essloiiala on tho
Glmbel links this afternoon, I up and 3
t6 Way.-
'j.oaay matcn. iiko upe others. vi
decided ' over the 38-hole route, but tv
cunciuuea wnen, muciiq ran qown a
on ine, mi note, ine cards:
Mackl and Mltchfll-
out..;i., ..' as 13 2 2 ii :
in........ sanns::
CuthWrt and Sprcull
out.'...: 4 3 1 2 2 -a a 2 si
in , :iiss.3. 33
Mackle and illlchcll-.
Out.',. 34122322 220
In 331222)
(Mtnotrt ana opfogtii-
Out 24ta3S22 2 SI
in ., 24 1 S3 a 2
The local pair won tha ftr round In Pbiut
delphla twQ'eka ago. but lost in K.w York
last wsek.
Bowlers' Masa-meeling
An effort to b iud nt Tuasaay to form
a city orgsntsatlen of tha 'Atlantic Coast
Bawling AtaacUtlon rhe I'hlladelphla as
thuslaata ar hivlud to atiead tha general
gathering at tb Bigiulii Hotel at 8 p in
Bowlers Attention
Bingham Hotel, Tuesday, March 2
AT 8 I. SI.
To Form City Organization, of
Atlantic Coast Bovrftag Assoclatioa
'AXX itunuink JVTEH
"viV. ,cai0?r?.ok: V.- J- Evans;
me L-oiirtririroa.
unMr fi.i.. "."" !". . , l: "men,
r." w.w, KutnnoiH. l'enn. m,
cfllealat Sm.v.Wlc?p ".nJ s2ulI antia
KJi? i! v,,yi,"y',r3 l.urcle championships,
ihos, H, Mctionagh, Ua tluiore V 11 c A
"WZ S.n".w American recoio of 113.S-sec: