Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1915, Sports Final, Page 10, Image 10

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On the Opportunities of Life
.There Is an old and trite savins that
work Is the salvation of mankind. It
certainly la tho ealvntlon of womankind,
for the woman who has 110 work to oc
cupy her ,mlhd Is a very unhnppy
creature, and very greatly to be pilled.
Very few women seem to adequately
re nil to how lucky they 'are In havlna rent
work to do. They groan and they grum
ble about It, and to hear them talk one
would Imagine fnat they arc the most
Ill-used persons on tho face of the earth.
This attitude of mind Is a llttlo dlfllcult
to Understand. One meets women who
aro today holding good positions and
earning salaries which many a man
might envy yet they aro discontented
and envious of the lot of tho Idle and
wealthy, who, In reality, nre not one
tenth as fortunate as themselves, If tho
grumblers only know ltl
'Mrs. So-nnd-So Is so fortunate In hav
ing a rich nusband," they wilt say In
melancholy tones, "while we liae to
work hard every day! Hnw perfectly
lovely It would be If we could lend easy,
pleasant lives without a care Jn tho world
and no work to do!"
But the grumbler falls to realise that
to live "without a care In the wot Id"
Is a blissful state which exists only In
the Imaginations of novelists. Idealists
and dreamers- In this plain, matter-of-fact
old world each person must shoulder
his or 'nor own burdens. Moral respon
sibility cannot be shifted from the shoul
ders of one class to the shoulders of
another class. Each must work out his
or her own salvation and happiness. And
happiness never yet was found In Idle
ness. The middle-class workers who envy the
rich for what they Imagine arc their
easy, sheltered, care-free lives aro Ig
norant In their envy. For tho very rich
In moat cases woik quite as hard as the
No woman who has work to do and
who has others depending on her should
over grumble. Tor her opportunities and
her chances of happiness are gicat.
The woman who Is, presumably, with
out responsibilities or obligations of any
sort Is never really happy. Site becomes
neurotic, her mind and her outlook grow
natroW and selfish, nnd she becomes n
burden to herself and to others, for she
cannot really respect heiself. and the
fading Is scarcely conduct e to happiness.
No woman who Is today shirking hei
obligations and her duly to her neighbor
and to society in leading sin Id.e. useless
life can have any feeling pf happiness.
On the other hand, tho woman who can
truly say that sho is contributing her
share, however small, to the world's uorl;
and for the world's benellt lina a feeling
of self-respect and a glow of self-satisfaction,
which nothing but woik, and
sheer hard work, will bring.
The large army of women who are
today neurotic, nervous, semi-Invalid and
generally miserable would do well to
realize this fact. In sheer hard work
alone lies their salvation. Not until they
become 'really necessary to the happiness
of others, not until they become useful
members of society will they Ilnd a cute
for their Imaginary ailments.
For the mil. J Is a curious thing. It
ONCE upon a lime some fall lea lived
In a big conservatory.
Of course they hadn't always lived
there, for fairies live In the big out-of-doors
not shut up In class houses.
But when the cold winter time came,
and the flow era and birds wero gone, the
fairies ran into jtha big greenhouse to
hide one day and they liked it so well
they stayed and stayed till they almost
thought they had lived there always.
The greenhouse was large and roomy
and waa full of beautiful plants palms
and ferns and plants of all kinds,
"I don't know that I like this 'home'
o very well after all," said gne fairy
after they had lived there two or three
"What In the world can be the matter
wjtb. this home!" exclaimed another. "It
TA? watered and ey (ended till
finally tht plant sent forth, built and
(hen beautiful rajrawt bleomt,
U warm and comfortable and full of
growing thing I think It Is very beau
tiful, too."
"Oh, I know that." answered the first
tvry discontentedly, "but you see I don't
car much about growing things unless
they bloom, and In all this Mr conserva
tory there is not a single bloom I"
The fairies alt looked around and saw
tbat -what the fairy aald was true there
tv sa not a flower in the whole bouse!
"Tlutt must be tbs reason," said ons
taHMtlntfly. "why this place didn't seem
site like the woods we mlsa the
. that' ." apeka up the Brat
jp&qr ml the flowers, And I don't
i tUv here any saar" .
SM- anWe m i." laughed the secorH
4M, "I aubt if yeu 1H tad any
flow! put t tke wod lw (rW time--www
Urn Mi ot Rawer tiro, aa know "
W etn at 1M! go and se," est! the
bW rirv deteirwiatdly
!, k It tell ou a. better way ' aaid
ii eiuid fairy, who tea4 ben iblvktttg'
"" j . f m,,ce elf la ike c i tjiij
must bo occupied, must bo employed If
It Is to grow at all. Mental stagnation
Is one of the worst evils that can befnll
womankind, and tho woman who shuns
honest, hard work Is certainly V'ourtlni
mental stagnation.
A mind unemployed will turn hack on
Itself, It will harbor unpleasant thoughts,
It will brood over small happenings Hint
In tho normal course of events would be
quickly passed over and forgotten, It
will magnify them to enormous propor
llnns, and It will make for Itself all sorts
of Imaginary troubles.
Whether a woman be rich or poor, mar
ried or single, she must ork. There Is
no room In this world for shirkers.
The glory of work Is so wonderful that
once one has really come under Its spell
thero Is nothing that can quite compare
with tt. "Something attempted, something
done" brings a satisfaction that Is utterly
soul-satisfying. In achievement, In work
for ot'ncre, In accomplishment Is the
truest happiness to be found.
Fashion Hints
Plaits or shirrlngs add tho necessary
touch of fullness which the fashlonablo
silhouette requires. In a very new coat
modcl a plait was set In over each hip,
extending to tho bottom of tho loat, nnd
the top Is tovcred by a loose belt around
the waist line. The same Idea of side full
ness Is can led out in the skirt, the yoke
of the sklit Is round and tho lower sec
tion is cut on circular lines and put on
the yoke rvenly. The lower section Is nlsj
shirr' il to the vokc.
Some very ntttnctlvc Imported spoits
coats are made of big shawls or steamer
rugs. A filngc finishes off the bottom nnd
the cape section, which falls over the
sleeves, or is placed on the edge of the
wide collar.
Culm pea nre In favor again, now that
most of the new blouses are so sheer.
Tho most popular models nio made of
deep eciu net with n touch of black
somewhere li evidence.
The m'lltnry blouses are closed up the
fiont with flogs, cither of black hrold or
made of the same material as the blnuso
Itself. These nre used with br.lld-covercd
buttons or ball-shaped mct.il ones
Mu'tly cveiv woman will tell vou that
she Is pleased with the new line? In spring
fashion". The comfort of taking' r long
step without I Indrance Is not to b de
spised. Tlii- conservative, modest styles
aie welcomed. Flaie skills have alwavs
been considered among the moat graceful
skirts thnt a woman could weir, and
their return Is mutlfylug. They arc two
nnd one-half td (Ivc ards wide
Smocking Is coming in aniu ns an at
tractive liny to trim chll 'l's dresses.
At the neck, at the waist, at the joke, It
Is seen, in fart. It looks wi'll anywhere.
llrlght colorings ore teen In the now
coat and suit materials. The heavy coat
liic.'i are rather expensive, but their extra
width mnkes up for the dlffcicnce be
tween them ami a narrow cheap goods.
Covert, sand, taupe, putty, cinnamon and
black nnd white checks nre popular.
Square-meshed net Is u favored material
for making the all-net sleeves nnd
gulmpes, which are worn so frequently
with velvet or poplin gowns. It "comes in
mostly any shade a welcome chaugo
from the common kind.
In Old Kentucky
More than 100,000 women In Kentucky
nre unable to read or write.
snow, let's Btn right where we are nnd
make this place bloom. Mavbe If we
work very hard we can innko soma
flowers right here."
That seemed a good Idea, so they all set
to workl
And such busy workers as they were!
They collected sunbeams and fed them
to the plants.
They watered and they tended till finally
the plants sent forth buds and then fra
grant blooms,
Tho fairies were so happy they sang and
danced and skipped all dny,
"I'm ao glad we didn't go away," said
one. "Think what we would have missed
all the fun of working and the Joy of
watching them grow,"
"Yes, tills docs seem very nice." said
the first fairy, but something Is missing
something Is needed to make this home
like the woods,"
(But you must wait until tomorrow to
find out what the something was.)
Otpyright, till Clara Ingram Judton.
The Kids' Chronicle
MT cuzzln Sue waa erround at our
house yeatidday, and I went down in
the kitchen ware ma was making sum
thing and asked her If I cood have a.
appei and ma sed I cood it I gave Sue
haff of It, and I sed I wood and ma gave
me a appel and I cut It In haff in the
dining room, cutting wun haff bigger than
the uthlr haff ,and then I went upstares
agen ware Sue was. saying, I got a appel.
I no you, have, sed Sue, I was leenlns
ovlr the bannlatlra and I herd yure mothlr
tell you you had to glvo me haff,
O, you dont miss mutoh, do you, I sed.
Thatb how I get alawng, Bed Sue.
Well, its awl cut In haff awlreddy, eny
how, I sed. And I put the two peeces
down awn the setting room tobll, the big
haff being prltty mutch blggir than the
llttel haff. awl rite, saying, Ladya ferst,
now the peeoea is Blpposed to bo the salm
size, but If you think wun looks blggir
and you go and take It,, yuriS no lady, the
way to do is Jest to take the neerest
peece If you wunt to be pulllte. The
neerest peece to Sue beelng the little haff.
Wats the dlffrenta wlch haff I take If
thara both the salm aire, aed Sue.
No d Iff rents, I sed. ony If you go reetch
ing awl the way ovlr and take the forth
est peece it will prlve you think wun Is
blggir than the uthlr.
X dont wunt to go ferst, sed Sue. let me
fix. the peeces and you go ferst
And she put the blctest haff near me
and tht Uttel haff ner her. saying. Now
take yure choice, and if you dont take
the newest wun yure no gentllman.
But lady Is sipposed to go ferst, I sed.
Npt If they dont wunt to. sed Sue,
O wats $h us pf argswlng, I sed, I
twi you tt leu do, lets divide both
pcj In h&tf and eaten get a iuttf of
ch jec and the nobsddy cart cay they
gt sta&r t&4n oyboddy nAtn.
At sits, si sHt.
WUfe w Sl
The Dluc-oyed Kitten
IT WAS three days before tho wedding,
Constunco had lost Interest in the
presents that hnd been pouring In, They
were all fo conventional and there had
been such n tiresome repetition of stiver,
xlass nnd china,
''Why can't people bo original oven In
wedding presents?" she wondered.
Ilor meditations were Interrupted by
the entrnnco of a Innld with a. note
"For me?" nsked Constance, stretching
forth her hand.
She rend the note twice, thrice, her
face aglow with curloBlty, Interest nnd
memories nf tho past.
"My denr Connie I hear you nre to be
married on Thursday next. In memory
of old dnys, which I trust you have not
forgotten, 1 nm sending you n wedding
present I cannot hope to compete with
tho costly gifm you will receive, so I
have suit you something for which long
ago I heard you oxpreps n. wish. You
will not, 1 nm sure, hnVe a duplicate of
It. 1 am sending this note In advance to
prepare you for my gift, which will ar
rive In a short time.
"Wishing you all IiapplnesB, I am, most
sincerely, DOLP1I KANE."
The note carried Constance back to tho
dnys before her father had mado money,
nnd they had lived In plain style In a
small town. She had been "Connie"
thon, and nt the public achool from the
days of thn sdxth grade until she was
graduated Dolph Knrie had been, in the
school vernacular, "her steady." He was
two years older than she, tout they had
been In the same classes.
Tho fall after sho was graduated her
father had struck oil. and they had
moved to the city. For a time she and
Dolph had corresponded regularly, then
In a desultory manner and finally alt
communication had censed. Bo many
things had happened. She had been
abroad twice nnfl had lived In a whirl
of social plensurcs. But Bhe was sure
she hnd wiltten since sho had heard from
Her heart bent a little faster ns die
read his note that sounded so boyishly
like him. She icniembered so vividly his
eager, alert fnce. He had been a favorite
with the entire household, at.4 ho had
been urged to visit them after t ey left
Mnrshfleld, but ho had refused. She had
tried to make him realize tl.At their
change of fortune would not nffect their
friendship, but ho had been very foolishly
proud about it. A ear later ho had gono
Wet, and sho hadn't heard whero ho
was until this note. Rho wondered what
his gift would be Soinothlng different
from the othori. of thnt she was sure.
A very warm tender feeling crept Into
her thoughts of him. Sho summoned her
"Kind out, Iilsle, who brought this
KIsIp returned with tho Information
that It had been brought by a district
"Then he must bo hero In tho city,"
she derided, and gave ordera that no ines
ieni:er brlni?liir; n present was to be al
lowed to depart until she had Interviewed
him. Pile w.ilted restleisly, trvlug vainly
to recall what she had wished for In
thoie bygone days. At last she was
Htiinmonctl to the servants' hall. A mes
senger stood there with a basket to which
was attached a tag bcnrlng her name.
"Where did you go to get this," she
nsked, "01 was It brought to tho office""
"I was telephoned for," Informed the
boy, "to como to IIG Hollln Building, and
when I got theic, .1 young man gave mo
this basket."
"Dili you notice the name on tho door?"
"Yes; It wns a real estate. The names
on the door were Douglass & Kane."
Tho boy was allowed to depart nnd
Constnucc opened the basket. Out sprnng
a llltten, whose soft fur wns of spotless
white. A blue ribbon wns tied about Us
neck. Thon she noticed that Its eyes
were blue, and she remembered how she
had once longed for a kitten with blue
"To think of his remembering! No one
else I know would remember thnt long,"
Bhe thougnt wistfully.
Carrying the kitten In her arms she
went to tho telephone. She found the de
sired number for Douglass & Kane by
cnlllng Information. Dolph'a voice an-
"Dolph. this Is Connie."
"Oh! How did ou find me?"
"By the boy, of course ; but how long
have jou been living here In the city,
"Two weeks."
"And you never came to see us ! Do you
call that friendly?"
"Well you see I heard you were to be
married." v '
"What difference did thnt maker
"A great deal to me."
A silence followed, which waa broken bv
n nlnlptlve mew fiom the kitten, who had
stuck her head Into tho receiver.
"Is that the kitten I sent?"
"Yes; and she is a darling. I like her
best of nny of tho presents."
"That's nlco of you to say so."
"Dolph, If we had known your address
we would havo sent you an invitation to
the wedding. They nro all mailed now.
but I want you to como on my personal
"I'd rather not, please, Connie."
"But you will to please me, Dolph. I
want to Bee you ; but I shall be bo busy
for the next three dayB, Come. If only
for a few moments, please, Dolph."
"Very well, Connie. I'll come."
After the ceremony wns over, Connie
stepped froro, the receiving Hue to greet
an eager-faced young man.
"Connie! And I thought you were to be
the bride. Douglass told mo bo."
"People always do get Cornelia and me
mixed. But," in feigned alarm, "you
won't take jour present bock?"
"No, Connie. And will you tnke me
"i never let you go, uoipn."
(Copyright, UIO
Across the Counter
Flowered chiffon Is on sale now in a
large Market street department store. It
Is 3$ inches wide, and costs 93 cents a
yard. The backgrbund is white or cream,
with flowers In blue, pink or yellow.
The card table covers embroidered with
the numbers and symbols are so popular
that you can get them stamped and
ready to be done n cross-stitch. A de
sign Is placed on each corner, and this
Is worked In black and red cotton. They
sell for C3 cents.
Another pretty idea for the home em
broiderer Is a ready-made baby's dress.
This Is made of fine batiste, with a bib
effect In front, and a tiny touch of
somcking. It sella for 11.
A hemstitched bureau scarf, of good
quality linen, is stamped with a dainty
design, to be worked In all white cotton.
It costs T5 cents, complete.
Little guest towels, with or without
rolored borders, aro stamped with a sim
ple design in cross-stitch. Just the thing
for the youngater tq begin on, and the
price Is 35 cents.
Another gift for baby Is the bath set.
This Is attractively done up In a bo?,
containing two towels, In different sizes,
and & washcloth, all embroidered In pink
and blue flowers, or Just a plain mono
gram. They cost from 76 cents to Jl-S
A set.
Art you catting full lxnnt of your balrT
Is It drasted attractively!
la tt being- neglected?
We are making a eomplt lias of
BarUcbu. PiUTa, hsn M Tpuulorau
(loss. 8 "Oar way Trfctuformatlon."
FbiiaiWpbU Irttfllfc Mlrlral'ir Mas
Mi Jk
INI iSPI: iwB&&xm
Hilf f lllk
ISeH'Tv.a yVtrfo
BSBNvi'1 - ." 'SP
iSsl$5?TU t&h
If MiflilMily
I.. kKWS3&&A
t' jr "sd''.','
Tor tha follonlnz augieatlom lent 1b tr
readers of tha Ktenino LtDGia prizes of 1
and SO tenta are awarded.
All augsentlona ahould be addreised to Elltn
Adair. Editor of Women' Fage, Etssins
Lirais, Independenca Square, PolladalptUa.
A prlie nf (I lin bern awarded to Mli
Sarnh floldherg. SJY! 8011th I'lilllp afreet,
riilla., ton the following auggratlon:
Apply murialle ncld with a mop to re
move rust spots on bathtubs and basins
or dlscoloratlons in toilet basins and
sinks. As soon ns the spots are removed
the acid should be thoroughly rinsed off
with clear water. The acid works like
magic and the labor of scrubbing is
A prlie of 80 rent linn been avrnrded to
Mr. K. It. Herd. I'nrt Kllzabeth. N. J., for
xl tb fallowing nugKritlan:
xry sewing a lung piece or tape nan a.
yard w1lrdo onto your kitchen "holder,"
then fasten tt to your apron. When it
becomes necessary to lift a, hot dish or
kettlo jou will not need to look all over
tho kitchen for your holder; It Is always
at hand.
A prlie nf 50 eenla bus been awarded to
Anna J. Ertlclimaii, OSS North 7th street,
rhlln., for the follow In aUKKextlnn:
To rcmovo oil, grease, paint or blood
stains from any sort of washable mate
rial apply n small piece of butter and rub
with Ivory sonp and water.
A prize of R0 renla han hren nmardrd to
Mra. It. O. Lewli, Wlnr tiap. Pa., lor the
rationing tugKrstlonf
A strip of cotton cloth one Inch wide
saturated with cold water and laid around
the edge of pies, such as apple, cherry or
raisin, will iprevent the Juice from escap
ing while baking, thus avoiding smoky
oven and burnt taste to tho pie.
Around the CJubs
Miss Vida Hunt Francis Is" chairman of
the International Committee, which meets
011 Wednesday mornings at tho clubhouse.
During the last month 610 articles were
contttbuted, and tha work of supplying
women's, children's and Infants' clothing
to tho poor Is Mill going on.
Tho Current Events Class will meet as
usual on Wednesday, Feb. Zt, and will de
vote Itself to the study of science notes.'
Miss Sara Collins Is In charge of this
class, The Committee on Parliamentary
Practice, of whioh Mrs. Robert If, Flilton
Is leader, will also meet 011 Thursday,
On Wednesday, February 21, a talk on
"Beautifying Homo Gardens and Vacant
I)ts" will be given at the Century Club
of Norwood by members of the Norwood
Horticultural Society, Mrs. J, U. Col
well Is chairman of the affair.
Children's hour will bo held at tha
Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne on
Wednesday, 3 p. m. The amusements for
the kiddles will be folk dancing and story
telling Miss Elizabeth 13, Jackson Is In
charge. The hostesses will ba Mrs.
Nathan P. Btauffer, Mrs. Henry T. Kent,
Mrs, Robert F, Irwin, and Miss Roberta
A very extensive program has been
planned by the Woman's Club of Cynwyd
for March 3. The subject of art in all Its
branches will be treated, and current
events will receive special attention.
Fainting will be discussed by Mrs. Hollls
"Wolsterh'olme,. 'sculpture by Mrs, Bdgar
S. Gardner and Architecture by Mrs.
Horace Grlgg.
The Public Interest Section of the New
Century Clnb. of which Miss M. A. Burn,
ham Is chairman, will hold a meeting on
Tuesday, at 3 30. This will be the meet
ing of the second Good Government Class.
The subject will be "The Dependence of
Philadelphia on Harrisburg," and prom
inent men in State and city government
will speak.
We are the aole axenta tot tho well-known
Calvert Scrapple. Absolutely pur. fra- tram
any preeervatlvee and tnad under ideal con
dition, this product If the favorite with
thoia who demand good scrapple. Mali or
pliont order promptly delivered anywhere.
Klu'U bus ij$-ieV
ill'rl f a':m lUce 1184
Down In n garden olden
Just where, I do not know
Tho buttercup nil golden
Chanced near a roso to grow.
And every morning early.
Before the birds were up,
A tiny dewdrop pearly
Fell In this llttlo cup.
Thl wns the drink of water
The rose had overy day:
But 110 one yet linn caught her
While drinking In this way.
Surely, It Is no treason
To say sho drinks so yet.
For that may bo the relieon
Her lips with dew nre wet.
Frank Dempster Sherman.
v "" ""
Following the era of fluffy, lacy shirt
waists, tho latest fashion for spring is
tho mannish, sevorely simple waist. It
has a very tailored look, with tho high
collar, buttoned right tip tho neck, and
lurncd-bnek cuffs. Made In striped wash
silk, it looks llko a man's shirt.
A narrow ruffle Is seen on tho edge of
most of the now lingerie gowns and petti
coats. This Is also seen on ctoth cos
tumes, though It has a rather starlllnn
The loose, bcltcd-ln coat Is still In vogue.
Tho high waist lino, almost under the
arms. Is rapidly going out.
Callot stripes, in old-faBhtoncd looking
colors nnd Btrlplngs, and their novelty
lies In tho strange combinations used,
such as two shades of blue, etc. This
gives an attractively quaint appearance.
TIppcrary Is the name of a now, coarso
hopsacklng kind of weave Swhlch has a
very tailored air. It promises to be
come very popular for sporting wear, re
placing the bnskot weave materials which
have been worn bo much.
Eight shades, ranging from bright tan
to oxford, can bo had In tho new spring
suiting, called buckskin covert. It also
has a decidedly mannish look, nnd tho
girl who rides can wear It with comfort.
BootB aro still In favor; in fact. It looks
ns If the usual spring low shoes will
not be worn. Closings of all kinds aro
Been lacings up tho front, on the Bides,
even In back, attract attention to Milady's
tiny feet.
Combinations of two or more materials
In the one gown are still In evidence.
It is a real saving to make over n dress
which Is old stylo but good material
now, ns you can use bo many kinds of
goods with It that even your best friend
won't rocognlzo It.
Even the handkerchiefs which Milady
carries must be ruffled nowadays. They
have a dainty pink, blue, violet or yellow
border of tulle.
Feather fancies are as frequently Been
on the new spring hats as flowers were
In former years. It is Interesting to
note tho popularity of the old-roso shades
In this mid-season.
The Business Girl
Here Is tho advice of a publication
which devotes' Itself to tho Interests of
young men who aro seeking work. It
is of Interest to girls nnd working women
In general, bocause they nro taking a
man's work upon their shoulders somo of
them. Besides, the same qualities make
for success nil the time, for man or
"Don't bo so anxious to get Into busi
ness as to accept the first Job which
offers Itself," was the theme of the dis
course. "You run a big risk of tying your
self down to a routine which will leavo
you no opportunity for Belf-lmprovement
and advancement. Tou ought to know by
the time ou aro K what work you want
to do ns a llfo Job, but up to that time
you should hold yourself In readiness to
change your occupation, nnd the oftener
you chnngo It the hotter. If they widen
your experience and your ability,"
When ou tnko Into consideration the
fact that this magazine Is devoted to
men's interests, the advice is most perti
nent. Tho girl who sponds the first four
or five years of her business career
acquiring a wide experience of people
and llfo In general; who learns how to
look at things from many sides; who has
worked In different cities under different
employers, that girl, e provided she uses
theso years nB part of her education, as
part of her stock In trade. Is going to
bo Infinitely more valuable In whatever
position she decides upon than her stay-nt-homo
sister, who has stuck to the first
opportunity sho got ever since she left
high school.
One thing you get In changing from one
kind of work to another Is perspective.
You can look on tho new office and
yourself in it as from the outstdo; and
then you can measuro yourself In your
new placo by what you were In the last
one. Tho real trouble "with moat of us
Is that we don't know how we work. Wo
never think of watching ourselves. There
Is alwuys a new way of doing an old
A Martha "Washington supper, to cele
brate Washington's Birthday, will bo
given tonight at the Holmesburg Baptist
Church by the women of tho parish. Dur
ing the progress of the eupper an enter
tainment will bo provided by young
women of tho Baptist Institute for Chris
tian Workers, of Philadelphia. Mrs.
Nathan I. Montanyne, president of tho
Ladles' Aid Society, will direct the sup
per, while Mrs, George H. Swift, wife of
the pastor of the church, will supervise
the entertainment.
A flag raising will be held at Ltanerch,
Fa., today, under the auspices of Wash
ington Camp, SOI, P, O, 8. of A. Patriotic!
exercises will be held before the flag is
raised by the Misses Marion Morse, Mar
Jorle Watts and Grace Garwood, The
program will include addresses and the
singing of national airs. Harry J, Stone
will present tho flag, which will be ac
cepted by Dr. I, B. noberts, vice presi
dent of the Haverford school district.
The flag- will be saluted by Jacob Zell,
Thomas ICeyser and Scarlet Hayes.
Hair Goods
Hair Dressing
We are experts in fashion's latest
modes and will adapt them bo as
to give you a pleasing style tq suit
your individual requirements.
Permanent Waving
Henna Dyeing
Medicated Shampoos
to suit Individual needs in con
nectloii with the very latest ap
pliances for the convenience of
Anthony Boch
129 S Thirteenth St.
Sell rue. r!tjrt 4JI
(VrtW .pfv
Wo had a glorious dance last night nt
tho house of a Mrs. Symlngton-Smythe,
and met over so many delightful people.
I danced bo often with my Irishman
friend that Elinor grow quite anxious.
However, as I explained to her, he really
Is such an excellent partner that v thero
was somo excuse.
The gowns thoro wero too lovely for
words. Our hostess woro n perfectly
Btunnlng frock of heavy brocade. In an
exquisite simile of pale bluo, embroidered
In silver. It' wns cut 'ory plainly In tho
Grecian style, harking back to tho slmplo
classla lines that aro so becoming to the
woman of good figure.
A broad low glrdlo was worn, tho enda
hanging down in front, and tho draped
aklrt had a train, Tho whole effect was
perfectly charming, tho bodlco being
edged with silver embroidery to match
tho heavy silver design on tho frock,
and a collar of moonstones and silver wns
also worn around tho throat.
Another lovely frock was of pompadour
satin, in an exquisite shell-pink slindo,
"One can always toll a lady by Vr
shoes nnd by her gloves," Is nn adage
with which most of us nro familiar. And
yet it Is an adage tho truth of which
very few peoplo who havo to keep care
ful account of their money can bo
brought to realize.
They buy a new dress or a new coat
or a now Bklrt, but will go about quite
chcorfully with shoes down-trodden at
tho heels and gloves alt In holes,, feel
ing that as long as their dress Is all right
no ono will pay any attention to such
details as shoes and gloves.
But they are wrong hopelessly wrong.
Shabby gloves and shabby shoes are
not only the most flagrant way of adver
tising "shabby gentility" that could pos
sibly be devised, but they servo also as
a most unfavorable Index to character,
If you only knew.
A large employer of femnlo labor told
mo the other day that when engaging
girl clerks and other assistants ho always
looked at their hands.
"I can Bum them up generally by their
gloves," ho snld. "When their gloves
are tidy I know that they will be tidy
In their work. In fact, I may say that a
neatly darned glovo has been tho means
of getting many a girl a placo in my
business and I havo never found my de
ductions go wrong as yet."
So do tako this lesson to heart, and Jn
keeping up appearances, as far as dress
Is concerned, don't neglect tho details.
Here are somo hints nbout gloves which
mano for economy in every way.
Remember that kid gloves wear ever so
much longer than suede, so that from
tho point of view of economy tho former
aro tho better to get. Suede gloves wear
In holes very quickly, nnd, whnt Is more,
they don't look as well as kid ones do
after cleaning.
Be careful that your gloves fit well.
Tight gloves not only make your hands
red, but are apt to split easily; whilst
gloves which are too large look most un
tidy. Always get the assistant at the glove
counter to stretch them Bllghtly and dust
a little powder into the glovos before
taking them away with you.
And do be careful as to how you put on
new gloves for the first time, for on
the care you tnke will depend the time
they will keep in shano.
Never put them on hurriedly take your
time over it. Rest your elbows on the
table while putting on each glove. Work
all the fingers Into the glove-fingers be
foro putting In the thumb, and, above
all, see that tho Beams are not twisted,
but that they are all In place.
Here Is a wlso precaution which you
should never forget to take. Stitch all
tho buttons on firmly beforo beginning to
wear the gloves. Uaually some of them
will be found to be loose, and will come
off the very first time you wear them If
you forget to do this.
If after taking off light kid gloves you
stretCn them out gently and put them
away between sheets of clean tissue pa
per, you will find that they keep their
shape ever ao much longer.
Is Homo Cleaning Economy?
Kid and suede gloves can bo cleaned
quite well with gasoline, rut a little In
a basin, put the gloves on tho hands, and
clean by rubbing with a piece of flannel
until nil dirt la removed.
It must be remmbered, though, that
gasoline Is highly Inflammable, and too
much care cannot be taken In using it.
It never should bo used In a high tem
perature or anywhere near a fire or a
J obtain the color where others fail.
1 do not destroy the gloss or tha Mr.
I reraoye any old dye or bleach. .
The only clean, safe and durable coloring.
Marcel Waving
by tho
Most.Expert ,
1523 Chestnut Street, PhilatfalpM
A Lovely Evening Gown
the flaring Bklrt hanging frem aM
yoke of palest flesh-oolored cWffctrfftS
der straps nnd a wide rti, 'fig
right up below the arm-piu, fr,r
with this, and gave an exceeding!
ful air to tho wearer, who wasa'
darlt-eyed gtrl with a , jHSg
colored hair. jg
Elinor wore a very pretty M
flowered Bilk moussoline, th skiVfC
plaited In front and the corsage f3(j
of dellcato roso-polnt lace, BheTRji
very protty. and was literally t,J-"
with partners clamoring for dance?!!
My dress waa qulto elrapls, tllGL
green chiffon over net The skirt SB
" """ v,f ""u".uo, ana uie hiiis
each flounco was ornamented vtai1?!!;
of tiny chjffon rosebuds, In n vmj,
oato shade of pink, tta
Tho sleeveless bodice was ef'tlHI
lace, and caught on each hoald?'l
a chiffon rosebud rather larger thaaiw
ornamenting tha Bklrt, TsSi
JIany lace gowns wero In evUtBoaTS,
favorite combination bln UtZaZ
plaited chiffon. AJ?
I "F,,,tu ven B IlBWed dWrlU la's,
vicinity Is dangerous. '
And, really, nowndays, when esSfi
cents a pair la charged for flora 2i.
lng, bother of cleaning them athjait
not always worth while. Sm
Gloves That Will Wh
Chamois and doeskin gloves hotin'
washed In a lather of soapy watertWe
them on tho hands as if you were yri
lng your hands In the ordlnry
Do not rinse them, but jfrlnr-IJsl
straight out of tho Boapy water.'liJ
them Into shape, and dry, lf-peJiJS
on wooden stretchers Bold for the p
poBe. v M
Wash woolen gloves In a Ulhttrt
soap and warm water, and rinse la m
water. If you use very hot or very esK
water for rinsing the gloves will iMa.
race for wmm
Competition for Winning to
verts to "Cause" Promises!!
Be Very Lively.
Iteon competition Is expectedtsucx;
suffragists In this city who are nenter
of the Equal Franchise SocIety,t2oS
this week, tho occasion being "rnemS
ship week" for the society. Ail Btati',
nro urged to gain as many aeniiatc
cuts for "the cause" as poulbleouprUi
will bo awarded to those brlntEtJft
largest number of converts. Tbas
pnlgn begins today. ' '"?3
Married members are urged to conrr
all recalcitrant "hubbies" and lead tts
to the "dues books," where theyjt
place their names upon the recorJj la
becomo full-fledged supporters of4Tft
cause." Men who have already joined fci
society and who have wives h?ii
"antls" nre warned that they w
turn, convert them to suffrage. 'iM
Membership blanks have been sectl
all local subcentres of the socletrTP
overythlng Is In readiness for tlieltri
In Chestnut Hill Mrs. F. M. BhepsriS
In chnrgo, while the Main Linn hii'l
Is under tho supervision of Miss Mjt
Flannery; Central Philadelphia U;,snfi
Mrs. A. M. Sweet, West PMlafc'sBf
under Mrs. M. C. Morgan and MuH3
nor Gocpp, and tho northern Becttontaie
Mrs. Harry Lowenburg. JlaJI
The prizes which are offered cwuUU!
a refund of a part of the nnnual daof
the person winning. This Ja glTtnjto
branch to whlcrTmich person Is conoid
and used to carry on tho work laW
section. &
WfijWjRare the bMt.MJ
the 53 year shcfi8jffifflMlai X
Shampooing for
Every, Condition for im
Hair and Scalp
An inspection to our establishment is invited.