Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 20, 1915, Sports Final, Page 9, Image 9

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i ' " " ai-enlW HI H ii ! in i.li.nn.NII . w . -. .
. ... i t. M'mililntilnrt as 1 Mr-I lulfi v I
llVl favorite " tor cntertulnlns. as oucti at
EM . . .i.riinni nnil favors can be ob-
Hd in the morning Mr. and Mrs. Edward
B ..nhall. of "Hula! Water," lljtlai. will give
r"" .. .1.. .i it.. tt...,itr..inr.
... . ,r....i t-o Mwlnc classes will met.
J r,flzcd by Miss Katharine Bradford, and
RT other by Mrs- Jon" " ",ut" ul " i,,,-
BlU"1' .. i I 1 T .li... anrl Mr.
ftomirtsnacr i'. ' -.- - ---pfwr
wilt Blvo a the danaant, from 4 until
L . ...i. -i iiin mmerlntendent's house of tho
foscopal Hospital. The card of Miss Lclper
. ,i.. vmviilni. nnrfnrmnnp. nf Hia
Lillian Opera Company will tatie place In
Ki. nnrn House. Mr. and Mrs. Charlemagne
Kvi.tr of 1313 Locust street, will entertain In
jielf box, in nonor m mv.. u... - ....,
HMlis Gertrutio iv..
Kpr. and Mrs. Krazler, of 1.24 Spruce street.
Rill Blvo a reception In honor of Professor
fifinry Holmes, or Jiarvnru uiuvciauj. in
IB liernouu '"" - " -----.
Sfunlxed by Mrs. Strieker Coles, meets In tho
Sctur gallery of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Llppln
Stfj house. Tho sewing class, arranged by
V Walter Langdon Euslls. will meet for the
?rt time In her home, 2015 Tlno street.
fitrn. 1'ranklln McCrca Wlrgman, of 003 Pine
lUeet, will give her last "at home."
?lir. and Mrs. James L. GUsc, of 6132 Wood-
f lit I U 1 a m a a 4 4s I i Unitnv
tint avenue, win sio . mu u........v, ... ..u..u.
rcf their daughter, Miss Helen Qlaso, at the
Billevue-Stratford on Wednesday. A dance
will be elven In the Overbrook Golf Club by
Mr. and Mrs. jonn ocnou uuduhv. m.P u. i
oodblno avenue Ovorbrook.
Mr. A. Lincoln Steclman, of the Burlington,
Twill entertain at a bridge luncheon, and Mr.
and Mrs. Fits jsugeno uixon, oi imhims i-ar,
Vlll entertain at dinner.
W Thursday will be a. pretty busy day Judging
'from the number of affairs planned. In the
'morning Mrs. Nathan A. Taylor will entertain
Milt, and Mrs. William A. Sunday nt her homt
Qn Chestnut Hill. In tho afternoon Miss Pauline
Bowie will give a tea to meet Mrs. Allan J.
ffiHenry, who was Miss Sara Ogden, of New
BsJm Chestnut Hill Mrs. Kdward N, Benson will
rive a tea to moet Mrs. Philemon Dickinson.
The Thomas Lolpcr Chaptor. D. A. r.. win
R?e a luncheon at tho home of Mrs. William
Latla Nassau, 421 West Chelten avenue, Ger
mantown, and tho second danco of a series, or
fanlzed by Mrs. William rtoberts Howell and
Mrs. Kane 8. Green, -will be held In the Merlon
Cricket Club. Tho dance will be preceded by
a 'dinner, given by Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Kendrlck, 3d, of "Pcnnncre," Vlllanova. There
?11l be 24 guests present.
i The series of dances, arranged by Mrs. Roland'
"It. Foulkc. Mrs. J. Nelson Purvlance, Mrs
feHtnry K. Dlllard, Jr., Mrs. II. Evan Taylor and
Miss Mary Coatcs will meet for the first time
lit tho rtlttenhouse on that evening also,
, The Huntingdon Valley Country Club will give
a dance on Friday at the clubhouse, -which will
tie preceded by several dinners, and there will
be a dance at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club,
: St. Martin's, on that evening also.
Saturday afternoon Miss Sarah PcdrlcK will
entertain at cards. In tho evening Miss' Eugenia
Kelso Cassatt. daughter of Mrs. J. Gardner
Cfassatt, will be guest of honor nt a theatre
party, to be followed by supper at the Itltz
StCarlton, given by Eckley Brlnton Coxe, Jr., ot
''KM Locust street
: That evening Dr. W. W. Keen will be host at
a Wister party at his home, 1729 Chestnut street,
Pi Mrs. Alan Hale Harris, of Maple Lawn,
kChestnut Hill, Is organizing a roller skating
felub, which will meet for 12' consecutive Mon
Idays from 8:30 until 10:30 o'clock at Joslln
PHall, on Germantown avenue.
Lieutenant Arthur T. Barney, U. S. N., and
Mrs. Barney entertained at bridge, followed by
upper last night on tho U. S. S. Illinois. Their
gueits Included Mr. and Mrs. John M. I la una,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Olhauscn, Mr. and Mrs.
.William Moyer, of Ttlverton; Mrs. Henry Por
ter, Lieutenant Commander Raymond S. Keyes,
V. 8. N., and Mrs. Keyes; Lieutenant Ralph
J'L, Shepard, U. S. M. C and Mrs. Shepard;
Lieutenant Charles A. Luts, U. S. M. a, and
Mr. Lutz; Paymaster Manning H. Phllbrlck,
V. a N., and Irs. Phllbrlck; Paymaster Par
OM, V. B. N.: Cantaln Tjvana. TT. 8. N.. of the
mV, B. 8. Missouri; Mr. and Mrs. Charles IL
Wis, Mrs. Payne. Lieutenant MoCracken. U.
$ N.j Miss Blanche Lane and Dootor Koltes.
f, Urs. William T. Carter and her granddaugh
ter, Mlas Cornelia Leldy, will leave on Monday
C01" Aiken, S. C. Later thev will bo to Palm
eachf Fla., and will return about Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. Mcllhenny have taken
J.house at Saranao Lake for the remainder
'the winter.
i The University Barge Club Is giving a break
t' at the Lilacs today from X until 3 o'clock.
The DatrOnM RM Vdwaril If TIIJU TI.R tr
ffifock, Jr.. Henrv r. Ttrnvrnn r-hnrl.. v
Charles McKeehan, GaUoway a Morris, Cuah-
, ewnail, It. M. Phltler, T, Learning Smith.
jWorrli Johnson, Qeorge Howe, Edward F. Hoff-
n. Kussoll Johnson, Jr Benjamin C. Tllgh-
n, Henry N. Piatt. .Tnhn n. Tln nn,l Tl.n.
gnln Rush.
The manacement nt Timni. irnn iti ivi.
kIL-v Btreet. nnnnnnn.. 4t.A ltl.. Tnnn c?Mn....
ILUt f ....ww..wv .mb viiQQ nuaii OAnjor
IgS no"fled them that she will be unablo to
ggapw at Brooke House ot Monday, as was
gfif't planned. 8ho will bo (here, however, on
j&Monday, March l. ami th tr tv, n
Mrnoons at the Acorn Club wfH be announced
ff.Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Reevxs. of Ah.
UMtfor( avenue. Germantown, wll entertain
ktei y dinner tonight In honor of Miss
Mtabth Williams, of PJatnfUId, N. J. Covers
i oo jam for eight. Last night Mr. and Mm.
Jeeves entertained Infarmallv lit rflnn.r In hnnn.
USS their- daurhlr 1imm Tm.nhln. TTjva k-
Ssere 13 guests present.
Jif'IlSS Franr Tltlntr Ull.. rinrnll.,. TInrVt
fi"1 Mary Lamb and Miss Beatrice Harrjty left
MJMterday for Port Deposit, Md.. to attend the
waaee at Toma Bchool end spend the week end.
?r. Mrati wm chaperon the party.
'.H Ellen Jaauetta fiillem. whose marrlasra
V, to Rlchv. irMnii .iii .u. ni... nn xrnn
.?. April is, win be guest of honor at a
lon to be gtv tomorrow at the ?tl4i.
- 5 Gantry Club by Bdaiuirt Hsrdta Kuk,
" MW trt. Covars will ) UW tot al.
Tlioto by nelly A Way.
Mis3 Bohlon is the daughter of Mrs.
Woodville Bohlcn, of 2217 St. James
place. She is a member of the Lenten
Class which meets on Mondays at tho
home of Mrs. John W. Brock.
Choral Concert Will Bo Held on Tuesday,
at Witherspoon Hall.
The preparations which have been Kolng on
for weeks will culminate with the holding of
tho choral conceit of the Matlneo Musical Club
at Witherspoon Hall on Tucsdny evening. One
of the principal artists on the program Is Je
rome Uhl, a young baritone of high reputation,
who has been winning honors In concert wotk
In various cities. He will be heard In two solos.
The choruses to be sung are "June Rhapsody,"
Mabel W. Daniels; "Gypsy Serenade," Taut Am
brose; "Irish Love cng." Margaret It. Lang;
"Capri," Charles O. Bassctt; "Juno Roses,"
Frank H. Brackett; "Agnus Del." Georges Bi
zet; "Tho Snow," Sir Edward Elgar, ' Cradle
Song," Franz Schubert; "Ave Maria"; "Chanson
Provencalc," K. Dell' Acqua; "At the Cloister
Gate," Edvard Grieg. Soloists who will be heard
in addition to Mrs. Uhl are Miss Eleanor Con
way, Miss Mne Farley. Miss Flora G. Cannon,
Mrs. retzell, Miss Marie G. Loughncy and Miss
Schwartz, singers, and Miss Donlevy, harpist
Mlas Haenle and Miss Gladys Mlnton, violinists,
will play accompaniments. Mrs. Helen Tulaskl
Innes is in charge of the choral and Mrs. Ed
ward Philip Ltnch arn ged tho piosram.
Mrs. Maude Hanson Pettlt was In charge of
the delightful German music program that was
given by members of the club nnd others at
the Roosevelt last Tuesday. The auditorium
was crowded. Those who were heard In eolos
were Elizabeth Kruejer, Elma Carey Johnson
and Helen Macnamee Bcntz, sopranos; Augusta
Kohnle and May Walters, contralto; Alton K.
Dougherty and Ann Thompson, piano. In ad
dition there wero part songs by a group of
able singers, nnd Emma Rous and Nina Pret
tyman Howell played a harp and violin duo.
Ray Daniels Jones, Frances Butterworth and
William r. Bentz were at the piano.
There will be two more clul dances this
month at the Philadelphia Cricket Club, Sat
urday evening, February 20, and Friday, Feb
ruary 26.
MIhs Betty Blodgett. of East Greenwich, It.
I., Is visiting Mrs. Charles Carter Walbrldge
for several days.
Among those who will entertain at dinner
before tho danco at the Philadelphia Cricket
Club tonight are Mrs. Cornelius Stevens, Ed
ward Davis, E. Rlttenhouse Miller, W. Holmes,
Joseph Button will entertain a party of 15,
and Mr. and Mrs. Holllster Sturges- will have
20 guests.
overbroo Miss Dorothy Rlddell, of 6208
Overbrook avenue, entertained last night In
honor of Miss Beck, of Bala. The members ot
tho Emanon Club were present, and Included
Miss Mildred Pepperman, Miss Marjorle
Schultze, Miss Mary McKeegan, Miss Jeanetto
Cur, Miss Ida Lentz, Walter Miller. Harold
Robinson, Edwin Hoover, William Desmond,
Stephen Garrett, Harry Holden and Jamea
CVNWYD Mr, and Mrs. David Evans Wilt
lams, Jr., of Rhyl lane, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a son, David Evans
Williams, 3d, Mrs. Williams will be remem
bered as Miss Malda W. Dale, daughter of
Mrs. Richard C. Dale, of Akedon, Chestnut
Mrs. Albert W. Pickford, of Birch road, will
return Monday from av week's visit with her
sister, Mrs, C. C. French, in New Tork. Miss
Marlon Pickford left yesterday for New Tork,
and will also spend the week-end with Mrs.
runBEnTIt Mr, and Mrs. Perclval Roberts, Jr.,
of Penshurst, are spending February In South
The meeting of the Fortnightly Club was
held yesterday afternoon at the home of Miss
McKeag. The other members are Miss Cordelia
Woodle, Mrs, A. Percy Redlfer, Mrs. A, J.
Jacoby, Mrs. P. If, Harges, Jr.. Miss Barbara
Shand, Mrs. John 'Cllroy, Miss Bird Roberts,
Miss Ida Redlfer, Mre, Lester B. Nlckerson,
Mrs. Frank Stone. Mrs. J. O. Cook. Mrs. Au
gustus J. Loos and Mrs. A. It. Bond,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Wiener, who are
pending their honeymoon in the South, will be
at horaa to their friends after March X5 at 8W
North I71h street. Mrs, Wiener, who waa Mlas
Nana Levy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Levy, of Hi North Park avenue, became a
bride on Monday evening last In the chapel of
the Keneseth Israel Alumni Building; the, cere
mony being performed by the Ber. Dr. Joseph
Vr. and Mrs. A. If. Bubaura, of UH North
21st vtreet, are entertaining Mr- and Mr. Al
bert Abraham, of Pulutb, Minn
Mis Bells, HuUsa, of HM West Tioga, trat.
U ? Ik wk In AUj&Uq city.
vKWm? HaM .WBAX-Xf . 'K TPmB-sXtBWA 9
5T 4 'F fiHBr BnR rI.B Vty krSrM&iEgBliiiHB liil
rnuiu Vr Brans Studio.
Miss Sellers and her fiance, Richard McCall, will be given a luncheon tomorrow
at the Philadelphia Country Club by Edmund Harding Nasi).
John Grlbbel gave a dinner last night at the
Huntingdon Valley Country Club to tho Board
of Governors of the club. His guests were John
Worrell Pepper, president; J. Rutherford Mc
Allister. George Harrison Frazler, Theodore
Voorhecs, Walter L. Ross, Henry Miller Watts,
Edward F. Henson, Cameron B. Buxton, James
F. Merrltt, Alfred G. Clay, Caleb F. Fox, Mor
ris L. Bocklus, Sydney E. Hutchinson. Edward
li, Smith, Robert P. Hooper, Daniel B. Wentz
nml Charles E. Morgan.
There will be a club dance at the Old York
Road Country Club on Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 27, at S:30 o'clock. A number of the
members are expected to attend, and the com
mittee In charge of the affair Includes Miss
Hazel Zacharlas, Mies Alice Zacharlas and
George A. Sllfer.
Mrs. Brownell, of . Rochester. N. Y Is at
present the guest of Mrs. Joseph K. Dixon, of
Wyncote, for several weeks. Mrs. Brownell
will later leave for the South.
Mrs. E. LInnard, of Glenslde, will entertain
informally on Monday evening, February 22, In
honor of her son, Eugene LInnard. The guests,
who will number 15, will be members of the
school set. !
Miss Helen Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles C. Palmer, of Jenklntown, will spend
the week-end as the guest ot Miss Eleanor F.
WlUon, of EOS South th street. Miss Palmer
will return on Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Elsenhower has returned to her
home on Upsal street, west of Wayne avenue,
from Atlantic City, where she has been spend
ing several weeks, She will leave March 1 for
New York to be the guest of Mrs. Jay Jones, ot
8 East S2d street. Mrs. Elsenhower and her
daughter, Miss Mildred Elsenhower, are still In
Atlantic City.
A rummage sale will be given at the Norrla
Square Methodist Episcopal Church, Hancock
street and Susquehanna avenue, on Friday and
Saturday, March 6 and 6. The sale will be
directed by the Ladles' Aid Society of the
Mlas Jean Spruance, of Montclalr, N, J., has
returned to her home, having been the guest of
Miss Judith Marr, of West Tulpehocken street,
for the past fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. William Philip Barba have Is
sued cards for a reception on Saturday evening,
March 6, from S to 10 o'clock, at their home, on
West Coulter 'street.
Mrs. Frederick Dudley, of 2S07 Indian Queen
lane, has had as her guest lier sister, Mrs.
Hoban, of New York,
THE unaettled season of fashion through
which w have just passed has resulted in
a moat bewildering variety of ctothea being
worn, and at almost any dansant or tea one
can distinguish the tendencies of at least a
half dozen periods In the gowna and hats of
the guests, be they claaaed as extremely smart
or otherwise. And on the dancing floor of an
afternoon one may observe the wldeat range
of styles, from the simple, good-looking Eng
lish walking suit, which seems to be par.
tlcularly favored, to the subtly draped gown
of crepe or full ruffled frock of Huffy chiffon.
One of the season's debutantes. Miss Hope
Beale, has been wearing am afternoon costume
of raitrallle velvet, which proves most becom.
(ng. The skirt, which Is quite wide and short,
has tbe new circular flare, and over this la
worn a hip-length jacket, finished with collar
and cuffs l white fox fur. With this costume
la worn a small close-nttlng turban of white
ils Mary Evelyn Chew Is wearing a two-
mS 7" wUAT ft.
fMxuL I WL viw-NvX
Mr. nml Mrs. Chniica It. Foster entertained
nt n danco In honor of their 13th wedding an
niversary At their home, H23 Robinson stieet.
Among their guests were Cnptnln Frank
Hughes and Mrs. Hughes. Lieutenant Harry
Worth nnd Mrs. Woith, Mr. ami Mrs. William
Cody, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Meyers, Mr.
and Mrs. John Wenrlng, Mr. and Mre. John M.
Spencer, Miss Dorothy Hayes, 'Miss Era Hayes,
Miss Manila Mansollne, Mle Elizabeth Mnnso
llne, Miss Anna Jcannette, Albert Foster,
Frank Tlngler, George Smith, Edward Stevens,
Harry Baldy, George Douglas and Frank
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lambert entertained a
small party of friends nt their home, 3733 Lud
low street, Friday night. Among those Invited
were Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert, Mrs. Annie
Hawkins, Mrs, Blanche Dolby, Miss Hlanch
DolbyAMlss Alice Brady, Miss Mary Gardner,
Edward Bamber, William I.-imbert, George
Lambert, Frank Lambert, Jr., James Lambert,
Harry Lambert.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pyle will entertain a
small party of friends Monday night at their
home, 6128 Cedar avenue. Those Invited Include
Mr. and Mrs. James McNamara, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlea Ryle, Mrs. Ellen Devers, Miss Mar
garet Devers. Miss Marcella Baker, George C.
Dickson, AVllmer Ahn, Charles Devers.
Mrs. Louis F. Cunningham, of Osage avenue,
will entertain tills evening. The favors and
decorations will be In keeping with Washing
ton's Birthday, The guests will Include Mix
Kitty Galllmore, Miss Gladys Macool, Miss Betty
McMlchael, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Magee, Mrs. L.
M. Worth, of New York; 'Mtes Ellen V., Miss
Agnes, Miss Florence anil Miss Margaret Col
lier, also of New Tork; John J. Ruddy, Dr. R.
M. Haury, A. Mealey, George Kennedy. Lo Roy
Macool and Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Chldlaw, of Wil
mington. FRANKFORD
Mr. and Mrs. B. N. France, of 1423 East
Montgomery avenue, will entertain February
23 at their home. Their guests will Include the
Rev. Edward White, Mlsa Ray James, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Oehrle, Col. John R. Nicholson ana
Mrs. Nicholson, William D. Brelsford', M. D.
Chandler, Mrs, E. C. Johnson, George C. Tees,
Miss Evelyn Teea. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Martin.
Harold Dobbins, the Rev. H. MacArthur, the
Rev. and Mrs. William T. Schmalhorst. Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Miller, Edgar Miller, Frank
Miller, Miss Emily Lamon, the Rev. Charles
al Bell, Miss M. A. Bhephard, Miss M. Shep
hard, Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Dllworth, Mlas
Elizabeth Mellor and Miss Janett Mellor.
Mrs. Henry Knight, of Borbeck street, has
been the guest of relatives In Baltimore, Md. '
pltce suit of black cloth. The skirt has a cir
cular overaklrt of the material and the coat
la cut on military lines. A three-cornered hat
of black silk, trimmed with a flaring ribbon
bow, cqmpletea the costume.
A smart costume of black broadcloth Is be.
Ing worn by Mrs. William Wllklns Carr. The
skirt has a full tunlo and over this Is worn a
coat with the new full circular flare, which
is edged with a wide band Pf Australian opos
sum. The extremely high military collar and
the tiny round muff la also of the opossum.
The matron's hat is of black velvet, quite
small and close fitting, trimmed solely with
two loops of black satin ribbon.
Mr. Ronald Barlow looks well In a trot
teur of sage green tweed, the" skirt severely
Plain and the Jacket belted In at the waist
line. With this Mrs. Birlow wear fawn col
ored imti and a chamois bat, bare of trim-
wlBg pa the feather band around the
Photo hy Marctau.
Miss Sanders has gained much favor-
nblo comment for her rendition of the
modern dance at tho various charity
affairs in this city.
Annunl Event Will Bo Brilliant Affair To
night at Hunt Club.
Tho old Crozer place, near rhoenlxvllle, now
the Pickering Hunt Club, will present a gay
and weird scene tonight, when the annual cos
tume dance nnd carnival will take place. The
committee Includes Samuel J. Reeves, Georgo
Brooke, 3d, nnd Wnrrcn F, Martin, and have
made elaborate arrangements for the amuse
ment of the guests.
Tho decorations will surpass those ot former
years, being spring flowers, greens nnd cherrici.
Tho out-of-town g'lcsts will Include Miss
Carolyn Nash and Miss Lucy Burleson, both
of Washington; Scott Bullitt, of Kentucky;
llayden Collins, of Pittsburgh; Miss Elate Park,
Kenneth B. Schley, William Leonard nnd
Chnrlcs Grccnough, all of New York. The
other guests Include Miss Frances I.. Sullivan,
Mrs. Gnlloney, Miss I.etltla L. McKIm, Miss
Eleanor B. Hopkins, Miss Ellse Hopkins Miss
Eleanor Chandler, Miss Helen Carson Brlnton,
'Miss I.lla T. Fisher, Miss Mary T. Reeves, Miss
Elennor Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hector Mc
Neil, Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed Knox, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Cope Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clothier, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Holmes Page, Mr. and V s
John Kent Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Christian A.
Itagcn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard M. Heckscher,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sands, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac II Clothier, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Drinker Riley, George Broolte. 3d, Arthur
Wheeler. T. Walter Gllliyson, David B.
Sharp, Clyde Hambrlght, Walter S. Wheeler.
C. Mnhlon Kline, Thomas Evans, Cooper
Howell, Edward Whitman, Marshall Brooks,
Marshall While, Alexander C. Yarnall, EfTing
hnm B. Morris, Jr., Penn Smith, Jr., William
II. Reeves, Jr., and William Churchman.
Members of the, Lndles' Aid Society of the
First Methodist Church, 5th nnd Diamond
streets, will give a Washington supper at the
church tomorrow night. The Rev. N. B. Grubb,
pastor of tho church, will assist.
Miss Margaret Davenport was given a surprise
party on her 10th birthday by her mother, Mrs.
Cello Davenport, at her home, 2018 West Colum
bia avenue, Wednesday. Twenty-four little
girls nnd boys were present. Miss Ruth Kugler
nnd Miss Mildred Kugler assisted in receiving.
The house was prettily decorated,
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston, of 2106 Co
lumbia avenue, will entertain at "MO" this eve
ning at their home. Among the guests will be
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goll, Mr. and Mrs. George
Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. William Conly, Mrs, Anna
Ludwlr. William Ludwig, Dr. Dlllman Conly,
Mlea Mary Tyler, MIss Margaret Goll, Miss
Edith Mellersch and William Tyahon.
Miss Jessie E. S. Schanz, of 1620 North 11th
street, will entertain at luncheon and bridge
today, In honor of her house guest. Miss Ber
nadlne Menne, of New York. The color scheme
of the decorations will be red. Roses will
mingle with cherries and ornamental hatchets
In keeping with the traditions of Washington's
Birthday celebration. The favors will be
dainty baskets of cherries. Miss Bessie Trlnkle,
Miss Edna Tutner, Mrs. Franz Ehrllch, Jr.,
Mrs, Frederick Rees, Mrs. Walter Crocker, Miss
Carrie Campbell, Mrs. John Hutchlngs, Mrs.
A. E. Hundermark. Mrs. Minna Joerge, Mrs.
Frank Schanz, Mrs. William Rees, of Reading,
Pa.; Miss Helen Clayton, of Trenton, N. J.,
and Mrs. Roland Helss, of Atlantlo City,
The Rhelnhelmera' Department Store Bene
ficial Association; will hold Its third annual re
ception and masquerade ball at 5th and, Cum
berland streets, Wednesday night. More than
60 couples are expected to attend. The com
mittee In charge consists of M. Leon, chair
man; Florence Toof, Agnes Campbell, Dorotby
Holmes, WUHam Friedman and Anthony Hln
frey. The Aurora A. C. Is making arrangements
for Its first concent and dance, which Is to
be held at Hanley'a Academy on St, Patrick's
night. March 17.
Jamea TIerney will leave for San Francisco
on March 1, to be gone for several month's.
Miss Anna Relchert, of Kensington, and Mlaa
Viola Lewellyn, of Brideaburg, will leave In
the course of a week for the Panama-Paclflo
International Exposition at San Francisco,
Miss Anna Alexy will spend the week visit
ing her cousin, Miss Frelda Young, of East
Orange, N. J,
Miss Helen Donahue, of RIohnjend and On
tarlo streets, will leave today for Kanaas City,
where she will stay the remainder of tha'-wlriter,
Walter Kennedy will spend a portion of the
week In New York,
Th Somerset Literary Association will give
Its stouti grand recjUo sad danfg at Sax
enia H&U twJjhU
T'lE mairlage In nlihounced ot Mlas Virginia
Taylor, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, Francis
Tnjlor, of Bevel ly, N. J., ta William It RW,
ntso of Beverly.
The marriage of Mlas Isabella V. Welnrlcb,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Charles Weln
rich, of 2227 North Park avenue, to La.wrehca
Oaasenhelmer, ot Washington, D. C, will take
place on Tuesday, March 2, at noon, at ths home
nt the bride. Miss Welnrlch has selected Miss
Flora Bertlzhtlmcr a maid of honor. Sidney
Hecklnger, of Washington, D. C, wll ba best
man. The ceremony will be followed by
Tha marriage of Miss Helen Shldle Luplon, of
1712 Erie avenue, and William Baytts Mos6n took
place at 12 o'clock lnl Thursday In the Tioga.
Presbyterian Church. Thomas 13. Edstrom, of
Pittsburgh, an uncle of the bride, gave her In
A breakfast followed the ceremony at the Itlt
lenhouse, after which Mr. and Mrs, Mason left
for n trip South. They will be at home after
April 1 at the Tioga, 16th nnd Tioga streets.
Tho wedding of Miss Elate Rath, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Until, ot (218 Baynton
street, and Norman II. Mathleu, of 5323 Ger
mnntown avenue, will take place this after
noon at the home ot the bride. The ceremony
will be performed by the Rev. Dr. Sptrey, pas
tor of tho Evangelical Lutheran Church. After
an extended wedding trip the young couple
will reside In Gcrmnntown.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwetker enterta.ned
n number of their friends during the week at
their home. A musica!e was given during the
early part of the evening. In which the fol
lowing participated: Dr. Frank Schwarz, pia
nist; C, Stockberger, vocallat; George Stub,
German comedian, and Rottalre Eggleslon. A
buffet supper followed. The guests Included,
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mood, Mr. and
Mrs. Jncob Mood, Mr and Mrs. Albert Mood,
Mr. and' Mrs. Tlioman Whalen, Mr. and Mrs.
George Frederick, Alfred Painter, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Schwartz, 3d, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fur
bish, Mrs. Painter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rum
mell, Mrs, Schwartz, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Some
bom, Mr. and Mrs. Jack MaaNalr, Harry Wln
nemore, Mrs. Wlnnemore, Mrs. Therese John,
Sirs. Brand, H. Sonnebom, Miss Dorothy Mac
Nalr, Miss Mary Stockberger and Mrs. Stock
berger. Mrs. Eva Repetta enteVtained In honor of her
daughter. Miss Frances Repetta, nt her home,
2523 'South 17th street, Wednesday evenlnj.
Among the guests were Miss Grace Morrison,
Miss Ida Simon, Miss Edna Tatcm, Miss Ade
line Wnldron, Hush Campbell, Robert Camp
bell, Warren McCloskey, Frank Thompson,
Joseph O'Neill, Jr.
Beneficiaries to Receive $2300 Each Next
Ball December 9.
Following a meeting of the Executive .Com
mittee of the Charity Ball yes'.erday after
noon. It was announced by J, FranMln -Mc-Faddcn.
chairman, that the unusually large
proceeds of the 33th annual charity ball last
December resulted In the distribution of 823CO
each to the four benelclarles, or a total of
JJ200. The Institutions were the surgical ward
of the University Hospital, the maternity de
partment of the Jefferson Hospital, the Rush
Hospital for Consumptives and the Children's
The total receipts of the ball last December
were 15,205.23. and the expenses J5S31.3S. leav
ing net proceeds ot ?9760.S4. Deducting the
$9200 distributed, the surplus balance Is fitO.St.
The proportion of expenses to grout receipts
Is unusually favorable for a charitable affair.
In 1913 each beneficiary received $-1-3, so tha
Increase this year for each Is ?176.
Thursday, December 9, was decided upon as
the date for this year's Charity Ball. It wai
also announced that all local charitable organ
izations desirous of being beneficiaries of the
36th Annual Charity Ball should forward their
applications not later tban April 20 to the cor
responding secretary. Mrs. a. Naudaln Duer.
1915 Pine street
The bylaws ot the Charity Ball provide "that
an Institution or a society, to participate In
the proceeds of the ball, must b one estab
lished and maintained for the care and treat
ment of the sick or suffering and located In
Philadelphia or within 10 miles ot the city
limits, and muat have an annual Income of at
least ?5O00. No Institution may participate
oftener than once every three years, but sep
arate departments a an institution are con
sidered aa being separate Institutions."
Mrs. William A. Keely, of 61t Leverlnglon
avenue, entertained Informally yesterday after
noon. Her guests, who are members of a sew
ing club, were Mrs. N, Claire Rorabaugh, Mra.
Frederick Scott, Mrs. Frank Kenworthy, Mrs.
J. A. Struse, Mrs. Roy A. Robinson, Mrs.
Charlea Weln. Miss Emma Rehfuas. Mrs. A.
bert Hood, Mrs. Robert Hays, Mrs. Orlando
Petty and Mlas Helen Rehfuss.
Mrs. Charles Gane entertained Informally
yesterday afternoon at her home on Green
lane. Her guests were Mrs. C, E, Parks, Mrs.
William Stroud, Mrs, LouU Melvln Struse, Mlas
Ray Roocock, Mrs. Mllford C. For, Mrs,
Charles 'Whlteman, Mrs. "W. H, Hoeat, Mrs.
William Addelhelm. Mrs. Andrew Sauer and
Mrs. Frank Cantrell.
The alumni of the .High 8chool gave an en
tertainment and,dance In the school auditorium
last evening. The proceeds will be devoted to
the decorations In tha rooms ot the new HIsU
School. The officer of the alumni are Steward
punlap, prealdent; William Schwln, yIcb prtal
dent; Miss Ruth Wunderlich, recording eor
tary; Miss Dorothy Towell. corresponding w
retary, and Miss Helen Taylor, treasurer. Tha
Committee ot Arrangements for the entertain
ment Included Mlaa JleHn Taylor. Stephen
Brown and Wheeler Ollmore.
Mrs. Samuel Keene, of Jth and Cooper tt,
entertained with bridge-luncheon tbi wk.
Amonr the guesta present were Mrs. Jf. XHr
tomley. of Merchantville, Mlas Geraldlne JHe
ham. of BaUimore; MCas Mary C Faro and
Miss arft Cr-
Mr- and Mrs. Warren WebaiM, mt W
atreet. are enjoying a StjHi arutaa-
' uua Edith JafftMt, of Lflurtaiw ti w
1 iiMin$ ft fottnllfcl to AtHntft fiHjf,
WW (TtMi