8 EVENING LEDGIim-PHlLADELPHlA', SATUKDAY, FBBBUABY 20, 101.5. - IS I'OJai.tX3 LKDGftl COMPANY crnus tr. R. ctmita, rsuwxT. ,C7irtB H.LU(tJntcon,VtcPrr!int John O Martin, ftr((f7 M Traiurtrt Philip e. Collins, John B. tyilllame-, Plreolors. CDtTOntAtifiOAHDt Crtcs II. It CcxTin, Chairman. j. M. WHAlifeT. ..... niMuttra Edlter JOHtf C. JtAnTttt. General Duslncta Mana.ar - 1 1 - i tPubtlahtd dally At TibUO Lkpoii ttultdlnCi Independence Squire, Philadelphia. I.aMtn CttTiiL .nroad ami Cheatnut Streata ATtlNtic Citt , rrtta-Unlon Bulldla Naw Tonic i..,. 170-A. Metropolitan Tower Cnidnio. ...... .. .817 Home Insurance nulldlnc LONDON a Waterloo riace, Fall Mall, S. TV. NEWS BUREAUS! Kmiaacua BnnrAO ...... . . Th Patriot HutMlnr tVAi!ttUT0N Uuoeau i . The Pear nulldlnr Knf Yo- BeesMD The Times llulldlnr Bialttt Buasttr .. ....HO Fried rlchatrante l-ONnof Beaut)... . ,. ..,.2 Pall Mall Eat, S. W. fiats licauu ....... 32 nua Louie la Grand suBscmpfioNTEnsis 1Br carrier, Diil.T Onlt, alx eenta. Br malt, poalrald oUtatde of Philadelphia, except where foreltn peat. la required. Diilt O.ni.t, one month, twenty-five cental Djit.T, Oilt, one year, three dollars. Alt mall aub ncrlptlona payable In advance sett aooo walnut km stone, main aooo MP Aidrts) all communications to Enntnp t.t&atr. Independence Square, Philadelphia. i. . annuo at tui rnit.irtt.rui roarorrici n ircom- CtlSB MilL UATTtn. rniLAtiKi.riiiA, sATuntiAY. tr.nnuAiiv 20. ms. Life is too short lor haling. Beware of the Wiles of the Liquor Interests OPPONENTS of local option nro doing their best lo dlvldo tho forces In favor of It In order to defeat tho reform. They nro raising tho issuo of town or borough option against couuty option, as though that wore of any consequence at tho present time, In comparison with tho principle Itself. It will bo cany enough in tho futuro to amend a county option law In whatever way cxpcrlenco shows to bo wise, provided wo have the law to amend. Tho thing to do now Is to pass an act giving to tho peoplo of tho counties the right to decide whether liquor Is to bo sold or not. Moro local optlonlsts favor this plan than any other, and It Is a plan which Is more pleasing to tho State wide prohibitionists than one which provides for option In a smaller unit. Thero never will bo universal agreement on tho most suitable unit, and If tho Goncral Assembly waits until tho friends of local option all say that tho borough, or tho township, or tho city, or tho county ought to bo tho political division to exerclso tho option for Itself, It will wait forever. But a canvass of tho two houses of tho General Assembly at the present time Indicates that If all tho friends of tho principle of local option bring pressuro to bear, an act can bo passed this winter which will rcllovo tho Common Picas Judges of tho unsuitable function of deciding whether liquor shall bo sold In a community or not, and will put the wholo question up to tho counties. Tho liquor forces aro cunning, and they will prevent this union of tho tempcranco people If pos sible. But every advocate of temperance should refuso to play into tho hands of tho enemy. A Nickel's Value in Transportation THE Connclly-Seger-Costollo transit pro gram gives no guarantee whatever of tho abolition of exchange tickets or a universal live-cent fare. The Taylor plan provides for both, and for such comprehenslvo facilities that a uni versal flve-cont faro means what It says transportation from any part of the city to any other part for' a nickel. The Governor Cuts Out the Graft . THE Governor has made a good beginning by cutting J98.S0O from tho gener-1 defi ciency bill of J575.127. More than half of this sum was taken from tho appropriations for extra officers In tho Senate and tho House of representatives; and tho greater part of tho balance was from tho allowance for con tingent expenses of various departments. Ha even reduced tho appropriation for tho Exec utive Mansion by J 1000. This Is the kind of economy to practice with tho public funds. If Doctor Brum baugh keeps It up and holds tho General Assembly down to a prudent husbanding of the financial resources of the Commonwealth, In big matters as well as In small ones, he will have all tho money needed for highway Improvement as well as for the ordinary pur poses of government But tho Governor has not stopped with cutting down tho appropriations. Ho has vetoed a bill providing for additional em ployes In the General Assembly. The present number Is large enough for all reasonable needs of the service. Of course, the politi cians are not satisfied. They aro anxious to find places for their followers, on tho theory that government exists for tha benefit of the officeholders. If wo aro to have in Harrlsburg for a while a government for the benefit of tho people we may be able to get accustomed to tt. Relief Is Almost In Sight PRESENT Indications point to a breathing spell for business. Congress Is taking up tho appropriation bills and planning to con tinue the old appropriations for such depart ments as cannot bo provided for before March 4, and the President himself Is making ar rangements to take a needed rest by crossing tho continent to see the Panama-Paclflq Fair in San Francisco. This Is a wiser course, both for him and for Congress, than to do any more legislating, The country haa started on tho upward road tp prosperity after a long period of business depression. If business la let alone, the prog ress, will he more rapid, and the Administra tion will get whatever benefit Is to be derived from better times. Prosperity la a plant to he nourished by Mr. "Wilson and his friends with the greatest care for tha next 20 .months, for without It ho will not have the slightest chance of re-election. The abandonment of tho extra.seMlqn plan, If It has really been abandoned, Indicates that some one In Wash iRgton has a little political wisdom. How Clothes Become Charming A WOMAN'S hat, considered apart from Us .-nearer, cannot be considered beautlfut. Of course, there are exceptions, but Imagine an Irregular shaped bucket of straw, or PtlftMifd cambric and wire, covered with silks or velvets ,and adorned with a contrap (ion. wMeh looks like a gigantic darning egg tm a stlek, or some other Impossible) thing, M"t 99 have typical headcovering of a woman, 1(! not like anything in the hAvta M'wve, tt the earth beneath or In the VftM BAdor the tKtrth. Yet, put tWsr con fslrtfeti - yea. coeo I the right wrd jpttt tote ton teuton an the head of a woman eusaj. u t transformed lata sonuthteg t sur jiKjtsiai' tmuy T- mi rule aj-piw 10 coats ami irejs, ....' ...:.. t iu aa the garments iatn43 U ba seen oulsltle of tho boudoir. Even to pantelettcs' And they say that these gar ments of our grandmothers, or great-grand-mothers, aro coming into rashlon again. Tho Kaio Greenaway children woro them, and tho twinkling foet that glittered along the walks, fanned by tho little frills and em broideries, wero a delight to tho eye. When tho older maids don them this spring they will bo provocative of similar pleasure, not on account of their beauty, but on account of tho wearers. It matters not what tho women put on, they transform It into some thing wonderfully Interesting. Tho law of llfo seems to bo, therefore, not that women nro mndo charming by their clothes, but that tho clothes borrow a beauty and a fascina tion from tho charm of the women who wear them. The Connelly Kind of Economy Mlt. CONNELLY says that It Is tho duty of himself and other Councllmen to con servo tho city's funds and seo that no money Is wasted, That Is why, no doubt, ho advo cates building an elevated road through three miles of farming territory Instead of In tho city whero It Is needed. No ProHt In a "Hidclt" Policy NEW ORLEANS was for ycarB a victim of tho "hlde-lt" disease. "HubIi It up" was tho slogan If a caso of yellow fovcr appeared, or anything clso which merchants Imagined would hurt their business. In 1005 tho yellow plaguo settled on tho Italian district. Not a word about It any where. Traffic continued as usual. Visitors came and went. Business moved along. So did tho yellow fever. At last It could not bo hidden. Tho news was whispered In tho clubs, then on tho strcots, and finally tho newspapers voro compelled to publish tho facts. Then enrao the great epidemic, great not on account of tho number of deaths, but becauso It removed forever tho bogey of tho Gulf Coast. That wa3 tho summer that sclcnco fought tho mosquito, tho deadly stegomyla, and drove It out of town. It was a magnificent victory. But did tho territory about New Orleans bellovo It when tho announcement was mado that tho epidemic was over? Not a bit of It. "They lied before and they aro lying yet!" was tho verdict. Tho hinterland was afraid. Concealment had done New Orleans more harm than tho fever Itself. It required months to re-establish confidence. Tho "hide-it" policy had a calamitous after math. Would New Orleans hldo yellow fever now? Not a bit of It. More likely tho discovery of a case would bo put on tho first pages of tho nowspapers as a varnlng to citizens and a plcdgo to tho rest of tho world that tho city was squaro and abovobonrd. New Orleans has learned by bitter experi ence that publicity does not kill, but cures. Thero Is unemployment In Philadelphia. Tho way out Is to recognlzo tho fact and remedy tho conditions. Tho city that takes caro of Its own need novcr bo afraid that workmen or business will avoid It. Shall Pie Crust Be Sewed or Nailed? CONNECTICUT, which acquired an early and perhaps premature and unwarranted fame through tho wooden nutmeg, has onco more been thrust upon tho centre of tho stage through tho wonders of her home mado condiments. It Is plo this time, and, of course, every one knows that pies aro condi ments. Charles E. Boylan, a pie lover of Tennessee, bought a triangle of cherry pastry In James Carson Jones' restaurant In Mem phis, and at tho first blto broke a tooth on ono of the nails In the crust. He was natur ally surprised, Indeed, astonishment and wonder almost mado him Insensible to his dentlflclal loss. But he recovered, and Is now seeking consolatory damages from tho Now England company which produced the nailed pics. Tho ordinary cook books, through some neglect to cover all contingencies, do not yet recommend that tho crusts of pics shall bo held together with nails. A moment's reflec tion, however, Is enough to convince ono that nothing more effectlvo than nails could ba found for tho pics with leather crusts such as brides make. A sewed or a pegged crust has Its merits, but tho "waxed end" used In shoo soles would give an unpleasant flavor to the pastry, and pegs aro so difficult to obtain In theso days of machlnc-mado shoes, that only the rich could afford to In dulgo In luxury of pegged pies. Tho Con necticut company has really hit upon tho best system. Wire nails, properly clinched on tho under side, will hold the sole to tho upper so tightly that Now England plea may bo sent with perfect safety not only to Mem phis, but oven aa far as Vlcksburg. Injection of Morality Into the Electorate POLITICIANS do not really believe that women ara constitutionally incapable of tho Judgment required of voters. What they actually fear Is that tho feminine body Incor porated In the electorate would refuse to bo led by the nose. That la what haa happened in States that have tried the experiment. Imagine more than a modicum of women rushing to the polls to voto for some manikin because he was properly brandsd with a party iron, Ts he clean and straight and fair and square? That Is a woman's ques tion and one which she never has any very great difficulty In answering correctly. Tho Austrlans, awfully arrayed, ara onco more belching bombs on bellicose Belgrade. The seat of government has been moved to St. .uc!e, without, tho formality of an ordi nance of Councils. Who was It that said, "I caro not who passes tho ordinances for the city so long as I can write them?" If only 900 British soldiers have earned promotion In France then tho English moth ers underestimate the merit of their sons. Now that It has been demonstrated that tha acoustto properties of the Yae Bowl aro excellent, tha college yell can be given there with full assurance that It will bo heard. When that lost dog returned to his home in North Broad street, after an. advertise ment for him had been printed in the papers, he showed more than human intelligence. He knew enough to go home when ha was wanted. . , 1 .11 1 .1. Tha Paris Temps wishes it tp be under stood that it is a longer way to peaee than to Tipperary. It statistician has figured out that between 1498 3D. C. and Ui A. D. there have been only 127 years of peace and 3130 years of war. Ciun pQYle. who la regretting in the cible Ulptos that ha suggested the bkxkade of jgnglana by aubmarlaee la ooe of hi storlea, wilt soon outrival Bwnard Shaw as "a hard u4 w xpriacd advertiser," ta use SUCCESS IS NOT FPU THE DRIFTERS Eichard Tiovithick's Llfo Was Ono o Perpetual Promise and Repeated Failure Cecil Rhodes and Alfrled Krupp Never Dodged Difficulties. By JOSEPH 1L ODELL TWO things aro fatal to success vacllla-' lion and drifting, John . Sherman, In n letter to a young man who believed himself to bo a failure, said, "No ship ever reached Its port by salting for a dozen other ports at tho samo tlme.' "Thero Is a limit,'' said Gladstone, "to tho work that can be got o,ut of a human body or a human brain. He is a wlso man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which ho Is not fitted! ho Is wiser who, from among tho things ho can do well, chooses and resolutely follows tho best." Cecil Rhodes, tho South African mllllonalro and statesman, said, "It took mo IS years to get my flrBt mine, but I got It. Though my boat may havo been slow In tho race, I knew exactly what I was starting for." Edward Emerson Barnard began life aa a photographer's boy, his work being to sit upon a roof and watch the exposure of photographic plates. While thus engaged his thoughts wcro upon tho sky and tho a tars, and ho determined to know all about them. Alono and unaided ho struggled through such books as ho could get upon astronomy, studied and mastered mathematics, scrimped and saved until ablo to purchase a small tolcscope, and finally, so great was his ambition, ho worked his wny through Vandcrbllt University. Nothing swerved or daunted him, rebuffs from prominent astronomers who thought him only a precocious boy did not dishearten him, apparently Insurmountable difficulties only served to sllmulato his determination. Ho was graduated from tho university In 1SS6, nnd In less than 20 years found himself ono of tho foremost of tho world's astrono mers, the discoverer of tho fifth satellite of Jupiter, and tho recorder of more comets than any other living man. Atlantic Cable Took Time Such well-directed effort Is bound to win fame, or power, or wealth, or whatever other goal tho worker has set beforo him. Field spent 13 years In laying tho Atlantic cable; Webster gave 36 years to tho compilation of his dictionary; Bancroft devoted 26 years to the writing of his "History of tho United States". It took James Watt 30 years to bring his condensing engine to perfection. "There Is no road too long to tho man who advances deliberately nnd without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to tho man who prepares himself for them with patience," said Ta Bruycre. John B. Hcrreshoff, tho designer of tho in vincible yachts which havo held tho coveted "Challengo Cup" on tho American side of tho Atlantic, was born blind. While still a boy ho determined not to let tho terrible afflic tion cheat him out of a successful life. Ho viould not allow It oven to handicap him. Tho business ho choso seems tho last ono that n blind man should attempt. At tho ago of 11 ho was learning tho lines of a boat by tho sense of touch. Soon afterward ho began lo mako models. Ho quickly learned to select material by running his hand over It, and a defectlvo beam or plank never escaped detection. Beginning In a modest way, ho mado rowboats and sailing craft of small and simple pattern. He laid It down as a rule never to excuse himself, never to give way to a difficulty, never to accept a problem as Insoluble, but to think nnd work until every obstacle was overcome. Nothing worthy can bo accomplished by tho man who simply drifts. Thousands of life-failures may be thus accounted for every year tho men who never decide, only drift. They wero born Into the world without any conscious effort on their own part, and they wish to continue to the end with just as much case. So they dodge difficulties and evade responsibilities; nothing Is so distaste ful to them as the act of decision, or so Irk some, ns sustained application. They drift Into school and out again; they drift Into tho occupation that prcsonts tho fewest Initial difficulties; they drift from Job to Job, from city "to city; they drift from pleasure to pleasure, from meal to meal, from drink to drink, from sleep to sleep. And most of them aro languidly cursing the Crea tor and tho constitution of the universe be cause things were not so ordered that they could drift Into fame, or wealth, or honor, or power. Trevithlck's Futile Brilliancy No more striking illustration of failure as the result of lack of persistence nnd concen tration can be found than that of Richard Trovlthlck. Trevlthlck was born in Corn wall, England, just ten years before George Stephenson. In early years he drifted about tho mines, refusing to go to school, and thus lost the discipline which application to Btudy gives to the will as well as to the brain. As ho grew up he developed a most original mind, great mechanical skill and a fitful kind of Industry. Ho preceded many well-known Inventors by his novel plans and construc tions, and showed a fertility in many lines of engineering that was truly marvelous. He Improved the Watt engine by doing away with the condenser and introducing a sim ple and economical high-pressuro system. He also used for the first time a cylindrical wrought-tron boiler. In 1803 Trevlthlck constructed the first steam carriage and ran It successfully on a. road for 90 miles. He then took It to Lon don, and won tho admiration of Sir Humphry Davy and other distinguished scientists. But for some unknown reason ha developed the scheme no further, broke up the engine and returned to Cornwall to resume ordinary mine engineering. Later he built another engine, which was really the first of all rail road locomotives. Its cylinder was 44 Inches In diameter, and was placed horizontally, A big flywheel was geared through intermedi ates to the four propelling wheels, which were smooth-rimmed. It ran on iron rails, and under 40 pounds steam pressure made 64 miles an hour drawing heavy loads, and was In every way an astounding success. But he grew tired of struggling with the difficulties of a pioneer and drifted back to the familiar and easy life of general engineering, In 1803 Trevlthlck undertook to ballast all ships leaving London by lifting mud from the bottom of the Thames with bucket machines. Two years later he invented a means of discharging cargoes by machinery; and in 1809 ha took out patents for construct ing armored vessels by means o( wrought iron plates. About the same time he organ lied a company for junnellps the Thames in the busiest part of London, but, after ex cavating 1100 feet, difficulties discouraged him on be &ava up the project. This was tQ&ovtifl by experiments in stsaw btitfK construction, and his patents spsey aa4 describe, among other marvelous thtaxs, "THE our modorn screw propeller. Later ho built a number of engines for pumping out aban doned silver mines In Peru, but tho enter prise failed and ho was left ragged and pen niless in South America. In splto of all theso brilliant beginnings Trevithlck's llfo Is a record of missed possi bilities, tho Btory of failure through lack of patient persistence. Ono of his biographers speaks of this fcaturo as "a trait of char acter that in tho end ruined his llfo and do prlved him of tho honors and rewards that might havo been his desert." Ho died In 1833 so deeply In debt that ho was burled by sub scription raised among tho men who had worked for him, and net even a simple slab marks tho resting placo of tho vacillating man of ability. Nearly every ono of his projects was subsequently carried out suc cessfully by some ono else. Tho Iliao of Alfricd Krupp Set over against that story Is tho success of Alfrled Krupp. Dwlght Goddard says that "extraordinary application and dogged perseveranco explain tho success of Alfrled Krupp. Many a life of promise haB como to nothing from scattering its forces. Alfrled Krupp surpassed expectations by concentra tion and perseverance." When Alfrled was It years old his father died, leaving as nn Inheritance a forge, a laborer's cottago, and tho secret of making steel. Tho boy went to work Immediately, Impelled by a vow to succeed where his father had failed. "For 25 years he worked unremittingly, by daylight at the anvil and forge, by lamplight at his accounts and books. For years he could hardly pay the wages of his men, let alono any profit for himself. After 25 years tho clouds of care began to lift, and henceforth success came In almost geometric progression tho marvel of tho world." In 1826 when Krupp began his work he had two helpers but no tools. Theso ho hod to mako himself. In 1832 he had ten work men; in 1845, 122; in 1876, 60 years after his discouraging start, tho Krupp works at Essen employed 25,000 men. How many thero aro today no ono knows, but to the Krupps must be attributed most of tho marvelous equipment of tho present German army; in fact, it has been freely Bald that tho nrmed power of Germany could not have been but for the dogged perseverance and courage of Alfricd Krupp. ONE VIEW OP CHILD LABOR To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir There seems to be a great agitation at the present day in regard to child labor. Never theless, this law Is causing great hardship upon persons with large families, making it often necessary for boys to start at an early age to help to support their motlier.s and other little children, otherwise dependent upon the uncer tainty of charity. To start work In early life will harm no one. My father, who Is 85 years old, started Into work at the age of 12 years. He was so little he had to stand on boxes, and there are thou sands of people today well up In years who can say the same, especially when It takes some years to learn and be master of a trade. Yet Governor Brumbaugh, In his Inaugural address, advocates that persons not be allowed to work under IS years, but go to school. Edu cation In our present day for many positions Is almost secondary. We have known graduates from high school and college finally wind up as a motorman or conductor on a trolley car or chauffeur, There are other things, such as smoking cigarettes and other vices, that are undermining the health and growth of our children, and not work, DAILY READER, Swarthmore, February 18. STILL FOR THE TAYLOR PLAN To tht Editor of the Evening Ledger! Sir Tlte Councllmen wllj reallie what they have done next November. I am a Republican, but, at the same time. I'll pledge that my vote will not go to the Organization at the Siext election and that I will never vote for a Coun cilman that's now In office. Business men have spoken this way to me also, as well as the working-men. The people are still In con trol of this Government, and McNIchol, Vare and Connelly, though they feel that they own this city, will realise that they are far In the background. We are fighting hard for the Taylor plan and we dare not let up. The Idea of a few men ta dare have the audacity to tell the people of Philadelphia they can't have what they want and demand! New York haa $123,000,000 invested In rapid transit, and Is still Improving in those line, and Philadelphia-no wonder it's ridiculed when we have auch worthy representatives. Wake up citizens; keep wide awake. Philadelphia, February ". STANLEY. VALUE OP TABERNACLE SERMONS To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Since the Sunday campaign I have bought two Lsoasas i day, and after reading the morning Ludoeb, have sent it to a college In Ohio, where it !a read by the students. Eternity alone can tell the good you are doing to this and other communities by PMbllshlog Mr. Sun day's sermons, and the more complete you publish them the better your splendid paper will be appreciated by njuUituda of readers who are not prejudiced against the iiiolo and the great good now being done C CLAY QUMMif. JfWUUJfhls February l 'FORTY-NINERS' HAD A 9 ' ' iiiiim jll THRILLS IN WAR AND WORDS There Is Some Humor Left in Incidents of Battlefields and Some ojj jroetrys very stun:, nui .umciency Jtias Knocked the Spirit Out of Romance. By WARREN "Ol UR idea of a good occasion for emo tional thrills," writes tho editor of a popular magazine, "Is tho British soldiers moving by night' and silently entraining, crossing the channel and marching Into Franco for tho first tlmo in 100 years. If there is any poetry left in Kipling, tvj ought to havo it now." Thin was beforo Mr. Kip ling had written tho spirited doggerel which contains tho line, "Tho Hun Is at tho Gato" lively lines, yet, however lively, less stridently jingoistic than somo of what has gone be foresince In fact ns well as poetry There's nothing left today But atccl and flro and woe. Wa read that penny reprints of Kipling's "For All Wo Havo and Aro" havo s.ld llko bread on tho streets of London. But it is time to ask ourselves tho question, What Is the world war doing for literature? Tho glorious days of tho war correspondent aro ancient history now; during tho Russo Japaneso war ho scaicely had a look-In, and his status has not Improved since then. And yet and yet there Is tho Bplendld feat of tho correspondent of tho London Express (I have seen It heralded nowhere savo In the headlines of that Journal): AUSTRIAN WARSHIP SUNK By J. A. Sinclair Fooley Express Correspondent. But not all war correspondents are Pooleys fortunately for tho Teutons' navies. War plays aro another matter but neither Barrio's play about "Dcr Tag" nor any of tho other dramas that havo so promptly come from patriotic pens reward ono's read ing. Verse Is another matter, too; poets don't need to reach tho front to write good verse, nor do they need to tremble lest tho words, "Deleted by tho Censor," replnco their purplest patches. And Britain's poets havo been mobilized mobilized as ono man, from Maurlco Hewlett to popular Harold Bcgble, from William Watson to tho Poet Laureate, they have all fired their shots and their Bhots have found no echo overseas. Verily, verily Js this a war of machines and only Kipling nnd some of our extreme modernlsta can hear tho musio of machines. Less verse has been perpetrated by Frenchmen than by Englishmen so far and though the French verse may be mediocre, tt is at least medi ocre. Surely Young "There is an appalling soullessness about it, and that Is savagely unhuman," writes tho London Mail's correspondent. "Men turn handles, and death files out In large bundles." And yet even this war, conceived and exe cuted In inhumanity, has Us emotional thrills, There Is humor In the Incident of the wounded German officer's notebook In which he had Jotted down French phrases that ho was evidently memorizing for future repeti tion much as a dyspeptic might turn to a cook book for courage to survive his regi men of broth and rice pudding. "Give me three chickens"; "I want two bottles of champagne"; "Three bottles of very old bur gundy"; "Give me somo of your best cog nac"; "How can I reach the Moulin Rouge?" One sympathizes with the young officer why la it that one Is sure that he is young? yes, eyen though one may rejolca that he isn't marching Into Paris with his corps. One can Imagine John Masefleld, who has already achieved his "August, 1914," writing a grimly humorous set of verses round this young Ger man's disappointment a hospital prisoner instead of a roysterer on the boulevards! But there are other incidents, less humorous, more moving. t . Somo of them concern the airmen; the bomb-throwers careless pf the lives below them; the men in their machines careless of their own lives. There is Jules Vedrlnes, who in three days sent to earth two German Taubes. In times of peace D'Annunzio and Itostand have been thrilled by air flights, and have made poetry out of their thrilling. What should they not find to write of duels at a height of 7000 feet? But the most heroic of all the actions in the air have been those of a French and a Russian aviator the one on the Franco-Belglan frontier, the other on the line between Russia, and Qallcla. But here is tho newspaperman's matter-of-faot accounj: Captain Heateroff. the first Russian aviator to "loop the loop," was returning from an aerial reconnalsance when he saw an Austrian aero plane hovering oVer the Russian forces, pre sumably with the Intention of dropping bombs. The Russian Immediately changed the direc tion ol the machiae and headed straight for that of the Austrian at full spd The force of Ui impact cauaed the feUpj of hetis CINCH!" M . N. m -HP " 'W j -VJ&& J, , IS BARTON BLAKE macnines. wltlcli plunged to earth, the two aviators meeting Instant death 'J This proso Is not poetry, Indeed, but It li pootry'3 very stuff. Thero Is courage enough nnd to srare.lnl una ui, me iiigmnnucrs who drop behind their fellows to blow up tho bridge over' which thoy have just passed (an actio? morally certain to bo followed by their o'i death); tho men In planes, safo from thSa rifles of the enemy only at a mile and quarter In tho air; tho Belgian hello girl nhijlj stuck to her switchboard and reported to ths; officers In tho field Just how their shells cri'; falling till she wns discovered bv a German shell herself: thn nwvv 'Pnmmto , i.i"?l ' . " v .- name ucrman Howitzer shells "Jack John. sons," because, on Impact, they send ud thick columns of greasy black smoke oh, they are? iicruea juai ua mucti as xsapoicon a grenadiers wero heroes, or tho men of Pickett's charge, or tho Japanese of Thousand Metre Hill. Anil there has been unreckonlng courago on the German side from princes down to plumben, from field marshals to farmers. But the fact remains It Is a war of machines. Machines In tho air; machines under the II surfaco of tho water; armored machines that raco the roads; machines called slego BUiw,j that demolish tho most ponderous fortlflca-wl tlons; machines that aro called bombs, andff exploding, poison with their gasi whole,; trenches full of the chemy, arresting In, thi pose called death; It is nil a matter of ma- chlnery. Suppose this last Invention Is "in' vention" indeed; that only shows that lniagi' nation Itself sets itself practicing at me chanics. Much of the old-tltno glamour of. war raocd out of It when suits of mall anH swords and lances wero largely superseded by powder and ball. Today, men still coma to close quarteis tiench warfare has en foiced that; they still spit ono another 01 cold steel; hut tho principal weapons In thelri most deadly combats nro machines that puni bullets across largo distances. Death bym chlnerj'iyel tho machlno never created th life It destroys, nor can create. The Joy ol battle Is fainter in this 20th century; not s much that we aro ao very much more elvrj lllzed, but becauso thero is in modern wfj fare less of romanco than of "efficiency." Middllnrr Cobbler. Good Cook And great martial poems aro scarcely to b looked for now, becauso even poets bat como to understand the nature of moders war. They cannot read much heroism inl thn work of thn mlne-lavcr. or the subaWlnt that comes as a thief In the night; they MM (to see the'knlghtly chivalry of an slrsniR attack on a city of hospitals and schools wj churches und homes of working omeaj whose husbands are shivering In botsft trenches somewhere else. They cannot 'm hate their Individual enemy In the good m way. for thev know that ho Is merely a lm nt hi rinvprnmpnt's mlsrenresentatl" exnloltatlon. sunerlor force. The soldier ' is on the other sldo thero Is a middling cobbler, a fairly good cook, or possibly eYr a maker of flaxen-wlgged dolls; one ca"'1 hate him. one can only hate the msi'l forces that havo brought him Into action! "Third Murderer," And without haling P" how can your Homers strike their lyres cv vlnclngly. today? "I have never written love songs excg when I loved; how, thep, could I have wrv nn mnn nt hntroil without hatlnC?" A That la tha wav Goethe answered Ecktfi mann's question, when the German PshW asked why ha had never written """5 poetrv a la Theodor Korner "Glve-a-Job" Movement m ram ina oprMS"cfu iwyuwuvs" iivb ... . ..( .n.i.tlu (nit Inf .IaKM ninvamoiil Ti rp.-inlxatlOll Wtffl JJSe better perfected It would be easier to nw n,l.nl. 4nh nut nt thn finirmelltS WIlICS S ' many p?oplo In the same neighborhood r; eacn contribute SONG When I am dead, my dearest. sing no sau songs or J"" Plant thou no roses at my bead. Nor aliatjy cypress tree ?), ti,- ..n v.,,, ohnv me With showers and dewdrppa wei And If thou wilt, rcmeraoer, And if thou wilt, forget, j shall not see the shadows, I shall not feel the rain J shall not hear the nlghUngai Sing on, as if In pu ., And dreaming ttroush the twun That doth not rue nor sei. Haply I may rejnen.ber " w JMP& may teK -..m, - I i t I l I .e i