Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 20, 1915, Sports Final, Page 7, Image 7

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    Evening ledger-jphilapislphia, satubday. fbbbuaby 20, ioi5;
IPresident and Cabinet De
ft . . ., 11! i- TX XT
cide ueiiigereuu .naa
'ojriit. to Strew Explo-
I sives Promiscuously and
MUSt OCanu J.UI .ixeouito.
t-.-.ttMnrnM. Feb. 20.-Even German
B. .. ... in tha waters aft Great
fewln nnd the Continent, must, not sink
& .hip. VThis I. the attitude
m official- here, following a meeting of
Sh Cabinet with President Wilson. Oer
M no right to scatter mines
Wously. It Is held, and the Krtlser s
fS.rnment will be deemed rosponsioio
0nineiii A.mnBra Mot only from
&LMnes but froni mines as well,
attitude of the American Govern.
Kint on tne uerman uiochouo re; yy .
MeMon "it Hint... accord rut to
(Jwriatlonat law, has the right to safo
iilerrauoni , bell htcrcnt
ftSJu hn suoh "h,,B carry eVW?
nmnlraoand In chaiacter, and that
te K on this right and will hold
oermany responsible for any violation
'L .untvAf rnnf rovers V the
F" "' """" r,n- wlih Qrcat
lu' . . j' -.., ni flvrmnnv. anil
P? " ""r.".,.v tt United
Isules may have with Germany is no
!'.... nf nronl Brlta n.
"""..' "..:.. ... iM. nv.
, That tne oniy imc. . - -
tin tlvos and American ships.
That the Government believes Ger
many will use every effort to protect
American ships, even .coins ofra
American flaj? to escape rather than
risk a mlalOKO nuu uiniB u.uU-i ...v,
enmity of this country.
.,--i kM.ii.n rr thin thn chief con-
eerrof the Government Is In the dan-
tr resulting irom noauns ran "-
... .,. ii.aa.iIIa limit. Thn fSnr-
siae inu m, "- ---- ---
mi man Government ns me riHui u my
Homines within the three-mils limit oft
.. , n.pnt Tlrltnln. Iltlt It lin.R
ifno right to strew mine llelds over the
K n.rmntiv will Tin held nccount-
'ft-ablofor any American ships destroyed
iLier'Auic'-1 --"
1S .,.... A ...ai-nlnrr will tiA frlvnn in
f American ship owners to keep their
vessels away irom uio uerman nar
lone because of danger there. Never
theless tho Government would feel
Leonard Tavernakc. ISnollshman to tht bone,
irtcents Bealrtce Burnay. an Amei Icon olrl.
ifarrinff In London, from ttcaltng Slit is
turned out of her boardtng ftouw and " "'
Im. per!ilini. annlinl Her will. ," Wr'"1' ':
l.jr str. At a restaurant lie tclla her about
ItaMlf. but ahe shrouds her omn taut in
tijtiery. .. .. , ,. ,....,.-.
i, Alter dinner tneu bo 10 " ',"""' "1
std here Beatrice ottempt" u'l'e;,,,0"'rj
mice hurries he- Into a chemist oij, ana
ti-rrrymrt n rlchlll noicnCd UOnlQU nM"B or
E trua. Ehe grov.s euddenlu rfoiliif aim
ip ((( tnat Tavernahe tahc ncr unun
W To sate the airfs life. Taiernnfc riopo.rs
!"? !. 'a"'4sr."',"''hn. r,
per mat sne nas nowiiny iu . -,- ".--Wf
not attraotr.1 oy her. When J 'UJ"
Wuwfc he finds MmV ace o '"",-,, ji;
veman wlio frlBhtened Beatrice the '"'n'' ,
Ure. tot- Is Mr,. Wenha,, Gardner fremth
vi'td stall, ana sno tunnn ." :,",: ..TiT;
Ske Implores Tavernahe to tell li'ru here
.Beatrice is. A terrtole imng " "Veriois
Uftlca Beatrice must hnow to i'?,er,0ljj
fj n. i. ...,. nmt nnaiiu .'
tiered a large sum o money. Stilly h'""a'nt
oltWul to Beatrice, and promises only to aiK
W it he ma fell Mrs. Gardner
" Beatrice many concssej i '"-, ;: ,.
,ilr. Gardner is her oicb sister. She also as-
fen mat jira, uuiiwih - - ""(. that
lowthinp o an adventuress. She tMbts inof
al trier. Beatrice J i0'!!?'i' "5 ?s
mica ojy an tiuirrican, aji. '"V7. cirfiiru
tferedavlace ,n a musical coined!, by SWl
wntr, nit jamous itou.' "
lnoio tcnetnrr to accept or not.
'., Sirs. Gardner tries by all her pollers o
i7olnalfon to mae Tauernafce oil" up tno
iciTci o ucaiTlcc t rcoiucnc, u. ...v..--
The man. whom Tavernahe had left
walklntr un and down tho corridor lost no
Eine In presenting himself onco more
ill iuq aparinicuia wi .uin. ,.w....m.
Gardner. He entered the suite without
c'tremony. carefully closing both doors
Vthlnd him. It became obvious then that
his deportment on the occasion of his pre
vious appearance had been In the nature
of a bluff. The air with which ne toouea
Kscross the room at tho woman who
watched him was furtive; tne jiana wnicn
laid his hat upon the table was shaking;
'there was a glearn almost of terror In
bis eyes. The woman remained Impas
sive. Inscrutable, simply watching blm.
After a moment or two, however, she
pue u BinEje munoDylau'c'
The man broke down.
"Elizabeth." he exclaimed, "you are too
,-too ghastlyl I can't stand it. You are
She stretched herself upon the couch
'and turned toward him.
m "Unnatural, am 17" ahe remarked.
'Ana what are your"
lie sank Into a chair, tie had necome
Jery flabby Indeed.
-."What you are alwais calling me, I
ijppose," he muttered, "a coward. You
bave so little consideration. Elizabeth.
My health Isn't what It was."
hb eyes had wandered longingly towara
tht cupboard at the further end of the
tsartment. The woman upon the couch
"Tou may heln yourself." she directed
Jttrtlessly "Perhaps then you will be
Me to tell me why you have come In
;l a state,"
T.Ha crossed the room In - few hasty
MIPS, his head and shoulders disappeared
Inside the cunboafd. There wasHhe sound
i,ef tlTe withdrawal of a cork, the nzs of a
wawater syphon. He returnea to nis
place a different man.
4,Tou must remember my age, Elisabeth
our." ha said, apologetically. "I haven't
your nerve-Tit Isn't likely that I should
five. When t was a. there was nothing
in the world of which I was afraid."
BBe looked him over critically.
"Perhaps I am not bo absolutely
fwirageoua as you think," she remarked.
- cu yui me irmn, mere ro "v"
ny things which I am afraid when you
me to mo In such a state. I am afraid
ot you, of what you will do or say'
ou need not be." ho assured her
tHy "When I am away frdm 'you, I
un dumb. What I suffer no ono know.
keep It to mviielf."
ek She nodded, a little contemptuously.
j. suppose you do your best," she ae-
.Clared Tell m nn nhat la this fresh
rjhteg which has disturbed you?"
r visitor starea at uer.
DOB th.M .a.1 rt ha anv trull
ihiail" ,. n.i.O.mJ
"t suppose It Is something about Weu
,Ut" she asked
h man shivered. Ha opened bis lips
( M closed tuem again. The woman's
. If possible, grew colOer.
I ilOtlfl vm ttA nnr .mlnop n fell nai
' -. in ptta, 9i l was thwo
much easier If American vesiels did
not enter the war tone at this time.
H was felt by the President ah his
advisers that to Instruct mariners Under
the American ftaff to eerels caution In
tailing through the war -tone or avoid the
ions nltogether would be to concede that
the United States In part fecbgnltcs Ger
many a right to make "mistakes" In at
tacking suspicious ships flying neutral
colors. Nothing Is further from the Pres
ident's mind.
.uWhi!j.? fr""g of optimism prevailed In
the hlte House today, there was a dlf
.rc.nl ''HW among the lawjers In the
state Department, where the situation
cieatcd by the tar tone decree was lookco
Upon as very serious.
Knlser'a Forces Louo Ile&yily in At
terript to Carry Trenchc3.
pah 1 3, Kcb. io.
The Germans have been repulsed with
the heaviest losses In mire than, a month
In their attotupt to drive n wivIko through
the Hrltlsh lines east of Ypres. Kotlowlnd
a 24-hour bombardment of the Allied
trenches, they altaiked In enormous foreo
with tho baonct. Although their front
ranks were literally tlpu( out by the
withering flro from the Itrltlsli mid
French machine nuns, they kept pressing
on and wero Anally able to coin a foot
hold In tho q'Jttylng Allied trenches. BUt
their ruccesB was ihort-ltved, as addi
tional reinforcements were sent Into ac
tion and t'ne Germans wero finally forced
to break ond run.
German reserve columns that were sent
forward to support the main attacking
column were caught under the direct fire
of the French artlllerv ftnd many oi
the units were completely -wiped out.
Sharp Engagements Reported In
Auguatowo Moorland.
Tho" German advance In the Nlemen
nivcr region virtually has been aban:
doned. It was In tills zone that a similar
drive Into Poland was hatted last'' fall,
and'apparently tho foe has met with as
little success as an the former occasion.
Complete collapse of the German cam
paign In northern Poland against the
fortreis of Koio Georglonsk, which pre
vents an attack Upon "Warsaw -from the
northwest, wns predicted today by Rus
sian military experts. .
Tho acrmans, however, nre engaging
tho Hussion defenders sharply In the
Moorland north of the Augustowo forest
and on the Ossowltt road. Augustowo Is
adjacent to the great O&sowltz fortress,
which once before checked tho Russian
Invasion. "
i esterday. I came back by tho mall from
renzanco. I had to motor CO miles to
catch It."
"Something has happened, of course,"
she went on, "something which jou are
afraid to tell me. Sit up like a man, my
dear -father, and let mo hav o tho truth."
"Nothing fresh has happened at all," he
nraured her. "It Is simply that the
memory, of the day I spent at that place
and thnt tho sight of Jilm has got on
my nerves till I can't sleep or think of
an thing else.". I
"What rubbish I" sho exclaimed.
"You have only seen tho place In fine
weather," he continued, dropping his voice
a little. "Elizabeth, jou havo no Idea
what It Is really like. Yesterday morn
ing r got out of tho train at Bodmin and
I motored through to the village of
Clavvca. After that there were five miles
to walk. There's no road, only a sort
of broken track, nnd for the whole of
that llvo miles there Isn't even a farm
building to be seen and I didn't meet a
human soul. Thero was a Bort of pall
of white-gray mists everywhere over the
moor, sometimes so dense that I couldn't
see my way, and ou could stop and llston
and theio wasn't a thins to be heard, not
even a shicp bell "
She Uiuhud BoftI
"My dear, foolish father." she mur
mured, "ou don't understand what a
i est cure la. This is quite all right, quite
as It should be. .roor Wenham has been
seeing too many people all his llfe-that Is
why we have to keep him quiet for a
time, You can skip the scenery. I sup
pose jou got to the house at last?
"Yes. I got there," continued her father.
"You know wtat a bleak-looking place
It is, right on the side of a bare hlll-o
square, grny Btone placo Just the color
of the hillside. Well. I got there and
wolked In, There was Ted Mathers, half
dressed, no collar, with a bottle of
whisky on tho table, playing some
wretched game of cards by himself.
Elizabeth, what a brute that man tsl(
She shook, her head.
"Gobn," she said. "What about Wen
ham?" . ..
"He was there In a corner, gazing out
of the window. When I came Jie sprang
up, but when he saw who It was, he-ha
tried to hide. He was afraid of me.
"Why?" she asked.
"He saia that I I -reminded him of
"Absurd!" she murmured,. "Tell me,
how did he look?"
"Ill, wretched, paler and-thinner than
ever, and wilder looking,"
"What did Mathers say about him? she
demanded. '
"What could he? lis told me thM
lie cried all day and begged to be taken
backno Americas"
"No one goes near the place, I sup
pose?" she asked.
"Npt a squl. A man comes from the
Village to sell things once a week.
Mathers knows when to expect him and
takes care that Wenham la not around.
They are out of the world there no road,
no paths, nothing to bring; even a tourist.
I could have Imagined such a spot In
Arizona, Elizabeth, but In England-nol"
''lias he any amusements at all?'' she
Inquired. '
The hian'a hands were shaking; one
more h,is eyes wept longingly toward the
cupboard. .
"Ha has made-a doll' he said, "carved
It out of a peet of wpod and dressed It
In oddments from his ties. Mathers
showed It to ma as a Joke. Elizabeth, It
was wonderful horrible l"
"Why?" she asked him.
"It Is you," ha continued, moistening
his lips with his tongue, "you. In a blue
feown your favorite sba.de. Hs hs even
roads blue stockings and strange little
shoes. He has sot some' hair from some
where and parted it Just lkeryours." '
"It sounds very touching." sho re
marked, The, man was shivering- again.
"Elizabeth,1 ho said. "I do not think
tbatihe means It kindly. Mathera took
me up into his room. He has made some
thing there which looks like, a scaffold.
The doll was hanging by a piece of strips
from the gallowa Elizabeth.! my God,
but H was Hke you!" ha cried, suddenly
drooping his head upon his arms.
For a moment, a reflection of the terror
which had selfsd him flashed In her own
face. It passed quickly away. Si
laughed MoeklBgly.
My 0 father," mtS, fcra
cn ilt.yii-.Js Hlci -)!?? s?fr, ,, K. L1 1
Dare Devil Dlavolo's death-defying de
scent, dally delighting the delirious, had
nothing on the slide for Ufa taken by
Tittle, tho Fearless Feline, forcefully fly
ing forward on a clothes line to safety
Into the arms of the assembled multi
tude. But that's Just what she did from the
top of a 60-foot tree. Just why the cat
climbed there la only knonn by Tlllle her
self. It Is presumed that she was chased
by dogs In the neighborhood, as there
were scars on nor front feot.
The tree Is on Germantown avenue
abovo Locust avenue, and neighbors say
the cat remained near the top of It for
two days.
Plonsk, East of Flock, Objcctivo of
Now Movement.
The Germans have moved heavy forces
from Scrpez southward and from Plock
eastward along tho road toward Plonsk,
where their head column Is In fighting
contnet with Russian cavalry moving
north of Novo Georglovsk. The Germans
ar.o grasping stubbornly at this position,
evidently with the aim of seeking a base
for an attack on Warsaw from tho north
are certainly not yourself this morning."
"I saw jou swinging." ho muttered,
"swinging by that piece of cord! Ihere
waa a great black pin through jour
heart. 'Elizabeth, If ho should get away
somotlmel If some one sould come over
from America and discover where ho was!
If ho should' find us out! Oh, my God,
If he. should find us out!"
Elizabeth had risen to her feet. She
was standing now before tho flreVher
left elbow resting upon tho mantlepltcc,
a trifle of silver gleaming In her right
"Father." she said, "there Is no danger
In life for those who know no fear.
Look at me."
His ejes sought hers, fascinated
"It ho should And mo out," sho con
tinued, "It would bo no such terrible
thing, after all. It would bo the end."
Her fingers disclosed the little orna
ment she was carrylng-a tiny pistol. Sho
slipped It back Into her pocket. The man
was wondering how such .a thing as this
came to be. his daughter.
"You have courage, Elizabeth," he
"I have courage," she assented, bo
cause I have brains. I never allow my
self to be In a position where I should
be likely to get tho worst of It Ever
since the day when he turned so suddenly
ngslnst me, I have been careful."
Her father leaned toward her.
"Elizabeth," he said, "I never really
understood, What was It that came over
him so suddenly? One day he was your
slave, the next I think he would havo
murdered 'you If, ho could."
She shrugged her shoulders.
"Honestly." she replied, "I felt it Im
possible to keep up the sham any longer,
I married Wenham Gardner In New York
because ha was supposed to bo a million
aire and because It seemed to be the best
thing to do, but as to living with him,
I never meant that. You know how
ridiculous his behavior was on the boat.
Ho never Met me out of his sight, but
swore that he was going to gtvo up
smoking and drinking and lead a new
Ufa for my sake. I really believe he
meant It, too."
"Wouldn't It havo been better, dear,"
her father suggested, timidly, "to have
encouraged him?"
She shook her head.
"He was absolutely hopeless," she de
clared. "You say that I have no nerves;
that la because I do not allow rnyself to
suffer. If I had gons on living with
Wenham, It Would have driven me mad.
His habits, his manner of life, every
thing disgusted me. Until I came to see
so much of him, I never understood what
tha term 'decadent' really can mean. Tho
very touch of, him grew to be hateful.
No woman could live with such a man.
By tha way, ho sighed tho draft, I sup.
Her father handed her a slip of paper,
which she looked at and locked In her
"Did ho make any trouble about It?"
she asked.
The professor shivered,
"Hs refused to sign it." he said, In a
low tone, "awors he would never sign it.
Mathers sent me out for a few minutes,
made me go into another room. When I
came back, he gave me the draft. I
heard him calling out,"
"Mathers certainly earns his money,"
she remarked, drily.
Hs gad at her vrlth grudging admira
tion. This .was h)s daughter, his own
flesh and blood. Back through the year,
for a moment, he seemed to see her, a
child with hair down her back, sitting
on his knee, listening to his stories,
wondering at the little arts and tricks by
which he had wrested their pennies and
slxpennles from a credulous public.
Phrenologist, hypotist. conjurer all these
things tho 'great Professor Franklin had
called himself. Often, from tho rude
stage where he had given hi perform
ance, ha had terrified to death the women
and children of his audience. It flashed
upon htm at that moment that never,
even In tho days of her childhood, had he
seen fear In Elizabeth's face.
"You should havo been a man, Eliza
beth." he muttered
Bhe shook her head, smiling a though
not lll-plcaed at the compliment
The power of - man Is so limited." she
declared "A woman has mora weapons "
"More weapons indeed," the proftesor
agrd, as his eyas traveled ever th
isHm yat wm4wul perfection of bar
Several boys told Agent Lelper, of the
Pcnnsjlvanta. Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals. Ha got a clothes
line, and, climbing to a nearby roof, las
soed a limb. Several small boys threw
Tlillo some beef by the same system. Sh
nibbled It, smacked her lips, and then
meofted her gratitude.
Finally the cat grasped the Idea of the
ropo and then tho rope Itself. Entwining
her paws around It, she swung gracefully
from the limb of the tree and slid down
ward, In long Jerks, to the ground.
On reaching tho sldowalk Tlllle was pro
vided with a dinner of lamb chops and
mahsed p'otntoea, which she ate hcartllv.
The cat was then adopted by Policeman
Roy Davis, of the Germantown station.
No one knows where she camo from.
west similar to their Intrenchments
around tho Diura and Rawka Rivers.
From Plonsk an effective advance on
Warsaw could not be made without the
capture of the Novo Georglevsk fortress,
situated at the Junction of three, big
rlv ere,
It Is announced at the War OHlco that
tho strength of tho Germnn attack on
tho Serpez-Plock front has perceptibly
decreased during tho movement of troops.
Further fighting Is expected there, as the
Germans, checked by tho stubborn de
fensive and deep mud In the Augustowo
region, are apparently withdrawing troops
from the front south of the NJemon Rtvor
and transferring them to Poland, north of
tho Vlstuln.
form, lingered for a moment at the little
knot of laco at her throat, wrestled with
tho delicate sweetness of her features,
struggling liar I to think from whom
among his ancestors could have come a
creature so phjalcally attractive.
"More weapons, Indeed," he repeated.
"Elizabeth, what a glft-what a gift!"
"You speak," she replied, "as though It
were an evil one."
"I was only thinking," he said, "that
it seems a pity. You aro so wonderful,
wo might have found an easier and a
less dangerous way to fortune."
Sho smiled.
"Tho Bohemian blood In me. I suppose,"
sho remarked. "Tho crooked ways at
tract, jou know, when one has been
brought up as I was." ,
"Your poor mother had no love for
them," ho reminded her.
"Beatrlco has Inherited everything that
belonged to my mother. I am jour own
daughter, father. You ought to be proud
of me. But there, 1 gavo jou another
commission. Is It true that Jerry Is
really here?"
"Ho arrived In England on Wednesday
on tho Lusltanla Ho has been In town
all the time since."
A distinct frown darkened her face.
"He must havo had my letter, then,"
shb murmured, half to herself.
"Without a doubt," her father admitted.
"Elizabeth, whj do you take chances
about seeing this man? He was fond of
you In Now York, I know, but then he
was fond of his brother, too. He may
not believe joun story. It may be danger
ous." She smiled
"I think I can convince Jerry Gardn
of anything I choose to tell him," she
said. "Besides, it la absolutely neces
sary that I have some information about
Wenham's affairs. He must have a great
deal more money somewhere and I must
find out how we are to get at It."
The professor shook his head.
"I don't like It," ho muttered. "Sup
posing he finds Beatrice!"
Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders.
"Beatrlco Is made of silent stuff," she
declared. "I should never be afraid of
her. All the same, I wish I could find out
Just where she Is, It would look better
If we were living together."
The professor shook his head sadly,
"She Jeft us of her own free will," he
said, "and I don't believe, Elizabeth, that
she would eyer come back again. She
knew very well what she was doing, She
knew that our views of life were not hers.
She didn't know half, but she knew
enough. You wsre quite right In wljat
you said Just now; Beatrice was more
like her mother, and her mother was a
good woman."
"Reallyl" Elizabeth remarked, Inso
lently, "Don't answer like that," he blustered,
striking the table. "She waa your mother,
The woman's face was Inscrutable, hard,
and flawless behind the little cloud of to
bacco smoke. Tha man began to tremble
once mors. Every time hs ventured to
assert himself, a single look from her was
sufficient to quell him.
"Elizabeth," he muttered, "you haven't
a heart, you haven't a soul, you haven't
a conscience. I wonder what sort of a
woman you are!"
"I am your daughter," she reminded
him, pleasantly.
"I was never quit so bad as that," he
went on, taking a large silk handkercblf
from his pocket and dabbing his forehead
"I had to live and time were hard. I
have cheated tha public, perhaps. I
haven't been above playing at cards a
little cleverly, or making something where
I could out of th weaker men. But,
Elizabeth, I am afra(d of you"
"Men are generally afraid of the big
stakes," sho remarkedt flicking the ash
from her cigarette, "They will cheat and
Us for halfpennies, but they are bad
gamblers when life or death the big
things are In tho balance. Bah!" she
went on "Father. I want Jerry Gardner
to come and see me"
"If you can't make him come, my dear,"
the professor said, "I am ure it will be
of no use my trying!"
"He has had my letter," she continued.
B U S I N K 8B I n"h"T B U 0T I Q N
TCmUllt BrlkUctl&S. BiuIbux Arithmetic
831 UaU BuUdlaf, 143$ CJkutBUt tUMt. "1
Throngs Fill Churches of Many
Faiths and Hear Discourses
of Noted Clergymen.
Thousands of worshipers at'ended the
noonday Lenten tervlces al the Garrlck
Theatre nnd tha various churches In the
city's centre today. Long beforo tho
time scheduled for the services to begin
tho idlnce were crowded with the faith
ful. Prominent clergymen addressed tne
"The Highest Knowledge" was tho
t!i(ine of tho Rev. O. II. Beohtold, di
rector of the Lutheran Settlement, at the
noonday I'nten sovlce nt St. John a Lu
therm Church, Cth nnd Unco streets.
"The Christian must stilve to know
Jesus Christ and Ills salvation above all
earthly knonledgo nnd all earthly ambi
tion If ho would reap the full benents of
the gospel," said tho speaker. "The Chris
tian must keep his eyo on the Cross of
tho Crucified If ho would be contented
with his lot In this life: ho must follow
the way to Calvary If he would enter Into
the Joy of his Lord, and he must suffer
the death of nil earthly passions and de
sires If ho would rise with his Lord."
Doctor Jcfferys Preachoa Special Len
ten Sermon to Children.
The Rev. Dr. Edward Jefferys, rector
of St Peter's Church, 3d and Pino streets,
spoke at the noonday Lenton service. Ho
took as his subject "The Gates of tho
Bible," one of n course of sermons for
children. Such a sermon, It was an
nounced, will bo hold every Saturday.
"The gates of Heaven are the wide and
the narrow gates," said Dr. Jefforys
"Christ makes no distinction between
them, but sets them beforo us for us to
choose between them. Tho reason so
many choose tho wldo gates and the
broad way Is because It Is the easiest
way and all down hill The narrow gates
lead to the hard way. It means living
for others, for duty ana tor uoa. uut
Christ says the end of tho way Is eternal
Doctor Foley Speaks on This Topic at
Old St. Paul's.
The Rev. George C. Foley, of tho Divin
ity School, spolto on "Tho Forgiveness of
Sin" at tho noonday Lenten servlco nt
Old St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 3d
half to herself; "ho has had my letter
and he docs not come."
"There Is nothing to bo done but wait,"
her father decided.
"And meanwhile," sho wont on, "sup
posing ho wero to discover Beatrice, sup
posing they two wero to como together;
supposing ho were to tell her what lie
knows nnd sho were to tell him what she
Tho professor burled his faco In his
hands. Elizabeth threw her cigarette
away with an Impatient gesture.
"What an idiot I anil" she declared.
"What la tho uso of wasting time like
Thero was a knock nt the door. A trim
looltlng French maid presented herself.
Sho nddrcsscd her mistress In voluble
Trench. A coiffeur and a manicurist were
waiting In tho next apartment; It was
lime that Madamo habited herself. The
professor listened to theso announcements
with an nlr of Imlf-admlrlng wonder.
"I suppose I must bo going," ho said,
rising to hla feet. "There is Just one
thing I should like to nsk you, Elizabeth,
If I may, beforo I go."
"Who was tho young man whom I met
here Just now?"
"Why do jou ask that" she demanded.
"I really do not know," her father re
plied, thoughtfullj-, "except that his ap
psarance seemed a llttlo singular. In
some respects ho appeared so common
place. His clothes and bearing. In fact,
wero so ordinary that I was surprised to
find him here with jou. And, on the
other hand, his face you must remember,
my dear, that this Is entirely a profes
sional Instinct, I cm still Interested In
faces "
"Quite so," she admitted. "Go on. The
young man rather puzzles me myself. I
should llko to hear what jou make of
him. Whst did jou think of his face?"
'There was something powerful about
It." he declared, "something dogged,
splendid, narrow, Impossible the sort of
face which belongs to a man who achieves
great things because he Is too stupid to
recognize failure, even when it has him
In its arms and. Its fingers are upon his
throat. That young man has qualities,
my dear, I am sure. Mind you, at
present they aro dormant, but he has
She led him to the door.
"My dear father," she said, "sometimes
I really respect you. If you should come
across that young man again, keep your
eye upon htm. He knows one thing at
least which I wish he would tell us he
knows where Beatrice Is."
Her father looked at her In amazement.
"He knows where Beatrice Is and he has
not told you?"
She nodded.
"You tried to have him tell you and he
refused?" the professor persisted.
"Exactly," she admitted.
Her father put on his hat.
"I knew that young man was something
out of the common."
Why Not
and Meet the
February and March are
disagreeaoie ana aangerous
year in tne
Six trains a
day from Phil
a d c 1 p h i a to
r i nc I p a I
Division Fsaaea-
tr Accnt,
StS Chretiiut St.,
VMlatlelphU. I'a,
It is but a little
over-m'ffht trio
Aslieville and the
"Land of the Sky," where spring: comes early
with its warmth and flowers. Hero is an lac
region to spend the Lenten season. Then there
are Augusta, Aiken, Charleston, Summervillc,
Savannah, Brunswick and many other resorts
in the Middle South, with their offerings of all
the out-of-door recreations and soorts. If "you ,
-! i .1. - 11
going iu tuc v. aiuuruia
ai mem en route.
rawing Room and
r oar Uluitraled literature,
iirlte vr phase for Information and
CkwTHBRN Railway
fcj PrrrCrriJn 5oiK
street below Walhut street, today. He
"What Is forgiveness? Most people say
It means pardon and they mean by that
the mere lettlng-off from consequences.
But we mean rescue from the evil thing
Itself Forgiveness Is the removal of a
barrier not on God'a part, but on ours.
How may we bo forgiven? If we confess
our sins, we aro forgiven! thnt Is, If we
are ready to get rid of them. We can t
earn forgiveness. We begin with It as a
gift. When we roeclve It we nre recon
ciled to God "
Tho Rov. TV. R. Turner Deplores Lack
of Appreciation of Gospol.
"Stony ground" Is the cause of the
ministry's unsatisfactory results In this
countrj', declared the Rev. William R.
Turner at the noonday Lenten services nt
Gt. Stephen's Uptscops.1 Church, 10th
street above Chestnut, today.
A practical realization of tho parable
of the sower is the fate of the preachers,
ho sold:
"If tho same tremendous amount of
preaching were done In China," ho said,
"there would be hundreds of thousands
of oonveris. The Oriental peoples ard
willing nnd anxious to accept the Gospel.
"The fault Is not with the seed but with
tho soil," ho continued. The speaker
pleaded for a moro widespread willing
ness to learn the Gospel. Ho character
ized as foolish Aio rejection of Christ,
for by opposing Christ, tho teacher of
life and truth, ono becomes a champion
of death, falsehood and blindness.
Mutual Help Is Burden of Sermon at
Old Christ's Church.
The lack of godly righteousness nmong
professed Christians was greatly de
plored by the Rev. Franklin S. Moore, at
tho noonday Lenten servlco In Old Christ's
Church. Second street above Market, to
daj'. Tho speaker said that tho majority
of present-day Christians think they have
performed their duty If they say their
prajers and go to church regulnrly.
"True godly righteousness, however,"
ho said, "means tho willingness to go
down In the gutter and help those In need.
Thla willingness to help Is Badly lacking
among tho church members todaj-."
Golden Wedding Anniversary Recalls
Civil War Romance.
A golden wedding which recalls a Civil
War romance will bo celebrated tomor
row, when two sons, two daughters and
21 grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. William
Halberstadt will gather at lflU Green
street to observe tho occasion. Thej- llvo
at J23 North Wilton sticet.
Halberstadt, now 7G years old, met his
wife, tho sister of his chum, when his
regiment, tho 88th Pennsylvania Volun
teers, was encamped at 23th and Thomp
son streets at the outbreak of tho war.
Tour j ears later ho returned unscathed
and married her In Baltimore. (Mrs. Hal
berstadt Is 70 years old.
Postofficc Rules for Monday
Washington's blrthdny will be observed
ns a holldoy at tho Philadelphia Post
office, with the following schedule of de
liveries! All substations will be open until 1
p. in. for the sale of stamps, transac
tion of money order and registry busi
ness, etc.
Three deliveries will be made In nil
seven nnd six deliver' terrltorj-; two
deliveries in five nnd four deliver- terri
tory nnd one delivery In three nnd two
delivery territory. Collections will bo
mado to the best Interests of tho service
The dispatch of malls will bo as usual.
The money order, registry nnd Inquiry
sections, central offices, will be open until
1 p. m. for the transaction of bushiest.
Tho wholesale stamp window will be open
from E:30 n. m. until 1 p. in., nnd the
retail window from 7 a m. until 12 o'clock
midnight, nt which time Window No. 15
will bo or"-ii for tho sale of stamps only.
The postal savings depositories will be
closed all day.
Porto Ricans Protest to Rcdflcld
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Secrotary of
Commerce Redfleld today made public a
protest filed by President Benlto-Zaldu-ondo,
of the Porto Rlcan Chamber of
Commerce, against rates charged by
steamship lines pllng between tho Island
and the United States. It Is charged
that the New York nnd Porto Rico Steam
ship Company, the A. H. Bull Steamship
Company and th Red D Line have
steadily Increased their rates on shoeB,
drygoods and other necessities from 1911
to date and have established a monop
olistic combine In this trade.
JPL Uooklets at (AUK Mr. L V
4 Poitir, ChBtnut and " '"V
12th ts.) ruymema Wnlteomb Co-. 10S
ChMtnut 81. 1 Thoj. Cook & Son, 137 8. Drod
EM Ilsyea Dlcklmon. 010 N. 18th at. I Alt
bouia Tours Co . 1336 Walnut St.. or ciinu
OH. F. Adams. JJrr.. Fortrua Uoaree. To.
Lcidlnc hli-h-clas, moderate-rate hstel.
A I RPMAR1 P Virginia Ava., naar Ben.
ALDEmrtlvi-c; cap.SSO. Steam heat, cla
vator, aim parlors, prl. hatha, etc.: exctl.
table, eve dlnnera. orchaatra. Special 110
up wkly.; 12 up dly. Pocltlat. J. P. COPE.
UntAl Vnrlr Srlelc Hot sad cold runnlns
Hotel I or n, n,w Tor Ave, Bah.
DnOWN'B.-MnXB-lN.TUE-nNEa. N. J.
TUP INN For health, pleaiura and rere
i qc imt ,tton. xavorlta reaort for
tourltta. Under paw manarement,
I. I It, 8. HUDDEng,
pens for cxclualve catronaser erlslnal Co
lonial fumlsnljiiai Southern cogxingi yaoht
Ins, colt, tenola. Mr. A lira. J. R, Benolelt,
Go South
Direct Routs to
the Eipoaltlona
tne Eipoaltlona
generally the most 'g.S"
momns 01 mi mo jjygfc
o tanrul
tickets nonored
ila, Aehevl lie
without addi
tional charge.
more than an
from PJilladelohia to
wonderfully beautiful
T? !.!. ' - " J
lixjjuauions, you can
Stateroom cars.
Wilson Cabinet Decides to
Insist That Obligations
of Root-Takahira Agree
ment of 1908 Be Fulfilled
by Tokio Government.
The demands recently made by the
Japanese Government upon China "urefe
considered at jesterday's meeting of
President Wilson nnd his Cabinet Tho
result of the meeting, it was said, waa a
decision to send a noto to Japan making
representations, bated on the obligations
of the United States Government under
Its policy of "the open door" for China
ns enunciated by Secretary Hay In 1BW,
and on tho Understanding reached be
tween the Jnpaneso and United States
Governments In the Root-Taknhlra, ex
change of notes In 1908,
It was nlso learned that the Urltlsh
Government had become Interested In the
situation growing out of tho presentation
of Japan's demands, the negotiations for
which began lato In January, siiid which
had for their object tho determination ot
the status of Japan's future relations
with China nnd a decision of Questions
connected with China's future develop
ment. There was a belief hero that Great
Britain as the ally of Japan would brlnlt
strong Influence to bear upon the Tokio
At the Cabinet meeting tho text ot the
original 21 demnnds ot Japan Has before
tho mviiibnrs, ns was also tho memoran
dum handed to the legations of the
United Stntes, Great Britain, Franco and
Russia, and which Is understood to Imvo
contained only 11 demands. The original
demands are regarded as violating the
principle of the "open dqor" and tho In
tegrity of China. They wero for special
commercial privileges" for the Jnpancse In
Manchuria, East Mongolia and for spe
cial control by Japan of administrative
affairs In Cfilnn.
If Insisted upon tho demands would in
fringe on the agreement reached between
tho United States and China In notes ex
changed November SO, 1D0S, regarding their
policy In tho, Far East.. This agreement
was tho result of negotiations between
Secretary of State Root and Baron K.
Takahlra, then JapaneseAmbassador at
Washington. It declared that "the policy
of both Governments, uninfluenced by any
aggressive tendencies, -Is directed to the
maintenance of tho existing status quo In
tho Fnr East" and to tho defenso for
the people of the. equal opportunity for
commcrco nnd Industry In China
It was further agreed "to preserve the
common Interest of all Powers In China
by supporting by all pacific means at
their disposal the independence and In
tegrity of China."
A well-ordered family hotel altuated la 3
acres of shady lawne. Modern. Free batha.
S2 per day up. E. V. MOORE. Prop.
A family houao will accept ft limited number
ct a-ueets. Own (arm and dairy. Dentins
and nehlnr. JACKSON HILL.
Pa set. opposite Hamilton. Bermuda. Maim!!).
cent view of harbor. New hotel. Modern.
Uathlnic. Own card-n. O. H. I.EBKUtl
Patet. oppoalto Hamilton, directly on water.
Located on Hamilton Harbor, opposite nara
llton. Patroraso exclusive Bathtnr from
the homo. Booklet. H. C. LOCKWOOP
Five mlnutea lo heach Surf bnthtnc Ottn
carden. Hot and cold batha Rates S3 51)
per day: S14 per week. W. Clarence Jame-
Ideally located overlooklnr tba ocean. 8pa
cloua veranda; homelike appohumente ; mod
erate ratea. F. A. BALC11.
Modern hotel, one of the moat beautiful, apote
In Bermuda. Boatlne, bathing; and nihlnf.
Reasonable rates' U CURTIS
Located near city and ocean; boatlnr, bath
Ina, flsnlDK; all convenlencea. excellent table.
Booklet. N. E. LUSHER. Trop. .
Rellthtfully altuated on Rbas Hill. Rooms
no and well furnished. I'rivate Baths,
Bun FaVlora. Tennis. Golf. -M. DALLMAN.
hot pi rni nNiAi.
Open all tha year. new. moaern. Tnrearaia-
uies from boat landlni. comfort without
B. BELL. Mir.
Directly on the water front. Larce verandas,
splendid views. IIocm cook Inc. Rate 1
per day up. j.u.i.uiia(i.
Strictly first-class family note!. Centrally
located. Modern. Home, cooking- Iloatlnr.
bathlnx and nihlnt, tV H. SPUItOB.
hotel Every room alectrlcally lighted stean
heated A equipped with hot A cold run wetlr.
Elevator aervlca. Hllyard A Holroyd. Props.
Bathtnr, boat's and rUhlnjr. Mra. N. M. Kurt.
Private 'bathal aicluslva. A N. BLAIR.
Vfodaro family hotel. C. B. MICHPLSQW.
la pqsada gs a. ;?":
ment. Rates. 110 00 MRS, B. DEYO.
IUah-class boardlnc Mra. D. L. Dunham.
Rocklcdge, Fja.
Fttuatai directly on the Indian River r f at
tha moat comfortable sad homelike tattle ea
th Et Coast. Nw batha; artesian watt
water: beat hunting, flshldj and boaUug to
th South. ,. .b, ,
otAOvo ajrMoyk.ipt.1 vy.
I n I tj r I) C ON IjAKB worth.
near all attractions. a. uwy.
BI.'sp' .
Jjcettent tahl. IIP OP. JM? W W AlSg!
cat, wwi tM Wh X. VWtfMSV .