EVENI&q LEDQEB PHILADELPHIA, SATUBBAY, EBBUABY 20, 1915: 5 WAXING HOBOES WATT FOR FAVORS in'rothcthoofl Wclfarcra Offer k na nn ODDortunlty to W Shelter Them 'Til Spring , Comes Along. . hoboes, wlio have ben enjoying U Ju (V since Hint unique csmuiuranrau iTotK City "'V? ,14 ,,, ,iic.on of Jeff 'KMi, iom time B. ", " W Pk the Intention of opening n similar P tuirt Btuart, former vice president of B?B,inrndHow;:rnin;Votlon mirt who refuse to work! William $,!.f,t nnd Adnm Crornls. Okii trio tame n on tne nrane Dcoms 5KrMd admitted that they word T.!i Mavor BlnnKcnburg would lend tt S Hh ear to their scheme. They have ?W meeting for Sunday afternoon In tier's Hall. 9h nnd 8P"ntf anricn ."T.I.. tcf the purpose of giving the mu- KiMi authorities nn opportunity of pre fcntW them with a building to shelter low- . 1 SEKDS MAY MARCH TO SEA Retaliatory Invasion of Albania to Btv, W Backed by Alltc3 Fleet. rnfcnMN. Feb.. 10. A statement from m??.1. . l.v n.a It Is the Intention ftt fiervla to Invade Albania. K-neporW from Soda. Bulgaria, slato w . V i.,HihMfl nf tlm AlhntilnliR Into ll..;i,n territory nro welcome to Scrvla," , the statement. "The Servians Intend S me the present Interval In the opera- I. ..!.. i..alrloti nrmu 111 1 tin Hlllklllia o push an advance toward llio Adriatic. K...n-..ii l.v tlia co-operation of tho FAnzlo-Frclicli neet." V .mat! WI.Afl nv IRISH SKA iWrtn'ft Banner to Protoct Vessels Ply- Jb Ing Between British Isles. LONDON, Feb. 20. Tho Times sayB: .m.. ....n.nliAtinAl Anvil a mm Trlnli nrltkh norts are taking no notlco of tho German blockade. "Steamship companies trading1 irom .-,. irnvn rttwtMofl Hint tliptr Bhlns hIiaII iiemj iv u .-. ........ . iii..kA i-iui finer TIiav tlilnlr nnv nut men Will Uioi"" -f j - -- D fcon this Hag would arouse strong feeling Among tne insn in .miivrivu. Elmendor-f on the I Mediterranean Next Week "The Mediterranean Cruise," which Is tooTccnstltuto tho second topic In Dwlght Elemendorf'a new uyclo of Illustrated irsvel talks, will be presented at the n(i..j,mw nf 1Tifiiln imvf rVlrl.iv nvpnlnir. JIfUVl..J ...ML... ....... .. - --... fin this plcturo pllgrlniago Mr. Ulmcndorf Kwill comma Ills nenrcrs completely Bt round the panoramic Bhorcs of the great Inland sea. Beginning ut Tangier, tho capital of Morocco, the tour is continued Mlhrough the garlanded cities of the North African coast to Tort Said, and so to fK'.4 - il. . tT-1.. T . .1 IIia... a n t Aeirt ligypt nnu ino iiuiy uaiiu, uichi-u uiwus ltifdoast of Asia Minor to Ephosua nnd KBmyrna, and through the Dardanelles to (Constantinople. The plcturesttio Island t . Cnrfti will nnvi tin visited, and then to fCattafU, with Its fjord and Its forts, bc K jfcrj the Bay of Naplca and Sicily nro rticed. Genoa and the Italian Riviera (will hfi Um next objective, and then to f Vlllefranclic, whero tho Journey will enil aj'ldsl tho man gayeiy 01 mo uauw ol f Flowers and the last great carnival of tlfice. This lecture will be repeated on fSiturday afternoon, f 'fMnrlhrn Knronf!." wlllbe the BUb- Jct of next week's discourse. A concert of tho Philadelphia Orchestra which Is thoroughly dissatisfying Is something of n rarity. Tho nudlence at tho academy yesterday afternoon seemed to bavo little relish' for the odd dish, the nnjjlo en casserole, which was offered thtm, and the musicians responsible seemed also a trifle perfunctory In the aeceDtanca of uncritical nralse. It has not been tho habit of the writer to Inquire Into the opinions of others con- urning. me conceris it hub uccii ilia uuw to relew. For a variety of reasons It seemed best yesterday to corroborate a possibly unjust opinion: so that the statement made above, that tho concert was Dflsslvelv unsatisfactory and actively dllSAtlflfvlnir rtfni. h tnlfAn with less 1 than the usual reserve. As for the rea ; on, which follow, the law of human fal .Ublllty still holds good. But first a large exception to the above hpuld be made for the Brahms (third) symphony with which the concert began. Jn It the orchestra, was not always aljts lucid and full-toned best, but the compre hension was wide and the Interpretation ef the conductor was full of sensibility nd of the melancholy passion which tho Symphony ilemuniis. Th nlnw mnv.m.nt. with Its grave and Intellectual sadness, the, sadness of nil tho things of tho mind, ; admirably played, and the finale, with something more of color and exuberance, rose really to an unhampered flow of sen timent to. which the auditor could readily jreipond. Thla Is: another of the sym phonic works In which the pure sunlight J)f emotion la centred through the burn-wr-glasa of the intellect; when the glass "true the light burns more fiercely. Too e"tn In Brahms the elnas mmx tn svr. , The concert, however, did not end there. emicpio Busonl, gifted and talented pi- a ! '.. came t0 P'3 h's own "Indian unite' and retumrri nfi.r urt- n,nK..'. p5J!J!,c ,to 'TJio Woman and the Fld- if, ., I'my nia own arrangement or &ntB Bpanlsh, Ilhapspdy. Of Mr. Sand fk?i"U"0 U ,s not unfa'f to say that - "mt, wmen constituted the third rovement. wan th. ,..,, .r.,i0f0,. in ayciieitration and, alnce It is pure folk it?'; ,'l'fl m08t gratifying In melody. t'tlt Ik. ,?. "'"" w.l.iSf,lfl UUHIUItf) Ftiiw-lddler aP muslo might have ! i,iZ ,oun, t displace the resounding It ii?" mf .tI?e finale ' tha flt movement. HJ!, tokoWBkl accorded Mr. Sandby the "'nroser'a privilege of conducting his V.7 i'luVc- one breathed then the hope w abi ts,okowsk,s hatd ny t ever -f ill Ttlljinnl'a ntilnmAnLr am bm v- itant. his splendid tolent and bis ca,re Ih. '!"'ou,ht ma'e',y over the piano, i.;5 ' room or neither question nor Comment ti.. - . ,:... j ,.. b, jj. .. vi w I. u iiiuaicr puiiiiiK, aim iv BS. Jfore more tha P'ty that he should Ka4e Deen Stlflfl.,1 In l.nrl ari.f .n nh. fefS?. Q' some years, on the Judgment Borneo, must bava been formed from the ' 5f" h p!yed yesterday, ills Indian r5ii ' remarkable only when. Jt U in flsenomr The exotlo nature pf the In fS ""ne. bated on. the five-tone scale, R ,--""py reprpaqcea In th piece, but ij. nt colqred with deft hand, nor does !"9 Part TfJflV.tl k 4I.A !. 4. .,!.. !.. S! ,cn of ,n, Instrument Into tho or ESnSf . Il mutt b flW that Mr. Bu KfSn1 Pjayln of this plepe -was at KirrP:ierio to extraordinary degree; In M W?nilmMrhi'' lt In the ohsurd m tbt i. .". vvt ,.",. " "" "'v uCe; " " "Jvouso -Willi ir ousuui ai- Sn?n i ti question of technique and iSS? else. ue moved hj hearer ta rhSlM"v. but ,l ' OP question 3?fWr he uiovd them to an tbUig else. Hi ."" WUw applies, unhappily, to itwTMt hkit' brbt Mr WusonJ pack. w spUttdkU, jjj. And yt . , , ' r ,,ISiibii . HHIRnHki'' "9Hk ffffffffffffffffffffl ' .MmmmmmmmMti.iB- . HfBHI9BHsHsHHafHfii,& Ss. Hnir .i..i-.fiiii;ifrj-,7Tf4B 'LuuuuuuuuWpii lyflK sBHB.iHBiHr'fBl.HsliK'll Mmw '?t !" ''ZmmWW ttttttttiiHBflfiSywttH4 .. iStiiH tHHtSu!BfVtiii(i(lKBB9f'fifti Ll 1 tifttttttHfHH ftHBttifHeftBtttP itttttttH itttilHtffETfWitffK? ftfffll H9HfiBKiffHtfftffJH9,9BafU li&fVbittHftJttiilHtVfA tVHBivHBiHf1' a HfttHi Iflflv wfS WilfVSK 1 6 Jtttrflfl USIIH9HHnH JflB WUlfjHfiFfVfVfrfVJfrJA HHKuniifyfBgal iimii u, .I'M 1 .ByBBI HHfSHKSBMfVffVffK iy'- iHl k9HhSP . dMPfRf I HjLjHjSj&ftf llw SIBt&uKfi .fffffiK rai' v?..jin -Ji' J L fPfpfii9f9u ff"m&y WL-WW-m M&m$Wr& wwCf nil' ffpr a 7-P PfiOTOUPLAYS "So many aspiring young girls write to mo and ask mo how to become actresses In motion pictures," said Katli lyn Williams, Btar of the Sellg Poll scope Stock Company. "Although the advice la not always well taken, I almost lnvnr lably say 'don't' to thenf. "A majority of the successful actors and actresses In motion plcturo work had tho advantage of preliminary experi ence In tho spoken drama, and this ex perience proved of vnluo to them In the pictures. It la true that othors, now suc cessful In motion plcturo work, were never on the stage, but many of them k entered the studios somo years ago nnd arose by tho power of hard work and Inherent talent. It Is not bo easy In this day and age to obtain a start In motion plcturo work. "Tho managers of almost every studio will Inform you that there are hundreds of applicants listed who wish positions ns actors, or actresses. Kvsry director of motion pictures receives hundreds ofup pllcatlons through tho mall, nnd It should be remembered that the majority of these applicants are experienced rctors and actresses. "Then again, those who would succeed In the nrt of motion plcturo acting must possess especial qualifications. They must photograph well not all people ,lake good photographs they mUBt bo physically strong and possess Iron nerve, for the orders of the director nro as law In this business. An absence of foolhardlness, so some term It, Is essential to success, for a leap from a precipice Into a river, n, struggle ntop a moUng freight car, or a reckless race In nn automobile may be ordered and also experienced at any time by the motion picture actors. "And there Is none of the glamour of stage life In connection with motion pic ture acting. It all becomes; n day's work with an absence of the footlights' glare and the plaudltB of the audience. Tho ro mance fs missing from tho actual work, which much resembles any other skilled employment. "The work Is not easy; the hours are long: In many studios the time-clock Is punched Just like In nny other large busi ness Institution, and the romantically In clined young girl who dreams of signal honors ns a. motion picture actress Is soon disillusionized." Ina Claire a Lasky Star The Jesse I. Lasky Feature Play Com pany announces the engagement of Ina Claire, who has signed a contract similar to that signed last week by Charlotte Walker and who will consequently soon make her photodramatld debut under Lasky management. As in the case of Miss Walker, Miss Claire's arrangement Is of such nature that her photodramatlc appearances, for a period of years to come, must be entirely under Lasky man agement. Ina Claire, who positively deserves to rank as thfr foremost favorite of her age on the American stage and alao In Lon don, was born In Washington, D, C... and educated there at the Holy Cross Academy; Bhe first appeared In vaude ville, doing songs and Imitations. Her initial regular engagement was with Richard Carle In "Jumping Jupiter." Miss Claire's first lilt was In the ttle role of "The Quaker Qlrl," a success w)ilch literally meant fame and fortune for the young artlat. Miss Claire's moat recent stellar engage ment was In the title role of "Lady Luxury," recently ofTered In New Tork at the Caslnq Theatre, More Poetry Arrives The Bvekino Ledoer la In receipt of another Instalment of Miss Dorcas J, Haas' adventures In filmland, reproduced verbatim: A DHEAM. TlnwJ of waltlnr for n answer, I derided to a:o; To the Studio and crepart. Vox a trial in tha how. I entered tho Office, Hut wii refuted admittance! Th factorx wm cloMd. .. I Vtu. told with a nrlml.ee. I would not rlv up hopo. So Z tald I was a reporter; And wan uibtrod rteht In, With polltencu and order. When I entered the Studio, Oh. ai wht a ilxhtl . Then wre mo many pobIo. I oer tibued with frUhu Every on welcomed m: Tht director wj'k!ndj I clayed a amalt part.. And wa.a coaiUercd Opt,. Answers ta Correspondents p. T. You might trythe Lib!n Com pany. No. Paul Pander was not In the film, you mention. It was Arnold Daly and Pearl White a B. House- Peters ! with the Lasky Company. Mr. Pter" M married. N V. M The ltur you: mention wjj produced about tbrsa years ga and. no record made of the cast M. J. Boms of the Independent play- TODAYS FILM FAVORITES IN SIX KEELS .BiiiK? rmmmW W4& '..bu HHHlf9.rr :.K.I,iH7 S Vi . ,,H L J' -v fVtiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifVes.t tamBitiiiHr nr i. r, fiiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiisifr fffffffffffffffffffffffffffl' Jt ''J1" -vl,ffffffffB flf9iiffffff.f i. J&mBmmmyBSSBRflmmwli&'rmMxir AT THE STANLEY THEATRE. Questions and Answers The Photoplay Editor of the Evbn iso LBDacn will be pleased to answer questions relating to his department, Queries will not be answered by let ter. All letters must be addressed to Photoplay Editor, Evenino LEDaEn. era are J, Warren Kerrigan. Vivian Itlch, Mary Fuller, James Cruze, Harry Myers, Marguerite Snow and Ben Wil son. B. a. Tou are mistaken, It must be another Grey. THE A TRWAL BAEDEKER Continued from Pago Four "King Lear," "Macbeth," 'Hamlet," "Othello," "The Merchant bt Venice," "Itomeo and Juliet," "IUchard III," "Julius Caesar," "Louls.Xl'-' and "Klch clleu." KEITH'S Evelyn Neshlt, assisted by Jack Clifford: Clayton White and com pany, Eddie Leonard and Mnbel Rus sell. Nnn Halperln, Pekln Mysteries, Blllle McDermott, Arnaut Brothers. Edwin Marshall, Lorenr -Troupe nnd Hearst-Belig pictures. TVAhNVT "Mutt and Jeff In Mexico." A new edition of the familiar musical comedy, with the scenes laid In the turbulent republic to the south. AMEMCAN "The Blindness of Virtue." Cosmo Hamilton's moving, yet pleasant, drama of the dangers of youthful Ig j norance In matters of sex. MARCH is. WALNUT "Milestones." The JCngllsh comedy by Arnold Bennett and IJdward Knoblauch, tn which the adventures of a family of shipbuilders are traced through three generations. MARCH it. VTALtTUT The one and only John Bunny in a musical comedy. MAROll tt. WALNUT Thurston, the magician, with a new array of tricks, mystifications and optical Illusions. APRIL S. , WALNUT-"The Dummy," with Ernest Truex. The detective-comedy by Harvey J. O'HIgglns and Harriet Ford. Jn which Barney, the slum boy, turns sleuth and defeats a band of kidnappers. OARRWKr-"The Argyb Case," with Itob ert Hllllard. a return engagement of the familiar detective melodrama. Bring the Family Here for Sunday Dinner You'll enjoy, our appetising, hamei like dishes. And you'll like, our at tentive service, refined patrpijage and. delightful music. Pull Course Dinner, l, Mle'l P. SI. Hotel Hanover 12TH ANQ ABSH We " PLAJJDB M, HORH, tiff t tr The San Carlo Opera The Ean Carlo Opera Cornpany, 'which begins a week of opera at theatre prices o.n Monday, March 1, Is remarkable for many things, but the patron of opera (at high prices), will note with Joy this thing In particular, that "Conductor Giuseppe Angellnl does not permit the presence of any Irritating little dlso upon the stage through which tho auditor fre quently hears the words of the opera be fore they are sung." The press agent who wrote these lines must certainly have suffered the tortures he suggests. Thirty seasoned singers, an ensemble of 100, a large orchestra, and a beauti ful ballet feature are promised. If the performances are as restrained, as well tempered and as artistic as they promise to be, the Ban Carlo Company should recelvo largely of the city's gratitude. The repertoire, which will be played at tho Oarrlck -Theatre, Is: Monday, .March 1 Tuesday j...,. ........ Wednesday matinee., Wednesday evening- ... Thursday , Friday ,.w,. Saturday matinee . .... Saturday evening- ..,., ,"Alda" ...''Lucia" "Faust" "Cavallcrla-Pacllaccl" "nigoletto" i "!.& Gloconda" , "Martha" "II Trovatore" rilOTOrCAYB LUBIN PHOTO THE IN THE Wonderful 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Reel Features Every Week FILM PRODUCTIONS OF GREAT DRAMATIC SUCCESSES BY GREAT AUTHORS Sir. Henry Arthur Jonps WHIiarn Vnughn Moody Harrison Grey "Flake J. Hartley Manners Plays by our Staff Writers Lawrence McCIoskey, Clay M, Greene, George Tenvllllger, Emniett Campbell Hall, Romalne Fielding, Shannon Fife, Harry Chandlee, Norbert Lusk, Adrian Gil-Spear, ct al LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MODKHN DANCINQ Mr. and Mrs, H. D.Wagner . Usual Scholars' Practice Dane Tuesday nnd Thursday Evenings. Novelty DJhca CONTEST, fti Kv.. Feb. Si Not Rented Private Lems ttt, Aft, Err. Continuous Dance Saturday Evg. Students' Chapter SSUr- PRIVATE AND CLASa 1N8TUCT1QN Tonight, Wasnlpxtpn' 13lrh4ay Celebratli EnMblttoo Dancing Soclabla Wednesday T1IH C ELli'WOOPOAnPENTERSTUPIO.ma fnasioutr., vtii m a o AV r ai-i ps( patronage. betytipm; mod rates, ISIaitruo, tors: inmla always; newest ot the nw steps. MARTEU'S 17 to North Broad AU. THE UODEBN DANCES Ffavxva iEsso.ss any hour bx APPOINTMENT VROO - KBITH'B T1BATRH 9AIXROOU New Children's Cluts. Saturday. 11 A. It BsJlrooai can tw rtnud. Private lessons ntmuoua pa nee paiuruay Clutit, o;d otreei. GORTISSOZ SCHOOL WO CHteBtHVT ST. BAKEft UUX3. fj jeuukStadjo f 0tji XKp WPaoiihli at, Must iisiM nrit; xluii or ji.-t. JDU3S0I. f WMfW 22fiAW jrrF cSTMrsr OPSAW tfOWS "The Musical Glasses" Moro ettcnsUo notices, based on past performances nnd on uhut tha press agents afford, will appear whenever necessary nnd Jtlmcly for the events scheduled below. The following uncrit ical calendar Is Intended merely as a guide for the musically porploxed. HLND.W. 1 cliruary 21-ruplls' concert at tho bcltlemcnt Musical School. K3 Christian street J ,'J u. in THKHDAY. Pibruary S3-Vlftli and nrobably Until appearance of Fritz KrclMcr. the eminent lollnlst. In a program whli.li rnngr's from Mnlll tn DorHk and tnkca In Hach. Couperln. It-rtlnl nnd the lollnlat himself as mmnocvor. -.30 n. in at tho Aiademy. ' Mailama Sans-dene." auna; by tho company which created the opera In New York. In nlurlirm 1 arrar, Anutto and Mnrtlnelll nnd Toscanlul as conductor The opera, taken from KurJou's play, and set to muslo by Timhorto Giordano, S p. m at tho opera house I'hornl concert of Matinee Musical Club, Wltherspoon Hall, TIlbRHDAY. Tcbruary 2R-Thlrd and final no lteamnco here of the New York Symi hony OrcVMrd Walter Uamrosch conductor, play ing tho llrat Brahms symphony, with Mr. Joiof llofinann, ns assisting ortlst. tilaylntr tho K minor concerto of Chooln. 8 15 p. in at the Academy. Mu.lcale of Philadelphia Muslo Club, Orpheus CIuli Itooms, 8.10 p. m rnillAY. 1'obruary 28 Tho Philadelphia Or clicitru. plnvlnir the E minor (tJoellr) sym phony of Mm. II. II, A. Beach and Strauss' "Tod and Verklaerune." With Thaddeua rtlrli the concertmaster rt tho orchestra as assisting artist, pl&ylnr Pacanlnt'a concerto in I major, 3 p.. m. at the Academy. SATURDAY. Tebruanr 27 Tho Philadelphia Orchestra In the program Just detailed. 8.15 p. m. at tho Academy. SUNDAY. I'ebruary 88 Tlosslnt'a "Stabat Mater" will t) BUiic at tho Church of tho Kavlour," 08th street abovo Chestnut, at 7.15 p m WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT J Hrw I Lecture. "Personal Glimpses of Celebrated Men and Women' Dr. Ruisel II. Conwell. Ilaptlst Temple: 8'15 o'clock. Banquet. Jewelers' Club, Bellevue-Stratfordi 7 o'clock Iteieptlon to OeorKe P Morgan. Union I-eague: 8 70 o'clock. Washl.igtcn dinner, Tounr nepubllcana. 221 South Dread street; 8 30 o'clock. Dinner Fifty Club. Manufacturers' Club; 7:30 o'clock. Enxlneera' Club, 1317 Spruce street; 8 o'clock. University of Pennsylvania medical alumni, nourse: 8 30 o'clock. Costume ctrnltat. Pickering Hunt Club; 8 o'clock. Sunday revival service, tabernacle, 10th and Vina atreet: 7 .JO o'clock, free. Lecture on Brownlnr Warner Tnatttufe. 17tt, street and Montgomery avenue 8 o'clock, Ft. Muilcale. ro4ia ol ocnuyiKiu x, iu. c;. A.; 8 o'clock. rnoxori.ATH PLAYS BEST WORLD Cecil Raleigh George Ado Clyde Fitch Edwin Arden Charles Klein Winchell Smith Eugene Walter George Hobart JtODKlIN DANCINQ I.KAHN T1IU MODERN DANCES Private or Class Instruction. SPECIAL TERMS DURING LENT 13 PRIVATE LESSONS KOll IIS FRED W. SUTOR UHTHK Da VSNBB 1431 Walnut St. ppruco 4:33. The Panse Studio Afternoon Classes, 13 lesson is 00 Private Instructions, B lessons . . 15 00 Any Pour Dances guaranteed In Wx Pri vate lessons. Phono Uelmont ;TT0. PHILIP A. McGOUGH park BuUdlsf. Xi South SJU St, 1 OESER'S NIXON THEATRH BLDO. RECEPTIONS MONDAY AND SATURDAY CIA8S. TUBS-. WED. AND FRI EVQS Class Fit 4,8. ChlMren'a CU( Sat , 3-3. ir. Continuous Dancing 4 Washington's Birthday rrTL9- Ptqflp 3WSP, vsSel S3S9 "MATCHES," TllEN ItOIlS STUDENT OF THEOLOGY Young Now Jersey Mnn Says Stranger Broko Fntth. A young man, who eayg h la a. theo logical student from Madison, N. J., f tnourntriK the loss of nbotlt (0 and a Rold watch and chain today, nil on account ot a latent gambling distinct tliAt cropped out when temptation came around. He told Detective Lawrence and Fisher, at City Half, that ha wan J. D. Butler, Two men are sought by tho detectives. One ot Ihem has Butler's money and natch. Butler says he came to this city to hear 'Rlliy" Sunday. After tha sermon yes tcrdny he met a man at Broad Street Btn lion, who said ho also v.ns n tlieoloalcal studentf Tho stranger proposed n visit to tho Baldwin locomotive, Works. On tho way up Broad street he took out a coin nnd offered to "match" Butler. When they got through "mntchlng," Butler's money nnd watch were gone Just then another trial) stepped up to them, "I am a dee.tectlve," he said. 'Tou fellows are gambling on the street. Sep arate, or I shall arrest you ami have jou Incarcerated In a dungeon." Butler and the stranger separated, the Dcc-tcctlo keeping close on tho heels of Dip stranger. Butler then went to City Hall and naked tho detectives to get his money back. Anti-Catholic Agitator Attacked I'ATBnsON, N. J., reb. .-L. J. King, an nntl-Cathollc agitator, barely escaped rough handling at tho hands of a. mob ot men nnd bos hero today following an address In which ho vilified tho Catholic Church. King w.ts pelted with eggs on every sldo ns ho dived headforemost Into (i taxlinb. PHOTOPLAY nitOKKRS Barrist & Co. 214 North 8th Street Sell Profitable Plcturo Theatres PRICES 1100 to 1 100.000. Both phones. rnoTori.Aie. THE TIOGA "7th and Venango .Sts. Phi. u 'a Finest nnd Exclusive Pho toplay Theatre. Cap 2000. Mntlneo 2.30. i:vg. G-15 Admission, iiintlnco ami ovonliig, 10 cents. Children, iiKitlnco only, Gc. Pull-Orchestra. DOHOT1IV HONM!I,I,T in THE THIEF Week of Irltrunrr J1, 1015 MONDAY AMI lUhSll.lY William Pox presents Hetty Nansen In "THE CELEBRATED SCANDAL" nnd thrro nt hers N KDMIHI) Y Tattie I'rtscnt "SAVED FROM HIMSELF" Two reels of Kef, Mono ComedlM THUItKDAY ' I'ranclH X. Qusliman In "THE ACCOUNTING" and "RUNAWAY JUNE" Third Eplsailo. rniDAY AND BATUnDAY "A GILDED FOOL" With William rarnum. Two reels of Kejstono Comedies SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE - A T TTTT-. A T5 SUBJIICT TODATS FEATURES OVERBROOK C31 fit. and Unverford Are. IRIS THEATRE Kensington and Allegheny Ares. CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE HOME OI WORLD'S GREATEST I'lIOTOPLATB LAST DAY REGENT 1032-31 Market Btreet BELVIDERE Germantoirn Are. bel Graver' Lane TULPEHOCKEN flermantown Ave. Inlprliocken St. GARDEN Kg.l at nnrl Lansdowne Arc. LEADER 41st St. nnd Lancaster Ato. GERMANTOWN THEATRE Oermantonrn Are. and School Tin Devoted to PARAMOUNT PICTURES Hear the Famous HopeJones Pipe Orq-an Frolic Theatre 02.1 ht. and M ynluslng At. STAR THEATRE UENSINOTON ATSNUK BELOW I.EHIQII AVENUE JEFFERSON SIHh lirloir Daunhln St. 8IIOM1NO THE REST FILM EXCHANGES The Great Broadway Success A Paul Armstrong Play ("ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE") Presentlne ROBERT WARWICK IN "Alias Jimmy Valentine" A L1EDLEJI FEATURE IN 0 ACTS When "Alias Jimmy Valentine" played at Wallace's several years a 10, It was on of ths most talked of plays of the season. It was successful mainly because of tho atrencth and btart Interest ot tho clay and for Its unique plot and story, which la ably reproduced In this treat feature photoplay. It will be a sensational feature one of th blftest plays ever put Into pictures, WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 1314 Vine Street ? m SoBlaBsssssssssssssssssssB ?y i m tasiBlBBssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmt 9 'yttipxf ''hIJ,Ib ilii X!y HARRY BENHAM In 120,000-000 MytUr Thanliouser Syndicate Corporation PETER F. OWENN unirici Majnag-T fh ' ;ti.,-m it nr. i ,hu.i, PRETTY MAID PLUS JEWELS IS MISSING Girl Employed as "Companion" Disappears From Hous With Gems and Cash. A pretty young wotnan, employed an companion, and jewels and cash amount Ing 16 $700 are missing today frdm ths home of Fred fthlinger, 1M Dumac street, Tho girl Is Mini Marlon Carroll, 20 years old, who has been employed as companion to Mr. Rhtlnger and Mrs. George Kerber. her daughter, since last December. Most of tho Jewelry belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Kerber, who live with tho Khllnger. nings nnd pehdahts and (100 In cash, tho proprty of Mr, nhllnser, are missing. Mr. nhllngcr, his wlfo and the Kcr bera suggested last night that Miss Car roll accompany them to the theatre. She pleaded Illness, saying she had a severs headache, and finally the party left with out her. Arthur Khllnger, a sort, and his friend, Harry Slater, remained home. An hour after the theatro party left the house Arthur Chllnger heard sortie ono come downstairs and go out of the front door. When the family returned they were surprised to find Miss Carroll missing. 8ho had taken it suitcase. Then followed tho discovery that the jewel wcro gone. To Give Flag to G. A. It. Encampment Spring Garden Lodge, No. IS, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, will present a flag tonight to Lieutenant Oay Encampment, O. A. XL, at Its bar racks, Cermantown avenue and Berks street. The presentation will bo made by William Shoenlebcr, Jr. l-IIOTOI'LAIS CHESTNUT ST.8S8S4 1IOMB 01 WOItl,D'S OUKATE3T 1'tlOTOPr.AYH 4 TIMES DAILY AFTERNOONS, 1 and S 30a an'tl ISo EVENINGS, 7 and tt 10c, ISO and 3Sa NEXT WEEK ONLY ANNETTE KELLERMANS THE PERFECT WOMAN IN A WEIttD. FANTASTIC riIOTOPIA,Y "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" STACJED IN FICTUnESQUE BEIttlUDA Special Musical Accompaniment by the Popular Opera House Onanist PROF. DONNELL BEGINNING MONDAY AFTERNOON. M1HCH 1 TWICE DAILY THE HEVELATION OF THE AGEIII First Presentation In the World or the Most Manelnus nml Maste Photo Spectacle Yet been, "The Eternal City" . My HALL. CAINE Produced by Famous Da) era Film Co. TlESnnVED SEAT SALE OPENS THURSDAY AT 0 A. M. NEW riHCEft CVQS , 10c, 2Sc, BOc. AFTS. 10c. !Bc. 2.V. sXj&1SUS to CHANOB An Example, How Dr. Cupid Won Carlptta De Felice in MONEY THE CHRISTIAN TOOK T1MKS DAILY Afternoon 1 and 3 10a and llio KvrnlnirK. 7 and 0 lop. 1 He, ISo Next U1. ANNETTE KELI.KnjlANN, 'Th 1'erfrct Woman." In "Neptune's Daughter lVlltnn Children of the Ghetto Lochayr In LENA, An Edison Feature Master Key : Caught in a Cabaret JIKATIIIZ MirilKLKNA ln., MnB. HlGtlS OF THE CADHAOE PATCH O'Garey of the Royal Mounted WILLIAM FARNUM in SAMSON (Not a Biblical Play) Hooked Through tho Blnnley Hooklnr Co. JiXuen'fn The Walls of Jericho UNDER THE GASLIGHT A Big Sensational PJay OTHER POPULAR PRODUCTIONS Double Bill ZUDORA Comlnr, March 1 to 0, THE CHRI8TIAX FILM KXCHANGEB ZUDORA in the Twenty Million Dollar Mystery Thanhouser's Greatest Photoplay Th photoplay serial that U fwtaplur tha country! Tha surpassing triumph of HaroM MacGrath, th noted author, and Howell JUuwll. of "Million OolU Mystery" fame. Unacted by an all star Thsnbouser cast, tocludlnr Janws Ctum, Marguerite Snow. Bldney Uraoy. Mary Bllubeth Forma. Frank Vurrlo4 ton, Harry Benham and a, hott ot oth. trs. Book It NOWl Call, -write vr v,lr. Get your shir ot tha bl bualnoea thla photoplay Is cnatlntr You owe it to youreslr Ut show It, Book It nov The oonr you do It th bettir for you. Act to day bow 1 902 FILBERT STREET ii i i i nmlnirni ' i m l