EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, FEBRITABY 20, 1916; -Tt i .i tm HNENOTGH LEAPS ON lX MAP WITH A WHOOP ' ko nmiiTuv ririiifK r. - Jersey Town Establishes Board of Traae wnen Newt Bull Carries Meet ing Off Its Feet in Home of Hose Go. 43. r- I'Vhnt Are Boneless Eggs?" nnn of the Firsc Jt-uzziea Which NeBody Must An- aw0r Throuah its iinra Questions Committee. - ...t Correspondence Evening Ltdgtr. 'W N'OTCH, N. J., Fob. 20.-Thfs RoM' Httlo farmslde community 1ms nt It landed on tho map after sovcrnl Lnerotlons of Innocuous contentment. Wilts plirnto Innocuous contentment Is ft EVeff one to Pino Notch, having becurred recently on the editorial page of tho rino hjotch Fortnightly Bulletin, which cnm6 hat. . hands i?r?.A Rjhe talcmca ub' - - n fost Miss Pcmple 11 subscribers, but i.hl was game nnd went rlRht back at :!??..ii,i; In n surcecdlng Issue nnd I hurled tho phrase In their teeth, declnr I ?n that Its meaning aught to bo clcnr i in every dough-henaoa maic crau. ... : ??l . "TU KvJ In the" new Cienca, ' ";-,n,nrtnt Control. Sho I&. 'Vpt Elwvlr In ramming that ffi'rfni? a .a. Stand has very illilto to do with tho great big now t .vent that Is sure to brlns Pine .Notch !'," IE. .niiBht of modern active uf- .?"a" '. n,l mnmentous thins Is L thsPlne No ch Board of Poultry Trade. M".". m. .i-...i it. rnrmnl organization E'nlS't "in th. board room of Hose rSimpany new Oro hall. , Just. a. word beror- "- ---.- , are not nasa tuiLH"""-"" - - - ,- ., R the Are department "" nd j affair, but as it whs uhb....... ;"," ,7 LS.w.th a total subscript on of M. U has called iiscu irum i ........... Hose Company 43: there arc i never more .w. ii r...nlinl vamns on Its rolls nmi ft the see limit Is 43 for active service at fir the pumps; buckot tossers and drivers are K accented up to a decline of prime, nnd ns r t in rr t)m ttrn the presont anver una "'"' " "'V., ," volunteer Bray marcs, Reading Spill, is 87, going on 88, you will recognize that a manrrarcly comes to his declining prime In Pino Notch. BIRTH OF A TnADB BOARD. It la a long sentence that has no turning and we will finally wriggle back to tho Pino Notch Board of Poultry Trade and -.'record tho sensational features of Its olrth. The progresslvo Mr. Newton Bull, or "Newt" Bull, as ho Is more familiarly blown, Is really tho author of the organi zation's belnsr. and was elected to tho post if rrtnrHlnD fl.prMnrv nnd chairman of the Hard Questions' Committee. "Newt" Bull was tho first Pine Notch pouitry jnan and Indian Runner duck specialist to break away from local traditions and J'sell fancy select eggs by parcel post and express. His ruin was predicted early In the game, particularly by Rudolph Mops, whose family novo kept the Pino Notch &' general store nnd merchandise trading I, emporium see one-Inch ad In the Fort- VT nffrtitlv Tl.illAtln ulniA 1611 Trnmomnrlalttf alt Pino Notch eggs wero brought to the R store and traded out. Three genrratluns K of Mops shipped them In regularly ta E Camden and Philadelphia every other Frl (r .day, and Camden and Philadelphia bought m' them as fresh country eggs, which they t Were country eggs without dpubt. ft For Newtnn null In hmnb Intt'nv fwim gt this fine old local custom was regarded as a ranK heresy by the Mops and all the 1 fine Notch relatives and debtors of the i, Mops, of which thoro were many. First they pitied him nnd then when ho didn't to broke, envy crept In In the place of . pity and the entire community got sore s on him. Few of his neighbors spoke to if him and there was even bad feeling be lt tneen, him and his two brothers, the, Bull iniiiB, jiou ana jjoo. rnese are me run li, names, xou see, they Hadn't been cx- peciea as twins ana their mother, wno was a very stubborn woman, had set her mind on naming the next boy Robert. When she 'was notified that It was a pair ef, line boys sho said through tightly com pressed lips, "Well, I'll name Vem Robert." "It can't bo done," said her husband, Zedeklah Bull, one of the keenest grass farmers In South Jersey. "It Is done," she snapped back at him. "We will call the oldest Rob and the youngest Bob." And that's all there wob .to It - ONCE MORE, THAT TRADE BOARD. No, by Jlrnmlny, we'll get down to that Pine Notch Board of Poilltry Trade and stick to It. "Newt" Bull had worked up a very promising fresh selected fancy sga trade by parcel post and express, asking no man for advice or assistance and studying the thing out according to all the new rules of scientific poultry pro duction, when along came an order for two down boneless eggs. The name and address was typewritten And a money order for tl enclosed. The order was very ree ana urter, to wit: "Please send, ex press collect, two dozen hnneleuft pir&rn. white preferred, but brown will serve." Newt Bull was stumped and admitted it mt "r the telephone to his father. The old luucmon nung up me receiver without reDlylni? and hncl n v.rv hnri nltrhf Than k Newt, called up the twins, who married jwins and live in a two-family house on wo ouuKirts or Pine Notch, where they specialize In dill pickles. The twins said the order must have come from a lunatic asylum, but Newt wasn't satisfied. The order was typewritten and looked as sane ft. as finv nnt.o Yia t.a.1 ai,am iBf.Alifai1 . SM than h M4-l... - He wondered If It tvntildn't ti a irnnA Wta to calj a meeting of all the poultry farmers round about Plnn Nntrh mj rfU their combined wisdom couldn't solve tat jmMie. As there Is nothing much olng in the pickle line at this time. Rob and Bob were persuaded to call a meet In;, provided Nowt would furnish elder and doughnuts as refreshments. This arranged and . Mrs. Newt started tight In making doughnuts. The twins did nnt ifIva tlnv Inkttnc nt Wiat was coming off, but when they mentioned that Mrs. Newt Bull's dough wts would be supplied In unstinted Wmdance, no other argument was needed. Even Rudolph. Mops, the atpre PeTi showed up. notwithstanding his .'"mlhs bitter dislike, of Newt Bull. Twenty-one men more or less Interested egg production filed Into, tho assembly rOQm ahoVA thA nAW nilnrtiini nf XTnmik Company , and one glimpse of tho twp wshel basket overflowing with Mrs. null's famous aromatic doughnuts held went as If they were chained by the con MA of an irresistible magnet. So long those doughnuts remained In, prospect they'd listen to Newt Bull's new-fangled Miocy till his breath gave out. TVhen Newt got on, the platfortn Jt was Us fixed resolve to stun hla audience wth the vexatious problem that had woe to him through the mall. But some pn he beard Rudplph Mops whisper to rg;e Bedim made him very hot under m collar and caused him to witch. bs wn of thought Here was a. chance e rganU the leading poultry and ess VMycer of Pine Notch into a. co- etstiv mutual bnt tisooU tV would land a terrible wallop on that grafting middleman and conscienceless egR1 broker, Rudolph Mops. So Newt Bull went to It with a brand of SUnuence that simply swept his auditors ore their feet. He gave these farmers facts and ngures bn selling eggs and broilers, roasters, frlcasses and Just fowl that inrtdft their eyes bulge out nnd threw Rudolph Mops Into a speechless rag. When ho had finished he drew up a charter and set of by-laws that 'was passed without a dissenting vote and then pnseed tho dbcument around for signa tures with the doughnuts. His final thrust at Rudolph Mops was a lethal blftwt "Fellers." he cried, "Just hold up a min ute on them doughnuts. Look at 'em careful. See tho hole, taste It and chew ?." .. ,nn seo now yu ko ts flaor. well, the hole In -that doughnut Is tho economic profit you get out of selling "" eggs to Rudolph Mops. Now, Just blto Into the rim round the profit we'll get out of selling eggs through this Board of Trade we've organized. Wo'll make our own markets direct by parcel post and express nnd wo'll get the con sumer's money, cash down plunk In tho hnnd." As nn extra clincher Newt Bull pro posed tho name of his bitterest enemy, and only Indian Runner duck rival, Olney Gall, as president of the club, and the election was carried with a shout. Fol lowed tho choice of Niwt Bull himself ns recording secretary and chairman of the hard questions committee. All was now complete and sewed'up, but no luentlon had been made of the puztllng order for two dozen boneless eggs. In n sudden flash of Inspiration Newt Bull decided to table this matter till the next biweekly meeting of the bnaid. Meantime, ha would seek tho ad vice of experts, and with tho solution of the riddle safe In hand, he would make a profound Impression upon tho members of the Pino Notch Board of Poultry Trade In his capacity as chairman of the hard questions committee. ARGENTINA ACCEPTS MOBENO New Battleship Turned Over to Cap tain Gnlindez With Ceremony. The Argentine Republic's new dread nought, the Moreno, constructed by tho New York Shipbuilding Company, was offlclally turned over to the Argentlno Government nt noon today. This settles th, rumored disputes between the Gov ernment and the shipbuilding company over the payment of JI,S0O,000. Tho 00) Argentine sailors who had been temporarily quartered on tho U. S, S. Indiana nnd Michigan were taken In Gov ernment launches to tho new battleship. As they drew up on dress parade tho Ar gentina flag was raised with tho ship's band playing the national anthem. Cap tain Gnlindez accepted the ship from President Knox, of tho Now York Ship building Compnny. MARRIED AT ELKTON Many Couples Journoy to Maryland's Gretna Greon Today. ELKTON, Md., Feb. 20. Tho morning trains brought these couples to Elkton, who were married:. George S. Kllng and Mabel Boston, Rudolph Schmidt and Edna M. Moore, Jesse II. Emerlck nnd Lena Kraft, Rnymond Dauer and Caroline Mill ion, Roya Frank Max and Ella Cuslck, Charles M. Schulley and Edna M. Hum Isbergcr, nnd Raymond R. Walsh and Edna McKcon. nil of Philadelphia; Rob ert A. Spayd and Elbcrta Ott, Reading; Frances Herman, Cleveland, O., and Mamo Mclntyre, Baltimore, Md.; Earl L. Scarlett and Florence P. Guldln, Reading; Antonio Vcrattl nnd Emma Longo, Rid ley Park, nnd Howard C. Johnson and Alice M". Wnlton, West Grove, Pa. Faculty Lecture at U. of P. Dr. Roswcll Cheny McCrea discussed "The New Optimism in Economic Theory" thl.i afternoon in Houston Hall. This address was the second of tho season's courso of free lectures under tho auspices of tho University of Pennsylvania given by members of the fnculty. Court Denies Mrs. Towne's Plea Vice Chancellor Learning today rerused to grant a rehearing at Camden In the enso of 7-year-old Gertrude Towne, who was given over to the custody of her father. Claude Towne, several days ago. Mrs. Towne, through her attorney, filed an application for a reopening of the case on the ground that her husband, Claude Towne, would not permit her to see the child as frequently as she wished. The Townes have been separated for somo time, although a divorce decree was de nied when the couplo filed a counter suit. Tn TtA,AtYiliA Tiwma trlrinntinrl llftt,. fla- trudo from Atlantic City, where she had been with her mother. Patent Medicine to Be Destroyed - More than 4000 bottles of, "Father John's Medicine," seized In 1912 for not being properly branded, will be destroyed at tho orders of the United States District Court. Government chemists declare that the label on tho bottles illegally claimed the medicine was a prompt and efficacious remedy for lung diseases. The Govern ment filed a libel of condemnation, and yesterday was upheld In the right to de stroy the goods under the Shirley amend ment to the pure food and drugs act. Leaves His Fortune to Friends Bernard Schaefe,r, late of 1318 South street, left an estate of 23.0O0 In private bequests. His will was admitted to pro bate today. Other wills probated Include those of Louisa W. Gregory. 2135 North j27th street, IS900; Mary M. Tompkins, who uiea at, Atlantic wity, jjjw; Anna E. Jones, C2l South 51st street, J2100; Maria Gibson, 4332 Wayne avenue, 12000. Personal prop erty of Louisa Kohler has been appraised at I12.59S.1S; John H, Rlsdon, S6291.S0; Ernest C. Hunt, (2169.38. Fire Destroys Waste Fire among several tons of waste burned for hours last night In a box car In the yards of the Reading Railroad, The origin of the blaze Is unknown. The loss amounts to about 1500. TODAY'Sr.MARRIAGE LICENSES Jloward Itlch. 6510 Irving' t.t and Florence liltchrn. 4003 Olrard ave. David W. Thomas, 7S3t! Oxford pike, and Anna M. dtbat, S03i Moore it. Nathan Herman, 623 McKean at., and Moll! Fox. 62.1 McKean at, Charles E, Jarvle, Jr.. S006 N. 11th at, and Helen K. Qoddard. 6233 Wheeler at. Alfred K. Weede, S5I0 N. 8th at, and Lottl H. Cohen. 34U N. 23d at. "V. Harrison Kuntly, 5110 N. Broad st, and Mary M. Nolan, 1S03 Wagner ave. Clarence Thompson, 2120 N. 17th at., and Bthel n. Carey. B82 N. Frailer at. ' Itobert J, Clark, 1218 Cambridge at, and Ada I Ins Wllklns, rear 13?.l George st. ChrUtlun M. YcJer, 0S2 NMth st., and Katb- ryn E. Snyder. 053 N, 54th at. Howard S. Ilrown. 2118 Webster st, and jAicy O. Itandolph. 2UB Webster at. James '. Smith, 5107 lUco at, and Mary A. Thompaon. M4 Holly at, lierman A. Solomon. 441 Wolf St., and Beasla It, Ttlchow.ky, 2233 S. 0th st. Harry Smith, 710 N. 18th st and Besila ltoienldum, 517 8. -ith at. Itobert ' Stetler, 5100 Klnsseaslng ave,, and Ulaneba a. Maitan, 211U christian sU Francesco Keplc. 527 Fltswater st, and Ma ria Beverlno, 1215 Ellsworth it. ji r l.ik.nn Tlln Vmati art a A Jinn MaoSaller. 1036 W, Indiana ave. , Loula IV Plehlman. 282s N. Jd at., and itooeria Aiiuer, wi n. utu,jr ei. John Mutter, rear 1814 N. Orkney ,at. and Elisabeth. Frlike, 1730 N. Sodlnat." (Jtnnsro Pamore. 1G32 Ellsworth at. and France Martllla. 1141 S. Mola at m ... , Antonio Costa. 1120 Kllamorth at, and ftllcbe- Una Maloglla, Jttl Queen at. Mvcrs IlarrU. 63Q N. Holly at, and Basel Heath. 470a Falrmount av. Frank L Hopkins. 2108 Dortr at., and Alice Leltner. 1324 N. 21st st M , William Wolfo. Bcranton, Pa., and Jeonle IT. 3uat, Readhnr. Pa. CbaHea H. Astfalk. 112 B. Eleanor st, and Emily U Moreland. Cedar Qrove, Olney. Jo Koll. 1JW oerroantown av., and Bos Levecaon. 08 N... Marshall at. , William IiivU. 641 N 22J at, aad Anna IMvlea. 178 S. 61st at. John Ilewart n N. 4th at. and Mary Koyas, lUetna CartaaunL 704 S. th st , and AnnuniUta, Jairneoca. 74 B. 8th at Cbri&SnApp; 211 N Slat st, and Emma. fwiwAhuten. S041 nioga ave. WlffiraWWiMe N 2tb st. and Isabella lYtuMnn fifi IV 9ftd 41 f Luit 8rhrir IHX RI40 vt , tu4 & Ws del 2TIS KolKHO IV w ws OW- " - j .- WtSka Aaith, r .HqMy at, al VlflaJnj tli Sw44&si wbe-ha,vo studied tlift Jaauso. 424 S.-S4U V HEAL ESTATE OFFICE vtM'si t. && jMLMk .2 Vt.-Ztr ri. t- Til. m -JJfr & t TL siHflilsM?i!FMlMB H a i aiB ill BfTTA 4 taiiiiHJ vlJSMX f M'riMrf'rt''At JpjrMAAtjj. Hm ax. Mil ., j, M kLLKaaaaWSlikaaaaaaaaaaE H HHiB 'xt'Tt sia.TsMsACK. sLl.y(V yiM j j(jy j (PjJV' " C5 M " '' Vf "f ry wt( 13 J 'VuJiajiii ? SH H Ji"iA - j & itttmwn!nnnirt3BSM tH galnB bIH 3Bi 8bBI 9Bi sH BaTnWiBBy0 "w sjssjswssMsisisjWsjsjss '"" mmmmmmmmMmmnmm'-''''m- Costcllo represents tho 41st Ward. It is his plnn to run tho Frnnkford elevated road beyond Bridgo street, the limit of population in tho Northeast The Finnnce Committee of Councils, of which ho is a membor, re ported out an ordinance providing for tho construction of n northeast elevated road to Rhawn street, Rhawn street is a little more than thrco miles beyond Bridgo street. The territory which lies between Bridgo and Rhawn Btrcots id sparsely settled country of farms and unused land and woods. Costello has a real estate offlco at 6915 Torresdale avenue, beyond Bridgo street, nnd in that territory between it and Rhawn street. TAYLOR TO NAME COMMITTEE OF 1000 Continued from Inge Ons phla to authorlzo by their voto an In crease In tho city's Indebtedness to tho extent of $6,000,000 for tho construction of only certain subway and elevated structures, with the location thereof spe cified In each Instance In a manner which would make the economical and satis factory operation thereof Impracticable; nn ordinance, worded In a manner which may Invite litigation and which may ralso very gravo legal doubts as to the validity of an election held In pursuanco thereof, there Is gravo danger of this ordinance being passed by Councils In Its present form, which would tie up tho $0,000,000 authorized so as to prevent Its use for the establishment of nny proper or satis factory transit facilities In Philadelphia. "Under these conditions, ns I have stated. It Is now up to the citizens and organizations of Philadelphia to act for themselves In their own Interests. They should lose no tfmo In doing so. "In order to place the matter squarely In the hands of a thoroughly representa tive body of citizens for lmmedlato ac tion, I shall forthwith appoint tho com mltteo as authorized at a public mass meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia held in the Academy of Music on Thurs day evening, January 14, 1915. COMMITTEE PRESCRIBED. "These resolutions not only Indorsed the plan for transit development as recom mended by tho Department of City Transit, but prescribed as follows; "Resolved, That Director Taylor be and Is hereby authorized nnd empowered by the citizens of Philadelphia here assem bled, to appoint a committee of not more than 1000 citizens of Philadelphia, repre sentative of every Interest nnd of every district In this city. If he deems It neces sary, to aid the Department of City Transit in securing each and every action which may be 'required In furthering the terms of these resolutions and In estab lishing adequate rapid transit facilities In Philadelphia, which committee shall havo power to appoint and act through sub committees, and to adopt any and all rules nnd regulations which may be deemed proper." CITIZENS AROUSED BY TRANSIT PLAN4 JOKER' North and South Philadelphia Realize They Have Been Duped in Ordinance. "I now warn tho people of North and South Philadelphia that the passaoo of the ordinance reported by the Finance Committee will-defeat tho construction of the Oroad street aubway." Statement by Director Taylor. Residents of fforth and South Philadel phia today Joined other sections of tho city In. the revolt against the, substitute transit -plan reported to Councils by the Finance Committee Thursday, At first appealed by Councils' declaration that the Finance Committee ordinances pro vided even better- transit facilities for these two sections than did the Taylor program. North Philadelphia and South Philadelphia Immediately did not Join In, the wave of protest against Councils Today the residents of these two ex treme ends of the city awoke from the "fool'B paradise" Into which they were led by CounpHs' representations. Stripped of its- Intricacies, the plan embodied In the counellmanlo ordinance, they now aay, la nothing but a, bold deception, an attempt to offer them a "Joker" plan "Just a good" Instead of that for which they have fought and which they need. TRICKERY DISCOVERED. The declaration of Director Taylor. "I now warn the people of North and South Philadelphia' tnat" the passage of the pr dlnance will defeat construction of the Broad street subway," struck home. The trickery under the guise of better plan was discovered. South Philadelphia and North Philadelphia Joined In the clty wlde demand oa Council to accept the Taylor transit piaa na no otnar j '-Tr? -"---;"" ,,,., OF SELECT COUNCILMAN two divergent plans that the Finance Committee ordinance holds forth no hope for the abolition of tho confiscatory 8-ccnt excHango ticket and tho establishment of a universal free transfer system and a straight E-ccnt faro to all parts of Phila delphia. -Further, tho Flnanco Committee ordi nance mnkes r.o provision for turning tho cars at City Hall or for running tho trains from four tn.cks on North Broad street Into double tracks on South Broad street. For this reason -alone Director Taylor's iplan makes elenr tho engineering neces sity of a business delivery loop. HERDING" THE PASSENGERS. The Finnnce Committee plan would dis charge tho passengers' collected, at 20 sta tions along Broad street at two stations In the very centre of tho city Instead of distributing them nt a number of sta tions along the line of tho delivery loop. Returning nfter business hours, pas congers for tho 2$ stations would be forced to congregate at these two stations and crowd Into tho trains there, Instead of being allowed to reach tho trains at a point near their places of employment. WILI. ATTEND TOWN MEETING. Business associations from both the northern and southern parts of tho cltj now are planning to take part In tho town meeting next Thursday night nnd pro test against the action of Councils. It was decided today to hold the meeting at the Bingham House, 11th and Market streets. Tho meet ing was called last night by the Transportation Committee of tho United Business Men's Association. All afllltatcd as well as unaflliated associations have been Invited to Join In the movement to fight Councils' plan to defeat the Taylor program. MOTORCYCLES CARRY FIELD WIRELESS FROM NAVY YARD Messages Transmitted Successfully ' From Fairmount Park to League Island. Motorcycles were given their first trial at transporting a Government field wire less equipment this morning when the radio section of the 32d company of marines took an outfit from League Island to Falrmount Park. The apparatus was set up on the public baseball ground, near the Diamond street entrance. Captain Richard B. Creecy and Lleujenant "Wil liam B. Sullivan were tn command. Besides using motorcycles to pull the equipment, another Innovation. In the form of a one-horsepower motor to gen erate electricity, was tried out this morning. Heretofore the field wireless equlptnent haB been drawn from place to place by mules. Four are usually used. This morning two motorcycles were able to drag the two reel carts which .carried most of the equipment, A one-horsepower motor, devised by Chief Eltctrlclon Pierce, of the Navy Yard, replaced manpower In generating the current for transmitting messages. Messages were sent to the League Island wireless Btatlon. Loan Association Celebrates With 1400.000 tn the treasury after nine years of .existence, the Square Deal Build ing and-Loan Association last night held ita ninth annual dinner and celebrated its success. Every director was present. President B. B- Perry waa In the chair and John W. Flanlgan was toastmaster. Next year's dinner will be at the same place, Bhoyer's Hotel, 4th and Arch afreets. Ardmore Folk Prevent Robbery Neighbors finding: the door ajar at the home of Mr. and ilra. John Williamson, 115 Coulter avenue, Ardmore, reported the fact to the Lower Merlon police and pre vented thieves from getting away with a bag -full of valuables which they had packed 'on the first floor of the dwelling. Mr, and Mra. Williamson are In the West Indies. Special School Shoe Orxutae Qoodvtar Wilis Uatt-Kld tops. Foxed with Patent :LAthr Ar aun.Matal Leather. nut oiott stoii iiioj Prlca U,40 11.65 11.00 Alt Stylea LaiW. Children. "It VUbW,N. j. THE EUTE ifANICUBlNO. FACIAL AMD 8CAUP TUKATUHNT. 8UAMVOOINU WALL t OCliS HUXt., XUS CtMtaut Bt, i 1- I l-1 Vfc,l aia&. NT PETER E. COSTELLO JEALOUSY MAKES MAN A DOUBLE MURDERER Husband and Father Kills Two Women in Fit of Madness and Attempts Suicide. NEWARK, N. J., Feb. 20. Hiram E. Craig today shot and killed Miss Hattlo Reeves, 5 years old, and her compan ion, Mrs. Mary Clark, 42 years old. He fired a bullet Into his own head and an other into hla chest and Is dying In the hospital. Cialg, who is a married man with sev eral children, was Insanely Jealous of Miss Reeves, with whom ho had been In timately acquainted for somo years. To day he waited at their homo on South Orange avenue until tho women returned from New York. He quarreled with Miss RceveR and when ho became abusive, Mrs. Clark entered the pnrlor and sided with the young woman. Crnlg drow a revolver nnd fired twice. One bullet entered tho heart of Mrs. Clark. Sho fell dead. Miss Reeves fled and locked herself In tho bathroom. Craig broko down the door, forced tho woman to her knees and de spite her pleas for Ufa placed the muzzle of tho revolver against her temple and fired. Sho died Instantly. Then ho shot himself. $25,000 FOR U. OF P. MUSEUM Building Fund Passes $100,000 Mark. $200,000 More Needed. The building fund for the extension of the University Museum has passed the $100,000 mark. This was announced this morning, after a meeting of the Board of Managers, at which announcement was made of the receplt of 225,000 from a donor whose name Is withheld. It Is estimated that the extension will cost 1500,000, nnd It Is desired to raise at least $200,000 moro as an endowment fund to pay the added cost of administra tion. This extension of the museum Is badly needed to accommodate the grow ing collections. Reports from the Egyptian and Chinese expeditions show progress. The war, It la said, has had no effect upon archeo logical research work there. The Chinese expedition Is now In Japan, where It will remain for some time before entering the Interior of China. Old Age Kills Recluse Heart disease and old age caused the death of Walter Edwards, a 75-year-old recluse, according to the physicians at the Germantown Hospital. Edwards was found yesterday by his wife In a reno vated barn occupied by him for some time past at 4833 Woodland avenue. Mixed Drink and Poison The condition of August Newman, 641 North Uth street, who drank poison be cause his wife refused to return 12 he had given her several days previous, was reported this morning as serious. The man Is now In the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. The police be lieve he was under the influence of liquor yesterday, when he took the poison. Loses Race With Death ALLENTOWN. Pa-. Feb, 20.-Death won a frantic race against the fastest trains half way across the continent. Joseph Allen, Jr., tt J4-year-old Catasauqua boy, was taken sick with Inflammatory rheu matism three daya ago, Ills father, run ning a furnace at Phelps, Wis., was tele graphed for. He made the quickest time possible, arriving home this morning, but his son had expired (n the night. LIMB TROUBLES YAltlCOHK VKINB, ULCEUS WEAK ANUI.H8. Etc. AHB EVENLY SUIiOHTED DV TUB USB Of TUB Corliss Laced Stocking SANITARY, as thay may be washed or Dolled. COMtOUTAULE. made to measure. NO ELASTIC adjustable; laeea Ilka a less Ins, llsht and durable. ECONOMICAL. Cost 1.S0 each, or two for the tame limb, 50, postpaid. Call and b niaured free, or writs for self-raeattua-meat plank No. a. I'lcer Sur ferere treated by our original methods. Hours 0 to 6 daily Bell fhone. Lombard STg. ?oas. Corliss Llab Specialty Co. bull SI7. Lafatt !- HtU A Chestnut 7tt PtUtL. fa. SUNDAY'S SERMON TODAY REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR "Remember now thy Crentor In the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them, "In other words, start right when you are young, and when you are old you will not bemOnn the fact that you have not lived right. Start rlghUtnd yoU will serve dod. The time to tnrt right Is then you are young. Most Christians have become Christians before they were tt years old. In an audience of 1000 a preacher asked them when they had ac cepted Christ, and he found that out of that thousand S93 had becomo Christians before they wero 20 years of age. "I was out In a brickyard several years ago nnd saw them making brick. They would put the clay in a big machine something like a huge sausage grinder nnd grind it up fine, nnd then spfend It out on a big platform and smooth It out Just tho thickness of the brick, and then n man would turn a big wheel nnd tho knives would cut up the clay! the fellows would put tho pioces In wagons with shelves nnd carry them to the kiln nnd burn them. "I picked up some of the clay beforo It went to tho grinder and I could mold It nny way I wanted to. I picked up one of tho bricks after It came out of tho grinder and I could still mold It. I picked up somo clay that had laid In tho sun for several days, and by trying hard I could stilt bend It, but when I picked up a brick nfter It hnd come out of the kiln, try as hard as I might, I could not even dent It. It wns burned hard and It would ahvayB remain that way. "Boys and girls aro like thnt clay. When they nro young God can mold them to do Ills way or the devil can mold them to do his way, but after they aro old It Is hard to chango them. HARD TO CHANGE HABITS. "It Is hard to chango a habit. If you don't think so some of you boys Just try It. Try to get up early every morn ing nnd wash your face without being told and seo If It Isn't hard. "Everybody wants to live a pleasant llfo and thcro Is no life ns pleasant aa tho Christian llfo. Every ono wants pcaco and my Bible tells mo there 18 no rest for tho wickcu. "You don't havo to be told that an ap ple Is good. You don't havo to bo told that bread and butter Is good for you when you ro Hungry or mat wui- , good for you when you're thirsty. You know It from experience, you'vo tried It. I don't need to tell you thnt rollglon Is good. I have had the experience and I know that thero Is no life so pleasant as the Christian life. "So start when you're young and you will always feel better. My experience is that you will feel better If you live "A "mother In Chicago had a little girl and shortly after sho was born her eyes became closed and every ono was afraid sho would be forever blind. Time went on and the doctor told her mother one day he thought all that was the mat ter was that there were cataracts on tho child's eyes and advised her to go to a specialist. So sho took her to a specialist and ho said that was nil that was tho matter and ho peeled back the skin and put tho medicine in and ban daged her eyes and told the mother to keep her In a dark room for three months. At the end of that time she had put In the medicine every morning, noon and night, tho specialist said that sho could take off tho bandages, nnd then her mother took her out and she saw the flowers nnd the trees and the grass and she said: "Oh. mother, why didn't you tell me everything was so pretty?' Her mother told her Bhe oouldn't describe them to her and let her know of the beauty so she could understand, that she had to seo for her self to really know. So you have to ex perience religion to know the Joy of a true Christian life. I can tell you about It, but you won't understand until you havo tried It. LIVE USEFUL LIFE. "You want to lead a useful life. No mother or father want their children to bo useless. Every boy and girl wants to be useful. You can graduate from sev eral colleges and be a professor or a doctor, but unless you're a Christian your work will bo a failure. You must serve God to do your best. "I had a friend who was asked in by a Vice President to see him when he wns dying. Tho Vice President was Han nibal Hamlin. My friend went and be gan to talk of politics and' money and the eventa of tho day, but the Vice Tresldent stopped him and said: 'Don't talk of nolltica and money. That Isn't what I want to hear now. Alt that comforts me now la religion, and the knowledge that I am saved. ...... "So If you live and be President and have not been a Christian you have lived a useless life, but if you have lived a Christian life and are not President or do not hold any office, you have lived a uacful life, and If you have God In your llfo you will go to heaven. "While I was In the Y. M. C. A. In Chicago I was standing on the corner one night and a man came along with his toes sticking out and a ragged suit on and a slouch hat and asked me for a dime to get something to eat. I told him I wouldn't give him a dime, because he would go and get a dr(nk. He said, You wouldn't let me starve, woutd you?' I told him no. but that I wouldn't give him the money, for him to come to the Y. M. C. A. with me and stay until after the meeting nnd I would take him out and get him a good supper and a bed. He wanted me to do It right away before going to the Y, M. C. A.,. but I told him no, I was working for some one until 10 o'clock. So he came up to the meeting and stayed through the after-meeting and was very much Interested. "I saw that he used excellent language and questioned htm and found that he was a man who had been adjutant gen eral ot one of the central States and had at ono time been editor of two of the biggest newspapers. But he said he got started wrong. Instead of going to school he had played hookey and Instead ot go ing to Sunday school he had gone and played cards and he had taken to drink and this had pulled him down to his pres Officially Appointed Oeneral Tour Asenta Ban Francljco Esposltton Chofce of 20 Tour. With Personal Ecort OK TIJAVEUNO 1NDEVENDENTLY All rail or ona way via, tho Canal. Our toura offer luxurloua service, without change, from coast to coast. Best Hotels Automobile Trips Everywhere ALL DESIRABLB BJDB TRIPS INCLUDED Winter, Spring and Summer Toura WONDERFULLY LOW INCfpSIVK IJATE3 Air. iiv:hkuvationh GUARANTEED The National Park Itineraries Now Heady JAPAN. CHINA AND THE PHILIPPINES Four conducted toura; Spring, summer and fall, all Including- tha Calif ornfa Kipo!Uon en route. Florida Tour inclusive bats giu-co Aadr tor xuori- Gillespie, Kinport & Beard wUBBWJtSP ent condition. I went with him after the meeting and got him a eUppef and a bed and went to some friends And wo got hint clothes, I asked him If he had any rela tives and ha said he had one sort who waa a bank cashier, but his son htfd dls. owned him and his plcturo was takerl from the family album nnd his name was" never spoken In the house, all because ho wns now down and out cm account of boozo. I wrote to the boy and said! 'I've found your father. Send me some money to help him.' MUST LkXrN IN YOUTH, ''He wrote back and said for me never to mentton his father's name to him again, that It wasn't ever spoken around tho house and that his father was for gotten. I replied.' 'You miserable, low down wretch. You can't disown your father and refuse to help him becauso he Is down and out. Send me somo money or I will publish the story In all Of the papers.' He sent me 13 and that's all I ever got from him. I took care Of the did man nil winter and In the spring I went to a relief society In Chicago and got him a ticket to his home And put Iilm on the train nnd that was tho Inst I ever saw of him. HA had lived a Use less llfo because he had not lived for Jesus. Ho hnd been adjutant general nnd editor, but his life had been useless. "In youth Is the tlnle to learn. I walk down the street and seo tho signs, 'Boy Wanted,' 'Girl Wanted,' to learn a trade. I don't see any sign, 'Old Men Wanted,' Old Women Wanted.' Why? Because tho merchant wants the boy and girl so ho can teach them. The older people are set In their ways and hard to teach. You don't seo the old people playing leapfrog, They're too old, they'd break their necks. You go to school to learn. Youth Is the time to lenrn. "You havo nil scon a circus nnd have seen a man run down a plntform and hit a springboard, and turn three or four somersaults o'ver 14 elephants and three horses, lie learned -when h was a boy. If he had waited until he be cams a man he would have broken, his neck the first time he tried It. Learn what JcsUs wants you to do. That's why you go to school, when youe young, to learn. When you get older It's harder to learn. You learn easily when you aro young. NO TIME LIKE PRESENT. "I was out In Jacksonville, 111., many years ago nnd was sent to a deaf and dumb asylum to make a speech. I asked tho superintendent, Mr. Gillette, how they expected me to talk to them. He told mo to go ahead and talk and see. Ho stood right beside me and there wasn't a soul looked at me through that speech. They watched him nnd ho told them on his fingers what I was saying. And when I hnd finished and hnd given tho Invitation seven or eight came for ward and said they wanted to live for Christ. I asked the superintendent why they couldn't learn to talk and he said becauso they were deaf. If somo ono had plugged. up your cars when you were born you couldn't havo talked. They had never heard a word and didn't know what Is sounded like, and although they had Just as good throats as some of you, they couldn't say a word. "A boy came In, about eight years of age, and I asked him how long It would, take him to learn to talk. Ho sdld about seven or eight years. Another came In about. IS years of age, and I asked him how long It would take him to learn. He was tho most brilliant boy In the class and promised to bo the valedictorian, but tho superintendent said It would take him 12 or IS years to learn to talk. I asked him If It was harder as they grew oldftr, and ho said It wasr and that aUer they had reached a certain age they would never be able to talk. "I had a preacher friend whose young sons wanted a dog. They kept after him and after him until at last one day he brought homo nn old dog. The boys tried to teach it tricks, but It was too old to Jump, over tho seams In the car pet. They kicked It out and told their father they wanted a puppy. Ho got them one nnd they soon had It Jumping over broomsticks, leaping through paper hoops, saying its prayers and dojng lots of other stunts. They could teach that puppy; It was young nnd could learn easily. You can't teach an old dog tricks. Tho same applies to persons. When you're young you can learn easily: when you're old It's harder to shako off habits you have formed. "ome of you will serve God. If you come while you nre young, It will be easy. If you wait until you are old It will be harder, nnd after a certain time It Is not likely that you will serve Him. "The things I learned when I was a boy I remember, while some of tho things I learned later I forgot." Child's Vigilance Causes Arrest Margaret White, 7 years old, of 4313 Wyaluslng avenue, a few days ago saw a strange man place a ladder against tho house next door, pry open a window with an Ice pick and reappear a few minutes later with Isaac Green's overcoat. She notified the police of the 39th street and Lancaster avenue station of the robbery, giving enough details to result In the ar rest ot aeorge DeMuth this morning. DeMuth, -who lives at 6S24 Westminster utreet, was placed on probation less than a year ago for making off -with a neigh bor's horse and wagon. He was held without ball this morning for court, charged with robbery. You are cordially Invited to WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAYPARTY MONDAY EVENING. In the HALL ROOM Dinner, Eight o'Clock Advance Reservatlona Required Dancing Entertainment Sourcnlrt Broad nnd Spruce Street Arthur F. Ileeb, Manager, 1 KUboi-O HTOCK1K08 ABDOMINAL BCTFOItTEHS, ETC. Lar attendant. Purchaa PTjAVEIX'S Mil WIUNd OABDEN BS. wmftMmtrmK'iwn'Er'mwt vm'ijHm'wwixiaw i . nmu. u.Lfrtiii and Alaska Include4 Lowest rates ever saretd