EVEKiyg LT3DflEtt--PHIIiADELl?HIA. BATtJKDAY- FEBRUARY 20, lfflo. 13 ifc .Mimt Tfraf rwr mircn gjilKlTCIlIl rUMLVmiLf EARLY WEAKNESS Klany Stocks Showed Advances jflfc Olose foreign Jixcnange Again Weak Europe Sold. t't'oit YOHK. D. "-" Alter snowing ftAtnir "no at the optnlhB today the fcfc tflorktt turned weak on further IB!11' . m It.. -I ...-.. IPrturagMS Tumor-.. -.. """" HJltj list Of aepreBHing inuii "i " " E..t 4h-re was added the possibility of ffnt-bU wllh J'ftn over thai coUntry,8 feftltude townrd China. This was lamely ! ... .n.l. tnr itm -venkneaa III the early KridlnS and lne ""PP0'-'" Of"" wh,ch k'jtuu .-jai.m WAN) miit-lit nnri nrlrArf Blhat 'P ,...,. .n . .. inu lvol lef leaum- -- --- - P The market continued weak and nerv- join "'"" ,, -,r. ,, mil nut Tnd oMe of the specialties rose above iMf nnftl of yesterday. On the decline trite all around were about a." point ;: from yesterday's close. The mnr i(t was not active at nny tlmo during th two-hour stsslon. There wiib no to-MUTO and very little demand. aAbout the mst active Issues were Itead lit and Steel common and there was con ilirsb1fl short covering In these Issues. 'rnat wa also considerable sellln-r of r.V'iu.sun Steel, but it was well taken, PtwiiHerlnr tho extent of Its recent ble Kerne of tho pressure In United States gtee common was as the result of tho r.Miri that a large amount of the stock ita come In today on tho Lusltanla, and Itiit t would probably be placed on the ..!.( on Tuesday, when the Exchange ierten after the holiday on Monday. Tk Mock, however closed higher. I After the close it was announced that .1 uI.Imiom nti Jiu ITal'nti l.flrt nfrnln tna miiiiiiiwiti - -., ......... ...... unH... ,..ir reduced, this time to to. Tho stock 'lAnst sell today and It, was thought the minimum was reduced so as to create a market for It. ' Foreign selling; waa afaln In evidence, lh been the case In the last few days, but the selling was more In bonds than la stocks. The ticker showed sales ol htlh-gracle bonds "sellers 20 flat," and Oitse were thought to be mostly for Oer jbw account. Prices were generally un changed. This foreign selling did not hnvo a utrtngthenlng effect in tho foreign cx i4iknra market and rates again declined, BTdtnund sterling falling to it. 81. Largely , responsible ror mis wcaicness was mo innouncement by J. P. Morgan & Co., rwlio aro the commercial agents of Great J'Brltaln In the United States, that they P knaw nothing about tho establishment of art (J0.C0O.0OO credit mado In this country an SO,000,000 credit In this country for .'Great Britain to strengthen t.relgn cx- rchange. London advices said that a credit or ims amount, nau oeen arrangeu here. Bankers are still of tho opinion that the initiative in tho formation of a ,'credlt hero should be taken by England, jjr.d as far as can be learned nothing has ;aa yet been done. s-The forclKn situation as regards ship ping placed a damper on the wheat mar ket today and prices of all grains de- jjjclliied. . Tie weeuiy statement oy mc Clearing Jlotise banks showed a docrenje In actual lUrjJl'us reserves of 2,698.n00 from last week, which loans fell off 1131,000. Do- 'miml deposits decreased J10,8W,000, while time deposits increased 1,875,000. New York Bond Sales llll-h Low llll 1000 Aluka G mine cv U3,iiu luOOAnur Aitr Oa tOt't 3'xw Amor I'ot oil 4Vi....iouft W Anitr Smelt Stc ite...lo.lk ITUW'Aiiier Tel cVt 4Wa...l U8 out Atner rlt't-ap 6a.... MW niO Atchison cv -Is HIV 1100 Atchiaon cv 4s 19K0 , . Ml 10tO Allan Co Line Ibl 4 fl 4(X Bait ft Ohio -Is 8l)H liw Hat ft Oh cv tv.it.... Hl MOO Dait O Swn 3!is... S85V hwi Ueih bled lit b ut u Heth Steel rfd SS$, ) Urookn Jtap Tr &a 1U1S liuH fOt fimh 'rerm llldg 5s... 8Ui tUJU Cent t!i cona 6 lot .luon iVnt leather 1st Cs.. V4 1Qnm a. T.M,nA tz. Don; BS 10J , Il5(i 100U 110 lUIi ,w viit in; jot in. SOOO cm je- nh pv jit tlOOOChl fc Nun con li 41HM) Chi II & O It 4r van 4IIOI ttMkStPwtiw I.1COV4 mn v m a m j' Nor i' 03, nu lOOO.Chl M & St P cp Bs,..iaiii 20W C St .t, Rl 1' M 4U.... KO u w iiii .11 c at 1 Chi M A St P gen 4U.10li 1U1U ICMKBtPcv ii',., Ull.J Dill! (Chi. li l & v co 4s..s-j'; :."., wv imn ,8000 Col Industrial 3j. TlW WjOCoI South 1st An.... 88 JWxi Con Oaa cv e w...lts?i tOtO Dta Becur Corp 5s,... KiVx JWBtn & nlo Or 4a.... 7St, IM0 Krle conv 4a act- U... ur IWKrle fa col 4a 5 w i.viiu & 'ierre n ua.. vt uenerai uutor as .,, JtWO (Ireat Nor Ut 4Ws , J00 lows Central ret da, .ioi; M Mil 1101 74 01 1O01I, ,t :!! -'nirai rta 4a ... ivw in uent 4S 1U33 i !!nip Lop Os Interb ifet U. ..... I Intfrrh T1 T Kb VW jntetnl Paoer 0 ... i!Xa tn0 Atconoi ca JlD Uer ma new 4H. 70 vvy, IJapaneaa 1st 4Hs .... 76 iXOPtl ".fc" us ....110 110 I ila Ken iV Tr n. loan iai llo Paa col 0a 1D17. tuMi my fi i s, " M " irwto5i:J8iJ 1060..,. oo4! ooS T Cltv 4a re N Y City 4Us 1 N Y Oa 11 tc P Ss.,10.1 JOT n i unt & w let as. ho Y nwy iidj B M14 8.8 .'KM ' Y Tel con 4Ua. 04 ? Crt, Wet ovt 4Vis,10l l nor Paa prior 4a DO ,'wr S0 n ."a Nor Paa roar 3a .... S ?f I (1m Dk..t 1 I.... J- n. Ore Rhort Lino 1st Os.lOKU Paclfla Tel Cs ,....,. U7 Penna 4a 1018 nit! Penna iA vr l,......mi EPS. J? W Br D MS Publlo, fiery KJ St... SS llKl MW Portland Sty &s 1 0a, DUH y Con Copuor Cs,..lon SJ!Pub Cuba. 6s liol" tJ4 83(4 jgbar W elt 4a.,.. 71 7t 4.hock island rfd 4s... OVA 03. gaaboard A L adj 6a.. 02t4 K! Ogo Pae col 4a........ Ulji 4H 9 Bo Pao cv 4 ..,.'... 81 80 : m go yao frVd4p..??.tr:r sXn 84u Iiat itt " htjt tui ei,IMI, imu vie jtKSJJ?. cv Oa... J,, bM (iW iiSS T.nlr1Av -ii ..... tm i5 it n nnvk.. ed T ' ,iw '4toili Y oV-T'S. ""fXS? 10J! 100 ..7:::.. :ioo v 4a...., ftlVS S2 1001? sotj & noli 5J0t;nlnn Pao cv KO CXX i'."" 2t J01 1 sr; . 001. sliWH Hlea. l,14S.00O. compared vlth I! jaawt'rdiy! total sales this week. Ill, ,Klt,- ,IM1 ,- iyarca wttn af,aiu,uuu iaa( wee. NEW YORK CURB Sfift? Wd. en a 8W Asked UH J8 18 19-10 ? So & ISMKl Is,1- :ifvator ""!:"": f ? a ... a ?u3 8torta ....... wt!3 .'. Bto'M P 2.7? ir.' n rW WH k.- ula GOVERNMENT BONDS S tS5 WUri4 8J J tKto coupon . , OSS :? "j ". . . ? tf.tf "Jwsar':. :::::::: J? fciTtSruyiS?.. liQ ft W25 coupon . . . LIVE STOCK onftTATIONS UIOAno, Fab. SO. JIO08. lUctlpts. M.- Narket Bl.arfw .tlw.4 mA V.t,Va toiftei "ui JJ.45ito W. OATTIJi -Hocefyls. Wket,t3. Seeni, JS.83: w as nTl. "" trtW aJMSM pJWKSt ft.X' E?frS .K PVfrsaa, ATew Tor 50(?fc Sales 1. . . . ,t Pmt. talo. Minn. Low, Cloie. A'fstTrnld Kline .... 7J( 28 7 00, Aim Chalmers prof .... 3,, 31 34 ,-4 ?n'! (rfr '" '2, '2) '" f' AmAgChem .4.94 43 40 n Am 11 BiiBar ... ...... . rru s;i rnu ? Amran.... m(i jj.'l 27! TO '7 A.IIVTOH.H.., . hj.j yajj naj( D2' AmerrarAFdr. A't 2 42 3 AmefCotirrod pref ..109 100 103 MS AmC,fi'ln 4r,li At, 44H 4 Am Hide-,t Leather pref 26 ta'i" 23'f Wf Am Ice 2.m 24 2.1t. 24 AmMntced ., 9)$, q( gij ot Amlocomotlv ....... am 21)4 2I)S 2IM Am Sirfiilnu ......... ri'i" riH rl rif AmRmeitinitprff . ...jni jroj inn iron Am Smeltlnit prcf B .. 78 78 78 78 AmJj.u?" ina ina iriii ini "X?'."1 " HR' lWi U. AmWtitParer, rref.t. 7 7 7 7 Anaconda Copper Jo j,-,,- "fiij i Atchiton ...... ....... mi m( mm nn Atchlion pref .,.00 OVi 08tj 0 !i Atcoi Line iiavj irvjf H2'( 112 ( JlaltoAOhlo 07 07 07 07 Halloft Ohio prcf ..... 68 08 f'8 f8 S'th Steel mt M.'i' MJi' WJi DcthSlcelmef 104 104'-! 104'i I04W nrnoltlyn napld Transit 81115 801, &y, K5U California Pet 18 18 18 18 California Pet prcf .... f.Ui r.l ot ) Can Pacific ..1?0 i 17 l."fi' 177 Central I either ,'3, ,'3VJ 33i n.i Clin A Ohio 41 41 40 41 Chlno Copper Mil ;-, rVt . Chic Mil & St P 8V( KH HV( frt Chlc& Nortliw 124!S 124'f 124'f 124'f Cluctt Peabodr pref ..101 mi'i 101U loili ColFuel&Iron 24'4 24 2') 2Tj ConsolCas nolf 1)0 1I0H 110), Corn Products if IH.J il 914 Dcn&Moa. o' G'i 0' 0' nittilicn fa'ccurltlcj ... iij'i H', lo' J 10J, Erie n 5i( o'tf 21'( Erie lUjiref .14JJ ?4H 34lii 34!, Gen Chcm 17 It 1704 170V, 170" (leneral Klcclrlo 142JJ 141J5 141J( 141!.' General Motor oil 80 7)5 87!S (leneral Motor pref ... T4'f 04 01 0J rioodrlch Co '.'04 ,'io'j :.0)3 30)1 Great Northern pref ..1 3'j JH'f ll.'l'j 114 . Great Northern. Oro ... :mj so'f 20K 29'-, GugKcnhclm Exploration 49' j AWi M)1 -JO'S II Central 10.-. 10o!j 1C5J, 10.Vi IntllarvCorp 55 Mi a fi"i IntllarvCorpofN 1 . Ill O.tli 0:i' 03! Inlcrboro-Met ; Wi ll'J 111, Interboro-Metpref ... 5." rvt M'l M'i Inspiration Cons 1SH 1M 18lf IS!i JKajserCo 73 77' 77, 77 Kan City Southern ... i!2 2I) 2l)j 214 Kan City Southern pref CSPi S'.'f 5-Vf O.'.'i Klscee 1C8 K0- ItHi 100IS LackananaSlcel 2SJ 28 28'j 284 Lehigh Valley l.'U VM'i laojj l.'OJi Looe-Wlles Bis 1st pref 92 tO f0 SO MackayCo 76 70 75 75- Maxwell Motors 1'4 i'."H 23 23' j Maxttell Motors tst pref Ott'i tO'i u'i C81 Main ell Motor 2nd pref 24' 13U 13M 23' Mexican Petroleum .. f3T,' 04 02JJ Ol Mo Kan & Tex 10!( 10' lll'i 101 MlamlCopper Wi Wi lMi 184 Missouri Pacific 10,4 II ()'( Jl Montana Power 4S4 4M 47J 48 National DIscult 1234 12W 1214 121'' NYAIrDraka 58 CS". 5S.4 58Ji Nevada Con :" 124 12 12 N V Central ,'3 34 24 M' KYOIW :24 22 1 224 224 NoPaclflo 'in nil,'' llll 11114 renna f'54 1P5 1IM4 K 0 PltlsbursCoal 104 10!' lll.'f 111'. Plttsburs Coal pref ... 'JO 01 01 01 Pressed blcel Car 284 2hj; 28 2S rullmanCo I5:.'U 152 152 162 IlayCons 104 304 104 Kl'i Peatllng 1414 Ul'l 1404 1414 lleadlncSd pref 52 S2 S2 S2 llcck Island pref J4 14 14 14 llumclyCo pref t 4 4 4 Sears "loobuck pref ...12"4 1254 325 125)' SIoss ShcfTfcitl 22 2 25 25 fcouthun Pacific Kit t."J' h2'f N4 Southern Ry 15 if. 15 1" Southern IJy pref 4S 4.V 45 45' bludebaker 444 4li r.'.'i 444 'lenncssee Copper 28 27J- 204 274 ThlrdAienue 444 4.1 44 j 4J I nlon Pacific IIt, 1184 1 04 US Union Paciric. pref .... 81 8.4 bU ' 804 us nutber At r.in inn nth USSleel 415 41Ji 404 41?,' USSteclpref 1C34' KM 114 104 JJtahConeer -.....'.. n, fl!X fl!' Hi)i 51 Va-CarChem prcf .... 81 824 81'4 814 Wabash ' 4 4 J( 4 Wabash pref 24 14 Hi H Western Union 024 f24 02 02 U cstlnchouse Electric. G04 T04 CO 004 Wooltvorth 9t Ot 91 03 Dili. Owrland 2 12 .0 lU lolal cates today 125,200 shares compared Kith 149.000 shares jesterday; this neek C39.115 ebatcs; last ucek 1,100,220 shares. STOCKS HEAVY IN LONDON New York Central Weak Spot Sup port for Russian Shares. LONDON. Feb. 20. The American sec tion was depressed today. Now York Central was a weak feature despite the movement to appoint an American or Canadian nominee to handle tho new rights locally. Tho general trading was Mslit, with n tinner tone to homtt rails. Support was furnished Argentine rails and Russian is sues. Rubber stocks showed an improv ing tendency. Jindon NT. close, equlv. Amalgamated Copper .... Atchison I'altlmore A Ohio Canadian Faclrlo Cliesapealte b Ohio Chicago tlreat West Chit-ago M A St Paul,.... Denier ft Itlo Grand.... Krl do 1st pref Illinois Central Missouri Kanaaa & Texas New York Central Norfolk & 'Western N Y Ont & West rennsylranla Heading (Southern Railway ttoutnern racing Union Tactile Consols -. Increase. Decrease, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compare with corre sending day last &!, rtcaton S23.(V)il,oeO S:.3,78.1 Holiday Philadelphia, S4..1l4,OI3 ST.OSl.etO Holiday New York . I51.taT.4tm 300.100,0;? Holiday RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time, rhlladslphla 4 JWS'i,. Now YorK l'f? ;S?W Ilo.ton .., 0 ,,?3li 3 l Chicago SUfs4 4 jS Commercial taper, three to alx montha, I'hll adclphla, SViOt Pr cent. Reserre Banks' Discount Rates -- ' J riav SO or 80 or leu. fin. rnuaaeipniB ..,.,,.,.., j lljaton ,,.,,,. 4 Now York ...,,,...,.... Cleveland ....,.,....,.., ltlchmond. ....,..,) Atlanta ,. .... 4 Chliago ................ 4 St. Louts, lllnneapolla 4 Kunsaa City ., 4 Uallai .......... - Bin Franctaco .,.,,,.,., 4 Foreign Discount Rates Data of Bank, rate, lut change. Hank of EnglanS 0 Aug. 8. lul4 Bank of France Aug. 2o, 1014 lUuk of Oarmanr a Dec. 1. 1014 Lank of llelglym... S Aug. 27. loll Hank ot AuaWa 6Si Oct. 81, 11 Itahk of Italy...... B May 0, 1U14 Tank ot Switzerland...... & Kept. 10. 1014 Uank of nuasla. 8 July !9, lj)U Tank of 8ptn..... 5 Bapt. 1. 1014 Hank of Portugal M4 Jan. 14, mi lUnk of Sweden VA Jan. 0. S Hank of Denmark Eji Jan. A 1013 Hank of Norway 8 Aug. 12. 1M llank of Netherlanda 8 Aug. SO, lSli ' ' ' i ' FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW Tronic, Feb. 20. Sterlljiaf exchange rates were' weak at the opening. Demand d cllned. U to 1.8I, whit cables dropped U to 4.S1W. -. RAILROAD EARNINGS BOUTHBBN JIA11.WAT. 1014. Decrease. Sscond week February. . l.l.w,UT JW.IM From July 1 . 9t.C0O.S9I S.IoK.iTl M1WNEAPOLI3 & ST. I.OU13 Second week February.. 42CJ. IIJ.M? From July .,..,..-. A . IVOW.OBa JM. Hicra, . . 08': B.1'4 u .. esuj bt ...:: ..1B3M 157 'i .. it 10ft .. l ni , . J2'i 21H 'i :m(J sr -a ..too 1035: .. 10U 10 - 4 ,. 8SV4 e-iSi S ..joau 100 1 .. W4 HIS VI .. 16 101; 7.... 122 US osS BO or Over DO. 10. 1 al 4 4U 4U 4 4H 5 4 4 5 4 4U 4V, 4 4V a 4ti a ' at i 4H 0V 4 4i 4la 4 4H 8 BONDS OVERSHADOWED LOCAL STOCK DEALINGS Activity in Pennsylvania Now 4i3 Decline in Rending General 4s Arbitrage Shares Weak. Kxcepi tor wcaknci in United States Steel ond Pennsylvania In tho enrly deal Inits. a atate of almost complete Inertia prevailed on tho Philadelphia Block Kx chahffe during tho brief two hours It re mained open for business today. There uas eomu little trading In odd lots, but the total was small. Tonopah Mlnltiff lasue to show dgna of llfo at a slight rcccsaion. Cambria iron and Catnbtla Steel continued to sell on a parity at 42, whllo Lehigh Valley and others of tho ar.iltinge Ktotip rilled heavy until Just ucroie the closo when evening up of contracts brought about a slight recovery. lt bonds, however, business was rela tively brisk, especially In Pennsylvania 44s. wlion Issued, which sold off to 101, Cnmbrla Steel scrip, of both 1016 and 1917, wus taken at W, and Klcctrlc and People's 4a moved up over half a point. Heading 4s fell n point to l1 Ulds for llapltl rnnslt nround 10 failed li bring out nny otock and tho street was Inclined to bellevo that the Ihiuldatlon which has been observable in these shores for sorao tlmo had boen completed. In tho final trading n moderate recovery oc cuircd In United StattH Steel, l.chclgh Valley nnd other Issues whlchcnjoycd a double market. After selling up to 824 United Oa9 Improvement relapsed to &2. Tito closo was dull and steady. Sales in Philadelphia , Ycs.closo. High. Low. Close t0 Am TJcrt Sucnr. l.a :ti il7U :ti IJaldtvIn l.o prcf Oii'i l.u Cam Iron VJ 'M Cam Ktu't 4S )" Kiec Sluinftc ... I"IA SOI Ins Co N Am.. SlK 10 Jii-y Tel pr .... (1.1 l."i I.li Nav t c, "Hi !0 l.vh Valley .... M'i 10O ILI 1011 j I'd Tci U'.t 11KI 4. 11T. s' SI M 711', US). TtMs lts it .Noun Luinrai... ijii hoj sis ,s.-,'., LUX I'enna It It J2ij 30-10 ,-4i 52-i 83'i ,., i-iiiiu i.ivc --I'l .1, -I'.l l1 iu UUI,IIK 70), TUh 4V3 'imnopait llctm.. ml :w; Uiu lotiopnti Itln.. 0', 071 tl ll.lu U lt Uii.un Trnctloh. iiO M ;:u 2.1 United a i (at: iwu s ll-ll! .'Ml IU, 111 1218 V S Steel 41, 41;. 4 iv iesimorcianu t; ui Vx dIMilend. 01 Total sates, 4177 sliorcs, compared with 4SU'.i aharei yesterday; this wetk, 3I,U-'J shares; lust ncek, li),VM sharot. BONDS. I.aat. prev. sale. High. I.o w. Close. 100 Am O Jfc El 3a. 0 s'.Ji t.3t Mt 1-," Cam 8 scrip 1D10 00 till to till 7u da l'J17 DO'.i uil tut 0D luow Con 'fr N .1 5s.lu:u Jtnt-j 10iU lic'i St ll City IJ 1UII KlOl-j 100 100)1 100a Sixki HI & I'co Tr In. 77, 78)4 7S'j 7S'i toi.u I.cli N cons 4',a MM, ini'i in', nil! Itilll, t. V ...,,. .., Id UTI . kT l? u? li in I. v uon in 4Vis t.H',4 310IIII I'.i rets l's u l.lut'l 7t 1'n i o rip tills Sit 10t)i Phlta IU 0s 10'J mini Itcauini ncu Is. let St,oii t'n Ittty t v 4. 7:ti -TiO York IX pr sorlp U.'I , wv" ., . n-11 ..". ia ui- , " I Mi l.S' tlSUj till so llll', IIS 7P, 0) 101 bO lot's IC2 7m, O'l 101 Mil llll'j 0 71 ia Total snlcs, $I3.33m, compared with JlOo.lll jentcrditj; ihta neck, ( 171, US; last nccu, i08, IUJ. Local Bid and Asked Today's Ycsterdaj's Did Askml. lllil. Arkrd. Paldnln ."Hi at: :'. ;:j do met li Hit ici'-i 1(11 Cum tcol ItVi 42 ll'J 42 Hlec HloniBO ISU f1! 4S 4?lJ (Jin Asplialt '-"i .. ,:n do pref !" . . tl.. Krjatone Telephone.... 14'1 1 14 II', 11 do t c 1114 114 H'j 14-i di prcf CI Hi tCi CI Lake Sup Corp u .. tl Lehigh Nov 7Ssi 7HH 7(1 7il1i - do . c . .- TH - 7(H4 - 70 lit-, UlilRli Valley H3H 0M. dtH olvf l.ehlgli Valley Tr.... II 11)4 14 1H5 do pref 27 27V. 27 2Ji, Pennasylvanla ri2'i MjZ MIJ ,w I-hlla t:icc 21 24'J iii '241), Phlta Co 32 .. 32 do pre .''- .. 32 do cum pref 37 .. 37 inula jut to io'i lot; io4 t,o t c 10 10'i 10H 10M. Heading .OH 70, 70 13-lit 71 1-ln Tonopau ntinont 3S SW 3 3'i Tonorah Mlnlns.... . 11-10 fl'i U 11-10 0 H-ltf i:mon Traction 30 .. :m U a t 2 S2Ji SJ 82'4 IJ S Steel 41H 41 41 Hts York llnllway 7 7(4 '. 71 t.o prff 3t 131'., tl SWi Cx-dlvldcnd. Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. 31. 30 Tlaldwln pfd.100 13 I.e). Nav t c. 70',, 10 U S Steel.... 4H, 1(0 U S Steel.... 41 100 do 4IH .'too Tmopah net. 3"; 3 Tenna 324 100 I S Steel 41 20 do 32', SOionopah Mel. 314 1 uo . 11 ' am iron.. .. -- 2 do SJO-lil ."I Tcnna 32'i ICO U S Ste-d ira ,10 10 do, 10 do, 0 4115 si) do S2U 0 iiyt St) Cam Iron,... 42 0 41(4 20 do 42 0 4IW 2 Penna. 32tl ia 52 0-lti ! Tonopah Del. 34i Steel.... 41 10 do......... 3H 0 41'4 300 U 8 Steel.... 41 Valley... 63(4 100 do 41 tmor Coal 01 10 Tonopah Del. 3? Bt Sugar Slti 100 TJ 8 Steel.... 41 10 Penna 520-lti 23 Tonopah Del. 'Ml 100 U H Steel.... 41 10 do......... 'Ml 20 do 41'4 300 U 8 Steel.... 41 3 Lett Valley... 63(4 K0 do......... 41 10 Westmor Coal 01 10 Tonopah Del. 3" All Am nt Buear S1'4 100 TJ 8 Steel.... 41 in An niU 13 1.eli Valley... 3 0 n)s Jn '.en vatiey... -11 Steel.... 41 "a Penna 52i 0 41 ft EI00. Storage. 4S 4 0. 41 1 II G I M( 0 41 2 Penna My. 0 4t 1.1 Cam Steel.... 48 '- 100 U S Steel.... 41 "a Penna 32l () do, 18 ao, 10 do, 'h, At. 100 dO 41 -3 ''11114 ,IGC... ;4 10 Key Tel pfd, BJ MOO do 21'i ID U d SUel..., 41 Ex dividend. BONDS. itOOO Kleo Teop Tr 4s 78',i 123 cam steel scrip luia so 123 Cam Steel scrip 11)17 , 0i 28 Cam Steel scrip 1017 0 1000 Un Hwy t c 4a ,. 7.1-i 18 Cam Steel scrip 1017 Ot! 37 Pnlla Co scrip 1U1 t , SO 3000 Heading gelt 4 02 1000 Heading gen 4a M , 10C0 Con Trac N J Sa 102',, 10:30 to 11A.M. 10 Eleo Storage, 4K4 30 Tonopah Bel, .IK 33 Ins Co N A.. 8t, 14 Penna ....... B2 20 Tonopah Uel, 'Ml -0 Tonopah Mln; Oil 3 Penna 32H Ooo do 0 11-10 BPNDS. 1000 Phlta Eles 3a ,.101(4 312 Cam Steel strip 1017 00 1iKi Leh Valley gen cona 4Ks t?(4 10CO Leh Nav cons W.i. ,. W.i 218 Cam bteel s.tIp lOlT ua S&QU) Penna rets 4Us w I., lot UW tlec .t Peop 'l'r 4s.., 73(4 11 to 11:30 A.M. 20 Cam Steol....'41T, 30 Penna 32 7-16 14 North Cent... 831, Sit lc. Co N A.. 21 SUU I,,.,,,, e2( BONDS. 63 Cam Eteel scrip 1017 SO 1000 I.eh Val gen con 4a....,.,..,,,.,,, 87 230 York Itwya pfd scrip ,,,..,, OJ 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 10 Heading .... TOW JO 11- Valley... 03 100 U a Steel..., 4ii loo Union Trac,, 36 im do .., 414, 1 Penna ,.,,,,, 32, 100 do "... .... 41(5 100 U S Steef.... 41 20 do! ICO do,. 4lK 100 do 41K 3UQ I..,,,,. Siij BONDS. IS Cam Steel acrlp 1917....,,.,,..... OS (000 Penna rets 4 its w I , ,101 1000 Un Hwy t 0 4s.......,, ,,.. 73U 13 Cam Sttel scrip 1311, ,.,,..,'. OS II Phils, Co scrip J018 .SO soo city 4s 1011 loon 100 Am Oas & tie? 3j. ........ ....... S3U COTTON PRICES LOWER NOT YORK. Feb. 20.-Overnlght wiling or. der wire Isrgely responsible for a decline In lotion price this morning, notwlthstandlag better cablea from Liverpool. Quotations on the call wero 1 to 3 points lower, and the mar ket remained at about this level throughout the early trading. Wall street and Interests With New Orleans connections sold. The sup tort was acatterecl. ., - -- --- n..w.''- .... xca. oiosv. iwn, High. Low. Close. 8.40 8.87 8.38 .13 I:H fl.O!) 8.05 8 00 8.23 P.M 9.WS .... .... 8.33 March I 8.43 h as K.KI S.IS O.00 0.23 May JUI) i October v.oa December Spot . .35 DIVIDENDS DECLARED International silver Company, regular auar. terlyl per cent, on preferred, payable April 1. stoois close February St, . , Standard Oil of Kentucky, regular ousrtirty 14 em share, ratable April I. Book close BAR SILVER ttmv roiw. &. tm of .oea WrcUt bar slUer JtcflBeil V. t S. NEW YORK RANK STATEMENT Reserves Show Aelunl ficercnsn of I en MO n NtW YOrtK. feb. SO.-Atll'iouitli tho aver flic llaures aliottcit rte, rente of only IIM.umi In reffttci, tlin mtital loa to tho New Yoric LltarlMt llouae bonlis for the ttecX JU't ended t, r.in,c, , m, aitt.lajti. Ctenitnc ttaiu meml-eta, atarare Jpntia, In cieaao rtts,rx.0! depoatta, decrcaao 4l.ltl4.COUi time drMslts, IncteJac, 0,Sll,O(.O reaerte, do- Clmilnr Itouao members, actual loans, ite create int.uooi ,lfpoHi. dfcr(to llo.Ww.Ouoi tlm dfroii. Inercaaa l,8ls,0COi reserve, de creaae 2,cos,t0 BANK CLEARINGS EXPAND Slight Increnso tn Business Philadel phia Still Lagging. AllhouRh local bank clrarlnes ahowd a do creasj of 4.1) per cent., the total of nil cities marie a ell-tlit gain islet week, .New tlrlcans l,l Willi n nmn f.t 10) r- rent,. and New York ctnnnd'il ta .1 S err rent, I rs-t 1 . . I" 11 VMlltl-i' ( tin WIT T ur ,ina.zii.l last -reK and tl,23n,!i47,C02 for I tnc ---..-- -ecyyi -ear: .New York ...ii.ntn.ssn til i.4-a.4M.7no x 3 liCf.'-"1.1 ... --n "O.?.1? lS1.77n.4R7 - 4 7 Pnjlaitfinhla l'in.Mn.nu linin.ion 4 n jiaitimnrr ... sr.sia.M.l "i.non MS 4 n tlilrneo 27 7n-).47l Kt.2in.mil - 02 vli-.-'W'.' n7.rtnt.411 70.41.1 nn.-i -1 1 New Orleans. 1R..170.I0I 13.31,1023 4-18 2 S'c" cltlra. ni-tl'1,-'!.-" J2-51O.13O.0ia $2,109,737,700 I V Othrr cities, 0 tlrtva . . . MO.571.410 B33.C0S 701 2 Total all cltlc-,, 3 tlava .... J2.710, 122.031 $2 723.7(0.407 0.0 All i Ittcs. 1 dnv 62.1,010 211 tyl3.101.M5 - 1.7 Total all rliis for wek .t1.27:l,.rit,2ns t1.238.8l7.C02 0.3 l'ltllndcipliia Reserve Dank Stntcmcnt Thi; condition nf the Todcrat tte-rrvo Its' U or Phltidelnlila at the cloie of busttic-s 1 cli nmrv 10 unt ns rollnna: ntisouncns. Gold coin and olil Kch. in. ttb. 11. tirtincatr 113.001.1175 $UI,SS'.l,7Mi I-ciini ttndir notes, nil- cr tcrtlDcuies and surrldlarv coll fi Mi,ivt7 4.rSi,5".l Jtr-iilatountr and loans. KIT. i is. 37n.:int tnetments 1.S70.0.S l.mw.n.'s line to other Federal iet-itr banks net... 071 r?4 124,0-r. All othir resources.... 401.7.11 lun.'.'.'l Totil 121,013.003 j7Tot)i)J:,3 I.tAUIl.tTlKS. Canltnt psld In f4.1V).: l.t40M1 LMuOjIIs 10.II0I.2.I8 lt'.R-U.DUIl Tol.lP $24.03.1,003 1.M.O0II.330 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR IVIIIIAT. Ilccelpts, .11,082 bush. The mui'KtA iwit -leak unti 2c. lower under bearish sptctilitloit tn the West. Quotation,: Car lots, In vxi-ort elevator No. 2, rod, npot ami Kobrti.iry. 4JI 5JHt.t:l) No. 2, red western. 81.1(11111,8; No. 1 Northern Dulttth, 3t.i.iMil.7l. CllltN. Itecelpts. 87,800 hush. Tile mar kit was dull and prices o' export dcllierle-i d' lined lc. QiiotatlonH: C'nr lota. In export etBMitor. No. 2. ipot and February, 7S7. c. ; ntr-atiicr, 7(,if(77'!r.. : No. il. 73tiii .iliijo. Car lotH tor lornt trudc. us to tn-atlon. No. 2 itlow, n-v, MttH-lVtc; steamer yellow, new, S2ff2l3: No. 3 ellow, new. 7.iflh0c. : euinplo el'ow, nc, Tt'.V.Cc.; new toU, per Jo lbs.. S-Itt IIATM. Itrrelpta. 71.3,12 liusli There waa llttio tradlmt .tnd no Important chaiiKe lit pruts. Quotntlunn No. 2 white. U)0lli.'.: alanunrd white. UHitXl'ie. : No. 3 white. iUV.O tile HVI. 3olit slowly nml was without Im portant rtianr-e Wo quote at I1.22iri.24 per bush., ai to quality. In etport elevator; and at V t.,it.l7 for smalt lots ot nearby grain In rt'.Ot'li llci-elpts, 02,1 1)1,1". and 401,070 tbf. In nailta. Tlio market dull nnd nominal. DuntRll'iiiN. per llll lbs., In uood; IVInter, eleur. .7517 21: (io., stralglit. X7.23M7..10; ili.. patent 7 .V1W7.73; Kansas. strolRht, hjtc sackft, 5i7.23tt7.u0' do., patent. Juti rscks, Si, mi (37.73: rpilns. llMt. clear. i.S5OT.20: do., sttulK It. 7.-.Ufl7.:t3' do., tiatrnt. 7..UI1M 3.1. I do. fmotlto brands. JS;...2.',: ell) mitts, eholeo anu rancy patent, san.-a; rity mills, rcguisr gride Inter, clear, 7i7 23: do, straight. i7.23f(7 30; do., patent. $7..OS7.73. l'ROVlSIONS The market naa qtilet but steady, ouota tl'jnH: City beef. In sets, smoked and alr drted, 2317-Oc , Western beef. In sets, smoked, 23t(2ilc ; do., city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and atr-drled. 27ff23c; do, 1Vctern beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 27(2Sc; beef hams. 11132; pork, family. 22.30'12.l; t.nms, M, r. cured, loose. 11'itf HVic: do.. sKlnned, loose. 1S'A(S t"1t.; do., do., smoked, Ix'.iWI'tlSc.; other hams, smoked, city cured, ua to brand and avertge, ltUllHc.' do.. West tern cured, llSUtic : do,, boiled, bonelees, Kift2Pc ; picnic shoulders, 8. I', cured, loose, lOl.itillr.; do., smoked. llf'6'12e : bellies. In rlcl.Io, aocordlng to aterage, loose, MMiBHc. : liiPtktast bncon, as to brsnd and aterage, city lured. 17fMSc.i do., Western cured. l.BlSo.; lard, Western, refined, tlercea. lllttic; do., do, tubs, USlUic ; do., pure city, kettlo rendered. In tierces, HSJtlUc. ; do., puro city, kettle rondered, In tuba, llllic. REFINED SUGARS There mi little trading, but values ruled rtcady. lleliners' ltat prlcea: Standard granu lated, S.SDc.: fine granulated. 8,73c: powdered, B83c: cnnfectlonera' A, 5.03c; soft grades, i.tOVfi.OOc. DAIRY PRODUCTS HUTTER was quiet but firm, at the late advance. Quotations: Western, fresh, solid packed creomury. fancy, specials. 3lr. : extra, tl'.'c : extra ttr-t-J. 31c. flrsts, 20J3iic.: so nnilH. 2rt2Sc. : laille-nackd. :'l12.lc.. at to quality; nearby prints, fancy. 33c; do., aver age extra, 31c; do., fresh, 30332c: do., se: oii'Jh 2i,4f.'tJc. . tpcclal brands of print Jobblux ut 40ff4'.'c. i;nGH. Desirable stock rilled firm under llKht orferinxa and a fair demand. Quota tions. In Irte cases, neat by. extra 31c. per rloz. . nearby, firsts. 18.70 per standard case: nearhy. currflnt recelots, JS.85 per case: West ern, extra tlrets. 8.70 per cam; do., firsts, 18.83 per case; Southern. J8.4088.33 per esse; fancy, selected candled fresh eggs were jobbed out st :i3't.13c per dos. ClIKl'SE. The market ruled firm under light orTerlnga and a fair export demand. Quotations: New York, full cream, fall make, iholce. lTUfUI-sC, ; do., do., fair to good, lOti 017c; do., current make, lO'tOlOHc.j do,, part skims, 8tfi3c. POULTRY 1,1 VI. Demand -- Improving and the market developed a better tone, with supplies well under control. Quotations: Fowls, HMW 13V4c; old roMtera, UttHHc; chickens, soft meated, ISSlOci do., atajgy, 11014c. ; turkeys, IMilTc. . ducks, ICWlTc; geese, 1210c; gulnrna, as to quality, per pair, WtWc. ; pigeons, nld, per pair, 23023c; Co., young, per imlr. 20f'22c. DItKHHKI), Offerings were only moderate and prlcea ruled steady, but trade wna quiet. Quotations: rresh.kllled fowls, 12 to box. dry picked and dry-packed, selected, heavy, IOWjc; -.trlchlns- 483 lbs. apiece. 18'ic; do., ' Wx lbs. n Piece. 17!ilSc.; do.. 3 lbs. aplecs. 10ei7c ; do., under a lbs. apiece, ltfflilc, l'wls. bblt., dry-picked and dry-packed, Western, 4f?3 Iba. apiece, 18c,; do., do., av-i lbs.. 17c; Un., do... 3 lbs. and urder. HSjlftc. Old roosters, dry picked. 14c. Iirolllng chickens, nearby, ty.1-2 lhs. utitno 212:tci do., fair to rood, 11520.',: Western, IHOS Iba, apiece. 20Si2e.-, do., fair to good, HtrlNc, Chickens, dry. picked and Cry-pa-ked, In boxes, milk-fed. 31 to 3d lbs, to dos.. 18:.; do., .17 tn 42 lbs. to dot., 18c; do., 43 to 47 lbs. to dor., ISc.; da., 43 lbs. to dos., .10c.: m. CO lbs. and over, 2tc; corn-fed. 31 to 41 Iba. to doz.. 10?,; do., 43 to 47 lbs. to dot., 17c; dn.. 4S Iba. to dos., 19c: Co,. 60 Iba. and titer, SOe. CMckena. dry-picked and dry packed. In bbls., selected, heavy, 10c: Western, torn-fed, 0 lbs. ami over, 18a,; do., do., 4 lbs., iTalTMc: oo., do., x.' Iba.. -Blie.i do., do., 21483 lbs.. 11913c. Turkeys, dry-plcked and dry -pa eked fancy, nearby, 22c.; do.. Western, 22c; fair to good, 18tt20c.: old toma, 10820c Ducks, fancy. In boxes. 1T81S0.; do., ordinary to good. 12tK'c Ueese. nearby, 12tJ 14o,; do., Western. 10 I '.'c. Squaba. per Cos., white, weighing It to 12 lbs. per do-.. Jl.SOri 3.40: white, neighing 0 to 10 lbs. per dos. 4.20 4.7; do., do, S lbs. per dos.. 3.Mff.1.T3- do. do., T lbs, per doz., S3S.1.23- do., do., S14 lb-,, per dot., 212.101 dark, and No. 2, 60c.el,30. FRESH FRUITS The market r.as quiet and without Im portant change. Quotations: Apples, New York, per bbl Orsenlni. 1202.30: King, 129 2.73: York Imperial. IStjS BOi Ben Pavls. 11.60 61.73; Spy, 1.753.30; Baldwin, tt.TlWZ.SO; other good eatine .varieties. ll.T8lj2.60: medium. 1191.30; apples. Western, per box, 73c(!l 23; apples. Delaware and Pennsyl. vanla. per hamper, BOSfiOc t lemons, per box, t'HH 73; oranges Florida, per box. S1.73U 2.30, tangerines. Klprlaa, per atrao. tt. 3032 SO; grapefruit, Florida, per box. alltS; pineapples, per cratePorto Iileo, K6i)4j.t60. Florida. K 2 30: cranberries, fancy late varieties, per bbl . H.304 30; cranberries, Jersey, per crate, 28S4 78c; pear. New Yerlc. Ktefftr. per bbl . 110 2, strawberries, Florida, per quart, 2340c. VEGETADLES Offerings wero fairly liberal and the general market was dull and barelv steady. Quots tlpca White BgUUMf. i nr bush-1'enoa.. B04 Ole , Maine. 4M300.: ti. Y.. as to quality, 4(MM3c ; white cotatoea, Jersey, per basket. rjO-SSSc : aveet ppvitoes. Del . per hamoer Lane. il.S6l.T3: medium. OOSTBc ; sweet lotRtoes, lstern shora. per bbl.-No. 1. 2M 2,75, No. 2. St.AO0l.TB: aweets. Jersey, per 6bL-No. 1. K1.28aoiM: No. 8. 22 60: aweeta; Jersey, per basket. 730.611: onions, per bush.. 60fldc . do. choice, per loo-lb. bag. it 13: do., medium, otr 100-lb. bag. tl: do., aeconds. psr log-lb. bag. T3c; CRbbare. Danish, per ton. J13, cultflpwer. N. Y., per cat. 4191.73: aotna-jh. Norfolk, per bbl . Il T53ZM. kale. Norfolk, tr hbl. OOcWII lettuce. Piw basket. -1231. beaoa. Fta , per basket. USO.W: . F,".-vMrJfk, ? eo-S4ieggnlant Fla Vit.iL 'I 2M.'i'! cMj-umbera, Fta per baskst. t R04J- equasn, Fla per taske" f833: -','" ' ,-r f21;r FiM oeeta, FU . ui Im) b.njm 114 torustoaa. Fla, , oer emir i'iov xi -ota.ap. -.ru,' lies. cel-T' Fla '"SfV- fit?: do-. N. Y, I ;"rRI"! l0"" hoH nn lnirtae o' I,1S!',- , COii, nl.erms tli actual flcures gate .!- crMue of si.1t.wm. Total lontie tven ti,&S,- :';"!' Wth total dnin4 ilipolt of f2,lt.- iM,npm ami an nsurrmtc rescrta of 3i!,- ALL GRAINS WEAK ON FOREIGN SITUATION Scattered Commission House Soiling in Chicago Pit Re sulted in General Decline. CtttCAao, Fob. JO.-Ott acattoretl com mlailon house sclllna nt the opcnln; of the lloartl of Tinilo today, prices of all gi'rtlns tlccllned from the filial of yester day. Tito market wns wenk antl nervoua tlirounliotit the day, with small occasional rntl'ca, which did not hold for tnoro tlinn' a fow minutes nt n time. .May wheat opened i; cents below tlio final of yes ttrdny and uulckty fell to J1.E9, down 23i ccntfi, while July, on tlio llrat sale, lost 2i cents nt 11.30, droppltm later to ILK", orf i cents. Com and oats were also lower. Tho market hung around these pi lit for tho rest ot the day. Ilolh May and .Inly wheat closed IU cents below the final of yesterday. ThrotiKhout the session the market was nervous, the dominant feature it-tnlnst a rise In prices bclnit tho ship ping situation In tho war none nbrond, n tho result of tho establishment of the blrakatle nround tho Urltlsh Isles by Germany. It was thought by the trade that an upturn In prices would not occur until tho shipping question had been definitely settled, The fenttiro ot the doy vtas the buying of the May futures by Hchwarz & Co.. whoso put chases wero liberal when the tightness of that future la taken Into con-sli-drntlon. This buying was credited by pit people to tho Armour Grain Company, nlttioiigh there nare no aisurauccs that tlio big 1,,'iHulle street concern was the btier. The cash sales of wheat hero amounted in only DOCO bushels; or corn, 83.C00 bushels; oats, 103.0CO bushels, and rye, 5000 tiualitl.i. Kansas City reported 760,000 bushola wheat as having been taken there lato ynstertlriy for oxport, nnd Mlnncopollc re ported 50,000 bushels spring wheat as sold nt Iluluth to go to New York. The aalcs of outs ot the seaboard were fairly liberal, while corn was dull. An encouraging lilt of news of the day was the teport that the United Kingdom during tho coming week would make Inrger purchnacs of all grnlns than ever before. This did not help prices. In view of the shipping situation. In rorn another reason was advanced for weakness, and that was that the v's'ble iupply nf the ccrenl Is very large. ixa.un- rutttres rongod ns rollous: Yest'd's Whent Open, lllali. t.ow. Cloe. close. M-iv I. co 1 .nt A 1.30 -1.(011 l.fll July 131 1.311', i.jo l.-inJtl.R-t'i t'nrn (new cle'lier) May 7C; 70'; 73-, TRlj Juty 7.S 7Si 77's 178 o.v May r,n .'.n r.7"". r,;ii July Wj 33 S3U 151-s 7ts )i t33 Mny tO..V) 10.32 10.13 I0.43 tlO.r- Julv 10.75 10.73 10.03 TI0.H7 TlO.fO ftlbs- May 10.10 to 10 in.nn tlOOT fto.l."! July 10. ",7 10.37 10.30 10.32 10.40 Pork May 11.33 1S.3." 1R.10 1S22 "ls.ro tulv 111)3 1S.0S 1S.33 18 07 10.02 Did. tAukcd. Financial Briefs All American markets closed Monday. Tito following minimum prices were es tablished by the New York Stock Ex chango Committee today, to take effect on Tuesday: American Car nnd Foundry, 40; American Locomotlvo preferred, 80; Amer ican Steel Foundries, 21; nalllmoro and Ohio, 05: Federal Mining and Smelting preferred, SI; Loose-Wiles Biscuit, second pri-ferted. 74; National Hallways of Mex ico, lir.it preferred, 17; New York, New Iluvcn and Hartford, 43; Pressed Steel Car preferred, 01; Seaboard Air Line pre ferred, 31. In addition to tho regular dividend, tho Ohio Oil Company declared an extra divi dend ot J1.35, payable March 20. Three months ago the Ohio Oil Company de clared an extra dividend of 75 cents a share. Commercial failures In the United States this week numbered 6CI, against 330 during the corresponding week last year. In Canada the allures were CC, against G9 last year. A Chicago Board of Trade membership sold for J30OO net to the buyer, unchanged from last sale. D. B. Elliott, president ot the Great Northern Express Company, has been made vice president In charge ot traffic of the American Express Company. James Speyer has resigned as a dl- l-eelnr nf th n.rier.ll ("hen-teal ComnanV j and lias been succeeded by George Blum- eutlial of Lazard Frercs. n Issue ot $1,750,000 receivers' certifi cates for the Missouri, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad has been ordered by Judge Hook at Kansas City. According to Bradstreet's, fundamental factors continue 'o mend, but for the tlmo being the Increasing pace of Indus trial operations seems to loo mlarger than does contrlbutlve trade, which manifests soma Irregularity, but with retrogression In one) part of the country ofTset by pro gression In other sections. The gross earnings of S3 railroads for the first week in February showed a de crease of 1,:63,130. The South Penn Oil Company report for the year ended December 31 shows a def icit of $3,465,21?, against $3,137,102 tho pre vious year. The annual report of the Looae-Wlles Biscuit Company shows a. balance after dividends of JU.601, against 3111,313 the previous year. Directors of American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Company have arranged so that any of J533.C0O bonds, due May 1, not con verted Into stock on or before that date will be paid In caah. They have further arranged for financing of " outstanding notes and bonds, thus avoiding necessity of Issuing new bonds or stock. , The Delaware and Jlarltan Canal TVlll be opened on March 1 from Trenton to New Brunswick and to Bordentown as soon as practicable. All grades of crude oil, except Caddo heavy oil, have been reduced 10 cents a barrel. The annual report ot the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania shows gross earnings ot 320.31t.e37, against 3jlS.934.S13 In 1913. Net was 33,353.074, against $4,359,730, Balance after dividends, $1,239,184, com pared with $1,233,419 the previous year. NOTES OF THE RAIL A proposed cancellation of propertloaal car loads and less than carload rates on agricult ural Implements from elan Franctaco, Stockton and other California points, to Portland, Soo. Wane and Washington points, resulting In In creased rates and carload minimum waa held luatlne4 by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion today. The carload rate ot 18 cent per hundred pound will be raised to 27 cents, the lesl-thaa-carload rat from 20 to SO cents and the carload minimum weight Jrora 20,000 to 21,. 000 pound. The o cents per hundred rat en aaw log from Faclflo . and Idaho Northern Railway Mint In Idaho to J3?-", "a today held un ruiAnkbli bv the Interstate cammerc rnm. uilMlon, and a rate ot not exceeding T cents waa vf ""- DIVIDENDS AMERICAN FOW Kit JE UGUT CO., It Broadway, New York. , COMMON STOCK DIVIOHND NO, . The regular quarterly dividend of on per cent. US) on the Common Ht-xk of Amer ican Power St Light Company ha heen il clsred. payable March 1. 18 It, to Couuaoa BtocknolJ-Ti of record at the ctoa of lu-4-n-ls Fed-roan S3, IMS. Trail bosk 4$ cot cleac ll. U- ARNTNQ. Trettsuier. n. i i i REAL ESTATE W NEWS M, Seventeenth nnd Arch streets Is at pres ent a very busy cornOr and attention has been -fran to It In n recent proceedlns before the Board of Viewers to open the Parkway front Apptetreo street to 17th street. While it Is a question past finding out when tlio Parkway will be an open street, 17th and Arch streets Is believed to bo tho final line At this point, and ns early ns April 16, W, 1701 Arch street, lot 20 feet by 117 feet to alley, was sold, atad tng to Ferry, for $25,0001 on January 50, 1910. Ferry sold the properly to Benjamin T. "Welch for $33,000, and January 31, 1910, the Philadelphia Trust, Safe Deposit and Insurance Company sold 1703 Arch street, lot 20 feet by 17 feet to alley, to Ben jamin T. Welch for $23,000. November 25. 1814, Mr, Welch sold to the Mothodlst Board of Home Missions 1701-3 Aich streets, lot together 40 feet by 117 feet to alley, for $82,500, As the properties vtero pulled down, It may be considered a ground value and wns at the rate of $2000 a front foot, a record price for Arch street west of 17th afreet, although, of course, a corner property. In the testimony of the witnesses for owners ground values of $500 n front foot for Insldo properties nnd $750 a front foot for corner properties was shown on tho cast sldo of 17th street, north of Apple tteo street, and $625 a front foot for Cherry street lots 103 feet deep to Apple tree street. In tho Friends' Burial Ground property, being tho block 396 feet on Itaco and Cherry stteets nnd 2SS feet on 10th ond 17th streets, the vnlue put upon property by owners wns from $!G5,C00 to $175,C00. Witnesses for the city placed It at $73,000 to 155,000. It contains 2.62-100 norcB. It Is admittedly hard to predict the situation In regard to vnlues along the line of the Parkway. If It could nil be opened at once and become an active nnd at tho snmo time an ornamental thor oughfare. It would not bo hard to flguro out a very great advance In value In properties not partly taken on which to build the proper sort ot building cither for a residence or for business purposes. Such tins been the position nnd the ndvnuco Bhown In tho northwest corner of 17th nnd Arch streets, even ahead, and perhaps ery much ahead, ot the open ing of the Parkway as a physically open thoroughfnre. It will be Interesting to note develop ments at other points of vantage, adja cent, but outside of the Parkway line. Notes of the Street The past week mortgages have been less active, those recorded show as fol lows: Tly bullcltnc associations J27,non ry Individual '. 8OT.U00 tly trust companies and savings fund societies 16l.noO! Total M.S01..W Among the large ones tire the following: S n. llroslu-i to Toim Mutual Lire In .n'lran rnmpanv. norlhntst corner l.tli nnd Vino streets $10,000 Tho Here Company to Members' II. nnd I.. Association, corner Ontario and I'nrncr streets S0.000 The llerrr rnmpanv to Perpetual n. and I,. AsMiclatlnn sarro property 25,000 J .1. llond tn the City of Philadelphia, 010 Market street 05,000 ,1. .ludovlch to Commonwealth Title In t'rnnce nnd Truet Company, west eldo J.I ntrret, south of James street 11,000 In tho rcnl estate column of our Issue ot February 13, In an article on the east ern end of Pine street, the salo ot 559 Pine street March 4, 1912, was Incorrect. Tho number shpuld havo been 638 Pine street. Trust companies have not been active In real estate loans during the last week. Permits for building havo appeared In great numbers, loans having bee.-, pre viously arranged. Interest rates "are unchanged nnd are likely to hold for some time. All signs point to on early spring nnd Increased activity. LESSOR. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. ,, ,, Did. Asked. .llm rtutler ns ,; MucNnmaia m .or. Midway on ,m Mi -pah Extension 21 .20 Montana 47 ,in North Star 1:1 .is Tonopah llelmont , ."". .".?, Tonopah Kxteiiflon 5"., si. Ton Merger fla .41 Tonopah Mining tn, ll', Hchcuo Iula rv) .10 West Tnd 0- .5) GOI.DKIKLD STOCKS. Atlanta 2.s 2n Blue Dull o .OT Hoot h :t.-, .r.n liulldog ori .rs (- O V or. . .07 coinh Frac ni .117 Mlamondheld D Tl 01 .ot Daliy in .o-i Horenc-i GO UJ (lolrinoM Consolidated Hi IV noldfleld Merger '. .'.'it '.lumuo nxttn-lon SO ,M Oro in .! Sand Ken 117 .1111 Silver Pick 00 .0, MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Astec 04 ,07 Klmberly 07 .10 Nevada Hill i'7 ,80 Neada Wonder 1.33 1.43 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOriK. Feb. 50. At the opening coffee futurea were unctrnged to 'J points higher, and trading was actle. Aa the market closed futures dropped and losses of 1 to 3 points were recorded, Futures follow: Today Today's Tea'day'a opening. closing. closing. March ..'.tlJ3,W S.40Q5.4S S.iitf.-.51 April :!.( .... n.oftf;.ui May 6.703.-1.72 O.GSgj.CO 0.7i5.7'.: June B.75e5.C .... 0.7141.-1.74 July n.744JU.73 0.71C0.T3 tl.7leill.74 August "0.SO .... 0.81OU.S3 September .... o.snwo CO 6.SS80.00 n.H'miUH) October ll.u.Mi7.00 .... n.vSJja.'M) November ... . 7.dOJ7,10 .... 7.02flT.Ol December 7.03 .... T.008T.10 Total sales, 0500 bag'. Did. Commercial Museums' Lecture Life In and around Philadelphia during the Revolutionary period, with personal recollections of the Civil War, will ba de scribed n an illustrated Iecturo at the Commercial Museums this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The lecture la one ot the spring course of free lectures under the direc tion of the museums. "B -LaJ Take advantage of tho biggest offer ever made by any news paper in America fifty free trips to the Panaraa-Paclftc and San Diego Expositions with every item, of expense paid by the Publie Ledger-Evening Ledger. You can win the trip in your spare time. Start now. " Fill in this -coupon and mail today. stiippitoG mws POM! 0P l'lllfiADKLI'IHA VcosoU Arriving Tod&r Str Grecian, lWston, passenger and mr chandlse. Merchant and Miners' Tra.ns)oH Hon Company, 8tr. Dengutla in-.), Ocnoa via Nitf Tark, tialley, t)trl & Co. Vessels Cleared ,Str. Dtnsdatehall (bt.). Hanrleamn, -Torts Annunilnta and Caslelltmire, Charles If. Tay lor's Bone, Rtr. Itallana JBf., Itebtrts. riraeui. L, VVeatergaard & Co. Schr. Millie It. Bohemian, Etllle, Mayport, A U. Cummin. A Co. , Schr, rannle It, Ste-vart, Ttlggln, Norfolk, A u. Cummins A Co. tffem Wilmington, Del.). Steamships to Arrive FnEIOHT. , , . rame. From. "Sailed i.incoinalilre , Manila ...... ...Dec. ?Moldborg ., .Copenhagen ....Jan. otonitc ........ ,.,...I.!lh Jan. Olar K'yrre , ....Htavangtr . ....Jan. Mm ft ..,,,,. , , Shields 1,..,.., .Jan, Andreas ,.,, Hyra .,....... Jsrt, Caatlemoor ........ ....Algiers .........Jan. Olovanna O. Palermo Jn, Uaalilyk .......... ....llotterdam Kt. Amrteldfk ......nottonlam ,.,,.Fen. Manchester Port ,.,,. .Manchester Feb. Iicckrnham .,.. ..Crus Grande ...Feb, Highland Monarch ....lialboa Feb. Virginia ..Shields ...... ...Feb. West Point .London ....... .Feb. Forland Gothenburg ...,Fcb, t.nura nntterdam Feb, rtlllster lialboa ,,, Feb. Hamhleton Itange Fowey Feb. Columbian ..nnlboa Feb, Petla iJucaro ........ .Feb. Alexandra Shields Fob. Steamships to Leave rninaitT. .Nti-t, ror. Dale. Manchester Milter Manchester ....Feb, SO Fellclan , London ........Feb. JO Maine , tendon Feb, 90 lr-dnla ...Copenhagen ....Feb, ?7 Waaldvk , ..nntterdam .....Feb,"lT Pomeranian Qlnsgow .......Fob. ST POUT OF NEW YORK Steamships Due Today Name. From. .Rotterdam .Naples .... Liverpool . fiAllefl. Magdalena Venetian Cymric Krl-tlanlaftord ... Krederlelt VIII.... Lusltanla ...Jan. 11 ...t.'eb .1 ...F'eb. 10 . Heraen ..Feb. to .Chtlattaniand ..Feb. 10 Liverpool .Feb. . ia Steamships to Leave Name. For. Date. St. LnulR T.Ierroot Feb. ft Tlochamheau ..Havre Feb. V0 Plica d'Aonta Genoa Feb. "TO New Amsterdam ...... nntterdam Feb. ?n Timcanta ...GlasKntv .......Feb. "0 Minnehaha Imlnn ........ ren, ?l Frederick VIII Copenhagen ....Feb.SJ FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Dates arc well supported In nil trades, w'th freights offering freely and tonnuse sparing!', STEAMSHIPS. King fPr.L Newport News to Avonmouth, oats. 41.000 Quarters. It:, March. Itebston trie). Atlantic range to west font Italv. grain. 22.0no nuartcra. 10s. 4Wd.. Marc1). Cl'eltontan (Dr.), ttO.OOO ouartcra. ramo. la. 3d,. March, Twee-Male (Br.1. Atlentlc rango to London, osti. 40.000 nuarters. n , Marcli. Port Antonio (Miir.). 717 tons, nalttmore to Ouantanamo, coal, private terms, prompt. Mnsklnon-te. Oulf tn Piraeus, grain. 32.000 qn-irtcrs. lis. Cd.. March. .lean (Amer.l. S"ni tons. Wet India tra(e. ono tound trlD. nritate tcrmi. prompt. SCHOONCnS. Dtcinor V. Uartram. 020 tons. Illo Janeiro to nultlmore. oro, tn Tannic Pnlinir, 17"G tons. same. rdwnrd 11. Colo.' ltnr. tons. -nmc. Florence At. Penlev. fc'7 tons. same. noli Hoy. 081 tuns. Ualtltnore to Mayport. cent, private terms, ,.,., , . ami M. Cnrllsle. 302 tons, Philadelphia to Chart '(iton. coal, private terms. Annlo. nt2 tons, the Oulf to New Tork. lumber. J1.50. Movements of Vessels Str. Sun. Philadelphia for Sperla. urrive! at Oian February 18. ...... . Str. '"nrpiithl.1 (llr.L for New York. teamed from Naples February ia. Hi: Lexington, for Philadelphia, cteamed fiom noston February 20. ...... , , Str. Nike (Sued.), from Philadelphia, arrived at t'oltlmorc I ebruary ill. 6ti. Shim-nut. ror PhllitdelpliU. etcamed fror Tnmpn February 11). Str. Chclnton (Dr.), Philadelphia for Clen fuegos, parsed Sand Key at 0:tl0 p, m. Feb-tv Str. Dacla. Galveston for Bremen, was lOtki miles cuit of Capo Henry at 7 p. m. l"ohri -str. Platurla," Philadelphia for Htvcilcn. wt. 705 mllcn east of Nantucket at noon Februa- JM, Str. Damnra, San Trancls-o for Philadelphia -.as IS mlle-i south of Watting Island at noo February 10, Str. ft. V. Luckcnbaeh. Ssn Francisco to. PhllKdclphla. was 1,172 miles south of Scotia n llBlitthlp at noon February 10. Str. Oulfstream. Philadelphia for Port Arthu ina 1112 miles southwest of Uelawore Capes noon Fehruary 10. Htr. Indian. Philadelphia for Jacltsonvtl. ranted Frying Pan lightship at 8;20 a. . February 10. , . w . ,,, . . Str. Paraguay, Bablne Paso for PhllsdeloMs wns 43 miles southwest of Trying Tan lUt thin at 0 p. m. February 10. Sir. Huron, Philadelphia for Toxna City, -, W3 miles east of Ualventon at 7 p. m. ..--arv 11). Ktr. Toledo, Philadelphia for Sabine, tifjr echr. Delaware Sun. was u." miles east of it Key nt 0 p. m. February 10. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES Tht foltowiuff list of orrtflii Ira -to epnor'w tita for .Inieilcnii manuacturrrs ta -mien u, bu tin llureau of Portion and Domeitto Com meree, fleparlmeiif of Vommtrce. at yVaahUt ton, and adiircro aiict further dttalla moi.e. had lit corrcspoiidlncr xoith ffte bureau vkfri'l the number 0 the Inaulr-. No. 15012, hosiery, underwear and neckwear The coromorclal agent of the Bureau ot Vol etgn and Domestic Commerce tn New lo.-k city has transmitted a letter from a firm iz. that city stating that Its foreign orflca Is la need of hosiery, underwear and neckwear litis for sale In that country. A copy of the com- let-, reriort may be had on aDDllcatlon to tl.i bureau or lta branch oftlcea. No, 15H1.1, sheet nickel An American con sular officer In Italy reports, by wire, that a Government contractor has requested cable bid for 300 tons of pure nickel In sheets of 2 milli metres thickness. Price, o. 1. f. destination, date of delivery, and conditions In regard to I'Hyment ahould bo stated in bids. No. U'114, leathers A business man In Africa has Informed an American r sul that he wishes to represent American -inner and to secure Information as to the -rice of leathers suitable for the manufacture of ahoes. lie states that ha is In a position to secure Im portant orders It satisfactory arrangemenla can hi- made. Deferences can he riven. Cor respondence 1; French la preferred, but may 1 in English, . , MEARS & BROWN C1TV AMI fiUIlUItllAX ItLAL ESTATE Properties Managed Hants Collided Insurance and Mortgages Placed Llsta nn application 202 South 15th Street See Picturesque C-salif orrtla and the Expositions without cost Contestant's Entry Blank Public Ledger Erenlng Ledger Independence) Square, Philadelphia Pleaaa enter my nam'a u a contestant for th l?&iim-i,,raclfl-i tUposltl9a Tour. 8cnd rae all tho neccisarj t-r9al4 a4 ubAOlptan blanks- - "- - 1 ' 'I,' '"l.mai 1 mt 1 51 !