EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, 8ATUBPAY, EEBBUABY 20, 1915. 10 aW iRiaTsUGGESTIONS HOUSEKEEPING HINTS AND SPRING FASHIONS FOR EVERY WOMA$ n4nwimiiwm'Ati r ELLEN v JSnJfi The Woman Who Is Ih' alt tha wide world there Is no moro aggravating phrase than "I told you bo." 'Tel at flrriei there arc few peoplo who have fl'atfleUnt strength of mind to re lt Uilhtr, the phraae, Irritating' thoush ft be. For we are nit human, and. when our words of wisdom and sngo advice aro scorned,,' and wp see the scorncr reaping the aftermath. It la hard to resist the tempting? remark that eo flta the occa sion. However, unless we have n yearning to be positively disliked, by thosVs with whom we come In contact, It would be a good plan .to rule the remark clean out of our vocabulary. For It docs not tend to aoqthe the person to whom It Is addressed. Upon the contrary, It rouses fires of anger and dlslfkc and always falls of Its point, tdo, for It never, never, never really convinces him tjiat he was In the wrong and that you, (with your Infallible wisdom and foresight, were In the right. And so, logically, It would bo Infinitely better to check the phrase at the start rather than rouso up bitterness and wrath. The happlpess of one young married couple has been,, completely wrecked by this spirit of argumentativeness on the part of the wife. She has a positive' pas sion for that unfortunate phrnse "I told ydu jo," Upon every possible and Impos sible 'occasion she. airs It., and always to .her husband's disadvantage. The curloUs thlng'ls that she is realty fond of her 'husband. Now that ho has left her, she reallzrs this fact only too clearly. 'f would give everything In the wide world If t only had hjm back again," ahe.a.iys mournfully. J3ut.her sorrow and hei: realization of her own folly havo un fortunately come toolatf. ' "Not, nil" 'the king's horses nor all tho king's men" can mend matters when Jove has dlcd'bnce and for nil. And by nothing mbro nor leso than her own foolishness has this woman rulped her own happiness and that of her once, fond and kindly hus band More than that, .she-lias changed his disposition from that of a simple, pleasant-mannered man Into a surly sort of Individual c(ulle unlike his former happy self. Jtt the dajs. when they lived, together le was a very great trial. The merest trifle that came up was-.a matter for heitei-arcument on her part.. Th.e most casual Observation that her husband might happen to make wa3 Instantly challenged In n "money or ypur llfo" spirit-- .. At last the poor man grew quite frightened to express nn opinion in his own house. Unless he had the facts of the case at his finger-tips It was quite unsafe to make any remark at ajl. For his wife would catch hlm-lip In the quick est fashion and demand proof of his statements In such n dictatorial 'tone that he would pease -talking altogether and gradually ilevelop a grouch which finally became chronic. ''It looks as If It would rain tomorrow, Mary' he would' observe with the best Intentions,. In the world. "Nothing of tlio tort. John,'' his better half Would quickly' retort. "Don't you see that the sky la red tonight " "Efut the papers all say that It will rain tomorrow," he would meekly murmur. "Whcreup'on his wife would suddenly sweep from the room, rush upstairs with a great clatter and .dash, to return tri umphantly with a large .book of nursery rhymes, her1 very decided finger upon one bearing- the Interesting legend: ' '-A red slty at nlrht la trfe ehephcrdr delight, "There, John."' she would cry raptu rously, "I tod you so?" And John would relapse into silence. This sort of thing went-on for a Ions time. And each time the foolish wife sained her -own- point she lost something far, far -more Important. For no man on 'earth like? to be put In the wrong, par ticularly In front; of lisfrlends. This .particular woman was really In CHILDREN'S CORNER Fairy Laundries DEAR me! Vm afraid or winter," sighed; a fairy' as she stretched her Wings and her toes. "Dtaf -met" mimicked a fairy by her side, '"that's a stupid thing- to say!'' "Stupid?" asked tho first fairy, "It's truer , "Of course It Is true," answered the aUiar. "but that W no reason 'at 1 w&y ypa should talU about It. Many true -thfcjsrsrSi t stupid t? be talked about" "That'j a funny Idea, laushed'tha first fairy, and he Immediately forsot about how tired he was. "I thought anything that was. true was all right to sayt" "Oh dear no!" exclaimed .the second tnlry emphatically, "there aro many sad thljws, bitter and unhappy things In the world. But aa long as there J sunshine rJ roujle and gladness here, too, we wust forget lh bad, and, enjoy tho good," Tbat sounds vary well," said the tired fairy only half convinced, "but you see, th sua has on hidden for several days and, I can't " any muile -while the Worth iVIwd howl and yowls through the trsa, I wish J knew something to do." "feppese we tio out on tho hillside and tisF 1". tta mow," sal the cheerful fairy. "may be the sunbeams -will come on and ly WjttJ . 'Xtm two, fatrttt slipped out of their Jmnm to lbs hit tree an4 ran up the bill ? JhfUttf t the drifted snow. J toft it. ttta,t vry minute Mrs. South, w3mb wa.-nltrltiK up the billable and lJi,:iiMt Wld ran away toward "1km ifih. che ouldn't And him and laugh it. h- - x m wuttl no tirae m hunting: blm. bud t spfg trt& tftroush the tra, eve ibt w-mmL hrKk and zsmm the- ew IsM sn-tMK &f warwt bruilli j-dfi tam rt w tit im mb.A atf lit p-MKil ro so" By . ADAIR Always In the Right telligent and well-informed. She ought to havo been nn Utereatlng and pleasant companion for nny- mah, nul her n seftlveness and her geliornl argumenta tiveness proved her own Undoing. No man will long stand perpetual contradic tion, nnd the eternal repetition of that maddening phrnse! "I told you so." So one jsad day the end came. After a particularly trivial argument, the result of which wns quite Immaterial one way or the other, tho henpecked husband plucked Up courage, packed his clothes and for sook his better halt-to return no more! It was n melancholy denouement to whnt nt one time promised to bo n cry happy- and congcnlnl marriage. litft tho phrase "I told you so," has wiecked more homes and more happiness than can bo easily told. For the Hallroom Girl This Is tho age of progress, the philoso phers say, and the newest step In prog ress Is to -save space for th Hallroom (llrl. Many a bachelor maiden vho keeps a modest little apartment pays so much for It that the problem of Inundiy Is no smhll worry to her. Various solutions, all more or less successful, have been offered, and the last Is the alcohol Iron. lf'you are In tho habit of doing up a few little pieces In your room, a collar, bloUne or a few handkerchiefs, you prob ably shnre In tho feeling of apprehension which affects most boarders, the fear that your gracious landlady will charge you for gas or "kick." Even tho useful elcctitc Iron cannot save sou flora hei anathema. Tho Ingenuity of the alcohol Iron Is nppiirent. Thr-ro ate, first of nil, no connections on tho Iron', but a place Inside where the Fame Is burning-. It hents In n very, few minutes, and has absolutely no odor. You can burn It for an hour rt a total cost of '2 cents. The alcohol consumed Is trifling, and you use the denatured nnd specially prepared chafing-dish vnrletj for. 50 cents a gallon. There can be jio pbjectlpn to the use of this Iron on the ground of expense you pay for the tUCo hoi urpejf, and there Is no connection In the room.. Then, too. a3 tho iiou Is hollow, to make a place for the flame, the weight of it is greatly -reduced. You can buy one In mostly any up-to-date department store for J3.21. The Kids' Chronicle I SHOWED my cuzzln Sue a tilck jes lldday. sajlns, Hay, Sue, do you wunt to fcal my mussel. Xo, red Sue. Go ahed and fcal it. Its prittj big, awl lite, I bed. And I dubbelcd my arm up like sou do wen you wunt sumboddy to Teal suie mussel, and Sue htartld to fcal It and I quick straightened my arm out and my fist nlt Sue rite awn the end of her noze warelt terns up and she startld to yell like en thing as If she was hert, wlch she proberly wns, and pop stuck his lied In tho setting room, saying. Whose killed. 1 am, he puntched me rite In the noze awl his mite, sed Sue. I did not, If I puntched you awl my mite jou wood be killed, awl rite, 1 bed. SInts wen havo you bin going about puntclilug ladys eclthcr awl yure mite or ban.' yuro mite, sed pop. I dldcnt puntch her nt awl, I jest showed her a tilck, I sed. Then show It to mo the saim way, sed pop, and 111 be the Judge and award tho damldgcs. Awl r'lte. fcal my mussel, I sed. And I- Uubbcled . my arm up and pop put hfs flngir3 awn it, saying, Consldlr yure mussel felt. Yes sir. I sod. And I straightened my army out aseu ulo as en thing and touched pop awn the end of hl3 nozo with my fist. That wasent crry paneflll, sed pop. No sir. no sir, s"d Sue, that nlnt It at awl, it nlnt en thing like It, "he jest toutched you Insted of hlttlns ou awl his mite the wa lie hit me. . its a crrj dlltlcult case to decide, even for me. sed pop, you ace, yure noze may be teuderlr than mine Is, and then agen, the prlzoners arm mite of bin so tired fium doing the trick awl day that ie Is now Incapable of putllrjg his uzuil spirit Into It, but honsoevvlr and .not withstanding, speek now or forevvlr hold yure tung. I heerby award the fare plaintiff damldges of wun sent, wl&i as a consclenshlss Judge I will now perseed to pay her myself. And he gave Sue a sent and she 'stoped holding her noze and stuck out-her tung at me, proving she wasent hert mutch, and I sed. Pep, III let her hit mo awn the noze aj hard as she wunts If you give me a sent. The ..ourt has adjurned for the day. sed pop, Meenlng Sue was the ony -wun fiiat was going to get n sent, wlch she was. "Oh, Friend South Wind." whispered the cheerful fairy, "are jou golnr to stay with us, evc.ry day now?" "Don't ask questions of winds or weath er," laughed the South Wind gently, "but use us while wo aro here." "The snow Is fast disappearing. If you mean to wash your fairy clothes and dry The (tea ofrie? slipped ou ibeir home n the tig tree, them on the snow, better do It quickly! Snow may soon be gone!" So the fairies passed tha word among their fairy friends and soon lha hillalda J -waa covered with fairies, washing Uiel fairy cotna and. spreading them out to dry on tha patches pf snow. People vaslflf the bill looked up, and saw the patcli of whits wm and the bare apeUt of msst hrowu leases and aald "I-eok at the unities unaw! It al most looy hiSS ClSthM 8W-54-J e,ut to , 4atf lhjr bW JKWMt about tha 1 latum Stat vtwMPfr Mjmmi rassr r J Lim-JW The Hand of Fate Two shall be born the whole wide world opart, And speak In different tongues and have no thought, Each of Uie other's being, and no heed! And then o'er unknown seas to unknown lands Shall cross, escaping wreck, defying death, And all unconsciously shape every act. And bend each wandering step to this 1 oiie end 'That one day, out of darkness, they shall meet And rend life's meaning In each other's eyes. rafe PRIZE 53M!Qi PHIZES OFFERED DAILY For the felloMn uisestlom tnt In 6r radrn of thr KfitNISO UWl prlzfi ot SI an I 30 tenn are au aided. .All micseatlon Miould be uddrexsed to F.IHn Aaalr. Editor of Women's r, Efjxixa upoh, Independence Square, Fnlladelprui. A prlie of ft lm been awarded Jo Mrs. tlruliila W. l.etvlo. P. O. Itoi ?8, Mojlnn, Roue alley, Pn for the following sugges tion! if you find that the house Is cold, while tho cellar remains an unhealthful, un economical 70 degrees or more, you may be sure that thero Is something wrong with your furnace, in nlnety-nlno caste out ot a hundred the only fault Is that too much of the heat generated within tho furnace Is being lost by radiation through Uncovered surfaces. Cover tho top of your furnace with about two inches of sand and watch the thermometers In the looms nboc Jump while tho coal bills drop proportionately. Most furnaced have a circular depression In tho top In which Band may be piled. If yours Is shaped so that tho use of sand Is Impracticable, buy a. sheet of asbestos the size and shape of jour furnacQ top and cover your furnace with thnt. A prli of M renin lies been ntvarded to Mli A. E. nlrhlnblne, Cjnwyd, l'n for the following uiTRefltinl 1 havo found thnt If I wash my roasts pf mutton, beef, or veal with warm water before putting them In tho pan, and then rub onion and salt on them beforo I add the flour and other seasonings tho crisp crust Is very much nicer and moro tasty. A prize of R0 cents ha been awarded to Mr. Wnrv Thompson, 31.1 Cedar ntenur, ronnellstllle, I'a., for the following sugges tion: , Dainty little change bags to carry with the white,' summer frock may bo made from the embroidered belts ot n season or two ago. Cut them In two and double, fcatlierst'tchliig three of the strips to gether and finishing the top with a crocheted pleat edge through which cords nmy be run. Larger fancy work bags may be made from the whole belts joined together, nnd both kinds sell like hot cakes at church bazanrs. A prlxr or AO i-enU ha been nwarded to Mr. Sarah Clark. HOO fine dtreet. Phila delphia, for the follow lug iiuggrstlan: It motorists will rub the outsldo ot their windshields and also the glass over their lamps with ftljccrlne It will not allow the drops of rain or snow to stand pr freeze, thus keeping the glass free and clear. A Washington's Birthday Party For the Kiddies On Washington's Birthday a party can be given to the kiddles with very little trouble. There are so many games which they can play anil such pretty favors which are commemorative of the occasion that you will find the time Is all too shoit. The games are for the kiddles who aro old enough to study history, say about 12 years old. Your Invitations can be worded like this:. "On Moiidav nlcht nt lialf-pnst elalit, We bet: ou'll help us celebrate, Great George and Ilia Immorlal tree. Ills Rift to all posterity." The cards used by one hostess were decorated with hand-paluted cherries and the address was written in gold water color paint. This may seem a bit elaborate for children and Is not neces sary anyway, as they seldom appreciate these line points. The first "stunt" the bojs and girls wore required to do was to pin cherries on nil Imaginary tree, drawn on a sheet like the proverbial donkey and his miss ing tail. The prize for this was a small box of capdled cherries. Another Jolly game is to bring In a large basket of cranberries and let each child put' his hand In and try to carry some of them on the bacK or his hand around the room. "Whoever carries most wins a prize. The hostess then had a large yellow bowl placed In the centre ot the room, and a prize was awarded to the ope who could throw the most berries In It. Each person had five trials, and tiny cherry pies done up In a round red box were the prizes, Tho last contest was the most Inter esting of all. The children were ar ranged In couples, and a needle and coarse thread was given to each couple, A bowl of cranberries wns placed on the floor so every one could reach It. The Idea was to Bee which couple could string the most berries In Ave minutes, and thus the longest necklace. At a given signal every one stopped and counted the ber ries. The prizes were most attractive. They looked like a large bunch of sweet red cherries, and they really were de licious popcorn balls with green candled mint leaves attached. This was wrapped In green wax paper like the kind which la used In a fruit store. The refreshments .served after this were very simple. They had cherry short cake, with lee cream on the side and a maraschino ch?w on the top, Llltla cakea, made cherry and hatchet shaped, finished the lunch. TABERNACLE CURB FOB 'BOOZE' I ! Ill I I I Magistrate Advises "Billy" Sunday Treatment for Woman. - The "Silly" Sunday tabernacle as & more effective cure for habitual drunk enness than the House-of Correction -was advocated by Magistrate Kmely, at 'the Park and Lehigh avenue station, today, when the husband of Mrs. Mamie Mc Mchael, of t33.P(ne stret, caused her ar rest. "Send her to the tabernacle," said the; Magistrate. " 'Billy Sunday can fix these things better than ,1 can,- If he makes anything out of her he'll be doing a good Job." Kdward McJIIchael, the husband, de murred, and the matter was finally com promised, by the woman signing a pledge to drink n'othltg but waiter, milk and cof fee for two years, and not to go above Market street, unless accompanied by her husband. Keol "Cirew' at Temple It I a real circus (hat tha Temple TJnI verilty Association to giving In Its -gym-nsslunt at Broad Td Berk streets. Most of tha performer are members of the physical cultuMs classes of tha univer sity, but several special acta wtrs pe-r-fomed bvmemtiwi of tb Central Tnuag Mens t'trlstlaa AMOsJatjsw and the Bherwoodr Reatk Ctr Tha pro ds of th cirew w(U k tagrted to tha AthlethJ AwlAttoM fpi, ewej vm a rMH4 & AN ATRACTIVE NEW SPRING STYLE THE GARDENING -tajr 1 iiM? .CDRNER "You'd be surpiiscd to know how easy it Is to be a successful gardener," said a woman tho other day. "1 Just had to earn my living, and ns I had never studied stenography, art or anything really useful, you can Imagine my senti ments when I found that It was neces sary to do something, and do it right away. "I hadn't a cent In tho world to fall back on and the only thing 1 had a real (caning louaids was gardening. That is the jcasoti. I took it up. I got a number of catalogues and somo llteratule from Washington the Department ot Agricul ture will send you all tlio Information you want about fertilizing the earth, etc. and started In to study. The first woman Who asked my advice had too much clay In her garden soil. I found this out by sending some specimens to Washington to havo them analyzed. Naturally, It was a great recommendation for me to have dis covered this, nnd tho lady recommended me to her friends. "I lived In a suburban town, where wealthy people had summer homes, and frequently would nsk me to design their hedges -and shrubberies. I could neither draw nor paint, so had to make my plans by pasting flowers from seed catalogues on a Inrge sheet ot paper,' Later on I got a little art student who waa staying in the place for her health to sketch them and tint them with water color. 'These proved a great advertisement for me, I didn't do any actual manual labor, of course, but I had to keep my eyes on the floweis to see that careless gardeners didn't neglect them, nnd -watch that no Injurious Insects got Into the greenhouses and such duties. A little box of silk handkerchiefs for the youngsters has a, pale blue, lavender and a pink one Inside, with a gay rooster or doggie in the corner. The boi com plete costa cents, A lovely flesh-plnk negligee was Been In a large department store. It had an accordeon plaited .skirt, and a bertha effect In fine" lace, and the price was llhiS. In the window of an exclusive Chestnut street storeys a -little evening gown for 15. Tl)e whole thing Is perfectly charm ing. A skirt of accordion-plaited chiffon, with straps .of -French flowers on the shoulders, and a shadow lace bodice are the main outlines of the gown. Princess lace Is so much like the very expensive duchess laces that many wo men are using It for trimmings on a gown. A vec beautiful pattern with a rose design, 13 Inches wide, sold far 113 a yard. This sounds expensive, but the Bitno in duchess lace would be at least ?S0. A very plain .crepe de chine combination, withi hemstitching and narrow Valen ciennes edging, sells for JJ.tO. It is severe ly cut and comes In fiesh-plnk or white. Separate skirts are very fashionable Juet now. Soma most reasonable prices are attached to the. models In a Market street store. Fop Instance, a velvet cor duroy. In blue, black, fawn or orange, made on plain lines, buttoning; up the front and having a wide girdle, is IX Another good -looking skirt waa mad of black voile, accordion Dialled, with a stirred effect at the waistline. It sold i JfettiUs, ' ' SJBBBBBBBBS gflgBSfe. KSn x-0 jaiaPJalJ ? 1 FC- 'Often people who had a gardening hobby would ask me to look at their little plots, I charged U for my advice In these enses. I was a sort of plant doctor, you see. "Of course. If you can make plants grow, jou can grow vegetables, too. 1 Blurted a hot bed In my own yard, and began to glow prize vegetables. Thoy reiiilied a great deal of care, but It was worth It In the end. A soap box with a glass cover was my hot box, nnd It pioved as good as a snore expensive one. Besides this, 1 made artistically arranged window boxes, which I sent around for ante, at $3 and $5, according to the size. I had to pay a man to peddle these, of course. "My prices were reasonable. I charged $15 a season to take over the entire su pervision of a garden this Is not much, when you consider what It costs to keep a head gaidcncr a whole season. I hired rellnblt; men as gardeners, If necessary. If they were jcally good, I could rely on them, and thus my work was lightened. "After I had made quito a sum of money In the summer, I was confronted with the problem of keeping busy In the winter. My luck In this respect was really extraordinary, I met tho president of a prominent woman's club, who was Inter esting herself In a 'City Beautiful' move ment. She lived In a little place near the seashore, where the sand seemed to be hostile to cultivation. I offered to make plans to prepare the earth for plants, and to furnish drawings for the Improvement of the town park, railroad station, eto. I did this, and she was so pleased with the result that many such contracts followed. I got $3)0.00 for a Job like this. Alto gether, I find gardening a very Interesting and profitable occupation." SUFFRAGISTS PREPARE FOR QREAT CAMPAIGN IN STATE Workers Here Will Flood City With "Literature." .Thousands of pieces of suffrage "liter ature" will be distributed soon throughout Philadelphia In the course of the campaign that s to be waged In this State until the equal suffrage amendment comes up next fall for the vote of the people. A large consignment of suffrage pamphlets, "(Hers," postcards, eta, today waa re ceived by the Equal Franchlso Society from the National Woman Suffrage Pub lishing Company, An equally large sup. ply was ordered from the suffrage State headquarters a( Harrlsburg. Suffrage postcards are the latest cre ation, On these a map of tha United States Is printed designating tha States which hava and those which have not grunted women the.ballot. Statistics also are given which, it s claimed, show con clusively that equal suffrage has been a success wherever It Is In force. Those of us who receive, letters from suffragists In the future will find a little suffrage sticker on tha back. Several thousands of these stickers have been ordered and will ba used by all Interested In the "cause." For Brown Boots If brown boots havo got very stained and greasy, cover them with French chalk and leaye for Zi hours, then wipe off and rallsh with brown boot polish. Personal b, BUre y0I, Ket tw. Attention ?en you-buy your i roi. S.or"r. Jt means get. in WprteU ting the right stylo for your figure, the right quality, but above all, PERFECT FIT TING! You gel personal atten tion hera that you can't get In big stores, ana prices are less. 1316 Walnut St The Norfolk suit Is very prominent among the early spring tailored models, and one sees It flourishing on every hand. I do think It Is particularly at tractive, and this morning I saw a vory smart girl wearing one In a black and white check. Tho belt woa at .tho normal waist lino and fastened In front With a nickel buckle. It Is rather usual Just now to have tho belt of somo material notably dif fering from tho suit, such as leather or somo contrasting stuff. But this Girl woro a belt of tho plaid, and sho did look smart. The skirt was fairly 'short, though not too extreme In this respect. It was free of those dreadful gathers and folds which I so dislike, and -was cut with gores nnd an inverted plait at the back. Although wo have had belted models all winter, they aro even moro popular than ever, and I am glad of It, an they havo a decidedly trig, smart look. One feature of many of the now spring suits Is that they havo revolted against tho high military collar seen everywhere earlier In tho season and returned to tho normal and moro comfortable style. At tho same tlmo the military collar Is very popular nnd will bo seen right SIGNS OF SPRING HERE TO BOTHER SEED MAN Amateur Gardeners by Superi ority Make Life Burden to Storekeepers. The call to tho garden, the farm and tho hennery Is In tho air. Lawn mowers and scythes aro being sharpened, chicken coopa aro getting whitewashed, and, abovo all, nature catalogues aro being read. It Is tho catalogue fiend who gives the sccdman tho most trouble at this lime of year. Ho digests the contents of four or flvo such volumes, gives himself u college degrco on agriculture In general and launches forth to tell the secdmau, the florist and the chicken fancier how to run his business. Take n scene today In a Market street seed establishment for Instance. A . .... aC nanrli, n.n,r1H n TVOPfl In ITCH accompanied by nn admiring bride pointed an accusing finger at an aston ished salesman. "I planted my tomato seeds out In the garden just ns your catalogue said," he declared, "and there la no sign of an thing coming up, al though I put tho seed down three weeks So." . . ,, "And It won't ho up net August, sum tho salesmnn. Then he proved to Mr. Newly wed that his eyesight was lacking, as the catalogue gave no such Instruc tions. After being calmed ho was told to plant his seed In boxes Indoors and put his plants In the ground when the climate permitted. As for ignorance In botany, there s no end ot It. "No matter how I try," moan ed one womnn, "I can't mako any floncra como on my rubber plant. The woman next door to me has flowers all over hers, even In the winter." "Tell her she'll get first prize at the next horticultural show," said the meo. talesman. "I want one of those lawn mowers that goes Itself after you wind It up," mur mured another well-meaning customer. "I never heard of such a thing," said the meek Seedman. "I saw It described In a catalogue," In sisted the customer. A smile broke over the salesman's face, and he convinced the Inquirer that the machine had been thoroughly de FABMGARDEN nd the imJLcc ' ussfessfflfi EGGS and CHICKS mow iAcitEivroN i.avehs Our thousands of select B. C. White I.eg horns winners, bred for lie, -vigor, early maturity and superior tgs production are upDlyine an enormous hatching egc trade. They are also filling- our 48,000 egg incuba- iors xor urinal" -. .i.,. "-,-.-; ,;,," Hatching egg. guaranteed 85?. fertile, s per luu, iu per iuuu, ,iii.u. ....., guaranted to arlve safe and In full count. 2. a ml 1U .&- irU anit ft 1 ftfl Tift I 111111). Biff demand. Jfow Is the time tu order. Bend postal for complete price- Itat now. LAURELTON FARMS nox I,, IiAKEtVOOIJ, N. J. Get Your Spring Garden at Wholesale PLACE OBDER8 now (for later delivery) for all -your spring bedding plants, hardy perennials and vegetable plants and get Special reduced prices for advance orders. As a sample wo send you any 10 giant flowered chryaanthemum plants, giant car nations, -geranluma, marguerite), novelty anepdrsgona. heliotropes, petunias ager tum. (uchalaa, alavlas, cannaa, expreaa paid, for 11.00. Any 05 for 3.80; any J20 for 15! any 350 for 110.00. All ordinary herbacedua- hardy perennials aame prlca mako your Own Hat from any catalog. These plants are large, sturdy plant and field clumin and not little runta o often sent out by mall. Order" for largo ouan-tltiea- for notele, park. etc f Pi"i HARLOWARDEN GARDEN8 (Ji-teuport. ff. Y. FARM HOMES in beat district of South jnaka Jarg; yUlda araiu. bay. gtve beat atock raialcg and dairy tag opportunitlea. Reasonable prlcaa. Infor- pf vrmcHARPS sssmsf ROOM 331, SOUTHERN RAILWAY, WASHINGTON D. a Virginia Farm and Timber Lands Man er and up. Improved ana unimproved. Rich land? heavy crope. healthy climate, happy tarmani Colonial hem. Catalogue free. AU dreas B. T. WATKIN8 A CO.. &o, it N. Ninth at.. Richmond, Va, DELAWARE- FABUS for fruit, gardenia, poultry, live stock, alfalfa. Genial climate; cjoaatomarkata. Booklet free. BTATUBOARU OY AqRtQULTlTOB, Povar, Pto are. PEA9. TEAS. PEAS FOR BALE All varie ties. Iron an4 Running- Speckle a pscUlty. Writ for prices, W , yRANKf, War- ifcsn. Georgia HARDWOOU ABHMt- -Ke. Csfiafitaa Vm- ' jfitrtHi-ti iMlO&nUer mSiti. Be-at. fMtSiMr to Ui-t. tiw. 5tv 6is W t beresfh. Cat . Ciaili. jASMARJGl The Norfolk Suit through the spring and summnr. uWi tallorn nrn pnmnrnmlaln u.. ...... . silLa collars that can be transformed tnto'S,fJf ones at tho Wearer's will. This setmtiS excellent Idea, and should meet with lf As far as blouses and drA . 'M cerncd, tho high choker has com. hnsl full forte. AH the bones and cth'r itiiH foiling devices that woro so promln.ti In tho old days of stocks have returnSl Tljo collars of summer frocks sr?3 embroidery materials, laces and htj ,,11 summer frocka aro worn so largely mil sees tha high collar everywhere. Tii are nartleularlv smart. 3M Tho short coat la going to contlmffl favorite, and this Is splendid n..J tho woman of slim figure. As for sImtSi I hear that tho bishop and the tQl may come In soon! mm Elinor and I have spent most efCT day In walking by tho sea. The-wutiifl Is so perfectly glorious that I wlih'wa could stay at Palm Beech for atUuttlSl months! nd Wo aro so Interested In notlni tit.ivS millionaires and millionairesses here ant! uiu wuiiutui wuiui-n ui mo lauer, ThtrllS Is ono stout lady who wears a new toirnsS every four hourBl It must be dreidfuM fatiguing to havo to change so often, tutf bjib seems iu enjoy uio process. scribed In Puck. Incidentally, there wjj n big demand for mowers, rakes, hoii? fences and shovels nnd most of the cm lomers carried their goods with theaj A mtr1rllnn2f,r1 mnn. whn nml.,J,)7 bn nane. asked for a box of thnt "iinlv.fffli sal phosphate which will make all klndj of vegetables grow In the cellar." JJ waa indignant on learning that the ispi house didn't have It, and still madder when ho found out-that the firm adv'er? . . ... .. ., . . . i using tno wonucnui concocuon naa beenM driven out of business. , B ino mnmuuuB uuicitfu ruiaer wno uunui ho can get eggs and birds by the card' Index sjatem Is tlio worst nuisance. Thf less experience he has the more he know$ tie pours out tno most wonderful rerae-M dies for making chickens lay. One of (ilMl species let out some wonderful secreMHl "All I do," he said, "Is to soak soma coram In ollvd oil, then I sprinkle It with Krinu-M lated sugar. Talk about laying! WhewlM 130 eggs a wtelc, nnd I only got W chlci-H Another cxpett said 'that he fUvorMflg comment with pumice stone and rock's I'alt nnJ gathered In a couple hundrttQH -ggs n week from 17 chickens, jjjB The will tell ou h any seed BtoreBt that the clly man Is more of a rubejlijj! tho country than the mbe Is whcitrhlBt goes to the cltj. And eo this Is the tlSJJi ot thu car that tho city rubes ate es-M posed 'In nil their rube-lshtiess. W& "I planted a lot of seeds," saIdjiHt pathetic Individual, "and nothing, ' up. I planted some of them three lnjy down in the earth, too." -HJ "Seeds (Should bo planted no deepeM than their actual sUe," the salesmaiflSjH formed blm. "and most of them OfgM better when they aio Just put on tMSj surface." . .wSJ One old salesman said In dlscusslnj sas dons: "It don't do to know too NnwB, for even the grass U green nnd yetiltlj Slves milk to cows to nourish the 'Salt verse." ' ImJ CHILDREN, ON ERRAND, LOsfJ Hunting the cluMe curtain rod WMfjJ pastime that kept four-year-old Joj Voting, ot 3710 Baring street, and thrcg ycar-o'.d Thomas Grlffcn, of SS01 Lancjutw avenue, trudging through tho city frga noon until night. John had been ijnfW his mother to buy somo curtain rods saj took Tommlo with him. Rather tnan.re-, turn without the rods they waped about looking for some. They were found atjtl dark at 43th street nnd Chester aera! by Thomas Dixon. IU cais old, ot m street nna iancasier avenue, i " them over to the ponce. rV3 tf J eal IIWOWI pincL -"si" - ra FordhookVegetables For25crhl.T.,!ow!nprF; Fordhoolc Vegetable. iJUH"-. --r-j BANTAM SWEtlConM. thaearUeatt4 tn firat early. B"W VaVhJ variety. jiuarEc a f uwrrr1,;ii tk Bean. Burke's HAiurroNBRAPW"? quickeat growlne of all wnivo "" jj. Z&atti23i r-tlem'"Vr.r. W nve aincrsuv .. -- packet of our Fordhoot FiTOtita Aw y Burr""" mu -j Ka. a. A. Uaala AHftfilUiSSC1 t.r. J ll u3ta free. Wrtta ! " aiaai bum w" F-e CO. vy. "-","'-' . ...jjoUa lurpaa buuu - imniiMiii"""'l'7mri' KEYSTONE POIJXmY F 3 .iSrfacUaJiSSSPBJ -ujai:H,?u's' atWHOLESAW fIpSSeSSSS ! filit Mi W'rita u for PnH kWI ",Tn"BiSK.BTe. 2 Charle..!!.' - itv iv - -'--- HOT BED atM Hiln -f J' 7 AS rj it i-ses..p gj . sss. '-- m kr ." HOMK1 - ' " 'Rmirpeef B jf K?i tn -list flNWMHHMHH SfiiSSmiS r &C - -"tj-iS-ji