JJSTR FRIDAY February. 19, 1915 $ mmna (firkin jQfer s- VA 'I I T H .11 I (4& L meaner wv JiT , jnfcKMTWt PERSONS, PLACES AND SCENES PROMINENT IN THE NEWS OF A WORLD'S DOINGS DAY BY DAY I-CV"1- .1 - Ml S' lBn 'J Ml llf I llf? (J If Hil i s 11 in;i; hh MiiiiBJjJiMffi Swords may not be beaten into plowshares as yet, but guns can be molted into sashweights, as is shown by this picture taken at ,tOT fAVl ti Z$iiW'ihSif' I iil-illii U'IHilnfVitt HBfflHiiMSwlBmW Philadelphia Sashweight Works when 300 gunmen's revolvers confiscated by the police were quickly fused into peaceful metal. Wm FH POLICE, CAPTAIN CAIIAHAN (AT I EFT) ij .it" i-,a.. v. tr.esssd paradn w Bread street have aen him in uniform. Sfcwa mk;& CiUisa $&? en visa peaswa roll, c4 haj3y. He baa stomped to converse 4J4, kk-J Photo by I ftc nro & VadtiwovA. AND HEBE'S TIfE CORRECT THING FOR MEN A yoyng society man reveals the newest summer tojr t Palm Peach blue Jrg coat, white atripad flannel trousera, tan shoes with white uppera and bat wtib tams4-4own bxim, FRENCH OUTPOST OBSERVER IN TRFETOP He has a tefenhonis Wpo-pH nn fn ttin hrmrliH nn fmm thfera he f3" rapid sports ostho moverapnts o the enemy Howev m off f ' j EtJ 4 ww irwna. C