Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 19, 1915, Sports Final, Page 10, Image 10

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wfaiiiww iffwwjni innftMmtMmMamftmwdLtkmi
"When the Heart Is Young"
"The only reason that I wish for a
great deal of money Ir that It would
enable mo (o travel," said a woman the
other day. "I do envy those peoole who
urn nblo to roam whero and when the
spirit mores theml"
This feeling overtakes everybody at
times at least,' everybody who Is "worth
"While," For the spirit of adventure Is
a Very flno thine, nnd tho woman who
! destitute of It is mtsMng the glory
and tho joy of llfo. What docs it matter
though these dreams are never realized,
though they remain "the light that never
wns on land or sea" have tucy not
brought a wonderful thrill and a wonder
ful liopo In their train?
I know an Invalid who for years has
keen unable to movo from her bed. Sho
Buffers n great deal of pain, but bIio Is
always cheerful, nlwaya bright And why?
Because bIio Is possessed of this wonder
fut spirit of adventure, this great faculty
of Imagination that can transform tho
dullest surroundings Into a veritable City
of Beautiful Homncc. For the would-be
traveler la always lntonsoly Imaginative.
This invalid has quite a library of guide
books and travelers' catalogues. And she
knows them all by heart. She has read
them so often that she can desorlbo the
scenery of most parts of tho world ac
curately. Her powers of description are
brilliant Tho nrst tlmo I heard her talk
I was positively delighted. "What a won
derful llfo you have hadl" I could not
help exclaiming. "You must havo visited
every corner of Europel"
he smiled rather sadly. "I havo been
chained to this room for SO years," said
But her heart was younir And when
that Is tho caso nothing else really mat
ters. For It implies and Includes so many
delightful and wonderful things that one
really could not pity her. Sho had learned
tho great secret of life, had caught the
Immortal spark from heaven itself, the
secret of Fe.-petual Youthfulness. Her
mind was traveling, traveling over won
derful countries and snow-clad peaks. She
was living a llfev of Adventure, a life
of Romance, and one that neither pain
nor suffering could take away from her.
"It is surprising how sho clings to life,"
oaid a visitor one day. "And Ufa offers
her so little!"
But tho visitor wa3 mistaken. For what
Hfe had taken away from her, the in
valid's imagination had supplied, and
mora than supplied. Sho was happy and
contented. Her Imagination had kept her
olive through all tho long years of Ill
nessand not only kept her alive, but
brought her great happiness, too.
T often think that I really know more
about the world than if I had actually
ylsltod these lovely places," said sho one ,
mt DO wish you would get out of my
X way," exclaimed tho sun ona morn
ing in tho lata winter, "I want to ehlna
down on tho earth, and 1 can't when you
are In tho wayl"
"Whero shall wo go?" asked tho clouds
ho had spoken to; "wo don't corn about
moving; wo would rather stay right
Tho sun chuckled to himself a minute
and then ho replied, "Oh. very well, Just
as you pleasel" and ha set to work to
molt them from hehind. "If thoy don't
want to get out of tho way to bo oblle
lng X don't mind if I dq melt then; so
Ha nhono his very hardest fm tho sun
can shine when he tries) and tho clouds
trot smaller and smaller, til! thoy were
at last all gone every one!
"There nowl" exolalmed tho sun In con
tent, "I guess I'll see what is going on
In this old earth of mine." For, you see,
In tho winter time the sun is so lazy he
misses a great many things that happen.
Sut when he once wakea up In tha late
, vtry welt, jut as iou pUtue. and hs
- t9 nvrb tv trtW (& row eeAbuL
sgtater or early spring ha makes op for
lost ttoiej There is not much that misses
Wo bright eyes thonl He sees all the
dirt and the mud and the coldness-end
then ha sets to worSe maiteff the earth
lovaly ready for spring,
How this particular day he looked down
to the earth and he saw dirty snow and
tswoay reads, mossy hack yards and hug
Antslj pOe, diary meadows and pray,
Hmrt woods. TDear m, ha eidaUned
to lilmsdf, "W about time I-Mt to work!
Did anybody ever see such a looking
frorB? Tin ashamed of nylS to think.
ha neglected my duty so Jongl'
Asa then, because he knew taHtrao;
woiiltl do no good, he said not smother
ward, v wt right to work,
pp iatl&ed off tho flirty snow from the
ttiuia hUhjMiw. He -warmed the air
wrt witt out a call (or fairy helpers. Be
wwltta the i along the broolwlde. and
fly fe looked around to we what was
tarns. jtted.
M JtH'l sloac the brcoi and he
inMtsM wky J( U mo,h lie JtoaOy i4 to
mmm$t, ta so- wJtak sAeat
it A&t Wn.aft ItiiVif sum sarhUtlSM tiiia
MM in Ift wmm i waiwifw W EO aJbut not awl ( of you. And
B n - SC. ri .. aM , -. -I,, a- iW-r f ai fif
MAvjt' j&sts, i ,),, iy
Rii 1 "1
jrJ!vS9jkNt ti Jri&laLaLaHI
7 ufn ,1m. 1 iXr mm&M&MB
day, "for vou o I have to much more
'imd to tt'ik about them and to read
about them and to look at pictures of
thorn than other people have. Just now
I inratlno tht I am 'ylng In London,
and oh, I nm having such a lovely timet
t am spending weks there and doing it
thoroughly, which Is moro than tho or
dinary tourist does.
"This aftornoon I did Westminster Ab
bey. It all seemed so entirely real to me,
and bo utterly wonderful. I stepped
noiselessly in the ffreat spaciousness of
tho place, and spent an hour among the
taBt resting placed of tho Kings and
Queens. Tho sun filtered through tho
stained-glass windows, and never in nil
my life havo I felt such utter peaco be
fore. "Then the organ began to. play. What
a wonderful organ it 1st And tho service
for Evensong began. It won exqultito.
The muslo seemed to express all tho
richness In coloring of tho drifting light,
tho harmony of proportions and tho
stately beauty of tho marblo columns. It
was like a poem to me. I couldn't have
enjoyed it tnoro It I hod actually been
"Than I bado farewell to tho Kings and
Queens, sleeping there so quietly and
with such stateltness, and took a taxi
ride to Kensington Gardens whero oil tho
nurses and tho children tako their after
noon walk, and whoro Barrio's 'Peter
Pan' lived. I saw all tho little boys sail
ing their yachto on tho Bound Pond, and
I wandored along by tho banks of tho
"When tho sun went down in tho West
nnd tho shadows lengthened, and th
nursemaids took tho littlo boys and girls
homo for tea, I motored IbacJc to tho
Hotel Cecil, In tho Strand, whero tho
footmen in their bluo velvet knoebreoohes
and satin stockings hurried to got my
tea. Yes, I nm having a lovely tlmo in
London In imagination!"
Tho woman who has a mind llko this la
to be truly envied. For aha has learned
tho greatest secret of life. Sho has con
quered pain, conquered Imprisonment
oonquered oven llfo Itself. Her mind has
brokeotho bars, and, borne on tho wings
of Imagination, has found a deep peaco
and a deep happiness that neither pain
nor suffering nor lU-fortuna can over
take from her.
Her lips were so near
That what olse could I do?
You'll be angry, I fear.
But her llps-nvere so near
Well, I can't maka It clear.
Or explain It to you.
But her lips were so near
That what else could I do?
alongside the brook stood out plainly in
tho sunshine.
Then ho looked again to find what
mado tho spring feeling.
"Now I seel" he exolalmedj "whydidnt
I know before? Of course, it is the pussy
willows that maka the sprlngl"
Sure enoughl All along tho edge of the
brool: there bloomed rows and rows of
lovely pussy willows each a promise of a
coming spring.
The sun smiled and shone harder than
ever. "When I eea tho pussy willovs," he
said to himself, 'T always know it's safe
to go on shlnlne spring Is on the wayl"
CopiirisM, IBIS Clara Inpratn Juaton.
The Kids' Chronicle
MD and Puds Slmklns and Sid Hunt
were setting awn myfrunt steps to
day, tawklng about dlffrent things but
nuthlng speshtl, and Skinny Martins llt
tel kid bruthlr calm alawng holding a toy
baloon awn the end of e string;, and wnt
did he do but set rite down awn the
steps with us as if he was brrtttd.
Sum kids has got carve, eJ site, seSs
Puds Slmklns.
Maybe they alnt aed Old Hunt
Wat do you wunt I sed.
Im watelng- for Skinny, sed Bklnny Mar
tins kid bruthlr. And he kepp awn set
ting thars making his baloon go up and
down by pulling tho string, and aftlr a
wile Puds Slmklns sed to him, Let go
of the string;, wy dont you, and the bal
loon will go way up in tha air and youtl
have fun watching It
Z wont this baloon, sed earinny Martins
Uld bruthlr.
Well, It will fcum down agen, sed Puis
Sure, it will kum lite down, sed Bid
Hunt, go awn, leere go of the string,
youll get It asen, wats you afrayed of,
Jt will kum rite down agen as soon as It
gets up high enuff, wont it, Benny.
Sure it will, X sed, And Bklnny Martins
kid bruthlr left go of the string and the
balloon went rite up In the. air as if sum
thins; was pushing it frum tmdirneeth,
ony insted of going strata up It went the
dlreckshln the wind was blowing, and
Skinny Martina kid bruthlr Btarttd to
yjll. Its going away, Its going away. And
be kepp awn yelling and making stitch a
nolze that ma oatm out to the front doar
to see wat was the mattir, saying-, Wsta
the mattir, Ferdinand, wat are you mak
ing suteh a dredflll noise about
Benny tctd me to let go of my balloon
and It wood kum book and It alnt kum
Ing book, Canny told me to do It, Benny
toid me to do It, yelled Bklnny Martins
kid bruthltv
I did not. I sed. Wlca X eldentu awl
Z sed bMlnjr. Bare It wilt
Well you sat thare and Itt fate 6a R,
nyhow, sed ma, and now yooJl Oitht?
get that baloon for him or TO take a dime
out of yitro bank and set him anuthlr
wun with it
Aw, Q, ma, I sed, and ma sed, No aw O
shout It youherd wat I sad.
And startid to run aftlr the balloon
S?it?a?. arfd Sla nd Skinny Martins
Ma bnithU" startid to run aftlr we, and
wo ran about S blocks and the balloon
went up aver a roof and Ktava ,..
fsa4 the lady If I co4 go ep ,wn her
roof and get It sad the lady sed, Wun of
l " ,a we nausea was awn the
Mof ePsrt the ohlmlay, and I took it
fewB. p4 cay It b8fc to JkUmy Martin
JM brliv Kta Jfow fttr tm you
Ilk HI M$ &Jk I 5F
WWl TPMijP .;??. '-3L'.v ?.i ??
T Kir Wllfr !i
J&ti t?dMfcvwMhy fit jw i i
IaiaiaHalaiaBL. "9aHBaiaiBBiaiaBl9.4k. & T ft- if '! 1
tHBwKISw '
Washington's Birthday favors ore being
shown in tho window of one of the large
Chestnut streot shops. A red satin box,
hatchet shaped, with stripes of red, white
and blue, is 10 cents.
Candle shades of red, white and blue
crepe paper, with a tiny holder to grasp
the candle. Is 6 cents.
Red candles, cherries, hatchets, and
such symbolic things, sell for 40 cents a
Quito the cut est favor for the Informal
dinner is a very much undressed Kewple,
with an Uncle Sam hat and patriotic rib
bon belt for 40 cents.
China statues of George Washington,
with fluffy bows of red, white and blue
ribbon, aro SO cents apiece.
A hlstorlo cherry tree, filled with can
dled cherries and tied with red satin rib
bon, costs 5 cents.
A black aatln tricorno hat, with red,
whlto nnd bluo band. Is very attractive,
Indeed, It costs 80 cents.
The newest thing for traveling is a
utility case. This is a compaot little
arrangement, with powder, toothbrush,
nail enamel and soap Inside, and sells for
B0 cents.
A tiny cretonne "first aid" case Is a
good substitute for tho doctor If any
thing should happen. It has gauze band
ages in n handy roll, adhesive plaster to
stick them on with, antlseptla soap, ab
sorbent cotton and various other neces
sities, all for CO cents.
A great bargain is to be had in a large
Chestnut street store for tho woman who
likes a nice negligee for tha mornings.
These oomo In Delft and pals blue, laven.
der and orange crepe. They have a rub
ber about the waist line and fit very
snugly, and the front Is finished off with
a. touch of embroidery. The price Is
Tho kiddle will Just love ona of the little
boxes of handkerchiefs, done up in
wooden express wagons, camels, boats,
eta. They are only 5 cents a box.
A plainly tailored pongee shirtwaist hag
pearl buttons up the front It is the
daintiest thing you could imagine for the
morning. They cost S.
Manicure cases are very attractive this
season. Ono largo Market street store
has a display of them, and a particularly
useful case had implements of tortoise
shell, set in a very handsome satin-lined
box. It sold for V7.E0.
Sliver mesh bags are lined and fur
nished now, and those who have had
white gloves soiled by the metal will
welcome the Improvement A pale pink
moire-llned model, with a tiny purse of
the silk, and powder case with holders
for hairpins, rouge and extract costs
A lovely art nouyeau pin, of Jet enamel
and rhlnea tones, shaped like the favored
friendship pin, will look charming with
a sheer blouse. It costs LEO,
Earrings of all kinds are making their
appearance, and most of them are black
and white combinations. Seed pearls with
a blaak enamel border, or hoops hanging
You'll be ur- ilATfi
prised to see bow QUHyTi
E2 Ad Wfi ueaml
rtn1ti too. Ra ' i
rVVtSJK Qukkm
timer cietae or
hands. Ast your
down in a very Spanish fashion, are sell
ing for CO cents.
A new arrival from Holland Is th cau
do eoloEno which comes In little china
windmills, Dutch boys, etc., with Dcllt
bluo scenes pointed ox. thorn. They come
In almost any size and In different odors,
at 60 cents, 75 cents, $1 and J2.
Every Wife inPhiladel
Wants Her Husband
To Make More Money
To live in a better house: to wear better
clothes to dress her children betters to edu
cate them.
And she can tell him how. Fifty other wives
did by new ideas not theories, but actual ideas,
and all as simple as A, B, C
These wives are telling how they did. it in
the great series, "Howl Helped My Husband to
,Make More Money": six of them in the March
ladies' Home Journal
On Sale Tomorrow
lifteen Cents a Copy, of All JsTews Agents
Or, $1.50 a Year (12 issues) by Mai!, Ordered Through Our Subscription Agents or Direct
Love's Philosophy
The fountains mingle with tha river
And the rivers with tho ooean,
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion t
Nothing in the world Is BUigle,
All things by a law divine
In another's being mingle
Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp ono another)
No sister-flower would bo forgiven
If it disdained Its brother;
And the Bunllght clasps the earth,
And tho moonbeams kiss the eea
WOiat aro all theso klsslngB worth.
If thou hjea not me?
Ter the following uteeatlone pent In W
readers of th Rtknino mdokb priite of-l
and SO tenti are awarded. ...
All lUKgeitlona aheuia be addressed to Ellen
Adair. Editor of Women' Pa?e. Btsnir
ureas, Independence Square, Philadelphia,
A priio of tl ho been awarded to Story
A, ISirinir, 8931 Notwoo1 itrcet, Oermnntown,
Tn.t for the follonlnff .suggestion t
I have found a splendid way to flnlah
tho bottom of chiffon sleeves. 1 Got one
yard of round elastic cut In four ctrlpa,
two for each sleovo. Shir stoove about
two Inohos from lower edgo in a small
tuck effect over tho cord. Insert tho other
cord about Inch above tlio nrst. Tms
makes- a dainty, pretty finish for chiffon
sleeves. Thov fit tlchtly on tho wrist
without tho bothor of using snap fasten
ers or hooks and oyes. Using tho selvcdgo
for edgo of the sleeves of rufflo makes a
prettier finish than a hem.
A prize of B0 cents has been awarded to
Srra. llnrrr W. Beobcr, 310 North Itoblnson
street, Philadelphia, for the following sug
gestion t
If you' want to keep pasto any kind of
paste for a long tlmo put In ft few drops
of folmaldehydo say about flvo drops to
the pint or ovon ton drops and stir it
well. Of oourse tho paste must be kept
in a covered bottlo or tin. I havpekopt
paBto in this way for four yearn without
having it turn sour or mold.
A prize of B0 cents hns been awarded to
F, n. CI., 210 New street, Spring City. Pa,,
for the following suggestion I
If a scrow in a lock becomes loose, put
a few drops of vinegar on scrow and
tighten. This will causo It to rust fast
and never looson again.
A prize of SO cents ha been awarded to
n Minnie Ftibcr, 3181 North BtU street,
Philadelphia, for the following soggcstlont
Get real fuzzy canton flannel, make a
bag and tie on broom. Sweep down doors,
window sills, Burbases and around rugs.
It is a clean and easy way to dust paints.
The Newest Coiffure
Milady has worn n high, tight coiffure
long enough. It is tlmo for flokle Fashion
to change, A rumor was heard that Mrs.
Vernon Costio's extraordinary and ex
treme stylo of boxing tho hair would be
come universal. Ju3t when the ultra
modern girl had reconciled herself to
having her tresses cut off nhort as a eao
rlflco on tho altar of fashion, along caino
another mandnto to savo tho day. Milady
will not only savo what hair sho already
possesses, but sho will wear curls and
puffs as well. If you havo kept the puffs
you used to wear, and the tiny ourls that
you had tickling the back of your neck,
you can consider yourself fortunato, for
the high cost of living has forced even
tho hair market to rise. Tho hairdressers
say the littlo curls are twisted In and
out of the chignon, which Is Just a soft
knot of hair at tho back of tho head.
A Pretty Evening Gown
Tho hotel here had Its biweekly ball
last night, and some of tho gowns were
really lovoly. It was altogether quite n
gorgeous gceno, and evory ono enjoyed
It immensely.
Elinor wore a perfectly bewitching
frock of crepo meteor, in n shade of
palest bluo-gray. Tho Bklrt woo bordered
with beaded laco, which extended half
way up tho wldo flounce at tho bottom.
The littlo bodice was sleeveless, and the
shoulder-straps wero of beaded lace,
caught on top with a small spray of chif
fon rosebuds.
Tho clrdlo wab also of beaded lnce,
finished with moro pink rosebuds.
My own gown was quite pretty. It was
in a very pale shade of pink ohlffon over
pink satin, In onvplro style. Tho electros
wero very tiny, and wero ornamented
with targe ohlffon bows on each should or,
whloh gave a very light touoh to tho
whole. The skirt hung straight and
ssvero from a black chiffon choux which
ornamented tho V-shnped opening at tho
back of tha shoulders, and a narrow lino
of blade Jet trimming' ran round tho
bodice and under the arms, coming abovo
tho. bust lino.
Excessive thinness can't be hidden in
theso days of revealing fashions. Tho
reasons for lack of weight ore varied.
For Instance, a woman who 13 in tho
habit of worrying herself day and night
over nothing at all seldom gives herself
a chanco to gain weight Then, too, It
often happens that a girl who is always
dancing, running around and eating at
odd hours will bo deplorably thin. This
is vory obviously durable, if sho is only
wllllnff to tako tho necessary measures.
As long as Lent is hero, and a goodly
number of amusements are curtailed,
why not put on a littlo weight If you aro
too thin?
In tho first place, you can't afford to
havo nerves If you are a thin girl. Don't
rush; try to remember that there are so
very few things which aro worth rushing
for, that It is not worth while to risk your
health ovor them. Nervousness, worry
and excitement have a definite and de
cided action on tho digestive fluids. Take
your food slowly, mostlcato each particle
thoroughly. Once you havo learned to
do this you will never hurry. Eat at
tho same tlmo every day, and don't eat
between meals.
This Is Just tho reason that most of our
Hg'i.ftll I ITFSS2-- Xi .-
m i"i I'i'i'ii irnrxaiiiiii' i .jrssmsim rff
Tho chiffon ovordress was cut wit '4
train, and this train I held up by nLA
of a long black velvet ribbon which w2l
adorned with quite large pink rose, !m1
fastened at ono end to the chiffon el
v., ,..u ,v tunning a long loop, (I
Tho aatin underskirt u ......,.
round tho bottom with o.blaok Jet trfc-'
Ono of tho girls in the hotel wer. i
.o.,, tunu ui stiver net over ten?
colored BaUn. Her shoes wr n.. .'
Bho woro a variety of silver ora&meaS
In tint, linl- .,. .. -. .. L
- -" "" mo ooaice of fee?
gown. i
Somo vory smart lace gowns were woa
too. Bklrta of laco are all fashioned iftl
many flounces Just now, most of th
iuuujui lrura a iiounco yoke, m
Ono oxqulslto frock was of flo
taffeta, with a littlo empire bolero
piain aiiK, ana mousquetalre eteeves, Hi
wns vory exclusive in d rs.il im m.. -,..JJ
wns nhlrrcd at Intervals nil the way goto
io jusu udoui u inencs above the knewJ
uuu. ii uni morn oprang out with a 4V J
cided flaro effect.
I am looking forward to tho neat cute.
U .- will, ., dv uv.iftilli.Ul, (J
young high school misses look so,aad)i
They dash out without breakfast thef
don't carry a lunch because of a fooling
prido, and thoy won't eat their suppttjn
Docauso thoy havo spoiled thejr appetite
by eating candy or a chocolate sun.T
down town after school. Tho T8ult te
very evident on their faces. Their eyeV
aro dull, their skin muddy and sallon,'
This Is by far a less attractive picture
than that of a fresh, healthy looking iftrl
with a lunch undor hor arm, It they couldl
only bo brought to reallzo It If tills little
schoolgirl's mother would only see that
her daughter finished her breakfast'tereTe1
leaving, and that she got to bed In tlmt
to get at least eight hours rest ana that
her lunch was plain and filling, tier
daughter's health and spirits would bs
different. There would bo no more croaj
answers and unpleasant BCcneB when A
correction was made. N
If tho thin girl would follow tho slmpls
directions for her diet which any physi
cian will glvo her such as eating plenty
of starch and sugar corapounds-anS
sleep, oat and cxerclso regularly, her
weight will Increase This won't happen A
all at once, ir you are run down, you
will ImitA i unlf lln ttl It a tin flu- netnliaa
up to tho normal standard before any lm.":
provement begins, hut If you keep at It
faithfully you are bound to get fat, unlet!
somo serious illness prevents.
-allaW ..AiSi8