ffiritger SPORTS FINAL SPORTS FINAL VOL. I-NO. 136 PRICE ONVH CUJtfT PUITjADELPIHA, 3? HID AY, liUdBItUAIlTrr 10, 1915 Cofieionr, 1018, r ina rustic Lidois Conf-ANt. i 'I 4 ft to 1 MIGHTY WAVE OF PROTEST AGAINST TRANSIT TRICKERY IS SWEEPING THROUGH CITY ''Finance Committee's h Knifing of Taylor I Plan Condemned in Every Section. Substitute Holds Out No Hope JOr APOI1WUU ua o-juiii ua- change and Gives Club Into Hands of P. R. T. Big Merchants Vehement. flJircctor Taylor Calls Movo Scheme of Land Speculators anil Declares "Jokers" Were Inserted to Incite Legal Doubts Warns People of Dire Effects. An awakened city today began a mighty wave of protest against tho trick try of Councils FInanco Committee yos- teray, when the Taylor plan for real rapid transit was killed In committee and a substitute filled with "Jokers" reported on tho floor of Councils by John P. Connelly, t.-nirw! nliii vitriolic con demnation for the deception schemed 'by the Finance omijimcc, wo ulu "- - 01 DUSllieoa booiw" -... ... In overy corner of Philadelphia today de manded "a pUDIIC aemonsiiuiiun usumai. the Republican Organization trick sprung en the people. v GIVES P. R. T. A "CLUB." Friends of the Taylor plan today de clared that the ordinance reported from the FInanco Committee yesterday gav the people of Philadelphia no hope for ih abolition of tho 8-cent exchange ff ticket1 and tho establishment of n unl- jt ersai j'vcih ibic iw . h . v- ...,,. . By the arrangement or me nuance Scommlttee'6 ordinance a club Is placed In the hands or tno i-nunucipnia uapiu Transit Company to enforce us own Wishes In any negotiations between the f.ctty and tho company for free transfers and the straight 6-cent fare. Director Taylor In his report to Coun--ells on February 11, 1915, stated: "I recommend that the construction of the Frankford and Darby elevated lines 1 be begun Immediately after the consum mation of the hereinafter recommended agreement with the Philadelphia Rapid JCransIt Cdmpany ,' Tho ordinances as reDorted from the ftjj'f7ilanci'Commltter -on- tho- -contrary,. B-V-wouId construct the Franford "IV first, PrttAto It for operation and, after con nections are made with tho Market street subway, then undertake negotiations with the Rapid Transit Company for a straight 6-cent fare. The possibility of operation 'by an independent company would have 'been .made Impossible through the con nections with the MarAet Street Subway, and Philadelphia would bo at tho mercy of the.RupId Transit Company In seeking any arrangements for the abolition of the l-cent exchange tickets, A public hearing before Councils be fore any action on the ordinance reported Is taken was demanded by the Market Street Merchants' Association, which met shortly after Councils adjourned. The association simultaneously Issued a call to all '"civic, business, trade and patriotic .organizations" In Philadelphia to Join In the revolt against the betrayal. Among those most vehement la their protests' against the Organization hold-up of the Taylor plans are tho leading mer- Concluded on Face Six THE WEATHER FAl R It Is hard, Indeed, sometimes not to succumb to a desire for general effects because of particular reasons. Thus, as . we have Intimated somewhat on previous occasions, were there no other considera tion at stake than merely Inspiration for una little weather talk, we could wish for nothing better than a blizzard or a s hurricane on alternate days. It would t fee so easy to discuss such mutt in .- Interestlnir manner with n minimum e MJfort, The same being the reason why fe'fcfl,. M...H V---1... .1.. - ... ... . -.., wnp wuu wo columns on the ' front page, while a survey of peace con ditions in times when they obtained 'WOuld WAt nhnnt torn lnA1..B m . , -- -- -w- ..... uiviica. icasuni things to write or read about are almost Mttvarlably prosaic The weather these ways Is Just about as nice as It could be. fc In IfiPf. tni nine' tn tnll. AU-.... -- ww ...wm tu mm tavuuli I'. evnaumi' For Philadelnhirt mi7 .,;.....';.. ft air today and tonight, slow rise in iftmperature throughout the day. ' For details, tee ttaaa a. y J-." el ru it A uwYuonj at rniiaaeipriia r-Srometr iSy ' " Northeast. 14 biilea' i &etpiutia 'uVt 'ar'h'aun! ::' '. uifflUQ temperature ..,..,..,,,.;,,..,. JJ Almanfir? nf ihn Tiav :1ShH-. '' ltP. m. u wim .. ......... t, ........ ...I1. n. m. Lirnna in Ttn ItnUtaA SuleHmd other vehicles Bl55p.ro. The. Tides tej!.i-i- .!. e .H tfr lomorrow, s.nti m CUESTKOT STREET TWHARV. 1" .'".- . .'?P-m. hr iia0ngw.. .it 111 a- m. ' iir wmutov B:QTa,ta, ttSDY IlLiND. ft tr , SWp. m. 4tr towMww .' ." .'.".il;::: 51. . SBBAKWA1E8I. fUr ... -.- .,,,,. S.llp. to. wiu.,.,......,!?!. m. liftaiLi f.U.S.i. STATE SENATOR EDWARD W. PATTON Until his election to tho Senate ho was for many years Select Coun cilman from the 27th ward. At a meeting of tho United Business Men's Association, held on Sep tember IB, he protested his loyalty to tho interests of tho pcoplo nnd pledged his vote as a member of Councils' Finance Committee and on tho floor of Councils to support the transit plans of Director Taylor. In a privato conversation yesterday, however, he said; "I worked against the Woodland avenue elevated road project." Tho Woodland avenue elevated road, a part of tho Taylor plan, would serve the pcoplo of Patton's senatorial district and afford them speedy, efficient nnd cheap transportation to and from tho heart of the city. chant princes of the city. The following are opinions given today by tucso men: Ellis A. Glmbel. of Glmbcl Brothers I think It Is n great mistake. It furnishes absolutely no service to tho district oast of Broad street. I don t think, the cltl zens of Philadelphia will stand for any Tlan that does not provide for that dls trlct. It will be tremendous Inconvenience fojthpusanis. of peoplo who start for homo from, snyrilih'"or 12frr'slrceV"ah'd Market. Some arrangement .will have to be made whereby a distributing loop, such as tho Taylor plan has, will bo provided for. It Is a great mistake. Jacob D. Lit, "of Lit Brothers I'm In JUDGE WILLSON'S RESIGNATION LIKELY Reported Ready to Quit the Bench Because of Impaired Health. Itumors were circulated In political circles today that tho resignation of Judge Itqbert N. Wlllson, president Judge of the Court of Common Pleas No. 4, would bo forwarded to Governor Brum baugh before the expiration of his term. This, it was reported, did not mean that he would wait until a few days before tho expiration of his term, but that tho formal resignation would bo forwarded tonight or Monday. Judge "Wlllson denied this afternoon that he had already sent the resignation, but admitted that resigning was a movo he contemplated. Ill-health, he said, would be the reason he would leave the' bench. Since November 25 he has been 111 at his home, 2 Spruce street. The resignation haa been rumored for monthsj but Associate Judges said today they had not heard he expected to leave the bench Immediately. Governor Brumbaugh will be called upon to All two vacancies In the Court of Common Pleas should Judge Wlllson resign. The .creation of a second vacancy would relieve the Governor of the necessity of choosing between can didates urged for appointment as succes sor to Judge Kinaey, who died a month ago, FRANKFORD MEN CONFER Spend Three Hours With Transit Di rector Taylor. A delegation representing the Frank ford Board of Trade and the Frankford Business Men's Association spent nearly three hours with Director Taylor this morning reviewing the details of tho transit program. Humors that the meet ing lacked harmony were strengthened by a statement Issued after the meeting by Perclval S. Woodln. attorney for the Board of Trade. Mr, Woodtn said; "A committee composed of members of the Frankford Board df Trade and the Frankford Business Men's Association t)ila morning held a twothour conference With Director Taylor In an effort to har monlzo the comprehensive plan of Direc tor Taylor with the needs of their sec tion. The Interview developed the fact that Frankford, aa usual, would be called upon to sacrlUco immediate betieUts for the sake of the city at large and future benefits. ?Th,U. of course, was not particularly pleasing to the members of the com mittee, although they expressed the opin ion that Frankford would probably be un. selfish In the matter arid continue to up hold the plapa of Director Taylor. They expressed themselves as having a keen appreciation of the courtesy and fair mindedness of tho Slroctor though not absolutely convinced of the future favor able outcome of his plans." Pennock Firm Receivership Judge Thompson, In the United States DUlrlct Court today, made permanent the appointment of Ira J. Williams as re ceiver for the contracting and building Arm of J. E. & A. U reanocij. The firm was placed In the hand of a receiver because. It was testified, Oevernmwit of ficials cut Son a claim of the company, jwevontinj it ftvfia gampIsUbc avefJ son Irastt, OltUNDV AND GOVERNOR f DISCUSS CHILD InVBOIl Head of Manufacturers nnd Mr. Brum baugh Confer on Measure. UAhiUSUUltG, Pa., Feb. lO.-Oovcrnor Brumbaugh had an Interview this utter noon with Joseph ft. Gundy, of BrlRtol, president of the Pennsylvania Manufac turers' Association, who presented to the Governor tho manufacturers' Ideas ns to the kind of a child labor law tho Legis lature should pass. Governor Brumbnuglt has had frequent inecttiign with members of child labor organizations, but up to this tlmo lms had no discussion with the manufacturers. The manufacturers, It Is said, arc not satisfied with tho Philips' bill, wnieli, When It was Introduced, was said to have tho npprovnl of tho Administration and the Governor himself Bald It might bo Improved. George V. Norrls, Director of Wharves, Docks and Ferries, of thjdclphln, will cotno to Itarrlsburg today for a meeting with tho Governor, who will not leave for his week-end visit to Philadelphia until tomorrow. ENGLISH CHANNEL TRAFFIC ORDER STIRS WASHINGTON Suspension Decree Affects American Shipping. WASHINGTON', Feb. lD.-Admlnlstra-tlon ofllclnls are greatly concerned over tho BrltlBh Admiralty order suspending nil trafllc in the Kngllsli channel. The extent to which the movements of Ameri can nnd other neutral ships will be re stricted was not made entirely clear In a cablegram from Ambnnsndor Pngp. On this point ofllclnls desired to be more fully cnllehtcncd. Tho decision suspending "all travel" raised the point whether American vessels touching England en route to ports on the Continent would be granted clear ance papers by the British authorities. SENATE INQUIRY PRORABLE INTO PENROSE ELECTION Movo for Probe of "Slush Funds" Likely to Be Resuscitated. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-Tho campaign expenses of Itogcr C. Sullivan, In lllluolo. nnd BoIe3 Penrose, in Pennsylvania, will probably bo Investigated by n Sciintc com mlttco ns tho result of action today. .Senators Tlced nnd Slutfroth, nbscnt Inst week, today sturtcd a poll to reconsider tho pigeonholing of the Noirls resolu tion. If Senator Brlstow votca ns he did last week the committee will stand three to two for tho resolution. NIEHOFF AT LAST FOUND Phillies' New Infielder Located in Louisville, Col. Since tho trade was completed by the Phillies with Cincinnati for Bort Nlehoff. who comes here In exchange for Charley Dooln, the local National League man agement hns been scouring the country for Us new man. It appears that Nle hoff's uddress was unknown to oven the Beds' manager, Cliarloy Ilcrzog. Tho mystery of Nlehoff was cleared to day when a letter was received' dt the Phillies' ofTlccs from lilm, 'stntliur that he was well and happy, dwelling In Louis ville, Col. Bert stated In his letter that he was glad to bo a member of the Phillies' club and would, report nt the training camp In St. Petersburg, Fla., on March 1. Nlehoff will go to the South di rectly by rail and not by boat with Business Manager Shettsllnn and hla band of Intrepid sailors. Nlehoff Is oxpected to be able to hold down second base for the Phillies In creditable style, although the fans In gen eral havo never heard of him except as a third Backer. KOLB BOOM FOR MAYOR Has Support of Many Independent Republicans. " Louis J. IColb, a closo friend of Gov ernor Brumbaugh and for years an Inde pendent Republican In politics, Is being conspicuously mentioned among the May oralty candidates for next fall. Mr. Kolb, who Is president of tho Kolb bakeries, was treasurer of the Martin G. Brum baugh Citizens' Committee, which organ ized for the election of Doctor Brum baugh last fall. Mr. IColb, although actively Interested In politics, has never held publio office. Thomas Martlndale, tn discussing the various Mayoralty candidates, said that Mr. Kolb, should he consent to run, would be assured of the support of a large number of the leading business men In Philadelphia. It was Mr. Martlndale who first suggested the namo of Doctor Brumbaugh as a gubernatorial possibility at a dinner In the Poor Richard Club, where the present Governor was speaking more than a year before his nomination. FLOUR $0 A BARREL Price Steadily Advancing and Bread Keeping Paco. Flour has gone up to J3 a barrel retail and to 13.50 a barrel wholesale. In tho last four days there has been an increase of 11.60 a barrel In the retail price. Wheat today went up as high as JI.C5 with pros pects of going higher. AVhero the end will be tho grain and (lour merchants do not say. In many small bakeshops bread has gone up to seven cents. In some shops it Is-J only six cents. The pig palters, it is said, are doing their utmost to keep It at live cents and for the time being are sue ceedlngs. This will last, they say, only so long as they uro still baking the flour that ttey contracted for at a low price months ago. When that Is exhausted, they say, they will have to boost the price of the lohf because they cannot afford 'to carry pn their shoulders the poverty of the whole city. WHEAT SOARiToVER NIGHT CHICAGO, Fpb. 19.-Iteports that Itussla Intended to seize her entire grain crop, although unconfirmed, today sent wheat up to J1.65 for May and Jl.Sfi per bushel for July futures. These represented overnight advances of IH and 2lfc cents per bushel, respectively. li i . ii BRIDEGROOM-ELECT IS 75 A marriage license was Issued today to John H- Cheetham, ago 75, of Reading, Pa., to wed Laura M. Hudson, ago 63, iiZi Cedar avenue. Mr. Cheetham has been a widower for ?ty years, while his Intended wife has been married twice before, her tjrst husband dying ln'ISSS and the second about eight years ago. Check Forger Sent to Jail Herbert S. Wilcox, who was extradited from Trenton two weeka ago, was today sentenced by Judge Little, In Quarter Sessions Court, xa a term of 10 mouths I to, the county proon on enargee or pass ing fraudulent checks at saeral"bz t& preuilneal lUi Sa tbt centre e th PENN FRESHMAN lfsmMWIS''w?wif Dougherty, of Penn, won tho shot put in tho dual meet between tho combined High School athletes and tho Penn Freshmen this afternoon. ' PRIZE FIGHTER QUITS RING FOR RELIGION AS SUNDAY'SCONVERT Stirring Scenes Fill Taber nacle as "Billy" Attacks Infidels and Deniers of Divinity of Christ 165 "Hit the Trail." Stirring scenes accompanied the "trail hitting" at tho "Billy" Sunday taber nacle, this afternoon. A prize-fighter came forward and gave his heart to God, decla-lng ho was "through with the ring." One man grasped tho evangelist's hand and said: "1'vo been on third baso for 20 ears. "Well, come on home," laughed "Billy," nftor which the roan's face lighted up and ho Bhouted: "You bet your life I will, Bill." Another man benring all the marks of sin plodded his way toward the glory rows, sobbing, nnd fell upon his knees In tho sawdust, weeping ns he prayed. On one side of him a good looking woman tried to pacify him. She put her arm around his shoulder and a prosperous looking man on the other side smoothed the head of the convert. The latter was nn aged man with iron gray hair who wore a Prince Albert coat and had much of the appearance of a manufacturer or Tho man woro bandages over a broken hand, and there wero cuts on his face. He told the usher ho had received the in juries In n bw.room brawl yesterday. The prize-fighter wbb Charles Tl. Lodge, of WlUlamstown, N. J., who la known in tha rini as "Jimmy Rodgera." The total number of converts was 165. The Rever end Dr. Flpyd W. TomklnB. Rector of Holy Trinity Church, spoke briefly to the "trail hitters" and offered the closing or ay cj Sunday's sermon was an earnest appeal to men and women to believe In the divin ity of Christ. People who deny that Christ was the Son of God. the evange list said, would fall Into the pits of hell unless they believed In the Redeemer and Hla death on the Cross. "They call me blasphemous," Bill shouted, "I preach aod'a word. Those dirty scoundrels who attack me are the blasphemers." The various "isms" all received thrusts from the evangelist. Sunday also at tacked the Unitarians, Among other things, Sunday said; "It was the Unitarians of His day that stoned Him and they are stoning Him Continued on Pafe.Tno CONAN. DOYLE REGRETS BOOK "TIP" TO GERMANY LOXDOV. Feb. 19. Sir Arthur Ootiqn Doyle, tho Eng lish author, la reported to le much grieved at the suggestion that tha Gorman idea of a submarine block ade of Great Britain was borrowed from his story, "Danger," which tcq published last spring. The Doyle story told hou the mythical country of Norland, em ploying lust such means as Germany is now using, reduced England to starvation. Sir Arthur declares that it is ex tremely painful to think that anything- he had written should be turneil opatnsf Uls country. Jlis story was written with the purpose of warning the nation of a danger that ha sao hanging over it. and in the booh ha pointed out methods by which that danger could be averted. At the lime of writing, luiwever, he had concluded, after careful study of tha situation, tiiat tho submarine in Its sr4ttt farm teat incapable the retvlts Oepiotsd. WEIGHT STAR 150,000 RUSSIANS . EAST PRUSSIA LOSS, BERLIN'S INTIMATE Germans Capture Taurog gen. in Poland, Austrians Cernowitz, B u kowina Capital New Slav Of fensive Launched. Berlin's oTflclal estimate, of Russian losses In tho East Prussian campaign has Increased to 150,000. Petrograd, however, today denied the former Ger man statement of tha capture of 64,000 prisoners. The capturo of Tauroggen, In Po land, 18 miles northenst of Tilsit, in East Prussia, Is announced In today's communlquo from Berlin, Terrific German assaults along tho Poland battle line from one end to the other, at Serpez and Augustowo, 300 miles apart, are acknowledged In to day's report. Unofficial dispatches state that Grand Duke Nicholas has re ceived 300,000 reinforcements to halt the admitted German advance from East Prussia. Vienna officially reports capture of Czernowltz. Tho ItUBsian retreat from the Bukowlna capital toward Nov oslellcka, across tho Russian border, has given the Austrians' a gain of 75 miles, Petrograd admits retirement beyond the Pruth River, In Bukowlna, but speaks of successful counter offensives' to Incessant Auatro-German attac'kB farther west in the Carpathians', and of maintaining a foothold In Hungary at Svldnllt. Heavy fighting Is In progress In the Vosges. where the French have re newed their offensive against Metz. Tho Paris War Office declares that two Ger man infantry attacks wero repulsed, but tha Germans claim the capture of Hill No. 600. Tha Germans also, report the capture of trenches on the road be tween Arras and Lille and the repulse of French attacks near Combles east of Verdun, CZAR'S EAST TRUSSIA LOSS . 150,000, BERLIN REPORTS Five Corps "No Longer to Be Reckoned With, BBRIIN. Feb, 19. Further reports con cerning the German victory In the Mazu rlau Lakes district make It apparent that tha Russian defeat waa moat severe. It was officially stated here today that it may be doubted whether much remains of about five Russian corps. The following statement was Issued by the official German news bureau, In thin connection While they may have saved much of their artillery, through their quick re treat, It see ma certain tha,t at least 1(0,000 Russian troops are no longer to be reckoned with. The clearing at Bukowlna. of the Rus sians is declared to be a complete vic tory on the other wing. This, together With the expected successes from the operation la the w&ttra around the Brit ish Is, has resulted In a, very confidant tttltvKie oa the part of the Qavcroattot Ufluwiyd W'ipapn. TODAY'S BASKETBALL RESULTS West Philadelphia High School. . . 16 Atlantic City Hi)gh School 34 . West Phila. High, 2d , 13 A. C. H. S. Class Champions. ..... 23 Germantown Academy '. ,15 7. 22 De Lancey School 9 7 lg Northeast High School 16' 23 30 St. Joseph's College... 13 15 28 Northeast High, 2d 10 9 19 St. Joseph's 2d '. 6 6 12 Germantown Friends' School 18 14 32 Friends' Select School 8 8 16 Chester High School....' 8 13 21 Media High School 12 10 22 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS STAR AGAINST PENN FRESHIES Central HifjluAthlcto Wins in Finals of 20-yard Dash. The good work of Central High School's dash men In the llrst two events gnvo tho combined high schools nn early lead over tho Unlvorslty of Pennsylvania Freshmen In their dual truck meet this afternoon In the crimson and gold gym nasium. The record for tho 10-lap race was lowered two-fifths of n second by Max Nearing, of tho Penn Fresh team. He was forced to tho limit by Henry, Mc Hale and Balney, all of Central High School, who finished second, third and fourth in the order named. In the final heat of tho 20-yard dash, E. Smalley, of Control High, reached tho tape first. Wcldel, of West Philadelphia High: Gadd, of Central High, and GUI, of Penn Fresh, finishing In the order named. E. Smalley also captured tho three lap race. Gadd was second with Hodgcrs, of Northeast High, third, and Wharton, or Penn Fresh, fourth. The summaries follows: Twenty.ynnl dnsh first, won by E. Smal ley. Central Hljh School; second. Crane. Tcnn Freeh. Time. 2 4-ft feconaj. Second heat Won by QUI, Penn Frcah: eoc ond, tlo betftceti Cadd. of Central Hljh School, nnd Ibs, of l'enn Fresh. Time, - 4-3 sec onds. Third heat-Won ly Thlbauld, Tenn Fresh: second, tVeldel. Weft Philadelphia High School. Time, ." cconln. ..final, hrat-Won by K. Smalley, Central lllah School; second, Wcldel, West Philadel phia .HlBh School; third. Cladd. Central Hlh School; fourth, GUI, Penn Fresh. Tlmo. S 4-3 seconds. Three-lap race Won by E. Smalley. Central ltlith School; second, Cadd, Central Hleh fachool; third, Itodgers, Northeast High School: -fourth, Wharton, Tenn Fresh. Time, S3 1-5 veconds. Shot.put Won by Dougherty, Penn Fresh; second, rtlley. Central High School; third. Dehor, Wnt Philadelphia High School: fourth, Butler, Central High- School. Distance, 41 ft. 14 In. Ten-lap race Won by Xearlng, Penn Fresh; second, tlenry. Central High School: third, Mc llale. Cential High School; fourth, lllaney. Central High School. Time, 1:581.5 (new record), HUh.Jump-.Wnn-.by. (Crane, -Term , fresh;, second, tie between Hampton, Central lr.h School; JtoBertaon. Central Hlfth School; Thabault, Penn fresh: Hopkins, Penn fresh, and Waltc, Penn fresh. Heights, S feet 8 4.3 Inches. Two-mile run Won hy J.tfkens. Central High School; second. Brooks. Penn fresh; third. -McCormlck. West Philadelphia High School; fourth, Irwin, West Philadelphia High School. Time, 10 nitnutes SO 1-3 seconds. StandlnR broad Jump CIVon by Knox, Penn fresh; second. Crane, Ponn fresh: third, Trt Ibault. Penn fresh; fourth; rtlley. Central High School. Distance, ti feet 10 Inches. PENN VARSITY NINE TRIMS THE SCRUB SQUAD Play Seven-inning Game in Spite of Cold Weather. In spile of the cold weather the varsity and scrub baseball teams of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania staged a seven-Inning garno on Franklin Field this after noon. Although both sides made the same number of hits, six each, the var sity made theirs count to better advan tage and won by tho score of 4 to 2. It wan the first tlmo this week that "Sunny" Mann, the, veteran second base man, was on the field. He fielded In his usual brilliant style, and also hit the ball hard. At the close of the practice game Coach Thomas tried out several Infield combinations. Ex-Captain Sherwood Ma gee, of the Phillies, was on the field and assisted Thomas In batting out files and Infield grounders to the team. Magee says that until he goes South for spring practice with his team he Intends to take advantage of the opportunity and work out as often as he can with the Quaker candidates. The Penn players ex pressed their pleasure at having Mngee Join the staff of volunteer coaches from the local professionals. The varsity and scrubs lined up as follows: VAnsiTT. scnun. Johnson, c., Koons, c, Wallace, n. Hare, p. Munroe.- lb. Wray, lb. Slann. Cb. Dise. Vh. Jlyskens 3b. - Kane, .3b, White, 3b. WdMler, a. (Moors, sa Andrews, 8b. Hlncksen, If. Simpson, U. Hopkins, If. Murray, cf. Munlock, cf. Barclay, rf. atatchett. rf. Tha scorn by Innings: n.H.E. IVarslty ....,,..,..,. a o 1 0 n o 0 t a l Scrub ,...,.- 10 0 0 0 0 1-V 0 U STEAMSHIP CAPTAIN TELLS . OF DESTROYING SUBMARINE Overdale Lost Propeller Blades in Collision With German Craft. BAIVTIMORE, Feb. 19. Running over what he believes to have been a German submarine while bound from Liverpool In ballast and sinking the underwater enemy and, In so doing; breaking off two blades of the propeller of his own vessel, was tho oxperienco told today by Cap tain J. W. White, of the British steam ship Overdale. which arrived here today. "We left Liverpool on December !$." said Captain White. "On January J. dur ing a tremendous sea, we struck: the other vessel, stripping pre two oiaaes of the Overdale. Nothing tame to the surface and tho vessel must have sunk at once. The damage to my own ship required our immediate return to Queenstown. where repairs took JO days." Released, and Rearrested Released from a criminal charga n Jhe Quarter Sesstona Court, thla afternoon. "William. Nolan, of ) Jllgtj street, was Immediately arrested agalu, accused of larceny;. He was taken to Heading-. Pa., where be ia said to have stolen candy and clears. Bad Flue Causes Fire A detective flue aue4 a uuaU Sr eirh" this morulas in the Avenua Hoisl. S North. Delawara av6Att gmk)m -tiaakltjksd tha Mara. flMi tuast-i wr net enUogrt TWO VESSELS FALL VICTIMS TO SUBMARINE German Undersea Raiders Rip Norwe gian Tanker and Damage French Ship Norse Liner Almost Sinks ia- Channel French Craft Hit Off Dieppe Destroyers Rush to Chase Enemy's Tor- ' pedo Terror. LONDON, Feb. 19. Germany's "bread war" has begun. One neutral ship 'has been struck by a submarine nnd a French liner crippled. Thus far British craft have escaped damage. But Britain, fully aware of the danger, has suspended all traffic between Eng land and the Continent. -A- vaBt "ring of Iron" guards tho British Isles, the greatest fleet Britain, haa ever assembled now patrolling tho waters. Germany's war of starvation Is b.elpg waged by bqth submarine and Zeppelin. Already with but two days'' operation lt; h'as "cost' "tha raiders "trie) loss pf two powerful dirigibles. ""'" Tho Norwegian steamship Belridge, from New Orleans to Aniotofdam, wa torpedoed In the English Channel. . The vessel wns struck late last nlghti This Is tho first neutral vessel hit since the war zone .order went Into effect. The French liner Dlnorah was torpe doed by a German submarine early to day whllo en route Jlo Dunkirk from, Havre, within a few miles of Dieppe. There was no warning given. However, the force of tho torpedo was partly lost and only a hole was ripped In -the side below the water line, and the crew, with pumps, succeeded in keeping her afloat until she reached Dieppe. Word was also flashed to tho French naval baso at Cherbourg and a fleet ot French destroyers was dispatched from, that port In search of the German sub marine, Following the torpedoing of the IHno rah It was announced that sea traffic be. tween Dieppe and England would be dis continued immediate. The Dlnorah is) a vessel of 2X2 tons. She was formerly owned by an Austrian steamship, 'com paliy. The Bclrldge has been towed to IVa! mer. 10 miles north of Dover, wherw she has been beached. Eighteen mem bers of the crew ant. the Admiralty pilot are missing and may have been drowned. The Belrldgo wo,a In tha channel wheni a sudden violent explosion stood her al most on her beam epds. Her plates Tiad been atove In below the water line. Tho captain Immediately started his pumps, but the tanker waa making water so faat that 'soon her lower dock waB awash. Her fires wero drawn In time to prevent a boiler explosion nnd when It seemed certain that the vessel was about tu founder tho captain ordered the boats lowered and the pilot and IS men got In and left. A force of, volunteers re mained with the captain, and just when It appread that the tanker was going to sink two Dover tugo came In sight. They cot lines across' to the badly damaged vessel and began to tow her to "Walmeri tho nearest point. All of the advices received here area that the German blockade Is belns en forced from the air and under the tea and that the German fleet Is not par tlclpatlng. Zeppelins are patrolling tha North Sea and watching for vessels with cargoes of foodstuffs. Following the hold ing up of the Dutch steamship Helen by a Zeppelin which, after ascertalnlns tha identity of the ship, signaled It to psfts ' ' , i., i. . ii.. Continued on fare Two TJIREE ROBBERIES REPORTED The disappearance of a diamond brooch valued at $340 from the home of J.Irs. Bertha lolance. S33 Fnlrmeunt avenu) -was reported to the police tl-y. There was no evidence that entry Into the bouse had been forced. Sneak thieves went Into the home, oj Frank Rettevv, 1519 West Lehigh avenue, and found a pocketbook containing $109 that Mrs. Rettew had left on a table. When Julius Solomon, a, pawn broVer at 1SW North 'th street, went tg hla safe for money for a loan ha found Ilt5 ha had put In the night before mlssinj:. The, Kenslngtonlan Says; Benjamin Ruberts'.eln, the popular young fruit roenant. p' Front ttttat, haa the. dlitlnttlojpjf being the ywnswt member of the newly formed K-imaiBgf-ton Retail Business Men'e AoclniUw. and as he Is a sura hustler he !. um to make things hum. XQST, A.WD FOtfNp . WJST-.Wt Uoos will 14. rtwuj-t ii, le vlm of MMUa aaU tttdat OnfBleh wa tui& as EmIi J.i" ba.rui t6.s f Osaiif MT;. WMi -ft. Finale IMlUlM. ripiai 1AT -!.,. vm-vi -"HT" '' OX 39 P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers