wjiiii mum imi ww.ijyw jiifiim WVyKW TFTt 1 EVENING LEDGER-lHIIiAl)ELPSIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1915: t S3LIAL IDDINGS dllG BO WWPMBWWWUjmiPP s- 2K2Z 0 tn ajjM - EissssJ ' " ' r - yi Jl isl -m MB A III y-!r3 EI- 1-(( V IE g? ' ft--''T ik ., f.n.n ctnaa lias been formed by a ComrbllUo tlint attended tho Mission Study u at Nortlidfild, Mnss., Inst yenr. Tho clnsa Wl every Thursday morulnit nt tho homo WtiL Carl U. Martin. TMO Pine street. Lr i... il,,,io -Mlno Mnnrv Striken. wmnm """-.--... v::u.. ; i Emilld Uuvnt wiinarn", .mes u.uui iiu i ... .. ir.... H ATlad Alnfv nlnvlon. IfiJilsS Minor i""""i ....... . . &KIIiabclh Deans and Miss Mary Paul. M.nh narllnalon Wilkinson, of 6301 l ' . i. will entertain at bridge today. Tho fl-u Wi Includo Mrs. J. B. Stustln. Mrs. E. a,. -r T.niimncn inn or. airs, jonn Sftt trj, Bob niy, MrB. "William Donogre. rJrturles Brown, Miss Errjlllo Frlckc, Mrs. Irt.J""" .. .. . -r..l ,l. Mo... RrB Dy Eiy. ''1I8S uriu;u """ "" Wtt, Mlas Dorothy Burgess, Miss Louisa FSJO, MWS '""'" """ ffri, Brant Steele, ivho has bean vlsltlnu her W-ln-law and daughter, Mr. nnd Sirs. Hollls- Bturs. t their homo In St. Martin's, -will "&. on gaturday to'hor homo at Herndon, Va. :& Eiith ratton, daughter of Mrs. Alexander llwv .,,. f US South 18th street, will en- m"r'""- : ... . .... ..,.,... kAi!a at luncheon toany. 'i' " "" kSwIll be assisted by her mother, and tho fSU will Include Mrs. J. Leello Davis, Mrs. fir - ..., m. r! I. Smith. Jr.. Mrs. Bob- n ...v. Mrs. Daniel B. Eckort. Mrs. Barry 3S and' Miss Helen Smith. Miss Patton will ftb entertain at luncheon tomorrow, hen her Seats will Includo miss i-noeuo "ever, w '5i ..nrt! Miss Marsaretta Craig, Mrs. Bo- lul Pollock. Mlas Mildred Shattuck. Mrs. ftjitln Close, MISS ifannoiumaw, mm. wirno . aSaas and Mrs. C. Weymouth. '. and Mrs. Henry S. Grove, who havo been .i 11.. in-r nt Palm Beach, will re- 5fL. . . - p 1,,a.i. Tntnahnnlnn taja to their nomt,f -u ' ul...v.. feet, tomorrow fw. Frederick Jost, of 1304 Pino street, will it home this afternoon after 4 o'clock and otter Thursdajs during February ana Marcn. Hie will b assisted by her mother, Mrs. Wll JUM luse"r Capp, Mrs. J. Gray Bolton and JIUi Anna u. uonon. ft. Tlilward Farnum Lavell. of 1 South 23d Rmt. will entertain at bridge on Saturday TOX at her home. hSL Woreneo Knowles. of 1918 Pino street, has U hr guest Miss Warner, of Baltimore, Md. ri.. t.i T Mnrcnn. of Ambler, head of Horticultural School for Women, Is in wHslneton attending tho annual conference of SJ Eastern Fruit Growers' Association. IJfo and Mrs. Joseph B. Bldgo havo postponed tWirtilp South for n week on account of Mr Sdje's illness. Bi: iTis nrellmlnary meeting of tho Lenten sewing 3tuT)rganlred by Mrs. T. Hudson BIch took JteV'Vfstcrday nfternoon at Christ Church giljrtl HoJso Instoad of tho homo of Mrs RJeh. as the latter has been ill. The members jfthls clas Include Mrs. Barton Cooko Hirst. il James deW. Cookman, Mrs. Albert E. Room, Sirs. Charles Heath Bannard, Mrs. alsruder Craighead, Miss Frnnces'Clark, Miss Bertha Clark, Mlsa Mary Wlrgman and Miss K'rlan L. Boyd. : ALONG THE MAIN LINE miBBnooK-Mr and Mrs. PhlllD A. Castner, cfVyan'wood avenue, will leave tomorrow for a two weeks' trip to Atlantic City. Lfo and Mrs. Peter T. Hallahan, of 6323 Jjwyood tad, aro spending February In Au ptta, Go. MlM Eleanor H. Graham Ketcham. daughter Jfjltrj. Benjamin Ketcham, Jr., of tS79 Drexel jojt who is spending a short time In Washinc tjJ.Hlll return home tho early part of next tide U-Mr. and Mrs. Isaao W. Roberts, of fcjwdon. and Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. Clark, of wuthby, left today for a week's visit in Wl Placid. N. Y. &, Harrlaon B. Wight, of St. Asaph's rec- l5Ti will return tho end of this week from Rffflj York, whero eh is visiting her cousin, aoyai Whitman. o that city. JKUbN-STr. and Mrs. William L. Suppiee. of BthM lane, are soendlnK- February in Wrgla. m. and Mrs. M. J. McMenamln. of Sunken WWdena. will leavo this week for a visit to . Va. w "fWOHK-Mr. and Mra. Geoffrey S. Earn- ' ' tAncaster pike, aro receiving oongratu- 20na on th birth nf n Hni,r.htr lltlU Mlas f?7y Heiallnd P!Arnniw 1rn .rmliiw will fojuaerabered as Miss Mary U Harrington. IK. ul Spencer, of Glenn road, is spending 2(Wk n Nw York as tha guest of her . Mrs. William Radford. t GERMANTOWN ii" Dorothy Burcess. of tito Germantown Kg". wlj leavo on Sunday for Augusta, Ga., , will be tho euest of her sister, Mrs. S Jarvey, for several weeks. V JPh D. Wilkinson, of S301 Knox stroet. 4tertaia at brldgo tomorrow afternoon. guests will be present. S "t tho Wilson Studio of Mualo will i'ineert this evening In tho hall of tho "i vernon Park. suileal program, which has been arranged M be played by Melvln B. Goodwin, or- the Westsldo Presbyterian Church, A place this evenlnff. Tho assisting ill b Milton J. Deacon, who will sing from "The Prodigal Bon," Tho recital WW under tha auanleea of thft Organ Club. Margaret Curran, of Andover, Mass., aS hn k. .... . m tat fr.l n.iinl. ?at Cheltcn avenue, (or several weeks, Ktorned to her home. r Edward Dowling, of 035 Germantown t io naa been spending b, rew oays in pUadtlptiia, has returned to her home A. iv ...'. . . .. ....! t ka left for Toronto, Canada, for a short. ALONG THE READING ""in i nntanhuusa. who ha been llast uf Mj, Tvk-.ton sinkltr. of Thora- f' tni r,rk Ifll 0V)rat 4sjK, -a 8S- turn to hor home at 017 North nth street, Har rlsburff, May. Mrs, Itlttenhous'e, It will bo remembered, was Miss Anno Canntll Cochran, of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Carlln, of Mather ave nue. Jenklntown, had as their guests over the week-end Mrs. Carlln's mother and brother, Mrs. Katharine Baney and Phillip J Baney, of Providence. It. 1. Mm." Carlln will spend this week-end at Atlantic City. Mlso Helen Greenfield Klauderi of 609 North 7th street, Logan, will leave tomorrow for New York. Saturday she will attend the 100th Night dance at tho West Point Military Academy. Miss Klaudor'a engagement has very recently been announced to Cadet Charles P. Flnley, of Tioga. Tho Review Club, of Oak Lane, gave Its mid year muslcale yesterday afternoon In Marshall Hall. Program numbers were rendered by Mrs. Katharlno G. C. Wales, soprano; Mtsa Helen Penroso Donlevy, harpist; Mrs. W. Day ton Shelly, pianist; Mrs. James Campbell and Miss Irene Yeager rendered several vocal duets, Mrs. I. B. Eltlnge was tho accompanist. The committee In charge were Mm. A. Taul do Salino, Mrs. Gertrudo Hayden Ternlcy, Mrs. 1. B. Eltlnge, Mrs. Benjamin Saddlngton, Mrs. A. H. Jones, Mrs. Edwin M. Abbott, Mra. George W. Stevenson, Mrs. William Rltter, Mrs. Thoo doro Stengel, Mrs. A. C. Read, Mrs. Walter Wood. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. William J. Jennings and her sister, Mrs. Crawford J. Karnes, entertained at lunch eon and brldgo esterday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Jennings, 4915 Walton aenue. Their guests Included the members of their bridge club and a few additional guests, uho were Mrs. R. Walter Peterson, 3d, Miss Florence Elliott, Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs. Harold D. McAneny, Mrs. Arthur Baker, Miss Leona Frances Zurn, Mrs. William Bakr, Mrs. Horry Freund, Mrs. Sllven Woods, Mrs. Jesse D. Ellis, Mrs. L. L. Davis, Miss Gladys Mc Carthy and Mrs. Ralph Harcourt. of Atlantic City. Harry Eaton, of 6337 Vine street, after a 10 day's vacation at home, has returned to college at Cornell Unlverelty. Miss Anno McKnlght, of 213 St. Mark's Square, will entertain her bridge club this nftornoon. Tho members Include Miss Florcnco Elliot, Mrs. Charles Elliott. Mrs. Walter Peterson, Miss Edna Wller, Miss Marjorlo Morris, Miss Leon Ido Daget, Mrs. Warren Moss, Mrs. Albert Stuotz, Miss Romalne Taylor, Mlas Helen Dunn, Miss Helen Roberts, Miss Gladys McCarthy, Miss Kathryn Mortlmoore, Mlsa Dorothy Mortl rnoore, Mrs Harold McAneny, Mrs. Lceman Browne and Miss Florence Reed Mr. and Mrs Henry F. Mlchell. of S343 Chest nut street, who have been In Bellalre, Fla., for the past mouth, will return home tha end of the wetk. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Fillmore. Frishmuth, of 4045 Pine street, will go to Atlantic City lleIt Wednesday to be present at the wedding of Mlsa Reba Bowne Haines to Charles Haldeman Long, streth, which will tako place at noon that day. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frishmuth will entertain Mrs. Slgmund Lubln at dinner. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Anna Crowley, of 2330 South 17th street, entertained at a Valentine party last night. Those present were Miss Anna Tobln, MIsb Helen A. Hammon, Miss Florence Hammon, Miss Sara Trotter, Miss Winifred Nellman, Miss Margaret Clements, Mr and Mia. W Franger, Mr. and Mrs James Jonos, Miss Nan Mohlan, William J. Kane, Edward Mahler, Frank Schneider, John Purfleld, John M. Flana gan, William Ti otter and It E O'Sulllvan, of Now York. Tho Rara Avis Sewing Circle tendered a sur prise linen shower to Miss Reba Bahoff, 327 Jackson street, Saturday night, February 13, Those present were Mlsa Reba Levy, Miss Frances Levinson, Miss Mary Mclln, Miss Ida Cohen, Miss Dora Erlck, Miss Lonora Byron, Mies Anna Duckett, Miss Rose Cohen, Miss Sophia Cohen, Miss Anna Scharf, Miss Dora Bahoff, Miss Sylvia Llchtensteln, Dave Barsh, Herman Sherman, Samuel M. Schwartz, Abra ham Barsh, William V. Bahoff. Jack S. Bahofr, Myer Rosenberg, Albert Scharf. Dr. and Mrs. R. U Cuttlor, of Camden; Dr. and Mra. M, Segal, of Camden; Mr. and Mis. A. Bahoff and Mr. and Mrs, B Blchovaky. Mrs. William Clark, of 1937 South street, will entertain this afternoon at a "Koffeo Klotch," after which the guests will new for the poor. They will include Mrs. John Hutchinson, Mrs. William Webber, Mrs. Samuel Mellln, Mrs. Jane Clark and Miss Rose Borkln. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darofr, of 1SU No-th 33d street, entertained at cards, followed by supper. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J, Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.iS. Goldman, Mr. and Mra, 11. Miller, Mr. and Mrs, Finberr, Dr, and Mrs. D, J, Soltsman, Mr, and Mrs. David Fleet, Mr. and Mra. William Kamens, Mr, and Mrs. If. 'Greenebaum, Mr. and Mrs, S. Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. M, Wuriel, Mr, and Mrs. H, Merlacho wlts, Mr, and Mrs, John Davidson, Mr. and Mra, Louis Frankel, Mr. and Mrs. A, Davidson, J, Robinson, Louts Daroff, Miss Rose Daroft and Miss Elizabeth Daroff. The progressive "M0" party given by Miss Esther Beers, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Beers, of 1604 North iti street, was followed by a novel Valentine supper. Red hearts, red flowers and valentines formed the decorations and flowers. The guests were Mlsej Marian Clark, Miss Eltanor Wood, Mlas Gladys Daw son. MUs Hazel Torrance, Mlas Haltn Connor, Mlsa Marian Riley, Miss Mildred Beauchamp, Miss Helen AVeyman, Miss Marie Green, Mle4 Mary Merclcley, Mlsa Beatrice Whiteside, Mis Marian Benson, Mlas Ray Stelor, Miss Rachel Prooat, Mlas Bather Johnstone. Mlaa Florence Caasln. Mia Marjorle Evan, Mia Irene Rau, Mlsa France Miller, Frank Bower, Louis Bigel, Johu Squire. David Jester, Robert Freeman, Frederick Boatlek, Walter aoahrlng,' William Kimaet. Wallace Cooper. Roy Bell, Oswald Race, Qharlta Ester, 0wie Keen, Chart R Al bert Beer. Jr-. Edward Blthtn, JTredwick 9Uhn. Lcul 80hr and RutaeU Tayle. ffiT(?irri"'''' ' MISS DOROTHY Miss Johnstone will, entertain the "Chow" 2121 Morris FIRST REGIMENT BALL Guard of Pennsylvania to Give Ball on Washington's Birthday. Imitations have been Issued for the annual review nnd military ball of the 1st Regiment Infantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania It will bo held In tho Armory. Broad nnd Cullo hlll streets. "n the nlaht of Washington's Birthday. Tcbrunry 22 It l requested that all military guests will appear In uniform Major Jofleph Klipp Nlcholls Is chairman of tho com mittee. Tho Honorary Commlttco Includes Brigadier General A. C MnrMey, V S. A.. Captain Jamc3 D HclslnRcr, U. S. A , Captain Paul McCook. USA, Captnln Harry Coopor, V. S A ; Captain Chnrlos C. Allen, tT S A : Captain Francis H. Strong, V. S A ; Lieu tenant Edward G. Elliott, V. S A ; Lieutenant Townscnd Whelcn. USA. Major Gonorul James W. Lnttn. Major General Wendell I'. Bowman, Brigadier General II Dale Benson. Brigadier General Theodore E. Wledorshelm. Brigadier General Chambers StcKlbbln, Brig adier Gencial Sylvester Bonnffon, Brigadier General J. Lewis Good, Boles Penrose, D. Ncw Iln Fell, Robert on Moschzlsker, r. Amedee Brogy, Edwanl A. Anderson, John M. Patter son. Bernard Gilpin, C Stuart Patterson nnd Colonel Alexander P. Colesberr Tho patronesses of tho nffnlr Include Mrs Daniel B. Bower, Mrs Richard M. Cadwalader. Mrs. C. Howard Clark, Jr. Mrs. Percy II. Clark, Mrs. J. Leslie Davis, Mrs Walter Lang don Eustls, Mrs. T. Charlton Henry, Mrs, Phil ander C. Knox, Mra. Howard W. Lewis, Mrs. J. Kearaley Mitchell, Mrs Alexander Patton, Mrs. George Reynolds, Mrs. J. Pcrclval Rob erts, Mis. Henry II Thompson, Mrs. Wllllnm D. WInsor and Mia. Rollln Wilbur. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA A birthday surprlso party was given Mlas Re becca Dyner by her friends at her home, 730 Master street Those present were Mr. and Mrs N. Dyner. Mr. and Mrs J. Segal, Miss Esther Saltzman, Miss Cella I'ruchtcr. Miss Dorothy Fels, Miss Hose Rosenberg, Miss Saiah Saltzman, Miss Minerva E. Dner, Miss Itosa Blnnlstock, Miss Frances Becker, Miss Ethel Dyner and Miss Marlon Segal, Mcssis. J. U Whartman, B A. Mascl, N Blueatelii, Harrj Glatsteln, Morris Sharp, Albeit Goldnmn, It. borfman, Harry Djner, Dr Jack Silvers, Morris J. Root, Dr. Benjamin Vine, Sol Greenberg, Samuel Fruchter, Samuel Kolkln, Joseph Segal and David Greenberg. Arrangements on an extensive scale have been made for a danco nnd package party which will be given next Saturday evening at 114 West Glrard avenue, under the auspices of tho Pro gressive League of the Hth Ward. Mrs Clara Ettlnger will be In charge of the affair and George W Splelman. president of the league, heads the Committee on Arrange ments rati r Uticu MISS ANNA WETHERILL- Miss WetheriU, who Is tha daughter of Mrs. George B. WetheriU, is an extremely popular member of the younger set. sW9 flWBBIHHBEBnSw-EaHBeBBll JOHNSTONE Club nt n danco tonight, at her home, street. CHARITY AFFAIRS Play Will Be Given at Mercantile Hall on Monday for Charity. "Betsey Trotwood's Tea Party" will be pre sented by prominent Jewish women of this city on Monday night, February 22, In Mercan tile Hall In aid of chnrltj The play was writ ten by Miss Mildred Tll, a sonlor In tho Girls' High School, and almost tho entlra dialogue Is composed of quotations from the works of Dick ens. Mrs. William Mason Hindi ttIH Imperson ate Mlsi Betsey. Othcrx In tha cast ale Mrs. Felix X. Gerson, Mrs. Gabilel Blum, Mts. Sinn ley Goldsmith, Mis. Leon Men:, Miss Clalro Bachman, Mrs Hnrry S Knlui, Mrs Walter D. Dnlslmer, Mrs. Frank A. Pfnelrcr, Mrs Morris B. Majcr. Mrs Simon Kutz, Mrs. Isaac H Vendlg, Mrs Harry J. Blssluger, Mrs. Jarob Well, Mrs S IC. Louchhclm. Mrs. Willis Flclshor. Mrs Max N Aaron, Mrs Dald Klrschbaum, Mrs Leo B. AVolf, Mrs. Philip Rosennu, Mrs Arthur Bamberger, Mrs Angelo Mers, Miss Rosalind Bamberger, Miss Dorothy M. Well, Miss Hazel B. Aaron. Miss Uuth Klrschbaum. The play will be followed by an old fashioned minuet, In which tho following will participate: Miss Rosalie Dannenbaum, Miss Mildred Singer, Mls Rose Hirsch, Mlas Aline K. Sells, Miss Charlotte l'eustmnnn, Miss Elizabeth Soils, Miss Edith Llcbermnn, Miss Ruth Stelnbarh, Henry K. Coons, Walter Roasbach, Slnnloy Snellen burg, Horace Horner, Henrj L. Lang, M. Strp pachor, H. Wlmpfhelmer and Frank Wleder. The reception committee: Mrs. Joseph N. Snellenburg, Mrs Nathan Oaurn, Mrs Hnrry S. Bohal, Mrs. Lee S V -ers, Mrs E. W. Dannen baum, Miss Sophli Espen, Mrs David T. Flelsher, Mrs. Heniy C Flcisher, Mis Jacob L Krauss, Mrs Arthur K. Llverlght, Mrs. Arthur Loeb, Mrs. Joseph Moos, Mrs Joseph S. Louch helm, Mrs Jules Mastbaum, Mrs Frank I New burger, Mrs Isaac H. Silverman. Mrs. Jay I' Schnmberg, Mrs Harry II Snellonbuig, Mis. Julius S Wevl and Mrs Louis Wolf will be gowned to repicsent characters from the famous author's best known books The managers are Mrs Chailcs Glmbel, Mrs A A Eshner, Mrs. Miriam K Arnold, Mrs. Louis Flelsher, Mrs E C Goldstein, Mrs. Max L Margoli and Miss Helen Flelsher The ushers will be lrvln L Stone. William S. Rodel helm, Stuart F. Louchhclm, Frank Stern, Har old Loeb, Chailcs Schloss, Frank WIedner, Leon J. Obermaer, Foreman Flelsher, Philip Arnold, Henry L Lang, Dr. Leon Soils-Cohen, Raymond Brunswick, Msrk Kntzonborg, Horace Flelsher and Herbert F. Goldstein. The piny will be staged under the direction ot Mrs. Walter G. Dalslmer, Walter G. Wroe will have charge f the minuet and Harry Herzberg of tho music. Following the minuet there will be general dancing. ROXBOROUGH The engagement of Miss Eleanor Mann, of 4623 Mansion avenue, to Rajmond Turner, of 440$ Mamounk avenue, was announced Satur di night at a dinner given by Mr and Mrs Charles Havlm at their home, 133 Clearfield avenue, Roxborough. The )oung couple are to bo married on March 30 In the Emanuel Meth odist Episcopal Church, Silierwood and Gates street. Sir. Turner Is a well-known young business man of Roxborough, unci Miss Mann Is the flrat soprano in the choir of the church In which they are to be married Mr and Mrs, Albert Mann, the parent of Miss Mann, and Mr. and Sirs, John Turner, the parents of the pros pective bridegroom, were present at the dinner when the engagement was announced, Miss Helen Uhlman was given a linen shower at her home, 4145 Main street, Manayunk, list evening by Mrs. Louis Classman. 151 Walnut lane, Tho house was prettily decoVated with palms, cut flowers and valentine designs. MUs Uhlman will be married on May 2 to Isidore Lowenthal. The ceremony will be performed by Rabbi Nathan at tha Students' Chapter, Broad street and Susquehanna avenue. Among those present were Mr. and Mr. Will iam Kamp, Mr, and Mrs. Morris Blassband, Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weiss, Mr. and Mr. Julius Lowtnthal. Mr. and Mr. Louis Classman Mr. and Mr. Samuel Blassband, Mr- and Mrs Peter Glllman, Mr. and Mr. L. W. Apple, Mts Rosalind Apple, Mlas Helen Weiss, Mia Beatrice EInhorn, Mia Ida Newman, Jerome Lowenthal, Nat Lowen thai. laldor Lowenthal and Nathan EInhorn. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Invitation have ben lasusd by Mr. and Mrs. WlUru Potter Halllnger for 'brldy op "MO" for Friday vnlnr. February , t their real. dence. Maple nd Westmlnjter avenms, Mr chantvllle. Nr. and Mr Alfra DorrelL upon their retursi from JatnaJ, this week, will live at l FnuUr Ave&iM, CoUijagsweod, THE wedding of Miss Adelaide E. Sutthaus to Harry C. Butler was solemnized last nlnht In tho homo of tho brldt HID East Chelten avenue The ceicmonj was performed by the Rev. Carl llntliawny. of tha Covenant Presbyterian Church. The lirldc, who was nttende I by her sister, Mies Floronce hulthatts, ns maid of honor, wore a gown of whlto duchosa satin. Her veil was of tullo. held In place by orange blossoms, nnd she carried a bouquet of bride roses The maid of honor wns gowned In pink crepe meteor and carried an arm bouquet of Klllamry rosc Mr. Butler was attended by Walter Wright as best man, and after a reception the couple left on n trip South and on their return will live In Tioga. Tho wedding of Miss Mary Blaul, daughter of Mrs. M. C. Blaul. to Frederick D Eldredge, of Capo Maj, will tako place nrt Wednesday at (! 10 o'clock, nt the home of tho prospecthe brldo'a mother, 447 South 43d streot. The Rev. Dr. J. Francis Behrcns, pistor of tho Fifth Baptist Church, will oITIclale Miss Blaul will bo attended by her slster-ln-law, Mrs. Loulo A. Blaul, ns matron of honor, and her little niece. Miss Heton Blaul, as Mower gill. Louis A. Bt-iul will act as best man. Mr and Mrs J. Frank Mlchener announco the marriage of their daughter. Miss Sara Mar garet Mlchener, to Edgar Allan Roblc. U. S. N., retired, on Tuesday, February 16, at 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Roblo will bo at home after March 15, at 612S Spruce street The marriage of Mlas Margaret M Kelly, of 930 North 48th street, to Theodore H. Bour clngnon took place quietly Tuesday afternoon. ENTERTAIN FOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. D. Webster Bell Give Party at Philomusian Club. A delightful little children's party was given estorday ofternoon nt the Philomusian Club by Mr. and Mrs D Webster Bell, ot 45JJ Spruce street, for theli small daughter. Miss Kloienco Henderson Bell, who celebrated her second blrthdny. A Punch nnd Judj Show, u ventrilo quist and numerous old fashioned games were provided for tho entertainment of the tiny guests, nnd an orchestra provided music throughout the afternoon Tho decorative scheme was In pink nnd white, with plnli sweetheart roues on the table. In the centre of which stood n huge cake adorned with two candles The outhful guests included Miss Katharine Allison, Mlsa Lillian Allison, Miss Essie Bur rows. Master Stuart Buck. Jr : Miss Elisabeth Baltz, Christopher Donner. Jr ; Miss Vivian Guyer, Miss Elisabeth Hent, Master Jnck Has, Charles Hajs, Billy Kendrlck, Charles Kendrlck, Jr.. Miss Helen Peterson, Miss Eliza beth Pnrkcr, Miss Edith Plummcr, Clinton Rose. Jr ; Caleb Kov. 3d : Miss Eleanor Darrow, Thomas Sohcrmcrhorn, John Wiggins, 2d.; Matthew Dlttman. Jr.: Robert Gustlne, Miss riorenco D'rmond. Rnjmond Passannt, Jr.: Goorgo Passavant. Miss Foggy Doan. Samuel Doan and Miss Margaret Blnns TIOGA Miss Margaret Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark, of 3Soo North Broad street, lins gone to Washington, D. C. where she will be tho guest of her aunt. Mrs. Hugh Cosqroie, for n month. Mrs. Leonnrd R. Weltzel, of 4G09 North Broad street, entertained nt bridge yesterday after noon. Her guests, who are membere of her bridge club, wero Mrs. Charles Wrlghtson. Mrs Genrgo L Parker, Jr.. Mrs. Lelghton Kramer, Mrs. Robert Beatty. Miss Mary Nagle. Mlsa Helen Radley nnd Mrs H Clay Dlngee. On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Weltzel will entertain at bridge, followed by a supper. Mr end Mrs Kramer. Mr. and Mrs Beatty and Mr and Mrs. Dlngeo will bo the guests Mr. and Mrs. George Frederick Young, of 3226 North Broad street, announce the marriage of their sister. Miss Ida Cecilia Young, and James II. Crumble on Tuesday, February 16, nt the home ot Mlsa Young. 2003 East Chelten ave nue, Germantown. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blnns, of 5S12 Penn Mascher street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son Miss Jessie C. Evans, of the William Tenn High School, gae a talk on "Civics" yesterday ufternoon before a large and attentive audience at the .lamra Russell Lowell School. A banquet was given last evening by the Hotmesburg Council of the Knights of Colum bus. The committee In charge Included William C. Carroll, Thomas Keenan, James Oossner. Francis Parkinson, Jamta Hopkins and Daniel O' Donald. ' Mts Rose Beyer and Mlas Madallno Beyer, of Atlantio City, havo Miss Ella Patterson and Miss Mary Patterson s their guest, for whom muoh entertaining will be done. Mr. and Mr. William Tatteraon have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Blank, of Ardniore. LANSDOWNE St. Phllomena's Catholic Club elected the following officers at Its annual meeting: Presi dent, WUHam J. UbU vice president, George J. Rlleyj recording secretary, William F. Cul hane: nnanclal secretary, Thomas Cullune; treasurer, Daniel H. Barrow. A benefit bridge will be glyen by the ladle of the Country Club February 2T. Those who are on the committee Include Mr. Bdwln Qranley, Mrs, Harlan StatztU, Mrs. Frank Magulre, Mr. H R. Hoffer and Mr. R. S. Mlahler. Mr. and Mr. Jsaac H.' Adler apent the week end in Atlantic City. The senior class of the high school 1 pre parlns; to lv a ply at the TwantUth Cn. tury Club on March 8. MUs Miriam Hint t preparing the llrJs, and they wilt appear In two (ketches, one "Spreading; the New." and tn 4 "Twl of Thorn " Mr- William llarral, of Rtvervlew avau. ha aud InvltaHoai for a party 'or bar daughter, Mlaa Beth, Harral, ti fa given on 1 Wa.sfclgtoti Statfcday. - ... at 6 o'clock, In the Church of Our Mother of Sorrows William Welnell, of McKeeeport, P,, ha an nounced the marrlago of litn daughter, Mis Martha I, Welnell, of 2103 Diamond street, tn Henry P. Frlemel, of 1615 North 16th street, on Wednesday night. February 10, at the home of the bride. Mr nnd Mrs. Frlemol will be at home nfter March 1 at 2103 Diamond street, Mr and Mrs. Daniel Hoelzlo havo announced the marriage of tholr daughter, Miss Carrie Emma Hoelsle. to Frederick W. Dietrich on Tuesday, February 9. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich on their return fioin their wedding Journey through the South will live at 35M North Tth stieet. i Invitation have been Issued by Mr. John Anderson, of 372 Church lane, for tho marriage, of her daughter, Miss Violet Kata Anderson, nnd Jnmes McKennon Walt, of 143 Gowen ave nue. Tho wedding will tako place on Tuesday, February 23, at C 30 p. m., in Christ Church, Tulpehockcn and McCallum streets. The marriage of Miss Grace Maxwell to O. W. Curtis, of Northampton, Masa., will take place In St. John's Church on March 10. Soon after tha wedding the young couple will leave for South America, where Mr. Curtis and several New York bankers will establish the first United States National Bank tn Buenos Aires Announcement has been made of the mar riage of Miss Mary Love, of 6910 McCallum street, to W. Alan Garvin, of 608 McCallum street, on Tuesdny, February 16, at noon, In the Church of St Vincent de Paul, Prlco street. AMUSEMENTS nut-nnf Qf OPERA I Home of World's LtlG3tnUt Ot. HOt'SE I Greettat Photoplays LAST 3 DAYS CHRISTIAN A fi'Tvinc. "Tlnilir AFTS.. 1 and 3 lOo ana l.ts 4 limeS Uaily evob. 7 and 0 10c. ISO. Ms NF.VT ANNETTE KELLERMAN ,V,ii,r "The Irrt Woman ' In WEEK "NEPTUNE'8 PI POUTER" B. F. Keith's Theatre Show Making Everybody Boost! CAROLINA WHITE FAMOUS PRIMA DONNA And a Tremendous Star Bill TRCCIE rnlGANZA. HARRY DERE8PORD 4 CO ; NAT KAZAHRO CO OTHER PniZE TVINNER3 Nt Wk MRS LESLIE CARTER In "ZAZA" VTPTHRTA MARKET AND NINTH V llw X KJJXlti. PHOTOPLAY MASTERPIECES Continuous 10 A M to II P M 10c. 20e Entire Wek. World Film Corporation Presents "YOUR GIRL AND MINE" A Powerful, Interfiling and Uplifting Uruw Which TtaihtH a Useful Moiut Lam i'ratuced Undr tho Direction of tho National American Woman's Suffrage Association Next Week yan'..r "Three Weeks" Jn Preparation Lubln'a .Masteipteca EDWIN ARDEN In "EAGLE'S NE3T" ADFJ.PTTT I'AST 3 TIMES i.UlllUrn ra.t Popular Jl Mutinso Today "The Third Party" wn'dh fi; ?. NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAY OLIVER .MOnoSCO Presents PEG 0' MY HEART "THE SUCCESS OF SUCCESSES" BROAD Last 2 Weeks, Evas, at 8:13 Resular Mats Wed and Sat, 2i(S Mrs. Patrick Campbell Shaw'. Romsnce -P Y. (iMAHON Popular Prlco Wednesday Matinee. Best Seals tl.M Kitra Mat Washington's Birthday, Monday, Feh. '."i J." UIVIVDOl Regular Mats. Wed. and Sat., 2il FUNREAUTV UIIILS OALOnE KLAW ft KRLANCJER'S KNTERTAJNER3 In the New, Mirthful Musical Medley FADS and FANCIES Popular Fries Wednesday Matinee, Best Stats 11.50 Extra Mat. Washington's Birthday, Monday. Feb 31 Z ITZrZI MARKET STREET flT AD TTI AND JUNIPER U Lt U .Q JL VAUDEVILLE 11:10 A. M. TO lliJQ p. u reJop "DREAM PIRATES" M$i1 Frank Milton & DoLong SJstera AND OTHERS BAROAIN MATINEES DAILY ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tuesday Attsrnoon, Feb. S3, at 2.S0 KREISLER VIOLIN .RECITAL Tickets 78o to $3. at Ileppa's, 1110 Chestnut Management C. A. ELLI3 GARRiCK Last 3Evgs. "?' PAULINE FREDERICK nnnec,nt Starting MONDAY MATINEE. FEB. VS. Seats Naif CHARLES PHOHUAN Presents ANN MURDOCK In "A QIHL OF TODAY" DA M, to 11 P. II. PALACE 1214 Market 10c & 20c Vaudeville OARDNER-V1NCE.NT COMPANY; OTHERS Photo-Play EDWARD AHKLE3 In "AFTER FIVE" BELMONT BM ABQVP MARKET Ft( Show Dally k n u First Appearance tn Phil. WOHLD-R.BNOWNED BAR TOLA ORCHESTRA Today and Twnnrrev EnWAIin itipi.PB i n, wi it r i it c All u L 1 U h " COMING "TUB CHRISTIAN" WEEK MARCH P.T? nCJ M A V W A T?n" ore... p,mI THE MILLION TT?.VS POLITICAL WOMEN, OTHEpt)""" 1VJJ X J Program Changed Monday and Thursday ACADEMY FRIDAY EVQ AND SATURDAY MAT ELMENDORFffi AROUND THE WORI4p THROUGH TUB PANAMA CANAI, Prices, 39e to 1. at Heppe's, 11)8 Cheatnm MARKET ST ABOVE 1STH I P1CT1IHHS TUB Stanley II A 11 TO 11:15 p M( MARSHAL NB1LAN la THE COUNTBY BOY Wm.tn.,n, tt NIXON'S . . -vfi-x Six Utile HoAey Baea fi T? AND RoWna. Kirk 4 Fotarty VT X( Xi. A XJ Jennie,, t fer,r, Cbaretl Today 8il. It l tuhln Pictures 1?W T VDTP HJXJULAR MATINBK IjXIVIU SATORDAT HOLIDAY ilATIKEK MamtV DANCING AROUND SB. w&za&emim, C! Artii tn fc"' 41 t