Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 18, 1915, Sports Final, Page 6, Image 6

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Liauidalum for German Ac
count Sterling Exchange
Lower After Early Strength.
UF,X VOflK. Feb. 11 -The position or
the stovk market today was n peculiar
n There as the Minn hosllntltisf lend
ftiicv in evidence for tlie lnit sevcrnl da.)n,
bccnuBp Of foreign diplomatic develop
ments and the blockade of the British
Jislea by Udrmany was again present
Al Ih outset prices throtifslioiH the
lint Were Rencrallj below the nnal
Jestordny. and tm the mornlne; ad
Vancctl the declines became larger and
lrtoro tpnneral Around tnlddav the market
strengthened somewhat, gome isstioi ro
Ih above the final jeeterdaVi on tho re
port that Preilclent Wilson would not
tall an elra session of Consres. This
Ills been nn Importniit tiling from a
lock market point of view foi some
In the afternoon there was another sell
ing movement which carried prices of
many standard Issues downward At the
close there was a slight rall On the
whole tho market was an Irregular one
throughout the day.
Tho ofCerltiRS today were light and the
demand was small, and consequently the
market was quiet, even more po than on
recent daje There vvas some forolRii
colllnc, but It wns moro evident In bonds
than In stocks I.hiko Amounts of bonds
were sold "SeltetV 20,' In other words,
the seller has 20 d.is in which lo make
Thesn sales were thought to be princi
pally for German account and Included
many of the standard Issues. Numbered
amoni; the securities sold were Southern
Pacino refunding Is. Ilock Island refund
ing 4s, Northern Paclllc 4s and 3s, St.
Paul Ss and Central Pacific 4
This telling caused mote strength In
tho foreign exchange market and rates
today were generally higher all around.
Demand sterling was about 2V4 cents
nbovo the close yesterday. This liquida
tion of foreign-held American securities
waa not unexpected In view of the recent
weakness In foreign exchange It had
generally been assumed thai Europe
would resort to this method In some de
gree In oraer to put exchange rates back
on a normal basis In addition to this
there Is further talk today of the forma
tion of a big credit balance here for Kng
land, but It Is regarded in the street that
the Initiative should be taken by England
In the late afternoon the foreign ex
change market lost some of Its early
Strength, demand sterling closing at
U134 S2.
Minneapolis and St I.ouls securities,
which have been strong for the last sev
eral days on the report that the road
would be taken over bj the "Soo I-lne,"
weakened on the announcement of Pies
Ident Pennington, of the "Soo, that no
negotiations were under vvav or that tho
question of buying or leasing the road
had ever been consideied. Tho pieferred
stock dropped 34 points to TD, the com
mon lost a to 16'i, and the I per cent
bonds sagged off 3 points to VI Iowa
Central refunding 4 per cent bonds
sagged 1M to 63&,
New York Bond Sales
MW Albany & Sua 3hs
auou Alaska U lUn cv 6s
SOW Amer Cot Oil 44b
toui Amcr t ot OH Oa
SJW Amer Smelt sc Oa
SHfH. Amtr -l cl l
fCO Amer 1st cvt 4'4
JtOU Ann Arbor 4s
jooii Armour Co 4'.
.WW! Alchlaon BdJ 4a
lwi Atcnlson cv 4i liui
HOio Alclilmn cv its 1017
v'JdiS ,lRn.Co Lln Jt
soon mil a oiuo 4s
OUO Mali ft Oh cv tViS
iSU! lilt & ( Sw H
SOOO 'Beth Bteel rfd Sa
alKO Kiook n T .'a 1UI8
fiOOO IIuuli Term Oldg 3
2000 Com Qua of Chi
1000 Oent Vermont 4
S4KKI Cent leather 1st ,1s
faoo Cent Pae lit J
Sluwi Cent II R N j b
11X.O (hi A- Nun .11 .
110J, tlllW
.":; .i
"1 !
100 ij
lvoo do deb .' lu.i.1
4000 Chi & W lnd !.
830OO Chl II & Q Join' 4
100O do deh Oa
1000 do sen 4
TTOOO C SI & St ! c r.a w I I004i
iiwo do cp zs loriu
8B000 do ev 4Wa IM1W
24000 Chl It I L I 4 l-JI
8IHIO0 oo col 4 J4
I COO Chl It It Ha lo-j
S00O Cot A South rer 4(, Kl
1000 Col V A I sen fls 17
HOW Con (1 cv lit w I. us;.
1000 Cumberland Tel la OT'J
-I00O Del & llud 4a 1018 0-tJ
1000 do rfd 4s 4tl
,231? .231,
23000 Den A Illo Ur la i,t.
3000 do rfd fls
HVa 41V, 41U
OJ'5 102 UUtf
JOIioo Detroit Kdltnn 1st la I
mkhj lilt eecut Com Sa
SOOO llu I 'out Powder 4la 118
11000 Erin ronv 4a aer A Hi'j
,1000 da ronv 4a aer II (VI
4000 l?rl Pa rn 4a 8714
I'OOO Oentral Motor fin 101I
:ooo Green Hav con Ga lis
2000 Houston licit .la . IMl,
1000 111 Steel deb 4V-.a M'i
S100 lop, a Central rer 4a Ml,
1000 III Central rfd 4a 8m!
2000 in Cen Ixm Dlv 3h 77
4000 Inap Cop cv Oa .... IMl
xooo InKP Cop c As 10111.. 7S
11000 Inlerb Met 4Vm .. 714
sono lnterb Tl T ref 3 OS
hOOO Inter Mer Mar IHa .11
KXl lnd Mcohol fa not;
000 Jap new Uer Hta 4,a. Til!,
Sono do 1st 4'la . .. s
sooo Jap new 4 Via .
13000 Uc Hh deb 4a 19.11
'.MJ UK UlTii
HX Lou S, Nash Oa.
IftlO do 4a
ii'. Mi, nih.
nil IKK.4 lonj!
71? 107lJ 1UTS
84 841? 8s
100O IM A N At Kn 4a RsiJ
1000 Manhattan 4a at HO
4000 Minn A Ht I. 4a , .18
ttS) Mo K A. T gen 4'i 701,
loon Mo K .1. T rfd 4 r.JiJ
W)0 Mont I'ow 3a . , , 02
800O Mo Pac 4 41
SOOO Morris Eaaex 3Ua , . Sli
lni N Y C . II .Ills . So
IdOOo N Y City 4Kb 1iJ) lno
J1000 N Y City 4Mb 10HI , 80'.
soon N Y city 4H IWll .104
MiflO K Y City 4V,a . ov MT 10lJ
JOOO N Y N II II 4a 1933 71
fooo Jfew Orl Uaht 41a 78
TOOO N Y Ont . lat 4i. 87
WOO N Y nwv adl 4a ., 72
KOOO N Y Itwy adj la ss:
SOOO N Y Tel sen 4 1, a M
21001 Norf & West pr 4a 84
luswi Norf e Unl i't -"if lot
000 Vorf 4. West Poeh 4a 87V
IVOl Nr Pac prior 4a 91
0100 Nor Pao sen Sa tvpl
IO0O Ore Short I ref 4 Pitt
IVklU Oaweso A Home 6a 1M ,
CO Ore XV It & N 4a 88
SOW) Ora X. Cat ba 100U
UKO Pacific Tel 3a , , 6TU
m.z .', m
IIOiiO Ray Con Copper 6 lOOU
ViniO Readln- (en 4a 0141
7000 Jtepub Cuba 3s 1S04 94K
10000 Hep Ir i- H B. 1040 MS
jouo Rio Or & W clt 4s 71
SOOO V.oik Island Oa tflS
IM0 ttocb. Island rfd 4s 08V4
40IIU Rock Inland 6 .UI
KKUI tlock Island 4a 81
lenOBtsnit Mill Ba . 88U
17t seaboard. A t. ad) 6 823
rt South 1111 3s 07'
Mia South Pas 4s 8-S
Souta Faa av 4a 81
Wan na cv ret Ip 5j
eifiM do til U
laBOO 4o Term 8a
SOOO Sooth, Itwy eon fit
MPu Sparta 4a
1600 Tens C ft Ir gen &t
W Third Ave naw 4s
3060 Cuban A Huiar t
IC r 8 nubbar Gs
ItOOO I H Hteel l
Mm Steal res; &
HOttl linJon Pac 1st 4s
DtWS t (ilea Fae ev 4a
MSO Va ibsoa Hroa
M0 V. "ar Diani 1st 3a
Wl Via Kwy Ss
MVM WaLaali 4
UAO WttUh Ut Sa ,
1SKH1 Vat K ac u rr DJ . PKH DVi
Wt t ' 4 ea4i eoii
ihalaX aaiaav
l.SJia.(W). iUMii with K.MT
inn wee rxr.,vv, Jasi aeJt,
f rach Bask Statement
I r i& rs 1 The Bank of franca
tfj vbuHI a rat!iiii siujwtn Hi
rf j es 3tt Kt)rlyfv 4
Hani 4iS W (iau aaiver 1x1
is4Jb rstjn.-s
New York Stock Sales
lJtal prev sale Itleh l)te, Clote,
Alirts Told M.hcs . . I8'i ), 28 SSJ
Amal Copper MH ? A2' f.1
Am R8anr SHi 385. 37' t 3HU
Am fin ?7l ?7f ?ft,4' 57
AmCsnpref !M 0i OT4 93K
AnicrfVArdr ... 44't -t'l'i H3 41!i
Amer Coal Trod . . 82' 82 82 &2
lm Cotton On ,. 4' At AiH Ao
AmllldoAIiealherpref 17 2W V0f SO)"
Am Ice .f 2.1'f 2.15, "J.1 23
ra licomollrs . . L'lli 21) 2l)i 2Hi
Am Ij)comoIlve pref .. 8-1 81 81 81
Am Miitltlnff I lf (2H l'f f 2'f
Amemelllncpref . ... 100? 100'i lOOtf 100'"
Amfitiwr . . io?u inatf lol'f ioj'.-
Am Tel A lei . 1I8' I IB 118 US'!
Am'lobacfo prrf 100 irolf lOfUi 10M
Am Woolen prel 711 7l 711 70
Am UM 1'arcr, pref n 7 7 7
Anaconda CoDoer ffis ili'f I'll Vl
I Alrhlson .. . (Hit J IW'i Wl
Alclillon prcr 08!i O'l OS'i U!
Attoait Line .. .. KM HI3'i KUJi lf3.
PalloA,()hlo (I71! 07 07 (!7
Prth bteel Sftlj fifi'f '' .5'4
llflh Steel prer MH 101'i KMJi lfM)
Drookljin Ilapld Transit 80 8fll M 81
Callfornli I'et 18 17 17j I7'f
Can Pacific . 160' 157JJ 15Gl 167
Central 1-eilher .141, Xi Wi ZVi
Central I either pref . 101"i 10J 102 10-
Central A r-o Am lei ..112 Ilii'l lWi HfiU
Che&OIilo. . . .l( 41H 40'i 41
thlno Copper .. . ,1I! ,1t 3415 .Wi
Chic Great W . II 10'f 10', 10' I
Chic (treat W pref A Lll'd 2')'.t 2i 20
ChlcJlllJlSU' . 8414 8.V, 8S4 KH
Chic & Northw . I2i 124 If 124 121
Corn Pfodurts ... it (Hi 9Mf OW
Corn Protlucla ptef . . 00 fiS'i 05'ii 0.'.'.
Col Fuel A Iron 2.Vf 24t 24'f 24'f
ConsolOas 117j 117 1104 1101-j
Cuban Am Sucar 41 I' 4 42.
Den A HloO 7 fl'S fl'4 0)4
Distillers hfturltlM II II II 11
1'rle . 21' 2I4 21. 21i
Frlc 1ft pref .. 34H 3 Hi 34 ,11
ted MAS pref .. 20 20 20 20
Oen Chem. 171)j 171)i 171' 17IJ.
Ocn Chem pref I07. 1001, 0(1'4 100'j
General Heclrlc 141U 141 141 111
General Motor (U'4 Pl)4 89 81)4
General Motor pref . 95 O'i Dr 9i
Goodrich Co 31 31 30J4 30'i
Goodrich Co pref 00M 07 07 97
Clreat Northern pref lll'f 114f 114'ii 1144
Great Northern Ore 3b'4 30,' 30)4 305
Guscenhelm Kiplorallon 48'i m JOSi 49'f
IntllarvCorpofNJ . 94'i 94W 94'f 04'
Inteiboro-Met 12J-4 12'f 124 12),
Intcrboro-Metpref 5014 E0' fi6', nflU
Inspiration Cons 18)4 Wi I81! 18'a
1 I Case prct 7S 77)j 77)4 77h
Kan City bouthern 22'( 22 2J 22
KIsobo . . . 105 103 108 108
I ehleh Valler . 132 13J 130'i H2
Loose-Miles Biscuit . 17 104 10 10
IoulsvANash .. 115 1M, 114'4 114K
MackarCo ..70 70 70 70
MackeyCopref . 07 07 07 67
Maxwell Motors 23M 23J4 2T4 2J)J
Maxwell Motors 1st prof 60 60 fill 60
Maxwell Motor 2nd pref 2.ri)f 24'f 24 V4H
Mercantile Mar . . H Hi I'i Hi
Mercantile Mar pref . fil4 5H S)' 5H
Minn ft MI. 17 Ifl'i 10U 10K
MlhnAStLpref 42h 424 39 421
Mexican Petroleum 0 eS'i 0-1 Ki
Mo Kan A Te 10', 10)j 10)( 10H
Mo Kan & Tex pref 3I!i 31 304 30S
Miami topper . 18'. 18f 18)4 18)4
Missouri Pacific . 10',' 1I)J 10)4 11H
Montma Power 404 48'i 4SJi 48'i
N Y Air Brake . 58 58 58 58
Nevada Con 12'j 12H 12'4 121(1
NYNHA1I . 47)j 47' 47) 474
Ni Central . 83'j M1,' 81', M
NoifolkftWest DD)i P')'4 IT, DOJi
Norfolk A West pref 85 84 8( 84
No Pacific ... . 102U VW-i III.' 10J)4
Pcnna . ...104) 105 104r 101'i
Peoples Ga.s 1185f 118'i 118 118
PlltsliuuCoa! . . 20 20 HI t 20
Prescd Steel Car .. 28)4 2S'4 2814 284
Pullman Co . 152 15J 162 152
Ilailw ay Steel Spring .. 21 21 21 21
Hay Cons . 10', IG4 104 lu4
Reading . ... 1424 112', 141',' 1424
Heading 2d pref . . . . 8J 82)j 824 824
Hock Island . 'i ( ; ,'
Hock Island pref . 14 Mi Hi Mi
RumelyCo )l,' I)j l I
Humclj Co pref 4)4 l'f 4', 1','
Seaboard Air Line 1 1 12W 12i UK
beaboard Air Line pref. 30 30 30 30
bears Roebuck . . 20-1 202 202 202
St LAS Fran 2 2 2 2
bouthern Pacific . 83)4 83J' 8.1)4 S3),
bouthern Hy . I'i is 15 V,
bouthern Ry pref . .. 4S 48 48 48
btudebaker .. 4."4 445 434 44
btudebaker pref . 92)f 03 P."4 P2'4
'I ennessec Copper 20)4 29)f 29 20
Texas Co .128 1274 1254 U7U
'I hlrd Avenue 44), 45)4 444 4i'i
Underwood Tjperiter GOt, 55)4 65 5,
Union Paclllc .1J8X U8J4 118)4 1I8K
Union Paclllc prer . 81)f 81 81 81
US Rubber 54)4 51 53)4 54
USbleel 42 42)4 41H 4W
Uflbteelpref 10-14 104)4 104 104
USHxpress 71 6 65 O'i
Utah Copper 51)4 52 60J4 61H
abash I,- (
Wabash pref ... . 2 Vi 1J4 1'4
Western Union 02'4 62)4 02)' 0.')1
CiiinghousH Electric 00 09 68J4 (i8'4
M est Maryland ... 18 18 IS 18
Willis Omland. .. 5 0414 13?,' UJJ,"
'lolal sales today 183,400 shares compared
lth 190,785 shares yesterday, this week
050.8CO shares, last week 1,100,220 shares
Short-term Issues Again Favored by
LONDON, Feb. IS Trading In securi
ties on tho Stock Exchange, toda w.tj
quiet, but tho undertone was steady In
vestment demand again centred in short
term Issues Gljt-cdged Issues were hard.
Home rails Improved on dividend pa)
menu. The lialf-j early declarations bj
the lines have been completed,
American shares were narrow and the
list waa checkered, Russian Issues re
sisted tlie unfavorable news from Ger
man sources regarding the progress of
the Czar's troops. There was little busi
ness In mines. The shares of the tea
companies were weak on reports that the
duty would be Increased.
London N V.
cioae. equiv
Amalinnuited Copper 53
Atchison ... ... t'T
Italttmore & Ohio Tu
Canadian Paclllc ... ItHi
' W4 -"'l
Chesapeake 4. Ohio,. .. 4J," -llif
Chlcaeo Ureat Western . Ill, ioi, i,
Chloago, Mil i St Paul .. K S5C ..
Erie -J2U III!
do 1st pref. , SOU !. 1
Illinois Central ...... ...100 lolC f.
Missouri. Kansas 3c Texas 107,
Kansas & Texas 10 lott -t u
Cantral 81 big 7
i. West .,,,.. . Sil, s ;;
Weaiern .... ...104 !ilrtt (.
la ..,.,, S4 imi! r- ii
lalrway ., IMl ipX l(
itle . . . . ISJ iisS - S
Now York Central
Norfolk & Weitern
KeAdlnar ...
Southern Rslrnay
tsouinern ,'ucino
Union l'aolrtc .
4-lDCrcaaa. Dccmim
Buys Foreign Acceptances
The federal Reserve Bank of Philadel
phia today made Its Initial purchase of
foreign acceptances. The amount bought
was 1100.000 and the seller was the Phila
delphia National Bank.
Railways Company General Report
The annual report of the Hallways
Company General shows income of 111,129.
and expenses and taxes, JS501, leaving a.
net profit of W27 The latter was not
affluent to cover dividend requirements,
as the dividend paid for the year
amounted to iU.S&Q Consequently the
company' total surplus was reduced from
M9.&W to t318,l.
Big French Fund
H.6S00l, r ylaSL
400 000.0TW
fra m
8.M (SAsti baa,
nadft, t W0I btMH
iSreSucad la
.--. 9i nvasitTlatil aaB O. BJsH
tb CaAtfbifc-V i USM.
mmtf r",T 3:. """
R. R. Wage Award April 20
, HI' 4.CUJ kta W, TB ! la tsa tVast !
ciu raiiSBSW nn atstintioB M will ba rea I
it snu
Rapid Transit Received Sup
port Northern Central Re
ported Sale of Treasury As
sets. There was little worthy of discussion In
the day's dealings on the Philadelphia
exchange Pi Ice changes' ern Inslgnln
ennt excrpt In the stocks with a market
In New York. These for a tlmo showed
sIriis of heaviness, but later beenmo
steadier Tradets were Inclined to sell
I'nlted States Steal for n epectllulUe tun
despite the fairly encouraging ndvlcoi In
the weekly icvlows dcAllmr with the iron
slid steel business Cambria Steel, how
ever, romnlned Inert, whereas the divi
dend ncrlp was In demand nround ST
Inquiry continued for Philadelphia lllec
trlr and tho stock ruled firm.
Around mid-day American Hal1wns
common and preferred ucre offered In
moderate quantities nnd receded some
what Philadelphia Comr. .i cumulative
preferred lost a point On the other hand,
Philadelphia l'lcctric 5i advanced lo 102,
and .lersey Traction Bs moved up a point
Amerlctn CIns sold exdlvldend at 100 com
pared with 101't, the last previous price
with tho dlvnclcnd on
In tho final dealings American Gas ral
lied to 10216 and Cambria Steel scrip
rose to M On the other hand United
Gas Improvement eased off lo D2 The
close was dull
Electric Storage Hattcry hardened In re
sponse to the drclnratlun or the 1 per
cent, qunrterlv dividend The company
Is understood to be doing well despite the
generil trntle depression Ilapld Transit
recoveied to 10 The wav these shares
continue to scrape along the bottom level
at which they have ever sold since they
became full paid is a gicat disappoint
ment 1 he company nppears to be hold
ing its own and Is In physlcnllv much
better shspp than when the stock was
selling above 88 The trouble, ot com so,
lies In the probable necessity of raising
additional funds for extensions subways,
eievateds, etc. If It goes Into h eTajlor
plan About everj thing In way of
assets Is alreadj up as collateral, and
unless the Union Traction stockholdera
can be brought atound to palng up the
full pat 'value on their stock It Is diffi
cult to reu Just how the money Is to bo
raised at such n time us the present
Inqulrv among local biukers loduj as
to whi-the. unv move had et been made
to participate In the talked-of establish
ment of n JIOO.000,000 foreign credit to take
care of t'oe anomalous condition of the
exchange market brought foith the fuct
that nothing ns jet had been done There
is plentv of Idle monev here which could
readily be emplo.vod for such a puipodo
nnd should the banking frntcrnltv decide
that srmet'nlng of the sou must be done
Philadelphia will no doubt be Included,
ns it whs in other recent International
monetary arrangements
The annual report of the Noithern Cen
tral Railroad disclosed the fact that in
order to cany out ndjustn nts Incidental
to the lease of the road to the Pennsyl
vania the compunv sold a pottlon of Its
treasury assets, Including securities In
othet companies and part of its coil
properties These transactions resulted
In increasing tho company s surplus from
J3.93l.913 on December 31, 1913. to $13 703,115,
against which were charged the special
dividends, bilnglng down the surplus
account to $3,679,356
Sales in Philadelphia
I'm, close High I,on Cioe
100 Amal Copper 11 lt -2 K
I'i Am lap a;ifl -JT'j JT'4
104 'Am i Jus lull, HrjU Km jiiji,
10 Am !Inllwas 10 n r, n
40 Amor Ila prd 101 loofe, looij mil,
nH Uam Steel -IJ 42 42 42
10 t III Ot Went 11 11 11
Ml fon Tree .N J 71V. "J'j 7Ji, 7J1.
71 I lrc hlo- 4b 481, -IS ts.
11 lalrml P Trans t i i4 ij
17 Leli av t c 70). 7ncJ 7Vi 70U
.1 Ih Valley toll fc3)i n:l i',K
I Mltlehlll . 53 ri r.i r,-.
15 I nna R n RJ'i 5J'4 T2, r.Jl,
1 Phil Co cum prf 1H 37 17 -1
111 I'Mla Eleo 24', 244 241, 2V,
1VV) Ph RTIr ctfa li 10 lo 10
4S() Heading 71S 71 71 71'i4
1170 Ton n-lmont . 4',, 4',, .!, it,
tin Tnnnpsh Mln 11",. AT, c",. 8 11-10
inn t'nlon Trao ",n IB ,1i, mi
7S Unltad Qaa Imp Rita K, 8J SJ
SI.V1 I! S bteel 4J), 45V, 41, 4I?4
Hx dividend
Total sales, US3 shares, compared with n!15
shsrea vcaterday; thla week. 'JS,44i shares,
laat week, 49.7J0 shares
I.aat Drov.
2000 Con Trc N J ."a ioia4
217 Cam St scrip '10 07
1 HIJ dn 11117 07
flOOO Clt 4a 1041 10014
liooo intimate lly 4a nn'i
bCUj I j-h Nav cons 4a tt'Ki
801 Phil In erp 1018 Ml
2100 Phlla niuc (in tin 14
lono Stan-Am Ir n. mi
20O0 IV.NUI' lat lis 10J1.
High. Low Close
10J 102 102
07 IHI14 tlilli
100', 100(4 ion).
BSli, fiS'-i V.W
liii'.j fKi'i tnil
so so si
10J 1011, 10.'
101 101 mi
10J 102 10J
Total sales, I40.OD compared
vesterday this week, 32S.SJ'J,
with $71 41t
last v. eck,
Local Bid and Asked
Hid Aak
Baldwin .
do prer
Htoraffa. . .
Asphalt ..
Tel . . .
t c . ...
tin riref
IJi Hup Corp .
Loll Nav
do t c
I.eh Vat
Leli al Tr...,
do prof
Phlla Eleo
Phlla Co
i'o pref ... ,
do cum pref .
Phlla II T
do t a
Ton Hal
Ton Mln . . ,
Union Traction
II (I I ...
U H Steal ...
Vork Hjs
do pref .. .
wi iu
mj io
4 4 1-111
Mi a ii-ia
n .n,
.718-16 71B-1H 71
. OH"
'.' Mi,
.. 31'i
NEW lOIlK. Feb IS In the afternoon trad
lnr pronounced atrelslli de sloped In the colTee
market. The closing- futures ahowed advances
of 1 to a points aliot last nlgl.t a nnals. Prices
Today's TmJay'a Yesterday's
npenins cioaing Closing
MOW a. oO a.auf-, ii ,K.i3tii
April . .
May .
June i
July .. .
n.HM.Ui . I.SlSiO
, S C8H5 TO n.g.tS.1 hi B 77&3.7a
p tciu.ou D.ei.-,no m d binuo aj
. 0.7S&U.tO H.(iO.IIOJ Ilb7bj
., . . OUdftllOT II Mln 04
. e. nog a os tojAtoi 7110S701
7 0X87 (ill 7 0.A7 08
1 mini i 1,
. 1 mrr vi t 210T-
7 ISftT 20
Total sales, 11,000 bags.
Bid. Aak.
...... 04 7
JjS 18
18 ISli
. 24 'JQ
Dr-Am T old . ... ....
Up-Am T new .,..,,..
oildneld Consolidated
Oreena Can
I-a Ilea
Otis Klv
uo pref
BtrllBg uuai I'I 1J
Untted agar Stores.. so lla
do" praf. ,., 112 U7
United Proflis new ,... 3 7-18 3U
World ytlm .. ...,..... . 4, M
Yukon Uold -iii 3fX
nuik oicarinra today ooinnar with ivu...
spondlsr 047- last two jrtars
ISIS 1014 10I.V
pwudphui $f.t.fie m.8v.u Kj.srr Tst
Boston StaMtl .U474itk 36 Rl 441
r,w ion it.Jlt.Sli 12' S atiJOim
tat Lulf It m,in litoSi 13 71
(JBlSigQ wiwmi umw 90VI3 9
Local Half-hourly Sales
10 (o 10:30 A. M.
2" Ton Bel .41-18 100 do ..... .43
1) bnlmi Trao., fl n lonnpah Mln Hjs
110 V H Steel , 421,4 2D l'cnna . . . MH
10 tr U I ... . Hi .1 tin ... . 62k
iii iieftiiinB1 . 71 .1 do
inu II 8 mccl . 4J 42 do
,tnn fiA.,.ti,,A ?i!f rt ,1a
mo ronopnh Del. 4 . do. ... . . raij
I". 11 (I 1 .. MJ fflltiaillnit . Ttr-IO
lnO U S Steel I J 11 Am Cnn.. .. 27W
Ilpooo Inlerotsle Itwy 4s.. . B"14
222 Cam Steel ecrlp ll'l P7
It fatn steel ecrlp iliie SJ
7C0 Phlla t'o fcrlp lnjs ... .'"
200(1 west N -v. &. I'o. 1t f. 1."2
140 Com Uteri Mrlp 11)1 I'T
121 fern Hteel acrlp 1I'I7 J
II rnm Ktcei erlp 1017 07
II i'm Ptrl e-rlp 1010 .07 .
loon Phlla 1 Uf Si i ...102
. isi"nm Btcnl strip 1P17 '
' II fam Steel ncrlp 1017 .'7
I Inn phlla rice M. I'"1
i 17 Phils Co scrip lots. 5
I M Cent Htccl crlp 1l'l7 07
1 '2 Cam Ktcel scrip mill JT
Lit Cam i-teel serin 1017 "7
10:.')0 to 11 A. M.
100 Lf B Steol. .. 42 CO U H Steel.... 41
in do.. 42 UK) do 41H
1110 do.. . 411 300 Phlliv lilac. 24'a
Vio Phlla It T t e 10 W 1 Ice Storaae. 4S
100 elo... .10 21 Phlla It T t e 10
II U S Steel. .. 43 ino an i
u do.. Iiv. Km do . ... 10
II! Km do . ... 10
41 17 I.Mi Nav I e. jot
4IJ 1 l.eh Valley... 014
13 50 U S Steel.. . 4ti
ino do..
'Oil do
Ift. A n tin. Ht
in Inlrm lll' t r 1. 1 IMl Prt CHI flf 17
100 I'enna WV ft Am llnj pfd.lool,
11 Cam Plecl fcrlp 1017 . ...
1nco Hpniilsh Am Iron fs .. . ..
IDOO Phlln Ulcc 54 ,
2K)0 Con Trnc N I r,i
4 1 Phlln Co ecrlp 1IIIS
4 1 Phlla Co scrip 1H1S
11 lo 11:30 A. M.
II Am Hw pfd 100'4 20 Am Itwy pfd 10OU
lo U S Strcl . . 41 4t I'cnnn . . OJH
10 "of. . 4I. 100 Ton Mln,. 0 tl-lu
III Tonopnh Hel. 4 10 Cam Steel.... 42
1ikk Inlerainte Itwy 1a
2001 City 4a 1041
11:30 A. M. io 12 M.
BO Con Trae N J 72'i 20 Com Steel ... 42
77 Cam 'Heel airly 1017 IHH4
W Cam Steel scrip 1017 O0V4
11. Oik I al. Kn, .nn, J l . 1)h'4
02 Cam Steel scrip 1017
00 li
12 to 12:30 P. M.
300 U ? Steel . -
100 do
fl Flea Htoracc
100 II fl Steel .
10 Phlla nice.
1 Mlrehlll
.... M
. .. r.24
.... S25
li I'enna
4S'& 7 do..
41"i H V Q I,
.11 Cam Stcol acrlp 11)11
12:30 to 1 P. M.
rjn 10 21 lonotmh Del
.... SIS
W) Pennn
8 do
1 tc 1:30 P. 31.
700 Phlln n T t c 10 11 Phlla Klee .
20 Pcnna . . . B'J'i 10 'lonopah Bel
iO U 3 Steel 41 100 U S Steel
Kino Choc &. Okliv en Ba
21 Cam Steel scrip 1017
1:30 to 2 P. M.
20 Tteartlnc . 71 10 rie'c SlnraKe
ion U s Steol 41", BOO Tonopnh Del
10 ncndlnc 711-1B loo VJ S Steel..
25 U 8 Stetl .. 41?4 TO do. .
18 Com Steel scrip 1017
2 to 2:30 P. M.
10O Chl Gt Went It 100 Amer Copper
25 Phlla It T t c 10 100 Eleo Storace
2R2 rhllft Co scrip lfll1!
in Phlla Co scrip 101S
? 'nm UIasI mrln 1Uli ......... .
4 "4
. "SO
1000 Clt 43 1011
2:30 to 3 P. M.
25 U S Steel
"100 Am Gna.
2 do
2 do
41, 2 Am Ga
100 ns do. ...
10IU 20 dn. ..
101'i .14 U O I...
. bJ
321 Cam Meel scrip 1010
4 Cnm bteel scrip 101...
DO' j
Financial Briefs
The redernl Iteserve Bnulc of ICow
York liaH 1 educed its rediscount rate on
GO- nnd 90-day commercial paper from
1 1-, to 4 per cent.
Tho cross earnings of all subsidiary
properties of the Cities Service Company
for the vear ended Decemhei 11, 13H,
were $19,093,053 , net cnrnlnRS after opet
atlnp; cepenses and taxes, $7,516,071.
The coiporato existence of tho Vlrst Na
tional Hank of Montiose, Pa. )ia" Ucen
extended to Februarj 4, 1935.
Wool prices In Melbourne, Australia,
aio tho highest since tho war began.
A block of $1,100,000 Atlantic Coast I.ne
first 4 per cent, bonds Is being offered at
92'2 and Interest to yield 4 10 per cent.
Tho New York Air Brake annual report
shows profits of JGll.OIG, equal to 6 41 per
rent earned 011 the titock. .igainst 6 Go per
cent Hie preceding jear. Tho biirplus
nfter dividends was $41,502, compared with
$34,063 ill 1013.
Tho president of the Minneapolis, St.
Paul and Sault Ste. Mario denied the re
port that his company was considering
tho purchase of tho Minneapolis and fat.
The Heading Transit nnd Light Com
pany reported a decrease of $1566 in De
cember gross earnings. For 12 months
there was an Increase of $53,4CG In gros3
' Most of tho New York banks that wrote
their names across tho backs of lha Ilus
ulan Government 5 per cent, drafts, cov
ering lir exports from this countrj to
the extent of $JS,000,000, elected to keep
the samo as a good Investment, but trudca
have taken place In them at 2 3-15 per
r. D Wleand was a bujer of Union
At tho annual meeting of Mahoning and
hhenanga Hallway and Light Company,
tho principal operating subsidiary of Re
public Hallway and Light Company, re
tiring directors nnd otllcers vvero re
elected Action of tho directors In de
creasing capital stock of subsidiaries
$1,500,000 In 19U waa approved.
Ivocal note brokers are offering com
mercial paper at 'A of 1 per cent, higher
than the discount asked last week.
The American Woolen Company has sold
o Brown Brothers & Co. Jl.000,000 Ayer
inn- .....otMinilnn and eaulnment 3-vear
J14I1JO W,,. .....- - -,
6 per cent, notes due March 1, 1918. The
proceeds will be used In refunding a
similar amount of 1V4 per cent notes due
the first ot next monin.
A. J. Kleckhefer was elected director
of the National Enameling and Stamping
Company, succeeding A. M, Btelnghart,
resigned. Oeorga V, Haeerty, former as
sistant treasurer, was elected treasurer,
and Samuel It. Itoberta was elected to the
office ot assistant secretary and treasurer.
Mining stock quotations in Philadelphia
were weak, due to the disclosures result
ing fropj tha meetings held recently In
(Joldfled, looking toward a settlement of
the Ooldfleld Merger litigation In con
neotion with tho Jumbo Extension The
(alter stock sold down to TS and Qotdfleld
Merger to 1
The Special Committee of the New York
Stock Exchange has established minimum,
prices as follows, to take effest tomorrow.-I,eoe-We
Biscuit, first preferred. S4,
second preerred, IS, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Sault Ste Marie. 138.
iw xcmK J
,iWbr-S'd '-J :
4 is -. m,
May Closes at $1.61 and July
at $1.83 tiuropo Takca
Heavily for Export.
CHICAGO. Teb. 18 Tho heavy taking
of wheat In nil positions for export prob'
ably was the strongest factor on the
Board of Trade today. Thrso tnklngs
were estimated nt 3,000,000 bushels hy Cng
Innd, Holland, Italy nnd Greece Instead
of foreigners tnklng tho May and running
n chanco of getting the cash on these
contracts later, their purchases were
direct of the cash grain.
Too highest prlco for May wheat was
$1 61's, nnd for July, $1 33Y: These prices
showed sensational advances from the
lowest points reached nnd were net gains
of lSafll" cents for tho day.
Only 23,000 bushels of cash wheat were
taken hero for milling purposes
May wheat closed at $1.61 and July at
$1 .131,
The mirkot sold off In tho early ses
sion on tho report of tho Department
of Agrlcultuio showing that there la no
danger of a shortage of grains nnd tho
fnct that Germany's threatened blockade
of nngllsh porta becamo cffoctlvo today
Commission houses were the heaviest sell
ers on the decline
The Government repoit ohovved that
210.OCr.000 bushels were exported of the
1114 wheat ciop up to the Hist dav ot the
piesent month In nddltlon to 957,000,000
bushels of w licit carried over from tho
19n ctop, there Is now a BUrplua of
357 000 000 Ijl shels, or 40,000,000 moro than
tlio average annual export for the last
flvo jears
l'orclgn news totlnj vvas rather con
lllrtlng regarding the unsettled market
(here Hcports fiom Italy allow that mil
lers havo thus fnr bought sufllclcnt wheat
for tho remainder of tho season Thero
vvas an unusually largo demand this year
for large stocks of flour. Tho wheat crop
in Argentina has been seriously damaged
by tho floods
In Great Britain tho planting ot barley
13 gradual!" taking the place of wheat.
Ileports 'jcclvcd here today show that
the abandoned ncrcngo of winter wheit
In the United States tills ear will he
small, nnd the estimated crop will be be
tween CSO.000,000 and 60.000 000 bushels
Moult cal repoitcd n round lot of wheat
sold theie for eport. Argentine ship
ments of wheat were estimated at 3,'JOO -000
biiBhels this week, and corn, 1,700,000
bushels, compared with 2,376,000 bushels
and 515,000 busnols, respectively, actual
shipments a jear tio
Leading futures ianged as follow a
Wheat Open lllcli Low Clone cloae.
j li'n, mi, li 1111)1 11"
1 .11 1 134 1 2Si, tl T-l"? 1 32H
Corn Inew dellvcu)
May 77W 7i
July . .. 78' SO
7(1'. 7S'. t7I'i
77' JOTJ t70ii
Mn f.s'i M) BS, 00 .-,9?;
Juii .... 55'. no si's .vs tralj
S5' fid fll'i M tJa
TO 1(1 TO in .'2 10r,7 410 77
Mny 1070 10 70 10 .'2 M0fi7 f!077
.luu II NT II) h7 in nr tin 7.1 !
10 87 10i7 10 07 t'0 75 MO 90
Maj .. . . 10 10 10 13 10 02 t10 15 10 11
July . . 10.11 10.W II) JO 10 37 10 40
Muy. . 18 71 18 71 18 "1 MS 02 tl8 82
Julv .. 10 15 10 15 IS 63 10 07 110 2.1
Bid fA'ked
VEW 10HK. Feb 1 Ihe cotton market
opened Ktendy today, 2 points loner to .1
mints lilKher nnd advanced In the llret 11
mluutea tn net gain of 1 to 4 points over
lnt nlshl s close. Thla Beoma restricted by
Hpprohensloii over the putting Into eiTect of
tlio I.ever bill and tlia war lone decree. The
principal feature on the call nan n purchase
of 13 0WI bales of October Otherwise, trndlntr
was small Prices at the close were 8 to 10
points above ycatcrday's final
Cotton producers, merchants, manufacturers,
bankers and warehouaemen appeared at tho
National Museum in Washington today at a
hearing called by the Secretaries of ABrlculturc
and the Treasury, upon proposed rules and
iCRUlatlona Roveming- admlnlatrntlon of the now
nntl-futurcs cotton law which wont into effect
todns Tentative rules wero dlscuased unl
Tea close. Open. High Low Close
March . 8 1SfiS40 8 41 S VI X 41 8 40
MlU . . SfllHSIII 8 rtl 8 71 SO.', R7I
Julj .. 8 N2flf S3 8 81 8Dt K St 811
October .. n osgo oo 007 a m 0 07 n.io
December .0 20 0 27 9.31 U.27 0 31
bpot, 8.W.
Last winter a dinner was given in Jacksonville to some
Northern business men.
The committee wanted some Florida celery, which was then
being shipped by the trainload.
They got enough celery for the dinner by sending to hila
- delphia and having some of it sent back !
Cost of living is a keener problem in Florida than in Phila
delphia, for housewives in Florida complain of scarcity as
well as high prices of green vegetables.
Florida grows winter vegetables to feed the North, but not
for her own people.
This is a story that is particularly interesting just now
when Philadelphians are eating FloridaVegetables.
is one of more
that is on the news stands TODAY.
Fire Centa the Cop $liO the Year
WHEAT. rtecelpte, lt0,488 hualt The
market opencii lf2c lower, but subsenuenlly
ro 23Rc , under bullish speculation In the
ivtat, making a net advance of Ir for the day
There waa n good export tlertsnd, but millers
showed little Interest qiiotstlnna: Car lota, In
export elevator! No 2 ted, spot snd I ebruary,
H.floal Oil No, 2 red. Western, $1.0301 70, No,
I Northern Duluth. $1 OSfll 73
COnN. neeelpta, 47.421 bush tx)csl er
lota wero sc. lower, mn incro am iro ;nnR.
In export deliveries Quotations! Car lots, in
rt elevstor. No. 2, spot and Feb . 70BSOC.I
ner, 77V478'4e,l No. n. 70'W7J'4c, Car
.. Ifl..r H, am In tneallnn. Nn II VM-
lots for
Intr, new, SliffKlVie : atenmer ysliow, new, S2JJ
tauo.i No. 3 vellow, new, TOgSoe i sample
j-ellow, new, 73H76c.: new cob, per i0 Iba.i
OATH Itecelpls, B8 flO'.hush Trnde was
nulet and prices were Me. lower. Quotations!
No. 2 white. tUHWlic , standard ivhltc, (Btf
0.IW.i No. J white. 02V48B3C.
HI K dull nt late decline. .We ouole at
t,2JUI.2 per bush., na to quality, In export
cleiatori and nt $1.1501.17 for amall lots of
nearby grain In ba ...., . ,.--.
ILOUIU neeelpt, 1101 bills and B70.C20
lbs In URcka Trade was flow nnd the market
was nominal Quotations her 1W) Iba . In
wood Winter clear, 77M, do, straight,
lix'illi Ai. no, .pntrni, iiivbi. iimiwn,
straight, jute ssis. $7.25117 SO; do , Pntent.
Jute sacks, $7 50178! siring, first, clnnr, $0 7BW
7 do, straight, $7S7.2BI do , patent. M.Kifja:
do , favorite brands, $9 2108 60 clt mills,
choice and fancy patent, $8 2S!?B BO: t Ify mills,
regular grades winter, clear, $7JT7 23: do ,
alrolghl, 17 21ft7,W), do , patent. $7.ra8
nvil FI.OUR was aulct and unchoneed.
vvn quote nearby and Wostern, In wood, at
$7177.2.1 per bbl , as to quality
Tlio market qtilot but steady Quotations!
City beef, In sets, smoked and sir-dried, 29
1t2t)c , Western beef, In eels smoked, 231
200 , do , city beef, knuckles and tenflore,
amnkod and alr-drlcd, 27R2SC do , West.rn
beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, 27fT2Sc i
beef hams, CUO.U. pork, family, 22 6023!
hams, s. P cured, loose, UUttt&Hci do,
skinned, loose, 12",Wll;c , do , do. smoked,
UUl I'ic , other hania smokeil oily cured,
ns to brand and average, 14M4Va , do , boiled,
boneless, infi.Oc , picnic shoulders, 8 V cured,
loose, im,JTllL , do, rnioked ll".I(ll'c , bellies,
In pickle, ncrordlng to brand and average, city
cured, IffflSi , do Western nirod 17fiil8c ,
lard, Western, refined, tierces llrrfllUc , do,
do, tubs, llUUc , dn, pure cltv kettle
rendered. In tierces lUfliMct do, pure city,
kottlo rendered, In tubs, llWU'.f
Trade slow, but list prlocs steadily held
Refincra' list prices fllniidard granulated,
II 80c fine granulnted, 5 75o , powdered, r, 80c, i
confectioners' A, 6 05c soft grades 4 0085 50c
IlUTrKll Tim market wna nulet. hut
prices ruled steady on flnn eoods Tlio quota
tions W estern fresh, soltd-rnckcd, crenmery,
fancy, specials inc., extra, 31c . extra firsts,
SOc; firsts, 2SSJ2PC ; seconds, 2011270 , lndlo
packod, 21023c , as to quality! nearby prints,
fancy, flic : do, average, ottra, SJc , do.
rlrsta, 2l,T3lp : do , seconds, 2nn28c , special
brands of prints. Jobbing nt 30711c.
TXHIti. Hecelpta were light nnd the mar
ket nlvnnccd 30c. per ensn under a good de
mand. The quotations follow In free cases,
nenrbj extrn. 30c. per dozon nenrby firsts,
3 10 per standard case: nearby current re
ceipts, $7,05 por eaao. VVeatcrn extra firsts,
7 'H pr enso do, flrHts $7 01 per case,
Southern, $7 80JJ7 1)1 per case, fancy i-elcctcd,
candled fresh egga were Jobbed out at 32933c
per dozen
Clli;i:SI". Tlxnort demand good and mar
ket llrm Quotations' New York full cream
fall make, choice. 17'i5fl7'4c do, do, rnlr
to good 10'Si9t7c : do , current make, lOVi
lfl'jc , do , part skims, S313c
English Weekly Statement Shows Loss
of Reserves.
LONDON, Fob IS Tho weekly statement of
tlio Binl: of England showed reserves of $40-,
8J8 0C0 ngalnst $51,230,000 thn previous week,
'llicro was a low of nearly $2,000 000 In bul
lion The bank rate remained unaltered De
tails follow
This week Laat week Lietesr
Pounds Peuuds Foundi
Circulation . 34,1(17.00 14 415 000 2S 077,000
Public d-p 40,110 oro 4(14111000 17,224 000
Private dep 117,017,000 115,810,000 41 057 COO
'securlTles ..24,50,.! 000 24 718 000 11211000
Other socur.. 101.700 000 101,811000 37 142 COO
I'.cservo 40,823,000 51,2TO,()00 32,.')1),000
Proportion of
reserve to
liabilities . . r.l 5lo 11 571. 52 01 4
tlulllon (15,545 001) G7.20t.OO0 42,527 000
Hank rate ... VS 54 3
11115 Decrease
Fevond eek Fobruary . SI, (114 000 J'rIOOO
From July 1 04,v)7.1(-l 21,573.073
Second week February . $1,045 000 S4.00O
rrom July 1 37.050,450 l,4n.03U
Second week February . $210 100 vi too
From July 1 . 11,400'0 1,111.100
Second week February . 1!0 Oil (11,1.11
Fiom July 1 0.517.01U 1,300,418
than 30 articles in the issue
i ' Indtpendencc Square, Philadelphia, Va.
Demand leti active ) S
guolallons: rowll Jj!
uvvno, --aIL; .RKBP, iOTHTC! fr1tlnaht rJ
pair. 22(!. do. young, per pir ljliJl'i
with demond equal to the limi.""
latjont! rresh.kllltd fowls, 12 toct. "4
Picked and , . dryt acked, ttleei?s t.'Tifi
V,w: ., weigning. 4H0 lbs anise. .JfTR
apiece, lftfeflil7e i do . linrfSl 1? V. ?o. i ibJJ
I'M Fowls, bbl. drir.nlek.fl 1a 5L"? tta
western, 4SJ1 lb. apiece. 18e detgrT'atri
nplee7 20J20 ' do. i TVSn lmM
t Dickens, dryplcked and dry.pseitert' I1,i2,,l
milk-fed. .11 to 3d lbs to dot 7 j& ,'? ,5fl
42 lbs. to doi. ISe.tdo. 45 ti It it. ti!?."J
18e,t do . 48 lba to doa . 20c T flV '51 .1
over, 2Ie , corn.fed, 21 in 42 lbs ia :".!
dA. 41 lo 47 lbs to dn. it.1, j." .?.IA
n'ffrkioe n1?. a J?'l "CI'e !
Vi5JSnn!.siW t&AtSS: 4''rrn
"i.i 01
boxes, 170180 1 do. ordinary t .feV'fflv js.1
oeese, nearby, 12K14e.t do. W.1i7' ;.'?
Bqunbs, per dor , white, welobln ti i'f? ?I
rer do. $4S)a40 white, wefthijiVi .!
nor, .. E.Ud.i ,o; oo . do 7 11 a D.r riA ,Vil
3 25! do. do, (ton' lbs per do,, niiSM
dark and No. 2. 00a fll ro. ' zel
Cf l.teTv.24 ' ."ranges, Morlds, nir ffiJ
$17502 50' tangerlnen, Florida wr .iSS1
h.Wp 50. gropefru t riorldi? Per box KS
t" tox 1189
.1 'Uf, Florida;' affi.Hr cranb' ifflei ?& Jg
virletles. tier bbl. Hmmim '-..W
'. piiieappies, rer crate Porto Illco. I
Jers-y, per crate, -V7Se,. pears. Naw" wj'
Kletfsr. perbW.'tieB. .trawbMflei.no",?!!!''
cr i(uurt auotiCa. ' 1
Tho general market dull with fairly lib.nl
offerlnga within the rnngo of tha follo.fij
quotations Wh to potatoes, per busff-pTi,1
sylyanla. fiOflrae i Maine. 48063c.: Taw Tort
as to quality. 40&45c.i white rota.tcSsVjM,' i
per baaket, a0,)5c.; nweet potatoes. f)iin
per hamper Large, $1 23-81.75' medium: (Kj '
No 1. $2R2 75! No.
,!;,, bwi-bi iouiioca. uaaiern unore. HrHI.
ii 'i. 'i awet. Jr.
sey. per UDI .NO 1, S3 2301 60. No. 2 ii
fl .K,l, .l,N,lf. nap
onions, per bush, 00S05C.: do. choles Hi VS
uusnei, I0C.BI1:
lliO-lb bac , $1 15: do., medium, per lM-iE S
bag1. $1, no. eeconda, por 100-lb bar ISe
"abbaco .Danish, per ton, $10t11; ciuVlfiowr' ;
New York, per cratR, $lpl 75 Spinach, Nor! ti
ItlO.lh liai; . SI 15! dn.. tn.illiim n im'k ?B
--. . .. . .- . , ..,,., ,.,. iv.i -jim
n, iiwl.,,. f. u -,. .
linaket $1 5001.50, beans, KlorlJa, per biitktt
Jlimrn reas Florida, per basket. lioMil
eggplant, Florida per box $JSJ4: cucumbtrs
T tnrlda. ner bfl.k.t. 1.1 r.OT7.1. .niia.h m...'
in k. iipr mil . ing' niiii : istririr u tiai j
I lorlda.
per uai
basket. $ i 253.1, poppers Florida, sir
ir. S1HJ4 50. beets, Florida, per fJJ
iea. lltfl tomatoes. Florida, n., niu.
hunchea, 1i1 tomatoes, Florida, per cirrltr
fancv. J2.tO1M). choir.. ilVl ii
Florida, per crate. $1 25HI2, do , New Torn, oh ',
bunch, 3550c.i mushrooms, per 4-lb. bkjkiL'M
Bid. MUii
Jim Butler M ,50 j
MacNamara 0.1 njl
Ildwav 03 ft
Mlzcah extension 24 !
Montana 48 .441
Nor Htnr 14 .191
Junnpaii i.eiiiiuni. o 10-io
lonopah Extension 2S
nononah Mergor 14
Tntlntnll kilning QYl U'
ltescuo Cula .08 ,o
West End H ,H1
Atlanta 21 11
Blue Bull 05 01
Booth 12 31
Bulldog: M .
C. O. I' -Oil ,07
Comb Frno 01 .01
iBIamf II H 0.1 OS
ESi. "- : ' . 71 &
Ooldneld Consolidated .... 1 1J-UI
Ooldfleld Merger ., 23 "Sit
lumbn F.xtension . .. . 7 m
Kownnas JO .-Jl
Dm 'D .
Sind Ken oj ,I
Kllver Tick . O'I 07i
-, .,BA 01 .Ml
trimterly M ,!(.
Nevada Hill .7' .
K...H. vonder .... 110 LS0
In Iuidon today bar sliver it 52 15-UJ
rence per ouncn. n Hu.amc ,,. --, im".
Now York commercial advanced '4 cent, toSH
cents per ounce.
rtox , inc., dn , 00 lbs nnd over. 20c nix- u
dry-picked and dry-paeked. In bM.?.T?,tf
heavy. . IDe.r Western, corn.fed V ikeJ"5.d.
OfTerlnga of choice alock only modem. i.V
prices generally steady with trads fffi &
tlons Apples New York, per KM -SeSJSJl
MWimt King, $2W2 75 TSrk ImplflS iA
2 150! lien T3nv a, l,50fl 75i BnJ Irfin-flP
I!Al4vln $t 7BW2.60! other ! goeSy.fi.P5J5f.
Ilef. SI 75512 KOI m.rlli.m K ... 5".Bvh-
n, v-,.u --..ii. --"..":,- -" ": anniei.