Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 18, 1915, Sports Final, Page 5, Image 5

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Who Rules the Stage?
n.,tA Una tiit-nwtl rift TO tl Hi ft
to"the powers that be In the Amerl-
thealre. The rtutor, not tho manager,
ill wserts. I '" centre 01 mo maso
N history of the theatre," he says,
w "The ni"". ,. wlll bo tho i. Utory
Extort and not of managers." Ho cites
mJSSS ''OtoBtet." Edwin Booth a
M?Arfl.c,. Irvlnir's "Sliylock," Tree's
"Jienuow ,n(ii,t, "Tlnimmel" anil
ffffis "MubIo Master." He contends
P4n P? V,1 . v. M, WnrilMil-
Sf Da.' , n,,a ninrn "manaKed" In
fiJl emday sense Df the term.
yjL .- rPBcnt nundlt It eeems quite ns
l,ii that If the manager of today la likely
tinieinai worn tho actor whose
Eru he chooses, tho actor himself will
I? I; from memory In favor of tho play
E.'.V,m.. n.irfanEo has been eclipsed
'IlTi Shakespeare. Tho author may think
RiLlf a much-abuscd creature but tho
Rfdof thne has treated him very kindly.
Kt'sars the movies will glvo tho Iran
i1' ?art of acting a little help by record
E".. o.furcs and aspect, but tho play
.ffiUr eternally In print and action,
raw"!!" . .niftlif Imvo mado a better
;" , for tho manuRer. Ho might lmvo
fS flne ' "eaUv'o In tho" direction
rtWiy """ , .. ,i,nn nf nlnvn u II
i Mima fame. AVallaclc nnd Daly aro
.54 forgotten. Mr. Dclasco has built a
i." F. "i A,1 no fnr Mm comlne
Sr, tho synthotlo artist of tho the
'.. .ir.,iv nermanv celebrates his fama
ii a man llko Relnhnrdt. America will
l such men boforo many years aro
I- . l.t jn. ttn nrlMn rntnn In?
nnrUcr'n finldcn Fairies
h New York has seen Granvlllo Barker's
f-fllded fairies In "A Midsummer Night's
bream. But row Iont naen i ien
y them in towr -- ---
UWllh WlllCn JjOHUUH uiiuau m Di.wiv no .-
i.rianco to a aenu conceiiuuu " nviujf
plywrlght. Tho audlenoo at Wnllack's
K reveled in mo ucaiuu viuumum. 'i "
E English manager has given thoro, and
i frankly had n good tlmo ovor ono of tho
less Interesting of Shakespeare's aomcdles.
L ---. AniifDit wnn tin pnitl
m? Too reuou.it u mw. , ..
imagination which Mr. 3arkor and Nor-
3 Into the piece. Tho fairies of glided faco
rand COnVCIlUOJUUizeu imir wiu umjr uiiu
jjEexaraplo of a dellberato aim to creato
Uhlnff flttlnff to this play and to no other.
TflS iPreSt WIIUIO AlltMUl. . U.CU HUfl iUIi-
vjrted Into a suggestion of a green bower
i. fatrvlnnrl. not a natclicd ud fako mado
.... AtnA hrnnrllrt. Thn "mpphnnl.
t ols" rioted over the "forestage" almost
ptrformanco ra.n at such whirlwind speed
that the wholo text was heard, uncut and
Ainalterea in sequence, ior mo iirsc nmo
In living memory,
fhs reviewers wero uniformly pleased
with tho production. Tho Sun says:
MTialnn ( on Vt inettiinia nml tttm.
uiiKlnirs modn tlito rnnrAanntn t Irtri nf A'
K. VMRummer Nlcht's Dream.' it was In tho
;' fcrliknees of tho action, tho humanity
ana vitality of tho proceedings, that tho
attjffanna frtiinrl Itfl nVitdf n1A.tniirn In of"
w niht Tho two performances of tho com
fits 3y most notable during recent years
mt PPiru wntcjl lur uivui iiut iiui iiiiu liiu
At the eamo tlmo It Is genuinely amus
TTmhflrfh n I n i-H ti f n n.nr nnM "AflTlft.
Rns-Gene," produced for tho first tlmo
Kla New York some weeks ago, has Its
m local premiere scheduled for next Tues
day evening. Tho extension of tho opera
Reason, tho evident Intention of tho
i Metropolitan management to glvo of Its
best to the city and tho partlcuV. vlr-
K tnea of this opera should combine to ln
B' Yoke an attendance which In slzo (and In
A respectful attention) will Justify tho ex
Ef Mrlmant.
if The story of "Mme. Bans-Gene," which
jraa played by Rojano and was Bet to
musical comedy as "The Duchess of Dant-
IgiltT," Is simply that of a washerwoman
K Who became a duchess and remained a
wwoman through tho transformation.
BaCalsrlnn. TTiiAhsnlmf. frty rlrnmittlr rpn.ftonH
fbeat known to Sardou, was tho washer-
K, Wemsn for a young and arrogant Ilcu-
,,nimin namea uuonaparie. bo x-asnuuio
I Amato enters In tho third act as Na-
E roleon, and the characterization is said to
H It extraordinary. If It Is as good as
bis singing has been this year, It must
no miraculous. Tho nrralrs or tno young
; lieutenant become Emperor, his suspi
cions of his wife, the Involving of tho
Duchess nnd the triumph at tho end are
Jftmllar enough; the musical setting of all
".this will bo properly considered when tho
jjtaualo has been heard hero. Butln advai:o
Kttbat must bo noticed is that Miss Qer-
jtftMlne Farrar wlll play the Duchess. Who
MU could play It? Mr. Martlnelll will
ty ana sing her husband, tho good
febvre, and tho rest of tho cast wilt
b8 the crpnttnir ef nHata nt tlin Maw
PYork premiere. And Mr. Tosennint re
turns io -us.
On era and Vaudeville
H to those who bellovo that musla Is
something sacrosanct to tho illuminated
w, these paragraphs have nothing to
ay. They are Intended for those who
willing to believe that the walts
wearo from the latest Viennese operetta
nas the same legitimate appeal as the
E438lO Of IL Prllph ntrnn t,ot i vntr
fc''h moment Is Intrinsically of the same
j"nai as the eternal symphonies. Un
its tnUllo is ones nhnnn nnd onnv. It will
fewer be noble and profound.
Oo for confirmation of that to Mme.
wuwna white, who sang last year at the
-., ouse ana is singing this week at
Veith'- Ana . iu. .-x -t m.
tj,, " iiuui UIH tuvi uiai roil
wuens on the ICeith circuit are Infinitely
fi! .'" courtesy, In cleanliness and in
-jjuirapuue, Mme. White declares ehe
JHinnd no difference. Those whorhave
.e4rd HA, lln- t.M. .11 .....1. ,k.,
i?;."88, condescended no whit from her
Zi,Srt: Bh htt8 not vulgarized, but
Wmti. And she has her reward.
t'.i.v. ar,t Plaoe, her audience at
5 "listens with tremendous inten-
rAjtA wwum mi wnuper situ u ciiar
r"". much jnore satisfying, her audience
,M,Mjr critical and frankly enthuSl
?" Th0 taUa dignity of opera, its v-
snobblsra, its cheap theatricality
f vnhed. The vaudeville patrons
r because they want to come and not
ffSS! is the proper thing to do.
tt! 1 muvoa, ilk ejr am ur
tl tbe,p emotion. Mme. White's x-
Sm ' "' ta 8Um' Mbull to tla Brand
jffM tor real opera.
da ii. ao one t0 educate the people up
NT f'nd opera, because if the people are
if educated. thAv st.nuM ba aducated
S WW vvortby art We ask that opera.
Ku"nea or Its sins and that those
fJSS .a.nt hear " shouM have the op-
rr,u'y- At the present moment those
Nff.80 hear "Dancing Around" or
hfflr "" Fancies" would be horrified
H Usa notion o roinar tn hear "Paralf aL"
pSjt It about the opera repertoire of the
mt ti l ""t bw at the offensive aura
" taorowisra and If that repertoire
STit hAitA V,g a nnarE eoulil
SS, tct contaot With the people
.pmii wWch it u guite mbsard.
ing to see the reviewer of tho 8un b-j-ato
the "music-less" quality of file nct
!nK' ,becaua no ono was bow-wowlni;
Shakespearo's golden words" In tho ofd
manner, and to read In tho Times of
Mr. Barker's "loyalty to tho sheer musla
of tho verse." We move.
How "PegMYna Sold
Was there ever a "big success" that
'every manager In New York" (except
tho fortunate gentleman whose press
agent speaks) didn't refuse? "Peg o
My Heart," which comes to Philadelphia
next week, Is no exception, nut thoro
wag at least some novelty In tho way
Hartley Manners finally sold fno piece to
Mr. Morosco. Hero Is tho olTlclal ver
sion! Mr. Morosco went to New York to see
"Tho Dlrd of Paradise," another of his
productions, and Mr. Manners asked to
do permitted to accompany tho producer,
Mr. Morosco was glad of the company.
'May I put a play In my grip?" Man
ners asked,
Mr. Morosco replied that It was very
hard on tho eyes to reafl on a train, but
Manners took tho ploy 'along. Mr. Mo
rosco recounts subsequent events In this
"Wo hadn't been traveling more than
half un hour when Manners fell aBleep.
There was little for me to do, so I took
out tho play and read It. I saw at once
that It was of exceptional c'naractcr
Manners slept nil the tlmo I was read
ing It, or nt least appeared to. Having
arrived at my decision I went to a writ
ing desk, penned a contract, wroto a
check for advance royalties, pinned It to
tho agreement, nnd, wnklng him up,
handed them to Manners. 11a wns
greatly surprised, nnd, Incidentally, very
much delighted, since nearly every New
York manager had turned the play
Playwrltlng Is ono of the most popular
of professions, If wo may bellovo tho list
of 6.1,v00 dromaB which tho Library of
Congress has compiled and printed as n
comploto record of all dramatic copy
rights since 1S70.
Chicago doesn't seem very much
enamoured over "The Bubbles," a ptoco
with which Louis Mann Is strenuously
"Tho Peasant Qtrl," which was so
pleasantly received here, makes her bow
to Broadway about March 1.
According to the wise ones of New
York, Dodson Mitchell will bo added to
tho Little Theatre's company for tho pro
duction next week of Porter Emerson
iBrowna'a "Rich Man, Poor Man."
The dlscouraglnglv small audiences
rthat greeted "Mario Tempest In Philadel
phia hnvo continued to bo tho rule on
her tour. Consequently she Is giving up
the refined humors of Henry Arthur
Jones and others for that persistent
seml-falluro, "Nearly Married." After
closing up In Philadelphia, following a
season of tonuous existence, tho Selwyn
farco Is now on view In Boston, with
lllchard Bennett.
Smile a Bit
Boston Opera Housar
Henry Jowott Players In
This Is ACTING, not pictures.
"Tho Merry Wives of Windsor"
for tho LAST tlmo this season
by popular request
Young People's Concert
The peculiarity of tho various wind in
struments In solo and In ensemble wero
explained by Miss Florence Leonard at
the sixth concert In the Young People's
series at the Llttlo Theatre yesterday
afternoon. Three movements from So
beck's Quintet In E fiat and two from
Relnecke's Sextet In B flat admirably dis
played tho color value and characteristics
of this class of Instruments. The effect
of flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon
In chamber music was highly pleasing.
Tho noxt concert Is Wednesday afternoon,
March 10.
ADELPIII "Tho Third Party." with Taylor
Ilolmea and Waiter Jones, A bolstorous farce
of the familiar trlaniruiar variety with a.
patent chaperon. Violent but amuslnr. . .8.15
imOAD "PyRmalion." with Mrs. Pat Camp
bell, the dlatlnmilihed Enxllth actress Ber
nard Shaw turn a Cockney flower Klrl Into
the phonetic equivalent of a duchess, A line
Impersonation In a fine comedy 8:15
FOHHEST "Fads and Fanoles." with Dorothy
Jardon. Lydia Lopokova, BTank Moulan and
a halt dosen variety stars, Sublimated
vaudeville, comparlsoned In color, mirth and
danclmr 8:1S
OAIUUCK "Innocent." with Paulina Freder
ick and a Kood cast. The disastrous results
of beauty, lnoranoe and a lady ltather
unexciting;, considering Its su-loct.... ,8,13
LITTIjlS-'The Admirable Dashvtlle" and
'Tlie Dark Lady of the Bonnets." with the
resident company. Two comedies by Shaw,
One a blank versa dramatization of his novel
on Dualllsni: the other an amuilne encounter
between Queen Elisabeth and Shaw's only
dramatic rival. Good fun for tbo Intelli
gent o.lS
IrniC "Bancinit Around." with Al Jolson.
A Winter Garden show with a hussar hero
who la looklnc lor a beauty spot and flnds
a whole ballroomful, Al Jolson convulsively
ruins thi plot 8:13
WALNUT "It's a Lontr Way to Tipperary."
A war drama alonr popular lines, with the
popular sons well to the fore. Neutral, of
course ....8:15
KKITirB-Carollna White, the dlstlnmilshed
slnKer; Trlxle Frlirania. the popular comedi
enne: Harry Beresford and company, Mr.
and Mrs J. MoOreevy. Lucy Gillette. Adler
and Arflne. Blank Family. Martin Van ller
Ken, the Behrena and Paths News Weekly,
otoBB-Klo Bert. In "The Dream Pirates1!
Frank Milton and the D Long; Slaters, in
"The Terminal"; Anne Kent. Burns and
Ktiwen. s!ncrs! the Arco Brothers, balancers:
Dorothy Klna; end Sara. Kendlr, Pierce and
Matter and Mtljrt and Schofteld,
NIXON Wilson. Taylor. Inhla playet. 'The
Chlif of Police"! Camllle Fartonl. in a Jaoa.
neM operetta. "Buttertly LoW't the Nine
White uussars, insinuswiiaiisMi ne juiryie
Kirk and Foxarty. vocalists: the Cabaret
Does, trained animals: Jannlrura and Bvera.
uja:kface comedians, and comedy motion
WILLM PENN-Harry Bapp. In TbeBujer
From Pittsburgh." by James Moran: Tim
McMahoa and EdIthCliapoello. In 'How
Hubby Slissea uie inin i via rwi
flarry Hewitt. ejn:rii and dancers: Ed Core
flVand Charles flm.tte. ''the old oai?!l Will
Morrttr and Dolly Racket and Euisnle
C8SS"&pYB-(lajt halt of weekW-Th. Po
litical Women''! Webster and Woodbury,
comedlanai Clsro Bevens and, company In
'riural Life"! the Three (Hidden B filers in
sons and dance, and the Phyllis Family.
Bandar revival sermon, tabemaela. 10th -nd
Vine streets; f.80 o'olock. free.
beorges Hill Improvement Association, Han-,
pel'a Hall. 1600 North B2d atreetl 8 o'clock.
Cedar Avenue Improvement Ajsoeiatlori. Ttb
and Cedar avenue. 8 o'clock. Free,
Fifty-second, and Lancaster BustaeaaMeu.
Kid asd Lansdowne avenue. 8 o'clock. Free.
University Extension Society lecture., art(
flth Hall, 1420 Chestnut street! 8 o'clock.
eoturs. "Panama," Frank IX Bauxher.
Fr library SjPhlladelphla., West PhljaaeJ
phls. Branch. 0U aod Walnut etreeUi
Market ittrt Merchants Asoc!atlon. Buur-
Tmlr'fc'a'V VStSfVKB- J""
.'luttfr'aSmatown taNWWt
AiScUtlon, odd Feltows' Orphanage. Oj(b
USSSSS!- Nw cturr Plr
1 BJttonsw&l streets 4 o'clsdc
sffil Chattef'L The jareat Wheeler, bicyclist.
NlXON'iT auArJD-werner-Amoroa and com-
panr. in a iuMUnar Jjovelty. Itoblna. "Ibe
Z:nW hand"! the Six Little Honey Beea.
f" 'Twit o
ill ' m
, x -
UW.C W".i
A.WT Vv,
Questions 'and Answers
The Photoplay Editor of the Even
ing JLEDaEit will bo pleased to answer
questions relating to his department.
Queries will not bo answered by let
ter. All letters must be addressed to
Photoplay Editor, Eveninq Ledger,
Tho Motion Picture Exhibitors' Leaguo
of Pennsylvania has Bent tho following
letter to the Evening) Ledger on the
Question of censorship:
There is a great American principle
that Is tho fundamental underlying
force In tho entire American republic,
and that Is tho freedom of speech,
publication and religious liberty.
A moving plcturo Is nothing moro or
leas than tho publication of an Idea
or conception that Is published through
pictures Instead of through tho press,
and as such a legalized censorship
violates tho principle above referred
to and is obnoxious to any decent
American citizen, and especially re
volting to tho men engaged In tho
moving plcturo Business as n means
of livelihood, suggesting as It does
that they aro engaged in an Illegal
and moro or less Indecent business.
The unnecessary expenso that Is en
tailed by this totally unjust super
vision Is only to a slight degree less
In Importance than tho principle in
volved. Tho American people nro perfectly
capable of being their own censors,
nnd will quickly shov by their patron
age, or by their lack of patronnge,
their likes and dislikes.
We, therefore, ask you as ono Amer
ican citizen to another to remember
of the World Films
fH W
I rl "lT 1 I
A: Tulpehochen St.
Market BtreeS
Cheten Ave.
nnd Chew St.
Rtil Re anil
LMiidowno Ave.
Gennantown Ave. u?IrUflt'Sa
,1 H. Ktlll
Havertord at.
fi3d St. and
Wralming Ave.
Frolic Theatre
hFI.VlDERE "VeTi fflS
lgxJ VSJJjK 0.ciock
Phlla.'s Kluest Photoplay Theatre. iP. "
S" " '" " " "'' .'. ..-ttnakfAn A.n4
Kenslusteu end
AiieKneny "
Ut ot. nnd
Lncater At.
" PAHONQ ajjouhd"
Jr f "The aucxJETTt cauet, v
that over a century ago our fore
fathers left tho old world and bore
untold hardships and Inconvcnlonces
to establish In this unbroken wilder
ness n. colony which has tfrown In
prestige and enlightenment to the
glorious America of today. They bore
these hardships to enable them to
throw off tho yoke of censorship nnd
oppression that bound them hand nnd
foot In tho old world, and now at this
day shall it bo written that their sac
rifices wero In vain and their descend
ants, represented by you, shall seek.
to Impose the samo oppression ana
degradation on their fellow-men?
Wo ask your assistance and your
vote In repealing this obnoxious act
creating a State Board of Censors for
moving pictures, or, In fact, censor
ship In any form, as wo firmly bellevo
that tho pollco power of this great
Commonwealth and nation Is amplo to
regulate and prohibit anything that Is
Immoral or Indecent or which may
tend to corrupt the morals of the com
munity. Rare Settings in Chinese Piny
Edison Director John II. Collins, with
his customary lnslstanco on detail, has
put somo of his best work on "Tho MIs
blpn of Mr. Foo," a story of tho struggle
between tho old China and tho new re
public, with an underground setting. In
order to obtain real Chinese curios nnd
antiques, Mr. Collins has been holding
back tho production for about plx months.
Chinese curio shops wero searched and
tho Edison Japanese actor, T, Tamamato,
v,as enlisted In tho campaign for real
The result Is that Mr. Foo's Chlneso
homo. In the picture, presents a wonder
fully perfect Chlneso setting and Is more
of an nntlque shop than many shops
parading as such. Rare Chinese antiques
of red nnd black laquejed tables and
chairs In odd design, richly embroidered
dragons on hangings and tapestries, vases
seldom seen, nnd Immense swords with
carved hilts and scabbards, glvo tho Bcene
the air of old China. One of the chairs
Is an oddly shaped, beautifully lacquered
. i .... ni,ni," wMrth In Thlna. Is borne
in a funeral to the grave for tho priest
to sit In a chair extremely difficult to
secure In this country.
Tho secret chambers of the conspiring.
Chinaman, underground, represents the
Ingenuity nnd welrdness of effect for
which Director Collins has gained con
siderable commendation.
First Aid to tho Lovelorn
Although Dan Cupid, as his name Im
plies, Is a llttlo fellow of the male gen
der, he wlll have to look to his laurels
if Norma Talmadge, of the Vltagraph
Players, consents to net as mediator
between couples who ask her advice in
tho straightening out of lovers tangles.
Mies Talmadge cannot conceive Just why
Bhe Is being selected by young lovers of
both sexes, from oven remote parts of
the country, to pour balm on tho troubled
sea of matrimonially inclined swains. In
MR. & MRS. II. D. WAGNER. 1780 N. UnOAD
Scholars' SS" Tonight -,
Private Lesson. Day Jr Evjr. 'Phone , Dla. 838
RECEITUW fivin. J" w. --
Chestnut st" open TlO A. M. to 10 P. M.i best
p"row: best system! "?. rates ; 13 Instruc
tor.; muslo always! newest of tho nsw steps.
A.MMAnB 1 nn.l ff1An antl IRA
Evenings, V and 0 10c, 18cr ilia
UnCH ItMlllW... ' M -.y.MMM . ...
The Dancing Girl
lUed In
No. 10, Gentlemen Crooks
Chas. Chaplin in HiaTryating Place
Boohed TnromU the Htaalsy Uooitinr JQ.
Master Key No. 13 and 6 Other
oniEit ruruLan rituuuimuna
Comlutr Bier, 1 to o"
snwsuw. ww 'CUsO- tJIIIIISTIAIV
RedempUon of David Corson
, ...... ....ivium.
Lillian RutseU in WILDFIRE
THE $20,000,000 MYSTERY
svisit saim
Miss Talmadge'i ease it seems to be
an epldcmle, as It was only two weeks
ago tho Influx of mall of this nature be
gan to arrive. A sample lettor wlll suf
fice to ohov tho trend of some 200 com
munications received by the popular Vlta
graph player during the past H days:
"Hickory Itldge, Ark.
"Dear Mis Talmadge:
"Mo and Jim Hoover had a fallln out
tother day on now ho ses hes quit keep
In company ez 'no dont kcer fer a gal
who nags him about klllln squlrrols. Its
no seoh thing Mis Talmadga an I lov him
an want him back. Wont you pleas tel
mo how an 111 bo yoro fren forever and
ever moro cause I lov Jim.
"Very afecshunate
All the letters seem to bo bona fide ap
peals for help and Miss Talmadgo la at
her wit's end ns to how to answer tho
many and varied questions asked without
giving offense.
Answers to Correspondents
LILLIAN V. Crano Wilbur has loft the
Pathe Freres Company nnd Is resting.
Ella Hall and Bob Leonard aro In their
twenties. Pearl White Is playing at pres
ent opposlto Arnold Daly.
ELSIE In "Tho Friend" Enid MnrUoy
was the nlrl. Charles Ray was tho first
man, and William Webster Campbell tho
second. It was a Domino picture.
Subject of Professor Schmucker's
Lecturo Tonight.
The second lecturo by Prof. Samuel C.
Schmucker on "Tho Story of Modern
Sclenco" will be given tonight at Grlflltli
Hall, 1420 Chestnut street, under tho aus
pices of tho University Extension So
ciety. The subject of tho lecturo Is "The
Life History of the Earth, or the Story of
At Association Hall, German. own, to
night J. Q. Carter Troop wlll talk on tho
"Social Significance ' of the European
War Germany." Professor Troop Is a
Canadian and late editor of The Week,
published in Toronto, Canada.
Tishs Spy
By Mary Roberts Iinehart
THIS new Tish story" the Adventure of the Red-Headed
Detective, the Lady Chauffeur and the Man Who Could
Not Tell the Truthis in Mrs. Rinehart's best comedy vein.
Tish and her friends go camping in the Canadian woods,
where they rub elbows with international complications and
have a succession of thrilling aid romantic adventures.
Other ITeattires in this Ntimfoer
A Nation on the Water Wagon (Second Article) ; William
A. Brady on the moving-picture game; a new Billy Fortune
story ; Tour No. 2, by Ring W. Lardner ; the Parson of Pana
mint, by Peter B. Kyne, and the next-to-the-last installment
of Rugglesof Red Gap.
Five Cents of all Newsdealers and Post Boys
?' . .. i
AnHOTaT. On February .IT, J016 MAA H.
o., wife of Charles it. Abbott and aaoithter
of Hoi and the late Alfredo, Guerrero.
Funeral services on Saturday, at 3 p., m . M
the reetdence of her mother, Marshall Bead,
Oirrettford, Pa. .
AJ.COTT. At nirerten, N. J..on February
JT, 1P10. AMJETIIT C. ALcOTT. husband of
Unnle Alcott. Funeral and Interment, pri
vate, Saturday ntternoon, February SO, from
414 Thomas are, niverton, N. J. ....
BAKIJ5V. On february. 17, 191B, ENOCH
HAICLBT. Funeral services on Saturday, at
10 a. m., at the rertdenco of Georre V. Fox.
BA11TII. On February 18, 101(1, ifArtY H,
daujhter of Arthur and Mary .11. Barth.
Funeral on Saturday, February 2p. at 1 P.
rn.. from her parents' residence. 11008 North
Franklin st. Services at the ndan M. K.
Church, at 2 30 p. m. Interment Green
Mount Cemetery, ..
BKTTON. At his late residence, 208 Pouth
22d L, on February 17, 181B, BAMUEIi
BBTTON, Du notice of the funeral will
ni.ArfEdn February 17. 101.1. MAHOAnBT
DL.ARM, widow of Charles F. Illaae, Sr.
Funeral servlcen on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at
her late residence, 3T34 North HSth at. To
liroeced to Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
ni.IZ7.Ani). On February 10. 10 IB. EI.tZA
HETH E. I3MZZA11D (nee ItMtrdonj, wife of
Joeeiih C. Bllstard. Funeral en Friday, at
2 p. in., from 18US South Leo at. Interment
Fernwood Cemetery.
IirCHANAN On February 10, 101B, JANE
I1UCHANAN. Funeral en Frldty, at 2 p.
in., frjm Oil Baltimore ave, Cl.lcon Heights,
Delaware County, l'a. Interment private,
Fernwood Cemetery,
nUKHMHl On February 10, 1MB. CATII
AIUNU It,, widow of Oottlob Iluehter (nee
Hlser). Funeral services on rrlday, at 1:30
p. . m., at 12.14 North 11th at. Interment
OAItUN. On February 17. 1018, SAHAlt J.,
wlfn of Colonel John II. Cnrlln and daughter
of Thomas itoFortand, of Steubenvllle, O.
Funeral on Sunday, at 2 p, m., from 2.7
North Oral at. Interment private Mt. Peace
OAIIIUITT. Second month 10th. 101B.
LYDIA. daughter of Anna M. and the late
Amos Unrrctt. Relatives and friends aro In
vited to attend tho services, on sixth-day
jrrMny). 10th. at her lato residence 4X1
South Walnut St., Wsst Chester. !., at 1
p. m Interment at Wllllstown lrlendsr
Burial. Ornund.
COLMN. On February 17. 101B, IIEN
JllKTTA M. COLMN, nred ill years, nt her
lain residence, 0J50 1 st. Intermont Friday,
at New Brunswick, N. J.
COMPTON. At Philadelphia, Ta., on Febru
ary IT. 1018. MBl.VfN D COltPTON.
I jmernl services on Friday, at 7 p. m , nt
his late rcsldenco, 742 Parker St., Nov ark,
N .1 Inlrrmont prUate
CONlNdSlIY. On February 10, 1018. nt
Irjlrgtnn. N. J COItDUt.IA, wife of Fred
erlck Conlngsby and daughter of Thomas nnd
the late Klftabetli W falilrloy. Funeral from
781 Sluyvesant nvo. on iVlday, February
10. nt 2 p. m. Interment Folrmount Come
terv. COULTER. On February IB, 1018, JULTA,
widow of William Coulter. Funeral on Frl
JftV, at 8 30 a, m.. from 2835 North Leo st.
High Maea at the Visitation Church, at 10
a. m Interment New Cathedral Cemetery.
CKOSBIN. On Sunday, February 14. 1018,
CATHbHINE U , wife of the late James F.
Crossln (noo Cunnle). Itelatlves and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday
morning;, at 8.80 a, m., from her late resi
dence, 2330 South st. Solemn Beaulem Mass
nt st Anthony's Church, nt 10 o'clock pre
cisely. Interment nt Holy Crons Cemetery.
DEJVHNOr. On Februnry 17, 1018, EMMA,
wife ot Booth Dowsnop, aged 71 years
luneral on Saturday, nt 2 p. m, from 281
South Alden et. Interment private, at Fern
wood ComeWy.
"SJfJr-Pj February 17. 1018. PATUICK
DONLAN. Funeral on Friday, at 8.30 a. m ,
from 2010 East Cumberland at. Begulem
itiasn hi tic. Anns wnurcn, nt 10 a. m. Inter
ment at New Cathedral Cemetery.
EIJY. On February 10. 1015, J. DANIEL
En Rolatlves nnd friends of the family,
members of the Oivco Baptist Church. Ornco
Bennclal Association, Ohio Society of Phtla
delphla, are reKpoctfully Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Saturday nfternoon,
at 2 o'clock. precisely, nt his lato residence,
tr2t Ast Norrli" st. Interment nrlvntn
ELWIIOE. On February 17, 1015, ANNIE
AMANDA, wlfo of William Grant Elvldsre
and daughter of the late William and
Amanda auyer. Funeral on Monday, at 8
p in., from 1 Slocum St., Mt. Airy. Inter
ment Ivy Hill Cemetery.
FINNEOAN. On February 17, 1015, MISS
HOSE FINNEOAN. Funeral on Saturday,
at 8 SO a, m , from the parlors of Mrs Wil
liam V Lynch. 270 frouUi 20th st Solemn
Bequlem Mass at St Patrick's Church, at
10 a m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery
roOTE On February 10, 1018, HARRIET
ELIZABETH wlf'j of James Foolo. Funeral
services on Friday, at 11.30 a, m . nt :.2D
Dickinson ave.. Swarthmore, Delaware
County, Pa, Intormont private, at North
wood Cemetery.
OAKRKTT. Second Month 10th. 1)
LYDIA, daughter of Anna M nnd the ; .
Amos Garrett. Relatives and frlundn arc 'ti
vlted to ottpnd tho sen Ices, on Slxth-3-v
(Friday) 10th, at her late residence, i!t3
South walnut St., West Chester, Pa., nt 1
HAT On Tebruary 10, 1018, MARY H
wlfq of H Olbnt Funeral uervlccs on rrl
day. at 2 30 p m . nt her late residence,
203 1 Moore st. Interment at Fernwood Ceme
tery. GRAHAM On February 17. 1015, WIL
LIAM, son of the late Frnncl and Ann
Montgomery arnham and grandson of Sir
Arthur Grnhini, of Dernlsh. Ireland, runeral
on rrldnv, at 2 p m., from his lato resi
dence, flVlo Haverford ave Interment Wood
lands Cemetery. Strictly private
GREER On February 17. 1018, CATH
ERINE, widow of James Greer and daugh
ter of the lato John and Mnry Ann Connor.
Funeral on Saturday, at 8 30 a. m , from
inn Merkle st.. Manavunk Interment at St.
Matthew's Cemetery, Corehohocken.
GRIFFIN. On Februnry 10. 1015, BRIDGET,
wlfo of John J Grlnln, Jr . and daughter of
Michael and Mnrgaret Qulnn Funeral on
Saturday, nt S.30 a. m , from 70 Church
lane, Germantown I'olemn Requiem Mass
at St. Vincent's Church, nt 10 a. m. Inter
ment nt New Cathedral Cemetery.
HALL. On February IB, 1015. JOHN W.
HALL, husband of Mary E Hall. . Funral
on Saturday, at 2 p. m., from his late resi
dence, 1220 Wolf st. Interment Fernwood
HALL. On February 10. 1018, ELLA I.
wife of Charles II. Hall and daughter of
the late Msry L. Moyer, aged 04 years.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
funeral services on Saturday, tho 20th inst.,
at 2 p. m. precisely, at her lato residence,
1301 North loth et Interment private.
IIEADLEY. At Bristol, Pa., on February 17,
iot& . H. irarnfJiAjt, inlae-i K
KtyitUr. Funeral rrlea I
fswusjt s at ,u. a. m., at mm. r
' J"tt- " " fU. Headier. esnMr ju
end Washington ala., 1
Ft. JaTltN rnitrflhmrA.
Leiwiwi rt. m
1230 North 8th st.''neialtn MWt t
P"1", Pha"". MU nt Intermssrt (2
J? .,l0' RMeemer Cemetery.
HOI,LANlJj-pn Febraary IT, J918. .TOH,
husband of the late Orlafet Holland. Fun
on Saturday, at 7-.SO a. m. from Oj rj
5jenc o'. fa son, Edward jloliand, jRj
North Albion st (2id and YcrX. 6oiia
Requiem Mass at SU Oolumbn's Church, at
.P s-rn. Interment Wew Cathedral Cemetery.
IIOtVKTT. On February IT. 1018, J. CLAR
BNCB, youngest eon of Harriet and the late
JefTerson H, Ilowett. Relatlret and ttVJ
of the family are Invited to attend
funeral services, on Friday attemeon, nt 4
o'clock, at, his late residence, 1928 NerlS
inth st. Interment prlate,
HUNOniL On February 17. 101B, GTtQi
husband of the lata Mary Hunger, aed TO
years. Funeral en Saturday, at to. m , from
SIM Tulip at. Interment at Qreenmount
imef r.
JENNINGS. On February ,17. 10IB,
rilAJILES FORD, husband of Margaret
Booth. Jennings, agel 01 yesrs Funeral on
Bnturdsy, at 2 p. m , from B3(fl Huntnr U
Interment private, t Northwood Cemetery.
JONE8V On rebruary 17, 1018, ANNIE E
widow nf Dnnlol K. Jones Funeral on
Friday, nt 8 .30 p. m from OtT Ixxiust eve.,
Germsntonn. Interment at the convenience
of the family.
JONES On February IT. 1918. CATH
ARINE, wldor of James Jones Funeral on
Saturday, at 2 p. rn , from 185 West Graver'a
mn. chestnut Hill. Interment private.
niLLEY. At her residence, 322 East sterner
St., on Fobrusry 10. 1B1V MARY A., wife
of .noy E. K.lley. Funeral services on Sat
urday, .at 2 p. m , at tho apartments of
Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment
private, nt Green Mount Cemetery.
Kilt KB RIDE, In Norrlstown, Pa., en
F-bruary 17, 1015, HANNAH P. KTRK.
BTUDU Funeral from nil Haws ave., Nor
rlstown. Pa., on Saturday, at 1 p. m In
terment private, at Montgromerr Cemeterr
LEinrnitZ-On February 10, 1MB, HEV.
JOHN H LEIBFRITZ. 0. srf, H. Solemn
Requiem Mass oh Friday, at 10 a. m , at St,
Bonlfaclua' Church, Diamond st and Nerrls
Siptare. Interment Mpst Holy Redetmer
MeKAY. On February IT, 1018, JANE Me
KAY, widow of Charles McKay. Funeral
on Saturday at 3 p. m., from her late resi
dence, 2825 Howard st. Interment North
wood Cemetery.
MORRIS. On February 10, 1018, ANNIE It ,
dnughter ot the late Hugh and Elisabeth
M. Morris Due notice of the funeral wilt
be given, from her lato residence, 1624 Euclid
MORRIS. On Tebruary IT, 1018. 1IARRT
D , ran of Harry and lndle Morris. Funeral
services on Frldav, at 8 p m,, at the rest
denco of his parents. 8844 Thompson st. In
terment private, Graceland Cemetery.
OECHLIN. On February IT, 101B, MYRTLE
11, daughter of Mary E. and the late Henry
J. Oeclilln, In her 13th year. Funeral on
Saturday, at 2 p. m., from 1800 North 12U
nt. Interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery.
FAUST. On February 16, 101B, A. WI1
2. 4.M PABST. husband of the late Caroline
(riBr'. Funeral from hi lato residence, 1'OOS
iorth 20th at,, on Saturday, at 2 p. m. In
terment strictly private. In Mt, Peace Ceme
tery. rEAHRON. On Febuary 10, 1018, ADA T
PEARSON. Funeral services on 'Friday, at
2 p. m , at her lato residence. 4043 Haverford
nve. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery
QUINN. On Tebruary 10, 1018. JAMES
Ql'I.VN. husband of Maria Qulnn. Due notice
of the funeral will bo given, (ram the reU
dence ot his son, Charles Qulnn, 2S21 North
rirntx st.
rtOTH. On February IT, 1018, CHARLES
l.. nusuana oe iena u. iuiin. rinsrai on
Saturday, at 2 P. m , from 18.10 South 10U
st Interment Fernwood Cemetery,
BPAYH. On Tebruary 10 1018, at the reel
dence of her nephew, Theodoro F. Kreeger.
Jr., Norwood. Pa , BARBARA J , widow ot
Charles W. Spayd, M. D.. of Wllkes-Barre.
Pa. Funeral on Friday, at 2 p. m., from the
First M. E Church, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. In
terment at Hollenbeck Cemetery.
STKEin. On February 15, 1018, IRENE
BTHEIB (neo Ashworth), wife ot Frank
Steelb Duo notice of funeral from her lata
residence 1825 South Llndenwood st.
STOUT. On February 10, 1010, at her late
residence, 240 North 13th st., AMANDA,
widow of Watson Stout, In her 82d year.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Friday afternoon, at
2 o'clock precisely, at the 13th St. M, E.
Church, 13th below Vine. Interment private.
WARE. At Salem, N. J. on Second Month
10th, 1MB. WILLIAM P. WARE. Funeral
from his late residence. 258 East Broadway,
Salem, on Sixth-day, Second Month 10th. at
2 p m without further notice. Interment
Friends' Burial Ground, Salem.
WEST At King of Prussia, Pa., on 4th day
2d month lTth. 1018. REBECCA K.. Wife of
William West, In her 80th year. Relativos
and friends of the family are respectfully
InWted to attend tho funeral .at her late
residence at 7th day afternoon, tho 20th Inst.,
Ht '' o'clock. Interment. Valley Friends'
Burying" Ground. Carriages wlll meet train
lealng RoadlnR Terminal at 1:30 p. m. at
Klnir of Prussia.
WIEDEMANN. On February 10, 1018, OTTO
and Pauline CRoth) Wiedemann. Funeral
AstvIccs on Friday, at 11 a. m.. at the,
chapel of A. J. Balr & Son. southeast corner
llith and Arch sts, Interment strictly prlat.
WIE8T. On February US, 1018. ANA MARY,
widow of Frank J. Wlcst (nee Oelsz).
Funeral on Saturday, at 7.10 a. m , from 2iS
North Falrhlll st. Requiem Mass at Bt.
Bonlfaco Church nt 0 a. m. Interment at
St Pettr'B Cemetery.
1VISTAR. At Salem, N. J on Second Month
17th. 1015. MARY ANN WISTAR,' wife of
Jostah Wlstar. In her 08th year. Relatives
and friends aro Invited to attend funeral,
from the resldenco of Cleayton Wlstar. J7
Market St.. Salem, N. J . on Seventh-day,
Seiond Month 20th. at 2 o'clock, without fur
ther notice. Interment at Friends' Burial
Grounds. Salem. N. J. . .
WOODLAND. On February 10, 1018. HOW
Anna Maria Woodland (nee Wlnther) and son
of Wayne Woodland. Relatives and friends,
also Washing-ton Camp. No. 350, P. O. 8. ot
A.; the Bookkeeper Beneficial Association,
and employes of Armour & Co , are Invited
to attend the funeral, on Saturday, February
20 1015, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence,
00l7 Hawthorne st.. Frankford. Interment
at East Cedar Hill. Norrlstown papers plcua
Obituaries on Page 4
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