Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 18, 1915, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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' Washington's Birthday
The plan for the celebration on Saturday
ttext at under lhe direction ot the Washing
ten Day Committee, composed of represent
tlves of rntrlotlo and fraternal organltallons,
of which Charles If. Davis Is president: Will
iam & Hlcom, vice president; Gilbert Hamil
ton, treasurer, and Harrr 6. Opdyke, secre
tary At the meeting at the Knights ol
Uolden El Hall, 814 North Croud street,
final arrangements were completed tor th
trd and exercises In Independence Square.
The orator of the occasion Will be Justice John
I. Elklrt. The other speakers will Include
ifajror Klankenburg, Receiver of Taxes O.
Kreelsnd kendrlck and William Rowcn. of
ihe Board of Education. A chorus of school
children will elnr palrloUo hymns and songs.
The exercises at the square Trill start at 3
o'clock Prior to the ceremonies a laurel
wreath will be placed on the Washington
statue tn front of Independence Hall.
The parade,, In which several thousand men
will participate, will proceed to the following
formation at S o'clock! Broad and Spring Gar
den streets, thence south on Broad etreet to
Market street, thence east to Ctli street, south
on Oth street to independence bquare. Divi
sion 1 Detachment of marines nnd sailors
from League Island, with their own music.
Division 3 A detachment of tho National
Guard of Pennsylvania. Division 3 The Old
Uuard of the city of 1'hlladelphla, Division 4
- -Order of Independent Americans. Division 6
-Bons.of Veterans. Division 6 Patriotic Order
Bonn bf America. Division 7 Loyal Orange
Institution. Division 8 Cnurch organizations.
Division D-Knlghts of Golden Eaklo, Divi
sion 10-Order United American Mechanics.
Many out-of-town delegations will bo In line
from Chester. Camden, Wilmington and Nor
rlstonn. Charles II. Dara is .grand marshal,
wltlr William A. Grotilner. William II. Clark.
Jr.. William I Wilson. Captain and Adjutant
John Pepper. Max Trankner, John MCCllntock.
Hiram L. Wynne. Oeorge Sell. John Lynch
and Oeorge W. Lake as aides. The liny mar
shals are Colonel William C. Metcalf. Edward
Wilson. Major Harry 8. Opdyke. Grand Mater
Charles Harbeson. Assistant Adjutant General
Charles M. Williams and Edward Noppel.
Independent Order Odd Fellows
Grand Secretary Hall went to Btroudsburg
last week to arrange the details for tho annual
asealon on May 18. 10 and 20. H reports that
other large places In the BUto
In the matter of accommoda
tions for representatives and
visitors and that there will
bsgeneral satisfaction and
""oraruf'sire ItobertT. Dan
iel s accepted the lgv Italian
of Grand Master Paul A.
Benson to attend tho annual
ceptances to similar Invitations have also bn
received from the grand m-ter; and grand
secretaries of the Jurisdictions of New York.
Now Jersey and Delaware. These BJiests will
be present on Wodnwday ejd Thursday of the
week of the session, and will Jnd the m;
nual banquet of the Past lre,eniv!5,
Association to be hold at the Water Gap on
MTiie 'Representative Association of southeast
ern Pennsylvania will hold It. "nllaae":
quet on Saturday evening. May 1, In 1 nnaaei
Dhla. the placo to bo selected. --
ivy Lodge, after a short business session next
Montty evento. will open the doors r the
ladles. The Renewed Interest Commntee.
Joseph TF. Calhoun, chairman, has friJMja
an eMertalnment for the evening. and as usual,
the hall will be crowded to capacity. '
fhst regular meeting of tho Ivy Workers will
Si held this evenlnl. About . ffn
already been enrolled. "d',nlvv Lodge,
promises to be a great Influence In .W.KHJJ;
On March 6 the degree team will &Vratana
vllle. Bucks County, to confer the first ana
second degrees for Neshamlny Lodge.
fcn art,-sa.?raaBs
'Rlllv" Douglass, the president and secretary
of the vetefanoid Fellows' association. .form
a rare roraMnatlon of dignity and . ''deviltry,
ind while they truly represent the vete: rans
4haf, - .fin verr 1Ivo wire. wnijo o
average age of Mllle's membership Is 42 years.
tK aVemore Inellglbles than ellslbles for
Tiro : Douglass' class. There were vlsltlnc del
etlonsfrora Sy. pn.han?' Best Metropol -tan.
Imnertal. Drexel and United Lodges, ins
evening Degree Master Georgo Brunner will
hand out!feV varieties of degree work. -The
lodge needs better nen,3?n'VSi,tStm dae
The Installing staff of Merchants ""jse
I. Srewlnr "or the semiannual Installation
n Aprth All the members P""5''
Friday evening for a rehearsal of the worn,
leh wai very creditably done under the
direction1 of. Bro. Morton. There will be
& work durtng tho month of March, which
will be In the hands of the most competent
U!tVrklidV.onferred the first and sec
ond degrees tn full form on William 11.
Sehmuhl under the able direction of Degree
ffT.T.r ir.nry W. Gift. The visitors lauded
?he"workeonfyth. dre. tSm. Remark, for
th mod of the order were made by Bros.
Haves Merkle. Brill. Smith. Weber, Mensle.
WeUe and others. The lodge sent a tribute
of flower, to Bro. S. M. Rhea, who Is sick.
The lodge paid a visit to North Wales Lodge
last nlaht to view degree work. This lodge
U one of the competitors for the honor of
exemplifying the second degree at the annual
session ot xn vruu jvuv.
Kenderton lodge conferred the second de
gTM In "hSrge of Brother Bunt, degree mas
terTand Bro. Kennedy, acting noble grand. In
an excellent manner. The Entertainment Com
mittee provided an oyster supper. The com
mittee on religious service, Bros. Burgert,
Tomllnson and Tucker, has secured the Rev.
& Bird, pastor f the Tioga Baptl.t ber.
facie, and the choir of the Toga if. Ecijurch
for.the service on February 28 at the pdd Fel
lows; Home, of which Bro. Bunt Is the hon
ored vice president. .
Wetrome Lodge held Its annual ";
Odd Fellows' Home last Sunday. The sermon
was preached by Rev. Edward M, Hart, pas
tor of Columbia Avenue Methodist Episcopal
Church. The rauslo was, by the large con
gregSlon. under the direction of Miss Jennie
E, Rlebni, organist, and included a duet by
Rudolph Lack and George E. White. Presi
dent Slpps made an address.
Marian Rebekah Lodge. No. 47. had charge
at the Rebekah Home. The sermon was by
Charles Faunce, ot Wisslnomlne Daptlst
Church. The muslo was In charge of Miss
Verna Rltter. Addresses were made by Pres.
Mary A. Engelman and Charles Hart, a mem
ber ot Marian Lodge.
The services at the Odd Fellows' Orphanage
were under the Joint auspices of Wayne. Phll
inthroplo Spring Garden. Star of Bethlehem,
Mercantile, Merchants. Caledonian and Im
Serial Lodges, constituting the first district.
Addresses were made by Rev, M. S. Bush, pas
tor of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church. Lo-iran-
President Richardson and Robert Love,
chairman of the Education Committee. The
raunle Included vocal solo, by Miss Viola M.
oraharo and John Dallas and selections by tho
children's chorus and orchestra. Spring Gar
den Lodge presented 13 to the home to be ex
pended on the orchestra.
Lady Meade Rebekah Lodge had a social
night last Saturday, and a large number par
ticipated In the cake walk and "shoe sale"
arranged by the Entertainment Committee.
Under the direction ot the noble grand, Mrs.
Bessie Bowen, and the chairman of the En
tertainment Committee, Mrs. .Lillian Bowen.
the present term promises to establish a record
for good time. At the next reguU? meeting
of the lodge Mrs. Hauls Mendel, secretary of
the Rebekah Assembly, will witness the ex
emplification of the beautiful Rebekah degree.
The work of the degree team of Lady Meade
Lodge, of which Thomas G. Clark Is degree
master. Is rapidly becoming famous through
out the jurisdiction.
Improver! Order Red Men
routaxet Tribe celebrated Its 44th anniver
sary In Friendship Hall, Sepvlva and Norrls
street.,' on the sleep ot the 10th, sun. The
Invited guests were Great Chief
ot ltecoras lronnaney, ureal
Senior Bagamore Walker and
Ureal Keeper ot Wampum
Farrar. Addresses on the good
ot the order nero made by the
great chleis and Brothers Ran
dolph P. Llpplncott, of Nia
gara Tribe, of Bridgeton, N.
J. William Moore, of Lennl
lnln. anil MAverftl nasi each-
ems of 1'outaxet Tribe. The Entertainment
Committee provided soma good things to eat.
The singing of Brother Burlington and Brother
Harry tj. Deaver and the buck and wins
danclns of Brothers Uufflngton. Robert Brown
and Oeorge Nlchol were highly , enjoyed.
Brother Daniel K. Zimmerman furnished tha
music. I'outaxet Tribe Is one of the oldest
tribes In Kensington, having a present mem
bership of 210 and a treasury of 114,000.
raconta Tribe had a spirited meeting on last
Fridays sleep, with Sachem Dougherty In the
chair. In accordance with n resolution to In
crease the membership, Past Sachem John n.
Greenhalgh again proposed three palefaces Tor
adoption and they were admitted. Several can
didates hate been proposed for tomorrow s
Mn am.1 It la n-nKaKta that InA AllnntlOn
degree wilt be worked. The members intend
to keep the degree team busy. Brother Town
send returned after a long absence nnd gave
an enthusiastic address, Past Sachem Green
halgh spoke on tho order In general, and told
of visiting other tribes with the great chiefs.
Bjmpathy was extended to Past Sachem onn
Cumero, who has suffered the loss of his
mother. The degree association Is planning
a "Night In Bohomla," and urge nil to Join
this active organisation. Chairman White and
his assistants Invite general eo-operatlon In
this work for Ihe good of tho order.
A new era In Redmanshlp In South Phila
delphia was marked by the new degree team
organised within the Dakotah Association,
which conferred the chief's degree for the
first time on Tuesday's sleep Neehamlny
Tribe, No. 23. which meets at 1005 West
Passyunk avenue, had the honor with n large
attendance of visitors. The team has an or
ganization of It. own. and under the able di
rcetlon of Its officers A. Thompson, of Wapel
la, president; William Fisher, ot Menno, sec
retary, and George Phillips, of Sioux, nro con
duotlng It. affairs In a business-like manner.
Some of the other degree teams need to look
out for tnelr laurels. The last rehearsal was
a Piute's wigwam, which full demonstrated
the team's determination to make a success of
the work. On the sleep of the 18th sun, Sioux,
No. 87, will have the honor of a visit from
the association, when the trlbo will present
candidates for the adoption degree.
Maesasolt Tribe will perform tha adoption
decree at Alpena Tribe on Thursday's sleep,
the 25th Inst. Massasolt was honored with a
visit from an o! past sachem, John F. Kleffer.
The new quartet composed of Brothers Algayer,
Fester, Young and Collins rendered soma fine
selections and were the lending futures ot the
social session. Deputy O. S. Rolllson also paid
en official visit.
The tribe, ot West Philadelphia will attend
divine service on Sunday evening next at Cal
vary Luthern Church, lst street and Mantua
avenue. The services will be conducted by tho
Rev. J. M. Tweedale. Members are requested
to meot at 4014 Lancaster avenue at 7 p. m.
sharp In order to march In a body.
Navajo Tribe held its tenth anniversary Feb
ruary 11. 'The full membership of tho trlbo
turned out, and tho talent was tho best to
too had. Great Senior Segamoro Samuel H.
Walkor commended tho members for the good
work they were doing for the fraternity.
Prist Great Sachem John B. Poorc made a
fine address, and the applause given him
showed his ever growing1 popularity. Brother
Llpplncott, of Bridgeton. N. J., also gave the
members some words of wisdom.
Lnkota Council kindled their council brand
In their new tepee. Room 7B, Parkway Build
ing. Urothor J. H. Nugent, presented tho
council, on behalf ot the Senator, Boles Pen
rose, with i silk banner, which was accepted
by Pocahontas Alice I. Cremen, on the behalf
or the council. Mr. Horace D. Gaw -.poke on
the "Stars and Stripes." Long talks wero
mado by Great Wenonah Catharine Gonthnfr,
past PocahontaseB Mrs. Mllllman, Mrs. Pflng
stad and Mrs. Neamaund. Sister Shoemaker
was tendorcd a vote of thanks for Iter work In
the order. On the sleep of tha 10th eun will
he class adoption, tho degree work being ex
emplified by Tonguna Council, No. 80.
Patriotic Order Sons of America
William Weand was bom In Pottstown In
1842 and learned the trade of machinist. At
tho outbreak of the Civil War, upon the call
of President Lincoln, ho en
listed in tile wjth, tlegimant
of Pennsylvania Volunteers
and served until October.
IBM. He participated In 32
engagements In the Army ot
the 1'otomao and under Gen
eral Sheridan In the Shenan
doah Valley. Brother Weand
Joined the Patrtotlo Order
Sons of America In 1S72 and
at once became active In the
upbuilding of the order, serving In the various
ofnees of the State ramp ana retired as Its
State President In 188J On January 1, 184,
he took charge of the office of State secretary,
having been elected to Bervo the unexpired
term of Henry J. Stager, resigned, and has
held the office continuously since. At the time
ho became State secretary there were in this
State 131 subordinate camps of the order with
u membership of 7000. At the present time
there are 8C5 active camps, with an approxi
mate membership of llf,000. Ho has given
the best years of his lire to tho order, and Is
oh active t3day as ho was when ho became a
Camp S30 will present to the Taylor Memo
rial Cnurch, northeast corner 7th nnd Hunting
Park avenue, on Sunday evening next, a silk
American flax start and holder. The piesen
tatlon addrees will be made by a prominent
Breaker, and the sermon by the pastor and
the camp's cnampiain, ino uev. ur. Tison.
Members of any camp or commandery aro In
vited to assist In making this scrvlco one of
the most Inspiring nnd patriotic events over
enjoyed on tho anniversary of the birth of
the Father of Our Country. Sylvanla Com
mandery will head the line In uniform. As
this Is the baby camp In the district, the
officers expect the assistance ot other mein
Ibers of Iho order They will meet In the
chapel of the church at 7:30 o'clock sharp.
Camp 633 had a red-letter night last Monday.
(Every moment was full of some Interesting,
impressive or entertaining feature. Tho af
fair was a Joint celebration, tho losing team ot
the membership contest held Isst term feast
ing the victors and commemorating the birth
days of Washington and Lincoln. Brother
Martin L. Cramer, chairman, and Bros. Charles
M. Solly, Lester Leltner. utenry Highland and
Robert O. Thomson, of the entertainment Com
mittee, assisted by Brothers Frank Schrooder,
Jr., and Georgo G. Dunxelberger, made tha
preparations, and Brother nobert O, Thom
son the floral decorations, reflecting high credit
upon all. On behalf of tho camp, District
President Earl. O Meadows, of District No. 8;
IPaat President Francis I. Lemle. Martin L.
Cramer. Daniel B. Wells and Master of Forma
Charles M. Solly were presented with baskets
ot flowers as a mark ot appreciation for ef
ficient services rendered. The presentations, In
fitting remarks, were mado by Past President
Oeorge G. Dunkelberger, who had the tables
turned on him by being made tha recipient of
a similar token, presented On behalf or the
camp by the toastmaster. Fast President
and Financial Secretary Daniel 8 Wells. Past
District President Ifarry A. Warford and Dis
trict President Earl O. Meadows wero the
special vlaltlng guests. Brother Frederick A.
Snyder, the camp's musician, rendered piano
selections artistically. Brothers Harry a.
Larlsh and Albert B. Meyers entertained tn
clean humor and monologue. Brother Francis
P. (Chief) Lemle made a strong Impression be
relation ot his experiences in connection with
his 25 years' membership with the camp. Bro
Horace H. Graham photographed the camp
room by flash light.
In the business session Harry at. Stewart,
of 2623 West Columbia avenue, was) initiated!
Into tha camp, making the membership total
17S. The goal ot 200 la set for June 23. Next
Sunday evening the camp membership will
participate with the district tn Its flag pres
entation to the West Lehigh Avenue Baptist
Church, 28th street and Lehigh avenue. They
State Secretary Patriotic Order Sons
of America.
form at 23th street and Columbia atenue at
0.45 p. m. and march In a body to the church.
Camp 301'n vltiutton nlaht at 4020 Lancnsier
avenue by the Sixth District Committee, prove
to he one ot the most successful events in the
history- of Iho order In the Sixth District.
Over 200 persons crowded the rooms to hear
the Cn Harry S Stone sneak on the subject
of Immigration, The Rov. H. F. Hale spoke
on patriotism and religion, whllo Dr PhlllD H.
Mooro's subjeot was tho Bible in our publlo
schools. It was tho first night that ladles
wero present. As a result tha committee
pissed la resolution that all future Msltatlon
meetings shall bo open to the general public.
It Is believed that this new rulo will Increase
the membership of tho order. Arrangements
were olso made by which tho spirit of fra
ternal fellowship will bo expanded botween
the ISth and Sixth Districts through a ecries
ot bowling, quoit and other contests.
Camp 203 had a big meetlne on Tuesday
evening. A spirited address was delivered by
Louis A. Berry on "Immigration nnd tho Most
Expedient Legislation." In which ho advocated
tho adoption of stringent laws which would re
strict and not prohibit Immigration. Ho said
that Immigration Is of Itself a blosslng. but
when unbounded and left too free It Is harm
ful and tends to the deterioration of American
labor. American Industries and American com
munities. CUde A. Manger presided, and
among thoee present were William J. Bates.
Samuel C. Wells.Ex. S, P.: Louis J. Berry,
members oftho Sixth District committee, with
Chairman Walker. Dr. A. Alex, Howell. Harry
Meottle. Ddgar B. Wallen. prestdont Camp 203;
Charles Weand. assistant Stato socrotary. ana
Camp BID' has changed Its meeting nights
lrom the first, and third Friday to tho second
and fourth Tuesday and has movod to the
Trust Company's building In Holmosburg In a
fargo room fitted up with electrlo lights
throughout and ample room to entertain vis
itors This enmo is in a prosperous condition,
for although but a little over thrco years old
It has 101 members In good Btandlng and Is
worth about $1000 and stilt growing. Tho gen
eral activity Is greater than In many other
camns. and the workers will give visitors a
hearty welcome.
Camp 80. P. O. A., held on auction bazaar
in which all kinds of fancy work, hand-embroidered
centrepieces and an American nag
pillow were auotloncd. Coffee ond cake were
rervad. Camp 89 expects to accompany
brother Camp B35 to divtne worship at tho
Methodist Tabernacle. Bth and Green streets,
on next Sunday, as part ot Washington's Birth,
day celebration. Ladles' night will be hold
February 23. when Camp S55 will end the
Foresters of America
The Past Chief RangerB' Association hld a
special meeting to elect a secretary to fill tho
vacancy by tho death of J. J. DeWolf. About
150 membera voted, and Jo
seph Foley was elected by n.
largo majority. F. K. Greene
was elected to the position ot
senior conductor. and J.
Maucr was elected trustee.
Court Schuilklll wus hon
ored by a visit from two
members of Court Lehigh,
Brother Flah. flnuncinl secre
tary, and Brother Carey. The
visitors spoke or mo gooa
work which has been done by the courts In
tho northeast, und Invited Court Schuylkill to
pay them a visit. Tho visitation committee
gave the assurance that a visit would bo made
In the near future Tho number of proposi
tions coming in every week Bhows that tlio
members are keeping their New Year pledge.
Court Pennsylvania held one of Its best ses
sions, and welcomed some ot Its oldest mem
bers nt tho last meeting, among them Brother
nillman and Brother Hart, the latter stating
that his employment had permitted him to at
tend only two moettngs in the last 17 lears.
PaBt Chief Ranger Glllman suggestod that
the court assess Its members on account of
the death of the brother whom tho court
aided during Illness. Financial Secretary John
P McCall contended that tho court had never
benefited by an assessment, nnd that it was
able to meet Its obligations without Imposing
burdens upon Its members. ,,.,.,..
Court Olenwood Association held their an
nual banquet, February 11. Brother Lon Jock
ron acting as toastmaster, assisted by Bros.
J Saucrwald, Fred Ott and Albert Winter
holer. Dancing followed. About 150 wero
present, and among tho guests were D. G C.
Range- Jos. I. Foster, Chief Ranger J T.
TrcBsel. Jr.. Dr. W. G. Spless. Dr. V.,J. Bold,
Bros. iSmlcB, John rrledrlch and William Nle
hnrdt. Sr. Court Olenwood degree team asso
ciation will hold a rehearsal on Sunday next,
at 2 P. m. The team performed the cere
mony of Initiation last week on three candi
dates. Knights of Pythias
A special convention was held by Grand
Chancellor Benjamin Moore, of Pittsburgh, ac
companied by other Grand Lodge officers, at
Coeur de Leon Lodge, at Cum
berland street and Kensington
avenue, February IB, when the
eligible past chancellors re
ceived the Grand Lodge honors.
The Hall Association will
meet tonight In the Parkway
Building, eighth floor, when
something definite will be de
termined upon one of two nron-
osltlons offered.
The Past Chancellors Association of the or
der met on February 10. when a highly en
joyable time was had by a large gathering.
The meeting night for the association has
been changed to the first Wednesday night In
the month at the permanent headquarters, Otb
and Spring Garden streets.
Philadelphia Company, No. 3. Uniform, Rank,
which has Iain dormant for a long time, baa
been recently reorganized by members ot
Fourth of July Lodge, No. 100. The company
has secured quarters in Odd Fellows' Hall,
Broad and Federal streets. The following offl
eers have been Installed for the year; C. D.
Calvert, captain; C. D. Felater, first lieuten
ant; II. Fortune, second lieutenant; R. Mc
cracken, recorder; A. C. Funk, treasurer. The
company would be pleased to have any mem
ber of the order connect himself with It. In
formation concerning the company can be had
from any member or from the recorder, R.
McCrncken, 2010 South Norwood street. Watch
for futura announcements.
The 2007th regular stated convention of Con
tinental Lodge was held February 10, at 814
North Uroad street, wllh C. C, Marlon Green
presiding with full quota of officers and Dis
trict Deputy Orand Chancelor Joseph A. Lord
present The Booster Committee has shown
what can La done by having four applicants for
the rank of knighthood nnd two reinstate
ment.. Tho nlm of tho Boosters Is to have 00
,nv membera before the term. ends. After
the session the members proceeded In a body
to celebrnlo tho anntiersary of the lodge with a
"Dutch Lunch." The music was furnished by
the mandolin club of Scuthwark Lodge, which
wai hugely enjoyed. Tho satisfying results
of this convention reflect credit on the working
spirits of this lodge. On February 24 the
rank of esquire will bo given by tho degree
eam, and on March 10 the rank of knight
will be given In long form. A welcome Is ex
tended to all member, to visit this booming
At the last meeting of Banneret Lodge two
pages were proved as esquires, and after the
convention of the lodge all present retired to
a banquet given by the retiring ehaneellor
commander, William Ktesel, Brother Jos,
Scheetx acted as toastmaster and made an
address on tho good of the order. Brother
Klesel was presented with n past commander
Jewel, the customary gift of tho lodge to tho
retiring chancellor commander, and fittingly
acknowledged the honors. Grand Representa
tive Frank Burgess made an nddresa on "The
Advantage of Being a Pythian?' Brother
Drumel made an nndres. on "Co-operation."
Brother Kennedy added his usually Humorous
remarks to the entertainment of the evening.
Muslo was furnished by Brother Dallon's string;
quartet, accompanied by Brother Miller, at tho
piano. Brother Dr. J. P. Frants talked on
"Lessons Taught by Pythlanlsm." Blnglng of
popular song, and cheers for Brother Klceel
closed a good tlmo.
Jr. Order United American Mechanics
Gen. O. 1C Warren Council held a very suc
cessful class Initiation at their council room,
B22 Glrnnl nonuo.
The semimonthly vlillation
ncellng ot the Fast Councilors
in.1 Willing Workers' Assocla
ion of the Eastern District was
teld with Col Fred Taylor Coun
11 Addresses were made by
Kate Vice Councilor 8. G Scott
ind Stato secretary (.harlca It.
Ujhii n. Mnrlln Council will
.' . . -. i- Ai, 11 nh1ct. "Reeolvetl,
nolo a aeoaie on ,--" ", ,r,v CI,,- inrcer
That tho United States should havo a larger
ond bolter equipped urmy and navy.
Frodj" Wagner Council held a banquet and
sinokeY in tlitfr room, 2006 Stella avenuo last
Monday evening, which was 0,t'c"d4,ribylnm?.2X
friends of tho council'. """ 5rVmul
guests from city councils. An excellent niuei
cal program was rendored, after which ail
wer.Pvltod to heavily laden banquet tab es.
Addresses were made by Pas' State Councl or
Thomas ar. Walters, Btato Secretary Oh?.-1"
II. Hall and Past Councilors John O. Wilson
ind Andrew J. Wilson. Bro. Charles Thomp
son Jr7, entertained with recitations Th
success ot the Mcaslon was due to the i ef
forts of Recording Secretary Walter E. "en
zel and his efficient committee i and was tno
opening gun for a big membership campaign,
launched with 15 applications. ...,.
Tho next visitation of the Past Councilors
and Willing Workers' Association wl II bo at
Benjamin Franklin Council. 278 South B-a
street. Friday evening, February 20.
Blakely Council, of Peckvllle, Is reporting
big gains In membership. ..,,
Newport Council, ot Newport, recently adopt
ed the State premium plan and reports 15 new
members nnd more on the way. In.,....d
Crystal Council, of Janette, recently mitiaiea
a class of 20, candidates. i.iii
Stato Organizer Charles Tear will Institute
a council at Wyaluslng, Pa., on February z.
Wllllamsport Council has entered Class Ii
of the National Funeral Benefit Department
and reports big gains In membership.
Hcrnllnie Council has been organized by Btate
Organizer C. C. Hlcklo at Hermlnle. Pa., and
wns Instituted by State Councilor D. K. Hor
ner February 13 with 01 members.
The winners ot the Stato prizes for the term
ending December 80 are: First prize, John
r. Rue. Jr.. John R. Marlln Council, of Phila
delphia; second prize, Percy J. Thomas, West
Scranton Council. Scranton; third prize, W. T.
Knapp. Pride of Valley Council, New Kensing
ton; fourth prize, Richard Ford, Prosperity
Council. Mahnnoy City.
Dunbar Council. No. 207, Dunbar, Pa., has
Instituted a membership contest, to close on
August 1, the winning team to be banqueted
b February 13 was" a big night for York Coun
ty. It wns the first annual banquet of the
Oriental Temple, of York County, and over
BOO prlncos wero present. PaBt Grand Orient
Charles II. Noes was toastmaster and per
formed his duties with a dignity and ability
euch as can only be .found in an Oriental
chair. Tho guests of ahe evening wero Na
tional Chaplain the Rev. M. D. Llchllter. State
Vice Councilor S. G. Scott. Junior Past State
Councilor Dr. William II. Fainter, Stato Sec
retary Chailes II. Hall. Past State Councilor
Thomas II. Walters and Past National Rep
resentative II. H. Hawkins. A very pleasant
number on tho program wns the presentation
of a eolld gold national representatives' em
blem to Notional RepresentatUe Charles II.
Fraternal Patriotic Americans
The last rehearsal of officers for class Ini
tiation was held last Tuesday ovenlng at
Hamilton Council and showed great ability
In those taking part.
Rescue Council held Its an
nual past councilors' night last
evening. A good entertainment
was furnlshea. State v Ice Coun
cilor William H. Sheneman,
State Council Secretary George
S Ford. Representative to State
Council Frank J. uagg, becreiary Jiooert M
Banks and many members and visiting breth
ren wero pleased to address this worthy coun
cil upon Its strength, numerically and finan
cially. The Stato vice councilor, on behalf of the
State Counoll. will this evening present a
silk flag to Uhlertown Council for the greatest
percentage gain In membership in the Eastern
District during tho laBt year. Tho State Coun
cil secretary also participated In the meeting
of this successful council.
Delegates to the annual banquet will meet
Saturday ovenlng next at the southeast corner
of 13th street and Columbia avenue. Every
member Is urged to attend tho banquet this
Next Sunday evening Port Richmond Coun
cil will attend divine services at the Richmond
Baptist Church, and Stato Vice Councilor
Sheneman will present a Bible, on behalf of
the council, to the church. Members thould
meet at Richmond street and Indiana avenuo
The general class Initiation will be conferred
next Monday evening at Lu Lu Temple, 13J7
Spring Garden street, at 8:30 o'clock. Every
member should be present to witness this beau
tiful work. Candidates should be present not
later than 8:15. The Rev. Bro. S. A. Harker
will deliver a, patrtotlo address.
Order of Independent Americans
Wharton Council's members have shown such
keen Interest In darts that a game was ar
ranged between the guards and tho council.
Alter a weu-piayea game It
was necessary to go Into extra
Innings before the guards re
ceived their winning run.
March 8 la the date set for
Wharton to receive the State
nag. The speakers will be
State Councilor Thomas, State
Secretary William A. Pike,
William T. Ramsey, of c.hi.
and others. A cordial welcome will be
extended to
all visiting brothers.
Nut Joke
Maak Who la that fellow eomlns out
at your room with a ruit?
"WIk That's) my nreas agentPennsvl-
vnnta Punch Bowl.
Fifty Winner's of Contest Will
See Wonders of Intermotm
tain Country.
Opportunity to seo virtually all tho
wonder spots of tho great intermountaln
country la offered to tho BO prize winners
In tho subscription congest of the vssn
liEDOBn and the Pubmo Ihdoer- Thla
number of men and women will be sent
freo of charge to the Panama-Paclflo Ex.
position nt San ffranelaco nnd tho Pan-ama-Callfornla
Exposition nt San Dlcgo,
The tour will be made in July shortly
after tho contest ends, which la to be
Juno 30. The B0 persons standing highest
-in the number of points for subscriptions
to cither or both newspapers obtained
will not have to pay a cent for the trip
nor for hotel expenses. Even the bother
of making arrangements for tho trip will
bo taken off their hands by representa
tives of tho EvfiMNO LSDOEn and Pub
lic Ledger. . ...
It will bo possible for tho tourists to
mako stop-overs at nearly all tho famous
places In tho West visited by tourists,
ouch as tho Grand Canon of Arizona,
Yellowslono Park and other places. Also
tho tourists will sco some of tho thriv
ing and Browing cities of tho West.
Tho twin expositions aro tho greatest
displays of their kind ever brought to
gether. Nearly every nation on tho earth
has contributed exhibits and these aro so
arranged that they may bo visited with
out waste of tlmo. A trip through tho
foreign exhibits of the Panama-Paclflo
Exposition will bo as good as a trip
abroad. Send In your name now on the
coupon provided In tho advertisement and
perhaps win one of theso valuable free
trips to tho West.
Beer kcttlcfl. bottles nnd dishes wero
showered on tho heads of Sergeant Morti
mer and a detail of policemen from tho
19th nnd Oxford streets station, when
they were called to Interrupt a party at
2111 Columbia avenuo, according to testi
mony today beforo Magistrate Morris,
who held two men In connection with the
disturbance. Harry Bennett got 30 days
and Patrick Corcoran six months. Three
children, ranging In nges from 2 to 5
years, wero frightened Into hysterics
when tho police descended on tho houso,
but Mrs. Bennett, wlfo of ono of tho men
sent to Jail, promised to take caro of them
In tho futuro and Maglstrato Morris al
lowed her her freedom.
No Aerial Stunts for Boy
Chailes W. Sheldon, an acrobat, who
was beforo Maglstrato Hcnsbaw at City
Hall yesterday charged with violating tho
law by permitting his 8-ycar-old Bon to
do an acrobatic stunt on the stage and
was placed under a $300 bond to obey tho
law, said today that ho fully Intends to
keep within tho law, and that tho act
to which tho court took oxception, which
consists of Sheldon llftlp? tho boy from
a reclining position on Le floor to a po
sition over hla head, will be eliminated
from the act. Tho case against Sheldon
yesterday did not Involve taking the boy
from tho stage. Ho wilt bo permitted to
tako part In the act, but will not bo al
lowed to do ncrobatlc stunts'.
Tins STYLE TYPE (or like this)
One Insertion loo per line
Three Insertions In a week.... MHc per line
Seven corcecutlvo Insertions... 10a per 11ns
Situations wanted, three Inser
tions In a week 10a per line
THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this)
Permitted In all classifications except Help
and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per
sonals, Boarding and Rooms.
One Insertion 20o perltne
Three insertions In a week.... lTHo per line
Seven consecutive Insertions... ISo per line
All rates are based on agate measurement,
H agate lines to the Inch.
DEATH NOTICES-elther paper
10 lines one time SOo
Three Insertions ,. 1.00
In EBeat December 1, lti
for Insertion tn both tho morning- and evenlnc
papers of samo day:
Add four cents per line net to rates given
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
WILL those who have Invested their money
la lue lam jim. unier Aiuciroi pins; lo.,
nnu jaier iiauicfrcu iu tuiuuiar cornpan
bciiij iiaiiicts tuiu nuuiuHa lu tj. A. u,
A 823. Ledger Office?
CASHIER Young- lady In retail grocery busi
ness, to assist In eeneral office work: state
uGe, references and salary expected. L 602,
Ledger Office.
CLERKS The Commercial Depart
ment at Ledger Central has been re
ceiving calls for experienced clerks
and typlsta. Do not miss this op
portunity to file your application
with Miss Dean, as Ledger Adver
tisers are greatly benefited by this
German or American girl for plain
2 In family, 23 8. 8 Otn st.
mitt white, bout 18 year old, 3 i2ui?
goo3 home with young couple lu wturbs It
!"ead, Tioniehotd Registry IJureau, 6th and
rteiD wun iiuurcwwin. mw1.. ....-
cnennnt sis.
SALESLADIES - Svral good UwS
csn sell live proposition, for outside wotk.
Apply Z38 Land Title Running,
BOLIClTOnS-New firm desires 0 ladles reM
eil.. com. Apply rest of week, 10-12. Itoom
08.1, Real Estate Trunt nldg.
STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and
clerks can obtain valuable Informa
tion, about securing portions by 'In
terviewing Miss Dean at Ledger Cen
tral, Bee her at once for this free
advice, as tho Commercial Depart
ment Is constantly rwcurlng good po
slUons for Ledger Advertltcrs.
Wlfrrn OirtL for rencral housework 'ft Bpart
ment; small family. Phono Daring 7607 W.
YOUNG competent white girl to assist with
ehamberwork and caro of B-ycar-old child.
1010 Diamond St. ,
A FEW ambitious bookkeepers, desirous i of
qualifying as cost accountants, to "tudy eve
nings In the office ot a certified publlo ac
countant. D 41, Ledger Central. .
DOY-lirlght, Intelligent Uoy for Important ot-
nco work! state age, docauon.
and references In tlrst letter. A 20a,
""v,'i , g'-,"i-
DtlUGGIST Thursday , evening: faml,
the Harrison act. 1EHS N. Vllh st.
familiar wllh
ERRAND BOY wanted!
bring certificate. 125
h. iiinsi.
SALESMAN-SUra Bro! quick seller! big" com
mlsBlom 2 Land Title Ciilldlng. .
SOLICITORS Reliable, men who can
for an up-to-date, live proposition.
a.io janci 'hub jsuiiuiub.
WANTED A first-class finisher In an Instal
ment houlreplr room: ono who 'Understands
his business! boore-flghters need no'.fPP''
People's Outfitting Co., 10 S. Main st
wiikes-uarre, i-a.
Thoroughly experienced domestic.
-i-w.AAf- man tn tnki Cllftfa OI BIOCK, BOll
?'.".m.f:nL."."KSmL"7Mii nrrtieulars
ana assist, in uuiiub. j;..." ::.. ...,.
Addrees Philadelphia RStfflUn Store, Trenton,
N. J.
WANTED, a boy for
ntrince preferred.
ire room! one with
Apply Schaum &
d tlr.nwood invo
llhllnser. foundry. 2d an
WANTED Exp. warehouse man to take charge
of weSl warehouse, Write, stating experience
ann reference. i omf m-uh" v...v.
W AN TDD Neat-appearing young J" J."
22 years of ngoi High Bchoo graduates pro
fTrred. Apply COS Parkway Dulldlng.
RILL, order, charge clerk, assistant
bookkeper or cashier i woman of
thorough experience, especially familiar
with prlntnlg, engraving nnd paper
business! best references! modernto
ealary to start. J Oil. Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, experienced,
capable of taking entire charge and acting as
secretary or office manager. J 810. Led. Cent.
BOOKKEEPER Refs., competent, willing to
work ! moderate salary. A 212, Ledgg orr.
CHAMBERMAID or chlldnurse: Main Lino
preferred i well recommended. 132 E. Spring
ave., Aramore, i'a.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress! no laundry
work! cxp. colored girl. 1828 S. Rosewood st.
CHAMBERMAID White, Protestant young
woman: reference. 178 Atlantic at.
CHAMBER WORK or waiting!
best reference. 8013 Fox at.
English girl:
CHAMBERWORK or waiting! private family:
cxperlencea, Engnsn iJrot. oo-u i-aEcnau a..
COLORED, day work any kind, city or out
oftown. 707 N. Markoe.
COOK and chambermaid (2 girls), experienced
and reliable: best refs. L 424. Ledger Ortlce.
COOK vvantB place,
at 2034 Pine 8t.
city or country; rof. Call
COOK and chambermaid. Scotch Protestant,
wishes pos. Poplar 0355. 1331 Glrard ave.
COOK, first class; German woman wishes po
sition; references. 003 Nectarine st.
COOK First class, Protestant, competent and
thoroughly reliable; refs. L 431. Ledger Off .
COOK, chambermaid, waitress want positions
together; 2 girls: reference. A 227. Led. Off.
DAY'S WORK Cooking, cleaning, laundry or
bundle wash. Phone Dickinson 2182 W.
DRESSMAKER, French, first-class reference,
wishes day engagements. Phone Locust 2108
D. or write 2110 Balnbrldge st
DRESSM A KER, experienced, wanto few morn
enga gements ; ref. Dressmaker. 110 N. 10th.
EXPERIENCED accompanist, being a Btrangor
tn Philadelphia, would be glad to gfro ner
time for private work at 75 cents per hour.
Phone B7S5 Locust.
FACIAL massage shampooing, scalp treat
ment and manicuring by tho hour: experl
' enced and thoroughly com. L. 432, Led. Uff.
OliU, wishes position; chambermaid and walt-
ress or cooking. A
:-, Laager utneo.
OIRL wants position In restaurant or private.
110 Greenst.
GIRLS (2), colored, wish positions at cham-
berwork and general hwk. 1925 Carpenter.
HOUSEKEEPER (working) for business or
prof, adult fam. Phone Haddonfleld 107 L.
HOUSEKEEPER Colored woman wants posl-
tlon in gentleman's nome. j.io n. Aiaer si.
INFANTS NURSE would take entire charge
from birth: good reference. Belmont 47d.
LADY wants home for two excellent maids,
cook and waitress or nurse; Catholic; Utn.
preferred. Telephone Germantown 110 W.
LADY'S MAID Or light chamberwork Refined
German girl, experienced sewer, embroiderer
and packer. A 30J, Ledger Office.
LIGHT HOUSEWORK Settlod colored woman;
good cook: best refs. 2031 Turner st.
MANAGINO housekeeper-In hotel, or linen
room,or mending jnJnstltutlon.2828Nv10tli.
NEAT colored glrl deslres""general housswork
or cooking! references. Phone Baring 780.
NURSE Protestant girl wishes position as
nurse or light upatalra work; experienced.
A 222. Ledger Office.
POLISH girl wants housework; experienced.
1V4Q uayuga si., rt icevown.
STENOGRAP1 l-vtt, rapid, accurate, hard work"
Ing; mod, salary starting. J 841. Lod. Cent.
STENOGRAPHER, B years' experience, tnclud.
Ing secretarial work. J 055,
Ledger Central,
DOOKKeeping; exp,
I capable. J 857, Led. Cent,
STENOGRAPHER and office hand, experlen'd,
wants work: J7 a week. Oak Lane, 1518.
Stenographer, neat and dependable, would con.
very mod, salary with oppor. A 118. Lod. OH.
WHEN IN NEED of an experienced office as
sistant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk,
call up Walnut 8000 and consult with Miss
Dean, of the Commercial Department, who
has a list of high-grade... experienced girls
eager for positions. Avail yourself of the
free service to Ledger Advertisers NOW.
'WOMAN of ability would like position In linen
room of hotel: best reference. Apartment D,
6129 Locust St.. city.
TTOUNO WOMAN, art student, 3 years' stand
ing, oesircs vuu'iuriucm iu sinn Hours 10
defray cost of continuing study; copying, en.
larslng or designing. J T46,
Kuicr UO'lVTUl.
i -wgssj
srevudra! sv3i
'""AuuttTSMAN, mechanical; t WTTf"5
dataller! oulek. mwpm,. .. TTliv
'"-uuivioaiA, tnecbar
dataller; quick, accurate
TCtlt.t.V tal-.l ,.n. ..'"" S-3
(so, Ifl :,
y.KX exp, lad cs' tailor cuuTT
flttor, also manager. j'PityflU
i i m
. flttor, also manaier. j of cu" i!b
try family: rofsrencVsf n f$I fty,
J. ... Mitt ..--, ' " ltOJ
"MokTVl'lent m
l?."5. WATCHMAN, to M.t "Tr-Si
....m v.igino; licensed, p S2 fnfg'w
Rlimuiu : " i-l!M
Ledger 'Sn'SSF' Ctttt b0 !"
KSJiftSfiVlUat. at recently .
'jnMsgiir s? m
P.08" ?A '.or lt fou?years. Kf.W. liSHm
t Si"0"?, temperato. falthf
??IyJ fi o .keep all books
. """" V. vajOaiTSr tTTllA i -"
and business collegj " edScaUo?
W!, Jn bookkeeptog ??6 twrMB&l
work; highest references eira,ffLSSl
lamoertv e. N. J. .- im,
keeping, advertising -iiMSlJSSSSr
. Position; best refs. J 05.1 . rTSSH5B"
YOUNG .MAIN. a. married; Nsw Yert "!
experience; bkplng. or clerical mfFh,,M
reliable, will taPko'anythln jkw?!
YOU5"? Spanish-American, 23, lnteUICMLfrl
dustrious. desires pos. as translatir siS'l
or any kind work: good refs. a wStt?.cl
,vn mw , .:: "" ""'""1
lOUNO MAN, 17. good education. unbitlniTl
. In broker's office pref. J 849V Leatiia
An a nai-llel n4.IU..al. a ii . -77
r-,n. 1 "Sti?? ""J uui.un k uie worKHK
.uT." . iau,J .yurnea on DV M8 EnwriteftHfJ
plorment for needv. limemim. '.;; SLSrt
the Pnnfjo LrrxiEn and Evknino Lxdoiicms
these columns to tho FRED USB of tin Em.
ploymont Branches ot these organliatlowSj
lien ...... ...lit mj ,,.- ... . TS
hriiTr .:. . una iisiea irom aiy to i
ri2?p?r,lcul.arl? urs,ent -M- The penmSI
listed are out of employment through no fnal
of their own. Applications from drlnlcerrssli
Incompetent or untrustworthy maivldMls ,shI
not recommended by tho organisations, but trtf
provided for by the Immediate Relief DlHalaa.
and women can, therefore, employ the men sil
women listed with the assurance that therm
ivwiti ucociviiiB worKers wno only asx'io?
a chance to help themselves. They do notewt
charity. They want and must have Innrtrtliti
employment. Will you create a. Job. for f:
of theso who can fit Into your orranhattolf
Tr i'aii vllf ln -aa. t. x.if .ie J
will be nuicklv solved. -
NUMBER. tens;
.. " '-' - 111U OWXtA-X CV VMUrUl
T"TOi mrntilTf irnv a nnrr -nr-nPt-fTi : s
AjikLi JDUlVj4Ut 1UUI J.J(-I1 DiilbUtt i
August account slackness; has had no wcri
sinco men. ts. 'A., lui.
PAiwirn iinnm tivvwii jft VElAns.flIiV
whosn last emnlnvfli savii ha was thOTOUI&lf'
hnn.(t ant raflnhlu anA r turn IfUTfl Vt&l
never late ono dav. He has been out of W'ltl
o mojiinv. lias o cmiaren oiqcbv " T"!
youngest 2 ears. S. O. C BSD. (hor"1!!?!
uistrict, a. u. u.. nj wortn jiarnu im.
l.Aiuvrr I'YPpmwjnHn fTJTi?TfRWlfH'
good reference; willing to work ss stctplj
man if necessary; has wife and 1 child.
102. !
BANK , RUNNER Through tne Mcsrasj
Organizing Charity a man. employed few
j ears as a bank runner by a PhlUMWB1",
bank, seeks similar or any other kind Jt w,
ployment. He has a wife and 3 'hllilMiJ
years ana io rnonins oiu. omw fVTi
position, the wife has been sewing, but'"!
earnings are Insufficient lor me sunvinsj
tho family. References and Informstlon i"J
at 4hn Rorlctv'n Kniithnrestem District. PiflCftB
turn a .oh t..ii u n n RAO. "&
will do anything In or out of cltv. s a, wm
oia, Willi o viiuurcii. .mo u- -- --.,.,
4 months! employed In lost position 5V
well recommended, is. A., xo" r"-ji
Bement-Mlles Works, wno rrV.''Vfflr
highly: investigation ahows man to be Wr
In need of helpj E. A.. 183.
with a small children dependent upon s
will take any kind of work ha can t . V"
of the children la III in tne wV5
baby Is 111 at home. Excellent references. M
IJ. Dae r4orinoru f. .., - .vjas
North Marsliall street.) SSiTSiff
..of work for four months he h """Wj
wh iB v.rv delicate. S. O. C.. .&. yj2m
ton District: S. O. C. 4nlH Powelton a.
ion matnci. o. w., .. ,,7., uTJ
BOOKBINDER AN ti''"ti'Cirj'X5M
25 years old. with a wire ana wr ihsfTR'
old, wants work. Investigation show t""ffij
mSalata halo la vital to the life of "
who at present are living In pn .'"Hrim;
blynough food to, keep the Mg jjg
inis man can i"u ' --i -. IK).'""
ence from his last employ"-- ?- . J "
. credit man. married, who after OyeArs
of" VesfrVsm'ploimenV II.
nrst'CiaBa roicrqiiKn. , -
dividual ledgers: Al tttt. 3'tSrp!Vliiu
BOOKKEEPER Maliaglns abllii.. .lS
varied exp cleAn char. MaS?l'liy'r,.hjwSj
BOOKKEErRnit, Intel., comnt. "7
refs; moderate, salary, a 5fi,r JffljBj
OJOOKKlBRPEirt, clerk, asslttsnt. iT?"!'
grad., refs, T.F, Byrnei
BUTLER desires position In . .. 'm
family; good farjftjrfff5
. . . ciiAUBTOun ii-2Si3
10 Its.' actual exper.: snv .(... JS
account death former employer SES"1
tlon; 4& yrs. Vet placoi'rff'0yffi.at''
CHUUFFBUn, English. deslres'lS
f ul driver; leaving boV in SJt 1?? fcetf
fonwernployer. Wtne. lSck,gl'M
CHAUFFEUR nnd raechanla. whli. i"?
. z?rrMW4g&tiu
uryn Mawr. """"renurira
r - (n x cooco ON-V jri ZpTNeRes ,oearvr j T j 1 J T ?o L2v 4Bh 1
C0(4. TRAFFIC Ffej " fMlNPO" T ' LlJX Wr