Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 18, 1915, Sports Final, Page 11, Image 11

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feohn G. Anderson Says British Turf Is Radically Dif
ferent From mat on juini-s in me unitea suites
and American Golfers Lose Out.
-.. a difference In soil and generally
snfttlllftr ground conditions make a ma
cula! difference in me game ui "
. tho nesertlon 01 oonn . niiummiui
'" ..! ViY,.-, iU.m.1 CounlrV Club.
the was runner-up to Francis Oulmet for
f"ulJ . i.v Utd
t5 By "",-' , ,u
"A Seaside linnn ..-- -
. . . n..i.. nu nmv nv flint very
Jw American golfers who have not
'',,.,& on the British seaBhoro links
!; oualliled to paBs Judgment on this
ioint of soil efloct, Mr. Anaereon
if. Ti thn ease of Oulmet.
1'. , ,.! tVin InHllvnpA nf Rrlt-
Mi courses on his fame. Ho camo hack
'"... ...i..,i "ami with n. Wholly tllf.
"rent iron shot as a result of playing
wH found there that his American
Ti.ii a imlnir his Irons was not at nil
'eaieUd to the turf. In making tho
r.K i. ...1a Vila immft nntnrntlv fnll
WIA ......... Vm-i-iAnd tvllAn nnn rnvlnpfl
7..l- ,.. e n ,-nmn.iMtlnn. If wasn't
Jill he returned her thnt he got going
with his new siroKo. n' i ""
a "!.. ii ....b .lmiun hv thn wav ho nlaveil
JlrtuBh Vho Mossachilsotts competitions
K and also ln tho amateur championship nt
Vm.u. .,',.r In Tlrltnln Iff wlllllv dlffor-
Ir.'r-t from tho Amprlcan grnssWl t Is Ilrmer
I Sid has a springy .tread, rtually un-
want to form an Idea of thWlffcronco ln
Ellllla Golf Club on Staten Island, and,
f'Vj:. -ii,inr ,1n . thn steeo hl'l of the
'...1- .i. ,,,., nntlp thn nnnnffv charnctor
cf tho grass on tho plot from tho .ditch
hsiard pretty wen up to mo uracil, mcro
ii a, little strotch how unfortunate It Is
so little l-that makes overy Britisher who
treads It feci that ho Is back on tho old
Vtiri- ........,,..,.,......
.'."Another tmng aooui mo imum
,)i that It never burno up llko tho Amer
, .... no lnt full, when tho lone
drought left tho links turf almost llko a
pawner. TMB was especially nuirauum
. .t.-. nManwlnh tmirnnment. where Oul-
Cnet Nvas beaten, nnd nt the women's na
tional at Nasatt, wnerc tne ciud mraiu ru
,.nirh the. fAtt as easily as If thero was
lurf there at all.
. 'The prevailing aumiuiy m i. ui"
.i. t. on it In hv thn nea. keens tho
t.orf damp and Arm. Any golfer knows
IfeClever Colored
Boy Battles
Vnnnrr FllH.nn. of NeW York.
f Other Good Bouts un.
'Prton Brown, the local clever fcather-
ltl0ht, will meet a tugged opponent ln
the person of Young Fulton, or isew xotk.
Nf. .k. .... t,nu nt thn TlrnnrlwaV J, l"
LWn'KHU- luv yLVrt .....-.
,first bout Kid Polk, SoutnwnrK, vs.
tVrtln Unnrtn. Southwarlf.
tfnonn.l hnnt Younc Ferry. SoutnwnrK,
U . TnOTtY.., T na 2ml tVl WH fit.
Third bout Hook Qulnn, Paschall.l vs.
ain rorine, twuuiwu.
Beml-wlnflup isaaio nan, west i-mm-
Wphla, vs. Joe U Keeie, urays rerry.
wlnaup xoung l'uuon, uv iw, o.
ITeston ittown, tnis city.
nv Cttinnhell. the San Francisco light
weight, arrived ln town yesterday. Ho
worked nut In tho baccaco car on tho
........ ,.... .1.. nnnntvl. n.1,1 fan Id In
toihapa to fight nt a minute's notice. Camp-
Dtll wants a cnance ni Barn iioDiueau.
1 1...J k..u.i1h..lVifr Kattln ahnlllrt rn.
ikt,t wt..n n,Arin rhtn nml .Tnck IcCar-
iron meet at tno .wauonai v.iub, ouiuiuaj
night. Mccarron has Deen ngniinn in
ICICflUlU iUIIII. Al. ,,l uvj w.i.H " .... -
cpeirartQo hero slnco hla bout with Joe
H. oauor wiaricy uranuo nu ouniuj i-u,
i4l. .m... nnU.cu. ... un.lrtnr- mlt Hill
gtntly at Adam Byan's gymnasium. They
Ms). . .1.., a.k TOn .. nnnnn.nn.a at til.
t(ln.13 lUCir Ufa lUBLvlll HJfcJB.l.V ..w
uiympia A. A. juonuny msm. uiunun
'Iyi.aIq nnVi Ttrltann nnrl FoK OnnOSOS
....... ..w... ... ... -..--
Mlclc.y 'Donley.
Has Offered Gunboat Smith Substituto
Job With Willard.
MfW Vmiir W.K Ifi Thn thn -Turk Plirl.V
IWateeunknown onael company. ..which 1;
leaedDK tba Jack John.on-Jna Willard flaiM
ill a. tar ud ln the air as the ccneral public
tcytt the poislbllity of the flaht ever taking
Itlaca. u indicated last nlsht, when Jim
RocKiy, tnanaiser for aunfoat nmim, aii
UUjkI nUht tetter from Jack Curley. thn
jtnan who itemi to be the. major domp of
I tho -.hole affair. Smith ll offered a bout
EWth Wllla.nl aa a. aubatltuts for Johnaon In
ivwi oi piana Komsr awry. ,
1 ' i
Johnson Wants to Return
-TITr-inn Ul. ,0 ..tt.D.J Ca,. .ffl.lala
i.r ye.teriir re'celv'ed Information from an
tmUiary of Jack Johnaon, world's heavyweight
champion, that tho latter wanted to return, to
--united States. Johnaon, who left America
i-4)a under aenlence for violation of the Mann
et. dealred to know the attitude of the Ooy
ninifnt regarding hit return. Johnaon could
& t?i.A fin tun nAnftlrtf niinrn, np rsiAntenceil
-Mer tne former conviction, it wtt tald, but
Siclala refuted to reveal their coureo ot
Tomorrow's Havana Entries
byirt race, B furlonga. puree flQil. for 3-year.
IH-Ji od up. selling, t) furlongs 'Anna. Itose,
If.1 Peg 100; -illnda, lOlj 'Charley Brown,
Iw-', Mllor Uell, JUj Phil Connor, 11-! Cale-
ltOUinrL.n 111
stlacond race, puree WOO. for 3.year.olda and
ISfeMJilog. 6 furlonga-'aolden Lat.le.02,- In
Ifgerent, OS: Brown Prince, 102t SSall, 106;
..m c.-aiiaway, uj noma ia. --, a. -
fc-Tblrd race. purae 1-100. for 5-Vear-oIda and
fcelirn. oVj t urlonga-Catherlne Turner, JOlj
Plt. U?Si 'Sir rrttful. 1031 MaIllr. 103;
IMlsrle. lOSi -Wolfs Daths, 110; Cot. Drown,
E& Moncrltf. 113; ynca, .13.
ayunh race, puree 50u, for 8-year-olds ami
Mk MwP, 1 mile. selllnf-Ualfron. OS;
piii, ib uu"" "
feWfth race, puria 600, S-year-olda and up,
IRlllar. 1 mils - 'Sweet IMte. BO Ouke of
Ififfry. 106, nnjo Jim, ice; Ulka Cohen. 108
E"ft Qidmother. lOTi Tay pay, 100! 8horty
IJetleut. loos -Jatot, lOflt lfaartbeat, 109;
'- manKf 111.
KAiJwtDttca allowance claimed.
Pther oltari track alow.
i i i
Juarez Entries
RWrt rai-e, seeing, 8-year-old nd UP. 8
ftrliage- Verta. 83; Wheat, Wi 'Raven Hall,
I! oile. SarAhT'lJneVoil Mlal Tempo.OUl
gw- 10ii C. W Keonon, 100; Otlllo. WOi
m Uogaret. Ws Tutor, ii: Werry.TwInkle,
" jtc aeiuns; a-vear-ias u p
JW-" To OTt Ida Vinack 100.
fhau.tr 101 81 r Wl. JOS gharcar
ki'tf Jtd IIS; Anna, need 119;
mH0. nf il'ftlarolta. ilit y White.
sWt w m
El .'wtaret, Ms Tutor. W: W;rry -jwmaie,
fe4llMcawa, 100, Uollle Cud. 105; ecniscola.
g waoroa Jack. 10T. Aoce.tor, 110; Hor
Kt.HrtPP, llOi Win Jiaaon, 110.
Eftiri rate, elllne 3-year-clda and up,-,0
lf-Coiielia, 88, Alco. 102; Breer, lMl
M,W, ic-sT Jkmaoment. lOoi. ifred
gr. 108, Zulu. 100i Doo Alien, 110. Faaeull-
E 41 yajma. Hi.
UW& race, 3-ycar-olda and up. BU, fur-HBISf-if
8: Joe Blair. 103; Klnr Worth.
R: Mtlle Will- 110.. .,
that 11 'Is ono thins to play Iron shots
on a Ann, solid turf and quite another
to do bo whero tho club rocs through
the turf as It would go through soft
"The argument drawn from ltfty and
Vardon, who played so well on nit the
American courses, Is of no value what
ever, as they arc such masters ot all
shots that tl.ey can ndapt thomBclve
to varieties In soli, but thla la to be
noted' That while Vardon was beaten
by Oulmet nt Drookllne In 1913 In tho
United States open, Oulmet was far
down the list not oven In tho first tO-ln
tho 1914 British open, at Prcatwlck.
"I make this comparison In no dis
paragement of my friend Oulmet, but
lnoroly to show that Vardon was very
likely bothered by American turf, Just bb
Oulmet was by British turf. It Is note
worthy, also, that tho Amerlcan-brcd
golfer to mako the best showing in a
British open Is John J. McOermott, who
tied with Vardon ln tho 1913 title play at
Hoylake for fifth place. Now, McDer
mott, for some years, was tho profes
sional nt Atlantic City, whero tho 'samlt
neaa' of the turf makes are playing con
ditions more. closely rcsemblo those or
Grcnt Britain than almost any other
course In tho Ifnltcil States In the matter
of sand.
"I remember that tho nsle Raid that
In the plnilng of tho 1912 New Jersey
championship, at Atlantic City, Trnvers
and Klrkby did not uec tho brassle at
nil during tho four days' play, because
they did not liavo tho hang of getting
tho ball away with wood from a Ho In
heavily sanded grass.
"Manifestly, tho club will not go
through sand as It would through tho soft
turf of an Inland course. Tho ball must
be picked up more cleanly with tho
brnssle, and If Travers and Klrby did
stoer clear of tho brasslo then, It was
undoubtedly becauso of tho difference In
tho playing of tho shot caused by the
difference In turf.
"Indeed." said Mr. Anderson, In con
clusion, "I should llko nothing better
than to play a round with 'A Bug' on
the Scottish links nt St. Andrew's the
first tlmo ho ever plays abrodd. nnd bco
his looks of surprise nt the difference In
tho turf nnd the consequent difference In
the playing of shots. If hn will mako his
Identity known to me, I should llko to be
his guide ot St. Andrew's the first tlmo
he plays there."
Attorney General Says It Could Bo
Done Legally, Just as Fairs Arc
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 18. Baseball sub
sidized by cities In Kansas Is a possibility.
Soveral legislators in conferenco reasoned
thin way:
If tho State can appropriate money for
the benefit of State and other fairs, why
not permit cities of the first cIobs to
appropriate money for the support of
baseball clubs In such cities?
If the Att6rney General rules that It
can be done, such a bill will bo presented.
Havcrford Coach Resigns
E A. Orcen. coach of the track Jeam at the
lla.crforrt School, lm reelgned to ro to the
Lrookljn High School Mr. Oreen was also an
tn.tructor In chcmlBtry and physics.
"Only tho BamefVsh swims up
stream." Colonel John Trotwood
Where the puddle is ahaUoio, tho wcak
flah stav
To drift along with the current's flow,
To take the tide as it moves each day
With the idle ripples that come and
With a shrinking fear of the gales that
By distant coasts where the Great Forts
Where the far heights call through the
silver olow
"OnlV the gameflsh swims upstreani."
Where the shore is waiting, the min
nows plav.
Borne ov the current's undertow;
Drifting, fluttering on their way,
Dallu food for a stronger foe;
In the tree-flung shadotcs they never
Jlow far they have come from the aw,
tiravo 'dream,
Whero the wild gales call from the
peaks of snow
"Only tho gameflsh swims upstream."
Tho Cose of W- Ritchie
iv.'O beaten champion In rlnr? history
IN deserves a return battle ffom hla
conqueror as WUllo Ritchie does.
mtchle, bolder of tho title, Invaded
England to meet "Welsh on the latter's
native heath, aa the novelist might say.
Ho lost hla title In a battle which
brought him no punishment and left
him, at the finish, as strong as his
opponent was.
Havana Race Results
rirat race, for 3-year-olda and up, selling,
B furlMiga-SIrome. W, PUi. 15 to 1. fi to .
B to won; Mlnda. 'lOI. Robinson, gto.;.
8 ti 0, 3 to. 6. second: Maj; Ipps, W, bumUr,
0 to I. S to 1. even, third. TJme. IsU. Dulgeri
.dartre. Idleweln. and Custom House also ran.
Siomid race, selling. 'mUe-Sprlnsmsis.
lfi! Wrlspen. 0 to S, 3 toj. -. W0I1 ?ni?
lie?. Jsbot. Bob R.. Veltoqrpe,, Aples.tr and,
rTWfd0rSa2."i" S-U .? "ft ,"J?0'k'Ba
ftirlfiJsAwVdT W Connolly, ft to B. .1 to 8.
1 to 3. won, Encore. lM.Hopl.lns, 15 to 1, 9 a
1 2 to 1. second Shadraeh 10A,jIones. to
atolk'n to 0. third,. Time. 133. Uaro.w,
jillton ltobtes, A. N. Akin also ran.
First race, selling. S-ysar-olds, 3H fur-.mgg-To"eo
Box. Ul. 'Murphy. 2 to 1. I
to i, out, won i Vrank fatterson. 108. Small,
3 to 1. 1 to 2. out, second; Illuminator, tea;
Morris. SO to 1, 10 to 1, 5 to I. third. Time,
T4Q 4. Wla Sleeth, Veldt. NeyuliB) Jlmmle
.ijjnt, MealTlcket. Mtsaphone and llarka
also ran-
Toby Smith Winner
tt Btnllh dsfeated f. BBard la the 2Sth
M ol the elaas A araateur pocket WUUril
WELL OLD BOV I'M i ------n
I Off For FRiaCd vaJD .. t "
ThB FAIR A M0MTM'5 V V"U ImolO THI3 ue.r...ti6 HOT
r. T-Q V rt y - scs-joo r on . Mfi. W.,ICI
fn Jzrl " r-t- coast. J p.od m-u .
vi'l S x" V i i y N.r'otj cflotfjb on!
I You MMe iSetecTED ) v Uil.islfe
I Tta TooREiT WW!iijri1l i
Take rue Ma 7 MAWV ccidemtS I ) Vou old 3ST
V Awd d T 2M 'IHC v ' MO crave Nl !
. ( Yo ''" "oC- " 9 rV' V 1
Big Wrestling Duel Is Scheduled To
morrow Night.
The wrestling world la awaiting with Interest
the battlo of glanta which will tako placo In
the Penn gymnasium between Mike Dortaae,
Penn's Intercollegiate champion, and Pons.
Lehigh's SOT-pound grappler. In tho annual
fliml meet between tho lied and Hlue and the
Brown and White tomorrow night.
Dorlins caught cold on hla recent visit at
Btato Collcgo and has not been feeling well
since. He has a flight attack of the grin.
At the University Hospital It la said ho will
be nt by tomorrow.
Drexel Inetltuts added another basketball z
tory to Its string yesterday afternoon by de
feating Delaware College In a fast and exciting
game. 35 to 21. Tho teamwork of Drexel was
tho feature of the contest.
Intcrcollcginto League
rrlnceton, 18; Dartmouth, 13.
w. l- p.c. w. i r.c.
Cornell .... .1 1 .Rl Yale 3 2 .00
Princeton .. A 1 .800 Penn ...... 1 0 .111
Columbia . . 4 'J .007 Dartmouth.. 0 0 .000
Friday Cornell, at Columbia.
Saturda. Dartmouth, at Tenn; Talc, at
Tigers Beat Lafayette
ri.INCr.TON', N. J., Feb. 18. rrlnceton
walked away with tlo wrestling meet with La
faye.te here last night, scoring a. complete
Miut out. -our falls and three decisions went
to the cieuit of the Orango and Dlack grap
plere. w.g scored 20 points 10 0 for Lafayette.
'Railroad Five Beats Bucknell
LKWISDUIIG. Feb. 18. Tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Y. M. C. A. basketball team from
Harrlaburg surprised tho llucknell file In a
fiat gam? Plased In the,Tutin gjmnaslum
here, the former winning 31 to 21.
Ritter and Hollander Sign
WICHITA. Kail.. Feb. 18. James Itltter and
William Hollander" infleldera. of the St Louis
American league, Club, wore signed yesterday
M the Wichita Western Lcaguo team.
Before the battle took place Welsh
followed Ritchie around the embattled
landscape, branding; him as a "ten
round money grabber" and a champion
afraid to risk his crown over tho longer
route. "Willie took the chance and was
unhorsed, not to say eradicated, by a
shade. In view of all this, Mr. "Welsh
can obtain no great credit for himself
by adopting that which In Ritchie ho
termed 'icowardly."
Ritchie Is still a young, clean-living
fellow, a fair boxer and a good tighter.
He also Is still the American lightweight
champion. And, therefore, tho logical
entry against the new tltleholdcr.
R. S. R. Sherwood Magee amassed
moro base hits last season than any
other National Leaguer. His total was
171. Trls Speaker led the American
League, with 193 safe blows. The
American League had six men who beat
Mngee's mark the list embracing
Speaker, Crawford, Collins, Dakcr, Mc
Innls and Foster.
An Old System
In tho old days when the mountain
refused to vIbII Mahomet, Mahomet
sprinted for tho mountain.
So If Jack Jtlinson can't come to
"Willard, why not send Willard to John
son? A battle between these two on a
raft somewhere In the middle of the
Atlantic would be tho moat popular
solution yet.
Revised for the Occasion
It is easy enough to be neutral
When no one As planning a kick;
But'the star in the ols
js the one who still is
When somebody fcids him a brick,
Ebbets Ib Selling Stock
NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-Charles H, Bb-
kbets, president of the Brooklyn National
League Club, announced this afternoon
that 1100,000 ot the 8 per cent, preferred
stock of the club will be placed on sale.
Sbbets said this action wai taken not
because the club needed money, but to
give the Brooklyn, fans a chance to hold
a little ot the stock.
Na Baseball Decision ,
CHICAGO, Feb. W.-Th.re will be no
decision In the big; baseball suit of t'ne
Federals against organized baseball until
Monday & the earliest. Judge LandU,
In whose court the suit was brought,
announced today that be goes to Spring
Held this afternoon and will not return
until Monday.
Geraantown Friends GUIs Five "Wins
The Qermantown Friends girls' bgskvet
ball teem eily dfated lee Friwids Be
lee. iirts team this afternoon. The ftosi
t sow 3S o JX
With Cnrrls ln tho box, tho Friends'
Central crack Indoor baseball team won
an overwhelming; "victory over Contral
High School's nine yesterday nfternoon,
61-7. Tho Friends' batters accumulated
67 hits off Qadd's delivery, While tho
Crimson nnd Gold players wore held to
13 blnKlcs by Carrls. For six Innlnss Car
rls held the High Pchool boys scoreless.
Friends' Central started off with 6 runs
In the first innlnir. following with 15, 10,
10, 12, 11 and 2 In the other periods.
Tho disqualification of Street, "West
I'hldndelphla High School's star two
mller, In tho dual meet with Northeast
H'5h School enabled the lied and Black
to win the event by a slnglo point, 41-10.
M'.Cormlck, of Northeast, who finished
second, was credited with the flrst-placo
points, thereby giving- his team n vic
tory. Street did not attend school yes
terday, and ns a result the rullnf? that no
athlete is eligible for competition on a day
ho Is absent from his studies was en
forced. Anderson nnd McKelvey, of JIavarford
Prep, featured Kreatly ln the team's vic
tory over Qormantown Academy yester
day afternoon by tho score of 60 to 26.
Anderson caged 9 field goals nnd 8 fouls,
while McKelvey scored 6 field goals.
The School or Pedagogy will not he repre
sented by an Indoor track team this year. Out
door track dates aro being arranged nou.
Tho Fplaiopal Academy track and gym atb
letea are ln good shape for the Havcrford meet
M-heduled tomorrow nfternoon. Captain Thor
Ington Is confident the Churchmen will show up
ncll ln the different events.
Rod and Bluo Runners Have Final
'Practice for Tomorrow's Event.
Tho University of Pennsylvania's ono
mllo relay team, which will raco against
Harvard and Cornell tomorrow night nt
Hartford, Conn., took Its Inst practice
this afternoon. Coach Orton announced
that LIpplncott would bo the selection
for tho fourth place on the team Instead
of Dorsey. It will be Llpplncott's first
Intercollegiate race slnco tho Intercol
legiate championships last June, when he
pulled a tendon.
If he comes through this trial with
out Injury the Quakers will feel sure
of him for the spring meets. The othor
members of tho team will be Meredith,
Lockwood and Kaufman. This Is prob
nbly the same team that will represent
Pennsylvania In the medley relay race
at the Indoor lntercolleglateB and the out
door relay carnival ln April.
One change has been made In the fresh
man team which will race against Vale.
This team will be composed of Hohlfeld,
Weed, 1-dnle and Scudder. The team haB
been greatly weakened by the losa of
Tommy Lennon, who 1ms been declared
Ineligible. Tho team 'will leavo for Hart
ford at 1 o'clock tomorrow In charge of
Doctor Orton and Manager Chciston.
Frank Dorsey, who will go along as a
substitute, will run In the 660-yard raco.
Ursinua Five Beaten
nCTHLEIinM. ra.. Feb. 18. Moravian Col
lege won a t lean-cut victory over Urilnua
Cjlleat. 115 to 21.
Tho tough New York light
weight will meet Preston Brown,
the local colored featherweight,
in tho star bout at tho Broadway
A. 0. tonight, Fulton Js ono of
tho toughest fighters who over
displayed his nuttlo in a local
ring. In Brown. Fulton will pair
off with a clover twa-hmidevi
ssssssssHr"' flsl "
J LagR t
aUstw 1 4
ftpeed Hoy .oungstcrs are leading the league
by n full gamo. with Southern High's kids
Mouradlan, Central's forward, haa a big lead
for individual honors. He lias scored r.3
rolnts. Mason, of Weat Philadelphia, la second
West Philadelphia H. S. Swimmers
Score 39 to Princeton's 14.
The swimming tesm from the West Phila
delphia llijh 8chool won from tho Princeton
frorihmen. st Princeton last evening in Brokaw
tank. IID tn 11.
B0-yard swim Won by Wlatler, W. V. II. 1 ;
second. Rrneher. W. P. II H ; third, McCad
don. Princeton. Time, .27 3-5.
100-yard swim Won by Kletler. W. V. II.
H ; second, Drasher, W. P H. S.; third, De
lacy, Princeton. Time. '32 1.3.
'.OO-jard stWm Won by Green. W. P. It s.:
W P. II s Time, it:20 2-3.
-Taney dire Won by Cory, Princeton; pec
ond, Katanjlan, Princeton; third, Williams,
Plunge 'for' distance Won by Dryzmalia, W.
P. II, 8.. 2 feet: second, Crowelf. W P. ji.
P., HI reel; third, Burkelman, Princeton, W
feet a Inches
200-yard relay Won by W. P. II. S (Allen.
Oreen, Drashcr and Klstler). Time. 1:15 2-8.
St. Rita's Club Issues Challenge
The St. Illta'B Cathollo Club eecond team Is
on the varpath and Is out to play any Becond
class tesm ln or out of town. Its members
claim the second team championship o( the
city. In the last two .oars they ha.e met
with but four reersea out of 04 games.
Late Practice Ordered
Athletic Director Nlcolal will not call out
candidates, for tho Temple Unl orally nine
until the first weeK ln March
A Chance for the Bustiers
Each big or little bush league star
iVo.o thinks Jiis shining naught can
Each hopes, who plays the trio sack,
J. Franklin Baker won't come back;
Each hopes he Heant it when he said
The game, to him, was something dead
JTor cac7. believes, with youthful zest,
lie can surpass P. Baker's best.
THD Made machine, with Baker gone
rierliaps Is not done yet, but the
loss of tho homo run slugger will bo felt.
There are still a few players ot tho old
machine who can be deponded on oc
casionally to lean on tho pill for extra
bags. Another golden opportunity for
some bush league third Backer!
Baker Is tho one nbsorblng toplo of
the moment, but we want It understood
that wo won't print wheezes about It.
Ono fan suggests he's leaving because
of tho high price of flour, for instance,
all of which leads up to the conclusion
there's more dough for hIm,on the farm.
No, we won't print 'em!
Some Battlo
In the Scholastic League, Ce
West Phllly and Northeast are In a tie.
' And Tiresome
The KUbane-WIIIlams affair will be
come ns famous, or otherwise, as the
sale of tho yawping Yanks If -Harris
doesn't hurry up and sllns some Ink on
a contract.
Temple Girls Win Easily
The Temple University girls' basket
ball team overwhelmed the Moorestown
Academy girls' five t'nls afternoon by the
one-tided score of H to 10.
ilcCall Five W.ns Again
Tne SJcCall School baiketball team won
Us tenth consecutive victory this after
noon by defeating the School ot Prac
tice Ave, 7MJ.
psjanwm. -. i. win
, Warden After Coombs
PORTLAND. tf,. Fee. IS. It la reported
that a game waiden win swear out a warrant
for the arrtit of Jack Coombs, who was re
cently lej by Connie Mclt. for Illegally
killing tw"dsr bn ho end a pajty of other
tall players were hunting- ln the lialne -?ood
last November.
In Coombs1 earty re Bob ShiwV,v. jack
Lapp and Herbert PsBnoelc. of the ttaekroso.
ao JH,iu.y Muirty. ol the Brooklyn Fetftrali.
flank to Key West
NBW TOItK, Feb. l$.hM I'UBk. the ter
mer ur southu&w H -ha PauadelpbH At
Utlej. wlllMt so to Otfa, yltn tba'ST Ljurfj.
Federals The wenh (.Bsdltlone t Ouw ife
Mt re W- 1- OsttifstMjr veJanjTMd
SSkamt- JPtfldwr lm ha cwi.wut-4 to 1st
0NTHE rnMm Sbr?
sea of Hy
ks 'MiasP""'
$im urn mr . s .
PAI-M BRACH, Ha.. Feb. IS. Miss Lillian
Hyde, of Souih Shore, the tltlehojder, cap
tured the qualification medal yealerday In tho
annual women's golf championship of riorlds.
leading the field of 40 players -lth a card
vf ST. Mrs Mlltnn Herald, or Philadelphia,
who went out In 311, led the champion most
'f the way round, but Miss Hyde overhauled
her on the long holes coming In. Miss Klalno
Uru-nthal, o( Chicago, national rumicr-un last
year, finished third with Hi, Mlae I.thel Camp
bell, of Philadelphia, being fourth with 10
Mrs. Milton C Work was another Phllndel
phlan to qualify for the championship night,
although sho required 104 strokes,
PINl.HWtKT, f. C., Feb IS The round
robin competition of the Tin Will. Urn ended
today, and the unusual feature about It was
that ln every one of two gross and Ave net
fours tho winners won all three ot their
matches and with ono exception thero waa
the "goat" who lost all three, In tho flrat
four, played without handicaps, 1. S. Robe
son, uf HocheBter, won. and In the second
Henry C. Fownes, of Pittsburgh
J. a Nicholson, of Jfeiv Bedford; C. II.
Fownes. of Pittsburgh: Dr J. 8. Ilrown. of
Montclalr; J. M. Thompson, of Spring Haen.
and F. C. Abbe, of Ucthlehcm, were tho othor
No Davis Cup Match
LONDON. Feb. IB. Tho English Lawn Ten
nis Association decided last night not to
issue a challenae for tho Davis Cud this year.
Decision Bouts at New Haven
NEW' HAVEN, Conn., Tab. IS Hosing ad
hert'nf. throughout Connecticut aro Jubilant to
day, following the announcement of Philip
Smith, chief of police ot New Haven, that
hereafter decision bouta will be permitted un
der pollen censors.
Young Biology Instructor
NEW YORK. Feb. 18. Don Young, winner
of tho ounrter-mllo imeriolleglate I'himr.lon-
anio in .m.: wnnn hi iMnuprei nus ucconio a
member of the Columbia faculty bb an In
structor In biology.
Ornnge Five Victors
OnANQE. N. J.. Feb. 18 -Orange High
School's bnvketball five defeated llloomflekl
High Sohool yesterday afternoon: score. -0
to '.V
Maybe More
New York expects to seat about 50,000
at the Army-Navy game this year. If
tho Big Town built a stadium llko tho
Yalo bowl it would hold at least a mil
lion. Accustomed to Tiicin
You'll notice the married men, now
under fire,
E'en though they arc said to be thick
in the dome,
Will not let the single ones stir up their
Por the toasts merely make them feel
frally at home.
Unsent Telegrams
Xave Fultz Aro you losing your
punch? You don't seem to be getting
Into the papers lately.
Ono on Us
One of our llttlo correspondents re
cently submitted a sports cartoon nnd
we courteously returned It, explaining
that we did not caro to pay for It, as it
was not available for our use. A few
days lator the telephone on tho desk
d a youngster said: "Mister, I
nd the drawing down to you
Id for; I simply wanted you to
How About Appendicitis?
Freddie Welsh will go Into training
this afternoon at Forbes' gymnasium.
Chicago, for his scheduled battlo with
Charley White, February 25, at Mil
waukee. The last time tho two were to have
met, in New l'ork, White was attacked
by grip.
More Soccer for Penn
In order to maintain. Interest In their spring
practice the University of Pennsylvania eoo
rer authorities have arranged a schedule ot
games with the various country clubs tor the
latter part of this month and March. The
schedule announced today by Manager Wenda
February 26, Uerjon c. C. at Haverford.
February ST. Belflfld. at Wlstar. Mareh 0.
Phlladalpbla C. C. at St. Martins! Marvh IS.
Moorestown. it Moorestown. March ?0. Bethle
hem, at Bethlehem. Marsh ST. West Philadel
phia on field to tx. a,nooun,ced later
Coach Stewart b decided to hold spring
practice twice a week on Tuesdays and Tbure
data, using the old, Museum Field. Practice
will ha only for men who do not graduate In
June. The teem, worked out this afternoon
and the attendance waa unusually good,
Penn Tossers Have Drill
Although prevented from claying their usual
afternoon girnj the I uhtrilii o( Pem.syl.sa-
baseball candidates H4 brisk outdoor uk
tlce this aiU'rnoon It una almost i billy
Kiough to work tndoore; but now ttat the few."
hive beuu outdoor work Cc-Kh Tboio-i- Hants
to ken tfctui lh.ro.
Icitead of a, came icj-li Tbeaag ove the
men drill tn fteldUu. and baiting tUi Usin
Mr mas tfcaa an hour Tne -iumI ! t-skla
I'li'if &.. " uniMdally well aivi if U
OTfat ttifpr t eeseHS. of .tat nm,
;iir jetsam
. . -.. . .w,.-w. .tF wPintiM tuq t--
vHl fc wp t-t W? eUsdM.
Retired Home-Run Hitter
of Athletics Makes Inter
esting Statement Feels
Very Kindly Toward
Philadelphians as Whole
J. Frank Baker, the home-run hitter of
tho Athletics, whose retirement was tsr
illnnly announced nt the Sport Writers'
dinner by Connie Mack, Is very much
srleved to forsake the team. Over the
long-dlstsnco phone from Trappe, Md.t he
had the following to say: "My heart lies
with the Mackmen nnd I shall hope they
I'omo through this season successfully.
You can bet If I over get the baseball
fever ngatu Connie Mack will receive first
consideration, I haven't anything but the
highest praise for Philadelphia fans.
They treated mo wonderfully well."
, Baker came to the Athletics In the fall of
IPO) from tho Iltadlnct Triatate League tam.
Ho Old not become a regular until th Jol
lowlng spring. . In onlv one season has he
failed to bat above the .300 mark. Here la
hla record
rtam. TUt. Av. tftetil Av.
If09 un .am .Mo
1BII 1411 ..si .nm
1011 IIS .314 .n5
HU2 HI) ,147 .?4t
inn . .. . ill ,nn .nm
mu ISO .319 .BM
According to Connie, he has no Idea, who
will pl-j- third base for the Maclcmen thla year.
He has a big bunch of youngsters to try out.
and all hands will be given an ooportunlty
ti show for themselves Just who 'will be
added to the list of candidates Mack declined
to ttnte. but he aald he thought lie had sev
eral recruits who would devaloo Into first-class
players and he would give them hla personal
attention In the South.
Hope for Internationals
WASHINGTON. Pa.. Feb. IS. That the
granting of the petition or tne International
League to place a team In the Bronx, Naif
York, la a ooaslble result of Drcsent negotia
tions, nnd that thn prooosed transfer to that
district ot the Kansas City Federals woutd ln
no nay affect National league action was the
assertion made yesterday by President John
K Tentr. ot the National League, who -was
here yesterday on a short private business, trip.
Farrcl Dickers With Feds
NKW VoniC, Feb. 18,-Frank Terrell, for
mer president of the .New York American
league club. Is reported to be dickering with
tho Fodcrsl Leaguo officials In the plan to
place a club In tho Bronx, rarrell and Oil
more were In consultation yesterday, and from
what con bo learned Fnrrell la desirous ot
either selling hla grounds, situated at Broad
wav nnd !'2.1th street, to the Federal League
or buying the franchise of the Kanaaa City
team and having that team play on these
Marquard Wavering
NEW VOnK. Feb. IS. The latest .reports
from the sest of baseball war seem to Indicate
ihnt "Ilube" Marouard had taken on a sudden
change of mind and that he would probablv
repudiate his ngrtement with the Fetlenl
league and go with the Qlanta to Marlln,
Marquard had n long ennfercnee with Prenl
dent Heinpstrc.il unit Secretary John 15. Fostt
yesterday .Alter the conference was over the
o'tlclala ot the New York club were smiling,
but .vould aay nothing.
Johnson on Coast
SAN TOANCI8CO. Feb. IS. President Ban
Johnson of tho American League, and Charles
A. Comlskcy. owner of the Chicago Americans,
arrived hero on what thoy termed 'strietty a
pleasure trio." . , ... ,.
"I do not believe tho project of raising Ihe
ClaBs AA leagues to the standard of the
majors will bo brought un again this year,
ajld Johnson "Personally. I cannot ree what
good could come of such action. Had the
Hen been taken the Pacific Coast and Inter
national Lenrucs would have been elevated,
us well as the American Aaeoclatlon."
Each Team Has 581j Points;
Blues Claim Foul After
The result of the annual Philadelphia
Trade School color mret at tho Third
neBlment Armory was undecided this
afternoon. At the end of the games each
team had complied S8'4 points. However,
after the meet tho Blues demanded that
McKell, of tho Gold team, who finished
second In the ono mile run. should bo
disqualified for elbowing. The decision
waa not made this afternoon, but Jt Mc
Kell's points are thrown out the Blues
will win the meet.
Tho summaries follow:
Shotput Won by Morris. Blue: sreond. Wll
son. Uold, third. WhUtakcr, Gold. Distance,
CS feet 8 Inches.
410-yard dash Won by Hhoppe, Bills,
second, Welsh, Oold; third, Grog-. Gold
High Jumpr-Wrfn by 'A. Duncan, Blue; aecoiJ,
W. I.ewla. OolS: third, McCroakey, tlold.
Height, & feet 1 Inch.
Standing broad lump Won by Berry, Blue,
second. MliUull. Blue: third, A. Duncan. Blue.
Utatame, 8 feet H Inch.
Potato race -Won bv A. Duncan. Blue; e0
oml. Wadell, Oold! third, Algle. Blue.
Rso.vord dash Cooper. Ooldi second. TVIck,
Blue: third. Lanmer. Blue.
.M-yanl daah Won by TomDklm. Gold: eec
ond. Hoscoe. Gold: third. Wadell. Gold,
,V).jnnl dash Won by Tompkins. Uold eec
ond. Wadell. Ooldi third. McCloskey, Hold.
branding high jumn won .by .A.. Duncan,
Blue, second, W. Low Is. Oold: third. Fattsr
son. niue. Ilelshth 4 feet.
Midget race Won by Oold,
Tugtof-vvar Won bv Blue.
One mile Won bv Wick, Blues second. Me
Kell. Oold: third. Larimer. Blue.
Itelay race Won bv Oold tBoscoe, Groan,
McCloskey and Wsdell); second. Blue
Shuttle race Tie between Blue and Oold,
vlo'd Herry, no-coe and Nelson), Blue B1
tlch, Atkins and "B. Groean).
Minor league plater of four cara' experience
would like to play In or around Philadelphia
Willi ono of the best-paying teml.protesslonat
teams. Business Interfere with playing li
minor league this veer, lie Is an tuBeldtr
Address J, A 11, Sport Department, Evening
Simons Re-elected Manager
At the annual masting of the Cramp A A
baseball team II .. M Simons wa again
elected manager, vlth Jack Wlothera aa cap
tain ana Vol Bar as secretsry-trsasurer. The
Cramp A. . A will haa one of the fastest
semturorraalonal traveling teams In Pennsyl
vania this -awm end would like to bear from
all teams ayed last year Alsq Wllllsms
port. llanimonlon. Cape May and Ml llolly
5t l5a Jenay. Stetson. KalrhlH. Ijmsdale or
any teams of this calibre. Address ".KU Kstt
Irdlana avenue or William Cramp Si Sorts
bhlp and Unslno Building Company, or q)t
both phones . i
Jleters Sweep Series
Phltadelnhla Blef trie Iaaue matcbes rolled
nn th Teroilnal Alleys last nfaht rssultn.4 in
Meter, the leading team weeuliw Its. iwrtea
with AceountlKg. while Eoitlnc-rlng Station
B. and E-.ec.uUve each lastured tva out 4
three t rom unoeisrouml District Orflcea and'
"mtarctal. refoectlvelv
JBNKINTOWN Feb IS-JenkUitewn caB
mrej all Ibree ganw from Aebwunie .
MonUMury County Uovyllu, tfgglie nefa,
UwnKe tfce atw -r tai ot lg
Art Shafer Through
NEW YOHK Keb 18 Arthur Sttafer ter.
mer lhlr4 bawmau of tba OUnta -jlled, atth
US) N ..tie nil league pfBees Jteilt n4
inioruMd Preoaent HeraBt4d that, b
SuraJWh with profoaeUinal baseball tar 11 Urn
tie iBl Ue rutuers that b vkould mtkstmfi
a FeSenal League ean sere unfounde.1
Quaker City A, AelSfcJlJaaifiSlJr
ysr Other pout - fwitr ettser ttaiHo
oituvi 5iii)ii.y)w iau aAri
National A. C. f,Wftt&fc.M
w6 urwa.. amr mt ast