Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 18, 1915, Sports Final, Image 1

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TOI;. I NO. 135
Cottaicmr, 1015, sr tub rusMa Limzs Commki.
yj iJltuntt
Germany Insists Upon
W. Eight to Retaliate
Upon. England by
Submarine Attacks
phipmcnts of Arms by Neutrals
Will Be Forcibly upposca,
and Vessels Bearing Contra
band May Be Sunk Forth
with. tCBropaign Against Enemy Merchant
Ships Waao rieccssary uy urituiua
Violation of War Rules Willing
Ft in Deliberate on runner measures
of Protection.
BERLIN, Feb. 18.
ti, t of tho German reply to the
SP" i ...-j fli.i.. nrnirnf mrnlnBt the sub-
Slc-iA,. hlnrkntln 'Was made public today,
&vv? a .. a 1 1 u.a ltntntlnn
S!Jld It IB, AS OXpeClCU, ll mm .;.,..;..."..
lief Hie German claim that tho acilon Is a
Jueitlttriuite retaliation against. Anglian
In tone the answer is especially irrenu
P to the United States, but It Is carefully
w3m onlv after mature deliberation and
i ' " .. Tllt m.neiip.a nrn In
"because mo nw" ... .- -..- -
'..f.iotinn nf hn accented principles of In-
tternatlonal law. A.,nr..A ,
The uerman uoycmiiui "'""
be "In accord with tho United States that
It Is In a high degree dcslrablo tp nvold
misunderstandings which might arise
from the measures announced by the
German Admiralty."
"This action Is In no way a measure
directed against the commerce of neu
trals.'" It says, "but represents solely a
? jneasuro oi bch-uciuubw iiuhw .
? many by her vital Interests against Eng-
lands metuoas oi wariure.
It Is stated that Germany at all times
has adhered to the valid international
rules of warfare, and ngreed at the very
oumet of the wpr to ratify the principles
of the Declaration of London. It Is pointed
out that until today Germany has per
mitted the transportation of provisions
r-i...n.N nlihmidi If linn nlwnvs
I. been in position to prevent such trans-
," ports. Germany niso suuscnucs iu u.
: . e Mi iinitfri states to England on
? tw. .... on nrniAailnc tiirnlnflt British In-
t.in.- .villi Atrtnrlrnn nhtODlntr. The
'hotting up of the Wllhclmlna'a carpo pt
uermany la urviaicu iu u ... ... -.-..-
IW overseas supply oy mo. nucm. ui iu
Us'Uns toleration, of- neutrals both nn re
i'lrds conditional and actual contraband
ef war, while Great Britain Is, with the
toleration of neutral Governments, sup
plied with both." '
. "The German Government," explains tho
note, "feels Itself obliged to point out
...itu iu. ...niMi .mnlifiiilo th.it a traffic
R in arms", estimated at many hundreds of
If American firms and Germany's enemies.
Germany fully corqprcnenaa nmv "'
: m .t.i.i. J il. intikMlInn rtf
-f pracuce oi rigni anu i ii"u
s w... .. nnff nt nAiitfnln nrn matters
',m nmin, un Vila jj fc " .... -----
.? ..i i. .... . .!. .llonvallnn nf nntltrnlR
and Involve no formal violation of neu
trality." neferrlng to the planting of mines in
the war zone, tho reply says: "The Ger
man Government considers Itself entitled
to1 hope that all neutrals will acquiesce In
these measures, as they liavo done in the
flA nP .Vn n-rlairino HnniflC.fl Inflicted
upon them bv British measures, all the
i mora so aa uewnany is rcsoivea lor mo
protection of neutral shipping even In tho
i at all comriatible with the attainment
f this object.
uermany is reaay to aeuueraie wun
tn' united states concerning any meas
ures which might secure the safety of
legitimate shipping of neutrals In the
" war zone. Germany cannot, however,
forbear to point out that all Its efforts
In ihls direction may be rendered very
, difficult by two circumstances first, tho
misuse of neutral flags by British mer
chant vessels, which Js indubitably known
to the United States; second, the contra
band trade already mentioned, especially
in war materials and neutral vessels."
Wf According to much qf the advertises
ipese days, spring Is either here or Im
minent. Palm Beach raiment having-
I teased to ba a novelty to hold your in
terest SB a prospective purchaser, nier-
.rtanta are telling you all about tho vlr-
tUsg of their particular line of "sprinc"
I overcoats (assuming, of course, that you
-- wnicn you aon'fr-rour overcoats a
ar). And again, wo rods home last
wght with a friend who lamented from
'-Mb. street to 2fd tha advent of hln
frnnlal "spring" cold. Wo suppose the
"Ji i i rnu Know J"61- business and our
wu mora udouc jub coma uian we do,
Cut we don't bellnvn It.
I Iwenty-seve this mornlngl
Far Philadelphia and vicinity .
fab" tonight and Friday; not much
thange in temperature; fresh nor
therly winds.
For details, tee page S,
' QbserraUons 8t Philadelphia
& ( 8 A. U.
SSSSK- ,& 30.
tty ...i.Mtforth.-U
waiua temitui .....l!iH!
Almanss of the Day
t .... .. ,,., ........lOtKip. w,
tampa to B Ughtad
Twenty Guineas Tor Cent, on Policies
Covering German-Atnerican Conflict.
1.0ND0N, Kcb. IS.-r.toyds today placed
lnsuranco nt iO guineas' per cent, on polt
:lcs covering the holder against war be
tween the United Stales and Germany
within si months. One month ngo tho
rato on this damo risk nt tho samo tlnie
was five guineas per cent.
Berlin Admits Loss of
Important Position
in Woevre Region
Captured Last Week.
Austrian Armies Capture Kolo
mea, Controlling Galicia
Railways Slavs in Buko
wina Encircled, Vienna An
nounces. Admission is made, today in Berlin
of a material reverse In tho Woovro re
gion. Tho village of Norroy and tho
lilll overlooking tho town, which were
captured ' from tho French on Satur
day, wero evacuated In tho faco of tho
vigorous French offensive. Tho Ger
mans blew up their defenses "before
Between; Arras and Llllo violent
fighting continues. The Germans now
admit that tho Allies made a slight
gain there on Tuesday. There is also
heavy fighting northeast of Hhelms and
In tho region of Perthes-lcs-Hurlus, In
the Argonne.
The Austrian advance In Bukowlna
In a two-fold enveloping movement has
caught tho Russians iu a vise, accord
ing to today's official report. Kolomea,
on tho upper Pruth River, an Important
position controllng tho railway com
munication between Stanlslaw, in Ga
licia, and Ccrnowltz has been captured;
the Russians lost 2000 in prisoners and
many in slain.
Russia reports "no change," In con
nection with tho Bukowlna campaign.
impetuous uerman uiiucks on ino
Kozlowka, Heights, wero repulsed again
and a wholo battalion was bayonetted,
Petrograd says. Terrific fighting is re?
ported on tho northern bank of the
Vistula, where It Is admitted the Ger
mans have launched desperate drives
from Thorn and Soldau. On the Nle
men River front German patrols have
been repulse.
Berlin Admits Material Reverse in
Woovre Battle.
Tho German War Office admitted today
a material reverse in tho Woevre region.
It states that tho village of Norroy, north
of Pont-a-Mousson, nnd the hill com
manding It. previously captured from tho
French, wero evacuated in tho faco of a
superior force. Before leaving the Ger
man troops aro declared to have destroyed
with dynamite the intrenchmonts that had
been constructed by tho French.
Very heavy fighting continues to tho
north of Rhelms, about Lille and Arras
and to tho north of Perthes, where the
French nnd British succeeded In penetrat
ing' the German advanced trenches, only
to be later driven back. The series of
battles Is constantly increasing in Inten
sity, and the German reports declare that
the enemy Is losing very heavily.
General French attacks along tho Bou-
.xellles-Vauquols line south of the forest
of Argonne are aeciarea to nave iaiiea
Germans Driven From Woods at
Cheppy by Infantry Chargo.
PARIS. Feb. 18.
Fighting In the woods around Cheppy,
between the Argonne and the Sleuse,
French troops, strongly supported toy con
cealed artillery, forced their lines forward
today. A large sectlwof wooded terri
tory was cleared of the German (orces,
the enemy suffering severe losses. In tho
same sort of lighting, south of Bols des
Forges, the French advanced their lines
a quarter of a mile and resisted all at
tempts to dislodge them made by the rein
forced German Infantry.
The artillery duels In the valley of tho
Asne and in the sector Qf Rhelms, con
tinue. The official word from the War
Offlca was. that the French, batteries had
gained a, clear advantage In this Inter
change, It waa also stated that an ad
vance of several hundred feet had been
made north of Walancourt
Bursting hose hampered' fireman i a
blase which completely destroyed the
three-story hrlct garage of the Forrest
Taxlcab Service, WO Marvlna .street, late
this afternoon. Two explosions In the
rear of tha shop, which- runs through
to X:th street, started tha Are which con
sumed all but one of the automobiles in
tha dace. Harry li. Zellar. who .opened
tha establishment only last week, was
working with flva helpers on tne nr
floor, and all narrowly escaped injuries
from falling- bricks and plaster.
NUW YORK. Feb.,lS.-Cupid is to bo
"kicked out" of the New York City Hall,
it waa announced today, because political
jobholdera, supposed to have anaUted at
weddings without pay, hava been prod
din bridegrooms for greenbacks.
"Cupid's bower has become a hell hale.
said Alderman Curran, aho will roov to
ftfe&lW tbs Mirriase chaprt la tha City
llali, wb coup! hav bej wwl far
ijalf a. stMuntt
Adriatic and Zeeland Ar
rive at Liverpool With
out Encountering Lurk
ing German Submarines.
LONDON, Fob. 18.
Tho first night and day of tho "bread
war" have passed without any actlvo ef
fort by Germany to launch her terrific
mine and submarine attack against Eng
lish shipping being reported. At 6 o'clock
this evening the Berlin decree of a. war
zone about Great Britain and along tho
coast of France had been In effect for1
18 hours..
Sea traffic between France and England
throdgh the English Channel has been
malntalnod as usual, according to- reports
Of 'the moVenVenTof 'steamers posted' Here.
Two great British liners, tho Adrlatlo and
Zeeland, arrived safely at Liverpool to
day. Their passengers reported their voy
age had beon without incident, even
across the Irish Sea, where It had been
expected the German submarines might
Btrlko tho first blow.
The only lessening of marine traffic waa
between Holland and England, some of
tho Dutch companies holding up their
boats because of the German warning that
neutral shipping should avoid the war
Advices from Rotterdam state that not
a single ship of any sort has reached that
port since Wednesday afternoon. Tho
Zulderdyk and the Richard, of tho Holland-America
Line, sailed today for tho
United States nnd two other vessels
steamed for England.
Half a dozen ateam trawlers sailed to
day from Rotterdam for England with
cargoes of fish, nnd 10 Danish steamers
nro reported en route to English porta,
loaded, with foodstuffs.
A meeting of the cabinet was held at
tho home of Premier Asqultli early in the
day, but up to noon no formal proclama
tion In answer to that of Germany had
been issued. This led to reports that no
such proclamation would bo issued, but
that tho British Government, classifying
tha German menace as piracy, would not
recognize Germany's attacks as conducted
under the ruleji'of civilized warfare.
By adopting this ottltudo and holding
the crews of German submarines to be
pirates, it would be possible to hang them
for murder If any are captured. An In
fluential part of the public, led by Admi
ral Lord Charles Bcresford, Is In favor
of this method of procedure.
The rules of International law provide
that tho penalty for piracy, upon convic
tion, may be death. Tho first requirement
to constitute an act of piracy "Jura gentl
urn" Is that it must be an act of, adequate
Violence. It need not necessarly be an
act of depredation. Ihe second require
ment )s that the piratical act must be
committed outside the territorial Juris
diction of anyvcvlllzed State, but a third
holds that the perpetrators of the piratical
act must be without the authority of any
recognized political community.
The third requirement might be over
Concluded on Fane Vnur
Central High School Seniors Will Not
' ' . Hold '"Prom."
"Billy" Sunday's sermon on "Amuse
ments," heard last Saturday by students,
was too much for tha senior class of Cen
tral High Scho6l. The senior promenade,
for 15 years the.most popular danca of the
school year, was called off today.
Only 35 In tha class of 150 were willing
to attend this year'a dance, and tha Ex
ecutive Committee, through Edward GaN
loway, president, announced that all ar
rangements w;ould be canceled, because
a dance with only. 23 present would be
financially Inadvisable.
Questions at the committee meeting de
veloped that enthusiasm for the dance,
usually held. In April at Horticultural
Hall, bad r waned noticeably after tha
student meeting at tha tabernacle last
Saturday. The senior clasa attended In a
body and a majority "hit tha trait"
Storm Reported on Way Here
NEW YORK, Feb. lt-Tha Weather
Bureau today Usued warning of a storm
with irh BOrthwrly gait, expaeted on
the Sliddle A'ttanUo and aoutawn New
afaglaoa et 1 dunag is m
The Fi'iinfiiv? Committee of Councils has bctralied the interests ot the
people of Philadelphia. The ordinance introduced this afternoon is a
delusion, ind a fraud. It dedicates the city in no wise to the Taylor com
prchcnsi.4 plans. Instead, it provides for the infamous Costello plan,
omits provision for the delivcryjoop, which is a vital part of the. program,
and appears to be a bold and deliberate attempt to hand over the city,
shackled and defenceless, to the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company.
The ordinance is filled with red herring. It offers the. people something
they do not want instead of something they do want. It ripst the Taylor
program wide open and contemplates so tyinp up Philadelphia that real
rapid transit will not be possible in the next fifty years. It is an arrogant,
bold and shameless effort to divide ihe city by playing on sectional inter
ests. It is so shot through with infamy that the gas steal is a virtuoiis thuiff
in comparison with it. It reveals what certain Organisation leaders meant
when they said that they would riddle the Taylor plan and bury it in
quick lime.
One week ago they declnrcd that they wore in favor of the Rapid
Transit plan, to bo put into effect without dcla.,. Connelly is the
chairman of the Finance Committee of Councils; Seger is chairman
of the Financo Subcommittee, and Costello is tho man whose "red
herring" plan they have adopted.
Councilman Says Director Has Failed
to Make Use of Appropriation.
Tha charge that JJ.000,000 appropriated
by Councils for the repair of streets and
roads was lying Idle because of the In
activity of the Department of Public
Works was mado this afternoon In Select
Councils by James H. Lennon, of the 28th
Mr. Lennon said that If as much energy
were expended In Cue use of tha pick and
shovel in the repair of steels as In the
use of typewriters In the offices of the
department, the number of unemployed In
Philadelphia today would not be so great,
Throughout the session, Mr, Lennon
took occasion to find fault with Director
Cook and demanded information on each
resolution Intended to benefit his depart
ment. Councilman Lennon said that he
jtad so far been unsuccessful In obtain
ing Information -of any kind on the "sec
ond floor." Declaring that the 12,000,000
available for tha repair of hlghwaya had
not been put lo use, the Councllmaa
quoted figures which, he Bald, were given
to him by Controller Walton.
The sum of I (0,000 waa toada available,
by Select Council for tha Improvement
of Whitehall Commons, and that the
establishment of a recreation centre
there In a rsoluUqn. recently adopted by
Commoli Council. tA similar amount was
appropriated for the establishment of a
park on the site bounded by Huntingdon
avenue, 21th. Moore a,ndl Morris streets.
Mrs. Wakely Addresses Clubwomen
Mrs. John M. Wakely spoka this after
noon before the College -Club, at the
rooms ot the club at 1) Spruce street,
aa "OrtWe Wdbhi and Their Relation
taTtwfcCJty." After the sjwaeh. and U
Benec! dueuMSc-n'-s th aubJM. U
i war rv ti
U. S. Marshal nnd Men Will Join
Force to Attack Indians.
CORTEZ, Col., Feb, 18.-Floundering
through mud over trails heavy from re
cent snows and rains, part of the possa
moving forward to engage the Piute In
dians Intrenched near Bluff, Utah, pressed
on toward Grayson tojlay. A courier ar
riving here reported that tha posse
reached McElmo Canon last night after
a hard day's ride. At Grayson the Colo
rado posse will be met by United States
Marshal Nepeker, of Utah, and his men,
so that tho Invading "army" on leaving
that point will number more than 40' men.
Referred to Committee, and Senate
Will Take Up Appropriations.
WASHINGTON, Feb. IS.-The shipping
bill waa abandoned this afternoon, Th
Demoratto and Republican leaders In tha
Senate have agreed that tha bll( should
ba sent to conference) pi the two houses
until February's?, and that' In tha mean
time the appropriation bills should ba
taken up and passed
The Democrats will report back the bill
from conference on February 27. aad tha
Republican then will' resume tbJr 811.
tuf and wHl talk th UU to its ileaUs
VU'yWMWMi ! iw
2AwNe X . v -rim&xw 1
Believes Finance Committee
Bills Designed to Complicate
Transit Situation.
Director Taylor, commenting on tho
Financo Committee's transit ordinance,
nnld ihls afternoon-
"Tho ordinances which I Bent Mr. Con
nelly and which wero Introduced In Com
mon Council on January 7 provided for
nn Increased Indebtedness for the purpose
ot 'establishing, purchasing, leasing,
locating, constructing, equipping and Im
proving transit facilities, wholly or in
part, or any ono or more of them,'
This phraseology mado every legal re
quirement but ralrcd no unnecessary
legal ijuestlon. The ordinance reported
by tho Finance Committee today pro
vided for nn Increase In Indebtedness
based on tho assessed valuation of tax
able personnl property. The Insertion of
these words serves no possible useful
"Tho only conceivable purpose In Intro
ducing them la to raise possible legal or
llnanclal complications. The law renda
that the municipal loans must be based
"upon 'Hho'-agsessed-'vnluatlon wf 'taxable
property." The courts uaunny insist upon
a Btrict and technical compliance with
every detail of tho law In tho floating of
municipal loans, und the only theory
upon which the unnecessary Insertion
can be nccounted for Is that It was in
tended as a point on which to base some
dilatory legal proceedings.
"I have emphasized over and over again
two things: Ono that It will be impossi
ble to operate n Broad street subway
without having a delivery loop. It would
bo a physical Impossibility to discharge
in tho morning nt two stations all the
passengers collected from 26 other sta
tions, and It would bo equally Impossible
to collect In the evening at 2 stntlons all
the passengers bound for !6 other sta
tions. "Kven If tho operation of such a lino
were possible. Its construction without the
delivery loop would be a great hardship to
property owners and business men In the
central district east ot 12th street, and
what as fur more important It would bo
an outrage on tho public to subject them
twice each day to the Intolerable crowd
ing that would exist at tho two stations
In the delivery district.
"There is, however, the fact that tho
traffic on South Broad street can be ac
commodated on two tracks, while the
traffic on North Broad Btreet would re
quire four tracks, and only half of the
trains coming down Broad street from tha
north would need to go south to South
Philadelphia, whll ethe other half Bhould
ba run around the delivery loop.
"Tho delivery loop will be necessary
also for tho accommodation ot people
coming from South Philadelphia, Every
consideration, therefore, makes the de
livery loop an absolutely essential part
of the Broad street line. No competent
engineer could be found who would rec
ommend the construction of the Broad
street lino without this loop, ,
"To deny the loop therefore Is to veto
the construction of the whole line. This
is not a matter of theory or argument; It
Is a fact which' Is as plain as daylight.
"Ordinance Speaks for Itself," Says
Ho,. Complacently.
"The ordinance speaks for Itself. It
designates specifically what Jlnes should
be constructed first. The, 'ordinance now
deals generally with the Northeast and
the Northwest spurs, simply to assure the
citizens In those sections that they will
be taken care of among the first."
This statement was made by John P.
Connelly, following Councils' meeting.
"Regardlngthe definite limit of those
lines, they will ba taken. up when the
question ot routes Is considered. The
exact limits can be designated in later
npi4lnanna, M
"Is It not possible," he was asked, "that
tha construction ot these good paying
lines might not have some Influence on
tne Philadelphia Rapid Trapsit company
in Its agreement with the construction of
all tho HnesT"
"There Is no agreement," he replied,
"with the P. R. T- "Where U UT" "There
Is none so far as I know,"
Brooded Because She Was Reproved
by Couple Who .Adopted Her,
MAPLBWOOP, N. J.". Feb. W.-Edna
Robinson, 15 years ,old, adopted daughter
of. Mr.- and Mrs- George Jackson, -who
are socially prominent In this section of
New Jersey, committed suicide today. Bhe
stood In front ot a mirror and fired a
bullet into her brain.
The Eirl became despondent because she
had been reproved by Mr. aad Mrs. Jack
ton. wo aeufbt to Instruct br in the
propir ssianar of living-.
Boss-controlled Coni
. niittee on Finance
Openly Defies Public
Measure Stripped of Vital Fea
tures of Taylor Plan Intro
duced in Councils by Orders
of the Bosses.
Does Not Provide for 'Five-cent Fared,
Free Transfers or tho Abolition of
Discriminatory Eight-cent Ex
change Tickets Costollo Scheme.
Reappears in a New Garb.
The Republican Organization, through
its controlled Financo Committee, Intro
duced a "red herring" Rapid Transit plan
at the session ,of Councils this afternoon,
An ordlnanoo was reported providing
for a special election April 23 for tho peo
ple to vote $6,000,000 for Rapid Transit de
velopment.1 Tho ordinance .did not follow
tho Taylor plan, the result ot years ot
expert tnvcstlgutlon. It Ignored the most
essential rccommenndntlons of Directed
Taylor and was n bold attempt to foist
upon tho pcoplo a plan favorable only
to tho Interests of the Philadelphia- RaplX
Transit Company.
Tho Taylor plan provided for an ele
vated structure frbm Front and Market"
streets to Bridge Btreet, Frankford. The,
ordinance introduced this afternoon pnj-
vided for the construction of 'this road to,
Rhawn street.
Tho elevated to Bridge street ,wos tha'
ono feature the Rapid Transit Company
opposed. It wanted a road to Rhawn
street. Tho ordinance making this changa
gives tho Rapid Transit Company th'e
cream of tho plan and lakes from the
people all the advantages that would
have accrued to tho public under the Tayi
lor project. v
Tho ordinance- ignored the delivery
loop, absolutely essential for the even
distribution of passengers throughout tho
business district. It provided for a North
8nd South .Brpadreetsubwax without ,
moans ror" transportation oi naers m;o
tho great downtown business section.
The 1'lnance Committee nrdlnnnre data
not give tlio people of l'lilladrlphla u .
atralghf ft-cent fnre tn all parts of the cllj'.
The Flnanre Committee ordinance dees nof
abolish the dlnrrlmtnnlorr 8-rrnt exchanse
ticket, a provided In the Taylor plan.
The Finance Committee ordinance dors
not provide for Waniifprn from the high speed
linen to the surface lines.
Tlio Ilnnnce Committee ordinance will
cauae tliounands af families la loss $H a
year rach because of the compulsory B-eent
exchange ticket.
Tlio Finance Connnltteo ordinance would
brnelH Frnnlifonl only to the sacrifice of
hundreds ot thousands of riders in other
The ordinance was branded as a trick,
h subterfuge nnd another move In the
consistent policy of delay adopted from
the very first by the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company and the leadera-f the
Republican Organization.
it -was termed another move In the
campaign to rob citizens of a real rapid:
transit system while Mayor BIan.kenbu.rg
continues In office for the sole purpose
of having n. Republican Mayor If he Is
elected award tho contracts to political
Tho Financo Committee's plan Is a
grotesque burlesque of the Taylor plan.
The Taylor plan, explained in detail to
the people' ot all sections of the city,
was Indorsed by them. The plan brought
forward by the Finance Committee 4a
trick the people cannot have the support
of the people.
The Frankford Line as proposed by the
Flnancee Committee will end three mlljja
from that point where tho Taylor line
proposed to have Its terminus. The dla
trlct embraced In these three mllea In
stead ot being thickly populated is prac
tically barren country. It Js estimated
that to construct this line as the Finance
Committee, would have it would cost ad
ditional' millions of public fund? n ex:
cess of the amount necessary under the
Taylor ptan to give quick and efficient
transportation to all the people ot the
northeast section.
Tha Finance Committee's plan la really
the Costello plan.
The Costello plan for Jbe Frankford Una,
was originally introduced In Councils De.
camber 3 and immediately called forth
bitter opposition by business associations
and friends of real rapid transit U! oyjj
the city.
The EVBNiNa Lbooer en December St
took a poll of Councils to determine the
poetuvn o me jnemoers or com cnampfrs,
Continued o J-age T
The Kensingtonlan Says;
Cu Ewill, th 300-naund carrier of Kin.
Hon K, hat vurchnsal itoo tickets for tha
and it Aa been said
tleteta n(ml
xost ajuj yoxwn
UQS7r"mltiltt atamout rto. MsftS
ventnf. Kuzltr's resixurant aruiuiunR
Utxitl rwrd; no, nueiijims alm4 I
to C. Kooe, 90a North lHh, or &tal
vweanssaay axtercoao. emiern ...i.
ihlmbli. btn WtteBfieusa lUiun ud I
iBtn.. wra nwr j ' o- in i
LOST Oa tlw Uih, ltlum tsr cln. "mC
dlnins lln wujeMrra bbA isurfc. ,
moods. JUwrJ. 4S3U Eiltliswi'ti svt-
LOST--Aul6BjotfiTitUrr ct)gfep wjjii
srwr Mip cover, rwwn- vtmui umfspqm
nut, TMHKj City JNUU I-i,.ur.l
Otter f'i
JlAa M"&ia
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