EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1915: RNAKE Lrn r NG 17, ' " r i.. MHaBCi m i iihiui mm m o o TAVE - m MOfa. p" ll w w w "T. Mr Tii OF ant mw P E 0 I . ,. fly E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM BTNOPStB. riril Tuuernoke, nillhman to fi bone, "All Bfotrlf IJurtmi, on Art rlcon plrl, rrfi.ifl in LtnAon, from Mealing, she t$ fVl.ftut of her boarding hovto and he foU !" . otrtMlng. agalnit htr irtll, lit 6erl.nd. !4-Vr "" retaural fie fells her a&oul Hmttlt! ,h' """""" ,ier ou,n ""' '" ..a Utt Tleatrlet attempt tukfit. Taver 'ii ilrrtes i her Mo a chemltft thnn, and K iHI,n!aveA. Will. ratine- ""'. flfnlrlee "Vffi Bhroroici tuddenlv tohtenti and ?..ut, that Tavernake oke fc.r oil. '"Ji .??! Ulrl' e. Taieritofco propose i.mW her hit loWrfeeeper. .e Mrrlnln. lo '..Hat the hat nothing lo ear rom him, o S I. Vet attracted ti her. When ho return VXlhefind"Mm,'ir toco to face llh lh .SSn u7o rlohlrnert Beatrice the MlpM be- fefl'rf ol. and the wlshet lo rent a bouse. CHAPTCn '-(Continued.) tNTI.ODUC.NO MRS. WENHAM aAIlDNER. 'I ehoulcl like to do bo, If I may, with- ' "There 1b no opportunity llko the present," Mr. Dowllng replied. "If you ,,111 permit me." ho added, rising. "It will 1 rive mo the greatcBt pleasure to escort ; you personally. My engagements for tho .... r tho daV happen to bo unimportant. Tftvernake, let mo have tho keys of tho ..nm, that aro locked up. Tho caretaker, of course, Is there In possession." Tho beautiful visitor rose to her feet, nd oven that Blight movement was ac complished with a grace unllko anything vhlch Tavernako had ever seen before 'l could not think of troubling you so far, Mr. Dowllng," sho protested. "It Is not In tho least necessary for you to como yourself. Your manager can, perhaps, spare mo a few minutes. Ho seems to bo to thoroughly posted In all the details," the added, apologetically, as sho noticed the cloud on Mr. Dowllng's brow. "Just as you like, of course," ho de clared. "Mr. Tavcrnaka can go, by all means. Now I como to think of It, It certainly -would bo Inconvenient for mo to be away from tho ofllco for more than a few minutes. Mr. Tavernako has all the details at his fingers' ends, and I only hope, Mrs. Gardner, that ho will bo able to persuade you to take tho house. Our client," ho added, with a bow, "would, I am sure, bo delighted to hear that wo had secured for him so distinguished a tenant." She smiled at him, a delightful mixture of graclousncss and condescension. "You aro very good," sho answered. "The house sounds rather large for me, but It depends so much upon circum stances. If jou aro ready, Mr." "Tavernalte." ho told her. "Mr. Tavernake," she continued, "my rar Is waiting outside and wo might go en at once." Ho bowed and hold open tho door for Iter, an ofllco which ho performed a little awkwardly. Mr Dowllng himself escorted her out on to tho pavement. Tavernake (topped behind to get his hat, and passing out a moment afterward, would have seated himself In front beside the chauffeur, but that she held the door of the car open nnd beckoned to him. "Will ou come Inside, please?" she In- WILL ATTACK MERCY SHIPS, SAY GERMANS Washington Is Told of British Ruse and Zone Order Ap plies Generally. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-Iteltef ships which enter tho new German naval war tone, surrounding Great Britain will be as liable to attack and destruction as if they wero British war craft or merchant men, according to German Embassy of ficials here today. Disguised as relief vessels, English ships already have negotiated the war lone tafely, it was asserted, German sub marines allowing them to pass In the belief that they were bound on missions o mercy. Consequently, declared German diplo mats ofllclals, there must be no exemp tion In the future of any class or na tionality of suspected ships entering the forbidden area, so relief craft will bo blown out of tho water as remorselessly a If they wero dreadnoughts. "Incredible," said officials of tho British Embassy when told of tho German threat to destroy relief ships In tho naval war rone. "Tho statement that our vessels havo been disguised as relief ships Is absurd," they declared. "It Is difficult, however, to believe that tho German Admiralty has committed itself to a policy which Inevit ably must result In starving the Belgians ho depend upon the United States for a large part of their food supply." HIT BY TRAIN, BUT HAPPY Driver Who Had Narrow Escape Sat Ufled That Things Were No Worse. Although ha la a paralytic and lost his horsa, and wagon yesterday, George F. Jllce, a teamster, of 133 Beecher avenue, Cheltenham, declared at his home today that he was satisfied that things were not 'orse than they ure. Rice was driving across the Cottman treet intersection of the Philadelphia and Heading Railway shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Children coming from, school, who were halted by tho rnlng sound of tho electric bell at the eroeiing, shrieked in terror as a freight locomotive bore down on Illco and his wagon. It was going about SO miles an hour, and when the engine passed thero m no sign of nice. The wagonwas reduced to kindling wood and the horse BTOUnd to nl.rjn When ihjt mrinAAi P. brought his locomotive to a stop Wee was "iien rrora tho cowcatcher badly scared bU unhurt. Slater Accuses Brother of Theft Charged with stealing Jowelry valued at l9 from hU sitter, Mrs, Crlstlna Plumbo, of 1008 Thayer street, Sylvia Andrews, lias Harry Andrews, 25 years old, of 8345 Goodman street, was hald In 1ZC0 ball fop court by Magistrate Wrlgley at the Nice town police, station this morning Andrews had pawned the Jewelry, except a silver watch, which ha was wearing when ar rted. Burns Cause Mother's Death F 5" kitchen stovo set nro to her clothing ounoay resulted in tha death this morning f Mrs. Mary Noonan, 38 years old, of nn street, Bryn Mawr. She leaves two cnlldren, one 1 and the other 3 ears old - . ... ..... , f . Balance of Trede. Favors Port Exports through this poit last week mounting to J,9,0pQ. exceeded the im Wrts by IWlT.000, according to tb fig- Uued 84 Ifcg Custom Upm today, 4uUi csUct4 totaled $&l,vav i,li-i' ,"Thro aro one or two questions Pleaso direct ihe chauffeur." friMrtCi5J1,c1 w'tl,0t word! tho snr Si..?... i . u)ey Bw""g round Hie first ih ..' , " lcnncd "'ward fronl flmonB the cus ons of her seat and looked at .'. i n Tavernako was conscious of ulYJl "s.8; A 'hough by Inspiration, ho nni,httti,cr vl9lt t0 the omc6 f Me88 Jm m, bpcnco Company had been m.mwCOi on? She remembered him, re S"d. 'Jim " the companion of Beatrice during that strands, brief meet thil i . 1 ,nn 'ncomprchcnslble world, unm.i'. ,0,ttl,lc" ho had wandered. The woman s face had lost her languid, gracl ?!?.. "or?10?. There was something rii .. lmM.l.nkln t0 tragedy. Her fingers roil upon his arm and her touch was mJt8nerceiy: Sh Br'PP,nK h'm M' m'f,!L,TRXCr,nokc" 8"9 ",J- "I nave a memory for faces which seldom falls me. L Vpn rou b6foro ""'to lately. You remember whore, of course. Tell mo tho truth quickly, please." II J, o"'8, seemed to leap from her unL.h?Ttlful a.nd 'ounK though she wl Uic,dly. wns' hcr ,ntona seriousness had suddenly nged hcr face. Tavernako was bewildered. He, too, was conscious .,S,ou.r,ou.s emotional disturbance. Tho truth? What truth do you mean?" no demanded. V.v Wno you nhom J Baw with Beatrice I" w.b0.U 8a .me ono nlBhl nbo"t three weeks ago," ho admitted slowly. "I wns n a chem st's shop in the Strand. Ton woro signing his book for a sleeping draught, I think." epms Sho shivered nil over. "Yes. yesl" she cried. "Of course, I re member nil about It. Tho young lady )w Wn?JrUh yu-whnt was sho doing there? AVhcre Is she now?" "The young lady was my sister," Tavcr nnko answered stiffly. Mrs. Wenhntn Gnrdner looked, for a moment, as though sho would have struck mm. , "You need not Ho to met" bIio ex clalmed. "It Is not worth while. Tell me whero you met hcr, why you were with her nt all In thnt Intimate fashion, and whero sho Is now!" Tavernako realized nt once that so far ns this woman waa concerned, the fablo of hli relationship with Beatrice wns hopeless. Sho know! "Madame," ho replied, "f made tho ncqunlntanco of the joung lady with whom I wns that evening, nt the boarding-house whero we both lived." "Whnt were you doing In tho chemist's shop?" sho demanded. "Tho young lady had been 111." ho pro ceeded deliberately, wondorlng how much to tell. "Sho had been taken very III In deed. She was Just recovering when you nnlnriwV" "Where Is she now?" the womnn nsked eagerly. "Is she still at that boarding Iioupc of which you spoke?" "No," he answered. Hcr fingers gripped his arm once more. "Why do you nnswer mo always In monosllnl)Ios? Don't you understnnd thnt you must tell mo everything that you know nbout hcr You must tell mo whero I can find her, nt once." Tavernako remained silent. Tho wom an's voice had etlll thnt note of wonderful sweetness, but sho had altogether lost her air of complete and aristocratic Indif ference. She was a very altered person now from the distinguished client who had first enlisted his services. For some rea son or other, he knew that sho was suf fering from a tcrrlblo nnxlcty. MRS. STOTESBURY MAKES SPOTLESS TOWN FOR "HELP" s Homes Occupied by Household Employes Are Models of Neatness and Comfort Forty Tenants Dwell There in Content. A row of houses looking as though they might have been picked up from Spotless Town nnd sot down right at Society's back door, or side entrance, to bo more exact, because of their almost spectacu lar eplck-and-spanness greet the eye of the passerby on Mth street between Wal nut nnd Sansom streets, nnd detach themselves exclusively fiom the rest of the neighborhood. With their little scrim curtains, their Immaculate white door sills and their general air of having been Just freshly washed, starched and Ironed, they seem almost stage, houses upon a painted scene. But they aren't. They are tho very real domiciles of one of tho largest corps of servants maintained in Philadelphia the living quarters of tho "help" of Mrs. E. T, Stotesbury, To you Sirs. Newly "Wed. in your Sm kltchenetto, practicing "canned" house keeping with furrowed brow, It may seem an utter Impossibility that anybody's ser ants could occupy a solid block of houses, but 40 serwiutB, so 'tis rumored, is about the number required to minister properly to tho wants of Mr. and Mrs. Stotesbury and their guests. Originally this block on tho wes-sldo tf 20th in the renr of Walnut street must have contained eight houses. Only four of them, however, have retained their regulation appearance. Tha builder has been busy on tne rest nnd Joined them together, nnd the downstairs of the con verted portion Is a model laundry with an equipment that would do credit to a professional establishment. Six deya in the week five expert laun dresses work steadily from 9 In the morn ing until 3 In tho afternoon, and a busy time they have of It, too, for not only do the linens and the wearing apparel of their master and mistresses go through their hands, but that of the servants also. Tha remainder of tha block is divided POW 01 HOUSES fiCCUPIBfl I iiwwiiii'-HfTHTri.iiijwiliwMM"" ,i ii. n"! ' ffl-7T7T; A TALE OF LOVE, MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE HMki.-. TAVERNAKE HAD "I am not sure," ho said at last, "whether I can do as jou osk." "What do you mean?" she exclaimed sharply. "The young Indy," ho continued, "seemed, on the occasion to which you hae referred, to bo particularly anxious to avoid recognition. Sho huirled out of tho pluco jlthout speaking to ou, and she has avoided tho subject ever since. I do not know what her motives may havo been, but I think that I should like to nsk her first, beforo I tell you wheie sho Is to bo found." Mrs. Wenham Gardner leaned toward him. It wna certainly tho first time that a woman In hcr apparent rank of llfo had looked upon Tavernake In such n manner. Her forehead was n llttlo wrinkled, her between the men servants and the women nnd a tasteful simplicity characterizes the arrangements of their quarters. One of the maids, interviewed on the advantages of being connected with such n plutocratic establishment, couldn't keep the pride out of her volco as sho spoke of it. "There's no other servants in the coun try," Bhe said, 'as has it as good as we do. Three elegant meals a dny vo get and our afternoon tea besides. There ain't much the Stotesbury help misses." Scoff, ye cynics. If you will at the odium of domestic service, but to a mere news paper reporter a peep nt that cosy in terior nnd "tho afternoon tea" besides, called forth visions which few oilier pro fessions have equivalents to offer. ACROBAT UNDER $500 BOND Ball Required to Assure Promise to Keep Little Son Off Stage. Because ha broke his word with the court. Charles Shelzos, an acrobat, was placed under $500 ball to keep his prom ise this time, when ha was arraigned before Magistrate Benshaw at City Hall, charged with making his 8-year-old son, Carlysle, work on the stage, Shelzos was arrested last night at tho Broadway Theatre, Broad street and Bny der avenua, while performing with tha boy as his stage companion. Agent A. J. Klnkalde, of the Society to Protect Children from Cruelty, waa tho com plainant. Ha testified that the child was performing as an acrobat. Shelzos promised not to violate the law again, but was reminded that ha had made a similar promise before and Magistrate Rens'naw Imposed tha ball security. Shelzos lives at a theatrical boarding house at Franklin and Itace atreets. M IQIJSSSliRV SERYApS liM. 4 i. I IIKWi KX'Mft1 -. I HBHHw. ''&l.t'L$0l''"" NO TIME '10 ESCAPE llpi wcro parted, her eyes wcro patheti cally, delightfully eloquent. "Mr. Tavernake, you must not you must not rcfuso me," sho pleaded. "If you only knew tho Importance of It, you would not hesitate for a moment. This Is no Idlo curiosity on my part. I have reasons, vory serious reasons Indeed, for wishing lo discover thnt poor girl's where abouts nt once. Thero Is a posslblo danger of which sho must be warned. No ono can do it except ml self." 'Are jou hcr friend or hcr enemy?" Tavernako asked. "Why do you ask such a question?" sho demanded. "I mn only going by hcr expression when sho Bnw you como Into tho chemist's shop," Tacrnako persisted doggedly. DIRECTOR COOKE FAVORS DOWNTOWN PLAYGROUND Impressed by Harry Davis' Plea for Moro Room for tho Boya. When Harry Davis, former first base man for the Athletics, told tho guests nt tho sporting writers' banquet last night that kids in Philadelphia do not hove suf ficient open spaces for early training in tho national sport, he so Impressed Di rector Cooke, of tho Department of Pub lic Works, that tho Director started a movement today to provide another down town playground. A group of Phlladelphlans nho heard Harry Davis' speech aro co-operating with Director Cooko today In appealing to po litical leaders and Councllmen. Tho Immediate plan Is to obtain a va cant tract ut tho southwest corner of 12th nnd Dickinson streets, formerly tho Phi lanthropic Cemetery, and turn it over to tho Board of Hccrcntlon. N. J. SUFFRAGIST CONFIDENT Miss MattoS. Scott, of Engelwood, N. J., corresponding secretary and chairman of the Speakers' Committee of tha Bergen County organization of the Women's Political Union, came to town this morning on a business trip and at once began working for woman suffrage, as she says she always does, no matter whero she is or what she is after. Miss Scott, nt the headquarters of the Equal Suffrago League, on South 9th street, spoke nbout suffrage In New Jersey and kindred subjects. She was asked If the cause would win In her State this Sep tember when tha peopln will vote on thu suffrage amendment to the constitution. "It Is difficult and unsafe to prophesj," sho said, "but thero Is this; Every one of our public men aro pledged for it. In Borgeu County our State Senator and three assemblymen are In favor of It and speak for it as well as vote for It. Our school teachers are teaching t as a mat ter of current history and all over the State branches of the union have been or ganized to watch legislation, distribute literature, and furnish speakers on Suf frage for meetings of all kinds and In all sorts of places. I mean wa are making n, pnmpalgn to have suffrage presented at all public meetings. "Some of our town authorities have re fused us the use of schoolhouses for our meetings because they said the meetings would be- political. Wa suffrage advo cates havo no platform, nor aro wo a political body. We are working for ono thing and the men are beginning to realize It. Jn this country the men give the women what they want and t Is up to the women to get suffrage by convinc ing tha men that they want It. We are educating the women of New Jersey so that when they talk suffrage to their women friends and tha men of their own homes they can talk, intelligently and show that they aro capable of voting in telligently." WHO SHOT FRANK CAPPT Who shot Frank Capp last night? It could not be determined at the hearing before Magistrate Benshaw, at City Hall, this morning, Tony Tonjbarro was ar raigned charged with the offense Tom barro lives at 1SS Fulton street, and Capp Uvea next door. Last night tha Capp boy got into a fight and Tombarro Interfered. Tho little boy ran home and told his pa. Capp cama out and engaged Tombarro In the witnesses said this mom Ing, Capp yelled, that ha had been shot, though there was no shot heard. Capp is said to have coma out of the fight with tt pistol An ambulance took Capp to tho I'ennsilvanta Hospital, wherp he waa found to hae what appeared to be a bul let wound in the abdomen Ha will ba routined to his bed for a week or more ' He first said that Tombarro shot him and then that he shot himself A patrol wagon took Tombarro to City nail, ana ne was neia witnout can to I wrt Ws ewVUo. "It la n cruel suggestion, that," the womnn cried. "I wish to be her friend, I am her friend. If I could only tell you everything, you would understand at once what a terrible situation, what a hideous quandary I am In." Once moro Tavernake paused for a few moments. Ho was never a quick thinker and tho situation was certainly an em barrassing ono for him. "Madam," ho replied nt length. "I beg that you will tell mo nothing. Tho young lady qf whom you have spoken permits me to call myself her, friend, and what she has not told me herself I do not wish to learn from others. I will tell her of this meeting with you, and If It Is her desire, I will bring you her address my self with a few hours. I cannot do moro than that." Her face was suddenly cold and hard. "You mean that you will not!" sho ex claimed angrily. "You aro obstinate. I do not know how you doro to refuso what I ask." Tho car had como to a standstill. He stepped out on to tho pavement. "This la Grantham House, madam, he announced. "Will you descend?" He heard her draw a quick breath be tween her teeth and ho caught a gleam In her eyes which made him feel vaguely uneasy. Sho was very angry Indeed. "I do not think that It is necessary for mo to do so." sho said frigidly. "I do not llko tho look of tho houso nt all. I do not bcllcvo that It will suit me." "At least, now that you aro hero," ho protested, "you will, If you please, go over It. I should llko you to seo tho ball room. Tho decorations aro supposed to be quite exceptional." She hesitated for n moment and then, with a slight shrug of tho shoulders, sho yielded. There wns a noto In his tone not exnetly Insistent, nnd yet dominant, a noto which sho obeyed although Becrctly sho wondered at herself for doing so. They passed Inside tho houso nnd sho followed him from room to room, leaving him to do all the tnlklng. Sho seemed very llttlo Interested, but every now nnd then she nsked a languid question. "I do not think It Is In tho least likely to suit me." she decided at least. "It Is all very magnificent, of course, but I con sider that tho rent Is exorbitant. Tavornnke regarded hcr thoughtfully. "I believe," ho Bald, "that our client might bo disposed to consider some re duction, In tho event of your seriously entertaining taking the house. If you like I will see him on tho subject. I feel uro that tho amount I havo mentioned could bo reduced. If tho other conditions were satisfactory." There would bo no harm In your doing so." sho assented. "How soon can you como and let mo know?" "I might bo ablo to ring you up this evening; certainly tomorrow morning," ho answered. She shook her head. "I will not apeak upon the telephone," sho declared. "I only allow It In my rooms under protest. You most come, and tell mo what your client says. When can you see him?" -if u doubtful whether I shall bo ablo .. n-A v.i.n Mil evening." ho replied. It would probably bo tomorrow morning." she "You mlgnt go mm uf -. suggested. Ho was a llttlo surprised. "You aro really interested In the matter, then?" ho Inquired. SUFFRAGISTS TAKE UP 'FIRST AID TO INJURED' Complete Medical Equipment Presented to Equal Fran chise Society by Physician. "First Aid to the Injured" Is tho new slogan of the Equal Franchise Society. This was adopted by members of the so clety ns being appropriate owing to tha recent addition at the headquarters of a completo medical equipment, the gift of Dr. Frances It. Sprague, of Bryn Mawr. At tho present time a chest in which to keep the outlay has not been provided, consequently the equipment Is kept In a series of neatly arranged tin boxes on the closet shelf. Miss Carolina Katzen stein, secretary of the society, says that tha chest will be added shortly. Among tho articles given are bandages, gauze, adhesive plaster, absorbent cotton aid various antiseptics. Tho medicine equipment Is but one of many Innovations at the soctety'-a head quarters. A movement has been on foot for some time to add such branches as would show the versatility of those who ara fighting for tho "cause." Conse quently, a sewing class was Inaugurated, which was followed closely by a "school,," lessons being given In tho best theories of Government. Then came the installa tion of a complete kitchen equipment, in which a series of demonstrations In cook ing Is planned. It Is even hinted now that a school In oratory will bo added, at which suffragists can acquire additional J expressive ability in presenting their ar- guments. That iney aro capable sales- m freight to speak of U car women has been demonstrated, for a com- bottoms, and strenuous have pleta'llna of miscellaneous articles Is kept om time to time to revive our In various comers of the society's rooms, i,y means of subsidies. As a and exceptional is the person that enters r shipping to the extent or and does not leave with something In his been Interned, destroyed or hand for which he has left a considerable 8on for commercial use, This sum in exchange. Tha funds so raised the world's supply of ships, ara used to further the "cause," alo aky-hlgh. Da?h,hP, " SUther" C!;U'Sre Tha battleship Kansas passed Marcus Hook early today on her way for prac- tica and maneuvers In tha Southern drill waters. She sailed yesterday, with none but her regular crew aboard, under com- mand of Captain Bryan. Tha vessel was scheduled to leave last Tuesday, but was held up owing to engine trouble. Previous to that mishap she was disabled by a storm off the Virginia Capes, for which her commander had to go before a court- martial, Before sailing the crew declared they had a premonition that something serious would happen to tha ship before she got to bar destination. Merlon Patrolmen Defended George Sullivan, president of the Board of Commissions of Lower Merfon town- ship Is not partial to Burps detectives. Judging by his statements last night at a meeting of tha Bala-Cynwyd Neighbor- hood Club. Ho referred sneerlngly to the efforts of tha residents of Merlon and other main line towns to g.et better police protectlqn. declaring that he took little stock in tha claims of detectives that tha regular suburban patrolmen spent most of their time on duty eleeplng. : ... i - ItESOBTS ATLANTIC CUT, N. J. Ldin Mih-tUt. moderate-rsu hotel. . A I RPMAR1 F Virginia Av... oesr Ik. itor, un rrlor. prl blhf. OA dlnntn orcheatra. .in allv ! 13 un dlv RoaLlftt ur.i v-t. Brick. Hot as eoM rumslnal ' ' """": K I Hotel XPiJs;ji?rjSrt-b fc a l r 'rs, yes," sho totd hlm "of course I am Interested. I want you to come and see mo directly you have heard. It Is im portant. Supposing you are able to find your client tonight, shall you have seen the young lady beforo then?" "I am afraid not," ho answrced. "You must try," she begged, laying her fingers upon his shoulder. "Mr. Taver nake, do please try. You can't realize what nil this anxiety means to me. I am not nt nil well and I am seriously wor ried about about that young lady. I tell you that I must have nn interview with her. It Is not for my sake so much aB hers. Sho must bo warned." "Warned?" Tavernako repeated. "1 rcnlly don't understand." , "Of courso you don'tt" she exclaimed Impatiently. "Why should you under stand? I don't want to offend you, Mr. Tavcmnke," sho went on hurriedly. "I would llko to treat you qulto frankly. It renlly Isn't your placo to mako difficul ties like this. What IB this young lady to you that you' should presume to con sider yourself her guardian?" "She Is n boarding houso acquaintance," Tavernako confessod, "nothing more." "Then why did you tell me, only a moment ago, that Bho was your sister?" Mrs. Gardner demanded, . Tavernako threw open the door beforo which they had been standing. "This," he said, "is the famous dancing gallery. Lord Clumber is qulto willing to Allow tho pictures to remain, and I may tell ou that they Aro Insured for over 60,000 pounds, There Is no finer dancing room than this In all London." Hcr eyes swept around It cnrelcsaly. "I have no doubt," sho admitted coldly, "that It la very beautiful. I prefer to contlnuo our discussion." "The dining-room," he went on, "Is al most ob lnrgc. Lord Clumber tells us that ho has frequently entertained SO guests for dinner. Tho system of ven tilation In this room Is, as you see, en tirely modern " Sho took htm by the arm and led him to a seat at the further end of the apart ment. "Mr. Tavernako," Bhe said, making an obvious attempt to control her temper, "you seem like a very scnslblo young man, If you wilt allow mo to say so, and I want to convlnco you that It Is your duty to answer my questions. In the first place don't bo offended, will you? but I cannot possibly see what Interest you and thnt young Indy can have In ono another. You belong, to put It baldly, to altogether different social stations, nnd It Is not easy to Imagine what you could have In common." sho paused, but Tavernake had nothing to say. Ills gift of silence- amounted sometimes nlmost to genius. She leaned so closo to htm while sho waited In vain for his reply, that tho ermine about her neck brushed hta cheek. The perfume of her clothes nnd hair, the pleading of her deep vlolet-bluo eyes, all helped to keep him tongue-tied. Nothing of this sort had ever happened to him beforo. He did not In tho least understand what it coulc? possibly mean. "I am speaking to jou now, Mr. Taver nake," sho continued earnestly, "for your own good. When you tell tho young Indy, ns you havo promised to this evening, that you havo seen mo, nnd that I am very, very anxious to find out where she Is, oho wltl very likely go down on her knees nnd beg you to give mo no Infor mation whatever about her. She will do hcr best to make you promlso to keep us apart. And yet that Is all because she does not understand. Belleva me. It la better that you should tell mo tho truth. You cannot know her very well, Mr. Tavernake, but she Is not very wise, that joung.lady. Sho Is very obstinate, and she has some strange Ideas. It Is not well for hcr that she should bo left In the world alone. You must sea that for yourself, Mr. Tavernake." "Sho seems a very sensible young lady," he declared slowly. "I should have thought that she would hava been old enough to know for herself what sho wanted and what was best for her." The woman at Ills side wrung her hands with a little gesture of despair. "Oh. why can't I mako you under stand!" Bhe exclaimed, tho emotion onco more quivering In her tone. "How can I how can I possibly make you believe me? Listen. Something has happened of which sha doen not know something terrible. It Is absolutely necessary. In her own In terests as well as mine, that I see her, and that very shortly." "I shall tell hcr exactly what you say," Tavernake answered npparently unmoved. "Perhaps It would be as well now If we went on to view the sleeping apartments." "Never mind about tha sleeping apart ments!" she cried quickly. "You must do more than tell her. You can't believe that I want to bring harm upon any one. Do I look like it?. Have I tho appearance of a person of evil disposition? You can be that young lady's best friend, Mr. Tavernake, if you will. Take ma to her now, this minute. Believe rue, 'If you do that, you will never regret it as long oa you live." Tavernake studied tha pattern of th parquet floor for several momenta. It was n difficult problem, this. Putting his own extraordinary sensation Into the background, he was face to face with something which he did not comprehend, and he disliked the position Intensely. After all, delay seemed safest. "Madame," he protested, "a few hours more or less can make but little differ ence." ..urn auruan unti in iiimeci n destruction. The result has figures supplied by Secretary "ih PoV was V oBrBa,c.'rs0,a- beIi 16 ,0 ,7 cnta, Tne ratt) BOno up fiIi cenU to Vfit cents, to Liverpool has risen fiom nl8 peP hundredweight; that i, i to $5 a bale; that to 0 jjs a baje. Vessels hired a ,r jsooo a month now bring aa jonth." Busy Writer -nunzin-, mennnnil i,n nas"z,nes monttonea aljove r" tna Bama writer, Miss slle's, Outlook and Review is, as usual, well informed, her song Is pessimistic, Sha U same information in both Outlook, but with subtly 0ns such m tltln t,- in " " "?' a,?.rtUIe' eU: ," le Pwn "Menace of the U" f3), tha asks: e Viilted States go Into the ig and operating ships any and operating cotton mills or , . weii ,. i,iiR'. h '" 7 ' Leslie s, she M " t has oned and operated tha Cono . r, Btati 0 A. M. TQ 10 r. M. PALACE 1214 Market lOg & 20o CROSS VTT'VC! 1IU X O TUB Stanley ce 1903. The Una carried no 1-burtJiy. sdfleld 6a) a its profits for the ' 80 were tJH.000. What he I that when you add up lu NIXON'S GRAND Today S:tB. T rf, .' "f tPt Now, nt II sears they average only no commercial cent pj-otlts. ' kj'.i ,Vi'arenaia woukj throw jucti jTcofK. wind. Private lines would "That Is for ma to Judge!" she ex claimed. "You say that because you d not understand. A few hours may make all tho difference In the world.'' Ho shook his head. "I will tell you eiactly what is In 19 mind," he Bald, deliberately. "Tha youag lady was terrified when she ea'you that night accidentally In the chemist's sjioiS. Sho almost dragged mo away, and al though she was almost fainting when Wa ' reached the taxlcab, her greatest nnd chief anxiety was thai wa should get away beforo you could follow Us. I Can not forget thin. Until I hava received nor permission, thereforo, to disclose net whereabouts, we will, if you pleaso, speak of something else." He rose to his feet and glancing around was Just In time to see the change in the faco of his companion. That eloquent ly pleading emllo had died away from her lips, her teeth wero clenched. Sha looked llko a woman struggling hard to control some overwhelming passion. Without the smllo her lips seemed hard, oven cruet. There wero ovll things shining out of her eyes. Taverncko fait chilled, almost afraid, "Wa will seo the rest of the house," shsi declared coldly. They went on from room io room, Tavernake, recovering himself rapidly, mastor of his subject, was fluent and practical. Tho woman listened, with only a terse remark here and there, Ones more thoy stood In tho hall. , "Is thero anything olse you would like to sco7" he asked. "Nothing." sho replied, "but there la ono thing more I have to say." He watted In stolid Bllonce. "Only a week ago," she went on, look Ing him in tho face, "I told -a man who Is what you call, I think, an Inquiry agent, that I would give a hundred pounds If ho could discover that young woman for mo within 21 hours." Tavernake Btnrted, and the smile came back to tha lips of Mrs. Wenham Gardner, After all, perhaps she had found the way I "A hundred poundB Is a great deal of money," he said thoughtfully. Sho shrugged her shoulders. "Not so very much," sho replied. "About a fortnight's rent of this house, Mr. Tavernake." "Is tho offer still open7" ha asked. Sho looked Into his eyes, and hcr faco had once more tho beautiful Ingenuous tieRfl of a. child. "Mr. Tavernake," sho said, "tho offer Is Btlll open. Get into tha car with ma and drlvo back to my rooms at the Milan Court, and I will give you a chequo for a hundred pounds at once. It will ba very easily earned and, you may Just as well tako it, for now I know whero you aro employed, I could havo you followed day by day until I discover for myself what you are so foolishly concealing. Be reasonable, Mr. Tavernake." Tavernako stood quite still. 'Mis arms wcro folded, ho was looking out of the hall window nt tho smoky v'sta pf roofs nnd chimneys. From the soles of his rcady-mado boots to his Ill-brushed hair, ho was n commonplace young man. A hundred pounds was to him a vast sum of money. It represented a year's strenu oub savings, perhaps moro. The woman who watched him Imagined, that he waa hesitating. Tavemake, however, had no such thought In his mind. He stood there Instead, vondcrlng what strange thing hnd come to him that tha mention of a hundred pounds, delightful sum though It wns, never tempted him for a single second. What this woman had said might be true. She would probably be ab)o to discover tho address easily, enough with out hlfl help. Yet no suqh, reflection, seemed to make the least difference. Front the days of hlB earliest boyhood, from thu time when he had flung himself Into the struggle, money had always meant muei to him, money not for Its own sake, but as tho key to thoso things which he coveted In life. Yet nt that moment something stronger seemed to have as- , scrted Itself. "You will come?" sho whispered, pass ing hcr arm through his, "We will be there In less than five minutes, and ( will wrlto you the cheque beforo you tell mo anything." lie moved toward tho door Indeed, but he drew a little away from her. "Madam." he said, "I am sorry to seem so obstinate, but I thought I had made you understand some time ago. I do not feel at liberty to tell you anything with out that young lady's permission." "You refuse?" Bhe cried. Incredulously, "You refuso a hundred pounds?" Ho opened the door of tho car. He seemed scarcely to have heard her. "At about 11 o'clock tomorrow morn? Ing," he announced, "I shall have the pleasure of calling upon you. I trust that you will have decided to take the house." " (Continued Tomorrow.) LETTER'S Best Coal Egg $7, Stove $7.25, Chestnut S7.S9 Larue Round Pea Coat, $5.50 Laraett Coal Yard in Philadelphia OWEN LETTER'S SONS Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland St uib ANN MURDOCK III A UIIIL OP TODAr; Forrest ffij. Mat. Today 8ur. $1.50 KIN HEU'TY OIKLS IA!.OnB KI.AW A Elll.A.SUCn'H ENTEIlTAlNEttH In iht Ntw, Mirthful Mimical M4I FADS and FANCIES Thti Not WetV Hvsi H;13. Uttlnt Saturday. Kira Mst Wsshlnilon'i JJIUhday. Monda Kh -Jl BROAD ft',. Mat Today S.$1.60 Mrs. Patrick Campbell l.'.X'n.'nc. PYGMALION I j, ti '-' Vk Fas: B;15 iUilnw (Saturday Ktra MaU Waahlnrton'a Birthday. Monday Kb. 21 UETROI-OUTAN Ol'KIIA, HUIBK " METllOPOMTAN Ol'EHA CO.. NEW YOnK TUESDAY KYENINCJ. KEBRLAnY S3 AT 3. KinST PEIIKOItMANCB IN THIS CITY , MADAME SANS-GENE Umii Karrar. Kornl. bparbu, iiraalau, Ull liar, tlntlll. Amato, Begin ols, AUboiue, Icsanl. Lwiuhardt. 1109 CliMlnul St Walnut 1033, JUc 61 'joatanuu. Tyrol's u TruubaOoura!' Mob Tip Co Olhtra. Photoplay in "000313 ami MAY WARD ?5S2Sf 'Suga Btr-k Klda" . Othtra, Prctratn Cbanttit Monday A Thursday. THEATRE SV'iUOc I c.nnifup, i -si s 10. IS. see MAJtKET 8T UEU)Y 1STW I'icTunEa 11 A M TO U.tS P U. P1ANCHB BWEJBT In WAIIIIKAS op vinniK'ta Ttlday k Saturday THU CQlNTR BO? Warntr AruorM Co Six Unit Uonty U,e Robin. Kirk A ftwtt JnalBi t Etara lalwret titt DUMONT'S p0gt?cHT2fi MAT TOPJAt. llfc go WAafiSftiWH''