m SUBMARINE CAMPAIGN fEANS LIFE TO NATION, fiEMANY INFORMS U.S. Admiral Belincke, in Offi cial Statement to Ameri can Attache, Declares England Must BeStarv ed to Save Fatherland. Orders Issued to Nnval Officers to Safeguard Neutrals. Blockade Will Bo Dropped If Britain Consents to Free Transit of Food Supplies. BEnUM, Feb. 17. Admiral Bchnckc, , tf the Marine Department, has mado n - .lament to Llout. Commnnder Walter 'n. Ohernrdl, Nnvnl Attache of the Amor- IM . .. (Mtn Embassy nt Berlin, which la given cut officially as tho best exposition of the situation with respect to dermapy's declaration regarding tho waters nround ths British Isles ns a war zone. Admiral Behncke's statement follows: Up lo mo prcaeni umo uermany, in the war at oea, has followed tho London M.rtnratlon or tho stipulations of tho Fsrls treaty, on which tho conduct of FJW!ir on tho sea had been baBed before War on tho sea had been bnscd before 1 tne Iflnuon Declaration, ' "In waclnir this commercial warfare. I' England has In view tho subjugation of l. n.rmanv bv starvation. Germain lirwl. gln every way, sought to bring the at tention of tno neutral powers and nil ' others to tho necessity It was under to Obtain food for her civilian population, which was her right under tho laws of war. No results could be obtained from her efforts. i oiuto uiu Buuiiius gu qi looa sup plies iiitu tujuo Li i. juiiil wucro ucrcnany had no longer sufficient food to feed her beorile. It became necessary for her to bring England to terms by tho exercise of force. NATION'S .LIFE" AT STAKE. "Germany knows that by the use of the submarine England can bo nlnced In ' position where food will bo lacking. fiho has tho submarine force with which to do It; her Ufa as a nation and the I lives of tha people depend upon putting this campaign Into action, and she must m do so. "Tho difficulties lying In tho way of this campaign hao been largely connected with the care which It Is desired to glvo to neutral ships, and to the lives of those on board all commorclal ships, whether faeutral or bclondnrr in fh nnm. f "First, In arming her merchant ships Kith guns for self-defense, England 'idopted a policy against which Germans strongly protest. Tho United States took the British point of view. It Is nnt nm. jiiSlo for submarlnesno approach British mercnant Bhlps and make examinations without exposing themselves to cunflm ' or bomb attack, ngnlnst which a subma rine boat would be helpless. "Second, England has advised her merchant nect to fly neutral flags, to eover up names and change stacks, to eicape the consequences of their nation ality. This plan was designed to bring Germany Into conflict with other nations. "Germany does not wish In the slight est degree to haim American or other neutral ships, or their cargoes, unless jcarrjlng contraband of war. She Is. how. Jtver, In a, position where her llto depends open ncr putting into effect the only wans she has of saving herself. Sho must and will use this means. SAFEGUAItDS FOR NEUTRALS. "Commanding officers of submarine boats have been given orders to make every effort to safeguard neutrals. In splta of tho precautions which submarines could take without the danger of being destroyed themselves the possibility was Jilted that neutral Bhlps might, through error or accident, be destroyed. Vnr- thi FC2S0n It Rtrnni? wnmlnt- wnn Ib.ii.j "In addition, tho English connt hnn Kn... rained by the British themselves fnr nrn. tectlve reasons, and would be mined by the Germans as an act of offensive wnr Xare. Bhlps therefore wero In danger from mines. "In spite of the great effect the Admir alty Staff fta flu. (ioa nf !. ..k.n.t m Wll have In bringing tho war to a rapid J1' I"" -numiraiiy uoes not wish to 5 put It Into effect, to tho detriment of "cuirai commerce and the rights of na tions of the high seas. "It has therefore stated that If Great Britain will abide by the Declaration of uOnOOn. Withmif r nHl (enllnn. .. V.. .I.. ,Trafy of Taris, w ereby food supplies ..caui-jr ior tno civil population can be freely brought Into. Germany, the whole raafter of a submarine blockade will be dropped by Germany. "This proposal has been transmitted through diplomatic channels. If accepted, SUNDAY VERSUS MAYOR ON I Jlitchel, of New "York, Prescribes Terpsichorean Di version for Preachers Who Sunday Assails Evils -of "Billy" Sunday'a View The dance Is Immoral. Every man and ,omn carries a breast full of passions, jwa those passions become a tinder box. vr the ballroom floor you allow liberties !Q men thnt VA. .,. ntlnn. tim 1a- T . W WU ., M..WIT M.4. ..- rrSJ?' ,ald "Billy" Sunday In a sermon ,W Philadelphia, "You grant them llber .1 0n the aaUroom floor that If a man ljaer than your husband would attempt IJl your home and your husband would sand you at It, ho would havo no trouble tt securing a divorce, and If be shot the J3&U no lurv in th. w.rM nmlM mn. fytfl him for It. J. 'When your daughters and sisters go &J these dances they learn to smoke aa drink; and you can bet that when a K3 ." I0W that she will smoke and bSrinlC BhA la tn .t.. aV.acto,. .Hit- anil pijng- to hell fast. t&i Where dn vnti tln vaii. mnat ae. 9mpiuhed dancers? In the brothels. MM girls In these places come, in many fi. ?CM- txom tn upper crust of society. . ." "-.M....U Mio UilUUB BB (111 (1IU.I MCII & Inatltlltlnn thai .. w-.l. .Am Wo depths of perdition. Six saloons do (.not do as much to rot the morals of elrla S one danelns ehni Oh, but you say, 'I go to the private Wees' elum. and free.foe.,11,1 you beat a mile Why? Because aey wear more clothes than you do. ' he Chief nt tuill.... In yji-ai Vnrif t1l fee that three-fourths of the fallen Ja"n In that city went wrons; first n.h the dances. There are 600.000 frUen women in the United States, and K think that 370.000 of these lost their - la "rousri tho dance haus. CUt VAll BBW 'fan. Itm JIM Vi$ M -own wirer Why. you would KhSJ "apn husk corn all night Jar moon- L fmul (J danca With -vrmr nun wife Tt other follow' wife or oma other vs HaUr You lee him hug your . 432?. vr th Privilege of hugging his- I Sgt tt c tfe oisr 0f tba hUckB halt " to tmt fcia ana sreuM JtfiM," ure BVEKING m?'!!?t.Ur c.lll n0 '" " Ptovocit and a.K1""" lhe tJn,ted BMti m?'?! BchHcl6 then said that Oer Enlft,! mLPreparcd ,0 ""BBest to the hmiirt i?k ,aMB"r American ships Pn.L,hc.r ,hro"Bh the channel or to IS5 wP.MnnLm,'ly' thal "vwAI Amer on tt Il?$ "h.ula walt ,n Bomo P"-t whnl1";" M'l ' Ireland, And, 7u.r"l,lc"l'd XvUh by wlrelM by should" "e"lntman.one of them nation it wefehantmsn thro.mli that inning iSi l,e "n wll,ch Oermonj-. fo. declared lo bo" dkhWMui"" W""n' "" Under rS' f,d.u,,,e mlra!. ".hips llo T V2i' byho rules ot Interna t onai law, are not oubject to acarch, but a hnnr'a l?,Wh'Ch thf' belong 8 upon , ... r "" ll !orc to M that they do not calry contraband of war." LITTLE MAY DE JAIL WARDEN Secretary of Society for Organizing Charity Won't Confirm Report. R. M. Little, secretary of the Society for Oraanlzlnjr Charity. ,l nncrlflco his present position, which pays JCOOO a yiar, . "" . po" ns warden of the Tod- ?,,.' en,ntlnW where he believes he Will On flhlA tn nn.AMKtl.1. . .......... u .. """ more gooa, accordlnff to dispatches from Atlanta today; but Mr. Utile has not conflimed tho report. Warden William H. Moycr. who has Sn " d'arso of the Qoi eminent prison! 1mMh reve(1- Charles W. Morse Julian Hawthorne and others who have been confined In tho Southern Institution S?"c.hJ!fiLM ot crUelty the for. mcr warden. SUNDAY'S ASSOCIATES HOLD DISTRICT PRAYER MEETINGS Sunday rnmpalgn activities began at 10 o'clock this mornlnc. wh.n ,n.i.. prajer meetings, conducted by mombcrs and associates of the Sunday party, were held In churches throughout the city. At U o'clock Miss Miller and Miss Kinney oponed their business women's lunch rooms In tho Chambora-Wylla Memorial Presbyterian Church and tho First Pres byterian Church, respectively, and mado addresses nt Intervals in the auditoriums of the churches. At noon factory meetings were con ducted by "Billy" Sunday co-workers as follows: Mr. Hamilton, Packard Motor car Company. 317 North Broad street: Mr. Rose. Spring Garden Street Y. M. C. A.; Mr. Bchrcns, Western Electric Com pany, 11th and York stroets; "Jack" Cardiff. E. A. Wright Bank Note Com pany, Broad and Huntington streets; Mr. Rodeheavcr, Quaker Laco Commnv. S2rl street and Lehigh nvenuc: Mr. Stover. J. T. Pugh Company, 31st nnd Ludlow streets; Mrs. Asher, Smnltr-Goodwin Company, 12th and Carpenter streets; Miss Fotterolf. Brownhlll and Krnmer Company, Memphis street and Columbia nvenue: Mr. Crown, Port Richmond Y. M. C. A.: Mr. Wright, car barn, iUh nnd Thompson streets. At 2 o'clock Mr. Getty conducted a meeting at the car barn nt BOth street nnd Woodland avenue. Miss Fctterolf conducted a meeting for girls of tho William Ponn High School In tho Trinity Methodist Church. 15th and Mount Vernon streets, nt 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Rodeheavcr conducted a similar meeting for boys of the Southern Mnnunl Training School In St. Luke's Church, Broad and Jackson streets, at 3 o'clock. Miss Gamlln conducted a boys' and girls' mass-meeting In tho Grace Re formed Church, 11th and Huntingdon streets, nt 3:45 o'clock. Miss Saxe held a Bible class at 4:30 o'clock In the Lutheran church, P2d and Race streets, and nt the same hour a similar meeting wai conducted by Miss Lamont In the Holland Memorial Church, Broad nnd Federal streets, where Mrs. Asher will deliver an address nt 7 o'clock this eve ning. Tho activities of the day will be brought to a close by a parents' mass-meeting, which will be conducted by Mls Gamlln In the Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal Church, 11th street below Oxford, at 8 o'clock this evening. FEW AT "GRETNA GREEN" Only Five Couples Granted Marriage Licenses at Elkton Today. ELKTON, Md Feb. 17. Only five couples were granted marriage licenses here todny. Those who applied were David A. Duf fleld nnd Georgeanpa Hetrlck, Joseph L. Kelly and Katherlne A. Kane and Charles Relnhart and Louisa Lutz, nil of Phila delphia; Orvlll D. Hend'lckson and Ethel M. Faux, of Rising Sun, Md and Charles A. Boone nnd Lena E. Beard, of Read ing, Pa. Chas. P. O'Conner Proud Father Congratulations are being bestowed to day on Charles P. O'Connor, assistant clerk of,' Select Council, whose home at Eth and Fine streets was visited by the stork early this morrjlng. A baby boy weighing 10 pounds was left. O'Connor Is the first employe attached to the clerical department of Select Council to become a father. TANGOING MODERN DANCE Criticise Him Billy Present-day Craze. Mayor Mitchell's View NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-Mayor Mltchel laughed when he heard that the Rev, James V. Chalmers had described him at a preachers' meeting as a "backboneless creature who stays up until 3 o'clock In the morning dancing the tanro." Yea," the Mayor confessed, "I dance now and then, and If some of those who criticise roe for doing so would dance too their dispositions might be Improved." As to the complaints of tha clergymen that the excise law Is not enforced, the Mayor said; "These gentlemen are well Mentioned and well meaning, all of them. Thsy really believe that all evil flows from drink and that If the consumption of liquor could be stopped all human evil would ceasethat we would have tha rail. lenluro, I do not agree with them. "They believe that the chief business of the police Is to enforce the liquor law's. The chief business of the police If, In stead, to pat down crimes pf violence and preserve the peace. After that comes the enforcement of the sumptuary laws." EPIDEMIC IN PIOTROKOW Germans Reported Evacuating South Poland Railway Centre FBTROCJRAD. Feb, 17.-German troosa are reported In a dispatch from Warsaw to e evacuating the town of FJotrokow, an Important railway centre of south western Poland, because of an outbreak of disease there. U states that the outbreak has become an enldemlo and that the Onmin treon? btlnff decimals LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 37, 1916. DOWNTOWN BARBERS REBEL AT LONG WORKING HOURS .i"S ,-?.. till u&muim vvjs Rush So Heavy That Even Eating Is Accomplished Under Difficulties Hungry Journeymen Wield Spoons and Scissors at Same Time. The barbers down town are up In arms. They have so many grievances, they say, that nothing less than n general mu tiny will remedy matters. Their working day is 17 hours long nnd they cannot stop to eat if there are any customers In the shops. ThK In a nutshell, Is tho basis of their complaint. But tho employers nlso have their troubles. In view of tho cut rates 10 cents for a shavo and IB cents for a hair-cut It takes a good many heads and faces to make a dollar. The bosses are tired of having their em ployes sitting around playing mandolins and discussing proper ways to run the country, so the barbers havo to work oven whiio they cat. In several of the shops tho barbers have a rush on at dinner nnd supper time, so they have to eat their soup and cut hair at tho same time. This operation of working tho spooa nnd tho scissors simul taneously without removing an ear or nn ALBA JOHNSON FOUGHT FIRES FOR TEN YEARS BY ABSENT TREATMENT Fearless Fireman of Bryn Mawr Company Says He Is in the Way at Con flagrations Has Never Climbed Ladder. It Is regarded as fitting by residents along the Main Line that Alba B. John son, president of the Baldwin Locomo tive Works, has again been chosen presi dent of the Brn Mawr Fro Company, Mr. Johnson has spent all his life In an Industry where smoke nnd lire wero very conspicuous elements. In view of thlB thoro Is a prevnlllng opinion that Mr. Johnson Is one of tho ablest firefighters In this part of the country. When one considers the many years that he has been connected with tho locomotive works nnd also bears in mind that he has been president of the Bryn Mawr Fire Company for more than a dozen years, ho concedes, In view of the record, that It would bo hard to find his superior in conquering conflagrations. TESTIMONY OF NEIGHBORS. Persons living near Bryn Mawr say that, despite his ample size, he can climb a ladder with a hose as quickly as a regular, and that he never orders the men to go whero he won't go himself. They also assert that he knows how to fight the (lames from the front and under stands the technique of fire fighting generally. In all the time that he has been con nected with the fire department, they say, Mr. Johnson has never been injured. Hearing of these achievements, an EVENIN3 Ledger representative called on Mr. Johnson at his office at tho Baldwin riant, with the idea of getting a story which might read "Ten Years Before fl ssrlsB& ri A eHT A BsV V1X. I I kSisK5j Tj Cv Sm j kn But now, things are different A Pittsburgh concern Which has to cany a large stock of screws, bolts and like sup plies, has made a great improvement In Its method of keeping a record of stock. Most of its orders corns by 'phone things wanted in a rash. Until recently, an order meant a wild hustle to lookup the stock record in one of the twelve large loose-leaf books. These books had a thousand pages each they were spread on a 10 ft. x 4 ft. table. It took time to handle them. Things are different easu now. Com plete stock records, on Library Bureau cards, are wjthin arm's reach in a unit record desk. T Iu comes an order a customer wants . 1500 488 half-inch bolts. "1500 48' alf-Jnch bolts," repeats the salesman at the -phone to the stock clerk at the desk nearby. Two seconds the stock clerk finds the right card. It shows 8000 bolts on hand. 'Yes, we have 'em," says the salesman to the customer. That gets the order quick iJJhrary Bnre.au Mtauiacturtajr distributors ot v Card and f Ulag system. Unit cabinets In wood and steel. 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia SiV b ? Vi eyebrow requires skill. Incidentally, many n hnlr-cut ends In a fight because tho barber becomes too much Interested In hlt lunch nnd allows tho scissors to wander to plnccs where they are not Intended to opcrnte. One bnrber said today that he often falls asleep while shaving on nccount ot hlq long hums. He declared that ho wouldn't be surprised to nwake some night and find himself arrested for murder. There Is no rest on Sunday, for, regard less of tho law, many of tho employers run "speak-easy" barber shops and the employes havo to work or loso their Jobs. For the purpose of Improving conditions, tho Journeymen Barbers' Union has called a meeting to be held at 603 Reed street next Monday. All overworked barbers are urged to Join. Steps will bo taken to get less work and more pay, the present sti pend down town being 3 nnd 13 per. Jncob L. Cohen is president of the union, and he seems to bo very much In earnest about It. the Flames, or the Real Secret of Fire Figlillng." Mr. Johnson received him cordially and the visitor settled himself for a review of heroic achievements which would thrill tho renders. Ills hopes were somewhat Jolted when the locomotlvo builder tnld very em phatically: "Why I would bo In tho road at a flro." Attributing this to Mr. Johnson's tendonev to mnko light of his deeds, tho interviewer did not lose all hope. "Your experience of so many years in tho flro company has brought many nar row escapes," It was suggested. "Why I have nover fought a fire In "ay life," declared Mr. Johnson, amazed. FIRES SERIOUS AFFAIRS. "It Is true." ho continued, looking sym pathetically at his astonished questioner, "fires nro serious affairs, and wo havo trained men who understand tho work. Tho Bryn Mawr Flro Company has an experienced engineer and an assistant. They were formerly connected with tho Philadelphia Flro Department and havo given tho benefit of their experience to tho firefighters at Bryn Mawr." Although Mr. Johnson may not havo Been action nt the fires of Bryn Mawr, It was learned subsequently that ho has performed valuablo servlco in keeping tho compnny up to the top notch of effi ciency In other very practical ways. Tho company will hold Its annual an niversary on February 21 In tho audito rium at the fire house, celebrating with a banquet, Among tho speakers will be Director Porter and Dr. Joseph Odell. CAPTAIN MUST EXPLAIN Secretary Garrison Annoyed by Offi cer's Speech on "Unpreparednoss." WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Secretary of War Garrison today called upon Captain William Mitchell, of the General Staff of the army, tn explain certain startling statements made by him In a public speech here last night concerning tho mil itary unpreparedness of the army. Captain Mitchell's assertion before a distinguished gathering of engineers that "one year would be required to put an army of 1,000,000 trained men in the Held, and In that time an enemy could take and hold our Atlantic seaboard," was characterized by Secretary Garrison as a serious breach of discipline. XiUu? fa I BRIDEGROOM ENDS IIIS LIFE TO H A PISTOL Married Three Weeks, Blows Out Brains "Had to Do This," Ho Says. L'scorled by friends, Mrs. Helen Wat won, 21 years old, n brldo of llirco weeks, living at 62 North 66th street, went to Green's Creek, N. J todny to Identify tho body of her husbnnd, Clarence, 32 years old, who ended his life yesterday by hootlng himself. Less than a week ago the pair returned front their honey moon. They hnd been childhood sweet hearts. When tho young woman entered a barn In Green's Creek, whero her husband klilcd himself after leaving behind a strango note, she collapsed. The funeral will tako placo from a llttlo country church which Watson attended as a boy beforo coming to Philadelphia. Watson was employed by tho Philadel phia Rapid Transit Company as a guard. Ho was detailed In tho subway division of tho Market street line. He went to Grcoris' Creek yestcrdn to vlst his father. Aftor calling on his father he locked himself In a. barn located near his parents homo nnd blow out his brains. In his pockot n noto was found bearing tho following words which )ere scribbled In lead pencil: "I nm sorry I had to do this. I am very unhappy. I was forced to do this. I.ovo to all. Clarence." An Investigation by tho authorities In Green's Creek Into tho case, today dis closed that Watson for several days had been worrjlng nbout debts which he had Incurcd boforo his marriage. Friends In this city as well ns In South Jersey tried to cheer him up. Ho refused to listen to counsel. "Wo loved each other for ver." M Mrs. Watson, ns sho stood near tho body of her husband. STARVES TO DEATH WHILE CURING STOMACH TROUBLE Man Succumbs After Abstaining From Food for 62 Days. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17Louls Roth, the Palo Alto tailor whose fast of 62 days to cure stomach troublo has been watched with keen Interest by scientists, has suc cumbed to starvation. On Monday, the 61st duy of his fast. Roth took a little orange Juice nnd water nnd appeared to be as normal as a man who had not eaten for two months could be. Tuesday afternoon tho scientists at his bedsldo noticed a growing pallor nnd Blower pulse. But Jtoth rallied, and up to within a few minutes of his death late at night ho was conscious and nblo to iuik wan tnoso around mm. Roth's weight dropped from 145 to Si pounds. Bids on Huge Oil Tanker Local shipyards are estimating on the cost of construction of a tank steamship to bo the largest of Its kind, for the Standard Oil Company. The contract will be awarded In tho next 10 days. Tho new tanker will have a capacity of 3,000,000 gallons and will cost nbout JOOO.OOO. EJ3Jffl2i3J23r3JaJfflffl3M3rjaiaHEIEfi CAN YOU SOLVE THIS sis t Prize Find the 3 Hidden Faces OtltliriA thfi thrpa TiUrlnn faces with pencil, pen or II L J cravon. After vim lmvo '.im. done this cut out picture and coupon and send them to us. We reserve the right to use any expression from prize winners for advertis ing. Everybody should try this contest, as all have an equal opportunity to win. Start today and send your answer in early. AND SUGGEST AN EXPRESSION WHY YOU SHOULD SELECT YOUR PIANO AT HALL'S EXAMPLE nail's give the beat value Hall's are not in the high rent district Hall's pay no commissions. CONDITIONS Fill out coupon or exact copy, writing; Tour ex pression and carefully ntIlno the faces. Avrarda vl!t not be made for the most artistic or fanciest vrrtttns;, but for the one who ranresta the moat appropriate expression and outlines tha faces correctly. The most appropriate expression Trill be chosen from those submitted by the contestants. Free to any one except employees of this Company. Only one answer from one family. In the event of a tie, a prise Identically the same as listed will he siren to each One trio-. Disinterested Judges will be chosen and the contestants will ha Informed as to who won the prises. Send your answer In today. a u COUPON Fill Oat Coupon Or Exact Copy I hereby submit my answer, subject to conditions of the competition, and hereby asree to abide by the decision ot the Judges, Expression .... .,.,.. , , .,,.,,, ,..,,,,..,, Name ,,...,,.,,....,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,";.,,, Street ...,.,.. ,.Yt, Otjr .,......,,.... State' .,,.,,..',,,.' ilavo yea an TJprtght or Square Piano f State which. I I 1 SOCIETY GIRL PERSUADES BUTLER TO "HIT THE TRAIL" Erring Servant Led to Tabernacle to Benefit From Evangelist's Teachings Miss Levick Has Faith in "Billy" Sunday's Campaign. ' The butler really needed It, you know, nnd so I Just took him myself. I tried to get lilni to go w IfM several of the maids, but he went off on n three-day drunk Instead. I felt that Sir. Sunday could do him some good; therefore I took him." This Is the way Miss Suzanne Levick, ono of Philadelphia's most winsome so tlety girls, explained away her startling appearance before a tabernacle audience of 20,000, Including the btnso reporters, who wero shaken out of this customary boredom, when Bho entered nccompanled by a big negro. It was tho butler In the Levick house hold, And the fact thnt the man "hit the trail" at tho conclusion of tho ser mon did not allay the curiosity of the In quisitive ones in tho least. They won dered who the piquant, attractive girl was with such nn unusual escort. Miss Lovlck Is tremendously Interested In "Hilly" nnd tho work he Is doing In Pnllndelphln. Time and tlmo again she Is Been at the tnbernacie, nnd she never mioses nn opportunity to tako some ono along with her whom sho thinks might be Impressed by his teachings. Once It wns a llttlo newsboy she picked up off tho street and took to the tnbernnele In her automobile. On many other occasions It Is her men ftlendi. "Only tho other night," sho said this morning, curling up In n chair out at her home In Bala, "I took n. coldly, critical PETR0GRAD DENIES SLAV ROUT IN EAST PRUSSIA Admits Foo's Advance, But Calls Re treat Orderly. PETROGRAD, Feb. 17. Russian troops havo effected orderly withdrawals from all points on their front where. their positions wero menaced by tho terrific offensive of tho Germans and their Austrian allies. It was announced here toda. Tho withdrawal fiom East Prussia and southern Bukowlua was caused by tho appearance of great oppos ing armies and not by any decisive battles resulting In Russian defeats, tho war office contends. Mllitnry experts assert that Russia's su perior resources permit adoption of a policy of attrition which will wear down the German offensive. The German assertions that General von Hlndcnburg has won a great victory In East Prussia are denied here. It Is ad mitted that tho Germans nre again ad vancing upon Ossowltz, but the falling back of tho Russian army Is declared to havo been duo to tho appearance of Ger man forces numerically superior to tho Russians and not to any defeat suffered. SWISS PROTEST TO GERRIANY Violation of Neutrality Charged in Air Fights. BERNE, Switzerland, Feb. 17. Formal protest was made today against the vio lation of Swiss neutrality by German air men The terms of the note wero tho same as those contained in the protest against the violation of Swiss neutrality by British aviators. $325.00 Piano Free Km a. m nxa WH 5frS4feln. PIANOS WwM ySSHB i V ffi&tf'YOtf FlrfDTHREE HIDDEN FACES ?(& THE FREE PRIZES The first prise Is a C325.00 Piano to the most appro priate and correct answer In accordance with condi tions. Second Prise, Locket and Chain and credit -ccrtlu-cate for 812S.0O. Third rrlse, Parlor Sllrror and credit certificate for 8100.00. The next ten answera will re ceive Credit Certificates for S00.OO. Following- these In groups of ten, the next best answers will receiver Credit Certificates for St 1 than the previous group, until ten have been awarded ?25.00. These Certificate are good for amount stated towards the purchase of a New Piano or l'Uycr-1'Uno at the rrsrular price, Jj'lmo of Certificate la limited and Is not (rood on any purchase mads previous to February S3, 1015. Only one Certificate can be applied on one Piano. Address All Answers To Hall's Piano Store inc. 2626 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia Contest Closes Tuesday, Fei, 23rd, 11 ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 5 ii mthifnmt and logical business man to the tabernacle with me, nnd ho was enormously lm pressed. Ho snld that no service In ny church had nffected him as much "I don't think It's alt difficult to thmU thnt Mr. Sunday Is Inspired. No man could deliver such telling sermons as he docs otherwise, nnd I feel sure that those people who are his severest critics, are the very ones who need him most. The? don't llko (o be shaken out of their ruts. It makes them disagreeable. "Tfiko our butler, for Instance. The very night that I wanted htm to lake two of the maids nnd go down to the tab ernacle ho went off on what they call a bat' nnd found himself In Jail. He's nn old darky, but he Isn't nn unintelligent man, nnd ho thoroughly appreciated every word Mr. Sunday snld. I was so glad to see him 'hit tho trnll.' Ho needed Just such an nwnkenlng." Her piquant, attractive face lighted Up by a pair of singularly snnnnv bniwn eyes took on nn earnest, serious expres sion ns sho went on to explain her ln terest In the evangelist's methods. "I ItonVstly believe that he will have Bomo lasting good effect on the Commu nity. I don't think that the effect of his having been here will wear off In time. Some pcoplo havo had their consciousness and their Bense of righteousness touched for good nnd all, I nm sure. And In my opinion, ono of his best results Is the fact that ho makes you feel that you not only want to right yourself, but you want every one elso to." Which statement probably explains the butler. MISSING LINKS FOUND Will Bo Used as Evidence Against Al leged Purse Snatchcrs. Several links of n, silver purso chain furnished tho missing link in tho evi dence which todny resulted In three Negroes being held In J600 ball each for further hearing February 23 by Magis trate Haggcrty of the 12th and Pino streets station. The Negroes are charged with snatch ing tho purse of MIbs Ray Cohen, 932 South street, on South street between 11th nnd 12th streets, yesterday. She testified that they Jostled hor nnd one bf them took tho purse. Special Policeman Lyford later t.aw a Negro with a few silver links and on investigating found tho missing purse on one of the men. Thoy gnve their names as Andrew Hud son, 1623 Fontaln etrect; Isadore Tfilbert, 1731 Webster street, and Edward Ellis, 3S2U Haverford street. MAN ARRESTED BY PHONE Represented Himself as Clothing Merchant Wanted to Cash Check. Nnthan Cohen, of Baltimore, camo her today to placo an order for 1,600,000 suits. At least, that is what he told Morrls" Appel, of 430 Montrose street. While Appcl was expressing his delight, Cohen said ho would give him nn order- for 600,000 of tho suits mentioned if Appcl would ensh a check for $10. By n strange coincidence there was. a telephono call for Cohen while he was at Appel's store. Telling the rfian from Bal timore to wait a few minutes', Appel sum moned n pollcoman, who took Cohen be fore Magistrate McFarland. He ad mitted that he had no big clothing1 orders and was held In SSO0 ball. PUZZLE? I 2nd Prize LOCKET & CHAIN AND 125.00 Credit Certificate 3rd Prize Parlor Mirror AND $100.00 Credit Certificate & i iW m 1 a ! '-'J I. a 'M Ws-t