,-n? ,!- - - BK NEEDED QUIOKl WCiiilid carpenter out of work since BiV n the list ol ppiicttnti 01 me ho- 'rV Organising charity. He has a wife. tniJ.yJaHiiin n,i an Infant bom since rJiii ' lou to net anything Im make his family. Independent lle fW ?"' . ih Kestorn District Office, aJS .SiT tiwrence street, Pile 8. O. r ., nun. PrJ fVesrs old, with wile and 7 ilulden .n S&Xa wKit. Will do anything to keep m. liM'.tVvlng. I.itt emplojtr tales lSP.Ta capable and worthy man. We nc rLi him to any one who might ic-iuire ?, una "",. -.rn(.nlf.. k. A.. 1 !;-f5Ti?NTKft 'V MAN 11U lAH IJU Al.n :CiSJi? csrpenterlng work, especially laying m "" " . -r. . .. -trrrr. ,-., Kind t"r children urgently In need o ftftf. iil loon be eilcted for hon-payment of cai"?" ianta work lit carpenter, printer !';' ; fleeoniinended aa a thoroughly ."itMnt ni uesenlng man. .Has a. wii3 a. win -. A ravV children, Will do anything. f children, 9, 5Fedmn. M year. old. with wlfo and J;i,ii lteuutab e wnarr Dtiiiaiiig loniern I .t-w'!'i.i.J "Bseellenl reliable man.. Would FjSnenbiirg, Department Store, where ha f4 J " A,. 15J. ., BPBMTBH-Ii'PFIClCNT MAIlIlIEUrAr I'-ia children. Maa been out of work a Ctlme. U. A., IS. Mtier and eariienlrr, 50 jeara old, nann 4V.J.V lie he ine mancm rcieri .lies ironi WZ. lift employer, with whom until recently ieC?fMkJ lor !!0 j ram. This man has n wile R&Ulnd?aperI( wantJS;. A.. 181. SeffifBEWMit ""wdiwf - wBLh Kn'oW.v Biuvinfiicturliiir concern reeonimendt man aa r, Induiirlpua and ery ainclent worn i.M t. A.. IT4. . , , rararfcuu-TKUCK nniVEi:. no ybars kjLh Jut of work 4 months; liae a sick wife IRrV ehlldren-lhe youngest 1 year old de- . c..It.lm U n n.. fall. U'nnMtan.l UNai "J"'i -A- ,' -i-7h I-iu . .... fesraTt - ll'Eltlli.NCTsD CUTTEIl IN uilfi' si"' fhlldren's rlotliea! at jenrs OH. Wii tlvt enlenoia reicrcnce irom mm cnijjiorcr, M.1vl.t..m i,n uorke,! the last I! eaia. Ilaa EiifJ nd 4 thlldren. Condition of family H K.fMle, D. A.. 1R1. IKmVWT AND MEOIIVNIC-MA.N. 4 MONTHS IE ,iut of norlt, has a wife nnd tun small clill BSinn dependent upon him. f". O. I.. M5. jSWcit District, S. O. C, 1310 South 2.M fOScnmo Ohand iiUnneu man" or' :u .'inri has been out of work 'J months; haa i raini child and r delicate wife. B O. (!. M.O. "ifcedlaniJ District, 8. O. C. 1S33 South 47th 'ittteU . . ; ELwtrmo.PuAnmi Anu iiL,Ai-n.a.MiiJi-i li-r-Lot employer sas; "In our employ L... ..in rjtld off due to decreaso In bust mm. A steady worker, sober and regular." ilia has wife and 2 small children. Needs K.lr, hidlp. E. A.. 1.-. fFrS7TnnTVPf?n TUB MAN HAS IVOnlv" m tn n vssrs In one nlace. Haa a wife and $1 children, the oldest 12. soungest 8 months. OQS 01 1110 cmiuicu i'B"i)'nj uiiu iisa 10 tittken to the hospital thren times a week for trntment. S. O. 0.. 87P. Southeast District, t. 0. C., KO Wharton atreet. lELEVATOIl Ori.llATOK A 1II-YI.AH.OI.I) Ifboy desires a pos tlon as elevaton operator. tut Is willing to iik anytning. ue is one or s fimily now on the lists of the Soc'etv for OrnnUlnr Charltv Itli a brother. 21 vtara lf, has been supporting a wldotved mothr f0 1 young arouicr, uui . iiiuiuiin QRO ion Ml rjiltlor,. Elder brother, r lonsshoienon. iinnttt of werlc since fall, ftncletv denlrp ,wlt for this Istlcr also, Case proved (i-or-mitlr des'rvlr. rteclsterod at the Wood hod District Office. 1232 youth 47th street. rnB o. c. r,70 ifcXPEIlT DitV CLEANER The Society for UrStHliiJ'S v.imi.iy ii.n uu lis iiqi Q( up. nitrsnts & man who. after atcadv emnlnim.nr ' M n expert dry cleaner for many cars, has Ittra out nf nork for the last oar. lie soys U Is nllllng to clean anything to support a (tlfs and tno llttlo children. References. ItcB- Utirtd at Woodland District Office, 12.12 South Wilitrcet. File S. O. C. JC2. mjRNITUlSE I'OLISIIER - SOCIETV TOR 1'iOranUlng Charity 1ml among Its aniil Iniits n American. 41 venrs old. strong nnd nenmicswun -n years experience as r floor Mluher. lie wsnts iork In iiunrtnrf htm. .If in! wife and child. Spent the 20 yedrs with cc arm. sna ioi oosuion inrougn cnange of Irxtnlxstlon. Ilenlrtered Rt the Soiltheamern District Office. &10 Wharton street. File S. O. c. tcs, PUIl.NITUltE SALESMAN VdllKO MAN. Il tbasole suppcrt or a widowed mother, wants vvnrlr elllier .11 furniture MlMmnn rr am ablset maker In furniture factory. He can lvs excellent recommendations from last eni slorer.ss to reliability and skill. With Wana mer 1 years. E. A. inn. hat UAKnn nxpnmi'vrren inp Bi ranker and factory hand, who Tost position ,wnn njoioyer went om ot ousinss u mnntlis tie. Hss a sick wife and a children. E. A. HORSESHOGil-WEL,!.. RECOMMENDED BV : at emniover. with uhnm . tvnpta.l n ...pa tE.A.iw: """ HOUSE PAINTEft-ITALIAN. fcfOBER. IN '.'lasMcut and efficient, wants work to nip. trt s wife-and S children. Ho has been out et tMDloyment for i months, and Is registered It tlr Ect'letv for Orff"nlcltiif fhnritv n,.(l,. Eeastetn District Office. IV.O Wharton street. Cms. fuilr, Intestlgated bv th Society and HOLtHU PA1NTKI1 'I'lllimvw hlTT f.- i-.t fctiloyment 4 months ago. a houro painter w.th eiMrmico sen excellent references, wants Eert. of any kind lo sunDort his wlfo and chlliren. sil under 11 years. Ho Is registered It the Society for organising Charity, at the Woodland Dli rlct Office. 1232 South 47lh Tffi. eiie ti. u. u.. nici. "U2B. ,ANe H1iU3 I'AINTER-MAN HAS teen out of work 3 month. IT. l,n. n.-f. md four children the oldest 0 years old; the iiunseit 1 year. H. O. C. nSl. WoodlanJ hbtrltt. S. ri. c. 1232 Hhuth 47th street. INSIDE PAIKTRn AMn firvrtn ,winn . , R. KlnKle'tSS1 v"J.n ! IL 9L A": Jar"lengih of tlmV. m KZXd work refer- lUO.NWORKIiR YOUNO. lDNEItaETIcTtlAN" L'.&'W...18-J'" '.A on ' 5l"cit and haa . uau uu una om pi oyer. Ijott lit, work &" H?. been out of work now o months. "."."'e""1 " ""H children. 3 "ear. and 4 months of age, dependent on h m. H. o. c. ITALIAN L.innill-Tt ititi.m : jesMren. tho oldest 12 and tlm itMiJiift !m-2 years old; has been out of work ft K5m."k' '" w,ll.,ne worker ndwmuke "Jthliif he tan gat to do. 8. O. e tvin SOUtheait ntktrl. a r. rt .Zi V..K' DJV' LLtiORKn ffifinirn t . r, . rn rrrrrrrr .. .. .w.. . y, v, uou narion nt fda.ft."&n5d'.X. cV itSJ gStffl aSS "As' the'm,Sn?o,uldnen0org.'t awiAEjO. Jai sou-th SS-.,rS?t. mvMt fe,eV1iri"'b" !9A'I H wlnterox- iBihw-iVi;; A..u uwn. lie nas worked for :, ofnS.ncyh.,d,rJenri1J I'T TZ &C, st8reh'a,t D,"r1"' a" C'& .... .. . ,r..o, very urgent. Ho. ILABfiniM! ii . .1.,. riii.iT"1', """ w Alii KIND OF Bs?mi n'.l.Hn1 ".vLen children to iuppoVt; M1. Mt W(lrl1 ' three months. J, f.u iWEiC, UAUAn. OUT OF WOHK-flix LNo!S.djVv-enHc,,,1lren' a i smAJiirV,V;''1SZA.VO"NRUS3lAN: ai scto?a,'n'dyliin'.h-Wa? 'ormerlr a Ru: owrt.r . a.nd.J. n .!" support of his :..n. -.-- --. nuin uu MUirai mslfiir SlnE' A. caUrj"."fv. V iVrfdlS i montt.0 imi,njyho b been out of work DSkhJ... - rssiaui'M"JA?D-?"lYKHMArHA3 W.'''e.J0.i """trui, .nd will 't.e -SIT rihH.ca.n.A' ?'. . wife nd ftlUrn fiirri"us':"AuRon.nim B-. D; ?., 69T. .., H, w. ,( WOQ oumn awrsnce BST'-'nlaj. SKILLED ltilTTlT3rqT5 RU S T?.Sfa" '"fa-msrlcan, out of work slnra KB. i1? "or-. Form.rly employed It Bald! iKs!?,"?.'"1- ilsglstersd tf8Drin. Gar. BNSocly,,Vi,ft?i,8riT Brandywin, atreet, of KiS ' ,'n Charity. Fllo S, O. E&PII 1 NIin'TTElpEli mAW hah AWirn?! ror ,fiR"iAN-4AN HAS BfaJ Js.Vi,rik.!'5t,Au- has a wTfo iMth. hTt.i " ".." 3. isars, and b.by IB- lst?r1,hr?,'..te! " "'''.?. .tt. mjWZ ZFS. V fc c7- i South for th RSair , h -"I JflvMllgHed. found At- ml : fiff.,FfT.u". ,u 8outfitstfrn ES C tti ' 6 Wb-fton strtst. File rM?r)fSTj-AUAN, 1U8 FAMtLV It v "'fr' DO' "I js in lamuy, gooa kd JL,.:.ouy ai Wmself very useful to fi ''" uoorer. would te T. $ V( KVK. 4 W , Imb iXlLi,f8 WlflNRlp REKER- Hr, S. iZ lli." " """ "" ""-' mBpkntkTi JoTiiHNti' -AnHB.4Ti!. ; -CMold. Hh wife nd 4 ehUdren, splendid , ?".. ,;m Kit emo oyer. 13. A.. ISO. J. w. II - ' -- ... 4.u. nuv. fc tf.ArCT9tncinCNTrNan We wR? .n7 f4?.?.,0' ?r" - - to UP- .... l . .v, fur ins issl a monins. KYENiyq WORK NEEDED QUICKLY unriiii nri. . , Munt Alio for treaimeni. "SjaLoL C "oT5. ' IS32 Ur'n''J tt hhei:Il,YtUN 'TAI.tAM, 21 TKAHS. Uki arv kin tRi.p"ln,,n"' " foMlble. but will lather nnf';i.P.r V0Tk- Wrenta ure old and ion liaa i.ri WJ!,n rr veral monthsi the an?l V?a.' .ihnm'.Jach InornlnB about 3 n. in. II I. . "A1."1 tn ""s until exhausted. Virv iirSuJJ?1 Wott"ion, iirdwoo! nnuher. ii" urgent ease. No. Siv j. w n. "Jr'onl ,STr',,3''''0CAt'A lll.t! IIOnSK . irunt.i yeara nM. uii. i....r.t.i. i..i,.. SU i;.:c",lr.)r' wishes employment (tiring lliT. ic"""a or " " care of horcs. B. A.. lnviiL.S. A-V KM'EHIENfED CREDIT of ii u5,a'f, omnlojed up to last May by ona his Sn.iHL,k.,l.0n department stores. . Ust SIJ.'S '"i6", tntough retrenchment rolK-y of inSii n. i.Vllllnc ,0. , sunning, cn walclf man or laborer, K A. 17U. 8,iL!iPh''INP i;Ln,IK-MAN 32 YEARS OI.U, ... i. I,1niild relerence from last employer, ?.J.S,hori " " l'd of on account of slack yi I ?Wirt employment. Ho haa s wile BKITXeijT'MECIIANIC MAN WITH OOOD .."orLt "rofdi can furnlth references; lias been ?Jil .JiiYorlt ""eral months; wife and two lit. ',8bjldreii facing destitution, .1. W. 11.. 872, SrBvMieotiE-A W'II,LIN( WdnKBrt WITH gooj references; haa been out of work all ninter. Ills wire Is delicate, his oldest boy lias tuberculosis, and there are a other rhll li en. the youngest 3 joirs old. S. o. t' Wis nontlieastjllsttlut, H. O. C, mo Wharton at. TA.H.OR-ITAI.IAN'; "OCinrDllliST oLtllMT II and Joungest a jenr und half. All of jaet Bumpier hm work was ery alack mid ho has not had any work since the 1st ot Sep tember. Ho will take Oh kind of work lie ,.?,ns't 8- t). c, r."s, Southttest DUtrlct, S. D. C, I.'IIO douUi22d street. TH.UISTER-MAN. WrrH,"wiPB AND .1 young children, the joungest a .l-months-old baby, is on the applicants' list of the Society for Organizing Charity. Was a flrsfclsea team ster until two years ago, when he contracted tuberculosis. VilmllL una rnr.,1 lew liv the society in the meanwhile, Man pronounced eured last fall, but has been unsblo to find emplojment. Wnnti a chance to make his family liulepindent again. Registered nt Soulll- nrsiern uieiriei umce, lata south S2d street. Mle S, O. ( .-no. fifTti-E pix.pUTTfrsAi;!-: PAHlXin otTr of work .Man Is an Italian laborer, and will lane any kind nf work ho can get. He haa a wile and :i children IS, 12 and ft Jears ol age. The 18-year-old girl has been helping by doing tewing, but would llko resular and per manent emplOMnent. The man'a wife has been doing washing nnd truing when he could get It. She, alto, would like more steady work. S. O. C, f,0. Southeast Dls- trlct, 3. O. C.. WO Wharton atreet. WATCHMAN--MAN, 01 YEARS OLD. OP sober habits, with a wife and 2 children who am In despernto need, desires position as watchman or caretaker. B, A. 103. rWBVER-SKlL,I.DD UAItl'ET WBAVER. 00 eaia old, of sober and Industrious habits, wants work. Wife, ! isara old, will take washing or work as housecleaner. E. A. lay. HVHAlIP HI'II.DER KIXPEHIEMCEDl MAN, 12 icnrs old, S years with last eniploier, who wm forced to let him en tn cut down exDelllea. Has u wife. II children. Ills wife Is to hale nnotPer child soon. Immediate help Is neces sary aa this family Is 3 months behind In their rvni and are In danger of being cMcted by tho landlord. E A. Ulil, uTdoiv's :i sons out" or wore A widow with 0 children wai dependent on her 3 eldst eons. Now they are all out of work One has worked tit Ealdiiln'a and the other 2 hale teen helporo on express wagonp. They will take any kind of work that Is offered. (4 (I. C. M7. I Northern District, S. O. C llli'J North 'Mnrshsll street ) WCODVOTUtER-ClnCUIA.R SAW OPERA"- tnr. SB years old, has ben out of work .1 months, lie la a nldoucr with smstl hojs. Will take nny kind nf work tl.nt Is offered him. S. O. C. Nil. (Woodland District. S. O. O, ILMJ South 47th street ) VE.MAI.E BMIIIIOIDEHV WIDOW WHO DOES nEVIJ tlful hand embroidery wantH work for the support of her two children. E. A , 100. aiRL, An"OUT 1. M01IIl.iriFAI7 WANTS permanent position with prltute Catholic family as mother's helper, or to assist with housework. .1. W. II., S7H. OIRLS TWO OIRL3 WANT ANY KIND OF work: housework or sewing; no one In femlly of eight w Pricing: mother 111. J. VII., 8UO KNITTING WOMAN, THE SOLE SUPPORT of an Invalid husband nnd thrco small chil dren, wants work of any kind, pieferablv knitting. Her husband, a. laborer, was Injured a month ago, and had his leg amputated. E. A. lffi. MOTHER'S HELPER - UIRl 10. WHITE, Protestant, wonts work helping wllh house work or caring for children; home broken up on account of mother's death and fother'e cruol treatment; her brother. 14, also wanio work. ,i. v. xi.. pin. OPERATOR, EXPERT ON SHIRTS AND nhlrtwalsts; a oung woman who has been out of work scleral weeks Is ey urgently In need of help: she haa been supporting a cousin tulm l Inn 111 tn work nnd their case Is most pathetic; they have been living In a boarding house whelo the peoplo have been most con siderate, but now they must haio help; sewing at home will bo acceptable .1. W.B., 8l. SEWING-- A GERMAN WO.MAN DESIRES plain sewing, ."he Is the uolo support of an Inialld huahand and four children ranging fiom 4 months to V years or nge. The hus band is a longshoreman who has been 111 for months sufferfiif: from rlieumatliM and lack of proper nourlahrient. E. A., 1U2. sciiuniifNo and'cleaning" - woman 71 years old, widow of former policeman, de 1... nmrir o iminAclnsner or caretaker for the suopor ot herself and feeble-minded son, 4I years old, Worked for Hi yean as care- J taker In Wanamaker store. E. A., 1IU. WIDOW WITH 8 SMALL CHILDREN IS ON the lists of tho Socloty for Organizing char ily, Vants any kind of work. Is a skilled furrier, nnd until she lost her position seieral months ago earned between 13 and J14 a. week for 2 years. Oldest child Is 11 and vounsest 4 years old. Is anxious to become self ?urportlng. Reglsteie.l at the West rhlla rielphla. District Office, 401ft Powelton avtnuo. File S. O. C. SOS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIE3 MISS UARKINS. 2002 Cambridge at Wanted, Irish and Ge-man cooks, waitresses, nurses. nouseniams; iphip" .cmuiicu. FIRST-CLASS ilELP of sll kinds wanted and supplied. Mojer Employment .Agency, 101 rw. join si. i-none. lSTCLASS help wanted and supplied. Tioga EmpTA gency,3UulN;20th (oppTlogsta.). AUTOMOBILES WE 6TORE your automobllo and loan money on It at low rates. Acme Loon Co., 2051 Kensington avc.l'hono Kei slngton Oil. ijp jnji COUPE. flrst-class condition throughout; bargain. Helmont 2701. E. P. Fellens. 40 South .17111 st. No dealers. ATJTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE Packard LlmouUne and Touring Cars. By hour, day, week or month, ot rtaionable rates. PACKARD hERVICE COMPANT 1411-13 Locust at. Phones-Spruce 3110; Race 213. CRYSTAL PALACE GARAOE nepalring a spelsltv: cars lo hire. 1321 AlrdrleJPhone LIBERTY Taxlcab Service Limousines. t;l caaUiurlngarsCall l'op.j32j,WtaceJljl7. AUTO PAINTING AUTO OWNERS. Ths right place to have your car plntsd. Ford csrs as low aa 113. John lioulton. 3015 Cambridge et. Phone Prsaton 6672. AUTO REPAIRING bZ?bk? Jnf,l8nA,P: XP;SB ?.' qrrssi .iw. .,,.., -ui vv ,, rvine rnons. B'LDING MATERIALS REPAIRS illfjEItXlL FLOORINO-A BUSINESS ASSET You wouldn't light your tore. mill or factory wlth kerosene lamps, would youl Of course not. You know the economlo value of modern facilities. Then why burden your ttxture ac count with the cost of wear and tear on your old wooden flooring T . Mineral flooring Is practically Indestructible cost comparatively little end we Uy it without Inconveniencing your business. ... . Let US tell you mora about lla saving f- ,UlHi-V 'Bra&flA- FLOORINO CO. tf)32-3 6UMM!nT. BUSINESS NOTICES j?U DRESS AND TUXEDO TO HIRE Prince Alberts. Cutaways and Black Suits. ALSO EVENING GOWNS AND WRAPS. Finest selection Jn town. Spec, rate (or club. Phone Popular 3710. Moderate prices. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 QIRARD AVE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 7vNTED A prtner with some csplttl (o In vest In a well-esUbllshed business; this businoss positively guarantee from 75 per cent to 100 per cent on all sain; we are doing builneis st present with some, of the best concerns In the city; a personal Inter view with the writer will convince you of a safe Investment of your mooey; I will go far as to assign the whole entire business aa seeurliy for the money Invested: yju can bo an M-ttye or silent partner. For further Infornutfop. addre-i M 30. Ledger Office. FOR SAI43 Well-equlDse nchlcs ehop. stock and tools, also full set of patterns for Ills manufacturing; large rolling raljl sod 01 grinder, large file cutting machine, rotary aiauiu poial and pang propper. paauh press ae Job paiterua, rail 6711 Wlsslnot ng si . or phoae Tai.ony 163 . WILL INV3T5000 la sUbllsbe4 y buej- fies which will use ground sb4 brick bulld ng In FhlUdelpbU. -werq must -e sound and rent or buy properly to set Investment ; t-reacs txeize4. UT. Xtittt Ceatru, MAl.u work for nti.R.'ar"' ""' hs cn "I1 of the i olSIaV '.m8nlh,j. lr",f ' Av children. years T of,? ' ?..-or n the youngest, ,4 have lien .'.". "hfn ." oldest boy .would family i?.SL.J ? t0 w'k "nl "Slo " JeVnlV,, 1ie..?erl0F.-'' tuberculosis, and" has LEnOKR-PIIltiADMLPniAi WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1015, BUSINESS OPPOIWUNITIES EXnEPTIONAf. opportunity offersd to .nr one who has '! or ;o to Invest. Address I. ISO. Ledger central , I .HAVE 11000 to loan or purchase Interest In business having opportunity for development. . ,f .,, iuHfr central MttMNElt, centrally located, wlihes partner, or wilt sell interest; gentleman preferred. Address J IT. Ledger lelntal , WAQONflllor. donntown. lerge place, good stand, eitabllshed over CO years; owner re tiring I, fid. Ledger Central , OrSTER CAEE. RESTAl'RANT! sell chearC or will take partner. 1820 Woodland ae. CLEAN INO AND DYEINO OSTRICH rEATllKRH AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED, MAIMIOT. 1.M0 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILtilNERY ADVANCE styles tn dressmsklng: J3 and uo- rtru, mA-i d. nun si, uicKinson tMl . UHLMSMAKIM1 tautht; short, prae. eourse. MoDoivell, 307 Denckla Bldg,, lllli & Market, OOWNS for all oceaslons. remodellngi modern ale price. l.VO Walnut. Loeuji 077. HEM8TITCIlINtf"done"KileVou wait, 8e. per . yard, nesting also. Nachman, 700 Arch at. sihufinr cui'RSG in 2Q lessons, Amertcin ona I.. FOU BALE niLI.IARD, pool, romblnstlon, 2d hind bought, t5id'OT'JUiex'd, Kesfer, 320 O Irani ve. INSTIITJCTION NEW MEMRERS ALWAYS WELCOME The Castllllsti club sludles and comersfs In HI'ANIHH. lluthiess customs, phrsseology uught under natlie teacher. Eiery evening 8-10 Dues si a inonlh. i.iisyicit jjTnnET ACCOMPLISHED TUTOR for boy needing spe cial help has few hours a. day open; moder ate. J 3 1. Ledger Central. OLD GOLD ........- DOUOIIT. SOLD DIAMONDS EXCHANGED W1NDOLP1I, . APPRAISED, 28 N. 12TH ST. ANTILLES, broken lnelr. gold, false leeth. tndl.in telles plstnli Inught. 2120 Ridge ai e PRINTING' PRINTING TROL'HI.ES CORRECTED James . HATES Company, 111 N. Lflh st. STORAGE RELIABLE STORAGE HOVINO. PAC1C- Ing, shipping, 2W0-44 N. 80th St.; Dla, 4747, WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack- 1'IIILA. Ing and shipping, 3870 Lancaster avs. WANTED FURNITURE Antiques, pianos, etc., part 7, .. . or entire house bought. Kens. Furniture Co.. U143 Kensington A vs ROOMS TOR RENT ARCH. Ml. nnd 320 S. Rroad at. The clesneit tmiiiBuru lunnie ,.Hieani neni, pains: sj up. HAItl.su, 32ln ri no first-floor rooms: suit den tist or doctor or apartments. The Chilton, Mis lleilu Mcclain, Manager. IIRO'AI . N., UK-Large, attractively furnished looms: steam heat, elcctilc light; southern exposure- excellent location. 1U mliiutcs irom heart of city: p! ndld dining room: n.eala optional: phoio uisplaed at Ldger Central. DltOAD, S.. 3.11-Furnished or unfumhihod; also pioleselonal otrlce, electrlclt. CATHARINE, "l 121 Sd floor front; "well" fur nished and heated. Dickinson 4uilW. i llANCELLOIt, ,1012 -Prliato inmllj haB nlte lurnlshcil rooms for louplo, conenlcntto L. i, H ESTN L'T. ly28-.NIcely"f urnlslied room, near hath, refeience CHESTNUT, 41.'10 Lxccp. acs7, warm, cheer ful rooms; corns.; board optional; phune. CHESTNUT, 1!KI lloomfl, single end en suite, steam heat. Telephone Locust 731. CHESTNUT, IOCS Desirable vacancies; south- .i ii i--AimBurB ru nning water. CHESTNUT. 204.1 (Lexington) Large 2d floor from: private bath; single accommodations. CHESTNUT, 1728 Attractlic rooms, single and double; elect, lights; steam heat; gen. a. HOTEL GRANT AND ANNEX. 8th and Spring Garden; 100 warm rooms, furnished o,' unfurnished; day or week, ery moderate rates. Call and Inspect. n.VRUE, beautifully turn, front combined elH Jlng and bedroom; exclus. sec. Proston 2201 D. LOCUST, 1501 Attractive i-oems. single or suit. adjoin, bath : turn, or unfurn.; low rents l'INE, 1330 Neatly furnished rooms: private baths; electric lights; hot-water heat. pfNfT, HJ2 Nicely furnished, large front room; near listh. owner. Hlbert 413H W. l'INE, 11211 Prlv. family; well-furnished front - room; hot-water hea.t, gentlemen. Li'RLCH. 2022 Desirable suite, with private bath: open file; phone; owner. SPRUCE, 1208 l-arge. attractlte rooms, well neateo: scit two irienas or n.arrtcti couple. SPRUCE ST., 5030 Nicely furn, 2d-Hoor front roonWor2genlleincn; board optional. VENANGO 1412-Prlvate family 'wilt" rent large wcll-furo. parlor; board oppoajte. WINUT. 0732 Large light 2d-floor rooms. bav window; corner house, nlco neighborhood nn d ceii"enlen t: nhono Helmei it. lUOT n WALNUT. .1005 Large 2d-lloor front; semP prliata bath; hot-water heat: except, table. WALNUT, noon Handsomely furnished rooms; modern com en.; select neighborhood; phone. WALNUT. f.O.'12-Large, attract, furn. 2d-tory front room: hot-water heat. Helmont 1272 D. WALNCT, 43U3 Two 2d-floor rooms, unTurn. , southern exros ; pleseant. Preston 2720 D. fj2d and Saniom Furnished rooms; iren only: tneals; WEST BRANCH shower baths; near L; all thn Y. M. C A. conifoitn of homo. Phono llel- tnmit 4C81; Koy.. West flstl. 7TH. N.. 2117 S beautiful front rooms, furn. co m pleie, housekeeping: plenty ho t water. 13TH,".S. 2.17-COMFORTABLE FURNIHHED ROOMS; ALSO TROFEI-alONAL OFFICE. 13TII. S., 323 Nicely furnished rooms, reason- able prices: all conn.; centrally located. 17 ril. N.. 3.1.13 Prli ate family will rent w eTP furnished rooms. Tioga Ol il Li. COTII. N. . 37 Pleasant furnished rooms, ad- Joining; private ramiiy; seirci neignoornoo a . MH'II, S., 134 Comfortably turn. 2d-f1oor front, alo single room; hot-water heat; phone. POTII, S , 137 Refined gentlemen for neatly fllrniineq room: oinvrn. i Trunin laiiuiy. WITH, S., 187 Large, cheerful Id-floor room; n Icely furnished; housekeeping; reasona ble. LARGE, clean, attractive rooms, single or en aulte; quiet, ref. nelg'hood. I, 152, Led. Vent. Professional Offices. SPRUCE. 120 First-floor front office, large, attractive, well heated, all conveniences; suit doctor or dentist, SPRUCE. 13.17 Professional offices: suites wllh Paths slnaie rooms. Phone Walnut 1RW V LOCUST, 130-1 2d floor front office; large, bright t suitable for dentist or physic 1sik t.13 BOARDING CEDAR AVE., 4U02 Very desirable furn. nne., with good table board; private family; Wood. Isnd 21.1 D. Photo displayed at I d. Centrsl CHESTNUT, 4048 Good table; nlco neighbor- hood: con, city. Phone Preaion 1I2I P. CHESTNUT, 4025 Rooms, single or en aulte, with or without board: unfurnished. Phone. POWELTON AVE., 4037 Sunny tront room. Wltn poaro. quiei immiyi cu, inwww. SPRUCE, 1221-20 (Ilrlsmonde) Furn. rooms., single, en suite; privaie pains; tauia iroarn. WALNUT, 4044 Nl9ely furnished room; conv, location; ISPIS I ru, iiniiwwii. a,,i, ,-,. WALNUT, 4105 I rge front room, sou exposure talso smell room; table board. r?:-.r--.j..M -..""". .H' .,-,. .. .,,.nu . southern VfA&iVT. 4322 Large 2d-floor sunny room! moosrn ,mMwr wm .,,. ..... WASHINGTON AVE.. S-Neatly furn, sin- IS OWH, . ,v. qww ........ M. a... . SSTIl, S., 108 Handsomely fur. room, corner housel exesp. isuisi prie.w iuir. ti..ww. urrH. 8.. Ml Handsomely furn. 2d front t V strlcted nulghborhoodl private; hot-weier heett also, llrhts: excel, board; Pel. 4-08 W. A FAMILY OF 3 desire two Id-floor front rooms, with boaid; good location; owner pre f.rr.d! A 217, Ledger Office. Table Board EXCB -LENT, Southern, home cooklnr. The ClsTOOnt. th - Wslnut. Baring 7-2 W. Suburbs If AVERFORD Desirable aecommodstlons, with board. Phene Ardmore 123 X. Beashorr ATLANTIC CITY. 107 8. VJROINIA AV Cholee home table: steam hist; Attractive location. BOABD WANTED GENTLEMAN, single, desires board with, prt. vate family ; reflnsdj mod. A 213. Led. Off. APARTMENTS WALNUT -T.. lilt Desirable furnished room en suite with betbs. also single room at low figures. Apply on... premise from 12.30 to 4 Sf ra. nd to B. tlunn. T13 alnut at all hours- S-Qio qispiayeq ai cqgsr .wsmrai WALNUT. 1222-24 (Kenwood) Desirable vacs., klnile or en suite, prlv bath, will furnish to ault tenant, moderate rsnt. Walnut 8184. SPRING OARDEN7"lfn-ExcelIsnt apts. d$ different house; some furn'd. kitchenettes. OVERHROOK - Two comuiunKating rooms, pnv porcu . uutiu vp ru mtiwwy- tf y. FOR VACANCIES and cewpleie informattaa of alt apartments FREE, cusult APARTMENT BUREAU lltb. jJ Spruce ill'. Pot Wsut M-.. writs r Jfebrutry H Aitj-MU Dtrtstory," APARTMENTS CHrt;Or7 APARTMBNTS . j i iiAiiifu trr. TWA nrtflnn. m, .Ilk mI, I..1W, ...ll. Je dentin or doctor or pmts! Mrs. Bell "v".'"! wgr, iien pnone. l'reston 0301. TJVO rooms, and bath, second floor; hot-water . iri. au evenings, inai. Wallace at, T.nnsdorene, Pa. An.Anrj,rjJ!TS near tatlnn, all eonvenlenes; 25 to 1 per month, dohn Nacey, 3.1 North IRglilndnie . I.ansdowne APARTMENTS WANTED WANTKU Immediately, by two ladles, fuf; hlshud apirtment, two .rooms, bath Riid kltchenetie. state fully particulars nnd price. I 81 Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD, 8, 1321-2 cry large rooms, linfur, nl'hed, Kith, kitchenette, gas rsnge THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING A P A R T M E N T S PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FI.OOR Apply on Premises KENMAR APARTMENTS Northwest corner 10th and Pine sts. Modern, up-to-date, il-room housekeeping apartment' elevator and Janitor eerilre day nnd night: rent 10 per months open for In spection day and night, Sundavs Included Photo on display at ledger Central KENT APARTMbNTS . ,'i? t. Hnusekeelng apartments, 4 rooms and bathi t32.no month, Janitor service. . ..NORFOLK APARTMENTS Jiesirable 4 ! ft room spnrtments, near rark; janitor sen ire; rensoi able rentals , IlECIITEL. 3232 Hldgo aie LENOX. ftiTII AND CHESTER AVE. FURNISHED OR 1 NFURNI8HEO HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS See.tnnitor ni ,hono Woodland '.Olll-n THREE ROOMS first floor, hnusekeeolng. 3 slng'ernoiu. Jl.ftii. ApplyM01 N. 10th 1213 N. K'Til Four'rnoms and bathflow rent". Waldman. llltt Glrard nve. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C1TX 1M0 N. WOODSTOC1C ST,-7-room house, brownstone trimmings: all conveniences; must be sold to close an eatatel reasonable. Apply Jonea Brothers, Northeast corner 10th snn ureen sis. flERMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES Felham Trust Co.. 0710 Oermantown eve. Tlogq S. E. 18TH AND TIOGA Deslrsbly located, modern; (l-room houre- keeplng npartments: steam heat; Janitor, convenient to train and trolleys SAMUEL T. FOX . CO. S, E. UTH AND CALI.OWHll.f, SEVERAL largo tracts of lmproied land on high ground, wide streets nnd with unexcelled trolley and train service for sale on ground rent. Address I 331, Ledger Office. Lansdnle, Pn lf.O RUILDINO LOTS on Broad at and Inter seotlug streets, between 8h and 10th sts , high ground; wide streets nnd desirable sur roundings; suitable for a hulldlng operation. Address I. 3",0. Ledger Cfflcc SIlnUKIIAN Ambler. Pn. WE SPECIALIZE In suburban property nlong tho P. and It. brnnchea: we il ii.. iieiiiioiiciii nnci unviemown we offer suburban, homes, farms lmproied country places and building altei. we can saiisiy anv rrisonaoie purcuHser. H. .f IIAOER. Inc.. Ambler. Pa Meilln, Pn. FOR SALE Well-located property, In Media: house of 10 rooms. Including bath and other comenlunces: first floor and upstairs porches: excellent outlook and near train and trolley, price reasonable; large aum may remain on first mortgago If dealred Apply to E. F. COPE. WEST CHESTER, PA. R F. D. No. 5. West Chester, Tn. TEN-ACRE TRACT on P., B. & W West Chester division, not fsr from OAKBOURNE STATION, tlirca minutes by train from West Chester; without buildings, three acres open, seven In woodland: Ann spring, suitable for raising fruit or poultry, or for the erection nf a bungalow for summer use In midst of beautiful country; price reasonable. Apply to E. F. COPE West Chester, Pa. R. F. D. No. 8, Westlown Pn. 3 ACRES, J4200: 1'4 miles station, 1IEALU, West Chester. Pn. A. D. NEW JERSEY ATLANTIC CITY. X. .1. HOTEL, 110 rooms, nesr beach : rented $4000 ...... n.iM sianno: uni.aual terms. . .,.-',.!,. hmi.! rent SIU.OO: price f.S.CV). Cottage, corner Chelsea; cost 35,06O: Isrge lot' price :o,oro for quick sale. Aoove a few of our bargains. Now In the time to buy. 11. Q. HARRIS CO.. BARTLETT BLDG. HsdJonflrld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL h....1n nrlree. t.-in'R pnoPErtTina at WM. CAREY MARSHALL. Ml Federsl St.. Camden National rark. N. J. YOUR opportunity; lots 25x150: near troller: overlooking Del.; adjolm Campben Soup Co. I.ieloimient Greater N. J. t o.. .13 3. Hth. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homel and Improved bid, "i-i. "i reasontble prices. John Mavhsw, Hlono Harbor. N. J. CHANNEL I.OT near S6th st.-232 field at. Phone Kerslngton C252. 2323 Bast Clesr- Ventnor, N. J. CNT GO ABROAD THIS YEAR, why not buy a cottage at Ventnor, N. J.7 Private party haB I eo'toges to sell cheap, ranging froni 0 to 20 rooms, alto aportment on Wal nut at., West Phlla., paying 10 per cent., Jreatlv reduced on account of settling an ili.t.' I. 840. Ledger Central. PENNSYLVAMAFAnJlS 112 ACRES, Chester County farm: stone and frame house, atone and frame born for 30 head stock; outbuildings, good spring, largo .ream plenty of fruit, shade, low price, atream, pie fr McCOLI.UM . 1311 Walnut at., Philadelphia. "Don't Forgetthe Number.'J Jon-ACivJs-Location, land, buildings, nets; and railroad facilities all .first cltii: ha; Sv.rytniiig that goes to make a Mod farms sJeial ifoclc farma cheep. 150 200 and .251) ."crSst the vcVJ best .of l.nd land -hMol .Ute your want.. JONArHAN c. IAH, ' ACRES, me to village. 3 miles station, with 6-room frame cottage, frame barn, Thicken houss. pigsty, etc.; all In good con dltlon: variety fruit; good water; apecUl bar. In -t . liK cash Hunsberger'e Farm g'"eflran ' " r- , . , nrACRESrilaln Line, bargain! decide. I op. portunltyj $00 per acre. J. I. THOMPSON, West Chestsr. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, cottsgss. apartments, eto. ,,- change for Philadelphia prooerilss. Chaa. " gill. 33 S. Psnna. avs.. Atlantlo City. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT Vaetorlee. Warehouse. Mfg. Floor 1233 CHESTNUT STREET Entire second floor. 2000 squire reel. Very light. Steam heat. Klectrlo light. yery y,elbt elevator. Private entrance from Chestnut st. MEARS & BROWN ",&,& Office. Buslnes Hooms. te. FOH RENT Psrt of offle. ecoad.floor front! ail WW"',-"- --- ..-.--.- ... IieSu ROOM In well-furnliihed otflcei terms R-eoi-ble. 217 Parkway Hldg. 5NLY 6nb OFFiCQiEiT. Keyeteoe Tele Shone Building, 135, 8. 2d et. Atlantlo City. N. J. HOTELS, boarding houses, cotUgss. eto. ""' 1 EAN SfOORE. 40 8. Florida ire ATLANTiO CITY cottage, apartment, bo "tsla etc. AtUntla Really Co.. Ituniphry Bldg. TOR BENT PUBNISHED HOTELS. BOARDING lOUBES. VILLAS. CaXTAOES. APARTMENTS, any aeaaon. all locutions, Ail-atlu City, C-eUt-, Vsntocri utoinobile sect I e. i. u iiAimip v.. ruoic JDWgt MORTGAGES FlVJB PCR CJSNT. bulWtug si.oclitlon eit bUtUlBg A, U1 . DUu 8SSSS, WWW HUSH, sir, HI- m T-h. .er ate charges. -mond, 391. 11 ! I ' " """ il'l II I, .M.I III Mil, i ,,!,! 1 SCRAPPLE "' ' Not Up to His Job Wllllitm Dean ltotvells nt a dinner In Doaton gflld of modern American letters! "The average popular novel 1tow on Ilia novelist's part an Ignorance of Ills trado which reminds me of n New Eng land clerk, "In n New England village J entered tho main street department store one afternoon and said to the clerk at the book counter! " 'let me have. Please. th tetters of .nanes i.amo,' " 'I'ostomce right serosa the street. Mr. Lamb said the clerk, with a nslve. brisk anine, sl louis Globe-Democrat t .mpoon, "Where does a cat purr?" "According- to wljere he Is." Fair "He's a pretty fair attorney. Isn't h7" "Fair! He's a wonder. "Why, that man single-handed has acquitted our most no torious criminal three times for exactly similar crlmcs."-Clevcland Plain Dealer. No Need to Change Cholly Defoto I met you I thought of nothing but making money. Ethel Well, keep right ont Pop ain't ns ncu as toiKS tninKi Dallas News, 'Tour hair Is very thin on top, sir!" "Yes; I'd look well tho other way, Tetty Bad May Docs she sing for money? Hay I don't know. The only time I cier heard her she seemed to be singing for spite. p The Zeppelin Scare London Opinion. "I can't understand It. A month ago you out her dead, and notr you can't make, too much fuss of her." "My dear, It's quite simple. She has the biggest cellar tn the district." Wl - iM J ( N0' NEER AUWAYS j Il ' T HNS COAL, SMUTS lili0 ' inJACE !7l I THE PADDED CELL SHOWrUG- THE CH LDREM HOW. I V-n Merer, tm ei irM vaiuc-i I I c-r . ., Y p 75S ) VC----W:" IN ) p AN ( LIKE THIS shouldn't If" London Mall. PATERNAL PRIDE . SURE HE DOES aji xrc a-. tt-i. i NsVN l Three A. M. "You remind me so much of my poor dear husband!" "How's that, mum?" "He always camo sneaking In about this time in the morning!" $' p!tJ , ..... Copyright. Fltegende Blsotter. "Pardon me, air. Is that a club?" "Thank you! That's my family," Philanthropist But why don't you get a handorgan and go round and try and earn soma money? Tramp No, that would be too much' ot a grind.