14 i EVENING LlflmiKR PHILADELPHIA. WftDftESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1915, iUm COMMISSION'S . SCOPE AND AIMS TOLD Vast Importance to Business of New Federal Body Ex plained by'Oflldnl. timV YOnK, Feb. 17For the first time the plans and scope of the new Fed eral Trade Commission were explained liefe today by Joseph F. Davles, United States Commissioner of Corporations, who poke before the Merchants' Association of New Yolk. Although the trade com mission law was one of the most Impor tant mensures of tho Administration pro gram, little has been heard of It since Its passage by Congress. It affects every business, creat or small, which extends beyond Slate or national boundaries, ex cepting that of banka and common car riers, Speaking on the topic "Itecent Trust Legislation," Mr, Davles said In part: "In the course of time there will be available fqr the Federal Trade Commis sion a large amount of Information col lated, digested and Interpreted as to the whole field of Industry In the country. This agehcy also Is available In the pub lic Interest In Investigation of the anti trust lawn. "Tho commission Is charged with the further duty of Investigating trade condi tions In foreign countries with reference to their effect upon our export trade. It is contended that to extend our foreign mnrlpt I la nnKBHiini lha( Knmtittiflt Iftli ' be permitted amonc the smaller manufac turers and exporters of this country to compete with combinations In foreign Re countries. What Is needed for the guid ance ot legislation Is exact Information.' The speaker said the trado commission probably would be consulted by the De partment of Justice In makln'g recom mendations relative to the manner in which corporations may adjust their busi ness. The quasi-Judicial functions of the Fed eral Trado Commission will be exorc'sed In passing upon violations of tho Clayton act, he said. XI. S. BLOCKADE PROTEST IS PRAISED IN FRANCE PAIUS, Feb. 17. America's reply to Germany's blockade notlllcatton has brought forth a chorus of praise from the principal writers In the French press. Even Georges Clcmcnceau, who hitherto has been disposed to criticise President "Wilson, says the President has spoken tho words the American people expected fn such a way that Germany has no al ternative but to back down. Gabriel Hanotaux says In the Figaro: 'The American note to Germany Is an act of high historic Initiative and the first step toward the Inevitable participation of neutrals In the great events which are dividing the world. President Wilson wa obliged to pass from discussion to action. What do the measures mentioned In the note mean but that American warships will fall upon German submarines attack ing American ships In total disregard of America's sovereign rights? Either Ger many can give In or she can disregard Washington's note and go on with her plan to force England to capitulate. Then President Wilson could not recede from his position." The proposal made by Count von Bern fctorTf the German Ambassador to the United States, that Germany would with draw Its blockade order If the Import of food was permitted by England arrived too late for comment, but the newspapers caption the announcement, "Official Ger man Blackmail." THEY RAN AWAY TO WED Henry C. Brown, Jr., and Miss Booth at "Gretna Green." Word was received here today that Henry C. Brown, Jr.,- son of Henry C. Brown, advertising manager of tho Victor Talking Machine Company, and Miss Kvelyn V. Booth, daughter of Benjamin Booth, head of Benjamin Booth & Co., manufacturers, were married In Elkton, Md,, yesterday. A dispatch from Elkton said that the bridegroom had difficulty convincing the "Gretna Green" authorities that he was of age and that the license was refused on that ground, but Brown showed frlenJs In this city both the license and the cer tificate today, The young couple took advantage of the visit of .Mr. and Mrs Brown, Sr to New York, where Mr. Brown is attending a meeting of ad vertisers, to get married. The bride groom's home Is at 1721 Memorial avenue and the bride's at 1913 Venango street. JEWELS HID IN STOCKINGS Police Find Diamond. Rings and Gold Watch ort Prisoner. Hidden -away in his stockings, a gold watch and several diamond rings were found; today on Joseph McCullum, St years old, described as a New York gun man end who, last night,. ngured In an exchange ol shots with two policemen. The Jewelry was found on McCullum when he was searched In the detective bureau. In one of McCuUum'a pockets a letter was found signed by Warden Osborne, of fiinjr Sing Prison, who wrote that the prisoner had recently been released on parole and had turned to religion. McCullum, according to the police, had served time in Sing Sing Prison and also in Auburn Prison, at Auburn, N. Y.f tor larceny. Efforts are being made by the police to locate the owners of the jewelry found in McCuUum'a possession. NO. 44 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEEN "STEW" PIDD rDETECTIVE) W ? r--Pt. (SOMGONeN n (ARe VOU A r-eNO. MY INTCNTIONS) (-AHO THSM To . rk. g " J is dossins sjv FolcowMO I ve2e TO TAe A fS 5TROJ-.C I O ' '" " ' '" " ' " ' "''"-" ' mil immiuii ii ,i Til, - , "'. wW.': . .. - . y, 'ft "v"! -fir- i , py. VJ, i , I, I, ill ii' iiiSfilpiWyllBj.i ii ii i ii I ii tss r i i nil IssM , . i ml i7 i. iWH i sum n OSTEOPATHS ACCUSED OF OFFERING A BRIBE Head of Pennsylvania Examin ing Board Brings Charges Against Society. Accusations of attempted bribery and repeated Intimidation were brought today against the Pennsylvania Osteopathic So ciety by Dr. O. J. Snyder, president of tho State Hoard of Osteopathic Examiners, In answer to the charges brought by the sot clety that 1(11 licensed prnctloner-, In cluding Doctor Snyder, do not hold diplo mas from legally Incorporated colleges, and therefore nro not entitled to practice In this State. Doctor Snyder said the present movo to obtain from the Attorney General a writ of mandamus rerjulrlng the State to re voke the licenses Is but the last In h series of attempts since 19OT to force the Examiners to Issue licenses to those not qualified Under tho present law. At that time. Doctor Snyder ald the secretary of the society called on him and offered to give him $5000 If he would use his Influence to chnnge the law to admit tne 1C5 mem bers of the society. Dr, Snyder admitted that the Philadel phia College and Infirmary of Osteopnthy Is not Incorporated In this State, but that Is due, he said, to the fact that the In stitution does not hold property valued nt t500,(no, as required by the law for Incor poration here. Doctor Snyder says the college Is Incorporated In New Jersey and has a four-year mrdlcnl course accredited by the Hoard of Regents of New York, a rating denied 70 out of 150 medical schools. Ills own college, the Northern Institute of Osteopathy, was Incorporated under the laws of Minnesota until It consolidated with the parent school In Klrksvlllc, Mo., which Is incorporated there. None of the members of tho society could bo found who would discuss the case. 14 VESSELS FROM HERE MUST PAifc WAR ZONE Only One Flying American Flag. Must Face German Submarines. Fourteen steamships from this port, only one of which is Hying the American flag, are now speeding townrd the Eng lish coast and will enter the Gcimnn war zone In tho next few days. Mnritlme circles are watching their courses with Intenso Interest. One of tho vessels to run tho gauntlet of German submarines will bo the Ameri can Line steamship Haverford, which left here with a number of passengers and a large cargo last Saturday. She Is due to reach Liverpool next week. Tho Dominion, of the same line, carry ing passengers, Is scheduled to leave Liverpool for this city tomorrow, the day tho war zone proclamation Voes Into ef fect, t Tho tank steamship Polarine, carrying refined petroleum for Rotterdam, is the only vessels under the American flag from this port to enter the war -zone. She was formerly tho German steamship Ems. ALLIES IJEfilN OFFENSIVE IN WEST. GERMANS REP0R1 Attacks Repulsed at All Points Ex cept in Champagne. BERLIN, Feb. 17. That both British and French troops nre taking the offensive In tho western thea tre of war Is shown by an official report from the German General Staff Issued here this afternoon. This offensive Is at tributed to efforts on the part of the Allies to weaken the pressure which the Germans are now bringing against the Russians In the eastern theatre. The General Staff reports that French and British assaults near La Bassee and northeast of Ithelms were repulsed yes terday. It Is admitted that at one point In Champagne tho French troops suc ceeded In penetrntlng the German line. NEWS OF THE PORT PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. Tunstall (Dr-)' Jacksonville, merchan dise. Transatlantic Line. Str. Lndcrer (Br.), Port Natal la Haiti more merchandise, Charles M. Taylor's Bona. Str. Pawnee, New York, merchandise, Clids Steamship Company. Str. VWco, New York, ballast. Joseph c. Gabriel. Steamships to Arrive FREIGHT. From. Sailed. Manila Dec. IS Ardrosaan Jan. il Copenhagen Jan.lt Stnvanger Jan. 22 Shields Jan. 23 S.ra Jan. IS Shields Jan. 2S Aiders Jan. 2U Rotterdam Feb. a Name. Lincolnshire Jomeburg Skjoldbore Olaf Kyrrs Ilavet Andreas Ilrlndllla Castletnoor ,.; Waaldyk Amsteldyk Manchester Fort.... Highland Monarch. Virginia West Point Borland .Kotteraam Feb. a .Manchester ....Feb. fl .Balboa Feb. 0 .Shields Feb, 10 . London ff,h. 11 Oothentrurg ....Feb, 11 muster Balboa ,....Keb. 1.1 Vn I iiamoieton uange ravey Columbian Balboa ., Feb'. IS Steamships to Leave FREIGHT. Jame. For. Date. Indian Transport Lelth Feb. in Manchester Miller. . . , ..Manchester Feb. 20 Feliciana London Feb. I'll Vlnlnla .,,,,..,.,.,.. Copenhagen ....Feb.: PORT OP NEW YORK Steamships Due Today Name. From. Rllail Magdalena Venetian . Minnehaha .Rotterdam Jan. 'is ; ... ....iLDira .... London . ..Feb, a .Feb. IJ Cltta dl Messina. , .... Bermuda Steamships to Leave Name. For. Date. ...Feb. 17 ...Feb. 17 ...Feb. 14 Megantls .,,, ,,. Liverpool ,, Minneapolis ,, London .... Htlllg Olav Copenhagen m, uiuis ..,,.,.,,,,,;.iverpooi .Feb. 20 jtocnam dhu , , f Dues, d"Aosta . . New Amsterdam Hai re ,,,,,Fcb, 20 EVh. yrt ,,," Rotterdam . , , , Feb, 20 1 Tuscanla ,.,....Ulaicw .Feb, 20 ' FRIENDS URGE PRESIDENT TO WORK FOR fcARLY PEACE Swnrthmore Delegntton Advocates Mediation of International Disputes. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-The campaign for peace In Europe was again brought before President Wilson today by the Society of Friends. The President was urged by a delegation from Bwarlhmore College to do all possible to restore good wilt among the nations. President Wilson was urged to use his Influence against tho movement tq ex tend military Instruction throughout American cducatlonnl institutions, and also to oppose the Increase of armaments on tho st as, the land or In the air. The delegation asked that "mediation nnd commissions of Inquiry nnd International arbitration" bo used exclusively for set tling International disputes. DR. McFADDEN'S FUNERAL Well-known Dentist Will Do Buried This Afternoon. Dr. Henry D, McFadden, !50S Hamilton street, one of tho best-known dentists In this city nnd at one time a member of tile Stato Board of Dental Examiners, will bo burled thla afternoon at 3 o'clock. He died Sunday after an Illness of a few days. Doctor McFadden, who practiced den tistry for moro than 30 years, was grad uated from the Dental School of the University of Pennsylvania. Ills father was -Or. William It, McFadden, one tlmo chief engineer of the Water Bureau, He was a member of tho Union League, the Masons, the Stomatological Club and a number of dental frntornttlcs. For 12 years he was treasurer of tho National Dental Association. Four Bisters and a brother survive. OBITUARIES Kcv. John D. Lcibfritz The Itcv. John IJ. Lcibfritz, assistant rector of St. Honlfnco's .Catholic Church and for years a missionary worker, died yesterday nt the rectory of his church, Diamond street nnd Norrls square, from mi nttnek of Hrlght's disease. Ho was long a sufferer from rheumatism. Dorn 70 years ago In Pittsburgh, tho Itev. Mr, I,clbfr!ts studied in the divinity schools nt Annapolis and Ilchcstcr, -Md. In his career ns clergyman ho was stationed nt Baltimore, New York, Boston and To ronto. Ho was nlso enghged In the latter city ns a missionary worker. Ho was assistant rector nt St. Bonlfuce's Church slnco 1901, nt which church the funeral services will be held, Friday morning. William G. DIttert William G. DIttert, Go years old. a turn key In tho City Hall cellroom nnd a member of the Philadelphia police force for 27 yeart, died ut thp home of his wife's relatives, Springfield avenue, Clif ton Heights, from nn nttack of heart dls ense. Appointed to the police force In 1S8S ns a reserve, DIttert wns stntloncd for mnny years nt 3d and Chestnut streets. Ho was retired last September because of 111 health. A widow and several married children survive. 1 Mrs. Margaret O'Brien Drcllan Mrs. Margaret O'Brien Drcllan, who, duKng tho Civil Wr nursed Miss Nellie Giant, daughter of General Orant, while at the Douglas Hospital, Washington, wns burled this morning from her home, 4137 R;d;o avenue. Solemn Requiem Mnss was celebrated nt St. Bridget's Catholic Church. Falls of Schuylkill. Mrs. Drellan, who died last Wednesday, wns tho widow of Tierce Drcllan. n Civil War veteran. James It. Hoffccker WILMINGTON. Del., Fob. 17.-James H. Hoftecker died at his homo In Middle town yesterday afternoon of paralysis. Ho was 7S years old and widely known. He wns tho Prohibition candidate for Governor In 1SSI. Ho Is survived by his widow nnd n son, John Hoffccker, a ral estate agent of Philadelphia. Brigadier General Goodalc WAKEFIF.LD, Mass., Feb. 17.-Brlp;a-dler General Grcenleaf A. Goodale. U. S. A., retired, veteran of the Civil and Spanish-American wars nnd of the Indian and Philippine campaigns, died nt his homo here today. He was 75 years old, and'hnd been In 111 health since last November, Rev. Thomas K. Cheyne LONDON, Feb. 17. Tho Itev. Thomas Kelly Cheyne, n noted authority on Scrip tural wrlthiRs nnd for many years Oriel professor of Interpretation at Oxford Uni versity, died early this niornlni?. He was born In 1SI1, and wns Canon of Rochester from lbSS to 1908, The Itev. Mr. Cheyno Unitarian Christianity Unitarians study the Bible, and under Its Inspiration tench belief In The Fatherhood of God, The Brotherhood of Man, The Leadership of Jesus, Character as the Best of Life, and the only Salvation any soul re quires, The Progress of Mankind onward and upward unto Personal Immor tality for all souls. These beliefs are not made obliga tory, each soul helnp; left free to come to them In his own wav. Tho only requisite for fellowship is that one shall be trying to live the good life nnd to And the truth. But they who start with theso cre.it convictions find that they nourish heart, mind and soul. Address questions about the Uni tarian beliefs to THE UNITARIAN BOOK ROOM 1815 N. Logan Square was a grandson of the nev. T. If. Home, author of the popular theological text book, "Introduction to tho Holy Scriptures." Henry C. Caldwell LOS ANGELES, Cal Feb. 17.-Henry Clay Caldwell, 83 years old, cx-JUdgo of the United Btates District Court Ih Ar kansas, who was appointed by President Lincoln, Is dead nt his home here. Dur ing tha Civil War the former Judge served ' a colonel In the Third Iowa Cavalry. 1e served on tho Judiciary bench from ..61 to 189). Charles 11. Gcislcr Charles II. (Jelslcr, for many years a ticket collector nt the Camden ferries ot the Philadelphia and Heading Hallway, died nt tho Cooper Hospital last night from a stroke of nporlexy. He was 65 years old and lived at Bit North 4th street, Camden, with his wife, who nt present Is critically lit. A daughter, Miss Anna M, Gcislcr, n teacher In the Camden pub tic schools, also survives. 3Cfltf)g HONNEB. On February 13, 1015, ELIZA JIETh 8CANLAN BONNUR, ulster of the late Hev. M. I. Scanlan, of Hatleton, Fa. Itelatlrea and friends ars Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a, m., from her late residence, 0310 McCullum St., Ucrmamown, Solemn Hequlem Mass at St. Vincent's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery, Kindly omit Bowers. Automobile funeral. CnOSSIN. On Sunday, February 14. lOlfj, CATHERINE E., wire of the late Jamts F, Croisln (nee Cunnle). Relatives, nnd rrlenda nre Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday morning, at 8:30 a, m., from her lata resi dence, 2Y10 Fouth at. Holcmn Itcqulem Mans at St. Anthony's Church, at 10 o'clock pre cliely. Interment nt Holy cross Cemetery. KIlY. On February 10, 101B, J. DANIEL Elir, 1B23 West Norrls at. Due notice of the funernl will be given. HORN. On February in, 1015, CHARLES E. HORN. Relative and friends nre Invited In attend tlm funorftl. nn Thursday morning. Rt 8:30 o'clock, from his late residence. III E. Mount Pleasant ave. Solemn Hequlem Mass at Holy Cross Church. Mount Airy, at 10 o'clock. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. LYI.K. On February 14. 1018, FRANKLIN L. LYLE, son of the late James L. nnd Mary B. LUe. In his B7th year. Relatives and friends, also Lodge No. 432, F. and A. M., nnd all other oroanlrailons of which he wns a. m-mtier, nre inM'.id to attend the funeral services, nn Thursday afternoon, February 18, at 1 o'clock, at his lato residence, No, ir.1t North liltlt st. Interment at West Laurel Hill cemetery. MOSS. On February 15. 1015, JACOD It., husband of the lato Ellin J. Mo", aged St years, Rclatliea and friends, also Post 2. U. A, lt.i Uifayctto l.odae, No. 71, F. ana A. M.; St. John's Chatitir, 232, R. A. M.j Droxcl Lodge. lUI'H. I. O O. F., nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday afternoon, at U'lln o'clock, at his lntc leslnence. Sin N. Wnnnmaker st , West riillailelphli. Inter ment nt West Lauicl Hill Cemetery. riHIUT. On February 111, 101S, ANNIE WOOD, wife of William 8. Perot. Jr.. nnd dnughter of the lnte David L. Wood and Mary K. Wood. Funeral services at her late residence, Conshohocken. Fa., on Thursday, the IRth Inst., Ht 12 o'clock. Interment prl vat. 1'le.ise omit flowers. STOUT. On February in. 101B, nt her lato residence. 210 North 13th st., AMANDA, widow of Watson Stout, In her 82d yenr. Relatives nnd friends are lnltert to attend tho funeral services, on Friday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock precisely, nt the 13th St. M. D. Church. 13th below Vine. Interment private. WKIISTEIt. In Lancaster, ra.. on Tuesday mornlne nt 3 o'clock, Mrs. MARIS WER STER (nee Mellrlde), In her .18th year. Fu neral will be held at the home nf her son, 3233 F st.. Kensington. Philadelphia, on Friday, at S o'clock. Interment In South Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford. Relatives, f.i.mla nntl mmtwri nf Cnmn No. 13. P. O. S. of A., nre respectfully Invited to attend the funeral. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 15c per'llna Three Insertions In a week.... 12V5c per line Seven corcccutlvo Insertions... lUc per line Situations wanted, threa Inser tions In a week 10o per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In nil classifications except Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and round, l'er tonal. Hoarding and Rooms, One Insertion 20c per line Threo Insertions In a week.... 170 per lino S-'tvrn consecutive Insertions... 15c per line Alt rates are. based an agate measurement. 14 agate lines to tho Inch. DEATH NOTICES-clther paper 10 lines one time COo Three tnaertlona 1.00 DAILY ONLY fn Effect December 1, 1S1 COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both the morning and evening capers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per lino not to rates given above. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVMtTISINll IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER MAY HE INSERTED IN THE EVENINO LEDGER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. There is a drug store near your uuiiic iiiut. win accept meager want ads at office rates. HELP WANTEDFEMALE CLERKS Tho Commercial Depart ment at Ledger Central has been re ceding calls for experienced clerks and t Dials. Oo not miss this op. rortunlty to nie our application with M;s Dean, aa Ledger Adver tiser) are greatly benefited by this icrvlce. COOKING and downstairs work White girl for family of four adults; assist with wash: references, ion N. lllth. EDUCATED GBNTLEWOMAN of pleasing ap penrance and good address to assist in spe cial work with large concern; hours It to 4 dallv buslnevs oxnerlene lint nhonliifolv nan hk esary, but good references required; salary W 22 wtekly.AllC. Ledger Office. ' ' i:.M'uiiibKcnu maid lor two young girls In fUhurtsL mu-t bo good fewer; reference re. quired. A 1:1a. Ledger Office. IIIIIL for chamberwork and waiting; must be r exp I. Apply Wjd. morilng. 210 N. Broad. HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for geneTai housework (no wash) far family of four In Wayne; refs. required. L 421), Ledgerofflce. LALIEJI to sell silk stockings direcVfrom mill"; save customers 2.1 per cent.; hundsomo com- iiiitbiuu. i i uu .i a m. ixmcr central. NORTH GERMAN governess for tn 0-cfiiI3renT '' ..Vi $ '0?r',l,?n,', tlyaT2ma assistance with baby. L 430. Ledger Office. RFSIDENT CLERK and typist for womsn's club, reply In own hn-idwrltlng. with tef errncei, experience, age, salary, particulars, J .1. ledger Central. EOLICITORS-New Arm desires a Udlas! ref.; ral., com. Apply rest of week, 10-12, Room 0.13. Ileal Estate Trjit Bldg. HELP WANTED-JPEWTALE PTBNOnnAPltBR8, bookkeepers an! rlerks.esn obtain laluuM Informa tion, about aesurttia: positions, by In terviewing Miss Dean at lt)rer Cen tral. See her at nnce for this fra adilre, as the Commercial Depart ment Is constantly secutlnej good positions for Ledger Advertisers. STBNOORAPHnrtApreartnee most neces , saryi salary loo. J 732. L-)der Central. WANTED- Thoroughly competent .maid Jor housework, family of four, adults. In Wsirna (no nasli). Apply ltoom iio, Ledser ptnee, a o'clock Wednesday. References required. . AVANTDD-SlenoM-npheefor a few ',. PJ' . hapa pernVlr. Oalen Hall, Wernetsvill!fl. HELP WANTED MALE DOV Bright, Intelligent boy for Important of- nco work! atate age, education, experience ..and references In nist letter. A 208. Led, Oft. COLLECTION MANAODR , A LAnriE RETAIL COLLEC'ION AOKNCT wants an enbikibtic and thoji ooohly bxpeilsnced man: sflen dhj opi'ortfnitv tor one, joam" FIEDl IN RKPLVINfl OI VB AOB, BXI'K IlIE.VCn AND SALARY. ADDRESS L 418, LEDOER CENTRAL. SOLICITORS Reliable men who can hustle for" an up-to-date, live proposition. Apply 2.10 Land Title Dulldlng. . WANTED Two high-grade automobile sales men: onty thoso need apply who have good connections at present! must be lUe wires and have references; replies treated con ndenllslly. L 448. Ledger Central. WANTED Exp. warehouse man to take charge of wool warchouee. Write, stating experience and reference, I, C01, Ledger otilce. AGENTS AGENTS, both sexes, for house to house can asslng: tho only tanltary household article of Its kind on the market; 93 1-3 per cent, commlsnlon. Address L 444, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BILL, order, charge clerk, assistant thorough experience, especially familiar uooKKcepcr or cnsnicr; woman., ofc with printing, engraving and paper uuslneBs; best references; moderate salary to start. J 311, Ledger Central. references; moderate BOOKKEEPER, typist: thoroughly exp. In real cstato and Insurance: capable taking entire charge ot olflce. J SO. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER. stenographer, experienced, entire chnrue and acting as cnpablo of taking entire c, Hf-cretnry or office manager. 3 810, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, EXI'ERIDNCED: FIRST CLASS REF3.1I t)42, LEDGER CENTRAL. BOOKKEEPER, double entry; cashier, typist; hotel experience; refs. J 331, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Hefs.; competent, willing to wnrk; moderate salary. A 2t2, Ledger Off. BOOKKEEPER, assistant, or clerical work; exp In detail woik. J 742, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, bill clerk, cashier; exception ally good at figures. J 843, Ledger Central. BUYER OF LACES, embrold-rles, neckwear.' ribbons, nrt needlework; ability Is attcstoa bv financial results; ' provlous connections been nf tho best. II 048, Ledger Central. CASHIER Hotel, icataurant or mercantile buslnors; thoroughlyexp. 11 84j, Led.ent. CHAMIIERMAID or chlldnursc; Mnfn Line preferred: well recommended. 112 E. Spring aye, Ardmorc, l'a. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, refined, comn. rolorcd glrllst-claasrcrs. 182:1 J3, Rosewood. CHAMIIERMAID and wnltrees; nn laundry work; exp. colored girl. LS2H S. Rosewood st CH MUER WOItK German girl wishes "poi, ; oxp. ; goodseamstrefs.lt3X a Irani ar. CLERICAL WORK Seven years' experience In railroad nnd transportation work; except tlonally good on details. J H.VI, Led. Central. COLORED WOMAN wonts washing and Iron ing to tnko home, nnd day's work. Ii22 S. jlPtb st. Phone Locust 2277 D. COLORED, day work any kind, of town. 707 N. Markoc. city or out COLORED girl to assist housework or chlld nurre. 72., N. 1'her st. COMPANION-NURSE, by gentlewoman; ex. perlenced In the caro of srml-lnvnllds: mas. seuse: city rer. II 045. Ledrer Central. COOK. German woman, desires pos'tlon nt cooking and housework in1 arartment; can furnish best nf reference. A lo1), I.cdncr Off. COOK First-class Prnt. : competent nnd thor oughlv reliable: refs. 102.1 Cnllow hlllst; COOK and chambermnld 12 glrlr), experienced and reliable; bert refs. L 424, Ledger Office, COOK and chambermaid, Scotch Trotestant, wishes poa. Poplar 5.'155. 111.11 Olrard nve. COOK, first clasi, experienced and capable; highest rcferenc.es. L 427, Ledger Office. COOK wishes position: six jears' reference. Tilephonn I'oplnr .1204. Kill Parrlsh, COOKINO nnd c'owntalrs work; good laun dreiw. L 42a, Ledger Office. DAY'S WORK Cooking, cleaning, laundry or bundle wash. I hone Dlckli eon 21 S2 W. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements. $1.50 duy, city or courlry. A 2I.V ledger Otflce. EXPERIENCED btislnesi girl; opornlc nny typewriter, billing machine, adding nnd cal culatlng'Comptomcter and dlstaphone, book keeping and office assistant; A-l dctallcr. 11 an.Ledger Central. FRENCH GOVERNESS, Speal-ing German flu ently. .leslrel situation. J 2.15. Led.Central. Ollfl.. colored, wuhes rosltlon as housemaid, nciper or genera: nouypworK. i.-iu uninarine mm, wishes nosltlon. chamberwork and wait ress, cltv or country; beat rf. 140:i N. 10th. GIRL wants cooking, downstairs work: expetl enced. Phone Treston 21fln. 52.1 Iludd at. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, neat penman, desires clerical position. 11 naa. ledger Central HOUSEWORK Settled woman, good cook and baker: exp.: refs. L 428. Ledger Office. LADY'S MAID or UrM chamberwork Refined German girl, experienced sewer, embroiderer nnd packer. A 203. Ledger OfJleei LIGHT HOUSEWORK Settled colored woman, good cook : best refs. 2031 Turner st. MANAGING housekeeper In hotel, or linen room, or mending In institution. 282S N. 10th. MOTHER'S HELPER Position wanted by joung lady of refinement nnd experience; reference exchanged. M. G. I".. 1E03 Monroe St.. Wilmington, uci MOTHER'S HELPER or nurse, exp. white woman, nrst-class rers. 1, zo. Ledger Off. NEAT COLORED GIRL desires general house- work or cooking; rets. I'nono liarlng THU. NEWSPAPER WOMAN, experienced In morgue and library work; also editorial; bookkeep ing; capable office executive. II 034, Ledger Central. POLISH GIRL wants general housework. Call 2033 Illavls St.. Nlcetown. PRIVATE SECRETARY, stenographer, trained and experienced In law, literary and com mercial work; good correrpondent and man- ager or neip. it mi. x-euger wentrai. RELIABLE colored woman wants home, city, suburbs: cook, laundress. 1230 Ridge ave. SEAMSTRESS, competent, wishes engagements by the day or week; references. Address 2110 Balnbrldge st; , SE C R ET A R Y-STENOORAPHER, apecl-l courses at Wellesley. Cornell and U. of p., ts soeklng an opportunity to grow and prove SDlllir. vi, gwbci .cnt,. STENOORAPHER Capable and accurate; young lady who would take a thorough In terest tn her work, deilrs position: mod- erate salary. Address L 847, Ledger Central. KTie'NrM'inAPHER. thorouahlv exn.t w-A rnrl respondent and secretary; familiar with 'card systems, good on details. J 161, Led. Cent. STENOORXfiIER, well educated: capable woman: trained by practical experience for secrtarlal position. J 141. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, rapid, accurate, hard'work tng; mod, salary starting. J 814, Led Cent, VERSUS CON TRAFFIC SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE BTENOOnAPHKIt, knowled bookkeeping? experienced, references II 4JUaprttL TRVnflir.IRn l,n tinnnllds of book' keeping; rapid, accurate, J 1B8, Led. Centrsx STENOfin MinAPHBIt rapldi can assist bkcr,( $7. 13, Ledger nmnch. lflth ft Dauphin. rer.: BTENoaRAPHER, experienced Mn law and , commercial work. J 842. Ledger Central.. STENOGRAPHER, hlgn school grad.! exp.i .accurate; willing; reliable. .1 111). Led Cent, GTENOORAPHERtleglnner; neat .accurate; wjjllng to work and learn. J 0.12, Led. Cent. STENOORAPHEn and bookkee,per,comp.ln duetrloua: refs.j mod, salary. J 2fi0, Lea. Cen. STENOGRAPHER Capable, exp, secretary, .accustomed to detail work. J 748, Led. Cent. BTENOORArilEn, cornp. and conscientious. ca. pos.; mou. sal. 1 rer. Alia, leaner mi. STENOGRAPHER, 18, rapid, accurate, perm, position, , ao, i)q. urnncn. uiq amrara. STKNOORAI'HKR-sccretnry; knowledge of pooKKceping; sip. capable, J 307, Lea, icnu STENOOit A PURR and office hand, experlen'd, wants work; 17 a week. Oak Lane. 1B18. WHEN IN NEED of an experienced effice as sistant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk, call up Walnut 3000 and consult with Miss Dean, f the Commercial Department, who hss a Ut of hlsli-crndc, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of the free service to Ledger Advertisers NOW. TYPIST Toung lady, knowledge of stenog- raohv. deslrea rtnrfofll nnattlan! exnertencetll wIMjng to woik hard. II on, Ledger Central, WHITE Protestant woman wishes cooking In aouit ramuy, where there is a second mam, In country; good baker; referenco. 1224 8. WHITE GIRL wants position as housemaid. 203S lllnvls St., Nlcetown. , YOUNG WOMAN, art student, 8 years' stand ing, dcslrea employment In spare hours to defray cost of continuing study; copying, en larglng or designing. J 74(1, Ledger Central. YOUNO LADY, experienced In clerical work, stock, nuns', irnn.l fvnlitt. reliable and aectl- rate; best teferencea. II a.-il. Lodger Central. YOUNO LADY. exp. In billing and genera! office work; operates Elllott-Flshcr machine and typewriter. J 038, Ledger central. YOUNO LADY, rapid typist: good correspond ent: assistant bookkeeper; 4 years' exp,: faJ miliar with card system. 11 fell, Led. Cent. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A LIVE WIRE Young man, 25, who can be developed Into an At salesman; excellent character; full of energy, ahllltv nnd ambition. Con we not provo serviceable to each other, Mr. Em ployer? J 318, Ledger Central. A MAN. nn In machlner' iry and structural tints, accept any- erection, familiar with thing ony where. J 1133, nrl Ledger Central ACCOUNTANT Young man, 28, experienced, desires position with manufacturing or mer cantile concern, or public accountant. II 040, Linger ventral. ACCOUNTANT, expert: books opened, closed, systematized, audited; 5 monthly up. Au dltor. !' O. Box 50r.. Philadelphia. AMDRICAN, .10. knowledge ot South American conditions, speaka Spanish and French, de sires connection with exporting firm pre ferred: would consider eventual Investment If mutunlly satisfactory. J 5S, Ledger Central. 1 ATTENTION, BUSINESS MEN Many energetic, bright boys who come under our care are now avail able for office, shop or factory work; no charges. JUVENILE WORKERS' DtmEAU 1500 ARCH. TELEPHONE SPRUCE 0147. BOOKKEEPER. 4 yrs.' exp.; can oper. type wrltcr. handle office work. J S47. Led. Office. BOOKKEEPER. Intel., compt., industrious; refs.; moderate salary. A 20'. Ledger Off. UO, strong, lit, Gcrmnn-Amcrlcan, wishes po altlon to learn electric or machinist trade. lO-tn IV. Somerset. Tioga 520S. liUTI.RR desires position In a nice private lainny; goou rcifl. a 2111, L.eagcr urnco. OITAITITK-Rirn 10 yrs.' actual exper. ; any standard car; account death former employer, desires posl tlon; 4j yrs. last place; ref. J 7.5S, Led. Cent. CHArrFEUJt American: B years with Inst employer: operate, repair nny make car; not reckless; reference. J 24H, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR nnd gardener wishes position; soher nnd honest; 7 yeara' references. Ad dress 25E. Price St., Oermqntown. CHAUI'TEUR wishes iwsltlon with private famlli : experienced; good references. Ljnn Mewurt. 870 N. ith at. CHAI'KFEI.'R nnd mechanic, best city refer ences, speaks He languages, seckn good homo, not big wages. 1210 N, (1th st. ClIAUFrEUR. At mechanic, wants driving pos. :brst refs. R. N. S .1110 N. Hombergor. CHAUFFliUR, employed with prlv."fam. last 5 yrs. : strict temperance. Hox 50. Q crbrook. COl'FKF salesman with established trade; can operato auto. . J 217, Ledger Central. ffinnns rn vur."r Dxpd. business man, connoctlons abroad, will rerrter ral, serlccs na GcimVn corespondent and translator: mod, comp. J Ml. Led. Cent. CORRESPONDENT-STENOGRAPHER Man, 28. capable of shouldering excess busi ness burdens of a busy man; exp In sales, collecting nnd accounting. H 051. Led. Cent. CREDIT MAN AND ACCOUNTANT loung married man, wldo business expert Mice, cocerlng banking, gonerul credit work, all branches of public accounting. Personal InterWew solicited. Willing to leave city. J 811. Ledger Central. FARMER, married, would take position aa manager on grnln or dolry farm; thoroughly xptrlenced. Call or write, 1520 Wallace St., I'mmneipiiiq. I-'AHMDR Married, with family; 20 years' exp. i Al reference. A 210, Ledger Office. riRST-CLAHS mec.inn!e-nuffeir. s"yc"srs'i-ex peiltnce; any car. JC50. tder Central. JAPANESE cook and vlfe, hourpwork, wish positions together: entire charge; small country family: references, p.. 30s N. 16th. JAPANESE, )nung and capable, wishes posi tion, general houeework. prlwite family; good references. A 13(1. Ledger Office. JAPANESE wants position as butler, valet or MAN AND WIFE, white, v'leh positions as butler, and cook: best of references, 302O Srrague st., Oermantown. un.u. iiim... ...m.., imM II uvUl.llU,ni Ei MAN AND WIFE, colored. Ilrst claeer private family: best references. 1733 Addison. NIGHT WATCHMAN, fire soft or hard coaK attend engine; licensed. D 132. Ledger Office. PAINTEIl, gralner. hardwood finisher wants situation; nun ret. Painter. 1011 N. 4th. BA1JSJ11.U or manager to represent rella bln firm: a position of responsibility; high est of references can be fvmlshed. J 7BS, 1-edger Central. ' R A I :CSM AN. spare time, commisiton basts; rivii .st testimonials. A 10B. Ledger Of Ilea. SHOE SALltSMAN. rollable. entTcetic." desire position: exp.; best ref. J 450. Led.- Central. SITUATION wanted as handy man: can fur. KOOI ror. .uu. joiiii amciaira.. 1J raSKer. urENOGRAPHER, accurate, rellablo. speedy. Industrious: mod, salary. A 211. Led. off. SWISS gentleman, highly educated, apeaklng English, French. German, Italian, desires position aa courier with family or small party: rcfa. exchaneed. J 7S4. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, of ability, wants position, wiTh reliable people, anywhere; rave high school and busbies college education; four ears' experience, In bookkeeping and general office; work: highest references given. Box 224. JJajnbemillJeJN.J! YOUNG MAN, 30 jtars of age: for U yeara In executive offices of large concern manu facturing special machines: thorough and accurate with technical and office training. J 818. Ledger Central. i. (VILLAIN)! EXIT DETECTJVE!!! SITUATtONB WAHTED-MaS T?iS?.m2"id ",!;' ? with shirJwTpl , t clerical exp,. fel, hi. .bill,. ?aJS3 fcould be serviceable to a repute 9 it juurr t-tmrai touno MAN. 23. married; NewTrrf" experience: bkplnr, or clerical JJ.,If,)t . reliable, will take anything? 8SS Lid TOUNO MAN. 23, VOttNrt rM 11 ..,...: T!"V ' hecrlnr. havn n. ;;"?..'" ""..cltll J51 willing J 48. Ledi.V c.ntr.T W1 MaJ YOUNG llninlih.Anil. n-." . ' - dustrlous, desires pes, as tfsn.ii,l!mti ! . or any kind of w ork.PawjV.f'."y ffitSl WOItK NEEDED QTJIQkt.V i.A-".irn.ptUL.?nlrlbul,In o the werfc ,?1J,',n so bly carried on by th. iSSwf1 Aid committee, Society for Orisni,SJJ!lhtr and Juvenile Workers' Bureau In .1 P'm XMLS .S"1 o. W.oy.meni throuVh 2S! .ncompele-ntort' woVMdW not rocommenitm hv ih -li..ijr.0.1,uili proilded for by the Immediate Tik ii.fV2'.' Employers seeking reliable. exrerinP.ita,"1J and women can. therefoie. employ 'th.SS. "? women listed with the assurance inst ,'."."' hairing deserving workers who only ..? V a .chance to 1 help themseUes. Ther doJiVl ?": .They want and must 1 hlnlSSi -?.W employment, win rou create a Job fir i. ' of theso who can fit Into your orsiaTtAi'H If you will do your share, this great f" will be quickly solved, ' ProMeot . .H Refer to cases by letters and numi... marked "EA" forward offer to tneEm'.,2J(lt Aid Committee, Lincoln Building- "a r?! to the Society Organlxod Charity,' ,4' ft S AVchstreel: JUVen" W" 5SS,,S MALE AWNING MAKER - WAS LAID OFF irel Atlantic Ritfln nf rinmnnnu I.V.". "T Bli E0.u'J.'iiiunt"' has ha(i no wor " "hra DAKER-IJRE1AD DVKER. 40 YEARS otSl whoso last employer says ho was thoreuiul honest and reliable., and In two years wH never late ono lav. He l.as been out of wSJ a months. Has 0 children-oldest 1 yS.1 youngest 2 years. 8. o. c. ,W. (Noftfi ElslrTct. S. 6. ( 14M North .Mwhsll.tr?.?? 11AKBR - EXPERIENCED DAKEP. WITH good reference; willing to work . ;.1 nun If necessary; has wife nnd 1 child. E. AB BAKE1R UNTIL Hr.nusTl.v rir.r' by Ilell's Bakery, who say man Is goodVoti.' 11AMV tTT,.,V,T-, n., l .. A' , ""'""-innrajn tne boc tj iu Orrnnlslmr rrliarltt, a man Mn,..j f. 'r! years as a bank runnor by a PhlUdelslJi bank, seeks similar or any other kind Si iti Ployment. Ho has n wife and 2 chllarei t years and IS months old. nine .. t.rr? position, tho wife has been sewing, but h; earnlnga are insufficient for the support X tho family. References and Information .lr.1 at tho Society's Southwestern District Officii DLACKSMITH-RECOMMENDED AS FIRST: class workman; honest, sober and IndustrlMII will do nnythlng In or out of city. E. A.. IK.- BLACKSMITH'S IIDLPER-MAN 44 TEARS old, with H children, has been out of work . .iiiwivu, ua ireni out 01 WOrxi employed In last position 2 yeuii imended. E. A., 100. w well recomm BLACKSSIITH'S HELPER-23 YEARS WITUi Ilcnient-Mllea Works who recommend hln in need of help. E. A.. 103. :Ji BOILERMAKER'S HELPER MAN OP ( with 0 small children dependent upon hlmMssr mil mnr mi; .il n ,w t"'1 S"1 W ui ina L-iiuuicii i3 in in iiia nospuai and tlu baby In 111 nt home. Excellent references. S. a' C. 5SS (Northern District, S. O. C, KB. .llflll IMItll,,, b.icv,. BOILERMAKER MAN HAS DEEM mi of work for four months: ha hoii n wife . three children, tho youngest a baby 18 months,! "HO in ery ul-iiiuic. ci j. i.. ii., roC-J ton uisirict. a. kj. i.. ivia I'oneuon ave. tlOOKUINDnR AN EXPERIENCEn Miw: 2fj years old. wlih n wlfa and baby 4 moxt&Y oiu, wants worK. investigation snows tost Im mediate help Is vital tn the llfo of the fatnllr.' who at present are living In one room wlij barely enough food to keep the baby allre,j This man can furnlah the best kind oE refer. ence from his last employer. C A.. 100. JS BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPER A N 0 credit mn, married, who aficr 9 years with his last enrployer. was laid off berauso of litk; of work, desires employment. He can (lit! nrsc-ciaps rcierence. j j., iiu. BOOKKEEPER LAST EMPLOYER BATS "capable ot lining any clerical position w! nccirato clerk Is ncslrcd." E. A., 171. jiuujiiicr,i'.ii Ann t'uuuu Ai.uuu.ri nnt rtecnmmendetl hv New York firm. R l'9 ill. ' BOY. 10 Y'EARS. STRONG. HEALTH m American boy. will do any kind of work u, help support nn aged grandfather; parents tn dead and he and sister (20 years) out of wort' sums montns; nas workca on ice wagor. 4, W. H.. SIM. BOY, It: YEARS. JEWISH, WISHES VtOHKl of any kind; driving team or doing anythlBf that w II heln his home: father Is tuberculou nnd no one In family of four worklnt, SM BOY. 14 YEARS. WANTS WORK: ERRANDS or helper around store; family ry poorfj miner out or wone inrce montns; na one orx. Ing hut one girl out ot family of nine. 1. W. U.. Mrt( BOY, WHITE, AMERICAN. 15 YEARS. Witt ua nny r.ina oi worK: fatner ueserini, woiac ana sister, out ot work; motner win aa Bal I'fS King or nouseworK. wo. suu. j. w. u. HOY, 15 YEARS. WANTS WORK: KnnAxU'3J can make himself useful about store: CSremfB dead; no one working In a family o( fhtSB bal-y 111. J. W. II.. 802. ; rx- ,t,iTJS,S ,rr icii ,, vf ,l,c ffi, ltinds. store or factory: father dead; fosr. oiuer cnnaren; one worsing; income t. jm BOY. 15 YEARS. WANTS WORK OP ANl kind: father deserted four lounger brother mother has to support six on so. J. W. R, HO. BRA8SWORKER IN LAST PO3ITI0SL1 years. Emploser saya "his work sttlsfacurJ In every way." E. A.. 173. 3 BUTCHER A BUTCHER WITH AWIfBl and a children, ranging from 4 to u ien of age, hss been out of work for neatly a tnnnllia T1i,m tn thtk rVnitrpiniv A1S COnUOlt-. tee, his wife lias supported the family In IM meagrest way by sewing. This man will ujtl any kind of a position. Ilia wife would. tty plain sewing, u. a., hi. - BUTCHER At OE3IMAN. 50 YEXItS 1L07 will take anvwork that Is offered. lIIw"H bedridden with paralysis, and the family ej four has been dependent on the earnlnn ot j 18-year-old fon. 8. O. C. M3. , (Nlcetown ;o4 Tlora District. S. O. C. ClarlsES. street M Hunting Park avenue.) ft lining n.T,,ancn Uitintpn XtAW. U years old, with 20 years' experience WltJ years ago to go Into businesa for a"'"?" wants employment aa brass finisher or '"M man In gas and electric nxturea. Und'r'iiHfB the gas fixture tusiness tnorougniy, prepared to do work In polishing or lsefV""8 brass ui noma n tull.l. am,- M,-",'r7eBl wife and 2 children In extreme clrcunnttH He can furnish the highest references sj l character ana uunuy. r.. ., ,iq. CAULKER AND CHIPPER - "MAN VM ,.... mi, nf iirA.lf H nynntnm end nSlt. 'M last 17 years has worked In one placs. !' 15-year-old boy, who has worked Mn the "BB Su'BJi. a o. cTafe Nort-h iiXyHS exuiNSPECTORnBST pojmfihV.TO bis employers say he filled wltW highest , isfactlon to go with napld Trans W" in view of more pay. On wrong sld i of UK nuesiton ana w uiwh;.. ,- ,-saa. Jhlld. Family in utmost distress. i"3f eAn'lNSPECrOR-FORIMETtLY SPEDIfflf by B, and O. R. R. will do snylblnr. . , cstlgatlon snows man to ua imuoi , , competent, u. a.( f!