Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 17, 1915, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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e,ii Wns Closed Yesterday at
Otfcw York Meeting Tcrma
Same ad Two Years Ago
"President Harry tt. Hempstead, of the
(Hants, cloned yesterday with represen
iatlvea at West Point and Annapolis for
the use of the Polo Grounds, New Tork,
for tills season's football game 'between
the1 Army and Navy. This classic will bo
played on Saturday, November 27.
Tho teams are the same as two years
ago. New York will give J21.000 to tho
charitable funds of thw service schools
anil 23,000 seats. Tho capacity of tho
Brush $tadlum wilt be Increased to ac
commodate d0,CO0, If possible. West Point
was represented by Colonel C. D. Wilcox,
Captain C I. Sultan nnd Lieutenant C.
D Meyers; Captain A. P. Fairfield and
Captain Gannon ncted for the Middles.
Billy Rocap Off for Juarez
William H. Ilocap, sports editor of tho
rtmuo Ledoeh, left 1'nls afternoon for
Juarez, Mexico, where ho will remnln
until the Johnson-Wlllnrd light cornea off.
By special command of General Villa,
Mr. Ilocap will have access at all times
to tho training quarters of both Johnson
and Wlllaril.
Rneclnl stories of the training enmps
will appear In the Punt.tc I.epoeii, In
which Sir. flocap will tell of the condi
tion of both fighters and their manner of
Former Crew Captain to Wed
"William O. (Steve) Kcyser, last year's
captain of Central High School's cham
pionship crew, will be married to Miss
Hilda Gerdlng, n childhood sweetheart,
eome time next June, It was rumored this
afternoon among friends of tho former
Crimson and Gold Btar athlete.
King of Steeplechasers Retires
BALTIMORE, Md Feb. 17.-Announce-ment
wan made here this afternoon that
Willie Allen, kins of steeplechase Jockeys,
lias definitely retired from the riding game
end has settled himself with Ills bride on
a fine farm at Laurel, Md. Compilation of
records show Allen In a class by himself
among cross-country riders In America.
During- the past eight cars Allen has
had 393 mounts and has been first 11$
times, -with total winnings of J7J.SD3.
Von Hindcnburg
TVc mail not cheer your land's intent,
Where Belgium struoolcs In the
The system that you represent,
And. such.
But in the forefront of the fray,
Out there among the tattling clan,
The wide world turns your way to say
'"N tn level," queries Fight Fan,
"what's tho low-down on this
JohnsonWlllard fight?"
About 99 2-3 per cent, of It, wo should
nuy, offhand.
The Big Guess
Even among; thoso who should Itnow
this Juarez affair has turned Into the
Great Guess, with all tho known laws
of dope badly frayed and bent.
It Is generally admitted that TVUlard
Rould never have a clianco with John
son ll tho Zulu was near old-time
torm, because Willard Is no part of a
Corbett, Fitzslmmons or Jeffries.
But at present no one has tho range
of Johnson's condition, meaning; his
physical ability to last In case "Willard
should be able to keep out of danger
for Z or 15 rounds.
The Sole International
There Is practically no chance now
extant to arrange any International
sporting devices In the way of lawn
tennis, golf, polo or yachting. The Bole
.International entry left with a chance
to continue his profession Is Freddie
"Welah lifted the lightweight cham
pionship last July. Since that fight
ht has drawn his share of the soft
money and tho 10-round fox trots. So
Jt Is now about high time for Freddie
to give Itltchle or "White a chance to
renew the International fracas over the
longer route. "Which he Isn't very
likely to do as long as the public at
large continues to pay regular money
to watch him in one of these 10-chapter
The Teuton at Play
Sir Here's a proposition In sport
that has often puzzled me. Germany,
us a .nation at borne, hardly goes In
for sport at all. In Germany they
have- no national game, no boxing. Ut
ile tennis and leas golf, Germany
simply Isn't a nation of athletes. Yet,
here In America, the Germans go- In
strongly for sport. Xaok at such base
ball Stars as Wagner Pfeffer, Pfelster,
Bchulte, Iobert, Ilerxog, Schaefer and
dozens of others. And In addition to
this, aermans In America, are well rep
resente4 among the best boxers, and
In other ways of sport. Some of our
bet football players have been, -Teuton
all the wax through. If Germans in
America, talce so readily and; aptly to
jsport, -why la there so little sport In
Maybe They Had
Sir In ranking thee best outfield ef
i1i9. -why Iwve out, the old Phlla
eIpliU combination - Delebanty,
yfeoMiiispn and -Hamilton? These three
i ifctr. KMley and Brodi beaten
jfPwk. 3. W.
ouiin avr a ysr ago the query
mum r itmy as tot what nation la
ifotf, so. a mVmfKse, 44 aat smut
ar(kitrm W tW Vr
, ,,,, , , , i ... . ii . i . r
(-' t P0- LlSTeM-.GOrJTA
MW GOT (A L , 6 HoM JlrMWV--i
. . , -, sweu tocttvjE Wamta see. rod
r&e ahead Sat Joe waiting vjHiLe 1 , . Teu Vog THero ujha-t; I
StKMSr PA?S rM Soe.Wl JOB.?, Wem"r Th'5otmM now' v Zo vc Tv7u thk
J J 1 cor To V PP FORTH1 J 1 STCMA C'rtM'T"
vr V, xf wAK-e a Vuoy-s mike ( tfue&s VEP-
1 I'SflH '. Vjfr"1 ; rA LIStfiM- D7 LiE
I hJJhm rT?x fi A d&ss V S6lMeBc,oy" "r'
figure that courage or nerve was under
tho control of any ono country. There
may bo a fow varieties of so-called
nervo, but In the main tho man from
one country Is about as courageous
as tho mnn from another. Or, as Old
Irv Cobb said, after coming back from
Europe, where he had seen several
nations upjagalnst tho test: "I don't
believe there Is a coward In the world
when tho showdown comes."
Donovan and Lajoic
Before leaving New York for tho din
ner given by Philadelphia sporting
writers to himself and Lajoic, tho
Yank mandarin had a prophecy to offer
In regard to tho Frenchman's 1915 play.
"A number of folks," remarked Bill,
"have figured that since Larry dropped
down to .258 last season, and this hap
pens to be his 20th year, he Is about
through. Nothing to It. It's a good
bet that Larry bats well over .300 again
and has ono of tho best seasons ho has
known in tho last five years. lie Is
keen about the change, as he had been
in Cleveland too long and needed the
Offside Plays
The main factor in reaching the top
is the capacity for Infinite patience.
itakes moro nerve to quit than it does
to keep on going.
Buck Herzog, of the Beds, is now
busy studying international law to find
out whether or not he can run up the
Boston flag when his club steams Into
New York or Philadelphia.
Married Men Assert They Are Better Ball Players,
While Single Ones Take Opposite View Ollie
O'Mara Takes a Crack at Benedicts' Actions.
There's a heated debate going on Just
now In baseball droits over this subject:
"Is a married ball player of more value
to a club than a bachelor ball player?"
Ono faction the wedded faction as
serts loudly that the wedded man is
more valuable to the club, white another
faction the unwedded men take the
opposite viewpoint, writes Frank O,
Menke, of the International New Service.
Xt looks like a deadlock.
The wedded fellow says that after a
ball player seta married he quits frtvollnff
and that the less frtvollns the bttter tt
Is for the ball club aa a whole. That
faction asserts that after a ball player
Sots married he becomes steadier In hi
habits; ho doesn't stay out all night, or
even half the night He realties that he
has a family, responsibilities, and that
he must keep 'working ao as tojiold his
Job and thus kp the wolf from the
OUU Otlara, wb shortstops lor ttM Brook
ryn Dodier. a4 trho U spoktanum for th
Vaihtlor suvr. hts tbl to ir:
"As soon as a uy nta married tw batl&s to
Co bW. Ha loaaa hla cap and ha loaas hla
nerva. Ha no lonjtr takes tba ehanea that h
ha did Iq tha paatu Ha doain't try tba lonr
anota on baaas tbat be did bafore ha got
hooked up.
"A, married fallow detracts from taam eplrlt
Inataad cf fettlo around with tba feojra ta tha
Tanta? ha ducks off into aoma corner and
write letter to bid wltev. Then ha aoaaka oft
(or bad, Tha married fellow won't sat into a
card imt unleas tha limit 14 about tenl blue
chips (or a panny.
"A, mirrlM ball ylajer tetaot aaaa an eta
plra aa aa usbvlra ooroeilmea naada to b
iiueh Him iuu, Bssauxa m m&rnaa lenow
fears a ftna and a later aseouaiiajr to wlfar
for tho anynaas In tha Mr anvalopa.
Tba usmsrrM bill player play baaeball
all tha lima o tba Said, on the pullmana
and la tha bote! lobblaa. Am xa aa a fallow
lata nwrriad b playa the ut, only on tba
ball Said. At all other tlmaa ha ptaya tha
lov feiii". And baaasaD and Ion done
6atM to W aa If HM44 wMa in calcc ta
4 sal aiat Hits gestt akr, dfgo. ta a,
Athletic Committee Takes
Drastic Action With Red and
Blue Track Men.
Hereafter no student who Is a candi
date for truck and field honors with tho
.varsity or freshman teams at ,tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania will be allowed
to represent an athletic club during the
academic year, from October 1 to June 1.
Announcement of the new addition to the
eligibility code was made today by Dr.
It. Talt McKenzle, acting chairman of
tho University Athletic Committee, dur
ing tho absence of Doctor Goodspced In
This rule Is tho result of tho notoriety
given to J. n. Meredith, the star middle
distance runner, who, through a misrep
resentation of the rules by the Registra
tion Committee of tho Mtddlo Atlantic A.
A. V., was permitted to represent nn ath
letic club In open meets.
The new rule. Doctor McKcnzIo said,
applies only to the track team. It was
urscd In some quarters that applying this
rule only to track men would be unfair
discrimination, but the committee felt It
would be unwise to pass a blanket tule
which would work an injustice In other
sports. It was pointed out that In tennis
and golf students of the university rep
resent various country clubs on Saturdays
during the school year, and It was felt
that tho passage of a rule prohibiting
this would be unjust. In towing, too, It
was pointed out that the University
hasn't proper accommodations for the
students who wnnt to row and that It
would bo unfair to Interfere with their
present practice of rowing with tho vari
ous clubs along the rler.
The track resolution was originally In
troduced by the track committee, of which
both Meredith and Captain Llpplncott are
members. This committee unanimously
recommended tho new rule which was ap
proved by the Board of Directors and
then turned over to the University Athle
tic Committee for action.
(ood.looklnr young fellow, Jle'a of tho heroic
typo of athlete, he's a Deau Urummel dreaaer
and he'a made a perfectly tre-e-mendous hit
with tha tirlla fans In Brooklyn. N. Y,
Tho Dodcer homo attendance picked up won
derfully last eprtns while OUIa was cavorting
on the green and quite a bulky portion of the
Increased patronage came from tho ahy, aweet
maidens that bloesom In Brooklyn. Every time
that Olllo ambled to the plate he was greeted
with 'Ady.llka plaudits, and whenever he pulled
a slzr ng play around shortfleld ha got a round
of applauea from feminine throats.
One day Ollla went out and hueted hie Iter
'and waa carted off to a hoepltal. from that
day on the feminine attendance, at thu nbtnn
park ahowed a decided falling off, but tha vlalt-
rtra ll.ta n, lh. h.Mtl.l ..t..a .,!,- .....
w . ., .,,,M .Wl, WK1B WHS CU11-
fined grew to aetonlehlng proportions.
. Bo. you sea. OUIa had better be careful about
how he apoofa matrimony, because eome day
Harry Weiser to Report to Moran
Next Monday,
8H AifOKIN. Pa . Fob, lT.-Pltcher Harry
oralnkle received word from Manager Hush
p . v io ,vcirou American ieasue
, lnstruetlns: blm to report t the tralnlnit
at dulfDort. Miss.. March 8. Harry
of tho Detroit
ruetlna: him Co l
wrp ai uuiiDort. miss., March 8. Harry
il.i V'i r,no,,,..to ? siren a trial by tho
Philadelphia. National Leaarue team, waa also
SSr.fK4, wort, Jo Mauser Pat Moran tn
Philadelphia, next Monday to jro south with the
J?AJ2?.MSRS:f IT.-Jsmes A. Qllmore.
FfSSJ.1S?tn0'..,,l' Federal feaxue. who cassed
throUBta Diltlinore last nfiht on hit way to
Pinehurst. N. c announced that the Droooil
tlon to clac a minor leaeuo in Nqw Enalaud,
had been temporarMr abandoned.
At a meetlnx of Trtstate Leaxue club own-Sr?,-F.,ir!'1r
,tternoou at, the Malestlo no
deflnlt Blan for the coming teaion waa
adopted. Whlla pti7tnltlc tt was decided to
iKoUSr month "' " "'" 'y'
lJxtl JTBaVjCISCO. Feb. lT-Maruaer Harry
Woirorton. of tho Ban Frandaeo baaeball club.
wired Chatlla 0Larr bl unconditional ye-
' I I III! .- l S
Typoa Want Baieball Games
The Typoaraphlcal Union Baseball
Club, flrat-ciaus traveling,- attraction Is
now fllllngr Its tvluxhile tor the lil eu
on. Home clubs delrtns to book this
team address Wurjr Shenor, JU5 South
Hat strcat.
Crimson nnd Gold Suffers Defeat.
Final Score, 54 to 7.
Friends' Central's crack Indoor baseball
team overwhelmed tho Central High
School nlno In tho former's gymnasium
this afternoon by tho one-sided Bcoro of
G4 to 7. A return match will bo plajcd
tho latter part of tho month.
In the first six Innlngx tho Crimson and
Gold batters wcro unablo to pet to Car
tis' delivery for n slnslo run. Tho
Friends' slussers tallied 15 runs In tho
second session nnd 10 runs in the thitd
ntul four periods.
The score by Innlncs follows:
Central High .000000 SI 1 7 It IS
Trlentls" S IS 10 10 12 11 2 x 31 bi 13
tladd nnd Krugg; Carrla nnd Barnes,
Extra Precaution Taken to Safeguard
Giant Fighter.
Bt, IVASO, Tex., I"cb. 17.-Jnck Johnson ntlt
arrle In Juarc: next Monday, and extra pre
cautions are being taken accordingly by the
military authorities to preent Johnson being
kidnaped. Under no circumstances will tho
big lighter be turned oer to United States au
thoifyes This statement Is trade on tho au
thority of Jack Curlry, General Villa's brother
and tho military and munlclal authorltlcj of
Work on the big arena for the fight, which
Is to bo located on the courni of the Juares
race track, will begin ten dais betore the flglit
' rtoth Johniton and Willard will step Into tho
rlnK,.,!1..MaJ'-n, "'.', i3h t-'Iey- 'Ihere la no
possibility of the Dcht beinir ltnfrmn.1 lnl,n.
son, since he left England, has hail three train
ers with him He has been In constant train
ing while on shipboard and will arrho In
Juarez almost ready to enter tho ring the min
ute he arrives, lie Is not anxious for post
ponement of training.
Willard Is In Hplendld shapo for the tight and
his condition la rapidly shortening the odds
that at first faioied the Negro. Willard Is
guarded night and day at hla camp, und for
tnn wek has been putting In regular training
?.t.?,7y jvfi I"!'1 h'ly. backed tho Negro when
Willard ttrht began training are now hedging.
When McCoy Met McCoy
XBW YORK. lb 17.-rhe McCoy feud,
arter Blmmerlng for a year, came to a climax
at th; llroadway Sporting Club, of Ilrooklyn.
last nleht. when Al Rudolph, krown aa Cham
P'on At McCoy, the tltleholiicr of the inlddlo
weight boxing division, met Al Thlel, who
reemtly had hla name changed by law to Al
.McCoy, and known to boxing rails as "New
Al McCoy." 'llie champion gained the honors
In tho majority of the lounds, but Al gave
.iitii t iioiu ouuio ne ermeiess. rteitner man
showed the slightest trace of boxing skill or
to drop his opponent.
Haverford Prep Five Wins
The Haverford Prep team had little
trouble in taklnc the Germantown Acad
emy quintet Into enmp this afternoon.
The tllinl KClirA n'n, fA tn At t.nt IMA
illaverfordi led 19-n.
May Be Reason He Will Not Play This
BALTIMOItB, Md.. Feb. lT.-Whlle there haa
been no definite announcement hero from Frank,
Itaker that ho would cermanently retire from
tt. diamond, hla friends state that he has
been for some time worried about his health
and a tontemulatlnK kIvItik ud basetiall In
an effort to xt Into better physical condition.
It Is known that after tho Athletics had
clinched the pennant last season Baker told
Connie Mack that he war ted to null, aa ha
felt his beat days un the diamond were over.
Mack was unwilling to lose hla drawing
card for the world's series and benced him to
atay. Uaker only went Into the world's aeries
to nleAsM Mack, and Ills ahnwtntr that, wm
aa compared with hla previous work, waa duo
to tho fact that his heart was not In It.
This wonderful Mackman will not
play this year Uonnle Mack
made tha announcement at Sport
Writere? banpet last night,
bbbk saaaaaaaHsssJasBsssaB'
Match May Be Staged at
Broadway A. C. Next Thurs
day Brown Battles Fulton.
MuBBsy Taylor, of tho Broadway A. C
Is endeavoring to stage a third match
between Tommy O'Kcefo nnd Charley
Thomas, tho two Southwark rivals, at his
13th street and Washington avenuo arena
February 18. Thomas won tho first bout
by a slight margin, and then again de
feated the veteran In their second fight.
Dorizas to Defend Title Soccer Can
didates Start Trianing.
The muko-up of tho University of Penn
sylvania team which will wrestle with
the Navy on Saturday was chosen this
afternoon as follows:
IIS pounds, Welscr; 133 pounds, Whar
ton: 145 pounds. Bennett; 158 pounds,
Nolle; heavy weight, Dorizas.
The UnWcrslty of Pennsylvania soccer
candidates startej preliminary spring
practice this afternoon on t'no Museum
Field. It was tho first time that the
Quakers ever held spring practice. Cut
the Interest in tho game la such that
Coach Stewart expects to get three or
four weeks of training out of them.
Hatboro High Five Wins
Tho Uatboro J I lull Fclionl basketball team
easllv defeated Ablngton Illgh'a Quintet this
afternoon by a score nf 22 to ll. Tho latter
team only stored ono point In tho Bccond half.
Moran to Fight Wells
LONDON, Feb. IT. Announcement was made
today that tho boxing match between Horn
lardlcr ells, the taigllsn, heay weight, nnd
JYank 'Moran, of Pittsburgh, will tako pltco
at the London Opera House on March 'M.
Orange and Black Shell Will Not Be Entered in
Poughkeepsie Regatta This Year Coach Believes
Distance Is Very Harmful to Men.
There will be no Princeton crews In the
Poughkeepsie regatta as long; as tho dis
tance of this annual race remains at
four miles. This Is the decision reached
by tho Tiger athletic authorities and Just
made publlo by Donald O. Herring, one
of Princeton's athletlo advisers, Although
Princeton has never asked to be allowed
to row on the Hudson, It Is certain that
the Tigers would be recetved with open
arms If they requested admission. But
Princeton doesn't wlah to row four miles,
and never will row this distance as long
as Dr. J, Duncan Spaeth remains at
coach. .Doctor Spaeth, who Is a graduate
of tho University of Pennsylvania, class
of J68S, where ho rowed for four years
on the Quaker crews, knows the rowing
game as well as any man In America.
His contribution to the argument aa to
Whether a four-mile race la dangerous or
not is well worth while. Hla views are
set forth by Mr. Herring-, aa follows;
"Doctor Spaeth believes, with the ma
jority of rowing coaches, that young men
can be trained to row four miles at rac
ing speed without resultant Injury to the
bart, but he emphatically does not be
i ve that young men at Princeton should
take from the moro Important phases of
their college life sufficient time to pre
pare themselves for a raca of four miles.
Doctor Spaeth balloves that a race of
less than four miles will servo to decide
relative superiority aa well as a longer
distance, and at tho same time the prep
aration for tha shorter distance can be
mads a real pleasure for the man in the
'Moreover, he practices what h
preaches Bowing men at Princeton do
get real pleasure out of their practice, win
their share of victories and maintain a
standard ot scholarship above that of
tha men who partlclpat in tsoti other
Mcadowbrook Club and Germantown
Boys to Compete at Baltimore
BALTIMORE, Md., Feb, IT. About 450
Individual entries have been received thus
far by the Joint Committee of the Fifth
ilerlment-Johns Hopkins Athletic Asso
ciation for the annual Indoor meet, to be
held here at the armory next Saturday1.
The litest entries to be received were
from t' i Meadowbrook Club, of Phila
delphia, Georgetown, Washington and
Lee and George Washington Universities.
Georgetown will bo represented by 10
men, Washington nnd Lee, eight! George
Washington, nix, and Meadowbrook.
four, Tne Germantown Hoys' Club, of
Philadelphia, and the Western High
School, of Washington, both sent In a
large batch of entries.
First race, selling1, S-rear-otds, SH furlonic
Miss Sleeth. 101: Veldt, loss Nojrnlm. 103;
Prank mtlerten, IMi. Jlmmto Hunt 10S; Meal
Ticket. 1U: Tofmrrn Hex, 111; Illuminator.
1IJ Megaphone. 108! lUrba, MM
eecond race, celling. 4rpnr-old nnd tn T
furlongs A(tnrs o 03: Orrcn llrno. lot:
E'hrl W'rrks ffl: nrlion. i'7 Nobby, AT:
ltle Son. 07) Ituss Ban, 100: Alice Terei,
100: Mollle end, loo: CHIlo, lOi: ricKurrtn. 102:
Munrtnrtero. ln-;j Ilurnt Candle, 10S: No
Quarter, 108,
J"Mnl mc. selling, 4.renr.olda nd lip, 7
, .-lonrnj-KlTln, US: 'rtlo Urama. 1)8: naekel,
10U; connaunht, 102 llnrrtr. 102: Delmiey, 10J:
Ills' l.ummnx, lul; Ilublaon II. 103: Buperl,
los: Kyc White, loi.
Fourth rnc, .1-year-oMs nnd up, 1 mile
Kiecutor, RS; Clarlbel. 08: Nannie McDce. 07:
lie, 100.
, Fifth race, aelllng. 4-year-olds and up, 7
furlongs-'Hazel C OS: 'Elma. OS: 'Oiclaln
Druz. 07! Phyllis Antolnnetle. 100: 'Minnie F..
101: Kid Nelaon, 102: Commendation. 102:
Cloud Chief, 102; 'Elsie fireen. 102: Tempfsl.
101: Col. McUcusnll. 1OT; iJidy Mint, 103:
1'rtlmn. 108.
Mutli rftco. (riling, ."l-sear-olda and up 1H
mlles-'Alro. 07: 'Nadv Innocence, 81: 'Cor
rtler, J7: Penalty. 07: 'Cantem. Iin: Ooldy, 104;
Spindle. UU: Illack Mate. 107: Flrat Star. 107.
'Apprentice allow nnco claimed. Weather
clear: track fat.
rirst race, R furlongs, purae t-100, Ho ear-olds
and up, eelllng Strome, 07: May Inrs, 100:
Mlnda, 104: Uulger. losj Martrc. l61; 'Idle
ueitii, 112; Custom House, 114. "
tiecond race, 0 furlonss, purse $400, 3-year-olds
and up, sellingUnity, 103; 'Billy Colllna,
107: 'Heart Heat, 107: Banjo Jim. 107: 'Jabot.
107; Bob n., 110; Vollhorpe. 110; Anlasler, 110;
T. M Urccn. 110: Hptlng Maes, 111.
Third race, 0 furlongs, purse $300, fl-yfar-olda
and up, handicap Bamboo, 1)4; Encore,
04. Milton Hoblec, 100; A. N. Alkln, 101;
hhndrach, 100, Wander. 111.
. Fourth race, 1 mile, for mules.
Fifth race, 1 mile, purse SIOO, .1- ear-olds
nnd up, selling Milky Way, 10(1; 'Patty
Began. 110; 'Colonol Holloway, 110; 'Coreop
sis. 113; 'Mocklcr, 110.
Sixth race, 0 furlongs, purse $100, 3- ear-olds
and up, selling Bcsponae, 102: 'llalfron, 100;
Pack Cloth, 107: 'Louise Paul 107; "'Inferni
Queen, 107; 'Major Belt, 100; San Jon, 111;
Charley Mcrcrran, 114; Pastor Boy, 114;
Qaecd, 114,
Apprentice allowance claimed.
Weather clear. Track heay.
How They Must Hate It!
TTtnier tfto roar of the stands having
lazily, through it, the player had
lie who was greatest at hlcachcrltes'
firing, - -
Left to himself, was demure and re
tiring; JS'oto tt was time to get lack to the play
"Soon," he declared, with a sigh, "t'wlll
be May again;
Alt, to escape all this rank multiplicity,
Odious, hateful, of endless publicity!"
The ball player Is like the actor, who
Is like other human beings In this re
spect; t. c., viz., nnd to wit, that he just
hates being patted on tho back. It's a
trait of tho race.
Somebody Tell Him
Jack Johnson still may be the king
Of swat and get away and slam
But he'll be mussed around the ring
If he should clash iclth Vncle Sam.
Do You Multiply?
Hlght members of tho International
League will post $10,000 each, March 15,
at New York! Of course there Is no
money in baseball, but how how much
is eight times ten thousand?
Perhaps Connie's Right
Connlo Mack's opinion In baseball Is
generally a fairly safe thing to bank on,
sports. In effect, Doctor Spaeth has con
vinced the men under his direction that It
Is better to sacrifice a degree of hyper
efficiency necessary to compete success
fully to their permanent physical Injury
at four miles to the Ideal of sport for
sport's sake; has reconciled them, to tho
Idea of racing a shorter distance because
they can do' It with less tlmo taken .from
more Important things and get real en
joyment from the dplng of It."
Herring InslsU that there Is no scJentlflo
reason for tha four-mile distance. He
points out that because Oxford and Cam
bridge crows, trained under radically dif
ferent conditions, established the four
mile distance, Harvard and Yale, adopted
It because It was the standard across the
water. Then, he says, the Poughkeepsie
course was made the same distance which
was hallowed at New London. Sentiment,
lis maintains. Is the sole reason for Us
Mr. IXerrlng also makes some very ln
!?.''." observations cdncernlng Vivian
Nlckalls, tho Pennsylvania coach, who
now Is tha strongest advoca6 among
American coaches of the four-mile dis
tance for American crews. What Herring
objects ta most about Nlckalls' support
of the four-mils distance Is his state
ment that. "I have. neVer yet known
any man to bo permanently Injured by
rowing, for to taka part-In any race your
physical condition must be excellent"
Mr. Herring, who, like Mr. Nlckalls. Is
also an Oxford man. deolares that Nick.
St Oxfort. dU t( W8 EnsUb tn'ning
How In ley Sea
CAMBRIDE). liais rb. U.-lUrvaWa
iarllr crew rest-day want out en the CnarTes
u.;.. t -- zt .L"-r 'T.,7--"- -"
aa fcwr,
Umpires Game Between Vanfl
and Scrubs and In8tnj?
Squad of Twirlera at FruM
" Albert neniTr -- 3
the star pitcher of lh a.vi..?7 U
volunteered his services to coaeh ii,. ??"
vers tv of PennsTlvnnl. Z!i.S. ? tlhU
on Franklin Field for the tint iii.!
afternoon and officiated . "iJ.',
flve-lnnlng game, after having ov.rtJ.iMK
It was fne first pltthlng hi & J
this year, and not having a uniform S5S
pitched In hla shirt sleeves. Bend.V ?
nrom aefl tn h. nut , L .rin
a week until he ha to go south for &
Ing. He expressed his pleasure atv5
on.. v., ;r. ;.v.v "mii. n .-
"". w".. b-VklD
a great A.vt.
good from Ills coaching,
in spite of tho chill weather i?
Quaker candidates refused to work t.
where except outdoors. Aft.c 4t,.."T;
warming-up practice Coach Tws
stagca a nve-lnnlng game, and tb la
ond team put It all over tho vamltrvS
by the score of 7 to 6, the first Umitw
,.uu ". una new,, vuUace, who nith.j'
for the freshmen Inat .. .?.!?
the second team this afternoon, ni vlil
work wnn favnrnhlv nntnt.i... ".MM
Coach Thomas and Bonder. Wlnr 'm
the pitching for the varsity. The ti.
Malchett, rf.
Disc. Sh.
J. Irwin. If.
Iflncksen, rf,
Andrews, ta.
Koons. c.
Frceland, lb
WTitte. 3b.
Wiener, n. .
Score by Inning
Bafclto. If,
'rnornofon. ef,
H. Iruln. rf,
J-Iurray, ih.
Hopkins. Sb.
Wheol.r. is.
Hill. 3b.
Johnson, c.
Wallucc. y.
. " tunm
Scrubs 0 2 0 2 S-T II 11
,1l. ,k. ..h!,.. -... .? "I1 .'till
also played a pntcUco game. In htri,lVfiI
n,B, Imri wnn
ii to . incso teams lined jl
as follows:
, TB.M B.
Olcmllle, e.
Jackson, p.
llanlev. lb.
Chlnuolne. !b.
Itcdflcld. ss.
Walkerman. 2b.
nickon. If, i
Young, cf.
7.atlmcr. rf.
AM lh.
Cobb. 2b.
Lnwrcncc. ss
Novlns, Sb
llrslc. If.
riulirer. cf.
arrcn. rf.
Flret rare, purse, M.-nr-oI,i naldenvl'il
furlongs FmilerV lr ll1 wife 9 to I, I 5I
O, 0 D. nun, i em, ji, vjeiurj, j 10 1, YH,'
rsn."'l to 2. third. Time.' l:io. Virginian
Field, Viva, Coggety. Old Bob, Ztmloch tM
lomnne iomniun uibu run
and ho may bo perfectly right wlieon
says there Isno room for the Federauj
Had you ever 1
Had a person bold and clever a
Take away a bunch of profits your'neil
labeled for yourself,
We rather
Think you'd blather
2iaf the one who thus did catJter
In your shekels was IntrudMg owJljl
glutton for the pelf.
Very Nicely, Thank You
A'oto get the optimistic note
That o'er the pane doth fairly gloat-
Last night, their hearts to labor deaiM
Those sportliig writers went and fci.
Just You Wait, Frank
. J. Baker's word Is spokeni trlfJi
game, lie says, lies uruui, ,:
And all fandom, by that token, it coj;
turned with sorrowing;
Oh, the winter days arc dreary and Iffl
farmer groweth weary
And of leaving somewhat leery 'crei
merry days of spring;
Swiftly toward us spring Is tdnsffl
aoon the bluebirds will be swm
And'lhe basehlts will be Unglnn, 'tin
ring blood of age and youth;
Let us. then, have patience, tcalfwj
until sound of umps berating
And of wallops do their baiting 'cm
ice take his words as truth.
We'll Miss You, Boy!
Thousands of fans who read
mornlnK miners could hardly beUevj,
ti,Au ..., ii,.i TCnnV rtVAi tha hekyyj
hitter of tho Athletics, had tlrjl
Connie Mack made the annaunceineSil
at tho Bport writers' dinner last nltm
at tho Majestic. It was like HeWSI
out of a clear sky. This makes ajS
other cob to repair In the grg
$100,000 machine. Frank spoke of i
tiring last year, and as hid iealthvlL
been a source of worry to hlrra
cehlly, he probably felt compelled
give up tho game. The fans will sur;
miss him. Baker Is well off In. t!
... . . . . , i
worm's goods ana qoesn i nayo i a
ball. As a successful fanner 'Ja
well known. Maybe after a year's rtfil
ho will decide to play again. We boj
so, at any rate.
Packey Hommey wants to knofrj
Williams, Kllbano or Welsh cares iotj
of 'his wares. Packev's manager, WJ
Lenny, lias money up as part of a
felt to bind the match with eitner vjj
threa world's chamnlonB. WlUkUM
Kllbne, evidently, are thinking on'yj
their proposed match, and. haven't'Jjg
to bother about Hommey's coauw;
Welsh Is West, so Packey will W
bide his time.
Be a Snort, Sam
What would you call this WJ
WJIllams matter T A muddler wj
than that. For a time tne weis
tlon was the bone of contention, Tg
when that detail was cleared away4
money argument developed. DumVl
Kllbane, has signed to box p"i
national a. v., wmcu, pfi.-""" -
that Harris, manager of Wtlliaawi
have to alao sign up at that
thare will be no fight. Harri tS
would want 24 hours to think It pj
Harris is stubborn, the KUban!
llama proposition is off Tha puM
talnly seems attractive enougn- 31
. c . .I... 3,itt. In tk 1
uciiCTB, cam, UIO.V 1V -M