.BVBNiyCr LBI&BB1HXX;ABELPHIA WEDNESDAY. 1?BBKITABY 17, Spiff; 11 ' - -- - - . . . ..... . , ... . . lfe3C DiiiilnMil iiiiinlni iiiilm 4B , a nff 1 lM?. Ittfl: rcKt folli will (fin rl' aa Jill n on w 133 S wg MM .ft! Mj te a; 11ft .SB: THE THEATRE k-f landing Around All rrevious snows & .,.l AnOrNI-. hook ov naroiu iiifr iftWHtiule by Slamund nomberjt and Harry i; fen fitsScd by J, C. Huffman. I.yno wi', tt.rtv flrsham ... tlarrv Clarke Hfiin1:;: nnbert ... ........ Miriiiin ho HWttnin WJAley Frank Carter QeWTSaLV. ,, .Kitty. Doner ra".'.'.Y.i HlftlK'i- h'ii ....... .... ....Mary itouson jati E!"t ,,;,',' .rriri uiie bra iliv are. they re."-Al Jolson. Lryboay knows -what a Winter Oar- .i,w tries to do. (Besides, of course, K alnB a full Jiouso to mako Up for the M'"lnR. . -.. t I,... rf combat hv Kll flfifln oi '" "" " " I.' , iw.il "nnnrlnir Around" jv, runawnj.; " .. i. "Ami." In the elegant langaugo lirtt. Jolson, "then some!' M-" . ... ,u ,... -.- turn . i mc: " ""..:" ; "ir.;,"" R. m eomo form or ., ...k.Uu..., ftatfuMr. "Th0 SBmc Sort ot alrl' KriDPcrary" tries to, ioc tor me ui.ru iu this year ln tt musical piece-but kMbct and notes nro differently nr- Ktdwneniiiy-"- - v:-v- EKlety Hh la white cuffs nnd white B&tonhole bouquet and white gloves (Just Mm, Mr Jolson's) and his very Intimate R?...Ani Interest In all the principals. . i." . . iiAinni iiur-i Lunuuiivvti wuv .- KJi Fn. coBtumes. By Melvll.e nu s or T&irtt. an" ocbihiiuu i emu.. ...... PrrZ' win. a verv short sesalon at his riltllnc llttlo Plnno because ho Is nulto fllVpensablo as n supplier of Japanese aeir.t.inA. an tA nna unrein ira ruho. tnrinw and white, black, blue and green; onnr ... . h nf ,inrt. nVK. ;?E!.h .iiier. and finally a myriad ot KSmdb, Bllmmcilng, RllttcrlnB Venice of rtanKles and opalescence, as remarkable ft. rch of color as our musical comedy '"'.' . .... ir- Will.. n(t,n .ffnrl. mk8 up for puttlncr Belgium In tlghta hll the United States (all five of them) 'walk on garbed modestly In the national 'it tin's a plot almost. All about a girl u the telephone and a British officer ;--, lnaer who has pawned her voice, Iknd a plot to do the herolno out of her oVbMt in musical comedy. But Mr. Jol on faves her and us. He has spoiled 7?ry r'ot ho ever was In and he's ready Vr Bpon ,lls ul11-. x u v.Hiii.( i.iuiu heavenl Just think. If one of these things lent on to tho bitter end. f The Winter Garden show at the I.yrlc V everything' a Winter Garden show Wit to have. Tt doesn't oven forget lUttrolt and tho'proflt-Bharlng gentleman "who mnde walking a pleasure." But mMtlv it has Al Jolson. Jle swlnga the ittnery to inaico us nizzy. no iears tk ba.nk has declared a nntatorlum. He ltiurrectt on Kluck. Ho talks about the 'ciimtd tomatoes ho received when he played a bloodhound pup In "Uncle Tom's Ctbln" before he grew out of the part. fenot only sings "Sister Susie's Sewing BhlrU for Soldiers": he makes tho audl raC tins It. He listen to the cackle a lauKhing Kng'lshman and remarks Impatiently, "I know, but Where's the tfg?" Ho appears as a hotel clerk, a tundoller. a porter, a bellboy, a waiter, i doorman, an Indian prince and a mas nuse. And all the time he Is his own lll-iufflclent, dominating, unescapabie, un deniable self. That glint or cheerful mas ty In his Jetty eye is what turns even the commonest old Jest Into a classic of raedy. Orer in London Efthere hasn't been so dull a season In tbtatrlcal London in tho memory of the oldest playgoer. No ontable, no oven pres entable plajs seem to come to the stage. Revivals and, disappointments rule. Occasionally a revhal is enlivened by tlch a Bcene ns the London Chronicle describes In connection with F. It. Hen lon'i performance ot the patriotic classic, Henry V". "Under the authority of the 3Yar Office this martial play was used to Uslit recruiting, especially the recrult- lnj- of tho za Battalion, City of London Rejlraent, Royal Fusiliers. Two hundred eata had been placed at the disposal of lilie- authorities, and those present In cluded the Lord Mayor, Major General kEfr Francis Lloyd (commanding the Lon don, umsion) and Lieutenant Colonel Sir .Charles Owens. These gentlemen ad dressed the crowded house between the jet; and a recruiting sergeant was in attendance to reap the fruits of their elo- aY"" xjenaon mmseir, oerore tne !t 6au, camo -irom tne curtain or He past' to 'the curtain of the present .rets, through Shakespeare, to ring out trumpet call to arms." Sir George Alexander 'nas rnntrihnteH .IQItfl excellent dKiiniv ir .... . Jlenlng play, in his production of "Kings m Queens," by Itudolf Besler. This vug unsusnman onco wrote a remark- v ' J.rltea comedy. "Don," which the w Theatre produced over here; and there WaS COnRldmhl nn.l.aAm-... .n K. found In his "Lady Patricia." But the fesent attempt to show royalty in un es uniform has only resulted In some ...,."" rellecuons rr01T A- B. Walkley. KSomehow or other we all like to see Ivjf.i .P ""nlng- away from wooden jgioajidj, so ions Rs tney thlnk b8tter ..... HiiiiAinira uaimores i t, ihi" L-.i. .,,,,., i. . n.i.uey wesion iBBtf Tf11" .,.,,,.,,.... Ocorale O'llnme Tt'lf ...Olln Rowland I CHILDREN'S CORNER Big iKP O-BIg Ben was not a clock! Nor WflJ tin AVltl nniHxrl .,. ill nn.f.il '5 fakes you up In the morning. l Gen was named tnnrr hAlnra Hint jSP Urm clock appeared on the market. ti El Ben his name remained In spite iiA't (ha clocks man lnllrht Invont! nin. M wa a fin big Newfoundland dos- jj nneet dog a boy could possibly want. BE" (Big Ben'a master) waB ao proud kw. that ha often Invented excuses ftn coutd ftaut tho ,Ud at tolJ as iUll htmttlf. Sll'IS w,t, hl". ! Joved to It m. T Prsby turned and talked ' wa elpg how they praised hi looka raanoeril For you see. Bis Ben S ,MJblit find, but he was smart triJl ' n4 " ,0Ved hl Wt'" - ioti nis mailer loved win t2f wIked lonB 'he streets P rsys b " ' irits, tim wiia via nen Ml ,rcJ; Uor dw't he tovt tn fin. ih or4'J n4 VS B h- V & h V. BHbbbbI ANN MURDOCK Coming to tho Gar'flck next week. of It Immediately and return to rout mamma-in-lnw and live 'napplly ever aft terward cspnclally when tho glrl-wlfo can be so wlntomely girlish as Miss Marie Lohr and when the wooden husband can bo turned Into so hot a firebrand ns Mr. Wonlner In the last act. And ohl don't wo Just all like to see Sir George Alex ander being once more the sentimental, polished, elderly vlveur!" One of the Prize-losers Wlnthrop Ames' 510,000 prlze-wlnnor, "Children of Karth," may bo entered upon an untimely demise; but some of the prize-losers In his competition should live forever, if they are nt all ns re markable as the letters which introduced them to the attention of the Judges. Hero la a sample: I beg your pardon If T am a nus cenco. but something tells me that my play Is not quite long enough to satisfy your wants. It seemed so nufel long to mo while writclng It that I left out ono scene, between the for est park scene and tho sick room. Tho scene left out Is, Mamie washing, on Monday, day after tho Bcene In park. An insurance agent comes to collect for policy on baby, and asks her to quit washing and become his affinity. Mamlo Is very lnd!(.nant, and tells him what she thinks of him. This is only ft brief outline of the scene. If It Is necessary to add this sceen to make my drama Ions enough, I -will bo glad to send It to you. P. S. I will write It tonight and have It typewritten Monday nnd mall to you. Coming Events Robert Mantoll the only purveyor of the Bard doing business this winter Is due nt the Lyric, beginning March S. A llttlo careful thought will evolve the fact that Mr. Mantell's extensive repertory will begin operations nt the samo time as DeWolf Hopper's battery of Gilbert and Sullivan at the Metropolitan. Heaven help the critic on nights like thosel Mr. Mantell will open this engagement with his novel revival of "King John." The other plays are "King Lear," "Macbeth," "Hamlet," "Othello," "The Merchant of Venice," "Romeo nnd Juliet," "Richard III," "Julius Caesar," "Louis XI" nnd "Richelieu," Robert Hllllard will return to the Gar rlck April E In the melodrama by Harvey J. O'Htgglns nnd Harriet Ford, "The Argyle Case," which Is already familiar to Philadelphia. On Wednesday night, February 21, the members of the Lu Lu Temple Shrine, will occupy the Lyric Theatre In a body. Ben py and elated (for hadn't he the best master on earth?). And people, turned to look at them and to notice) who they were. One day In tho late winter. Bill's little sister Sue fell and hurt her foot, Tho doctor said she should not walk or atand on that foot for three weeks. "And Just at the time when I wanted to go and watch tho big; coasting; contest!" exclaimed Hue (n dismay. Tou see, In that city there was held (several times every winter) a coasting contest, and all the boys and girls who wished to, entered tho contest and coasted down the long hill on the edge of the park. The ono who could coast' the farthest and the atralghtest was called the best coaster ot the year. Now, these matches were great fun to watch, and Sue, even though she was too little by far to enter the contest, wanted so much to -watch tha others. But a lUtle l'rl who can't walk or even step, can't go very far toward a coasting- match. That Is, she can't unless aha has a brother, As soon as Bill found how disappointed his little sister -was about missing; the match, ha sat to work making plana about how to get her there. But he said nothing to her about It, he wanted to ba sure he could do aa he hoped he could before he told her what be was planning; to do. He made a coxy box top to the beat sled he could get. This ha hitched to Big; Ben by means of stout rope and then began the work of tratnlnr the dog to pull the sled so safely that there would bo no langer for a little crippled girl. By tha day of the match, Big Ben could haul the sled aa well as Bill him self, and Sua's mother thought It per fectly saf for her to ride behind him. Sua was bundled up and put In tha com. fortablo sled, then drove to the coasting place and sat In comfort during tha whola match. Big Ben seemed to feel his re sponsibility and bo walked so sedately and pulled so steadily that people ha passed clapped their hands and praised htm BUI won the coasting match, and ss Big Ben proudly pulled his little pas senger home, he was tha happiest dog in the, whole. wo?lnl th,e proudest, toq! Tho characteristic virtues of lime. Olga, Samaroff are familiar enough t6 conceft golng audiences of Philadelphia; there la teally no need to rehearse them, and It they alone wero the offering ot her recit als tha crlllo would be hard put to It, In deed, to find what to say of her playing. Hut In addition to hervlrtues aa a pian ist, Mme. Samaroft Tins this gift as an artist, that she Is almost dazzllngly TT" satlte, and that no display of her talents may over be called complete. It seemed when she had played the baroque Tschal kowsky concerto, some months ago, that she had spoken her last word. It seemed, some weeks later when she played the Emperor concerto of Beethoven, that she had found a new volco for the occasion and made It her own. Tho recitals nho has given In this city have each scorned to be endowed with their special note, their cpoctal accent, In tho varjlng n.oods, which they represented, Lajit night, In' the concert of the Y. M. H. A. tshe found tho most appealing attltlulo In a refined fnmlllarlty, an easy nnd gracious ctiinra dtrle with her work and with her audi ence. It was only regrettable that that spirit should have once been Insulted by tho thoughtlessness of some of tho auditors .. ' After a group of Chopin Etudes, the Mazurka lu A minor and tho Ballade In A flat, Mme. Samaroff devoted herself to n 'Theme and Variations" of Ktneat Scheltlnir. As tho rrjislu rangod from the rhythmic beat of hear chords to the rwlft scattering ot arpcjrglos, and the high-hold Insistence of tn'ls, bo tho spirit ot the Interpreter changed with It. nnd was grave, nnd appealing, and Joyoiw In tin ii. But It was In the third group, wh rh Included the familiar nnd touching Ro mania of Schumann (In F sharp), the equally familiar and romantic third Lle bwstraum of Liszt, a Rachmaninoff pre lude, nnd which ended with Mme Sama roff'a favorite arrangement ot tho "Ride of the Walkyrlcs" It wbb in this group that the charm and tho versatility, tha lightness and the tenderness, even the romantic lovellners of hero olnvlni-. wore truly shown. And If ono quality Is to be chosen above others In this evening's re cital. It must be the remarkable rhythmic sense of Mme. Samnroff. It Is Impossible to say whether or no she believes that In rhythm lies tho persuasiveness, tho di rectness of appeal In all music. But cer tnlnly, In her exquisite sense for It, she gives support to that theory. 5? THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADEIjPHI-'The Third Tarty," nllh Tajler Holmrs and Vt alter Jones A boisterous tutce of the familiar trlansulnr nrlety Hh a pat ent chaperon Violent but amuilnR.. ..SslB BROAD ''Pysrnallon." with Mrs. 1'at Camp bell, tho distinguished Eiurllsh actress. Ber nard Shaw turns a Cockney nower girl Into the nhonetlc eo.ulalent of a rtuchoss. A nn Impersonation In n fine comedy. .. . 8. IB FORKBST "Fads and Fancies," with Dorothy Jardon, Lydla LopoUova, Frank Jloulan and a half don variety stars Hubllmated vaudewllt, comparlsoned in color, mirth Rnd (lancing . . . :15 O AHR1CK "innocent," with Pauline Freder ick and a good cant. The disastrous lesultn of beauty, Ignoiance and a lady. Rather unexciting considering Ita subject . 8.15 LITTLE "The Admirable Dashvlllo" and "The Dark Lady of the Sonnets," with tho resident company. Two comedies by Shaw. One a Wank verse dramatization of his noel on puglllvn; tha othor an amuslnr encounter between Queen Elizabeth and Shaw's only dramatis rival. Good fun for the lntelll sent 8:1R LVRIC "Danclns Around," with Al Jolson. A Winter Garden show with a hussar hero who Is looklne for a bwiuty spot and finds a whole ballroomful. ee review . ... 8:13 VI ALNUT "It's a LonB Way io Tlnperary." A war drama alonr popular lines with the popular sons well to the fore. Neutral, of course $ 13 Vaudeville KEITH'S-Carollna White, the distinguished dinger; Trltlo Briganza, the popular Cornell enne' Harry Ueresford and company. Mr. and Mrs. J. McOreevy. Lucy Gillette. Adler and Arllne, Blank Family, Martin Van Ber gen, the Behrens and Paths Nena Vi eeklv aLtHK-Flo Rert in "The Dream Pirates'. FJHnk J5Illt0.n ani 'he De Long Slstera. lit "The Terminal": Annie Kent, Rums and JClzsen, slngera, the Arco .Brothers, balancers: Dorothy King- and Sara Kendlp, Plerco and Malzee and Plelcrt and Schoncfd. NINOX Wilson .Taylor. In his plajlet, "The Chief of Police": Camilla reraonl, In a Japs ' operetta. '-Butterny Loe" the Nine Whlt Hus6ar, Instrumentalists, the Circle Comedy Tour, Alexander Porter. In "Patter and Chatter", the Great 'Vi heeler, bicyclist NIXON'S GRAND-Werner-Amoros and com pany. In a Juggling noelty: Robins, "the one-man band": the Six Little Honey Bees Kirk and Fogarty, ocallsts; the Cabaret Doge, trained animals: Jennings and Kters blackface comedians, and comedy motion Pic tures WILLIAM rnNN-IIarry Happ. In "The Ruver from Pittsburgh," by James Moran Tim McMahon and With Chapprlle, In "How Hubby Missed the Train": Vlan Fnrd and Harry Howltt. singers and dancers: Ed Core lit and Charles Gillette, "the old pair", wilt Morrlssey and Dolly Racket and Eugenie Dunedln. CROSS KEYS (first half of week)-May Ward, "the Dresden doll comodienne." In "The Cash Girl"; Lasky'a Three Types, In a po. lng turn: the Par Ulan Trio, comedy and music: Walsh and Walsh. In "At the Shores of KiUarney": Paull and Boyne, modern dancers, and the "Stage-struck Kids." WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT Sunday revival sermon, tabernacle, 10th and Vine streets: 7:30 o'clock. Free. Lecture, "Sanitation and Accident Proba tion In Industry," Dr. Francis D. ratteraon, Franklin Inatlt".: S o'clock. Free. Goldfish Fanciers' Society, SOI Glrard ave nue: 8 o'clock. Lecture, "The Interpretation of American Scenerv," Prof, Douglas W. Johnson, Griffith Hall: 8 o'clock. Scuth fOtli street Improement Association, Albion Hall, 61st street and Osage avenue, 8 u clock Free. Music Teachers' Association, Presetr Audi torium. 1711 Chestnut street; 8 o'elook. Receptfon by the Iietsy .Roes Tent, No. 4, Daughter of Veterans. George G. Meada Post Hall, Parkway liulldlny; 8.35 o'clock. County Medical Society, 22d and lAidlonv strteti; 0 o'clock. Free. SUES TO RECOVER 85050 PAID ON MINE IN MEXICO Major Gillette One of Defendants In Action in Common Pleas. Bait for (5350, alleged to have) been paid Into a fund to purchase a mine In Mexico, was started today In Common Fleas Court by John B. Stevenson. Sd, against Major Casslus B. Olltette, former chief of the Filtration Bureau In this city and president of the Mexlcon Kincon Mining Company, and nobert V, 'Whltmer, a di rector of the company. Stevenson alleg-es Gillette. Whltmer and Hugh McDonnell wero the promoters of the mine, on which McDonnell "had ob tained an option from a Mexican corpora tion. This option was transferred first to the American Rlncon MlnlntT Company and later to t Mexican Rlncon Mining; Company, extended from time to time, but never paid. Finally. Stevenson says, tha promoters circulated a. subscription sjrreeroent to pay off the option, under which Btevenson paid $tf&0. Tne prtoo of the mine was to be 1500.009. Us fears that the money will never ba used for tha purposa for which ho pledged It, and therefore has started suit. CITY PETS BIDS ON HOUSES Two bidders today offered horses to the city for the Bureaus of Fire, Po lice and Wealth, at prices ranting- from J16I to titi each. The average price per horse last year was 185, The bidders were Frank. JUambert and Paul Connelly Councils has appropriated $18,000 for tha purchase of horsea for the three bureaus. The bda wero opened In tb Dtjpart- IN SPEECH AT DINNER; LAJOIEMAY FELL GAP Home Run Hitter's Retire ment From Baseball to Live on His Farm Is Chief Theme at Sporting Writers' Banquet. Athletics Still Have Good Chnnco for Pennant Despite Loss of Stars, Speakers De clare Bily Kopf May Got Baker's Place in the Infield. "The season can't come too soon for me. I'm feeling good and I want to Bet back Jn the jfame." That Is the way Larry Lajole, the hope of the Athletics, put It last night nt tho nnnu.il banquet of the Philadelphia sporting urlters nt the Majestic Connlo Mack made the somewhat star tling announcement thnt "Homo R.in" Salter had retired from baseball. Usually the Diamond Wizard cither does not appear on auch occasions or cleo he titters a fow choaon words which mean nothing more than that ho Is a guest or the occasion and wishes ecr.body well. Last nlsht. however, li In nttltudo was different, Just ns It has been different since the close of the season of 1JH. He asked waivers on Plank, Bender nml Coombs; sold Uddlo Collins to the White Sox, and now announces that Unlccr has retired from baseball, substituting tho plowBhara for the bludgeon. In other words, linker will "farm" himself out instead of allowing a base ball magnate to do that for Mm. Baiter lias wanted to do this for two cars, but apparently ho has Just gotten tho norvo to do Jt. While there can bo no doubt In tho minds of those who havo followed tho fortunes ot the Athlotlcs closely that the absence of Baker will be felt, still, theio Is n hope that Larry Lnjoto will come to the front ns ho himself believes ho can nnd drlvo In enough runs for Mack to win another pennant In the American League, and for the first time In Lajolo's brllllnnt career allow him to tnkc part Ir n. World Scries. KOPF FOR, BAKnn'S PLACE? Connie Mack gave out no statement which could bo construed into a forecast of his opinion about Halter's successor. Hut It nppears that Hilly Kopf, who was utility 111 nn for thn Macldau infield In 1314, will get thn position. Kopf Is a voting playor, with nil tho assets of the coming star. He hll cither right or left handed, depending, of course, on which arm the opposing pitcher happens to bo using. Furthermore, he Is a fielder of wonderful ability. He fields. In fact, far bettor than Baker, both In tho matter of ground halls and touching a runner, the Intter nrt being ono with which Baker was totally unfamiliar, despltn his cars of experience. According to. Slack, there has been no disagreement over salary, Baker having signed a thrce-yoar contract last season, nnd this contract Is still In force. For tho last three years Mack has had diffi culty in obtaining Baker's signature to n baseball contract because tho home-run hitter deslied to retire from tho gams and spend tho remainder of his life on Ills form at Trappe, Md Last year when Baker signed with tho Athletics' C'onnls Mack Informed him that ho wan tired o coaxing him to play ball every enr, nnd Insisted on tho player signing for threa ears. On numerous occasions last summor when Baker was advertised to piny In ex hibition games ho became suddenly ill nnd was uiinblo to be present. On these same occasions ho Invariably went to his farm In Marjland, showing that ho would rather be on tho farm than In the lime glow of baseball. BAICI3R SAVED FORTUNE. Baker owns two largo and very valuable farms nt Trappe, Md., and, being thrifty, a careful liver and a man of excellent habits, he Is believed to havo accumulated a comfortable fortune, ro that ho con afford to retire from baseball with no fear of the future. Ever since J. Franklin Baker Joined the Athletics he has been one of the most talked-of players in basebnll, but gained his greatest fame In 1911 when his home run drives proved an Importnnt factor In winning the world's championship series between the Athletics and tho Now York Giants, and he becamo known throughout the baseball world as "Home Run Baker " In 1909 Baker became the regular third baseman of tho Athletics, succeeding the famous Jlminv Collins, who In his day was considered the best thtrd-sacker In baseball. Baker was not considered u star man as a fielder, but he fitted into the infield combination of tho Athletics, which, with Collins, Barry and Mclnnls, was known as Connie Mack's "JtOO.OOO In field " The season of 1911 was the most notable one In Baker's career. That year he played In 148 games and finished with a batting percentage of .334, und In his work for the season he hammered out nine home runs. Baker Is still a young man. He was born at Trappe, Md , where he still makes his home, In 18S6, and first entered the limelight In 1906 with an amateur team at Rldgeloy, Md. He was "discovered" by Charley Herzojr, now manager of the Cin cinnati team, and In 1907 and part of 1903 played with Herzog on the Cambridge, Md., team. He was purchased by Man ager Weltzel, of the Reading Trlstato team. In 1903, and played there until Con nie Mack secured him at the closa of ths Trlstato League season. Baker Is married, and hla wife's objection to him continuing a baseball career Is one reason for hla retirement. CONNJH MAOIC'S SPEECH. Connie Mack, speaking of Baker, said: "I'm sorry that I havo to announce that Frank Baker Is lost to us, lis Is going to retire permanently from the game. The Idea Isn't new one with Frank, for ha has had that Intention for soma years past, It has been hard for ras for years to keep him In tha game. Lost spring I went to him and tried to set htm to sign up a contract) for three years, I wanted to be free from the annual un easiness about his staying on with us. "But he was firm In bis resolve that ths 1911 season would be his last. For the last six or seven years he has been accumulating quite a sum of money, and he Is eager to settle down on the two fine farms which he owns; and I couldn't prevail on htm to change his mind, "Baker wasn't dlssatlsned In any way with his contracts or anything else. It was Just that he wants to retire alto gether, "Bo we can't do anything but gtye him the good wishes that ho deserves to sepd him on In his new field. He has the good wishes of tho club and myself, and, I am suro, of all of you In, th.'." Ths opinion of the :mtn at tho banquet seemed to bo that dtspltV the big gaps In the line-up of the AthUtlcs, they would still have better than a lighting chance for the pennant And thus they expressed themaelves to Jaclt Lapp, aw joe Bub. the two members or ths Mackmen of 1115 present asked by Connie Mack, but who signed a contract with ths Baltimore Feds, was present. The chlof took neither public nor private Issue with any of the re marks. Ho was n, guest, uid that "let him out," according to him. Pat Moran, tho new leader of the Phllllos, and "Wild Mill" Donovan, mnnager Of the 1913 Vnnkees, with ItJolc, wero tho guests of honor nt the entertainment '"barley Ebbets, who Is always at every banquet, cither In person or by proxy, actually put In nn nppearnnto last night. Ho did not claim thn pennant for the Dodgers (even though ho recent! signed John Coombs), but he did sny that liH team would bo In tho running nnd nlso would be "In the sntno boat with tho Athletics and Phillies" on tho spring training trip. All of which Is entirely true, ns tho three teams sail from New York on tho same steamer for Florida. Tebruary 2d. Herman Dick, Billy Peterson, Jack Morrison nnd Jimmy Manning enter tained with popular songs In their usual classy manner MANY CRY FOR WORK IN "AD" COLUMNS Pathetic Appeals of Jobless Are Reflected in Cold Type of "Situations Wanted." HAKKR-Uread baker, 40ers old. whose lest emntorpr tavt he wsx thornnehlt. honent and reliable, end In t&o years nas neer lale one r!v. ltd Hss 0 children, oldost 11 Tear; joungost 1 nan oocn out 01 iorK .1 rnuiuna, j'enrs. H. o c. nro (Northern Dl C. BTO (Northern District. a. O. C , 14.10 N Aiarsuau at. Sometimes there appear In tho "situa tions wanted" columns of the papers "lids" that aro so pathetically worded thnt even the callous reader stops to think of tho unfortunate condition of his fellow men. But If ho Is very, very cal lous, he turni to the stock quotations or the sporting page, with the reflection that the luscttlon li, perhaps, only n clover trick to nttrnct attention. "No man could bo ns hard up ns that," saja he, whllo Imbibing his second cup of coffee. But men can bo as hard up as that. And women, too. Tho above quoted "ad" Is taken directly from tho columni of the Evcvmo LKDdGR, Moreover, every caso quoted has been Investigated. No over statement ot poverty or distress for tho purpose of arousing public sympathy has been found. This Is not what. In news paper parlance. Is called "sob stuff." Each nnd every ono ot theso advertise ments Is a true story. T.ike, for Instance, the following bold statement G1IU.S To glrli want any Kind of work; hnuseuorlc or tpwlng. no ono In family of eight working; mother 111. .1. W. n.. BflO Two ouug girls aro willing to do any kind of honest work so that they can tnke enro of nn 111 mother nnd four youngsters, to say nothing of themselves. The do not cure how hurd they will have to work if they only can get the oppor tunity to do something Thus far this hns been denied them Likewise llio following desperate cases: KN1TTINO Woman, tho sole support nf nn invalid husband and three small children, wants work of any kind, preferably knitting. her husband, n laborer, was Injured some months ago, and had hla leg amputated I, A., 80. CAnPKNTErt Colored minister. 45 sears old, uants work as carpenter, printer or painter; recommended as a thoroughly enmpotent and deserving man; has n wife and three children, will do anything. FX A , 10.". srswiNfl A German woman desires plain sow ing, she Is the solo support ot an invalid huntmnd nnd four children ranging from 4 months to 0 jears of age. the husband li a longshoreman, who has been 111 for months, suffering from rheumatism and lack of proper nourishment 11, A., 102. I.AHOItnn, Italian, nut of vork elx months, wife and Heven children, all 111 nourished No. BOS. J. W. H Theso nre but n few Isolated examples picked at random from columns of adver tisements which tho Eveninci Lnoaun nnd the Piibuc I.EDonn, In co-operation with the Emergency Aid Committee, aro Insert ing free of charge until the present condi tion of unptecedented unemployment is relieved. BAL MASQUE FINALE BIZARRE, BUT GREAT Throng of Merrymakers Fills Broad Street in Wee Sma' Hours of the Morning. Had sou been on Broad street shortly after dawn this motning as the gaily garbed throng of harlequins, Pierrettes, sailors and what-not poured out of Horti cultural Hall at the conclusion of tho bal masque It might have been that you would havo supposed sourself n. witness of tho final obsequies of tho social season of 1914-15. Nothing of the sort. From 6 o'clock on until long after the customary time for thn male members of the gather ing to report nt the office twoscore or moro Indefatigable dancing enthusiasts prolonged tho carnival rove! at tho "breakfast dansant" at the nitz-Carlton. The word "breakfast," be it said, Is merely a temporal adjective. There was food, of course, the classic scrambled eggs and sausages, but they were altogether a subsidiary consideration. The dance was the order of the occasion. In spite of mnn.v long or would It be better to any shoU' fox-trotting, one-stepping, waltz ing hours slnco early last evening tho "ragpicker" spirit was Irrepressible and all-triumphant. It was a weird sight. With full day light flooding the ornate ballroom It fur nished a gnrish background for a kaleido scopic spectacle. The multicolored cos tumes topped by faces showing nil their weariness through the elaborate "make ups" lent n final blzarro touch to the scene. Phrove Tuesday, like Christmas, comes but once a year, and It Is a long way to next foil and tho resumption of such ac tivities on anything but a more or less In formal basis. It was weird and bizarre, but It was a eveat finish. Among those nt the dansant were! Mr. and Mrs. William C. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs Ned Atherton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steel, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Large, Mr. and Mrs, Qutnoy Adams Gllmore, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bonsack, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bradford Fraley. Miss Leila Fisher, DanUl Hutchinson, 3d, J, H. Stelnmnn and Edward Pago. RAGTIME SYMPHONY WINS PRIZE FOR COMPOSER HERE Chicago Orchestra Will Perform Henry A. Lanjj'a Wofk. Rave tou shuddered and wept at tne late syn cepattcna. The musical flans of the sew ragtime blUT Co you Imth all their rollicking, queer hesi tation And over tbelr "harmony" io Into fits? Oh, don't desert muslo In sheer desperation. And don't let your Interest get sleepy or sag. For now we are come to th realization, Tbrouch Henry Lans'a help, of Idealized rsr. Some day, If they wait long enough, pa trons ot muslo In this city will have the opportunity of hearing ragtime, Idealized and etherealUed, raised to the height of Beethoven In "Symphony No. is," recently composed by Henry A. Lang, ot 1513 8outh 51th street. Mr. Lang says that In composing hla symphony he merely "adapted the syncopated motifs of rag. time to the classical .requirements of the symphony." To tho average person this U rather vague, but the Chicago Orches tra has faith In the merits of Mr. Lang's production and will play it on March 11 at Chicago. Mr Lang spent all last summer work ing over his ragtime symphony, but he says It was worth It because, of the satis faction he derives from having been a, pioneer In a, new field of musical composi tion, and bis symphony won a prize of JEW from the Illinois Music Teaehers As sociation. He la a teacher of composition at ths Philadelphia Conservatory of M THE PHOTOPLAY H EAGLE EYE A Redskin Member of the Mnjcstlc Film Players. I-ouli Joseph Vance, beloved of novel readers, has become president of the Fiction Pictures Company, a photoplay producing concern, which hns under way "The Spanish Jnde," by Maurice Hewlett, with Betty Bellatrs In tho feature tote; "Penrod," by Booth Tarklngton; "Ro mance," by Joseph Conrad; "To Havo nnd to Hold," by Mary Johnson; "D'Arcy of the Guards," by Louis Evan Shlpmnn; "The C'onqueit ot Canaan," by Booth Tarklngton, "Tho Taming ot Red Butto Westctn," by Francis Lyndo, nnd the following novels nnd plays of Mr. Vance: "Tho Lono Wolf" (featuring Hermann Licb). "Nobody." "Milady," "Tho Black ling," "No Mnn's Land," "Joan Thurs day," "Tho Bronze Bell," "Plunder Island," "Tho Destroying Angel," "At tho Kleventh Hour" nnd "Cynthla-of-thc-Mlnutc." Children nt the Movies Why should teachers light the motion pictures when the motion pictures are admittedly freo from any moral objec tions? asks the Moving Picture World To forbid children to enter motion picture theatres Is one thing, 10 mane, such a mandate effective Is quite another thing. In a city on the coast ono enterprising exhibitor, having arranged n special chil dren's program, went Into the schools and distributed complimentary tickets In- VERY FDIiL SKIRTS TO STOP FIVE INCHES ABOVE ANKLE Some of Elaborate Frocks Even High er, Buyer in Paris Reports. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Very full skirts that stop five Inches abovo the ankle and with petticoats underneath them Is the startling style news from Paris, accord ing to a letter Just received by J. M. Gid dlng & Co. from their buyer thero of Im ported gown and suit models. Some ot the clnborato frocks aro oven 10 Inches above the ankles. "Empire wnlst lines are the rule In tho new suits and gowns, though Worth Is showing a nipped In long bodice," she iv rites In her report of what she has seen at the Paris openings. "Sleeves are threo quarter and elbow length In the more elaborate afternoon suits. There nre quite a few bolero Jackets. Most of tho other coats stop nbout llvo Inches below tho hips, falling In godct folds from a waist lino four Inches higher than a nat ural one. GETS TEN DAYS FOR FIGHT A salubrious feeling thnt Impelled Sam uel Coleman, of l2t Morse street, to dem onstrate his flstlo prowess on Fredeilck Slckelbach, of 1810 Uber street, and later to thrust his fist through the window of SIckelbach'B home, resulted In Coleman being sentenced to 10 das In the House of Correction today by Magistrate Mor ris, at tho 20th nnd Berks streets police station. Rlckelbnch and Coleman were arrested by Policeman Zagle, hut Sickel bach was discharged. When Coleman was asked why ho started the fight he said he was feeling gay. HELD AS GANG LEADER One of the leaders of the so-called "gas house gang," arrested at tho supper table, today was held In $W0 ball for court by Magistrate Scott, of the Front and Master streets station. He is charged with breaking In a plate glass window In the snloon of James Gallagher, 1022 Frankford avenue. Fox was seen running away from the saloon and was arrested by Detectives Paussman and Bender. The arrest Is highly prlred by the police, as an effort Is being made to break up the group of men and boys which makes tha neighborhood of Beach and Laurel streets Its headquarters. CSSS i " W,afcSJPasssi ilsffwdassP n lmmmmm , J SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE TODAT'S FEATURES TIOGA THEATRE vV".S at.. Matinee at Ss80 w .i.h -. A. IK snrl D o'CloelC rhll.s Finest Photoplay Theatre. Cap. iOOO CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE HOME OF WOHLD'8 anBATEST PHOTOPLAYS ONE MORE WEEK OW1NO TO I1IO DEMAND REGENT mz-8 Market Street STAR THEATRE KENBINOTON AVENUE BELOW I.E11IOU AVENUE TULPEHOCKEN Oermantown Ave. & Tulpehocken Bt. tg&B?AT Frolic Theatre IRIS THEATRE Kemlntton and Allegheny Ayes. JEFFERSON 20th below Dauphin Ht. OVERBROOK 63d St. and Harerford Ave. GERMANTOWN THEATRE SRAio?!fft5i4B!!s II tar tha famom Hopa-Jone yip ????, BELVIDERE gffo7eg Si GARDEN 83d St. end Lansdowne Aw. LEADER 41st Et. and Lancaster Ave. SEE TODAY! ZUDORA IN AVOCA !0H and SlcUran Sts Great Southern io2a south Third bt. WINDSOR Frank ford and Hens .a ton A vet MANHEIM Hoffman House Gerj'entnim Ave. KUfni6t; RftlTaod " Tlasa tets. juiiUa, lllng both pupils, and teachers f atUrnfc Tha Board of Education regarded this as an attempt to stampede tho school Into tho motion picture theatres. It was de- elded to check the enthusiasm ot thoUUU" dren by withholding credits In all " where the pupil went to tho motion pic ture theatres loo fcequanUy to suit the teachers Tho result Is Confusion and a, serious danger to school discipline. Tho moro rational w$r of dealing with tho" problem would bo to compromise with tho pupils and glvo them certain liberties, Imposing at the same time certain re sponsibilities. Tho plan has worked welt In many oltles. Poetic Woes Miss Dorcas J. Haas, hitherto unknown 10 fame, has favored the Evxkiko LBroEa,with a poetlo effort, which Is re produced herewith verbatim: JVnlUnff There was a Mute woman, .Who wrote in Vain, Askln a Director To help hr reach Fame. Iter amaimnatlon was evirely grett. And she relly did believe Th?.!..,n could walk on T. Thone wires Willi almost lightning Speed. 8lie could climb a fence, Alsj a tall trees Could run and Jump And not hurt tier kneejt. She could ride a horse, The old Orstn plays nut to see nnk"i or water HI13 would run a way. She Is esgerly waiting An answer or To ten, Telling of Rood luck Heforo her heart Is riroken. Personalities Uert G. Hlobcl. formerly with the Wl(let fttudlos. Is now associated with Krlterion PcrUco In the capacity of assistant editor lu tho technical department. Hundreds who havo seen Beatrix Mich clena in the screen-drama "Mlgnon" liave questioned whether or not sho wore, ft wig. They admired her long ourls, but doubted their genuineness. As a matter of fact, Miss Mlchclenn. docs not have to wear a wig. She Is tho possessor ot a beautiful head of hair. In Edna Mayo, Essanay has obtained another star. Although only 22 years of ago, she has had six years of experience 011 the speaking stago and In motion pic ture work. The most recent plays In which she nppcarcd on the speaking stags wero "Madame X," "Excuse Me" and "Help Wanted " Elmer McGovern announced this week that Dell Henderson has Joined the Key stpno tftnff. Irene Wallace, leading lady: Harold Howard, and Mnkoto Inokuchl, the Japa nese nctor, left Chicago this week for the west const, where they will work In tho Sellg Polyscopo stook companies. Answers to Correspondents Ruth No Information regarding ths actress you mention. Awfully sorry. H. D. S. a. M. Anderson Is part owner of the Essanay. Miss C. R. II. The picture you aalc about Is not a Lubln picture. The Kids' Chronicle I WAS setting awn tho cn;o of my bed today putting awn my utnlr shoo, and awl of a suddln I stopped getting dresstu and Jest sat there thinking, and ma calm and looked In tho door and saw me doing it. Do you realize that you only have haft an hour to get yure brekflst and be erly for akool, sed ma. ' Tea mum, I scd. Then will you pleeze lxplane wy you aro setting tharo llko a graving image as It you had awl the time In tho werld, sed ma. ' I dont blecve I can go to skool today, I sed. Well for goodnlss sakes, and wy not, pray, sed ma. Something happened to mc, I sed, Wats that, O my goodnlss, wats the trubbll, wat happened, sed ma. It alnt mutch, but I dont see how I can go to skool today, I sed. Benny Potts, tell me wats tho mattlr with you, tell me Immeedltely, do you hecr, sed ma. Sumthlng broak, I sed. Sumthlng wat, sed ma. Broak, I sed. My grayshlss. It you dont tell mo tfils Instant wats the matter with you I dont no wat 111 do to you, sed rria. But, I dont think I can go to skpol to day, I sed. Are you going to tell me wat alls you or are you going to drive me krazy, sed ma. My shoo string broak, I sed. Wich Jest then ma ran inside 'of the room and gave me Biitch a krack a$w tho ecr Its a wundlr sumthlng elts dldent brake, and I quick got a noo snoo lace out of tho drawt ware ma keeps' them and put It In my shoo and went clown and ate my brekflst and went to skool. MODERN BANCINO TIIH O. Er.LWOODCATlPENTBnSTtJDIO,112S Chestnut St.; open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M : beat patronace: best system; mod, rates; ISlnstruc. tors, muslo always; neivest of the new atepa. CALENDAR rSWBn FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN In THE BATTLE OF LOVE A nnOADWAY STAR FCtTUnB -I-OUR TIMES DAILY THE CHRISTIAN Afternoons. 1 and 3 lOo and IDs r.Tenlnis, 1 and 0 tOe, ISe, iSe Neat Week ANNETTE KEU.EllSlANYThe Perfect Woman," In "Neptune's Daughter" Re'ed"" The Dancing Girl The Exploits of Elaine No. 3 Featuring an All-Star Cast OTHER rOPULAB PRODUCTIONS CHAltl.ES mcit&iAN Till? Trl Ct OATHEHINH COUNTESS lUUlK vffi&kin The Man of the Hour Beatriz Michelena in "MIGNON" PROTECT US" Co in I air Stair. 1 to tt TIIH CHRISTIAN REVOLUTIONIST A S-Reel Feature THOMAS JEFFERSON in RIP VAN WINKLE Booked Through ths Stanley Baaklor C. THE SAGE BRUSH GAL 30 Years of a Gambler's life Lillian Russell in WILDFIRE THE $20,000,000 MYSTERY No, 8FOILEP ELOPEMENT No. 10 'Gentlemen Crooks No. 10 Gentlemen Croolcs No, 11 Message front the Hat No, 7 Mystery of tt SMjw T?6. lS-SHJKSp (, SlU afAJaTABIfS, mjtrBUPSM - Cbio i&tndesv on wJwa valvors rero,j