tfS0 wwswwpp EVENING rEDGEB-PHILADILPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1915; T 1 iwx . . .mi J m. w m m tit L Uy E. PHJLLIPS OPPENHEIM : Hinut'Hia. Leonard Tavtrnane, anjumrann rain none, rtreril fleotrtee Burnau, an American plrl, tTirvtnff ,onrfon, rom steallrtff. She l m, pefsisHritf. aoalnsi her letll. in befriend, lie her. X a restaurant he fell her about dlirweli ' 'ho 'hrouds her own past In mJner ' dinner iheu S" to the embankment, b3 hire Beatrice attempt iiileMe". Tauer iu,U hurries her into a ehrmlet nop nnd Kc lie s eared. lVAIIe restlna there, Beatrice overnear o rlchtu powned woman asking for n drva. She nroios euddenlv frtahtencd and (Mists that Tavernake lake her oicai. CHAPTER IV. BREAKFAST WITH BEATIUCE. The clrl, nwnkencd, perhaps, by the passing of some heavy enrt along the ktreet below, or by tho touch of the sun beam which lay across her pillow, first opened hrr eyes nnd then, after a pre liminary staro around, Bat up In bed. The events of tho previous night slowly jhaped themselves In her mind. She remembered everything up to tho com mencement of that drlvo In tho taxlcab. Eometlme nftcr that sho must have fainted. And now what hnd become of hcrf Where was sho? She looked nround her In ovcr-lncreaa-Inl surprise. Certainly It was tho itrangcsl room bIio had over been In, The floor was dusty and Innocent of any car pot; the window was bare and uncur tained. Tho walls were unpapercd, but covered hero and there with strange looking plans, ono of them taking up nearly the whole side of tho room a very toifgli piece of work with llttlo dabs of blue paint hero and there, and shadings and diagrams which were absolutely un intelligible. She hcrsolf was lying upon a battered Iron bedstead, nml she was wearing a very coarse nightdress. Her own clothes were folded up and lay upon a piece of brown paper on the floor by the side of tho bed. To all appearance, the room was entirely unfurnished, ex cept that In the mlddlo of It was a hideous papier macho screen. After her first bewildered Inspection of tier surroundings. It was upon this screen that her attention was naturally directed. Obviously It must bo thcra to conceal something. Very carefully sho leaned out of bed until she was able to see around tho coraor of It. Then her heart gave a llttlo Jump and sho was only Just able to stlflo an exclamation of fear. Borne one was sitting there a man sit ting on a battered cano chair, bending over a roll of papers which vero stretched upon a rude deal table. Sho felt her checks grow hot. It must bo Tavernake! Where had ho brought her? What did bis presence In the room mean? The bed creaked heavily as sho recalned her former position. A volco came to hor from behind tho screen. She know It at once. It was Tavernnke's. "Vcs," sho answered, "yes. I am awake. Is that Mr. Tavenake? Where am I, please?" "First of all, nre you better?" ho In aulred. "I am better," sho assured him, sitting tip In bed and pulling tho clothes to her chin. "I am quite well now. Tell mo at once where I am nnd what you are doing over there." ' "There Is nothing to bo terrified about," Tavernake answered. "To all effects nnd purposes, I am In another room. When I rnove to the door, as I shall do directly, ALARM CLOCK DANCE ' TO USHER IN LENT Brand-new Thrill to Mark Closing of Social Season at Ritz-Carlton. Philadelphia Is to havo a brand-new thrill tomorrow morning or perhaps, de pending on the point of view, it would bo more accurate to say tonight. Out of deference to those who Insist on putting off to the last possible moment the actual, If not tho literal advent of the Lenten season, thero will bo served from B:30 to J a. m. tomorrow or tonight breakfast In the ballroom of the Rltz-Carlton Hotel Which Is not bo much In Itself, but-arid let tho thrill trickle Its way uninterrupted down your spine there will be In addition music and dancing! All hall the breakfast dansant! Perhaps you havo forgotten that today ia, Shrove Tuesday, and that beginning to morrow tho social world will hie itself out of existence for bIx long weeks. But by the same token tonight In Mardt Gras, .the spirit of carnival rules supreme, and the same social world will for 13 ahort hours devote Itself solely and enthusias tically to the one last revel of the season Of 191M5. The chief event of the evening, night wd morning Is the bal masque at Horti cultural Hall. But In all the hotels and ,many prlvato homes other parties will be In full swing till the wee small hours jrow big again. But while realizing thnt all good things must como to an end, the Itltz manage ment feela there Is nothing to prevent a large attendance for a few hasty mouth ful a on tho way home, and a step or two on the Bide. So If you should wander Into the Itltz tomorrow morning and find ,a motley garbed assemblage one-stepping between mouthfuls of scrambled eggs and nuiages, and Jean, the maltre d'hotel, .smilingly ready to show you to a seat, do not bo surprised. It la merely the spirit of the age of the breakfast dansant. "MADE IN AMERICA" ni 90 Per cent, of Big Display Mode in Philadelphia. ;, There's an old saying that It pays to .advertise, and made-ln-Amerlca products Mo getting plenty of advertising nowa- . dftVM Hf lu.tini1l.& .av. all ftVA 4h Sti-Unlted States Is reoresented In the vast display at the -wholesale house of Young, IJSmyth. Field & Co.. 1216 Arch street. Vrbere are ribbons of all makes, colors land qualities from Philadelphia, woolens from few England, hosiery from tha sweat, and every article of men's and SVomen's aDDarel that you can lmaslne. ff "The most Interesting part of the dis- J-Piay is the fact that, while all the States are well represented at tne opening, at iUtst 90 per cent of the whole stock la f$nwde. right hero In Philadelphia," said SfWtUIam Kendle, the superintendent. "We lVed to Bet a. trreat deal of our mer- lifhsndlse from Germany. You know wa gpVfe, a glove factory over there, and pince the war we have been virtually Lwunout Help. There are no operators Bft at home. So we are lust showing jpvbat America can do." ii i SMITH SMILED TOO SOON John P Smith, e Negro, of Harrlaburr. lulled In a satisfied manner today when Judge Little. In Quarter Sessions Court. 'fjtnteuoed Mm to six months In the evuniy resort lor trying to snatcn a Ketbook from Miss May Smith, of 1600 lie street Tha nriaoner'a smile aulcklv (Wed when he was again brought before court and put uirougn ro-examiAa, i on Ma nrevioua criminal record. h&i the dcffi&drit admitted ervloi)t fMreStj. ...rlJ I -til. Ivmul ht son. ( tli t two and halt tars Us JaJV I shall drag the screen with me. I can promise you" "1'lcnso explain everything," she begged, "quickly. I am mostuncomfortable." "At half-past twelve this morning," Tavernake nald, "I found myself alono In o. taxlcab with you, without any lug gage or nny Idea where to go to. To make matters worse, you fainted. I tried two hotels, but they refused to take you In! they were probably afraid that you wero going to bo III. Then I thought of this room. I am employed, as you know, by a Arm of estate ngonts. I do a great deal of work on my own account, how ever, which I prefer to do In secret, and unknown to tny one. For that nason, I hired this room a year ago and I como hero most evenings to work. Sometimes I stay lato, so last month I bought a small bedstead and hnd It fixed up here. Thero Is a woman who comes In to clean the room. I went to her house last night and persuaded her to come here. She Undrcsccd you and put you to bed. I am sorry thnt my presence hero distresses you, but It Is a largo building nnd quite empty at night-time. I thought you might wake up and be frightened, no f borrowed this screen from the woman and havo been sitting here." "What, nil night?" she gasped. "Certainly," ho nnswercd. "The woman could not stop herself and this Is not a residential building at all. All the lower floors ro let for offices nnd warehouses, and tnero Is no ono else In the place until eight o'clock." Sho put her hands to her head and sat quite still for a moment or two. It was really hnrd to take everything In. "Aren't you very sleepy?" she asked, Ir relevantly. "Not very," ho replied. "I dozed for an hour, n little time ago. Slnco then I havo been looking through some DlnnB 'which Interest mo very much." "Can I get up?" sho Inquired, timidly. "If you feel strong enough, please do," he answered, with manifest relief. "I shall move towards tho door, dragging mo screen In front of me. You will find a brush and comb nnd somo hairpins on your clothes. I could not think of anything olso to get for you, but. If you will dress, wo will wnlk to London Bridge Station, which Is Just across the way, and while I order some breakfast you can go Into the ladles' room nnd do your hair prop erly. I did my best to get hold of a looking-glass, but It was quite Impossible." Tho girl's senso of humor was suddenly awake. She had hard work not to Bcream. Ho had evidently thought out nil theso details In painstaking fashion, ono by one. "Thank you," she said. "I will get up Immediately, If you will do as you say." Ho clutched the screen from the Inside nnd dragged It towards the door. On tho threshold, he spoke to her once more. "I shall sit upon the stairs Just out side," ho announced. "I sh.a'n't bo more than Ave minutes," sho assured him. Sho sprang out of bed and dressed quickly. Thero was nothing beyond whero tho screen had been except n table covered with plans, and a particularly Anrd cano chair which she dragged over for her own use. As she dressed, she began to realize how much this matter-of-fact, unimpressionable joung man had dono for her during the Inst few hours. The reflection affected her In a curious manner. She became afflicted with a ,'hyncss which sho had not felt when he was In tho room. When at last she had ORDER PUTS NEW BAN ON SHIPMENTS OF LIVE STOCK Action Curbs Movements of Cattlo Within Large Territory. WASHINGTON', Feb. lS.-By a now or der of the Department of Agriculture bearing on tho foot and mouth disease situation, live stock shipments, except for slaughter within 4S hours, were prohib ited today from all territory cast of the Mississippi and north of Tennessee. It was provided, however, thnt Vir ginia, Vermont, Maine and the District of Columbia may ship stock on nffldavlt thnt It has been on their farms a certain length of time and unexposed to con tagion. Another order covering tho whole country decrees that after Wednesday no live stock not Intended for Immediate slaughter shall be transported except In cars which have been cleaned and disin fected. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Louis A. Arkcrman, J.'IIL' Carlisle St., and Flor ence) A 1'ellor, 2 BS Carllale at. Albert Williams. 4.'H N IMli at., anil Mary Pougms. '1011 Oermantown ae. John it. Hull. 1027 Bhackamaxon at., and Flor ence A. Moranz. 231 IV. Wlahart at. Charles F. Mc.Vally. Jr.. 1007 McKean at., and Agna Taylor, 1218 MlfTlin at. Martin V. Connell. 721.T Taachall ave., and Anna M. Tlnney, B1SO Kershaw at. John II. lllacock, Secane, Pa., and Helen II. tilckels, Herane, 1'a. Fcler J. Kllroy, 2722 K. Thompson St., and Hannah C. Mullen, 2718 B. Thompson at, James If. Crumble, .1230 N. I'ork ave., and Ida C. Young, 2008 13. Chelten ave, Jamea W. Connolly. Dundee, N. V., and Mary a. Tennant. 4610 Walnut st. Albert Ilardack. .1103 W. York St., and Esther blnderotltch, 4070 Ilaverford ae. William J. McCartney, n.12 Cantrell at., and Anna M. Pascals. G20 Catharine, at. John A, Terrace. Montreal, Canada, and Illlde- sjarde Clark. Ilroud st. and (llrard ave. William J. Wendler. .1022 Clifford St., and Isa- bello r:d arils. ,1i22 Clifford t. Benjamin Lelbovltch. .128 Malnbrldca st and Mollle Rerknultz. 212 need at. Clarence Thomas, 1223W B. Fletcher St., anr i:iliaheth S. llensiey. 1410 8. Wth at. Kllwood It. OMfleld. 2018 Uoudlnot at., and Louisa I), dreen. 20ITI D at. Tjlmltrlo I'ateralkls, 812 Race St., and Anas- taala Kuntumadl. Ml Winter St. Harry C. llutler. .1.114 N. Warnock at., and Adelaide M. 81'Hhann. 1110 K. Chelten ae. Louis Mandel. 231 Spruce St., and Jennie Llchou. B27 Oreen nt. Daniel Ilyvteek. insn K, Patton at., and Iteba Olttelman. 217 S. C2d at. Charles T, Barnes. Albany. N, T and Emma llalstead. .1221 Ilorer at. John L. McWllllama. 723 N. Da Kalb st., and Alice M. Farrell, 3410 Mantua aVe. Charles 1 Schmidt. SOTll Lelthgow at., and Isabella Ougel. SKM IN, nth at. Andrew j. Johnson, 023 S. 17th at., and Sadie Jllcka, 1818 Catharine at, IloLert n, Holland. 1210 Italnbrldio at., and I-oiordla Simmons. l.VHi Bouth st. Vlnctnio Bala. 414 H. Orlanna at,, and Angels Vlsalle. 414 8. Orlanna at. Meyer Brooks, 013 Emily at., and Mlnntt Green, 170S H. 4th at. M Barney' Scharrr, 313 Christian at., and Bos Beclcman, POO 8. 3d at. Charlea H. Ood.liall. 2322 N. 10th st., and Elisabeth W. Eckstein, 2123 N. Colitis ave. Edward J. MrOIII. 4UU4 Hawthorne at,, and Edna M. McDermott, 460t Hawthorns at. Anthony Wajsowskl. 1010 Bristol at., and Katie Kafel, 22C6 Venanao at. Harry M. Abramonlts, 1H1.1 Jackson st., and Anna C. Taylor. 2218 South at. . M Jacob Kretwi. Ki.1 N. Parlen St., and auzsl Htencel. 4217 Inneraoll at. Louis corr, 1122 Poplar at., and Blum Shear, 83.10 HUhland are. John J. Connera, 22IO 8. Uemberger st., and Itoberta Patton. 1120 pine at. M . Jlenry W. Clvde. l.vto Pyro at., and Edith Ityan, 3114 N. Front t. M John Baalle. 1423 H. Juniper St.. and Mar- Bsrrt oamble. Oil Schuylkill aye. Izao Keller, 310 S. 6th at., and Bos Uraberr. lUrry fester!'' Atlantto City, and Oraee M. I.atr.1, 108 Bverreen ave. tPaul c! PouUjon. Jr.. 1828 E. Cumberland at.. and Elizabeth Carter. 21 ESIIver at. Abraham Ubert. an N. Franklin at., and Mary Chasan, 4120 Stllea st. . Louis lUlbert. 211 germantown ava., and llertha Weiss. W3 n7 Franklin at. Patrick Fltzpatrtrk J4 N. ltlnggold st, and Brldzet Iealiy, 741 N. Rinftold st. Warren. H. Vetwiler. 23.13 ,N. 23th at, and Msttlt 8. Strewn. Perkasle, Pa. Cesldlo ! Roaato. 1202 Moore st, and Mlchsllna ii. CodutL 1022 Watktn at. John P. Beck, Bala. Pa., and Louisa Franz. Enfi, SirJSTBtiV. and TU1I. Her- w7.?mWA. W. 'Jr.. 2816 K. 27th ,L. and Miriam Palmer, 21J8 N 80th at. OSvaAtl A. FUl'ppl. W8. llloVa sL, and Mary E. Gorman, 4720 Stulck. at. mint 1 1 i i i f ii ii Jt Is, Major Child Now Captain Ralph I Child, of Company I id. Regiment, was elected maior last night by the esraUione4 officers of the or ganization at the armory. Tha election was presided over by George E. JCeWfe Jr ef U 14 RegUBMt,- . L, MFTING OF TAVER A TALE OF LOVE, MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE HERE WAS SOMETHING NEW FOR HIM flnlehed her toilette and opened the door, she was almost tongue-tied. Ho was sit ting on tho top step, with his back against tho landing, nnd his eyes were closed. Ho opened them with n little stn'rt, however, as soon as ho heard her approach. "I nm glad you have not been long," ho remarked. "I want to bo nt my ofllco at nine o'clock and I must go and havo a bath somewhere. Theso stairs are rather steep. Plcaso walk carefully." Sho followed him In silence down three flights of stono steps. On each lauding thero were namrs upon tho doors two firms of hop merchants, a solicitor, nnd a commission agent. The ground floor was somo sort of wnrehouse, from which came a strong smell of leather. Tavernake opened tho outside door with MARRIED CO YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary Today. Air. and Sirs. James Coleman, of 15)1 North Clarion street, are celebrating to day the Both nnnlversnry of their wedding. Surrounded by their family, the couple will spend the dny quietly, nnd tonight thero will be n reunion of the entire family at the Coleman residence. Mr. nnd Mrs. Coleman weresmnriled In Philadelphia In 1SC3, soon after' Mr. Cole man had left the Union army, with which ho served from the beginning of the Civil War. For 40 years Mr. Coleman has been n runner for the Bank of North Amcrlcn. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman linvo five children, all of whom nre living and married. On April 3 next Mrs. Cole man will celebrate her 71st birthday, and on Juno 13 Mr. Coleman will have passed his "1st year. NAVAL MAN TO RETIRE Rear Admiral Ocorgo Sidney Willlts, V. S, N., having completed his full term of service, 21 years afloat and an equal period nshore, will bo tetlred Sunday at tho age of 02 years. Rear Admiral "V11 llts lives at 1313 Locust street, and has been for somo tlmo In chnrgo of the United States Bureau of Steam En gineers, with offices In the Federal Build ing. A veteran of the Spanish-American War and the Boxer Rebellion, he was once "advanced in numbers for eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle" in the Philippine campaign. In the Spanish American War he commanded the Mar blehead. He Is a native of Pennsylvania and was born February 21. 1853. He en tered the Naval Academy at the age of 20 years and was made Rear Admiral March 13. 1013. M0Y.IE. OF. I . , I. ' MaHBIIHv,HlIsaHMsaaaRsii isss.asasssa.ssssa.Miaaissasswaasssasasa.sssi.sw sii sssi ass. alaswsaaasssisasBssssssatisBassisMaBejsssaBsaiaBB(iajsassjsaas.ssai BaSsaaisjajaeasiaasaMasisaBnaBisaBssssssimatsaiaMMawsaanasaBBSsaM -ssaAasMWsstaatsassssaiaasaMsssisaBassssssBaaaBwiBssaBaiaMssaiBaBMSsBB Tys '' H90R..OCU. UNJDuv ".- TMB..DOOH ' lall i'f 7 VJIWWW5 f NARY'-' DAHUMOt" lt jj ,. " i' i ' ' ' ' ' . ii. ' ' s ii i, 'i w.ii i ' in i i in i n i i i . i i i .1 ii i . 1 1 i i , H , m, ., a small key and they passed Into tho street. "London Bridge Station Is Just across tho way," ho said. "Tho refreshment room will bo open nnd wo can get some breakfast at once." "What time Is It?" she asked. "About half-past Beven." Sho walked by his side quite meekly, and although there were many things which sho was longing to say, she re .malned absolutely without the power of speech. Except that ho was looking a llttlo crumpled, thero was nothing what ever in his nppearanco to Indicnte that ho had been up all night. He looked exactly as ho had dono on tho previous dny, ho Bcemed even qulto unconscious SIX PERSONS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE FROM NIGHT FIRE Policeman Rouses Sleeping Family "When Blaze Sweeps House. Six persons had a narrow escape from being overcome by smoke when flro broke out at midnight In the paperhanglng dis play room of Louie Korman, COS North 4th street. Kormnn, his wlfo nnd four children, John, 18 years old; Esther, 36 years old; May, 10 years, and Frances, 5 years old, wero asleep on the second floor of tho building when aroused by Policeman Hammcrle, of the Dd street nnd Fair mount avenue pollco station. The man and his wife escaped by climb ing from the front windows of the houso nnd crawling nlong the coping beneath the windows to nwning poles nnd then sliding to tho pavement, while tho thrco young girls wero rescued by their brother and Policeman Kammerle, by means of n ladder raised by the latter to a window at the rear of tho building. All of the family were In their night clothing and suffered severely from the rain which was falling at tho time. They were enred for by neighbors. The flro was extinguished without difficulty, the damage being estimated at $500. The origin of the blaze Is unknown. SUFFRAGE IN DELAWARE DOVER, Del., Fob. 16. A ray of hope was offered today to Delaware suf fragists, when the House Committee on Revised Statutes made a favorable re port on the suffrage amendment. It Is not probable a vote will be taken within 43 hours, although Miss Mabel Vernon, State organizer. Is anxious to have tho Representatives decide the Issue. A MAH 1 A. M.t WW- JBAfl JkOjST. HIS. LAXCH )pr that there was anything unusual In their relations. As soon as they arrived at the station, ho pointed to the ladles' waiting- room. "If you will bo In and arrange your hair there." he said, "I will go and order breakfast and havo a shave. I will oe back here In nbout twenty mlnuten. Tou had better tako this." He offered her a shilling and she ac cepted It without hesitation. As soon as he had gone, however, she looked at tho coin In her hand In blank wonder, Sho had accepted It from him with perfect naturalness and without even saying "Thank youwl With a queer little laugh, she pushed open the swinging doora and made her way Into the waiting-room. In hardly inoro than a quarter of an hour sho emerged, to find Tavernake waiting for her. He had retled his tie, bought a fresh collar, had been shaved. She, too, had Improved her appearance. "Breakfast Is waiting this way," he an nounced. She followed him obediently and they sat down at a small table In tho station refreshment-room. "Mr. Tavernake," sho asked, suddenly, "I must ask you something. Has any thing like this ever happened to you be fore?" "Nothing," he assured her, with some emphasis. "You seem to take everything so much an a matter of course," sho protested. "Why not?" "Oh, I don't know," she replied, a little feebly. "Only-" Sho found relief In a sudden and per fectly natural laugh. "As a matter of fact," she declared, "I feel much more lllto crying. Don't you know that you were very foolish last night? You ought to have left mo alono. Why didn't you7 You would havo saved yourself a groat deal of trouble." He nodded, as though that point of view did, in some degree, commend Itself to him. "Yes," ho admitted, "I suppose I should. I do not, even now, understand why I Interfered. I can only remember that It didn't seem Impossible not to at the time. I suppose one must have Impulses," ho added, with a little frown. "The reflection," she remarked, helping herself to another roll, "seems to annoy you." "It does," he confessed. "I do not like to feel Impelled to do anything tho rea son for which Is not npporont. I like to do just the things which seem likely to work out best for myself." "How you must hate me!" she mur mured. "No, I do not hate you," ho replied, "but, on tho other hand, you have cer tainly been a trouble to me. First of all, I told a falsehood at the boarding house, and I prefer nlwaya to tell the truth when I can. Then I followed you out of tho house, which I dlsllk'ed doing very much, nnd I seem to havo spent a considerable portion of tho tlmo since. In your com pany, under somewhat extraordinary cir cumstances. I do not understand why I havo done this." "I suppose It Is becauso you are a very good-hearted person," sho remarked. "But I am not," he nssurcd her, calmly. "I am nothing of the nort. I havo very llttlo sympathy with good-hearted people. I think the -world goes very much better when every one looks after himself, and the people who are not competent to do so go to tho wall. "It sounds a trlflo selfish," she mur mured. "Perhaps It Is. I have nn Idea that If I could phrase It differently It would be come philosophy." "Perhaps," sho suggested, smiling across the table at him, "you have really done all this because you Ilka me." "I am quite suro that It Is not that." he declared. "I eel nn Interest In you for which I cannot account, but It does not seem to me to be a personal one. Last night," he continued, "when I was sitting there wnitlng, I tried to puzzle It all out. I came to the conclusion that It was because you represent something which I do not understand. I am very curious and It always Interests me to learn. I believe that must be the secret of my Interest In you." "You are very complimentary." she told him, mockingly. "I wonder what there Is In the world which I could teach so superior a person as Mr. Tavernake?" He took her question quite seriously, "I wonder what there Is myself," he answered. "And yet, In a way, I think I Unow." "Your imagination should come to the rescue," she remarked. "I have no Imagination," he declared, gloomily. They were silent for several minutes; she was still studying him. "I wonder you don't ask me any ques tions about myself," she said, abruptly. "There Is only one thing." he answered, "concerning which I am In the least curl out. Last night In the chemist's shop" "Don't!" she begged him, with suddenly whitening face. "Don't speak of thatl" "Very well," ha replied, Indifferently. "I thought that you were rather Inviting my questions. You need not be afraid of any more. I really am not curious about personal matters! I find that my own life absorbs alt my Interests." They had finished breakfast and ho paid the bill. Bha began to put on her gloves. "Whatever happens to me," she said, "I shall never forget that you have been very kind." She hesitated for a moment and then he seemed to realize more completely how really kind he had been. There had been a certain crude delicacy nbout his actions which she had under-appreciated. She leaned towards him. There was noth ing left this morning of that disfiguring sullenness. Her mouth was soft; her eyes were bright, almost appealing. It Taver nake had been a Judge of woman's looks, he would certain have found her attrac tive. "I am very, very grateful to you," she continued, holding out her hand. "I shall always remember how kind you were. Good-bye!" "You are not going?" he asked. She laughed, "Why, you didn't Imagine that you had taken tho care of me upon your shoulders for the reet of your Ufa?" she demanded. "No, I didn't Imagine that," he aswered. "At the same time, what plans have you made? Where aro you going?" "Ohl I shall think of something," she declared. Indifferently. He caught the gleam In her eyes, tho sudden hopelessness which fell like a cloud upon her face. Ho spoke promptly and with decision. "As a matter of fact," he remarked, "you do not know yourself. You are Just going to drift out of this place and very likely And your way to a seat on tho Embankment again." Her lips quivered. Sho had tried to be bravo, but It was hard. , "Not necessarily," she replied. "Some thing may turn up." He leaned a llttlo across tho table to wards her. "Listen," he said, deliberately, "I will make a proposition to you. It has come to me during the last few minutes. I am tired of the boarding-house and I wish to leave It, The work which I do at night Is becoming moro nnd more Important. I should like to tako two rooms some where. If I tako a third, would you caro to call yourself what I colled you to the charwoman last night my sister? I should expect you to look after the meals and my clothes, and help me In certain other unys. I cannot give you much of a salary," he continued, "but you would havo an opportunity during the daytime of looking out for somo work, if that Is what you want, and you would at least have a roof and plonty to eat and drink." She looked at him In blank amazement. It was obvloua that his proposition was entirely honest "But, Mr. Tavernack," sho protested, "you forget that I am not really your slstar." "Does that matter?" ho asked, without flinching. "I think you understand tho sort of person I am. You would havo nothing to fear from any admiration on my part or anything of that sort," he added, with somo show of clumsiness. "Those things do not come Into my llfo. I nm ambitious to get on, to succeed and became wealthy. Other things I do not even think about." She was speechless. After a Bhort pause, he went on. "I am proposing1 this arrangement as much for my own sake as for yours. I am very well read and I know most of whnt there Is to bo known In my profes sion. But there are other things concern ing which I am Ignorant. Some of these things I bcllovo you could teach me." Still specchness, sho sat and looked at him for Beveral moments. Outside, the Btatlon now was filled with a hurrying throng on their way to the day's work. Engines were shrieking, bells ringing, the press of footsteps was unceasing. In tha dark, lll-ventllated room Itself there was the rattle of crockery, the yawning of discontented-looking youtig women behind the bar, young women with their hair still In curl-papers, as yet unprepared for their weak little assaults upon the good nature or susceptibility of their cus tomers. A queer corner of life It seemed. Sho looked at her companion and realized how fragmentary was her knowledgo of him. There was nothing to be gathered from hla face. He seemed to have no ex pression. He was simply waiting for her reply, with his thoughts already half engrossed upon the business or tne day. "Really," she began, "I" He came back from his momentary wandering and looked at her. Sho sud denly altered the manner of her speech. It was a strange proposition, perhaps, but this was one of the strangest of men. "I am qullo willing to try It," she de cided. "Will you tell mo where I can meet you later on?" "I have an hour and a half for luncheon at 1 o'clock." ho said. "Meet me ex actly at the southeast corner of Trafalgar Square. Would you like a little money?" he added, rising. "I have plenty, thank you," she an swered. Ho laid half-a-crown upon the table and made an entry In a small memo randum book which he drew from his pocket. "You had better Keep this." ho said, "In case you want It I am going to leave you alone here. You can find your way anywnere, i. am sure, and I am In a . Z YJL hurry. At 1 o'clock, remember. I hop t you will tlil'bo feeling better." rl He nut on hla hnt Anrl -on ...... it! without a backward glance. Seattle jsat In her chair and watched hlrfi out t sight. CHAPTER V. INTRODUCING MttB. WENHAM GARDNER. A very distinguished client wa tutitUtr Ing the attention of Mr. Dowllng, Henlo, of Messrs. Dowllng, Bpence A, Company, auctioneers and estate agents, wliosa of fices were situated In Waterloo Plttisi, Tall Mall. Mr. Dowllng was a uf little man of between 50 and 60 year. who spent most of his time playing golf, and who, although ho studiously contrived to Ignore tho faet, had lone since lost touch with tha details of hU business. Consequently. In the absence of Mr. Dowllng, Junior, who had de- veloped a marked partiality for a,,ceru(n. bar In the locality, Tavornake'wds hastily summoned to tho rescue from" another part of the building, by o, small b6y violently out of breath. "Nevor see the governor In such a, tuns." the lattor declared, confidentially. "Sh'e'a asking no end of questions 'and h don't know a thing." "Who Is the lady?" Tavernake asked, on the way downstairs. "Didn't hear her name." the boy re plied. "She's nil right, though, I con tell you a regular slap-up beauty. Such a motorcar, too! Flowors and tables an! all sorts of things Inside. By Jove, won't the governor tear his hair If Sho' gb'ea. before you get there!" Tavernake quickened his steps and in fc few moments knocked at the door of tho prlvato offlco and entered. Hla chlot welcomed him with a. creature of relief: Tho distinguished client otthe firm. Whose aiieniion no was endeavoring to engage, had glanced toward tho newcomer1, at his first appearance, with an air of some what bored unconcern. Her yea, how over, did not Immediately leave his face. On tho contrary, from tho moment it hla entrance she watched him steadfastly. Tavernake. stolid, unruffled, at that time without comprehension, approached the desk. "This Is cr Mr. Tavernale, our man ager," Mr. Dowllng announced, obse quiously. "In tho absence of my son, he Is In charge of the letting department. I have no doubt that he will be able to suggest somothtng suitable, Tavernake," he continued, "this lady," he glanced at a card In front of him "Mns. Weriham Gardner, of New York, Is looking for n town house, and has been kind enough to favor us with an Inquiry." Tavernake made no Immediate reply. Mr. Dowllng was short-sighted, and in any case It would nevor have occurred to him to associate, nervousness, or any form of emotion, with his responsible manager. The beautiful lady leaned back In her chair. Her lips wore parted In a Blight but very curious smile, her Angers supported her cheek, her eyelids were contracted as she looked Into his face. Tavernake felt that their recognition was mutual. Once moro he was back again in the tragic atmosphere of that chemist's shop, with Beatrice, 'half fainting, In his arms, the beautiful lady turned to stono. It was an odd tableau, that, 'so vividly Im printed upon his memory , that it was there before him at this very moment. There was mystery In this 'woman's eyes, mystery andt something else. "I don't seem to have come across any thing down hero whlch-r-er particularly attracts Mrs, Mrs. Wenhani Gordner," Mr. Dowllng vent on, takihg up a little sheaf of papers from tho desk. 'l thought, perhaps, that the Bryanston Square house might have suited, but It seems that It is too small, far too small. Mrs. Gardner Is used to entertaining, arid has explained to me that she has a 'great many friends always coming and going from tho other side of the water. She requires, apparently. 12. bedrooms, be side servants' quarters." "Your list Is scarcely up to date, sir" Tavernake reminded him. "If the rent Is of no particular object, there Is Gran tham House." Mr. Dowllng's face waa-suddenly Illumi nated. "Grantham House!" ho exclaimed. "Precisely! Now I declare that It had absolutely slipped my memory fpr the, moment only for the moment, mind that we have Just had placed upon our books one of the most desirable "mansions Jn tho west end of London. A most valued client, too, one whom we are most anxious to oblige, DearJ dear mot Jt U very fortunate very fortunate Indeed thai I happened to think of It, especially as It seems that no ope had had the sense tq place It upon my list Tayernoket get the plans at once and show them to er to Mrs. Gardner." Tavernake crossed the. room in silence, opened a drawer, and returned with , stiff roll of papers, which ha spread care fully out In front of this unexpected client She apoko then for the 'first time since he had entered the room. Her voice was low and marvelously sweet. There, was very little of the American accent about It, but something In the intonation, especially toward the end of her sent ences, was Just a trifle un-English. "Where Is this, Grantham House?" aha Inquired, "Within a stone's throw of Grosvehor Square,' Tavernake answered, briskly. "It is really one of the most central spot In the west end. Jf you -will allow mal" For the next few mlnutea he was very; fluent indeed. With pencil In hand, he explained the plana, dwelt on tho ad vantages of the location, and from tha very reserve of his praise created am Itn presslon. that the house he was describ ing was the one absolutely perfect domi cile In the whole of London. "Can I look over the placer' alia aked, when he had finished. "By all means," Air. DowJIng declared, "by all means. I was on the point of suggesting It. It will be by far the moat satisfactory proceeding. XoU will not l dlsappolnted, my dear madam, I can as sure you," (Continued Tomorrow.) RESORTS OLP roiNT" COMFORT. VA. HOTEt CIMMiEftU Ut OLD POINT COMFORT j r1cV Booklets at lAUti Air. Foster. Cbsatnut and lZth its.) Raymond Waltconb Co.. ,1001 Chestnut Bt.i Thos. Cook A Son. 13? a. tloj.4 Bui Hart. Dickinson. 1B N. lStb rH.1 Alt. bouse Tour Co., 1830 Walnut St er stlrmti Oo. V, Muzw. lsr-. rertrau lioarta. Tes, ATLAHTIQ WW, N, 3. Leading hlfb-cUu, zaodtrata.rat tsl. ALBEMARLE )f'"J'n' vator. sun parlors, pri bath,, ete i excti, UUe, org. dinners, orchestra, fcj.4l -Hi upwkly. ; 12 up illy. Dooklet. J. I' fp m. Hotel York rfe- Ut -Jwl coU rOBMaai THE INN ' ' tiitrStw & w i i .M....I. Wi.Ti'i - ii CHABtKOTON. 8. 0. CALHOUN MANSIOH opt os far cxciuMvei c4tSMJw mUitui ..;. wt fHnwa osi. jpasMoa nai. J .giijil I inv joM3iraw?3r. THE HArpJ DN1 wrutt t u.. 3sliti insls;,, mlnrtfsy 4? X