Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 16, 1915, Sports Final, Page 14, Image 14

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Each troop of scouts tclll repre
sent Indians and, with tha scout
master, will la sent out from tha
field headquarters to form lines
through which picked scouts, carrw
not seated messages, Wilt endeavor
to make their way and to deliver
their message at a point knoton
only to thenu The Indians will try
to prevent the dcltvcrjj of theso mes
sages. iKach messenper will be
Identified by a iBhite band on his
arm, knoten as his "scalp," and each
Indian will be identified by a red-and-grcen
band on his arm, knoton
as Ms Ascalp."
Whin a messenger has been cap
tured he must surrender his mes
sage and "scalp" and he Is then out
of the ganit and must accompany
his captor to field headquarters, the
Indian delivering the captured mes
sage and "scalp" upon arrival at
If the messenger succeeds in cap
turing the Indian, the Indian must
surrender his "scalp" and is out of
the game and must return to head
quarters. "Capture" means the removal of
the arm band, and no knife or other
cutting instrument must be used in
the removal.
Three points will be given to the
Indians for each messenger's "Scalp"
and envelope turned In at headquar
ters. Three points tcill be given to
messengers for each Indian's "scalp"
turned in at headquarters. Five
points will be given to the messen
gers for each envelope delivered at
the designated point.
Boy Scouts nro today receiving their
first Inkling of what tho bis Scout-aiitl-Indlnn
same on Washington's Birthday
Is going to be. Their Scoutmasters re
ceived three sets of orders nt the Scout
masters' Round Tabic, last evening, and
one of tha sets Is for the scouts.
But despite the fact that February 22
!s coming next Monday, affairs connected
with the big irame are bclnB kept bnck
In a. most mysterious manner. For In
stance,, the scouts point out that their
Orders do" not say where tho game Is to
be lUayed. It must be a very large play
ground,, because 1400 scouts, at the very
least, will talio part In It.
The scoutmasters themselves do not
know where tho game la to bo played.
Order' No. 1, distributed last nlsht, drops
a hint, but the real secret Is to bo found
In the. scaled orders not to be opened
until the morning of the came, when the
scoutmasters arrive at but that would be
telling tho secret.
Troops 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, H, 16, IS,
1, 22, 23, 26, 20, 30, 32, 38, 40. 41. . 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 62. 53, 54, 5S, 57, CO, K2, 61,
66, 67, 72, 77, 79, 80, 81,. 83, 84, 87, 89, 90,
83. 91. 93. 96, 101, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114,
122, 123, 128. 130, 131. 132, 133 and two un
numbered troops have been registered
for the gnme. There nre a few others,
bringing the total number of troops that
Will participate to 75. Ono scout from
each troop will accompany his scout
master as bugler and orderly, to relay
messages across the largo stretch of
country wnero the gamo will bo played.
Troop 12 Forms Orchestra
Bight members of Troop 12, under
Scoutmaster Ungelleder and Assistant
Scoutmaster Harry Kean, are forming an
orchestra. They nro Scouts Gus Kean,
iJ0,rrr Goldbergr. Sacks, Brian, Green
teln, Chlcltrnan. Shear and Harry Katz.
The. orchestra meets at the troop's head
quarters. Boy Scout Writes Play
Samuel Price, of Troop 93, Is the author
Of a scout play, the title of which Is
being kept secret, that will be given by
members of tho troop at Its third annual
entertainment at the Starr Garden Rec
reation Park, Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 20.
The play, which deals with an exciting
Phase of scout work, Is being rehearsed
by the actors under the direction of
Israel Flitter, chairman ofo the Enter
tainment Committee, who Is aided by the
author Samuel Schultz. Adolph Nichols
and "Snake"- Langendorf, tho other
members of th"e committee. Assistant
Scoutmaster Lavenson Is their adviser.
The actors are Patrol Leaders Samuel
Bchultz, Michael Coplan and Albert loo
fah, and Scouts Nathan Gaffen, Max
Baker, Louis Flitter, (Henry Cohen,
Tfathan Krengel. Michael Bosen, Michael
Banish, Simon Schultz, Simon Shlekman
and Morton Katz,
Tho scouts will Blvo tho play as a sur
prise to their scoutmaster, Samuel G.
Friedman, and tho spectators. Among
the speakers at the meeting will be
Charles Edwin Fox, Assistant District
Attorney, and J. Vf, Patton, deputy scout
commissioner. The troop history, written
by Scout "William Uram, will bo read by
the author. A dance, will follow the en
tertainment. Jersey Troop Hikes
Troop 1, of Moorestown, N. J on Up
coin's Birthday, hiked to Laurel, where
a water-boiling contest was held. As
sistant Patrol Leader Howard Laessle
and Scout Thomas Sharps tied for first
honors. Those, making tha trip were
Scoutmaster Edwin Sumner, Patrol
Leader Edwin Lowden, Assistant Patrol
Leader Laesslo and Scouts Tom Sharps,
Burtls Wilkins and Ralph Mains, of tha
Fox Patrol: Patrol Leader (Fred Hoffman,
Assistant Patrol Leader Harry Barclay
f rtrXttW-'.
fjji linTTiii gjy .h- ' rum-
votnwa im iina rAams mg tnonfH I
anil Scouts Alfred Leconey, Edwin Spear,
Elmer Iteld and niaden Plum, of the
Panther Patrol, and Assistant Patrol
r.enie? Sawnrd Rlgby and ScotltB Henry
JUkln, Alec Wllklns and Fred Robinson,
of tho Flying Eagle Patrol.
Dr. Bartlne Ulmor, of Moorestown, will
slvo n lecture with demonstrations of
bandaging beforo the troop this evening
ot Its headquarters on Washington ave
nue. Troop 39 Gives Banquet
Scouts of Troop 39 sat down with their
parents and friends at their second an-
nunl banquet In the pariah housa of the
Church of the Atonement, 47th street and
Klng8csslng nvenue, Thursday evening.
Under tho management of tho Mothers'
Tho troop marched In In two slnglo
lines and wheeled to valuta tho colors ns
they were carried down tho centra of tho
room. Tho Scout motto, oath and law
were then repeated by each Scout. After
"Camp Mingo grnco" was said, the menu
followed grapefruit, chicken fricassee,
green peas, mashed potatoes, cranberry
Jelly, celery, olives, sweet pickles. Ice
cream and cake. After songs, led by Mrs.
H. A. Clark, with Miss Louise Heffron.
pianist, and Norman Whltcndnlo and
Marvin Kellogg, violinists, assisting.
Scoutmaster MacGaukey Introduced the
speaker of tho evening. Prof. John Dennis
Mahonoy, head of tho English depart
ment at tho West Philadelphia High
School. Other speakers were Dr. Francis
Hitchcock, scoutmaster of Troop 96, rep
resenting hearquarters; Dr. S. T. Stout,
troop physician: Assistant Scoutmaster
Know Hon, of Troop 8, tho "Boy Scout
snako man," and W. S. Watson, boys'
secretary of tho Young Men's Christian
Association and scoutmaster of Wilming
ton Troop 3.
Whistling Helps on Hikes
Wh'etllng and singing as a great aid
In shortening hikes have been "discover
ed" by Scouts of Troops DO, 59 and 47,
who went on hikes Saturday. They whis
tled and Bang most of tho way homo and
were surprised when they found that had
finished their hike. Fifteen members of
Troop 50 started nt Itshcadquartcrs.Wood
stock nnd Diamond streets, nt 2 p. m. and
marched out Diamond street to Ridge
avenue, where they caught a car nnd
rode to Belmont avenue. They hiked up
the West River road about three miles
to a quarry opposite Lafayette Station,
where they camped and ate dinner and
supper. On the return hike they wero
Joined by Troops 59 and 47, nnd nil camo
home In a body.
Monte Cross Talks to Scouts
Monte Cross, tho old-time shortstop of
tho Athletics, now nn umpire In the Fed
eral dengue, spoKe to the Scouts of Troop
18 on "Athletics Night" nt the troop's
headquarters.St. John's Lutheran Church,
5th and Rnco streets. His subject was
"Clean Athletics." and ho used tho ca
reers of "Rube" Waddell and Eddie Plank
to show how right living Is the only sen
sible way to live. Waddell Is now dead,
while Plank Is still a pitcher feared by
tho batters. "Mlkn" nnri i, ....
collegiate wrestling champion, spoke on
"Life" nnd how persons look nt It, and
Charles B. Dllrhorovv thn nnrlmm,. a..nb-A
on clean sports and clean living. Between
tho speeches scout contests between con
testants from many troops were held.
Scout Welsh, of Troop 123, Won the signal
ing contest, and Scout Mooney, of Troop
19, and Scout Welsh took the prizes in
tho bandaging contest.
Joseph Kanevsky, of Troop 95, has
passed examinations for 14 merit badges,
a largo number to pass In the short time
of three weeks. They aro for carpentry,
civics, craftsmanship, flremanshlp, handi
craft, life-saving, first aid to animals,
pathfindlng, personal health, public
health, signaling, swimming and inter
preting. Schiele Talks on Birds
Troop 122 heard a lecture on "Our Com
mon Birds" by R. M. Schiele, of tho Com
mercial Museums, Thursday evening In
the scout meeting room In the St. James"
Methodist Episcopal Church, OIney, The
lecture was Illustrated by mors than 100
colored lantern slides showing about 70
different birds and tho places they in
habit. Troop 40 Celebrates
The flrst anniversary of Troop 40 was
observed on tho evening of Lincoln's
Birthday, The troop band of 10 pieces,
a year ago represented by ono bugle,
played for the entertainment of tho vis
iting relatives and friends. After the col
ors were saluted and Inspection was held,
Scoutmaster Schultz spoke on the 12 scout
laws. Before refreshment, n,. .....
ths troop members gave exhibitions of
Tacony Scout Council Benefit
Three movlng-plcture shows for the ben
eflt of Troop 14, the guardians of Camp
Morrell, will be given at the Liberty The
atre, Longshore street, Tacony, under the
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tinmmmrr,MfWWMm,lmtimminimm-i waimmaitiTt1Tnarl.iMiTi ,,., n- .n-,C Ti , riwiMinnni' r r i IT- n
auspices of tho Tacony Scout Council this,
tomorrow and Wednesday evenings, 4
Michael Coplan, of Troop 98, passed his
test for the machinery merit badgo Sat
urday, Daily "Good Turns"
A boy who fell and sprained hla leg
roller-skating nt 8d street nnd Washing
ton avenue Frldny afternoon was carried
Into a dispensary nt 3d nnd Federal
streets by Scouts Nathan Katz, Albert
Gtassman, Scribe Abraham Cohen and
Mascot Caplan, of Troop SI. The Scouts
used tho firemen's lift In carrying the
David Levin, Troop 93, nnd David
Cohon, Troop 51, found a woman sitting
In a public square on Federal street. She
said her son had deserted her. When
she gnvo them an address tho scouts
took her on tho car to that number.
This proved wrong,, so they took her to
nnothcr house, but did not succeed In
finding her son. They notified a police
Michael Rosen, William Uram and
Michael Coplan, Troop 95, carried seven
packages, tho heaviest weighing 90
pounds, from a broken-down automobile
on Balnbrldgo street, between Gth and
7th streets, to 6th and Christian streets,
tor the owner Saturday night.
Drum for Scouts
Troop 103, which has disbanded, has a
scout drum and 10 camp mattresses
which can bo used by a troop needing
this equipment. Former Assistant Scout
master Andrew MacFarland, 1310 South
street, has possession of them.
Smallest Scout in the World
Arthur Portwood, of tho Blue Springs,
Mo., troop, Is tho smallest Boy Scout In
tho world. Ho Is II years old and Is 2
feet 5 Inches (29 Inches) In height, weigh
ing 33 pounds. Ho Is In tho sixth grade
In school and is exceptionally bright
When the troop goes on hikes, Arthur
marches along, but if the march is par
ticularly long nnd rapid, tho other scouts
carry him not because, ho Is a weakling,
because ho Isn't, but because his legs are
not long enough to enable him to keep up.
Tho young scout raises squabs, which he
sells to the Kansas City dealers, and puts
the money In the bank. His ambition Is
to become a farmer.
Boy Scout in Bombardment
An English Boy Scout, Hob Miller, was
struck In tho leg by shell splinters during
tho bombardment of Whitby by German
cruisers on December 16, and the limb hart
to bo amputated.
"My work at tho coast guard station
consisted of messenger work," writes
Whitby. "About 9 o'clock In the morning
I was standing with a Territorial In front
of tho watchhouso on the cliff when two
cruisers suddenly camo In sight. At first
glance wo thought they belonged to our
own fleet, but we couldn't mnko out why
they wero In such a hurry. There was a
terrific bang, nnd a great bit of tho cliff
fell down. We didn't need any more tell
ing that it was tho Germans out at sea,
and wo didn't wait for tho next shell.
Just ns we passed tho door of tho watch
houso I waa hit by shell splinters In both
legs, but managed to keep on through tha
yards to tho coast guards' houses. My
right leg had to bo amputated the fol
lowing day." From tho Philadelphia Boy
Scout Ne"WS.
U. S. Gunrnntee Plan Works Satisfac
torily at Port Here.
Special supervision of tho loading of
vessels by custom Inspectors Is, accord
ing to shippers, giving eminent satisfac
tion nnd preventing expensive delays In
tho arrivals at the various dcstlnatlo s.
Under a recent order tho Treasury De
partment, working in conjunction with
tho British authorities, arranged for a
special supervision of the loading of ves
sels. Following the Inspection a sworn
declaration that nothing contraband has
been put on board Is made by the In
spectors. The Inspectors are on tho watch over
the vessel every hour of the day and
night. The expense or the special inspec
tion is borne by the steamship com
Politicians today discussed the bill to
extend tho Jurisdiction of tho Municipal
Court to dispose of civil actions involving
$1200, which was Introduced in the Sen
ate yesterday by Senator Edwin H, Vare,
At present the Municipal Court is lim
ited to the handling of coses Involving
President Judge Charles L. Brown, of
the Municipal Court, Is urging the pas
sage ot the bill to extend the court's
powers. In a letter to Senator Vare he
pointed out that the Municipal Court
of Pittsburgh has a limit of $1500 on the
actions coming within Its Jurisdiction.
Will Discuss School Conditions
A general appeal has been Issued ta
parents of school children to attend a
mass-meeting to be held on Frldny night
In the Huey Public School, 62d and Pine
streets, for the purpose ot voicing a vig
orous protest against overcrowded class
rooms. Councilman Ira D, Garman,
Francis A. Gallagher and other speakers
will criticise conditions In the vicinity of
the school, and declare that the 46th
Ward, although one of the largest with
regard to tax payments In the city, Is
forced to endure poor conditions.
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Colorado Fuel & Iron Go. Re
fuses to Accept Mediatory
Offer of President's Board.
NEW YORK, Feb. 16. The Colorado
Fuel and Iron Company today served po
lite notice on tho Low Mediation Com
mission, appointed by President Wilson,
that the company would settle Its own
labor difficulties.
Tho reply of President J. F. Wclborn
to the commission's offer to help formu
tata a ptan by which future strikes in tho
coal districts might bo averted Ws made
publlo here by Starr J. Murphy, chief
adviser to John D. Rockefeller. At the
same time a copy of a letter written by
Rockefeller to Chairman Seth Low, of
tho President's commission, was given
Wclborn mado no direct answer to tho
commission's offer to suggest plans for
settling labor disputes. His reply called
nttentlon to tho fact that the company
had appointed Its own mediator to arbi
trate differences with employes. Welborn
wrote that ho was convinced that this
and other steps taken by tho company
Would fulfil tho purposes outlined by
President Wilson.
Rockofetlcr asked Low to assuro tho
President that ho desired to co-oporato
with tho commission "In every way In
my .power." Ho added, however, that
"tho oxocutlvo officers of tho Colorado
Fuel nnd Iron Company at Denver wero
tho ones upon whom tho responsibility for
ftnnl decision properly must rest." .-"
5,000,000-Bushel Mark, Passed Today,
Sets Now Record.
Tho exports of grain through this port
for tho yenr to dato passed tho 5,000,000
bushel mark today with tho departure of
threo steamships with full cargoes. This
Is tho grtatcst amount of grain shipped
In tho Bnmo period from hero for many
years. There aro now under charter to
load nt local elevators ten steamships,
tho agrrgato cargoes of which will total
nearly 2,000,000 bushels.
Whit comprises tho Ibulk of tho ship
ments, with corn second. No oats havo
been exported through Philadelphia this
year. The grain Is destined chiefly for
mediterranean ports. Franco and Italy
getting tho bulk of It. Some is being sent
to Greoco nnd Holland.
The averago freight rate paid per
bushel Is about cents. With tho pres
ent high rato demanded for wheat the
cost abroad Is nlmost $2 a bushel.
Funeral of Miss E. W. Perot
The funeral of Miss Elizabeth Williams
Perot, for years devoted to social and
phllnnthropicnl work and a leading mem
ber In the Society of Friends, was held
this morning from the home of her sister,
Mrs. Chnrles Richardson, 1307 Spruce
street. Sho was the daughter of tho lata
William S. and Mary W. Perot. Her
death Saturday followed a protracted Ill
Philosopher, Anarchist, Atheist and
Single Tax Advocate.
One of the most singular and striking
characters of modern local history
passed Inst night with tho death of George
Brown, "philosopher," anarchist, atheist
nnd single tax advocate, who died of
blood poisoning at Pennsylvania Hospi
tal. Brown died as ho had lived, true
to all tho theories that ho espoused so
lustily for his whole life. When he passed
away, his common law wife, Mary Han
son, nnd his children, Helolsc and George,
wero with him.
Threo years aTo Brown wnntcd to
speak nt the Economic Club nt Arden,
Delaware County, the Upton Sinclair
slnge tax settlement, but Sinclair
wouldn't let him. Brown retaliated by
having Sinclair arrested for playing base
ball on Sundays and several of the colony
spent a day on the stone pile at New
Castle. Previously Brown had been fined
$2 for disturbing the peace, and, refusing
to pay his fine, was sent to the stone pile.
Ho got square with Sinclair.
Brown never believed In marriage, and
though he spent many years with a
woman companion as a common law wife
and leaves two children, he would never
submit to a civil or religious ceremony.
The dead anarchist was a native of Eng
land and was the eon of a well-known
free thinker. Ho camo to this city In
1881 and opened a small shoe shop at 10th
and Poplar.
A splinter In his hand led to his death.
He was 67 years old.
Rev. George Washburn
BOSTON, Feb. 16. The Rev. George
Washburn, president of Robert College,
at Constantinople, for more than 30
years, died yesterday of pneumonia. Ho
was 82 years old. He was graduated
from Amherst College In 1855, and re
ceived honorary degrees from Princeton
University and the University of Penn
sylvania. For meritorious college work
abroad he was decorated wth the order
of St. Alexander by the Bulgarian govr
Thomas Ott
Thomas Ott, a veteran of the Civil War
and a manufacturer of woolenware, who
died Sunday, will be burled tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late resi
dence, 1314 South 15th street. He was in
his 70th year. Mr. Ott had been engaged
in the manufacturing business for nearly
half a century. Four years ago he or
ganized the Thomas Ott Vacht Club, of
which he was commodore. He was a
number of the Masons, tho Odd Fellows,
tho Potter Lodge, Net, 411, F. and A. M..
the Oriental Chapter, No. 183, R. A. C. and
several other societies. He Is survived by
his widow, a son and daughter and three
shields. sura a. shields, February
10, 1U10, Ilequleacat In pace.
BHMHNfl. On February 13,, IBM, t 1'
late residence. Hnrtdon Heights, N. J..
Dover Plains, N. Y. ,
BEIIUV. On February 15. 18 IB, MAMB,
daughter of Oconto and tha late Maria Berry,
runeml on Thursday, at 8.-10 a.."-. 'J0 J,1.1?
rrsldonro of her uncte, John MoFadden, 812
Halttmore ave.. Clifton Heights, Delaware
County, r. Hlih Man of Requiem at gt.
I'harlea' Church nt 10 a. m. Interment St.
Charles' Cemetery, Kellyvllle.
BONNER. On February 13, 1018. ELIZA
late Itev. M. L. Scanlan, of Ifaileton, Pa,
Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend
the funeral, on Thursday, at 830 ft. m.,
from her late residence, 63t0 McCallum at.,
Qermantown. Bolemn rtequlem Mm at ot.
Vincent's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at
Cathedral Cemetery. Kindly omit Towers.
Automobile funeral,
UIIINUIt. On February 18, 101B, EL17.A
UfiTIl V wife of Charles V. Ilrtner nnd
daughter of Grace and tho late Jamea Mo
Nuliy. Funeral from her. late realdencc.
West Berlin. N. J. High Mum of neoulem
nt Our Lndy of Mount Carmel Church, at
S.IO n. ni.. Wrat lieilln, N. J, Interment
Cathedral Cemetery,
HUltKi:. On February 13, 1018, PETEP. F..
huatiand of tho lato Sarah lturka and aon of
tho lato Mnrlln nnd Bridget Burke. Funeral
on Weilnemlny, February IT. at 8:30 ft. in,,
from hla late residence, 2118 Houth 10th at.
Solemn Mas of Itcqulem at the Church of
at. Monica, nt 10 a. m, preclaely. Interment
at Cathedral Cemetery.
HIJItNH. On Februnry 18, 1018, MAIIT
FRANCES, widow of Michael Duma nnd
ilnughter of Cntharlno Wall and tho late
Michael Hogani Funeral on Thursday, at
Si.lO n. m., from 1012 South Water st,
Solemn High Mass of llenulem at St. rhlllp ;
Church, at 10 ft m. precisely. Interment
Holy Crora Cemetery. .....
BUltNH. On February IB, 1015, THOMAS
I... hupbnnd or Snrnh Burns. , Funeral on
Saturday, at 8:.-l0 n. in., rrom 40il West Jef
ferson t. Solemn Itcqulem Mass at St.
Michael's Church nt 10 o clock precisely. In
terment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. ......
CAMVE1.I.. On Februnry IB, 11)15, JAMES
M. CALAVCI.L, aged 82 years. ItelatlveB nnd
friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral serv
ices, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m., at hla lato
residence, 1712 North 20lh at. Interment
prlvnte. Kindly omit flowers.
CltOSilN. On Sunday, February 14, 1018,
L ATllAJUiNU Iv wiaow oc james r. uroBsm
(neo Cunnle). Relatives and friends nre In
vited to attend funeral, on Friday at 8:.10
n. in. from her lato residence, 2J30 South at.
Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Anthony's
church nt 1( n. m. precisely. Interment Holy
Crosn Cemetery.
Ctll.IN. On February 13. 1018, ELIA
CUL.IN. wife of John If, Culln (neo Oroas).
Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 1 P. m.,
from her Inte risldcnce, 0.17 Chestnut rt.,
Camden, f. J. Inurment Now Camden
DAVIS). On February IB, 1018, LEVICY E.,
widow of John W. Davis. Funeral on Wed
nesday, at 8 p. m., at the resldenco of her
son, Hwcll O. Davis, 14:m North BBth at.
Interment matter's Hill Cemetery, Wicomico
County. Md.
Dltlll.I.AN. On February 10, 1018. MAR
MAIttiT DtlEr,UN (neo O'Brien), widow of
Pierce Drcllan. Funeral on Wednesday, at
H n. in., from her late residence, 41 17 lltdgo
nto.. Falls of .Selunlklll. Solemn High Re
quiem Mnas nt St. Bridget's Church, nt fi:.'IO
n. n Interment St. John the Baptist's
Cemetery, Manayunk.
IHINIHA.V. On February 13, 1018, FLOR
D.N'Cj:, widow ot John Dunlgnn and daughter
or .Margaret Kcwcll end tho late Charles
Md'hcarson. Funeinl nn Thursday, February
It. nt 2 m. from 21IS Knst Dauphin st.
Interment at Hillside Cemetery.
mKKH. On l'ebruary 14, 101S, SADIE,
duaghter of the Into Peter and Annie Dkcs.
Relatives nnd mends of tho family, also
members of Falls ot Schuylkill Baptist
Church, are Invited to attend tho funeral, on
Wednesday ut 2 p. m., from her luto homo,
B4 17 Rldgo ae., WlssahlcUon. Interment at
West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
I'ARRKI.I.. Suddenly, on Februnry 13, 1018,
HERMAN W. PARREL!,, husbnnd of Mary
English Farrell. Relatives and friend nre In
vited to attend the funeral services, on
Wednesday afternoon, February 17, at 2
o'clock nreclselv. at his lato resldenco. No.
2023 West Montgomery ave. Friends may
call on Tuesday evening. Automobile fu
neral. Interment private. In West Laurel Hill
riTZflKRAI.D. On February IB. 101B,
JOHN 1'.. von of the late James and Han
nah Fitzgerald, at his lato residence, Bailey
road and Union ave., Lansdowne, Delaware
County, Pa.
OAHlt On February 13, 101B, WILLIAM,
husband of tho late Margaret Oarr. Funeral
on Wednesday, nt 8:3(1 a. m., from the resl
denco of his ton, Joseph A. Garr, 2UI0
Blaklston St., Holmcsburg, Solemn Requiem
Mass and Interment at St, Dominic's Church,
at lo a. m.
OINTEIt. On February 18, 1018, MARY C,
daughter of Frank O. and .Sarah Glntcr.
Funeral on Wednesday, February 17, at S:.I0
n. in., from her parents' residence, 31)10 Bar
Inn st.. West Philadelphia. Solemn Requiem
Mash at St,. James' Church, at 10 a. m. In
terment at Tloly Cross Cemetery.
GREEN. OnSibruary 13, 1D18. THOMAS
II.. husband Nof Ella M. Green. Funeral
services on Tuesday, February 111, at S p. m.,
at his late residence, J MS Ashburncr fit.,
Holmesburg, Interment Private ut Odd Fel
lows' Cemetery, Gladwyn, Pa.
GWIN. On February 13, 101H, CHARLES
M non of John and Annlo S. Gwln (neo
Moftltt), In his 2flth year. Residence, 172S
bouth Water at. Duo notlco of funeral will
be given.
HARRISON. At Conshnhocken, Pa., on
February IB. 11)1.1. MARQARET, -widow of
Samuel C. Harrison nnd daughter ot Allco
and the late- Charles Buckle. Funeral on
Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her lato resl
oence. 131 East 4th st., Conshohocken, Pa.
Interment prlvnto. Barren Hill,
HAltTRANIT. On February 10. 1018.
OOTTI.OB JACOB, husband of Katharine
llartranft. Funeral services on Wednesday,
at 2 p, in., at his late residence. 3S30 North
Sydenham st. Interment pilvatc, at North
w oml Cemetery,
HKhHf.EY. On February 13, I0IS, MARY
JANE, widow of Wm. II. Hessley, Funeral
rervlces on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m., from I.'IIO
Atpen st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery.
HORN. On February IS, 1U1B. CHARLES E.
HORN. Relative- and friends are Invited
to attend tho funeral, on Thursday mornln?.
at 8-30 o'clock, rrom his late residence, 4)1
J.". Mount Pleasant ave. Solemn Requiem
Mass at Holy Cross Church, Mount Airy, at
10 o'clock. Interment Drlvatr.
HOSKINS. At Oakhurst, Rockdale. Del. Co.,
Pa., on February IB, 101B, ATWOOD B.
HOSKINS, aged 00 years. Relatives and
friends of the family aro respectfully In
lted to attend tho funeral services, on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his
late residence, Oakhurst, Rockdale, l'a. Car
riages will meet trains leaving Broad St.
Station at 11:03 and West Cheater at 11:12
at Glen Riddle Station.
HUGHES. On February IB, 1018, HANNAH
MARIE, daughter of Michael and Catharine
Hughes. Funeral on Thursday, at 8 a. m.,
from the residence of her parents. 1717 South
17th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church
ot St. Thomas Aquinas, at U:30 a. m. pre
cisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
JONES. At Ormond Beach, Fla., an Febru
ary 13, 101B, JOSHUA It. JONES. Rela.
Uvea and friends are Invited to attend ths
funeral services, orrednesday afternoon, at
2 o'clock, at hla lata residence, 2031 Walnut
st. Interment private.
KELLY. On February 12, 1915, WILLIAM
C. KELLY, formerly of 2851 East Thomp
son at., son of tha late William and Susan
Kelly. Funeral on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m.,
!lom?160i.Kd.sfm"U at. Requiem Mass a
tho Church ot tho Nativity at 10 a. m. In.
terment New Cathedral Cemetery.
LKECH. On February IB. 1018, WILLIAM
It. LEECH. Funeral services on Wednesday
evening, at 8 a. m., at hla late residence.
400 North at at., Wet Philadelphia.
tYL?C7Sn "l"'"ry.. 1018. FRANKLIN
L. LYLE, son of ths lata Jamea L. and Mary
B. Lyle, In his 07th year, Relatives and
rPoN'T ee ao foriavsu eova
friend, also Lodga No, 481, F. ind A. M.,
nnd all ether orsnnltatlons of which he was
a memoer, are invited to attend ths funeral
services, on . Thursday, afternoon, February
18, at 1 o'clock, at his lats residence. No.
1631 North loth at. Interment at West
Laurel Hill Cemetery,
McFAI'IiEN. On February 14, 1018, Dr.
HENRY Il son of the late Dr. William H.
and Sarah Yocum McFadden. nelatlvea and
friends are Invited to attend ths funeral
services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3
o'clock, at his lata residence. 3803 Hamilton
at., West rhlla. Interment private.
MOSS. On February 18, 101B, JACOB 1U
husband of the late Ellin J. Moss, aged 84
years. Relatives and irienas.
U. A. lt.i Lnfayetto Lode, No. 71, F. and
A. M St. John's, Chapter, 232, h. A. M.I
Drewl Lodge. 1000,. I. 0.p. I, "ro invited
to attend the funeral, on Thursday atternoon,
at 2-30 o'clock, at his late residence, Sin N.
wanamaRer si, vvcsi.i-nnaoeipnn, imm
inent nt Weat Laurel Hill Cemetery.
MURRAY. On February. IB, 1918, CATH
ARINE I,., widow of Robert c,,Murray( or.
Funeral services on Thursday, at 3:30 p..in-i
at tho residence of J. Weelcr. Bowen, Vn
South Sd st. Interment private, Bltth St.
Union Vault.
NKILL. On February .18. 1018, PATntCJC,
liuaband of Ann Nelll (nee CMaller).
Funeral on Thursday, at 8 a. m., fronvhls
lato residence. Oil South Bambrey at. Mth
and South), Solemn High Mass, of Requiem
at St. Anthony's Church, at t):30 a. m. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. ,
NICOI.I On February 18. 1018, JMAItY
ELLA, wife of Thomas Y, Nlcoll. Funeral
services en Wednesday, at 8 p. m., at her
late residences 824 North Preston St. Inter
ment nt Bethel Cemetery. .. ....
O'DONOGHUK. On February 14, 1018,
Thursday, February 18. at 7:30 a. m. from
his late resldonce, 233U Bouth Broad St.
Solemn Mars of Requiem at tha Church of
St, Monica, nt O a. m, precisely. Interment
prlvnte. Holy Crtss Cemetery. .-.
OrPMANN. On Februnry 18. 1018, BAR
BARA, widow of Frederick Oppmann,
Funernl services on Thursday, at 2 p, m,, at
her late residence, 2232 Worth Bth at. Inter
ment private.
rHACHEY. On February 18, 1018, OEOnOD
A., husband of Annie M, Fcachey (nee
Thomas), Funetnl services on Wednesday,
February 17, nt 2 p. m., nt 4749 Metros at.,
Frankfort. Interment North Cedar 11111
Cemetery, .
THILLim On February 18, 1018, AARON,
aon of Elizabeth and tho lato Thomas W.
Phillips. Funer.ll on Wednesday, at 7. p. m
rrom Centra Square, Pa. Cervices and Inter
ment at 8t. vlohn's Church) Centro Squaro,
Pa., nt 3 p. m.
SADLIER On February 18, 101S, ANNA
11., daughter of Jennlo nnd tho late Alex
der 8adller. Funeral services on Wednesday,
nt 2 p. m., nt the residence of nichard Mo
Forland, Remington road, Wynnenood, Pa.
Interment Central Laurel Hill Cemetery.
SCHAEFJSIL On February IB, 1013, BERN
HARD SCIIABFHR, husband of Frnncca
S.-haercr. Funeral on Thursday, at 7:30 a.
m., from 1318 South Bt. High Mass at Holy
Trinity Church at 0 a. m. Interment at Holy
B-pulchro Cemetery.
SCHNEIDER. At Dolray, Fla..'on Tebruary
i;i, liu.i, juiti iiiimix bum.? ui "Lit. oi
New York city, nged M years. Relatives
nnd frlmda are Invited to attend the fu
neral services, Wedncsdny morning, at P'.fO
o'clock, at the apartments of Oliver 11. Balr,
1820 lihestnut street, Philadelphia. Inter
ment private.
SCinVINN. On February 14, 1018, JACOB
J., husband of tho lato Margaret 8chw!ntj
(neo Stultz). Funeral on Wednesday, at 1
p. in., from hla late residence, 4603 North
uber st. Interment Northwood Cemetery.
SMITH. On February 12. 1D1B, ANNIE A.,
wife of William II, .Smith and daughter of
tlio late Bernard and Mary Norton, Funeral
on Thursday, nt 8 a. m., from her lato lesl
ilenco, 218 Slgel st. 2d and Mifflin). Solemn
Roiulcm Mass at Church, of the Sacred
Heart, at 0:30 a. m. precisely. Interment
Holy Cross Cemetery.
SI'AIvflLEK. On Februnry 14, 101S, nt 2217
South Broad St., MARION E wife of Henry
T. Mpancior. l-uncrai ana an ncryicei ut
Trinity Churcu, conegavnie, ia vvranra
, Collegavllle, Pa., Wednea
17, 1015, nt I o'clock. Trnln
Terminal nt 2:03 p. m. Reln-
dav, Februnry 17,
leaves Iteadlnir Tl
tlvoa ntiri rlpndfl nrn Invited.
STEWARD On Fehruary 14. 1013. JOIJN
M husband of Virginia C. Steward. Rela
tives and friends aro Invited to attend tho
funeral services. Wednesday ufternoon nt 2: it)
o'clock, nt hla late residence, 2318 North 13th
street Interment private. . -..
TIET.IEN. On February IB. 101B, HARRY
F Jr., son of Harry F., 8r., nnd Catharine
TIetlcn (neo Moylan). Funeral on Friday,
nt 8:30 n. m., from hla pnrenta residence,
2223 South IHh st. High Mass of Requiem
nt the Epiphany Church, nt 10 a. m Inter
ment Holy Cross Cemetery.
TUCKER. On Februnry 18, 1018, MAItl A.,
wife of George E. Tucker. Funeral on Wed
nesday, at 2 p. m.. precisely, at Logan Bap
tist Church. York road and Rockland at. In
terment Hlllaldo Cemetery.
VANDERHLICE. On February 14, 101B.
WILLIAM A. VANDIiRSLIcn Sr., husband
ot Mary J. Vnndersllce (nee Rchcl). Tunerat
on rrldnv, ot 1 P. m from hla1 late resi
dence, 2731 list Venango at. Interment at
Norlhwood Cemetery. ""
WAGNER On February 18, 101B. LENA,
widow of Frederick Wagner. Funeral on
WcdnesJov. nt 10 a. m from 2331 North
27th st. Interment private, at Hillside Ceme
tery via funeral car.
WALTERS On February 18. 1015, MARY
WALTERS, wife of Preston Walters. Funeral
on Thursday, at 7:31) a. m., from 43SO Ivorth
BouvIit ft. Solemn High Moss of Requiem
nt Holy Child Church. .Logan, nt 0 a. m.
nrOiacly. Interment private, at Holy ne
rtVermr Cemetery.
Vv'AHEIIAM. On February 13, 1018, HULDA.
A., vvlfo of Herbtrt J. Wnreham. Funeral
aervlces on Thurday, at 10 a. m.. at her
lato residence, n03 North 10th st. Interment
West Lnurei Hill Cemetery.
THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this)
One Insertion ISo per lino
Three Insertions In a week.... 12Kc per Una
Seven copsecutlvo Insertions... 100 per Una
' Situations wanted, threo Inser
tions In a week 10a per line
THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this)
Permitted In all classifications except Help
and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per-
tonals. Boarding and Rooms.
One Insertion 20o per Una
Three Insertions In a week.... 170 per Una
Seven consecutive Insertions,.. ISo per Una
All rates aro based on agate measurement,
14 agate lines ta the Inch.
DEATH NOTICES-elther paper
10 lines one time too
Threo insertions 1.00
In Effect December 1, lilt
for Insertion In both the morning and evening
papers of same day:
Add four cents per Una net to rates given
There is a drug store near your
home that will accent Ledrrer want
ads at office rates.
EXPERIENCED operators wanted on all parts
of children's vvaah dresses, experienced only
need apply. Llnak & Hats, Metropolitan
Uldg.. Broad and Wallace.
KXPERIEWORD MAID for two young girls In
suburbs: must bo good sewer; reference re
quired. A 133. Ledger Office.'
JIRL. white, about 10 years old.
can secure
gooa noma wmi yuun
with young couple In suburbs If
help wth housework. Sea Miss
utehold lleglttry Bureau, Oth and
hi can
Read. House
Chestnut sis,
CLTOlKS-The Cc-tnmerelit tv. 1
went at Ledger (Tentrilhis b,rt
celrlnr calls for .,n.li. P" ill
and typl.u. Ep tniSff
portunity to na your iniil-.P
with Miss Dean, as rV AalHI
tlrers are sreatfy bn7n..J5rta!TH
service. i itiej
HOUSnwortK-Whlte, ProtettaM. r
feur g children, noV,T3yoU ftmgfl
B0I,,Ci?2nS-MeW firm dsaSeTetaESS
Kg Real isgtirjg.t'r.ay to-aca
m.fTt ifi.'i'SL."" ! -worn and rJira
who irwiHInJ' ahd,r,.Dr5,5 M,&?
tnensurale with aotnal ability ' !!,
Inr particulars, a W ttiSSi 3&nti.
' ' ' ""igr mri, Jfi
BTENOGItAPltERO-Atmearane. ,.- -
aryj salary too, j" .13
man or SwedlaH" girl pfef! jRW-W'ra
. o'clock. 14 IluniviKn? .;.Ap? -?
WANTED Stenographer for . t.Z T!
hP. perm'ly. TO jgT. AiT. jgffi
ABRAHAM: & STRAUS dejtrafffl
services. of a buyer and iMMcerfS
their book department Apply tr latter
only, statlnr, In full, experlinci f 5
qualifications. Address "Book bejjti
ment, Abraham & Straus, Fulton itrtv(
Borough of Brooklyn, New York cltfF
BOOICICECPER-State experience ulirrriat
reference. P. O. Box 13U3. ' ''""
-''B,h.t' '.n'.J"f!?t bA?'' important''
and reference In flrst letter.. A 2WL lE3fit
PfMinfttOAMT'tr ...t..i
.: U ., . - ""eu. rt.ii, neia CTt4
cry oe uairy aupp.y co.. Butn. Haverford hr
OHINDBK wanted on email gray Iron ciitifctl
....... uu,. nwiicu ui Biiiuu gray iron caiiutcJ
jvppiv acnaum ec unnngcr Foundry, fclnjsil
SALESMAN Exceptional opportunity oCtrM
MllUinihn Af ...a. ..1 .1.111,.. . . 7TJ
... v i""u "u.itkjr, punching im
tonality, appearance, energy: man-IM mi
preferred; age 30-38; salary $20 weeklr.'tt
start: write, stating quallncatlons and refer.''
encea: n live wtilcAumlt.. inftii..,Yn.
talker and hustler con matfe this a apieaia
position. L 434. Ledger Central. -j3
SALESMAN for city: must bo experlencedufl
nblo to make good. Apply L 8U. Ledcsfl
.ck,u,, M
SOLICITORS Rellablo men who can wi.
iui tin uuiu-uie, iivo
23U Land Title Building.
f i-It" nn lin.ln.ilata llu. nw.iltl.. a, jtll
f ...wiTir "A.:n- -- "v """ H3,i
louni, it, in law office: knowledge ot tfpn
writing; salary ta. J TIP. Ledger CentnLlisl
BILL, order, charge clerk, BMlitutl
bookkeeper or cashier; woman Mi
thorough experience, especially dmllUri
witn priming, engraving ana papera
business; best references: modern
salary to start. J 341, Ledger Centr4I.-
BOOKKEEPER, double entry; cashier, trtW
ijoiei experience: reis. j aji. i.eager icn;
CHAMBERMAID ami wiltma. nn litmdnl
worn; cip, cpiorcq gin, laa a. homwwiiiiI
nirATirttRTlwrvntf ami wnltln" op llt-fcf rtAUttb1
work; Main Lino preferred. 46MT Ordta kMI
CLERK Rxnerlenced. familiar with Iimket
and detail work. J 743, Ledger CentraL.vMsf
COLORED WOMAN wanta washing aad Iref
inir to taKe noma, ana aavs worx. ca si
10th st. Phone Locust 2-17 D. wM
COMPANION-NURSE, by gentlevromuasd
perienceu in ma care or semwnvuiairpws
aeuae: city ret. H 043. Ledger Central.!
COOK, German woman, desires posltlosfwl
jsjaaTt In m n v. I VvniifeAniA-i kHArimantflrU'
furnish best ot reference. A 100, Lednr.OCi
COOK and cnamDermaid cs gins), tictnwmi
and reliable; best rota. L 4-1, Ledger Orfsf.1
COOK, German, experienced, deslrea poslUa
unn. ii, mi,.., it, x ,,. u iw, h.. "
COOK and chambermaid. Scotch FretestuM
COOKING and downstairs work, prlvsts P
lly; experienced and ref. L 421, LeJterJ
IdlU Bb.
DRESSMAKER, French, flrst-claas refere
W1511VS U1V EHKltClllCllll. l uvu. wv...
u, or write gnu naiiiurmap ii.
DRESSMAKER wlsnes enraf eracnii,
at home, or in establishment. W,
Branch, 4400 Oermantown ave.
eled: awlft. accurate; will work out.
mnnt K!1T W. H52 N. 47th.
engagementa;ref. Dreaamaker. 110 W.
DRESSMAKER, coTo7ea7"wlahea sewlnx t
... a,, a 1U,h ..
OElfMAN. middfe-ajed" wpmanwcili '
IlOn AB CQUK UIIU iM MiiM.w.-fr-i
..M.n trnln atf innirifihnrbfllL
OIUL wants cooklnr. downiutri w?j
e n ceo mono rupmu w t
QlRIi, experlepped wanti to
i. i l-j juiiiam .. tiBju "
HOUSEKEEPER. exp des. poa, . vtfgT,
household or caring for """"'""Ki
ball or ad. 4SQ4 Fa'' ave. IIlmont If
HOUBEICEtlPER (nianaging), nowi w
' bousatu year. p.i uj.. ....,5,
rv-u-VTir.t.claa German Proteatant
wishes jjosltlon. 003 Nectarlna w
ntr r
f i
jsttBBBililillliLBBBiWsLttiiLillilliiiBliLIWiLiMlWBLii tiLllllimri Tffi ib " 7LIIIBillBBBiLllllnLIWIilLBHBIMiLIBBBMBilillilHmsBM MafTfri inT u !tt i miinTsatfii 1 1 r miff i "m mMim " amKlsssojSSUBBEKBtmii m tr , if i , . i -t r.-g , .iji tn"m-T"n r"" "V -" i