- 13 r.liUi l.i , .-...-imfc.a-.f IEBIGN EXCHANGE RATES DROP TO LOWEST POINT IN HISTORYWHEAT AtyAW RISES EVENING LEDGrEB PHIIiAT)ELPHIA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1G, 1915, ECHANGE RATES DROP; WORE COLD IMPORTS Sterling Offered nt 7m Jjctniencm oieui Sinkc3 New High Record. R fOBIf, Fb le.-OvershndowlnG Id. ihA nronounced weakness In Sfe exchnnce rates. This market teP ?"' "' r ,, mi-, nil atone tho raMeino""- "--- - Wlulku thnl nny olio In tho Street HrTThV West I" history D.- M". in .i.hfiimn on London at Peltate T O"0'1 ftl 479, bUl lt,tCr llrSnaVTt recovered to above 4.80. Tho mm low record was made yesterday, KrtMactlons bctn-j as low as 4.80JI. (M1D' fnnnor nrecedenta. the fiS?ritrs of exchango on Europo should Ur , , f. ,,, Mimnrurl tbnl morn -rthe yellow metal would be cnRntced for Stint by the Bank of Ottawa to New vvm.- u nifintinf nr lne ifnnK or cmm'-hI. tut theso reports could not bo Sk.,..-!. The Bank of England shipped Sum In Bold direct to New Yor. linn- i nXifr however, does not want to part i p;lir Urge gold holding to any great ItStJ fn the day It was announced tlint r&Bitik of England lind made another Wpnwnt of 1503,000 In foreign -fold coin, Tilth It IS bclieveu, was ill AinuriL-uii eiitlr, lor niow ,.-... .--- -. toi"" Theso gold shipments caused a fer Wno In the foreign exchango lriar- tltiwai ' announced after the close hadHn Ottawa for Import to Now lork. ihlJ makes a total or -a,uw,wu on me pres et movement. jfjMi raised the question as to what Rrettld be dono to re-establish rates on n ferial pasls. " wnB h"la bJ some lhat IrttSBanlc of England would probably hjtweps to establish a big credit hero cf the. nCCOUnl 01 uivai unmui inaLvuu (iMijdlng gold which would be used In fitMSJltles, and that this credit would guaranteed by tna unn o jMimunu, 5-l.i.I.. -. MttlamAnt nftttT flirt WflP. EroPSUir ul h.. ....... ...... -..- iltiwas also pointed out that Europo, Slti 'exchange rates so low, might llqul tote tome of her holdings of American KcifrUlts Instead or sending gold here. AhTM'O ,ace of these conditions the loc)C maracc qihpihjcu mi uui-iimu luim tSwushout tho day. On the whole, how 'trer, prlcts held well, but there was very 'llitU disposition shown to do anything. 'Diirtas tho morning session prices held ...X.I ...... Mr..., ...,.t.l ..All t ..! O , ' 0 ,J0ri.l DC 1I1USI puifc. nivuim jwiuua, o fdwejbut aftgr midday the market dls- flij'M f. weaner 10110 una was, to a ccr Ulit'extenf, Irregular. Trailing ran prin cipally In specialties, tho Issues favored WiTt HMhlphem Steel. Mexican I'ctro- If'cmrand Heading. i IBethlehcm Steel common reached the : Ugliest point It has ever sold during tho morning, going to 6"S,. compared with SS&t t'no close yesterday, reacting later Bwtnpathy with tho rest of the mar- (At1 the close the market recovered frac jtMtilij' from tho low, but a number of Kues were still below tlic final of yes- Veu York Bond Sales tlUk T niun rrwi iM. t t -. .. ' t. . .. fUM) Alaska G llln cv Uj. . .lluji HUh IWt MX) Amur Cot Oil J'.is ltKjl, ltou luuvi jouiv.imer tuna u i. u....iwM ac-u i"-Vi 'llXI Amur It ft ilah fta M .- N.. tMOAniff bmclt Sec fls! ..lwW lw Jl)tl WW Arner 'Ul cl t 4a.... Hait hi ;k fcOul Am,r 1VI hvl lk . 1hi. l.H. 1..11.. ikow Amtr Tel evt 4'is rjrVH. M. t.i. ii ?- UUT4 us-a fc.mil lmiAi. , ., ItllMI IKkl... ..II V ' 83 U IMV-, tt(XO Atclilaon cv -la U33. ll 1 ,W 1U1V4 bU Dili boi Ml Ul runm Aiciimnn iv J i i-.iiji f hki-A uhi.AH M k- 1 ..1 f i i.i t.V i5iC bllfci bu,i lil-. it Allan r I !- a! 1 kit,. ywiniiBti jiiiu ki l iai ou;4 iw 1111 a: unio a bu IttU) Bait & Oh cv -ih. t04 4ww wu u awn ofti... oj IflHirfhl (lath Cltuil 1. K,. 1IUI S'J lLITt 1011 lp0lJth btccl rru aa bu IfwyUrookn Jt T as JUI8..1W) DlJVn llnft ll.t. iA. (1 .t 1r.lt' 10O 1UO 1UU, lUlVi 1)3 ii U8Vi ' S-) i7i v,w,M 1,'1,,rXr ;iui'; r-.wvw Mill, un VUIIB t3. , . M0 cent Leather 1st 5a I osf bbj a, OU74 Din in inr lUvi 7V VWJV .KHi 11 U IN J OS WW Oil i Eat III Ss tit 81 01 axMchl & trie lat Os ...,10Z!4 loa lo-J 7(1 71 H. I?XK) Ctal & Nwn gen 4a Bta. U-",i WI4 U- ii lUlU lUlli US54 tOi Int.. nil-.. M IIS? Chm 4 Q Joint 4. . . . 0S, RWWChl U & q ju 4Si , , mlj oiu oljj ilirttf " l.iuu iw'i ivu-A larc-rv -m hiv ib, ...... cc ony, oau x'jva .,.. .if- ,...ir ..- i..,i P.;m$ do rd 4h Mj!-4 m'.i bu L?ywv uni 11 1 AC f col 43, gWLIll It Hll , tW) Con Oa cv 0a ,.,. fx; rn I'roa Ba luai ,,, WX) Llimtierland Tel .'. IMOOUel & Hud. 4a 1010,.., WOO Den & Itio Gr'ia!'.!'.!! J.Xg; "" ont rowder 4Va, T,SX !' ' aer a... ,4p Fit, & East Co 4'ia. lOOOat Cor & W 6a.. 102 10S 102 KC00 General Motor a 101U 10Vt 101. feWOreen liiy deb B.,,. 11 11 11 aaaaW;-; SIT" " ff Wil. MMI" tut IwKms. vv'.f K? D3 03 83 6711 100 n.ivt 78 07'i 33 :, - uju itiii ou 83 B7W 100 08 00 SI, us 87t1 ioa w iow Central ret -la... 0U ivvvu llHO LVD CV Dal 1IKJ MOO Imp Cop cv 1010 6j.. USl LDOin lntrh r AILm TA ' IntatfK n "r -J7 ii no iSlilA Tnta. it.. r.b li'' Qllf aXX fHs f Mvr VVIaltt "Tl V Iniernl NaMgat 6a.... ao SO on UWind Alcohol 6a ,. WJ,l W Japan new Oar ota 4Ha 77 ElYri V nm d i ii i. ' fur BE 70 72 n v.r .'." ?!.:: ;,;" crrr "" vnj du i iibm,, na 874. 100 lot 5S2!i Law;la Oa. lt Sa...,101 WUIca Ehoro gan alia.. 83(1 101 n.1 i lo ,W30 lOOf) toMMtnbnttan 4a". ft . I'U on r v mix net r 0U PI -44 09 fll C00MlBn ill t71; " n5" JBftVlfl J : 7 .-, r"' . !?3. H' Power 6a., ,.., 02 02 40 44 04 : 40 . 44. B-H&! Ma Pac cv 6s. ai'uv diu run jb . . --fJ-AHJ JQ tl.. ..-I a ' tXtm ISnuX i?i S,'.5."'- I4 'S aSx : .300H 100U 100 iia tjs vt KO! r.S- De oa fir "" urn ui .iiu nr..; Ifatail inaff am w v : . v.nz ;-.'7 I$K X Q H & P 4a... .4(i S2K1JJ ua 11 & P B. . KIT 1I5EK ii i 4l ll UI....1U.1 Kfi ' "ut WUt 4 l0N Y M . 1 ill. ' W NOTf & W l'nrh J. J Nor pao prior 4a. ... l!f?0" Ho lat fia IibhX 2' & Cal 8a BSS ?" Tel 6 . . . ot ot .KWU 108 .1004 10O . 07)i 8T .100 100 i rtrB7.Ff a') U 1 w I 1(MU 104 104S ,10ii 100V, lOBJ, iBjy.pon Copper ei: Reading, gtn 4a .... oa ' oyiniaiana la 81 S. uv nt ia 6711 67,4 II7U KffO St 1. I t X, Bn 1. . uo oa '. .102 103 ni t 60 108 63 1(V fSS ?t t & 8 P gan 8a . .108 S3 ;S"9ard A L adi Ba.. a,, o Car & fla lat r,a . .100 100 S AN AUU 6a 10U3 . 101H Bouih Pa0 Cv 41 .. S1U do cv rot t P 8a 1871 7 footb Pac rii U.Y.. MU 'Ii! 3 sa ?r iw 4iui 4m. oath Ttwy gen 4a. puta Rwy con 6a. exaa Co cv e. Thlrtl Ave new 4 V e Rubber 6a. . S on Pc lat it . r-f'M iit v " tinton Pac rf4 Is ift Rvy 6a f :t P Tr lat ct 5f Til t Chi 4a lid f..l. K. ; " .i w ! W 'lo.irts fia f IVtai t.Ri.r rag 4 "". nemiu it i i .i 10S 108 1US caii raji 0314 ii:i liaj, ii-), uh bii va 07)4 UTJi U7U tiu cn(; duu ll.-rt, HjW 1I5H 7U1I 7UH 711'ti 674. 87 J? 87 8 BlU Ulij Blh (Hit: 1)0!, 1.0H 8.1 81 01U 01H LJl A M T Ti i..l- 122.) 122JJ Lor Hard fia .loo 100U lOOti (i ii ' '.I7- -ii1- If 701, n,i n' oou S4!4 wu 10:1 im 103 103 1,.. , ,7- hOK HOU KOV . 8 B41J BlC . 11V ' ai 83 . SSU SH BA!i JU2 102 101 . uow now oow . fcitf miJ mu " 01" ioo irvi fI l. ll.b ... CAH 66K 64,1 ..-.Hi s3 8Sii ... S2 83 82 ...IfOT 102U 102V4 .. lOliJ JOO'S 101 . . 83 01S BIT, ... snv, fail sH ... 60 00 00 S OT BTH . . ion.3 loo looii 4a H w rS 72 . loiw ion; ioiu T5 2SV k 4 . ut.r'' "'"ii ffl New York Stock Sales Ai..k. r. .j... liat Hleh, tnr. CIn Alii. rJ:r'd M,nc! 28J 29', 28! 20H AUU Chalmers prcf .... at 3.5 a5 3fi 5S 'Lt,51,wr '. MH MH ran MJ a2 tfcVhcm pfef on. mn Amnsusar 40H 40ii 3fl' 40 7?" ,' 28)f 28V, 27( 28 ArnllldeAIrfatfterprcf 27J S8 27 ?8 A"JJfMmoHw ....... 2IH 2IH 2P4 'JlH Am B.,,,.?re' sou rot, ami wil Am Smcltlne prcf B .. 78 78 78 78 AmTel&TpI 120U 120 11WS lioii Am Woolen 8 is 18 Anaconda Copper 20)1 27 27 27 A'tJ'on Ot. 044 04 04 Atchison pref 08)i 08'i 08 03i At Coast 1.1ns iai' 104 104 104 b a rtwln r,oco mi 30J .101, 30), Jlalo&Ohlo fiO fl8'i 0RU C8'i naltoftohloprcf cow oo r.84 tni H'H1 a"w1 M B7 WW 'OH lleth Steel prcf 10.W 104U lot'l 104' nrooklyn Rapid Transit SOU 80' 8MI fiM( California Pet 10' 10W IB'I 18! ( California Pet prcf .... :;U4 60 60 60 Can Pacific 167 168 160W 167H Cenlral '.cither sfijj ,16T 33 3.5)1 Chcs&Ohlo ...42 41U 41lt 41! ChlnoCopper 3fi!f 05H 35H 36)4 ChlcOrcatW ii) 11 11 11 Chic Great Vf prcf A . . 30 291 20' 20)1 Chic Mil & St V 80 80 80 RO Cont Can prcf 01H 00)1 00H 00'i Col Fuel A Iron 26)1 20 3rM 23W Chic A Norlhw 127 12,rl! 126 12oV( Cluctt 1'cabody prcf ..10(1 100if 100'f 100)( Krlo 21( 22 2II 21f ConsoIOas 118)1 117M 117)1 117H Corn Products pref .... 0(1 07)i 07K 07)1 Del&Hudson 118)1140 140 140 Gen Chcm 170 1721J 17W 172)4 (IcnChcm pref I07H 107)j 107)1 107)1 General Klcclrlc 14.1 141l 141)1 141M Oencral Motor 0I' 01)1 0U4 01)4 General Motor pref ... 06)1 05)1 06,'f 0S Great Northern pref ..llo'l llfl'K 114W 116 Great Northern Orn . . .11 If Sll( 30f 31)4 OucKonhelmlCjploratlonCI'f 61W 60' 60)1 Intcrhoro-Met, 12'( 12M 12)4 12W Inlrrhoro-Mftpref .... 67)1 67)4 67 67M Inspiration Cons 18)1 18)4 18K 18) Iowa Central 0 10 0)4 0)4 KIscbo 1004 100 100 109 Lackawana Steel 20)4 28W 28)4 28)1 LarledeOns 98 OS 98 08 Lehigh Valley 1.12)4 133 132 133 I,ooe-Wlle3 niscuit ... 20 18 . 18 18 I.oulsv i: Nash 117 110 116 118)4 MackayCo 70 75 74' 76 Maxwell Motors 22 24)5 am 24W Mamcll Motors 1st pref 0OW 62'f 00 02 Maiwcll Motor 2nd pref 23J4 20 24)1 25)4 Mercantile Mar 1)4 IK i 1 Minn & St I. 10)1 10)4 1754 I7 MStP&SSM 112 112 112 112 Mexican Petroleum .. 72H 72 GO 70 MoKon&Tcx 1055 10f 1(V4 10)4 MlomlCopper 18)4 1854 IB'i 18)4 Missouri Pacific 10'f 11 lO'l 10)i Montana Power 60)4 62 C0! 60)4 Montana Power prof ..100)4 10U4 101)5 101' National niscuit 120 12.1)4 122)4 123)4 NatLcad 50)4 60'( 40)4 10U Nat Lead prcf 108 10S) ! 108 lOSi NVNH & II 40 49W 49 40 N Y Central 84U M'f M'i K4 Norfolk & West 1(0 100W 100'4 100 i No Pacific 103U 103 102M 102 H Tenna 105)4 105 104)1 10434 PltlsburgCoal 205' 214 20)i 20)4 Plttsbure Coal prof ... 03 00 95 00 Pressed Steel Car 31 31 20M 29)4 Pullman Co 152 152M 152)4 162V nayCons 17)4 174 17 17 Reading 14.1). 113)4 143 143'4 Republic Iron. St ... 20 20 20 20 Heck Island pref 154 W Hi lh Seaboard Air Lino .... 13)4 13 13 1.1 Seaboard Air Lino pref. .10 30 30 .10 South P R Suear 40 40 40 40 Southern Pacific 845-4 84)4 83'i M Southern Ry 155i 15)4 16)4 165 1 Southern Ry pref 50 50 50 50 Studebaker 45)4 4651 45 45)5 liudket.pref .01 KU4 MM 03)4 Tennessee Copper 30 30)4 20)4 .29)4 TexasCo 132)4 132 128 130 Texas Pacific RR .... 13 124 12J4 1254 Thlnl Avenue 40 40 45)j 40 Tjnlonnae& Paper.... 5)4 614 5b 5)4 Union Pacific 1105. HOW 110 110 Union Pacific pref .... 81 81)5 81)4 8154 Un Rwy Im pref 20 20 20 20 US Rubber 50)4 50 f-5'4 55f US Steel 43)5 43)4 424 4.H4 USSteelpref 1(M)4 1014 104JJ I045J United Clear Mfc prcf. 104)4 1044 1044 104)4 Utah Copper 52)4 52W 62)4 624 Wabash K H ' Wabash prcf 2 2 2 2 Western Union 04 034 6354 03)4 Westlnehouse Electric. 714 70)4 C954 09 4 West Maryland prof .. 35 30)5 304 304 Willis Overland 5f tO 54 '0 Willis Overland pref . . . 00) 00 90 00 Total sales today 100.900 shares compared with 225,515 shares jestcrday; this week 380,410 shares; last week 1,109,229 shares. HEAVY MARCH MATURITIES Securities to Be Paid Off Total Over Sovcnty-Bcven Millions. Maturing securities In this country In March amount to approximately J77.EO0. 000, an Increase over January und teb ruary, but considerably less than maturi ties In May, June and October. Including tho .March Issues, there is yet to bo met In this country 7ll,000,000 of maturing securities. A substantial part of those, however, has been provided for by tho 100,000,000 New York Central G per cent, debenture Issua and solo of $19,000, 000 Pennsylvania consolidated 4H. Of the March maturities, the principal ones yet to be provided for are those of the Boston & Mnlne system, which amount to $25,000,000. and the Amalga mated qoppers J12.B0O.OOa notes, duo March 15. LONDON MARKET IRREGULAR Gilt-edged Investments Steady; Ar gentine Ralls Bought. LONDON, Fab. 16 Price movements on the Block ; Kxehange today were Irregular. Tbf tP nf Vtllt-e.lJJ Inveatrnenta w(u awady. A waiting ittltuclB waa aliown In Amer can aharea. ErlJ fltat preferradwaa down 1 at fn! t-iiiae i loniparta ulrh the New York vulvae". Norfolk and Weatern. Southern Halmay and I'unnsyivania wrr, mauci. waa.gdln.tmen buylniln Argentina ralla. l5Sliher advance In naval lnauranco ratea waa announced, London N. Y, Amal Coprer JJ, M Atchison' 114 Wh jj Bait Ohio ,...,,......,... 71 "li ? Cha A- Ohl,9 ??., , VJf CHI & Ot Wat..., .......... H 10Jj ti rienverli Uto Q .. J .' if Kilo lit Pref , ' -' llllnoia uniri . tjoilth houin Console NEY VORK CURB 4UIH SfltllB-AmVrVoan ToW. old.. 17 Brlitih-Amerlcan Tobacto, naw.-HJj OuldtMd Conaolldated H Qteene Cananea, i,a iio Nlplaalng .. Otl Klevator do preferred Klk.r.llegeman !!;;!!!i:iin:H 1 ..' lt rn4r N Y Ont &,Wct.... ........ -m - J N Y Central . ""inl" ion' X Norfolk & West lgOj, w I'ennartvonla ?l? iihJJ i 2 Itaarilnr II" 1W 'Ml T" 7 ll7.i SI,, 1Y7J loriHo .!-?? iia: "71 - unit . . wj, .... .. iUBSK fev. iprii:",.:::: w f Wnlted eiaer Store M M unTt.rlrora,tbarln,,-niW:::::U38.i8 isk ?SB1 Ja :::::::::: $ RenerTO Banka ns Executors Th Federal Reserve Board Iia p proved regulation under which banks which arc member of the reserve system may serve a exeoutors and administra tors ot Utea - - , IB !, BAB SILYR t CAMBRIA SCRIP ACTIVE PARK TRACTION WEAK Suggestion to Exchange United Water and Light Notes for Bonds. The trndlnn In bonds largely over dhndowed transactions In stocks through out the isreater portion of the sessfoit on tfio Philadelphia Exchnnso today. City 4s sold nt 101, ft block of 110,000 bcln? taken at that figure, Cambria Steel scrip of 1917 was also active, advancing ncioss 96, and various other Issues of high grade wcro In demand. In the afternoon Cambria Scrip got up to ?, some $15,000 worth dimming hnnds. Thllndelphla Company Scrip of 1918 Bold At 80, whereas that ot 1916 brought 91. Except for United States Steel there was little doing In stocks during the morning. Philadelphia Electric ruled Orm, whereas the tractlcns remained heavy. There was a disposition to belittle tho January Itnpld Transit report, but In conservative circles It wns regarded as decidedly encouraging, showing that tho mnnugement had nssumed a llrm grasp of the problem of operating1 expenses. Tho name Interests bought Ithpld Trans-It ti ,ny who acquired a large block of tho stock n few weeks ago. A Ovc-polnt dtop In Pennsylvania Salt came as a result of romovlng the minimum limit. Fnlrmount Park Transportation fell to a new low record nt Vi A meeting was held this afternoon to discuss plans for reorganization. It was generaly expected that the plan would bo declared operative. Time fot depositing tho stock was extended until the end of the week. United Gas Improvement shares were not affected by tho statement of Presi dent Bodlnc that, In order to meet the vlows of the, United States Department of Justice, tho company will reorganize the corporate control of Its street lighting business In various cities throughout the country. It Is understood the only criti cism was directed against ,iome of tho business methods used In tl.t ,ast bysomo of tho street lighting companies controlled by the United Light and Heating Corn puny, In which latter concern tho United Gns Improvement Company Is a largo stockholder. Nono of the Government's recent criticisms were directed nanlnet the Wclsbnch Street Lighting Company, but tho lnttcr will be affected with tho other companies In the reorganization. An echo of the failure of J. S. and 3. W. Kuhn has cropped up tills week In the shape of a circular from a number of largo holders of United Water and Light Company 6 per cent, notes, urging their exchange par for par for collateral trust 5 per cent, gold bonds of the Amer ican Water Works and Electilc Company, a concern formed from the reorganiza tion of the fulled American Water Works and Gunrantee Company. There are I7,977,M0 United Water notes, largely held In Philadelphia. The collateral behind them consists of second and third mort gngo bonds of various concerns through out the country. The circular states that the Interest received from the pledged securities Is sufficient, so long us no de faults tnke place, to provide funds to pay the Interest on the notes, but theso mature serially from 1914 to 1923, and tho Unltod Water und Light Company has no means of meeting the principal except by eulo of collateral, which would be Impossible except nt a heavy loss. Under tho circumstances, It Is urged that the American Water Works and Electric Company Is In a better position to protect t'no properties Involved thnn committees could by foreclosures and receiverships. Sales in Philadelphia Yes.cIoBO. High. Low. Cloae, left ram Trnn 4!I 4J 42 Ml Cam Htfel 4JVa "1 nhl at Went 41 1114 4 4.1 silt 7UVi 340 huirmount 1 T. "1 Inn Co N Am.. o,TS 101) Int Prod & Ch. :io as x,u Key rei n h lu iaKo hup uorp.. u 24 Lch Nav 7HJ4 2.1 do t c TUU L'i Lehigh Volley.. OUiJ V 7Ml 11 t)l TlIU 7US lilUi IXCI-IO dll'i .IT North renna ... v w int uu 3 l'cnna n n.52 ll-in 6211.-10 SB 7-10 W4 .1 IVnna Salt lit oa K.'i M tu 14 iTilia lileo ... Nt P It T tr ctta. 315 Ton Hcl :I2.1 'ion Mining ... K1& 10 24 24H 10 10 Mi 3 11-10 24 10 ti" I'l Ji tl"l 00 union 'iTac lit V lias Imp. . in lr h uublr .. 30 M !4 41ft Sit 141.1 IT K Bttei 4 l!i it u.' f jt. ftn (lU iiil no .... --.- ..- .I.... rtnn.nuv ullh &Xlfl jesterday; this neck, loltj aharea; laat neek, 40,720 ahorca. BONDS. Laat prev.nalc, High. Low. Close. ISrO Am O A; r. it. . Ml M K.V) MJ lumi naid io ist oa.iu Ji'ii-a iy.',a iv.l. 4C cajn Hti cp nil" ... , 131UI Cam Sti acp 1U17 !AJi Sihiki L'hoo k Ok gn S t)S!i lflODO City 4a 1041 reg 100)4 1000 Clen MP deb Sa DS 4 17UOU I. Nav con 4V4.a. WW lixl 1, v gen cona 4a 8TS4 1000 I. V tr lat 8a. .. luu I'enna con Is "4 07H UOtiO ra ret 4tia w I.1Q4 WO'I'hlla hleo 3i..l0tyt 1C00 Peop 1'iea t o 4a 82 OKI l'hlla Co acp '1H 51 B1.1 Phlla Co acp 'IS SO 07 07 U7 07 07 DS'i 07 07 101 11)1 07 101 V8 US US IIM AM IKflj, 00 i 4 87' 1021 1I7M, U7Vj !04-5 104,4 104(4 101 lUlii 10l 82 82 82 III la) 111 bO BO Ml W 0.1 Ul 12000 Rending gen 4a. iji fHMQ KeQdlnir Ren -!. us im i.. i 200O W nTpS lat talOSH 102H 102 102S .u.l Vr TIM n u,l 17. .. 0.1 lU UI Total ealca, JW027, compared with 41S2.0.I7 jeaterday; this week, 21l.0Hj laat week, 1208,403. Local Bid and Asked Today'a YeiterdayB Tlld. A'ked. Bid. Aeked. llaMwin ......... du pref Cumbria Steel .... Eleclrlo Storage ., (leneral Aapnalt do pief Keyatone Tel ..... do t 0 . rto pret Lake up Corp.... Lehigh Kv do t 0. ....... .... Lehigh Valley .. Lehigh Valley Tr. do pref ......1.. PaunayUhnla ... Phlla Elco Phlla ' do rref ... ...... do cum piei.... Phlla It T 1. do t o Ttradlng ..,,... Ton Pel..,. Ton Mln Un Trac,.. ....... IT O I .; II H Bteel York Ilwy do pief ...... . auu ul nui ji nnC Hit 4'l 4m; 00 lOO'i 43J 4K; 30 M i4sJvi 4-1 48 us IP 0 7n 7B1.5 17 .. UK .. 14, .. 7111-i .. '"Hi :: & 14'i oa 0 TllU 70 711 IUVj IW!i 6lii5 7dW Itt !. 57 28 ., BtVi ni'i, raw ,', SH, 24 24S ni, KV4 .it! .1244 2415 Kl 3.1 AX 10 10 72 :i: m 1 32VJ .... 'v . . 3-1 38 I, iov! io'( . S3 .. MS :: 41 82W lit 4 DIVIDENDS DECLARED llergentbaler Llr-otyp Company, regular querierlv 2W Mr cent., payatlo March 31 to "cofunfbuVuil..'nd., Light, Company. TH centi. payable February 25 to atocK ot record 'continental Oil Company, regular quarterly ii i iliir. payable March 10 to "took of record February 23. , American Qua Company, regular quarterly Uiwlr n" parable llarch i to stock of fecord February IT. WILMINaTON BONDS AWARDED VVIIlNOTON. DtL, Feb. 10. - Harris, Vnrbu . Co.. of New York, ware today award S'tlff fteui ofeSoO.000 4 per cent. Wu , of ite lJlnt building Ue of Ihy el(y of Wll mlnaul" Their 614 waa 103.831, which mean SjlIm for the BOO.wi laaue. All thffctd were aboo Pr ,h olC.ttw,r W B'1'" & 00. or New York, 1 M, Itrmtefc. Hodgea fto Now York. 1C2 763J Alexander Uiown S SeoV, Plttaburrt, 103.0IS. lilodet,t & Co.. Hew York. 103 27tf: Eatabrook Co . !?w YSSc-lM-fi KQUl!,J Ouarantee and Trust Co.. WUmlngton, 103.TH. Baltimore Grain Embargo Lifted The Penaeylymti Beilroad glvea notice U followa: TSTObargo en grain for eaport vl m(iTOore. Md.. t removed, elective ajteooaa FebVvarir l . NEW YORK METAL MARKET vor im rn..'af JOSEPH T. RICHARDS Consultinff cnncor maintennnco of way of tho Ponnsylvnnlu Rail road, who will retire on March 1. Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. 10 tin Trsc. . . ion Phlla Klec. 100 ram Iron . 12 rnlla Klec.. 10 IT H Pfl.. 3il 100 U 8 Htrel. '.'H4 100 do 42 2.1 Phlla nice , 2451 R Penna ... 41 Sll fl !.... , 10 10O Ton Bel... . 21 100 do , 21U 70 Pennn .... , 4IJ :i do ,r.2'' 2.1 Ton Bel... 52'u 2.1 Penna .... 80 Phlla It T t e. 10 ' l ins Co N A. 20 do S, O IT B Steel... 34 Penna . .. . 10 do BONDS. $3001 Heading ten 4 1000 Am Oaa 4 V.ltc Ca 10000 city 4a 1041 reg 4 Com Hterl .rip 1017 lnflO l.h Vnlley en cone 4s 1000 Penna rcta 4a w I 1001 rto 0 Cambria Steel scrip 1017.... 7.1 do 31 do 02 do f dn low r.fhluh Vnlley Tr lut B lOit Cnmhr'a Steel serin 1017 .... 0 Cnmbrln Sti-cl scrip 1010.... 02 do , 7.1 12 York rtnjH pr scrip 10:30 to 11 A. M. 10 U S Steel.. 40 i'n 100 do 10 Leh Val... 100 U S Steel.. . 41't 100 do . 41'4 101 do . 42 100 10 , flfl., R Cam Steel. , 431li BONDS. 1.1 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 P'-H is no s;;5 si do jt;; 1R7 do J 2.17 i0 j;h roo do JRJJ 2000 West N Y ft Pa 1t .Is 102 101 Thlla Co scrip 101B 01 87 iln 00 10OO Ttaldwli Loco 1st To 101 19 Cam Steel scrip 1017 034 11 to 11:30 A. M. 10 I'n Trac 31 "0 tjn Trnc 3R 2.1 Ton nM 3 100 Phlla niec...24J 40 PM!a Klec... 24'i BONDS. J3111 Cambria. Steel scrip 1017 0V4 do. 300O Tteadlng cen 4s TIU r-amhrlil. RtM-1 serin 11117 ttl . . Mti 31 iln nsii 4000 Lrh1gh Navlaatlon cons ii 001; lOim Tfnna rets 4Hs w t 104if 17 Cambria Steel ecrlp 1017 03H 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 12 Penna H'M in Penna R2'4 300 Phlla niec... 24M 20 U Q I S2i BONDS. 37 Cambria Steel scrip 101T OSS 21 do 015 31 do O.IH 2.H1 do f-'S 02 do 0.1 i: do 0.1 12 to 12:30 P. M. 10 Phlla Trnc... 7T 20 Phlla Eleo... 24'i 340 Kulrm't l'k Tr tj 10 Leh Nav t c. . 7il' 31 11.1 Tom Mln ilS 1.1 do 7fl'l 20 T.eh Nav 70J4 IIU'O 1 82 1 Penna t. 'V'l S Cam Steel.... 41 7 do B2U o-iv, BOND3. rla Steel scrip 1017 nsl OlH oi(4 S31 Cambria Steel ecrlp 1017 1S2 no 1 An s.iooo Clioc &. Okla cen fia 07 3li Cambria St -of scrip 1917 00 WOO Penna rets 4Ha w 1 104 (12 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 no is do OH 87 Phlla Co B..TIP 1010 01 47 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 OH 100O Lehigh Nav cona 4i,s OOli 12:30 to 1 P. M. 12 N Penna. 00 23 Chi & Gt W. 1114 BONDS. 12.1 Cnmbrla Steel scrip 1017 ORi; r.'.l do nnii noon Lehlgn Nnv cona 4Un OOU 1000 Penra rcta 4Hs w 1 104(5 leoo People's Para t o 4a 82 SOW Penna rets 4'ta w 1 10414 frO York Jlw'a pr scrip lnirt OT fl Cnmbrla Sterl Bcrln 1017 00 41 Phlla Co ecrlp 1010 .01 1000 Phlla Ul'fi 4 in SO Cnmbrla Steel scrip 1017 Ort 1000 Choo & Okla grn Sa 07 MOO Reading gen 4s 03 1 to 1:30 P. M. 40 N Pnna 00 10 Ton Mln ft",, 10 Lk Sup Corp. 0 40 Penna B2H 5 N Penna 00 BONDS. 250 Cambria Steel scrip 101T 0P,4 0 do 0 10 do .JA.'i 22 10S Phlla Co ecrlp 1018 80 1:30 to 2 P. M. 2 Phlla Else... 24 10 Leh Val BflU 2'0 Phlla BT t c. jo' 100 IT S Sttel.... 4.1 100 do 10 10 Penha B2' 70 Penna 0215 BONDS. 81 Cambria Steel scrip 1017 06 ST dn ml Mil Phlla Co ecrlp 1011 01 13 Cambria Steel Scrip 1017...... .,,,., un 12 ao ,. POO do,,,..,......,, COd do...., ,V1 Cambria Strel acrln 1010 :niK) Cambria eteel scrip 1017...... 3S0 do ,... OH IM1H 07 07 07 0T 2 to 2:30 P. M. 100 Phlla Eleo,., 2414 4 Leh Nav 7".', 100 do 24H -1 Penna Salt... 81 2 Penna 62',, jo w J fl H so 20 Un Trao..... tl 2 Penna B2I4 70 Penna B2T 23 Ton Bel 3K 100 U U Bteel..,, 41 BONDS. M Cambria Bteel'acrlp 1DIT, 07 170 da .,..,.,.,,,,. , 07 INI do 07 187 do , 07 12A Cambria Steel scrip I old , 07 IS" lo .... ........,,,,,.,, ,,,t,.v, 07 521 Phlla. Co 'rlp 1018 , Ml 1000 Leh Nav rona 4Wa. ,,, OOU ICO) Penna cona 1048. ,, ,..,... VWi Z;iU to 3 P. fll. 1 II 8 Steel.... 43 18 Penna A2Uj Elee.., 24K 10 do ,,. 4J 2.1 Phlla Elee 4U ao. ........ ?. iv ott.ui,.,., mi rin 41 10 II H Riihlisr.! KM 200 Kev Tel, H'Ll00 lt fiChem, 30iJ 100 Phlla Eleo. . , SK 20 do 41 100 Ton Bel...... DU 10 Phlla Elee,... 21H SO Cam Steel.... 42 . BONDS. 8T Cambria Bteel scrip 1017 or 200 American aaa A Eled Be... 8JU 100 Philadelphia Kief Sa... 101; 18 Cambria Steel arp 1017 07 EOOO lyetilgh Nav cona eUa SOU 400 Philadelphia Ueo 4s I0H 18 Cambria bteal acrtp 1IT 1)7 82 do ...,.,., 07 19 Cambria Steel acrln IMS 07 lOrt Oeoeral AvpMlt deb Sa 08 IS Cambria Steel scrip 1017 07 123 York Itwys pr acrln WIT M 10-0 Heading eon 4s , 03 18 York Ifwya. pr wrlp 101T 03 ANNUAL UKKT1N08 m TUB LK1IIG1I COAL AND NAVI. flATION COJIPANY Philadelphia. February 9. 1918. The annual meeting ot the stockholder! ot The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany wilt be held at the oitlee of the Com. pany, 4M Cheetaut Street, lB.llaipb.L. p.. on February 21. 1S19, ei 11 o'clock A. u. Mhta and where en eleetloa will be held for President end Board of Managers to serve for th eaeulng year. Copies of (tie itaoiial Rapert ca be had at the Couipay' pBlce cm and efteor FeV JUMP IN WHEAT; MAY CLOSED $1.62 34 Brndstreet's Puts World's Sup ply of BrcadstuiTs at 171, OtiO.OOO Buahcla. CMICAaO, feb. IS.-Mny wheat closed today at tl.62,, tee. below the hlshest level reached during tho tiny, but 2.iiS3Uc. obove tho restlns spot yesterday. July closed nt H.3iH, after leccilliu ftom $1.314, the hlRh point. Corn closed 'iJt'sC lower than yester day, and untn were oft UWC. Cash trnnsactlonei of wheat were only 6000 bushels and there wero no reported sales at the seaboard. Tho world's avall nblo supply brendstuffs, as compiled b llrailstreet's, decreased n,640.OuO Ihj-.Ii-ols tho last week to a total of 111,000,000 bushels, tomparcil with a totnl of .0V 000,000 bushels a year n-o. Tho niAilnblc supply of corn Increased 3,753,000 bushels and now Is 44,359.000 bushels, compared with 20,832,100 bushels a year auo. The oupply of onts Inerea-od 205,000 bushels nnd now Is nbout the same as a year ago, when tho total was 41, 000,000 bushels. Hog products were lilghei nil Around. Leading futures innged as follows: vest d s Wheat 1 Ore'i. Hleh. Low. Close, cloio. IstllV. (r''r,c IW'li l.oo Liu, ti.eou 1..I.1 ,.I0', 1..-14U May. July. i.niti l.mti i.:l.it: I.:i7(. Cum I new uri M-r) May. HUIJ Nil, 8l(i 814 ins tfOV juijr.... oau May. . . , July.... jrd May.... July.... nil 80',t 00'4 Bl4 0114 ."X. atu .--, . . . 10.80 . . . 10.1)7 ... 10.22 . . . 10 47 . . . 10.00 . . . 10.32 tAlked. 10 87 1,01 10.80 10.81 flO.80 10 05 tlMTO 10.03 Mnv . . 10.30 10.22 il0 21 t'0.20 HI 02 10.4.1 I10..12 10.42 11.10 18.07 t'0.10 18.87 10 30 111.33 TlU.50 flu.27 Jul'.... I'orK Mnv July ... -1HU. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Teli. 10 1IOOS. neceUls. 2.1. 000 Market, steady. Mixed and. butchers. H.4.Vff0.s.! gool heay. .M-oJi rough lifAvy. d.3-n). light. -ii.30flO.8J: Pfs. l.v.VMjnaii: bulk. IH.70HI183. , CATTI.fi - ceipts, W0. .Market, v.eak. Beeves, S.iaS.2.1: cows nnd heirers, .l7.40; itockcrs and f-edere. 14 4U!lifl.lo: Texans, liT.I: calycs, -8.MI-10-I5. SIlEEP.-necclpts. BjA. . ket. steady. Native and Western, 4,402'l.b3i lambs, t3.Oq3.W. NEW YORK COFFFE MARKET NEW YOnK. Keb, HI. Tho coffeo market elooiM Irrcaular. Futures were :l points higher to 10 polntn lower. Prices follow: Today's Today'n Yesterday's opining. closing. closing. March .1.MV3.1..11 B.41 if.l .11 ..UW".i Anni ... . . .vs.-. n..Vsf.i.nn waliAtti May MB .1.07JI.1.I1.S r..-3S.74 June n.72ff.l.80 3 70W.1.7I S.7.l.l.7n July 0.70 ll.78fl.Ml I.7MHI.77 Aucust 0.811 Il8.1illl.8l 11.1135111.1)4 .SopU'inber .... il.IO-I0.fi3 asPJIillH) n.0.1iI.U4 Oelober 0.03 o.lHno.Pd n.07.oii Nmembcr .. : .... 701H7.03 T.flTfll.n; December '7 03 7.oi)J7.11 i.lC'fli.l. Totnl talcs, 77W) tags. Hid. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET .,.,1, v,.1 1-W 111 Th. pnllnn miirk.t op'enod steadier' this monilng at an advance ot 4 to I! points ovtr jesterdas close. The mnr- this continued through long operations, anil . .-, -1- .. m W....av Th. Rmttl, finil U,VCrpll HI.U n u uuvt. ... -- .- OZuropenn sold. Business wns moderate. yesterday's .... ClOSe. UJIPn. 1IIHII. li. .,"". March 8.43 8.47 8.50 8.11 S.50 A.u. . ..... Nil l.7 N 7N H US J 77 1!"? 7 s.ni S.ro R. 8.04 October.'.'.".'.'. 0.1S 0.10 0.20 0.12 0.10 Tanunry...... IIIO 0.38 0.38 0 38 H.ftS Spot 8..1.1 o.3 LUAIBER RATES REASONABLE WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Tho 16 cents per 100 pounds rate on carload lots of lumber from Vlrulnla producing territory n miet.i,.(TVi nnrl Pnliimhnn. O.. wns de clared rensonable by tho Interstate, Com merce UUmmiBBlUU LUUUJT. Financial Briefs The special committee of the New York Stock Exchange established tho following minimum prlcen to tnke effoct tomorrow: American Locomotive preferred, 81; Baltimore nnd Ohio preferred, G7; Loosc Wllcs Biscuit, 36; first preferred, S8; nnd second preferred at 78; National Hallways of Mexico first preferred, 10; Now York, New Haven and Hartford, 47; Southern Railways preferred 48. Notice was filed at Trenton today by the West Jersey and Seashore Increas ing Us capital stock from 10 to 13 mil lions, according to authorization ot stockholders at the meeting lust month. Benson Mann, Jr., formerly with Isaac Starr, Jr., & Co., has become associated with Mellor & Pctry. B. F. Goodrich Company shareholders will on March 10 hold a special meeting to reduce the preferred stock from 80, 000,000 to S8,000,000. The Pittsburgh Coal Company has au thorized the sale of 11.530 acres of coal lands to the Monongahela Consolidated Coal and Coke Company for approxi mately "9,343,333. The American rtallways Company re ports an Increase of 11003 In January gross earnings. J, Conyngham Stevens has retired from the firm of Sinkler Brothers. Oold to the amount of 600,000 arrived In New York from London. The Atlas Powder Company annual re port showed a surplus equal to 9.S0 per cent, earned on the stock, against 10.78 per cent, the previous year. Percy Donner, of the Pittsburgh Stock Exchange house of Donner, Chllds & Wood, has been elected a member of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. He Is a son of William II. Donner, president ot the Cambria Steel Company, The annual report of the Mackay Com panies shows an Income of "1,246,011, eaual to 4.51 per cent, on the common stock, after deducting preferred dividends, com pared with 6.32 per cent, the previous year. The Commercial Trust Company gave Its annual report a new form, showing Desirable Information for those with Funds to Invest Is contained in our newly prepared pamphlet It de scribes the fundamental features of bonds, notes and preferred stocks offer ing maximum safety con si-tent with good income. Send for Pamphlet No. 16$, WHUam P Bonbrlglit & Co., Inc. MORRIS W 'STROUD, Jr. Manager 3T CHESTNUT ITHBBT rhUadclphla Saw Trk JBeelea Dtal PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR HIII'.AT. IKcelpts, 149,47d bush. The market firm ami 3c. higher, due to a good e port demand nnd higher Western advices, quo. tatlons: far lots, In esport elovator No. red, spot and Kehruary, f 1 ,01-01 "0; No, 2 red yV'ettrrti. ti.cottl l; No, i rTotthern thilulh, mi. llecelpte, 28,721 bush. There was little trading, and with lower outside advices. prli.es of export delherles declined He. Local rnr lots weie ulthout quotable change, . quotations- Car lots. In esport eleator No. 2. rpot end Kelruarii WMiM'tci steamer, 7iur Ml,: : n. :l lay ti tfir lofa for local trade, to location Ko. 2 jelloir, new, 8'U4Uc., steamer jeliow, new, WOMWe.i No. A yellow, new. w)ftic.j sample jellow, now, 7iv7lc, new enh. ne 9n r.m . ax.c,!, 1 1 Am. Iiecelpts, 42,040 bush. Offerings J ., mr mm ine insraet sienn). oui iraup (inlet, quotations: No, 3 white, nHa.V,ic.i standard white, iHflrtlHc; No. U while, M'.ra uic -. ffl'l sjarce and firmly held. We quote at, l.a,Hil2, per hush,, as to quality. In export; elsiaior, and at fl.lKul.20 lor small lols or neiriiy train In bans 1'LOtll. netelpn, 18311 bbls. and 1.00R.DS2 Ibe In amke. .leirsnd llglit. but mill limits II nil. In stn,atliy Mltli the ntiength In wheal, quotations, per 10(1 lbs.. In noodi Winter n,a .T,.? t, ., a.lk. ., .,1. Ui .. k... ?,.,.,,. u.'.i aiiuiisill, ,li,uil,,lvi uu , patent, M.JOfitli Kansas, straight, jute sacks, 7.2."ifl7 fill: dn.. mlpnt, tule packs. 7.r.niiAi spring, first, clear, fn.7S7: do., strnlght, 7i i.2jji do, iifltenl, e..tMS; do., tatorlte brands, rj.i,ow, cujr mine, cnoice nna lancy piiieni, (S.US48.CO: uliy mills, regular grades winter, clear. 77 '-'5 do., straight, 237.tOi do., patsnt, srrons ItVF. l'l.fll'll.-iiinnllea amiill and the market flrm. but trails uiitet. nuole nearbv I and Wcetern, In wood, at 1787 SO per bbl as to quality, PROVISIONS The market steady, but trade quiet nd of a Jolitdmr character, quotations: city beef. In sets, smoked nnd alr-Orleil, ',Hl2Gtf., West ern beef, in sets, smoked. 2.M'2i.e. , do., city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and air dried. 27B2RC.; do, Western tieef. knuckles, en. I tenders, smoked, l!72Sc ; beef hams. x.tKu'1, pork, family, f22..,0Ti2:i, limns. H. P. cured, loose, lMH-jinvic. : do., skinned, looso, 12J4W 12v.e.i do., do., e-noked, MViViaUe.i odier hams, smoked, city cuied, ns to brand nnd average, 14-7I44C! do., boiled, tioneiess, Itur 20e., picnic shoulders, 8. I', cured, loose, IK" 611c: do., smoked, llu(112c, bellies. In pickle, according to brand and average, city cured, 17ll-)c; do., Western cured. i7ifl.lSc; lard, Westirn. renncd, t erces, llfillUc : do, do., tubs, lHiin.c.; co., puro city, kettle ren dered, in tierces. 1U)IU,e.. r.o., pure city, kit tlo rendered, In tubs, liftlUic. REFINED SUGARS The market firmly hold, but quiet, quota-tlons- Htsndnrd Knimilatid, f.Oc : nne granu lated, .1.7.-K:. . powdett'd, 5.80c ; conlectloners' A, B.iISc; mft gr.tdes, 4.tOt."i.50c. DAIRY PRODUCTS IIUTTKII, Trade quiet and the mo'rket weak and lc. loner, with ample offerings, quotations: Wes.ern, rresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy, specials, !Uc. ; extra, 3lc; extra nrets :iuc. , nrsts, '.Rg2iic.: seconds, 2 Wlfie. ; Indie-packed. 21J2.1e , as to quality, nearby prints, fancy. ;i4c. , do., average, extra, :Mc; do., firsts, 20"."llc. . do. seconds, 20928c.; special brands of prints Jobbing nt nfld-tlc. KCUIH. Offerings moderate nnd the market Arm with demand fair. Quotations: In fres rases, nearby, extras. 20c. per dox.i nearby, firsts, 7.vo per standard case: nearby, cur rent receipts, 7.K". per case, Western, extra nrsts, 17.80 per case: do., nrsts, 7.fl." per ense: Southern, 7 SIK07.0B per case. Fnncy selected candled freoh eggs wore Jobbed nt ll-l.'c. per dox, CIIKEHE. Kxpnrt demnnil fairly active nnd the market firm under light offerings, quotations: New York full cream, fall make, choice, 17',JII7!ic; do. do., fair to good, 10H 17e.; do., current make, luli10t4c.j do,, part skims, 8ili:ic, ftross -arnln-fs compared with Inst year Increased 193U nnd net earnings $T3'J0. There were 823 accounts opened, a snln of 67, mnkinc the number of depositors 51,1 on January 31. At auction Samuel T. Freeman ct Co. sold 51000 Lehigh Valley annuity 41&8 at 1W. Kmery, Freed & Co. bought Itapld Transit. A. C. Miller and W. I?. O. HnrrUn-r, of the Fedcrnl Reserve Donrd, Inspected the Itlchmond, Va., Fodernl Reserve Bank today. Except that It wns the first call of the kind n board member had made, tho visit had little significance. BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearings today compared with corre sponding day last two years: 101.1. 1014. lni.-t. Phliadn 11.:il8..ia.i $.li,ini,iH7 e.-,o.4;2.4-.'l Boston 50,OIO.:iOl 20.4.10, 70S 47.7-ll.4ll.- Vew york..fl28.118.rt72 IBS 4!.1.nn8 411.401,001 Paltlmore . . (l.:i.lu,oiil n.2i:i.7.to 7..M2.7irj St. Louis ... 12.0R1,(ll'.n 14,70.1,087 Chicago ... f-1.X10.ni7 B.S..180.7S2 IE!,US.S,.133 RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time. i i. 'il Philadelphia rvew iora noston ens .i;i4t; Chicago a Wi 4 i74' Commercial paper, threo to six months, Phil adclpbla, ay.i34 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Feb IB. The foreign exchange market was df moral lied today. Now low rec ords were made all along the line, TJomand, 4.7liN.70'j; rabies. 4.7fli,-4.70i;; franca ca bles, n.'-'I'J: checks. 3.2B, marks. HIMiKI; guilders. 403-40 1-1 At one time demand sterling waa offered at 4.70. To Confer on Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, Feb. 15,-New York nI,a London bankers will he called into con ference to devise ways of restoring nor mal conditions In tho International money market. It was announced this afternoon. INVESTMENT We Offer, Subject x Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Consolidated Mortgage x Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Consolidated Mortgage jr. Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Registered x Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Registered Richmond & Petersburg Railroad Co. (Atlantic Coast Line it. R.) Consolidated Mortgage Richmond, Fredericksburg&PotomacR.R.Cq. 4Vs (Controlled by Richmond-Washington Co.)' Consolidated Mortgage x Lehigh Valley Railroad Coxe Bros., Collateral Trust x Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St.Louis Consolidated Mortgage, Series "J" Guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Co. ,. x Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co. Consolidated Mortgage Newark Consolidated Gas Co. Consolidated Mortgage x Canadian Pacifiq Railway Co. Equipment Trust x Erie Railroad Co. Equipment Trust x Lehigh & New England RaUroad'jBp. General Mortgage ?? ':?' Southern Railway Co. First Consolidated Mortgage xFREE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATETA Prices, descriptions and fuU Jist of investment otTeringi vpon- tqueit Graham & Co BANKERS An qHE3THyr3?TJRp, POULTRY LIVE. Heeetpts light and tnrir-tet flttii "under a fair derliand. TowU and rhlfe.-u le. higher. Ouotntloni. Powls, 180HW. I old roosters llOUUc ; ehlrkent, soft mealed. IS fllffe , do., staigy. iSWHi" turkeys, 14C17c; ducks. lGftl'e.: geeee. 1S017C: guineas, a 19 quality, per pair. 4.V-JSV , pigeons, old. par pair, 3za2.1e. do., young. tr pir. Il-fltSC l)UKSSr,l). The market quiet, but values geiiorally firm, unrter light offerlhi. fliltstna slightly higher, quotations rnh-killd fowls, 12 to box, dry-plcked and dry-pocked, selected, heavy, IOc. weighing 4fJ6 lbs apiece. Jftci do, aii ll. apiece, lt$18He.i do., 3 lbs, apiece, IflHO'lTc; do., Under C lbs apiece. 119 100 Fowls; bbt dry-pltled oiid dff-pitked, Westein, 48S lbs. apiece, 18'4C ; Co . do., -n, lbs., 17(1 18c 1 do., do., 3 lbs, n,t under, 10 10c Old loostera, dry-picked, Ue llrolllng ehlekens. t.eaiiiy. t'i-i2 lbs. apiece, -austc,! do., fair to aoorl, Jg-jSJc., Western, lMr2 b. apiece. Soaiac : i.t fair to good, , liaise. I lilckens, ilry-plckcd and dry-packed, In t-oies, mllk-ted. ai lo M lbs, to dot., tc, do, S7 to 42 lbs. td dox I8C; do., 4,1 to 47 lbs, to dot.. ISC! do., 41 lbs. to dot., 20c. ; da.. CO lbs; and oer. Jlc; toro-fed, 21 to 42 lbs. to do, loc.; do , 4'1 to 47 lbs. to tioi., 17c; do., 48 Ibsv lo dnt., lftc ; do., TO lbs and oxer, 20t. Chtciene, dry-picked and dry-iacked, tn bbls.r selected, heavy, lOe.j Western, corn-frd. 3 log. and oior, 18c. i do., do. 4 lbs., KWliWc.S da d,v, IVj lbs., l.,Hc, ; do. do, 24Jt lVs., lJ15c Turkejs. dry-picked and drj-.faeked Fancy, nearby, 22c. : do., Western, 22e, I fair to goo 4, 181720c., old tome lln20c. Ui-ck. fafKT, In boxes, 17V18C I do., ordinary to good, 12 til So. Geese, nearb, 12f,lc.j do., Weelem, 012c. Snualis, per iloj . white, weighing-11 to 12 lbs, ptr dot., 4,8"i, 40: white, weighing a to 10 lli't per dos., I4.2ivtt4.70c.j do., do., 8 lbs. i-er rios., -l..'.0fi.'l,7S; do. do 7 Iba. per dot., tX't ,1 2.1: do., do., A4?n4 lbs. per doc., 1202.40; daik and No. 2, 00e,$l,m. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock in fair request and generally steady. Quotations' Apples, Jfew York, per-bhl.-direnlng. J2ff2.B0: King. I-.MMa.ii Torn, Imperial. S2AS.S0: lien bovls. l.50"iU7Si 8py, t.UV2M: Ilaldwln. S1.TSH3.S0: other good eating varieties. 1 7Sff2.B0i medium. l l.BO.i applet. IVestern. per box, 7Be.OJl.2-rt a piss, Uelawsrs . and Pennsylvania, per hamper, BOfl-twc: lemons, per box. 5ffl2.irii ornngea. Florida. per box. lt.7S3.B0: tanxtrines. Florida, per strap, S2J3: grape fruit, f'lorlda per box, S1Q2, pineapples, per crate I'orto nice. i,.H)flS.,10, Florida, KO 2."i"r canl-errles, fancy late varieties, per S.I..10fi4.Si. cranberries, Jerry', per crate, 2.1eJk -r pni., ..., im, .eiv iorK. ixieuer, per igi,. fiv, 2, strawbtrrles. Florida, ptr quart, i?41Wk.. VEGETABLES OfTerlnrs fairly liberal and the market quiet and barely steady, quotations: White pots ."", ,t;i iiubii, , eiitisyii Hiiia, TRriiikic, siiiiiiw, 4jil50c.: New 1'ork. os to quality, 40j43c.: white potatoes, Jersey, per basket, llOaaJc.;. "nonti, 'V.4(4i I, ir.lli'Iil, tfrr xy-UPlI s iar-tJUtfUS4 do., choice, per 100-lb. bag. ll.l.Sftl.Z.-,; do... medlum, per no-lb. bag, 41; da., seconds, per 100-lh. bog, ,7.1c.: ralihagn. Dnnlsh, per ton. $104)1.1; caullAniTer. New York, per crate. Slw 1.75: spinach. Norfolk, per bbl., S1.2.12i kale, Norfolk, per Mil.. 7.1c.i1: lettuce. Florida. per bosket. !1.754f!t..1: beans. Florida, per backet, S1Q1.30; pe, IFlorlda. per baaket, X2..-V!J4: eggplant, Klnrftla. per box, i.ani $.1.W): cucumbers, Florida, per basket, S1..10OS; squash, Florida., per bosket, t2,23f?t; pepper, Florida, per carrier. -CIB4.B0: beets, Florida, per 100 bunches. MOB; tomatoes. Florida, per carrier Fancy". -11?l! choice, tJ'-,: ce'err, l"lorldn. per crnte, 1.2:-tl2: do.. New York, tier bunch. .ir?5Cc.; mushrooms, per 4lb. bee ket, OOe.USl. WILL NOT ASK RECEIVERSHIP United Traction Protective Commit tee May Teat Validity of Com mon Stock. Reports that the local protective committee of preferred stockholders of the United Traction Company of Pittsburgh would seek the ap pointment of a receiver for the company or tho Pittsburgh nallwaa are without founda tion, according to a member of the committee. It Is possible, however, thnt proceedings will be started to test the validity of the Issue of the company's $17,000,000 common stock, which la held by tho Philadelphia Company. Cleorge Wharton Pepper, counsel for Ihe Pro tectlve Committee, nellovca that th? common stock was not mildly Issued, and that the holder could bo restinined from toting it In on matters affectln? the United Traction Company. A meeting of tile committee will vo called shortly. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Did. Asked Jim Duller. H7 .RI MacNamara 0.1 .OS Midway 03 ,iJI Mlzpjh Extension 24 'Ml Muntann ,......,.. .43 .47 North Star 14 .13 Tonopah Itclnmnt ,. '' 3 11-1U Tonopah Kxtenslon" 2 7-10 2"A Tonopali Sterger ''d .511 Tonopnh Mining OH o lie, cue Eula J7 ." West Fnd 32 M QOI.DFIEI.D STOCKS. Atlanta 27 .-S Ulue bull J.i .03 .07 llooth 32 .34 liuildog tn .03 C O l , 03 .1X1 Combination Fraction , Oil .07 TMsmindfield H B : ri .03 Dalay -w to ,11 Tlo-ence i. .tf . ? Ooldlleid t'ons ,.. 1". 10-1H onldfleld Mercer , .23 .21 Jumbo Hxtenslon .81 .53 Kenauaa ..,...,. .; .J- Oro '- .1" - 'ii Pand ljn, ,.-. " ' m Silver Tick . 00 .UJ MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Axtec .... Klmberly Nevada Hill ..... Nevada Wonder 01 .00 ,,.,. .10 .11 ..... ,2 r1U .n.,L33 l.W OFFERINGS to Prior Sale: r. 5 poiiiwm, ueiaware. per namperuirge. S1.2.V3I.7.1: medium. Ia7.1c,; rweet potatoes, Eastern Shore, per bbl.No. I, fZll'J.TSi No. 2. l.JOWl.7.1; sweets, JMsey, per bbl.No. 1. fcl.2.1fi:i..VI: No. 2, e2V2..10: sweets, Jersey, per lim.1fi ?L iTiml .s.. I....I. iiirrlf. To Net' Due About 4s 1948 4.12 4s 4'2s 1960 45 4'2s " 1917 , 4.25 4'2s 1919 4.35 4V2S 1940 4.35 1940 4.35 4s ,1924 . 4.37 4s , 1964. : 4.45 4$s 5s 412s " 1934 1948 mzo 11927 fl92n 1922f 1954 4.50 4.75 4.80 4.85 ; 5.00 i 5s 5s, 5s 1994 ? At .a-ep tut can ia ii NW tui.tr is, iBia. lHlwnt T. ..Mr. . .uv,,..., .n. y. Ji lajto t 7Tm .oiored wim It.- K- r. BAKBH. sWeretarr. tane 1 Bor.oniriii a. 00 PHU t... tSikWU- IUK 4M( MTJUW. i&W 14. w l,rlce arts BncHeiil mtfr per $